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Introducing the tourism PR video of Hakone Town, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture!

This video, titled "Winter Holiday in Hakone" was uploaded by "Hakonezenzan" (箱根全山).What comes to your mind when you hear "Hakone"?
The Hakone Ekiden (marathon) is well known and famous as a New Year's tradition in Hakone.

Hakone Shrine, a power spot, is located in Hakone, Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region, and is famous for its yosegi-zaiku (a type of traditional Japanese marquetry) experience and delicious sweets. Check out the video to learn more!

Popular Hakone Pirate Ship

Image of a pirate ship on Lake Ashi
Photo:A pirate ship on Lake Ashi

Hakone is known as a popular tourist destination in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Here, we'll take a look at the Hakone Pirate Ship where you can enjoy a superb view of Lake Ashi (芦ノ湖, Ashinoko) and Mt. Fuji (富士山, Fujisan).
[Video] 1:00 - Hakone Pirate Ship

The Hakone pirate ship is modeled after medieval European ships.
There are 3 different ships, the Queen Ashinoko, featuring a golden hull, the Royal II, modeled after the French first-class battleship "Royal Ray," and the Victory, modeled after the British battleship "Victory."

Cruises are around 25-40 minutes long and connect Togendai Port (桃源台港, Togendai-ko) to Hakonemachi Port (箱根町港. Hakonecho-ko) and Moto-Hakone Port (元箱根港, Moto Hakone-ko). You can enjoy beautiful scenery from the lake as well.
The inside of the ship has different pirate-themed decorations and is great for taking Instagram photos.

Hakone Shrine – The Famous Torii of Peace Standing on Lake Ashi

Image of Hakone Shrine, Kanagawa Prefecture
Photo:Hakone Shrine, Kanagawa Prefecture

Hakone Shrine is a famous power spot in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The three deities enshrined at the shrine are Hakone Okami (箱根大神), Konohanasakuya Hime (木花咲耶姫命), and Hikohohodemi no Mikoto (彦火火出見尊).

Believed to be a god of good luck, it's said that the shrine will bring all sorts of benefits, such as good luck, luck in matchmaking, and prosperous business.
The highlight is the 1,200-year-old sacred cedar tree Yatate Sugi (矢立の杉, yatate no sugi).
There is also a treasury that displays historical treasures that have been designated as Important Cultural Properties.
Furthermore, the Torii of Peace (平和の鳥居, heiwa no torii) standing on the surface of the lake is also known to be a great spot for taking Instagram photos.

Hakone Sanja Mairi (箱根三社参り, Hakone 3 Shrines Visit) is a ritual that involves visiting Hakone Shrine, Hakone Mototsumiya Shrine, and Kuzuryu Shrine.
It's said that the luck from each shrine will combine to form an even stronger luck.

The Best Foods to Try in Hakone - Black Eggs & Onsen Mochi?!

Image of the black eggs of Owakudani, Kanagawa Prefecture
Photo:The black eggs of Owakudani, Kanagawa Prefecture

The specialty of Yumochi Honpo Chimoto (湯もち本舗ちもと) is "Yumochi" (湯もち, Hot Spring Mochi)."
Yokan (sweet red bean jelly) is placed inside mochi (rice cake) made by kneading shiratama (rice flour) using glutinous rice. The scent of yuzu (citron) is indescribable, and the texture is soft and melts in your mouth.
Because it's a popular item, it can often sell out quickly.
It can also be ordered online, so please check their website if you're looking to order some.
[Video] 0:34 - Yumochi Honpo Chimoto

Amazake Chaya (甘酒茶屋) is a traditional, Japanese-style cafe that has been around since the Edo period.
One of their most popular menu items is "Amazake" (甘酒), made with traditional rice malt. The café has many good reviews as well. The interior of the cafe, which has a thatched roof and an irori hearth, is quaint, and is sure to warm and heal your mind and body.
[Video] 1:41 - Amazake Chaya

In Owakudani (大涌谷), it's said that eating the popular black eggs will extend your life by 7 years!
This is because there is a Jizo of longevity in Owakudani.
The black eggs are boiled in a hot spring, and turn black when iron attaches to the shell and reacts with hydrogen sulfide.
Many people who come to Japan for day trips, as well as both domestic and foreign tourists come to try the unique black eggs.
[Video] 3:40 - Owakudani

Traditional Japanese Hot Spring Inns in Hakone

Hot spring inns that appear in the video:

Fukuzumiro (福住楼)
This hot spring inn is a registered Tangible Cultural Property of Japan and was selected as one of top 20 twentieth century heritages in Japan.
[Video] 2:19 - Fukuzumiro

Senkyoro (仙郷楼)
A hot spring inn where famous historical figures such as Natsume Soseki and Fukuzawa Yukichi have visited.
[Video] 3:57 - Senkyoro

These hot spring inns are popular with both domestic and foreign tourists, so please make reservations early.

A Traditional Japanese Marquetry Experience – Commemorate Your Trip to Hakone!

Image of Yosegi-zaiku marquetry
Photo:Yosegi-zaiku marquetry

Yosegi-zaiku is a traditional Japanese style of Marquetry native to Hakone.
It is a technique used to create geometric patterns by using various woods with different colors and grains. You can see what the marquetry experience is like in the video.
You can experience making a marquetry coaster by combining 40 different types/styles of wood for ¥1,000.
It's a great way to commemorate your trip to Hakone.
[Video] 1:18 - A Marquetry Experience at Kanazashi Wood Craft

Hakone Winter Sightseeing Summary

Hakone is more than just hot springs! The image of the snowy landscape dotted with cedar trees along the Moto-Hakone Old Highway shows just how much beauty there is to be found in the area. There is a different splendor than the lush spring and warm summer. Hakone is also home to various shrine, pirate ships, unique local foods, and traditional Japanese hot spring inns.
We hope this article helps you plan your trip to Hakone!


Written By
Last Updated : Feb. 18, 2023
トミナガ サトシ(Satoshi Tominaga)
Freelance writer in his 20's who loves games and gadgets.
More than just hot springs! Hakone in Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture, in winter is full of attractions! Video introduces snowy Hakone Shrine, a power spot, a marquetry experience, elegant and popular Japanese sweets, and more!
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