Age 35
However, I spent three years in Australia and am currently living and writing in the countryside.
After living abroad, I became more interested in Japanese culture, and after returning to Japan, I have been working to share Japanese culture with many people.
My hobbies are travel and eating.
Traveling all over Japan and eating delicious food from different regions is how I relax.
I write every day in the hopes that I can help teach others about Japan.
Video article 2:36
Japan's Traditional Terraced Rice Fields. A Look at the Beautiful Terraced Paddies of Hiratsuka, Chiba!
Nature- 339 plays
- YouTube
Kamogawa Oyama Senmaida" in Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture, a one-day trip from Tokyo, video introduction This video, titled "Chiba Hiratsuka terraced rice field - 棚田 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Have you ever seen a terraced rice field? Many people think that you have to go to Niigata or other places in Japan's Tohoku region to see terraced rice fields. The video introduces the beautiful terraced rice fields of Kamogawa, Chiba a place easily accessible from Tokyo. Let's take a look at some of Japan's beautiful landscapes in the video! The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields Photo:The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Chiba Prefecture The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, featured in the video, is famous for being the closest terraced rice field to Tokyo. The area is 3.2 hectares, with more than 375 paddies extending across the hillside. Even today, many rice paddies are used for farming and this scenery can be said to be a classic Japanese landscape. Light-up event “Tanada no Akari” in Oyama Senmaida In addition to rice production, a viewing spot and observation floor are created, and the “Akari in the Terraced Rice Paddies” lighting event using 10,000 LED candles is usually held from late October to January each year. The 2024 event will be held from October 26 to January 13, 2025, from approximately 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Admission is free. The beautiful scene of a sunrise created between the paddies at 0:31 is something that not even a high-quality video can do justice to. The Terraced Rice Fields Found All Over Japan Photo:Rice fields and mountains in rural Japan Many of Japan’s rice fields are built on an inclination. This has the advantage of allowing for easy water control and improved rice production. One drawback, however, is that these are stair-stepped on steep slopes with land that is difficult to drain due to narrow cultivation units, and there are many places with no successors. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has designated 100 of the 134 terraced rice fields across Japan as the "Top 100 Terraced Rice Fields of Japan" in order to maintain the terraced rice fields and stimulate tourism in those areas. Although the word "terraced rice paddies" is used to describe the fields, the shape and characteristics of each paddy differs from place to place, so traveling across Japan to explore the different scenery of each area can make for a fun road trip! Many of these places have reputations for their Instagrammable and photogenic scenery as well. Famous Places to visit on Chiba Prefecture's Boso Peninsula Photo:Walruses at Kamogawa Sea World, Chiba Prefecture The Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture, is home to the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields. It can be easily accessed from Tokyo by JR limited express trains, express buses, and the Tokyo Bay Aqualine. On Boso Peninsula, many tourists visit Kamogawa Sea World, Mother Farm, and go swimming during the summer. In addition to the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Boso Peninsula has many other sightseeing spots that make it an excellent travel destination. Summary of the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields Photo:Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Chiba Prefecture We hope the beautiful scenery of the rice fields in the video provided a relaxing atmosphere. There are many terraced rice fields that can be found across Japan, so be sure to do some research before your trip to find one that you can visit! If you live in Japan you can also use the “owner system” to become the owner of a beautiful rice field and grow your own rice! 【Tripadvisor】The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1021271-d1944760-r554882939-Oyama_Rice_Terraces-Kamogawa_Chiba_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 5:06
Kongobuji Temple - Located on Mt. Koya in Wakayama Prefecture, This Temple, A Sacred Place For Japanese Buddhism, Was Built by the Monk Kobo Daishi Kukai. Discover the Breathtaking Beauty of the Largest Rock Garden in Japan!
Art & Architecture- 157 plays
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Introducing Kongobuji Temple on the Mystical Koyasan This video, titled "Kongobuji Temple - Wakayama - 金剛峯寺 - 4K Ultra HD," was created by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." The video shows the famous spiritual area, Kongobuji Temple. During the Heian period (794-1185), the monk Kobo Daishi (Kukai) founded a religious city on Koyasan (Mt. Koya) in Wakayama Prefecture. Kongobuji Temple, located in the city, is the head temple of the Shingon Buddhism sect, and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range. You can learn more about the temple through this video. The History of Kongobuji Temple Photo:Koyasan Kongobuji Temple From 0:15 in the video, you can see a stunning view of the temple bathed in autumn foliage. A view like this can hardly be done justice even in 4K resolution. The history of Kongobuji Temple goes all the way back to the year 835 during the Heian period, when the monk Kukai first entered Koyasan. After working hard to study Buddhism and receiving the posthumous name of "Kobo Daishi," he founded Kongobuji Temple on the mountain. Gradually, the area developed into a religious city. Visiting the temple now, you can view the Main Hall, as well as the main shrine housing the principal deity. Banryu Garden (蟠龍庭, banryu-tei), shown from 2:45 in the video, was created using beautifully shaped granite from the Shikoku region of Japan. This is one of the largest rock gardens in Japan. In addition, you can view the fusama paintings of the Nihonga painter Hiroshi Senju, and even get a shuin stamp in their likeness. Other Attractions on Koyasan Photo:Kongobuji Temple's Kondo Hall, Wakayama Prefecture Besides Kongobuji Temple, there are many other Buddhist temples and pagodas, such as the Konpon Daito Pagoda (根本大塔). Incidentally, the name "Head Temple Kongobuji Temple" refers to the entirety of Koyasan. The Main Hall of Mount Koya is known as "Kondo Hall" (金堂, lit. Golden Hall). There are also smaller temples scattered around the mountain, known as "Tachu" (塔頭). If you stay overnight in the temple lodgings, you'll be able to try some Buddhist vegetarian cuisine, known as shojin ryori (精進料理), experience morning prayer rituals, and take your time visiting the numerous Buddhist statues on the mountain. The admission fee for Kongobuji Temple is ¥1000 for junior high school students and above, and ¥300 for elementary school students. You can also purchase a set ticket for all the main areas on the mountain, namely Kongobuji Temple, Kondo Hall, Konpon Daito Pagoda, and the Tokugawa Clan Mausoleum. Access to Koyasan Photo:A cable car at Koyasan, Wakayama Prefecture By train, the most convenient route is to take the Nankai-Koya Line (南海高野線, nankai koya sen) from Namba Station (難波駅, nanba-eki) in Osaka to Gokurakuji Station (極楽寺駅, gokurakuji-eki). From there, take the cable car to Mount Koya. By car, the mountain is accessible via the highway. Parking is available at Koyasan, but due to the high possibility of crowds during holiday seasons, it's generally more convenient to use public transportation. Summary of Kongobuji Temple Photo:Danjo Temple Koyasan in Wakayama Prefecture is not only a World Heritage Site but also a world-famous tourist destination. After watching the video of Koyasan, don't you feel the urge to visit and see the sights in person? By the way, Koyasan is 800m above sea level, leading to cool temperatures in the evening even during summer. Because of this, we recommend wearing warmer clothing when visiting the mountain. 【Official Website】Koyasan Shingon Sect Kongobuji Temple https://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Kongobuji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d324935-Reviews-Kongobu_ji_Temple-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 5:59
Gyoda City Was the First City in Saitama Prefecture to Be Recognized as a Japanese Heritage Site. Journey to the Charming City Where You Can Enjoy Quaint Scenery With Tabi Shoes and Historical Architecture!
Local PR Travel- 68 plays
- YouTube
埼玉県内初の日本遺産に認定され行田市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「GyodaCity,Saitama,Japan」が公開した『「行田市日本遺産推進協議会」観光PR movie』です。 埼玉県行田市は文化庁が地域の文化や伝統・歴史を一体化して認定した日本遺産にも選ばれ、お城や歴史的建築物・古墳が多数残る街。 それでは日本遺産の埼玉県行田市を見ていきましょう! 埼玉県行田市で日本遺産を観光!忍城址は見逃せない! 写真:埼玉県行田市・忍城址 埼玉県行田市のシンボルとなっているのが忍城址(おしじょうし)。 忍城は、史上最大の水攻めにも耐えた城です。 敷地内は春の桜・秋のホテイアオイが有名。 鎧着付け体験や商工忍城時代まつりといったイベントも多く行われています。 忍城址は多く市民、観光客にも愛され、日本遺産の中心的な場所です。 埼玉県行田市の日本遺産を巡る!足袋が有名な街! 写真:地下足袋 埼玉県行田市は足袋の生産が昔から盛んでした。 毎年、日本で唯一の足袋コレが行われ、足袋作り体験や足袋とくらしの博物館を巡る旅行も楽しいでしょう。 埼玉県行田市には現在も足袋を保管するための足袋蔵が80個ほど残り、飲食店やギャラリーとして営業しています。 観光の際には足袋蔵を訪れてみてはどうでしょうか。 グルメがいっぱい!埼玉県行田市のグルメスポットを巡る旅 画像引用 :YouTube screenshot 埼玉県行田市はご当地グルメが豊富です。 その中でも有名なのがフライ。 フライとは小麦粉をフライパンで焼く、薄いお好み焼きのような食べ物です。 他にもジャガイモに野菜・おからを混ぜて小判状にして揚げたゼリーフライは埼玉県行田市の名物。 埼玉県行田市のグルメスポットを巡る観光もおすすめです。 埼玉県行田市で日本遺産を体感!歴史と自然に触れる観光旅行 写真:田んぼアート 埼玉県行田市の日本遺産を語る上で忘れていけないのがさきたま古墳公園。 ここには東日本最大の古墳があります。 また、毎年5月に行われる、「さきたま火祭り」はインスタ映えすると評判。 古代蓮の里も景勝地として多くの観光客が訪れます。 田んぼアートも毎年行われて、絶景の景色が味わえると人気です。 埼玉県行田市紹介まとめ 今回は日本遺産にも登録されている埼玉県行田市の動画を紹介しました。 埼玉県行田市は上野東京ラインを使うことで東京駅から約1時間とアクセスがよく、気軽に訪れるエリアです。 皆さんも埼玉県行田市周辺の観光を楽しんでみてはどうでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:35
Skateboarding Expected to Be in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! Witness the Skills of Some of the World's Top Young Riders Contracted With Murasaki Sports!
Sports- 100 plays
- YouTube
Skateboarding in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! This video is a session of TEAM RIDER, which consists of five street skaters, Yoshiaki Toeda, Ryuhei Kitazume, Yuto Hori, Daisuke Ikeda, and Sorayoshi Shirai. Skateboarding has become a hotly anticipated event as it becomes a part of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. For some of you, skateboarding is what "kids do for fun." However, skateboarding is one of the most popular international extreme sports, along with surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and BMX, which are all part of the Olympic Games. Check out the video to see some awesome tricks and learn just how fun skateboarding can be! The 2020 Tokyo Olympics' Skateboarding Competition Photo:Skateboarding Although the history of skateboarding varies, it is most likely that it was born around 1940 on the west coast of the United States. Until around 1990, it was enjoyed for fun, but it later took established itself as a sport and joined the Olympic games. There are two types of skateboarding: street and vert. Street skating is exactly what it sounds like- skating around streets and using the natural environment as your skatepark. At the Olympics, it's essentially a small course intended to mimic that natural environment, with staircases, handrails, and more setup for the competitors to do tricks with. Competitors are judged on the number of tricks the can do in the allotted time period, as well as on the complexity of their tricks. Photo:Skatepark On the other hand, vert skating, also known as park skating uses large half-pipes, quarter-pipes, and bowls that you would see at a skatepark. These allow the competitor to gain speed that allows them to grind for long distances, or to gain incredible height and do aerial tricks. It might not look that hard, but being so high in the air can actually be quite nerve wracking, and they don't always land their tricks either. Street skating might not be as fast paced, but the freestyle performances are just as impressive as their vert counterparts. The video shows a video of a street skateboard competition starting at 0:17. Skateboarders and Other World-Class Riders! Murasaki Sports Supporting the Youth! Source :YouTube screenshot Many athletes who have won numerous awards in world contests, including the designated players for the Tokyo Olympics, belong to Murasaki Sports. The skateboard team "TEAM RIDER," that can be seen in the video, includes Yoshiaki Toeda (0:15), Ryuhei Kitazume (1:14), Yuto Horiyume (2:21), Daisuke Ikeda (0:39), and Sorayoshi Shirai (1:42). Check out some of their awesome tricks in the video. There's also surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and other athletes besides the five skaters mentioned above. The athletes are committed to improving their skills while practicing for competition on a daily basis. The Murasaki Sports website also features blog posts on the athletes' competitions as well as their private lives, so you can stay up to date with their daily activities. You too can support the players of Murasaki Sports! Summary of Murasaki Sports' Skateboarders Photo:Skateboarding We hope you were able to see some of the charms of skateboarding through this article. Be sure to look out for skateboarding at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! The population and public interest in skateboarding isn't that high, but the community is great and they love helping beginner get into the sport! If you're into skateboarding, be sure to watch the video and check out some of their awesome tricks! 【Official Website】Skateboard - Murasaki Sports https://www.murasaki.co.jp/brand/ridelifemag-murasaki-sports/shop/honatsugi/354a9bd2-09ad-4aea-a98f-e4249637a13b -
Video article 2:41
The Goto Islands - A Holy Land for Christians, this Popular Tourist Destination is a World Heritage Site Full of Beautiful Churches and Nostalgic Port Town Scenery Off the Coast of Nagasaki Prefecture in Japan's Kyushu Region!
Travel- 132 plays
- YouTube
The Goto Islands and Churches in Nagasaki This video, titled "The Goto Islands: Nature and Churches of Beautiful Islands | nippon.com" (五島列島:美しい島々の自然と教会群 | nippon.com), was released by Nippon.com. It captures the beautiful scenery and churches of the Goto Islands of Nagasaki Prefecture. With a population of about 70,000, the Goto Islands of Nagasaki are located about 100 km west of Nagasaki Prefecture, at the edge of Japan's Kyushu region. They consist of 152 islands, both large and small, stretching 80 km in all different directions. The Goto Islands were registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site (cultural heritage) in 2018, and are a popular tourist destination that attracts tourists from all over Japan. Enjoy the powerful drone shots of churches, natural landscapes, and the beautiful sea of the Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture! The emerald green sea is enough to get you in the mood for a road trip! A Closer Look at the History of Churches in the Goto Islands of Nagasaki Prefecture Photo:Nakanoura Church in Kamigoto, Nagasaki Prefecture The history of Christianity on Nagasaki's Goto Islands began in 1566 with the arrival of Luis de Almeida and his group of missionaries to the island. Their missionary work led to the construction of many churches in the Goto Islands. During the Edo Period (1603-1868 A.D.), Christians were persecuted by the Tokugawa Shogunate in an effort to maintain the security of the country; 51 Catholic churches still remain to this day. The Christian Cave, Fukumi Catholic Church, Nakanoura Church, Kashigarashima Church, and Aosagaura Church are all fantastic spots we recommend checking out. The scenery of the historic churches is sure to be a great spot for your Instagram. The Goto Islands Have a Lot More To Offer Besides Beautiful Churches! Photo:Takahama Beach in Goto, Nagasaki Prefecture The Goto Islands in Nagasaki are thought to have been inhabited since the Paleolithic Period, and traces of human life have been discovered in Jomon (14,000 BC to 400 BC) and Yayoi (300 BC to 250 AD) period ruins. There's more to the islands than just churches! When traveling to the Goto Islands, we recommend booking an island tour. This video shows the Goto Islands in Nagasaki surrounded by nature, including Fukue Island (福江島) from 0:12, Hisaka Island (久賀島) from 0:52, Naru Island (奈留島, Narushima) from 1:08, and Nakadori Island (中通島) from 1:27. All of these islands are covered in natural landscapes for you to enjoy! There are many repeat visitors who come here for fishing and sightseeing. If you want to go swimming, we recommend beaches such as Takahama Beach, Hamagurihama Beach, Miyanohama Beach, and Hinoshima Beach. Also, everybody knows that when you're traveling, you've got to try the local food! The Goto Islands' specialties include Goto Udon noodles made with agodashi (seaweed soup stock), barley shochu (distilled spirits made from barley), Karasumi (dried mullet roe), and Diamond Salt. Don't forget to try the delicious seafood dishes made from locally caught fish as well! Summary of the Goto Islands and Churches in Nagasaki Prefecture Photo:Goto Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture In order to visit these beautiful churches, Nagasaki's Goto Islands can be accessed by ferry and airplane. Ferries to Fukue Port are available from Nagasaki and Hakata ports. If you plan to go to other islands, such as Hisaka Island, Naru Island, Nakadori Island, or Ojika Island, you will need to transfer from Fukue Port. Another option is to fly to Fukue Airport from Nagasaki and Fukuoka airports. Touring around the island is mainly done by bus, so we recommend taking a tour that includes a hotel and other services in a package. I bet after watching the video you're already packing your bags for the Goto Islands! We hope you have a great trip and enjoy your time in Nagasaki! 【Tripadvisor】Goto https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1022848-Goto_Goto_retto_Nagasaki_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:41
Kakegawa Flower and Bird Park in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, where you can come in contact with lovely birds and beautiful flowers and plants all year round. Spend a relaxing time at this theme park of flowers and birds!
Living Things- 238 plays
- YouTube
Kakegawa Bird & Flower Park, a theme park of flowers and birds in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, video introduction This video, titled "Kakegawa Kachouen, a theme park for flowers and birds" (花と鳥のテーマパーク 掛川花鳥園), was released by "Default Name" (デフォルトの名前). It features Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City (掛川市, Kakegawa-Shi), Shizuoka Prefecture. Kakegawa Kachouen is a theme park of flowers and birds. The park has a water lily pond and other ponds, as well as a pasture where you can enjoy flowers and plants all year round. The facility is fully equipped with heating and air-conditioning, including the greenhouse you can see at 0:19 in the video. It's cool in summer and warm in winter. The park is barrier-free for all visitors to enjoy with peace of mind. In this article, you can see inside of Kakegawa Kachouen to fully enjoy its many appealing features. A Closer Look at Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Owls at Kakegawa Kachouen, Shizuoka Prefecture Kakegawa Kachouen was opened on September 20, 2003, in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Kakegawa Kachouen is a barrier-free facility for everyone to enjoy, based on a theme of "interaction with flowers and birds." In the park, you can see birds, such as ducks, swans, owls, and shoebills, as well as rare plants such as water lilies, Amazon water lilies, and angel's trumpets (brugmansia). The nearest station to Kakegawa Kachouen is Kakegawa Station off the Tokaido Shinkansen Line. From the station it takes only 10 minutes to get to the park via bus, so it's very convenient. The Birds You Can See at Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Emus at Kakegawa Kachouen, Shizuoka Prefecture At Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, you can interact with many different types of birds. There are many birds flying around freely at Kakegawa Kachouen, so you can even enjoy just walking around. There's also an outdoor emu farm and indoor area where visitors can interact with birds, such as Indian peafowl, Hartlaub's turaco, greater flamingos, and giant toucan. Also popular are the bird shows (free of charge), which can be seen from 0:42 in the video, and daily events, such as bird feeding (paid), owl holding (paid), and penguin lap-sitting (paid). Interacting with the Harris' Hawk is really exciting! The emu farm outside is another very popular attraction. This can be seen from 2:23 in the video. Many bird species that are rarely seen in Japan are kept here, so visitors can fully enjoy themselves all day long. Flowers and Plants Found at Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Daffodils While the birds at Kakegawa Kachouen are of course very popular, the flowers and plants growing in the garden are also very pretty. Some tropical flowers, such as Ivy geranium, Aeschynanthus, Indian mallow, and impatiens (Touch-me-nots), can be seen in the greenhouse. There are also many narcissus plants in the garden to welcome visitors. You can see flowers all year round in the large greenhouse in Kakegawa Kachouen, and, as you can see at 1:28 in the video, you can enjoy a buffet under the flowers in full bloom. Summary of Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Kakegawa Kachouen Just by watching the video it's easy to tell the Kakegawa Kachouen is a great place to relax amongst nature. The colorful plants and flowers and cute birds are also great for taking Instagram pics. On the official website of Kakegawa Kachouen, there's a blog with tips for visiting the park. Kakegawa Kachouen also sells souvenirs, so be sure to check them out! ◆ Kakegawa Kachouen Facility Overview◆ 【Address】1517 Minamisaigou, Kakegawa city, Shizuoka prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by bus from Kakegawa Station off the Tokaido Shinkansen Line 【Admission Fee】Adults (junior high school students and older): 1,300 yen. Elementary school students: 600 yen. Annual passport: 5,200 yen for Adults (junior high school students and older) and 2,400 yen for Elementary school students. 【Hours】Weekdays (Mon-Fri) 9:00~16:30 (last admission 16:00), Weekends and Holidays (Sat, Sun, and Holidays) 9:00~17:00 (last admission 16:30) 【Closures】None. Open all year around. 【Parking】Parking lot available. 【Telephone】0537-62-6363 【Official Website】[Kakegawa Kachouen] A theme park where you can enjoy interacting with flowers and birds https://k-hana-tori.com/eng 【Tripadvisor】Kakegawa Kachouen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019667-d1410207-Reviews-Kakegawa_Kachouen-Kakegawa_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 6:00
Travel back in time to the Edo period! The sight of oiran (courtesans) dressed in gorgeous kimonos parading through Nikko Edo-mura in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, is so beautiful that you can't help but admire them!
History- 844 plays
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Video introduction of "Nikko Edomura" in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, during a procession of oiran (courtesans) This video, titled "Nikko Edomura・The Procession of Courtesans・Uncut" (日光江戸村 花魁道中 ノーカット版 2014.4.26), was produced by "lemonnkunn" to promote the "Procession of Courtesans" performed at Nikko Edomura. Nikko Edomura, located in Nikko, Tochigi, is a theme park where you can enjoy life in the Edo period. Once you step inside this theme park, you'll discover the vivid life of the Edo period. In this video, you can see what an "oiran" (Japanese courtesan), is. What Kind of Theme Park Is Nikko Edomura? Every cast member walking in this theme park wears a kimono to entertain guests. You can see Shinsen-gumi or Ronin (a master-less samurai ) at an outdoor set. Visitors can enjoy attractions, experience popular works from the Edo period, see Ninja Crow Palace, Kabuki or Yakatabune, as well as delicious food that reminds visitors of the Edo period. The courtesan procession shown in this video is especially popular, and it is an event that teaches the audience about Yoshiwara in the Edo period. What Is an "Oiran" An oiran was a courtesan in the red-light distinct "Yoshiwara" during Japan's Edo period. A high ranking courtesan is called "tayu." The Yoshiwara red-light district was located around Nihonbashi Bridge in Tokyo and it was one of the most gorgeous areas in the Edo period. When a tayu moved from a hikitejaya (teahouse) to Yoshiwara, she wore a gorgeous kimono, black painted sandals called "Sanmaiba-geta," and took many underlings wearing "Furisode," a full dress for unmarried women. You can see the procession of courtesans in this video. Also, the journey from Shimabara, Kyoto to Shinmachi, Osaka was called "Tayu Dochu." This journey was what all women in the Edo period longed for. The oiran strolling through the street in their black sandals must have been an amazing site at the time. You can see them walking in the video at 1:13. It's said that it took at least three years to learn to walk properly, as the walking style of an oiran is very particular. You can see what the procession of courtesans, conducted in the Edo period, looks like at Nikko Edomura. This role was performed by Miyuki Shinomiya for a long time. Other Attractions at Nikko Edomura Nikko Edomura has many other attractions besides the procession of courtesans. You may have a chance to see "Nyan Mage-kun," the popular, official character of Nikko Edomura, and experience various other activities. The samurai training house where visitors can have various training experiences, including Ninja training, Shuriken (手裏剣:Ninja star) training, or samurai training. Sometimes Nikko Edomura is used for shooting historical plays as well. If you're lucky, you may get to see a play live. Other live shows, such as ninja shows or shows using water are popular among children. Another attraction called "Jiku," where visitors can cosplay as a ninja, samurai, lord, or teenage girl of the merchant class is also popular. We recommend buying Nyan Mage goods if you're looking for souvenirs. Admission, Hours, and Access to Nikko Edomura There is a one-day pass and discount ticket for senior citizens (65+). Hours vary by season. We recommend checking the official web site before visiting. From Tokyo, take the Tobu Limited Express Spacia to Kinugawa Onsen Station and from there it's a 15-minute bus ride. Also it only takes about 20 minutes to get to from the "Imaichi Interchange" off Nikko-Utsunomiya avenue by car. It is also close to Nikko Kinugawa Onsen, the largest hot spring resort in Tochigi, where there are many inns and hotels, making it a good place to spend the night. Summary of Nikko Edomura This is the promotional video for the Procession of Courtesans, one of popular events conducted at Nikko Edomura. If you see it and hear the people chanting "O-ne ri," you'll feel as if you've traveled back in time to the Edo Period. Consider a trip to Nikko Edomura with your family and friends! ◆Information of NikkoEdomura◆ 【Address】470-2 Karaura Nikko, Tochiki 321-2524 【Access】15 minutes on bus from Kinugawa Onsen Station of the limited express of Tobu. 15 minutes from “Imaichi Inter Change” off Nikko-Utsunomiya avenue by car. 【Admission】One-day pass : Adult 4,700 yen, Child : 2,400 yen (A discount coupon is available on the official web page) 【Hours】3/20 to 11/30 : 9:00 to 17:00, 12/1 to 3/19 : 9:30 to 16:00 【Closures】Every Wednesday 【Avg. time spent here】5 hours or longer 【Parking】Available ( 800 yen per day) (* As of December, 2019) 【Telephone】0288-77-1777 【Official Website】EDO WONDERLAND Nikko Edomura http://edowonderland.net/en/ 【Tripadvisor】EDO WONDERLAND Nikko Edomura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298182-d652994-Reviews-Edo_Wonderland_Nikko_Edomura-Nikko_Tochigi_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:49
Nature, History, and Culture! Introducing Firefly Viewing, Fireworks Displays, and More in Chonan, Chiba!
Local PR Travel- 116 plays
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Japanesque Sightseeing Spots and the Highlights of Chonan, Chiba This article introduces the video “Chonan, Chiba prefecture” made by “Chonan Chonamaru.” This is a storyline video to display the beauty of Chonan, Chiba prefecture in Japan's Kanto region made by Minami Nagata who works in the Chonan office as the PR manager. You can learn about the beauty of Chonan, Chiba prefecture by watching the video. Chonan, Chiba - Beautiful Sightseeing Locations for People of All Ages! Source :YouTube screenshot “Chonan flower tour” introduces Japanesque sightseeing spots in Chonan, where you can enjoy the scenery while cycling. You can watch it at 0:23 of the video. At 0:32 it introduces “Shirai field”. Another thing that comes to mind when you think of Japan is temples! You can take part in Chouhukujuji temple's flower tour introduced at 0:51 in the video. Children will have a wonderful time enjoying the different Japanese-style stalls on Chouhukujuji temple's vast grounds. You can enjoy the superb view of Chiba prefecture's Nomigane Park at 0:58 in the video. There's also a rice-planting experience at 1:24 in the video. Chiba prefecture has few high altitude mountains as well, so you can enjoy the vast scenery. In addition, due to Boso Peninsula's mild climate and weather in Kanto region, you can enjoy a nice bicycle flower tour as shown in the video. More Breathtaking Sightseeing Locations in Chonan, Chiba! Source :YouTube screenshot Houonji temple is a famous temple where you can feel the essence of Japan. It is at 1:33 in the video. Yuya no Shimizu is the sightseeing location where you can enjoy some of Japan's purest water. It has been selected as one of Japan's 100 famous springs. Furthermore, although Chiba is in Japan's Kanto region, you can still enjoy a firefly viewing in Chonan thanks to its bountiful nature. You can see the shiny fireflies at 1:43 in the video. An Impressive Fireworks Display at Chonan, Chiba's Popular Summer Event Source :YouTube screenshot At 2:08 in the video, we see Kasamori Kannon Temple which stands isolated in the middle of forest You can feel its mysterious atmosphere when climbing the stairs; almost as if it's a totally different world. Further into the video, they introduce a Japanese-style lunch at a quaint, traditional Japanese house. During the Chonan festival shown at 2:56 in the video, you can come visit to check out local farm products and a musical performance performed by children. As you can watch at 3:13 in the video, Chonan continues thriving, as they just held the 60th town merger anniversary! Access to Chonan, Chiba's Majestic Sightseeing Locations Easy access from Tokyo to Chonan, Chiba. If going by train, You can come visit here by taking the Sotobo line limited express Wakashio in Tokyo, getting off at Mobara station in Chonan, and then taking a Kominato bus. For access by car, taking the highway is the fastest and most convenient route. Particularly, you can get Chonan from Tokyo Bay Aqua Line, via the Kisarazu highway junction, and taking National Route 409 from the Ken-o-Mobara Chonan-expressway. There's also the express intercity bus from Tokyo station, and another route from Kanagawa prefecture side which requires taking the Tokyo Bay Ferry from Kurihama Port to Hamakanaya Port. Summary of Chonan, Chiba's Japanesque Sightseeing Spots Source :YouTube screenshot Chonan suffered heavy damage and blackouts due to a typhoon in the summer of 2019. However, Chonan is known for its sightseeing locations, gorgeous views, scenic areas, and instagrammable spots, which is why this time the video introduced the beauty of Chonan, Chiba, so you can feel the Japanese style. Although not covered in the video, there are hotels, campsites, and cafes located through the city that are run by Chonan. In addition, there are popular golf courses located in Chonan as well, such as Toyo Country Club: South Country Club: Golden CrossCountry Club: Chonan Country Club: Lavista Golf Resort: Chonan Public Course: Abiding Club Golf Society. Chonan, Chiba has a lot of great historical spots as well as little-known hot spots such as the graves of Chosui Shirai and Yukihisa Isobe that couldn’t weren't introduced in the video. Chonan, Chiba has a very rich historical culture and bountiful nature so we definitely recommend coming to visit during your next trip to Japan! Enjoy great views and sightseeing spots during your trip in Chonan! -
Video article 3:51
Sado Kisen "Jetfoil Suisei" in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture: Huge Hull Floats in the Air! What is a super high-speed ship that makes full use of aerospace technology?
Transportation- 672 plays
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Video introduction of "Jetfoil Suisei" in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture This video, created by ‘Sado Steam Ship Official Channel,’ is titled ‘[Drone Footage] Jetfoil SUISEI departing from Ryotsu Port (両津港, Ryotsu-Ko)]’. Sado Island (佐渡島, Sadogashima) floats off the coast of Japan's Hokuriku Region (北陸地方, Hokuriku-Chiho) in the Sea of Japan. Sado Steam Ship (Sado Kisen), an important means of transportation to Sado Island, serves its customers with Jetfoil SUISEI, the ultimate high-speed ferry with aerospace technology. No one gets dizzy aboard Jetfoil SUISEI! This article is about the drone footage of marvelous Jetfoil SUISEI of Sado Steam Ship. Can you believe such a large ship can glide through the waves so easily? You won't be able to take your eyes off wave-cutting wonder! Sado Steam Ship Is the First Option for Tourists to Sado Island! Photo:Sado Steam Ship Ryotsu Port,Scenery from the boat Sado Island is located miles away from the coastline of Niigata Prefecture (新潟県, Niigata-Ken) in the Sea of Japan. Sado Steam Ship will take you directly from Niigata Port (新潟港, Niigata-Ko) in Niigata Prefecture to Ryotsu Port in Sadogashima. In addition to Jetfoil SUISEN, Tokiwamaru and Okesamaru, 2 other ferries, are in service on this route. Jetfoil more than halves the conventional trip of 2.5 hours by car ferry to an astonishing 1 hour 5 minutes! Similarly, AKANE, another high-speed ferry of Sado Steam Ship, serves the route between Naoetsu Port (直江津港, Naoetsu-Ko) in Joetsu City (上越市, Joetsu-Shi), Niigata Prefecture and Ogi Port (小木港, Ogi-Ko) in Sadogashima. What Exactly is Jetfoil SUISEI? Photo:The Sea Jetfoil SUISEI, operated by Sado Steam Ship, started its service in 1991. Its distinct characteristic is its maximum travel speed of 80km/h. Its waterjet pump, powered by a gas turbine engine, fires high-pressure water to make it hover and propel it through the water. It is also called "Plane of the Seas" because the lift of the hydrofoils in the front and back of the hull allows it to rise to the surface of the sea and navigate at high speed. In the video, the vessel starts floating from around 2:40. Watching the clip, the high standard of Japanese technology is sure to impress you. How to Enjoy the Voyage on Jetfoil SUISEI Photo:Sotokaifu from the Sea The experience starts right when you board the boat and set sail. The footage, from 0:14, captures the embarking vessel. The cozy seats onboard will ensure that you are comfortable! For safety reasons, passengers are required to fasten their seatbelts. But, don't worry! The journey on Jetfoil SUISEI is so steady that you can even take a nap and prepare yourself for the awaiting tourism! The view from the windows is exceptional too! The panorama of the vast Sea of Japan and the height of the Osado Mountains (大佐渡山脈, Oosado Sanmyaku), including Mt. Kinpoku (金北山, Kinpoku-San) on Sado Island, is a sight to behold. Get the best possible experience by sitting in a window seat! The ferry is equipped with a toilet and a nursing room. It is kept safe with various safety devices, such as the Automatic Control Systems, an echo sounder, a hydrofoil up/down device, a radar, wireless devices, inflatable rescue rafts, life jackets and an automatic firefighting device. Summary of Jetfoil SUISEI Source :Official website Sado Steam Ship YouTube screenshot introduced Jetfoil SUISEI, operated by Sado Steam Ship of Japan. A single trip on Jetfoil SUISEI between Niigata Port and Ryotu Port will run you 6,510 Yen (~$60 USD) for adults, and 3,260 Yen for children (as of November 2019). Cheaper fares are available during events and for tourism packages. Jefoil SUISEI carries a maximum of 250 passengers. If seats are available, you can buy a ticket on the spot, but we recommend you buy in advance as crowds are expected. The latest travel news is posted on the official homepage of Sado Steam Ship. Are you all set to travel on Jetfoil SUISEI after watching the video? We hope you can enjoy the full experience of Jetfoil SUISEI during your visit to Japan! ◆About Jetfoil SUISEI◆ 【Operator】Sado Steam Ship 【Address】〒952-0014 353, Ryotsu Minato, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture 【Routes】Niigata Port – Ryotsu Port, Sado 【Travel Time】About 65 Minutes 【Details/Timetables】5 to 7 services per day. Please check the official homepage for further information. 【Admission Fee】Niigata Port – Ryotsu Port: Adult 6,510 Yen, Child 3,260 Yen (As of November 2019) 【Official Website】Sado Steam Ship https://www.sadokisen.co.jp/en 【Official Website】Sado Tourism Navigation – Welcome to Sado, an island of four-seasons and tradition https://www.visitsado.com/en/ -
Video article 4:35
Food! Culture! Traditional Art! Nature! Festivals! No Matter What You Want to Do, Fun Is in Season Year-Round in Kochi!
Local PR Travel- 92 plays
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Shikoku and Kochi Prefecture - Famous for Yosakoi, Bonito and Sakamoto Ryoma? Photo:Statue of Sakamoto Ryoma This video, titled "The blessing of nature - Four Seasons PV - VISIT KOHCHI JAPAN," made by VISIT KOCHI JAPAN, introduces various seasonal tourist spots in Kochi. Kochi is in the southern part of Japan's Shikoku region, and has a warm and comfortable climate all year long. Kochi is famous as the birth place of Sakamoto Ryoma. Ryoma is a historical figure of the Tosa Domain who stopped a war from breaking out in Japan, at the end of the Edo Period (1853 to 1868), nearly 100 years ago. In this video, you can check out different recommended tourist spots in Kochi for each season. Let us known which season you want to visit Kochi in! Kochi's Spring Tourist Locations Photo:Cherry blossoms at Kochi Castle From 0:31 in the video, you can check Kochi’s tourist spots that are best visited during spring. When you say "spring" in Japan, the first thing that comes to mind is no doubt, cherry blossoms! Japan's most glorious season is spring, the season in which people go on 'hanami' (cherry blossom viewing) events and enjoy picnics under the blooming cherry blossoms. Kochi also has cherry blossom spots around Kochi castle. Nakagoshi Family's weeping cherry blossom introduced at 0:41 is the most famous hanami spot. You'll definitely feel refreshed after being out in all the greenery Kochi's spring has to offer. On top of cherry blossoms, food during Kochi's spring is all about bonito (鰹, katsuo). Katsuo comes into season in spring and fall, and the spring variation is called Hatsu-Katsuo. The most common way of eating katsuo is searing surface. This is referred to as called tataki (seared or minced). Kochi T-shirt art, where 1000's of T-shirts are aligned, is also a must-see spot in the spring. You can see what it looks like from 0:55 in the video. The video also introduces the 'Shimanto river carp streamer' (四万十川こいのぼりの川渡し, Shimanto gawa koinobori no kawawatashi) flying in the blue sky and 'going down the river' on a small ship. Kochi's Summer Tourist Locations Starting at 1:51 is the introduction of Kochi's summer tourist locations. Because Kochi is situated on the coast, surfing is also possible. It is actually a hidden surf spot with few inlets and high waves, facing the Pacific Ocean. As introduced from 1:24, you can enjoy rafting and hiking as well. The beautiful rice fields of Yoshinobu / Oishi and the five-storied pagoda are also introduced in the video. One of Kochi's most popular summer events is the dance festival. Shown from 1:59 is the Yosakoi festival, Kochi's representative event that is held every year on the 10th of August. Hosting nearly 1 million people over 4 days, it is one of the 3 biggest festivals in Shikoku. Kochi's Fall Tourist Locations Photo:The autumn leaves of Nakatsu Valley Introduced from 2:13are Kochi's fall tourist locations. If you visit Japan in the fall, you can't miss the chance to see the autumn foliage. The video shows many beautiful locations for viewing the reddening of the leaves in Kochi. The spot we recommend most is Nakatsu valley (中津渓谷, Nakatsu Keikoku). You can enjoy the beautifully flowing river that traverses the the valley's windy ravines. On the weekends you can enjoy the autumn leaves, lit up at Monet's Garden Marmottan(モネの庭マルモッタン, Monet no niwa marmottan) in Kitagawa. Fall in Kochi wouldn't be complete without yuzu. Kochi is the number 1 producer of yuzu in all of Japan! There are various types of Yuzu souvenirs in Kochi, so don't forget to take a look at them. The dance festival "Yosakoi" isn't the only popular event in Kochi! There's the Yasuhara Tsunoyama festival (梼原津野山神祭り, Yasuhara Tsunoyama matsuri) and the Mounted archery 'Yabusame'(流鏑馬, Yabusame)event in Toyo village shown from 2:47 of the video that are also popular during the fall. Kochi's Winter Tourist Locations At 2:59 we're introduced to Kochi's recommended tourist spots during the winter months. Winter in Kochi is very warm compared to other areas so it's great for sightseeing. There is no snow in the Southern region but towards the northern end you begin to see a little. The place we recommend most is Shikoku karst. As you can see from the video, you can sight-see in a fantastic atmosphere thanks to the snow during winter. You're sure to have a wonderful trip in Kochi, tasting the fresh winter seafood from Hirome market, enjoying the Akiha festival(秋葉まつり, Akiha matsuri)in Yodokawa, and warming up in the Matsubakawa (松葉川温泉, Matsubakawa onsen) or Konoka hotsprings (木の香温泉, Konoka onsen). Other Tourist Spots in Kochi Photo:Image of the Shikoku pilgrimage There are so many more things to do or see in Kochi, that are not included in the video, so here's a list! Find your favorite spot. Shikoku henro (四国遍路, shikoku henro (pilgrimage)), Katsurahama (桂浜) , Katsurahama Aquarium (桂浜水族館, Katsutahama suizokukan) , Hirome Market (ひろめ市場, Hirome ichiba), Sunday market (日曜市, nichiyouichi), Anpanman Museum (アンパンマンミュージアム, Anpanman mu-jiamu), Niyodo River (仁淀川, Niyodo gawa), Muroto Cape (室戸岬.Muroto misaki), Wanpark Kochi (わんぱーくこうち, Wanpa-ku kochi), Ashizuri Cape(足摺岬, Ashizuri misaki), Ashizuri Cape Observatory (足摺岬展望台, Ashizuri misaki tenboudai), Ryugado Cave (龍河洞, Ryugado), Godai Mountain (五台山, Godaisan), Sameura Dam (早明浦ダム, Sameura Damu), Kashiwa Island (柏島, Kashiwajima ), Tengu Highlands (天狗高原, Tengu Kougen), Todoroki Waterfall (轟の滝, Todorokinotaki), Wakamiya Hachimangu Shrine (若宮八幡宮, Wakamiya Hachimangu), Dainichi Temple (大日寺, Dainichi ji), Kokubun Temple (国分寺, Kokubun ji), Harimaya Bridge (はりまや橋, Hariyama bashi), Makino Botanical Garden (牧野植物園, Makino shokubutsu en), Nishijima Horticulture Park (西島園芸団地, Nishijima engei danchi), Culture plaza Cul-port (かるぽーと, karupo-to), Yutorisuto Park Otoyo (ゆとりすとパークおおとよ, Yutorisuto pa-ku ootoyo), Sunahama Museum (砂浜美術館, Sunahama Museum)... and more! Kochi is full of touristic charm, with not only popular spots but also many hidden gems as well! A Brief Summary of Kochi's Seasonal Tourist Locations This time, we introduced recommended tourist spots in Kochi, in line with the video. Did you enjoy it? As you saw from the video, you can enjoy completely different atmospheres depending on which season you decide to visit during. There are many photogenic locations that are sure to fill your Instagram feed, and you can enjoy different kinds of traditional Japanese culture as well! Why not add Kochi to your itinerary next time you visit Japan? 【Official Website】Kochi Prefecture web page https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/