Age 35
However, I spent three years in Australia and am currently living and writing in the countryside.
After living abroad, I became more interested in Japanese culture, and after returning to Japan, I have been working to share Japanese culture with many people.
My hobbies are travel and eating.
Traveling all over Japan and eating delicious food from different regions is how I relax.
I write every day in the hopes that I can help teach others about Japan.
Video article 7:10
10 Camping Essentials for Beginner Campers! Camping Gear Recommended by a Veteran Camper and Their Costs!
Things to Do- 50 plays
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Must-Have Equipment for Beginner Campers Japan's camping boom has brought interest in camping to a previously uninterested segment of Japanese society. However, beginner-level campers should start by asking themselves what they need to prepare for camping. In this article, we'll go over things to prepare for camping. Video Introduction This video, titled "[10 Must-Have Pieces of Camping Equipment] A Shopping List for Beginner Campers" (【最低限のキャンプ道具10種類】買い揃えるための初心者用リスト作りました), was uploaded by "From this place." In this video, beginner outdoorsmen can learn about 10 essential pieces of equipment for camping. A List of Camping Gear for Beginner Outdoorsmen Photo:A tent at a campground With Japan's recent boom in outdoor activities, camping has become increasingly popular. However, beginners often aren't sure of what kind of camping gear to bring with them. Making a list of things to get together for various styles of camping, including family, couple, and solo camping, is great place to get started. After picking out what you need, you can figure out your budget by calculating the cost of each item. The video introduces 10 different pieces of equipment by dividing the equipment into three categories: importance, lifestyle, and accommodation. It's great for beginner campers, so be sure to use it as a reference for choosing camping equipment. 7 Recommended Pieces of Camping Equipment for Beginners [Lifestyle] Photo:A tarp Let's start with the equipment you'll need for day camping, etc. ・Tarps When it's hot out, if there's no shade, there's always a risk of heat stroke. A tarp provides shelter from the sun, shelter from rain, and also serves to block the sun. Various types are available, but we recommend that you choose a product with many rope holes. The more holes in the rope, the easier it is to adjust the tarp for easier use. [Video] 0:33 - Tarps ・Table Next up is a table. The table you choose will depend on how much cooking you'll be doing when camping. If you'll be chopping ingredients, a wider table is recommended. If the table has a net underneath, you can conveniently place necessary items on the net while cooking for easy access. [Video] 1:03 - Table Photo:A woman enjoying solo camping ・Chairs Chairs like the ones they sell at home improvement stores across Japan can be bulky and are often not very durable. The video recommends Pachinox, which is lightweight and inexpensive. [Video] 1:33 - Camping chairs ・Single burners Barbecue is a popular way of cooking when camping. Many people associate BBQ with cooking with charcoal or firewood, but these methods can be time-consuming and require a lot of cleaning up afterwards. In Japan, there are two types of gas cans: CB cans and OD cans. If you're a beginner-level camper, consider trying some simple camping meals using a single burner with CB cans, as they're easy to use and obtain. [Video] 1:52 - Single burners ・Wind Screens Wind can often be a problem when cooking at camp. Windscreens can reduce the amount of time it takes to prepare a meal, so you can spend less time cooking and more time enjoying some delicious food. [Video] 2:28 - Windscreens ・Cookers If you buy frying pans and other cooking equipment over time, they'll often be shaped differently and can be difficult to store. We recommend that you start with a cooker set. When you have more opportunities to camp and want to try more elaborate camping meals, you can buy Dutch ovens or other cooking equipment. [Video] 2:44 - Cookers ・Lights Lanterns and other lighting fixtures can vary significantly in price depending on whether they're fueled by gas or liquid fuel. For beginners, lights from one of Japan's 100-yen shops are a great place to start. [Video] 3:20 - Lights 3 Recommended Pieces of Camping Equipment for Beginners [Accommodation] Source :YouTube screenshot We have looked at lifestyle equipment, but what kind of camping equipment do you need for overnight stays? Let's take a look. ・Tents The most important piece of equipment for overnight stays is the tent. Some tents can take beginners a long time to set up and take down. For beginners or those just looking for shelter and a place to drop their sleeping bag for the night, a simple one-pole tent can get the job done. If the inner tent is mesh or some other type of fabric that allows airflow, it can also keep insects out, which is convenient. Furthermore, if the tent has an entrance-like area, you can store your shoes in it. [Video] 3:51 - Tents ・Bedding Bedding is important for reducing fatigue so you don't feel tired the next day. Using an air mattress and sleeping on an elevated surface will make sleeping more comfortable and prevent inadequate sleep. If you have a cot, you can place it directly on the ground. Sleeping is an important aspect of camping. Be sure to prepare a sleeping area that suits you best. [Video] 4:47 - Bedding ・Sleeping Bag Nighttime can be colder than you might think when camping. You can use a down sleeping bag in winter and a synthetic fiber sleeping bag at other times of the year, but it's safer to use a sleeping bag that can withstand as low a temperature as possible. Be sure to check what temperatures your sleeping bag can handle when purchasing one. [Video] 5:33 - Sleeping bags The Cost of a Complete Set of Camping Equipment Source :YouTube screenshot If you purchase the 10 products introduced in this article via major mail-order sites in Japan, it can all be purchased for around 50,000 yen. The selection criteria for this equipment is such that the items were chosen so that they would last as long as possible without the need be replaced, so it's a bit more expensive than other lists perhaps. Be sure to use this video/article as a reference when buying camping equipment. [Video] 6:00 - The cost of these 10 pieces of camping equipment Summary In this article, we introduced 10 pieces of camping equipment that beginner campers should have. More and more people are getting into camping and cooking outdoors. If you're a beginner and not quite sure what to buy, consider renting first. Then you can purchase the gear you need if you decide you want to continue camping. Don't be afraid to get started, take the plunge and make your camping debut! -
Video article 2:38
How to Use a Chimney Starter! Easy-To-Use Oga Charcoal That Holds Fire but Is Difficult to Light!
Things to Do- 451 plays
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For Campers Who Have Difficulty Lighting a Campfire Making a fire gets easier the more you do it, but it can be difficult for novice campers. Campfires and barbecues are two of the best parts about camping and the outdoors. In this article, we'll introduce how to use a chimney starter so that those new to the outdoors and those who are finding it difficult to start a fire, can do so with ease. Video Introduction This video, titled "The Easiest Way to Start a Campfire|How to Light Charcoal Without Fail Even for Beginners" (1番簡単な火おこしのやり方|初心者でも絶対に失敗しない炭に火をつける方法), was uploaded by "Izu no Nushi Tsuri" (伊豆のぬし釣り). If you're like most campers you've probably struggled to light a fire at some point when camping or enjoying the outdoors. With the help of this video, you can learn how to easily light a campfire using a chimney starter. What is a Chimney Starter? Source :YouTube screenshot Chimney starters are also called charcoal starters. They're an excellent tool for easily starting a fire using the chimney effect (stack effect). In the video, a Uniflame Charcoal Starter is used. The video shows how easy it is to start a fire, even if you're new to using a chimney starter. This video shows how to start a fire without failure using a chimney starter. Using Oga Charcoal - Long Lasting But Hard to Start Photo:Oga Charcoal Although oga charcoal burns long and can be used for 2 to 3 hours, it can be difficult to light. In this video they use said oga charcoal. If you can master how to use it, you can start building fires efficiently. How to Use a Chimney Starter Source :YouTube screenshot So, without further ado, let's take a look at how to use a chimney starter. ・Stand the chimney starter up vertically and place the coals inside in an upright position. By placing the coals upright, they will burn more efficiently due to the rising air currents. [Video] 0:06 - Placing charcoal in the chimney starter ・Place the igniter under the chimney starter and light it. Underneath the chimney starter, there's a space for the igniter. After lighting the igniter, place the chimney starter on top of the igniter so that the flames rise into it. Then just let it sit for about 20 minutes. It's incredibly easy. [Video] 0:55 - Lighting the igniter The fire spreads from the igniter to the charcoal placed on top. Even a novice outdoorsman can light oga charcoal with a chimney starter. The idea behind the chimney starter is to use the air flow and the rising air currents to stimulate combustion. If you use the chimney starter to light a fire when you arrive at your campsite, you can start the BBQ (barbecue) when you've finished setting up your tent and other equipment. Use Air Flow to Efficiently Start a Fire Photo:A campfire When it comes to camping, outdoor cooking is what it's all about. Family campers and solo campers alike can enjoy cooking a variety of different foods. Some experienced campers make their own chimney starters using the chimney effect. However, beginners should start with a commercially available chimney starter. A chimney starter can start a fire in a short time and can be conveniently packed. The stainless-steel design also makes it rust-resistant. Summary of How to Use a Chimney Starter In this article, we introduced how to light charcoal using a chimney starter. You may have been surprised at how much easier this method can be. If you're struggling to build a campfire or not feeling confident about your fire making skills, it might be a good idea to have a chimney starter so you can enjoy your time camping in the outdoors while relaxing around a fire and eating delicious barbecue instead of worrying about getting your fire started. For some people, building a fire is one of the best parts of being outdoors, but if you prefer to prioritize mealtime over the time spent on starting a fire, consider picking up a chimney starter. -
Video article 2:17
Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture Is One of Japan's Leading Port Cities! Enjoy the Best of Japan Sightseeing in This City Full of Exotic Culture and Charm!
Local PR Travel- 63 plays
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神奈川県横浜紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yokohama Official Visitors Guide」が公開した「Welcome to Yokohama」です。 日本へ訪日されたらどこの観光名所行きたいですか? のんびり日本を観光したい人におすすめなのが横浜です。 首都東京や日本の空の玄関口、羽田空港からも30分ほどの距離。 横浜はみなとみらい21を中心としたショッピングスポットや観光名所に中華街を中心としたグルメも豊富です。 それでは日本の中でもオススメしたい観光地、横浜の動画をご覧ください。 神奈川県横浜でおすすめしたい観光名所みなとみらい21 横浜でまず訪れたいスポットはみなとみらい21。 ここには赤レンガ倉庫や横浜ランドマークタワーといった観光名所があります。 また、山下公園は海が望めるエリアとしても人気が高い観光スポットです。 歩いていける元町エリアもショッピングスポットとして観光に外せません。 日本一のチャイナタウン!横浜中華街はグルメ観光に絶対外せない 映像では匂いが伝えられないのが非常に残念です。 横浜を代表する観光名所がここ横浜中華街。 日本一の規模を誇る中華街には500店舗以上のお店があり、横浜のグルメスポットとして人気が高いエリアです。 ブタまん・シウマイ、カリカリ焼きそばといった手軽な中華料理からちょっと高級なコース料理まで楽しめます。 日本を代表する港町、横浜は海から観光もまた楽しい 港町横浜は街を海から見るのもおすすめ。 水上バスから横浜を眺めてみませんか。 海から見る横浜は別の顔をしています。 日本の歴史は横浜の歴史にも繋がる 横浜の歴史は 1854年、日本へのペリー来航で大きく変わります。 1859年に、横浜港が外国人の寄港地として開港。 その頃から横浜には多くの異国文化が入ってきます。 横浜がクルーズ船の日本を代表する寄港地としても有名な大桟橋もその名残。 今、横浜がこれだけ大きい街になったのもペリー来航が始まりといえます。 人気観光スポット横浜紹介まとめ 今回は横浜の動画を見てみましたがどうでしたか? この動画を見てショッピング・グルメ・観光と横浜の魅力が存分にわかったはずです。 みなさんも是非横浜に訪れてみてください。 それでは横浜でお会いできることを楽しみにしています! -
Video article 8:40
A Beginner's Guide to Building a Campfire! Useful Camping Equipment and Tips for Beginner Campers!
Things to Do- 28 plays
- YouTube
Campfires - A Fun Way to Enjoy Camping at Night Camping at night is all about enjoying the campfire. With Japan's camping boom, more and more camping beginners are getting into camping, but some of them don't know how to build a fire. In this article, we'll go over how to build a campfire in detail. Video Introduction This video, titled "How to Build a Campfire: Starting a Fire and Cleanup (Beginner Guide)" (【キャンプ初心者でも大丈夫】火起こしから後片付けまで”焚き火のやり方”詳しく教えます!), was uploaded by "IYASHI NEKO." The video explains how to build a campfire in a simple and easy-to-understand way so that even beginners can enjoy the outdoors when camping. This video is a must-see for anyone new to the outdoors or camping. Master How to Build a Campfire Photo:A firepit The video is divided into three parts (preparation, practice, and precautions) to introduce bonfires. The Preparation section introduces the equipment needed for camping and outdoor activities. The Practical section focuses on how to build a fire, and the precautions section introduces cleanup and other important points to keep in mind when building a campfire. Preparation for Camping and Outdoor Fires Photo:Firewood The equipment for building a fire is as follows. ・A fire pit ・Firewood ・Firelighter ・Tongs ・Heat-resistant gloves ・A multi-purpose lighter (A candle lighter is used in the video) ・Fireproof sheet When using kindling, coniferous trees with high oil content, such as cedar and pine, and broadleaf trees such as oak and sawtooth oak with long burn times are often used, and each has its own pros and cons. ■Coniferous trees (cedar and pine) Pros: Good for kindling because of its flammability Cons: Burns out quickly ■Broadleaf trees (oak, sawtooth oak) Pros: Long burn time, so you can enjoy your campfire for longer Cons: Poor flammability When you get used to building a fire, we recommend using them together, but coniferous wood may be easier to start with for beginners. Also, firewood can be purchased at many hardware stores in Japan, but thicker wood can't be used as kindling. Because of this, be sure to chop the wood with a hatchet so that you can use it as kindling when building a fire. [Video] 0:44 - Fire building equipment Practicing How to Build Camping and Outdoor Fires Source :YouTube screenshot In the practical section of the video, you can see how a fire is actually lit. First, set up the fire pit. When building a fire, it's important to stoke the fire. Place natural igniters, such as pine cones, at the bottom of the fire pit. Place kindling or twigs on top of the igniter. This is an important point to remember! Oxygen is necessary for combustion, so to allow oxygen to reach the flame, be sure not to smother the fire, and make sure there are ample paths for air to reach the fire. [Video] 2:42 - Starting a fire Things to Be Careful of When Building Camping and Outdoor Fires Photo:A campfire The precautions section introduces common knowledge about camping and outdoor activities that beginners may not be aware of. First, to prevent tents and tarps from burning due to fire sparks, be careful to set up the fire a comfortable distance from tents or tarps. Also, if your campsite is on grass, pine needles, etc., be sure to lay down a fireproof sheet under your fire pit. Rules vary from campground to campground, so be sure to check the rules of the campground you're staying at before building a fire. If the campground has an ash dump, be sure to dispose of the ashes after enjoying your fire, or if not, then follow the rules established by the campground. Make sure your campfire is completely extinguished when you're finished with it. Campfires can take hours to fully extinguish. Be sure to account for this when considering your departure time and allow plenty of time for your fire to extinguish. Don't over-stoke your fire. Putting in too much wood at once is dangerous as your fire can quickly get out of control. Also, by building large fires you'll run out of wood quickly. Enjoy a nice slow-burning fire. [Video] 4:52 - Precautions Summary of How to Build a Campfire If you spend all your time building a fire and cleaning it up afterwards, you'll miss out on a lot of enjoyable camping time. Be sure to master the basics of building a campfire. There are many other ways to build a campfire besides the method described here. Find what style works best for you so you can enjoy a nice, relaxing camping trip with a warm nighttime fire. -
Video article 5:27
Fluffy and melt-in-your-mouth artistic omelet rice! Don't miss the video showing the omelette rice recipe of “The Western Restaurant Kichi Kichi”, a very famous restaurant in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, where reservations are required!
Food & Drink- 286 plays
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Introduction of video demonstration of omelette rice at “Kichi Kichi”, a western-style restaurant in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. This is a video created by "Sushi Bomber TV Cooking Frontline" that introduces an omelet recipe made by the famous chef of the super-famous restaurant “Kichi Kichi Omurice.” “Omurice” is a national dish that was born in a Japanese Western restaurant during the Meiji era (1868-1912 AD) and is favored by many Japanese. The recipe introduced here is an omelet from “Kichi Kichi Omurice" in Nakagyo ward, in Kyoto City that uses a special demiglace sauce. You can see the cooking process of Kichi Kichi Omurice's omelet, which has been featured on many TV programs, in this under-5-minute video. Don't miss the ultimate omelet introduction video that'll make your mouth water! The Recipe for the Famous Fluffy Omelet Is Open to the Public! Source :YouTube screenshot Kichi Kichi Omurice's specialty is the omelet, but it's no exaggeration to say that the chef's talk is another highlight of the experience. Also in this video, the chef explains how to make it. First, you fry the ingredients. When the frying pan warms up, add the chicken and fry it, raise the flame, fry the chicken, and saute some onions. This can be seen at 0:06 of the video. After that, add ingredients like green soybeans, which are rare in most omelets, boiled mushrooms, and after stir-frying, add rice to fermented butter, salt pepper and black pepper. After seasoning the rice, placing it in a mold and placing it on a plate, you've got an omelet that both looks and smells amazing. This can be seen from 3:07 in the video. The food is of course delicious, but the chef's light-hearted banter is what keeps customers coming back for more. Look at Those Quick Hands! The Climax Is a Fluffy Egg! Photo:Omelet Once the rice is ready, it is time for the climax, the egg. The making of the eggs starts at 3:27. Spray vegetable oil on a frying pan and put in plenty of eggs. Mix the eggs quickly so that they do not burn. The omelet is shaped properly with fast, yet delicate hands. When the egg is completed, put it on the chicken rice and here comes the climax. Now, here is the biggest highlight of this video! Check out 4:31 in the video to see it! When you cut the egg with a kitchen knife, the fluffy simmering eggs flow like a waterfall! Finally, add the demiglace sauce full of umami and parsley and you're done! Summary of the Ultimate Omelet! Source :YouTube screenshot Watching this video, you'll want to go to Kichi Kichi Omurice when you visit Kyoto. Although Japanese food has a strong image of Japanese food, there are many famous restaurants and chefs in Japan who serve Western food that is second to none. The price of Kichi Kichi Omurice’s omelet is 2700 yen (~$27 USD)! The shop is easily accessed, as it's only about 5 minutes from Sanjo / Kawaramachi Station in the center of Kyoto. There is no parking so we recommend going by public transport. Also, don't forget to make a reservation on the homepage, since Kichi Kichi Omurice is reservation only! The video features a very tasty omelette recipe, so be careful watching it when you're hungry! ◆ The Western Restaurant Kichi Kichi Omurice ◆ Store Overview ◆ 【Address】185-4 Zaimokucho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto 604-8017, Japan 【Access】5 minutes by foot from Keihan Sanjo Station 【Hours】From 17:00 to 21:00 【Closures】Irregular holidays 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】075-211-1484 【Tripadvisor】Kichi Kichi Omurice https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g14124519-d3788825-Reviews-The_Youshokuya_Kichi_Kichi-Nakagyo_Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html 【Yelp】 Kichi Kichi Omurice https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E3%82%B6-%E6%B4%8B%E9%A3%9F%E5%B1%8B-%E3%82%AD%E3%83%81%E3%82%AD%E3%83%81-%E4%BA%AC%E9%83%BD%E5%B8%82-2 -
Video article 14:57
Gujo Hachiman - Introducing the Charms of the City of Water in Gujo, Gifu! The Old-Fashioned Townscape Is a Popular Tourist Spot in Gifu Prefecture To Throw on Your Bucket List!
Travel- 313 plays
- YouTube
Gujo Hachiman" Video Introduction in Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture This video, titled "Gujo Hachiman - Beautiful Water, Beautiful Town" (郡上八幡〜美しい水と美しい街〜), was released by "COSTONA." This video starts from Gujo-Hachiman Station on the Nagaragawa Railway. Gujo Hachiman is a popular tourist destination in Gifu Prefecture in Japan's Tokai region. Enjoy the video with which you can see the charm of Gujo Hachiman, that was loved by the manga artist Momoko Sakura, the creator of the popular manga "Chibi Maruko-chan." Gujo Hachiman in Gujo, Gifu. Enjoy a Leisurely Walk Through the City of Water Source :YouTube screenshot Old cobblestone streets of the past can still be found in Gujo Hachiman even now. At Gujo-Hachiman Station, the center of the city, you'll find Gujo-Hachiman Station Cafe, where you can relax and grab a bite to eat or a coffee after a long train ride. As you can see from 0:35 in the video, there is also a GJ8Man face in the hole panel drawn by Momoko Sakura in front of Gujo Hachiman Station. The beautiful place introduced at 1:37 is Roadside Station Meiho. Here you can relax while admiring the flowers and also buy souvenirs. Gujo Hachiman's specialty gourmet is Meiho-ham, which is deep-fried Meiho-ham. We recommend walking around the city while munching on some deep-fried Meiho ham! If you get hungry, you can have fun and relax at the rice ball shop "Onisuke," shown at 2:25 in the video, or the Japanese cafe "Omatcha-dokoro Sogi-an," a famous sweets shop which can be seen from 4:41 in the video. The Charms of Gujo Hachiman - The City of Water in Gujo, Gifu Source :YouTube screenshot Gujo Hachiman in Gujo, Gifu is famous as a town of water. There's rich spring water at Sogi Spring, which has been certified as the first of Japan's 100 Remarkable Waters, as well as in the Kodara River which can be seen from 7:34. Sogi Spring, also known as Haku-unsui, has long been indispensable to the lives of the people in the city. Koi also swim in the waterways and upon seeing this you'll begin to understand the beauty of the water flowing through the city. The History of Gujo Hachiman, the City of Water in Gujo, Gifu Photo:Gujo Hachiman Castle, Gifu Prefecture Let's touch upon the history of Gujo Hachiman. Gujo Hachiman has been a popular castle town since the Edo period (1603-1868). Later, in the Meiji period (1868-1912), the town of Hachiman was born, and in 2004, with the merger of seven towns and villages in Gujo County, it became the city of Gujo. There are statues of Kazutoyo Yamauchi and his wife, Chiyo in Gujo Hachiman Castle, and you can see what they might've looked like when they were alive. In addition to the castle, you can also learn about the history of the area at Gujo Hachiman Hakurankan Museum and the Gujo Hachiman Former Government Building Memorial Hall. Gujo Odori - Local Specialties in Gujo Hachiman Photo:Mizu manju, a summer tradition Gujo Odori is a must-have when visiting Gujo Hachiman. Gujo Odori, which has been around since the Edo period, is a festival that represents the city of water. The festival that lasts for more than 30 nights from mid-July to early September and it is the longest Bon dance festival in Japan. During this period, many people gather for the all-night dance, which, as the name implies, involves dancing all night from 8pm to 4 in the morning for four days from August 13th to 16th. In addition, Gifu Prefecture is famous for its sweetfish dishes, and the local cuisine representing the Oku-Mino region, such as Kei-chan (chicken) and Mizu manju, a summer delicacy, are must-try foods. Gujo-Hachiman in Gujo, Gifu, has accommodation facilities, such as hotels, inns, and hot springs, so we recommend enjoying the town at a leisurely pace with an overnight stay. Summary Gujo Hachiman - The City of Water in Gujo, Gifu Photo:Gujo Hachiman, Gifu Prefecture After watching the video it'll be hard to resist packing your bags for Gujo Hachiman. Many tourists visit on weekends in search of the city of water and the old townscapes of Japan. There are places to view the autumn leaves and ski resorts in the surrounding area, and Gujo Hachiman is also great for taking Instagram photos. Be sure to check out the video before strolling around the city and check out some of Gujo Hachiman's popular tourist spots. 【Tripadvisor】Gujo Hachiman https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019682-d8565136-Reviews-Gujo_Hachiman_Castle_Town-Gujo_Gifu_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:39
Capsule hotel with the best hospitality! Grasit Kyoto Kawaramachi” in Kyoto City, Kyoto, Japan, lounge, hinoki bath... Enjoy 120% of your trip to Kyoto in a luxurious space!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 84 plays
- YouTube
Video Introduction of Capsule Hotel “GRANGIT Kyoto Kawaramachi” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "COMFORT CAPSULE HOTEL GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI Promotional Video," was produced by BAGUS Co.,Ltd. Kyoto has some of the most abundant tourist destinations and historical sites in Japan, with thousands of overseas visitors each year. This video shows GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI, a capsule hotel in Kyoto City, Kyoto in the Kansai region! With its lounge and rooms that create a modern and nostalgic space, GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI is popular on hotel/inn comparison websites as an instagrammable location. Let’s take a peek inside GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI! GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI- A Capsule Hotel in the Ancient Capital, Kyoto Source :YouTube screenshot Kyoto is the representative tourist destination of Japan. GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI is popular thanks to it being just a two-minute walk from Kawaramachi Station in the center of the city. As you enter GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI, the tree symbol at the reception desk will catch your eyes. This can be seen at 0:23 in the video. Guests can check in and out at the multi-language automated reception desk. The rooms at the GLANSIT are private capsules, and footage of them can be seen starting from 0:57 in the video. The original mattress in the bedroom will allow you to sleep safe and sound. As the bedroom area is separated by gender with a security gate, guests can feel at ease in a safe and comfortable environment. There are two types of rooms at the hotel, one is the separated "Private Capsule" and the other is the "Standard Capsule." Why is GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI So Popular Among Overseas Tourists? Source :YouTube screenshot You'll understand why GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI is one of the most popular hotels in Kyoto after watching the video. GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI is fully equipped with bathrooms. Even though it's a capsule hotel, you can enjoy the scent of Hinoki (Japanese cypress) in the bathtubs as well. Overseas tourists can enjoy Japan's traditional bathing culture, even at a capsule hotel. You can see the baths at 1:55 in the video. Note that the hotel has no large public bath. The bathrooms come with a wide range of amenities and other services. As GLANSIT Group also has a lodging facility in Akihabara, Tokyo, and some people stay at GLANSIT when they visit Tokyo. The reason for its popularity is that although it's a capsule hotel, its facilities are almost identical to those of a hotel. There is a lockable cloakroom for large suitcases, a women's lounge in the building with a free tea server, magazines and books, and a terrace lounge on the roof. There is also a laundry room on the bathroom floor, as well as a variety of chargers and tablets for rent, not things you find in a capsule hotel. Kyoto Travel Information for Guests at GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI ©YANSANSEI Modifying Located in central Kyoto, GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI is close to the Karasuma area and the surrounding area has many restaurants and tourist destinations. The neighboring area around the hotel is full of recommended spots for your Japan trip. The most famous spots in Kyoto are: The Golden Pavilion (金閣寺, kinkakuji), the Silver Pavilion (銀閣寺, ginkakuji), Nishi Hongwanji Temple, Higashi Hongwanji Temple, Nijo Castle (二条城, Nijo-jo), Kamigamo Shrine (上賀茂神社, Kamigamo Jinja), Shimogamo Shrine (下鴨神社, Shimogamo-jinja), the Kyoto Imperial Palace (京都御所, Kyoto-gosho), Katsura Imperial Villa (桂離宮, Katsura Rikyu), Kitano Tenmangu (北野天満宮), Heian Shrine (平安神宮,Heian-jingu), Nishiki Market, Nanzenji Temple (南禅寺, Nanzenji), Philosopher’s Path/Philosopher's Walk, Kiyomizudera (清水寺, Kiyomizu-dera), the Gion area of Kyoto, Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社, Yasaka-jinja), Kyoto Tower, Kyoto Railway Museum/Umekoji Park, Fushimi Inari Taisha (伏見稲荷大社), a sake brewery tour in Fushimi, Byodoin Temple, Toei Kyoto Studio Park, Arashiyama, and Amanohashidate. We recommend visiting Kyoto during the three great festivals of Kyoto (Gion Festival, Jidai Festival and Aoi Festival) and when Gozan Okuribi is taking place. GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI is also available for day use for transit to Kansai International Airport. Reservations can be made on the same day via the company's website as well. This hotel is also a good choice for foreigners who are touring Japan to enjoy Kyoto. Summary of GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI Source :YouTube screenshot And that wraps our introduction of GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI. The Kawaramachi area in the center of Kawaramachi, Kyoto, is a must-see destination for foreign visitors to Japan. Located in the center of the city, GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI is an essential spot for overseas tourists in Kyoto. The video is filled with the attractions of GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI. We hope this video and article sparked your interest in Kyoto and inspired you to come and stay at GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI. Rates and prices for GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI vary by season and plan, so please check the official website or a travel websites for more information. GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI [Address] 380-2, Kawaramachidori Shijo Noboru Komeyacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 604-8026 [Access] 1 minute from Hankyu Railway Main Line Kawaramachi Station by walk/3 minutes from Keihan Electric Railway Keihan Main Line Gionshijo Station by walk [Parking] N/A [Phone number] (+81) 075-254-7022 [Official website] [Official] Kyoto Kawaramachi Capsule Hotel GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI https://glansit.jp/en/kyotokawaramachi/ [Trip Advisor] GLANSIT KYOTO KAWARAMACHI https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g14124519-d15106423-Reviews-Glansit_Kyoto_Kawaramachi-Nakagyo_Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:25
Hiraizumi" in Nishiwai-gun, Iwate Prefecture is a World Heritage Site! A condensed video of Chuson-ji, Motsu-ji and other sightseeing spots and attractions! Flowers blooming after the Great East Japan Earthquake, too!
Travel- 102 plays
- YouTube
Hiraizumi" Sightseeing Spot Video Introduction This video, titled "World Heritage Site|Hiraizumi|nippon.com" (世界遺産 平泉 | nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com." It's a video showing the beautiful scenery of Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture, which became a World Heritage Site on June 26, 2011. The area including Chuson-ji Temple, where Konjikido, also a World Heritage Site, is located, is a popular spot for tourists. Hiraizumi prospered at the end of the Heian period (794-1185) thanks to the Fujiwara Clan, and many temples and ruins still remain today. The video shares the charms of Hiraizumi, a place where even the renowned Edo period (1603 to 1868) poet Matsuo Basho visited when writing The Narrow Road to the Deep North and wrote a haiku. A Closer Look at Hiraizumi, a World Heritage Site in Iwate Prefecture Photo:The main hall of Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi, Iwate. Hiraizumi is located in the southwestern part of Iwate Prefecture, in the town of Hiraizumi, Nishiwani. In the center of the town, there is the JR Tohoku Main Line Hiraizumi Station, which you can see from 1:51 in the video. In 2011 it became the first world cultural heritage in the Tohoku region under the title "Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land." Kinkeizan, seen from 1:47 in the video, and Kanjizaio-in Garden from 2:10, have been designated as World Heritage Sites. Motsuji Temple at 0:52 in the video, as well as Amida-do, Fuku-do, and Konjiki-do at Chuson-ji Temple are tourist spots that represent Iwate Prefecture and are visited by many tourists every year. On March 11, 2011 the area faced the Great East Japan Earthquake. As you can see from 3:05 in the video, there was a great deal of damage throughout the Tohoku region, and a tsunami also occurred centered around the Sanriku Coast in the Tohoku region. In June of the same year, Hiraizumi was registered as a World Heritage Site, and it became a beacon of hope for the Tohoku region, encouraging many people and supporting reconstruction efforts. After overcoming many disasters, many temples still stand today, and the sight of them gives people a feeling of hope. Enjoy Sightseeing in Hiraizumi Photo:Takkoku no Iwaya in Hiraizumi, Iwate There are many sightseeing spots in the center of Hiraizumi besides Motsuji and Chuson-ji. The ruins of Muryokoin, the Shirotoridate Ruins, and the Chojagahara Temple Ruins are important spots related to Buddhism, so we definitely recommend checking them out. There are many temples, gardens, and archaeological sites where you can feel the influence and ideals of Pure Land Buddhism. Takkoku no Iwaya is a temple in a rocky area about 10 minutes from Hiraizumi Station, which can be seen from 1:23 in the video. There are many buildings and gardens great for taking Instagram photos, and if you're planning on taking a leisurely tour of the area you'll need reserve an entire day for sightseeing. We also recommend using the Hiraizumi "Runrun" Loop Bus for sightseeing, as it's incredibly convenient. From the station, the bus will go around Motsuji Temple, Chuson-ji Temple, Muryokoin, Hiraizumi Cultural Heritage Center, the roadside station, and more. A single use is ¥150, but if you buy a day pass for ¥450 you can use it for the entire day as much as you want. Summary of Hiraizumi, a World Heritage Site in Iwate Prefecture Photo:Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi, Iwate This article introduced Hiraizumi, a place in Iwate Prefecture designated a World Heritage Site in 2011. Hiraizumi is a place in Iwate where you can feel the history of Japan's Tohoku region. There are also many restaurants around the station where you can enjoy delicious gourmet food. There's also "Yukyu-no-Yu" (悠久の湯平泉温泉) a hot spring in Hiraizumi about 10 minutes from the station, so consider stopping by to relax before heading home after a long day of sightseeing in the area. Watching this video before visiting Hiraizumi will help you to understand the history of not only Hiraizumi, but the history of Iwate Prefecture as a whole, and you'll be able to appreciate your trip even more. 【Official Website】World Heritage Hiraizumi|HiraizumiNavi – Hiraizumi Tourism Association https://hiraizumi.or.jp/en/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Hiraizumi-cho https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1120431-Hiraizumi_cho_Nishiiwai_gun_Iwate_Prefecture_Tohoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 8:09
Hakone Shrine in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture is one of the leading power spots in the Kanto region! Introducing the highlights of the popular tourist spots in the area where many people come to seek good fortune!
Art & Architecture- 202 plays
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Video introduction of "Hakone Shrine" in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture This video, titled “Hakone Shrine” (箱根神社), was uploaded by k_sada. It introduces Hakone Shrine, located on the shore of Lake Ashinoko in Hakone, Kanagawa. Hakone Shrine is a popular power spot that can be easily accessed from Japan’s Kanto region. The video covers every corner of Hakone shrine and is a must-see for anyone traveling to Hakone. Be sure to check it out and maybe a little luck will rub off on you as well! A Look at the Charms of Hakone Shrine Photo:Hakone Shrine's main shrine approach, Kanagawa Prefecture Hakone Shrine is famous as one of the most powerful power spots in Japan's Kanto region, and is said to improve one's luck for success, as well as bless people with economic fortune, wish fulfillment, success in marriage, love, and health. The main approach to the shrine, the fifth torii gate, Shinmon gate, the kagura hall, and the ceremony hall, all of which can be seen from 0:20 in the video, are also places we recommend stopping by when visiting Hakone Shrine. Popular spots that you won't want to pass up are Anzu-sugi (a cedar tree to pray for safe childbirth), Soga Shrine, the fourth torii gate, the Kagura Repository, the lake-bottom tree, the Ebisu Shrine, and the torii of peace. The History of Hakone Shrine and When It Was Built Photo:Ryujinsui at Kuzuryu Shrine, Kanagawa Prefecture Hakone Shrine has a long history, and it is even mentioned in books from the Kamakura Period (~1185-1333 AD). Many warlords have visited and worshipped in Hakone. In particular, Minamoto no Yoritomo is said to have worshipped at Hakone Shrine. It was burned down once by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but the shrine’s main building was rebuilt by Tokugawa Ieyasu. A new shrine, which can be seen at 3:03 in the video, was built at Kuzuryu Shrine and many people still come to visit it today. Popular Tourist Spots Near Hakone Shrine Photo:A sightseeing ship on Lake Ashinoko, Kanagawa Prefecture In addition to the shrines, Hakone has many other tourist spots in the neighborhood. From Shinjuku, the Odakyu Line runs to Hakone-Yumoto, and the Odakyu Romancecar is a very popular train. It takes about 85 minutes to reach Hakone-Yumoto from Shinjuku. On weekends, many people enjoy the sightseeing boats on Lake Ashinoko and the hot springs where you can relax. In addition to the tourist attractions, we also recommend visiting festivals, such as the Hakone Shrine Setsubun Festival and the Kosui Festival. Hakone Shrine, Hakone Motomiya Shrine, and Kuzuryu Shrine are known as Hakone Sanja Mairi (箱根三社参り, Hakone Three Shrine Visit), and many people visit all three shrines. We also recommend picking up a shuin stamp and buying omamori charms for good luck and for souvenirs. Hakone, with its high elevation, has many viewpoints from which you can see Suruga Bay, the Izu Peninsula, Sagami Bay, and the Shonan coast when the weather is favorable. Summary of Hakone Shrine Photo:Hakone Shrine's torii gate This video introduced Hakone Shrine in Hakone, Kanagawa. Hakone Shrine is easily accessible thanks to its parking lot and good transportation. A leisurely walk around Hakone Shrine will help you relax and get your daily exercise in. Of course, don't forget to take pictures of the beautiful scenery, as Hakone Shrine is quite Instagram-worthy! 【Tripadvisor】Hakone Shrine / Kuzuryu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298171-d319902-Reviews-Hakone_Shrine_Kuzuryu_Shrine_Singu-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefect.html -
Video article 3:57
The 30 Years of the Heisei Era Was a Period of Cell Phone Evolution! Shoulder Phones, Phs, Pagers, Feature Phones, Ringtones, Pix, Etc. Let’s Look Back at the Nostalgic History of Cell Phones.
Life & Business- 192 plays
- YouTube
The Video That’ll Take You Back Through the History of Cell Phones in Japan! The video we’ll introduce this time is one that looks back through the history of cell phones in the 30 years of the Heisei era. The video is called "【On-Site】Memory of Heisei, 30 Years of ‘Cell Phone’ Evolution(【現場から、】平成の記憶、「携帯電話」進化の30年)"and is publicized by ‘TBS NEWS’. To say that cell phones are a truly indispensable infrastructure in Japan, a modern society, is not an exaggeration. A network disruption, once it takes place, becomes news all throughout society. In the early days of the Heisei era (around 1989), the use of cell phones was few and the general public did not carry them regularly. Now, the norm is 1 phone per person. Let’s look into the history of cell phones to see how they managed to evolve to a such great extent. History of Cell Phones 1: When Did the History Begin? The Early-Heisei Era and the Rise of Cell Phones Source :YouTube screenshot The history of cell phones began with shoulder phones launched in Showa 60 (1985). This can be seen from 0:37 in the video. At the time, it weighed 3kg and required ¥200,000 as a deposit on top of basic charge and call charges, so only about 490,000 contracts were made and it was a status symbol during the bubble economy. It was remotely a commodity in the wider society. The youngsters who only know of present cell phones would be astounded by its stunningly large size. As time passed, it became smaller little by little but didn’t amount to wide dissemination among the public. Then came the Heisei era. In the early days of the Heisei era, the size of shoulder phones became small and pagers and PHS were in. And in Heisei 11 (1999), the history of cell phones reached a tipping point. People not only talked on cell phones, they started to use them. Cell phones were dubbed Ketai and Docomo launched i-mode. Now connected to the internet, the number of cell phone contracts in Japan exploded. Source :YouTube screenshot In Heisei 12 (2000), ringtone service began, and in Heisei 14 (2002), cell phones with a camera were launched causing the ‘PIX’ (a message with a picture), fad. 1seg was also equipped to the phones, enabling people to watch TV programs on them, marking the transition from the period of analogue technology to one of digital. This is shown from 1:30 in the video. By then, the number of contracts had reached around 81 million, and a society in which almost every Japanese carried a phone was forming. With au (formerly IDO) and vodafone (formerly J-PHONE) joining the market with Docomo, it was a period where designs of phones became stylish and cool and communication technology saw a massive improvement. History of Cell Phones 2: Feature phones that went through a unique evolution in Japan! Source :YouTube screenshot In Japan, folding cell phones were popular until the mid-Heisei era. They were called "Garake", and many used it on a daily basis. The history of cell phones reached a critical juncture which led to modern cell phones. In Heisei 20 (2008), Softbank Mobile started selling the iPhone in Japan. On the day of release, more than 1,500 people lined up in a queue craving for the iPhone. Masayoshi Son, the CEO of Softbank Mobile at the time, said “the computer is now in the palm of your hand”, which is shown from 2:00 in the video. Smartphone was dubbed Sumaho (based on the Japanese pronunciation) and became widely popular. With the advent of smartphones, ‘Insta-bae’ where people take photos and upload them to the social media such as Instagram became a trend. Many companies now provide kakuyasu smartphones where prices are cheaper than they used to be. The video describes how smartphones now ‘connect’ people 24 hours, both in good and bad ways. History of Cell Phones 3 Evolution of phones into the future! Source :YouTube screenshot Japan, now in the Reiwa era, a period of next generation wireless communications has already begun. Starting with 5G, providing a speed a hundred times faster than the present, the use of electronic money is expanding as well. App stores are overflowing with new apps as well, making them indispensable in everyday life. Remote control of a robot is possible with just the touch of a button on your phone in this period. This can be seen at 3:03 in the video. How will cell phones transform in the future? No one can say for sure. Only time will tell. Summary of the History of Cell Phones This time, we introduced the history of cell phones in Japan. We’re sure many of you felt the nostalgia watching the video. The 30-year-long Heisei era is known as the period where phones went through an unimaginable evolution, but we can’t be more excited about the transformation of phones, becoming more and more convenient, in the future!