Video article 2:30
Japan's most un-stiff noodle! What is Ise Udon, a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture, with thick, soft noodles covered with pitch-black sauce?
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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Video introduction of Ise Udon, a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture This video introduces the famous "Ise Udon" from Ise City, Mie Prefecture. Ise Udon is a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture, where the noodles are thick and soft and covered with thick, black sauce. Ise Udon is said to be the least chewy udon in Japan, but it is fluffy and soft and has an addictive texture. From 0:00, you can see Ise Udon Yamaguchiya, and from 1:08 you can see Ise Udon from Komadori Shokudo. If you're planning a visit to Ise Jingu Shrine, be sure to stop by! ◆Komadori Shokudo Store Information◆ 【Address】Mie Pref. Iseshi Ichinoki 2-5-12 【Access】A 6-minute walk from Iseichi Station / A 12-minute walk from Miyamachi Station / A 13-minute walk from Uji Yamada Station 【Price Range】¥480+ 【Hours】9:30-18:00 (L.O.) 【Closures】Mondays, the 3rd Tuesday of every month 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0596-24-3792 【Tabelog】Komadori Shokudo (駒鳥食堂) https://tabelog.com/en/mie/A2403/A240301/24004675/ ◆Yamaguchiya Store Information◆ 【Address】1 Chome-1-18 Miyajiri, Ise, Mie 516-0072 【Access】211 meters from Iseshi Station 【Price Range】¥530+ 【Hours】10:00-18:45 (L.O.) 【Closures】Thursday (Excluding national holidays) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0596-28-3856 【Official Homepage】Yamaguchiya http://www.iseudon.jp/shop/index.html 【Tabelog】Yamaguchiya (名代伊勢うどん 山口屋) https://tabelog.com/en/mie/A2403/A240301/24000930/ -
Video article 2:31
Fun Even to Watch! It Just Gets Bigger and Bigger as It Cooks! "Basho Senbei," a Specialty of Osaka!
Food & Drink- 27 plays
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It Just Gets Bigger and Bigger as It Cooks! "Basho Senbei," a Specialty of Osaka! This video shows a demonstration of baking basho senbei at a festival stall. Basho means "banana" and basho senbei (rice crackers) are named after the shape of a banana leaf. It's pretty uncommon to find even in Japan, but it's an Osaka specialty, and you can buy it online as well. In the video, you can see the rice cakes that start out the size of the palm of your hand getting bigger and bigger as they're cooked. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 4:29
Fujiya Honten - A Long-Established Shop That's Been in Business Since the Meiji Period. "Himokawa Udon," the Famous Udon of Kiryu, Gunma, Is More Than 5 cm Wide!
Food & Drink- 30 plays
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Fujiya Honten's Himokawa Udon This video shows the famous Gunma specialty, "Himokawa Udon" at Fujiya Honten in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture. As you can see in the video, the noodles are wide, chewy, smooth, and firm. Fujiya Honten, introduced in the video, is one of the oldest shops in Gunma, and has been in business since 1887. The udon noodles at Fujiya Honten are about 5 cm wide, but there are shops that make them more than 10 cm, and nowadays people outside the prefecture know about the noodles and love the wide, flat style that's similar to kishimen. Be sure to give it a try! ◆Fujiya Honten Store Information◆ 【Address】1-6-35, Honmachi, Kiryu-shi, Gunma 【Access】A 20-minute walk from JR Kiryu Station / A 20-minute walk from Nishikiryu Station 【Price Range】¥500+ 【Hours】11:30-14:30 (L.O.) / 【Fri・Sat・Sun】17:30-20:30 (L.O.) 【Closures】Mondays・The 4th Tuesday of every month (If Monday is a holiday, the store is only open until noon and the following Tuesday is closed) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0277-44-3791 【Official Homepage】Fujiya Honten https://fujiya-honten.net/ 【Tabelog】Fujiya Honten (藤屋本店) https://tabelog.com/en/gunma/A1002/A100201/10001147/ -
Video article 3:08
Cute “Kitsune Sempei” is a souvenir of Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, a popular tourist spot in Kyoto, Japan! Introducing a video of Kitsune Sempei being demonstrated and sold!
Food & Drink- 94 plays
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Video introduction of Kitsune Senbei (fox crackers) at Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. This video, titled “Kyoto KITUNE SENBEI Japanese Traditional Sweet Japanese Street Food Japan,” was released by “Food Spirit.” It shows kitsune senbei (fox-shaped rice crackers), a traditional confectionary of Kyoto, being sold. There are a number of popular stores near Fushimi Inari Shrine in Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City. Among them, the famous Kitsune Senbei from Inariya, introduced in the video, are ideal for both eating as a snack and taking home as a souvenir. In the video, you can see how these fox-shaped rice crackers are made. Check it out! A Closer Look at Kyoto’s Fox-Shaped Rice Crackers Source :YouTube screenshot The kitsune senbei (狐, Kitsune - "Fox"; 煎餅, Senbei - "Rice Crackers") from Inariya are, as the name suggests, rice crackers shaped like fox masks. There are many stone statues of foxes at Fushimi Inari Shrine, and these cute fox-shaped rice crackers are adorable souvenirs reminiscent of these. The origins of these fox-shaped rice crackers can be traced back to the time when red miso rice crackers baked in Gifu were changed to Kyoto-style white miso. Later, Inariya invented and popularized Kitsune Senbei (きつね煎餅), Tsujiura Senbei (辻占煎餅, Fortune crackers), Otafuku Senbei (お多福煎餅), and other festive rice crackers unique to Fushimi Inari Shrine. Try the Tasty, Fox-Shaped Rice Crackers From Inariya! Source :YouTube screenshot These Kitsune senbei rice crackers are characterized by the fact that they are carefully hand-baked, one sheet at a time, using traditional ingredients. The dough is made by mixing white miso, sesame seeds, and sugar with flour and then baking the rice crackers until they’ve got an addictive, crispy and crunchy texture. You can see the deliciously baked Kitsune Senbei from 2:07 in the video. Kitsune Senbei have won the Kyoto Prefecture Outstanding Craftsmanship Award, as well as the Gold Medal and the Honorary President's Award at the National Confectionary Exposition. The packaging of Inariya's Kitsune Senbei rick crackers is also worth noting as it features impactful illustrations. Inariya's fortune crackers also include a fortune slip that can be exchanged for a souvenir! Chinese and English versions are also available, so foreign tourists can purchase them without having to worry about not understanding them. More About Fushimi Inari Shrine Photo:The romon gate of Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto Prefecture Fushimi Inari Shrine is a popular spot that ranks first on the list of popular tourist attractions for inbound tourists to Japan. Fushimi Inari Shrine is the headquarters of more than 30,000 Inari shrines in Japan, and the shrine is dedicated to the god of good harvests, offering many benefits, such as prosperous business, etc. The shrine is also the site of seasonal events, such as the Hatsuuma Grand Festival "Fukumairi," as well as the fantastic Yoimiya and Motomiya Festivals, both of which feature lantern dedications. Summary of Kitsune Senbei, Kyoto’s Fox-Shaped Rice Crackers! Source :YouTube screenshot This video gives an introduction to how the popular snack/souvenir, Kitsune Senbei, are made, so be sure to check it out! Inariya's Kitsune Senbei rice crackers are not available for purchase online, but can be purchased at Kyoto Station as well as at stores near Fushimi Inari Shrine. We recommend stopping by Kyoto Station to purchase some as souvenirs! 【Yelp】Inariya https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E7%B7%8F%E6%9C%AC%E5%AE%B6-%E3%81%84%E3%81%AA%E3%82%8A%E3%82%84-%E4%BA%AC%E9%83%BD%E5%B8%82 -
Video article 10:34
You'll Never Get Tired of Watching This Popular Kyoto Sweet Being Made! London-ya, a Confectionery Shop That Sells London-Yaki at Shinkyogoku in Kyoto!
Food & Drink- 37 plays
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This video, titled "名物ロンドン焼き!作り方をじっくり眺めてみた!カステラ 京都グルメ The Amazing London-Yaki (Castelle) Machine at Kyoto Japan!," was released by "DELI BALI." London-Yaki is one of the most popular Kyoto gourmet dishes among both tourists and young locals alike. London-ya, featured in this video, is located near the entrance to Shinkyogoku, a popular shopping street for young people. The unique feature of London-ya is that you can watch from outside as the london-yaki (small castella filled with white bean paste) are made, one after another. You can watch as the batter is poured into the round molds and baked. On top of being a treat to watch, they're also a treat to eat, and they taste delicious! If you're in the Shinkyogoku area of Kyoto and want to enjoy window shopping and eating around, be sure to stop by London-ya! -
Video article 4:25
Smooth, Firm, and Springy! A Look at Osawaya, an Udon Shop That Specializes in "Mizusawa Udon," One of the Three Great Udon of Japan!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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Mizusawa Udon, One of Japan's Three Great Udon, at the Famous Udon Shop, Osawaya This video shows Mizusawa Udon, one of the top three udon's of Japan, at the famous udon restaurant, Osawaya. Along with Sanuki Udon and Inaniwa Udon, Mizusawa Udon is considered one of the three major udon noodles in Japan, and is considered a specialty of Mizusawa, Ikaho, Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture. The noodles have a slippery texture and have a nice, firm texture. Osawaya, introduced in the video, is an long-established udon shop with 4 shops in Ikaho, and you can also buy their noodles online. In the video, you can see the udon noodles and the magnificent maitake mushroom tempura and more, so be sure to check it out. ◆Osawaya Store Information◆ 【Address】125-1, Mizusawa, Ikaho-cho, Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture 【Access】20 minutes by bus from JR Shibukawa Station. 【Price Range】¥770+ 【Hours】10:00-16:00 (L.O.) 【Closures】The 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month※Subject to change (August・November no closures) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0279-72-3295 【Official Homepage】Osawaya http://www.osawaya.co.jp/index2.html 【Tabelog】Osawaya https://tabelog.com/en/gunma/A1004/A100401/10001525/ -
Video article 6:08
You Don't Want to Miss This Light-Hearted, Daring, and Dizzying Demonstration by a Knife Maker! People Can't Help but Stop and Watch!
Shopping- 550 plays
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露店商・直次郎包丁による啖呵売の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「Muzina Shanghai」が公開した「2019年版今宮十日戎、名物露店 堺・直次郎包丁の啖呵売」です。 啖呵売(たんかばい)とは、露店で商品を叩き売りするときに話す口上のことをいいます。 直次郎包丁が注目されるのは、この包丁屋さんが度肝を抜くような実演販売をするところ。 動画では0:28から、包丁で木の板を切る様子が紹介されています。 今回は堺・直次郎包丁の紹介動画を元に、昭和感漂うちょっとディープな日本を紹介しましょう。 露店商が集まる今宮戎神社の十日戎 大阪市浪速区にある観光名所のひとつ、今宮戎神社。 毎年正月になると今宮十日戎、通称「えべっさん縁日」が開かれ、境内には露店がたくさん出店します。 「えべっさん」とは、七福神の恵比須天のこと。 天下の台所として賑わう大阪は、商売繁盛を司るえびす神信仰が今も厚く、親しみを込めて恵比須天を「えべっさん」と呼んでいるのです。 ちなみに、えびす宮の総本山は兵庫県西宮市にある西宮神社。 ここは毎年正月になると福男選びレースを行い、全国的にニュースで話題になる神社でもあります。 露店・直次郎包丁の啖呵売 動画では冒頭から直次郎包丁の啖呵売が紹介されています。 啖呵売とは、映画「男はつらいよ」に出てくる主人公・寅さんが露店で叩き売りしているシーンがわかりやすくイメージできるのではないでしょうか。 啖呵売の醍醐味は露店店主との値引きの駆け引きです。 直次郎包丁でも「安いよ、安いよ」と呼び込みをし、一方でお客さんも値引き交渉を負けじと行っています。 動画では1:30からお客さんとの値段交渉が始まっていますが、こうしたコミュニケーションも露店の面白さといえますね。 堺は刃物の名産地 直次郎包丁がその名に冠している堺という地は、刃物の名産地でもあります。 とくに堺産の和包丁は有名で、プロの料理人が使う包丁の多くが堺産の刃物なのです。 和包丁は刃がすべて鋼でできている全鋼製が特徴です。 定期的に研ぎを入れるなどメンテナンスが必要で、手間がかかりますが切れ味のよさは維持できます。 今では手入れが簡単で錆びにくいステンレス製包丁が普及し、全鋼製の包丁を家庭で見かけるのも少なくなってきました。 こうした全鋼製の包丁は通販でも購入できます。 露店商・直次郎包丁による啖呵売紹介まとめ 動画でご覧になれる堺・直次郎包丁のような啖呵売をする露店商は数を減らしています。 昔ながらの趣を残す直次郎包丁の啖呵売は、古き良き日本の歴史を伝える貴重な文化とも言えますね。 皆さんも露店巡りをしてみるのはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 2:55
The Visual of It Being Grilled at a Stall Is Mouthwatering! "Gohei Mochi," a Local Cuisine of the Chubu Region
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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Gohei Mochi From Japan's Chubu Region This video shows gohei mochi being cooked and taste tested at a stall. Gohei-mochi is a local dish from the central region of Japan. It's made by wrapping rice crushed into powder around a skewer, toasting it, and finally dipping it in sauce and cooking it again. There are two types of sauce, one with a soy-sauce base, and the other with a miso base. These vary by season and region, but both are sweetened with sugar. Some of the sauce includes sesame seeds, walnuts, peanuts, and other ingredients, and there are many variations. You can find them at highway service areas and roadside stations in Japan's Chubu region, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled! -
Video article 4:52
Sapporo Clock Tower Is a Popular Sightseeing Spot in Hokkaido That You Don't Want to Miss! Learn About the History of Sapporo Clock Tower and Make the Most of Your Trip to Hokkaido!
Art & Architecture- 102 plays
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Sapporo Clock Tower! This time, we'll introduce the video "Sapporo 'Sapporo Clock Tower,'" a video tour of Sapporo City Clock Tower, a popular tourist attraction in Sapporo City (札幌市, Sapporo-Shi), Hokkaido (北海道, Hokkaido)! The Sapporo Clock Tower is a distinctive building with a large clock on a triangular roof in Sapporo City, Hokkaido. The Sapporo Clock Tower is the oldest existing clock tower in Japan and has been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. In this article, we introduce the Sapporo Clock Tower alongside the video. What Is the Sapporo Clock Tower? Photo:Hokkaido・Sapporo Clock Tower The Sapporo Clock Tower is a historical building built in 1876 as the former Sapporo Agricultural College's (currently Hokkaido University) martial arts dojo (enbujo). As you can see from 1:50 in the video, the signboard that says "enbujo" is still there. This mechanical clock tower was installed in the building in 1881. The clock is a pendulum-type tower clock made in the United States. The clock tower was purchased by the Sapporo City Government in 1896, and the building was used as a library and public hall before being used as an exhibition hall. More About the Sapporo Clock Tower Source :YouTube screenshot The area where the Sapporo Clock Tower is located is also known as the birthplace of Hokkaido University. Many documents from the Hokkaido University Library are displayed at the Sapporo Clock Tower as well. As you can see from 2:41 in the video, a photo of "Bell of Clock Tower," a song written by Tetsuo Takashina in 1922, played on the violin, is displayed in the exhibition room on the first floor. Additionally, from 4:11 in the video, you can see a reproduction of the auditorium on the second floor of the Sapporo Clock Tower and the inner workings of the clock. Sightseeing Around Sapporo Clock Tower Photo:Sapporo Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill・Clark Statue In the vicinity of the Clock Tower in Sapporo City, you can see the Former Hokkaido Government Office Building (Red Brick Office Building), and also Hokkaido University, known for the famous words of Dr. Clark, the first vice principal of the university, who said "Boys, be ambitious!" The former Sapporo Agricultural College's dojo was constructed based on the concept that Dr. Clark produced, and in 2017, a statue of Dr. Clark was installed in the Sapporo Clock Tower. You can also enjoy other local delicacies in Sapporo, such as ramen and seafood bowls. There are also many places where you can buy souvenirs nearby. The Sapporo Clock Tower also hosts concerts and events, so be sure to check out their schedule when visiting. Summary of the Sapporo Clock Tower Photo:Hokkaido・Sapporo Clock Tower This video captures the charm of the Sapporo Clock Tower in Hokkaido. The Sapporo Clock Tower underwent a renovation in 2018 and now looks refreshed and beautiful. Unfortunately, the Sapporo Clock Tower is surrounded by buildings and is unfortunately one of the "three most disappointing spots in Japan" due to its less-than-ideal view. However, if you actually visit and tour the museum, you'll be able to enjoy a facility that gives you a sense of Japan's history and culture. If you're looking for places in Hokkaido that are perfect for your Instagram, Sapporo Clock Tower is the place to go! ◆Sapporo Clock Tower Facility Information◆ 【Address】Kita 1-jo Nishi 2-chome, Chuo-Ward, Sapporo 【Access】A 10-minute walk from JR Sapporo Station, a 5-minute walk from Odori Subway Station 【Hours】8:45~17:10 【Admission Fee】Adults: 200 JPY, Free for high school students and younger 【Parking】None 【Telephone】011-231-0838 【Official Website】Sapporo Clock Tower:HOME http://sapporoshi-tokeidai.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Sapporo Clock Tower https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298560-d319830-Reviews-Clock_Tower_Tokei_dai-Sapporo_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 2:29
This Is How Yatsuhashi, Kyoto's Most Popular Sightseeing Souvenir, Is Made!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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Yatsuhashi- One of Kyoto's Most Popular Sightseeing Souvenirs This video shows how to make "Yatsuhashi," a representative souvenir of Kyoto. Yatsuhashi is a Japanese confectionery that has established a firm position as a tourist souvenir of Kyoto. In general, there are two types of yatsuhashi: nama yatsuhashi (non-baked yatsuhashi) and katayaki yatsuhashi (hard-baked yatsuhashi), both are equally popular. The standard flavor is cinnamon, although it is now available in a variety of flavors, such as matcha, strawberry, and black sesame. In the video, you can see the katayaki yatsuhashi being made in the store, so be sure to check it out. -
Video article 2:08
Haneda Airport Garden" at Haneda Airport in Ota-ku, Tokyo, is full of stores where you can experience Japanese culture! The commercial complex, which is also popular for its luxurious hot spring baths, is finally fully open for business!
News Travel Shopping- 74 plays
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Haneda Airport Garden, Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "[Haneda Airport Garden] Fully Opened and Ready Promote Japanese Culture" (【羽田エアポートガーデン】全面開業 日本文化を発信), was uploaded by "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" (日本経済新聞). Haneda Airport Garden, a commercial complex directly connected to Haneda Airport's international flights and Terminal 3 had its grand opening on January 31, 2023. Stores with noren curtains and other elements of Japanese culture line the aisles. Haneda Sando is store designed to resemble the approach to a Shinto shrine, with stores on both sides of the aisle, which gives visitors a fun experience similar to that of a typical Japanese shrine festival. The Handa Airport Garden was created with the hope that visitors to Japan can experience Japan from the moment they step off the plane. Be sure to check out the video of Haneda Airport Garden as you read along. What is Haneda Airport Garden? Photo:Haneda Airport, Terminal 3 The Haneda Airport Garden, by Sumitomo Realty & Development, was originally scheduled to open in April 2020, following an increase in the number of international flights, but was postponed due to the impact of the novel coronavirus. The full opening of the new building has been planned in anticipation of a recovery in tourism to Japan. Directly connected to Haneda Airport Terminal 3, Haneda Airport Garden boasts 12 floors and a total area of 43,000 square meters. The first floor features restaurants, a food court, and other establishments for food and drinks, while the second floor is lined with shops selling local specialties, souvenirs, and sundries, making it a large-scale facility with approximately 70 tenants. In addition, there's a bus terminal on the first floor, which serves as a direct connection between tourist attractions and Haneda Airport, while the second through twelfth floors include a hotel and hot spring facilities. Haneda Airport Garden is a new commercial complex being called the "new face" of Japan. Haneda Airport Garden – Hours, Recommended Souvenir Shops, and Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot Here we'll introduce the stores featured in the video as wel las their business hours. ●Hakuchikudo, a Fan Specialty Shop in Kyoto Hakuchikudo is a store with more than 300 years of history, founded in 1718. The store is popular for making beautiful and fashionable traditional Kyo-sen (Kyoto-style folding fans) created by techniques passed down from one generation to the next. [Video] 0:28 - Hakuchikudo ●Kurazukuri Honpo, a Shop Selling Traditional Japanese Sweets Established in Kawagoe in 1887, this Japanese confectionery store values "ingredients" and "technique" and sells exquisite wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) that are made with the care and passion of its craftsmen. The "Fukuzo" (福蔵, homemade red bean paste wrapped in baked rice cake skin) and "Beniaka kun" (べにあかくん, a biscuit made with butter, whipped cream, and Japanese sweet potatoes) are especially popular. [Video] 0:38 - Kurazukuri Honpo ●Yamakoshi Honpo, a Shop Selling Local Specialties From Niigata, Japan This shop sells local specialties from Nagaoka, Niigata. You can purchase special types of rice, processed rice products, miso, sake, and more. [Video] 1:02 - Yamakoshi Honpo ●Rokkakukan Sakurado is a shop specializing in cosmetic brushes. Visitors can purchase cosmetic brushes and miscellaneous cosmetic goods only available at Haneda Airport Garden here, as well as products from Chikuhodo, a famous cosmetic brush manufacturer in Kumano, Japan. [Video] 1:12 - Rokkakukan Sakurado From Kyoto ●Hakuchikudo and Kurazukuri Honpo are located in the "Japan Promenade" area, while Yamakoshi Honpo and Rokkakukan Sakurado are located in the "Haneda Sando" area. Both shops are making their first appearance in Tokyo. Business hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Recommended Restaurants at Haneda Airport Garden + Business Hours Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to shopping, visitors to the Haneda Airport Garden can also enjoy a variety of dining experiences. ●OEDO FOOD HALL Food Court (大江戸フードホール) (Hours - 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) The interior design is a modern interpretation of Edo-period Japan, and the walls are decorated with ukiyoe-style paintings, a type of woodblock print painting popular at the time. The food court serves a wide variety of dishes, including steak cooked on lava rock, juwari soba noodles made from 100% buckwheat flour, and tekkaju, a dish that uses natural tuna directly shipped from Misaki Port. The restaurant also features ingredients from Tokyo and neighboring prefectures. ●The Izakaya Umaiyo Sakana Umaiyo Sakana (うまいよ魚旨いよ魚) (Hours - 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) A wide variety of fish dishes can be enjoyed here, and customers can enjoy 27 kinds of sake carefully selected from all over Japan. The interior design, reminiscent of a shrine, is also worth noting. ●Hanayama Udon (五代目 花山うどん) (Lunch Hours - 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Dinner Hours 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) The popular "Hishikawa Udon" here has a chewy texture that could be mistaken for rice cakes, with their signature large noodles. Heijoen, a Japanese BBQ Restaurant (Hours 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) Heijoen is a restaurant where patrons can enjoy Japan's world-famous Wagyu beef. The menu includes delicious platters and Kobe Beef Tokusen Gozen, a set meal that includes an assortment of the finest cuts of Kobe beef, and the restaurant is proud of the high quality of its beef, which is mainly Kobe Beef. Haneda Airport Garden – Hotels & Natural Hot Springs Source :YouTube screenshot The Haneda Airport Garden is home to Villa Fontaine, the largest hotel directly connected to an airport, with a total of 1,717 guest rooms. Villa Fontaine is divided into two types: Villa Fontaine Premier Haneda Airport and Villa Fontaine Grand Haneda Airport. Villa Fontaine Premier has parking available for one car per room (reservation required), and is recommended for those who not only want to use the airport, but also those purely interested in staying at the hotel. The hot spring facility "Izumi Tenku no Yu" located on the 12th floor of the hotel is drawing a lot of attention as a hot spring where you can enjoy airplane spotting and views of Mt. Fuji. There are four areas to enjoy, from relaxing hot springs to bedrock baths and saunas. Non-hotel guests can also use the facilities by paying a fee, and it's open 24 hours a day! Summary of Haneda Airport Garden Haneda Airport is aiming to become the new gateway to Japan. Haneda Airport Garden, which has just fully opened at Haneda Airport, is a commercial complex where visitors can fully enjoy Japanese culture. It's a great place for both Japanese citizens and foreign visitors to Japan alike to enjoy the delicious dining experiences, shopping, saunas, and more. The interior design is also really photogenic for any instagrammers looking for a new place to check out! Discover the new face of Japan at Haneda Airport Garden! 【Official Website】Haneda Airport Garden 【TripAdvisor】Tokyo International Airport, Haneda Airport -
Video article 5:59
Gyoda City Was the First City in Saitama Prefecture to Be Recognized as a Japanese Heritage Site. Journey to the Charming City Where You Can Enjoy Quaint Scenery With Tabi Shoes and Historical Architecture!
Local PR Travel- 66 plays
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埼玉県内初の日本遺産に認定され行田市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「GyodaCity,Saitama,Japan」が公開した『「行田市日本遺産推進協議会」観光PR movie』です。 埼玉県行田市は文化庁が地域の文化や伝統・歴史を一体化して認定した日本遺産にも選ばれ、お城や歴史的建築物・古墳が多数残る街。 それでは日本遺産の埼玉県行田市を見ていきましょう! 埼玉県行田市で日本遺産を観光!忍城址は見逃せない! 写真:埼玉県行田市・忍城址 埼玉県行田市のシンボルとなっているのが忍城址(おしじょうし)。 忍城は、史上最大の水攻めにも耐えた城です。 敷地内は春の桜・秋のホテイアオイが有名。 鎧着付け体験や商工忍城時代まつりといったイベントも多く行われています。 忍城址は多く市民、観光客にも愛され、日本遺産の中心的な場所です。 埼玉県行田市の日本遺産を巡る!足袋が有名な街! 写真:地下足袋 埼玉県行田市は足袋の生産が昔から盛んでした。 毎年、日本で唯一の足袋コレが行われ、足袋作り体験や足袋とくらしの博物館を巡る旅行も楽しいでしょう。 埼玉県行田市には現在も足袋を保管するための足袋蔵が80個ほど残り、飲食店やギャラリーとして営業しています。 観光の際には足袋蔵を訪れてみてはどうでしょうか。 グルメがいっぱい!埼玉県行田市のグルメスポットを巡る旅 画像引用 :YouTube screenshot 埼玉県行田市はご当地グルメが豊富です。 その中でも有名なのがフライ。 フライとは小麦粉をフライパンで焼く、薄いお好み焼きのような食べ物です。 他にもジャガイモに野菜・おからを混ぜて小判状にして揚げたゼリーフライは埼玉県行田市の名物。 埼玉県行田市のグルメスポットを巡る観光もおすすめです。 埼玉県行田市で日本遺産を体感!歴史と自然に触れる観光旅行 写真:田んぼアート 埼玉県行田市の日本遺産を語る上で忘れていけないのがさきたま古墳公園。 ここには東日本最大の古墳があります。 また、毎年5月に行われる、「さきたま火祭り」はインスタ映えすると評判。 古代蓮の里も景勝地として多くの観光客が訪れます。 田んぼアートも毎年行われて、絶景の景色が味わえると人気です。 埼玉県行田市紹介まとめ 今回は日本遺産にも登録されている埼玉県行田市の動画を紹介しました。 埼玉県行田市は上野東京ラインを使うことで東京駅から約1時間とアクセスがよく、気軽に訪れるエリアです。 皆さんも埼玉県行田市周辺の観光を楽しんでみてはどうでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:39
Aoki Village, Ogasawara County, Nagano Prefecture, was ranked No. 1 in "The Best Village to Live in Japan! Why are so many people choosing Aoki Village and why is it supported by so many people? Watch the video and you may find out the answer!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 635 plays
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Video introduction of "Aoki Village" in Ogata-gun, Nagano Prefecture This is a PR video for Aoki Village, in Nagano Prefecture, Koshinetsu, produced by the Aoki Village General Affairs Planning Division. Aoki Village in Nagano Prefecture, surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Shinshu, was ranked first on the 2016 list of “Most Desirable Villages to Live in in Japan.” Here, we'll introduce information about Aoki Village, where the countryside scenery of Japan remains. Be sure to follow along with the video to find out why it's rated so highly! Sightseeing in Aoki Village, Nagano Prefecture Aoki Village is a mountain village surrounded by "The Aoki three," a trio of large mountains. Source :YouTube screenshot It's said that "Aoki is the home of peasant revolts and evening showers." This alludes to the frequent revolts that took place throughout the history of Aoki village. In Aoki village, the ancestors who were executed for defending their village are called "gimin" (meaning "righteous people"), and the culture of drumming in honor of their bravery (Gimin Taiko) has been passed down for generations. You can see Gimin Taiko at concerts held by the preservation society and at sightseeing events around the village. You can hear the powerful sound of the taiko drums at 1:50 in the video. The Most Popular Temple for Sightseeing in Japan's Shinshu Region Source :YouTube screenshot Daiho Temple (大法寺, Daihoji), known as one of the best sightseeing temples in the Shinshu region, is a sightseeing spot that represents Aoki Village. The Daiho Temple three-storied pagoda, built in 1333, has been designated as a national treasure. It can be seen at 2:06 in the video. In recent years, Koiwato Shrine (恋渡神社, Koiwato Jinja) has become a popular spot for wedding ceremonies, and other hidden tourist attractions, such as Hiyoshi Shrine (日吉神社, Hiyoshi Jinja) and Sondanrei Shrine (子檀嶺神社, Sondanrei Jinja) are great places to visit. The Keita Goto Memorial Park, named after Keita Goto, a businessman from Aoki Village, is a great place to go for a walk. There are more than 800 stone Buddhas at Shunarara Pass on the border of Chikuhoku Village; you've got to see them! Activities in Aoki Village, Nagano Prefecture At Paragliding Park Aoki, you can experience an exhilarating paragliding experience while enjoying a view of the mountains. This can be seen at 0:35 in the video. It's an awesome activity that allows you to have the most amazing view of nature all to yourself! At Refresh Park Aoki, you can enjoy activities in the great outdoors, such as mountain stream fishing and athletic activities. After sightseeing, we recommend relaxing at Tazawa Hot Spring (田沢温泉, Tazawa Onsen) or Kutsukake Hot Spring (沓掛温泉, Kutsukake Onsen). Enjoy the Local Cuisine of Aoki Village, Nagano Prefecture! Source :YouTube screenshot If you're looking to grab a bite to eat, nothing beats Nagano Prefecture's locally made soba. If you're going sightseeing in Aoki Village, we recommend trying the Tachiakane soba! In addition, Shinshu's specialty wine and matsutake mushrooms make great souvenirs. These products can be purchased at Roadside Station Aoki. Aoki Village cuisine is introduced at 1:06 in the video. Aokinoko, the mascot of Aoki Village is shown at 1:38 in the video. It's based on the local specialty, mushrooms. Summary of Aoki Village We hope this video has given you a glimpse into the charm of Aoki Village. The number of tourists and immigrants to Aoki Village is increasing every year. If you're thinking about sightseeing in Japan, why not visit the beautiful, natural scenery of Aoki Village in Nagano Prefecture? -
Video article 13:01
Okayama Prefecture's Kurashiki City Is a Beautiful Japanese Tourist Spot With Traditional Streets and Waterways. Kurashiki City's Popular Character "Denim Ninja" Introduces Popular Sightseeing Spots in a Comedic Way!
Local PR Travel- 62 plays
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岡山県倉敷をデニム忍者が紹介! こちらの動画は「観光課倉敷市」が公開した「【English】DENIM NINJA in KURASHIKI - DENIM NINJA solves the 30 mysteries of Kurashiki!! (Long ver.)」です。 日本の観光地というと東京・京都・大阪が有名ですが、岡山県倉敷市も昔ながらの街並みがあることをご存知ですか? 岡山県倉敷市は美観地区を中心に屋敷に水路・川舟といった日本の昔ながらの風景が残っているのです。 また、日本で初めてデニムを生産した場所として名を知られています。 では動画でデニム忍者と一緒に倉敷の観光名所を巡っていきましょう! 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスが良く日本の観光ルートに入れやすい 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスは京都駅からおよそ1時間半・大阪より1時間です。 また、関西から四国や九州へ行く途中に位置していている倉敷。 日本を周遊するルートで訪れやすい観光地です。 岡山県倉敷の美観地区は川舟・屋敷が残っていて日本への観光に最適 倉敷市にある美観地区は日本でも昔ながらの街並みが残るとして有名。 川舟に乗れば数多くの屋敷や水路を楽しめます。 この美観地区ではなまこ壁の屋敷を見てみましょう。 壁の模様がなまこのように見えることが名前の由来。 また、大原美術館はヨーロッパの美術品を多数取り揃え、和と洋の昔ながらの町並みが堪能できます。 また、着物を着て観光することも可能。 着物という日本の伝統文化に触れて周辺を観光してみませんか? 日本のデニム発祥の地、港町児島を観光してみよう 岡山県南部に位置する倉敷市。 その中でも瀬戸内海に面した港町児島地区は「日本のデニム発祥の地」とされ、駅前にはジーンズストリートがあります。 また、本州の岡山県と四国の香川県のアクセスルートとなる瀬戸大橋があるのも倉敷。 瀬戸大橋の横にそびえる鷲羽山(わしゅうざん)からの景色は瀬戸内海の自然を楽しるおすすめの穴場スポットです。 日本一の◯◯!岡山県が誇る名物をデニム忍者が堪能♫ 果物王国の岡山県! マスカットをはじめとして桃の生産が有名です。 特にマスカットの生産量は日本一を誇る岡山県。 マスカットを使ったワインが人気でお土産にも最適です。 高級感があり日本料理をはじめとした和食にも合います。 みなさんもグルメな街・岡山県倉敷市を楽しんでみませんか。 岡山県倉敷市紹介まとめ 今回は岡山県倉敷市の観光動画を紹介いたしました。 動画をご覧になり岡山県倉敷市の観光名所が多いことに驚いたはずでしょう。 岡山県倉敷市は観光スポットが豊富です。 次は皆さんの足で倉敷を体感してみてくださいね。