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The Azalea Festival at Nezu Shrine in Tokyo

This video, titled "Nezu Shrine Azalea Garden - Tokyo - 根津神社 - 8K," was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the beautiful azaleas blooming in spring in the garden of Nezu Shrine in Tokyo, Japan.
Nezu Shrine is a shrine with a long history, appearing as "Nezu Gongen" in the works of Mori Ogai and Natsume Soseki, two of Japan's most famous writers.
It is also widely known for its azaleas.
In this article, we'll introduce tourist information and highlights of Nezu Shrine.

In the video, viewers can enjoy red, pink, and orange azaleas all spread throughout the garden.
The beauty of it is enough to leave you awe-struck, so be sure to check it out.

More About Nezu Shrine, a Beautiful Shrine in Tokyo

Image of the hall of worship at Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Photo:The hall of worship at Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo, Tokyo

Nezu Shrine is one of the Tokyo Jissha, a group of ten shrines in Tokyo, and is an ancient shrine that is said to have been established in Sendagi more 1,900 years ago by Yamato Takeru, the 12th emperor of Japan.
The deities worshipped at the shrine are Susanoo-no-Mikoto, Oyamakui no kami, and Emperor Ojin.
Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, the fifth shogun of the Edo Shogunate, dedicated the main shrine to Nezu Shrine.
The honden (main shrine), heiden (hall of offerings), haiden (hall of worship), Karamon gate, west gate, transparent fences, and tower gate are all still intact, and these structures, which have survived from the Edo Period (1603-1868), have been designated as Important Cultural Properties by the government of Japan.

The area around Nezu Shrine was also known for its brothels in the past.
It's said that the brothels were very prosperous, and began popping up when women began to entertain the craftsmen at the taverns where they gathered to build the shrine, but were abolished in the Meiji Period (1868-1912).

In addition, although Nezu Shrine is located in the center of Tokyo, the garden covers an area of about 7,000 tsubo (~5.7 acres), with 3,000 azaleas of 100 different varieties planted in the large garden.
In the spring when the azaleas are in bloom, the "Azalea Festival" is held and many people come to see the beautiful azaleas.

When are azalea viewing times and the azalea festival schedule at Nezu Shrine?

Image of azaleas at Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Photo:Azaleas at Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo, Tokyo

"The azalea garden at Nezu Shrine features early, mid, and late blooming varieties, so you can enjoy them for a long time. early April is a beautiful contrast of fresh greenery and red and pink flowers, and mid-April is the best time for azaleas to be in full bloom.

If you would like to visit during the azalea blooming season, please check the official Instagram of Nezu Shrine for the blooming status in advance.

The "Azalea Festival" is held in conjunction with the azalea season, and will be held from March 30 to April 30 in 2024. An entrance donation fee of 500 yen is required to enter the garden."

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Otome Inari Shrine and Komagome Inari Shrine, Located Inside Nezu Shrine

Image of the senbon torii of Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Photo:The senbon torii of Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo, Tokyo

The first thing shown in the video is Otome Inari Shrine located near the moat of Nezu Shrine.
At 0:38, viewers can see the "Senbon Torii" a series of vermilion torii gates.

Further into the shrine grounds is Komagome Inari Shrine, a massive shrine made of stone.
As you can see, Nezu Shrine is a shrine with a variety of atmospheres and many things to see.

Sightseeing Information for Nezu Shrine

Image of Nezu Station
Photo:Nezu Station

Access to Nezu Shrine is a 5-minute walk from Nezu Station and Sendagi Station via the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, a 5-minute walk from Todai-mae Station via the Tokyo Metro Nanboku Line, and a 10-minute walk from Hakusan Station via the Toei Mita Line.
A parking lot is also available.
Many people come to the shrine for the Shichi-Go-San Festival and to purify their cars, and visitors can receive shuin stamps and charms at the shrine office.

Summary of Sightseeing at Nezu Shrine

This video, "Nezu Shrine Azalea Garden - Tokyo - 根津神社 - 8K," introduces the beautiful grounds of Nezu Shrine.
It shows a garden of azaleas in full bloom at a lovely shrine in Tokyo.

Hopefully this article has provided you with some useful tourist information about Nezu Shrine.
Consider visiting the shrine to enjoy the beautiful azaleas and the historical shrine buildings that have existed since the Edo Period!

【TripAdvisor】Nezu Shrine

Written By
Last Updated : Apr. 23, 2024
I'm a writer who likes to eat good food wherever I go
Nezu Shrine - 3,000 Azaleas in Bloom in Tokyo! Enjoy a Variety of Unique Flowers in the Beautiful Garden!
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