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This video, titled "天王寺動物園 Part1 (40 different soothing animals in the video) TENNOJI ZOO  2018.12.18" (天王寺動物園 Part1 (動画で見る癒し動物 約40種動画)TENNOJI ZOO  2018.12.18), was released by "Akiyoshi Morimura" (森村章義).
In this video, you can see Tennoji Zoo in Osaka City.

Osaka City's Tennoji Zoo has a long history dating back to 1915 when it first opened.
The zoo is home to 1,000 animals of approximately 180 species, including the popular koala.
The zoo is divided into three main sections: African Savannah Zone, Asian Rainforest Zone, Bird Paradise and Petting Square.
To the furthest extent possible, the animal exhibition space is recreated in the landscape of the animal's habitat, allowing visitors to experience the animals in an environment that is as close to their actual surroundings as possible.
In Tennoji Park, you can also enjoy the Japanese-style Keitakuen Garden and Chausuyama, one of the city's three major keyhole shaped tombs.

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 16, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Introducing Tennoji Zoo, a Popular Zoo in Osaka! How Do They Manage to Bring Out the Natural State of the Animals?
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