Video article 30:55
Enjoy the Delicious Japanese Crab Cuisine at Ryokan Ryokusone in Kanazawa, Ishikawa! The Artisanal Cuisine Delights the Palates of Foodies From Around the World!
Food & Drink Hotel & Japanese Inn- 186 plays
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Video introduction of an exquisite crab dish prepared by a chef in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. This video, titled "Japanese Food - SNOW CRAB Sashimi Hotpot Grilled Seafood Kanazawa Japan," was produced by "Travel Thirsty." It introduces the crab dishes prepared by the skilled artisans at Ryokan Ryokusoune in Kanazawa. Crab is one of the most popular dishes in Japanese cuisine. You can enjoy a wonderful time eating delicious snow crab, especially when it's served as sashimi, crab hot pot, or grilled crab in a traditional kaiseki meal. How to Make and Eat Crab Cuisine Photo:Cooked crab miso Skill and knowledge of ingredients is essential for chefs of high-end restaurants when preparing crab. Chefs quickly process the prepared crabs early in the morning and use a variety of recipes to prepare them. Since the shells of crab are very hard, they have to use sharp knives to process them. Crab is a popular foodstuff that has been traditionally eaten in Japan since ancient times. The Japanese have a tradition of cooking and eating not only the crab meat, but also the crab miso (miso-like paste found inside a crab) inside the shell, which is delicious. You can see the crab miso being prepared at 18:34 in the video. Each type of crab has a different season, so you can enjoy delicious crab dishes throughout the year. The video is about 30 minutes long and shows a variety of delicious crab dishes. Check out the video to see the exquisite display. Seaside Towns with Delicious Seafood Photo:Crab kaiseki cuisine Japan's seaside ryokan and traditional dining establishments offer a superb menu of fresh crab dishes and other seasonal seafood. Traditional Japanese kaiseki dishes are eaten in the following order: appetizer, wanmori (stewed dishes), sashimi, grilled food, boiled food, side dish, rice, and lastly, the jelly desert. The beauty of crab is that it can be used in every possible way, from appetizers to main dishes, and even in desserts. Summary of Japan’s Delicious Crab Cuisine Photo:Crab cuisine While there are of course other cultures that eat crab outside of Japan, there are many variations of Japanese crab dishes that will keep you coming back for more. Check out the various items on the menu when you're eating Japanese food and find your favorite crab dish. When you travel to the Kanazawa, Kaga, and Noto areas, be sure to try some of the exquisite crab dishes shown in the video! ◆Ryokan Ryokusone|General Information◆ 【Address】YUZUYA RYOKAN KANAZAWA RYOKUSONE 2-1-10-1 TENJINCHO KANAZAWA-city ISHIKAWA-pre 【Access】Take the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Kanazawa Station and from there it's approximately 20 minutes by taxi (※Tell the driver "Tsubakihara-Tenmangu-mae") 【Telephone】076-208-3999 【Official Website】YUZUYA RYOKAN KANAZAWA RYOKUSONE http://ryokusone.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Ryokusone https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298115-d8677845-Reviews-Ryokusone-Kanazawa_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 8:29
A Single Stick of Yakitori Leaves These Mexican Tourists Stunned! The Japanese Food Served at the Famous Mexican Restaurant "Hiyoko," Will Have You Coming Back for More!
Food & Drink- 56 plays
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メキシコの日本食料理店「ひよこ」をご紹介 「日本食の魅力を知って、実際に日本のグルメを食べに行きたい」 このように、日本食のことはあまり知らないけど興味はあるという人はいますよね。 寿司や天ぷらなど日本食の有名どころ以外のグルメを知りたいという人もいると思います。 そのような方に、今回はメキシコで焼き鳥などの日本食をたべられる「ひよこ」というお店を紹介します。 この記事では、メキシコで焼き鳥などのグルメを出している「ひよこ」についての説明やメニューの紹介をしたいと思います。 「ひよこ」の「Shigetoshi Narita」が日本食を解説している動画も紹介しているので、気になる方は見てください! メキシコで焼き鳥や日本食などを楽しめる「ひよこ」とは? 「ひよこ」とは、メキシコで焼き鳥や日本食などのグルメを楽しめる人気の飲食店です。 職人が食材にこだわり丁寧に調理した焼き鳥や、メキシコ料理のトスターダなどを食べることができ、メキシコ人や日本人、欧米人など、さまざまな人が来店しているそう。 カウンター席のみのお店ですが、予約ができるようなので気になる方は予約してから来店してみてください。 メキシコで焼き鳥や日本食などを楽しめる「ひよこ」のメニュー メキシコで焼き鳥などのグルメを楽しめる「ひよこ」にはさまざまなメニューがあります。 まずは、焼き鳥。ネギマやモモ、ハツ、手羽などを串にさし備長炭で焼き上げていきます。 炭火焼きの焼き鳥はとてもカリっとしていて美味しいですよね。 他にも、和牛やバラ肉、野菜、ラムチョップを備長炭で焼いた料理や、メキシコ料理のトスターダと日本食をあわせた料理などさまざまなオリジナルメニューがありグルメにはたまらないお店。 「ひよこ」は、和食とメキシコ料理を楽しめる名店です。 メキシコで美味しいグルメを出している「Shigetoshi Narita」 メキシコで日本食などのグルメを楽しめる「ひよこ」の板前さんが「Shigetoshi Narita」です。 鶏肉の部位や食材にこだわり調理し、美味しい日本食やメキシコ料理を提供しています。 「Shigetoshi Narita」のトスターダはタピオカで作っています。 作り方はタピオカを弱火でじっくり煮込み、イカ墨で色付けしていきます。 そこから3日かけて乾燥させてオーダーが入ったら油で揚げて調理します。 つくねはひき肉、青ネギ、ショウガ、醤油、たまご、玉ねぎなどを使って調理します。 タレで味付けしたシンプルなつくねです。 メキシコのおすすめグルメ店である「ひよこ」の動画はこちら 「Eater」 が制作する「ひよこ」の板前さんの「Shigetoshi Narita」のインタビュー動画がおすすめです。 こちらの動画は「Shigetoshi Narita」の日本食やメキシコ料理のこだわりを解説していて、とても興味深い動画になっています。 メキシコ料理と和食を楽しめる珍しいお店の「ひよこ」日本食に興味がある人にはおすすめできるお店です。 -
Video article 10:58
Enjoy the Vegetarian Cuisine of Buddhist Monks at Kajitsu, a Famous New York City Restaurant. The Healthy Japanese Cuisine, Which Does Not Use Meat or Fish, Satisfies Even Non-Japanese Palates!
Food & Drink- 79 plays
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和食の一つである精進料理を紹介する動画 こちら「Master Chef Hiroki Abe Earned a Michelin Star for His Shojin Ryori Menu — Omakase」は、日本食の精進料理について紹介をしている動画です。 日本文化ならではの精進料理について、動画を元に紹介させていただきます。 精進料理って一体何? 精進料理は仏教の戒律に基づいた殺生や煩悩等の刺激を避けることに着目した料理です。 精進料理は、動物性の食材全般、そして五葷とも呼ばれるネギ属に分類される野菜を材料にすることを禁止しています。 食材から出汁まで、全て植物性のもので構成をされている健康的なグルメとして注目を浴びています。 この精進料理こそが会席料理の基本とされており、今の和食や日本食の原型と言っても過言ではありません。 動画の内容から見る精進料理 現在ニューヨークで精進料理を振舞っている名店『Kajitsu』のシェフであり、精進料理の職人としても知られている板前のHiroki Abeさんの言葉を借りて、精進料理について紹介をさせて頂きます。 動画の冒頭から語られている彩りの五色・味わいの五味・調理の五法は、精進料理において非常に重要な事柄なのでご覧下さい。 動画1:03で語られている通り、仏教の修行の一環として用いられた日本食・和食の一つが精進料理で、野菜や穀物に海藻と多くの調味料で構成されています。 野菜は旬の時期が大事だとされており、季節によってメニューも変わることから、訪れるたびに新鮮なグルメを堪能することが出来るのも魅力の一つでしょう。 野菜中心のため旬で食材が左右される精進料理。 そのため、お麩は季節に拘わらずに利用することができるため重要食材となっています。 今では日本文化を知ることが出来るグルメとしてニューヨークでも話題の日本食・和食のお店であるKajitsuは、数多くある精進料理を堪能出来る中でも一際人気なお店となっています。 日本料理の元祖である精進料理の紹介まとめ 今では日本食・和食の一つの形として定着をしている精進料理。 ヘルシー志向がトレンドの今、伝統的な精進料理を召し上がってみてはいかがですか? -
Video article 15:02
Fugu (Pufferfish), a Popular High-Class Ingredient in Japanese Cuisine, Is Brilliantly Processed by Artisans. This Video Features Fugu Sashimi and Other Delicious Dishes! Which One Caught Your Eye?
Food & Drink- 81 plays
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和食の人気高級食材「ふぐ」をご紹介! 日本で愛されている和食の高級食材「ふぐ」。 しかし、その珍しい形から、どのように調理するのか想像できないという方は多いのではないでしょうか? そのような方々に、今回は和食の高級食材である「ふぐ」の調理法や、おすすめのグルメなどを「Travel Thirsty」が公開した「日本の屋台の食べ物 - ふぐ」という動画をもとに紹介したいと思います。 この記事では、日本食の食材であるふぐの種類や調理法の解説をしています。 ふぐの捌いている動画も紹介しているので、気になる方は見てください! 和食の高級食材である「ふぐ」について 和食の高級食材であるふぐは何種類か存在し、有名なのはトラフグ、ハコフグ、マフグなどが挙げられます。 ふぐには毒があり、食用可能な部位はふぐの種類や漁獲場所によっても違ってくるため、一般の方がふぐを調理するのは危険。 ふぐは食中毒にならないために免許を持っている職人が捌くのがルールです。 日本の食用ふぐの捕獲場所として有名なのは、山口県の下関市です。 ほかにも、石川県で漁獲される輪島フグ、香川県で水揚げされる讃岐でんぶく、福岡県で水揚げされる玄海とらふぐなどが有名。 北海道で水揚げされるマフグも美味しいです。 和食の高級食材である「ふぐ」のおすすめグルメ 和食の高級食材である、ふぐのおすすめグルメはたくさんあります。 有名なのはフグ刺し(てっさ)でしょう。 ふぐのあっさりした刺身にポン酢をつけて食べると絶品。 弾力感のある食感もふぐの魅力です。 職人がつくった薄造りのふぐは見た目も美しいです。 ふぐ鍋(てっちり)もふぐ料理の中では代表的存在です。 旬の野菜とふぐを、だしのきいたスープに入れて煮込んだ、とても温まる美味しい料理です。 フグ刺しとはすこし違い、プリプリの食感を楽しむことができます。 他にも、焼きフグや皮刺し、フグひれ酒などおすすめのグルメがたくさんあります。 日本食の高級食材「ふぐ」の調理法 ふぐの調理法を、おすすめ動画を参考に簡単に紹介します。 まず、包丁の峰を使ってふぐを気絶させます。 次に背ビレと左右の胸ビレ、尾ヒレを切り落としていきます。 頭の左右から切り込みをいれ、背に包丁を入れていきます。 皮を剥ぎ、内蔵を取り出します。 とはいえフグの調理はとても危険です。 免許を所持している調理師の方に任せて「ふぐ」は安全にいただきましょう。 日本食の高級食材「ふぐ」のまとめ 日本食の美味しいグルメに使われている食材のふぐ。 動画をもとに紹介させていただきましたがいかがだったでしょうか? みなさんも色々なフグ料理を食べてみてください。 -
Video article 10:57
A Rare Look Behind the Scenes of a Ramen Resurant! A Lot of Passion Goes Into the Perfect Bowl of Noodles Made by Mengokoro Kunimoto...
Food & Drink- 46 plays
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This video, titled "Becoming a Ramen Shop in Japan" (日本でラーメン屋さんになるということ), was released by "Life Where I'm From." In this video, you'll learn what it's like to run a ramen shop in Japan. Depending on the shop, ramen restaurants have almost no free time, as it takes up a lot of time outside of business hours to stock up and prepare the food. The work that goes into making delicious bowls of ramen for customers is not just because it's their job, but because the ramen shop owner wants to make his customers happy. In other words, it's a passion. In this video, the owner of a ramen shop who left his job at a ramen shop to start his own business talks about his passion for ramen. -
Video article 6:42
The Chef at Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya Makes Some of the Best Bowls of Ramen Around! From a Chef Who's Been Making Ramen for More Than 30 Years!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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This video titled "Kazumoto Ochiai is One of Tokyo's Ramen Masters — First Person," was released by "Eater." In this video, Kazumoto Ochiai introduces himself as the owner of Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya. Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya is a long-established ramen shop that was established in 1983 and has been open for 37 years in Nishi-Azabu. Not only do they focus on the taste of the food, but they also focus on customer service, and they always try to match each customer's bowl of ramen to their own palette. In this video, Kazumoto Ochiai, the owner of a restaurant where you can enjoy both the taste and the interaction with staff, talks about his journey and what his ideas behind his ramen. Be sure to check it out. -
Video article 9:19
Ginza Hachigo, a Ramen Shop That Touched Down in Ginza Like a Meteor! How the French Master Makes His Ramen!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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This video, titled "Hiashi-Ginza [Ginza Hachigo] a French Chef's Ramen|A Bowl That Defies What You Know About Ramen! [Ramen Walker TV Episode #221]" (東銀座『銀座 八五』フレンチの巨匠が生んだ ラーメンの概念を覆す一杯!【ラーメンWalkerTV #221】), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces the ramen shop "Ginza Hachigo," located in Ginza. The restaurant's wouldn't have you believe you're at a ramen shop, but rather at a high-end sushi restaurant, making it a truly new ramen experience. This ramen was created by a famous French chef who was once known as a "modern master craftsman" in Kyoto prefecture, and was perfected using only soup. In addition, the pepper caviar sprinkled on top gives it the perfect aroma, creating a ramen that is both somehow ramen and not ramen. This video introduces Ginza Hachigo in detail, so check it out! -
Video article 9:42
Hopeken, the Original Back-Fat Tonkotsu Ramen! What's the Secret to the Popularity of This 24-Hour Ramen Shop That Has Been Visited by So Many Celebrities?
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "Sendagaya [Hopeken] Guest: Karin Ito (Nogizaka 46) Founded in 1960! the Original Tokyo Back Fat and Tonkotsu Ramen Shop [Ramen Walker TV Episode #200]" (千駄ヶ谷「ホープ軒」ゲスト:伊藤かりん(乃木坂46)1960年に創業!元祖・東京背脂豚骨ラーメンの名店【ラーメンWalkerTV #200】), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces Hopeiken, the original back fat and pork bone ramen restaurant. This ramen shop has been in business for 30 years and is the pioneer of the popular back-fat tonkotsu ramen. In addition to being a ramen shop that uses back fat, the shop is also open 24 hours a day, which is unusual for a ramen shop. Even in these days when it is difficult to open a shop, they are still open 24 hours a day! In this video, you can see the ramen at Hopeken, so if you're interested in ramen, check it out! -
Video article 9:23
Shinasoba Tanaka Is Characterized by an Abundance of Niboshi in Its Soup. A Taste of This Delicious Ramen Made With Carefully Selected Dried Niboshi!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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This video, titled "Higashi-Ikebukuro [Shina Soba Tanaka] 2018, A Major Renewal in Its Five Years Since Opening! A New Ramen Based on the Concept of "Repaying Our Debt to the Sea of Chiba"! [Ramen Walker TV Episode #218]" (東池袋『志奈そば 田なか』2018年、オープン5年を機に一大リニューアルを敢行!“千葉の海へ恩返し”をコンセプトに掲げた渾身の新作ラーメン!【ラーメンWalkerTV #218】), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces "Shinasoba Tanaka," a ramen shop that has become popular for its seafood flavored ramen. The soup is made with Isumi pork skin and anchovies, and the flavor of the soup is very delicate and refreshing. This ramen, that makes the most of all the flavorful ingredients used, has exploded in popularity, making it a very popular ramen shop for men and women of all ages. Check out the video to see the ramen at Shinasoba Tanaka! -
Video article 9:47
Not Only Do They Serve Ramen, They Also Serve Snacks at "Kujira Shokudo Nonowa"! The Soft, Hand-Made Noodles and Plethora of Ingredients Go Great With Alcohol!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, titled "Higashi-Koganei [Kujira Shokudo Nonowa Higashi Koganei] Recommended for a Drink and Some Ramen! Abura Soba With Lots of Toppings to Choose From [Ramen Walker TV Episode #222]" (東小金井『くじら食堂 nonowa東小金井店』ラ飲みにもオススメ!ツマミにもなる具だくさん油そば【ラーメンWalkerTV #222】), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces Kujira Shokudo nonowa's Higashi Koganei branch, which is very famous among those looking for a snack after some drinks. The most distinctive feature of their ramen is their soft, hand-made noodles, which is one of the reasons why their Aburasoba (oil soba) is so popular. While the noodles are of course amazing, there's also a mountain of toppings to choose from, and it's become a renowned ramen shop where you can enjoy drinks as well. This video shows you what the ramen is like, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 9:25
The Famous, Impactful HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY. What's This Ramen Restaurant All About?
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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This video, titled "Haijima's "HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY" Is a Famous Ramen Shop Where You Can Enjoy It to the Very End! Ramen King Takeshi Yamamoto, Great Ramen King" (拝島「ハイデン.コッコFACTORY らーめん 凛々」ラーメンなのに、最後にはアレが楽しめちゃう魅惑の名店!ラーメン王・山本剛志さん、ラーメン大王・小), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY. The soup is made from a lavish broth with a seafood taste, made from Hinai-Jidori chicken from Akita Prefecture, soy sauce, and chicken fat. It's worth mentioning that there's a "soup-wari" event, where you can enjoy 10 different types of soup that change daily. In this video, you can see a detailed explanation of HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 3:52
If you want to talk about tsukemen, you can't miss Daishouken! Here's the history of the restaurant that gave birth to Tsukemen, which is still very popular today!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, titled "Higashi-Ikebukuro|Taishoken|Main Store (Famous for Its Roots in Tsukemen) Minami-Ikebukuro, Toshima City" (東池袋 大勝軒 本店(つけめんのルーツの名店)豊島区南池袋). was released by "Nationwide Ramen Videos" (全国ラーメン動画). In this video, you'll learn about Taishoken's main store in Higashi-Ikebukuro that is famous for Kazuo Yamagishi, the father of dipping noodles. The history of Taishoken dates back as far as 1948, and the ramen that became the starting point for shoyu ramen in Japan was created by Marucho, the shop that can be called the original Taishoken. From there, Yamagishi opened Taishoken with the wish to "greatly outperform the competition," which sparked the Tsukemen (dipping noodle) boom. In this video, you can see a sample of the noodles at the Higashi-Ikebukuro Taishoken main store, which is famous for dipping noodles. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 3:10
The Three-Star Michelin Guide Japanese Restaurant "Gion Sasaki" Prepares "Minazuki no Hassun," a Dish to Pray for Good Health
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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Minazuki no Hassun - A Dish to Pray for Good Health, Prepared by the Three-Michelin Star Restaurant, Gion Sasaki This video shows Gion Sasaki preparing "minazuki no hassun," a dish to pray for good health. Gion Sasaki opened in 1997 in Ponto-cho, Gion, and after moving once in Gion, opened its current location in 2006 in Gion, where many old establishments are still standing. The restaurant has been awarded three stars in the Michelin Guide. The appetizer is served in the middle of a Kaiseki course, and is a dish that features several dishes made from seafood, vegetables, and other ingredients, allowing you to enjoy a little bit of everything. The name for the month of June on the lunisolar calendar is "Minazuki" (水無月) in Japanese. There is also a "wagashi" (Japanese confectionery) called "Mizunazuki" which is a sweet with azuki beans on top of uirou (sweet rice jelly), and in Kyoto, it is customary to eat this sweet in June, halfway through the year when the summer purification ceremonies are held, to pray for good health for the remaining half of the year. Gion Sasaki's "Minazuki no Hassun" includes a variety of dishes that pray for six months of good health, such as matcha uiro topped with azuki beans, sushi rolls made of vinegared rice that looks like mashed potatoes, roasted duck, Hachiman-maki, nasu dengaku, and tomatoes. Be sure to check out how it's made in the video! ◆Gion Sasaki Store Information◆ 【Address】1F, 566-27 Komatsucho Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 605-0811 【Access】A 10-minute walk from Keihan Gion-Shijo Station / A 12-minute walk from Shijo-Kawaramachi Station off the Hankyu Kyoto Line 【Price Range】¥30,000+ 【Hours】【Lunch】12:00- Simultaneous start【Dinner】18:30- 【Closures】Sundays・The 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month・Irregular 【Parking】None 【Phone】075-551-5000 【Official Homepage】Gion Sasaki http://gionsasaki.com/ 【Tabelog】Gion Sasaki (祇園 さゝ木) https://tabelog.com/en/kyoto/A2601/A260301/26001863/ -
Video article 5:05
Recreate Masuzushi With Donaldson Trout! How to Cook This Toyama Specialties at Home!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, released by "Rakusan Cook" (楽参クック), is titled "ますの寿司」'Masu no Sushi' with trout salmon." This video shows how to make masuzushi at home using Donaldson trout, a specialty of Toyama. In the video they use a cake mold for the round shape of masuzushi. They also use Donaldson trout (called "trout salmon" in Japanese), and you can see how beautiful it is in the video! -
Video article 15:58
Discover the Profound World of "Mukimono," the Traditional Japanese Art of Decorative Garnishing. Check Out the Different Types of Japanese Makimono, the Vegetables Used, and the Meaning Behind Them!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Peony Daikon] Artisanal Vegetables|Mukimono|How It's Made" (【牡丹華大根】 細工野菜 むきもの 作り方), was released by "Japanese Food Craft Channel" (和食の技術チャンネル). Beautiful mukimono vegetables are sometimes served on Japanese plates. This video shows you how to make peony flower daikon radish. Other ingredients such as carrots, pumpkins and potatoes are also used for decoration. In addition to the flower and bird-shaped peonies, there are also peonies representing the four seasons and congratulatory peonies, which are so beautiful you'd never get bored looking at them. In the course of their training, Japanese chefs learn how to properly peel vegetables and even learn how to carve them. Just one piece of mukimono can make a dish look gorgeous. -
Video article 3:14
The "Neo Tonkotsu Ramen" of the High-Class, Reservation-Only Ramen Shop in Hiroo, Tokyo. Get a Taste of the Ramen Flavored With Delicious Spices and Oils!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, titled "[GENEI . WAGAN (Hiroo, Tokyo)] Now Offering Its Finest Creation- Neo Tonkotsu Ramen! "GENEI . WAGAN," a ramen shop in Hiroo, Tokyo, now offers an innovative new type of ramen called Neo Tonkotsu Ramen. GENEI . WAGAN is the only ramen restaurant in Japan that serves ramen kaiseki, and is open only in the evening by reservation. GENEI . WAGAN released a limited edition Neo Tonkotsu Ramen as part of their lunchtime menu, and it attracted a lot of attention from ramen fans. The specialty ramen, which is based on tonkotsu (pork bone) and carefully prepared with unique oil and spices, has become a favorite among ramen fans. -
Video article 8:12
Eating Around in "Osaka's Kitchen"! Oysters, Fresh Sea Urchins, and More at a Fish Restaurant in Osaka's Kuromon Market!
Food & Drink- 33 plays
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Shelling Oysters Like Crazy! Fresh Oyster and Sea Urchin! This is a video of a chef at a fish market in Osaka's Kuromon Market, shelling oysters and opening sea urchin and also shows taste testing them. Kuromon Market is known as "Osaka's Kitchen" because of the variety of foodstuffs available there, including seafood, fruit, and processed foods. The 580-meter-long market is made up of 150 shops that offer a wide variety of carefully selected ingredients from all over the country. In the video, you can see a chef shelling oysters one after another, as well as opening sea urchins. His hands are so dexterous that you can't help but notice his skills, so be sure to check out the video to see how he does it. 【Official Homepage】Kuromon Market https://kuromon.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Kuromon Market (黒門市場) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134994-d1896861-Reviews-Kuromon_Market-Nippombashi_Chuo_Osaka_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 8:47
Delicious Nigiri Sushi at the Popular Sushi Restaurant "Hakkoku" in Ginza. Come See What This Reservation-Only Sushi Restaurant Is All About!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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Hakkoku - A Sushi Restaurant in Tokyo's Famous Ginza District This video shows the sushi of "Hakkoku" in Ginza, Tokyo. Hakkoku is an Edo-mae style sushi restaurant where the rice is made with red vinegar. The course begins with hand-rolled sushi, where you are handed a rare part of the base of the head of the tuna, called "tossaki," followed by seasonal Edo-mae sushi dishes. The restaurant has a private counter room, which is rare in Ginza, and can be used for treating customers of one's company. The restaurant is typically fully booked and it's hard to get a reservation for it, so be sure to check out the video to see their expert skills. ◆Hakkoku Store Information◆ 【Address】Hakkoku - 3F, 6-7-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 【Access】199 meters from Ginza Station off the Ginza and Hibiya subway lines 【Avg. Cost】¥30000+ 【Hours】17:00-22:00 (Last entry) 【Closures】Sundays, Holidays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6280-6555 【Yelp】Hakkoku (はっこく) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E3%81%AF%E3%81%A3%E3%81%93%E3%81%8F-%E4%B8%AD%E5%A4%AE%E5%8C%BA?osq=hakkoku -
Video article 38:02
You'll Feel Like You're at a Sushi Shop! A Variety of Excellent Dishes Prepared by a Skilled Sushi Chef!
Food & Drink- 28 plays
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This video, titled "Japanese Food - $300 HIGH END SUSHI Teruzushi SUSHIBAE Japan" was produced by Travel Thirsty. Takayoshi Watanabe, the owner of Teruzushi, a sushi restaurant in Tobata, Kitakyushu, makes a variety of sushi. Takayoshi Watanabe's knife handling is nothing short of brilliant. The video is quite long, at nearly 40 minutes, but it's well worth the watch! The eel sushi that appears at 15:15 is absolutely amazing. The rest of the sushi is also tantalizing. If you don't get a chance to visit Japan often, watch this video to get your fill! Also, check out Takayoshi Watanabe's facial expressions... -
Video article 5:31
Enjoy Some Japanese Sake While Cooking Delicious Food Over a Hibachi Grill! Savor the Delicious Flavors That Can Only Be Made on a Hibachi!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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This video, titled "Tuna/OnionHot Pot [Edo Hibachi|Episode 49]" (ねぎま鍋【江戸長火鉢 49杯目】), was released by "てこ蔵・TEKOZO." The ingredients for Negima nabe (Tuna/Onion hot pot) are onions and bigeye tuna belly. It's cooked in a pot with dashi broth, soy sauce, mirin, and sake. The video shows how a "bekohai" (a sake cup that can't be set down until finished) is heated over the hibachi. Negima nabe is cooked slowly in the sunken hearth, and it is a superb dish. It's important to choose bigeye tuna with good fat to bring out the flavor in the hot pot. If you put rice in the leftover soup stock and put an egg in it, you can make zosui to finish the dish. If you want to try the delicious negima nabe, which has been eaten in Japan for hundreds of years, be sure to take a look at the video! -
Video article 3:28
Sukiyabashi Jiro - A Michelin-Starred Restaurant for Eight Consecutive Years! What the Artisans at Japan's Leading Sushi Restaurant Have to Say About Sushi!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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This video is titled "Sukiyabashi Jiro|Ono Jiro, the Sushi God" (すきやばし次郎 神様小野次郎). It was released by "mrlll." This video introduces Sukiyabashi Jiro, a famous sushi restaurant in Japan that has been awarded three stars by Michelin for eight consecutive years. Every piece of sushi made is sparkling and pleasing to the eye, and the taste is also indescribable, making Sukiyabashi Jiro famous as one of Japan's leading restaurants. It is famous for being the place where former American president, Barack Obama, visited, and it is a sushi restaurant we highly recommend checking out if you can. In this video, Jiro Ono, a chef at Sukiyabashi Jiro, talks about his sushi. -
Video article 5:30
Yakitori Has Been a Favorite Dish of the Japanese for Centuries! Watch It Sizzle Before Your Eyes at It's Cooked!
Food & Drink- 32 plays
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Freshly Cooked Yakitori at Japan's Food Stalls This is a video of yakitori being grilled and taste tested at a yakitori stall. There are two types of yakitori: one in which chicken is skewered and grilled over charcoal or gas fire, and the other in which chicken is not skewered, but rather, cooked on a teppan grill. This is the type of yakitori found in Ehime Prefecture and other places. The former is probably the more popular variety, but at this stall, the yakitori is pressed on a teppan and then grilled over a gas fire at the end. Pressing helps to brown the chicken by releasing the oil, and the press also steams the chicken so it cooks faster. Yakitori goes great with beer or sake. You can often find yakitori stalls at festivals and other events. -
Video article 20:45
The Masterful Skills of a Sushi Chef Whose Signature Pose Has Been Making a Buzz Around the World! Teruzushi in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Is Excellent Not Only in Terms of Performance, but Also in Terms of Taste!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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Live Kuruma Prawns! a Castella-Like Tamagoyaki Made by Teruzushi in Tobata, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture This video, presented by Travel Thirsty, is a video of live kuruma prawns baked with fresh eggs, from the store to the kitchen! The restaurant featured in this video is Teruzushi, located in Tobata Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Takayoshi Watanabe, the third-generation owner of Teruzushi, makes strong facial expressions on social media, and the counter seats are quickly filled with reservations to watch him perform. However, Teruzushi is not just about striking poses, it's also a Michelin-starred restaurant. As you can see in the video, the tamagoyaki served after the sushi is made with kuruma prawns and fresh eggs, which is a testament to the restaurant's commitment to excellence. You can see chef Watanabe cutting the tamagoyaki at 19:58 in the video. When he holds it up to the camera you can see just how fluffy it is. Be sure to check out his skills in the video! ◆Teruzushi Store Information◆ 【Address】3-1-7, Sugawara, Tobata, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 804-0044, Japan 【Access】17 minutes from JR Hakata Station to JR Kokura by Shinkansen / 17 minutes by taxi from JR Kokura Station / 5 minutes by taxi from JR Tobata Station / 1514 meters from Tobata Station 【Avg. Cost】¥3000+ 【Hours】[Mon - Fri] 12:00-14:00 / 17:30-22:30 [Sat・Sun・Holidays] 12:00-14:00 / 17:30-20:00 / 20:30- 【Closures】Irregular holidays 【Parking】None ※Coin parking nearby 【Phone】090-9567-2202 【Official Homepage】Teruzushi http://terusushi.jp/ 【Tabelog】Teruzushi (照寿司) https://tabelog.com/en/fukuoka/A4004/A400402/40001637/ -
Video article 14:28
Making Yomogi Mochi to Celebrate the Arrival of Spring! Learn the Cooking Process With Beautiful Images and Wonderful Cooking Sounds!
Food & Drink- 33 plays
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Yomogi mochi to Welcome Spring. But How Is It Made? This video shows you how to make Yomogi mochi, a traditional snack to welcome spring in Japan. Mugwort is a member of the daisy family and is an herb used all over the world, although its aroma and taste varies depending on where it is grown. Since ancient times, mugwort has been used to repel insects, as dye, and as a remedy for bronchitis and colds. Yomogi mochi can be found in wagashi (Japanese candy) shops in spring. Mugwort has also been used for a long time, but there are actually poisonous plants that are very similar to mugwort that you need to be careful not to pick. Some of them can be life-threatening in small doses, so be careful. Below is how you can make yomogi mochi, as shown in the video. 1. Add salt to boiling water and boil the mugwort for 30 seconds then soak in cold water. 2. Squeeze out the water and chop into small pieces. 3. Add 200g of adzuki beans and 600ml of water to a pot and put on high heat. 4. Once the water comes to a boil, strains the beans and return them to the pot. 5. Add another 600ml of water and put on high heat. 6. Once it comes to a boil, reduce the heat and boil it for 40 to 60 minutes, keeping it fluffy. 7. When you can squish the beans effortlessly, add 120g of beet sugar and a pinch of salt and stir. 8. If you're using brown rice, make sure it's polished. 9. Soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 8 hours. 10. Drain the water from the glutinous rice and steam it in a steamer for around 30 minutes. 11. Mix the glutinous rice and mugwort leaves and put it in a stand mixer for 10 minutes. 12. Flour and cut into 50g pieces. 13. Cut up the rice cake, roll it out flat, wrap it in anko, shape it and you're done! You need time to soak the glutinous rice in water, so you'll need to prepare it the day before. Nothing beats fresh, homemade yomogi mochi! Be sure to check out how it's made in the video!