Video article 8:15
Edo Period Food – Food Culture in the Age of the Samurai!
Food & Drink Traditional Culture Life & Business- 177 plays
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Edo Period Recipes: Video Introduction Source :YouTube screenshot This video, titled "[2] Edo Period Food: Making it Just Like the Original Recipe" (【2】江戸時代のご飯 原典(レシピ)通り作ってみた), was uploaded by "Gens Bookshelf Cafeteria." This video introduces Edo Period food recreated based on recipes from three cookbooks published during the Edo Period: Ryori Monogatari, Tofu Hyakuchin, and Meihan Burui. The Edo Period (1603-1868 A.D.) was a period of 260 years where Japan was under the rule of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The recipes are intriguing as they introduce meals that are similar to many found in present-day Japanese cooking, while reflecting the food culture of the time. Be sure to check out what the dishes were like in the video. How Many Meals a Day in Edo Period Japan? Shogun vs. Commoner Food Culture Photo:An oil lantern During the Edo Period, people generally ate two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. However, midway through the Edo Period, it's said that three meals a day became the norm. This was due to the improvement of lanterns, which allowed people move about at night. Basic meals of the common people consisted of one soup and one vegetable dish. Side dishes consisted mostly of simmered vegetables and pickled vegetables, and fish was eaten only once every two weeks or so. The tenements where the common people of Edo lived were small and cramped housing complexes. Because of the cramped kitchens, rice was cooked only once a day to ensure efficient cooking. Farmers paid a large portion of their taxes as rice, so they had little rice to eat themselves. They often ate katemeshi, rice cooked with various grains, or mochi (rice cakes) made from various grains. The diet of a samurai varied according to rank. Low-ranking samurai had the same diet as common people, while high-ranking samurai ate a wider variety of food items and ingredients. Daimyo (feudal lords) and shogun enjoyed an even wider variety of side dishes, and some lords even enjoyed fish at every meal. Depending on their social status, they may also have enjoyed sake. Another characteristic of Edo Period food was that many people began to eat out. Food stalls selling tempura and soba (buckwheat noodles) slowly began to pop up and became common among the general populace. Other popular foods were kabayaki (grilled eel covered in a sweet soy sauce) and sushi. Together with soba and tempura, these are considered the four major foods of the Edo. 3 Edo Period Cookbooks – Cook Like They Did in the Age of the Samurai Source :YouTube screenshot Here are the three books on food in the Edo Period that were featured in the video. ●Ryori Monogatari (Tales of Cooking) Ryori Monogatari is a cookbook published in 1643, in the early Edo Period. It's considered to be the oldest cookbook in Japan that provides specific cooking methods. Dishes and ingredients are listed by category, such as "sea fish" and "river fish," and cooking methods are divided into "broths," "vinegared foods," etc. This method of compiling recipes influenced later cookbooks as well. ●Tofu Hyakuchin Tofu Hyakuchin is a cookbook published in 1782, in the mid-Edo Period. It lists 100 recipes for tofu. The book introduces dishes divided into six classes, including "common" and "exquisite," and describes the cooking processes in detail. The book also includes a note that a sequel was published the following year, which suggests that tofu was a popular ingredient among the people of the Edo Period. ●Meihan Burui Meihan Burui was published in 1802, in the late Edo Period. It's a cookbook specializing in recipes involving rice, and introduces more than 140 recipes for porridge, sushi, etc. It also includes columns on the characteristics of rice by production area, showing the high level of interest in cooking with rice during the Edo Period. Fish? Meat? Vegetables? What Did People in the Edo Period Eat the Most Of? Photo:Rice bran The basic diet during the Edo Period consisted of rice, miso soup, and one side dish. From the mid-Edo Period onward, as rice production increased and rice-polishing technology improved, diets shifted from brown rice to white rice. This had an impact on food culture as well, such as the spread of pickled vegetables made from the bran produced in the rice polishing process. Side dishes for the common people consisted mainly of beans and vegetables cooked in a stew. Natto (fermented soybeans) and tofu were also commonly eaten as a source of protein. Vegetables such as daikon, komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach), and leeks were common, and these are eaten even today. Soy sauce, an essential ingredient for flavoring meals in the Edo Period, also spread to the common people in the mid-Edo Period. Many of the dishes in the book are also flavored simply with soy sauce or miso. ●Nebuka-jiru Nebuka-jiru is a miso soup with green onions. Make broth with kombu and dried sardines, and add leeks. Once cooked, miso is added and the soup is complete. [Video] 2:14 - Nebuka-jiru ●Ozasa Tofu Tofu is cooked on a skewer, then cooked in a pot with broth, soy sauce, and mirin. Beaten egg is then poured over the tofu and simmered, and then sprinkled with sansho (Japanese pepper). [Video] 3:00 - Ozasa Tofu ●Tofu Noodles Tofu crumbles and komatsuna are stir-fried, then mixed with boiled somen noodles. Season with soy sauce and serve. [Video] 4:11 - Tofu Noodles In the Edo Period diet, common people ate fish dishes only a few times a month. The common people ate inexpensive and easily obtainable fish, such as sardines and tuna. Shoguns or daimyo on the other hand, ate high-end fish such as sea bream (which were said to bring good luck), sillago, and flounder. Although eating meat was prohibited for many years, it was sometimes consumed for medicinal purposes. Summary of Food Culture in Edo Period Japan Source :YouTube screenshot In this article. we introduced a video recreating Edo Period food. By learning about meals during Edo Period Japan, you can better understand how people lived, the food culture, and the social dynamics of the time. Food is one of the many perspectives from which to understand the history of any given era. If you're curious about Japanese cooking, maybe try making some of the recipes yourself! We hope you can use this article as a reference to create some delicious dishes! -
Video article 8:07
Chasen Nasu – A Unique Eggplant Recipe to Spice Up Your Japanese Cooking! This Simple Yet Versatile Food Art Trick Will Have You Cooking Like a Pro!
Food & Drink Life & Business- 260 plays
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Learn How to Make Chasen Nasu From a Chef – Video Introduction This video, titled "[Eggplant Recipe] How to Make Chasen Nasu" (【茄子レシピ】茶筅茄子 作り方 一例), was uploaded by "Japanese cuisine channel." In this video, Hiroyuki Deguchi, a chef in Kumamoto, Japan, teaches use some useful Japanese cooking techniques. Chasen nasu (lit. "Tea Whisk Eggplant") is a common eggplant decorations used in Japanese dishes. It's difficult to find Japanese cooking recipes directly from Japan, but this chef shows in detail how to cut, and season small eggplants. Even if you can't understand Japanese, the video is easy to follow, and we'll also have a step-by-step guide below. You're sure to get hang of it in no time! Be sure to follow along with the video. Japanese Eggplants vs. Other Eggplants The Japanese word for eggplant is "nasu" (茄子). Compared to eggplants in other parts of the world, which are often round and have a harder skin, Japanese eggplants are characterized by their long, slender body and dark purple coloring. Japanese eggplants are similar to American eggplants in color, but are quite different than say, Chinese eggplants, which have a much lighter color. How to Choose an Eggplant Photo:Eggplant The chef in this video uses a small eggplant. The trick to knowing whether an eggplant is good is to check the color of the cut end of the calyx (the leafy portion at the top of the eggplant) after cutting the stem. The darker the color, the less fresh the eggplant is. Additionally, fresh eggplants are characterized by prickly thorns on the calyx, and smooth skin on the surface. Be sure to check these points when picking an eggplant. [Video] 0:09 - How to Tell if an Eggplant Is Fresh Preparation of the Eggplant Photo:Cutting the eggplant The next step is to prepare the eggplants. First, scrape off the thorns of the eggplant with a knife and cut off the tip of the calyx, then, cut off the calyx. At this point, put the kitchen knife blade on the calyx and slowly turn the eggplant without moving the knife to remove it. You can see a simple demonstration of this in the video. [Video] 0:46 - Preparing the Eggplant How to Cut Chasen Nasu Once you've finished preparing the eggplant, it's time to cut the eggplant into a tea whisk shape. Using your knife, cut the eggplant vertically towards the center. Continue to rotate the eggplant little-by-little, making cuts as close together as possible. Slices can be deep towards the eggplant’s center, or shallow depending on how you want to cut it. Make slices all around the body of the eggplant while leaving the head and bottom uncut. [Video] 1:46 - Decorative Cuts for Chasen Nasu Deep Frying the Eggplants Next, fry the prepared eggplants in oil at 180°C (355°F). It's important to let the eggplants fry steadily for about 2 minutes. From there, remove one from the oil and stick it with a skewer; if it goes in smoothly, it's well fried. Remove all of the eggplants from the oil and remove the excess oil to the best of your ability. Simmer the Eggplants in Warishita Sauce and Cool Them to Complete Photo:Warishita sauce Simmer the fried eggplants with warishita sauce prepared with the following ratio. Warishita Sauce: Dashi 5:Soy sauce 1:Mirin (cooking sake) 1:Sugar a pinch Simmer the eggplants in warishita sauce about one minute. Then, cover the pan with parchment paper and let them cool for about 30 minutes to let the flavor sink in. Finally, remove the eggplants from the pan. While holding the head of one of the eggplants, twist it to make it look like a bamboo tea whisk; do this for each eggplant. Place the eggplants in a bowl, pour dashi over them, and you're done! Decorative Eggplant Cuts for Tempura The video also introduces another decorative cut for small eggplants. Start by cutting a small eggplant in half. Then, using the tip of a knife, make vertical cuts on the eggplant. Finally, pat the body of the eggplant with the side of the knife; this will cause the eggplant to open into a beautiful fan-like shape. [Video] 2:56 - How to Cut Eggplant for Tempura The Different Varieties of Eggplants Photo:Different eggplant varieties Despite eggplants being known as summer vegetables in Japan, some people say eggplants are best suited for the fall. In general, eggplant season is from early summer to early fall in Japan, although there are some varieties that can be enjoyed starting in late April. Do you know of the different types of eggplants in Japan? First, there are the small eggplants shown in the video. "Konasu" (小茄子, lit. "Small eggplants") is the general term for eggplants that are around 3 inches long and weigh approximately 30 grams (1 ounce). Yamagata and Kyoto are two areas in Japan that are famous for their eggplants. Besides the simmered chasen nasu recipe we have seen, eggplant is often pickled in Japan as well. Karashizuke (a local specialty of Yamagata prefecture) made from eggplant goes great with rice! Another popular eggplant is Naganasu (長茄子, lit "long eggplants), which are often sold in supermarkets in Japan. This eggplant has soft flesh and is suitable for dishes like mabo nasu (fried eggplant with Chinese chili sauce). Marunasu and Beinasu, which are round in shape, are recommended for Miso Dengaku (a dish in which tofu, vegetables, etc. are skewered, grilled, and coated with a miso glaze) because of their tender flesh. Another famous eggplant is Mizunasu. This variety of eggplant is cultivated in southern Osaka. Their skin is thin and soft so they can be eaten raw, and they are known to be sweet and juicy. In addition, there are eggplants with a green skin called Aonasu and even a variety of eggplant called Shironasu, which has white skin. Chasen Nasu Eggplant Decoration & Recipe Summary Some of the recipes for chasen nasu are quick and easy to prepare in a microwave using a microwave-safe container and mentsuyu (a type of noodle sauce made with dashi, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar). It's very easy to make and convenient when you don't have a lot of time. That being said, we definitely recommend taking the time to recreate a professional flavor. You can also try cutting the eggplant into decorative shapes so it's a feast for both the eyes and mouth! We hope this easy chasen nasu eggplant recipe has sparked your interest in Japanese cooking! -
Video article 7:31
How to Cook Rice with a Mess Tin! 6 Tips to Make Tasty, Fluffy Rice Using Solid Fuel!
Things to Do Food & Drink- 416 plays
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The Basics of Camp Cooking in Japan: Rice Rice, the staple food of the Japanese people, is also popular when camping. In this article, we'll introduce a video how to cook rice using a mess tin. Learn about mistakes advanced campers have already made so you can avoid making them yourself! Video Introduction This video, titled "[Mess Tins] Tips to Avoid Mistakes When Cooking Rice" (【メスティン】メスティン自動炊飯で失敗しないポイントとは), was uploaded by "Second Lieutenant Nya [Demoted to Rave Reviews]" (ニャア少尉【絶賛降格中】). The video introduces how to cook rice without fail using a mess tin. It's a must-see for outdoor and camping beginners in Japan, as well as for those who have never successfully cooked rice with a mess tin. Check it out! Mess Tins - A Popular Piece of Camping Dishware Photo:Camping gear A mess tin is a piece of cookware used during camping and backpacking. Shaped like a lunch box with a handle, they're made of aluminum for high heat conduction and can be heated with a single burner. They're also compact and easy to store. They can be used for smoking foods, pasta, and even arranged recipes using cooked rice and bread. They're a popular cooking utensil for outdoor enthusiasts with a variety of cooking methods, such as simmering, steaming, baking, etc. The first time you use a mess tin, it's recommended that you file and deburr it, as they can have rough spots on them. Some campers also recommend seasoning to prevent burning and other problems. 6 Tips for Cooking With a Mess Tin Photo:Rice soaked in water The video explains 6 tips to avoid mistakes when using a mess tin for outdoor cooking and camping. Let's take a look! ・Allow Water to Permeate the Rice Thoroughly After washing your rice, you'll want to soak the rice in water for at least 30 minutes during summer and 1 to 2 hours in winter in order to allow the water to penetrate the rice. [Video] 0:48 - Preparing the rice ・Solid Fuel (25g) Next is the solid fuel. Use 25g of solid fuel so that the fire won't go out in the middle of cooking. [Video] 1:24 - Solid fuel ・Next is the water. Be careful with the amount of water so that your rice isn't hard when you're finished cooking. In the video, water is added until the middle of the rivet of the mess tin for 1 cup of rice, but note that the height differs by manufacturer. [Video] 1:54 - Adding water ・Use a Wind Screen Fourth, use a windbreak to keep the heat and temperature consistent. The wind outside can make it difficult for the fire to reach the mess tin, resulting in uneven cooking, so be sure to use a wind screen. [Video] 2:24 - Wind screen ・Place a Weight on Top of the Mess Tin Lid The lid may come off when the pressure inside the mess tin rises. It's recommended that you put a weight on the lid to prevent it from coming off. [Video] 2:41 - Weights ▪ Steaming Remove from heat once steam starts to spill out or there's any bubbling sounds. To prevent the temperature from dropping too low, place the rice in a temperature retaining bag and let it steam for 10 minutes to make it fluffy and delicious. [Video] 3:52 - Steaming Warming Up Canned Goods With a Mess Tin! Source :YouTube screenshot The video shows how you can place a weight on top of the lid to prevent it from opening while the rice is cooking. In the video, canned food that is eaten with rice was placed on top of the lid instead of a weight. When the rice is done cooking, the canned food is also warmed up, so you can kill two birds with one stone! Summary of Mess Tins for the Outdoors & Camping In this article, we introduced a video of how to cook with a mess tin. A mess tin is a cooker that is handy for outdoor cooking, such as when camping, because it allows for easy outdoor cooking due to its versatility. Whether you're cooking with a mess tin for the first time or have used a mess tin before but experienced some failures, be sure to refer to this video to make some delicious rice! -
Video article 16:16
10 Pieces of Camping Cookware All Under 10,000 Yen! Practical and Cost-Effective Cookers! Everything You Need to Get Cooking!
Things to Do- 44 plays
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The Best Cooker for Making Delicious Camping Food Camping is becoming extremely popular in Japan. It's also attracting attention from people who have never camped before. One of the pleasures of camping is eating delicious food in the outdoors. Unfortunately, it can be surprisingly expensive to prepare cooking equipment from scratch. In this article, we'll introduce practical cookware that can be purchased for less than 10,000 yen. Video Introduction This video, titled "[Under 10,000 yen] 10 Pieces of Camping Equipment: Cookware Ver., 2020 Edition" (【1万円以下】おすすめキャンプ道具10選 調理器具編2020年版), was uploaded by "Camp Lab" (キャンプ研究所). The channel uploads a variety of videos for beginners and intermediate campers. 10 Pieces of Useful Camping Cookware for Under 10,000 Yen Photo:A family camping Many people in Japan have gotten hooked on camping after watching the hit anime Laid-Back Camp. Camping equipment differs from ordinary daily necessities in that it's used outdoors. In particular, safety, price, and the feel of cookware are incredibly important when camping. Many family campers travel to campsites via car, but they still hesitate to purchase bulky and expensive camping utensils. This video introduces 10 pieces of camping cookware that all cost less than 10,000 yen (nly one item exceeds 10,000 yen). The video also explains why each piece of cookware is good for camping. The First Step in Making Delicious Camp Meals Is to Choose the Right Cookware Photo:Cooking while camping Camping offers an extraordinary experience by putting you in a slightly less convenient environment in the great outdoors. Eating is a major part of the fun of camping. Camping cookware is designed to be easy to use and carry outdoors, with various innovations and functionality in mind. Putting a bit of thought into your cookware can help you enjoy camping as a leisure activity. Hopefully with this video/article you can find some cookware that meets your needs. And with that out of the way, let's introduce the camping cookware shown in the video. 10 Cookware Recommendations From an Advanced Camper Photo:A single burner The person behind Camping Laboratory, the channel introducing the cookware in the video, is an advanced camper and camping influencer in Japan. As such, his selection criteria is quite strict, making this video great for both beginners and experienced campers alike. Be sure to take a look at it to see all of the different camping cookware introduced. ・SOTO ST-310 Single Burner Set Compact but offers high firepower, and works great as a gas burner for BBQ or use with grills! It's also compatible with CB cans which is a nice touch. This is a highly recommended piece of equipment for beginners it doesn't require you build a fire to start cooking. [Video] 1:38 - SOTO ST-310 Single Burner Set ・Cooker Stand When using the above gas burner, a cooker stand can be placed over the top of it to stabilize large pots and pans. It can also be folded for easy storage! [Video] 2:17 - Cooker Stand ・SOTO Stainless Steel Dutch Oven A thick stainless steel Dutch oven. This is the one item on this list that exceeds 10,000 yen. (Price quotes are around ¥20,000 for a 10-inch oven) Compared to cast iron cookware, it can be scrubbed with detergent and naturally dried, making it easy to maintain. Because of this it's recommended for outdoor beginners. A Dutch oven can also be used as a smoker! [Video] 3:39 - SOTO Stainless Steel Dutch Oven ・Uniflame Camping Cauldron If you're looking to cook tasty white rice in style, this is the cooker for you. The shape of the pot is very attractive. [Video] 7:15 - Uniflame Camping Cauldron Photo:A hot sandwich ・Coleman Hot Sandwich Cooker It comes with a set of handles and a case, making it easy to store and inexpensive. The cooker creates a nice branding on the bread and sandwiches can be easily eaten after cooking thanks to being cut in half. [Video] 8:12 - Coleman Hot Sandwich Cooker ・Lodge Skillet Very popular as a stylish frying pan in restaurants and as a household item. It's a versatile piece of cookware for outdoor cooking. Meat (or fish) and vegetables can be grilled together and served directly, using the skillet as a plate. The thick material retains heat and can be used for cooking over an open flame. It can be used to cook some delicious meats. [Video] 9:36 - Lodge Skillet ・Coleman Fireplace Kettle Although kettles are sold at Daiso and other 100-yen shops in Japan these days, you'll still want to use a specialized camping kettle for camping meals. This kettle is a good choice for those who are just getting into camping, as it offers both an affordable price and stylish appearance. [Video] 11:58 - Coleman Fireplace Kettle ・Snow Peak Cooker - Trek 900 A lightweight cooker made of aluminum. This is a versatile piece of camping cookware that can be used as a pot for stew, a mess tin, a percolator, and a Sierra cup all in one, making it a useful piece for solo campers. It's lighter than a stainless-steel percolators as well. [Video] 12:11 - Snow Peak Cooker - Trek 900 ・Coffee Mill A must for those who want to grind coffee beans and for a fresh cup of coffee. Although slightly difficult to use at first, it's reasonably priced and nothing beats freshly ground coffee. [Video] 12:52 - Coffee Mill ・Barbecue Skewers This is not a piece of cookware, but rather a utensil for enjoying camping. It can be used by children as well, as they enjoy roasting marshmallows or other tasty snack on the skewer and roast it over the fire. [Video] 14:17 - Barbecue Skewers Summary The equipment you'll need will depend on what kind of cooking you want to do when camping. Having information from advanced campers who can explain the cooking utensils that they have actually used and enjoyed, along with the reasons why they were selected, is incredibly helpful if you're a beginner-level camper. Be sure to check out the video to see the different pieces of cookware. Enjoy cooking in the great outdoors and happy camping! -
Video article 10:53
How to Clean Your Camping Gear! Make Your Pitch-Black Kettle Shine Like New!
Life & Business Things to Do- 37 plays
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Keeping Your Camping Gear Clean After long periods of being used, cookers and other tools used when camping can get quite dirty. This time, we'll show you how to keep kettles and other cooking utensils that have turned black from direct heat clean. Video Introduction Photo:A burnt mess tin This video, titled "Camping Gear Maintenance by a Solo Male Camper in His 20s Who Camps Every Week" (週一でソロキャンプする20代男子ソロキャンパーによるキャンプ道具のお手入れルーティン), was released by "Japanese campers YURUHARU." It shows how to properly clean your camping gear. After enjoying some delicious cooking in the great outdoors, your cookware will inevitably start to feel some wear. If left as is, it may become unsanitary or break and become unusable. After you're finished camping, it’s important to clean your cookware properly. Cleaning Kettles and Other Camping Gear With Sodium Sesquicarbonate Source :YouTube screenshot Use sodium sesquicarbonate to remove dirt and burnt or dry oil that has stuck to your gear from cooking when camping. Check the instructions and dissolve the sodium sesquicarbonate in hot water. Soak the camping kettle or pyramid grill in the solution for 10 to 30 minutes, then polish it with a sponge. Persistent stains are easier to remove after soaking them in the solution. Once the stains are removed, your gear will be as shiny as clean as a whistle. [Video] 1:17- Cleaning camping gear with sodium sesquicarbonate Use a Polishing Agents for Aluminum, and Scrubbers for Skillets Source :YouTube screenshot Large aluminum mess tins that cannot be cleaned with sodium sesquicarbonate can be cleaned with polish and an abrasive sponge. Grills can be wiped clean and skillets can be cleaned with a scrubber to keep them clean and lasting longer. It's also important to check the batteries in electric lanterns and wipe down gasoline lanterns if you have any. [Video] 4:58 - Polishing with abrasives Caring for Wooden Tables Most noticeable stains can be sanded off using sandpaper. After that, drying oil is applied to complete the maintenance. How to Dry Camping Equipment Photo:Lunch at a campground After washing camping equipment, dry it thoroughly in a well-ventilated place after wiping it dry with an absorbent towel. Tents, sleeping bags, and blankets should also be dried in the shade, and stakes and stake hammers should be lightly cleaned and stored in their cases. Summary of How to Clean Your Camping Gear In this video, we introduced the basics of how to clean your camping gear. Since camping is enjoyed outdoors, weather and other factors can lead to your gear becoming quite dirty. Although it may be a bit tedious to clean, it's a good idea to clean and maintain your equipment after camping so that you can enjoy it comfortably on your next camping trip. The cleaning methods for cookers and other equipment vary depending on the material they're made from, so be sure to perform the appropriate maintenance according to the material, be it aluminum, titanium, etc. Camping gear is an important part of camping and so it's important to take care of it so that it can be used for a long time. -
Video article 22:53
Handling a Huge Flatfish That's 90 cm Long and Weighs Over 10 kg! From Brilliant Artisanal Knife Work to Exquisite Cuisine!
Food & Drink- 39 plays
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This video, titled "Catching Flatfish for 50 Years, Zabuton for 15, but There's Still More to Come! Zabuton Flounder Ebisutei, Hirado" (ヒラメをさばいて50年。ざぶとんは15年。まだまだです。 ざぶとんヒラメ<さばき編> 平戸・エビス亭), was released by "99チャンネル 99chtv." Flounder, with its mild flavor, is a top-quality ingredient when used for sashimi. In this video they clean a huge flounder, which is big even compared to other large flounder. "Zabuton" flounder as they're called in Japanese refer to flounder between 70 and 90 cm in length and that weigh over 4 kg. Its size and weight make it a difficult fish to process fresh. The owner of Ebisutei in Hirado, Nagasaki, is the one processesing the fish. Japan's techniques for handling fish are among the best in the world in terms of speed and maintaining freshness. Look at the skill of the owner as he handles the flounder! -
Video article 8:24
A Ramen Shop Owner Teaches You How to Make Old-Fashioned Chinese Noodles Easily at Home! Simple Tasting but Super Authentic Ramen Noodles to Leave You Full and Satisfied!
Food & Drink- 32 plays
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This video, titled "How to Make Simple Chinese Soba at Home." (家で簡単にできる【中華そば】の作り方。), was released by "Ramen ROTAS" (ラーメンろたす). This ramen can be made with ingredients that are easily available at supermarkets and you don't need special tools. It only takes about an hour to make it. The video explains how to make the soup, chashu sauce (ramen sauce), seasoning oil, and chashu pork, from start to finish, in an easy-to-understand manner. Watch the video to learn how to make old-fashioned ramen at home! -
Video article 3:46
If You Like Ramen, Tenka Ippin Is a Name You Better Know! Recreate the Delicious Flavor's of a Ramen Restaurant From the Comfort of Your Own Home!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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This video, titled "Eat at Home! Enjoy the Best Ramen in the World at Home With "Iemen" (Home Noodles)" (家で食べよう。天下一品のラーメンがご家庭で楽しめる「家麺」), was released by "Tenka Ippin Official Channel" (天下一品公式チャンネル). This video introduces how to make Tenka Ippin Ramen at home. All you need is a pot, bowl, measuring cup, kitchen timer, ladle, and cooking chopsticks (a fork should work fine too). There are two flavors, rich and light, so you can purchase whichever one you like best. Try the home cooked noodles and enjoy the best in home-made noodles. This video explains how to make home made noodles from scratch, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 7:35
Enjoy Delicious Pork Chashu Sauce Just Like What You'd Find in a Restaurant! The Chef of a Beer Bar in Chofu Shares His Secret Chashu Sauce Recipe!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video, titled "[Tare Sauce] The Recipe for My Secret Chashu Tare [Ramen] [PetitLucky] Vol.2. #Stayhome #WithMe #TogetherAtHome" (【タレ】某有名店秘伝のチャーシューダレのレシピを教えちゃいます【ラーメン】【プチラッキー】Vol.2 #StayHome #WithMe #家で一緒にやってみよう), was released by "COCOCOROチャンネル." In this video, a chef from a beer bar in Chofu, Tokyo, shares his recipe for an excellent chashu tare. The recipe in the video is for a commercial amount, so it uses 3.6 liters of soy sauce, but you can make it at home by adjusting the ratio to be the same. The beauty of this recipe is that almost doesn't use any knives, just get the ingredients together and leave it to simmer. You can make delicious sauce just by letting it sit overnight. The sauce introduced in the video can be used for more than just chashu, so you can enjoy arranging it to suit your own needs! -
Video article 12:43
Try Kyoto's Finest Matsutake Mushrooms, the Matsutake Tsubomi From Tamba, in a Variety of Dishes!
Food & Drink- 32 plays
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Matsutake Mushroom Buds From Tamba, Kyoto, Cooked on a With a Variety of Cooking Methods This video shows cooking with matsutake tsubomi from Tanba, Kyoto, which are considered to be one of the best matsutake mushrooms available. Matsutake mushrooms are known as a high quality food in Japan and are in season from late August to early November. The Tanba region of Kyoto, as introduced in the video, is famous for its matsutake mushrooms, especially the matsutake tsubomi (buds), which are considered to be of the highest quality. In the video, they create a variety of dishes, including steamed matsutake mushrooms in an earthenware pot, baked matsutake mushrooms in tsutsumi-yaki style, matsutake mushroom rice cooked in an earthenware pot, and "Shin-Tamba," a Japanese sake from Tamba which contains charcoal-grilled matsutake mushrooms. It's a high-end product, so it's hard to find, but when you do get it, it's good to know what to do with it! -
Video article 13:26
Excellent Hitsumabushi video using Kyoto Uji's premium “Kyo Kamo” duck!Insta-viewable lunch at “Kyo Kamo Hitsumabushi Kamoshigin” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
Food & Drink Travel Traditional Culture- 89 plays
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Video introduction of “Kyokamo Hitsumabushi” at “Kyokamo Hitsumabushi Kamoshigin” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. This video, titled "Kyoto Duck Hitsumabushi in Kyoto" (Kyoto duck Hitsumabushi in Kyoto - 京鴨ひつまぶし かもしぎん - 京都), was uploaded by "T-BOX Japan." The video begins with the grilling of premium Kyoto duck over charcoal, and then introduces the different ways to enjoy hitsumabushi. Kamoshigin – A Hitsumabushi Restaurant in Kyoto Kamoshigin, located near Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae Station on the Tozai Subway Line, is a restaurant where you can enjoy hitsumabushi and shabu-shabu hot pot using Kyogamo duck, a premium brand of duck from Uji, Kyoto. In the video, you can enjoy a close-up look at how the delicious duck hitsumabushi and oyakodon hitsumabushi are made, as well as the different ways to eat them. At night, the restaurant offers an extensive menu of shabu-shabu hot pot and seared sashimi, as well as courses offering smoked dishes. Reservations are not available for lunch, but can be made for dinner. On weekdays, a private, modern Japanese-style room can be reserved starting from groups of 6 people. We recommend this restaurant for those looking to try the famous Kyogamo duck of Kyoto. What is Hitsumabushi? Photo:Hitsumabushi, Nagoya, Aichi At Kamoshigin (京鴨ひつまぶし かもしぎん, Kyogamo Hitsumabushi Kamoshigin), hitsumabushi is made with kyogamo duck. Hitsumabushi is a dish that originated in Nagoya, and was made with eel. The basic way to eat Hitsumabushi is to first eat it over rice. The second way is to add condiments, such as wasabi, shredded seaweed, and chopped green onions. The third way involves pouring dashi over the rice, creating a type of ochazuke. The remaining one-fourth of the dish eaten in your preferred style, from those introduced above. Mouthwatering Kyoto Duck Hitsumabushi – A Generous Helping of Meat Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces two lunch menus. The first is Kyoto Duck Hitsumabushi (京鴨ひつまぶし, Kyogamo Hitsumabushi). The dish begins with premium quality brand duck meat roasted over a charcoal fire. As you can see in the video, the duck meat is plentiful and protrudes from the bowl, and is sure to look great on Instagram for any foodies out there! [Video] 0:53 - Grilling Kyoto Duck Over Charcoal [Video] 4:40 - Delectable Kyoto Duck Hitsumabushi Their signature dish is ¥2,200, but if you think it's a bit too much food, there's a smaller version that you can order for ¥1,650. The waiter explains how to enjoy the taste by dividing the dish into four equal portions, just like you would for eel hitsumabushi. [Video] 5:07 - Staff Explaining How to Eat Hitsumabushi Oyakodon Hitsumabushi – Juicy Kyoto Duck & Refreshing Spring Onions Source :YouTube screenshot The next dish, Oyakodon Hitsumabushi is also introduced in the video. The duck meat cooked over binchotan charcoal and topped with a tender egg is looks extremely tasty! Since the oyakodon is also hitsumabushi, it's served with dashi broth at the end. The restaurant is open for lunch from 11:30 am, but please note that the restaurant closes once it is sold out. The Oyakodon Hitsumabushi costs ¥1,500. [Video] 10:50 - Oyakodon Hitsumabushi Summary of Kyoto Duck Hitsumabushi in Uji, Kyoto Kyogamo Hitsumabushi Kamoshigin is easily accessible, being just a one-minute walk from Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae Station on the Tozai Subway Line. It's also a 5-minute walk from Sanjo Station, making it easy to find even if you're visiting from a faraway place like Tokyo, or even from overseas. Check out the mouthwatering photos on Kamoshigin's Instagram page as well. After watching the video showing how Kyogamo Hitsumabushi is made, you're probably thinking about trying it. If you're visit Kyoto, we highly recommend trying the delicious duck dishes at this hole-in-the-wall, modern Japanese-style restaurant! -
Video article 9:18
Try Your Hand at Making the Delicious Soba Noodles Loved by the Japanese! This Video Will Teach You How to Make a Delicious Meal and You'll Be an Expert at Making Soba!
Food & Drink- 34 plays
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日本の人気グルメ「蕎麦」の打ち方紹介動画について こちらの動画は「蔵の粉屋 大西製粉」が公開した「そば打ちの方法 おいしいそばが打てるコツ」です。 日本のおいしいものは何かと聞かれたら何をイメージするでしょうか? 和食・日本料理と一口に言っても、挙げ出したらキリがありません。 動画で紹介されている「そば」は日本を代表する料理。 日本のグルメを楽しみたい方や蕎麦打ちに興味があるという方は是非最後までご覧ください。 「そば打ちの方法 おいしいそばが打てるコツ」は一体どのような動画なのか 約10分程度の動画の中に蕎麦打ちの手順を分かりやすくまとめているので、おいしいそばを打ちたい初心者の方は動画をチェックしつつ、蕎麦打ちを行ってみてはいかがでしょうか? 動画の中でいくつかチェックしておきたいポイントが存在します。 実際に蕎麦打ち(蕎麦作り)を行う際、 ・そばのレシピ ・そば粉とつなぎ粉の混ぜ方 ・水回しを行う際のコツ ・そば玉の練り方 ・そばの伸ばし方 ・そばの切り方 を押さえておくことをおすすめします。 蕎麦打ちの中で知っておきたいもの 調理のコツを抑えておくことが大事。そばには、4つの“たて”が存在することをご存知でしょうか? 蕎麦打ちを行う上で知っておきたい4つの“たて”を押さえているかどうかは大きなポイントとなります。 そばの4つのたては ・獲りたて ・挽きたて ・打ちたて ・茹でたて です。 そばは劣化が早いため、できる限り早く打てるかどうかが重要になってきます。 蕎麦打ち紹介まとめ 和食の世界は奥が深く、多くの料理人が和食を極めようと日々努力しています。 日本を訪れるグルメの方は和食の世界を思う存分堪能していただきたいです。 今回紹介したそばも数ある人気の和食の一つで、食べ方も「ざる蕎麦」「つけ蕎麦」「かけ蕎麦」など人それぞれの好みに合った食べ方で楽しめます。 「そば打ちの方法 おいしいそばが打てるコツ」は和食の奥深さを知るのにもってこいの動画です。 -
Video article 1:50
Enjoy Japanese Sushi Culture by Making Hand-Rolled Sushi! A Look at Popular Ingredients and Varieties of Hand Rolled Sushi and How To Make It Yourself!
Food & Drink- 76 plays
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Check Out the Video on How To Make Hand-Rolled Sushi! This video, titled "A Sushi Chef Teaches You in 2 Minutes! Learn How To Roll Your Own Beautiful Sushi Rolls!" (寿司職人が2分で教える!手巻き寿司を激的に綺麗に巻くコツを伝授), was released by "Sushi Technology Channel" (寿司の技術チャンネル). Sushi is a Japanese food with which you can feel Japan's unique traditional culture. Sushi comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles, but the hand-rolled sushi shown in the video is one of the most popular recipes among people of all ages. In this article, we'll introduce the ingredients and how to make delicious hand-rolled sushi alongside the video. How to Make the Beautiful Hand-Rolled Sushi Shown in the Video Photo:Hand-rolled sushi First, check the front and back of the seaweed as shown at 0:17 in the video, and place it on the makisu (bamboo mat) with the rough side (back) facing up. The key to making a good wrap is to put rice on this seaweed in a triangular shape, covering about a quarter of the area of the seaweed. This can be seen from 0:25 in the video. Following this, add wasabi, spreading it over the rice evenly and then add the other ingredients. After that, roll up the seaweed, taking the bottom right corner of the seaweed and folding it over the rice. It's recommended that you add soy sauce to the finished sushi. Making hand-rolled sushi requires skill, but after a few tries and some dedication to flavor anyone can make it. At 1:19 in the video, the hand-rolled sushi that was made is disassembled once more to show how simple it is to make. Various Ingredients to Make Your Very Own Delicious, Hand-Rolled Sushi! Photo:Ingredients for hand-rolled sushi The appeal of hand-rolled sushi is that you can enjoy making different variations by using a wide variety of ingredients. Ingredients that can be used for hand-rolled sushi include popular ingredients like tuna, salmon, thinly fried eggs, and cucumber, as well as chopped perilla and Japanese ginger, salad vegetables, and natto. It's also fun to make hand-rolled sushi using out of the ordinary ingredients, such as fried chicken, flavored ground chicken or beef, etc. The hand-rolled sushi shown in the video uses medium fatty tuna as its main ingredient. Suimono (clear broth soups) and miso soup are two dishes that go great with hand-rolled sushi. Another fun thing you can try is getting a bunch of different ingredients together and have a rolled sushi making party with friends! Summary of Japan's Delicious Rolled-Sushi Photo:Hand-rolled sushi In this article we introduced a video that shows how to make tasty hand-rolled sushi. Hand-rolled sushi is a popular dish that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, from standard ingredients like sashimi and fried egg to slightly more unusual main ingredients. If you want to enjoy Japanese food unique to Japan, we recommend getting some ingredients you enjoy and making your own hand-rolled sushi to enjoy! -
Video article 6:30
Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai - A Tofu Specialty Store in Minato, Tokyo. Enjoy Delicious Food and a Beautiful Japanese Garden in the Middle of the City!
Food & Drink- 53 plays
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Video introduction of "Tokyo Shiba Tofu Restaurant Kai", a tofu specialty restaurant in Minato-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "[Japanese Cuisine] Tofuya Ukai (【和食】とうふ屋うかい Touhuya Ukai), was released by "美味しんブログ Delicious blog." Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai, shown in the video, is a tofu specialty store with a marvelous garden in Tokyo Tower located in Tokyo's Minato Ward. It's rare to find a tofu specialty store; however, their charm is their delicious food and gardens and also the surrounding scenery unique to the city. The Japanese dishes pair well with sake, and it's a place that we highly recommend checking out if you have the chance. Now, let's take a look at Tofuya Ukai! The Tofuya Ukai Monthly Course Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The video shows the monthly course at Tofuya Ukai, so we'll be introducing it to you here. ① Appetizer The 1st item on the course, which can be seen from 2:27 in the video, is abalone and somen (thin noodles), a Japanese lantern filled with bayberry, seared pressed sushi, and shrimp karasumi. It's a luxurious menu from the get-go! ② Specialty Age-Dengaku The 2nd item on the course, seen from 3:03 in the video, is the famous age-dengaku, a type of deep fried tofu. It can be enjoyed even more by eating it with the finely cut white leeks that come with it. ③ Minced Shrimp Dumplings The 3rd item on the course, which can be seen from 3:26 in the video is a minced shrimp dumpling. Don't let its appearance deceive you as this dish is bursting with flavor. Source :YouTube screenshot ④ Kamo Eggplant with Sesame Sauce The 4th item on the course, seen from 3:35 in the video, is Kamo eggplant with sesame sauce. The eggplant with sesame sauce has a simple appearance but is made from carefully selected ingredients and has a powerful taste that makes it not the least bit inferior to other dishes. ⑤ Specialty Tosui Tofu The 5th item on the course, seen from 4:09 in the video, is the famous specialty Tosui Tofu. Once you try this tofu, you'll never be satisfied with any other tofu. ⑥ Special Selection Charcoal Grilled Wagyu Beef The 6th item on the course, seen from 4:17 in the video, is the special selection charcoal grilled wagyu beef that has been luxuriously grilled over charcoal. The delicious charcoal grilled wagyu beef pairs unexpectedly well with wasabi. ⑦ Ayu Rice The 7th item on the course, seen from 5:17 in the video, is, ayu rice, in which ayu (sweetfish) has been expertly cooked in rice. The set of simple but delicious ayu rice and miso soup warms and heals the body from the core. ⑧ Fig The 8th item on the course, seen from 5:38 in the video, is the dessert item, fig. You can eat one after the other, with the figs having a strong sweet taste. This monthly course is ¥14,200 including tax. Summary of Tofuya Ukai Photo:Teppanyaki meat In this article we introduced "Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai." Not only can you enjoy course meals at this tofu specialty restaurant, but you can also buy souvenirs as well. Be sure to check them out when you visit if you're looking for gifts for friends and family. Many of the items have a rustic Japanese atmosphere about them. The kaiseki cuisine centered on the tofu of the well-known restaurant Tofuya Ukai is packed with flavors that represent the spirit of Washoku. The menu is also quite extensive, and all seats are non-smoking with private rooms available for reservation. That being said, you can feel at ease even when coming with children. In addition to the Tokyo Shiba branch introduced in the video, "Tofuya Ukai" also includes Kawasaki's "Tofuya Ukai Saginuma Branch" and Tokyo Hachioji's "Tofuya Ukai Owada Branch." The Ukai Group includes Ukai Toriyama, Ukai Chikutei, Ginza kappou ukai, “Roppongi kappou ukai, Roppongi Ukai-tei, Hachioji Ukai-tei, Ginza Ukai-tei, Omotesando Ukai-tei, Yokahama Ukai-tei, Azamino Ukai-tei, Grill Ukai Marunouchi Branch, and Le Poulet Brasserie Ukai, with many restaurants being operated in the outskirts of Tokyo. Consider checking these out as well Tofuya Ukai offers hospitality in all its forms, from the food, to the Sukiya-style architecture that retains a chic Edo feel, to the garden that changes its appearance in each of Japan's beautiful four seasons. If you're thinking of traveling to Tokyo, consider making reservations! ◆Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai|Restaurant Overview◆ 【Address】4-4-13 Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 【Directions】 A 5-minute walk from the Akabanebashi Exit of Toei Oedo Line Akabanebashi Station A 9-minute walk from the #1 Exit of Tokyo Metro Hibiya line Kamiyacho Station A 7-minute walk from the A4 Exit of Toei Mita Line Shiba Koen Station A 20-minute walk from the North Exit of JR Hamamatsucho Station 【Hours】 Weekdays 11:45 - 15:00, 17:00 - 19:30 Saturday・Sunday・Holidays 11:00 - 19:30 【Telephone】03-3436-1028 【Official Website】Tokyo・Shiba Koen Tofu Kaiseki Cuisine "Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai" https://www.ukai.co.jp/english/shiba/ 【Yelp】Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E6%9D%B1%E4%BA%AC-%E8%8A%9D-%E3%81%A8%E3%81%86%E3%81%B5%E5%B1%8B%E3%81%86%E3%81%8B%E3%81%84-%E6%B8%AF%E5%8C%BA?osq=Tofuya+Ukai -
Video article 5:27
Enjoy a Drink Over Some Monjayaki, a Local Food in Downtown Tokyo! How Difficult Is It To Make Monjayaki? Check Out This Video To Find Out How It's Made and How To Eat It!
Food & Drink- 39 plays
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Introducing Monjayaki – The Soul Food of Downtown Tokyo! This video, titled "How To Make 'MONAJAYAKI' With Spicy Caviar - Japanese Street Food," was uploaded by Ante. It introduces monjayaki, a soul food of Tokyo. Monjayaki is a local food in the suburbs of Tokyo where the delicious pancake-like food is cooked over a teppan. Monjayaki is similar to okonomiyaki, but it's characterized by the fact that it does not solidify on the griddle after being heated. Monjayaki was originally loved as a snack by children. However, over time, more and more ingredients were added, and it became a popular dish among adults as well. In this article we’ll introduce monjayaki! How to Make Monjayaki Photo:How to make monjayaki In this article, we'll show you how to make monjayaki by following the video of the traditional Tsukishima Monjayaki restaurant "Kondo," which has been in business for 70 years. Start by oiling a hot teppan, as shown at 0:06 in the video. Then, put finely chopped vegetables, the flour and water mixture, and your favorite ingredients, such as tenkasu, on the griddle. The most popular toppings for monjayaki are mentaiko (spicy cod roe), mochi (rice cakes), cheese, baby star ramen, boneless pork rib, kimchi, beef tendon, corn, squid, and sakura shrimp. Open the middle of the ingredients and make a ring of cabbage around it to form a bank. Place the mentaiko, the main ingredient, in the open space in the middle. Then, mix the mentaiko and dashi batter thoroughly, as shown at 0:55 in the video. When the mentaiko is cooked and begins to change color, toss it with the surrounding cabbage. Finally, use a spatula to finely chop the ingredients, as shown at 1:33 in the video. Finish with a cheese topping, and when it melts, it's ready! It takes less than three minutes to complete, so if you're looking for a quick, delicious snack, then monjayaki is the way to go! You can eat it with chopsticks, but when it comes to monjayaki, eating it with a small spatula and pairing it with beer or other alcoholic beverages is the most common way it's enjoyed among adults. Another popular way to eat it is to grill sausages and butter corn with soy sauce on the griddle together, as can be seen at 3:25 in the video. Monjayaki Across Japan Photo:Monjayaki from Tsukushima Kondo, Tokyo 1. Popular Monjayaki in Tokyo There are many long-standing monjayaki restaurants in downtown areas such as Sumida, Koto, Daito, Katsushika, Adachi, and Arakawa. The most famous tourist spots are Tsukishima (Kondo) in Chuo, Tokyo, and Asakusa in Taito, Tokyo. Nishinaka-dori in Tsukishima, Chuo, Tokyo is often called "Monjayaki Town" and "Monja Street" and is typically crowded with tourists. 2. Monjayaki in Gunma Besides the usual cabbage, monjayaki in Gunma is characterized by its small amount of ingredients and the fact that it's seldom cooked. It's even said by some that monjayaki originated in Gunma Prefecture, where udon flour, which was left over from the production of udon, a local specialty, was mixed with water and then grilled. In Isesaki, in the southern part of Gunma Prefecture, the origin of Isesaki's monjayaki is said to be when children mixed udon flour and water, added soy sauce, and grilled it on a teppan as a snack. 3. Ashikaga Monjayaki in Tochigi Monjayaki in Ashikaga, Tochigi, is similar to monjayaki that can be eaten at snack shops. It's made of flour and water only, with a very watery material, and is cooked thinly like a crepe. Leftovers are sometimes left to harden before being eaten as "senbei." Summary of Monjayaki, a Historical Japanese Snack Photo:Monjayaki There's an illustration of something called "Monjiyaki-ya" (文字焼き屋) in the Hokusai Manga published in 1819, and it's believed that monjayaki had already existed by the Edo Period (1603-1868 AD). There are many theories about the origins and roots of the historical dish, but the fact remains that Japanese people love monjayaki and various kinds of monjayaki have been created all over Japan. Using a hot plate makes it easy to enjoy monjayaki, so consider trying it at home! -
Video article 6:58
Make a World Class Bento With This Recipe Video! This Bento Is Full of Delicious Ingredients and Nutrition!
Food & Drink- 57 plays
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独自の日本食グルメ「お弁当」紹介動画 こちらの動画は「cook kafemaru」が公開した「Japanese Bento Lunch Box 秋だもん。色とりどり~うちのお弁当♪」です。 日本食文化のひとつともいえる「お弁当」 日本人は自分用に、あるいは家族のために職場や学校にお弁当を作って持っていくのが当たり前の光景となっています。 それもそのはず、お弁当の歴史は古く、「お弁当」という言葉自体は安土桃山時代には生まれています。 実はこのお弁当、海外では「Bento」と翻訳され、辞書にも載っているほど認知された日本食の文化なのです。 というのも、海外のランチはパンにハムやチーズを挟んだお手軽サンドが一般的。 そのため、日本食の基本である焼く・煮る・炒める・揚げる・蒸すという5つの方法で新鮮な食材を調理したお弁当は珍しいのです。 さらに、お弁当箱は海外では「Bento Box」と呼ばれ、お土産として人気の雑貨となっています。 海外ではサンドイッチをプラスチックなどのボックスにつめて職場や学校にもって行きますが、凝ったデザインはそうそうないのです。 そのため、日本のお弁当箱の色とりどりのデザインや豊富な形は珍しいようですね。 なかには、ご飯やおかずを入れる本体に加えて、スープを入れて保温できるタイプのお弁当箱もあります。 外食産業も発達している日本において、これほどお弁当が定着し、発展しているのも珍しいのではないでしょうか。 なかには低価格・早い仕出しをうたうお弁当専門店もあります。 お弁当はもはや日本の代表的なグルメのひとつと言っても過言ではないのです。 詰め方にも工夫がいるお弁当 おかずの詰め方にも工夫がいります。 ご飯とおかずを隙間無く詰めないと通勤・通学しているときに傾いて中身が潰れますし、汁気が多いとお弁当箱から染み出て鞄の中身が濡れてしまうからです。 こうして海外と比較してみると、日本のお弁当はおかずの詰め方にも結構気をつかうのですね。 製法にも時短の工夫を 海外では食事を作るにも効率を重視するためか、材料も簡単な調理で済ませることも多いですが、日本では朝早く起きてキッチンで仕込みをする方も少なくありません。 特にお弁当持参の学校に行く子供さんがいる家庭では、お母さんは毎朝大忙しです。 とはいえ、毎朝最初からおかずを作るのも大変なので、さまざまな時短製法が編み出されることも。 おかずを作り置きしたり、冷凍食品でチンしたり、いろんなアイデアがあります。 最近ではおかず用の冷凍食品もラインナップが増えてきました。 また、メニューをどうするかも悩みの種です。そんなときはブログサイトのレシピやクックパッドを参考におかずを作ります。 お弁当の人気断トツのメニューはから揚げ お弁当グルメといえば、から揚げや玉子焼き、しょうが焼きが人気です。 一方で、凝った人のなかには、キャラ弁を作る方もいます。 作ったキャラ弁は毎朝写真にとってレシピと一緒にブログに載せる人も。 また、お弁当は家で作るだけではありません。 お弁当屋さんで買うこともありますし、ごはん持参のうえお惣菜屋さんで野菜やおかずを袋に詰めてもらうこともできます。 色々なメニューを楽しむことができるのでお惣菜グルメを楽しむのもいいですね。 日本のグルメ「お弁当」紹介まとめ 皆さん様々な工夫をしてお昼のグルメタイムを楽しんでいます。 もはや日本料理の職人技ともいっていいのではないでしょうか。 動画では、美味しそうなおかずの作り方が紹介されています。 おかずがひとつ、またひとつとできあがる様子は見ていて飽きませんよ。 たまにはお弁当グルメで日本食に舌鼓を打ちましょう! -
Video article 2:12
Eelpouts - This "Charming" Fish Is a Specialty of Kanazawa, Ishikawa! Full of Gelatin and Collagen, This Fish Is Loved by Women for Its Beauty Properties!
Food & Drink- 323 plays
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Introducing Eelpouts - An Interesting Delicacy in Kanazawa, Ishikawa "Eelpouts: The rare fish loved in Kanazawa| nippon.com," is a 4K video uploaded by "nippon.com." Have you heard of eelpouts before? There probably aren't many people who've heard of this strange fish, but it's actually a specialty of Kanazawa that's attracting attention as an ingredient for beauty supplements. This video will show you how to prepare some delicious eelpouts! The Unsightly Eelpout - A Look at the Strange Fish Photo:Eelpouts Eelpout is written "幻魚" (roughly "Illusion Fish") in Japanese Kanji. This deep-sea fish is a type of sea-bass (belonging to a genus of Zoarcidae) and there are more than 230 types of eelpouts around the world. The reason why it's called "illusion fish" in Japan is likely because of its wiggly, slimy and grotesque body, and it was never eaten or studied. It has been found that it prefers the cold water of the northern hemisphere and usually lies on the seafloor, eating shells, sea urchins, and starfish that are in the sand. It swims very slow and its proper name is "ノロゲンゲ" (norogenge) in Japanese. The best time to catch it in the Hokuriku region is from September to May. How to Prepare Eelpouts Source :YouTube screenshot The most distinctive feature of the eelpout is its long, thin body, slimy surface, and soft texture. This is because it's rich in fine gelatin and collagen. It has quit a plain taste, so it can be used in any kind of cooking, and it is very popular in Kanazawa and Toyama. As you can see from 0:41 in the video, they cost around 400 yen per four fish, which is cheap during the harvest seasons, so it's often eaten as a main dish in Japan's Hokuriku region. Fried, dried, and tempura are also popular ways to prepare it, and these can be seen from 1:17 in the video. The slimy surface disappears when deep-fried giving it a nice and soft texture. Because of its simple taste, it's used as the main ingredients in miso soup and hot pot on a regular basis. Summary of Eelpouts, a Kanagawa Specialty Photo:Miso soup with bamboo shoots Eelpouts are also called "gengyo," "dogi," "mizuuo," and "sugayo" in Japanese. Although grotesque at first glance, it's gaining attention as a main ingredient in beauty supplements due to its high moisture content and moisturizing properties. Eelpout hot pot and eelpout soup are foods that women should pay attention to if they're focusing on beauty because it warms the body from the core and makes the skin look youthful. Be sure to try them when you visit Kanazawa, Ishikawa. -
Video article 7:18
Learn How to Make Kyushu Nagasaki-Style Sara Udon at Home! Have a Good Time With the Whole Family or Enjoy It as a Snack!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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This video, released by "Muscle Chef's Simple Recipes, Fish Cuisine" (筋肉料理人の簡単レシピ、魚料理), is titled "How to make Nagasaki-style Sara Udon, a large plate of noodles for everyone to eat and also a great snack with spirits!" (長崎風皿うどんの作り方、皆で食べる大皿盛り、お酒のつまみにもいけます。). This video introduces how to make Nagasaki-style Sara Udon, a dish of fried, crispy, thin noodles with a thick sauce on top. Nagasaki-style Sara Udon is a standard menu item served at family gatherings in Nagasaki and is very popular not only among children but also among adults as it pairs well with spirits. It's a memorable dish that conjures up images of a table full of friends and family. The video shows you how to make the dish for 6 people. Try making Nagasaki-style Sara Udon with crispy thin noodles and plenty of vegetables on your own! -
Video article 17:12
Watch Closely as the Chef of RyuGin, a Japanese Restaurant in Roppongi, Tokyo, Creates Exquisite Cuisine Worthy of Being Called Works of Art!
Food & Drink- 235 plays
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Akamutsu Cuisine "Ryu-Rin" Video Introduction at Ryu-Gin, Minato-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "Nihonryori RyuGin 2012" (日本料理 龍吟 龍鱗2012), introduces the amazing cuisine of Nihonryori RyuGin, a Japanese restaurant in Roppongi (*"NihonRyori" (日本料理), means "Japanese Cuisine" in Japanese*). The video was produced by Tokyo Gastronomy. Chef Seiji Yamamoto of RyuGin, a Japanese restaurant in Roppongi, presents his artistic fish dish, Ryurin, at the World Culinary Summit in Spain. Check out the masterful cuisine prepared in the video! Preparing the Delectable Seaperch Source :YouTube screenshot RyuGin's Chef Seiji Yamamoto uses blackthroat seaperch, which is fatty and juicy, with even its bones and scales being edible. Blackthroat seaperch, called "akamutsu" (赤むつ) in Japanese, is also called "nodoguro" (のどぐろ, lit. black throat) in Japanese, due to its black mouth, and is the finest seafood available from the Sea of Japan. Bringing out the flavor of the ingredients with simple cooking methods, such as frying and grilling, shows the artisanal techniques of Japanese cuisine. Chef Yamamoto has analyzed the traditional Japanese method of cooking dried fish over open flame and has incorporated umami by drying and maturing ingredients to create the pinnacle of Japanese cuisine. At 0:26 in the video, you can see the fish being neatly scaled, and at 0:58, filleted with the utmost precision. After the fish is dried, it's fried in oil. This can be seen at 12:47 in the video, and the finished product is shown at 14:50. Learn How to Make This Delicious Traditional Dish Source :YouTube screenshot Japan is home to numerous Japanese restaurants and fine dining establishments. You can also find delicious Japanese cuisine, historic ryokan, ryotei, and restaurants in every corner of the country. Restaurants serving Japanese cuisine use carefully selected local ingredients and pay close attention to details, from the preparation process to cooking methods. At some Japanese restaurants, you can observe the chef's knife work up close. If you're visiting Japan from abroad, we highly recommend dining at a Japanese restaurant and enjoying traditional Japanese food culture. Summary of Japan's Finest Cuisine Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced you to the artisanal skills of chef Seiji Yamamoto at the Japanese restaurant RyuGin, who made the beautiful dish Ryurin using blackthroat seaperch. You can enjoy artistic masterpieces like the one shown in the video at the many fine dining restaurants in Japan. When you go to a Japanese restaurant be sure to go over the menu and find what's right for you. You're sure to enjoy a great meal with lots of delicious local ingredients! ◆RyuGin|General Information◆ 【Address】7F Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, 1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0006 【Access】Directly connected to Hibiya Station via the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, Hibiya Line and Toei Subway Mita Line 【Hours】17:30 - 23:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Telephone】03-6630-0007 【Official Website】Nihonryori RyuGin|日本料理 龍吟 http://www.nihonryori-ryugin.com/ 【Yelp】RyuGin|龍吟 https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E9%BE%8D%E5%90%9F-%E6%B8%AF%E5%8C%BA -
Video article 16:27
Delicious Coconut Crab at Yatai Mura in Naha, Okinawa!
Food & Drink- 1.14K plays
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The Mouthwatering Coconut Crab of Yatai Mura on Kokusaidori This video, titled "Japanese Street Food - GIANT COCONUT CRAB Seafood Okinawa Japan," was uploaded by "Travel Thirsty." It introduces the coconut crab sold at food trucks in Okinawa. Coconut crabs are huge crustaceans that live in Okinawa Prefecture. They have a history of being eaten as a delicacy in parts of Okinawa since ancient times. At Yatai Mura, a popular destination on Kokusaidori in Naha, Okinawa, you can eat gigantic coconut crab dishes. Sometimes called "Okinawa's strange specialty," coconut crab is surprisingly delicious thanks to its plump texture and the delicious broth that can be made from it. How is Okinawa's Coconut Crab Prepared? Photo:Coconut crab cuisine Coconut crab dishes can be eaten at Okinawan food stalls for a few thousand yen. Coconut crab dishes are made in much the same way as normal crab dishes; however, the shells of coconut crab are hard, making them difficult to prepare sometimes. At food stalls, coconut crabs are usually steamed whole, then removed from the shell and eaten with seasonings, such as sauce or soup stock. This can be seen at 8:09 in the video. What Kind of Creatures are Okinawa's Coconut Crab? Photo:Coconut crab Coconut crabs look like crabs, but they're actually a type of hermit crab. In Japanese, they're called "yashi-gani" (椰子蟹 in kanji or the more common ヤシガニ in katakana). Coconut crabs inhabit Miyako Island, Ishigaki Island, and Iriomote Island in Okinawa Prefecture, and the largest crabs can grow more than 40 cm in length and weigh more than 4 kg! The coconut crab is said to be the strongest crustacean, and the clamping force of its giant pincers is about 90 times its weight, which is about as strong as a lion's bite! Fisherman must be very careful when catching coconut crabs, as not to get injured. Points of Caution When Eating Coconut Crab at a Food Stall Photo:Coconut crab cuisine Because coconut crabs are omnivores and eat dead or rotten fish carcasses, they can accumulate pathogens in their bodies. Coconut crabs that have accumulated these pathogens can cause food poisoning if eaten, even after cooking them, so be careful. Coconut crab is a valuable food item that is rarely eaten nowadays, partly because it is listed as an endangered species. Summary of the Coconut Crab at Okinawa's Food Stalls Photo:Coconut crab cuisine The Okinawan culture of eating giant coconut crabs dates all the way back to ancient Japan. Seen at 4:40 in the video are some of the unique gourmet specialties at Okinawan food stalls, including dishes like chanpuru, rafute, mimigaa (pig's ear) and umibudo (sea grapes). If you’re traveling to Okinawa, be sure to try the coconut crab sold at one of the many food stalls! ◆Kokusaidori, Yatai Mura|General Information◆ 【Address】3-11 Makishi, Naha 900-0013 Okinawa Prefecture 【Access】A 4-minute walk from Yui Rail Makishi Station. 【Hours】Varies depending on other restaurants at the location 【Closures】Varies depending on other restaurants at the location 【Parking】None 【Tripadvisor】Kokusaidori, Yatai Mura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298224-d11848458-Reviews-Kokusaidori_Yataimura-Naha_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 3:05
This Is How Fried Rice Is Cooked in Japan! Check Out the Amazing Skills of These Chefs as They Create Delicious Dishes!
Food & Drink- 45 plays
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This video, titled "Egg Fried Rice - Famous Restaurant Style in Japan" (ずっと見てられるチャーハン専門店の鍋振り 華麗な職人技!), was released by "Sushi Bomber TV The Frontline of Cooking" (Sushi Bomber TV クッキング最前線). In this video, the chefs can be seen cooking some delicious fried rice right before your eyes. Fried rice is a dish that is made by frying pre-cooked rice with various ingredients in oil in a pan. Once you try it, you'll realize it's not as hard as you thought, but the more you learn about it, the more you'll understand the depth of the process, and how much work can actually go into making a perfect batch of delicious fried rice. In this video, you can see how a professional cooks fried rice with incredible speed, so if you like cooking or just enjoy food, give it a watch! -
Video article 10:33
What Does "Red Sea Urchin" Taste Like? At This Japanese Restaurant, You Can Savor Sea Urchin and a Variety of Other Seafood to Your Heart's Content!
Food & Drink- 35 plays
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This video, titled "[RARE RED SEA URCHIN] Sushi Making! Can only get about 10 in a day.," was released by "きまぐれクックKimagure Cook." Sushi and other types of seafood are popular in Japan, but at a typical sushi bar or Japanese restaurant, you'll find mostly seafood such as tuna, bonito, and salmon roe. In this video, you can see how the rare red sea urchin is prepared and eaten as sushi or cooked over a flame. The red sea urchin is so rare that you can dive for a day and find only about 10 of them. There are only a few Japanese restaurants that serve red sea urchin. If you have the opportunity to try it, we highly recommend it! -
Video article 10:57
Take a Look at the Amazing Skills of This Chef as He Flays and Grills Eel Effortlessly! An Introduction to the Process of Making Kabayaki at Kawatoyo, a 100-Year-Old Eel Restaurant in Narita, Chiba
Food & Drink- 25 plays
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This video, titled "Turning Live Eel Into Kabayaki! The Impressive Skills of a 100 Year Old Establishment" (活きたうなぎが蒲焼きになるまで。創業100年の早業がお見事), was released by "Ante." This video introduces the chefs of Kawatoyo, a 100 year old restaurant in Narita, Chiba Prefecture. First, the slippery, live eel is beaten on a large ginkgo tree cutting board and opened in a flash. It is then grilled unseasoned and dipped in a secret sauce infused with eel extract and grilled slowly. You can almost smell the aroma from the screen. The grilled eel kabayaki is soft and fluffy and can be easily cut with chopsticks. Check out the delicious kabayaki at the end of the video! -
Video article 7:28
An Easy and Delicious Udon Recipe. From How to Make It to How to Serve It!
Food & Drink- 28 plays
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This video, titled "Quick and Easy. 10 Popular Udon Recipes" (簡単お手軽。人気のうどんレシピ 10選), was released by "macaroni | マカロニ." In this video, you'll find a selection of easy-to-prepare udon recipes. The recipe is taught by culinary researcher "Karikuru." In the video, you can see 10 different recipes using ingredients that are easy to find. You can make a different dish with the same ingredients just by changing the seasoning, and you'll see how one idea can expand your scope of cooking. Some of the recipes can be made in a microwave oven, which can be useful for when you're busy. Check out the video!