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This video, titled "Gokurakyu "BATH STOMP" CM full version" (極楽湯 “お風呂STOMP”CM フルバージョン), was released by "Gokurakyu CHANNEL" (極楽湯CHANNEL).

There are many super sento in Japan, and the Gokurakyu introduced in the video is one of them.
Super sento are hot springs that are open to the public and have more facilities than public baths in town, so they attract a lot of visitors.
Super sento have many more baths, and in some cases, saunas, massages, and barbershops are also available.
You can also have a meal in the bathhouse, so some people spend the whole day in a super sento.

The appeal of a super sento is that you can use it with your family, friends, or even by yourself, and enjoy a relaxing soak in a hot spring to relax and unwind.

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
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