Life & Business
Video article 7:08
SDGs From Hokkaido Using Scrap Tires as a Resource! Recycling the 100 Million Scrap Tires Generated Annually!
Life & Business- 111 plays
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Introducing SDG Initiatives by Companies in Hokkaido via Video This video, titled "Recycling Scrap Tires to Make New Products! From Hokkaido SDGs to the Future|WEEK⑤ Broadcast on December 3, 2021" (廃タイヤをリサイクルで新たなモノへ!SDGs北海道から未来へWEEK⑤ 2021年12月3日放送), was uploaded by "HBC News Hokkaido Broadcasting Co." (HBCニュース 北海道放送). This news program introduces companies in Sapporo, Hokkaido that are working on SDGs, in 7-minute video. This article will explain SDGs and introduce the technology to transform scrap tires into a resource, as seen in the video. Learn about the future SDGs through the efforts of a company that has been developing technology to treat scrap tires as a resource for the past 22 years. What Are SDGs? Photo:SDGs The term SDGs refers to "Sustainable Development Goals." They are international goals that aim for a sustainable and better world by 2030, and there are 17 major goals in total. This time, the video introduces goal number 12, "Responsible Consumption and Production," which aims to "ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns." In other words, it is an initiative to reuse scrap tires, which are disposed of in large quantities, by converting them back into recyclable resources. The Sapporo Based Companies That Have the Technology to Turn Scrap Tires Into a Resource Photo:Scrap tires Introduced at the beginning of the video is the aquarium tank at Sunpiazza Aquarium in Atsubetsu, Sapporo. The aquarium's purification system contains special anti-algae/anti-mold pouches that inhibit the formation of algae and mold, which can be seen at 1:13 in the video. The anti-algae pouches make it easier to keep the aquarium clean and reduces the frequency at which they need to be cleaned. The anti-algae pouches are made of crushed anti-bacterial plated film, and this technology originated from the crushing technology of scrap tires. The company that developed the anti-algae pouches is Kotobuki Sangyo of Sapporo, Japan. Kotobuki Sangyo's core business is the manufacturing of roller guides, which are auxiliary devices used in steel mills to stretch steel heated to over 1000℃. The company's roller guides account for about 80% of the domestic market share, but 22 years ago the company decided that it could no longer rely solely on these roller guides and began exploring new avenues of business. The largest percentage of scrap tires are recycled for thermal use as fuel (65%), while repurposing (reuse of rubber) accounts for only 17%. Kotobuki Sangyo has taken on the challenge of recovering scrap tires and recycling them back into useable materials. The tires contain steel wires and mesh, so it was very difficult to develop a technology to remove these and crush the resilient rubber. Kotobuki Sangyo developed a machine specialized in recycling scrap tires, believing that recycling was absolutely necessary to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Made With Rubber Chips From Recycled Scrap Tires Source :YouTube screenshot Rubber mats (water-permeable rubber sheets) and rubber boots made with rubber chips made from crushed scrap tires are introduced at 5:40 in the video. The rubber boots are made of ultra-fine 0.06 mm rubber powder by utilizing this crushing technology. This recycled rubber can also be used to make new tires. Some manufacturers have begun selling sandals and bags made from scrap tires, as well as crepia powder (クレピアパウダー), antibacterial insoles for safety shoes, and crepia fiber, which are made from scrap tires. How Scrap Tires are Currently Disposed of in Japan Photo:A car tire Scrap tires are industrial waste and cannot be disposed of like regular trash; they must be picked up by a disposal company. In addition to being collected free of charge by dealers when new tires are purchased and replaced, used tires can also be purchased if they are still usable. In addition to the method introduced here (turning scrap tires into rubber chips for reuse), there are other methods which include turning them into recycled oil, metal, and rubber. In addition, "recycled tires," in which only the grooves of the tire are re-covered, have been attracting attention as a way to reduce the amount of scrap tires themselves. These recycled tires are subject to Japan's Green Purchasing Law. Summary of Japan's Scrap Tire Recycling and SDGs The above video, "Recycling Scrap Tires to Make New Products! From Hokkaido SDGs to the Future|WEEK⑤ Broadcast on December 3, 2021," introduces a company with the technology to recycle scrap tires. Approximately 100 million scrap tires, roughly 1 million tons, are generated every year, and the problems surrounding them are becoming more and more serious. Simply burning and disposing of scrap tires is damaging to the environment and a waste of valuable resources. In order to reduce CO2 emissions, save energy, and conserve resources, it's important to use scrap tires as a resource. If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the video to learn more about companies and their efforts to turn waste tires into resources. -
Video article 3:32
Flying Airplanes With Recycled Fuel? The Various Measures Taken by Japan Airlines to Reduce Carbon Emissions and Protect the Environment! Check Out the Video Summarizing Their CSR Activities!
Life & Business- 76 plays
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The CSR Activities of Japan Airlines (JAL)! This video titled “【Promotional Video】Japan Airlines _ CSR Activity Promotional Video,” produced by “Video Marketing Agency- PROOX Co., Ltd” (動画制作・映像制作の株式会社プルークス), is a promotional video that introduces JAL’s CSR activities. CSR stands for "corporate social responsibility," and refers to the social responsibility of a company to voluntarily engage in environmental protection activities from an ethical perspective. As introduced in the video, JAL, as a global company, continues to make various social contributions to reduce carbon emissions. This video introduces JAL’s CSR initiatives in a very clear and easy-to-understand way. We hope that by watching this video you'll get interested in environmental conservation as well! JAL’s Environmental Initiatives Source :YouTube screenshot It can be said that economic activity leads to the emission of large amounts of CO2 which in turn affects global warming. As introduced at 0:35 in the video, JAL’s CSR activities include the installation of equipment that lowers the air resistance of airplanes to increase fuel efficiency, cooperation with the atmospheric observation project “CONTRAIL”, and airplane engine cleaning for improved fuel efficiency. Examples of JAL's Bio-Jet Fuel Utilization Source :YouTube screenshot Japan Airlines (JAL) plans to introduce Bio-jet fuel into airplanes to further reduce CO2. Bio-jet fuel is an earth-friendly fuel made from wood and trash. From 2:36 in the video, a charter flight using fuel made from cotton clothing is also introduced. The recycling of garbage, wood and used clothes eliminates the need for mining new fossil fuels, which would lead to a cleaner, recycling based society. Eco-Friendly Flights by JAL Source :YouTube screenshot JAL conducted a demonstration flight of an airplane using Bio-jet fuel in 2009, and a test flight equipped with Bio-jet fuel from Chicago O’Hare International Airport to Narita International Airport in 2017. In addition, in 2019, they received a supply of Bio-jet fuel from Showa Shell Co, Ltd. and operated a flight to San Francisco International Airport. They are planning a charter flight with an airplane using Bio-jet fuel again in 2020. Summary of Japan Airlines' CSR Activity Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, the environmental conservation activities of Japan Airlines are explained in an easy-to-understand animation. The introduction of Bio-jet fuel for airplanes is an initiative for the “SDGs” adopted at the United Nations Summit. Everyone is focused on Japan Airlines' CSR activities as it continues to make various contributions to safety, environmental protection and local communities. 【Official website】CSR Information | JAL Corporate Website – Japan Airlines https://www.jal.com/en/ -
Video article 1:06
The Tanenashi Persimmon – A Japanese Superfood to Help Combat Fall Fatigue! Learn About the Delicious Fruit From Wakayama That's Full of Vitamins and Nutrients!
Life & Business Food & Drink- 65 plays
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The Tanenashi Persimmons of Wakayama, Japan: Video Introduction This video, titled "Preventing Fall Fatigue! Wakayama's Tanenashi Persimmon! The First Persimmon Recognized as a Japanese Superfood!" (秋バテ対策に!柿史上初のジャパニーズスーパーフード『和歌山のたねなし柿』とは?), was uploaded by "News TV." The persimmon, an ancient Japanese fruit, has long been a favorite of the Japanese people. Persimmons are said to have originated in East Asia, including China and Japan, and were introduced to the West from Japan, hence the scientific name "kaki," the Japanese word for persimmon. Experts have also noticed that the persimmon is great for combating fall fatigue! Highly nutritious, the persimmon is thought to be beneficial for beauty and health, and in particular, Wakayama's tanenashi persimmon has been certified as a Japanese Superfood. Check out this video to broaden your knowledge of persimmons! What is Fall Fatigue? Symptoms and Causes Photo:A woman feeling unwell The term fall fatigue refers to the feeling of sluggishness and inability to recover from fatigue despite the gradual easing of the summer heat and gradual improvement in overall comfort. The main symptoms are loss of appetite, fatigue, lack of sleep, stiff shoulders, and rough skin. It's said to be caused by a disturbance in the autonomic nervous system due to the repetitive changes in temperature from late summer to early autumn, including changes in outside temperatures and temperature changes between warm days and cold nights. [Video] 0:29 - What is Fall fatigue? Persimmons – The Best Medicine For Fall Fatigue Photo:Persimmons Persimmons are so rich in nutrients that there's even a Japanese proverb that goes "When the persimmons change color, the doctors turn blue." This is alluding to the fact that once persimmons are in season, doctors are no longer necessary because people stop getting sick thanks to eating them. The simple sugars contained in persimmons are quickly absorbed and easily converted into energy, and help the body recover from fall fatigue. [Video] 0:34 - Persimmons Are Effective for Recovering From Fall Fatigue Persimmons also contain high levels of vitamin C, vitamin A, and polyphenols. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, a protein that makes up the body's skin, and is the source of persimmon's beauty benefits. It also has antioxidant properties, is effective in preventing arteriosclerosis and aging, and boosts the immune system. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes, strengthens resistance, and has anti-aging effects. In addition, polyphenols called "persimmon tannins" play such an important role in beauty and health that they can be expected to thin the blood, lower blood pressure, reduce increases in blood sugar levels, and rejuvenate blood vessels. In addition to tannins, catechins and flavonoids also have detoxifying and antibacterial effects, improve sensitivity to cold, and eliminate prolonged fatigue and sluggishness. Persimmon Season in Japan & Popular Varieties Photo:Persimmons on display at a supermarket In general, persimmons are said to be in season from fall to winter, around September to December in Japan. Some persimmons grown in plastic greenhouses are available at markets from summer (July-August), but major stores in Japan start selling them around mid-September, when outdoor-grown persimmons begin to be harvested. In October, shipments from major production areas increase, and distribution peaks from October to November. There are early and late harvest varieties, so you can expect to find persimmons in many supermarkets in Japan until roughly December. The three most popular persimmon varieties in Japan are, first, the popular fuyu persimmon known for its perfect sweetness, which is the most popular and top-produced persimmon in Japan. Harvesting of fuyu persimmons begins around November in most production areas. While the distribution of persimmons as a whole is highest from October to November, the fuyu persimmon season is slightly later, from November to December. Also known as the "king of persimmons," the fuyu persimmon reaches peak flavor in late fall and winter, when the weather starts getting chilly. The second most popular persimmon in Japan is the Hira tanenashi persimmon. This persimmon is characterized by its lack of seeds. Harvesting begins around mid-October in Japan, and the best time to eat them is from late October to early December. The third variety is the Tonewase persimmon from Nara Prefecture, which is closely associated with persimmons, as exemplified by the haiku As I bite into a persimmon A bell rings Horyuji Temple - Masaoka Shiki ※Horyuji being a famous temple in Nara prefecture It is a mildly sweet variety, and is recommended to be shipped after removing the astringency with alcohol, etc., as it's not a sweet persimmon, but an astringent persimmon. A Delicious Way to Enjoy Persimmon, a Fruit Synonymous With Autumn in Japan Photo:Cutting persimmons Persimmons can be eaten as sweet persimmons or dried persimmons, and there are a variety of different ways to eat them. Persimmons have a strong image of being eaten as a dessert in Japan, but we would like to introduce a recipe for preparing persimmons in a dish to enjoy the flavors of autumn. You can enjoy persimmons as a snack or side dish. ■Stir-Fried Persimmon and Pork [Ingredients] Pear - 1 Pork belly - 250g Japanese mustard spinach - 1/2 a bag Sesame oil - 1 tbsp. Cooking sake - 2 tbsp. Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. Sliced cayenne pepper - A pinch [How to Make] 1. Peel and cut persimmons into small pieces. 2. Wash the komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) lightly and cut into 3 cm strips. 3. Cut the pork belly into bite-size pieces. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, add pork belly and fry. When the meat browns, add komatsuna and sauté lightly. 4. When the komatsuna becomes soft, add the cut persimmon and seasonings and stir-fry. When the seasonings are well mixed, serve on a plate. Summary of Tanenashi Persimmons, the Japanese Super Food Persimmons are full of nutrients and have great potential for beauty and health. When checking the efficacy of its ingredients, it was even deemed a superfood! You'll probably want to try some delicious persimmons after reading this article. Have a healthy and splendid autumn with the power of this ancient Japanese fruit! -
Video article 13:01
【Easy Japanese】A Beginner's Guide on How to Use the Train in Japan – Tickets, IC Cards, Japan Rail Pass, and More!(日本の電車の乗り方を解説!切符、ICカード、ジャパンレールパスの購入方法も紹介!)
Life & Business Transportation Travel- 1.17K plays
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How to Use the Train in Japan: Video Introduction 日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かたの動画どうが紹介しょうかい! This video, titled "How to ride a train in Japan," was uploaded by "YOU in Japan-Homestay in Japan-" (YOU in Japan-ホームステイインジャパン-). 今回こんかいは、『YOU in Japan-ホームステイインジャパン-』さん制作せいさくの『日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かた』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 It introduces how to purchase train tickets and IC cards, and how to use them to ride the train in Japan. 日本にほんで電車でんしゃに乗のるときに、切符きっぷやICカードの購入こうにゅう方法ほうほうと乗のり方かたを紹介しょうかいする動画どうがです。 It's a useful video for those traveling in Japan or those who want to live in Japan in the future. 日本にほんを旅行りょこうする人ひとや、将来しょうらい日本にほんに住すみたいと思おもっている人ひとに役やくに立たつ動画どうがです。 Transportation in Japan 日本にほんの交通こうつう Photo:A station(写真しゃしん:駅えき) Trains are an important means of transportation in Japan. 電車でんしゃは日本にほんの重要じゅうような交通手段こうつうしゅだんです。 Trains are used by millions of people each day in Japan, for things like work and school. 日本にほんでは毎日まいにち、何なん百ひゃく万人ばんにんもの人ひとが通勤つうきんや通学つうがくするために電車でんしゃを使つかっています。 Especially in urban areas like Tokyo, trains are used far more than cars. 特とくに東京とうきょうのような都市部としぶでは、車くるまよりも、電車でんしゃを使つかう人ひとが圧倒的あっとうてきに多おおいです。 Furthermore, it's said that Japan also has some of the most punctual trains in the world. さらに、日本にほんの電車でんしゃは世界せかいで最もっとも時間じかんに正確せいかくと言いわれています。 Japan's trains are also a very useful form of transportation for travelers. 旅行者りょこうしゃにとっても便利べんりな交通手段こうつうしゅだんです。 If you're traveling in Japan, trains will probably be the mode of transportation you use most. 日本にほんを旅行りょこうする場合ばあい、おそらく日本にほんで最もっともよく利用りようする交通手段こうつうしゅだんでしょう。 But there are some things to know before riding them that will make using them much easier. 乗のる前まえに知しっておくと役立やくだつ情報じょうほうを紹介しょうかいします。 Purchasing Train Tickets & IC Cards 乗車券じょうしゃけん・ICカードの購入こうにゅうについて Photo:A ticket terminal at a station(写真しゃしん:駅えきの券売機けんばいき) There are two main ways to take use the train in Japan: the first is to buy a ticket to ride the train, and the second is to use an IC card. 日本にほんで電車でんしゃに乗のるには、主おもに2つふたつ>の乗のり方かたがあります。1つひとつは切符きっぷを買かっての乗のり方かた、もう1つひとつはICカードを使つかっての乗のり方かたです。 IC cards (Integrated Circuit Cards) are rechargeable cards that that can be used to ride the train in Japan. ICカード(Integrated Circuit Card)は、必要ひつような電車でんしゃ賃ちんを乗のる前まえにチャージができるカードです。 They can be purchased at stations all across Japan. 日本全国にっぽんぜんこくの駅えきで買かうことができます。 IC cards make train travel incredibly easy as you no longer have to purchase a ticket and calculate costs every time you ride the train. ICカードを使つかうと、電車でんしゃに乗のるたびに切符きっぷを買かったり、料金りょうきんを計算けいさんしたりする必要ひつようがなくなります。 Simply scan your IC card at the ticket gate and the fee is deducted from your card automatically. 改札かいさつでICカードをスキャンするだけで料金りょうきんが自動的じどうてきに引ひき落おとされるので、電車でんしゃの旅たびがとても簡単かんたんになります。 IC cards can be recharged at terminals where tickets and IC cards can be purchased. ICカードのチャージは、切符きっぷやICカードが買かえる自動券売機じどうけんばいきでできます。 When coming to Japan from overseas, you'll likely be landing at either Haneda Airport or Narita Airport. 海外かいがいから日本にほんに来くる場合ばあい、羽田空港はねだくうこうか成田空港なりたくうこうのどちらかに着陸ちゃくりくすることが多おおいでしょう。 Both airports sell IC cards, but the video will show you how to purchase them at Haneda Airport. どちらの空港くうこうでもICカードが販売はんばいされていますが、動画どうがでは羽田空港はねだくうこうでの買かい方かたを紹介しょうかいしています。 First, you'll need to find the ticket terminal. まずは、自動券売機じどうけんばいきを探さがしましょう。 As shown in the video, these ticket terminals also have multilingual support, so even if you can't speak Japanese, you should have no problems using them. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、自動券売機じどうけんばいきは多言語たげんご対応たいおうもしているので、日本語にほんごが話はなせない人ひとでも問題もんだいなく使つかえるはずです。 After using the ticket fare chart above the ticket terminals to find your destination and ticket price, you can put in your money and receive your ticket and change, as well as a receipt. 自動券売機じどうけんばいきの上うえにある切符きっぷ運賃表うんちんひょうで目的もくてき地ちと切符きっぷの料金りょうきんを確認かくにんしたら、お金かねを入いれて切符きっぷ、おつり、領収書りょうしゅうしょを受うけ取とります。 If you're going to need a connecting ticket, simply choose where you'll be changing lines, enter the name of the station you'll be going to, select that station, and pay. 連絡れんらく切符きっぷが必要ひつような場合ばあいは、乗のり換かえの場所ばしょを選よらんで、行き先ゆきさきの駅えきの名前なまえを入力にゅうりょくして、その駅えきを選えらんでお金かねを払はらいます。 [Video] 2:16 - How to Purchase Train Tickets at Haneda Airport 【動画どうが】2:16~ 羽田空港はねだくうこうでの乗車券じょうしゃけんの買かい方かた As shown in the video, there are a variety of different IC cards used across Japan, but Suica and PASMO are the main IC cards used in Japan's Kanto region. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、日本全国にっぽんぜんこくでさまざまなICカードが使つかわれていますが、関東地方かんとうちほうで主おもに使つかわれているカードは「Suica」と「PASMO」です。 By following the instructions displayed on the ticket terminal, you can easily purchase an IC card. ICカードは、自動券売機じどうけんばいきに表示ひょうじされる案内あんないに従したがって、簡単かんたんに買かうことができます。 You'll also need to charge it for your first use. 初はじめて使つかうときは、チャージも必要ひつようです。 There's also a personal PASMO where you can enter your details, but this is mostly for residents of Japan, so if you're just traveling, it shouldn't be necessary. 個人情報こじんじょうほうを入力にゅうりょくする「名前なまえ入いりPASMO」もありますが、これは主おもに日本にほん在住者ざいじゅうしゃ向むけなので、旅行りょこうが目的もくてきの場合ばあいは必要ひつようないでしょう。 [Video] 4:19 - How to Purchase an IC Card at Haneda Airport 【動画どうが】4:19~ 羽田空港はねだくうこうでのICカードのチャージ方法ほうほう To recharge your IC card, simply press the recharge button. ICカードのリチャージは、リチャージボタンを押おします。 After that, insert your IC card into the slot, and choose how much you want to recharge. 一部いちぶの自動券売機じどうけんばいきでは、ICカードを差さし込こみ口ぐちに入いれる代かわりに、小ちいさなICカードトレーにカードを入いれます。 At some ticket terminals, instead of inserting your card into a slot, you place it in a small IC card tray. それから、ICカードを差さし込こみ口ぐちに入いれて、チャージする金額きんがくを選えらびます。 [Video] 6:53 - How to Recharge an IC Card at Haneda Airport 【動画どうが】6:53~ 羽田空港はねだくうこうでのICカードのチャージ方法ほうほう How to Use Tickets & IC Cards to Ride the Train in Japan 乗車券じょうしゃけん・ICカードを使つかって日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かた Photo:An automatic ticket gate(写真しゃしん:自動改札じどうかいさつ) The first thing to be aware of is that some ticket gates have IC card-only gates, and tickets cannot be used to pass through these. まず、一部いちぶの改札かいさつにはICカード専用せんようの改札かいさつがあって、切符きっぷでは通とおれないので注意ちゅういしてください。 To pass through the ticket gate, simply insert your ticket into the slot on the ticket gate. 改札かいさつを通とおるためには、切符きっぷを改札かいさつの投入とうにゅう口ぐちに差さし込こんでください。 The ticket will then be pulled through to the other side. すると、切符きっぷが反対はんたい側がわから出でてきます。 Be sure to take this or you'll end up having to repurchase the ticket when you get off the train. これを必かならず取とらないと、電車でんしゃを降おりるときに切符きっぷをもう一度いちど買かい直なおさなければならなくなります。 [Video] 7:29 - Passing Through the Ticket Gate With a Train Ticket 【動画どうが】7:29~ 乗車券じょうしゃけんで改札かいさつを通とおる様子ようす When passing through the ticket gate with an IC card, simply touch your IC card to the IC card reader, and when it beeps, the gate will open and u can pass through. ICカードで改札かいさつを通とおるときは、ICカードリーダーにICカードをタッチして、「ピッ」と鳴なれば改札かいさつが開ひらいて通とおれます。 [Video] 8:00 - Passing Through the Ticket Gate With an IC Card 【動画どうが】8:00〜 ICカードで改札かいさつを通とおる様子ようす After passing through the ticket gate, you can head to the platform where you can wait for your train. 改札かいさつを通とおったら、列車れっしゃを待まつホームへ向むかいます。 If you have a lot of luggage, you can use the elevator, but if you're traveling light, you can also use the escalators. 荷物にもつが多おおい場合ばあいはエレベーターを使つかいますが、荷物にもつが少すくない場合ばあいはエスカレーターを使つかっても良よいでしょう。 Be sure to double check the train information at the platform to avoid getting on the wrong train. 間違まちがえて乗のってしまわないように、ホームにある電車でんしゃ案内あんないをもう一度いちど確認かくにんしましょう。 [Video] 8:15 - Going to the Train Platform 【動画どうが】8:15〜 ホームへ向むかう様子ようす Most trains in Japan will have a small electronic display that tells what the next station is and what kind of train you're currently riding. 日本にほんのほとんどの電車でんしゃには、次つぎの駅えきがどこか、今いま乗のっている電車でんしゃの種類しゅるいを示しめす小ちいさな電光掲示板でんこうけいじばんがあります。 Most trains have this displayed in English as well. そして、ほとんどの電車でんしゃには、この掲示板けいじばんは英語えいごでも表示ひょうじされています。 [Video] 9:10 - Getting on the Train 【動画どうが】9:10〜 電車でんしゃに乗のる様子ようす Just like when how you got on the train, simply insert your ticket into the ticket gate slot when getting off. 電車でんしゃに乗のったときと同おなじように、降おりるときも投入とうにゅう口ぐちに切符きっぷを入いれると降おりられます。 If this is your final destination, the ticket won't come out on the other side. 最終目的地さいしゅうもくてきちの場合ばあいは、切符きっぷは反対はんたい側がわには出でてきません。 [Video] 9:39 - Getting off the Train & Exiting the Ticket Gate With a Train Ticket 【動画どうが】9:39~ 乗車券じょうしゃけんで電車でんしゃを降ふって、改札かいさつを出でる様子ようす If using an IC card, touch the IC card to the IC card reader until it beeps, and pass through the ticket gate. ICカードの場合ばあいは、ICカードをICカードリーダーに「ピッ」となるまでタッチして、改札かいさつを通とおってください。 [Video] 10:35 - Getting off the Train & Exiting the Ticket Gate With an IC card 【動画どうが】10:35~ ICカードで電車でんしゃの降ふり方かたと改札かいさつを出でる様子ようす If you're using an IC card, as usual, simply touch the IC card to the IC card reader until it beeps, and then pass through it. ICカードの場合ばあいは、いつも通とおり、ICカードリーダーにピッとなるまでICカードをタッチして通とおれば大丈夫だいじょうぶです。 Just be sure your card is adequately charged or you'll have to go to a ticket terminal to recharge before transferring. ただ、カードにチャージされている金額きんがくが足たらない場合ばあいは、乗のり換かえの前まえに自動券売機じどうけんばいきでチャージする必要ひつようがあります。 [Video] 10:46 - Transferring Trains With an IC card 【動画どうが】10:46~ ICカードで電車でんしゃに乗のり継つぐ様子ようす When transferring with a train ticket, insert the ticket into the slot on the ticket gate, and be sure to grab it on the other side, as you'll use it until your final destination. 乗車券じょうしゃけんで乗のり換かえる場合ばあい、最終目的地さいしゅうもくてきちまで切符きっぷを使つかいますので、改札かいさつの投入とうにゅう口ぐちに乗車券じょうしゃけんを差さし込こんで、反対はんたい側がわで必かならず取とってください。 [Video] 11:26 - Transferring Trains With a Train Ticket 【動画どうが】11:26~ 乗車券じょうしゃけんで乗のり換かえる様子ようす Once you get the hang of Japan's railways system you'll be traveling at a much faster pace. 日本にほんの電車でんしゃに慣なれたら、もっと効率的こうりつてきに観光かんこうができるようになります。 I highly recommend using an IC card as it will save you a lot of time that would otherwise be spent buying tickets and calculating prices. ICカードは、切符きっぷを買かったり料金りょうきんを計算けいさんしたりする時間じかんをなくして、時間じかんの節約せつやくになりますので、ぜひ使つかってみてください。 You can also get the ¥500 deposit back if you return the IC card when you no longer need it (there will likely be a small fee deducted when returning the card). また、ICカードが不要ふようになったら返却へんきゃくすれば、500円ごひゃくえんのデポジットを返かえしてもらえます(返却へんきゃくの時ときにちょっとした手数料てすうりょうがかかることがあります)。 The Different Types of IC Cards Used in Japan 日本にほんで使つかわれているICカードの種類しゅるい Photo:suica(写真しゃしん:suica) There are many different IC cards used across Japan. 日本全国にっぽんぜんこくで使つかわれているICカードは様々さまざまな種類しゅるいがあります。 Unfortunately, they cannot be used for continuous travel between different regions. しかし、残念ざんねんながら、各かくエリア間かんをまたがってご利用りよういただくことはできません。 Here is a list of the different IC cards and where the areas they can be purchased. ここでは、ICカードの種類しゅるいと買かえる地域ちいきを紹介しょうかいします。 IC cards can be used in different areas in Japan as well, although some may have limited uses. また、ICカードは他たの地域ちいきでも使つかえますが、一部いちぶの機能きのうが使つかえないことがあります。 Kitaca - JR Hokkaido Kitaca - JR北海道ほっかいどう Suica - JR East (Tokyo, Niigata, Sendai) Suica - JR東日本ひがしにほん(東京とうきょう、新潟にいがた、仙台せんだい) PASMO - Tokyo metropolitan area PASMO - 東京とうきょう manaca - Nagoya, Shizuoka manaca - 名古屋なごや、静岡しずおか TOICA - JR Central TOICA - JR東海とうかい ICOCA - JR West (Hiroshima, Kyoto, Osaka, Okayama) ICOCA - JR西日本にしにほん(広島ひろしま、京都きょうと、大阪おおさか、岡山おかやま) PiTaPa - Kansai (Kyoto, Osaka) PiTaPa - 関西かんさい(京都きょうと、大阪おおさか) SUGOCA - JR Kyushu (Fukuoka) SUGOCA - JR九州きゅうしゅう(福岡ふくおか) nimoca - Fukuoka, Oita, Kumamoto, Saga, Miyazaki, Hakodate nimoca - 福岡ふくおか、大分おおいた、熊本くまもと、佐賀さが、宮崎みやざき、函館はこだて Hayakaken - Fukuoka subway system Hayakaken - 福岡市ふくおかし地下鉄ちかてつ Another thing of note is that IC cards can be used for shopping at many places as well. ICカードのもう1つひとつのポイントは、多おおくの場所ばしょで買かい物ものする際さいにも使つかえるということです。 This is nice to avoid carrying a lot of change. 小銭こぜにが溜たまらないので便利べんりです。 Also, if you're looking to take a quick break, IC cards can be used at many vending machines to purchase a drink! また、ちょっとした休憩きゅうけいのときに、自動販売機じどうはんばいきでもICカードで飲のみ物ものが買かえるので便利べんりです。 Types of Trains in Japan 日本にほんの列車れっしゃの種類しゅるい Photo:A rapid train(写真しゃしん:快速電車かいそくでんしゃ) There are five main types of trains in Japan, differing by number of stops and other factors. 日本にほんには、停車ていしゃする駅えきの数かずなどの違ちがいによって、主おもに5種類ごしゅるいの列車れっしゃがあります。 Remembering the different types can help you know which train to board. 列車れっしゃの種類しゅるいを覚おぼえたらどの電車でんしゃに乗のればいいのかが分わかりやすくなります。 Local: 普通ふつう Local trains are the slowest type of train and generally stop at every station on the line. 普通列車ふつうれっしゃは最もっとも遅おそい種類しゅるいの列車れっしゃで、一般的いっぱんてきには、各駅かくえきに停車ていしゃします。 Rapid: 快速かいそく Rapid trains generally cost the same as local trains but are faster as they stop only at major stations. 快速列車かいそくれっしゃは一般いっぱん的てきに普通列車ふつうれっしゃと同おなじ料金りょうきんですが、主要しゅような駅えきだけに停車ていしゃしますので、普通列車ふつうれっしゃより速はやいです。 Express: 急行きゅうこう Express trains generally stop at fewer stations and are faster than rapid trains. 急行列車きゅうこうれっしゃは、一般的いっぱんてきに停車ていしゃする駅えきが少すくなくて、快速列車かいそくれっしゃより速はやいのが特徴とくちょうです。 Limited Express: 特急列車とっきゅうれっしゃ Limited express trains are the fastest trains in Japan besides shinkansen, and an additional fee will be charged when using riding them. 特急列車とっきゅうれっしゃは、新幹線しんかんせん以外いがいで日本にほんの最もっとも速はやい列車れっしゃで、乗のる場合ばあいは別べつの料金りょうきんがかかります。 Shinkansen: 新幹線しんかんせん Shinkansen, or bullet trains, are the fastest trains in Japan and connect Japan's major cities. 新幹線しんかんせんは、日本にほんの最もっとも速はやい列車れっしゃで、日本にほんの主要しゅよう都市としを繋つないでいます。 Train Ticket Prices in Japan 日本にほんの乗車券じょうしゃけんの料金りょうきん When traveling to a nearby location, most train tickets will start at around 160 yen (in Tokyo) and slowly increase as distance increases. 近ちかいところに行いく場合ばあい、ほとんどの乗車券じょうしゃけんは(東京とうきょうでは)160ひゃくろくじゅう円えんぐらいから買かえて、距離きょりが長ながくなるにつれて高たかくなります。 Keep in mind that train ticket prices also change depending on the type of train you ride on. 乗車券じょうしゃけんの料金りょうきんは、列車れっしゃの種類しゅるいによっても変かわるのでご注意ちゅういしてください。 In general, local trains are the cheapest, while shinkansen are the most expensive. 一般的いっぱんてきに、普通列車ふつうれっしゃは最もっとも安やすい列車れっしゃで、新幹線しんかんせんは最もっとも高たかい列車れっしゃです。 The Japan Rail Pass & Green Tickets ジャパンレールパスとグリーン券けん Photo:Japan Rail Pass(写真しゃしん:ジャパンレールパスじゃぱんれーるぱす) The Japan Rail Pass is a special type of train ticket that can be purchased ONLY by foreign tourists that enter Japan as a temporary visitor, for the purpose of sightseeing. ジャパンレールパスは、日本にほんに一時いちじ的てきに入国にゅうこくする「観光かんこう目的もくてきの外国人観光客がいこくじんかんこうきゃく」しか買かえない特別とくべつな乗車じょうしゃ券けんです。 There are two types of Japan Rail Pass, "Green" and "Standard," and the cost of each varies depending on the period of use. ジャパンレールパスには、「グリーン」と「普通ふつう」の2つふたつ>の種類しゅるいがあって、それぞれ使用しよう期間きかんによって金額きんがくが変かわります。 ・7-day Passes 7日間なのかかん有効ゆうこうパス Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Green グリーン Adults - 44,810 YEN 大人おとな 44,810よんまんよんせんはっぴゃくじゅう円えん Children - 22,400 YEN 子供こども 22,400にまんにせんよんひゃく円えん Standard 普通ふつう Adults - 29,650 YEN 大人おとな 29,650にまんきゅうせんろっぴゃく円えん Children - 14,820 YEN 子供こども 14,820いちまんよんせんはっぴゃくにじゅう円えん ・14-day Passes 14日間じゅうよっかかん有効ゆうこうパス Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Green グリーン Adults - 64,120 YEN 大人おとな 64,120ろくまんよんせんひゃくにじゅう円えん Children - 32,060 YEN 子供こども 32,060さんまんにせんろくじゅう円えん Standard 普通ふつう Adults - 47,250 YEN 大人おとな 47,250よんまんななせんにひゃくごじゅう円えん Children - 23,260 YEN 子供こども 23,260にまんさんぜんにひゃくろくじゅう円えん ・21-day Passes 21日間にじゅういちにちかん有効ゆうこうパス Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Green グリーン Adults - 83,390 YEN 大人おとな 83,390はちまんさんぜんさんびゃくきゅうじゅう円えん Children - 41,690 YEN 子供こども 41,690よんまんせんろっぴゃくきゅうじゅう円えん Standard 普通ふつう Adults - 60,450 YEN 大人おとな 60,450ろくまんよんひゃくごじゅう円えん Children - 30,220 YEN 子供こども 30,220さんまんにひゃくにじゅう円えん ※Prices up to date as of 10/17/2022 ※2022にせんにじゅうに年ねん10月じゅうがつ17日じゅうしちにち現在げんざいの料金りょうきんです。 Green cars are train cars with first class seating, allowing you to relax when traveling. グリーン車しゃは一いち等席とうせきがある車両しゃりょうで、旅行りょこうの時ときに使つかうとくつろぐことができます。 One thing to note is that green car tickets can be purchased even without a Japan rail pass 1つひとつ注意ちゅういしたいのは、グリーン車しゃのグリーン券けんはジャパンレールパスがなくても買かえるということです。 Train Manners in Japan 日本にほんの電車でんしゃのマナー Photo:A businessman talking on the phone while riding the train(写真しゃしん:電車内でんしゃないで通話つうわをするビジネスマン) We mentioned that Japan is known for its punctual trains, but Japanese people are also known for their good manners when riding trains. 日本にほんの電車でんしゃが時間じかんに正確せいかくであることをお伝つたえしましたが、電車でんしゃに乗のるときの日本人にっぽんじんのマナーが良よいことも知しられています。 Here, we'll list some things to keep in mind when riding a train in Japan, so you don't cause other trouble for other passengers. ここでは、日本にほんの電車でんしゃに乗のるときに、他たの乗客じょうきゃくに迷惑めいわくをかけないように気きをつけたいことを紹介しょうかいします。 1. No Talking on the Phone 1. 通話つうわは禁止きんし Talking on the other phone is definitely something to avoid, as it can be noisy and can cause trouble for other passengers. 通話つうわはうるさくて、他たの乗客じょうきゃくに迷惑めいわくをかけてしまいますので、絶対ぜったいにやめましょう。 It's also good manners to keep your phone on silent or some setting with which it won't ring. また、携帯電話けいたいでんわはマナーモードなど、音おとが鳴ならない設定せっていにするのがマナーです。 2. Talk Quietly When Riding the Train 2. 電車でんしゃに乗のるときは静しずかに話はなす Talking loudly with friends can be tempting when you're having fun, but it's important to be mindful of others. 友達ともだちと遊あそんでいるときは、大おおきな声こえで話はなしていても気きづかないかもしれませんが、他たの人ひとを気きづかうことが大切たいせつです。 It's also good manners to avoid listening to loud music. また、音楽おんがくを静しずかに聴きくのもマナーです。 3. Don't Eat When Riding the Train 3. 電車でんしゃで食たべてはいけない Eating on the train should always be avoided unless you're riding a shinkansen or in a green car, as these generally have tables and cup holders for eating and drinking. 新幹線しんかんせんやグリーン車しゃでは、よくテーブルやカップホルダーがありますので食たべても大丈夫だいじょうぶですが、それ以外いがいの電車でんしゃでの食事しょくじはマナー違反いはんです。 4. Be Careful of Priority Seating 4. 優先席ゆうせんせきに注意ちゅうい Trains in Japan have priority seating that is to be used be by senior citizens, people with disabilities, people with injuries, pregnant women, and people with children. 日本にほんの電車でんしゃには、高齢者こうれいしゃ、障害者しょうがいしゃ、傷病しょうびょう者しゃ、妊婦にんぷ、乳幼児にゅうようじがいる人ひとの優先ゆうせん座席ざせきがあります。 Be careful not to sit in them if you don't fit into any of the above categories. 上記じょうきに当あてはまらない人ひとは、座すわらないように気きをつけましょう。 5. Be Careful to Not Take Up Too Much Space 5. スペースを取とり過すぎないように注意ちゅうい Trains in most major Japanese cities are quite packed, especially during rush hour. 日本にほんの主要しゅよう都市としの電車でんしゃは、特とくにラッシュ時じになるとかなり込こみます。 Because of this, it's important to not take up more space than you need, so that other passengers have room as well. 他たの乗客じょうきゃくのスペースも考かんがえて、必要ひつよう以上いじょうのスペースをとらないようにしましょう。 If you're traveling with a backpack, it's considered good manners to move the backpack to your chest. リュックの場合ばあいは、胸むねの方ほうに持もつのがマナーとされています。 This makes it take up less space behind you and prevents it from bumping into people. そうすることで、後うしろのスペースを取とらず、人ひとにぶつかりません。 Also, be sure to use the luggage shelves located above the seats if possible. また、可能かのうであれば座席ざせきの上うえにある荷物棚にもつだなを使つかうと良よいでしょう。 If you can't use them, try to keep your bags as close to yourself as possible. 使つかえない場合ばあいは、できるだけ自分じぶんの近ちかくに荷物にもつを持もちましょう。 Summary of How to Use the Train in Japan 日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かたのまとめ Whether you're traveling or planning to reside in Japan, we hope this article has helped you better understand trains in Japan. 日本にほんへ旅行りょこうであれ、住すむ予定よていであれ、この記事きじを読よむことで、日本にほんの電車でんしゃを知しっていただけたら嬉うれしいです。 It can be difficult at first, but after learning the basics you'll have a much easier to traveling around Japan. 最初さいしょは難むずかしいかもしれませんが、基本きほんを覚おぼえれば、日本国内にほんこくないの移動いどうがわかりやすく楽たのしくなるでしょう。 There are some manners to abide by when traveling via train in Japan, but as long as you're careful you should have no trouble! 電車でんしゃを使つかう時ときにはマナーを守まもるのが大切たいせつですが、気きをつければ問題もんだいありません。 Feel free to leave a comment and let us know if you have any questions too! 質問しつもんなどがありましたら、お気軽きがるにコメントしてください。 h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 4:32
【Easy Japanese】How to Use Onsen in Japan: A Beginner's Guide + Popular Onsen in Japan & More!(日本温泉の入り方の入門書+日本の人気温泉など!)
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How to Use Onsen: Video Introduction 温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたの動画どうが紹介しょうかい This video, titled "Japanese ONSEN Manners" (日本にほんの温泉おんせんマナー Japanese ONSEN Manners), was uploaded by "LetsJapanCh." 今回こんかいは、『LetsJapanCh.』さん制作せいさくの『日本にほんの温泉おんせんマナー Japanese ONSEN Manners』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 It introduces how to use onsen in Japan. 温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたを説明せつめいする動画どうがです。 What Are Japan's Onsen? 日本にほんの温泉おんせんとは? Photo:Hot springs at Kusatsu Onsen(写真しゃしん:草津温泉くさつおんせんの湯畑ゆばたけ) Onsen, written "温泉おんせん" (温, On (Warm); 泉, Sen (Spring)) in kanji, is the Japanese word for "hot spring." 温泉おんせん(漢字かんじでは、「温(あたたかい)」「泉(いずみ)」)は英語えいごの「hot spring」という意味いみです。 Japan is one of the world's leading hot spring countries, and there are around 28,000 onsen in Japan. 日本にほんは世界せかい有数ゆうすうの温泉おんせん大国たいこくで、約やく28,000にまんはっせんの温泉おんせんがあると言いわれています。 It's not known exactly when Japan's onsen culture came to be, but records of onsen appear in historical texts, such as the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), from Japan's Nara Period (710-794). 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかがいつ頃ごろ生うまれたかは明あきらかではありませんが、奈良なら時代じだいの「日本にほん書紀しょき」などの歴史的れきしてきな書類しょるいにも温泉おんせんの記録きろくがあります。 Onsen Rules/Etiquette & How to Use Onsen in Japan 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたとルール・マナーを紹介しょうかい Photo:Noren at a public bath(写真しゃしん:銭湯せんとうの暖簾のれんのイメージ) Because Japan's onsen culture dates back more than 1,000 years, there are many different rules, manners, and customs to observe when using them. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかは1000せん年ねん以上いじょうの歴史れきしがあります。しかし、日本にほんの温泉おんせんを利用りようするときには様々さまざまなルールやマナー、習慣しゅうかんがあります。 Let's take a look at how to use onsen in Japan. ここでは、日本にほんでの温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたについてご紹介しょうかいします。 As shown in the video, there are two entrances at an onsen- one for women and one for men. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、温泉おんせんには女性じょせい用ようと男性だんせい用ようの入いり口ぐちがあります。 The entrances are marked by curtains called "Noren." 入いり口ぐちには「暖簾のれん」というものがあります。 The noren for the men's onsen generally have the kanji '男' (man), while the noren for the women's onsen have the kanji '女' (woman). 男湯おとこゆの暖簾のれんには「男おとこ」、女湯おんなゆの暖簾のれんには「女おんな」という漢字かんじが書かいてあるのが一般的いっぱんてきです。 [Video] 0:26 - Noren & Entrances for Men and Women 【動画どうが】0:26~ 暖簾のれんと男性だんせい用よう・女性じょせい用ようの入いり口ぐち If you're not used to Japan's onsen culture, this may come as a surprise, but before entering an onsen, one must get completely naked. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかに慣なれていない人ひとはびっくりするかもしれませんが、温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえに完全かんぜんに裸はだかにならなければなりません。 This means no swimsuits, slippers, etc. つまり、水着みずぎやスリッパなどは着用ちゃくようしません。 One reason is that wearing swimsuits can dirty the water, but another reason is that the swimsuits will weaken the therapeutic effects of the onsen. 水着みずぎを着きるとお湯ゆが汚よごれるという理由りゆうもありますが、温泉おんせんの効能こうのうが弱よわまってしまうという理由りゆうもあります。 [Video] 0:58 - What to Wear in a Japanese Onsen 【動画どうが】0:58~ 日本にほんの温泉おんせんでの服装ふくそうについて Before entering an onsen there are a few other things one must do. 温泉おんせんに入る前まえに、いくつかの手順てじゅんがあります。 The first is to pour water over the body. まず、体からだにお湯ゆをかけること。 This is to acclimate your body to the temperature of the onsen, and also to wash the body of dirt and cleanse it of impurities/evil spirits. これは温泉おんせんの温度おんどに体からだを慣ならすとともに、体からだを洗あらって、穢けがれを落おとすためです。 [Video] 1:22 - Pouring Water Over Oneself Before Entering the Onsen 【動画どうが】1:22~ 温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえにかけ湯ゆ After cleansing your body, it's time for a shower. 体からだを洗あらった後あとは、シャワーを浴あびます。 Unlike normal showers where you would shower standing up, it's proper manners to sit down when showering at an onsen. 通常つうじょうのシャワーは立たって浴あびますが、温泉おんせんでは座すわって浴あびるのがマナーです。 This is to prevent the water from splashing on others who may also be showering. これは、同おなじようにシャワーを浴あびている人ひとに水みずがかからないようにするためです。 Onsen are shared spaces, and so it's important to be mindful of others. 温泉おんせんは共有きょうゆうの空間くうかんなので、他ほかの人ひとを気きづかうことが大切たいせつです。 [Video] 2:13 - Showering Before Entering the Onsen 【動画どうが】2:13~ 温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえにシャワー Many people may think it's common sense to not bring stools into the baths, but it's still a important. 湯船ゆぶねに腰掛こしかけを持もち込こまないのは常識じょうしきと思おもわれる人ひとが多おおいかもしれませんが、大切たいせつなことです。 Actually, bringing any outside objects into the onsen is generally considered bad manners. また、温泉おんせんの中なかに物ものを持もち込こむのはマナー違反いはんとされています。 Things like squirt guns, pool noodles, etc., are not allowed in onsen. 温泉おんせんでは水鉄砲みずでっぽうやプール・ヌードルなどは禁止きんしです。 [Video] 1:58 - Don't Bring Outside Objects Inside the Onsen 【動画どうが】1:58~ 外部がいぶからの物ものを湯船ゆぶねにつけない While onsen are a place for relaxing, sleeping inside or near the baths is bad manners. 温泉おんせんはリラックスするための場所ばしょですが、湯船ゆぶねの中なかや近ちかくで寝ねるのはマナー違反いはんです。 Sleeping inside the baths is also dangerous as well, so definitely avoid doing this. また、湯船ゆぶねの中なかで寝ねるのは危険きけんですので、絶対ぜったいにやめましょう。 [Video] 2:41 - No Sleeping in Onsen 【動画どうが】2:41~ 温泉おんせんで寝ねてはいけない As mentioned above, onsen are a shared space for relaxation. 上うえに書かいてあるように、温泉おんせんはリラックスするための共有きょうゆうの場所ばしょです。 It's good manners to keep your voice down when enjoying the onsen. 温泉おんせんを楽たのしむときは、静しずかにくつろぐのがマナーです。 If you're with a friend and want to talk, be sure to talk quietly. 友達ともだちと一緒いっしょにいて話はなしをしたい場合ばあいは、静しずかに話はなすようにしましょう。 Naturally, singing, yelling, etc., is bad manners. もちろん、歌うたったり、大声おおごえを出だしたりするのはマナー違反いはんです。 These manners also apply to saunas in Japan as well. これらのマナーは、日本にほんのサウナでも同おなじです。 [Video] 3:02 - Staying Quiet When Using Onsen 【動画どうが】3:02~ 温泉おんせんを利用りようするときは静しずかに After you've finished relaxing in the onsen and are ready to return to the dressing room, it's important to wipe your body off first. 温泉おんせんでくつろいで、脱衣室だついしつに戻もどりたいときは、まず体からだを拭ふきましょう。 This is so that the floors of the dressing room don't get wet. これは脱衣室だついしつの床ゆかが濡ぬれれないようにするためです。 [Video] 3:40 - Wiping Down Before Entering the Dressing Room 【動画どうが】3:40~ 体からだを拭ふいてから脱衣室だついしつに戻もどる Bathing in an onsen expends energy and the heat causes you to sweat, reducing the amount of water in the body. 温泉おんせんに入はいると体力たいりょくを使つかって、熱ねつで汗あせをかくため、体内たいないの水分すいぶんが少すくなくなります。 Because of this, it's important to relax for a while after bathing in the onsen, and grab some water or a sports drink to rehydrate. そのため、入浴にゅうよく後ごはしばらくリラックスして、水みずやスポーツドリンクで水分すいぶんをとるのが大事だいじです。 Many onsen in Japan provide yukata that guests can wear after bathing, and a lounge where they can relax. 多おおくの日本にほんの温泉おんせんでは、入浴にゅうよく後ごに着きる浴衣ゆかたや、ゆっくり休やすめる休憩室きゅうけいしつが用意よういされています。 Can You Enter Onsen in Japan With Tattoos? 日本にほんではタトゥーがあっても温泉おんせんに入れる? One of the most frequently asked questions foreign travelers to Japan have when wanting to visit an onsen is whether or not it's okay to enter onsen with tattoos. 来日らいにちする外国人がいこくじん旅行者りょこうしゃが温泉おんせんに入はいりたいと思おもったとき、よくある質問しつもんの1ひとつに「タトゥーがあっても温泉おんせんに入はいれますか?」という質問しつもんです。 Unfortunately, the answer to this is generally no. 残念ざんねんながら、一般的いっぱんてきにいうと、入はいれません。 The reason for this is tattoos in Japan have long been associated with criminal organizations. その理由りゆうは、日本にほんでは昔からタトゥーは犯罪はんざい組織そしきと関係かんけいがあったからです。 In the past, criminals in Japan were even marked with a tattoo so that they could be easily identified. かつて日本にほんでは、犯罪者はんざいしゃがすぐに分わかるようにタトゥーを入いれていました。 That being said, there are some onsen in Japan where you can enter with tattoos. とはいえ、日本にほんにはタトゥーがあっても入れる温泉おんせんがあります。 Furthermore, there are places that allow you to enter as long as you cover up your tattoos. さらに、タトゥーを隠かくせば入はいれるところもあります。 This can be done with special bandages and sprays sold in Japan. 日本にほんで売うられている専用せんようのバンデージやスプレーで隠かくすことができます。 Unfortunately, some places won't let you enter even if you offer to cover up tattoos. しかし、残念ざんねんなことに、タトゥーを隠かくしても入はいらせてくれない温泉おんせんもあります。 In this case, there's not much you can do, and you're better off just finding a new place. この場合ばあい、どうすることもできないので、違ちがう温泉おんせんを探さがしましょう。 It shouldn't be hard though with how many onsen there are in Japan. ただ、日本にほんにはたくさんの温泉おんせんがありますので、探さがしやすいはずです。 The Different Types of Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんの種類しゅるい Photo:A bulletin board with health benefits written on it at Kinosaki Onsen(写真しゃしん:城崎温泉きのさきおんせん・効能こうのうが書かかれた掲示板けいじばん) Japan's onsen are said to be good for one's health, but there are many different types of onsen in Japan, and they all have slightly different health benefits. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんは健康けんこうに良よいと言いわれていますが、日本にほんには様々さまざまな種類しゅるいの温泉おんせんがあって、それぞれ効能こうのうも少すこし違ちがいます。 Below we'll introduce some of the different types of onsen in Japan. 以下いかに、日本にほんの温泉おんせんの種類しゅるいをいくつかご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Simple Hot Springs ・簡易かんい温泉おんせん Standard, transparent hot springs with a small amount of minerals. ミネラルが少すこし入はいった、お湯ゆが透明とうめいの標準的ひょうじゅんてきな温泉おんせん。 ・Chloride Springs ・塩化物えんかぶつ泉せん Hot springs that contain salt and are good for muscle and joint pain. 塩分えんぶんが高たかい、筋肉痛きんにくつうや関節痛かんせつつうに良よい温泉おんせん。 ・Sulfate Springs ・硫酸塩りゅうさんえん泉せん Hot springs that contain sulfates. The water of these onsen has a bitter taste. 硫酸塩りゅうさんえんが入はいった温泉おんせん。この温泉おんせんのお湯ゆは苦にがい味あじがする。 ・Acidic Springs ・酸性泉さんせいせん Hot springs with high acidity. These springs are good for the skin. 酸性度さんせいどの高たかい温泉おんせん。この温泉おんせんは肌はだに良よいです。 ・Radioactive Springs ・放射能ほうしゃのう泉せん You might be thinking "That sounds dangerous," but radioactive springs are actually shown to have good effects on the body. 「危あぶなさそうだな」と思おもうかもしれませんが、実じつは放射能ほうしゃのう泉せんは体からだに良よい効果こうかがあることが分わかっています。 These springs have a small amount of radon or radium in them and are said to treat gout and rheumatism. ラドンやラジウムが少すこし入はいった温泉おんせんで、痛風つうふうやリウマチに効きくと言いわれています。 Popular Onsen in Japan 日本にほんの人気にんき温泉おんせん There are so many hot springs in Japan that it would be impossible to list them all. 日本にほんには温泉おんせんが数かぞえ切きれないほどたくさんあるので、すべての温泉おんせんを紹介しょうかいすることはできません。 So, here are some of the most popular onsen in Japan. そこで、日本にほんで最もっとも人気にんきのある温泉おんせんをいくつかご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Kusatsu Onsen (Gunma Prefecture) ・草津くさつ温泉おんせん(群馬県ぐんま) A famous hot spring resort located on the east side of Mt. Kusatsu-Shirane, an active volcano. 活火山かっかざんである草津くさつ白根山しらねさんの東側ひがしがわに位置いちする有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんち。 The hot springs here are mostly acidic hot springs and are even said to have been used by military commanders during Japan's Warring States Period. ここの温泉おんせんは酸性泉さんせいせんが多おおくて、日本にほんの戦国せんごく時代じだいには武将ぶしょうが利用りようしたと言いわれています。 Video Article 3:02 Kusatsu Onsen Hot Spring, Gunma Prefecture- Beautiful Scenery, Skiing, Hot Springs, and Local Food and Events, All in This Beautiful Winter Wonderland YouTube ・Hakone Onsen (Kanagawa Prefecture) ・箱根はこね温泉おんせん(神奈川県かながわけん) Hakone Onsen refers to hot springs located mainly in the town of Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture. 箱根はこね温泉おんせんとは、神奈川県かながわけん箱根町はこねまちを中心ちゅうしんに位置いちした温泉おんせんのことです。 It has a long history, dating back 1,300 years. 温泉おんせんの歴史れきしは古ふるくて、1300せんさんびゃく年ねん前まえにさかのぼります。 Video Article 2:59 Hakone Onsen's "Hakone Ginyu" Inn, Is an Exclusive, Luxurious Place to Stay in Kanagawa Prefecture! Enjoy a Wonderful Experience at One of Japan's Premier Hot Springs! YouTube ・Beppu Onsen (Oita Prefecture) ・別府べっぷ温泉おんせん(大分県おおいたけん) Beppu Onsen is a hot spring resort in Oita Prefecture, located near Beppu Station. 別府べっぷ温泉おんせんとは大分県おおいたけんの温泉地おんせんちで、別府べっぷ駅えきの近ちかくにあります。 The resort features many different types of hot springs. 多おおくの種類しゅるいの温泉おんせんがあるのが特徴とくちょうです。 The onsen has been famous for hundreds of years, even appearing on hot spring ranking lists from Japan's Edo Period. 数百年すうひゃくねん前まえから有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんちで江戸えど時代じだいの温泉おんせんランキングにも入はいっていました。 Video Article 3:46 Chinoike Jigoku (The Blood Pond of Hell) – A Blood Red Hot Spring at Beppu Hot Springs... YouTube ・Yufuin Onsen (Oita Prefecture) ・湯布院ゆふいん温泉おんせん(大分県おおいたけん) Located in the center of Oita Prefecture, Yufuin Onsen is just 10km from Beppu Onsen, so it's easy to travel between the two of them. 大分県おおいたけんのほぼ中央ちゅうおうに位置いちする湯布院ゆふいん温泉おんせんは、別府べっぷ温泉おんせんからわずか10じゅうキロの距離きょりにあって、別府べっぷ温泉おんせんとの行ゆき来きがしやすいのが特徴とくちょうです。 Video Article 1:06 Experience an Exciting Glamping Trip in Oita, Japan! Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi's Luxury Camping Experience Is Like Staying at a Resort Hotel! YouTube ・Ginzan Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture) ・銀山ぎんざん温泉おんせん(山形県やまがたけん) Ginzan Onsen is a hot spring famous for its beautiful townscape. 銀山ぎんざん温泉おんせんとは美うつくしい街並まちなみで有名ゆうめいな温泉街おんせんがいです。 It's especially breathtaking during winter when snow blankets the town. 特とくに冬ふゆには雪ゆきに覆おおわれて、その美うつくしさは息いきを呑のむほどです。 ・Dogo Onsen (Ehime Prefecture) ・道後どうご温泉おんせん(愛媛県えひめけん) Dogo Onsen is a popular hot spring in Ehime, and is known as one of the oldest hot springs in Japan. 道後どうご温泉おんせんとは、日本にほん最古さいこの温泉おんせんの1ひとつとして知しられる愛媛えひめの有名ゆうめいな温泉おんせんです。 It even appears in Japanese legends 日本にほんの伝説でんせつにも表あらわれます。 Video Article 3:36 Dogo Onsen, the Oldest Hot Spring in Japan, and the Inspiration for Studio Ghibli’s Oscar-Winning Animated Film?! The Hot Spring, Loved by Famous Japanese Novelist Natsume Soseki, Is an Attractive Destination, Filled With History! YouTube The Best Time to Visit Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんのベストシーズン Photo:Winter at Nyuto Onsen's Tsuru no Yu(写真しゃしん:乳頭温泉郷にゅうとうおんせん・冬ふゆの鶴つるの湯温泉ゆおんせん) When it comes to the best season/time of year to visit onsen, this can vary depending on your personal preferences. 温泉おんせんに行いくのに一番いちばんいい季節きせつというと、これは人ひとによって様々さまざまです。 That being said, here are some things to consider for each season. とはいえ、季節きせつごとのポイントをご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Spring ・春はる During spring, the weather is fair, making it easy to relax in onsen. 春はるは、気候きこうもよく温泉おんせんが入はいりやすい季節きせつです。 Depending on where you are, you may even be able to enjoy cherry blossoms while bathing. 場所ばしょによっては桜さくらを見みながら入浴にゅうよくすることもできます。 ・Summer ・夏なつ Summer in Japan is quite hot, so it might seem strange to want to bathe in hot water, but there are some reasons for visiting hot spring during the summer. 日本にほんの夏なつはかなり暑あついので、温泉おんせんでリラックスしたいと思おもうのは不思議ふしぎに思おもえるかもしれませんが、夏なつに温泉おんせんに行いくのにはいくつかの理由りゆうがあります。 One would be that many of Japan's hot springs are located deep in mountainous areas and are difficult to reach during winter. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんは山奥やまおくにあることが多おおく、冬ふゆに行いくのは難むずかしいというのも理由りゆうの1ひとつです。 Summer is the best time to visit any hidden gems you want to go to. 夏なつは、行いきたい穴場あなばに行いくのに一番いちばんいい季節きせつです。 ・Autumn ・秋あき Autumn, similar to spring, has mild weather and is great for enjoying outdoor springs. 秋あきは春はると同様どうよう、気候きこうが穏おだやかで、外そとにある温泉おんせんを楽たのしむのに良よい季節きせつです。 Furthermore, autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons in Japan and there are many places in Japan that are famous for their autumn foliage. さらに、秋あきは日本にほんで美うつくしい季節きせつの1ひとつで、日本にほんには紅葉こうようの名所めいしょがたくさんあります。 Bathing in Japan's relaxing hot springs while enjoying the autumn leaves is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんに入はいりながら紅葉こうようも楽たのしめるなんて、一石二鳥いっせきにちょうですね。 ・Winter ・冬ふゆ Winter in Japan can be quite cold, especially northern Japan. 日本にほんのなかでも、特とくに北きた日本にほんの冬ふゆはかなり寒さむいです。 Onsen are a great way to warm up during the harsh winter months. 日本にほんの厳きびしい冬ふゆに体からだを温あたためるには、温泉おんせんは最高さいこうです。 Depending on where you go, you can also enjoy beautiful snowy landscapes around the onsen. 場所ばしょによっては、温泉おんせんの周まわりに美うつくしい雪景色ゆきげしきを楽たのしむこともできます。 How Much Do Onsen in Japan Cost to Use? 日本にほん温泉おんせんの入浴にゅうよく料金りょうきんは? Japan's onsen are relatively cheap to use. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの入浴にゅうよく料金りょうきんは割わりと安やすいです。 Most onsen cost only a couple hundred yen (a few bucks). ほとんどの温泉おんせんは数百すうひゃく円えんしかかかりません。 If you're on a budget and looking to save money while still enjoying some of the authentic culture of Japan, onsen are a great experience. 予算よさんが限かぎられていて、お金かねを節約せつやくしながら、日本にほんの本物ほんものの文化ぶんかを楽たのしみたいのであれば、温泉おんせんはとても良よい体験たいけんになります。 If you're visiting a hot spring town in Japan and planning to stay the night to enjoy sightseeing around the area, then you're going to have to book some accommodations as well. 日本にほんの温泉街おんせんがいに行いって、その周辺しゅうへんの観光かんこうを楽たのしむために宿泊しゅくはくするのであれば、ホテルなどの宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつの予約よやくが必要ひつようです。 With that in mind, rather than staying at a hotel, we recommend staying at a ryokan. 宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつはホテルではなくて、旅館りょかんに泊とまるのがおすすめです。 A ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn that serves traditional Japanese-style meals, generally has traditional Japanese rooms (tatami mats, sliding doors, etc.), and allows guests to relax in yukata, traditional Japanese clothing. なぜなら旅館りょかんは、食事しょくじは和食わしょく、部屋へやは和室わしつ(畳たたみ、襖ふすまなど)、浴衣ゆかたでくつろぐことができる日本にほんの伝統的でんせつてきな宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつだからです。 This allows visitors to really experience Japanese culture and for roughly the same price as a hotel. ホテルとほぼ同おなじ料金りょうきんですが、日本にほんの文化ぶんかを体験たいけんすることができます。 Onsen ryokan are traditional Japanese inns with a focus on hot springs, and can be found in many hot spring resorts in Japan. 温泉おんせん旅館りょかんは、温泉おんせんを中心ちゅうしんとした日本にほんの伝統的でんせつてきな旅館りょかんで、日本にほんの多おおくの温泉地おんせんちにあります。 Summary of How to Use Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたのまとめ There are many different rules and manners to observe when enjoying onsen in Japan, but even if you make a mistake, as long as you're careful there's nothing to worry about. 日本にほんで温泉おんせんを楽たのしむには、様々さまざまなルールやマナーがありますが、たとえ間違まちがえても、気きを付つければ何なにも心配しんぱいすることはありません。 Whether you're going to a famous hot spring resort or an onsen hidden in the mountains of Japan, you're sure to find some relaxing hot springs, regardless of the season. 日本にほんの有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんちでも、山奥やまおくの温泉おんせんでも、季節きせつに関係かんけいなくリラックスできる温泉おんせんがきっと見みつかるはずです。 Just remember, if you have tattoos, it's best to do some research and find which hot springs you can enter to avoid any troubles during your trip. ただ、タトゥーを入いれている人ひとは、旅行りょこう中ちゅうにトラブルが起おきないように、入はいれる温泉おんせんを調しらべておくといいでしょう。 h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 2:09
【Easy Japanese】Learn How to Properly Use Chopsticks + Chopstick Etiquette in Japan via Video!(お箸の正しい使い方+お箸のマナーを動画で学ぼう!)
Life & Business Food & Drink- 166 plays
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How to Use Chopsticks: Video Introduction お箸はしの使つかい方かたの動画どうが紹介しょうかい This video, titled "Bad chopstick manners - How to Use Chopsticks | Ohashi (お箸はし)," was uploaded by "Hannari Japan" (Hannari Japan - 鈴木聖奈すずきせいなのはんなりジャパン). 今回こんかいは、『Hannari Japan - 鈴木聖奈すずきせいなのはんなりジャパン』さん制作せいさくの『Bad chopstick manners - How to Use Chopsticks | Ohashi (お箸はし)』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 Japanese Chopstick Culture 日本にほんのお箸はしの文化ぶんか Photo:Meoto-bashi(写真しゃしん:夫婦箸めおとばし) In Japan, chopsticks have been used as tableware and implements for more than 1,000 years. 日本にほんでは箸はしが千年せんねん以上いじょう前まえから使つかわれている食器しょっき・道具どうぐです。 They are used during all three meals of the day as well. そして、三度さんどの食事しょくじでも使つかわれています。 Furthermore, they are used not only for eating, but also for cooking and ceremonies. さらに、食事しょくじだけではなくて、料理りょうりや儀式ぎしきなどにも使つかわれます。 In Japan, there is also a culture of eating with your own personal chopsticks that others do not use. 日本にほんでは、他ほかの人ひとが使つかわない自分じぶんだけのお箸はしを使つかって食たべるという文化ぶんかもあります。 4 Steps to Holding and Using Chopsticks Correctly お箸はしの正ただしい持もち方かた・使つかい方かたの4つよっつのステップ Photo:How to Properly Hold Chopsticks(写真しゃしん:正ただしいお箸はしの持もち方かた) 1.Relax the hand that will be using the chopsticks. 1.お箸はしを使つかう手てをリラックスしてください。 Place the first chopstick between your index finger and thumb and place the thin end on top of your ring finger. 1本いっぽん目めのお箸はしを人差ひとさし指ゆびと親指おやゆびの間あいだに置おいて、細ほそい方ほうを薬指くすりゆびの上うえに乗のせます。 2.Place the second chopstick between your index finger and thumb, but this time place the thin end on top of your middle finger. 2.2本にほん目めのお箸はしも人差ひとさし指ゆびと親指おやゆびの間あいだに置おきますが、このお箸はしは細ほそい方ほうを中指なかゆびの上うえに乗のせます。 3.Hold the second chopstick tightly with your thumb, index and middle fingers. 3.親指おやゆび、人差ひとさし指、中指なかゆびの3本さんぼんの指ゆびを使つかって、2本にほん目めのお箸はしを強つよく持もちます。 4.The first chopstick will not be moved. 4.1本いっぽん目めのお箸はしは、動うごかしません。 The second chopstick is used to pick up food using the index and middle fingers. 2本にほん目めのお箸はしは人差ひとさし指ゆびと中指なかゆびを使つかって動うごかして食たべ物ものを取とります。 [Video] 0:30 - How to Properly Hold Chopsticks 【動画どうが】0:30~ お箸はしの正ただしい持もち方かた How to Eat Noodles with Chopsticks 麺類めんるいのお箸はしでの食たべ方かた Photo:Tempura Soba(写真しゃしん:天てんぷらそば) It might take some time before you can use chopsticks confidently. お箸はしを上手じょうずに使つかえるまでには時間じかんがかかるかもしれません。 Eating noodles can be especially difficult. 特とくに麺類めんるいをお箸はしで食たべるのは難むずかしいでしょう。 But, practice makes perfect. でも、練習れんしゅうあるのみです。 When eating noodles such as ramen, you need to grip the noodles firmly or they will fall off the chopsticks; ラーメンなどの麺類めんるいを食たべるときは、麺めんをしっかりと掴つままないと落おちてしまいます。 it's important to hold the second chopstick firmly with three fingers and grasp the noodles as though you are pinching them between your fingers. 3本さんぼんの指ゆびで2本にほん目めのお箸はしをしっかりと持もって、麺めんを挟はさむように掴つまむことが大切たいせつです。 Also, be sure to turn your chopsticks on their side when lifting the noodles to your mouth. そして、麺めんを口くちに運はこぶときはお箸はしを横よこにすると運はこびやすくなります。 Is It Bad Manners to Use Chopsticks With Your Left Hand? 左手ひだりてでお箸はしを使つかうのはマナー違反いはん? There are probably a lot of people who wonder if it's okay to eat while holding chopsticks in their left hand. 「左手ひだりてにお箸はしを持もって食たべるのはマナー違反いはん?」と思おもう人ひとは多おおいかもしれません。 While in the past it might have been considered rude in Japan, these days it's not that uncommon to see people holding their chopsticks in their left hand. 昔むかしの日本にほんでは、食事しょくじの違反いはんだったかもしれませんが、今いまでは日本にほんでも左手ひだりてでお箸はしを持もつ人ひとは多おおくいます。 With that in mind, if you're thinking "I'm left-handed, but want to go to Japan," there's nothing to worry about. ですので、「私わたしは左利ひだりききだけど、日本にほんに行いきたい」と思おもう人ひとは安心あんしんしてください。 If you practice holding and using chopsticks as described above, you will be fine. 上うえのお箸はしの持もち方かた・使つかい方かたを練習れんしゅうすれば大丈夫だいじょうぶです。 Even if you're left-handed, you'll have no problems. そして、左利ひだりききでも問題もんだいありません。 Chopstick Etiquette in Japan 日本にほんでのお箸はしのマナー Photo:How Not to Hold Chopsticks(写真しゃしん:お箸はしの間違まちがった持もち方かた) As shown in the video, Japan has a variety of chopstick etiquette. 動画どうがで紹介されているように日本にほんには、様々さまざまなお箸はしのマナーがあります。 Here are some things to avoid when using chopsticks. ここでは、お箸はしを使つかうときにやってはいけないことを紹介します。 1. Nigiri-bashi: Eating by clasping both chopsticks in your hand 1.握にぎり箸ばし:2本にほんのお箸はしを握にぎって食たべること [Video] 1:24 - Nigiri-bashi 【動画どうが】1:24~ 握にぎり箸ばし 2. Neburi-bashi: Licking the tips of your chopsticks to remove food from them while eating 2.ねぶり箸ばし:食たべるとき、お箸はしに付ついた食たべ物ものを取とるために、お箸はしの先さきをなめること [Video] 1:30 - Neburi-bashi 【動画どうが】1:30~ ねぶり箸ばし 3. Mayoi-bashi: Pointing your chopsticks at various foods while deciding what to eat 3.迷まよい箸ばし:食たべるとき、何なにを食たべるかを迷まよって、あれこれの食たべ物ものに箸はしを向むけること [Video] 1:37 - Mayoi-bashi 【動画どうが】1:37~ 迷まよい箸ばし 4. Sashi-bashi: Sticking your chopsticks into the food 4.刺さし箸ばし:お箸はしを食たべ物ものに刺ささすこと [Video] 1:46 - Sashi-bashi 【動画どうが】1:46~ 刺さし箸ばし These are not all of the chopstick manners that exist in Japan, but these are some points to be careful of when using them. 上うえが日本にほんのお箸はしのマナーの全すべてではありませんが、お箸はしを使つかうときに気きをつけたいポイントです。 Different Types of Chopsticks and Their Prices お箸はしの種類しゅるいと値段ねだん In Japan there are a variety of different chopsticks. 日本にほんにも様々さまざまなお箸はしがあります。 Below is a list of some of them. 以下いかに、そのいくつかを紹介しょうかいします。 1. Wari-bashi: Chopsticks that can be broken into two halves for eating and disposed of when you've finished eating 1. 割わり箸ばし:食たべるときに半分はんぶんに割わって使つかって、食たべ終おわったら捨すてるお箸はし 2. Nuri-bashi: Chopsticks that lacquer has been applied to 2. 塗ぬり箸ばし:漆うるしが塗ぬられたお箸はし 3. Sai-bashi: Long chopsticks used for cooking. 3. 菜箸さいばし:料理りょうりに使つかう長ながいお箸はし。 Sai-bashi are around 30-35 cm long to prevent burns when cooking. 料理りょうりのとき、手てを火傷やけどしないように、30さんじゅう~から35さんじゅうごセンチの長ながさがあります。 4. Iwai-bashi: Chopsticks used for celebratory meals such as New Year's and wedding ceremonies 4. 祝箸いわいばし:お正月しょうがつや結婚式けっこんしきなどの祝いわいの食事しょくじに使つかうお箸はし 5. Rikyu-bashi: Chopsticks used in tea ceremony 5. 利休箸りきゅうばし:茶道さどうに使つかわれるお箸はし 6. Meoto-bashi: Chopsticks given as gifts to couples for weddings and other celebrations 6. 夫婦箸めおとばし:結婚けっこんなどのお祝いわいで夫婦ふうふにあげるお箸はし These chopsticks are made with a variety of different materials, but wood is the most common. このお箸はしは様々さまざまな素材そざいで作つくられますが、よく木きで作つくられます。 Although you might see washable plastic chopsticks instead of wari-bashi at a restaurant, metal chopsticks are not very common in Japan. レストランでは、割わり箸ばしの代かわりに洗あらえるプラスチックのお箸はしもありますが、日本にほんでは金属きんぞくで作つくられたお箸はしは少すくないです。 The price of chopsticks depends on the material and type. お箸はしの値段ねだんは素材そざいや種類しゅるいによって変かわわります。 Wari-bashi are very inexpensive and sometimes free. 割わり箸はしはとても安やすくて、無料むりょうの場合ばあいもあります。 However, meoto-bashi are used for special celebrations and cost around 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen. しかし、夫婦箸めおとばしは特別とくべつなお祝いわいに使つかいますので、3,000さんぜん円えんから10,000いちまん円えんぐらいかかります。 Choosing the Chopsticks That Are Right for You! 自分じぶんに合あうお箸はしを選えらびましょう! Photo:Chopsticks(写真しゃしん:お箸はし) As we mentioned above, there are many different types of chopsticks. 上うえに書かいてあるように、お箸はしには様々さまざまな種類しゅるいがあります。 However, it might not be obvious what chopsticks are best for you. しかし、自分じぶんにはどのお箸はしが一番いちばん合あっているのかわからない人ひともいるでしょう。 For those who aren't used to using chopsticks and want to learn to hold them properly, or want to correct some bad habits that they might have, we recommend training chopsticks. お箸はしを持もつのが慣なれていなくて、正ただしく持もてるようになりたい人ひとや、悪わるい習慣しゅうかんを直なおしたい人ひとは、トレーニング箸はしがおすすめです。 Training chopsticks are handy for people who are learning to use chopsticks for the first time and also children. トレーニング箸はしは、初はじめてお箸はしを使つかう人ひとや子供こどもに便利べんりなお箸はしです。 They're designed in a way that just by holding them, you can hold them correctly. 持もつだけで正ただしく持もてるような工夫くふうがされています。 For people finding it difficult to pick up certain foods, such as noodles, you can also try chopsticks with a non-slip grip. 麺類めんるいなどの特定とくていの食たべ物ものを摘つまむむのが難むずかしいと感かんじる人ひとには、滑すべり止どめが付ついたお箸はしがおすすめです。 These chopsticks have non-slip grooves on the tips to prevent food from falling off. このお箸はしは、食たべ物ものが落おちちないように、先端せんたんに滑すべり止どめが付ついています。 If you're looking for a cheaper pair of chopsticks, try searching at Japan's various 100-yen shops. もっと安やすいお箸はしをお探さがしているなら、日本にほんの百均ひゃっきん(100ひゃく円えんショップ)はいかがでしょう。 Shops like Daiso sell all sorts of chopsticks. 「ダイソー」などの百均ひゃっきんショップでは、様々さまざまな種類しゅるいのお箸はしが売うられています。 You can find plain wooden chopsticks, washable plastic chopsticks with designs, and a variety of cool/cute designs. 無地むじの木きで作つくられたお箸はしや、洗あらえるデザイン付つのプラスチックのお箸はし、かっこいいデザインからかわいいデザインまで、様々さまざまなお箸はしがあります。 In addition to chopsticks, 100-yen shops also sell accessories for chopsticks. またお箸はしのほか、百均ひゃっきんショップでは、お箸はしのアクセサリーも売うられています。 As for chopstick accessories, chopstick cases and chopstick rests are the most popular. お箸はしのアクセサリーといえば、箸はしケースと箸はし置おきが人気にんきです。 Chopstick cases are convenient for carrying your own chopsticks. 箸はしケースは自分じぶんのお箸はしを入いれて持もち運はこべるので、お弁当べんとうと一緒いっしょに使つかうと便利べんりです。 Chopstick rests are used to temporarily set down chopsticks when eating. 箸はし置おきは、食たべているときに一時的いちじてきにお箸はしを置おくためのものです。 Place the side that has touched your mouth on the chopstick rest. お箸はしの口くちをつけた側がわを乗のせます。 It's bad manners to leave chopsticks in food, so be careful. 食たべ物ものにお箸はしを刺さしたままにするのはマナー違反いはんなので、気きを付つけてください。 Summary of How to Use Chopsticks and Chopstick Manners お箸はしの正ただしい使つかい方かたとお箸はしのマナーのまとめ Start by repeatedly practicing how to hold and use chopsticks correctly. まずは、お箸はしの正ただしい持もち方かたと使つかい方かたを繰くり返かえし練習れんしゅうしてみてください。 You'll be able to master them in no time! すぐに上手じょうずに使つかえるようになります! And, by studying the rules and manners of chopsticks, you'll be able to relax when you go to Japan. そして、お箸はしのルールやマナーを勉強べんきょうすれば、日本にほんに行いくときにも安心あんしんできます。 h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 3:58
Kanzashi - How to Use Japanese Hairpins! Stylish Hairstyles for Kimono and Yukata!
Life & Business Traditional Culture- 1.24K plays
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How to Style Your Hair With Kanzashi (Japanese Hairpin): Video Introduction This video, titled "3 Different Hairstyles for Kimono and Yukata Using Kanzashi" (浴衣や着物に使いたい簪(かんざし)の3つの使い方/How to use Kanzashi(chopsticks)/Kimono and Yukata 3 hairstyles.), was uploaded by "hair works &SOL." This video explains how to use kanzashi, Japanese hairpins used in traditional Japanese hairstyles, in an easy-to-understand manner, so that those unfamiliar with kanzashi can easily follow along. Kanzashi - Cute Hairstyles Without Kimono and Yukata A kanzashi is a hair ornament that is inserted into hair to maintain one's hair style after it is styled. During the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), as various hairstyles became popular, different types of hairpins emerged, and they became one of the most popular types of traditional Japanese accessories. They are used as hair ornaments for kimono and yukata, but in recent years, there are many products for everyday use as well. Common Types of Kanzashi Photo:Kanzashi There are various types of kanzashi, but here we'll introduce three common types. Tama Kanzashi This is a simple type of kanzashi with an ear pick and a ball attached to it. The larger the size of the ball, the more suitable the kanzashi is for young people. This type is shown in the video. Bachi Kanzashi The bachi type hairpin is called bachi because it resembles the bachi (pick) of a shamisen. Various materials, such as tortoiseshell, pearl, and foil are used for this type of hairpin, which is suitable for people of all ages to wear. Tsumami-zaiku Kanzashi This is a kanzashi made by folding cut fabric into small pieces and decorating the base with tweezers, using delicate techniques to create a beautifully flower. This is a hairpin for girls used for Shichi-Go-San and for maiko (apprentice geisha). Besides these, there are many other types of kanzashi, such as hirauchi kanzashi, hana kanzashi, bira-bira kanzashi, etc. Yakai-Maki - A Simple Guide to the Japanese-Style Updo! Source :YouTube screenshot There are many people want to try an updo but think it's too difficult to do a yakai-maki. The yakai-maki style using a single kanzashi introduced here is relatively easy. Check out the video and give it a try. Once you get the hang of it and get used to using a kanzashi, you'll be able to do not only yakai-maki but also half updo styles. You'll be able to expand your hair styles not only for kimono and yukata, but also for everyday use! [Yakai-maki Using a Kanzashi] ・Comb your hair into a single ponytail ・Wrap your hair around the hairpin once ・Holding the end of your hair in your other hand, turn the hairpin one full turn ・The tip of the hairpin should be at 11 o'clock (If the kanzashi does not turn, loosen the ends of your hair slightly) ・Tilt the hairpin toward the scalp and insert it slowly so that you don't injure yourself ・The key is to adjust it so that the hairpin is not too tight but not too loose [Video] 0:00 - 1:27 - Styling Yakai-maki with a Kanzashi The hair length suitable for Yakai-maki is semi-long. A beautiful yakai-maki can be achieved if your hair is from just below the collarbone to about chest level. Using Kanzashi With a Braided-Style Source :YouTube screenshot The braid style has the advantage that the hair is held together tightly, making it easy to insert a kanzashi. It's recommended when you want to create a clean and tidy look. [Kanzashi With a Braid] ・Tie hair into a single strand with an elastic band. ・Pull out a little hair at the top of the head to create a silhouette. ・Braid the ends of the hair and tie with a hair band, then pull out a little hair from the braided part to create a softer look. ・Insert the tip of the hairpin into the braid, tilt it toward the scalp, and slowly insert it into the braid. [Video] 1:28 - Kanzashi With a Braid The braid arrangement is a style for long hair. It is tied with an elastic band to keep it together. To create a stylish look, it's important to pull out just the right amount of hair from the top of the head and the braided area to create a softer look. How to Use a Kanzashi, a Stylish Japanese Hair Ornament - Summary If you simply insert the hairpin into your hair, it may fall out. Because of this, after inserting the hairpin into your hair, be sure to flip the hairpin over so that it catches the hair near the surface of your scalp. The video shows you how to do this in an easy-to-understand manner. [Video] 3:09 - How to Insert a Kanzashi Hairpin Into a Finished Hairstyle Kanzashi, which come in a variety of types, are easy to use and can be used in all sorts of ways, depending on your taste and the occasion. Even if you think it might be difficult to use a kanzashi, don't be afraid to give it a try. It might be easier than you thought. Yakai-maki, which can be done with a single hairpin, will make you look stylish and mature when wearing a yukata or kimono. If you're visiting any Japanese festivals this summer, be sure to try it out! -
Video article 4:56
Grand Seiko's Spring Drive is packed with world-class technology and the passion of its developers. A watch craftsman in Shiojiri, Nagano Prefecture, talks about his precision and high-precision handiwork!
Life & Business- 74 plays
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Grand Seiko, Nagano, Japan - Watchmaker Video Introduction This video is "Inside Grand Seiko, Episode One: The Master Craftsman" produced by "Hodinkee". It is a valuable video that shows us the state and production process of the workshop that makes the world-class precision watches "Grand Seiko." The commitment of these Watchmaker's cannot be overlooked! The Japanese Micro-Artist Studio Behind Grand Seiko Watches Source :YouTube screenshot Seiko Epson's Shiojiri office in the Koshinetsu region and the Suwa region of Nagano prefecture, introduced in this video, was established with the aim of inheriting the techniques of the watchmaker "Micro Artist Studio." "Every one must be beautiful," says watchmaker Yoshifusa Nakazawa, a watch assembler who continues to produce watches in this studio (0:50 in the video). Mr. Nakazawa has been active as a watch assembler since joining the company in 1978, and in 1981 won the World Skills Competition in Japan. In this workshop, the assembly of the movement (the part that controls the driving of the wristwatch), the installation of the dial, and the case insertion are all performed consistently, so that steps such as maintenance and overhaul can be easily performed. From 1:06 of the video, you can see how precisely each watch is assembled, sometimes using a microscope. From 3:23 in the video, he says, "Mr. Nakazawa inherits 100% of the technology of assembling watches, and the best watches are assembled neatly." What Is Grand Seiko's Original Mechanism the "Spring Drive"!? Source :YouTube screenshot The mechanism “spring drive” mounted on Grand Seiko, which can be seen from 2:51 in the video, is said to be a third engine that combines machinery and quartz. It has a history of 20 years as a model symbolizing the Grand Seiko brand. The model called "44GS" established the design of Seiko style in 1967. It lists three policies, which are as follows: 1. Design consisting of a plane and quadratic surface, with a plane as the main body. Cubic surfaces are not used in principle. 2. Increase the area of the flat surface as much as possible over all cases, dials and hands. 3. In principle, each surface is a mirror surface, and distortion from each mirror surface is minimized as much as possible. Based on this policy, the 44GS was designed with nine features. This Seiko style is designed to spice up the beauty of Japan. It considers the "light" of Japanese people, and those who hold it can feel the beauty of the Japanese in its undistorted, flat planes. Grand Seiko can be called a work packed with the aesthetic sense of Japan. Master Shops Where You Can Buy Limited Items From Grand Seiko Photo:SEIKO The Grand Seiko Master Shops refer to about 140 shops in Japan that have signed a contract with Seiko, and there are several types of limited models sold only to that master shop. Not only men models, but valuable diver models and ladies' models are popular as well. For a list of watches, see the official website. In addition, you can apply for battery replacement from the official website, so please check it out. Of course, Grand Seiko can also be purchased online. Summary of the Popular Japanese Watch Grand Seiko Source :YouTube screenshot Japan's proud Grand Seiko watches have a high reputation in Japan and around the world as watches with a history and ideology. At the end of the video, Nakazawa says, "I imagine that those who use Grand Seiko watches will hand them over to the next generation and pass them on." Why not get your own watch? One that has been created as a work of art that inherits Japanese technology. 【Official Website】Grand Seiko Official Site https://www.grand-seiko.com/us-en -
Video article 8:05
“From Within the Pocket to the Reaches of Space”! You Won’t Be Able Keep Your Eyes off the Technological Development of JAE! Check Out the PR Video of the Company Supporting Social Infrastructure!
Life & Business- 69 plays
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PR Video of Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd This video titled “Company’s Promotion Video for JAE(日本航空電子工業株式会社・JAE・会社PRビデオ・プロモーションビデオ)” is the one to promote Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd, a manufacturer of electronic components and devices. There are many companies that manufacture high quality electronic components or devices in Japan. Let's explore the manufacturing technology and corporate philosophy of the Avionics Group, that boasts such advanced technology in the industry. This video features easy-to-understand information on advanced technologies or production engineering that the JAE group has. By watching this video, you'll get a better understanding of the many technologies incorporated into the electronic devices you use one a daily basis. What Kind of Company Is JAE? Source :YouTube screenshot JAE is an electronic components manufacturer in Shibuya, Tokyo. The average age of the company's employees is between 30 and 40 years old, and the company uses advanced technology to make a variety of electrical products such as connectors, user interface solutions (e.g. touch panels), motion sensors and controls. The Highly Advanced Manufacturing of JAE Source :YouTube screenshot JAE is involved in the manufacturing of many different types of electronic components not only for small information equipment such as mobile products or connectors, but also for automobiles, bullet trains, and aircrafts. You can see what kind of products they make in the footage (from 1:08). They are also engaged in the design and manufacturing of sophisticated electronic parts such as rockets and ocean exploration machines. That being said, JAE is highly contributing to society's infrastructure. Various Activities That JAE Is Working On Source :YouTube screenshot This video clip includes footage (from 5:45) of various activities related to environmental management. JAE promotes environmental conservation activities through afforestation and maintenance of forests to promote environmental management. In addition, the global network, introduced at 6:12 in the video, is the company's effort to promote development and production at a number of sites both in Japan and overseas. Summary of JAE's PR Video Source :YouTube screenshot As shown at 4:48 in the video, JAE aims to reform manufacturing through the manufacture of precision electronics products. Their high quality manufacturing, based on overwhelming technological development and production capabilities, will support Japan's future electronic technology. Through the video, we're shown that the products and vehicles that are now indispensable in our lives are made with the cutting-edge technology of companies like JAE. ◆Company Information of Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Limited◆ 【Address】1-21-1 Dogenzaka Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0043 【Access】6 minutes from Shibuya Station off the JR Yamanote line by foot 【Telephone No.】03-3780-2711 【Official Website】Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Limited https://www.jae.com/ -
Video article 10:03
Magical Techniques Brings These Graters Back to Life! A Look at One Craftsman in Tokyo Making Used Graters Look Like New!
Life & Business- 227 plays
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Restoring Old Graters to their Former Glory This video, titled "The Fascinating Repairmen. #009 'Graters'" was uploaded by "Togepi1125." It shows a Japanese craftsman repairing graters. You can see the graters made from an ancient Japanese copper plate in the video. Copper graters have been used since the Edo period (1603-1868). It's said that a copper grater is an item that can last a lifetime if properly taken care, but it can also become damaged if used continuously. A grater repairman is an expert who uses manual techniques to repair tools in a workplace filled with many machines. Making Worn-Out Graters Look Like New - Techniques of a Grater Repairman Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces Takashi Teshigawara, the repairman at Kosuge, a hardware workshop in Tokyo, from 0:38. He has over 56 years of experience as a craftsman, and his skillful techniques can make damaged copper graters shine like new. Although the teeth on the surface of the grater are called eyes, repairing a grater is called re-toothing. Copper is a material that is easily affected by oxidation and other factors, so the edges of eyes become damaged over time. A skilled repairman can repair the damaged eyes using all kinds of techniques. The Repair Process of Graters Source :YouTube screenshot First, boil the old rusty grater, polish it properly, getting rid of stains left behind by radishes, ginger, wasabi, and any other vegetables. This process can be seen from 3:06 in the video. Next, the copper part of the grater is tapped with a hammer and roasted over fire to polish its surface. At last, a chisel is used to clean and sharpen the eyes of the grater. It takes a lot of time to clean and sharpen the flattened grater eyes. Through these techniques even the most worn-out graters will look like new. The finished grater can be seen from 7:37 in the video. Summary of Japan's Grater Repairmen Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, many Japanese tools have been repeatedly repaired by craftsman and used for many years. There are many artisans with expert skills who can repair various types of tools to the point that they look brand new. Check out the video to see the amazing work of one craftsman doing just that. -
Video article 2:53
A Future Where Man and Robot Coexist Is Just Around the Corner. The World Created by OriHime, a Robot Developed by a Young Japanese Robotics Researcher, Is the Path to the Future!
Life & Business- 69 plays
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The Robot Avatar Orihime This video, titled "Be Anywhere With Your Own Avatar|A Japanese Venture Developing Robots" (自分の分身でどこにでも ロボット開発した日本のベンチャー), was released by "BBC News Japan." Have you heard of the robot avatar OriHime(織姫)? This video introduces the robot avatar OriHime that was developed by a startup company located in Mitaka city, Tokyo. The video is about Ory Laboratory that is run by the robot researcher and the developer of OriHime Kentaro Yoshifuji(吉藤健太朗) and the interesting story of how OriHime was developed. Watch the video to learn about Japan’s advanced technology. Why Was OriHime Developed Source :YouTube screenshot Yoshifuji Kentaro developed OriHime from his own experience of feeling lonely while he was hospitalized for a certain period of time. At that time, he thought of a way to allow bedridden people to communicate with others remotely throughout the internet. Yoshioka Kentaro now goes by the name Yoshifuji Ory, and has become a person who is drawing attention from all over Japan and the world. Even Those Confined to a Bed Can Operate the Robot Avatar Orihime! Source :YouTube screenshot Even a bedridden person can operate OriHime remotely by his/herself. It takes a little time to get used to, but using a microphone, speakers, and using the "OriHime eye switch" communication device, even a bedridden person can operate OriHime easily with their eyes and fingers. You can see OriHime being operated at around 1:16 in the video. Expanding Our Capabilities With OriHime Photo:Remote work Orihime is not just for those suffering from illnesses either. It can also be a tool to communicate with family members who are away from home, working remotely, etc. For those who have kids that you sometimes have to leave at home alone, OriHime can be a good tool to check in on them. Besides parenting, it is also useful for children's education, with programs such as OriHime education, OriHime-D, and OriHime children's programming. As Japan's workforce continues to decline, the presence of robot avatars such as OriHime and remote work will grow. Orihime - The Robot Avatar Drawing Attention From All Over the World OriHime is now drawing attention from all over the world. OriHime being an employee of the cafe "WIRED SHIBUYA" in Shibuya made headlines around the world. The uses of OriHime will also expand by improving service staff and robot communicators. The robot is now drawing attention from around the world, and the creator, Yoshifuji Ory, is considering exporting the robot to different parts of the world in the near future. Having the product you created help people not only in Japan but also worldwide is a dream come true. It is precisely because he is taking on such a challenge that the young robotics researcher has attracted so much attention. Summary of the Robot Avatar OriHime Source :YouTube screenshot The video intrioduces Yoshifuji Kentaro, the creator of the robot avatar OriHime. For many watching this video it's probably like seeing the future you dreamed of as a child finally come to life. It will be interesting to see what OriHime, the Japanese robot avatar, has in store for us. -
Video article 4:51
A Look at Japan's Highly Sophisticated Coinage! Rare Footage Showing the Latest Japanese Coinage Technology Acknowledged Around the World!
Life & Business- 41 plays
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A Look at Japan's Currency Manufacturing Technology This video, titled "Japanese Currency Manufacturing Technology" (日本の貨幣製造技術), was released by "Japan Video Topics - 日本語". Japanese currency is created in accordance with the "Acts on Currency Units and Issuance of Coinage" (通貨の単位及び貨幣の発行等に関する法律). Currently, 6 types of coins and 4 types of banknotes issued by the Bank of Japan are in circulation, and 3 billion banknotes are printed every year. The History and Unique Characteristics of Japanese Currency Source :YouTube screenshot Today's Japanese banknotes are made through a method in which design and engraving specialists create the original designs with a brush, design a copper plate similar to a woodblock print and it is then printed by the National Printing Bureau. You can see the production process of these banknotes from 0:48 in the video. Throughout the long history of Japan, such as the Showa and Heisei periods, coinage technology of has dramatically improved. The value of Japanese coin manufacturing technology is recognized around the world, and in recent years, coin manufacturing has become a typical Japanese culture, with some people being asked to manufacture foreign coins as well. The Unique Ingenuity Incorporated Into Japanese Currency Source :YouTube screenshot Japanese banknotes and silver coins are actually packed with many innovations that bring together the advanced technology of traditional Japanese manufacturing. For example, Japanese bills have a watermark that makes a portrait appear when held over light. Ink is used for banknotes to create bumps when printing, so even blind people can touch the banknote and know what type it is. In addition, advanced anti-counterfeiting technology is used for Japanese floral patterns, such as the use of "Bank of Japan" micro-lettering, which cannot be color-copied, and "diagonal jaggedness" on the sides of the coins. Other advanced technologies such as "latent imaging," "fine lining," and "fine dotting," are also used in Japanese currency manufacturing. This amazing technology has been praised around the world for its ability to check the latent images and holograms of the 10,000-yen bill and the portraits and vertical bars of the 1,000-yen bill by touching, tilting, or holding them up to light. Summary of Japan's Currency Manufacturing Photo:Japanese money Japan's coinage is not something that can be seen often, so be sure to check it out if you still haven't yet! In Japan, the notes are scheduled to change in 2024, so keep an eye out for the new designs! In addition, commemorative coins are likely to be issued at events, such as the Olympics, so be sure to get one if you visit! -
Video article 7:06
This Tree Felling Video Is Full of Excitement and Suspense! You Won't Be Able to Take Your Eyes off This Video Showcasing the Amazing Skills and Techniques Used by Lumberjacks!
Life & Business- 525 plays
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Introducing Japan's Professional Lumberjacks This video [Felling of very tall trees 1] (高木の伐採作業1 美国林業) was created by "Mikuni Ringyou". It features demonstrations of techniques used by lumberjacks to cut down very tall trees. The professionals you can see in this video work for Mikuni Forestry, a company based in Honjo city (本庄市, honjoushi), Saitama prefecture in the Kantou region of Japan. Mikuni Forestry specializes in logging and the sale of lumber used to rebuild Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. The Origin of Forestry and Logging in Japan Photo:Logs Seventy percent of the land in Japan is covered in forest and many people work in the logging business. There are professionals who deal with a variety of requests; from pruning garden trees to the felling of large trees such as Japanese cedar, zelkova and evergreen oaks. They may also tackle other problems such as pest extermination, the uprooting of trees, and dealing with fallen trees. Lumber has been used since ancient times in Japan, for the building of houses, shrines and temples to the manufacture of smaller items such as furniture and everyday items. The forestry industry has grown and evolved alongside Japanese culture and lumber continues to be used to this day for a variety of purposes. More About the Lumberjacks and Logging Process in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot In Japan, professionals who are responsible for felling extremely tall trees are known as "Sorashi." There are many people in the logging business in Japan, but there are very few professionals with the title "Sorashi"; it is thought that there are only around 30 people in the whole of Japan. In order to cut down such large trees, special equipment and machinery such as cranes and chainsaws are essential. Felling down such large trees is a dangerous job, one small step can result in serious injury or even death. In this video, you can watch the felling of a 60 meter tall tree. As you can see from the opening scenes of the video, the workers wrap a rope around the trunk of the tree. From 0:21 in the video, you can see the workers use a chainsaw to cut all the way around the trunk of the tree. Then from around 0:59 you can hear the crashing noise of the tree as it falls to the ground. It appears he is using an even larger chainsaw than before. The highlight of this video has to be when the cedar tree is cut near the base and finally falls to the ground at 5:58. The footage is very impressive. Large Tree Logging Introductory Video Summary We hope you enjoyed watching the thrilling and exciting logging work of Japan's "Sorashi," captured on video. The amazing skills used in this video are something one would normally never be able to witness. For those who are considering the removal or felling of large trees, we highly recommend you put in a request to Mikuni Forestry who can advise you on the cost and man hours required. 【Mikuni Ringyou official Website】 http://www.mikuni-forestry.com/ -
Video article 4:03
What Was Life in Tokyo Like Over 100 Years Ago? Find Out With This Rare Footage of Tokyo During the Taisho Period!
Life & Business History- 2.7K plays
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Rare Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago! This video, titled "Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago (With Sound)" (東京の昔の映像 (音声あり)), was uploaded by "Final A." Have you ever wondered what life was like in Tokyo more than 100 years ago? Perhaps you've seen pictures in textbooks or studied it at school, but probably very few people have seen actual footage of what life was like back then. In this video, you can get a glimpse of what life was like in Tokyo around 1913-1915. The Lives of Tokyoites More Than 100 Years Ago Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:04 in the video, you can see many people walking around dressed in hakama (袴). You can also see children playing with a ball called a "mari" (毬) from 2:59. At the time, it was common for children to spend their days playing with traditional toys such as a mari (temari). As you can tell from the video, at the time, the majority of people were dressed in what would be considered traditional Japanese style clothing today. The streets were lit using fixed paper lanterns called "andon" (行灯). The population of Tokyo at the time was approximately 3 million. The population of the whole of Japan was approximately 50 million, less than half of what it is today. From 2:42 in the video, you can see how the area around Senso-ji temple (浅草寺) in Asakusa (浅草), Tokyo was just as busy then as it is nowadays. Tokyo From 1913-1915 Source :YouTube screenshot The Taisho period lasted only 15 years (1912-1926) but is well known because of the Great Kanto Earthquake (関東大震災). Many other important events also took place during the same time period. The most famous of those being World War I which started in 1913. In 1914, the first department store "Mitsukoshi Gofukuten" (三越呉服店) (currently known as Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store) opened in Japan, and the familiar lion statue, as well as escalators and elevators quickly became the talk of the town. At the time, the toy industry and product development were flourishing and it was the beginning of modernization in Japan. Tokyo Station (東京駅) was also opened in 1914. The station must have been very crowded at the time due to the large number of passengers travelling to and from the station. More About the History of Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In 1886, Tokyo prefecture (currently known in Japanese as Tokyo-to (東京都) was given the name Tokyo-fu (東京府). From the beginning of the Taisho period, there was a dramatic increase in the population of Tokyo. During the Meiji period (明治時代, meijijidai), the Tokyo area changed a great deal as Japan changed from being a country of agriculture to a country focused on industry. In the video, you can see that the most common mode of transportation was the rickshaw, however, the rickshaw was gradually replaced with bicycles and cars. At the time, there were many water wells in Tokyo and the water quality was also very good. Summary of Tokyo From 100 Years Ago Even if you aren't Japanese it's easy to feel a sense of nostalgia from this video. This rare footage offers a glimpse at what life was like over 100 years ago in Japan. It's invaluable footage that really allows us to see how far Japan and the rest of the world has come in such a short time. -
Video article 10:53
How to Clean Your Camping Gear! Make Your Pitch-Black Kettle Shine Like New!
Life & Business Things to Do- 37 plays
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Keeping Your Camping Gear Clean After long periods of being used, cookers and other tools used when camping can get quite dirty. This time, we'll show you how to keep kettles and other cooking utensils that have turned black from direct heat clean. Video Introduction Photo:A burnt mess tin This video, titled "Camping Gear Maintenance by a Solo Male Camper in His 20s Who Camps Every Week" (週一でソロキャンプする20代男子ソロキャンパーによるキャンプ道具のお手入れルーティン), was released by "Japanese campers YURUHARU." It shows how to properly clean your camping gear. After enjoying some delicious cooking in the great outdoors, your cookware will inevitably start to feel some wear. If left as is, it may become unsanitary or break and become unusable. After you're finished camping, it’s important to clean your cookware properly. Cleaning Kettles and Other Camping Gear With Sodium Sesquicarbonate Source :YouTube screenshot Use sodium sesquicarbonate to remove dirt and burnt or dry oil that has stuck to your gear from cooking when camping. Check the instructions and dissolve the sodium sesquicarbonate in hot water. Soak the camping kettle or pyramid grill in the solution for 10 to 30 minutes, then polish it with a sponge. Persistent stains are easier to remove after soaking them in the solution. Once the stains are removed, your gear will be as shiny as clean as a whistle. [Video] 1:17- Cleaning camping gear with sodium sesquicarbonate Use a Polishing Agents for Aluminum, and Scrubbers for Skillets Source :YouTube screenshot Large aluminum mess tins that cannot be cleaned with sodium sesquicarbonate can be cleaned with polish and an abrasive sponge. Grills can be wiped clean and skillets can be cleaned with a scrubber to keep them clean and lasting longer. It's also important to check the batteries in electric lanterns and wipe down gasoline lanterns if you have any. [Video] 4:58 - Polishing with abrasives Caring for Wooden Tables Most noticeable stains can be sanded off using sandpaper. After that, drying oil is applied to complete the maintenance. How to Dry Camping Equipment Photo:Lunch at a campground After washing camping equipment, dry it thoroughly in a well-ventilated place after wiping it dry with an absorbent towel. Tents, sleeping bags, and blankets should also be dried in the shade, and stakes and stake hammers should be lightly cleaned and stored in their cases. Summary of How to Clean Your Camping Gear In this video, we introduced the basics of how to clean your camping gear. Since camping is enjoyed outdoors, weather and other factors can lead to your gear becoming quite dirty. Although it may be a bit tedious to clean, it's a good idea to clean and maintain your equipment after camping so that you can enjoy it comfortably on your next camping trip. The cleaning methods for cookers and other equipment vary depending on the material they're made from, so be sure to perform the appropriate maintenance according to the material, be it aluminum, titanium, etc. Camping gear is an important part of camping and so it's important to take care of it so that it can be used for a long time. -
Video article 2:41
Full Power! The Precision of the Heavy Machine Operator Who Manipulates His Harvester So Smoothly It's Like an Extension of His Body.
Life & Business Transportation- 343 plays
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The Heavy Machinery of Modern Japanese Forestry This video is "cutting with the powerful of heavy machinery(重機の強力なパワーで伐採)" produced by "takao kuboki" In recent years, it is said that the shortage of people is serious in primary industries, such as forestry. Forestry in particular is facing the problem of an aging population and lack of successors. Japanese satoyama (undeveloped woodland near populated area) cannot be grown into a healthy forest unless humans cut down unnecessary/predatory trees. That's where heavy machinery for cutting down trees comes in. The power to grab trees and move them around like pencils is amazing. Enjoy the powerful scenes of Japan's heavy logging machinery. The Power and Performance of Japan's Heavy Machinery! Source :YouTube screenshot The highlights of this video are around 0:54 and 01:28. A scene in which the tip of the heavy machine arm is dexterously manipulated, and a single tree is grabbed and knocked down with a crash. It’s only about 20 seconds long, but quite amazing to see. One tree is felled, creating a cloud of snow. Unless thinning is performed in this way, sunlight will not reach the ground and these "satoyama" will become unhealthy mountains. Forestry is a very important industry, as roughly 70% of Japan is covered in forests. Demand for heavy equipment operators will continue to increase if younger people don't take up the profession. The Amazing Skills of Japan's Heavy Machinery Operators Photo:Heavy Machinery Heavy machinery are dedicated vehicles used in civil engineering and construction. There are cranes, excavators, forklifts, road rollers, bulldozers, aerial platforms, unic (mini crane), digging / rock drilling / boring vehicles, wheel loaders, dump trucks, heavy equipment carriers, and loads more. Working in the snow from the beginning of this video is a heavy machine equipped with a type of arm called a "baguette" Heavy equipment is expensive even for used vehicles, and it is difficult for small and medium sized enterprises to buy them. Because of that, many people use rentals or lease them. The video shows logging in the forest, but small-sized excavators are useful in logging due to slopes and poor scaffolding. How to Get a Heavy Equipment License in Japan? What Vehicles Are Suitable for Logging? Photo:A Harvester Special qualifications (licenses) are required to operate heavy equipment in Japan. Heavy machinery is highly specialized vehicles used only in specific places. Therefore, qualifications according to the purpose are required. Here are some of them. ・Operation of vehicle construction equipment for leveling, transportation, loading and excavation. ・ Operation of vehicle construction equipment for foundation work. ・Operation of vehicle construction machinery (for dismantling). ・Operation of a shovel loader. To operate an excavator, a commonly used vehicle, you need one of the following qualifications: "Vehicle-based construction machine driving skill training" or "Special education on the operation of small vehicle-based construction machinery" Summary of the Video (The Myths of Heavy Machinery Vehicles in Japan) Japan's heavy equipment is used in many places around the world. Many heavy equipment manufacturers, such as Komatsu, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and IHI Construction Machinery, are different from ordinary automobiles, and, they are successful in the world's leading industries. This video introduces heavy machinery in Japan that cuts down forests in snowy "satoyama." Enjoy the powerful logging scenes and the craftsmanship of heavy equipment operators who can knock down trees brilliantly even on sites with poor scaffolding. -
Video article 3:22
The NIMS Creep Test Is a Critical Study to Fix Global Energy Issues and Improve Safety Standards! Check Out Their Research and Results!
Life & Business- 191 plays
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“The Decades Long Research” by NIMS “The Decades Long Research” is a video uploaded by “nimspr.” TThis video introduces the NIMS creep test, which examines how metallic materials exposed to high temperatures degrade over a long period of time in a rupture load test. Let's take a look at their results! What is NIMS’ Creep Test? Source :YouTube screenshot NIMS stands for National Institute for Materials Science. It is an institution that studies the environment, energy, and resources in order to solve global issues. The 380 pieces of equipment lined up in a huge lab is shown at 0:17 in the video. The lab hypothesizes the piping, boilers, turbines and pressure vessels of the thermal power plants. As you can see from 1:38 in the video, the weights are attached to a single steel bar testing machine, and the test is carried out using large, high-temperature equipment with a heater. The NIMS creep test is conducted by placing the tester in an electric furnace and heating it at a constant temperature while applying a pulling force to the metal to monitor the creep deformation for more than 100,000 hours. The Benefits of NIMS' Creep Test Source :YouTube screenshot It is said that the longest time for this kind of creep test lasted more than 40 years. The creep test by NIMS broke the record of Siemens Germany, and it is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest test time. At 2:41 in the video, the test shows that the metal used in thermal power plants needs to be replaced earlier than previous assumptions. As a result, the safety standards for thermal power plants were revised. Creep tests are a simple test mostly just involves waiting, but it is vital in maintaining facilities and keeping our world safe. Summary of the NIMS Creep Test Source :YouTube screenshot Although the creep test by NIMS is essentially just waiting, it is a very important test to study the strength and durability of pipes and materials used in thermal power plants and petrochemical plants. There are many companies trying to solve energy and environmental problems. Expectations continue to rise for advanced technologies thanks to research such as the NIMS creep test. 【Official Website】NIMS https://www.nims.go.jp/eng/index.html -
Video article 6:04
Bespoke shoes by a highly skilled shoemaker are like works of art! Check out the video to enjoy the craftsmanship of Shoji Kawaguchi, a shoemaker in Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo!
Life & Business Celebrities- 169 plays
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Video introduction of the shoemaker at MARQUESS, a shoe workshop in Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo "Meet the Japanese shoemaker who doesn't want his shoes to stand out | Remarkable Living" is a video that introduces shoe making craftsmanship by a shoemaker in Tokyo. Shoji Kawaguchi, a bespoke shoemaker from the shoe studio "MARQUESS" in Ginza, Tokyo, makes luxury shoes like those seen in the video. Shoji Kawaguchi studied abroad at a shoe vocational school in Northampton, England, and studied the skills of handmade British shoes under Paul Wilson. He was fascinated by the classic British shoes he had seen during his time there and later became an independent shoe making professional. Hand Made Shoes Source :YouTube screenshot From 1:30 on the video, the process of making handmade shoes by shoemaker Shoji Kawaguchi is introduced. The shoemaker first designs a shoe pattern and makes a paper pattern. He then make a wooden pattern according to the shape of the shoe. Next, he cuts the leather and other materials, sews them, and attaches the soles. All the work of MARQUESS shoe specialists is done by hand. As you can see in the video, Shoji Kawaguchi's shoe store has numerous shoe fitters. This is proof that the shoes were made according to the shape of each client's foot. The craftsmanship cultivated through many long years of training and work is indispensable in creating a classic shoe that fits snugly. The Commitment of MARQUESS' Shoemaker, Shoji Kawaguchi Source :YouTube screenshot All of MARQUESS' shoes are bespoke shoes. Tailor-made shoes are made according to the customer's preferences, after careful consideration of the type of leather and design requirements. MARQUESS checks not only the size of the feet but also the fashion of customers' suits and clothes, and proposes the best shoes to suit each individual. The reason why Shoji Kawaguchi makes classic shoes is introduced at 0:15 in the video. He says he wants to do a variety of shoe designs, but he wants to do this after mastering classic shoes because classic shoes are the basis for everything. When he first saw the shoes, all handmade in Northampton, England, he was inspired and felt compelled to pursue the craft. In addition, Shoji Kawaguchi feels that the most beautiful shoes are bespoke shoes from the 1930s to the 1940s, and says that he is studies daily to make shoes closer to the originals. In addition, Shoji Kawaguchi's commitment to shoes is discussed throughout this 6-minute video. Summary of Bespoke Shoemakers Source :YouTube screenshot In these videos, you can see the meticulous and high quality craftsmanship that only expert shoe makers posses! In the video, you'll see a world you never knew existed. Bespoke shoes are a little more expensive than regular shoes because all processes are done by hand. The appeal of these shoes is that you can get a pair that you can cherish and that will last you a long time. I bet you'll want your own pair of bespoke shoes after watching the video. 【Official Website】Marquess https://marquess-bespoke.blogspot.com/ -
Video article 5:40
The Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo," the Keystone of the International Space Station! Introducing Japan's Cutting-Edge Space Research Technology!
Life & Business- 60 plays
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The Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo,” the Largest on the International Space Station The video "2019-2020 JAXA Manned Space Activities - "Kibo" and Beyond" (2019-2020 JAXA 有人宇宙活動~「きぼう」その先へ) uploaded by “JAXA,” introduces the Japanese experiment module “Kibo” of the International Space Station. The area known as Low Earth Orbit (LFO) (less than 2,000 km from the Earth), is said to be the gateway to space, and is where various satellites fly. As you can see from 0:33 in the video, Kibo, one of the largest space experiment facilities, was completed in 2009 on the International Space Station. It orbits at an altitude of about 400 kilometers. In terms of size, it is approximately 108.5 meter x 72.8 meters, weighs 420 tons, and flies at speed of about 27,000 km/h (~16,777 Mph). “Kounotori,” the cargo transporter, was also successfully launched, and Kounotori 8 has achieved a 100% mission success rate. Experiments Involving Kibo Source :YouTube screenshot The Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” is “doing things for society that can only be done in space.” At Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF), they are researching the effects of gravity on living things. This is shown at 1:37 in the video. In the fall of 2019, CBEF-L, which can equip larger devices, was also added. The Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) is a material testing device that melts materials by making them float, and can examine materials that are difficult to examine on the ground, such as glass and ceramics. The J-SSOD is a mechanism that releases small satellites using Kibo's airlock and robotic arm. The Small Optical Link for International Space Station (SOLISS), developed in collaboration with a private company, conducts experiments using optical disk technology to enable future inter-satellite and space-to-ground high-capacity communications. Beyond Low Earth Orbit Photo:Mars We're currently entering an era where exploring the moon and mars is possible. Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) technology is a system for purifying water and air. A water reclamation system based on Japan's outstanding water treatment technology is also being put to the test. The new H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV-X) is Japan's original spacecraft that will improve Kounotori's transportation capability, and will allow for in-orbit missions that the Japanese sector is aiming for, with the goal of launching by 2021. The Astronauts of Kibo Source :YouTube screenshot There are Japanese astronauts working on the Japanese Experiment Module as well. Noguchi Soichi has maintained the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo and has conducted various experiments. He is responsible for operating the Inter-orbit Communication System (ICS), communicating with the ground through HD images, and preparing for spacecrafts and supply vehicles that visit the ISS. He also interacts with the ground by posting information, pictures, and videos on social media sites, such as Twitter. Doi Takao was in charge of installing and maintaining a storage module for “Kibo.” He organized cargo transfer between the space shuttle and the ISS as a loadmaster (cargo transfer supervisor). Hoshide Akihiko was selected for a long duration mission to the ISS in 2020 and he will lead as a captain at the end on the mission. Summary Photo:Satellite The Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" is a key facility of the ISS. We are proud to say that Japanese technology is at the forefront of space activities. Let's think back to the Japanese engineers and astronauts who continue to play an active role in space, through this video! 【Official Website】JAXA https://global.jaxa.jp/projects/iss_human/kibo/ -
Video article 1:30
Osechi Cuisine Is an Essential Part of the Japanese New Year's Tradition! If You're Interested in Japanese Food Culture, You've Got to Try This Exquisite Dish at Least Once!
Life & Business Food & Drink- 271 plays
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Traditional Japanese "Osechi Cuisine"! There's a lot of Japanese food that attracts the attention of foreign tourists in Japan, but nothing compares to the beautiful Osechi cuisine. Today, we have a video introducing Japanese osechi cuisine, titled "Japanese New Year's Dish, (Osechi Cuisine) An Introduction to Japan’s Osechi Cuisine" (Japanese New Year dish. (OSETI cuisine)日本のおせち料理紹介), produced by "Ordinary life channel." In Japan, the first three days of the New Year, starting on January 1st, are special days referred to as "San ga nichi." To celebrate the festive New Year, there is a custom in Japan to eat Osechi cuisine as shown in the video. What Kind of Food Is Osechi Cuisine? Photo:Osechi cuisine In ancient Japan, Osechi cuisine was prepared for New Year's festivities and seasonal festivals. Since New Year' was the most important day of the year, Osechi cuisine came to refer to New Year's dishes. It is said that by the Yayoi period, osechi cuisine had already become rooted in the culture. In the Edo period, Osechi cuisine came to be called "Horai Kazari" in Kansai, "Kuitsumi" in Kanto, and "Horaidai/Tekakemori" in Kyushu. Each of them have the meaning of offering food to the gods and praying for happiness. Varieties of Osechi and the Meanings of the Dishes Photo:Osechi cuisine You can see the osechi dishes at 0:33 in the video. Dishes, such as herring roe, tazukuri, fried sardine, black beans, burdock root, kamaboko, datemaki (egg), kurikinton (chestnuts), konbumaki (kelp), tai (red snapper), renkon (lotus root), shrimp, and arrowhead introduced in the video are all festive and suitable for New Year. Each ingredient is associated with meaning, including wishes for long life, good health, and more. How to Arrange Osechi Cuisine Photo:Osechi cuisine The ingredients for Osechi dishes are packed in a "kumiju" (multi-layered food box). Originally, it is said to have been a five-tiered box, but nowadays, four-tiered boxes are generally used. There is also a method for preparing the dishes called "Juzume." It's important to organize the food, including iwaizakana-sanshu (herring roe, tazukuri, and black beans), kuchitori (appetizer assort), vinegared dishes, grilled dishes, stewed vegetables, etc., in a beautiful arrangement. You can see a beautifully arranged set of Osechi dishes at the beginning of the video. Summary of Osechi Cuisine The Japanese Osechi cuisine shown in the video is also made and sold at restaurants all over Japan. Many people pre-order Osechi dishes from famous restaurants by ordering online. You can also make osechi cuisine at home. Use the recipe site as a guide to prepare the ingredients and arrange them beautifully over a bed of rice to enjoy the Japanese New Year. -
Video article 1:16
Japan's Space Development Started in 1955 With Pencil-Sized Rockets That Were Just 20 cm Long! Since Then, Japan’s Space Development Technology Has Advanced at an Explosive Pace, and It Now Leads the World With Its Cutting-Edge Technology!
Life & Business History- 57 plays
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More Than 60 Years of Space Development at JAXA The video this time is titled "JAXA - The History of Japanese Space Exploration" (JAXA-日本の宇宙開発史ハイライト-), released by "JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency." By looking up at the starry sky, many people ponder their own thoughts... we've been gazing up at the sky as a source of wisdom since ancient times. There was a time in Japan, too, when Onmyodo (the way of Yin and Yang) played an active role in politics by reading the movements of the stars and predicting good fortune. There's truly an inseparable link between humans and the cosmos. It is often misunderstood that Japan lags behind Europe and the United States in space development, but in fact, Japan has devoted more than 60 years to space development and is now one of the most successful countries in the world. JAXA plays a central role in Japan's space development. In this article, we’ll introduce the history of JAXA's space development. Be sure to follow along with the video! The History of Jaxa's Space Development Photo:Moon landing JAXA is the core organization for space development in Japan. It was established at the Tanegashima Space Center (TNSC) in 2003 through a merger between the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), the National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL), and the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). The three predecessor organizations were all privately funded space development agencies, but after being reborn as JAXA, they became the core organization supporting the Japanese government's space development research. The latest Japanese space probes have the world's leading technology. Here are some of JAXA's accomplishments that have left their mark on history. ・In 2007, the world's first high-definition image of the moon by the Lunar Explorer KAGUYA. (Video: 0:47〜) ・In 2009, the Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" was completed. (Video: 0:53〜) ・In 2010, the planetary probe "Hayabusa" returned to Earth after successfully collecting surface samples from an asteroid. (Video: 0:58〜) ・In 2019, "Hayabusa2," an observation rocket, successfully touched down on the asteroid Ryugu. (Video : 1:00〜) JAXA has accomplished many great feats in the 17 years since it was founded. Japan's Space Development Before the Birth of JAXA Source :YouTube screenshot Japan's space development began in 1955 with the development of the Pencil Rocket, a very small rocket, as introduced in the beginning of the video. Just ten years after the war, Japan had already begun its domestic reconstruction and space development. In 1970, Japan's first satellite, "OHSUMI," was successfully launched. In 1985, Halley's comet was observed by "Suisei," in 1992, Mamoru Mohri became the first Japanese person to fly in space aboard a space shuttle, and in 1994, the Japan-made H-II rocket was successfully launched. Japan has a long history of great achievements even before the birth of JAXA. Summary of JAXA and Japan's Space Development Photo:Rocket It is said that Japan's space development had been attracting a great deal of attention after its Pencil launch test in 1955. The Pencil Rocket was nicknamed the "baby rocket" because of its extremely small size, with three types being developed: the S-type, T-type and R-type. At that time, the Pencil Rocket was already moving at close to the speed of sound, and the orbital data was utilized for the later Kappa Rockets. Back then it was thought to be impossible for Japan to develop a sounding rocket that could operate at an altitude of more than 100 km, but Japan succeeded in doing so using domestic technology alone. Although the U.S. and the Soviet Union have been the major space powers, Japan's technological prowess has been adopted by other countries for their rocket development. In particular, the latest engine technology of "Hayabusa" and remote-control technology will be a great asset to the history of space development to come. 【Official Website】JAXA|Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency https://global.jaxa.jp/ -
Video article 3:57
The 30 Years of the Heisei Era Was a Period of Cell Phone Evolution! Shoulder Phones, Phs, Pagers, Feature Phones, Ringtones, Pix, Etc. Let’s Look Back at the Nostalgic History of Cell Phones.
Life & Business- 192 plays
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The Video That’ll Take You Back Through the History of Cell Phones in Japan! The video we’ll introduce this time is one that looks back through the history of cell phones in the 30 years of the Heisei era. The video is called "【On-Site】Memory of Heisei, 30 Years of ‘Cell Phone’ Evolution(【現場から、】平成の記憶、「携帯電話」進化の30年)"and is publicized by ‘TBS NEWS’. To say that cell phones are a truly indispensable infrastructure in Japan, a modern society, is not an exaggeration. A network disruption, once it takes place, becomes news all throughout society. In the early days of the Heisei era (around 1989), the use of cell phones was few and the general public did not carry them regularly. Now, the norm is 1 phone per person. Let’s look into the history of cell phones to see how they managed to evolve to a such great extent. History of Cell Phones 1: When Did the History Begin? The Early-Heisei Era and the Rise of Cell Phones Source :YouTube screenshot The history of cell phones began with shoulder phones launched in Showa 60 (1985). This can be seen from 0:37 in the video. At the time, it weighed 3kg and required ¥200,000 as a deposit on top of basic charge and call charges, so only about 490,000 contracts were made and it was a status symbol during the bubble economy. It was remotely a commodity in the wider society. The youngsters who only know of present cell phones would be astounded by its stunningly large size. As time passed, it became smaller little by little but didn’t amount to wide dissemination among the public. Then came the Heisei era. In the early days of the Heisei era, the size of shoulder phones became small and pagers and PHS were in. And in Heisei 11 (1999), the history of cell phones reached a tipping point. People not only talked on cell phones, they started to use them. Cell phones were dubbed Ketai and Docomo launched i-mode. Now connected to the internet, the number of cell phone contracts in Japan exploded. Source :YouTube screenshot In Heisei 12 (2000), ringtone service began, and in Heisei 14 (2002), cell phones with a camera were launched causing the ‘PIX’ (a message with a picture), fad. 1seg was also equipped to the phones, enabling people to watch TV programs on them, marking the transition from the period of analogue technology to one of digital. This is shown from 1:30 in the video. By then, the number of contracts had reached around 81 million, and a society in which almost every Japanese carried a phone was forming. With au (formerly IDO) and vodafone (formerly J-PHONE) joining the market with Docomo, it was a period where designs of phones became stylish and cool and communication technology saw a massive improvement. History of Cell Phones 2: Feature phones that went through a unique evolution in Japan! Source :YouTube screenshot In Japan, folding cell phones were popular until the mid-Heisei era. They were called "Garake", and many used it on a daily basis. The history of cell phones reached a critical juncture which led to modern cell phones. In Heisei 20 (2008), Softbank Mobile started selling the iPhone in Japan. On the day of release, more than 1,500 people lined up in a queue craving for the iPhone. Masayoshi Son, the CEO of Softbank Mobile at the time, said “the computer is now in the palm of your hand”, which is shown from 2:00 in the video. Smartphone was dubbed Sumaho (based on the Japanese pronunciation) and became widely popular. With the advent of smartphones, ‘Insta-bae’ where people take photos and upload them to the social media such as Instagram became a trend. Many companies now provide kakuyasu smartphones where prices are cheaper than they used to be. The video describes how smartphones now ‘connect’ people 24 hours, both in good and bad ways. History of Cell Phones 3 Evolution of phones into the future! Source :YouTube screenshot Japan, now in the Reiwa era, a period of next generation wireless communications has already begun. Starting with 5G, providing a speed a hundred times faster than the present, the use of electronic money is expanding as well. App stores are overflowing with new apps as well, making them indispensable in everyday life. Remote control of a robot is possible with just the touch of a button on your phone in this period. This can be seen at 3:03 in the video. How will cell phones transform in the future? No one can say for sure. Only time will tell. Summary of the History of Cell Phones This time, we introduced the history of cell phones in Japan. We’re sure many of you felt the nostalgia watching the video. The 30-year-long Heisei era is known as the period where phones went through an unimaginable evolution, but we can’t be more excited about the transformation of phones, becoming more and more convenient, in the future! -
Video article 1:00
Unraveling Tokyo's History in a Pop Video! The Tokyo Lifestyle Is Evolving With Each Passing Day, and Tokyo's Unique Culture Continues To Fascinate the World!
Life & Business- 36 plays
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A Video Comparing Past and Present Tokyo! This video, titled "[Tokyo Tokyo Concept Video] Old meets New - Full version," was released by "Tokyo Tokyo." The video introduces and compares the past and present culture of Tokyo in a comical manner. The one-minute video is packed with many elements, including the historical culture of Japan, current pop culture, and subculture. If you're interested in Japanese culture, be sure to check out this video to compare past and present of Tokyo. Look Out for Information on the History and Culture of the Edo Period! Photo:Image of 36 Views of Mount Fuji In Tokyo, where the shogunate was established during the Edo period (1603-1868), Japan's unique culture continuously flourished. Kimono and traditional crafts, Kabuki and Noh, and traditional performing arts such as ikebana and tea ceremony have been loved for hundreds of years. In addition, Japanese food, such as sushi, developed greatly as a historical gourmet food favored by the common people in the Edo period. Ukiyo-e and Japanese paintings are the art of the Edo period. Japanese paintings drawn with a unique touch are still attracting attention from many history and art fans. The Contemporary Culture of Tokyo Introduced in the Video Photo:Cosplay Over many years new Japanese cultures continue to be born one after another in present day Tokyo. Particularly noteworthy is Japan's pop culture and subcultures, which have developed mainly among young people. The interesting culture unique to Tokyo, such as video games, special effects movies, idols and cosplay events, etc., is attracting a lot of attention not only from within Japan but also from abroad. In the video, there's Kendo and modern video games shown from 0:12, Maneki Neko and Hello Kitty from 0:24, and things like kaiju and Giant Robots, Ukiyo-e and Hatsune Miku, Noh and Kyari Pamyu Pamyu, etc. are compared with the past and introduced as contemporary culture. The video also introduces recommended gourmet foods to eat in present-day Tokyo. From 0:10 in the video, rice balls and the cute Kyaraben (character bentos), soba and tsukemen, and sushi and other Japanese cuisine is shown. There are many famous restaurants in Tokyo where you can enjoy mouthwatering ramen, so we recommend finding your favorite restaurant. Besides that, we recommend checking out popular foods like cotton candy and tapioca drinks that can be eaten at sightseeing spots, such as Harajuku. Summary of the Past and Present Tokyo Shown in the Video Photo:Downtown Tokyo from above This article introduced an interesting video that unravels the history of Tokyo. Lifestyles and cultures have changed drastically in Japan and unique cultures that were unthinkable a decade ago continue to be born. Suffice it to say, culture evolves alongside history. In the future, new cultures will continue to flourish in Tokyo. -
Video article 3:45
The first floor of a house is a landing place! The boathouses of Ine-cho, Yosae-gun, Kyoto Prefecture, a historical fishing town of the sea, are lined with mysterious houses that cannot be seen anywhere else!
Life & Business Travel- 697 plays
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What is “Funaya” in Ine-cho, Yosae-gun, Kyoto Prefecture? Sightseeing Video Introduction This tourist promotion video, titled "[Beautiful Japan] Ine Town, Kyoto," was produced by N.a., and shows views of the seaside town of Ine in northern Kyoto. Located in Kyoto in the Kansai region, Ine is a peaceful area at the northeastern end of the Tango peninsula, facing the Sea of Japan. People in this town have lived in harmony with the sea by utilizing its gifts. Fishermen in the town live in houses called “funaya” which can store their boats as you can see at 0:58 in the video. You can admire the view of the funaya, all in a row, in the video as well. It's not a very common sight, so we definitely recommend taking a look at it. Enjoy the beautiful landscape created by the funaya and the Sea of Japan! Information About Ine Photo:Funaya in Ine Ine's funaya can store boats and fishing tools on the first floor, making use of age-old wisdom that makes for a smooth and easily accessible fishing excursion. You can see a fisherman parking his boat in his funaya at 1:39 after a long day of fishing. The waters of Ine, a port town facing Ine Bay on the Tango Peninsula, are calm and serene. The landscape lined with ancient funaya is very elegant. The scenery of the boathouses in Ine, that remind us of the history of the fishing town, has been designated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. Tips for Traveling Around Ine The Funaya of Ine are best viewed from the shore where the boats are stored. When you visit Ine, we recommend taking a pleasure boat along the sea side route. There are old guest houses near the funaya of Ine as well. Okuineonsen Aburaya, which has an open-air bath with a view, is a popular spot for those who want to enjoy a relaxing time in an outstanding location. Have a wonderful time staying at the guest houses, where you can enjoy the atmosphere of good old Japan while eating seasonal seafood dishes. Summary of Ine's Funaya Photo:Ine Ine, Kyoto is lined with ancient Japanese boat houses that cannot be seen anywhere else. Be sure to keep your camera handy to take some Instagram pics! If you haven't already, be sure to watch the video; It has some beautiful scenery! When most people think of sightseeing in Kyoto, they probably think of shrines and temples in the southern part of the Prefecture. However, there are many attractive tourist destinations on the sea side of Kyoto Prefecture as well. If you enjoyed the atmosphere of Ine, consider stopping by the sea side at the northern end of Kyoto. The true beauty of Japan lies outside of its cities.