I'm Lucas, a french amateur photographer that spendt some times in japan. I love traveling and making photos around the world.
You can find me on instagram @dreiimos, or download my pictures in high-resolution on unsplash @dreiimos.
If you want to help me, there's some of my prints at :
Dreiimos posted.
Monet's pond in Seki in Gifu Prefecture is one of the places I would like to see again after corona #AfterCorona
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L'étang de Monet à Seki dans la préfecture de Gifu fait partie des endroits que j'aimerai revoir après le corona #AfterCoronaReport an incorrect translation
Dreiimos posted.
#AfterCorona I would like to go back to Tokumeien Garden in Takasaki... The mystical atmosphere makes me feel so peaceful and calm. A wonderful place.
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#AfterCorona je voudrais retourner au jardin Tokumeien à Takasaki ... L'atmosphère mystique me fait me sentir si paisible et calme. Un endroit merveilleux.Report an incorrect translation
Dreiimos posted.
#AfterCorona I would like to go back to Tokumeien Garden in Takasaki... The mystical atmosphere makes me feel so peaceful and calm. A wonderful place.
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#AfterCorona je voudrais retourner au jardin Tokumeien à Takasaki ... L'atmosphère mystique me fait me sentir si paisible et calme. Un endroit merveilleux.Report an incorrect translation

Photocon PR 😊
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You can apply as many times as you like per person, so we look 😃 forward to receiving many submissions.This text has been automatically translated.
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