Video article 3:19
Kawaii" is the word that keeps coming back to you on a Harajuku tour with a Lolita guide! A new tour in Tokyo that allows visitors to experience Kawaii in Harajuku, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, is very popular among foreign tourists!
Modern Culture Travel Things to Do- 119 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of Harajuku tour to experience "Kawaii" in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo "Kawaii" everywhere! Lolita Tour Guide, Harajuku Tour (06/18/26)" (「カワイイ」連発!ロリータガイドと巡る原宿ツアー(18/06/26)」), is a video released by "AnnnewsCH," of a Lolita fashion guide taking foreign tourists on a tour of popular spots in Harajuku, such as grocery stores and cafes. Now that Kawaii (cute) culture is gaining popularity throughout the world, more and more foreigners are coming to Japan to experience the Japanese subculture, instead of touring Japan's high packed tourist attractions. This article introduces Japan's kawaii culture with a focus on Harajuku tours led by Lolita fashionistas. A Look at "Kawaii" Lolitas Photo:Lolita fashion girl A growing number of foreigners visit Japan to take a tour of Takeshita Street, the holy land of lolitas. At present, there are tours that are soaring in popularity among foreign visitors to Japan. That tour, is the lolita-fashion Harajuku tour! Lolita guides will take you through trendy boutiques and cafes dealing with cute fashion, and you can enjoy a tour packed with "kawaii." The tour can be viewed at 0:12 in the video. Lolita fashion refers to cute fashion, such as dolls, clothes with lots of laces and frills, and hairstyles with large ribbons. Street fashion, a look sported by many young women in Japan, is said to have been born in Harajuku. The lolita girl played by Kyoko Fukada, from the movie "Kamikaze Girls" released in 2004, triggered a sudden rise in popularity. The Kawaii Harajuku Tour! Source :YouTube screenshot The Harajuku tour, which allows you to experience kawaii, is a tour that takes you to Takeshita Street, Omotesando, Urahara, Cat Street, Meiji Street, and other kawaii shopping spots where you can discover new forms of kawaii in every corner. Takeshita Street is a shopping street in Jingumae, Shibuya, and is a pedestrian mall for young people.. It's a very exciting spot, filled with couples on dates and students on school trips. This tour will take you to a number of shopping and lunch spots, including boutiques selling Lolita fashion, Instagrammable cafes, and shops offering crepes and other sweets. You can see the kawaii Harajuku tour throughout the video, including shopping at the cute little shop on a back street (1:55), having a quick bite to eat at the cute little cafe (2:17), and experiencing a kawaii show like at 2:26. You can see kawaii everywhere along the Harajuku tour! Japan's Unique "Kawaii" Culture Source :Harajuku Kawaii Tour Kawaii is a Japanese word that expresses loveliness and charm. It is similar to "Cute" when translated into English, but the nuance of "Cute" is slightly different from that of "Kawaii" in Japan as it has a childish feel to it. Since there is no other word that fits the word "Kawaii" exactly, the Japanese word "Kawaii" has come to be used abroad as is. The success of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu was also a catalyst for the popularity of kawaii culture around the world. Recently, BABYMETAL, a band that plays metal music in kawaii fashion, has also become popular overseas, and the number of people from abroad who like kawaii culture may continue to increase in the future. Summary of "Kawaii" Culture Source :YouTube screenshot This article introduced the Harajuku Kawaii Tour along with the video "Kawaii" everywhere! Lolita Tour Guide, Harajuku Tour (06/18/26)," by "AnnnewsCH." In the video, you'll see how to enjoy Japan's unique culture by visiting various spots where you can experience "kawaii"! Enjoy a tour that adds a new element of discovery to the traditional experience of Japan! 【Official Website】Takeshita Street official map -Harajuku latest information- https://www.takeshita-street.com/ 【Official Website】Harajuku Kawaii Tour https://www.harajuku-kawaii-tour.com/ -
Video article 9:14
Bringing the Samurai Back to Life in Modern Times! A Look at the Commitment of the Artisans Who Protect Japan's Historical and Traditional Crafts and the Problems They Face
Traditional Culture- 137 plays
- YouTube
日本にわずか数名!武士が大切にした甲冑を守る現代の職人・甲冑師の紹介動画 こちらは「ANA Global Channel」が公開した甲冑師・三浦公法さんへのインタビュー動画「Japanese armor maker/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL? CRAFTSMANSHIP(甲冑師)」です。 現代に受け継がれる芸術品としての甲冑の歴史 かつて武士が合戦で身につけた甲冑。現代では工芸品としての性格が高く、日本刀と並んで国内外のコレクターから人気を集めています。 武士が作り上げてきた甲冑という伝統文化と歴史を受け継ぐのは、今では数名の甲冑師のみとなりました。 甲冑師の仕事とは 現代の甲冑師は歴史的な鎧や兜を修理・製作したり、鎧細工を施したりすることが主な仕事となっています。 そんな匠の技を継承する甲冑師のひとり、三浦公法さんは無形文化財としても認定された職人です。 国宝の復元や、江戸時代に徳川家康から英国ジェームズ一世に贈られた甲冑の修理復元を行うなど、歴史的価値のある作品を手掛けてきました。 新作の甲冑を作る場合、平安時代や鎌倉時代に作られた甲冑をもとに製作します。 すべて手作業なので、納品までに非常に時間がかかり、早くても3年、長くて5年の年月が必要だといわれています。 しかも甲冑に設計図はありません。 鎧細工に使う素材は自ら探し、加工を行うため、匠の技が試させられるのです。 甲冑師は歴史上、戦国時代には「具足師(ぐそくし)」と呼ばれていました。 平安時代には、武士の成立を背景として大鎧が主たる甲冑でありましたが、戦国時代になると、鉄砲の登場を背景に機動性に優れた甲冑である「当世具足(とうせいぐそく)」が誕生しました。 一方で、戦国武将は甲冑に個性あふれるデザインを施し、その奇抜さや迫力を戦場で競い合ったのです。 甲冑師と後継者問題 伝統工芸品の世界で問題になるのが後継者問題。 職人の世界といえば所作の指導や厳しい修行があるため長続きしない人も少なくありません。 しかし中には、日本文化に興味をもって海外から弟子入りする人も増えています。 甲冑師・三浦さんの弟子アンドリューさんもアメリカからやってきました。 端午の節句・五月人形に受け継がれた甲冑の伝統文化 美術品として扱われる甲冑。 現代の私たちが最も身近に見られるのが端午の節句の五月人形です。 その歴史は武士社会の成立にさかのぼります。 端午の節句自体は奈良時代からあったようですが、甲冑を飾る習慣は武士の治世となった江戸時代に端を発します。 武士にとって端午の節句は重要な行事。 この季節に盛りを迎える菖蒲が「尚武(部を重んじる意味)」に繋がることから、邪気を祓い健康を保つと考えられてきました。 このことから男子の健康、ひいては一族の繁栄を願い、武家の家では端午の節句に神社に甲冑を奉納していたのです。 甲冑は武士にとって戦いから身を守る防具という意味だけではなく、病などの災いからも守ってくれるものだったからなのですね。 さて、この五月人形の製作も甲冑師の仕事です。 職人の作風もさまざまですが、五月人形で有名な甲冑師としては、一久、雄山、辰広、龍玉がいます。 有名な流派としては明珍派、春田派があります。 端午の節句には、どんな人形が飾られているか目を向けてみるのもいいですね。 甲冑師の紹介まとめ 戦国時代が好きな人であれば実際に触れたくなるのが甲冑です。 都内には甲冑試着体験を行っているところもあります。 興味のある人は甲冑を身に付けて、当時の武士になりきってみてはいかがでしょうか。 芸術品としての甲冑の価値は高く人気を誇ります。 動画を通じて、甲冑の歴史の奥深さを味わってみてくださいね! -
Video article 4:16
Ise Katagami, a Traditional Craft of Suzuka, Mie Prefecture With a History of More Than 1,000 Years, Is Highly Regarded Around the World for Its Use in Yukata and Kimono
Traditional Crafts- 60 plays
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伝統工芸品「伊勢形紙」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「伊勢形紙」Ise-katagami Paper Stencil/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 伊勢形紙(いせかたがみ)は、型染めに用いられる型紙です。 古くから伊勢(三重県鈴鹿市)で作られ、現在でも流通している90%以上の伊勢形紙はこの地域で生産されています。 伊勢形紙は1955年に、文化財保護法に基づき工芸技術としての重要無形文化財に指定され、6名の職人が重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)として認定されました。 1983年には通産省の伝統的工芸品の指定も受けています。 日本の伝統工芸品である伊勢形紙とは 伊勢形紙は、柿渋で張り合わせて補強した美濃和紙を台紙にし、文様や図柄を彫刻刀で丹念に彫り抜いたものです。 職人が彫刻刀による手彫りで図柄を彫り抜いて作りあげる独特の風合いが魅力です。 千有余年の歴史を誇る伊勢形紙は、古くから友禅や小紋、浴衣など着物の文様の型染めに用いられてきました。 図柄の芸術性が再評価され、現在は着物の染色のみならず生活に密着した日用品などにも使用されるようになっています。 例えば襖・障子などの室内装飾やLED照明にも応用されるなど伊勢形紙の新しい取り組みに注目が集まっています。 さらに団扇、扇子、しおりなどの和小物は連日多くの外国人観光客がお土産品として買い求めています。 日本の伝統工芸品である伊勢形紙の制作工程 繊細で美しい文様で世界的に高く評価されている伊勢形紙ですが、型紙を作るには高度な技法と根気が必要です。 動画でご覧になれる制作工程を簡単に説明すると、まず最初は型地紙づくりです。 美濃和紙を柿渋でベニヤ状に張り合わせ、天日乾燥と室枯らし(燻烟)を繰り返します。 ここまで延べ40日ほどかけて作られます。 出来上がった紙を選別後、2、3カ月~1年間、寸法を安定させるために寝かせます。 出来上がった伊勢形紙は染型紙として用いられ、細かい刃先の彫刻刀で精巧微細な図柄を彫っていきます。 色や素材の使い方しだいで、職人の技法とデザインセンスが光る作品が生まれるのです。 日本の伝統工芸品である伊勢形紙紹介まとめ 残念なことに着物の需要の減少によって伊勢形紙業者は縮小傾向にあり、技術保存会などが用意された型紙に彫っていく1日体験コースや、本格的な伊勢形紙の技術が学べる弟子入りコースなど優れた技術を後世に伝えようと様々な工夫をしています。 その反面、手仕事から生まれる美しい模様の伊勢形紙は日本文化の象徴、また伝統工芸品として外国人旅行客に好まれています。 伊勢形紙はこれからも美術伝統工芸品として高く評価され、人々を魅了し続けることでしょう。 -
Video article 4:01
Tsugaru-Nuri - A Traditional Lacquerware Produced in the Tsugaru Region of Aomori Prefecture. How's It Made, and What About It Makes Food Taste Better?
Traditional Crafts- 111 plays
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伝統漆器「津軽塗」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「津軽塗」Tsugaru Lacquerware/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 青森県には津軽塗と呼ばれる伝統工芸があります。 今回は日本で昔から伝わる伝統工芸のひとつ、津軽塗の魅力を紹介します。 津軽塗って何? 津軽塗は青森県に伝わる伝統工芸のひとつ。 弘前市を中心に多くの工芸品が作られています。 1646年に津軽塗が作られるようになったと言われ、お椀やお箸、茶筒にお盆と種類は豊富。 津軽塗の制作には4つの技法が用いられ、それぞれ模様が異なります。 ・唐塗 ・紋紗塗 ・七々子塗 ・錦塗 津軽塗を購入・体験するには 青森県弘前市にある小林漆器は津軽塗の販売店として知られています。 店内にはさまざまな作品が販売されており、青森県を訪れた際は一度訪れてみると良いかもしれません。 日本の伝統工芸や文化を実際に触れてみたい方におすすめしたいのが津軽塗の体験。 一例に挙げられるのが青森県黒石市にある津軽伝承工芸館。 職人が塗り込んだお箸やストラップなどを研いで完成させる工程を体験できます。 日本の文化に興味のある方や青森県に観光する予定がある方はチェックすることをおすすめします。 津軽塗紹介まとめ 日本に古くから伝わる伝統工芸を紹介させていただきました。 この動画を機に日本の伝統工芸や文化に触れてみたい、日本での観光で青森県を訪れてみたいと感じて頂けたら幸いです。 -
Video article 2:10
This Robot Is Sinking Shots Left and Right! Its Smooth, Light Movement Is Just Like That of a Professional Basketball Player!
Sports- 40 plays
- YouTube
The Basketball Robot, CUE4, in Action! This video, titled "CUE4, a Basketball Robot Powered by Cutting Edge AI Technology, Takes on the World's First 3-Point Contest! B.LEAGUE ALL-STAR 2020 IN HOKKAIDO" (最先端の AI テクノロジーを結集したバスケットボールロボットCUE4が世界初3ポイントコンテストに挑戦! B.LEAGUE ALL-STAR 2020 IN HOKKAIDO), released by "B.LEAGUE," introduces the latest basketball robot. The first thing you see when you play the video is the amazing sight of an AI basketball robot making a spectacular shot. Let's take a look at this basketball robot, which moves with the dexterity of a professional basketball player! The Basketball Robot, "CUE4" Source :YouTube screenshot CUE4, the basketball robot sinking shots left and right, was created by a group of Toyota volunteers, and is an AI technology robot filled with the wisdom of its development team. CUE4 is the fourth robot in the CUE series, and joined Alvark Tokyo, a professional basketball team in the B1 professional basketball league, in 2018 as a professional basketball player. CUE4 made a whopping 12 successful shots in the few minutes shown in the video. What Kind of Activities Is CUE4 Used For Source :YouTube screenshot This video shows footage from the B-League All-Star game held at the Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center. CUE4, a basketball robot wearing a team uniform, makes a spectacular shot at the half-time show, as shown in the video. It uses an avant-garde system in which sensors determine the location of the hoop and artificial intelligence takes a series of shots. In the video, the robot grabs the balls lined up next to it and makes free throws with impressive form. You can also see it smoothly glide across the court at 0:39 in the video, exciting the fans! His fluid movements are like those of a real professional basketball player! CUE4, the first robot to play professional basketball, made headlines when he was loaned to the Levanga Hokkaido in 2020. CUE4's uniform number is "94". CUE4 Certified in the Guinness Book of World Records! Photo:Guinness CUE4 was registered in the Guinness Book of World Records under the category "most consecutive free throws made by a humanoid robot." The previous record was held by his predecessor, CUE3. In the future, the team aims to improve the power, speed and accuracy of CUE4 so that it may take on the 3-point contest. Summary of the Basketball Robot, CUE 4 Source :YouTube screenshot CUE4, featured in the video, is a professional basketball robot developed by a team at Toyota. The video, which is only about 2 minutes long, has been played over 1 million times in the months since its release. Check out the amazing skills of CUE4 as he sinks shots left and right! 【Official website】B.LEAGUE https://translation2.j-server.com/LUCBLEAGUE/ns/tl.cgi/https://www.bleague.jp/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XJSID=0 -
Video article 5:36
Awaji Ningyo Joruri - A Traditional Japanese Performing Art of Hyogo Prefecture Loved Both in Japan and Abroad! Introducing the History and Highlights of Awaji Ningyo Joruri!
Traditional Culture- 162 plays
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An Introduction to Awaji Ningyo Joruri for Beginners! The video this time is called "What is Awaji Ningyo Joruri?" (淡路人形浄瑠璃って何やろ?). This is an introductory video on the traditional Japanese performing art, Ningyo Joruri (Awaji Puppet Theatre). Ningyo Joruri is a traditional Japanese performing art made for the masses. Be sure to follow along with the video that explains Awaji Ningyo Joruri in detail, and experience the fascinating culture unique to Japan! Awaji Ningyo Joruri - A Traditional Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot Puppet shows have been performed on Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture for approximately 500 years, around the Warring States period of Japan. Awaji Ningyo Joruri was originally performed as a Shinto ritual in honor of Ebisu in Nishinomiya. Ningyo Joruri, also called Bunraku, is a theatrical art culture, and the story is performed by a gidayu (a joruri narrator), shamisen music, and 3 puppeteers, as seen at 3:08 in the video. The three puppeteers bring the puppets to life with their fluid movements. Unlike many other Japanese performing arts, Awaji Ningyo Joruri also has many female puppeteers. The Charms of Awaji Ningyo Joruri Source :YouTube screenshot The Awaji Puppet Theater is a cultural facility where you can watch Awaji Ningyo Joruri shows. Awaji Island is a historical spot that is associated with "Kuniumi," Japan's creation myth, and the Awaji Puppet Theater has a performance called Ebisu Mai (Ebisu Dance) that is associated with this myth. Awaji Ningyo Joruri has a unique way of producing a dynamic traditional art form that incorporates quick changes and the use of large props, creating a performance that keeps the crowd glued to their seats. In recent years, Awaji Ningyo Joruri has been attracting attention outside of Japan as well. Awaji Ningyo Joruri Theater is making efforts to further promote traditional Japanese performing arts, including overseas tours. Summary of Awaji Ningyo Joruri Source :YouTube screenshot Awaji Ningyo Joruri is a traditional art form unique to Japan, and is something we highly recommend viewing if you have the chance. The video introduces the charms and characteristics of Awaji Ningyo Joruri, so if you still haven't yet, be sure to check it out. When you go to Awaji Island, a place famous for the whirlpools in the Naruto Strait, be sure to stop by the Awaji Puppet Theater, and the Minamiawajishi Awajiningyojoruri Museum! 【Official Website】Awaji Puppet Theater: Homepage https://awajiningyoza.com/other/en/ -
Video article 32:48
Solo Camping in the Great Outdoors Is Where It's at! Cooking Your Own Catch and Enjoying an Open Air Bath!
Things to Do- 25 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Staying in a One Man Tent and Going Big-Game Fishing in the Small Boat I Bought With My Part Time Job!" (アルバイトして買った小舟で大物釣りして一人用テントに泊まったよ!), was released by "CartopboaterNORA." Solo camping is becoming more and more popular in Japan, where people are enjoying the outdoors on their own. It's very exciting to load up your car with handy camping gear and head out to a secluded spot. In this video, they used a small boat to go fishing and caught a monster! Nothing beats cooking your own food in the great outdoors. They set up their tent in the small boat they used, so they didn't have to worry about it being windy. If you want to spend your holidays with a sense of fulfillment, why not try some camping? -
Video article 22:53
Handling a Huge Flatfish That's 90 cm Long and Weighs Over 10 kg! From Brilliant Artisanal Knife Work to Exquisite Cuisine!
Food & Drink- 39 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Catching Flatfish for 50 Years, Zabuton for 15, but There's Still More to Come! Zabuton Flounder Ebisutei, Hirado" (ヒラメをさばいて50年。ざぶとんは15年。まだまだです。 ざぶとんヒラメ<さばき編> 平戸・エビス亭), was released by "99チャンネル 99chtv." Flounder, with its mild flavor, is a top-quality ingredient when used for sashimi. In this video they clean a huge flounder, which is big even compared to other large flounder. "Zabuton" flounder as they're called in Japanese refer to flounder between 70 and 90 cm in length and that weigh over 4 kg. Its size and weight make it a difficult fish to process fresh. The owner of Ebisutei in Hirado, Nagasaki, is the one processesing the fish. Japan's techniques for handling fish are among the best in the world in terms of speed and maintaining freshness. Look at the skill of the owner as he handles the flounder! -
Video article 6:36
A Look Inside the World of an Embroiderer Who Revives Memories With His Craftsmanship. A Traditional Japanese Craft Where the Craftsman's Heart and Soul Goes Into Every Single Stitch!
Traditional Crafts- 175 plays
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Japan's Traditional Embroidery Restoration This video, titled "Nippon Teshigoto Zukan x Wakoh-sha" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 和光舎), was released by "Nippon Teshigoto Zukan" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑). It introduces the embroidery restoration workshop "Wakoh-sha" in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. Wakoh-sha is a company specializing in the cleaning of robes worn by monks in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. After cleaning these robes for a while, they also began to restore the embroidery of "uchishiki," patterned cloth laid on a table or Buddhist altar. This video introduces the work of an embroiderer who specializes in embroidery restoration, a craft rarely seen by the general public. A Closer Look at the Traditional Embroider Restoration of Wakoh-sha Source :YouTube screenshot The uchishiki, a cloth used at Buddhist temples and in Shinto rituals, is what is being restored in the video. Embroiderers carefully cut out the embroidery that was beautifully applied more than 100 years ago, transfer it to a new cloth, and restore the frayed embroidery to its original form, playing an important role in allowing it to be passed down to the present generation. You can see the frayed embroidery before and after repair at 1:55 in the video. Nihon Shishu (日本刺繍), a traditional Japanese craft that restores embroidery, embroiders patterns such as flowers and birds on silk using silk thread, gold thread, and silver thread, and is a historical decorative technique that is also used for decorating kimono and obi. This type of embroidery restoration involves re-stitching gold thread or stitching new thread. This video shows how the embroidery artisans use traditional Nihon Shishu techniques, such as Sagara-nui and Matsuri-nui, without using adhesives, in order to "connect the beauty of the past to the present. The Embroidery Artisan Supporting Traditional Japanese Crafts Source :YouTube screenshot Hisamitsu Imamura, an embroiderer introduced in the video, is still moved by traditional Japanese embroidery, despite being 80 years of age and is trying to improve his techniques. He also focuses on training young embroiderers so that they may inherit Japan's traditional embroidery techniques. The embroiderers who work in the workshop, both experienced artisans and beginners, learn while feeling the beauty of Japanese embroidery, and by repairing it, they find reward in being able to preserve the past. Summary of Japan's Traditional Embroidery Restoration Source :YouTube screenshot No two embroidery restorations are the same; each piece is a once-in-a-lifetime work whose composition changes depending on the condition of the embroidery and the damage the fabric has sustained. As you can see at the end of the video, the delicate work of the embroidery artisans, who put their hearts and souls into each and every stitch, are connecting the beauty of the past to the present. -
Video article 19:29
A Maiko Performing a Graceful Dance in the Streets of Kyoto! The Story of a Woman Who Preserves Traditional Japanese Culture and Aims to Become a Prestigious Geisha
Traditional Culture- 147 plays
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日本の伝統文化、京都で目にする舞妓とは? こちらの動画は「明日への扉 by アットホーム」が公開した「#002 舞妓 美恵雛(みえひな) | 明日への扉 by アットホーム」です。 今回は日本の古都京都で芸妓になることを夢見る一人の舞妓に密着した動画を紹介。 こちら記事では、動画に沿って、舞妓という職業、下積み生活や仕事内容・伝統文化に生きる舞妓さんを紹介します。 京都のお座敷文化・伝統文化を守る舞妓の日常 舞妓とは、芸妓になるために必要な芸能を仕込む見習い・下積み期間のことです。 しかし、下積みだからと言って簡単なものではなく、芸妓と同じように座敷に出てお客様の楽しいひと時を共にしたり、三味線や芝居・舞踊を舞うことが必要になってきます。 舞妓の日中は芸の稽古・から始まりました。礼儀作法やしつけ・しきたりから始まり、衣装・着物の着付け・化粧・髪型・履物など些細な面まで教え込まれます。 また、三味線や踊りは一つ一つの些細な動きまで学ばなくてはいけません。 以前は舞妓になるために10歳くらいから花街で修行に入るため生活していましたが、今では中学校を卒業してから舞妓になる修行をする人が一般的です。 舞妓の日常は午前中は稽古。 午後からはお座敷の準備で白塗りをして舞妓へと。 日々、芸の道へ進み伝統文化を守る世界の厳しさを知れるのではないでしょうか。 日本の伝統文化を継承する京都 祇園の魅力とは 京都には宮川町歌舞練場で毎年行われる京おどりがあります。 この京おどりは若柳流の舞であり、京都の中でも伝統文化を伝えるに相応しい、選ばれた舞妓・芸妓で構成されています。 今回、美恵雛が選ばれ、立派に舞ったのです。 舞妓の美恵雛が伝統文化と向き合い一人前として芸妓になる時 舞妓が芸妓になる襟替えの時は生涯の中で一番の儀式です。 今まで幾度となく舞妓の厳しさを感じ京都の祇園から去ろうとも思った美恵雛。 芸妓になるまでに数多くの涙をしたこともあったでしょう。 世界を魅了する伝統文化舞妓紹介のまとめ 今回は日本の伝統文化を守るひとりの舞妓に密着した動画紹介しました。 昔までは一見様お断りのお店も多かったですが、最近では宴席やお茶席を体験や楽しめる料金プランも登場しています。 祇園東や先斗町・宮川町のお茶屋さんでお座敷遊びを楽しめるでしょう。 皆さんもこの記事で舞妓について興味が持たれましたら京都祇園に足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:59
The "Budo Tourism" Gaining Popularity From Foreign Visitors to Japan! Experience Traditional Karate and Come To Understand the Japanese Spirit!
Sports Travel Traditional Culture- 138 plays
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The Martial Arts Tourism Gaining Popularity Among Tourists Visiting Japan This video, titled "[Japan Sports Agency] Foreign Visitors to Japan Taking Interest! A Report on the 'Budo Tourism' That Can Only Be Experienced in Japan" (【スポーツ庁】訪日外国人が注目! 日本でしか体験できない「武道ツーリズム」の現場をレポート), was released by "Japan Sports Agency" (スポーツ庁). Budo Tourism refers to foreign visitors to Japan going on sightseeing trips to experience traditional Japanese martial arts. In addition to sumo, Japan's national sport, Japan has various traditional martial arts, such as kendo, judo, karate, and aikido, which attract a lot of interest from foreign tourists. With Budo Tourism, some foreigners visit Japan to try Kyudo, Shorinji Kempo, Naginata and Iaido. Karate, A Martial Art Gaining Popularity in Budo Tourism Photo:Martial arts Karate, seen from 0:34 in the video, is one of the most popular forms of martials arts in Budo Tourism, and has also officially been made into an event at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. It is said that there are around 130 million karate enthusiasts around the world, and the number of foreign tourists visiting to experience karate through Budo Tourism is increasing year after year. There are various theories about the origin of karate, but it is believed that the history of Japanese karate begins with the self-defense techniques of the Ryukyu Kingdom, which can be seen in the video. The Chinese martial art "Toude," which was introduced to the Ryukyu Kingdom, later become what we know as traditional Okinawan karate. Eventually, karate was divided into several schools, and performances and matches began to be held throughout the country. The Appeal of Budo Tourism Photo:Karate The fascinating experience of practicing in a dojo while wearing traditional uniforms typical of Japanese martial arts is not something you can easily experience outside of Japan. What kind of experience are foreign tourists looking for when training in classes held at traditional martial arts dojos? One reason is that Japanese martial arts place a large importance on etiquette and many people feel that they can experience spiritual growth through these experiences. Japanese martial arts have the idea of "Shin-Gi-Tai" (心技体: heart, technique, strength) This is a term that refers to the three qualities of a martial artist: mental strength (心, heart), skill (技, technique), and physical strength (体, body). It is said that training the mind and body in a well-balanced manner is the most important thing to consider when practicing martial arts. Summary of Japan's Budo Tourism Photo:Karate, kata As mentioned before, the number of foreign tourists interested in traditional Japanese martial arts, such as karate and kendo, is increasing year after year. Many Japanese people and foreign tourists are looking forward to seeing traditional martial arts at the Tokyo Olympics. Going forward, Budo Tourism will become a bridge between Japan and the rest of the world. -
Video article 4:07
The Pristine Sandy White Beaches and Emerald Green Waters of Yoron Island in Kagoshima Prefecture... Beautiful Natural Scenery, History, Culture, and Local Food Come Together to Create Something Amazing!
Travel- 87 plays
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美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yoron Island Japan」が公開した「Yoron Island Japan in 8K HDR - 与論島」です。 突如出現する、幻の白い浜。 南国のどこかを想像させるハイビスカスは、潮風に揺らされ、大自然のなかで鮮やかに咲き誇ります。 8K動画でご覧になれるのは、鹿児島県にある「与論島」。 日本にいることを忘れてしまうほどの景観を持つ、日本でも有数の癒しスポットです。 与論島ってどんな観光スポット? 与論島とは、奄美諸島最南端にある、自然豊かな島です。 亜熱帯気候で、ダイビングや海水浴などの海のレジャーが盛んです。 サンゴ礁が隆起してできた与論島は砂浜が白く、条件が揃ったときのみ現れる「百合ヶ浜」は、日本内外の観光客に人気があります。 サンゴは他にも、コーラルウェイとういう白い一本道を作り、地下では景勝地の赤崎鍾乳洞を作り上げました。 豊かな自然には多くの生き物たちが暮らし、トゥイシ海岸はウミガメの産卵地にもなっています。 与論島は、特産物のもずくの他、マンゴー、伊勢エビなどグルメも充実。 茶花漁港の魚市場では、伊勢エビを筆頭に、南国の新鮮な魚介類をご覧になることができます。 自然の恵みを思う存分堪能しましょう。 日本でも珍しい文化を持つ与論島 与論島は沖縄県に近いため、琉球と薩摩の文化が融合され、日本のなかでも独自の文化が発展しました。 かつて琉球国王に仕えた武術の達人、按司根津栄(アジニッチェー)を祀る按司根津栄神社は、沖縄との文化交流の歴史を裏打ちします。 また、与論島の伝統芸能である「与論十五夜踊り」は、琉球と薩摩の文化の特色があり、国の重要無形民俗文化財に指定されています。 観光名所である「与論民族村」では、芭蕉布織りの体験を通して、与論島の暮らしや文化に触れることができます。 与論島には、海岸ごとに異なった魅力がある 与論島の海岸は、ひとつひとつに異なった景色があり、楽しみ方もそれぞれです。 例えば、与論島最大のビーチである大金久海岸は、キャンプ場を併設。家族や連れや団体客で賑わうビーチです。 潮干狩りができる前浜海岸からは、沖縄本島を望むことができます。 プライベート感を味わいたいなら寺埼海岸や宇勝海岸へ。 さざなみに自然と心癒される、旅行の穴場です。 カップルにおすすめなのは兼母海岸。 周辺のホテルのプリシアリゾートでは、マジックアワーとともにバーベキューを楽しむことができます。 イチャジキ浜も訪れてみましょう。 満点の星空が絶景で、ここは日本ではない、楽園のようです。 美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介まとめ 与論島には、竜宮岩、ビーチリングなどのインスタ映えスポットも多数点在! 豊かな自然と文化、日本が誇るリゾートの情報は、この動画でチェックです! -
Video article 9:19
Ginza Hachigo, a Ramen Shop That Touched Down in Ginza Like a Meteor! How the French Master Makes His Ramen!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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This video, titled "Hiashi-Ginza [Ginza Hachigo] a French Chef's Ramen|A Bowl That Defies What You Know About Ramen! [Ramen Walker TV Episode #221]" (東銀座『銀座 八五』フレンチの巨匠が生んだ ラーメンの概念を覆す一杯!【ラーメンWalkerTV #221】), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces the ramen shop "Ginza Hachigo," located in Ginza. The restaurant's wouldn't have you believe you're at a ramen shop, but rather at a high-end sushi restaurant, making it a truly new ramen experience. This ramen was created by a famous French chef who was once known as a "modern master craftsman" in Kyoto prefecture, and was perfected using only soup. In addition, the pepper caviar sprinkled on top gives it the perfect aroma, creating a ramen that is both somehow ramen and not ramen. This video introduces Ginza Hachigo in detail, so check it out! -
Video article 9:23
Shinasoba Tanaka Is Characterized by an Abundance of Niboshi in Its Soup. A Taste of This Delicious Ramen Made With Carefully Selected Dried Niboshi!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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This video, titled "Higashi-Ikebukuro [Shina Soba Tanaka] 2018, A Major Renewal in Its Five Years Since Opening! A New Ramen Based on the Concept of "Repaying Our Debt to the Sea of Chiba"! [Ramen Walker TV Episode #218]" (東池袋『志奈そば 田なか』2018年、オープン5年を機に一大リニューアルを敢行!“千葉の海へ恩返し”をコンセプトに掲げた渾身の新作ラーメン!【ラーメンWalkerTV #218】), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces "Shinasoba Tanaka," a ramen shop that has become popular for its seafood flavored ramen. The soup is made with Isumi pork skin and anchovies, and the flavor of the soup is very delicate and refreshing. This ramen, that makes the most of all the flavorful ingredients used, has exploded in popularity, making it a very popular ramen shop for men and women of all ages. Check out the video to see the ramen at Shinasoba Tanaka! -
Video article 9:47
Not Only Do They Serve Ramen, They Also Serve Snacks at "Kujira Shokudo Nonowa"! The Soft, Hand-Made Noodles and Plethora of Ingredients Go Great With Alcohol!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, titled "Higashi-Koganei [Kujira Shokudo Nonowa Higashi Koganei] Recommended for a Drink and Some Ramen! Abura Soba With Lots of Toppings to Choose From [Ramen Walker TV Episode #222]" (東小金井『くじら食堂 nonowa東小金井店』ラ飲みにもオススメ!ツマミにもなる具だくさん油そば【ラーメンWalkerTV #222】), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces Kujira Shokudo nonowa's Higashi Koganei branch, which is very famous among those looking for a snack after some drinks. The most distinctive feature of their ramen is their soft, hand-made noodles, which is one of the reasons why their Aburasoba (oil soba) is so popular. While the noodles are of course amazing, there's also a mountain of toppings to choose from, and it's become a renowned ramen shop where you can enjoy drinks as well. This video shows you what the ramen is like, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 9:25
The Famous, Impactful HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY. What's This Ramen Restaurant All About?
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "Haijima's "HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY" Is a Famous Ramen Shop Where You Can Enjoy It to the Very End! Ramen King Takeshi Yamamoto, Great Ramen King" (拝島「ハイデン.コッコFACTORY らーめん 凛々」ラーメンなのに、最後にはアレが楽しめちゃう魅惑の名店!ラーメン王・山本剛志さん、ラーメン大王・小), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY. The soup is made from a lavish broth with a seafood taste, made from Hinai-Jidori chicken from Akita Prefecture, soy sauce, and chicken fat. It's worth mentioning that there's a "soup-wari" event, where you can enjoy 10 different types of soup that change daily. In this video, you can see a detailed explanation of HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 4:29
The Thick Soup at Menya Gokkei in Kyoto Is Just Too Good! This Unique Soup Is Something You Won't Find Anywhere Else!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "[Menya Gokkei] Chicken Daku! Super Thick, Viscous White Chicken Broth! A New Texture I've Never Had Before! [Kyoto] [ASMR/ramen/noodles] Noodle Channel Episode #110" (【麺屋 極鶏】鶏だく!超濃厚肉濁鶏白湯!今までに食べたことのない新食感です!! 【京都】【ASMR/ramen/noodles】 麺チャンネル 第110回), was released by "Noodle Channel" (麺チャンネル). This video introduces Menya Gokkei, a ramen shop famous for its rich flavor and unique texture. Menya Gokkei is famous for its viscous soup, and since so many people visit every day, it's not unusual that you have to wait in line. The other ingredients are carefully chosen so that the soup is just the right thickness, and the chashu and menma (bamboo shoots) are extremely thick. In this video, you can see a video of a visit to Menya Gokkei and try their popular "chicken daku." -
Video article 3:52
Oiwatei, the ramen restaurant that is said to be the thickest in Japan! What's the secret to the soup so thick that the sprouts stand upright!
Food & Drink- 46 plays
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This video, titled "[Ooiwatei] Trying Ramen So Thick It Stand on Its Own [Food Porn|Aichi Ramen] Susuru TV. Episode 621" (【大岩亭】レンゲが立つほど濃厚過ぎるラーメンをすする【飯テロ 愛知ラーメン】SUSURU TV.第621回), was released by "SUSURU TV." This video introduces Ooiwatei, the ramen shop that serves the thickest ramen in Japan. Ooiwatei is characterized by a soup so thick that the sprouts stand upright, and many people feel that they are eating the soup rather than drinking it. The pork and chicken in the soup is rich in collagen, and it also contains a lot of soy sauce and niboshi (dried sardines) to create a unique viscous soup. In this video, you can see a sample of the rich ramen at Ooiwatei, so if you're interested, please check it out. -
Video article 6:08
1.5 Times Thicker Than Regular Eel! Feast on Fluffy, Delicious Eel! Introducing the Famous Eel Restaurant "Unagi Tomoei" in Odawara, Kanagawa, Where You Can Enjoy Grilled Eel, Liver, and Kabayaki!
Food & Drink- 25 plays
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This video, titled "[Exquisite] A Famous Michelin Eel Restaurant! One of Tabelog's Top 100 Restaurants [Unagi Tomoei] Food Porn" (【極上】ミシュランの鰻の超有名店!食べログ百名店【うなぎ亭 友栄】飯テロ), was released by "Roid Gohan" (ロイドごはん). This video shows delicious eel dishes at Unagi Tomoei in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. After an introduction of the menu from the exterior of the restaurant, you'll enjoy delicious eel, freshly cut liver (with sauce and wasabi), and the high-class unaju. The video shows that the eels are thick and fluffy with just the right amount of fat. Be sure to try sprinkling some fresh wasabi on the eel as well. Check out the video to see some delicious eel dishes! -
Video article 4:25
Smooth, Firm, and Springy! A Look at Osawaya, an Udon Shop That Specializes in "Mizusawa Udon," One of the Three Great Udon of Japan!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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Mizusawa Udon, One of Japan's Three Great Udon, at the Famous Udon Shop, Osawaya This video shows Mizusawa Udon, one of the top three udon's of Japan, at the famous udon restaurant, Osawaya. Along with Sanuki Udon and Inaniwa Udon, Mizusawa Udon is considered one of the three major udon noodles in Japan, and is considered a specialty of Mizusawa, Ikaho, Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture. The noodles have a slippery texture and have a nice, firm texture. Osawaya, introduced in the video, is an long-established udon shop with 4 shops in Ikaho, and you can also buy their noodles online. In the video, you can see the udon noodles and the magnificent maitake mushroom tempura and more, so be sure to check it out. ◆Osawaya Store Information◆ 【Address】125-1, Mizusawa, Ikaho-cho, Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture 【Access】20 minutes by bus from JR Shibukawa Station. 【Price Range】¥770+ 【Hours】10:00-16:00 (L.O.) 【Closures】The 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month※Subject to change (August・November no closures) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0279-72-3295 【Official Homepage】Osawaya http://www.osawaya.co.jp/index2.html 【Tabelog】Osawaya https://tabelog.com/en/gunma/A1004/A100401/10001525/ -
Video article 4:29
Fujiya Honten - A Long-Established Shop That's Been in Business Since the Meiji Period. "Himokawa Udon," the Famous Udon of Kiryu, Gunma, Is More Than 5 cm Wide!
Food & Drink- 30 plays
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Fujiya Honten's Himokawa Udon This video shows the famous Gunma specialty, "Himokawa Udon" at Fujiya Honten in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture. As you can see in the video, the noodles are wide, chewy, smooth, and firm. Fujiya Honten, introduced in the video, is one of the oldest shops in Gunma, and has been in business since 1887. The udon noodles at Fujiya Honten are about 5 cm wide, but there are shops that make them more than 10 cm, and nowadays people outside the prefecture know about the noodles and love the wide, flat style that's similar to kishimen. Be sure to give it a try! ◆Fujiya Honten Store Information◆ 【Address】1-6-35, Honmachi, Kiryu-shi, Gunma 【Access】A 20-minute walk from JR Kiryu Station / A 20-minute walk from Nishikiryu Station 【Price Range】¥500+ 【Hours】11:30-14:30 (L.O.) / 【Fri・Sat・Sun】17:30-20:30 (L.O.) 【Closures】Mondays・The 4th Tuesday of every month (If Monday is a holiday, the store is only open until noon and the following Tuesday is closed) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0277-44-3791 【Official Homepage】Fujiya Honten https://fujiya-honten.net/ 【Tabelog】Fujiya Honten (藤屋本店) https://tabelog.com/en/gunma/A1002/A100201/10001147/ -
Video article 5:23
Gorgeous Nigirizushi With Squid! How to Cut the Squid Into Decorative Shapes! Try These Decorative Cuts That Not Only Look Beautiful, but Also Change the Texture of the Food!
Food & Drink- 27 plays
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This video, titled "Bigfin Reef Squid Nigiri Sushi" (アオリイカの飾り切り 握り寿司), was released by "369 [Milock] Cooking Channel" (369【ミロック】お料理チャンネル). This video shows you how to make decorative cuttings with squid. Squid that has been cut using this method not only looks great, but also has great texture. The simple white cuttlefish is one of the most common ingredients in nigiri-zushi, and the direction in which the knife is inserted will give you a different image of the finished product. In this video, they cut the squid from the top and from there they lay the knife down on the surface and cut into the strips diagonally. After that, they pour boiling water over the cut squid and put it in ice water to make a nice pattern. At the end of the video, they have nigiri sushi with the decorated squid! -
Video article 13:13
Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta Is the World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded a Michelin Star! Neither the Amount nor Price Are a Laughing Matter!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video, titled "The World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded One Michelin Star|Eating High-Class Ramen at Tsuta for Around 3,000 Yen [IKKO'S FILMS] [Shinagawa Ikko]" (世界初のミシュラン一つ星を獲得したラーメン店「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦」で約3,000円の高級ラーメンを食してきた【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】), was released by "IKKO'S FILMS." This video introduces Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta, the world's first ramen restaurant to be awarded a Michelin star. Until now, numerous ramen restaurants have only been able to achieve "bib gourmand," but in 2014, Tsuta was the first ramen restaurant in the world to earn a star. The ramen, which is lavishly flavored with black truffles, is known as a high-class ramen that is stunning in both appearance and price, as it costs about 3,000 yen per bowl. Check out the video to get a feel for the atmosphere at Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta! -
Video article 3:14
The "Neo Tonkotsu Ramen" of the High-Class, Reservation-Only Ramen Shop in Hiroo, Tokyo. Get a Taste of the Ramen Flavored With Delicious Spices and Oils!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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This video, titled "[GENEI . WAGAN (Hiroo, Tokyo)] Now Offering Its Finest Creation- Neo Tonkotsu Ramen! "GENEI . WAGAN," a ramen shop in Hiroo, Tokyo, now offers an innovative new type of ramen called Neo Tonkotsu Ramen. GENEI . WAGAN is the only ramen restaurant in Japan that serves ramen kaiseki, and is open only in the evening by reservation. GENEI . WAGAN released a limited edition Neo Tonkotsu Ramen as part of their lunchtime menu, and it attracted a lot of attention from ramen fans. The specialty ramen, which is based on tonkotsu (pork bone) and carefully prepared with unique oil and spices, has become a favorite among ramen fans.