Video article 6:30
The Secret of Katsuobushi, an Essential Ingredient in Japanese Cuisine. Fushitaka, a Dashi Specialty Store in Tsukiji, Tokyo, Puts So Much Thought Into Their "Umami" Flavored Bonito Flakes That Attract Chefs From All Over the World...
Food & Drink- 43 plays
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日本食の基礎となる出汁を紹介 こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「KATSUOBUSHI - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (鰹節)」です。 うま味を引き出す食材として定番なのが鰹節。 ランチにおかかのおにぎりや冷奴、京都のおばんざいなどの郷土料理、そしてお節料理といった伝統料理まで、鰹節が欠かせない日本食はたくさんあります。 鰹節自体を見る機会は少なくなったとはいえ、和食専門店や贈り物用ではまだまだ重宝されています。 動画では出汁専門店「伏高」店主・へのインタビューが紹介されています。 伏高は築地にある創業100年を超える出汁専門店です。 鰹節だけではなく昆布や煮干しなど海の出汁を取り扱い、高級料理店からラーメン店まで幅広いお店に食材を提供しています。 今回は鰹節の秘密について紹介します。 鰹節は栄養満点!健康にもよい食材 鰹節で取った出汁は塩分を少なくしても十分に美味しさが感じられるため、積極的にレシピに取り入れたい材料です。 また、和食に限らず、乳幼児の離乳食にも使えます。 離乳食は基本的に薄味を付けますが、出汁を入れることでうま味が加わり、調味料を入れなくても十分美味しくなるのが利点。 作り方も簡単。 わが子のご飯に活用して、日本食に対する豊かな味覚を育んであげたいですね。 鰹節の種類 動画では2:50から、市販と節状の違いが説明されています。 スーパーでよく見る削られた鰹節は削り節と呼んでいます。 また、製造過程において、カビを表面につけて乾燥させる工程があります。 和食の世界では、この工程を通ったものを本節と呼んでいます。 本節の賞味期限は、メーカーが推奨する状態できちんと保存すれば数年は持つとされています。 日本の鰹節生産地 日本には静岡県と鹿児島県に、鰹節の生産で有名な地域があります。 静岡県焼津市は、「焼津節」として江戸時代から続く鰹節の名産地です。 1801年に土佐与市という人物が焼津に伝えた土佐節の製法がもとになっています。 また、伊豆では田子節が有名です。 続いて、薩摩半島の南端に位置し、生産量日本一を誇る鹿児島県枕崎市です。 枕崎の鰹節の歴史は古く、古事記にも「堅魚」との記載があるほど。 現在の製法は1707年に紀州から伝わった燻製法がもとになっています。 そして鹿児島県枕崎市と並んで有名なのが鹿児島県指宿市山川町です。 ここでは山川節が有名で、明治42年に伊予の業者が山川の山小屋を借りて土佐節を作ったのが始まりとされています。 鰹節のEU輸出に向けて奮闘する日本 英語で鰹節を意味する“Bonito Flakes”という言葉があるように、日本食、ひいては鰹節への注目度は世界でますます大きくなっています。 和食や日本食に限らず、フランス料理では調味料として鰹節が使われることも増えてきました。海外への輸出が今後増えてくるのではないでしょうか。 和食の出汁の王様!鰹節紹介まとめ 動画では1:30から出汁の取り方についてコツが解説されています。 コツは、けちけちしないでたっぷりと使うことです。 いい食材であればあるほど、たくさん入れても変に味がくどくなることはありません。 削り節は軽いので、いっぱい入れたつもりでも、実はあまり入っていなかったということがよくあります。 自分で思っている分の2倍は入れるようにすると美味しい出汁が取れますよ。 動画では昆布だしについても詳しい解説があります。和食に欠かせない出汁の奥深さをぜひご自分でもお確かめください! -
Video article 9:41
Yubara Onsen in Maniwa, Okayama Is a Tourist Spot With a Variety of Seasonal Attractions! The Different Faces of Nature Will Create Lifelong Memories!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
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四季を通じて自然豊かな温泉の郷「湯原温泉」について こちらの動画は「真庭市公式チャンネル」が公開した「湯原温泉」です。 湯原温泉は岡山県にある自然豊かな温泉郷です。 昔から自噴する温泉が数多く存在し、湯治客や観光客で賑わってきました。 また古墳時代より「たたら製鉄」が盛んだったエリアで、金山(製鉄後のくず鉄を積んでできた山)や史跡がそこかしこに残っています。 人気アニメ「もののけ姫」にもたたら場が登場し、そのモデルが湯原温泉郷だったと言われており、聖地巡礼の場としても旅行客の人気を集めています。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のイベント情報 湯原温泉では夏の季節はイベント満載ですが何と言っても「はんざき祭り」が一番の目玉です。 このお祭りは日本の特別天然記念物に指定されているオオサンショウウオ(岡山の方言ではんざき)にちなんだお祭りで、「はんざき山車(はんざきねぶた)」が湯原温泉郷を練り歩きます。 華やかな道中ばやしが鳴り響き盆踊りも開催! また美甘夏まつりで行われる花火大会は中国山地の山々に音が反響するので海辺の花火大会よりも迫力満点でとても人気のあるイベントです。 さらに秋には紅葉、冬は雪見風呂や冬至のゆず湯、雪景色の中のキャンドルファンタジー、正月明けのしし祭り、6月の砂湯が人気の露天風呂の日など、湯原温泉では一年を通じてさまざまなイベントを楽しむことができます。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のグルメ情報 清流と山間の自然あふれる湯原温泉では毎年1月になると伝統的な「しし祭り」が開かれ多くの人がご当地グルメのイノシシ料理を楽しみます。 そして清流釣りの本場としても人気のスポットなので、ヤマメやイワナ、マスなどの川魚料理が多くの観光客に愛されています。 ホテルや旅館では本格的な山の幸をふんだんに使った郷土料理をお楽しみいただけますよ。 岡山県湯原温泉郷周辺の観光スポット情報 はんざきセンターはオオサンショウウオに関する資料や湯山温泉郷との文化・歴史的なつながりを示す資料を展示している隠れた観光名所です。 また「はんざき祭り」のルートには「はんざき大明神」の祠があり、ここもおすすめの穴場景観地。 ご祭祀のオオサンショウウオがとても可愛いと評判なのです。 湯原温泉郷旅行では絶対に外せないインスタ映えポイントとしておすすめ。 さらに、絶景好きな方やダムマニアにとって欠かせない景勝地が「湯原ダム」です。 湯原ダムは昭和23年に岡山県が立案し昭和30年に完成した歴史あるダムです。 今でも湯原温泉郷の大切な水源として、また電力供給源として活躍しています。 スポーツ好きな方は湯原温泉トライアスロン大会がおすすめ! そしてとっておきの観光スポットをもう一つ!温泉街の中央に位置する温泉薬師堂をご紹介。 温泉薬師堂は無くしたものが返ってくるお薬師様として信仰を集め、すぐ近くから温泉がこんこんと湧き出ているので手湯足湯が無料で楽しめるんです。 湯原温泉郷紹介まとめ 湯原温泉郷へのアクセスは米子自動車道湯原ICより約3キロ、JR岡山駅またはJR中国勝山駅から路線バスを乗り継いで湯原温泉バス停のご利用が便利です。 湯原温泉郷に旅行するなら日帰り温泉が楽しめる湯元温泉館にも足をお運びくださいね。 -
Video article 18:23
Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival" in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture is raining fire sparks! The fireworks up close are a sight to behold! A spectacular display of beauty created by local pyrotechnists!
Festivals & Events Travel- 119 plays
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The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival of Ueda, Nagano: Video Introduction This video, titled "[4K] An Up-Close & Powerful Display! Sparks Rain From Above! The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2018 Highlights" ([4K] 激近大迫力!- 火の粉が上から降ってくる - 信州上田大花火大会 2018 ハイライト - Shinshu Ueda Fireworks 2018 Highlights -), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." When is the Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival 2024? Photo:Ueda from the Arato Castle Ruins Ueda, Nagano, located in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, is known as the birthplace of the three generations of Sanada, one of the most influential clans in Japanese history, and is a popular tourist destination with its historical and cultural heritage, magnificent nature, and hot springs that can be enjoyed in Japan's four seasons. The historical atmosphere of the city has led to it being used as a filming location for movies and TV dramas. Since it was the setting for the animated movie Summer Wars, some fans go on a tour of the places that served as models in the movie itself. The Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival is held every year on August 5 on the banks of the Chikuma River (downstream from Tsuneda Shinbashi Bridge) in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, and usually attracts over 100,000 spectators. About 8,000 fireworks, including starmines, are launched into the air. The dates and times of the 37th Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival in 2024 are as follows. Date and time: Monday, August 5, 2024 from 19:00 Street stalls and other vendors are scheduled to open in 2024. Fire sparks falling? What are the attractions and highlights of the "Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival"? Photo:Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2018 The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival consists of a competition among three local fireworks companies. ・Beniya Aoki Fireworks (紅屋青木煙火店) ・Shinohara Fireworks (篠原煙火店) ・Musha Fireworks (武舎煙火工業) The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival, which has become a summer tradition in Ueda, Nagano, is made possible by the advanced technology of three local firework companies. Normally, 3,000 stars are packed into a firework shell. If even a few of them are out of alignment, the resulting explosion will be lackluster. It is no exaggeration to say that the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is a success due to the incredibly skilled pyrotechnicians. The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival – Up Close and Personal The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is a popular fireworks display in Nagano Prefecture because of its diverse program. The night sky is completely lit up as approximately 10,000 fireworks of various sizes are launched, centering on the gorgeous starmine and musical fireworks. In addition, the finale, a series of launches, is a spectacle that captivates the audience. The powerful music and the continuous launching of fireworks herald the arrival of summer in Ueda. One of the reasons why the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is said to be so powerful is that the spectator seats are close to where the fireworks are launched. Because of the proximity, the spectators are sometimes sprayed with sparks from the fireworks. Popular Tourist Spots in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture Here are two popular tourist attractions. Ueda Castle and Ueda Castle Ruins Park In addition to the East Toraguchi Yaguromon gate, North Yagura, and South Yagura, the stone wall with the "Sanada-ishi" stone, which is 2.5 meters high and 3 meters wide, is a popular photo spot. The "Ueda Castle Thousand Cherry Blossoms Festival" is held in spring and attracts many visitors. Rice terraces in Inakura This is a spot where you can enjoy the cityscape of Ueda City and the scenery of terraced rice paddies at the same time. The best time to view the terraced rice paddies is from late May to late October. There are several yokoana burial mounds dating back to the 700s along the rice paddies, providing an original Japanese landscape. Summary of "Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival" in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture The Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival is a summer tradition. It is conveniently located just a 5-minute walk from Ueda Station, where the Shinkansen bullet train stops, and is also close enough to take a day trip from Tokyo. If you would like to experience not only the beauty of the fireworks seen in this video of the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival, but also the power sounds and vibrations, considering seeing the fireworks in person. ◆The 37th Shinshu Ueda Grand Fireworks Festival in 2024 Date: Monday, August 5, 2024 from 19:00 Place: Chikuma River riverbed (downstream of Tsuneda Shinbashi Bridge) Access:Public transportation: JR Ueda Station, Shinano Railway Ueda Station, Ueda Electric Railway Ueda Station→5 min. walk Car: 6 km 15 min. from Ueda Sugadaira IC of Joshinetsu Expressway via Route 144 Parking: No parking (please use pay parking lots around the venue) -
Video article 14:51
Koyasan Is a Holy Land for Japanese Buddhism Which Was Founded by Kukai. Come Purify Your Mind and Body at This Mysterious Power Spot in Wakayama Prefecture!
Art & Architecture- 92 plays
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Introducing Mt. Koya This video, titled "The Holy Land in the Sky – Mt. Koya (生きている天空の聖地 高野山) was created by "greentvjapan." It's an introductory video of the beautiful and mysterious Mt. Koya; one of the top holy cities in Japan. Mt. Koya is known as a holy place by those who follow Buddhism, folk religion, and mountain worship. The History of Mt. Koya Photo:Koyasan Daimon, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya, a sacred mountain located in Koya, Ito district (伊都郡高野町) in Wakayama prefecture, is a holy land for Buddhism, starting with Shuzenji Temple given to Kukai (also known as Kobo Daishi (弘法大師)) by Emperor Saga (嵯峨天皇) in the Heian Period (794 AD - 1185 AD). Mt. Koya, which is the site of the head temple for Shingon Buddhism (真言宗, shingonshuu), is designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site under "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range." The beautiful temples on Mt. Koya, created by talented carpenters and cypress bark roof craftsmen, are a must see for any tourist visiting the area! The Highlights of Mt. Koya Photo:Danjo Garan in Koya-san, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya's "Danjo-garan" (壇上伽藍) features many temples and shrines including Konpon Daito (根本大塔), Sanno-in (山王院), Kondo (金堂) and "Oku-no-In" (奥之院) of Kongobuji (金剛峯寺). There are many Jizo statues at Oku-no-in. You can take a look at these in the video from 4:14. If you are visiting Mt. Koya on foot, why not trek along some of the famous pilgrimage routes, such as Kurokomichi (黒子道), Nyoninmichi (女人道), Kyoosaka-michi Fudozaka (京大坂道不動坂), Mitanizaka (三谷坂) including Nyusakadonojinja (丹生酒殿神社). You can also receive a special seal stamp called a "Go-shuin" at Mt. Koya for good luck! Other items you can purchase at Mt. Koya include good luck fortunes known as "O-mamori," "zukou" (a powder-type incense/perfume), and good related to Mt. Koya's character, "Koya-kun" (こうやくん). You can also take part in meditation practice, sutra-copying and flower-arrangement experiences. The Temple Lodgings at Mt. Koya Photo:Koya in Wakayama Prefecture Every morning at 6 am when the temple bell rings, the monks begin their ascetic practices. Every morning, the monks take breakfast to Kukai in a ceremony called "Shojingu" (生身供). If you decide to stay the night in one of the Buddhist temples on Mt. Koya you can enjoy vegetarian Buddhist cuisine called "Shojinryori" (精進料理), which includes food, such as sesame tofu and traditional Japanese sweets, with the monks as well as take part in Buddhist prayers. Events on Mt. Koya Source :YouTube screenshot Many events take place on Mt. Koya throughout the year, such as the Aoba Festival (青葉祭り), Koya Fire Festival (高野の火祭り), Obon Lantern Festival and Candle Festival, and man other events that celebrate the changing of the seasons. During fall, there is a special Buddhist service known as "Kinshu Daigaran Oneri Ho'e" (錦秋大伽藍お練り法会) and in winter there is "Gohei Osame" (御幣納め), "Shushoe" (修正会) and "Joyanokane" (除夜の鐘, the ringing of the New Year's bells). Many tourists visit Mt. Koya in spring during cherry blossom season and in fall to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the autumn foliage. Mt. Koya Introductory Video Summary Photo:Danjo Garan As explained in the video, Mt. Koya has a long history dating back more than 1,200 years and is a sacred place worshipped by followers of Buddhism. The entire mountain is sacred meaning there are a lot of tourist spots for you to visit within short distances of one another. Before visiting, we highly recommend checking out the public transportation access to and from the mountain, as well as parking availability, hours, and walking courses to make the most of your trip to Mt. Koya. 【Official Website】Mt. Koya, Shingon Buddhism, Kongobuji temple http://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Koya https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 10:31
Tatami - An Indispensable Part of Japanese Style Rooms. Two Tatami Craftsmen Talk About Their Passion and Commitment To the Traditional Product That Has Been Handed Down in Japan Since Ancient Times
Traditional Crafts- 66 plays
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Introducing the Tatami Craftsmen of Matsuya Tatami Shop! This video, titled "Nippon Handicraft Encyclopedia - Matsuya Tatami Shop" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 松屋畳店), was released by "Nippon Handicraft Encyclopedia" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑). The video shows the craftsmen of Matsuya Tatami Shop, a long-established tatami store with a long history dating back to the Genroku Period, reupholstering tatami mats. The craftsmen that are introduced in the video are Tomoki Okawa, an 11th generation craftsman of Matsuya Tatami Shop in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, and his father, Masao Okawa, the 10th generation craftsman of the establishment. You can see Tomoki Okawa from 0:54 and Masao Okawa from 2:15 in the video. What Are Japan's Tatami Mats? Photo:The main material of tatami, Igusa The tatami mat is a traditional flooring in Japan and its main material is rush which is grown by farmers. Tatami craftsmen knit together domestic, high-quality rush grass using methods that have been handed down since ancient times, and after laying it on a board, sew on the edges. The size of Japanese tatami mats is fixed, and the tatami mats created by the craftsmen fit perfectly on the floor of Japanese-style rooms like puzzle pieces. Among those with skills like the craftsmen of Matsuya Tatami Shop introduced in the video, some craftsmen are qualified as First-Class Tatami Technicians. If you want to change out your Japanese tatami mats, it's best to leave the whole process of tatami mat construction to craftsmanship professionals, such as Matsuya Tatami Shop introduced in the video. A Look at the Effects and Benefits of Japanese Tatami Mats Source :YouTube screenshot The effects and benefits of Japanese tatami mats include antibacterial properties, air purification, heat insulation, and humidity management. The fact that tatami, which is cool in summer and warm in winter, has been used since ancient times is a testament to the wisdom of the Japanese people. Also, the Japanese tatami mat has moderate elasticity and so it can be expected to absorb sounds or vibrations. Furthermore, Japanese tatami mats are made from naturally derived ingredients, so it also provides a soothing effect similar to the outdoors. Another good thing about tatami mats is that if you're careful when cleaning them and take proper care of them, they can be used for a long time. Get Acquainted With Japanese Tatami Source :YouTube screenshot For those who don't have a Japanese-style room, we recommend trying some handicrafts made out of tatami to get an idea of what it's like. Japanese tatami accessories, such as tatami book covers and card cases seen at 9:41 of the video, are sold on the internet for reasonable prices. Summary of Matsuya Tatami Shop Source :YouTube screenshot The video showcases the allure of traditional Japanese tatami while introducing Matsuya Tatami Shop. Many years have passed since the prosperous days of traditional Japanese tatami culture, and in recent years, the number of houses without Japanese-style rooms is increasing. That being said, recently, Japanese-style rooms with tatami mats are being re-evaluated. If you're planning on building a house, consider using tatami mats that have a wide range of benefits! -
Video article 1:16
Japan Expo 2022 in Paris, France! Cosplay, Tasty Food and More at Europe's Largest Celebration of Japanese Culture!
News Festivals & Events Modern Culture- 77 plays
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Japan Expo Paris 2022: Video Introduction This video, titled "Japan Expo - The Largest Celebration of Japan in Europe, Opened for the First Time in Three Years in France, Drawing More Than 250,000 Visitors (July 15, 2022)" (欧州最大級「ジャパンエキスポ」仏で3年ぶり開幕 25万人超が来場か(2022年7月15日)), was uploaded by "ANNnewsCH." It introduces Japan Expo, an event focused around Japanese culture, such as manga and anime, as well as Japanese food and traditional performing arts, held in the suburbs of Paris. What Is Japan Expo? The History and Summary of the Exciting Event in Europe! Photo:Female cosplayers Japan Expo is a major event that brings together not only contemporary Japanese culture such as anime, manga, and cosplay, but also traditional Japanese folk arts, martial arts, traditional music, and much more. It's held in France and attracts fans of anime, cosplay, and Japanese culture from all over Europe every year. The history of Japan Expo dates back to the 1990s. The founders of Japan Expo, Jean-François Dufour, Sandrine Dufour, and Thomas Sirdey, were exposed to Japanese anime culture and gradually became fascinated by Japanese culture as a whole. With the desire to reach a wider audience, Jean-François Dufour and his colleagues organized an event in France for anime fans, a precursor to Japan Expo. After traveling to Japan and deciding they wanted to learn more about Japan and share it with other fans of Japan, the first Japan Expo was held in 2000. Guests at Japan Expo 2022 Source :YouTube screenshot Every year, the guests at Japan Expo attract a great deal of attention on the day of the event. In 2022, celebrities from various genres, including manga artists, cosplayers, and animators, participated as guests. Here are a few of them. Cosplay: PION A popular Korean cosplayer Musician: miwa Theme song "神無-KANNA-" for the movie "Child of Kamiari Month," etc. Animator: Junichi HAYAMA Character designer and animation director for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Singer: Mika Kobayashi A singer who performed music from Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan, etc. In addition to artists, Japanese and local companies alike had booths where visitors could purchase goods and traditional Japanese crafts. For Japan lovers, this event has tons of exciting attractions. Cosplayers and More: A Look Inside Japan Expo Paris Source :YouTube screenshot Japan Expo Paris has been held since 2000; the 2019 event attracted a record 104 artists and achieved the highest sales in its history. There were high expectations for the following year's event, but due to the novel coronavirus, it was cancelled in 2020 and 2021. While many fans were saddened by this, the event was held for the first time in three years in 2022. Japan Expo 2022 was a huge success, attracting a whopping 250,000 people over the course of four days! Many cosplayers attended the much-anticipated Japan Expo. There were also cosplayers of anime such as Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, and the ever-popular Dragon Ball, which have been extremely popular in recent years. In the video, you can see people enjoying the long-awaited Japan Expo. [Video] 0:25 - Demon Slayer and Dragon Ball Cosplay [Video] 0:36 - Mobile Suit Gundam Statue [Video] 0:48 - Tokyo Revengers Cosplay Japan Expo Summary Japan Expo Paris is a celebration of Japanese culture and was held for the first time in 3 years in Paris, France after record sales in 2019. The event attracts Japan fans not only in Europe but from all over the world. This event is a great opportunity to meet Japanese artists, as well as cosplayers, allowing people to take photos with many of their favorite characters to share on Instagram and other social media sites. The event is immensely popular among YouTubers and fans, and the atmosphere of the venue has also been covered by international media, showing just how popular it really is. Seeing the enthusiastic atmosphere at the event, people who've never attended before will definitely be interested in attending next year's event. Tickets are required to enter Japan Expo. In addition to advance tickets, tickets can also be purchased on the day of the event. In addition, a limited number of VIP tickets are also available, including special tickets that allow prior admission and tickets that include participation in handshaking events, so we recommend purchasing tickets in advance if you want to enjoy the event to the fullest. We're looking forward to Japan Expo Paris 2023! Throw on your best cosplay and get ready for next year's event! Start prepping for next year's event and gather information about tickets and event dates in advance! 【Official Website】Japan Expo https://www.japan-expo-paris.com/en/ -
Video article 15:05
Tons of Popular Places to Visit in Niigata Prefecture! a Visit to Kashiwazaki City, With Its Many Attractions, Will Make for an Unforgettable Experience!
Local PR- 196 plays
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新潟県柏崎市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「茂野光」が公開した「新潟県柏崎市観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 この動画では新潟県柏崎市の魅力を思いっきり堪能できる一本となっています。 見応えたっぷりの動画をぜひお楽しみください。 新潟県柏崎市とは 新潟県柏崎市は、新潟県のほぼ中央に位置し人口約9万人が住む市です。 米山、黒姫、八石の刈羽三山に囲まれた刈羽平野にあり、日本海に面した42kmの美しい海岸線を持つ観光産業が盛んな地域です。 新潟県柏崎市域は、新潟県を代表する景勝地である佐渡弥彦米山国定公園の一部に指定されており、「福浦八景」と呼ばれます。 風光明媚な海岸線では、日本海の激しい波によって作り出された奇岩や洞窟を見ることができます。 米山福浦八景県立自然公園内にある鴎が鼻展望台「恋人岬」は景観を楽しむ観光名所でもあり、名のとおり恋人たちの恋愛パワースポットとして人気があります。 設置された柵に2人でプレートを付けると将来結ばれるという言い伝えがあります。 新潟県柏崎市の四季を楽しむ 新潟県柏崎市内にある赤坂山公園は、春になると400本のも桜が咲き乱れ柏崎市の観光スポットとして有名です。 日没後にはライトアップされた美しい桜を見ることができます。 新潟県柏崎市内には鯨波海水浴場、石地海水浴場、米山海水浴場などの海水浴場があり、夏になるとマリンスポーツを楽しむ観光客が多く訪れます。 秋には谷根(たんね)ダムで鮭の遡上を観察することができます。 柏崎さけのふるさと公園が隣接しており、鮭について詳しく知ることができます。 柏崎市内には「秋幸苑」「松雲山荘」「貞観園」の三つの庭園があり、柏崎三大庭園と呼ばれていますが、なかでも松雲山荘では秋に約300本ものツツジやモミジなどの紅葉が大変綺麗な観光スポットとなっています。 新潟県柏崎市のお祭り 新潟県柏崎市の祭事として有名なのは、「えんま市」と「ぎおん柏崎まつり」です。 「えんま市」は、毎年6月中旬に行われる200年以上の歴史がある夏祭りです。 目抜き通りの2kmの区間に500軒以上の露店が並び、3日間で20万人以上の観光客で賑わいます。 新潟の村上大祭や蒲原まつりと並んで新潟の三大高市の1つとしても知られています。 「ぎおん柏崎まつり」は、7月下旬に開催される祭りであり、最終日の「海の花火大会」が特に有名で越後三大花火の1つに数えられています。 新潟県柏崎市のグルメ 新潟県柏崎市はお米と綺麗な水がある地域であることから日本酒が有名で、「原酒造」「石塚酒造」「林酒造」「阿部酒造」の4つの酒蔵があります。 酒蔵見学などを楽しむこともできます。 2013年のご当地どんぶり選手権で圧倒的な人気でグランプリを獲得した新潟県柏崎市のご当地どんぶり「鯛茶漬け」は日本海の鮮魚と柏崎市の大地で生産されたコシヒカリで作られるこの鯛茶漬けは新潟県柏崎市を象徴する贅沢なご当地グルメといえます。 新潟県柏崎市紹介まとめ 魅力たっぷりの新潟県柏崎市。 動画をご覧になった方は実際に新潟県柏崎市に足を運びたくなったのでないでしょうか。 まずはこちらの動画で新潟県柏崎市の魅力を存分に満喫してください。 -
Video article 14:38
Aomori Nebuta Festival" Nebuta production video in Aomori Prefecture, Japan! The hot passion of the "Nebuta-makers" who carry on the traditional festival is inspiring!
Traditional Crafts- 102 plays
- YouTube
Aomori Nebuta Festival" Nebuta Production Video Introduction This video, titled “#003 Kenta Tatsuta, Nebuta-shi|Door to Tomorrow by At Home” (#003 ねぶた師 立田 健太 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by “Door to Tomorrow by At Home” (明日への扉 by アットホーム). This video introduces the artisans who make the huge floats, "Nebuta," that parade through the city and are the main attraction at the famous Nebuta Festival in Aomori Prefecture. Since ancient times, the Tanabata Festival has been an annual event held in Japan to celebrate the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. The "Nebuta Festival" and "Neputa Festival" held in Aomori Prefecture have also been held as part of this Tanabata event. At this point you’re probably wondering what the differences between the Nebuta and Neputa Festivals are. The biggest difference is that the Nebuta Festival features three-dimensional, dynamic, human-shaped floats with samurai artwork on them, while the Neputa Festival features flat floats. Another difference is that the Nebuta Festival is held in Aomori City, while the Neputa Festival is held in the Tsugaru region, in places like Hirosaki. The artisans who create Nebuta are now considered specialists and are called “Nebuta-shi” (ねぶた師, “Nebuta Artist/Craftsman”) in Japanese. The History of the Nebuta Festival Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Today, the Nebuta festival is recognized as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. The meaning of Nebuta/Neputa is "sleepy" and actually written using the same kanji (眠た). In the Edo Period, a festival called "Nemuri-nagashi" (眠り流し) was held in many places to lull people to sleep during the summer. The Nebuta Festival has the same origins as Sendai's Tanabata Festival, Akita's Kanto Festival, and Fukushima's Nemuri Nagashi. During the Edo period, Aomori Prefecture was divided into the Nanbu Domain and the Hirosaki Domain (Tsugaru domain). In the Nanbu Domain, the word "Nebutai" was used to describe sleepiness, and in Hirosaki, the word "Neputai" was used, which led to the distinction between the Nebuta and Neputa Festivals. How Nebuta Are Made Photo:How nebuta are made - pitching a tent, Aomori Prefecture Nebuta feature samurai paintings based on traditional Japanese myths and folk tales. They are characterized by the use of poetic justice to defeat demons and evil spirits at decisive moments. In the video, starting at 5:16, you can see how Nebuta are made by the young Nebuta craftsman "Kenta Tatsuta" who apprenticed himself to Nebuta master "Ryusei Uchiyama" at the age of 14. Here, we’ll give a brief introduction of the work of a Nebuta craftsman. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 1 - Materials and Rough Sketching The rough sketches are the blueprints for the Nebuta. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 2 - Pitching a Tent A tent is built for the production of Nebuta. The purpose of this is to prepare the details using wood, frame it using wire, color it, and then store the finished Nebuta. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 3 - Electrical Wiring Since the Nebuta Festival is a nighttime festival, light bulbs are installed inside the floats so that the samurai stand out against the night sky. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 4 – Kamihari (紙はり) Washi paper is pasted onto the completed framework. At this point, the whole picture becomes a little clearer. Source :YouTube screenshot ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 5 – Kakiwari (書割) The outline of the samurai is drawn on the paper pasted with ink. This is a very important process and has long been considered a task that only Nebuta craftsmen can perform. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 6 – Rokaki (ろう書き) A special material made of melted paraffin is used. Where paraffin is applied, the paper becomes translucent and bright. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 7 - Coloring The remaining paper is colored. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 8 – Daiage (台上げ) The completed Nebuta is placed on a platform with wheels. A large group of people (around 50) carefully take the work outside. At 8:00 in the video, you can see an incident where a mistake is made and the work has to be repaired. Training Nebuta Craftsman Successors Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Originally, the production of Nebuta was carried out by neighborhood associations and other such groups. However, the skilled workers in the neighborhood associations were so enthusiastic about making Nebuta that they neglected their own work. However, as the Nebuta Festival became a Japanese festival known on a global scale, and as Nebuta production techniques gradually became more sophisticated, the number of Nebuta craftsmen became fixed and professional Nebuta craftsmen were born. The Nebuta Festival is a festival where gallant Nebuta performances parade through the streets, jumping up and down to the musical accompaniment, but it's also a competition to determine the best Nebuta. Nebuta craftsmen who create outstanding Nebuta works are honored as "Masters." Summary of the Nebuta Festival – A Popular Event in Aomori Prefecture Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Being a Nebuta craftsman is not an easy job. Kenta Tatsuta, the Nebuta craftsman featured in the video, even struggles to make ends meet. It is a job that requires a passion for Nebuta. We want people to know that it's only with the help of the people behind the scenes, such as the Nebuta craftsmen, that the magnificent and gorgeous Nebuta Festival can be held. At the same time, the Nebuta Festival holds a beauty contest to select Miss Nebuta. The woman who wins the Miss Nebuta award will lead the Nebuta during the festival, adding to the festivities! -
Video article 7:21
Sukiyaki - A Dish Highly Recommended by Food Connoisseurs Around the World! Ningyocho Imahan, a Popular Restaurant in Chuo City, Tokyo With 120 Years of History, Teaches You the Best Way to Enjoy It!
Food & Drink- 74 plays
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人形町今半のすき焼き、醍醐味は生卵と仲居のおもてなし精神 こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「SUKIYAKI - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (すき焼き)」です。 明治時代に登場した牛鍋。 そこから発展して生まれたのがこの動画で紹介されている「すき焼き」です。 関西と関東で調理の仕方が違う、また各家庭でそれぞれの味付けがあるなど多少の違いはあるにしろ、日本人にとって「すき焼き」はハレの日に食べる特別料理、つまりごちそうのひとつとして多くの方に親しまれています。 この動画で紹介されている人形町今半では、日本の最高峰のすき焼きを提供しています。 今半のすき焼きは肉の品質だけでなく、具材や具材の切り方、調理の方法にまでこだわり抜いた絶品の和食グルメです。 人形町今半のすき焼きの調理方法 動画でご覧になれるように、人形町今半のすき焼きは煮るのではなく「焼くように炊く」のが特徴です。 まずは割り下を薄く引いた鍋に牛肉を一度に食べる量だけ入れます。 その際、牛肉は広げて並べ、重ならないようにするのがポイント。 そうすることで味がぼやけることなく、ダイレクトに肉の旨味が口の中に広がります。 肉がピンク色から茶色に変わったらひっくり返す合図です。 その後の火の通し方でミディアムロゼからウェルダンまでお好みでどうぞ。 肉の焼き方でそれぞれ旨味が変わってくるので、自分好みのこだわりを探してみるのも一興です。 すき焼きには牛肉のほか、ネギは欠かせません。 しっかりと火を通したネギは甘くて舌触り、歯触りも抜群です。 そのほか焼き豆腐、春菊、白菜、さらに椎茸や白滝、お麩もすき焼きの定番の具材です。 人形町今半では、すき焼きの肉や具材は生卵にくぐらせて食べることを推奨しています。 とはいえ、生卵に抵抗感をもつ外国人は多いものです。 宗教や文化の違いがあるため無理強いはできませんが、甘辛く煮えた具材と生卵の食べ合わせはすき焼きの醍醐味とも言えるので、是非チャレンジしてみてほしいものです。 人形町今半のおもてなし 鍋物といえばだしの中で具材をグツグツと煮てそれぞれ箸を進めるものですが、人形町今半のすき焼きに限っては仲居の存在が欠かせません。 仲居は鍋奉行のプロとして、鍋の中すべてのことを管理するほか客の小皿に取り分けまでしてくれます。 プロが付きっ切りでお世話してくれるからこそ、お客さんは食べることに専念でき、さらにちょうど頃合いの肉や具材を口に入れることができるのです。 このことから人形町今半のすき焼きは一般的な鍋物ではなく、鉄板焼きと同じようなパフォーマンス料理とも言えるかもしれませんね。 人形町今半のすき焼き紹介まとめ 外国人の方の中には日本食の代表であるすき焼きを食べたいと思っても食べ方が分からない人も多いようです。 人形町今半のように仲居の存在があると心強いことでしょう。 120年以上もの長い歴史と伝統を受け継いできた人形町今半のすき焼きで、日本食の真髄とおもてなしの精神を同時に味わってみませんか。 -
Video article 2:26
Obori Soma Ware Is a Work of Art Dating Back 300 Years. Despite the Damage Caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, This Traditional Craft Has Been Passed on From One Generation to the Next, Keeping the Flames of the Kiln Lit in Iwaki, Fukushima!
Traditional Crafts- 157 plays
- Vimeo
Obori Soma Ware This article's video, “Obori Soma ware, Fukushima Prefecture” (福島県 大堀相馬焼(おおぼりそうまやき)), was created by "Tohoku STANDARD." The men introduced in the video are Manabu Kondo, a craftsman from the craftsman shop "Obori Somayaki Toukichirougama," located in Iwaki, Fukushima, in Japan's Tohoku region, and his son Takashi Kondo. They talk about how they feel about Obori Soma ware, aka Soma ware, in the interview. The Traditional Japanese Craft "Soma Ware" Source :YouTube screenshot As Manabu Kondo explains in the video around 0:08, the traditional art and craft, Soma ware, was born in Obori, Namie town and has a history that dates back more than 300 years. When Obori, Namie was under the control of the "Soma Domain," they protected and fostered pottery making, and by the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), more than 100 kilns were running, making Obori, Namie the largest pottery production area in the Tohoku region. Soma ware was designated as a traditional craft in 1978. Soma ware was loved by many people for a long period. However, the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear disaster caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11th in 2011, severely affected the industry in Namie, and all craftsmen were forced to leave their shops. Now each craftsman shop is making efforts to rebuild the region and their workshops to keep the traditional craft alive. Source :YouTube screenshot In the video around 1:19, Manabu Kondo says "The importance of a tradition is having the spirit to pass it on to the next generation." The traditional skill has generally been passed down from father to son, but because there are some younger people from outside of the prefecture who are eager to learn the traditional skill, the traditional craft is expected to continue into the future. In Fukushima Prefecture, the "Fukushima Prefecture Community Development Support Team" is also recruiting people to take over the traditional industries that have been passed down from generation to generation in the region. At present, famous pottery shops such as "Obori Soma Pottery Cooperative," "Matsunaga Pottery Shop" in Nishishirakawa, "Ikariya-Shoten" in Shirakawa, and "Totoku" in Namie, are back in business in Fukushima prefecture. The Obori Soma Pottery Cooperative also offers a pottery trial/class. How Soma Ware is Made Source :YouTube screenshot Around 2:14, the video shows how Soma ware is made. The clay used to create Soma ware is "Obori clay" and "Kashima clay." They use a potter’s wheel to shape the clay and use a "Noborigama" (chambered climbing kiln) to complete the pottery. The unique feature of Soma ware is its "blue cracks," which is a pattern of cracks spread across the entire surface of the pottery. These blue cracks are created by applying two or more different types of glazes and exploiting the differences in their thermal expansion. In addition, Soma ware has a double-layered structure, which has the advantage of keeping the temperature of its contents, while being able to be held even when filled with scalding hot tea. It is ceramic, making it microwave-safe. Recap of Soma Ware Source :YouTube screenshot If you find yourself interested in Soma ware, consider buying some! It makes for a great souvenir or gift. Soma ware is also available at online retailers such as Rakuten or Amazon. They have a variety of potteries such as "Yunomi" (Japanese style tea cups), mugs, large dinner plates, small dinner plates, bowls, tumblers, vases, teapots, and even packages combining these items. Official Olympic products with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics logo are also available. They are also available at the fashion brand store "BEAMS." We hope you enjoyed learning about Soma ware. Be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet! 【Official Website】Obori Soma Pottery Cooperative http://www.somayaki.or.jp/ -
Video article 1:06
Experience an Exciting Glamping Trip in Oita, Japan! Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi's Luxury Camping Experience Is Like Staying at a Resort Hotel!
Things to Do- 41 plays
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Japan's Popular 'Glamping' Glamping has become increasingly popular in Japan since around 2020. When it comes to camping, there's a lot of preparation required; you prepare a tent, sleeping bag, cooking utensils, and other luggage, load them into a car, and head out to the location hoping you didn't forget anything. Cooking is also a popular activity enjoyed when camping, and is one of the best parts of the experience. Glamping facilities, with their full range of services, are attracting attention from people who want to get away from their daily routine and enjoy nature, but want to do so in a more casual and luxurious way than camping. Video Introduction In this article, we'll introduce "Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi" (湯布院温泉郷グランピングCOMOREBI), a video uploaded by "COMOREBI Glamping" (COMOREBIグランピング). Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi is a popular accommodation where visitors can enjoy nature while also receiving hotel-like hospitality. If you're looking to enjoy the famous hot springs of Oita, consider checking out Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi as well. Glamping – A Luxurious Camping Experience Photo:Glamping Glamping, which has been attracting a lot of attention in recent years, is a combination of the words "glamorous" and "camping," which, as these words suggest, refers to a glamorous camping experience. Glamping is truly a dream-like, luxury camping experience, where beds, bathrooms, and amenities are pre-prepared, and you can spend your time in luxury and comfort in the midst of Mother Nature's majestic beauty. Some glamping facilities offer cottages and trailer houses with showers, toilets, and even kitchens for outdoor cooking. Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi Source :YouTube screenshot Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi, featured in the video, is one of the largest glamping spots in Japan's Kyushu region. There are four types of tent styles offered at the campground: oval and dome tents, LOTUS BELLE tents, and "light boxes." The private outdoor-dining spaces are air-conditioned and heated, with impressive Simmons beds and custom-made furniture. There are also tents with hammocks and pet tents exclusively for pets. Enjoy movies, music, or even yoga in the relaxing tents. [Video] 0:34 - Inside the tents Hot Springs and Delicious Meals at Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi Source :YouTube screenshot For dinner at Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi, you can enjoy French-style course meals supervised by Chef Isao Kuroiwa, who trained at a three-star European restaurant. For lunch, there is also a camp cooking plan that includes barbecue. The mildly alkaline simple hot spring "Bijin-no-yu" (美人の湯, lit. "Spring of Beauty") is rich in moisturizing components, is effective at whitening and beautifying the skin, and features a high content of metasilicic acid. [Video] 0:25 - Bijin-no-yu Day Trips and Other Ways to Enjoy Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi Source :YouTube screenshot Enjoy doing yoga in the morning sun, enjoying a drink under the stars, or taking a nap in a hammock. Doing nothing and simply letting go while taking in the surrounding nature is another way to enjoy oneself. Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi offers both overnight stays and inexpensive one-day plans, so be sure to take advantage of these as well. Summary of Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi, introduced in the video, is a great option for those looking to enjoy nature and outdoor cooking, but don't want to deal with the trouble of packing everything like you would for regular camping.... The appeal is that you don't need camping gear or even equipment for an overnight stay. Experience a new type of luxury camping where you can enjoy nature and receive resort hotel-like services! -
Video article 4:46
Ryukyu Shikki - Traditional Lacquerware Unique to Okinawa. Discover the Beauty of Ryukyuan Crafts at the Urasoe Art Museum
Traditional Crafts Art & Architecture- 210 plays
- YouTube
PR Video of Traditional Ryukyu Lacquerware Owned by the Urasoe City Museum of Art This video called “Okinawa: Meet Ryukyu lacquerware and art (琉球漆芸とアートに出会う沖縄 Narration+Subtitle Ver.)” produced by the Urasoe city office is to promote the Urasoe City Museum of Art, the only museum specializing in lacquerware in Okinawa. The museum is about 40 minutes from Naha airport by car. This video features the traditional Ryukyu lacquerware (琉球漆器, Ryukyu Shikki) and its history (1:57). Let's see how wonderful the Urasoe City Museum of Art, with its 1500 traditional works of art, including Ryukyu lacquerware, actually is. What Is Ryukyu Lacquerware? Its History, Origin, and Characteristics! Source :YouTube screenshot Ryukyu lacquerware has developed in tandem with the culture of the Ryukyu Dynasty (1429 to 1879). The unique techniques for Ryukyu lacquerware were introduced into the Ryukyu Dynasty during the 14th and 15th century when trade between the Ryukyu Dynasty and China was active. Ryukyu lacquerware was made from tiger's claw (Erythrina variegata), the prefectural flower of Okinawa. The unique patterning technique, called "Tsuikin," is used to thinly spread the "tsuikin mochi" (a mixture of lacquer and colored ink). There are various types of Ryukyu lacquerware, such as Suzuri-bako, tea cup holders, cups, serving plates, trays, tiered food boxes, and wooden containers using the unique shell inlay and sunken gold techniques. Some studios and long established stores accept orders to repair broken lacquerware as well. Ryukyu lacquerware, made by the master Ryukyu lacquerware artisans, in the shape of bitter melons and hibiscus, are great souvenirs of Okinawa. These Ryukyu lacquerwares are available in "Ryukyu sikki Itoman" or "Kakuman shikki" on Kokusai-dori (国際通り: International Street). These products can be also bought at online stores, such as Rakuten or Amazon, at a cost of several thousand yen (several tens of dollars). The Ryukyu Lacquerware of the Urasoe City Museum of Art Source :YouTube screenshot About 60 craft works of Ryukyu lacquerwares are displayed at the Urasoe City Museum of Art regularly. These include items such as lacquer tea boxes (白檀塗楼閣山水箔絵湯庫) (video: 2:31) , Black lacquer trays (黒漆雲龍螺鈿盆) (video: 2:48), traditional lacquer sake barrels (朱漆牡丹巴紋七宝繋沈金足付盆) (video: 3:03), lacquer food boxes (潤塗花鳥箔絵密陀絵丸形食籠) (video: 3:18) a black lacquer album cover (黒漆米軍戦車堆錦アルバム表紙) (video: 3:35), and more. Some of them were used for ceremonies at Shurijo Castle. The Ryukyu Folding Screen and The Eight Views of Ryukyu made by Hokusai Katushika in 1832 are also kept in this museum. Other art exhibitions or photo exhibitions are held in the main exhibition hall. Make Your Own Ryukyu Lacquerware! Source :YouTube screenshot If you're interested in traditional Okinawan crafts and/or culture, such as Ryukyu lacquerware, we recommend getting a catalogue of this museum. There are also some experience-based events held at the Urasoe City Museum of Art, such as "Magical museum" or the "Miniature Life Museum." At the museum, you'll find the Regular showroom, Main exhibit, Library, Laboratory room, and museum shop. You can also enjoy lunch at the café "Hana Urushi" while appreciating the works at the museum. They also offer classes throughout the year, so if you're interested in Ryukyu lacquerware after watching this video, be sure to give it a try. Summary of the Urasoe City Museum of Art Okinawa is one of most popular places for tourists. There are many other tourist spots around this city museum, such as the "Urasoe Castle Ruins," "Iso Castle Ruins," "Minatogawa Foreign Settlement," "Iso Castle Ruins observation deck," "Minatogawa Stateside Town," "Urasoe Sports Park," "Urasoe yodore," and the "Maeda Highlands." If you learn more about the traditional Okinawan crafts introduced in the video, you'll be able to enjoy your visit to Okinawa even more. As you can tell from the video, the Urasoe Art Museum in Okinawa has a beautiful exterior and garden. If you visit Okinawa, we highly recommend checking out this museum. ◆Information of Urasoe City Museum of Art ◆ 【Address】1-9-2 Urasoe-shi Okinawata 【Access】40 minutes by car from Naha Airport 【Admission fee】Adults : 200 yen, University students : 130 yen, Senior citizens (65 years+) : 160 yen, high school students and younger : Free (As of December, 2019) Additional admission fees may be required depending on events (advance tickets are available) 【Hours】9:30 to 17:00 【Parking】Available (Free) 【Telephone No.】098-879-3219 【Official Website】Urasoe City Museum of Art http://museum.city.urasoe.lg.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Urasoe City Museum of Art https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023463-d2465726-Reviews-Urasoe_City_Art_Museum-Urasoe_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 3:41
Dojigiri - The Famous Japanese Sword Recreated With the Combined Technology of Modern Sword Masters! A Project to Recreate the Legendary Sword in Okayama, Japan!
Traditional Crafts- 281 plays
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Introducing a video of Sadanao Mikami’s Dojigiri Yasutsuna! This video, titled "Famous Swords Under the Heavens|Recreating Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Ishida Masamune! (Tsuyama Yukari’s Sword Reproduction Project Vol.1)" (天下の名刀『童子切安綱』と『石田正宗』を再現!(津山ゆかりの刀剣再現プロジェクトvol.1)), was released by "TsuyamaCityPR." In recent years, the popularity of swords has suddenly increased, especially among the younger generation in Japan. Also, beautiful Japanese katana have been attracting a lot of attention from foreign tourists to Japan. In response to such popularity, the city of Tsuyama in northern Okayama Prefecture commissioned swordsmith Sadanao Mikami to create replicas of famous swords, under a project titled "the Sword Reproduction Project." In this video, you can see the precious production process of Japanese katana forged by craftsmen. The Famous Japanese Sword, Dojigiri Yasutsuna Source :YouTube screenshot Dojigiri Yasutsuna is first on the list of the Five Greatest Swords Under the Heavens from around the Muromachi Period (1336-1573) to be called a famous sword. It's a legendary katana used to defeat the Shuten-doji. This is explained at 0:26 in the video. It's said that Dojigiri Yasutsuna was later given to Toyotomi Hideoyshi by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the Shogun of Ashikaga, and was said to be passed down from Tokugaya Ieyasu to Tokugawa Hidetada. Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Ishida Masamune, introduced in the video, are famous katana from history that were handed down to the Matsudaira Clan of the Tsuyama Domain, who followed the ways of Yuki Hideyasu, the second son of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Presently, the national treasure Dojigiri Yasutsuna (blade length 80 cm), which is in the collection of the Tokyo National Museum, is said to have been made by Yasutsuna, a swordsmith of Houki (present-day Tottori), during the Heian Period and is characterized by its blade which looks as though it's shrouded in mist. Sadanao Mikami the Swordsmith Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Mikami Sadanao, the advisor of the All Japan Swordsmith Association, is shown at 1:10 in the video. Sadanao Mikami is a leading master swordsmith, who has created many swords. Sadanao Mikami uses Tottori’s tamahagane, which is made from iron sand, to make katana with pressed gold and pig iron. There are several techniques used to forge swords, including "makuri," "kobuse," and "sanmai gitae." You can see the forging and hitting of the heated red-hot iron from 2:04 in the video and watch as the shape of the Japanese sword is gradually completed. You can see Dojigiri Yasutsuna completed by the craftsmen from 3:41 in the video. The replica swords created by Sadanao Mikami have a reputation for being excellent katana. At the ceremony to unveil the Dojigiri Yasutsuna made by Sadanao Mikami, the sword being handed over to Mayor Taniguchi became widely talked about. Summary of Sadanao Mikami's Dojigiri Yasutsuna Source :YouTube screenshot Sadanao Mikami's katana, introduced in the video, was exhibited at the exhibition "100 Famous Swords and the Famous Sword Replica Exhibition" (天華百剣と名刀写し展) at the Tsuyama City Museum and was evaluated as a masterpiece of arts and crafts. Japanese katana, such as Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Mikazuki Munechika, are weapons that have been used for thousands of years in Japan and are now exhibited in museums as works of art. There are times when priceless katana are exhibited, so be sure to check exhibit schedules. -
Video article 5:08
Shiro-Bai: Japan's White Motorcycle Police Officers! Check Out the Godlike Techniques of the Coolest Law Enforcement Group in Japan!
Transportation- 1.58K plays
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The Shiro-bai Police Officers' Performance at the Motor Sports Festival! This video, titled "HSR Kyushu Motor Sports Festival, Shiro-bai vs CB750F②, The godlike driving techniques of the shiro-bai police officers!" (HSR九州 モースポフェス 白バイvs CB750F② 白バイ隊員の神業的ライテク), shows the incredible skills displayed at the Honda Safety & Riding Motor Sports Festival in Kyushu. Many riders gather at this big event that features motor sports from all over the world, driving motor sport fans wild. In this MO-SPO Festival, one category in particular is grabbing peoples’ attention: the godly performance by the shiro-bai police officers. Firstly, take a look at the video to see the awesome techniques of the shiro-bai police officers that protect Japan. More About Japan's Shiro-bai Photo:Shiro-bai and police officers In Japan, since 1918 (when shiro-bai (white motorcyles) were first introduced to the metropolitan police department), police officers have used shiro-bai to enforce traffic regulations. In addition to traffic regulation enforcement and patrols, shiro-bai is used as a leading vehicle in marathons and long-distance relay races. The shiro-bai at the imperial guard headquarters however, is used exclusively to escort and protect important figures. The shiro-bai has various equipment such as a “speed-measuring indicator” that measures the speed of vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit. Some other features of the shiro-bai is a siren and a speaker used for voicing warnings. Training and Improving Shiro-bai Techniques Photo:Shiro-bai and police officer Shiro-bai police officers belong to the Traffic Police Force and gain the right to be trained to ride a shiro-bai only after they have passed the required examinations. The Traffic Police Force devote tremendous effort to their shiro-bai training in order to prevent accidents. The large motorcycle used as a shiro-bai is very big. In order to drive freely on public roads, police officers repeatedly undergo training such as figure eight runs and wheelie tests in addition to daily practice routines such as acceleration and corner turning. The "CB750F" Shiro-bai Photo:Shiro-bai Honda’s CB750F is one type of shiro-bai used by the Japanese police. The CB750F used by the Traffic Police Force is highly popular among motorcycle fans and is the focus of many MO-SPO Festivals. As you can see in the video, their performance in the MO-SPO Festival is very graceful and thrilling to watch. Check Out the Various Performances Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot At the start of the video, you can see 6 shiro-bai chasing a single motorcycle fleeing at high speed. They finish going around the HSR Kyushu course, the venue of the MO-SPO Festival, in an instant, and arrest the mischievous runaway driver in front of the audience. You can observe the arrest from 1:00 in the video. Next, we see the graceful performances of the shiro-bai from 2:11 in the video. In the figure eight run, they brilliantly control the large motorbike, showing off incredible techniques such as wheelies and exciting the crowd. Many audience members can be heard gasping in amazement at the magnificent techniques of the shiro-bai. Summary of the Driving Techniques of Japan’s Shiro-Bai Police Officers Source :YouTube screenshot It takes intense training to be able to freely control the motorcycle at will and perform such incredible, "godlike" techniques like you saw in the video. The Japanese shiro-bai police officers brush up their driving techniques daily in order to prevent accidents. Please enjoy the fruits of their daily training and practice through this video! ◆information◆ 【Address】1500 Tairagawa, Ozu Town, Kikuchi County, Kumamoto Prefecture 【Address】From Hohi Main Line Ozu Station, about 10 minutes by taxi and about 30 minutes by foot 【Parking Facilities】A parking space is provided 【Telephone No】096-293-1370 【Official Website】Motorsport Festival http://www.motorsport-japan.com/en/ -
Video article 2:01
Giant bluefin tuna worth about 200 million yen! The first tuna auction at the Tokyo Central Wholesale Market Toyosu Market in Koto-ku, Tokyo! The highest bidder was the president of Sushi Zammai! The highest bidder was the president of Sushizammai, who is well-known for his "Sushi Zammai!
News- 58 plays
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Video introduction of the annual New Year's "First Tuna Auction" at the Tokyo Central Wholesale Market Toyosu Market in Koto-ku, Tokyo. This video, titled "Reiwa|New Year's Tuna Auction|and the Winner Is..." (令和初 マグロ初競り 落札したのは・・・), is a video that recorded the first tuna auction of the New Year in the first year of Reiwa (Japan's newest era). The annual New Year's Tuna Auction is held at Toyosu Market in the Tokyo Central Wholesale Market in Koto ward, Tokyo It was President Kiyoshi Kimura, shown at 0:47 in the video, that won the tuna for 193.2 million yen (~$1.8m USD); the second highest price in the history of the auction. In this article, we introduce the New Year's tuna auction and the president of Sushi Zanmai who won the expensive fish. The New Year's Tuna Auction: What Kind of Event Is It? Source :YouTube screenshot The New Year's Tuna Auction, in which Oma tuna is auctioned off at a high price unique to New Year, is an annual event that many fishermen participate in to celebrate the new year. The first auction for the 2020 tuna, shown in this video, began just after 5 a.m. on Jan. 5, and the Toyosu Market was filled with loud and energetic shouting. You can watch the auction starting at 0:04. The first tuna auctioned each year is called "Ichiban Tuna" (lit. "the first tuna"). The fish chosen is selected based on size, freshness, shape and taste. Every year at the New Year's Tuna Auction, the magnificent "Ichiban Tuna" is auctioned off at a so-called "celebratory price." Not only industry insiders, but now even the general public is paying attention to see how much the first auction for bluefin tuna, known as the "diamond of the sea" or "black diamond," will go for. The President of Sushizanmai Source :YouTube screenshot At the first tuna auction in 2020, Kiyoshi Kimura, president of Kiyomura, a sushi zanmai restaurant, won the bid for a 276-kilogram bluefin tuna from Oma, Aomori Prefecture. At 193.2 million yen (700,000 yen per kilogram), it was the second most expensive tuna sold at the auction. It is said that roughly 10,000 pieces of sushi can be made from this tuna. The highest ever tuna auction was recorded at 333.6 million yen, which was awarded by President Kiyoshi Kimura of Sushizanmai last year. Speaking of the president, Kiyoshi Kimura, is famous for posing with both hands spread out while shouting "Sushizanmai!!" Mr. Kimura, president of Sushi Zanmai, is also called "The Tuna Shogun" or "The Don of the Tuna Industry" by officials. Summary of the New Year's Tuna Auction Photo:Tuna This time, we introduced the New Year's Tuna Auction. In recent years, it has become standard practice for the president of Sushi Zanmai to make the winning bid for the first tuna of the auction, but the amount of the winning bid has drawn attention from all over Japan. As for the fishermen's share of the winning bid, 1.5% of the money will go to the Aomori Prefectural Fisheries Federation, 4% to the Oma Fishing Cooperative, and 5.5% to the consignees, with 89% going to the fishermen who caught the fish. At 1:14 in the video, the first delicious tuna sushi of Sushizanmai is also introduced; be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Sushizanmai sushi in Tokyo https://honyaku.j-server.com/LUCSUSHIZA/ns/tl.cgi/https://www.kiyomura.co.jp/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XJSID=0 -
Video article 5:12
Japan Day Is a Popular Event Where You Can Enjoy Japanese Culture in the United States! Take This Chance to Grab Some Authentic Japanese Food and Enjoy Performances by Japanese Artists at New York’s Central Park!
Festivals & Events- 71 plays
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Introducing Japan Day 2018! This video, titled "Japan Day 2018, the Largest Festival in New York City!" (NY最大規模のお祭り!Japan Day2018), was created by "FCI NY." Japan Day is a yearly event held in Central Park in New York, with the goal of improving US-Japan cultural ties. The event shown in the video is Japan Day 2018, which was held on Mothers’ Day, the 13th of May. With many Japanophiles as well as festival fans present, the event was a bustling affair. What Was Featured at Japan Day 2018? Source :YouTube screenshot The attraction of Japan Day lies in its many events. The Japanese taiko drumming stage performance was a highlight of the event, with many visitors enjoying a taste of Japanese culture. There are also other interesting events that took place in the activity and charity tents. Some of these include charity activities for ultrasound screening, as shown at 2:00 in the video. The food corner has a great selection of delicious Japanese food. In particular, many tourists lined up at the gyoza (pot stickers) and okonomiyaki food tents shown at 2:29in the video. Other events, such as a mini-marathon in the Bandshell Area, were very exciting as well. The Japanese Guests Who Participated in Japan Day 2018 Source :YouTube screenshot Japan Day 2018 also featured a number of popular Japanese entertainers. The charity ambassador for the event was former NHK announcer Junko Kubo. At 3:20 in the video, singer-songwriter Kana Uemura can be seen performing her hit song "The World’s Best Meal" (世界一ごはん, sekai-ichi gohan) and "The God of the Toilet" (トイレの神様, toire no kamisama), and at 4:07 in the video, Yumi Yoshimura and Ami Onuki from Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi took the stage as well. Entertainers such as Peace’s Ayabe Yuji were also present at the event. Overview of Japan Day 2018 Source :YouTube screenshot Japan Day is a popular event for people to enjoy Japanese culture in the U.S. The video introduces Japan Day 2018, including interviews with visitors to the event, so be sure to check it out. If you're interested in Japanese culture or cuisine, definitely join in the fun at the next Japan Day event! -
Video article 8:44
Sunpu Castle, Built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, One of the "Three Unifiers of Japan," Is Full of Surprises! Learn the History of the Warring States Period at This Historical Castle in Shizuoka!
Art & Architecture Travel- 74 plays
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Video Introduction to Sunpu Castle, built by Ieyasu Tokugawa in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture The video, titled "Top 100 Castles of Japan|Sunpu Castle," was created by "castle shrine." It introduces Sunpu Castle in Aoi, Shizuoka, Shizuoka. Sunpu Castle is a castle built by Tokugawa Ieyasu and has been chosen as one of Japan’s Top 100 Castles. The castle is also called Fuchu Castle and Shizuoka Castle. During the Edo period (1603 to 1868), the Sunpu domain and head of Sunpu Castle were established. At present, the site of the inner citadel and the ruins of the outer citadel have been transformed into Sunpu Castle Park. Public facilities such as the prefectural government office and the Shizuoka District Legal Affairs Office are located in the outermost area of the castle. About Sunpu Castle and Its History Photo:Sunpu Castle Ruins park・Statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu Shizuoka City in Shizuoka Prefecture was ruled around the 14th century by the Imagawa clan, the Suruga Protectorate of the Muromachi Shogunate. In 1585, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the ruler of Suruga, moved the castle from Hamamatsu Castle to the present site and began to build Surpu Castle in 1585. Sunpu Castle was completed in 1589, but Tokugawa Ieyasu was transferred to Kanto by order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Nakamura Kazuuji became the lord of the castle. In 1605, Tokugawa Ieyasu handed over the title of Shogunate to Tokugawa Hidetada, who designated Sunpu the seat of government for the imperial family. He expanded Sunpu Castle and laid the foundation for the present-day cityscape by dividing Sunpu Castle Town into sections and creating a flood control project for the Abe River. In honor of his career, a bronze statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu was erected in the castle. It can be seen at 2:43 in the video. The interior of Sunpu Castle has been extensively reconstructed, and in 2016, an excavation of the castle tower was carried out to determine the condition of the tower's stone walls and to collect academic data. You can see the site of the excavation work at 2:50 in the video. Highlights of Sunpu Castle Photo:Sunpu Castle There are a lot of things to see at Sunpu Castle. The East Gate, which can be seen at 1:39 in the video, was restored in 1996. Tatsumi Tower, reconstructed in 1989, is one of the few castles in Japan with an L-shaped layout, and was an effective turret for the protection of Sunpu Castle. The complex waterway of the Ninomaru channel, which was discovered during research, is another highlight of the castle. Hitsujisaru Yagura is located in the southwest of Sunpu Castle's Outer Citadel Tower Although it looks like a double-roofed building, it is actually three stories high, and at the time it was used to defend against attacking enemies as an armory and a lookout. At the end of March 2014, it was restored using traditional wooden construction methods from that time period. All of the flooring and ceiling material on each floor have been removed, and some of it is glass, so you can see the subfloor structure of the tower. There's also Jodai Bridge and the Outer Citadel Gate too! You can also experience VR in the space-time room. At the attached Momijiyama Park, you can experience the atmosphere of a daimyo's garden. In spring, you can enjoy a cup of tea while admiring the seasonal changes in the cherry blossoms and other flowers. In the garden's teahouse, you can enjoy a variety of events such as tea ceremony, flower arranging, and haiku. Sunpu Castle General Information Photo:Mt. Shizuhata・Kunozan Toshogu Shrine Sunpu Castle is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is closed on Mondays. Admission is ¥360 for adults and ¥120 for children for all three facilities (East Gate/Tatsumi Yagura, Hitsujisaru Yagura and Momijiyama Garden). The castle is a 15-minute walk from JR Shizuoka Station and a 12-minute walk from Shizuoka Railway Shin-Shizuoka Station. By car it's about 17 minutes from the Shizuoka Interchange of the Tomei Expressway and 18 minutes from the Shin-Shizuoka Interchange of the New Tomei Expressway. There is no parking lot available, so please use the parking lot in front of the Civic Cultural Center (市民文化会館). Nearby Sunpu Castle is Kunozan Toshogu Shrine, a national treasure. This is the shrine where Tokugawa Ieyasu was buried and the temple used to be the site of Kuno Castle. At Rinzai Temple (臨済寺, Rinzaiji), located at the foot of Mt. Shizuhata, there are tombs and a memorial tablet of the Imagawa clan. Summary of Sunpu Castle Photo:Sunpu Castle Park and Mt. Fuji What'd you think of Sunpu Castle, built by the great general of the Warring States period, Tokugawa Ieyasu? Why not visit Sunpu Castle and get a red seal stamp from one of "Top 100 Castles of Japan"? Sunpu Castle is the great place to revisit the history of the Warring States period and learn about the history of Japan! ◆Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Sunpujokoen, Aoi, Shizuoka, Shizuoka 424-0855 【Access】A 15-minute walk from JR Shizuoka Station and a 12-minute walk from Shizuoka Railway Shin-Shizuoka Station 【Admission fee】Tickets for all three facilities (East Gate/Tatsumi Yagura, Hitsujisaru Yagura and Momijiyama Garden) are ¥360 for adults and ¥120 for children. 【Hours】9 am to 4:30 pm (East Gate, Tatsumi Yagura and Momijiyama Garden) 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】054-251-0016 【Official Website】Sumpu Castle Park https://sumpu-castlepark.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sumpu Castle Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298124-d1568848-Reviews-Shizuoka_castle-Shizuoka_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 5:39
Q Plaza Ikebukuro - A Complex of 16 Stores, Including One of the Largest Cinema Complexes in Japan, Now Open in Toshima City! Introducing the Newest Landmark at the Ikebukuro East Exit Area!
Things to Do News- 44 plays
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Q Plaza Ikebukuro - A 14-Story Shopping Complex in Ikebukuro This is a news video released by "TOKYO MX" that reports on the opening of Q Plaza Ikebukuro on July 19, 2019, and the redevelopment of Ikebukuro, which aims to become a "movie and theater town" by 2020. The video is titled "New Facility [Q Plaza Ikebukuro] Opened on July 19th|Redevelopment of Ikebukuro." Q Plaza Ikebukuro is a new landmark complex and commercial building with a movie theater with 12 screens, one of the largest in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and 16 shops, including restaurants, bakery-cafes and sundry stores. In this article, we'll introduce the movie theater and tenant information for Q Plaza Ikebukuro. Be sure to follow along with the video! The video will cover the huge screen with high quality displays and the 4DX, Japan's first screening system. Let's check it out! Q Plaza Ikebukuro Source :YouTube screenshot As shown from 1:38 in the video, Q Plaza Ikebukuro is home to Grand Cinema Sunshine, a cinema with 12 screens, the most in the metropolitan area, on the 4th to 12th floors. The 18-meter-tall, super-massive screens displaying high-resolution 4K images are the highlight of the theater. At 1:55 in the video, you can see footage of the facility still under construction in December 2018, before it was opened. Another highlight that can be seen at 2:48 of the video is the 4DX, which features a 270-degree multi-image, with wind, water spray and scents, as well as seats that move in unison with the video. These features allow for the ultimate viewing experience. The 16 Stores at Q Plaza Ikebukuro Source :YouTube screenshot Q Plaza Ikebukuro has 16 shops inside the building. AWESOME STORE, which can be seen from 0:36 in the video, is a simple and natural-themed general merchandise store with a New York City-style interior and is lined with original pop art goods. At the EDW bakery cafe, you can try "One Hundred," the world's first bread with a fluffy texture of 100 parts water to 100 parts flour. Sushi, yakiniku, Sorubin Cafe Shenzhen, Capcom Cafe, Turley's, Burger King, Espresso D Works (EDW) and other restaurants are also available at Q Plaza Ikebukuro, so be sure to stop if you're looking to grab a bite to eat. There's also batting cages! Basic Information on Q Plaza Ikebukuro Q Plaza Ikebukuro is conveniently located just a 4 minute walk from Ikebukuro Station on the Tokyo Metro and JR Yamanote Lines. There is also a parking lot so you can visit by car. Opening hours vary by store, so please check the official website for more information. Summary of Q Plaza Ikebukuro Photo:Hareza Ikebukuro In this article, we went over the press briefing two days before the opening of Q Plaza Ikebukuro, shown in the video. Be sure to check out the video to see the largest cinema complex in Tokyo and a variety of store information. Ikebukuro is undergoing redevelopment to become a cultural city. Hareza Ikebukuro will open in July 2020, and four parks will be redeveloped as cultural hubs. Keep your eyes peeled to see what pops up next in Ikebukuro! ◆Q Plaza Ikebukuro Facility Overview◆ 【Address】1 Chome-30-3 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0013 【Access】A 4-minute walk from Ikebukuro Station on the Tokyo Metro and JR Yamanote Lines 【Hours】Vary by store 【Closures】Vary by store 【Parking】Available 【Telephone No】03-6915-2722 【Official Website】Hareza Ikebukuro https://hareza-ikebukuro.com.e.aik.hp.transer.com/ -
Video article 6:23
Enjoy a Relaxing Sightseeing Trip To Niihama City, a Town Overflowing With Nature Near the Seto Inland Sea! Recommended Sightseeing Destinations in the Charming City in Ehime Prefecture!
Local PR Travel- 107 plays
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Introducing a Tourism PR Video for Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture! This video, titled ""Niihama City Tourism PR Video 'Niihama, a Town Full of Smiles'" (新居浜市観光PR映像『笑顔あふれるまち新居浜』), was released by Niihama City. It introduces tourist information for Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture. Niihama, a city in Ehime Prefecture in Japan's Shikoku region facing the Seto Inland Sea, is an attractive destination with a mild climate. Niihama is home to many historical townscapes, Instagrammable locations with spectacular views of nature, and fun events. Popular Destinations in Niihama, Ehime Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The cherry blossoms at Dozan Pass (銅山峰) and the strange boulders of Dozan River are great tourist destinations for those looking to discover the beautiful nature of Japan's four seasons. We also recommend viewing the ocean scenery from the Kuroshima Seaside Park Observatory. The camphor tree at Ichinomiya Shrine is a national natural monument, and the ginkgo tree at Zuioji Temple is a natural monument designated so by the prefecture. If you're looking to go swimming, we recommend Marine Park Niihama, one of the largest beaches in Japan's Shikoku region. It can be seen at 1:01 in the video. Oshima is the birthplace of Yoshihiro Murakami, the former commander-in-chief of the Iyo navy. Enjoy Interesting Experiences in Niihama, Ehime Prefecture! Source :YouTube screenshot At Yuragi-no-Mori Forest Park on Mt. Besshi, you can enjoy gourmet food made from local ingredients and visit one of the largest wisteria trellises in Japan. This can be seen at 2:20 in the video. Also, as shown at 0:32 in the video, beautiful cherry blossoms can be seen blooming here in the spring. You can also enjoy a woodworking experience at Sakuraku Crafts (作楽工房, Sakuraku Kobo) inside the park. At the Ehime Prefectural Science Museum, visitors can learn about dinosaurs and experience a planetarium. You can also visit the Tonaru Historical Museum, the Besshi Copper Mine, and the Besshi Copper Mine Memorial Museum. Check Out Sightseeing Events in Niihama, Ehime Prefecture! Source :YouTube screenshot Niihama hosts many events throughout the year, such as the Niihama Noryosho Fireworks Festival in July, the Niihama Summer Festival in August, Egao Koshien (笑顔甲子園) for high school students, Nii no Imodaki (新居のいもだき), and Todo Okuri (とうどおくり) in winter. At the Niihama Taiko Festival, introduced at 3:48 in the video, you can see the unique parade of portable shrines called Hachiman Shrine Kakikurabe, as well as the lively nighttime drumming of Ojoin. Summary of Sightseeing in Niihama, Ehime Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot When you get off at JR Niihama Station, you'll be greeted by a large monument in the plaza. Niihama is also known as the hometown of Nana Mizuki, a popular voice actress, and many of her fans visit the city as a pilgrimage to see where she grew up. Be sure to check out the video and enjoy seeing what it's like traveling around and viewing the scenic beauty of Niihama in Ehime Prefecture! 【Official Website】Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.niihama.lg.jp.e.alz.hp.transer.com/ 【Tripadvisor】 https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1022350-Niihama_Ehime_Prefecture_Shikoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:51
Enjoy Delicious Gourmet Food at the Katsuura Morning Market in Chiba Prefecture, a Place With Over 400 Years of History. One of the 3 Largest Morning Markets in Japan, Katsuura Morning Market Is a Charming Place Full of Smiles!
Shopping- 175 plays
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Video introduction of "Katsuura Morning Market" in Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture This video, titled "Katsuura Morning Market December 22nd, 2019"(勝浦朝市令和元年12月22日), is produced by “Uraran nohohon terebi” (うららんのほほんてれび); It's a video introducing the Katsuura Morning Market in Katsuura city, Chiba prefecture. From 0:40 in the video, you can see the horned turban, a specialty of Katsuura Morning Market. From 0:25, we're shown “Tantan Taiyaki,” “Coffee,” “Japanese lobster,” and from 0:38, “Sanga Soup.” All these various dishes and foods can be enjoyed at great prices, making the market a very popular tourist attraction in Chiba prefecture. The local people welcome tourists with the spirit of hospitality. After watching the video you'll definitely want to travel to Katsuura City, Chiba prefecture! In this article, we'll introduce recommended tourist locations at Chiba prefecture's Katsuura Morning Market. Be sure to follow along with the video! The Popular Katsuura Morning Market in Chiba Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Katsuura Morning Market is a morning market in Katsuura city, Chiba prefecture, in Japan's Kanto Region. Along with the Wajima Morning Market of Ishikawa prefecture and the Hida-Takayama Miyagawa Morning Market of Gifu prefecture, it is known as one of the 3 biggest morning markets in Japan. The Katsuura Morning Market has a long history dating back 400 years. It's said that the market started in 1591 when the Katsuura castle lord, Yasutada Uemura opened the place as a location for exchanging agricultural and marine/seafood products. In November of 1987, the location was moved to its present location. In 1996 and 2010, the “National Morning Market Summit” was held. The Katsuura Morning Market is open every morning from 6:00 AM-11:00 AM except for New Years day (January 1st) and Wednesdays. It is held at Shimohoncho Asaichi Street during the first half of the month and on Nakahoncho Asaichi Street during the second half of the month. There are about 60 to 80 stalls selling marine products landed at Katsuura Port, which catches the second largest amount of marine products in Chiba Prefecture, as well as fresh vegetables and local gourmet foods. You can see the various stalls that are lined up at the Katsuura Morning Market from 0:04 in the video. The Katsuura Morning Market is close to a fishing port, so the seafood products are especially popular. You can buy fresh seafood such as skipjack tuna (the largest amount in the country is unloaded in the nearby port), horned turbans, and abalone here. Recommended Restaurants and Shops at the Katsuura Morning Market Photo:Katsuura Tantanmen There are shops that sell seasonal products, specialty okowa (sticky rice), and other various products at the Katsuura Morning Market. A popular food at the Katsuura Morning Market is the local delicacy Katsuura Tantanmen. This dish won the B-1 Gourmet Grand Prix in 2015 and became famous all throughout Japan. The Katsuura Tantan Noodles from “Restaurant Ishii” are a delicious local ramen that uses a healthy amount of chili oil. After eating some ramen, we recommend trying some warabi mochi at Nanbanya. It is an authentic warabi mochi that uses domestically produced warabi starch powder. It has a good consistency and it is a very popular Japanese sweet. The restaurant has various flavors for you to try besides the standard kuromitsu (brown sugar) as well. Besides that, there are restaurants where you can eat seafood rice bowls using freshly caught seafood as well. Try eating a delicious breakfast that you won't find anywhere other than Katsuura Morning Market. Information About Katsuura Morning Market Photo:Katsuura Morning Market Katsuura Morning Market is a 10-minute walk from JR Katsuura Station. There are 2 parking lots: the Tona Shiei Parking Lot and the Izumi Shiei Parking Lot. The Katsuura Morning Market closes every Wednesday. There are many facilities in the area where you can stay, such as hotels, so even if you come for sightseeing from far away, rest assured, you'll have a place to stay. Even in rainy weather, the morning market is held as usual. However, be aware that there will likely be fewer stalls. Summary of Katsuura Morning Market Source :YouTube screenshot “Katsuura Morning Market December 22nd, 2019,” released by “Uraran nohohon terebi,” is a video introducing the popular Katsuura Morning market, one of the 3 largest morning markets in Japan. It is a fun place where you can enjoy perusing the fresh seafood sent from Katsuura port, Katsuura’s comfort food, and lots of attractive food stalls. The video shows the variety of foodstuffs and the warmth of interaction with the locals at the Katsuura Morning Market, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Katsuura Morning Market Information – Katsuura City Tourism Association https://www.katsuura-kankou.net/english-site/ -
Video article 9:47
Wadaiko, a traditional Japanese craft that plays dynamic music at festivals and other events, takes several years to complete!This is a video of a taiko drum craftsman in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture, who preserves the technique!
Traditional Crafts- 172 plays
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Video Introduction of Japanese Drum Artisans in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture "# 005 Wadaiko Tetsuro Sugiura: Door to Tomorrow by At Home" is an interview with the Wadaiko craftsman introduced in the Discovery Channel program "Tomorrow's Door." Tetsuro Sugiura, a wadaiko craftsman of "Asano Taiko" in Japan's Hokiriku region, Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture, trained long and hard before becoming a full-fledged wadaiko craftsman. This time, let's take a closer look at Japanese traditional crafts, and the technique used for making Japanese drums, which takes several years to learn. About the Traditional Culture of Japanese Wadaiko Introduced in the Video Photo:Wadaiko Wadaiko is one of the Japan's historical musical instruments that is played at festivals that are held all over Japan, such as Kyoto and Fukuoka. It is also used at ceremonies at shrines and temples, as well as for Kabuki and Noh. Its origin dates way back, and the oldest Japanese taiko drum was excavated from the remains of the Jomon period (14000 BC- 400 BC). A Japanese drum (Wadaiko) is a percussion instrument that is made of wood and has a body covered with leather. There are various types of Japanese drums that are currently used, such as a long drum, tub drum, and an attached drum. How Wadaiko Are Made Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The production process of the traditional Japanese drum, Wadaiko, is introduced in detail from 2:09 in the video. The two main tasks to make the taiko, are the making of the body and the making of leather. A Japanese drum craftsman cuts down a zelkova tree, which is then used as a raw wood without any treatment. They then cut the body of the zelkova and roughly forms it into its final shape, which is then naturally dried in a cool and dark place for 3 to 5 years. The carving on the inside of the drum is beautifully hand-crafted to have a tortoiseshell or diamond-like pattern. You can see the inner carving process from 3:01 in the video. Source of photo :YouTube screenshot Next, as you can see from 3:18 in the video, a refined technique is essential for lacquer painting. In the process of making leather, from 3:25 in the video, the skill of the Japanese drum craftsman integral to creating the beautifully processed cowhide, which will cover the drum. After putting the leather over the drum the sound is checked, and if sufficient, tacks are attached to complete the work. You can see the finished product from 4:43 in the video. Each taiko drum takes several years to complete and many craftsmen are involved in the crafting process. From 4:56 in the second part of the video, you can see the craftsmanship of the Japanese drum artist Tetsuro Sugiura, who is a leather craftsman. An interview with Mr. Tetsuro Sugiura is introduced in detail where he talks about the process of leather making, which is the cornerstone of each drum's sound. Summary of Japan's Traditional Wadaiko Craftsmen Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The video shows the long and delicate process of making large Japanese taiko drums. No special qualifications are required for the production of wadaiko, but long and rigorous training is required to craft wadaiko that produce beautiful, dynamic sounds of art. This craft relies much on feel, and thus requires diligent and highly skilled Japanese drum craftsmen. 【Official Website】Asano Taiko https://www.asano.jp/en/ -
Video article 4:59
Azuchi Castle - Explore the Phantom Castle Built by Oda Nobunaga, One of the Three Unifiers of Japan, in Omihachiman, Shiga
History- 302 plays
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Video introduction explaining “Azuchi Castle” in Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture and Nobunaga Oda This video, titled "The Phantom Azuchi Castle" (幻の安土城 HD版), was produced by "trocken ab." It's a video that recreates Azuchi Castle, the most prominent castle in the history of the Warring States period, using computer graphics. Azuchi Castle, introduced in the video, is known by many for being featured in "Gō: Hime-tachi no Sengoku," a Taiga drama aired in Japan in 2011. Azuchi Castle was the home of Oda Nobunaga, the uncle of Gou, and it has been the setting of countless historical TV dramas. Presently, Azuchi Castle, which no longer exists today, is said to have been a beautiful and luxurious castle. About Azuchi Castle Photo:Azuchi Castle Ruins Azuchi Castle, a five-layer seven-story castle with one basement level and six floors above ground, was built on Mt. Azuchi near Lake Biwa over a period of four years from 1576 to 1580. Azuchi Castle, which was closer to Kyoto than Gifu Castle, was a symbol of "tenka Fubu," Oda Nobunaga's personal seal, meanining "Unify the nation by force; spread military force under the heavens." It is said that Toyotomi Hideyoshi was also involved in the construction of the castle. Unfortunately, the castle was destroyed by fire in 1582 after the Honnoji Incident instigated by Oda's traitorous vassal Akechi Mitsuhide, just two years after the construction of the castle. The ruins of Azuchi Castle, the former residence of Oda Nobunaga, has been designated as a special historical site. It is also protected as a Class 1 Special Area in Lake Biwa National Park. You can see the introduction of Azuchi Castle at 0:24 in the video. The Research Project on Azuchi Castle Shown in the Video Photo:Azuchi Castle・Kuroganemon Gate Since 1989, restoration of the stone walls and excavation of the ruins of Azuchi Castle began as part of the research and development project. From the foot of the southern side of Mt. Azuchi, shown at 0:47 in the video, there was once a great view of the entrance of the castle. Also, it was found that there were two entrances to the castle, the East and West gates, and through these discoveries, researches have been able to slowly understand what Azuchi castle would have looked like. Currently, Niomon Gate and a three-storied pagoda remain on Mt. Azuchi. More About Azuchi Castle Photo:Azuchi Castle Ruins・Ruins of the former residence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi According to records of Azuchi Castle, when it existed, it was common to take the route from Dodobashiguchi to Ote-michi, then use the Kuroganemon Gate route to get to the, outer citadel, outer region of the castle, and finally the inner citadel, to reach the lord of the castle. Ote-michi, which was used to welcome the Emperor, has been restored as well. You can see the restored Ote-michi at 1:57 in the video. In the outer citadel, there is mausoleum of Oda Nobunaga where Toyotomi Hideyoshi enshrined the remaining relics of Oda Nobunaga. The shape of the inner citadel, shown in the video at 3:45, is extremely similar to the Seiryoden (a pavilion used as the emperor's habitual residence (in a Heian Palace)) of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. Oda Nobunaga made Azuchi Castle a prominent castle worthy to receive the Emperor. Summary of Azuchi Castle and Oda Nobunaga Photo:Beautiful Blue Skies at Lake Biwa The ruins of Azuchi Castle are located in present day Omihachiman City in Shiga Prefecture. If you want to visit Azuchi Castle, shown in the video, you can also visit the Azuchi Town Castle Museum, the Shiga Prefectural Azuchi Castle Archaeological Museum, and the castle town of Azuchi Castle as well. You can also receive a seal stamp or castle seal when visiting Sokenji Temple located on Mt. Azuchi. ◆Azuchi Castle Facility Overview◆ 【Address】Toira, Azuchicho, Omihachiman, Shiga 【Access】25 minute walk from JR Azuchi Station, 20 minutes by car from the Meishin Ryuo Interchange 【Hours】9:00~16:00 【Admission Fee】Adults ¥700, Children ¥200 【Parking】Available(Free) 【Official Website】Azuchi Castle Ruins | Shiga Prefecture Tourist Information[Official Tourism Site ]You will understand everything about Shiga/Lake Biwa! https://en.biwako-visitors.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Azuchi Castle Ruins https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023564-d1424361-Reviews-Azuchi_Castle_Ruins-Omihachiman_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:45
The first floor of a house is a landing place! The boathouses of Ine-cho, Yosae-gun, Kyoto Prefecture, a historical fishing town of the sea, are lined with mysterious houses that cannot be seen anywhere else!
Life & Business Travel- 665 plays
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What is “Funaya” in Ine-cho, Yosae-gun, Kyoto Prefecture? Sightseeing Video Introduction This tourist promotion video, titled "[Beautiful Japan] Ine Town, Kyoto," was produced by N.a., and shows views of the seaside town of Ine in northern Kyoto. Located in Kyoto in the Kansai region, Ine is a peaceful area at the northeastern end of the Tango peninsula, facing the Sea of Japan. People in this town have lived in harmony with the sea by utilizing its gifts. Fishermen in the town live in houses called “funaya” which can store their boats as you can see at 0:58 in the video. You can admire the view of the funaya, all in a row, in the video as well. It's not a very common sight, so we definitely recommend taking a look at it. Enjoy the beautiful landscape created by the funaya and the Sea of Japan! Information About Ine Photo:Funaya in Ine Ine's funaya can store boats and fishing tools on the first floor, making use of age-old wisdom that makes for a smooth and easily accessible fishing excursion. You can see a fisherman parking his boat in his funaya at 1:39 after a long day of fishing. The waters of Ine, a port town facing Ine Bay on the Tango Peninsula, are calm and serene. The landscape lined with ancient funaya is very elegant. The scenery of the boathouses in Ine, that remind us of the history of the fishing town, has been designated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. Tips for Traveling Around Ine The Funaya of Ine are best viewed from the shore where the boats are stored. When you visit Ine, we recommend taking a pleasure boat along the sea side route. There are old guest houses near the funaya of Ine as well. Okuineonsen Aburaya, which has an open-air bath with a view, is a popular spot for those who want to enjoy a relaxing time in an outstanding location. Have a wonderful time staying at the guest houses, where you can enjoy the atmosphere of good old Japan while eating seasonal seafood dishes. Summary of Ine's Funaya Photo:Ine Ine, Kyoto is lined with ancient Japanese boat houses that cannot be seen anywhere else. Be sure to keep your camera handy to take some Instagram pics! If you haven't already, be sure to watch the video; It has some beautiful scenery! When most people think of sightseeing in Kyoto, they probably think of shrines and temples in the southern part of the Prefecture. However, there are many attractive tourist destinations on the sea side of Kyoto Prefecture as well. If you enjoyed the atmosphere of Ine, consider stopping by the sea side at the northern end of Kyoto. The true beauty of Japan lies outside of its cities. -
Video article 6:41
Exploring the World of Ningyo Joruri - Traditional Japanese Puppet Theater. Discover the Amazing Process of Creating These Priceless Works of Art Made by Skilled Puppeteers!
Traditional Crafts Traditional Culture- 282 plays
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Traditional Japanese Performing Arts - Ningyo Joruri This video, titled "Tokushima's Wooden Ningyo Joruri Puppets|Footprints of the Puppets "AWA DEKO" (人形浄瑠璃を支える徳島の木偶 Footprints of the Puppets “AWA DEKO”), was uploaded by Joruri Kaido (浄瑠璃街道). It introduces Ningyo Joruri, a traditional Japanese culture. Ningyo Joruri is a type of puppet theater in which a story is performed by three puppeteers, a tayu (joruri narrator), and a shamisen player. In this article, we'll introduce the puppets behind Ningyo Joruri, a traditional Japanese performing art. The History of Ningyo Joruri, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot Awa Ningyo Joruri is a traditional Japanese art form that has been handed down in Tokushima Prefecture for centuries. Ningyo Joruri, which originated in Osaka in the Edo Period (1603-1868) as a form of mass entertainment, is a composite art form in which the tayu, shamisen, and the puppets work together to create a wonderful story. In addition to being enjoyed as a form of mass entertainment, Ningyo Joruri is often performed with the same high artistic quality as bunraku, and performed as a Shinto ritual. The Artisans Behind Ningyo Joruri Puppets Source :YouTube screenshot The puppets used in Ningyo Joruri are called "deko," and most of the heads of deko are hand made by puppeteers in Awa. The construction of the wooden figurines is so elaborate that referring to them any differently would be to disrespect the craftsmanship of the artisans. Awa Deko are a larger variety of puppets used in Ningyo Joruri, so paulownia wood is used as a material to make them lighter. The puppets are designed to manipulate facial expressions and gestures through mechanisms inside their heads, and the craftsman's elaborate techniques are indispensable in creating each masterpiece. You can see how Yoichiro Amari, an Awa Ningyo Joruri Craftsman, creates the puppets at 1:04 in the video. The face is carefully carved out of paulownia wood with a carving knife, cut in two in front of the ears as seen at 2:02, and then mechanisms to control the eyes, mouth, and eyebrows are placed inside the hollowed-out head. Learn More About Ningyo Joruri, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot In Tokushima Prefecture, there's "Matsushige-cho Rekishi Minzoku Shiryokan, Ningyo Joruri Shibai Shiryokan," a museum where visitors can learn about the history and culture of Japan’s Ningyo Joruri. At the museum, visitors can learn about the types of puppets, the materials used to make them, how they're made, the techniques used by the artisans, and the steps to completing one. The Tokushima Prefectural Awa Jurobe Yashiki Puppet Theater and Museum (徳島県立阿波十郎兵衛屋敷), where you can see Ningyo Joruri performances up close, is also a great place to visit. If you're looking to experience traditional Japanese culture, we highly recommend stopping by and checking out a performance. Summary of Ningyo Joruri, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot The artisans who make the elaborate wooden puppets are essential to Ningyo Joruri, a traditional art form loved by many. We hope you enjoyed learning about the amazing culture of Ningyo Joruri, a traditional Japanese performing art that has been loved through the ages.