Video article 7:20
The Long-Awaited Announcement of the Name of Japan’s New Era by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide! What Are Japan’s Era Names? What Does the New Era Name "Reiwa" Mean?
News History- 37 plays
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The Announcement of the New Era Captured on Video! This video "New era name "Reiwa(新元号「令和」(れいわ)菅長官会見 ノーカット)," Chief Cabinet Secretary, Press Conference Uncut" is a video showing footage of the announcement of the new era name by the Chief Cabinet Secretary which took place at the Prime Minister's official residence. On May 1st 2019, a ceremony was held to announce to the public the new era name, which would be changing from Heisei to Reiwa in accordance with the enthronement of the new emperor. The Announcement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Source :YouTube screenshot A special exemption of the Imperial House Law concerning abdication of the Emperor was passed to allow the former emperor to step down from the position early (normally emperors in Japan serve until death). 50 seconds into the video you can see the scene where Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga raises the placard displaying the new era name "Reiwa". This scene was shown countless times on news programs and the majority of people in Japan are likely to remember it. The room, packed with the press, was filled with the sound of shutters closing as the Chief Cabinet Secretary held up the work of calligraphy displaying the new era name "Reiwa". Source and Selection of the New Japanese Era Name Source :YouTube screenshot Before the announcement of the new era name on April 1st, all cabinet ministers attended a meeting to make a final decision together. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga explains during the press conference that the new era name was taken from an 8th century collection of Japanese poetry called Manyoshu , specifically the poem "Baika no uta". He also expresses his hopes that the new era, name taken from classic Japanese literature, is widely accepted by the public. What Are Japan's Era Names? Photo:Japan's era name For a long time both the Japanese and Western calendar have been used in Japan. The Japanese era name was first used in the Asuka period (592-710AD) starting with the Taika era, more recently there has been the Showa era from 1926-1989 AD, the Heisei era from 1989-2019AD and now Reiwa has become the 248th era name to be used in Japan. In the past, the era name frequently changed, however more recently it has been established that only one era name shall be used for the entire reign of one emperor. The Announcement of "Reiwa" The era name is something that is very important TO Japanese people. Many people all over the country tuned in to witness the eagerly awaited announcement of the new era name. After the press conference with the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga on April 4th, a message from Prime Minister Abe Shinzo was also broadcast live on television. May 1st marked the end of the Heisei era and beginning of the Reiwa era, coinciding with the abdication of former Emperor Akihito and the enthronement of his son, the new Emperor Naruhito. -
Video article 2:20
Kanji of the Year” announced at Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! Kanji that represents last year's world, successive Kanji, and how to decide the Kanji are also introduced!
News Life & Business- 95 plays
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Kanji of the Year” video to be announced at Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "The Announcement for the Kanji of the Year for 2022 at Kiyomizudera Temple, Kyoto, Japan (December 12, 2022)" (京都・清水寺で2022年「今年の漢字」発表(2022年12月12日 京都市東山区)), was uploaded by "Kyoto Shimbun" (京都新聞). Every year around December 12, Japan's Kanji of the Year is announced. When the announcement is made each year at Kiyomizudera, a famous temple in Kyoto, it attracts a large crowds and media outlets from all across Japan and is broadcast live on the news, making it a well-known event. The powerful kanji written on Japanese paper and placed on a special stand on the stage of Kiyomizudera is both powerful and elegant. The time has come for the announcement of Kanji of the Year for 2022. For many people in Japan, it's a year-end tradition to watch the announcement. It's become a symbol of the year's end. So, without further ado, let's take a look at 2022's Kanji of the Year. The Kanji 戦 (Ikusa, 'War') and Why It Was Chosen Photo:The kanji for 'war' The Kanji of the Year for 2022 was announced on December 12, 2022. The Kanji 戦 (Ikusa), meaning "fight" or "battle," received 10,804 of the total 220,000 votes that were cast. The following is the list of kanji that came in places 2 through 10: 2. 安 (An, Stable/Calm); 3. 楽 (Raku, Comfortable/Peaceful); 4. 高 (Taka, High/Expensive); 5. 争 (Arasou, Conflict); 6. 命 (Inochi, Life); 7. 悲 (Hi, Grieve/Sadness); 8. 新 (Shin, New); 9. 変 (Hen, Change), 10. 和 (Wa, Peace/Harmony). This is the second time that 'War' has been chosen, as it was also chosen in 2001. What events in the year 2022 come to mind when you see this kanji? Themes that may come up when you hear the words "fight" or "battle" might be Japan's strong battle in the World Cup... However, that's not the reason why the kanji was chosen. According to the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, the organizer of the event, the reason for 'War' being chosen is that the world was stunned while witnessing the horrors of the war caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and also because of the battle fought by people in their daily lives while trying to survive with a weakening yen and rising costs of living, as well as heated sports competitions. Where Japan's Kanji of the Year Was Announced and Why Photo:Autumn at Kiyomizudera Japan's Kanji of the Year is usually announced around December 12 every year. Now you might be wondering, "What's the significance of December 12?" Well, there's actually a good reason for this. December 12 is recognized as "Kanji Day" in Japan, and it's hoped that people will learn at least one kanji every year. Since the headquarters of the organizer, the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, is located in Kyoto, the world-renowned temple Kiyomizudera is the setting for the presentation. Hopefully this helped you understand the significance of the date and location of this Japanese year-end tradition. When the 'Kanji of the Year' Tradition Began in Japan, Who Writes Them, and More! It's no exaggeration to say that the announcement of the Kanji of the Year is a year-end tradition, but, when did this tradition start exactly? The first Kanji of the Year was announced in 1995, 27 years ago. The Kanji of the Year is a one-character description of the year. The person in charge of writing the kanji is Seihan Mori, the chief abbot of Kiyomizudera Temple, who is also the chief priest in charge of the temple. The ceremony has been conducted by Seihan Mori since 1995, when it was first announced. The kanji is written by chief abbot Mori on the famous stage of Kiyomizudera. [Video] 0:00 - The Kanji of the Year Being Written Kanji of the Year From Previous Years Source :YouTube screenshot Here is a list of Kanji of the Year from previous years. 1995 - 震 (Shin, Quake/Tremble) The year 1995 was marked by a series of astonishing events. This kanji was chosen as a year of "trembling" due to natural disasters, such as the Great Hanshin Earthquake, and the Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack, as well as political turmoil. 1999 - 末 (Sue, End) In this year, which marked the end of the century, events that seemed like the "end of the world" occurred frequently. The Tokaimura Nuclear Accidents, police scandals, the collapse of the myth of bullet train safety, restructuring due to economic downturn, and many other seemingly "end-of-the-century events" occurred in this year. However, the character "End" was chosen in the hope that the following year will be a year of "Sue-Hirogari" (末広がり, Prosperity). 2005 - 愛 (Ai, Love) Despite the marriage and love (愛) of Princess Nori, the success of Expo 2005 Aichi (愛知), and the success of women named "Ai" (愛), the year was also marked by a number of incidents without love. While in Japan, people were taught the importance of both loving things close to them, and loving things on a global scale, 愛 (Ai, Love) was chosen because there were many incidents involving children and juvenile crimes where there was not enough "love." Photo:The Japanese era Reiwa 2019 - 令 (Rei, Order/Decree) In this year when a new emperor acceded to the throne and a new era began, it can be said that the Kanji of the Year expressed people's joy at the dawn of a new era as well as their hope for brighter days. The character 令 (Rei, Order/Decree) was also chosen due to events related to order, such as the revision of laws and regulations and compliance with laws and regulations among other things. 2021 - 金 (Kin, Gold) Up until this point, the character for "gold" had been selected three times. Its selection in 2021 marked the 4th time it was selected, making it the most selected since the tradition began. Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics were held a year late, with many Japanese athletes winning gold medals. They provided courage and inspiration not only to the people of Japan but also to people around the world. It was also selected because of milestones reached in various fields and money-related topics, such as the announcement of a new banknote. Despite the fact that the Kanji of the Year is in the news every year, many people don't know they can actually participate in the tradition. How Are Japan's Kanji of the Year Chosen? This year's Kanji of the Year will be chosen by the general public from all over Japan. Submitted kanji will be used as candidates, and the kanji with the most submissions will be selected and announced at Kiyomizudera around December 12. The application process is very simple: access the website of the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation and cast your voter using the Kanji of the Year Application Form. Postcard submissions are also accepted, so you can submit your entry through the application boxes located in bookstores and libraries throughout Japan, at Kiyomizudera, and the Japan Kanji Museum & Library in Kyoto. The submission period is usually from November 1 to around December 5. You can submit any kanji you like. If you're interested in participating in 2023, give it a shot! Summary of Japan's Kanji of the Year for 2022 Photo:The Kanji Museum After seeing the Kanji of the Year being announced in the video, are you sad or excited that the year is over? The Kanji of the Year is announced on or around December 12 every year. If you decide to participate your kanji might even be chosen! Now that it has become a year-end tradition in Japan, the Kanji of the Year is an event loved by many people. For many people it's fun trying to guess what the kanji will be for that year! The Kanji of the Year will be exhibited at Kiyomizudera and from late December at the Kanji Museum in Gion, Kyoto. While it's wonderful to visit the photogenic spots in Kyoto during winter, consider stopping to take a photo of the Kanji of the Year for 2022 and sharing it on social media as a year-end greeting! -
Video article 0:59
Ogita Yasunaga - The First Japanese Person to Reach the South Pole Alone Without Receiving Any Supplies!
News Celebrities- 41 plays
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Japanese Adventurer Ogita Yasunaga! This video, titled "'The Earth is Huge!' Mr. Ogita, who walked to the South Pole" (「地球って大きいな」歩いて南極点に立った荻田さん), was created by "ANNnewsCH." It's a news broadcast about Japanese adventurer, Ogita Yasunaga, who reached the South Pole solo, with no resupply aid. He walked 1,130 kilometers across the Antarctic continent by himself, being the first Japanese person to best the journey without aid. After achieving the feat, he says in the interview "The earth is huge." This can be seen at 0:10 in the video. About Ogita Yasunaga Source :YouTube screenshot Japanese adventurer Ogita Yasunaga is from Hokkaido, Japan. He has walked the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, and Hokkaido alone. From 2000 to 2019, he went to the North Pole a whopping 16 times! In April 2019, he traveled 600 kilometres in the Arctic Circle with young travelers. He is noted as Japan's only Arctic adventurer and gives various lectures and talk events. In 2000, he participated in "Adventure Walk aiming for North Magnetic Poles," a 700 km walk from Resolute to the North Pole. In 2003, he walked to Victoria Island in the Canadian Arctic Circle, and in 2004, he went on a dog sledding trip in Greenland. In 2011, he received the Faust A.G. Award for Adventurer of the Year and in 2017, he received the Naomi Uemura Adventure Award. He appeared in "Crazy Journey" on TBS, "News Watch 9" from NHK and WOWOW's "Nonfiction W." When he appeared in Crazy Journey, Matsumoto Hitoshi, the host of the show, was amazed by his feats and the episode was well received by audiences. The DVD is available on Amazon, so check it out if you're interested! The First Japanese Person to Reach the South Pole Unassisted Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, he was the first Japanese person to reach the South Pole unassisted. He left the coast of Antarctica in November 2017 and pulled a 100 kg sled loaded with food and other supplies, and skied roughly 1,130 km in 50 days. He reached the South Pole as planned, despite being faced with difficult conditions, including strong headwinds and snowfall. You can see Ogita Yasunaga posing with his fist in the air after reaching the South Pole at 0:17 in the video. During the Journey, his daily diet was 1 kg of food/day, roughly 5000 kilocalories. He had oatmeal for breakfast, biscuits, nuts, and chocolate bars for lunch and instant rice for dinner. He was able to survive and complete his journey by eating foods high in calories. At the end of the video he introduces his next goal. To make it to the North Pole unassisted! Summary of Ogita Yasunaga Photo:Base in Antarctica The video introduces Ogita Yasunaga the Japanese adventurer who reached the South Pole completely unassisted. His achievement was widely covered by the media. If you want to learn more about the awesome Japanese adventurer Ogita Yasunaga, be sure to check out his official website and Instagram! 【Official Website】Ogita Yasunaga https://www.ogita-exp.com/english/ -
Video article 4:57
Excitement All Across Japan! the Announcement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! The Olympics Will Be Held in the Same City Twice, a First for Asia!
News- 193 plays
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The Decision to Have the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo This video released by “ANNnewsCH” is about the IOC news on the decision to host the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. “The first time in 56 years! The 2020 summer Olympics decided to be held in Tokyo (September 8th, 2013).” Many of you may have seen the early morning broadcast (Tokyo time) from Buenos Aires, on the decision to host the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Tokyo is to host the Olympics for the second time; the first time in 56 years. Only 5 cities have hosted the summer Olympics more than once: Athens, Paris, London, Los Angeles, and now Japan. The Olympics will be held from July 24th to August 9th in 2020, for 17 days. Tokyo will draw a lot of attention from the world. This time, we are going to introduce the video about the announcement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The Announcement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:15 in the video, you can see a lot of Japanese people in the venue exclaiming their delight the moment IOC (International Olympic Committee) President Rogge said “Tokyo!”. As shown from 0:56 in the video, it was early in the morning, at 5:20 AM when the news of the host city was released. But many people experienced the moment of joy at Komazawa park, Nippon Sport Science University, Chiyoda ward, Hamaguchi wrestling school in Tokyo and Nagano city. But it is also true that there were a lot of difficulties to reach the decision of the Tokyo Olympics. During the selection, Madrid in Spain and Istanbul in Turkey were highly considered. At the first voting, Tokyo gained 42 votes, Istanbul 26 and Madrid 26. But at the final voting, Tokyo achieved an overwhelming victory over Istanbul with 60 votes to 36. Amongst adversity, the final presentation was made by the governor of Tokyo, Inose Naoki, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, Princess Takamado, a Paralympic athlete, Sato Mami, TV personality Takigawa Christel and more. Among them, the word “Omotenashi” (hospitality) by Takigawa Christel may be the most memorable. The 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the First Host City in Asia to Have the Olympics Twice Source :YouTube screenshot The Tokyo Olympics are to be held in the same city, which is the first time this has happened in Asia. Last time, Beijing hosted the summer Olympics in 2008 in Asia. In Japan, many bid committee members made great efforts to bring the Olympics to Tokyo. With the decision of the Tokyo Olympics, the Olympic flame cauldron was lit up at the National Stadium, the former venue of the opening and closing ceremony from 4:45 in the video. Many elderly people remember the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 so it will be a great chance for those who can experience it again in 2020. The Problem of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster In the final presentation on the bid for the Tokyo Olympics, the Great East Japan earthquake two years prior was often mentioned. Prime Minister Abe Shinzo stressed the safety precautions since the nuclear disaster and appealed to the world. He announced confidently that contaminated water is safely controlled and there would be no influence on the safety of visitors. However, only a few years had passed since the earthquake. There were many harsh comments in and outside of Japan at the time. The Tokyo Olympics will be held to help recover from the nuclear disaster as well. Looking Forward to the Olympics Photo:The New National Stadium The news of announcement of the host city for the 2020 Olympics gave hope to a lot of people. At 3:34 in the video, the then governor of Tokyo, Inose Naoki, tells that the success of the bid for the Tokyo Olympics came from "the teamwork of centralized power from the entirety of Japan." The world sports festival, held every four years- the Olympics and Paralympics- will be held in Tokyo. All the people in the world are paying attention to Japan and Tokyo. 【Official Website】Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games – Tokyo 2020 https://tokyo2020.org/en/ -
Video article 3:35
Is the Day When People Can Enjoy Casinos in Japan Finally Upon Us? "IR" and Information About the Future of Casinos in Japan!
News Things to Do- 22 plays
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Introducing IR! This video "Understanding IR in 3 minutes", by Kato Ayako(「IR(カジノ含む統合型リゾート)」 加藤綾子【3分でわかる】)” is a news clip that talks about how Yokohama, Kanagawa has started preparing to attract IR in October 2019. The lifting of IR is explained in the video in detail, and we will explain IR in this article so you can follow along. What is IR? Source :YouTube screenshot IR stands for Integrated Resort. They have facilities such as conference halls, exhibition halls (MICE facilities), restaurants, shopping areas, hotels and even theaters. Furthermore, they can have amusement parks, sports facilities, cinemas, and warm baths as well. You can see the explanation of IR from 0:21 in the video. The “Casino Law” was established in 2018 and the Ministry of Land Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is planning to approve up to three locations for IR, in Japan. By October of 2019, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagasaki and Wakayama had already announced their candidacy, while Nagoya, Tokoname in Aichi, and Odaiba in Tokyo are still considering the option. Pros and cons of IR Photo:Casino slots Admission fees are collected by the Japanese government divided between the government and the prefectures. Casino profits are returned to IR conference halls and entertainment facilities. This will boost tax revenue, increase tourism and generate economic benefits leading to regional revitalization. Yokohama estimated that the effect on annual revenue will lead to a growth of 80 to 120 billion yen ($743m to $1.1B USD). But there are concerns about gambling addiction, the influence it will have on the younger generation, and the deterioration of security it may cause. In order to establish IRs in Japan, measures for preventing gambling addiction are being considered. What are casinos like? Photo:Marina Bay Sands in Singapore Casinos are popular in Las Vegas and Macao. Japanese people are not familiar with casinos, but there are Pachinko parlors in Japan, so casinos are expected to become popular as well. Starting casinos will also benefit the economy through casino tax revenue which is helped by the influx of tourists from abroad. In fact, Marina Bay Sands in Singapore was able to increase the number of foreign tourists and tourism consumption in a similar fashion. This is shown in the video from 2:08. In a nutshell Photo:A casino IR is expected to become a new attraction for Japanese and foreigners alike. The video gives a great overview on IR, so definitely check it out if you found this article interesting. We recommend using subtitles if you don't speak Japanese! It will be interesting to see what new information on dates and companies is released in the near future. -
Video article 1:05
Is Japan the Wealthiest Country in the World? Japan Ranks First Among the Countries With the Most “Net Foreign Assets”.
News- 203 plays
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Japan has been the "wealthiest country" for 24 years?! Let’s take a look at the video of a news report from 2015 titled [Japan, “ the wealthiest country in the world” for 24 years- a “crucial asset”](【日本、24年連続“世界一の金持ち”に「大事な財産」】) This news report is about Japan staying at the top of the list of wealthiest countries in the world for continuous years. “Net Foreign Assets” is defined as the value of foreign assets owned by Japan's government and its companies, minus liabilities. So what exactly do they mean when they state that Japan is the wealthiest country in the world? Let’s look at some of the details. What exactly is a “Net Foreign Asset” Photo:Tokyo Stock Exchange At 0:06 in the video, Net Foreign Asset are explained. Essentially, it is the amount of the foreign assets owned by a nation minus liabilities. Surprisingly, Japan has 367 trillion yen worth of Net Foreign Assets, and it is the largest amount in the nation’s history. This means that Japan owns many external assets in foreign countries, such as security and foreign investments. From 0:23 in the video, the Minister of Finance in Japan, Taro Aso, is seen speaking in an interview. Aso states, “Net Foreign Asset is crucial” at the Ministry of Finance. As explained at 0:19, the Top 5 countries in terms of Net Foreign Asset goes Japan first, followed by China, Germany in third, Switzerland in fourth, and Hong Kong in fifth according to 2014 data. How Japan Has Continued to Own the Most Foreign Assets in History, and Remained the “Wealthiest Country in the World”. Source :YouTube screenshot There are several reasons why Japanese foreign assets have been increasing and why Japan has remained the most wealthy country in the world. As the yen depreciates, the amount of receivable yen-denominated shares and bonds has increased. Another reason why Japan's foreign assets have increased is because there are more Japanese companies starting foreign investments. Overseas liability is also on an upward trend as more foreigners have begun investing in Japanese stocks. Japan as the wealthiest country Photo:Building in Shinjuku subcenter It might be difficult to believe that Japan is the wealthiest country in the world, but as explained in the video, it is true that Japan owns the most Foreign Net Assets in the world. Japan actually is the wealthiest country in the world, and as of 2019 it has stayed on top for 28 years. Expectations are high for Japan's economic future. -
Video article 1:06
Stemirac Injections: A Regenerative Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury Patients, Approved for the First Time in the World! A Ray of Hope for Patients All Over the World!
News- 129 plays
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Revolutionary Regenerative Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury Patients The video we're introducing this time is a news video released by "HTB News," titled, “[HTB News] World's First! Nerve Regenerative Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury Patients." It details a therapy approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare for the first time, as a regenerative treatment method for spinal cord injury patients. In 2018, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare approved the regenerative Stemirac injections, jointly developed by Sapporo Medical University and Nipro. This regenerative treatment method extracts mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow fluid of spinal cord injury patients and cultures them into approximately 100 million cells. By injecting it into a vein by infusion, nerves in the damaged spinal cord are regenerated. In this clinical trial conducted at Sapporo Medical University, 12 of 13 patients had functional recovery. As a condition of approval, efficacy and safety checks must continue to be performed for the next seven years. A Look at Stemirac Injections Source :YouTube screenshot The approved Stemirac injection is the product name of the kit used for the treatment of spinal cord injury, and the generic name is "human (autologous) bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells." This regenerative therapy was approved in December 2018, subject to conditions and deadlines. Mesenchymal stem cells, which have been shown to differentiate into nerves and blood vessels, are collected from patients with bone marrow injuries and cultured to 10,000-fold over a period of about two weeks. The approximately 100 million cells administered intravenously over 30 minutes to an hour can improve neurological syndromes and dysfunction through angiogenesis, anti-inflammatory effects around the damaged spinal cord, and regeneration of spinal nerves. You can see how it works in detail at 0:23 in the video. This Stemirac Injection is the first product approved under Japan's revised regenerative medicine act. Costs and Side Effects of Spinal Cord Injury Regenerative Therapy Photo:Chest pain Although they are developing groundbreaking regenerative therapy, the price of the therapy, as of February 26, 2019, is extremely expensive, costing around 14,957,755 yen (~$142,000 USD). Side effects of the treatment include bleeding, wound infections and scars from bone marrow harvest surgery. In addition, pulmonary infarction may occur due to administration of stem cell arteries. What Happens in a Spinal Cord Injury? Photo:Back pain The spinal cord is a tunnel-like organ surrounded by the spine that passes through the spinal canal and is responsible for transmitting commands from the brain to the ends of the body, such as the hands and feet. This spinal cord extends like a branch to the left and right, and from that position it is divided section by section into the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spinal cord. When the spinal cord is injured, there is no bi-directional transmission of commands from the damaged area to the neural circuits below. This can lead to disorders such as motor paralysis, sensory paralysis, complete motor paralysis, autonomic neuropathy, dysuria, and complications when defecating. Until now, the standard treatment for spinal cord injury has been to rehabilitate the injured nerve cells in order to alleviate the aftereffects of the injury, as regeneration is considered difficult. In addition, it is estimated that 5,000 cases of spinal cord injury occur each year, and it is estimated that there are more than 100,000 patients in Japan. Under such circumstances, the bone marrow injury regeneration therapy described in the video has become a beacon of hope for patients everywhere. Although the enormous medical expenses are a bottleneck, this therapy can lead to solutions for paralysis and disabilities such as stroke and spinal cord injury. Summary of Regenerative Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury Patients The regenerative therapy shown in the video is a true testament to how far modern medicine has come. What'd you think? Regenerative therapies have give hope to patients with spinal cord injuries. It'll be interesting to see what the future of regenerative therapy has in store for us! -
Video article 1:38
The Young Genius Shogi Player, Sota Fujii Has Achieved an Amazing Feat! the Secret Strength of 7-Dan Fujii, Who Is Only the Second Person in History, After the 9-Dan Habu, to Win the Asahi Cup Open Tournament for Two Consecutive Years!
News Celebrities- 46 plays
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7-Dan Fujii and the Asahi Cup This video is titled "7-Dan Fujii, 2nd Consecutive Asahi Cup|Shogi, 2nd Since 9-Dan Habu" (藤井七段、朝日杯2連覇 将棋、羽生九段以来2人目). It is a news video introducing the achievements of 7-dan Fujii who achieved 2nd consecutive Asahi Cup wins, released by "KyodoNews." He is only the second player in history to win the Asahi Cup twice in a row, after 9-dan Habu, and he showed us why, with his incredible performance during his matches. The media covered this massive feat extensively and brought it to the attention of the nation. In this article, I would like to introduce you to the 7-dan, Fujii, the youngest professional Shogi player in the world. Fujii's Feat in the Shogi Asahi Cup Source :YouTube screenshot On February 16, 2019, at the 12th Asahi Cup Open, held at the Yurakucho Asahi Hall in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward, 7-dan Sota Fujii defeated the titleholder, Akira Watanabe, in the final to win the tournament. More impressive was that it was Fujii's first time playing against a title holder. Fujii 7-dan also won the tournament in the last round, defeating 9-dan Habu and others who had an overwhelming record of successive victories. This is an amazing accomplishment, and he is only the 2nd person in history since 9-dan Yoshiharu Habu to achieve this feat. You can see the final match against Akira Watanabe from 0:07 in the video. This is Fujii's first win since the 2018 Shinjin-O tournament, and he is delighted with his victory. We're looking forward to see what he can do in the future. In a post-game interview with Fujii, which can be seen at 0:41 in the video, he mentions that he "would like to use this experience to do my best and become stronger." In the interview at 1:05, Akira Watanabe acknowledges the strength of Fujii, and says that Fujii will only continue to get better. As shogi players, they are both still aiming for the top. Who Is Sota Fujii? Source :YouTube screenshot Sota Fujii was born in Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, in 2002, and started playing shogi at the age of five, influenced by his maternal grandparents. At the age of 13, he became the youngest player ever to be promoted to 3-dan, and at 14, he went on to become a professional. He is the fifth person in history to become a professional shogi player while still in junior high school, following Hifumi Kato, Koji Tanikawa, Yoshiharu Habu and Akira Watanabe. He made his professional debut in 2016 in a ranking match against Hifumi Kato, which resulted in a victory. He is the youngest player to win an official game, at 14 years and 5 months. From there, he racked up a string of victories, winning 29 matches in a row after his debut. His dominant performance has attracted a lot of attention from the media. After that, he continued to improve his skills as a junior high school professional, breaking various records such as 50 wins and becoming the youngest player to win a total of 100 games. As a challenger, he has challenged masters, titles, and higher ranking masters and achieved a lot of victories. Fujii's Incredible Ability Source :YouTube screenshot The brilliance of Sota Fujii is the speed at which he can read the game as well as his strong early game, but most of all, professional players say that his endgame is especially impressive. Yoshiharu Habu has said of Fujii, that he is "good at cutting off the edges in the shortest possible course" and that he is similar to Koji Tanigawa, a 17th generation master. He is the pinnacle of shogi players, as he is not only unimaginably accomplished for his age, but also has great potential for the future. There are high expectations for him taking both the Meijin and Ryūō ranks. As of February 2020, Fujii ranks 3rd in terms of rating, which indicates his shogi prowess. Summary of 7-Dan Sota Fujii, the Young Genius Photo:Shogi "7-Dan Fujii, 2nd Consecutive Asahi Cup|Shogi, 2nd Since 9-Dan Habu" is a video that introduces the feat of 7-dan Sota Fujii, who achieved 2 consecutive Asahi Cup victories. In the 13th Asahi Cup Open held in 2020, Sota Fujii broke through qualifying without difficulty, but lost to 7-dan Shota Chida in a semi-final round, and was unable to secure a third victory. We hope you enjoyed this article on Sota Fujii, the up and coming Shogi genius. If you're interested in trying out Shogi, don't be shy! It's a lot of fun! -
Video article 2:07
Ayumu Hirano: The Hottest Skateboarder Set to Debut at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! The Impressive Skater Is Expected to Take Home Medals at the Tokyo Olympics!
News Celebrities- 196 plays
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Ayumu Hirano: Aiming for a Top 3 Finish at the Olympics! This video is titled "Ayumu Hirano #3 Skater Skateboarder, and Silver Medalist at Winter Olympics" (平野歩選手がスケボー3位 冬季五輪の銀メダリスト). It was released by "KyodoNews." Ayumu Hirano is a halfpipe snowboarder who has won a silver medal at two consecutive Winter Olympic Games. Ayumu Hirano has been attracting attention since he started his skateboarding quest to take home a medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The video shows the results of the Japan Open Park competition, which also serves as a selection event for the strengthening candidates, held on March 16, 2019 at the Kugenuma Seaside Park Skate Park in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. Kensuke Sasaoka won the men's title at the Japan Open Park, Midori Okamoto won the women's title, and Ayumu Hirano placed third in the men's competition. You can see Ayumu Hirano talking about his passion for skateboarding in an interview in the video. This article introduces Ayumu Hirano and the appeal of skateboarding. What Is a Skateboarding? Photo:Skateboarding Skateboarding is an action sport that involves riding a board with wheels in the front and back. Skateboarding is also called "sukebo"in Japanese. Skateboarding is said to have been created in the 1940's on the west coast of the United States as a way for children to play, and it eventually spread throughout the world between the 1980's an 1990's. Skateboarding competitions include Street, Vert, Freestyle, Slalom, and more. At the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, there will be two types of events- street and vert. Ayumu Hirano will compete in vert. Vert skating involves using half-pipes, quarter-pipes, and bowls (essentially large, empty pools) to gain speed and doing insane aerial tricks that include grabs and flips. Competitors are judged on how many tricks they can do in the allotted time and how difficult their tricks are. Ayumu Hirano is introduced at 0:20 in the video. Who is Ayumu Hirano? Source :YouTube screenshot Ayumu Hirano is Japan's leading snowboarder at 160 cm tall (5'2"), and has won two consecutive medals in the half pipe of the 2014 Sochi Olympics and the 2018 Olympics at Pyeongchang. His unique hairstyle, which can be seen at 1:28 in the video, is also quite popular. His sponsors are Burton, Kinoshita Group, TEAM FALKEN, and more, and he has signed a global ambassador contract with UNIQLO to develop snowboard gear for competitions. Starting skateboarding and snowboarding at the age of four, he is trying to achieve mastery of both sports. Both his father and brother are athletes. In the interview with Ayumu Hirano at 1:28, he talks about his passion for skating and snowboarding and how he wants to train harder so he can challenge the sports to enjoy them even more. Summary of Ayumu Hirano Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces Ayumu Hirano as he skates around the park, and also features an interview with the talented skater/snowboarder. To qualify for the Japan team for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, you need to be ranked in the top 16 of the Olympic World Skateboarding Ranking as of June 2, 2020, or in the top 3 at the 2020 World Championships. Ayumu Hirano will continue to keep his eyes on the world championships as he aims for a top-3 finish. Be sure to check out Ayumu Hirano at the Olympic games! 【Official Website】Japan Skateboarding Federation http://japanskateboardingfederation.jp/ -
Video article 5:45
Ginza, Tokyo - A Battlefield for Antenna Shops! A Look at the Exciting Antenna Shop Cooperation Event!
News Shopping- 68 plays
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Antenna Shops in Ginza and Yurakucho! “Strengthening Cooperation! Antenna Shop Battlefield(連携強化! アンテナショップ激戦区),” created by “Tokyo MX,” is a news clip that was broadcast on January 18th, 2017. There are many antenna shops that are operated by local governments and companies from all over Japan. Antenna shops are shops that sell local products, foods, traditional crafts and souvenirs. There are also sightseeing information booths and restaurants/cafés that sell local cuisine and sweets. It is like a showroom and gallery for local governments. As you can see at 0:27, there are a lot of antenna shops inGinza and Yurakucho, creating a sort of "antenna shop war-zone." In this article we'll introduce popular products at antenna shops in Yurakucho. Be sure to follow along with the video! Antenna Shops around Yurakucho Source :YouTube screenshot The antenna shop battlefield from Yurakucho to Ginza is 300 meters in diameter. According to research, annual sales of Hokkaido Dosanko Plaza reached over one billion yen; 100 million yen of which is from soft-served ice cream. You can see the survey results at 0:35 in the video. Soft-served ice cream costs 350 yen (~$3.50 USD), which means there are a lot of people visiting this place. At 2:18 in the video, you can see Hiroshima Brand shop TAU and Okinawa Ginza Washita Shop, which have sales between 700 million and 1 billion yen. As introduced at 1:45, Oishii Yamagata Plaza sells "tama konjac," a local specialty, as well as fresh local vegetables from Yamagata. Antenna Shop Cooperation Source :YouTube screenshot The antenna shops around Yurakucho cooperated to bring more visitors to the area. The "National Men's Ekiden Stamp Rally," a coordinated event that ran from January 6th to the 22nd in 2017, was a stamp rally event to visit 16 shops in the Yurakucho area with a stamp collecting card. If you collected seven stamps, you could enter to win a gift from the local government and merchandise for Ekiden. The main antenna shop during the event is “Hiroshima Brand shop TAU.” The branch manager talks about why he started the event and introduces the popular product “Hassaku Orange Rice Cakes” during his interview. Summary of Yurakucho's Antenna Shops Photo:Raw Yatsuhashi “Strengthening Cooperation! Antenna Shop Battlefield” introduces how lively the antenna shops in Yurakucho are. There are other antenna shops in Kochi, Tokushima, Kagawa, Hakata, Akita, Toyama, Osaka and Shizuoka as well. There's also Hokkaido Foodist and Kyoto Kan around Yaesu, Tokyo. The antenna shops in Ikebukuro, Kansai, Fukuoka, Nagano, Aomori, Gifu, and Aichi are gaining popularity as well. Be sure to check out the homepage to see store hours and holidays. Enjoy buying local products from all over Japan in the heart of Tokyo! -
Video article 1:09
Weathering with You – Winner of "Best Animated Picture" at the 2019 Hochi Film Awards. A Look at the Popular Movie that Brought Tears to the Eyes of Audiences All Over the World!
News Festivals & Events- 34 plays
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Weathering with You - Best Animated Picture This video, titled "44th Hochi Film Award|Best Animated Feature|"Weathering with You," by Makoto Shinkai" (新海誠監督 第44回報知映画賞 アニメ作品賞「天気の子」), was produced by "Sports Hochi." It shows the 44th Hochi Film Award Ceremony and the acceptance speech by Makoto Shinkai. The movie "Weathering with You," won the Hochi Film Award in 2019. This article will introduce "Weathering with You," alongside the video. Weathering With You - Hochi Film Award for Best Animated Picture Source :YouTube screenshot The 2019 blockbuster "Weathering with You" received the Hochi Film Award for Best Animated Picture. As you can see from 0:10 in the video, director Makoto Shinkai was interviewed at the award ceremony, and went on to say that he wanted to create a film that would take audiences to a world full of different types of entertainment. The voice actor, Daigo Kotarou, who voiced protagonist Morishima Hodaka, and voice actor, Mori Nanana, who voiced heroine Hina Amano, also visited to congratulate him. The 2019 Hochi Film Award nominees for Best Picture included "Listen to the Universe," " Tonde Saitama," "Confidence Man JP-Romance", and "Kingdom", etc. Weathering with You Source :YouTube screenshot Weathering with You, which won the Hochi Film Award for Best Animated Picture, is a feature-length animated film about the weather. The slogan for the movie was "This is a story about the secrets of the world that only her and I know." This is the 7th film directed by Makoto Shinkai, the first in three years since his previous film "Your Name." Weathering with You is the story of how the protagonist Hodaka, who ran away from his home on an isolated island, to Tokyo, where he meets Hina, a girl who can clear the skies with her prayers, and together, they choose how to live. The film was shown on 448 screens at 359 theaters, one of the largest screenings in history. It also broke the record for first day screening attendance. In the first three days after the screening, it recorded an attendance of 1.15 million people and grossed 1.6 billion yen at the box office, surpassing Shinkai's previous work "Your Name." By April 2020, the film had earned 14 billion at the box office, making it the 12th highest-grossing film of all time. It was also released in 140 countries and territories overseas, and was the number one film at the box office in its first week in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It has become a popular work all over the world. The music was composed by RADWIMPS as in the previous work. There are 5 songs, including "Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?," "We'll Be Alright," "Grand Escape feat. Toko Miura," "Celebration feat. Toko Miura," "Voices of the wind" and the ending theme. Popular actors Shun Oguri and Tsubasa Honda also provided the voices of the characters in the film. It has become a very popular work due to the beautiful images and music. Summary of Weathering with You Source :YouTube screenshot Published by "Sports Hochi," "44th Hochi Film Award|Best Animated Feature|"Weathering with You" gives a look at the animated picture "Weathering with You," by Makoto Shinkai, and also shows an interview with the famed director, where he talks about his films and his thoughts on his works. We recommend the video to both those who have already seen Weathering with You and those who have plans to see it in the future! As of May 2020, Weathering with You is also available on DVD. Be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Movie "Weathering with You" Official Site (JP) https://tenkinoko.com/ -
Video article 0:55
Dr. Koichi Wakata Is the First Japanese Astronaut to Become Captain of the International Space Station! Read on to Learn More About His Impressive Achievements!
News- 55 plays
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Koichi Wakata: The First Japanese Captain of the ISS This video "Koichi Wakata: Proud to Be the First Japanese Captain of the ISS! (14/03/10)" (日本人初!若田さんISS船長に「和の心を大切に」(14/03/10))" is brought to you by ANNnewsCH. It introduces Dr. Koichi Wakata, who has become the first Japanese captain of the International Space Station (ISS). JAXA astronaut Koichi Wakata has accomplished the spectacular feat of becoming the 39th captain of the ISS. A special ceremony was held in the Japanese Experiment Module (日本実験棟, nipponjikkentou) "Kibo" (きぼう). The ceremony is normally held in the American Experiment Module, however as this is the first time a Japanese astronaut has assumed the position of captain, on this occasion the ceremony was held in the Japanese Experiment Module. You can watch the ceremony in the video from 0:23. During the ceremony, Koichi Wakata talks of how he is proud to be the first Japanese captain of the ISS and is looking forward to working with everyone. The right to command was passed on to Koichi Wakata from the previous captain of the ISS Oleg Kotov. Koichi Wakata was captain of the ISS for a total of 2 months until his return home to Japan. More About Koichi Wakata: The First Japanese Captain of the ISS Source :YouTube screenshot Koichi Wakata was born in Omiya city, Saitama prefecture and is an astronaut working for JAXA (Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency). He has a Doctorates in Engineering and has been awarded the Kikuchi Kan Prize (菊池寛賞, kikuchikanshou). He graduated from Kyushu University (九州大学大学院, kyuushuudaigaku daigakuin) in March, 1989 and proceeded to work for Japan Airlines, also known as JAL. He was selected for the position of mission specialist for the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) in April 1992 and in January 1996 was the first Japanese mission specialist to take part in the STS-72 mission of the Space Shuttle Endevour. He mastered the difficult task of learning to control a robotic arm and succeeded in the retrieval of the SFU (Space Flyer Unit). He has completed four missions in space to date, including flights in American NASA space shuttles and Russian Roscosmos spacecraft. Koichi Wakata also made news after broadcasting videos of fun experiments performed in space, inviting viewers to send in their experiment ideas. In an effort to get children more interested in space, he performed various actions inside the space station such as folding clothes or arm wrestling the other astronauts. More About Koichi Wakata's Role Aboard the ISS Source :YouTube screenshot Below are a list of the tasks performed by Koichi Wakata as commander of the ISS: 1. Manage the crew and lead them to success in their missions. 2. Handle any emergencies that may arise such as fires or gas leaks and give directions as the leader of the crew. 3. Have a good grasp of the crew members' health conditions and work situations. 4. Summarizing adjustments to the work schedule with ground control. Not only does the job require good management skills but a high level of interpersonal skills are also necessary. Summary of Koichi Wakata Koichi Wakata currently works as the director of JAXA and is busy holding lectures and other events across the country. We hope you enjoyed learning more about the first Japanese captain of the ISS, Koichi Wakata. We look forward to hearing about more of his endeavors in the future! 【Official Website】Jaxa Astronaut Koichi Wakata, Space Station, Kibo, Information Center https://iss.jaxa.jp/en/astro/biographies/wakata/index.html -
Video article 2:04
"K," the Supercomputer With the Fastest Calculation Speed in the World for Roughly 7 Years, Will Be Making Room for the Next Generation Supercomputer "Fugaku," That Is Said to Have a Speed 100 Times Faster Than That of "K"
News- 35 plays
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Shutdown of the Supercomputer "K" This video titled "The Curtain Has Come Down on the Supercomputer 'K' and Fugaku Will Serve as Its Successor,(スパコン「京」幕下ろす 後継・富岳、運用へ), released by "KyodoNews," is a video on the shutdown ceremony of supercomputer "K"- the former fastest computer in the world. The supercomputer “K” was used in various fields after achieving first for two consecutive years in the category of fastest calculation speed of a supercomputer, in 2011 during the test run. In the video of K's shutdown ceremony "Fugaku”, the successor to “K” , is also reported. You can find out how powerful the Japanese computer is. The video features the supercomputer "K" and its successor. What Is "K"? Source :YouTube screenshot The supercomputer "K" was jointly developed by the Riken Center for Computational Science and Fujitsu. NEC and Hitachi were also involved in its development at the beginning, but withdrew. This supercomputer, completed in 2012, contributed to the development of various fields including life science, healthcare, disaster defense, and space technology. It was also referred to as a "Next Generation Supercomputer," "General Purpose Hyper Speed Calculator" or "Kyosoku." This supercomputer achieved the fastest calculation speed in the world at the beginning of it development and has been used for about 7 years. According to the latest world ranking, it has currently dropped all the way to 20th . It was finally decided to put an end to the 7 year history and to make room for its successor "Fugaku," the next generation, most advanced supercomputer. In the video you can see that about 860 units of the supercomputer “K “ were shut down in turn during this ceremony. Hiroshi Matsumoto, President of the Riken Center talked about the expectations for the next generation supercomputer in this video (1:11). It is expected that Fugaku's calculation speed is more than 100 times faster than "K," and it will be used as AI (Artificial Intelligence). K's Specs Photo:CPU Next, we will show you what kind of specs "K" has. First, its high-end CPU capable of performing highly advanced arithmetic processing was developed by Fujitsu. 88,128 pieces are connected in parallel to calculate 10 petabytes worth of information per second. There is some concern about error because of the scale that the supercomputer has. However, they built a unique system that could avoid errors and continue high-speed arithmetic processing. Also, high-performance memory is used. This supercomputer consumes powers equivalent to the amount used by about 30 thousand households. Therefore it costs about 1.2 million yen to operate the whole system of "K" per hour, Running the supercomputer "K" full for a day costs about 28 million yen (~$260,000 USD), so the electricity bill can get a little high. “Fugaku," the Next Generation Supercomputer Source :YouTube screenshot “Fugaku," successor to "K," had a development costs of about 112 billion yen (~$1.38b USD). The development of Fugaku started in 2014, and it is scheduled to used starting in 2021. Its calculation speed is more than 100 times faster than that of "K." It is aiming to achieve the worlds top level utility. 150 thousand units of CPU are connected to improve its computing power. According to the world supercomputer ranking as of November, 2019, "Summit" developed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is top the list, followed by "Sierra" developed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and "Sunway TaihuLight" (神威・太湖之光). Summary of the Supercomputer "K" The video, titled "The Curtain Has Come Down on the Supercomputer 'K' and Fugaku Will Serve as Its Successor," released by "KyodoNews" is a video on the shutdown ceremony of supercomputer 'K' that was used for 7 years. These computer technologies that have been developing day to day may change our futures. 【Official Website】K Computer | Riken Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) https://www.r-ccs.riken.jp/en/k-computer/about/ 【Official Website】The supercomputer "FUGAKU"|Riken Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) https://www.r-ccs.riken.jp/en/postk/project -
Video article 5:02
E-Sports in Japan - Competitive FORTNITE and Crazy Plays
News Modern Culture- 800 plays
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A First in Japanese History! No.1 in the Popular Online Game "FORTNITE"! Are you familiar with e-sports? E-sports is a form of sport competition using video games. Players compete to show their mastery of the game and win massive prize pools. E-sports has actually been around for decades, but thanks to advances in technology and more and more people being connected to the internet, it has seen a surge in growth in the last 10 years, with professional teams popping up all over the globe. Japan actually has vocational schools that train e-sports players, and sends world class athletes to compete on the world stage. This video introduces Ruri, the first Japanese player to win the Australian Open Summer Smash 2020, a new tournament with 30 million yen (~$280,000 USD) in prize money at stake. What is FORTNITE? Source :YouTube screenshot Let's talk about the rules of FORTNITE, and how it's played. Starting at 0:38 in the video, you can see up close footage of the fast-paced, action-packed gameplay. FORTNITE is an online battle royale game with a twist. One of the main features of the game is called "building" which allows players to use materials they've found throughout the map to construct tactical structures that allow them to outmaneuver their opponents. The online battle royale game "FORTNITE," is developed by Epic Games in the UK. Supported platforms are PC, PlayStation 4, XboxOne, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android. There is a "save the world" mode where players work together to fight off waves of monsters, and a "battle royal" mode where players fight against one another to be the last remaining. Because of FORTNITE's in-game transactions, and depictions of violence, the game has a PEGI rating of 12+. The actual game is a 3rd person shooter where characters spawn into a map and have to scavenge the area for weapons, armor, and materials. Players start every match as a blank canvas, forcing them to adapt to their environment and make do with what they have. The story is post-apocalyptic in nature, with 98% of the world's population being eradicated by a sudden storm and the emergence of monsters called "husks." The player's goal is to fight to survive and save the human race. The "Australian Open Summer Smash 2020" Featuring FORTNITE Source :YouTube screenshot Cross-platform online games like FORTNITE, which are also compatible with handheld devices, have evolved remarkably in recent years. Ruri, a member of the Japanese professional team "CrazyRaccoon," managed to win such a large scale tournament at just 16 years old. The "Australian Open Summer Smash 2020" was held at a tennis stadium in Melbourne, Australia, also used for the Australian Open tennis tournament every February. The crowed roared when the Japanese team secured their victory. The second day's solo match (a charity tournament) also drew a large crowd where spectators gathered to see the winner's Victory Royale. The rules are simple- the last player standing wins. Summary of Japan's Australian Open 2020 Fortnite Win Source :YouTube screenshot Ruri is just 16 years old but is already an accomplished player that managed to win a prestigious tournament with a massive prize pool. Players also have rankings, similar to other sports, and it's expected that we'll see Ruri aiming for #1. In the world of e-sports, opportunities for young players like Ruri continue to grow. People even talk about the future of e-sports, saying that it's only a matter of time before it's a part of the Olympics. 【Official Website】Fortnite - Play Now for Free | Official Site | Epic Games https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/home?lang=en-US -
Video article 3:22
The First Japanese Person to Win the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling! Kazuhiro Tsuji's Special Make-Up Technique Is Absolutely Astounding!
News- 57 plays
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Kazuhiro Tsuji's Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hair Styling! The video, “Kazuhiro Tsuji, [So Excited to Have Received the Award] Academy Award Report(辻さん、アカデミー賞報告 「うれしかった」),” was released in 2018 by “KyodoNews.” It's news coverage of Kazuhiro Tsuji receiving the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling at the 2018 Academy Awards. Kazuhiro Tsuji was in charge of the special effects make-up of Gary Oldman, who played the role of Winston Churchill in the film “Darkest Hour,” released in 2017. The make-up he did on Gary Oldman received recognition and he became the first Japanese person to win the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling. In the video, you can see him giving an elated speech during his interview. In this article, we'll talk about Kazuhiro Tsuji, winner of the 2018 Academy award for hair and makeup. Be sure to follow along with the video! Kazuhiro Tsuji- Personal History and Career Source :YouTube screenshot Kazuhiro Tsuji is a make-up artist and contemporary artist from Kyoto city, Kyoto prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. He is an American citizen, living in Los Angeles, and goes by the name “Kazu Hiro.” During his high school years, he happened to look at a film magazine that had an article of special effects make-up done by the world-renowned make-up artist Dick Smith, and from that, he became interested in make-up. Thus, he began learning about special effects make-up. He was a teacher at the Yoyogi Animation Academy, and was in charge of make-up on the Japanese film “Sweet Home.” He emigrated to the United States in 1996. He studied under Dick Smith and worked on many Hollywood movies such as “Men in Black” and “Planet of the Apes.” He was also in charge of the make-up for movies such as “How the Grinch stole Christmas,” “Click,” and “Norbit.” He became an American citizen in 2019, and after naturalizing in America, he also changed his name to Kazu Hiro. He has an Instagram account where you can see some of his make-up and art as well. Kazuhiro Tsuji's Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling Source :YouTube screenshot Kazuhiro Tsuji was in charge of actor Gary Oldman’s special effects make-up in the English film, “The Darkest Hour,” released in 2017. This can be seen at 0:26 in the video Kazuhiro Tsuji had actually retired from the film industry in 2012 and had been active as a contemporary artist but after receiving a passionate offer from Gary Oldman, he decided to return to the industry. It took more than 4 hours to put on the special effects make-up that transformed Oldman into the former prime minister Winston Churchill. The transformation of Oldman to look like former prime minister Churchill, was recognized and as it's shown in the video, he received the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling at the 90th Academy Awards in 2018. This is the first time a Japanese person has won an Oscar at the Academy Awards since the film “Okuribito” won the Foreign Language Film Award at the 81st Academy Awards. From 1:03 in the video, you can see Kazuhiro Tsuji’s delighted expression as he comments on his achievement. He also comments on the Oscar statue at 1:59. In 2019, he was in charge of the special effects make-up on "Scandal" at the request of Hollywood actress, Charlize Theron. This was also recognized as high quality, near-perfect make-up and he received the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling, for the second time, at the 92nd Academy awards. Summary of Academy Award Winner Kazuhiro Tsuji Source :YouTube screenshot In the video “Kazuhiro Tsuji, [So Excited to Have Received the Award] Academy Award Report(「辻さん、アカデミー賞報告 「うれしかった」),” produced by “KyodoNews” in 2018, you can see Kazuhiro Tsuji at a press conference held when he returned to Japan for a visit. At the end of the footage, he says that he will be holding an exhibit in 2020. His exhibition is something to look forward to seeing, as he is also a renown contemporary artist. 【Official Website】The Darkest Hour http://www.bitters.co.jp/churchill-movie/ -
Video article 0:58
Shin Miyazaki - The World's Best Waiter and Winner of the Georges Baptiste Cup. A Look at the Award Winning Maitre D'!
News- 932 plays
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Shin Miyazaki "ANNnewsCH", "Service Competition, Japanese- No.1 in the World(サービスの技競う大会 日本人給仕長が世界一)" is a video introducing Shin Miyazaki, the winner of the world competition for service skills. Various countries participated in the Georges Baptiste Cup, a "waiter world cup" held in Minato, Tokyo in 2012, and Shin Miyazaki, the representative of Japan, won the event. The hospitality of the Japanese people, who are known for their attentiveness, has been recognized throughout the world. Check out this video to see the amazing achievement. This article introduces Shin Miyazaki, who won the service competition. Shin Miyazaki and the World Competition for Service Skills! Source :YouTube screenshot The Georges Baptiste Cup was hosted in 2012. This competition, which has been ongoing since 1961 includes students and professionals in the service field. The competition has been held globally since 2000, with the 2012 competition held in Japan. Shin Miyazaki, the representative of Japan, won the world championship for service skills at a restaurant famous for its service skills. It's a large achievement to win the professional category with 14 other countries participating. The job of the server is not just bringing plates to the table, but also to entertain guests as well. In French cuisine, it is said to be as important of a job as the chef. Shin Miyazaki learned French and studied cheese and wine before challenging this competition. You can watch thecompetition from 0:08 in the video, and from 0:32, you can see Mr. Miyazaki pouring champagne for guests About Shin Miyazaki Source :YouTube screenshot Mr. Shin Miyazaki is currently the Japanese Maître d'hôtel (head waiter), restaurant serviceman, and representative of Fantagista21. As an active serviceman, he serves customers at Michelin Guide Tokyo's two Michelin star restaurant "Refervessons." He also engages in human resource development and lecture activities, and published the book "World-Class Hospitality." Miyazaki was interested in cooking because of his father's favorite book, "Dancyu," and thus decided he wanted to be a chef in the future. Later, he worked at a French cuisine restaurant in Tokyo, where he was inspired by the appeal of head waiter. In 2010, he won the "Maitre de Servis Cup", and as stated above, he won the 2012 world competition for service skills. Shin Miyazaki also appears on TV. He has appeared in "professional work style," "Asaichi," "Non-stop," etc. and has received a lot of attention. If you're interested in Shin Miyazaki, be sure to check out the video. Summary of Shin Miyazaki, World Service Competition Champion Source :YouTube screenshot "ANNnewsCH"'s, "Service Competition, Japanese- No.1 in the World" introduces Shin Miyazaki who won the World Competition for Service Skills. It also explains points to be careful of when serving, and it is a must-see video for those who are aiming to be professionals in the service industry. -
Video article 3:07
Seabirds have taken up residence on a new island born in Japan? Check out the latest rare footage of Nishinoshima Island in Ogasawara Village, Tokyo, which has grown to the size of 60 Tokyo Domes due to active volcanic activity on the ocean floor!
News- 64 plays
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Video introduction of "Nishinoshima" in Ogasawara Village, Tokyo Check out the news video “New footage of research in Nishinoshima. Nishinoshima growing to the size of 60 Tokyo Domes!(西之島調査の最新映像 東京ドーム約60倍に成長中!)” publicized by FNN.jp Prime Online. Nishinoshima is a newborn desert island that was born in the 2013 undersea volcano eruption, swallowing up preexisting islands. In the area around Nishinoshima, which was previously an isolated island far off in the sea, seabirds and fish have settled down and created a new ecosystem. Please enjoy this amazing footage of the new, growing Japanese island. How Big Is Nishinoshima? Source : YouTube screenshot Nishinoshima is a desert island located in the Ogasawara Islands (小笠原諸島, Ogasawarashoto),and is located about 1000 kilometers from Tokyo and about 130 kilometers from Chichijima Island (父島, Chichijima). Currently, as you can see in the video from 2:08, its land mass is about 2.9 square kilometers (1.1 sq. mi.), 1000 times the size of the original island. Nishinoshima, created by a volcano in Japan, is expanding little by little due to cinder from the mouth of the volcano building up and then hardening due to the flow of magma. Nishinoshima's New Ecosystem Source :YouTube screenshot Nishinoshima, the newly formed island in Japan, is made of black rough walls of cooled, hardened lava. The ground surface is covered with andesitic lava flow, creating the landscape of a precipitous cliff. The Geographical Survey Institute (国土地理院, Kokudochiriin) has been visiting the island to research its mantle and magma composition. According to this research, the island has expanded since it was born in 2013, and its ecosystem is changing as well. The masked booby (アオツラカツオドリ, Aotsurakatsuodori), shown from 0:23 in the video, is thought to have inhabited Nishinoshima very recently. As you can see from 1:38, the boobies have been spotted laying eggs inside of the island. A new life, that of a baby bird, is being born on this island. Summary of Nishinoshima, Japan's Newest Island Source :YouTube screenshot On Japan’s seafloor, active volcanic activity still continues and the continent is set to slowly grow bigger. When you see new islands appear and change the size of the continents, it reminds you that the shape of the continents shifts each and every year. Many experts are continuing research in Nishinoshima, so keep an eye out for any new information! Please enjoy this amazing footage of Nishinoshima, an island where very few have set foot. 【Official Website】Nishinoshima|Marine Volcano Database|Japan Coast Guard Marine Information Department https://www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/GIJUTSUKOKUSAI/kaiikiDB/kaiyo18-e1.htm -
Video article 0:51
Traditional Japanese Food, AKA "Washoku," Has Officially Been Added to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List! Washoku Is Popular All Over the World and Is One of the Top Things Tourists Look Forward to When Visiting Japan!
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Washoku Added to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List This video, titled "[Washoku] Added to Unesco's Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Health and Beauty Evaluation (12/13/05)" (「和食」世界無形文化遺産に決定 健康・美しさ評価(13/12/05) ), is a news report about washoku being approved as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, in December, 2013. As shown in the video, "Washoku: Traditional Dietary Cultures of the Japanese" (「和食 日本人の伝統的な食文化」) was formally approved to be added to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage list at a meeting of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee held in Azerbaijan in 2013. You see the moment of the announcement in the video around 0:05. The fascination with washoku is, as shown in the video at 0:30, it's beauty. Japanese cuisine is characterized by its beautiful display, respect for nature, and how healthy it is, which led UNESCO to place it on its Intangible Cultural Heritage list. What Is Washoku? The History and Style of the Dishes Photo:Washoku Washoku is a traditional eating practice of Japan, also referred to as Nihon-shoku (日本食, Japanese food) or Nihon-ryouri (日本料理, Japanese style cooking). Traditionally, in Japan, washoku was made using seasonal ingredients for particular annual events. The history of Japanese food dates back to the Yayoi period (~300 B.C - ~250 A.D.), more than 2,000 years ago, and by the Asuka period, the unique Japanese diet, consisting of main dishes (主菜, shusai), side dishes (副食, Fukushoku), and one soup, three sides (一汁三菜, Ichiju-sansai), had already been established. What is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage? Photo:Traditional Spanish cuisine UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage is different from UNESCO's World Heritage Sites, which aim to protect buildings and tangible cultural properties. UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage was established to ensure better protection of important intangible cultural heritages, such as folk culture, folklore, oral literature and social practices, traditional crafting techniques, and festivals. Some examples of this include the gastronomy of France, the Mediterranean cuisine of Spain, Italy, Greece and Morocco, traditional Mexican cuisine, and the Ceremonial Keşkek tradition of Turkey. In Japan, Traditional Ainu dance, Nôgaku Theatre, and Kabuki have also been approved as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritages. Summary of Washoku Photo:Kaiseki cuisine As you can see in the video, Japanese food culture, which has been around since ancient times, has been recognized by the world and is attracting a great deal of attention. When you're visiting Japan, be sure to stop by a Japanese restaurant and enjoy the delicious food of an itamae chef! There are websites that offer instructions on how to make Japanese food, so you can use the recipes as a guide to make nutritious and balanced Japanese food as well! -
Video article 1:00
The Japanese Take Home the Gold Medal at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in London! A Look at the Two Gold Medalists at Their First Appearance at the Event!
News Celebrities- 59 plays
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The Winners of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show! This video, titled "Japanese Designers Take Home Gold at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in the UK! (19/05/24)" (イギリスの園芸大会で日本人デザイナーが金賞受賞(19/05/24)), was produced by "ANNnewsCH." It's a short news clip about Japanese designers Miki Sato and Kazuto Kashiwakura who placed first at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in London. Miki Sato and Kazuto Kashiwakura are young gardeners working in Hokkaido (北海道, Hokkaido). In this article, we'll introduce Chelsea Flower Show 2019, a gardening event that the gardening duo participated in in London. Before we go any further, check out the video to see what the competition is all about! The RHS Chelsea Flower Show Photo:Gardening The Chelsea Flower Show is a gardening event held at the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) in the UK. The flower festival, the largest in the world, has a history as the oldest flower show in the UK. It's held every year in May, and landscaping craftsmen, carpenters, and plasterers gather from all over the world to attend it. There is also a shop that sells various gardening products. The eligibility requirements to join the contest and do exhibition sales are not easily met, so exhibiting one's own works is not an easy task. One of the highlights of the Chelsea Flower Show is the Garden Design Contest. The contest's show garden categories include a "Show Garden" category, an "Artisan Garden" category, and a "Space To Grow Garden" category. Each category varies in size and is judged on display, construction and planting techniques. If you're a gardening enthusiast, this is a must-attend event and the venue is packed with people. The Japanese Duo That Took Home Gold! Source :YouTube screenshot At the 2019 UK gardening competition, Miki Sato and Kazuto Kashiwakura took home the Gold Medal in the "Space To Grow" category at their first ever challenge. Their entry, "Kampo No Niwa," (The Garden of Chinese Herbs), was inspired by the nature of Hokkaido and depicted the flow of water as snow melted. The concept of the garden was "a garden for health and happiness" and it incorporated feng shui and included medicinal plants. The model garden of the Gold-award-winning garden is shown at 0:13 in the video. In 2018, Kazuyuki Ishihara also won the Gold Medal award for his "Omotenashi no Niwa" (Garden of Hospitality), exhibited in the Artisan Garden category. Kazuyuki Ishihara is a veteran of many gold awards and has been exhibiting at the Chelsea Flower Show since 2006. Summary of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces Miki Sato and Kazuto Kashiwakura, the Japanese duo who won the Gold Medal award at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. It also shows the site of the venue where their exhibition "Kampo No Niwa" is displayed. The video also includes an interview with visitors, so you can feel the atmosphere of the Chelsea Flower Show for yourself! If you're interested in gardening be sure to check out the video to see the award winning exhibit, "Kampo no Niwa"! 【Tripadvisor】RHS Chelsea Flower Show https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g186338-d10020593-Reviews-RHS_Chelsea_Flower_Show-London_England.html -
Video article 1:42
The Awards Ceremony for Tanaka Kane - Named the Oldest Person in the World at 116 Years by the Guinness World Records. Her Vigor-Filled Declaration of Will Bring Warmth to Your Heart!
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Japan: One of the World’s Leading Countries When It Comes to Longevity Japan is famous world-wide for its longevity. In this video, the woman introduced is 116-year-old Tanaka Kane, the current record-holder for the world’s oldest living person. She hails from Kyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City. In March 2019, Tanaka Kane was recognized as the world’s oldest living person by the Guinness World Records. On Respect for the Aged Day (September 21st), the governor of Fukuoka Prefecture, Ogawa Hiroshi (小川洋, Ogawa Hiroshi), presented her with well-wishes and an award. This scene was captured in the video “「力をみんなに」と田中カ子さん 世界最高齢の116歳祝われ”, which we'll be introducing in this article. What's the Secret Behind Tanaka Kane’s Lasting Vigor? Source :YouTube screenshot Currently, Tanaka Kane is living in a senior citizens’ home. She was born in 1903 (year 36 of the Meiji era), as the seventh of nine siblings. As seen from 0:45 in the video, even now, she is filled with vigor and energetically answers questions from the media. When asked what she would like to do or challenge from now on, Tanaka Kane’s reply was, “I want to provide strength to everyone”. She would like to share the vigor and energy which has accompanied her this far, and live each day with gratefulness in her heart. Tanaka Kane's Bout With Cancer Source :YouTube screenshot Although she is the world’s oldest living person now, when she was younger (in her forties), she suffered from pancreatic cancer, and again from colorectal cancer when she was 103 years old. Cancer is the number-one medical cause of death in Japan. Though she had to go through painful treatments, she managed to overcome her illness and become the oldest living person in the world today. This woman who wants to provide the people around her with energy and joy is more than a match for the younger generation. For all illnesses, not only cancer, the most important thing is early detection and early treatment. Summary of Tanaka Kane's Award Ceremony Japan, famed for its longevity, has had many residents recognized as the oldest living person in the world by the Guinness World Records. The resident who achieved this record in 2019 is Tanaka Kane. -
Video article 1:27
Japan's Oldest and Most Famous Swords at Kasuga Taisha Shrine's Hall of National Treasures in Nara, Japan! Japanese Sword Fans and History Buffs Will Enjoy This Video!
News Traditional Crafts History- 311 plays
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Some of the Oldest Japanese Swords at Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Nara: Video Introduction This video, titled "Yasutsuna – An Exhibition of the World of the Oldest Japanese Swords" (最古の日本刀の世界「安綱・古伯耆」展), was uploaded by "Nara Television Broadcasting Co." ( 奈良テレビ放送). This news video introduces an exhibition held in the city of Nara featuring works related to the swordsmith Yasutsuna and his family. It shows works created by swordsmiths active in the late Heian Period (794-1185). Forty articles are on display, including 10 national treasures, such as a famous sword called "Dojigiri," which was used by Minamoto no Yorimitsu to kill Shuten Doji, as well as other swords with a distinguished history. The exhibition also offers a glimpse into the history of how Japanese swords that were once straight, came to have a curved blade. Be sure to check out the priceless masterpieces in the video as you read along. The Black Lacquer Tachi of Kasuga Taisha – One of the Oldest Japanese Swords Source :YouTube screenshot The sword which is kept in the treasury of Kasuga-taisha and is known as Kuro-urushi-yamagane-tachi (黒漆山金作太刀, lit. "black-lacquered mountain-iron blade") was made in the late Heian period (around 1185 AD). It was discovered during a structural renovation of the temple's treasury in 1939 and is now nationally recognized as an important work of art. You can take a look at Kuro-urushi-yamagane-tachi at 0:13 in the video. Every 20 years Kasuga-taisha undergoes renovation and it was when the sword was being cleaned and repaired that it was found out to have been made in the mid to late 12th century, making it one of the oldest swords in Japan. The curved shape of the blade is what helped identify which century the sword was made in. Source :YouTube screenshot The area of the blade near the handle is curved and the tip is straight, a style typical of ancient Japanese swords. It is a real blessing to find the sword in such a good state, along with it's case which shows characteristics of 14th century craftsmanship, leading to the hypothesis that this sword was a precious samurai family heir loom which had been passed down for years and years. You can see the case at 1:17 in the video. Sightseeing Spots at Kasuga-Taisha Shrine Photo:The Large Cedar Tree at Kasuga-Taisha's Central Gate・Nara Kasuga-taisha is a shrine which was built in Nara prefecture in 768 AD. There are approximately 1000 Kasuga shrines in Japan and Kasuga-taisha in Nara is known as the grand shrine and the most important of them all. Kasuga-taisha is known for bringing good luck and happiness in marriage and we highly recommend receiving a stamp or good luck charm (omamori) from the shrine. Many events are held at Kasuga-taisha such as the Kasuga Wakamiya-On Festival (春日若宮おん祭, asugawakamiyaonmatsuri), the Buddhist Lantern Festival (万灯篭, mandoukago), and the Iris Festival (菖蒲祭, shoubumatsuri). We also recommend visiting during fall to see the beautiful changing colors of the leaves or in spring when the wisteria are in full bloom. There are also many spots in the area where you can go for lunch or grab something to eat! Summary of Famous Swords of Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Nara Source :YouTube screenshot A Japanese sword in the collection of the Nara's Kasuga Taisha Shrine attracted attention in 2018 when it was discovered to be one of the oldest Japanese swords in existence. In addition to this famous sword, masterpieces such as Hizamaru and Higekiri are also on display in the National Treasure Hall of Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara. Kasuga Taisha Shrine is a popular attraction among both foreign and domestic tourists. Please check the official website of Kasuga Taisha Shrine for information on special exhibitions where you can see the masterfully crafted blades.. ◆Nara Kasuga-taisha Information summary◆ 【Address】 Kasuganocho (春日野町) 160, Nara city, Nara prefecture 【Openings】March-October 6.30am-5.30pm, November-February 7am-5pm 【Entrance fee】Free of charge (Kasuga-taisha Museum: Adults: 500 yen, University/High school students: 300 yen, junior high school/elementary school students: 200 yen) 【Access】10 minutes by bus (bound for Kasuga-taisha Honden (春日大社本殿)) from JR Nara Station (JR 奈良駅, JR Naraeki) followed by a 10-minute walk. 【Parking】Available (1000 yen) 【Phone number】0742-22-7788 【Official Website】World Heritage Kasuga-taisha https://www.kasugataisha.or.jp/en/about_en/ -
Video article 1:23
The Japanese Have Won the Nobel Prize Parody Again! The Ignobel Prize Is Evaluated Based on How Well Participants Give a Serious Presentation of Results From Their Asinine Research in a Serious Manner.
News- 127 plays
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What is the Ig Nobel Prize? Do you know of the Ig Nobel Prize? This video, “The Winners of This Years Ig Nobel Prize Are Once Again Japanese (The Daily Saliva of 5 Year Old Children) イグノーベル賞今年も日本人『5歳児の1日の唾液量』(19/09/13)” introduces the awards ceremony of the Ig Nobel Prize, 2019. The Ig Nobel Prize is a parody of the Nobel Prize, with the first awards ceremony held in 1991 at Harvard University in Massachusetts, America. Now, it has become an annual event, and is a scientific award recognized worldwide. The selection criteria is research which “first makes people laugh, and then makes them think”, and similarly to the genuine Nobel Prize, the Ig Nobel Prize is made up of several different categories. In recent years, the Japanese winners of the Nobel Prize have been buzzed about, but in actuality, Japanese researchers have been awarded the Ig Nobel Prize for 13 consecutive years, beginning from 2007. The 2019 winner was Professor Watanabe Shigeru and his 5-man team from Meikai University. They were awarded the prize for their study on the “estimation of the total saliva volume produced per day in 5-year-old children”. What is the content of this year’s Japanese Ig Nobel Prize-winning study? Source :YouTube screenshot In 2019, Professor Watanabe’s team won the Ig Nobel Prize for chemistry. Their study involved measuring the amount of saliva produced by 5-year-olds in order to maintain the cleanliness of their oral cavity. The study consisted of the researchers feeding 5-year-old children a pre-determined volume of food, having them chew and then spit the food out without swallowing, then measuring the spat-out food and comparing the volume to that at the beginning of the experiment. Through this, the researchers estimated that the children produced about 500 milliliters of saliva per day. At the awards ceremony, the researchers reenacted the experiment using a banana. This can be seen from 0:14 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot The winners of the prize have only 60 seconds to make a speech, with a girl named Miss Sweetie Poo crying out, “Please stop! I’m bored!” if that time limit is breached. This can be seen from 0:53 in the video. The awards ceremony begins with the audience throwing paper airplanes at the stage, followed by the winners entering on a rope. From start to finish, the venue is filled with laughter. It might seem difficult to win an award for science, but the Ig Nobel Prize is a unique international science award overflowing with humor and, occasionally, irony. However, the academic papers concerning these award-winning research studies have even been published in the English science journal “Nature”, showing that these studies have genuine scientific significance. An overview of the Japanese Ig Nobel Prize winners for 13 consecutive years Source :YouTube screenshot These are some of the main Japanese prize winners. ・1992 Kanda Fujihiroshi (Medicine): For the discovery of the chemical compounds responsible for foot malodor. The first Japanese winner. ・1997 Maita Aki (Economics): For “Tamagotchi”, which diverted millions of man-hours of work into the husbandry of virtual pets. That year was a double win for Japan, with the prize for Biology awarded to Yagyu Takashi. ・2002 Sato Keita and others (Peace): For inventing Bow-Lingual, a dog-to-human language translation device ・2004 Inoue Daisuke (Peace): For inventing karaoke, allowing people to spend a peaceful time together ・2016 Higashiyama Atsuki and others (Perception): For investigating whether things look different when you bend over and view them between your legs All of these and more are part of the 71 Japanese winners of the Ig Nobel Prize as of 2019. Summary of this video regarding the Ig Nobel Prize and the study on the amount of saliva produced in one day by 5-year-old children Source :YouTube screenshot Although Japan has a significant number of Ig Nobel Prize winners even compared to countries worldwide, in Asia, South Korea’s professors as well as religious experts have also been recipients of the prize. In addition, the study “cats are liquids”, which trended on the Internet, was actually conducted by a team of researchers from France. Of course, though cats are solid beings, they have extraordinary flexibility, and thus are occasionally seen as liquids. This humorous thesis invited many laughs from the audience. The reward for winning the Ig Nobel Prize is 10 trillion Zimbabwe dollars! However, this is a currency no longer in circulation and thus not even worth a penny… -
Video article 2:38
Buy local specialties, local cuisine, and traditional crafts from all over Japan at the popular commercial facility "Marugoto Nippon" in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo! Thoroughly dissect the secrets of this popular shopping spot!
News Shopping- 64 plays
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Video introduction of "Marugoto Nippon" in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo This is a news video titled "The appeal of all of Japan, from Asakusa! 'Marugoto Nippon'" (浅草から全国の魅力を!「まるごとにっぽん」開業へ). Built in 2015, Marugoto Nippon, is a new shopping complex built near the popular tourist attraction Sensoji Temple, directed towards inbound tourists. Marugoto Nippon, built under the theme of revitalizing the rural regions, is now a new landmark promoting the attractiveness of regions all over Japan. What Kind of Facility Is Asakusa's Marugoto Nippon? Source :This article's video As shown in the video, Marugoto Nippon is a four-story shopping complex inside the Tokyo Rakutenchi Asakusa Building in Asakusa, of Tokyo's Taito ward. 50 locations have been opened in 17 different municipalities around the nation in an attempt to convey the appeal of local goods from regions all over Japan. With the theme of "see," "eat," and "take home," the store sells seasonal foods, local sake from breweries, traditional crafts from various regions, and household goods. For more than half of the stores this is the first time that they have actually had a physical location. Because of this, what was now only possible to buy over the internet or in rural areas can now be bought in Tokyo. You can feel a sense of closeness to the more rural regions of Japan through this experience. Among the many stores, there are popular restaurants and cafes in which you can drink boba tea (tapioca tea), a occasionally, there are events such as cooking classes or festivals, so you can enjoy the shopping complex in a variety of ways. Learning About Japan Through Asakusa's Marugoto Nippon! Source :This article's video Marugoto Nippon in Asakusa, promotes the appeal of Japan to the world through the sale of regional specialties. For example, at Oita Onsenza, seen from 1:45 in the video, they not only sell products containing minerals from hot springs, but they also provide a foot bath using water from the famous Beppu Onsen (hot springs). Through this, they provide a service in which visitors to Japan can experience Japanese culture. Also, being able to buy umeboshi (salted dried plums) and local sake, which was only available to buy at rural areas, in Tokyo, is another great aspect of the store. There are also many easy-on-the wallet items so you might end up buying a lot of souvenirs albeit for a very reasonable price! Summary of Marugoto Nippon Source :This article Video As of 2020, Asakusa is a popular tourist area that hosts more than 55 million domestic and foreign visitors annually. Being able to buy local specialties from Japan’s rural regions in a location as convenient as Asakusa is nothing short of amazing as well. Marugoto Nippon, shown in the video, is a popular place that not only attracts foreign visitors, but Japanese people as well. Check out the Marugoto Nippon official website where you can see the store information and floor guides. Please be aware that Marugoto Nippon is due to close in November of 2020. Make sure you stop by before it's gone for good! ◆Marugoto Nippon Facility Overview◆ 【Address】〒111-8535 2-6-7 Asakusa, Taito Ward, Tokyo 【Access】A 10 minute walk from Tokyo Metro/ Tobu Railway Asakusa Station 【Operating Hours】10:00-20:00 (Business hours differ for some stores) 【Closures】None 【Parking】Yes 【Telephone No】03-3845-0510 【Official Website】Marugoto Nippon https://marugotonippon.com/ 【Tripadvisor】Marugoto Nippon https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134311-d9585851-Reviews-Marugoto_Nippon-Asakusa_Taito_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 5:51
The Japanese Passport Is the "Most Powerful Passport in the World," but What Does That Actually Mean? Amazingly, Japan Has the Largest Number of Visa-Free Destinations in the World!
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The Japanese Passport - The Strongest Passport in the World! The video in this article is titled "The World's Strongest Passport 'The Trustworthy Japanese' (18/12/29)" (世界最強パスポートを支える「日本人の信頼」(18/12/29)). In 2018, the Japanese passport became the world's strongest passport, beating out Singapore in the number of countries which you can visit without a visa. The Japanese passport can now take you to 190 countries without visas. In this article, we will introduce information about the Japanese passport. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read on! Research on Visas Photo:Blue City Introduced is a survey by a UK company that ranks the "most travel-friendly passports" in order of strength. According to the survey, conducted in January 2018, Japan was granted visa-free travel to Uzbekistan, famous for the ancient city of Samarkand, also known as the "Blue City," which can be seen at 0:59 in the video, and in October 2018, to Myanmar, which is shown at 1:22 in the video, leading to it being ranked first in the world! As a result, the Japanese can now visit Myanmar's famous world heritage site, the Shwedagon Pagoda, without a visa. Why Is the Japanese Passport Trusted? Source :YouTube screenshot At 2:05 in the video, we're shown an interview with Taro Kono, Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs. According to the interview, the increase in visa-free travel to these areas is largely due to the economic power and reliability of the Japanese people. This means that the world expects and welcomes Japanese tourists because they are safe and trustworthy. Passports and Visas Photo:Passport A passport is an identification certificate that contains information about a person, such as their nationality, etc. When you travel abroad, you need to apply for a passport at your local passport center and have it issued to you. It's important to remember that it takes some time for a passport to be issued and that it's only valid for a certain amount of time. Recently, registration for Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is also required to visit the U.S. A visa is an entry permit, and depending on the destination, you will not be able to leave the country without one. Different Kinds of Passports Source :YouTube screenshot The passport introduced at 3:17 in the video, is an official passport, called a "diplomatic passport" for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, which is different from the red and blue passports (general passports) that most people have. Also, as introduced in the video at 4:57, the imperial couple is treated as head of a state, and therefore do not have passports. Summary of the Japanese Passport Today, we introduced the Japanese passports - Now the strongest passport in the world! The fact that Japan has the strongest passport in the world is just a testament to the trust that Japanese tourists hold around the world. It's great to know that Japanese people are welcome in 190 countries and regions. Do you know how many countries you can visit with your passport?