Video article 1:11
"Wrap God"! Check Out the Amazing Skills of These Wrapping Pros as They Wrap Your Gifts at the Speed of Light!
Shopping- 1.52K plays
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Wanna See Me Wrap This Gift? Wanna See Me Do It Again? This video, titled "Speed Wrapping at a Japanese Department Store," shows the staff of an Oban-yaki shop at a department store in Tennoji Ward (天王寺区,Tennoji-ku), Osaka wrapping gifts at blinding speeds. The dexterous hands of the staff don't waste any time. This is what customer service is all about! Let’s dig deeper into the secrets behind the speed wrapping technique of the department store staff. What Kinds of Wrapping Are There? Photo:Gift wrapping All of the techniques you see at 0:05,0:12,0:26,0:39,0:50 and 1:03 in the video, are a method of wrapping called diagonal wrapping. Diagonal wrapping, as its name implies, is a method of wrapping where you set a box-shaped product on the wrapping paper diagonally then wrap it. Diagonal wrapping is also called rotary wrapping because it involves rotating the box as you wrap it. It is also called department-store wrapping because it is a technique used in many department stores. The blinding speeds at which these wrapping pros wrap will leave you wondering if it's even real. Give Speed Wrapping a Try! Photo:Gift wrapping Even a beginner can do the wrapping shown in the video, provided you're not too concerned with speed. First, watch the video to practice the basic diagonal wrapping technique. Diagonal wrapping is surprisingly easy, so knowing how to do it will come in handy when you need to wrap presents. In addition to diagonal wrapping,there's other types of wrapping, such as caramel wrapping and ribbon wrapping as well. Take the time to practice with lots of cute wrapping paper! Summary of Speed Wrapping! Source :YouTube screenshot The one-minute video is filled with the incredible handiwork of these master wrappers. If you're interested in wrapping, you can check out more speed wrapping videos to study different wrapping techniques. If you take the wrapping test and become a certified wrapping technician, you'll be able to work in stores, just like in the video! -
Video article 6:13
You Won't Be Able to Take Your Eyes off These Amazing Plays From J League's Top Athletes! Check Out This "Best Goal" Compilation That Will Have You on the Edge of Your Seat!
Sports- 26 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Top Goals of 2019; As Chosen by Fans! This video "Top Goals of 2019; As Chosen by Fans!" was created by the J.LEAGUE.jp editorial department and contains a compilation of the top ten goals of 2019, according to fans. The "Top Goals of 2019 Ranking" was voted for by soccer fans via online questionnaire on Youtube. In this article, it's our pleasure to introduce to you, that video! Check Out the J League's Top Ten Goals of 2019! Source :YouTube screenshot Ranking number 10 of the top ten goals of 2019 is the over-head kick by Leandro Damian of Kawasaki Frontale! At number 9, from 0:29 in the video, you can see Yuta Koike of the Kashima Antlers. Coming in 8th, 7th and 6th place are Koji Miyoshi, Erik Lima and Keita Endo of the Yokohama F. Marinos. Number 5 is the goal scored in extra time by Miki Yamane of the Shonan Bellmare. From 2:59 in the video, you can see the number 4 goal by Douglas, of the Shimizu S-Pulse. and at 3rd place the shot from David Villa of the Vissel Kobe. Coming in at number 2 is the shot from Junya Tanaka of the Vissel Kobe after a nice pass from teammate Andrés Iniesta. Finally, in 1st place is the beautiful goal from Teruhito Nakagawa of Yokohama F. Marinos as he rips past the defense. You can check this goal out at 4:57 in the video. The History of J League and the Soccer Players Featured in This Video Photo:Soccer stadium J League is the name of Japan's professional soccer league. It is sponsored by the Japan Football Association (JFA), and the Japan Professional Football League. J League began in 1993 with only 10 clubs, but has grown to include 56 clubs split into 3 separate leagues: the J1 League, the J2 League and the J3 League. The top players in the J League are chosen to represent Japan in the World Cup and other important soccer competitions around the world. Players chosen in the past to represent Japan include Kazuyoshi Miura, Keisuki Honda, Hideotoshi Nakata , and Masashi Nakayama. They attracted many fans with their amazing performances. J League fans can check dates of upcoming matches, club ranks, and transfer information online and support their favorite team. Recently, you can purchase J League and Gundam collaboration goods, which are proving to be quite popular overseas as well as in Japan. J League Top Goals of 2019 Compilation Summary Source :YouTube screenshot The J League 2020 season has unfortunately been postponed. However, many fans look forward to cheering on their favorite teams again whether it be on TV or at the stadium once this year's season commences. We look forward to watching many of the amazing shots to come! If you found yourself fascinated by the goals in this video, we highly recommend checking the upcoming game schedule, purchasing tickets and going to watch a game live! -
Video article 3:35
Hajime Miura - The Young, Japanese Yo-Yo World Champion. A Look at the Breathtaking Skills of This Yo-Yo-Bending Athlete!
Things to Do Festivals & Events- 150 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Hajime Miura, the Champion of Competitive Yoyo! The video this time is titled "2018WYYC Final 4A 1st Hajime Miura|Film by C3yoyodesign," produced by "c3yoyodesign." The video shows footage of the yoyo world champion Hajime Miura manipulating the competitive yoyo to his will, at the official world championships. The yoyo is a toy made of small disks stacked on a central axle with a string looped around it. Professional yoyoers use competitive yoyos and as you can see in the video, you can perform some amazing tricks with them. What Kind of Person Is Hajime Miura, the World Number 1 Ranked Yoyoer? Source :YouTube screenshot The yoyoer Hajime Miura, seen performing in the video, is from Hachioji, Tokyo Prefecture and as of 2020, is a high school student that goes to a local high school. He is a top tier yoyoer in the competitive yoyo world, and has had 6 consecutive wins at the world championships. The yoyo world championships “WORLD YO-YO CONTEST 2018” was held in Shanghai, China in 2018. It is the only official contest held once a year to determine the Yoyo World Champion. From 1:46 in the footage, he does a free performance using 2 yoyos and you can hear a big cheer from the audience. At 2:20 in the video, you can see him performing tricks expected of a world class yoyoer, such as throwing the yoyo high into the air, one after another. At the world championships in 2019, Hajime Miura won 5 of the 6 divisions; an incredible feat. A Look at Competitive Yoyo Source :YouTube screenshot At the world championships of competitive yoyo, players compete against one another in 6 freestyle competition divisions: 1A division, 2A division, 3A division, 4A division, 5A division, and the Art & Performance division. Most tricks are done with 1 or 2 yoyos fixed on their strings. However, there are some tricks that involve throwing the yoyo into the air without it being fixed to their string. As you can see in the footage, yoyoers perform original tricks to the music of their choice, within a fixed time. The Origins and History of Competitive Yoyo Photo:Yoyo Competitive yoyo competitions have a long history, with competitions being held as early as 1932. In 1997, there was a fad of Hyper Yoyos in Japan and many Japanese yoyoers won prizes at the yoyo world championships in 1999. The World Yoyo Contest is a world championship competition of competitive yoyo organized by the International Yoyo Federation. In the “WORLD YO-YO CONTEST2014,” a women’s division was created, and in 2015, a division for competitors 40 years and older was introduced. They both became quite popular. Summary of Hajime Miura and Competitive Yoyo Source :YouTube screenshot The performance of world title holder Hajime Miura is so awe-inspiring that it's hard to take your eyes off of it. If once wasn't enough, enjoy the dynamic yoyo performance of Hajime Miura as many times as you'd like! For those thinking they want to try picking up yoyo themselves, consider buying a competitive yoyo and practicing your moves! -
Video article 1:40
The Amazing Teamwork of Japanese Honey Bees as They Fight off an Invading Hornet! Take a Look at Their Ferocious Counterattack!
Living Things- 246 plays
- YouTube
Hornets V.S. Japanese Honey Bees This video is titled "Small Japanese Honeybees Unite to Repel an Invading Hornet|Nat Geo" (スズメバチを撃退するニホンミツバチ | ナショジオ). The video is produced by "National Geographic." To repel the wasps, which are several times larger than they are, the Japanese honeybees use a special technique in which they cover the body of the wasp and quite literally cook it alive. Please enjoy the awesome footage shown in the video! Japanese Honey Bees Photo:A honey bee The Japanese honey bee is an insect of the order Hymenoptera and family Apidae. It is a living species that has been inhabiting Japan since ancient times. In addition to Japanese honey bees, there are other types of bees, including the dwarf honey bee and giant honey bee. These bees help pollinate flowers and grasses and make wax from the pollen in their nests in trees and under houses. The flower nectar has been processed and sold for a long time as products such as honey, propolis, and royal jelly. Most Japanese honeybees live in the wild, and those that are kept in captivity are released into the wild to collect pollen and take it back to their hives. The non-native honey bee species, the western honey bee, often helps with pollination in agriculture. Japanese honeybees live in large areas of Japan and can be seen all over Japan, excluding Hokkaido, Okinawa, and some remote islands. In addition to living in the mountains, they can also be found in urban areas, and although they are said to be endangered, the Japanese are very familiar with them. Also, unlike the hornet, the Japanese honeybee has a warm personality and is famous for not stinging people often. Combined with their cute appearance, they have a good reputation in foreign countries. You don't need a special license to keep them, and anyone can do so, provided they file the proper documents. Japanese Hornets. How They're Different From Honey Bees Photo:Adult hornets While Japanese honeybees feed on the nectar of flowers, adult hornets feed on nutrients secreted by their larvae. The larvae feed mainly on insects, and capture and feed on smaller insects such as honey bees in order to grow. These differences in feeding habits are due to differences in the body structure of the adult hornet. Adult hornets have a narrowing between their chest and abdomen, which prevents them from ingesting solids, such as insects. It's also very different in that the larvae of the Japanese honey bee makes honey, whereas the larvae of the wasp does not. Hornets V.S. Japanese Honey Bees - The Showdown Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from the video at 0:13, hornets often attack honeybees to feed their young. In particular, the giant hornet is so ferocious that it invades the nest of bees and attacks not only adult bees but also larvae and pupae. The bee's response to such an attack is the killer heat ball that can be seen at 0:24 in the video. This takes advantage of the weakness of the hornets, as we all know bug types are weak to fire. The bees, rather than using their stingers, form up on the hornet, attaching themselves to it and creating a ball of bees. In the video, 500 Japanese honey bees can be seen covering the hornets. The internal temperature of the Japanese honeybee rises to 47.2° C (117° Fahrenheit), and the increase in carbon dioxide repels the hornets. Summary of Honey Bees V.S. Hornets Did you enjoy learning about the fierce war between honey bees and hornets? The amazing counter attack of the bees shows just how amazing nature is! -
Video article 2:37
This Talented Elementary Schooler Shows off His Wicked Kendama Skills! Check Out the Awesome Tricks Performed by the World Kendama Tournament Finalist!
Celebrities Things to Do- 314 plays
- YouTube
The Super Kendama Elementary Schooler! This video, titled "[Kendama|5th Grader] 10 Amazing Tricks, One After Another! the Young Super Talent That Made It to the Finals!" (【KENDAMA】](「【けん玉 小学5年生】スゴ技10連発!世界選手権決勝トーナメントに最年少で進出したスーパーキッズ!【KENDAMA】」), was created by "Bukapi Bukatsu ONE" (「ブカピ 部活ONE」). The video shows 5th grader Maharu Tashiro performing 10 difficult Kendama tricks. Maharu Tashiro is a talented elementary school student, and the youngest finalist of the World Kendama Tournament. You can see his impressive techniques and high level skills in the video. Be sure to follow along as you read this article! What is Kendama? Photo:Kendama Kendama is a wooden toy consisting of a cross-shaped handle (Ken) and a ball with a hole (Tama). Generally, Kendama is written as [けん玉 (Kendama)], using hiragana, but it's often written using Kanji such as "剣玉," (lit. sword ball) "拳玉," (lit. stick ball) or "剣球" (lit. sword sphere) (all pronounced Kendama). Kendama are comprised of just a few parts: Ito (string), Kensaki (spike), Osara (cup), and Tama (ball). The most general ways to grip Kendama are straight (Masugu) and tilted (Naname). Kendama has a long history and is generally believed to have originated during the Edo period (1603-1868). The electronic Kendama, Dejiken (デジケン), produced by Bandai (バンダイ), was also popular at one time. The Kendama Prodigy Source :YouTube screenshot The talented kid Maharu Tashiro, shown in the video is the Super Kendama kid who drew attention at the World Kendama freestyle Tournament "CATCH&FLOW2017," held in Tokyo in 2017. He performed amazing Kendama tricks in the Kendama tournament, which top Kendama performers from both inside and outside of Japan attended, and became the youngest finalist in the history of the tournament. He also participated in "CATCH&FLOW2018" the following year and advanced to the final, making him a finalist in back to back tournaments. Maharu Tashiro started playing Kendama when he was a 1st grader. He practices Kendama at least 2 hours a day. Sometimes he practices all day if it’s a holiday. This can be seen in the interview at 0:14 in the video. Source : YouTube screenshot He practiced by watching professional Kendama players an mimicking their techniques. His dream is to become the number one Kendama player in the world, so he practices hard to make this dream a reality. You can see his world class Kendama tricks from 0:25 in the video. Border Balance→Lighthouse Flip (Tonbogaeri) →Lighthouse (Touritsu), tap x2→Juggle lighthouse x2, Ruler of Time, Lightning Swap Spike (Inazuma swap ken), Windmill Warbler (Fusha Uguisu)→ Windmill Over the Valley (Fusha Taniwatari)→Windmill Spike (Fusha ken), Lunar Landing (getsumen)→ lighthouse flip (Tonbogaeri)→Lunar Landing Reverse (Uragetsumen)→Lighthouse Flip Tap (Tap tonbogaeri)→Cushioned Plunge (Cushion sakaotoshi), Flying Stick (Haneken), Clutch→Swirl (kurukuru waza), Tight Rope→Spike Juggle, Spike Juggle x 10. The tricks are absolutely incredible! Summary of the Kendama Prodigy! Did you enjoy reading about super Kendama kid? The video shows him performing 10 awesome Kendama tricks, so definitely check it out! If you're interested in Kendama, there are classes all over Japan where you can learn how to play Kendama. You can also purchase Kendama online at stores such as Amazon. -
Video article 3:35
Skateboarding Expected to Be in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! Witness the Skills of Some of the World's Top Young Riders Contracted With Murasaki Sports!
Sports- 99 plays
- YouTube
Skateboarding in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! This video is a session of TEAM RIDER, which consists of five street skaters, Yoshiaki Toeda, Ryuhei Kitazume, Yuto Hori, Daisuke Ikeda, and Sorayoshi Shirai. Skateboarding has become a hotly anticipated event as it becomes a part of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. For some of you, skateboarding is what "kids do for fun." However, skateboarding is one of the most popular international extreme sports, along with surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and BMX, which are all part of the Olympic Games. Check out the video to see some awesome tricks and learn just how fun skateboarding can be! The 2020 Tokyo Olympics' Skateboarding Competition Photo:Skateboarding Although the history of skateboarding varies, it is most likely that it was born around 1940 on the west coast of the United States. Until around 1990, it was enjoyed for fun, but it later took established itself as a sport and joined the Olympic games. There are two types of skateboarding: street and vert. Street skating is exactly what it sounds like- skating around streets and using the natural environment as your skatepark. At the Olympics, it's essentially a small course intended to mimic that natural environment, with staircases, handrails, and more setup for the competitors to do tricks with. Competitors are judged on the number of tricks the can do in the allotted time period, as well as on the complexity of their tricks. Photo:Skatepark On the other hand, vert skating, also known as park skating uses large half-pipes, quarter-pipes, and bowls that you would see at a skatepark. These allow the competitor to gain speed that allows them to grind for long distances, or to gain incredible height and do aerial tricks. It might not look that hard, but being so high in the air can actually be quite nerve wracking, and they don't always land their tricks either. Street skating might not be as fast paced, but the freestyle performances are just as impressive as their vert counterparts. The video shows a video of a street skateboard competition starting at 0:17. Skateboarders and Other World-Class Riders! Murasaki Sports Supporting the Youth! Source :YouTube screenshot Many athletes who have won numerous awards in world contests, including the designated players for the Tokyo Olympics, belong to Murasaki Sports. The skateboard team "TEAM RIDER," that can be seen in the video, includes Yoshiaki Toeda (0:15), Ryuhei Kitazume (1:14), Yuto Horiyume (2:21), Daisuke Ikeda (0:39), and Sorayoshi Shirai (1:42). Check out some of their awesome tricks in the video. There's also surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and other athletes besides the five skaters mentioned above. The athletes are committed to improving their skills while practicing for competition on a daily basis. The Murasaki Sports website also features blog posts on the athletes' competitions as well as their private lives, so you can stay up to date with their daily activities. You too can support the players of Murasaki Sports! Summary of Murasaki Sports' Skateboarders Photo:Skateboarding We hope you were able to see some of the charms of skateboarding through this article. Be sure to look out for skateboarding at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! The population and public interest in skateboarding isn't that high, but the community is great and they love helping beginner get into the sport! If you're into skateboarding, be sure to watch the video and check out some of their awesome tricks! 【Official Website】Skateboard - Murasaki Sports https://www.murasaki.co.jp/brand/ridelifemag-murasaki-sports/shop/honatsugi/354a9bd2-09ad-4aea-a98f-e4249637a13b -
Video article 2:44
The Amazing Feats of a Kendama God! The 10-Time Kendama Champion in Japan Shows off His Amazing Skills in a Ninja-Like Costume!
Celebrities Things to Do- 63 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "KENDAMA JAPAN No.1 Shigeki Hiroshi [Japan's Ten-Time Kendama Champion, Hiroshi Shigeki]" (KENDAMA JAPAN No.1 Shigeki Hiroshi【けん玉日本一10度制覇 しげきひろし】), was released by "Shigeki Hiroshi" (しげきひろし). Hiroshi Shigeki, is a kendama master who has won the number one kendama title in Japan 10 times. He started playing kendama at the age of 10 and has won over 50 kendama tournaments and set a world record at the Kendama Conference. The video shows a number of awesome tricks, so be sure to give it a watch! -
Video article 3:09
The Traditional Japanese Art “Kamikiri”: Prepare to Be Blown Away by the Amazing Skill of Shoraku Hayashiya and Niraku Hayashiya, Two Kamikiri Masters!
Traditional Culture History- 401 plays
- YouTube
Kamikiri: The Art and its Origins This video is titled "Kamikiri (Yose)" (紙切り(寄席)), and it was created by “bunkachannel”. Rakugo is a traditional Japanese culture. Yose refers to the theater where rakugo takes place. But did you know that besides rakugo, there’s another performance called “kamikiri,” introduced in this video, that is conducted in a yose? “Kamikiri” is an impromptu performance where the performer cuts out paper according to the theme provided by the audience. Its roots are in the Edo period (1603-1868), where it was performed as entertainment for banquets, and it was established as a performing art in the Meiji period (1868-1912). It truly is a piece of art, made with just a single pair of scissors. It is a traditional performing art that is popular among foreigners as well. Watch a 3-minute video of this historic Japanese traditional performing art that is not only beautiful but also funny. Masters of Kamikiri: Shoraku Hayashiya and Niraku Hayashiya Source :YouTube screenshot The two performers in this video are Shoraku Hayashiya and Niraku Hayashiya, both famous for their skills in kamikiri. Shoraku is a kamikiri master, and he performs on television programs as well as at theaters in Asakusa (浅草, Asakusa) and Ueno (上野, Ueno). He performs not just in yose, but in theaters in and out of Japan. At 1:09 in the video, you can see a kamikiri of a man and women sharing an umbrella, a type of kamikiri Shoraku is particularly skilled at. Be sure to check it out! His apprentice, Mr. Niraku, has also inherited his master’s skills and traditions, and has gained popularity through his storytelling-based kamikiri. There’s no need for complicated language when it comes to kamikiri. It’s a performance that can be enjoyed by anyone who understands shapes, so beginners who have trouble understanding the more complicated rakugo, or non-Japanese people can also enjoy kamikiri! Kamikiri: It’s Harder Than It Looks! Source :YouTube screenshot One of the main characteristics of paper cutting is that there are no mistakes. The rakugo performer sits on the “koza” (the stage of the yose) and collects requests from the audience. You only have one shot—no drafts or second chances! At 1:32 in the video, he receives a request for a “Wind Chime Shop” from an audience member. He cuts the paper in an instant, following the beat of the hayashi music. Just cutting it while sitting stiffly isn't interesting. Therefore, the performer uses small talk and story telling to captivate the audience. The resulting forms are scenes from traditional Japanese kabuki plays, animals, anime characters and more. Each kamikiri is also crafted differently. The finished art is passed out as a souvenir, as you can see in 2:25, so try to reserve a first-row seat if you’re watching in a yose! In order to perform kamikiri, you must have the skill of a craftsman: the skill to cut the paper while imagining various finished versions of the art in your mind. Summary of Kamikiri Photo:Kamikiri The only tools you need to perform the traditional Japanese performing art “kamikiri” are one pair of scissors and one piece of paper. Because it is so easy to begin, there are lessons that teach how to do kamikiri, changing rakugo and kamikiri into something that is more familiar to us. However, the two members of the Hayashi family have a unique sense of humor that is not easy to imitate. Experience the awesome performances of these professionals in this video. -
Video article 3:42
The Realistic “Octopus” by a Japanese Kirie Artist: A Detailed Cutout Using Only a Single Sheet of Paper! Enjoy This Four-Minute Video Introducing the Amazing Skills of One Artist.
Art & Architecture- 327 plays
- YouTube
The Paper Cutout “Octopus”: Amazing Art Made With a Single Sheet of Paper! Before we begin, take a look at the video "([Kirie] Fast forwarding from the beginning to the completion of "Octopus" / Octopus Production Video)!" ((【切り絵】早送りで切り始めから完成まで『海蛸子』制作動画/Octopus Production Video))! This artwork “Octopus” looks just like the real thing, but actually, it was created through the Japanese paper cutting technique “Kirie (切り絵).” The title of this artwork is “Octopus.” Paper cutting artists never use multiple sheets of paper; They only use one sheet of paper to cut out their designs. In this article, we'll explore the secrets of kirie techniques, and the handiwork of its artisans to find out how these delicate and artistic works of art are created. This video fast-forwards through the process of making kirie in just under 4 minutes. Not a single second of the amazing craftsmanship in the video is to be missed! What Is Kirie? How Was That Octopus Made? Source :YouTube screenshot It was KIRIKEN (Masayo Fukuda), a Japanese Kirie artist, who released the artwork “Octopus” in 2018. The main characteristic of her artwork is that she can create a beautiful see-through designs of animals, as well as dynamic movement and even shading using only one sheet of paper. It takes about two months to create artistic paper cutouts like "Octopus." Drawing a detailed design of an octopus and continuously cutting paper is a daunting task. You can see KIRIKEN working on some paper cutting at 0:30 in this video. Once a wide variety of her paper cutouts were introduced on social media, including “Octopus,” she received a multitude of comments from people amazed at the quality of her paper cutting, describing her work as “Beautiful,” with compliments like “I'm at a loss for words.” This paper cutout is so realistic, it's as if the octopus could start moving at any moment. Even it's eyes at 1:18 and suckers from 2:21 are amazing. Let’s Give Paper Cutting a Try! Photo:A Kirie Cutout Some people might think that paper cutting is difficult, but it's actually quite a simple concept. Beginners can try it out very easily. Once you get a sheet of origami paper, scissors, and a paper knife, start by drawing your design on the paper and cut that out. The trick to making good paper cutouts is to cut the design very slowly and carefully. If you want to know how to make paper cutouts in more detail, you can also look into trial classes. Overview: The Deep World of Paper Cutting Paper cutting has a long history; In China, people have created paper cutouts since the Period of the North and South Dynasties. Paper cutting is an easy art at its core; All one has to do is cut one shape out of paper. But as you can see from this video of the octopus paper cutout, the world of paper cutting is very deep. Can you believe that this artwork is made from just one sheet of paper? If you haven't watched the video yet, be sure to check it out. You'll be amazed. It's easy to get started because all you need is paper and a knife. These days, paper cutting has been getting more and more popular as a new kind of hobby. Please check out how to make paper cutouts and enjoy the world of paper cutting! Kirie is a world-class technique for contemporary art and modern Japanese craftsmanship. 【Official Website】KIRIKEN Masayo: Japanese Paper Cutting Artist https://kiriken.thebecos.com/en/ -
Video article 3:31
A Close Look At the Master Craftsmanship of Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters! Discover the Amazing Traditional Japanese Technique of Building Without Using Nails
Art & Architecture Traditional Culture- 1.02K plays
- YouTube
Japan's Temple & Shrine Carpenters This video, titled "In Japan, Repairing Buildings Without a Single Nail," was uploaded by "Great Big Story." It introduces a traditional Japanese temple and shrine carpenter, called "Miyadaiku" (宮大工) in Japanese, from Kamakura (鎌倉). Japanese temple and shrine carpenters specialize in temples and shrines and construct/repair traditional buildings. Some of the craftsmen work on the construction and repair of historical buildings, such as Japan's national treasures and world heritage sites. Japan's temple and shrine carpenters must possess a high-level of skill and knowledge to repair traditional buildings. A building repaired by Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters allows the beautiful architecture of Japan to remain the work of art that it is. This article covers some of the amazing traditional techniques of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters and their journey to becoming full-fledged craftsmen. Kigumi - A Traditional Carpentry Technique Used by Japan's Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:Kigumi, traditional Japanese architecture Some wooden architecture in Japan, including temples and shrines, is built by assembling wooden materials together as though it were one large 3d puzzle. This method is called the "Kigumi" method, meaning "wooden framework." This impressive craftsmanship can be seen from 0:21 in the video. The traditional skill of framing and jointing wood, characterized by very precise cutting and coupling of wood, requires countless hours of training and experience as a Miyadaiku carpenter. Traditional Japanese architecture is made possible thanks to the high-quality craftsmanship of Japan's temple and shrine carpenters. The Long Road to Becoming a Miyadaiku Carpenter Photo:A wooden shrine, traditional Japanese architecture Acquiring the skills of a Miyadaiku carpenter requires on-the-job training, so the first step is to become an apprentice at a workshop or construction firm and learn the repair processes and traditional methods used by observing the skills of a master Miyadaiku carpenter up close. The history of Miyadaiku carpenters dates back more than a thousand years. In the past, Japan's temple and shrine carpenters were referred to as "Wataridaiku," and they lived in areas with many shrines and temples, working from one location to the next. Miyadaiku carpenters also repair historic World Heritage buildings and prominent national treasures, such as the one's you'd find in Kyoto. Thus, Miyadaiku carpenters are required to have advanced knowledge in various fields, not just architecture, but religious studies as well. Summary of Japan's Traditional Miyadaiku Carpenters Photo:A wooden temple being built Miya-Daiku carpenters have been repairing Japan's temples and shrines since ancient times with their advanced skills that can be used to construct wooden buildings without the use of nails. This traditional Japanese culture is handed down from one generation of craftsmen to the next. It's no secret that all of Japan's beautiful temples and shrines look like the amazing works of art they art thanks to the amazing craftsmanship of Japan's Miyadaiku carpenters. -
Video article 3:42
Fluffy Omelettes Flying Through the Air! Yokohama Tachibanatei's Professional Omelette-Making Skills! A Look at What Goes in To the Dishes of the Popular Restaurant in Yokohama, Kanagawa
Food & Drink- 363 plays
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Introduction of the omelette rice recipe divine video of "Yokohama Tachibana-tei" in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. This video is titled “Graceful Skills, Yokohama Tachibanatei, Omelette Rice Performance, Uncut | Awesome Cooking Demo of Fluffy Japanese Omurice(華麗な技 横濱たちばな亭 オムライスパフォーマンス ノーカット | Awesome Cooking Demo of Fluffy Japanese Omelette Rice)” created by “LifeWith505” and it introduces the omurice-making process of “Yokohama Tachibanatei,” a famous Japanese restaurant introduced in television programs and magazines. The quick hands when stir-frying the chicken rice in the pan and the incredible skill of making the fluffy omelette that is placed atop the chicken rice is artistic and flashy. What is Yokohama Tachibanatei? Photo: Yokohama Minatomirai|Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Yokohama Tachibanatei, located in Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse and Cubic Plaza Shin-Yokohama in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is a famous restaurant where you can enjoy authentic Western dishes in Japan and whose most popular dish is its omurice. It’s always crowded during lunch, and its artistically-made omurice is enjoyed not just by the Japanese, but by foreigners as well. The key to its popularity is not just its aesthetic beauty, but also the fact that you can watch the live performance of the omurice being cooked, as this video introduces. In fact, omurice is said to be a Japanese dish made in Japan and its recipes and ingredients differ from restaurant to restaurant. However, this omurice “Omurice of a Western Food Restaurant” uses a recipe where a runny half-cooked egg is placed on the top of some chicken rice. In this video, you can see the amazing performances of the omurice-professionals of Yokohama Tachibanatei, a source of pride for Japan. The Chicken Rice Recipe of Yokohama Tachibanatei Source :YouTube screenshot The key to making the chicken rice, which will become the foundation of the omurice, is to stir-fry it with lots of butter and to make use of the savory flavor of the sauce and ketchup! While stir-frying the rice on a pan with hot butter, you add the first sauce (0:37). After adjusting the flavor with some salt and pepper and then giving it a mix, you add the second sauce at (1:13). Their ability to shake the frying pan without dropping a single piece of rice is truly the skill of a professional. The Fluffy Half-Cooked Egg Recipe of Yokohama Tachibanatei Source :YouTube screenshot The cooking process of the omelette that will be placed on top of the chicken rice begins at 2:28. You make the runny half-cooked eggs by putting a generous amount of mixed eggs in a pan with hot butter and then adjusting the intensity of the heat while finely shaking the chopsticks and the pan. This is the biggest highlight of this video! When the cooked egg flies through the air and lands on the chicken rice, the omelette splits beautifully, showing its fluffy, runny insides! This amazing cooking skill, that separates the amateurs from the pros, will make you go wild. You can see this from 3:21 in the video. If you want to carefully observe the omelette being placed on the chicken rice, we recommend watching the slowed-down version from 3:25. Summary of Yokohama Tachibanatei's Omurice “Yokohama Tachibanatei,” is a Western restaurant where you can enjoy not just the delicious omurice made with a special recipe, but also the incredible professional skills of the cooks. An original demi-glace sauce full of savory deliciousness is poured over the omurice, and you you'll be filled with satisfaction for the mere price of 880 yen (~$8 USD). Yokohama Tachibanatei, the restaurant introduced in this video, is located in Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, which is overflowing with diverse foreign cultures, gives the feeling of being inside a Western-style house, and is a popular restaurant highly rated on gourmet websites. In addition to the omurice, the menu also has dishes such as cutlet sandwiches and curry rice. In the Shin-yokohama restaurant, you can also get some take-out dishes such as tonkatsu bento (pork cutlet lunchbox). It’s a popular restaurant, so you may need to reserve some seats depending on the time you visit, but please visit the restaurant and enjoy the delicious taste of the omurice and the amazing cooking skills that you can watch live, both the pride and joy of Japan! ◆Yokohama Tachibanatei, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Restaurant◆ 【Address】First floor of Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Building No.2, 1-1-2 Shinko (新港, Shinko), Naka Ward (中区, Nakaku), Yokohama City 【Access】6 minutes by foot from Minatomirai Line Bashamichi Station (馬車道駅, Bashamichieki), Nihon-Odori Station (日本大通り駅,Nihonodorieki) 【Hours】11:00〜21:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】045-650-8752 【Official Website】Red Brick Warehouse Restaurant | Western Food Yokohama Tachibanatei https://yokohama-tachibana.net/akarenga/ -
Video article 4:48
It Takes Time and Advanced Skills To Make Edo Sashimono, a Traditional Furniture of Tokyo That Uses 0 Nails! One Woman, Fascinated by the Traditional Techniques of the Edo Period, Passes on the Essence of Edo to the Modern World
Traditional Crafts- 299 plays
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About the Edo Sashimono Introductory Video This video, titled "Edo Sashimono, Traditional Furniture Made Without Using Nails - Tokyo Craftsman" (釘を使わない伝統の家具 東京職人「江戸指物」), was released by "Kyodo News." In Japan, there is a traditional way of building, creating furniture, and woodworking without using a single nail. This woodworking technique is called "sashimono" and has a long history dating back to the Heian Period (794-1185). Professionals who build Japanese shrines are called Kudenshi (宮殿師, "Buddhist altar craftsmen") or Miyadaiku (宮大工, temple carpenters), and it is said that the methods for crafting Edo Sashimono were inherited from these craftsmen. The origin of the name "sashimono" comes from fitting wood together (指, "sashi" means "put into"). You can see the female Edo Sashimono furniture craftsman "Motoko Kawauchi," who works at a workshop in Higashi-Nippori, Arakawa, Tokyo, in the video, carefully carving the mortice and tenon so that the dresser can be put together tightly. One can see that when the boards are put together, they fit together in a very satisfying way, creating a sturdy dresser. You can see a close look at the mortises at 1:02 in the video. Traditional Sashimono Craftsman Source :YouTube screenshot Unlike ordinary furniture craftsmen, Edo Sashimono, which is inherited from the advanced woodworking techniques of traditional Japanese craftsmen, the people who specialize in this are called "Sashimonoshi" (指物師). The history of the sashimonoshi is long, and it is said that it was during the Muromachi Period (1336-1573) that the techniques began to be passed down for a profession. The main crafts of Edo Sashimono consists of chests and shelves. Since ancient times, sashimono were used by noble houses and aristocrats in Kyoto and in the Edo Period (1603-1868), when they became the purveyors to the Tokugawa Shogunate, many sashimono craftsmen were invited to Edo, and the furniture they made became so popular that it became indispensable to samurai life. Many Edo sashimonoshi lived in the current Taito Ward, which was lined with daimyo residences. From the remnants of those days, Edo Sashimono workshops are still concentrated around Tokyo's Taito Ward. Characteristics of the Edo Sashimono, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot The characteristic of Edo Sashimono is the texture of woodwork furniture that makes the best use of the beauty of the wood grain. Also, because no nails are used, the appearance is clean and beautiful, and you can see from the video that the craftsmanship is utilized on all parts of the furniture. Edo Sashimono carves mortises and tenons so that the wooden joints cannot be seen from the outside when putting them together, because of this, the less you can see them, the higher the level of craftsmanship. Looking at the finished product of Edo Sashimono, you can see a glimpse of the simple and sturdy spirit of the craftsmen of the Edo Period. As shown at the end of the video, when you press one drawer, a different drawer pops out; which is evidence that the inside of the chest is very airtight because the wooden joints fit tightly together. The mortises are carved in such a way that if you put something in a drawer, the weight of it will prevent it from popping out. Edo sashimono craftsmen have passed down the traditional Japanese techniques to the present, from the selection of mulberry, zelkova, and paulownia wood to methods for assembling different pieces. You can see the beautiful completed wardrobe, like a work of art, from 3:03 in the video. Summary of Edo Sashimono, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced Edo Sashimono, a traditional Japanese craft, alongside the video. When you go sightseeing in Japan, consider checking out an Edo Sashimono Exhibition and experiencing Edo Sashimono and the craftsmanship of traditional Japanese culture! 【Official Website】Edo Sashimono - Traditional Crafts | Taito Ward Official Traditional Crafts Site https://craft.city.taito.lg.jp/craft/893/ -
Video article 3:11
Enjoy the spectacular flight of the Self-Defense Forces' first domestically produced helicopter! The somersaults and sharp turns shown at the Akeno Camp Air Festival in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, are worth seeing!
Transportation- 44 plays
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This video, titled "[Domestic Helicopter OH-1 Ninja] Japan Ground Self-Defense Force|Akeno Garrison Air Festival 2014" (「国産ヘリコプター OH-1 ニンジャ」陸上自衛隊 明野駐屯地航空祭2014), was released by "jbanban." This video shows the aviation festival held at the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Akeno Garrison. The OH-1 Ninja helicopter shown in the video was built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries. The role of observation helicopters is to support tactics by scouting invading landed targets from low altitude. The OH-1 Ninja is equipped with an attitude control system, as it needs to be stationary while observing. OH-1 Ninjas also made headlines when they appeared in that popular movie "Shin Godzilla" to attack Godzilla in his third form. -
Video article 3:04
Flying Through the Mountain Pass! Experience Longboarding in Niigata Yuzawa, a Popular Spot for Longboarding Enthusiasts!
Things to Do Sports- 24 plays
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This video, titled "[Niigata] Yuzawa Longboarding" (「新潟」湯沢ロングスケートボード), was released by "Downhill Baka" (ダウンヒルバカ). There are many different kinds of skateboarding events. One of them is downhill longboarding. In this event, longboarders compete for the best time down the mountain pass. The average speed down the mountain pass is between 60 to 70 km/h. At the fastest points, riders can reach up to 90 km/h. The number of people who love skateboarding is still small in Japan, but those who do skate, love the sport. The video shows longboarding in Yuzawa, Niigata Prefecture. Check out the video to see how fast they go down a long downhill slope on their longboards. -
Video article 6:25
Have you ever seen an emergency launch (scramble launch) of the Air Self-Defense Force? We were very excited to see the rare footage shown at the Hyakuri Air Base Air Festival in Omitama, Ibaraki Prefecture!
Transportation- 53 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "スクランブル発進!/JASDF F-4EJ(mod) Scramble Demo.," was released by "Deckay_F." This is a demo video of the F-4EJ scramble takeoff. On cue, a JASDF pilot runs up to the aircraft and prepares it for takeoff with quick movements. The F4 Phantom has been in use around the world for decades and is a familiar aircraft among aviation fans. Scrambling is the act of quickly mobilizing military aircrafts to intercept immediate threats. The Japanese Air Self-Defense Force is constantly training to keep Japan's skies safe. -
Video article 3:34
Have you heard about the long skateboards that are all over the place? Step on the board and try your hand at a fun sport!
Sports- 25 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "New! 2018 Golden Kiwi 46" [Longboard]" (New! 2018 Golden Kiwi 46" [ロンスケ ロングボード ]), was released by "Pinky Parl." In the video, you can see the introduction of the new 2018 model of the "Golden Kiwi" by DWELL. Longboards are popular because they are longer and more stable than regular skateboards and allow you to cruise through the streets smoothly. This 2018 model is lighter in weight and makes longboard dancing feel great. The graphics on the grip tape have a variety of designs in addition to the cloud pattern, including a Japanese style pattern, so if you're curious, check out the video and their website to see what it's like! -
Video article 0:40
Abe-Chan, the Chatty Bird, Gets Scolded When She Fails to Make a Phone Call!
Living Things- 21 plays
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This video was published by "newSuperAbechan" and is called "Abe-chan: Scolded because I failed to make a phone call." Abe-chan, a common hill mynah, is a very talkative bird. On this day, she was practicing answering the phone by saying "Hello?" when the phone rang... Before the phone rang, Abe-chan says, "Uh, hello, this is Ohno," but her owner scolded her for being too early. The red-winged, black bird is a member of the starling family in the order passerine. Unlike the tongues of other birds, the common hill mynah has a thick, freely movable tongue like a human, which allows it to mimic the same words over and over again. Please enjoy the fun conversation between Abe-chan and her owner! -
Video article 5:08
Shiro-Bai: Japan's White Motorcycle Police Officers! Check Out the Godlike Techniques of the Coolest Law Enforcement Group in Japan!
Transportation- 1.6K plays
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The Shiro-bai Police Officers' Performance at the Motor Sports Festival! This video, titled "HSR Kyushu Motor Sports Festival, Shiro-bai vs CB750F②, The godlike driving techniques of the shiro-bai police officers!" (HSR九州 モースポフェス 白バイvs CB750F② 白バイ隊員の神業的ライテク), shows the incredible skills displayed at the Honda Safety & Riding Motor Sports Festival in Kyushu. Many riders gather at this big event that features motor sports from all over the world, driving motor sport fans wild. In this MO-SPO Festival, one category in particular is grabbing peoples’ attention: the godly performance by the shiro-bai police officers. Firstly, take a look at the video to see the awesome techniques of the shiro-bai police officers that protect Japan. More About Japan's Shiro-bai Photo:Shiro-bai and police officers In Japan, since 1918 (when shiro-bai (white motorcyles) were first introduced to the metropolitan police department), police officers have used shiro-bai to enforce traffic regulations. In addition to traffic regulation enforcement and patrols, shiro-bai is used as a leading vehicle in marathons and long-distance relay races. The shiro-bai at the imperial guard headquarters however, is used exclusively to escort and protect important figures. The shiro-bai has various equipment such as a “speed-measuring indicator” that measures the speed of vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit. Some other features of the shiro-bai is a siren and a speaker used for voicing warnings. Training and Improving Shiro-bai Techniques Photo:Shiro-bai and police officer Shiro-bai police officers belong to the Traffic Police Force and gain the right to be trained to ride a shiro-bai only after they have passed the required examinations. The Traffic Police Force devote tremendous effort to their shiro-bai training in order to prevent accidents. The large motorcycle used as a shiro-bai is very big. In order to drive freely on public roads, police officers repeatedly undergo training such as figure eight runs and wheelie tests in addition to daily practice routines such as acceleration and corner turning. The "CB750F" Shiro-bai Photo:Shiro-bai Honda’s CB750F is one type of shiro-bai used by the Japanese police. The CB750F used by the Traffic Police Force is highly popular among motorcycle fans and is the focus of many MO-SPO Festivals. As you can see in the video, their performance in the MO-SPO Festival is very graceful and thrilling to watch. Check Out the Various Performances Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot At the start of the video, you can see 6 shiro-bai chasing a single motorcycle fleeing at high speed. They finish going around the HSR Kyushu course, the venue of the MO-SPO Festival, in an instant, and arrest the mischievous runaway driver in front of the audience. You can observe the arrest from 1:00 in the video. Next, we see the graceful performances of the shiro-bai from 2:11 in the video. In the figure eight run, they brilliantly control the large motorbike, showing off incredible techniques such as wheelies and exciting the crowd. Many audience members can be heard gasping in amazement at the magnificent techniques of the shiro-bai. Summary of the Driving Techniques of Japan’s Shiro-Bai Police Officers Source :YouTube screenshot It takes intense training to be able to freely control the motorcycle at will and perform such incredible, "godlike" techniques like you saw in the video. The Japanese shiro-bai police officers brush up their driving techniques daily in order to prevent accidents. Please enjoy the fruits of their daily training and practice through this video! ◆information◆ 【Address】1500 Tairagawa, Ozu Town, Kikuchi County, Kumamoto Prefecture 【Address】From Hohi Main Line Ozu Station, about 10 minutes by taxi and about 30 minutes by foot 【Parking Facilities】A parking space is provided 【Telephone No】096-293-1370 【Official Website】Motorsport Festival http://www.motorsport-japan.com/en/ -
Video article 2:11
Lifelike Goldfish Art That Looks Like It Could Come to Life Any Second! Goldfish Artist "Riusuke Fukahori" Shows Us How He Creates His Beautiful Works of Art!
Art & Architecture- 631 plays
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Lifelike Goldfish Art! A Goldfish artist is someone who literally paints goldfish, but Riusuke Fukahori’s goldfish paintings are on an entirely different level. Riusuke's goldfish art is not only hand draw, but is also very dynamic, as it has three-dimensional aspect to it as well. This video, titled "Goldfish Painted on a Plain Look Just Like the Real Thing! Goldfish Artist Riusuke Fukahori’s First Retrospective Exhibition 'Kingyo Yougajyou – Underneath the Scales-'" (平面に描かれた金魚がまるで本物! 金魚絵師・深堀隆介の初の回顧展『金魚養画場 ~鱗の向こう側~』), shows the beautiful goldfish works of Riusuke Fukahori. Riusuke is very popular, not only in Japan but also abroad, for the quality of his paintings, which is hard to believe that they were painted by hand on a flat surface. This video shows rare footage of Riusuke Fukahori’s exhibition "Kingyo Yougajoh – Underneath the scales," held in SEIBU SHIBUYA, Tokyo (東京, Tokyo) in 2016, as well as footage of him working. About Goldfish Artist, Riusuke Fukahori Source :YouTube screenshot Riusuke Fukahori’s iconic work is his series "Kingyo-sake" (金魚, "Kingyo" means goldfish). It features his unique style of painting by pouring resin into a container, called "Ichigo-Masu" or "Goshaku-Masu," and painting on the surface with acrylic paint. "Kingyo-sake" was posted on social media sites like Instagram, and became a popular topic overseas. His works are all hand painted with a brush on resin laminated in multiple layers. You can see him painting at 1:22 in the video. As you can see from 0:15 in the video, the painted goldfish cannot be seen from the side, as they are painted on resin laminated in multiple layers. The resin he uses for his artwork is super yellow resistant epoxy resin. When Riusuke Fukahori began his career as an artist, he worked on sculptures and canvas paintings, but now he only focuses on goldfish artwork. Because of his original art style, Riusuke Fukahori is the first artist in the world to be dubbed a "goldfish artist." Nowadays, there are many creators around the world who use his three-dimensional style as a model for their work. In this video, you can see a retrospective of his work. Since 2012, Riusuke Fukahori has been holding constant solo exhibitions and winning awards. His exhibitions at Miyazaki Prefecture's (宮崎県, Miyazaki-Ken) Miyazaki Prefectural Art Museum , Shizuoka Prefecture's (静岡県, Shizuoka-Ken) Sano Art Museum, and Yamagata Prefecture's (山形県, Yamagata-Ken) Manabia Terrace Museum in Higashine (東根, Higashine), have always drawn large crowds of visitors who have been fascinated by his works. Riusuke Fukahori’s Past Exhibits Source :YouTube screenshot Here's a list of past exhibits and artworks by Goldfish artist Riusuke Fukahori. ・The Hiratsuka Museum of Art: "Heisei Shinchuya" ・Yatomi Goldfish Aquarium & Riusuke Fukahori Exhibition 2018 ・Kariya City Art Museum, Goldfish Artist Riusuke Fukahori exhibition "Heisei Shinchuya." ・Concourse window display of Osaka Hankyu Umeda Main Store (2019) ・Riusuke Fukahori’s retrospective exhibition "Kingyo Yougajoh –Underneath the scales" in SEIBU SHIBUYA, Tokyo Summary of Goldfish Artist Riusuke Fukahori Source :YouTube screenshot The artworks of Goldfish artist Riusuke Fukahori, who currently lives in Yokohama (横浜, Yokohama) are produced in an atelier that was renovated from a rental factory. Since his works are created entirely by hand, mass production is not possible, and the most popular works and goods are sold via lottery, with prices ranging from tens of thousands of yen to hundreds of thousands of yen per piece. There are many avid collectors, and the enthusiasm for the goldfish paintings created by Riusuke Fukahori never stops, so much so that the collectors who own many of his works themselves hold private exhibitions. We're looking forward to the works that Riusuke Fukahori will create in the future! 【Official Website】RIUSUKE FUKAHORI Official site http://goldfishing.info/ -
Video article 3:34
Kusarigamajutsu - Learn About the Japanese Martial Art Used by Ninja and Samurai!
Sports Traditional Culture History- 516 plays
- YouTube
The Ancient Japanese Martial Art - Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu This video, titled "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," was created by "bushinjuku." It's an introductory video of "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," a traditional Japanese martial art that involves wielding dual "kusarigama," a chain and sickle weapon with a metal weight attached to the end of the chain. The footage of the techniques, which require a combination of spirit, skill, and strong physique, is truly captivating. In this article, we'll introduce the origins and history behind the ancient Japanese martial art Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu. About Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu was developed as a way for peasants to protect themselves using a sickle and chain as they could not carry swords. Nowadays, you can learn how the sickle and chain would have been used as a weapon by watching demonstrations performed by Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu practitioners. You can watch a typical demonstration in this video from 0:13. The martial art is gaining huge popularity worldwide. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is a martial art in which the practitioner utilizes a dual sickle-and-chain to take down an opponent. A heavy weight is attached to the end of the chain which aids in attacking and defending against an enemy. You can see how this is used from 0:58 in the video. The weight at the end of the chain can also be used to disarm an opponent. You can see how this is done at 1:46 in the video. From 3:10, you can also watch footage of the weight being used to smash plant pots from a distance, something that requires great skill and technique. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is steadily gaining popularity, and as well as demonstrations like the one in the video, there are also Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu competitions and mixed style competitions with Kendo practitioners being held. The Origin and History of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu started as a form of self-defense, after that Ju-jitsu developed as a form of unarmed combat and following that, Kendo (a form of fencing with Japanese swords). Near the end of the Edo Period (1853-1868 AD) it was still a well-kept clan secret, with varying schools or styles (such as Otomeryu) only being passed down to other clan members. The Shinmen Nito Shinkage Ryu school (opened by Shinmen Bensuke) derived from a two-sword fighting style called Niten Ichi Ryu passed down by Miyamoto Musashi. By the time the third generation master Matsumura Yoshitaka appeared, the "Shinmen" part of the name had ceased to be used. Currently the fifth generation master Shimamura Shu passes down the ancient practice of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu through his training. He is based in the city of Kochi, in Kochi Prefecture . Summary of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu, a Traditional Japanese Martial Art The video "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," created by "bushinjuku," shows masters of the ancient martial art demonstrating a variety of techniques. The popularity of Japanese ninja and samurai has brought about a rise in the number of people overseas undertaking Japanese martial arts training such as Ju-jitsu, Kendo, and Karate to name just a few. There has also been an increase in the number of foreigners making visits to Japan to receive further training in the homeland of their martial art. The techniques performed in this video, which require a high level of skill and are the result of many years of training, are nothing short of impressive. This video is a must-watch for all Japanese martial arts fans! 【Official Website】Nihonkobudoukoukai, Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu http://www.nihonkobudokyoukai.org/martialarts/077/ -
Video article 19:48
Takoyaki, Sweets, High-Speed Mochi Making... A Visual and Auditory Feast for the Eyes and Ears! Enjoy the Cooking Process of Japan's World-Class Cuisine!
Food & Drink- 57 plays
- YouTube
Takoyaki, Sweets, High-Speed Rice Cake Making... Check Out the Amazing Artisanship in the Video! This video is a collection of artisanship from a variety of restaurants. Watching such skilled chefs creating amazing cuisine is something you never get tired of. You can watch the different shops using the timestamps below. Tsukiji - Gindaco: 0:08 Kyoto - Kyogoku Kaneyo: 3:50 Nara - Nakatanidou: 6:52 Osaka - Rikuro: 8:34 Kyoto - Tsurumusha: 11:22 Kyoto - Caffè Latte: 14:28 Kyoto - Gomaya Crepe-Do17:45 Unfortunately, Gomaya Crepe-do closed in 2019, but if you're in the Kansai region, be sure to stop by their shop there as well. 【Official Homepage】Tsukiji Gindaco Official Site https://www.gindaco.com/ 【Official Homepage】The Finest Eel in Japan, Kyogoku Kaneyo https://www.kyogokukaneyo.co.jp/ 【Official Homepage】Nakatanidou http://www.nakatanidou.jp/english/ 【Official Homepage】Osaka Confectioneries "Freshly Baked Cheesecakes," Rikuro Ojisan http://www.rikuro.co.jp/en/ 【Official Homepage】Ramen Tsurumusha https://www.tsurumusya.com/ 【Official Homepage】Caffè Latte http://caffe-llatte.com/index_e.php -
Video article 10:31
Shudan Kodo - Check Out Nippon Sport Science University's Outstanding Performance! 10 Minutes of Perfectly Precise Movement!
Sports- 4.48K plays
- YouTube
Nippon Sports Science University's Shudan Kodo This video, titled "Nippon Sport Science University Shudan Kodo 2017" (日体大 集団行動2017), is a recorded video of shudan kodo, uploaded by “nogutan2.” Some people might have heard or seen shudan kodo on TV or on a news website before. Shudan kodo is synchronized movements performed by students from Nippon Sports Science University. Students make perfect lines and march while changing formations and crossing paths without disturbing the lines. Check out the video of the world-class beautiful performance. Nippon Sports Science University's Historic Shudan Kodo Source :YouTube screenshot It all started about 40 years ago when the idea of shudan kodo was brought up at Nippon Sports Science University. Shudan kodo was started to practice disciplined movement, and every year the quality of the performance increases. You can hear the audience cheering during this beautiful performance of high quality shudan kodo. Several reactions from both Japan and different countries after they have seen the performance of shudan kodo. Many people say it's impressive, and some people even mention getting goose bumps from the performance. It's also very reminiscent of precise military marching. The Rigorous Practice of Shudan Kodo Source :YouTube screenshot Shudan kodo is not forced on students at Nippon Sports Science University. Students who are willing to participate gather and practice on a daily basis. There are actually too many students who are willing to join the club, therefore, auditions are held in order to decide who can participate. The current coach of shudan kodo at Nippon Science University is Nobuhiko Kiyohara. Since Kiyohara became coach 5 months ago, the total length of walk in the practice is said to have increased to over 1,000 km. Recently, more research towards the performance of shudan kodo is being conducted, and it has been evolving and becoming more precise and beautiful. At Nippon Sports Science University, a sports research presentation is held every other year to show the audience the results of practice. The performance of shudan kodo is one of the most popular performances at this demonstration. There is a world tour of shudan kodo as well, and it has become very popular globally. The Highlight of Shudan Kodo Source :YouTube screenshot You can see the beautiful performance born of the hard work of the students in this video. Make sure to also pay attention to 0:40 in the video to see the walking performance. The movement of the arms and swinging of the legs is perfectly aligned. Also, don't miss the skill of the performers crossing paths with each other while at a trot. There are so many more impressive performances in this 10 minutes video, so we recommend not skipping anything. Find your favorite performance! Summary of Shudan Kodo Shudan kodo continues to gain attention, as some other schools have already started new club activities like shudan kodo, such as Shudan Taisou (Gymnastics), and mass games. The presentation of Nippon Sport Science University's shudan kodo has been very popular and it's very difficult to purchase tickets. If you wish to watch the live performance of shudan kodo, we recommend purchasing tickets in advance. If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the video to see the amazing performances of shudan kodo! -
Video article 5:59
High-Speed Mochi Pounding by Japan's Fastest Mochi Master
Food & Drink Celebrities- 336 plays
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The Whole World Is Watching! The Amazing Technique of ‘High-Speed Mochi Pounding’! Japanese food culture, ‘Washoku’ was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO and is currently gaining attention worldwide. Recently, Japan has been welcoming a lot of foreign tourists whose main purpose is enjoying Japanese food culture. Mochi rice cakes are one of the most popular foods among the attractive Washoku. To make a delicious rice cake, it is not only important to pay attention to the ingredients, but also to the way it is prepared. Mochi Pounding is essential to creating great tasting rice cakes. ‘Mochi-tsuki,’ is a tradition of using a large mortar and pestle (in this case a mallet) to make mochi on New Year's day. Photo:Mochi pounding Have you ever seen high-speed mochi pounding? It's performed at Nakatani-dou, a Japanese confectioner, in Nara prefecture. Two or three confectioners pound mochi rice cakes using a mortar and mallet together at extremely high speeds, exchanging shouts to encourage one another. ‘Mochi-pounding at high speed’ is not only a performance for onlookers, but it is also an ideal method to make tasty mochi. You'll be baffled at the speed and accuracy of these mochi makers! High-Speed Mochi Pounding- Reasons for Pounding Mochi at Such High Speeds Source :YouTube screenshot Mochi-tsuki requires both a kaeshite, (mochi turner) and a tsukite, (mochi-pounder). It also requires a high level of skill to pound the rice evenly in the mortar, and the skill to control the moisture content of the rice by matching the movements of the pounder. When the temperature of steamed mochi-gome (a kind of rice suitable for mochi rice cake) becomes low, mochi may not have its ideal texture and easily falls apart and won't stretch well. Quickly pounding the rice while it is hot enough to keep it soft and stretchy results in a tasty rice cake with a rich flavor. ‘Mochi-pounding at high speed’ has its origin in Kamikitayama-mura village, Yoshino-gun, Nara prefecture where the Nakatani family is from. It is a traditional Japanese method that reflects the local history and culture. The master mochi-pounder is particular about the tools he uses for mochi pounding. The mortar, made by an artisan in Sakai city, is specially designed to be shallow so that the turner can easily turn mochi. The kine pestle should be heavy enough to pound mochi with its own weight. The master mochi-pounder of Nakatani-dou has various preferences for mochi-tsuki. They are shown in the video. Only the Best Ingredients Source :Nakatani-dou Yomogi-mochi is one of the most popular confectioneries of Nakatani-dou. The master mochi-pounder is very particular about the ingredients of Yomogi-mochi, as well as the mochi-pounding method. They use Hiyoku-mochigome rice from Saga prefecture to make good mochi rice cakes and also use top quality azuki beans from Tokachi, Hokkaido, along with young Yomogi (mugwort) leaves from Uwajima, Ehime prefecture. Yomogi-mochi is the result of a quest for excellence in cooking methods, ingredients, and taste. Summary of High-Speed Mochi Pounding Being shown on TV, ‘Mochi-pounding at high speed’ performed by the master mochi-pounder of Nakatani-dou attracted the national attention. And now, is gaining popularity from overseas as well, introduced by foreign media. The high-speed rice cake pounding by the masters of Nakatido, who drew the attention of the whole country with their amazing feats of craftsmanship on TV, has recently been picked up by international media and is becoming increasingly popular. Nakatido's high-speed mochitsuki chefs are not only popular in Japan, but also among people around the world. Nakatido says in the video that he wants his customers to be happy when they see the high-speed mochi pounding and even more happy when they eat it. These are words of someone who truly loves, and is dedicated to their craft. As a Japanese citizen, I am proud to see not only Japanese food, which is listed as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO, but also Japanese culture being admired by the world. 【Official Homepage】Nakatani-dou http://www.nakatanidou.jp/english/ -
Video article 10:03
Magical Techniques Brings These Graters Back to Life! A Look at One Craftsman in Tokyo Making Used Graters Look Like New!
Life & Business- 207 plays
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Restoring Old Graters to their Former Glory This video, titled "The Fascinating Repairmen. #009 'Graters'" was uploaded by "Togepi1125." It shows a Japanese craftsman repairing graters. You can see the graters made from an ancient Japanese copper plate in the video. Copper graters have been used since the Edo period (1603-1868). It's said that a copper grater is an item that can last a lifetime if properly taken care, but it can also become damaged if used continuously. A grater repairman is an expert who uses manual techniques to repair tools in a workplace filled with many machines. Making Worn-Out Graters Look Like New - Techniques of a Grater Repairman Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces Takashi Teshigawara, the repairman at Kosuge, a hardware workshop in Tokyo, from 0:38. He has over 56 years of experience as a craftsman, and his skillful techniques can make damaged copper graters shine like new. Although the teeth on the surface of the grater are called eyes, repairing a grater is called re-toothing. Copper is a material that is easily affected by oxidation and other factors, so the edges of eyes become damaged over time. A skilled repairman can repair the damaged eyes using all kinds of techniques. The Repair Process of Graters Source :YouTube screenshot First, boil the old rusty grater, polish it properly, getting rid of stains left behind by radishes, ginger, wasabi, and any other vegetables. This process can be seen from 3:06 in the video. Next, the copper part of the grater is tapped with a hammer and roasted over fire to polish its surface. At last, a chisel is used to clean and sharpen the eyes of the grater. It takes a lot of time to clean and sharpen the flattened grater eyes. Through these techniques even the most worn-out graters will look like new. The finished grater can be seen from 7:37 in the video. Summary of Japan's Grater Repairmen Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, many Japanese tools have been repeatedly repaired by craftsman and used for many years. There are many artisans with expert skills who can repair various types of tools to the point that they look brand new. Check out the video to see the amazing work of one craftsman doing just that.