Video article 3:54
Introducing the "Snowscoot," a Fusion of a Bike and Snowboard! This New Winter Sport Allows Even Beginners to Nimbly Glide Across the Snow!
Sports- 618 plays
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The New Winter Sport Snowscoot This video, titled "スノースクート最高!/ Snowscoot Is Freaking Cool! #2," produced by "Kezuhomuzu," introduces the popular winter sport "Snowscoot." Snowscoot is a new and popular winter sport that is gaining attention as a snow sport and snow activity. Dubbed a "snow bike/bicycle sled," it's a BMX-bike frame mounted on 2 boards that are independent of one another, which allows for steering. The Popularity of the Snowscoot Source :YouTube screenshot One of the reasons the snowscoot is so popular is because anyone can enjoy it; from beginners, to pros, children and adults, it doesn't matter, just get on and go! Unlike a snowboard, you can easily balance thanks to the handlebars. It's also very easy to control, so even those who are new to it, can enjoy the snowscoot with peace of mind. Currently, over 80% of domestic ski resorts have them for rent. The fact that you can begin snowscooting without any gear on hand is also what makes this sport great. Also, you can customize the frame, board, and handle with parts that fit your preference and the idea of being able to make a snowscoot that is tailored to each individual has won the hearts of many riders. In 0:07 of the footage, you can see them performing maintenance and making adjustments to a snowscoot, and from 0:24, you can see them glide down the pure white slopes at tremendous speed. The History of the Snowscoot Photo:Snow slopes The snowscoot was made in the early 1990’s in France and it was commercialized as a new winter sport following skis and snowboards. Franck Petoud, a French BMX rider, designed the frame to be similar to that of a bicycle and then attached 2 boards to the front and back of it. Attempting to fly down the slopes with this, it became the prototype of the snowscoot, and the bicycle manufacturer SUNN announced it as an official product. Afterwards, the snowscoot underwent its own development, with France being at the center of it all, and it was imported to Japan around 1994. Due to its novel appearance and high level of safety, we have been able to use them at many ski resorts in Japan. Because the origins of this sport lay in BMX, you can enjoy acrobatic tricks, such as aerials that use jumps and carving turns like the ones in snowboarding. Snowmotos, which have a similar shape, were made in America. These have a seat boom (a seat that you can put between your legs), and there is a slight difference in how you ride it. Get Your Own Snowscoot! You can buy the Snow Scoot at sporting goods stores as well as online. Prices vary by product, but entry-level snowscoots, such as the ONE-D, are priced at around 109,000 yen (~$1,000 USD) before tax. If you are concerned about the price, you can also buy used. Clothes, boots and shoes are basically the same as for skiing and snowboarding, and it doesn't require any special equipment Summary of the New, Popular Winter Sport, "Snowscoot" Source :YouTube screenshot As introduced in this article, snowscoot is a easy winter sport that allows you to glide down the mountain with the familiar feeling of riding a bicycle. You can use the snowscoot at many ski resorts, such as the Aizu Kogen Takatsue Ski Area and the Shiga Kogen Sun Valley Ski Resort, so definitely try one out! 【Official Website】SNOWSCOOT® [Snowscoot] Official|JykK Japan Inc. https://snowscoot.co.jp/ -
Video article 1:26
"Teqball" Is a New Sport That Combines Soccer and Table Tennis! The Sport Is Relatively New, So It’s Not Too Late to Become a World Champion!
Sports- 164 plays
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Introducing Teqball! The video this time is "【Soccer × Table Tennis】the New Sport 'Teqball' Gaining Popularity All Over the World" (【サッカー×卓球】世界で人気が高まっている新スポーツ「テックボール」). It's an introductory video for Teqball, a new sport attracting attention worldwide! Teqball, shown in the video, is a fusion between soccer and table tennis, using elements from each sport. Since 2014, the new sport Teqball has slowly increased in numbers, to the point that it had its first World Cup in Hungary, in 2017. Presently, the popular soccer player Ronaldinho acts as an ambassador for the sport and is receiving a lot of attention worldwide. The Rules of Teqball Source :YouTube screenshot Teqball is a sport that was thought up by a Hungarian soccer player and a computer scientist. It is a sport that is played in teams of 2 or 3 players, and at 0:27 in the video, you can see the curved table used for the sport, called "Teqball One." Players use methods such as juggling or headers to hit the ball onto the opponents side. Teqball has fairly basic rules, such as “The ball must be returned to the opponent’s court after a maximum of 3 touches,” “The ball cannot be touched by the same body part in succession,” and “players cannot touch the Teq board.” The rules are quite simple and after getting used to the juggle, etc., you can enjoy the sport to its fullest. Japan and Teqball Source :YouTube screenshot In 2017, the Japan Teqball Federation was founded, and at the World Cup in 2017, Japanese players who competed in the doubles division achieved top 8. At the 2nd World Cup, held in France in 2018, a Japanese competitor placed top 8 in the singles division as well. The Teqball representatives of Japan are mainly men, but there are female competitors, such as Kanae Sugawara, that are also very active in the sport. Summary of Teqball Source :YouTube screenshot Teqball, introduced in the footage, is a sport with a short history. However, the player base is on the rise. For those of you looking to challenge yourself with a new sport, or just wanting to try something new, be sure to give Teqball a try! Unfortunately, Teqball boards can be fairly expensive so it might be difficult to buy one for private use. Recently, there have been events in which you can experience Teqball in Kyoto or Osaka, so if you're interested, consider participating! -
Video article 3:19
The Brilliant Techniques of Aikido Will Send Your Opponent Flying! Learn About the Traditional Japanese Martial Art Passed Down From Generation To Generation!
Sports- 221 plays
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A Look at Aikido, a Traditional Japanese Martial Art This video, titled “Aikido&Jiu-Jitsu&Ninja techniques - Shirakawa Ryuji shihan,” was released by “Aikido Shinburenseijuku.” Aikido is a martial art that was first developed in the Taisho (1912-1926 AD) and Showa (1926-1989 AD) periods. The history of Aikido began with the study of martial arts by its founder, Morihei Ueshiba. Later on, when Aikido was invented, the number of people practicing martial arts increased rapidly. Today, Aikido is divided into various schools, and many people, from children to adults, practice it at schools in Japan and around the world. Try Your Hand at Aikido, a Traditional Japanese Culture! Photo:Aikido The appeal of Aikido is that it's a martial art where one can learn defensive techniques based on body movements focused on maximizing potential energy and breathing techniques. In order to master Aikido, it is important to learn the techniques one by one through training with other practitioners. In the Japanese martial arts, there is a concept called "心技体" (Shin-Gi-Tai - heart, technique, physique). This refers to the idea of growing while maintaining a balance between mental strength (精神力/heart - 心), skill (技術/technique - 技), and physique (体力, body - 体). When practicing in the dojo, it is important to not only move your body, but also to remember the rules and learn proper etiquette. The Techniques Used in Aikido Photo:Aikido The video introduces techniques such as Shiho-nage, Irimi-nage, Kotegaeshi, Ikkyo, Tenchi-nage, Kokyu-nage, Sumi-Otoshi, and Kaiten-nage. Aikido techniques are created based on scientific analysis of the human body's characteristics and motor skills. Having said that, Aikido is not about competing with others or deciding who wins or loses, so there are no matches or competitions. Summary of Aikido, a Traditional Japanese Martial Art Photo:Aikido Shinburenseijuku introduced in the video is one of the largest dojos in Japan's Tohoku region. There are Aikido dojos and classes all over Japan, making it easy for people to experience the traditional Japanese martial art. If you're interested in wearing an aikido uniform (gi) and practicing traditional Japanese aikido techniques, consider visiting an Aikido dojo in Japan! -
Video article 3:34
Kusarigamajutsu - Learn About the Japanese Martial Art Used by Ninja and Samurai!
Sports Traditional Culture History- 528 plays
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The Ancient Japanese Martial Art - Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu This video, titled "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," was created by "bushinjuku." It's an introductory video of "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," a traditional Japanese martial art that involves wielding dual "kusarigama," a chain and sickle weapon with a metal weight attached to the end of the chain. The footage of the techniques, which require a combination of spirit, skill, and strong physique, is truly captivating. In this article, we'll introduce the origins and history behind the ancient Japanese martial art Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu. About Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu was developed as a way for peasants to protect themselves using a sickle and chain as they could not carry swords. Nowadays, you can learn how the sickle and chain would have been used as a weapon by watching demonstrations performed by Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu practitioners. You can watch a typical demonstration in this video from 0:13. The martial art is gaining huge popularity worldwide. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is a martial art in which the practitioner utilizes a dual sickle-and-chain to take down an opponent. A heavy weight is attached to the end of the chain which aids in attacking and defending against an enemy. You can see how this is used from 0:58 in the video. The weight at the end of the chain can also be used to disarm an opponent. You can see how this is done at 1:46 in the video. From 3:10, you can also watch footage of the weight being used to smash plant pots from a distance, something that requires great skill and technique. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is steadily gaining popularity, and as well as demonstrations like the one in the video, there are also Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu competitions and mixed style competitions with Kendo practitioners being held. The Origin and History of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu started as a form of self-defense, after that Ju-jitsu developed as a form of unarmed combat and following that, Kendo (a form of fencing with Japanese swords). Near the end of the Edo Period (1853-1868 AD) it was still a well-kept clan secret, with varying schools or styles (such as Otomeryu) only being passed down to other clan members. The Shinmen Nito Shinkage Ryu school (opened by Shinmen Bensuke) derived from a two-sword fighting style called Niten Ichi Ryu passed down by Miyamoto Musashi. By the time the third generation master Matsumura Yoshitaka appeared, the "Shinmen" part of the name had ceased to be used. Currently the fifth generation master Shimamura Shu passes down the ancient practice of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu through his training. He is based in the city of Kochi, in Kochi Prefecture . Summary of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu, a Traditional Japanese Martial Art The video "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," created by "bushinjuku," shows masters of the ancient martial art demonstrating a variety of techniques. The popularity of Japanese ninja and samurai has brought about a rise in the number of people overseas undertaking Japanese martial arts training such as Ju-jitsu, Kendo, and Karate to name just a few. There has also been an increase in the number of foreigners making visits to Japan to receive further training in the homeland of their martial art. The techniques performed in this video, which require a high level of skill and are the result of many years of training, are nothing short of impressive. This video is a must-watch for all Japanese martial arts fans! 【Official Website】Nihonkobudoukoukai, Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu http://www.nihonkobudokyoukai.org/martialarts/077/ -
Video article 3:33
Ryuji Shirakawa, an Aikido Master, Throws One Opponent to the Next, in the Blink of an Eye! Get to Know the Mind, Body and Soul of the Ancient Japanese Martial Art, Aikido!
Sports Traditional Culture Celebrities- 876 plays
- YouTube
Performance Video for Ryuji Shirakawa, an Aikido Master This video entitled “Aikido Dynamic and fluid movement Shirakawa Ryuji shihan (合気道 ダイナミックで流れるような動き!白川竜次 師範), performed by Aikido Master Ryuji, and produced by "Aikido Shinburenseijuku," features performances of Aikido, one of Japan's traditional martial arts. You can see the performance by Ryuji Shirakawa, 6th dan of Shinburenseijyuku, as he throws his opponents from one to the next. What are the techniques of Aikido, Japan's historic martial art? What is Aikido? Photo:Aikido Aikido and other traditional Japanese martial arts emphasize the ancient Japanese concept of "mind, technique and body." "Mind, technique and body" refers to a balance of mind, technique, and body. Aikido is a martial art that was established between the Meiji period and the beginning of the Showa period. It has a relatively short history in comparison with other martial arts. Aikido is a comprehensive martial art into which the principles not only for Jujitsu, but also for Kendo and Judo, are incorporated. The martial art came to be called Aikido in 1942, and has since spread all over the world. It is estimated that there are about 1 million people competing domestically and 1.5 million abroad. Aikido has various types of attacking techniques such as Ikkyo, Shihonage , Iriminage, Kotegaeshi. A half-body stance is the basic position for Aikido regardless school. It is important to practice things such as breathing techniques or switching of body positions to use the martial art's techniques properly. In this video, you can see scenes of master Ryuji Shirakawa throwing his opponents one after another. Sometimes arm-locking them as well. Learn the Japanese Martial Art, Aikido! Photo:Children sitting in "Seiza" The number of people who practice Japanese martial arts such as Karate, Judo, and Kendo has been increasing. Wearing dojo clothes and training in a jiu-jitsu or kendo dojo can help you maintain your health and improve your mental strength. The Japanese martial arts are useful as a self-defense technique, making them a great choice for men as well as women and children to learn. If you can find a good coach and receive careful guidance, you can participate in a competition, even if you are a beginner. Summary of Aikido Master Ryuji Shirakawa's Aikido Performance Source :YouTube screenshot This video features many beautiful and powerful techniques by Aikido Master Ryuji Shirakawa. Please watch his performance in the video if you haven't yet, and enjoy the exchange of great techniques by Japanese martial artists. There are many dojos or training halls in Japan where anyone can learn Japanese martial arts including Jujitsu and Taijutsu. If you're interested in traditional Japanese martial arts, or if you feel like taking up a sport, you should visit a dojo or class where you can practice martial arts! 【Official Website】Aikido Shinburenseijuku http://www.shinburenseijuku.com/ -
Video article 7:23
Amami Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture Is a Surfing Utopia! Water So Clear You Can Even See Coral Reefs on the Ocean Floor!
Sports- 1.07K plays
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The Beautiful Views of Amami Oshima, Kagoshima This video, titled "Short Surf Trip to Amami Oshima," was created by "Hiroo Shimo." This video is perfect for people who love surfing, as it shows viewers a beautiful view of Amami Oshima, including beautiful aerial footage taken by drone. Amami Oshima has a warm climate year around with great waves. With these conditions, Amami Oshima is known as a surfing utopia. The Pro Surfing World Championship was also held here. This article will talk about tourist information as well as surfing spots in Amami Oshima. In the video you can see surfing and the beautiful, crystal clear waters of Amami Oshima. Hopefully you're up for some travelling because this video will have you raring to go! Surfing at Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Amami Oshima coast As Amami Oshima is warm year around, and the water is also warm, it's the perfect place for surfing. There are several surfing spots in Amami Oshima where both beginners and pros can hit the waves. Take a look at the video at 3:06 to see the beautiful blue waters and the coral reefs underneath the ocean, in this aerial video. Also check out 3:25 to see a beautiful sunset with two palm trees. This video will make you feel like you're actually on a tropical island. Wet suits and surfboards are available for rent at surf schools, so there's no need to worry about being unprepared. Some surf spots are used mainly by locals and we don't recommend them for beginners. If you're new to surfing, we recommend enrolling in a surf school and getting lessons and advice from an instructor. Surf Spots in Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Surfing There's a chance you'll see sea turtles in Amami Oshima as well. Advanced surfers try to get good waves on days when typhoons are passing. As Amami Oshima is an island, surf spots are divided into two areas: the East China Sea side and the Pacific Ocean side. The main surf spots are as follows: ・Tebiro ・Gamou ・Hatohama ・Ayamaro ・Gusuku ・Ohama ・Bira ・Imaizai ・Yagijima ・Kohama ・Toen ・Katoku ・Tomori Beach Marine Activities at Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Exploring mangroves As Amami Oshima has such clear waters, to the point that you can see the coral reefs on the ocean floor, there are other marine activities you can enjoy as well. Swimming in the ocean, snorkeling, canoeing, SUP(Stand up Paddle boarding), and diving, are all popular marine activities in Amami Oshima. There are also schools and rental companies to rent equipment, so you can enjoy the beautiful ocean without having to worry about bringing much. Sightseeing Around Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Mangroves at Amami Oshima Access to Amami Oshima is about 2.5 hours from Tokyo and 2 hours from Kansai by plane. There's more to see in Amami Oshima than just the sea as well. There's the Tanaka Isson Art Museum, where visitors can learn about the history and culture of Amami, as well as Amami Park, the Kuroshio-no-Mori Mangrove Park where visitors can explore the virgin mangrove forest by canoe, and the Mangrove Forest National Park. You can also visit Kakeroma Island by boat to enjoy more natural scenery. Camping is available at Ohama Seaside Park and if you want to admire the scenery, we recommend Ayamaru cape, and Honohoshi shore. Enjoy the beautiful ocean and outstanding natural views on your visit to Amami Oshima. Summary of Amami Oshima, Kagoshima The video "Short Surf Trip to Amami Oshima," shows people enjoying surfing in the beautiful ocean. This article talked about surf spots, information about marine activities, and tourist spots in Amami Oshima. We hope you enjoyed the article and look forward to seeing you at Amami Oshima! 【Official Website】Amami City Official Website https://www.city.amami.lg.jp/english/index.html -
Video article 11:32
Sumo Wrestling: A Martial Art and the Traditional National Sport of Japan Associated With Shinto. A Thrilling, World-Class Sport, Whose Spectacular Matches Fascinate Spectators!
Sports- 323 plays
- YouTube
A Look at Japan's Sumo Wrestling "Sumo Match - Tokyo - 相撲" is a video produced by TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful, featuring Japan’s national sport! Sumo is a traditional martial art loved by the masses since old times in Japan. As the matches are held internationally, the sport has many overseas fans and is capturing the world’s attention. Matches between top wrestlers in the sumo rankings such as Yokozuna or Ozeki, are very spectacular and spectators can fully enjoy the thrilling matches. The video features footage of a match between sekitori (a sumo ranking) during the New Year’s tournament held in January 2017. Check out Japan’s spectacular sport - sumo wrestling! About Sumo – Japan’s National Sport Photo:Sumo Wrestling The first written record of sumo in Japan is said to be found in a Shinto document called Kojiki. Sumo matches used to be held as rituals and festivals dedicated to the deities and was mostly loved by nobles. After gaining popularity among the masses during the Edo period (1603 – 1868 AD), sumo has been enjoyed as a form of entertainment and sport in Japan. Today, matches are held both nationwide and internationally and many Japanese and foreigners enjoy it. The manners and conventions rooted in the rituals are passed down and given special importance even in modern sumo wrestling. The Excitement of Sumo Source :YouTube screenshot As the national sport of Japan, sumo wrestling starts from matches between low-ranking wrestlers, and matches between makuuchi (senior-grade wrestlers) are held in the evening. Honbasho refers to the official tournaments that decide the rankings and rewards of the wrestlers and six tournaments are organized throughout the year: the first tournament in January (Tokyo), the spring tournament in March (Osaka), the summer tournament in May (Tokyo), the Nagoya tournament in July, the autumn tournament in September (Tokyo), and finally, the Kyushu tournament in November (Fukuoka). Many Japanese people have probably watched the official tournaments aired on NHK (the national broadcaster in Japan). Some may have a stiff image of the national sport, but that's not true at all. Spectators can enter the venue at any time and watch the match in a relaxed manner while eating and drinking. Matches between senior-grade wrestlers are a must-watch and you'll surely get excited watching the spectacular matches between well-built wrestlers. Spectators get excited during matches, especially when a maegashira (the lowest grade of the highest ranking sumo class) wins against a yokozuna (the highest ranking sumo class) champion, as well as in deciding matches. Tickets and information of those exciting sumo wrestling matches are available on the official website of Nihon Sumo Kyokai. The Flow of a Sumo Match Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see at 0:22 in the video, wrestlers step into the ring with their colorful ornamental aprons before a match. As businesses can offer rewards to support wrestlers, the “reward banners” with the names of those businesses go around the ring as you can see at 3:14 in the video. With the company names printed on the program of the matches and publicly announced, those businesses play a similar role to sponsors in other sports. Before a match, a ritual called "chirichouzu" is held. You can see this at 3:08 and 7:52 in the video. This is a declaration "to fight fair and square without any weapons." Source :YouTube screenshot Next, the wrestler creates distance from the opponent, bends forward, and places his hands on the ground. This is called "shikiri" (仕切り). Then, with the signal of the referee, the wrestlers push each other. This is called "tachiai" (立合い). This series of events can be seen in the video. There are different means of attacking, such as thrusts, slapping, and body strikes. Kimarite (決まり手, winning move) refers to the move that the opponent is defeated by. Punching and grabbing the opponent's hair are prohibited moves in sumo. Summary of Japan’s National Sport Photo:Sumo "Sumo Match - Tokyo - 相撲," produced by TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful, features conventions before matches and match footage of Japan’s national sport. From the cultural aspect of sumo that originates from Japanese Shinto to the spectacular matches, the video shows the sport at its best. Sumo is a fascinating martial art that a wide range of people including those who are interested in Japanese culture and martial arts lovers can enjoy! 【Official Website】Nihon Sumo Kyokai Official Website http://www.sumo.or.jp/En/ -
Video article 1:47
The Curling Girls Who Suddenly Entered the Spotlight With Phrases Like "Sodane" and "Mogumogu Time." Introducing "Loco Solare," the Curling Team That Captivated Japan!
Sports Celebrities- 346 plays
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Introducing Loco Solare This video is titled "Team Official|Loco Solare|Promotional Video" (チーム公認 Loco Solare プロモーションビデオ). It was produced by "sweet journey." It introduces women's curling, that came into the spotlight at the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics. The "Sodane" (roughly translated as "yeahhh" or "that's it") shouting during games and the phrase "mogu mogu time" (roughly translated as "munching time") when the players ate a snack at half-time, became popular buzzwords, and many media outlets covered the event, leading to a rise in the popularity of curling. Have you heard of Hokkaido's curling team Loco Solare? In this article, we'll introduce curling and "Loco Solare" along with videos. Enjoy the promotional video of the girls behind the popular winter sport! About the Curling Team Loco Solare Source :YouTube screenshot The curling team "Loco Solare" has been active as "LS Kitami" since 2010, but was renamed "Loco Solare" in 2018. Their training base is Advics Tokoro Curling Hall. The team members appearing in the video include Representative Director Mari Motohashi (video 0:13), Yuko Suzuki (0:17), Yurika Yoshida (0:18), Chinami Yoshida (0:19), May Fujisawa (0:21), and Coach Onodera (1:05). Loco Solare excelled at home and abroad, winning their first national championships in 2016 and a silver medal at the world championships, before winning a bronze medal at the PyeongChang Olympics in 2018. They became famous as the "Curling girls" overnight. In addition, the media often covered the "Mogu Mogu Time" in which the team ate nutritional snacks during dead time during the matches, garnering widespread attention. What is Curling? Source :YouTube screenshot According to Loco Solare's official website, "Curling is a winter sport in which teams count their points by sliding stones across the ice in an attempt to secure the closest spot to the center of a circle called the "house." It's also known as "chess on ice" because of the strategy involved in it. The more you know about the rules and how scoring works, the more you can enjoy watching the game. Loco Solare is made up of five members with four taking part in the competition at one time. Curling has become an official Olympic sport since 1998, in the Nagano Winter Olympics. Mixed double curling, in which boys and girls are paired, has become an official event since the Pyeongchang Olympics. Curling emphasizes strategizing against the opposing team while accurately sliding the stones and using brushes to adjust speed and direction. You can see pitching and sweeping at 1:08 in the video. It'll be interesting to see if Loco Solare will be able to win a gold medal after taking home bronze at the last Winter Olympics. Summary of Loco Solare Source :YouTube screenshot The promotional video for Loco Solare introduces the shows the teamwork, cheerful atmosphere, and serious practice of the women's curling team. In the video, the players are shown at 1:05 and 1:26, relaxing in their everyday clothing; a rare sight. The matches are tense and require a great deal of concentration, but the cheery atmosphere and smiling faces of Loco Solare is their strength! Watch this video to see the teamwork of the women's curling team, Loco Solare! 【Official Website】Loco Solare https://locosolare.jp/ -
Video article 6:27
Fans From All Over Japan Are Glued to the Beautiful Performance of Yuzuru Hanyu! Be Amazed by the Outstanding Performance of the Young Pro Figure Skater Who Received the People’s Honour Award!
Sports- 283 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Yuzuru Hanyu! This time, we will introduce a video titled "All Japan Figure Skating Championship 2019 <Men's Short 1st place, Yuzuru Hanyu / Performance + Interview>"(全日本フィギュアスケート選手権2019<男子ショート第1位・羽生結弦/演技+インタビュー>)" by Fuji TV's official sports channel. The 2019 All Japan Figure Skating Championship featured in this video was held at the National Yoyogi Stadium No. 1 Gymnasium in Shibuya ward, Tokyo in the Kanto region for four days from December 19 to 23, in 2019. This tournament was the final round of the World Championship in 2020, and attracted the attention of many figure skating fans. Featured in the video is the popular figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu. His brilliant performance has attracted many fans. In the video, you can watch the boys' short performance from 0:39. What Kind of Competition Is the Figure Skating Introduced in the Video? Photo:Figure skating In figure skating, skaters competes not for speed but based on the beauty of their performance. The techniques include jumps, spins, step sequences, and spirals, including triple-axels and quad-rotation jumps. Points are determined according to the difficulty of the moves. The results of the boy's shorts of the 2019 All Japan Figure Skating Championship featured in the video, were 1st place / 110.72 points Yuzuru Hanyu, 2nd place / 105.71 points Shoma Uno. What Kind of Person Is Yuzuru Hanyu? Source :YouTube screenshot Yuzuru Hanyu is a popular figure skater from Miyagi and is affiliated with the Japanese airline ANA. His nickname is "Yuzu". Born in 1994, he is 172 cm tall (5.6 ft.) and currently enrolled at Waseda University as of January 2020. He has won two consecutive gold medals in the Sochi and Pyeongchang Olympics (Winter Olympics). He was awarded for his high scoring performance every time, and in 2018 he was the youngest national laureate at the age of 23. When Yuzuru Hanyu, dresses in a gorgeous design costume and appears in the skating rink, loud cheers ring out through the stadium, and after the performance, it's common that he will receive a lot of Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals that he loves. At the 2019 All Japan Figure Skating Championship, throwing of presents after the competition was prohibited, and it was a topic of hot debate at the time. In the video, you can see a Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal with the coach before the performance. You can also watch the interview after the end of the performance with the audience's cheering and loud applause from 4:28. He talks about his enthusiasm for free performance two days later. The History of Japanese Figure Skating and Famous Skaters! Photo:Figure skating The history of the figure skating world in Japan has been supported by skaters who perform well, such as Midori Ito and Shizuka Arakawa, as well as Miki Ando, Mao Asada, Daisuke Takahashi and Nobunari Oda. Currently, skaters such as Hanyu Yuzuru, Uno Shoma and Sato Shun are still active. If you go to the skating rink to watch the figure skating tournament, you can see various performances such as single skating, pair skating and ice dancing. Summary of the Performance and Interview Video of Yuzuru Hanyu Source :YouTube screenshot In the men's Free Competition that took place after the short, which you can see in this video, Shoma Uno who was in first place, managed to widen the gap between himself and Yuzuru Hanyu, and Yuzuru managed to place second. Yuzuru Hanyu's performance is very supple and beautiful. It's hard to take your eyes off of it. Be sure to take a closer look at the video to enjoy the charm of figure skating. -
Video article 1:01
The Skills of Present-Day Samurai Who Slice and Dice With a Japanese Sword! "Battodo" Is a Traditional Martial Art Form in Japan That Has Been Passed Down Since Ancient Times
Sports- 388 plays
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Battodo- One of Japan’s Traditional Martial Arts; A Look at the National Championships In this video, titled "The 42nd National Battodo Federation Championships/ The 9th Ueki Cup Competition (Iaido/Battodo) Iaido(第42回全日本抜刀道連盟全国大会・第9回植木杯争奪戦【居合道・抜刀道】Iaido)," we see scenes from the 2018 national battodo championships. Battodo is, as shown in the video, the art of swordsmanship in which they slash through tatami mats at a diagonal angle. Before we go any further, take a look at scenes from the national championships at the beginning of the video. What Is Battodo? A Look at the History of the Traditional Martial Art Photo:Iai Battodo is a type of martial art that involves slashing objects using a Japanese sword. It began with Nakamura Taizaburo's advocacy of a martial art form centered on "tameshi-giri" (trying out a new sword or blade (originally on someone, but now on soaked straw targets)), which was introduced in the post-war era when iaido was becoming popular. There are many schools or styles of battodo, as well as differences in levels basic techniques. Besides battodo, in Japan, there are old swordsmanship arts such as iaibattodo and battojutsu. These can also be seen in the video. Many martial artists and martial arts lovers are actively engaged in these arts as well. The Rules of Battodo Source :YouTube screenshot At the Ueki Cup Competition held at Mooka City in Tochigi Prefecture, there are divisions such as the “Tameshi-giri division,” which can be seen from 2:32, the “Team competition division,” which can be seen from 13:09, and the “Kata division” (solo practice/demonstration of basic technique) which can be seen from 15:09. There are of course competition rules at the national championships of battodo as well. The judges judge the competitors based on their standing technique, posture, and the cut sections of the tatami mat, and the professional association awards them levels or titles such as Hanshi (Master), Kyoushi (Advanced Instructor), and Renshi (Instructor). As you can see in the footage, there's not just individual matches, but team matches as well. How to Experience Battodo in Japan Photo:Men with Japanese swords There are many batto dojos; beginning with Ryuseiken in Tokyo, and others in Yamagata prefecture, Chiba prefecture, Kanagawa prefecture, Osaka prefecture, Saitama prefecture, and Hokkaido prefecture. To those interested in traditional Japanese martial arts, or those wanting to study the spirit, technique, and physical strength of bushido, we definitely recommend taking lessons at a dojo. There are dojos in which even elementary and junior high school students learn battodo as well. Practicing martial arts as a family, also makes for a fun experience. Summary of Battodo This time, we showed you footage of the national Battodo championships. Battodo, shown in the video, is an attractive sport that will make you feel like a samurai of the Sengoku period. To those interested in battodo, a martial art gaining popularity both domestically and overseas, definitely watch the video closely to see the amazing swordsmanship of these modern day samurai! 【Official Website】National Battodo Federation http://zenbaturen.world.coocan.jp/eng_index.html -
Video article 4:30
Turn up the Heat With the Professional Men’s Basketball’s B.LEAGUE! Play After Exceptional Play, This Opening Game Is Sure to Captivate!
Sports- 69 plays
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The Opening Game of the Professional Men’s Basketball's “B. League” This video, “B.LEAGUE STARTING GAME Official After MOVIE”, summarizes the B.LEAGUE's opening game. The B.LEAGUE is a top professional men’s basketball league managed by the Japan Professional Basketball League (JPBL). It was preceded by the BJ League and the National Basketball League, and was formed in September 2016. The league’s three major events are the B.LEAGUE regular season (B.LEAGUE Championship), B.LEAGUE EARLY CUP, and the All-Japan Basketball Championship. The B.LEAGUE's Opening Game Source :YouTube screenshot In the 2016-17 B.LEAGUE opening game, the theme song was “Take-A-Shot! feat.PKCZ”, newly released by the two-member dance and vocal duo ShuuKaRen. The song was performed on the court, with the entire floor covered in LED lights. This can be seen from 1:01 in the video. As seen in the video, the opening game attracted a huge number of fans, showing the popularity of professional men’s basketball. In the video, you can see crazy plays such as pro players dunking the ball. The fans of professional men’s basketball are known as “Boosters”, and play an important role in increasing the energy and hype of the game. In the video, you can see "Boosters" crowding the stands. What Is the B.LEAGUE? Source :YouTube screenshot The B.LEAGUE is a professional men’s basketball league, under the "Japan Basketball League Institute", comprised of the B1 Division, B2 Division, and B3 Division. B1 and B2 are comprised of 18 teams, while B3 is comprised of 12 teams, combining to form a total of 48 club teams. Including Sapporo, Tokyo, Kyoto, and more – the club teams are located all over Japan. The B1 and B2 teams are further divided into three conferences of six clubs each and take part in the regular season. The top eight teams qualify for the play-offs. The team that wins this tournament-style championship is crowned the B.LEAGUE champion. Teams in each league are constantly fighting for their spots, keeping you glued to the action. Source :YouTube screenshot Furthermore, once a year, the “All-Star Game” is held, where 24 specially chosen players are separated into teams and matches are held. Players that aren't contracted with any team are known as free agents, and their names are released on the free agent roster. The B.LEAGUE also has a wide variety of goods for sale. Putting on some limited-edition goods is sure to bring the hype and help you root for your favorite team! An online shop is also available, so do make sure to check it out as well. The B.LEAGUE's Elite Source :YouTube screenshot How much do the B.LEAGUE’s top players make? The players’ yearly income is not released to the public. However, annual salary and per-game earnings change according to player performance and stats. The highest yearly income of a Japanese player is said to be around 50 million yen. Therefore, there is still a ways to go before the B.LEAGUE can reach its goal of sending a 1-billion-yen player to the Tokyo Olympics. B.LEAGUE: The Professional Men’s Basketball League Turning up the Heat Source :YouTube screenshot So are you interested yet? If so, the latest B.LEAGUE schedule, information about ticket sales, and more can be found on the official website! The B.LEAGUE will bring about a new era of professional men’s basketball. Take a seat and experience history being written through these action packed games, or even better, cheer for your favorite team in the stands of the arena! 【Official Website】B.LEAGUE Official Site https://www.bleague.jp/ -
Video article 1:32
The Tokyo Marathon Is a Fierce Competition! A Look at the Highlights of This Global Event, Which Takes Runners Through a Number of Popular Tourist Attractions!
Sports Festivals & Events- 122 plays
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The Tokyo Marathon and Japan's Men's Olympic Team! This time we'll look at the video, "[Fuji T.V. Official] Tokyo Marathon 2020 Live From 9:00 A.M. on Sunday, March 1, 2020!!" (【フジテレビ公式】東京マラソン2020<コース紹介>2020年3月1日(日)午前9時00分から生中継!!), which introduces the course of the Tokyo Marathon held in 2020. The Tokyo Marathon is a competition first held in 2007. In 2013, it was designated as a World Marathon Majors competition. It is one of the 6 major marathons in the world, along with Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York. Photo:Marathon The Tokyo Marathon is more than just an invitational sports event for invited runners and the general public; it is also an important event that serves as a qualifying event for major international sporting events, such as the Olympics and the World Athletics Championships. In Japan, the Fukuoka International Marathon and the Lake Biwa Mainichi Marathon also serve as selection events to select athletes that will compete in international competitions. However, in 2020, having been designated as a World Athletics Platinum Label Road Race, it became Asia’s highest level marathon event, and in 2019, 38,000 runners participated in the event. The Tokyo Marathon was awarded Gold Label certification by the IAAF's rating system in 2010, making it one of the largest civic engagement races, on par with New York City. The 2020 men's marathon was touted as a one-on-one race between Suguru Osako and Yuta Shitara. However, in the end, Suguru Osako finished 4th, making him the highest placing Japanese runner and confirming his participation in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The Tokyo Marathon Course Source :YouTube screenshot The course of the Tokyo Marathon has been drastically changed since its predecessor, the Tokyo International Marathon. The main feature of the course is that it is a flat, high-speed course with few ups and downs, with runners running on public roads in the center of the city. This video gives an overview of the course and we'll go over it below. ・[Video 0:23] A five meter stretch starting from the front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku with an elevation difference of 35 meters. ・[Video 0:33] A section along Sotobori-dori and Chuo-dori to reach the 10km point in Nihonbashi. ・[Video 0:40] Running through Edo-dori, runners will pass the 15km mark of Asakusa/Kaminarimon ・[Video 0:48] The 20 km mark of Monnakacho- the first turnaround point. ・[Video 0:59] The decisive moment is the 30 km mark in Ginza. At this point, the pacemaker will drop out of the race and the wheeling and the tactics begin. ・[Video 1:10] The 35 km mark at Takanawa is the last turnaround point, and the strongest runners will use their last bits of energy for bursts of speed. Every year, it's an incredibly close competition. ・[Video 1:21] The finish line of the course is in front of Tokyo station. The front runner will break through the finish line tape while being greeted by a large crowd and volunteer staff. The Tokyo Marathon is popular among international runners because, with the exception of the starting point, it is a flat course that allows for record breaking, and also takes in the sights of Tokyo from start to finish. For this reason, the number of applicants has been increasing every year, and for the 13th marathon, the general runners’ odds of being selected to run in the race was less than a 1 in 12 chance thus making it very difficult to enter. There are three race categories: the Men's and Women's Marathon, the Wheelchair Marathon, and the Junior and Youth Marathon, with the wheelchair marathon starting five minutes before the other events. Summary of the Tokyo Marathon Course Photo:Marathon Due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the Tokyo Marathon Foundation considered cancelling the 2020 marathon, but decided to hold only it with only elite athletes being considered for selection, with participation by the general public cancelled. The 2020 Tokyo Marathon was controversial, because although an entry fee is paid prior to the race, the terms state that no refunds would be given in the event of cancellation. Because the Tokyo Marathon is a race with traffic restrictions on public roads, there are fears that the date of the race could affect the capital's logistics infrastructure. However, because it is a top-level marathon race even by world standards, it has a positive economic effect, and the event continues to grow yearly. We're looking forward to Tokyo Marathons of the future! 【Official Website】Home Page|Tokyo Marathon 2020 https://www.marathon.tokyo/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Tokyo Marathon https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g14133673-d8820386-r441644983-Tokyo_Marathon-Nishishinjuku_Shinjuku_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:56
The Toughest Race in the World - The Triathlon! 1,700 Strongmen Take on the Ironman Race Covering a Total Distance of Over 200 Kilometers in Miyakojima!
Sports- 214 plays
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The All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima! This is a video of the 35th All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima, released by Ryukyu Shimpo. 1,700 athletes participated in the rigorous competition in Miyakojima, Okinawa, on April 14th, 2019; Some aiming for glory, and others aiming to just finish. Starting at Yonaha Maehama Beach, athletes rushed through the 3 events, swimming, biking, and running through the 202.195 km course, to the goal at Miyakojima City Track and Field. With voices of cheering spectators on the roadside giving them strength. The Miyakojima Triathlon Photo:Traithlon A triathlon is a sport that involves swimming, cycling, and running. The international distance (used at the Olympics) is 51.5 km long. However, the Miyakojima triathlon is not a normal triathlon. It is classified as an Ironman Triathlon, and covers a total distance of 202.195 kilometres- 3 km swimming, 157 km cycling, and 42.195 kms running. The origin of its name is the combination of the suffix tri, meaning 3 in Greek, and athlon which means "an event." The history of triathlons is relatively short, with the world’s first triathlon held in San Diego, California in 1974. After that, events, such as the World Championship series and World Cup, started to be held in various places. Triathlons Are a Brutal Sport! Photo:Triathlon There are other kinds of triathlon, for example the standard distance mentioned earlier, as well as the Sprint-Distance (27.75km), and the Ultra-Triathlon (226km). The Triathlon, which consists of 3 events- swimming, cycling, and running, is a brutal race, and the name "Ironman" fits it quite well. Because of this, the All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima is also called "STRONGMAN." The All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima Photo:Traithlon・Ikema Bridge The All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima is an event held in Miyakojima, a popular resort location in Okinawa. As seen at 0:08 in the video, the race starts from Shimoji Miyakojima City Yonaha Maehama Beach, known as a diving spot, and the course goes around Miyakojima’s sightseeing spots, finally finishing at Miyakojima City Track and Field, as seen from 1:10 in the video. Summary of the All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima When traveling to Ishigakijima or Miyakojima, be sure to stop by the All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima course! If you are interested in sports, you can train for the All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima, and get wetsuits and marathon clothing in preparation! 【Official Website】All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima https://tri-miyako.com/en/ -
Video article 3:02
Watch Some of the Amazing Shots From World-Class Women's Tennis Player, Naomi Osaka! Osaka Continues to Break Records as a Japanese Tennis Player!
Sports Celebrities- 108 plays
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The Amazing Tennis Skills of Professional Female Tennis Player Naomi Osaka! This video, titled "[Tennis] Historical Achievements! Naomi Osaka's Top Plays Part 1!" (【テニス】歴史的快挙!!大坂なおみのスーパープレイPart1!【神業】Naomi Osaka Best Points Part1), contains footage of amazing tennis shots by professional female tennis player Naomi Osaka. Naomi Osaka has strong forehand, backhand, and stroke shots, and is known for consistently making amazing shots during her matches. In this article, we'll introduce you to Naomi Osaka, the tennis player famous for her amazing tennis skills. More About the Professional Female Tennis Player Naomi Osaka Source :YouTube screenshot Naomi Osaka was born in Chuo ward, Osaka city in Osaka prefecture (大阪県大阪市中央区, oosakakenoosakashichuuouku). She is sponsored by Nissin Foods (日清食品ホールディングス). She is 180 cm tall (5'11") and weighs 69 kg (152 lbs). She uses a YONEX racket and likes to wear Adidas and Nike apparel. She currently has many sponsors such as YONEX and Nissin Foods and often appears in commercials and in the media. Osaka's father is American (of Haiti origin) and her mother is Japanese. Until 2019 she held dual nationality, however she currently has Japanese citizenship. There are rumors that she is dating the American rapper YBN Cordae as well. She made news after deciding to drop her tennis coach Sascha Bajin (サーシャバイン) in 2019. The History and Achievements of Professional Female Tennis Player Naomi Osaka Photo:Tennis court Naomi Osaka took part in her first professional tour, the ITF (International Tennis Federation) Women's Circuit, at the age of 14. From there, she decided to skip the junior competitions and instead compete in the lower divisions of professional competitions to improve her tennis skills. She has won the WTA (Women's Tennis Association) Tour singles 5 times and was the first Asian player to be ranked number one in the world. She was the first Japanese player to become a Grand Slam Singles champion, the third Japanese player make it to the WTA finals, and she also made it to the finals of the ITF Circuit and has won open competitions all over the world, including the US and Australian Open. She has fans not only in Japan but all over the world. She represented Japan in Wimbledon and the French Open in both singles and doubles, breaking many records along the way. From 0:08 and 0:30 in the video, you can see some of Naomi Osaka's amazing shots against Serena Williams and Angelique Kerber, respectively. Enjoy watching her unbelievable tennis skills in the video! Summary of Professional Female Tennis Player Naomi Osaka Source :YouTube screenshot For those who would like to see more amazing tennis shots from the previous #1 tennis player in the world, Naomi Osaka, feel free to watch the video as much as you like and enjoy her thrilling plays! If you're interested in seeing more on Naomi Osaka, make sure you watch one of her upcoming matches or check out her Twitter or Instagram pages for more information. 【Official Website】Naomi Osaka's official home page https://www.naomiosaka.com/en/ -
Video article 3:35
Skateboarding Expected to Be in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! Witness the Skills of Some of the World's Top Young Riders Contracted With Murasaki Sports!
Sports- 100 plays
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Skateboarding in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! This video is a session of TEAM RIDER, which consists of five street skaters, Yoshiaki Toeda, Ryuhei Kitazume, Yuto Hori, Daisuke Ikeda, and Sorayoshi Shirai. Skateboarding has become a hotly anticipated event as it becomes a part of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. For some of you, skateboarding is what "kids do for fun." However, skateboarding is one of the most popular international extreme sports, along with surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and BMX, which are all part of the Olympic Games. Check out the video to see some awesome tricks and learn just how fun skateboarding can be! The 2020 Tokyo Olympics' Skateboarding Competition Photo:Skateboarding Although the history of skateboarding varies, it is most likely that it was born around 1940 on the west coast of the United States. Until around 1990, it was enjoyed for fun, but it later took established itself as a sport and joined the Olympic games. There are two types of skateboarding: street and vert. Street skating is exactly what it sounds like- skating around streets and using the natural environment as your skatepark. At the Olympics, it's essentially a small course intended to mimic that natural environment, with staircases, handrails, and more setup for the competitors to do tricks with. Competitors are judged on the number of tricks the can do in the allotted time period, as well as on the complexity of their tricks. Photo:Skatepark On the other hand, vert skating, also known as park skating uses large half-pipes, quarter-pipes, and bowls that you would see at a skatepark. These allow the competitor to gain speed that allows them to grind for long distances, or to gain incredible height and do aerial tricks. It might not look that hard, but being so high in the air can actually be quite nerve wracking, and they don't always land their tricks either. Street skating might not be as fast paced, but the freestyle performances are just as impressive as their vert counterparts. The video shows a video of a street skateboard competition starting at 0:17. Skateboarders and Other World-Class Riders! Murasaki Sports Supporting the Youth! Source :YouTube screenshot Many athletes who have won numerous awards in world contests, including the designated players for the Tokyo Olympics, belong to Murasaki Sports. The skateboard team "TEAM RIDER," that can be seen in the video, includes Yoshiaki Toeda (0:15), Ryuhei Kitazume (1:14), Yuto Horiyume (2:21), Daisuke Ikeda (0:39), and Sorayoshi Shirai (1:42). Check out some of their awesome tricks in the video. There's also surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and other athletes besides the five skaters mentioned above. The athletes are committed to improving their skills while practicing for competition on a daily basis. The Murasaki Sports website also features blog posts on the athletes' competitions as well as their private lives, so you can stay up to date with their daily activities. You too can support the players of Murasaki Sports! Summary of Murasaki Sports' Skateboarders Photo:Skateboarding We hope you were able to see some of the charms of skateboarding through this article. Be sure to look out for skateboarding at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! The population and public interest in skateboarding isn't that high, but the community is great and they love helping beginner get into the sport! If you're into skateboarding, be sure to watch the video and check out some of their awesome tricks! 【Official Website】Skateboard - Murasaki Sports https://www.murasaki.co.jp/brand/ridelifemag-murasaki-sports/shop/honatsugi/354a9bd2-09ad-4aea-a98f-e4249637a13b -
Video article 1:12
Experience What High-Speed Boat Racing Is Like in Japan
Sports- 320 plays
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About the Boat Race PR Video "BOAT RACE and the City │ Boat Race PR [BOATRACE official](BOAT RACE and the City │ボートレースPR【ボートレース公式 BOATRACE official】)" is a PR video work that allows you to enjoy the power of boat racing. The speed and power at these waterside stadiums is extraordinary and attracts many people. Powerful races, as you can see throughout the video, are sometimes called "water martial arts." Finding and cheering for your favorite athlete is one of the appeals of all public sports. This time, I will introduce boat racing in detail. What Is Boat Racing? What Is a Boat Race? Photo:Boat Race Boat racing is one of the government-controlled competitive sports along with “bicycle racing”, “horse racing”, “auto racing”, etc., and is a competition performed on a motor board that applies the motorboat racing format. The race is divided into five classes, "SG, G1, G2, G3, and General Battle". SG (Special grade) is the highest grade race. The official name was unified as "競艇, Kyoutei" (Lit. Boat Racing) from 1997 to 2009, but from 2010, it was stylized as "BOAT RACE". In the past, it was sometimes called a boat or motorboat race. Boat Races at 24 Locations Nationwide! Photo:Fukuoka Boat Race Track Introduced in the video at 1:01, there are 24 boat racetracks nationwide. Here, we will introduce them in a list. 1. Kojima Boat Race Track (Okayama Prefecture) 2. Miyajima Boat Race Track (Hiroshima Prefecture) 3. Tokuyama Boat Race Track (Yamaguchi Prefecture) 4. Shimonoseki Boat Race Track (Yamaguchi Prefecture) 5. Wakamatsu Boat Race Track (Fukuoka Prefecture) 6. Ashiya Boat Race Track (Fukuoka Prefecture) 7. Fukuoka Boat Race Track (Fukuoka Prefecture) 8. Karatsu Boat Race Track (Saga Prefecture) 9. Omura Boat Race Track (Nagasaki Prefecture) 10. Amagasaki Boat Race Track (Hyogo Prefecture) 11. Suminoe Boat Race Track (Osaka Prefecture) 12. Biwako Boat Race Course (Shiga Prefecture) 13. Mikuni Boat Race Track (Fukui Prefecture) 14. Naruto Boat Race Track (Tokushima Prefecture) 15. Marugame Boat Race Field (Kagawa Prefecture) 16. Kiryu Boat Race Course (Gunma Prefecture) 17. Toda Boat Race Course (Saitama Prefecture) 18. Edogawa Boat Race Track (Tokyo) 19. Heiwajima Boat Race Track (Tokyo) 20. Tamagawa Boat Race Track (Tokyo) 21. Tokoname Boat Race Track (Aichi Prefecture) 22. Gamagori Boat Race Course (Aichi Prefecture) 23. Lake Hamana Boat Race Field (Lake Hamana) 24. Tsu Boat Race Track (Mie Prefecture) If You Enjoy Boat Racing, Take a Gamble! Photo:Boat odds bulletin board Boat racing also has a gambling aspect, which has become very popular content. Now, apps have appeared, and you can buy boat tickets anywhere, predict the outcome, and see the results. Boat racing is a sport that can be enjoyed by all types of people! Boat Race Introduction Video Summary Today we Introduced the very popular boat race as a spectator competition. What'd you think? There are also TV commercials featuring popular talent, so if you're interested, keep your eyes peeled. It has a history dating back 79 years, including the period until it became a public sport, and now it has a stronger aspect of gambling, but it is still a powerful sport that you will never get tired of watching. [Tokyo / Osaka / Fukuoka] featured in the video may have a joint tri-city battle. If you are interested, why not visit the boat racetrack and vote? 【Official Website】boat race https://www.boatrace.jp/owpc/pc/extra/en/index.html -
Video article 3:19
The Powerful, Unrelenting Attacks of Jukendo! Train Your Mind, Body, and Spirit With the Japanese Martial Art Similar to Kendo!
Sports- 1.1K plays
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The Powerful Sport, Jukendo! This video is titled "銃剣道 其の一 Jukendo PART1." Jukendo is a sport/martial art that looks very similar to Kendo. You wear protective gear similar to Kendo, but it uses a wooden gun with a bayonet to attack with mainly thrusting techniques as opposed to a shinai's slashing techniques. The guns are modeled after the rifles used by the old Japanese military, which had a rifle with a blade tip, and the sport is also called Jukenkakuto and other names. Because it is a very practical martial art, it has been incorporated into police and self-defense force training. Although the number of people who practice Jukendo is low, it was once a common martial arts class, and has been seen at national athletic meets, national championships, and national youth competitions. Basic Knowledge and Skills of Jukendo Source :YouTube screenshot The wooden gun, weighing 1.1 kg, with an overall length of 166 cm, is one of the most distinctive features of Jukendo. You can see it at 0:13 in the video. It is said that the Japanese style of Jukendo is the origin of modern Jukendo, whereas the western style of Jukendo was integrated with kendo. Historically, it is said to have originated at the end of the Edo period, when the style of fighting changed from swords to guns, and the tips of swords or daggers were attached to the tips of imported guns to be used as bayonets. The Rules of Jukendo Source :YouTube screenshot The rules of Jukendo were established by the All Japan Jukendo Federation, and nowadays it has become a competitive martial art. The rules are basically a one on one format, and fighters win by scoring strikes to the upper body, stomach, lower body, throat, wrist, and shoulder. Matches are held barefoot on the floor with no shoes on. You can see basic techniques at 1:03 in the video. The Appeal of Jukendo Source :YouTube screenshot In the video, you can see an interview with a Jukendo practitioner at 2:14, where he talks about the appeal of the martial art. Jukendo is a grueling sport, originally designed to kill with a combination of gun and sword, aiming at the left side of the chest where the heart is located, or the throat, but they all say with a smile that they are so happy when they win a match after rigorous training that all of the hardships along the way were worth it. Unlike a bamboo sword, Jukendo uses a weapon that is larger and heavier than a wooden sword, so if you're hit on the hand by your opponent, you may actually experience broken fingers. Therefore, in Jukendo, body parts that are easily targeted by thrusts are protected by thick armor. Hand wraps are also worn to minimize injury. Summary of Jukendo Source :YouTube screenshot Hiratsuka Tsuchizawa Junior High School in Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, the only school in the country that adopted Jukendo as a class, decided to end the class in 2018, and it became a widely talked about subject. However, the topic has increased awareness of Jukendo, and now it is said that the competition population is gradually increasing, with the number of dan (titles) recipients and female players on the rise. In all Japanese martial arts, it is important to train the mind and body and start and end with a bow. In particular, foul play is severely punished because there is a risk of serious injury if an offense is committed. It can be said that the key to aspiring to and becoming strong in Jukendo lies in the steady training of the body and mind. 【Official Homepage】All Japan Jukendo Federation http://www.jukendo.info/english -
Video article 8:47
Kyudo - Traditional Japanese Archery. One Female Archer Shares Her Passion for the Martial Art Used as Both Physical and Mental Training!
Sports Celebrities- 9.92K plays
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About the Introductory Video of Kyudo This video titled “KYUDO – Mariko Satake/Interview – IS JAPAN COOL? DOU” is created by the ANA Global Channel as part of a video series introducing traditional Japanese art and martial arts. This video focuses on the introduction of Kyudo (弓道), including an interview with a master of Kyudo- Ms. Mariko Satake, and some techniques, forms and manners of Kyudo. Ms. Satake in this video is more than 70 years old, but you’ll be amazed at her breathtaking posture, physique and quiet, unwavering aim. Following the video, we introduce Kyudo in this article. Kyudo - A Traditional Japanese Martial Art Photo:Kyudo Kyudo is a traditional Japanese martial art in which archers shoot an arrow with a Yumi (弓) (Japanese bow). Originally, Yumi were used to hunt game, but gradually came to be used in shinto rituals as well. In the Edo period (1603-1868), Kyudo was practiced as a martial art for a samurai’s physical and spiritual training. A series of correct forms is important to hit the target; The basic concept is called “orthogonal hit,” which means that an arrow shot with the correct form will definitely hit its target. Kyudo archers wear Kyudo uniforms for practice and competitions, and they wear Kimono during examinations to achieve higher ranks and titles. Kyudo is mainly divided into Reisha groups (礼射系, Reishakei) and Busha groups (武射系, Bushakei). In addition, there are many schools, such as the Ogasawara School (小笠原流, Ogasawararyu), the Heki School (日置流, Hekiryu), the Honda School (本多流, Hondaryu), the Yamato School (大和流, Yamatoryu) and more. Some Kyudo archers (弓道家, Kyudoka) don’t belong to any schools, but almost all archers learn the shooting method defined by the All Nippon Kyudo Federation. Source of Photo :YouTube screenshot According to the rules of Kyudo, each target is 36 centimeters in diameter and located 28 meters from the archer. If archers succeed in hitting the target, they will get one point. If they miss it, they will receive zero points. At 0:25 in this video, Ms. Satake explains how "...for many practitioners, kyudo is a means of spiritual and physical self improvement." Kyudo lessons are also quite popular in Japan; There are many Kyudo classes and training institutes. Most schools in Japan have a Kyudo practice area for the school Kyudo club. These places enable people to learn and experience Kyudo from the beginning, and we can refine our mind and body. Moreover, the All Nippon Kyudo Federation hosts the Kyudo national tournament, so Kyudo is also taught at schools as a sport. Currently there are about 130,000 Kyudo archers in Japan, and the practice has begun to gain traction overseas as well. Outside of Japan, there is also a sport called archery; It is similar to Kyudo in that bows are used. However, unlike archery, practitioners of Kyudo refine their mind, whereas archers in archery only focus on improving their aim. The Instruments of Kyudo Source of Photo :YouTube screenshot In order to practice Kyudo, archers need a Japanese bow, arrows, Yugake (bow strings), Kyudo uniforms and a Hakama. The bow is very long and beautiful; and has long since been deified due to its unique Japanese form. From 1:40 of this video, Ms. Satake says that it is important to draw the bow while listening to its voice. Bows are made of bamboo or carbon, and arrows are made of bamboo, carbon or duralumin. Strings are stretched over the bow. Sometimes a string may break, so archers need to prepare several strings. Yugake is a glove made of deer leather. Archers wear it on their arrow drawing hand. This plays a very important role during the match. Makiwara is the target archers use during their practice. You can get to know these Kyudo items in more detail from 0:50 this video. The Eight Stages of Shooting in Kyudo Source of Photo :YouTube screenshot Shaho (射法) is a basic movement in Kyudo and there are eight basic movements that go into firing a single arrow: Ashibumi (足踏み), Dozukuri (胴造り), Yugamae (弓構え), Uchiokoshi (打起し), Hikiwake (引分け), Kai (会), Hanare (離れ), and Zanshin (残心). Each move has an important meaning. From 6:02 in this video, you can see Ms. Satake’s beautiful shooting process from beginning to end for about two and a half minutes. Please look at her elegant form when she shoots! Overview of Kyudo, a Traditional Japanese Martial Art Some people practice Kyudo to refine their mind and body. Ms. Satake also says in this video that Kyudo archers are strictly taught, “Shooting is the shadow of your heart,” which means archers can see their everyday lives through their shots. She regards this teaching as very important. During her interview, we can see that she practices the teaching, “All of your actions shape your body for Kyudo.” Take a look at her awesome form while shooting in a tense atmosphere. -
Video article 6:12
Kendo - The Japanese Sport That Uses Bamboo Swords. Witness the Legacy of Japan's Samurai With This Traditional Martial Art!
Sports Traditional Culture History- 536 plays
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The Traditional Japanese Martial Art “Kendo” This video is "Best of Kendo~Awesome~" produced by "NAGASHI." Kendo is one of Japan's traditional martial arts. Many Japanese people know about the style of Kendo. What's so fascinating about this sport though? Kendo is a one-on-one competition where players wear a kendo uniform, armor, and use bamboo swords called "shinai." Kendo and other traditional Japanese martial arts are about valuing respect. Swords are of course weapons, but it is the human mind that controls them. Winning a match, according to the rules, means winning with the swordsmanship you've refined. The swordsman stay focused until after the match, when they've bowed to one another. This is standard Kendo etiquette. Kendo is said to be a martial art that begins and ends with a bow. The beauty of this Japanese culture may be one of the attractions of Kendo. In the video, you can see this etiquette from 0:05 and 5:57 in the second half. I hope that these videos will show the excellence of Kendo and the spirit, and harmony among Kendo fighters through their matches and practice, and at the same time, convey the beauty of Japanese martial arts as a whole. The History of Kendo Photo:Kendo Nowadays, the sport has federations all over the world, and not only schoolchildren's tournaments, inter-scholastic athletics competitions, and national championships, but matches are held all over the world. With the increase in the number of competitors, kendo's technical population has grown to about 1.7 million, but it was originally created to practice swordsmanship. It is a traditional martial art that inherited the soul of the samurai, which is said to have already existed in the Heian period (794-1185 AD). Kendo, as a competitive sport, had its own set of dan rankings and rules and instruction manuals from the Edo period (1603- 1868 AD). Gradually, the style came closer and closer to the style we have today. However, even now, having gone from martial arts to competition, it's practitioners still train their mind, body, and they still maintain proper etiquette. The Gear Required for Kendo Photo:Kendo "Men" The traditional Japanese martial art kendo requires a few pieces of gear. ・防具 Armor ・剣道着 Kendo uniform ・竹刀 Bamboo sword (sometimes wooden swords are used for training) ・小手 Kote(padded gloves to protect the wrists and forearms) ・面 Men(a face mask) ・垂れ Tare(waist protector) ・袴 Hakama(pleated and divided skirt made in fine stripes) You can purchase this gear at kendo specialty stores and kendo shops. For a moment, at 0:14 in the video, you can see the image of the camera attached inside a face mask. You can feel what Kendo is like in this scene. Japanese traditional martial art kendo rules Photo:Referee Kendo is a sport that trains the mind and body. The format of the matches are one-on-one individual matches, but there is also a team competition where 1 winner is crowned. A match in Kendo is between two players until two points are scored, or the time runs out. (One game = Three match) There are 3 valid targets to strike in order to score a point ・Men (the face mask) ・Kote(the padded gloves to protect the wrists and forearms) ・Do (the breastplate) Also, when it comes to matches for college students or older, two-sword style is also possible. It is rare in Japan, but is often seen in overseas kendo matches. Miyamoto Musashi, one of the most popular, and said to be the most powerful swordsmen in the world, was also a master of the two swords. From 0:25, the video introduces a number of matches. Not only do bamboo swords clash, but sometimes competitors are violently struck, propelling them into the air. This is not unexpected however, as it is a combat sport. Summary of the Fascinating, Traditional Japanese Martial Art, Kendo The appeal of kendo, the traditional Japanese martial art, lies in the intensity of the matches. The dignified movements of these swordsmen are the result of daily rigorous training. There are rankings called "dan" in Kendo, but in order to receive a ranking, you must go through a rigorous certification test to obtain the title. The dojo where swordsmen practice everyday is packed with the lives of the swordsmen. Kendo is also said to be a lifelong sport. Please enjoy the video of the Kendo matches, that transcend both age and gender. 【Official Website】All Japan Kendo Federation https://www.kendo.or.jp/en/ -
Video article 10:31
Shudan Kodo - Check Out Nippon Sport Science University's Outstanding Performance! 10 Minutes of Perfectly Precise Movement!
Sports- 4.55K plays
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Nippon Sports Science University's Shudan Kodo This video, titled "Nippon Sport Science University Shudan Kodo 2017" (日体大 集団行動2017), is a recorded video of shudan kodo, uploaded by “nogutan2.” Some people might have heard or seen shudan kodo on TV or on a news website before. Shudan kodo is synchronized movements performed by students from Nippon Sports Science University. Students make perfect lines and march while changing formations and crossing paths without disturbing the lines. Check out the video of the world-class beautiful performance. Nippon Sports Science University's Historic Shudan Kodo Source :YouTube screenshot It all started about 40 years ago when the idea of shudan kodo was brought up at Nippon Sports Science University. Shudan kodo was started to practice disciplined movement, and every year the quality of the performance increases. You can hear the audience cheering during this beautiful performance of high quality shudan kodo. Several reactions from both Japan and different countries after they have seen the performance of shudan kodo. Many people say it's impressive, and some people even mention getting goose bumps from the performance. It's also very reminiscent of precise military marching. The Rigorous Practice of Shudan Kodo Source :YouTube screenshot Shudan kodo is not forced on students at Nippon Sports Science University. Students who are willing to participate gather and practice on a daily basis. There are actually too many students who are willing to join the club, therefore, auditions are held in order to decide who can participate. The current coach of shudan kodo at Nippon Science University is Nobuhiko Kiyohara. Since Kiyohara became coach 5 months ago, the total length of walk in the practice is said to have increased to over 1,000 km. Recently, more research towards the performance of shudan kodo is being conducted, and it has been evolving and becoming more precise and beautiful. At Nippon Sports Science University, a sports research presentation is held every other year to show the audience the results of practice. The performance of shudan kodo is one of the most popular performances at this demonstration. There is a world tour of shudan kodo as well, and it has become very popular globally. The Highlight of Shudan Kodo Source :YouTube screenshot You can see the beautiful performance born of the hard work of the students in this video. Make sure to also pay attention to 0:40 in the video to see the walking performance. The movement of the arms and swinging of the legs is perfectly aligned. Also, don't miss the skill of the performers crossing paths with each other while at a trot. There are so many more impressive performances in this 10 minutes video, so we recommend not skipping anything. Find your favorite performance! Summary of Shudan Kodo Shudan kodo continues to gain attention, as some other schools have already started new club activities like shudan kodo, such as Shudan Taisou (Gymnastics), and mass games. The presentation of Nippon Sport Science University's shudan kodo has been very popular and it's very difficult to purchase tickets. If you wish to watch the live performance of shudan kodo, we recommend purchasing tickets in advance. If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the video to see the amazing performances of shudan kodo! -
Video article 3:30
The famous "Stick-fighting" of National Defense Academy of Japan in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, a powerful animation! Punching! Kick! Throwing! Is this martial arts? Fighting? No, it is a school event!
Sports- 625 plays
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Introduction of the video of the famous stick-fighting at the school festival of the National Defense Academy in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. This video was created by ‘wasabiesince2002’ and was entitled ‘Punch! Kick! Hurl! And choke! "Bo-taoshi" of National Defense Academy of Japan is a combat sport!! 2013 National Defense Academy of Japan, the 61st Founding of the Academy Memorial Festival, Bo-taoshi, 1st Match, 1st Game, No.4(殴る!蹴る!投げる!絞める!防衛大学校の棒倒しは格闘技だ!! H25年 防衛大学校 第61回 開校記念祭 棒倒し 第1回戦第一試合 No.4)’. Usually locked by airtight gates leaving common people with no clue on what’s inside, the National Defense Academy of Japan, introduced in this video, is, in a sense, an unexplored location left in modern-day Japan. Annually, the academy hosts a famous event that is broadcast on TV as well. That event is called "Bo-taoshi" and it is performed during the autumn academy festival: ‘Founding of the Academy Memorial Festival’. Bo-taoshi, that leaves spectators breathless, is more of a combat sport than something you'd see at a school festival. A chaotic brawl of punches, kicks, throws, and chokes leaves many injured! But watching this traditional sport, the students of the National Defense Academy of Japan don’t fail to assure that they are the guardians of Japan's future. Please enjoy the powerful battle between these future self-defense officers in the video. It's sure to be very exciting. The History of the Extreme "Bo-Taoshi" Photo:Self-Defense Officer Bo-taoshi is a traditional event with a long history played in the Imperial Military Academy, Imperial Military Air Force Academy, and the Imperial Naval Academy. It is a precious game that brings the history of modern Japan to the present. Bo-taoshi in the National Defense Academy has been played since 1954 at the ‘Founding of the Academy Festival’ and it is considered one of the three major games of the academy along with the ‘Cutter Games’ and ‘Long-Distance Running’. What Exactly Is "Bo-Taoshi’" Source :YouTube screenshot The autumn academy festival in National Defense Academy is similar to a sports festival. However, Bo-taoshi is a literal fight between youngsters, whose shoulders bare the burden of the security of Japan, and a town sports fesitval comes no where close to this level of brutality. The game is a team sport played by battalions. Each battalion, both the attacking and the defending side, consists of 150 people. The rules are simple: the pole, which is the target of attack, is erected at the center of the field and the attacking side wins if they manage to make it fall within 2 minutes. The defending students, equipped with headgear, first surround the pole and 1 person climbs to the upper end of the pole. Next, 4 students climb to the second stage. This can be seen from 0:10 in the video. At the fire of the starting pistol, the attacking battalion charges fiercely to the pole. This is shown from 1:11 in the video. The defending battalion prevents the charge, and the fight, quite literally, is on. The student at the top of the pole is forcefully brought down from 1:47, and you can see the ferocious onslaught of the attacking side as they attempt to knock the pole down. Some of the students shed tears after the competition, showing that this is the result of the rigorous training they do every day. Becoming the champion is an irreplaceable honor for them. Simple, Yet Complex! Bo-Taoshi and Its Refined Tactics Source :YouTube screenshot At a glance, the attack may seem like a reckless charge, but, in fact, it is thoroughly planned out into a sophisticated strategy. The defending battalion, too, consists of the robust and trained students of the National Defense Academy, so a reckless charge would easily be taken in stride. Because of this, the offense and defense plan out their tactics and act accordingly during the 2-minute game. Here, we'll introduce some basic strategies used in Bo-taoshi. ・Offense Scrum: The attacking battalion forms a scrum and leads the charge toward the pole. The scrum acts as stepping stones after the charge so pole attackers can jump over the barrier and get closer to the top of the pole. Pole attackers: Attackers who jump at the pole and attempt to bring it down. General support attackers: Do anything they can to weaken the defense of the defending battalion. ・Defense Pole support: Hold the pole in the upright position and keep it from being brought down. Ninja: This is the single man at the top of the pole who tries to kick off the pole attackers jumping onto the pole. Killers: Harass and interrupt the attacking enemies. Scrum Disablers: Do whatever they can to invalidate the scrum of the attacking battalion. The Warriors of the Future! Summary of Bo-Taoshi The National Defense Academy’s autumn festival, the ‘Founding of the Academy Memorial Festival,’ which is introduced in this video, is a very important event for the academy. On the day of the event, the academy will be open to the public and anyone can walk around campus. Booths and stands will open inside the property which make for a lively and exciting atmosphere perfect for a school festival. The main event is of course Bo-taoshi, the specialty of the National Defense Academy! Many people visit just for the sake of watching it! Battalions of 150 people brawl over the pole, punching and kicking, and the battalions wear shirts of different colors so that people can see what’s happening more easily. Spectators cheer on the team they want to win with a massive cheer or, at other times, by screaming. Please take your time and enjoy the spectacular game of Bo-taoshi shown throughout the video. 【Official Website】National Defense Academy of Japan – Ministry of Defense・Self-Defense Force https://www.mod.go.jp/nda/english/index.html -
Video article 2:06
Thrilling Downhill Bike Racing at a Historical Sacred Shrine! Don't Miss the Heart Thumping, High-Speed Race!
Sports- 98 plays
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Downhill Mountain Bike Racing This video is called [Downhill Mountain Bike Racing at a shrine in Kyoto](【ダウンヒル】大迫力!京都の神社でマウンテンバイク(MTB)のダウンヒルレース), and it was made by Gadgetwear. Watch and enjoy the thrilling white-knuckle race down the Shrine stairs. In this article, we'll introduce a video that shows the marvel of Downhill Mountain Bike Racing. This Downhill Mountain Bike Race Runs Down the Stairs at Intense Speed! Source :YouTube screenshot Downhill Mountain Bike Racing is bike racing competition where riders go down steep mountains. The Redbull Holly Ride competition was held at a historical sacred shrine in 2014. The competition was held at Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine in Yawata city, Kyoto. Bikers raced down the shrine stairs on downhill mountain bikes. You can see the racing style from 0:06 in the video. As you can see in the video, a crowd has gathered at the finish to watch this thrilling race on the road of Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine. Downhill Mountain Bike Racing Source :YouTube screenshot The total length of the race at Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine is about 800m and the height difference is about 100m from top to bottom. The maximum decline is about 22 degrees and the stairs have 396 steps in total. As you can see at 0:50 and 1:17 in the video, it shows how the course makes use of the landscape, aside from jumps. A qualification match will be held with a time trial and those who win can move on to the final tournament. The final tournament will be held in 4 cross-style which means 4 riders race at the same time. A downhill race is not at all like a climbing course in concept, It is a bike race that goes down through the mountains and wilderness from high places. Advanced riders can reach a speed of about 60 km per hour. This takes a lot of skill (and courage). Wearing a full face helmet and protector is mandatory for riders since there are some spots on the trail ways where it is easy to lose balance and crash. There is a scene where two bikers go off the course before the curve at 1:30 in the video. Racing Bikes Photo:Mountain Bike Dedicated mountain bikes are used in intense races such as downhill races or cross-country. A mountain bike has specialized parts such as tires, a frame and brakes to go fast, climb, ride on rough roads, and withstand high jumps. An all-mountain is a bike that works for uphill and downhill so it is good even for a ride on rocky mountains. Manufacturers such as Trek and Giant sell various kinds of models that are great for mountain bike racing. Tire sizes for mountain bikes are usually 27.5 inches, and the suspension and brake technology has greatly improved over the years. Of course, there are other more affordable models that are good for beginners and daily use as well. Downhill Mountain Bike Racing Summary Source :YouTube screenshot This video clip, made by Gadgetwear, shows a form of bike racing called Downhill Mountain Bike Racing at a shrine in Kyoto. It is truly impressive to see these riders fly down these stairs. You can see gut wrenching thrills in every minute of the video. After watching this video, you'll surely be hooked on Downhill Racing. Just be sure to wear a helmet! 【Official Website】Red Bull Holy Ride 2017 https://www.redbull.com/jp-ja/events/red-bull-holy-ride-2017 -
Video article 3:26
Clear Seas and Sandy Beaches; Enjoy Windsurfing Across the Beautiful Blue Seas off the Coast of Okinawa!
Sports- 269 plays
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Windsurfing in Okinawa - Aerial Footage This video, titled "Okinawa|Windsurfing|Aerial Footage|Drone|Inspire 2|X5S" (沖縄 ウィンドサーフィン 空撮 ドローン inspire2 X5S), is a PR video for windsurfing in Okinawa, taken by Churaumi Aqua Lab. Okinawa is famous for its blue oceans and white, sandy beaches that allows tourists to enjoy beautiful natural scenery and marine sports. Churaumi Aqua Lab releases many aerial videos taken by drone that show surfing, windsurfing, SUP, and sunsets This video, featuring windsurfing at a beach in Okinawa, was captured from high in the skies by a drone. You'll definitely feel like hitting the beaches after watching this video! Enjoy Wind Surfing off the Beaches on Okinawa Photo:Wind surfing Wind surfing is an ocean sport where a sail is connected to a surf board and the surfer glides across the surface of the water using the lift generated by the wind. Windsurfing is also an official Olympic event. In this video, you can see footage of a windsurfer gliding across crystal clear waters with sandy beaches in the backdrop. A windsurfing world cup was held in Japan as well. You can see the awesome performances of professional windsurfers live in these type of competitions. There are various places in Okinawa where beginners can learn to windsurf as well. All equipment necessary for windsurfing, such as wet suits and life jackets are available for rent. Tourists can enjoy windsurfing all season without having any equipment. There are also trial lessons hosted by windsurfing shops where beginners can take detailed instruction. Try your hand at windsurfing across the beautiful seas of Okinawa! Marine Activities in Okinawa! Photo:Scuba diving In addition to windsurfing, there are many other marine activities available in Okinawa. For example, you can try SUP, banana boats, rocket boats, flyboats, jet skiing, wakeboarding, and bodyboarding, and there's also yachts and canoes, as well as scuba diving! If you're traveling with kids you can try snorkeling as well. Or, if you're not interested in aquatic activities, consider participating in a whale watching tour. On the main island of Okinawa, some famous sightseeing spots include Onna village (恩納村, Onnason), Nago city (名護市, Nago-shi), and Senaga-island (瀬長島, Senaga-jima). We hope you can enjoy some marine activities in the seas of Okinawa! Off the Mainland of Okinawa Photo:Miyakojima coast Okinawa is warm all year round. There are other locations besides the main island that tourists can enjoy as well. If you go to a remote island, you can relax and have a good time. For example, Kumejima (久米島, Kume Island) is about a 3-hour ferry ride from the main island. It's very popular for its easy access to remote islands. Also there are direct flights from Tokyo to Miyakojima (宮古島, Miyako island) and Ishigakijima (石垣島, Ishigaki island), so many tourists come for sightseeing. Summary of Windsurfing in Okinawa Watch this video to discover the beauty of Okinawa's waters and the wonders of windsurfing. The aerial footage will feel like you're window surfing across the waves! Churaumi AquaLab also has other videos on the beautiful waters of Okinawa taken by drone as well. Be sure to check them out! If you're ever in Okinawa, consider trying windsurfing! 【Official Website】Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium - Handing the Churaumi in Okinawa down to the next generation. https://churaumi.okinawa/en/ -
Video article 7:48
Kendo - A Traditional Japanese Martial Art Which Has Been Practiced for Hundreds of Years With Techniques Passed Down From Generation to Generation. Top Kendo Practitioner, Yukiko Takami, Explains the History of Kendo and Expresses Her Feelings About the Sport!
Sports Traditional Culture Celebrities- 569 plays
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What Does Top Kendo Athlete, Yukiko Takami, Have to Say About Kendo? In this video "KENDO - Yukiko Takami/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL? DOU (剣道 - 鷹見 由紀子), Yukiko Takami, one of the top Kendo practitioners in Japan, introduces the sport representative of Japanese martial arts. What does this female Kendo practitioner have to say about the sport? About Yukiko Takami Source :YouTube screenshot Yukiko Takami is a Kendo practitioner who has won world championships in both single and group Kendo competitions and is regarded by many to be one of the top Kendo practitioners in Japan. In this video, she talks about the traditional martial art. The Ancient Japanese Martial Art, Kendo Kendo is a Japanese martial art where one fights using a bamboo sword whilst wearing a Kendo uniform which includes protective equipment such as a mask and gloves. The martial Kendo was developed hundreds of years ago (near the end of the Edo era: 1750 AD-1860 AD) in Japan as a way of practicing sword fighting using bamboo swords whilst wearing protective equipment. It has grown in popularity over the years with many competitions being held all over the world. One can compete in Kendo in both single and group competitions, much like other martial arts such as Judo and Karate. One does not simply improve at Kendo by winning matches, training is geared towards improving not just physical strength but also fighting spirit and technique. Moving up the ranks in Kendo also requires more than just strength. There are more than 1.7 million Kendo practitioners competing in Japan, which is more than ten times the number of Judo practitioners currently competing, which number around 160,000. Photo:Kendo The ancient martial art of Kendo is taught to children in Japan as an after-school club activity. There are Kendo halls and classes held all over the country, where one can learn not only technical sword-fighting skills but also about etiquette and Japanese spirit. Yukiko Takami talks in the video of how she used to let her performance in competition affect her emotionally. However, she describes that now, the process is more important than the end result in Kendo, and that learning to respect one's opponent is necessary to grow. From 3:45 in the video, Yukiko Takami talks about the importance of respecting one's opponent instead of focusing on winning or losing. Kendo, the Japanese Martial Art That Begins and Ends With a Bow Photo:Kendo One of the appealing features of Kendo is that it is a martial art one can continue practicing for a lifetime. Yukiko Takami explains that in Kendo, one fights not only using power and speed, but also one's spirit, and that this feature sets Kendo apart from other martial arts such as Karate or Judo. As Kendo is a martial art that wouldn't exist without an opponent, learning to respect each other is a key part of training. In the training hall, known as a dojo, it is custom for students to bow to the shrine and train with their opponents safety in mind. A Top Kendo Practitioner's Thoughts – Summary We hope you enjoyed watching the video of top Kendo practitioner Yukiko Takami! She explains in detail the history of the martial art and also her personal feelings regarding the practice and training. Yukiko Takami also explains in detail the techniques and rules involved in Kendo. We hope you enjoyed learning more about this ancient Japanese martial art.