Age 26
えりか(堀) posted.
Chino City Echo Line Rope Yard
Onbashira Festival held once every seven years
Due to the coronavirus, the trailer started to climb from the 2nd.
There are upper and lower companies, and from tomorrow the upper company will be launched!
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えりか(堀) posted.
"Yokokawa" in Okaya City, Nagano Prefecture
It continues along the river to the depths,
Cherry blossoms 🌸 in full bloom
And if you zoom in on the center of the photo, you can see "Lake Suwa", which is famous for fireworks! !️
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ID:1Beautiful photo! I love the white cherry blossoms. I Don't get to see them that much. I went ahead and shared your photo, hope you don't mind!
えりか(堀) posted.
On the way to work one sunny day
1 frame.
A view on the Yatsugatake Echo Line in Fujimi Town, Nagano Prefecture.
Many people gather on New Year's Day
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Photocon PR 😊
Thank you ✨ for your participation in the photo contest and for posting a nice photo
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You can also share the post on SNS or embed it in your blog, so please 😊 try it if you like.
You can apply as many times as you like per person, so we look 😃 forward to receiving many submissions.This text has been automatically translated.
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