Video article 25:23
Discover the Secrets of a Japanese Restaurant That Has Been Awarded Three Stars by the Michelin Guide for 13 Consecutive Years! A Look Inside the Mind of the Master Chef Leading the Japanese Culinary Industry!
Food & Drink- 28 plays
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This video, titled "#29_Hiroyuki Kanda" (#29_神田裕行(かんだ)), was released by "Palais De Z - The Future of Deliciousness" (パレ・ド・Z〜おいしさの未来〜). In this video, Chef Hiroyuki Kanda of the Japanese restaurant "Kanda" in Nishi-Azabu shares his passion for cooking. Kanda trained in Paris when he was young, and after further honing his skills at Aoyagi in his hometown of Tokushima, Kanda went independent at the age of 40. The food served at "Kanda" is a combination of visual beauty and inner depth. The food prepared by the top chef is truly exquisite. At 11:46 in the video, he personally travels to Minami Uonuma in Niigata Prefecture to harvest the finest varieties of rice. This master Japanese chef has a strong dedication to creating the finest dishes. -
Video article 6:01
Kinosaki Onsen's 'Crab Kingdom' – Experience Mouthwatering Crab, Exciting Winter Events, and a Unique Contest in Hyogo Prefecture via Video!
Travel Food & Drink- 264 plays
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Kinosaki Onsen's Winter Event, 'Crab Kingdom': Video Introduction This video, titled "'Crab Kingdom' at Kinosaki Onsen in Winter" (冬の城崎温泉「かに王国」), was uploaded by "kinosakiTV." The video begins with beautiful scenes of Kinosaki in winter. Be sure to check it out. [Video] 0:13 - A Sea of Clouds at Mt. Kuruhi [Video] 0:20 - Morning Mist on the Maruyama River [Video] 3:00 - Kinosaki Literature Museum The town of Kinosaki, located in Toyooka, Hyogo in Japan's Kansai region, is known for its hot springs. At 1,300 years old, Kinosaki Onsen is a large hot spring resort town, and its streets retain a historical atmosphere from a bygone era. In February of 2013, Kinosaki Onsen was awarded two stars in the third edition of the Michelin Green Guide Japan, and was also ranked first in the Hot Springs General Election of 2016, in the Inbound category, sponsored by the Japan Tourism Agency and the Ministry of the Environment. Kinosaki Onsen is popular among both domestic and international travelers. Kinosaki Onsen's Crab Kingdom (かに王国, Kani Oukoku) will open in conjunction with the arrival of the snow crab season in the winter. At Crab Kingdom, visitors can feast on delicious snow crab, which is only available during the winter months, and also participate in some unique events. In this article, we'll introduce Kinosaki Onsen's Crab Kingdom that takes place during winter! Crab Season at Kinosaki Onsen Photo:Snow crab Winter is all about crab in Japan, and snow crabs caught in the Sea of Japan in the San'in region, where Kinosaki Onsen is located, are said to be the most delicious in Japan. Snow crab is officially called "Zuwai-gani" (ズワイガニ) in Japanese, but the name for snow crab is different depending on what region you visit, with those caught in the San'in region being called "Matsuba-gani" (松葉ガニ). Because snow crab in Kinosaki grows in a plankton-rich environment, it's highly regarded for its superior meat and kani miso. The crab is ranked and sorted by professionals, and depending on the rank, it can cost anywhere from several thousand yen to several tens of thousands of yen. Freshness is the most important factor for snow crab caught in Kinosaki. Furthermore there is also Beni-zuwai-gani, which is the same as regular snow crab , but has slightly less meat, but a sweeter taste. The season for snow crab, which is hard to find outside of season, opens on November 6 and runs until March 20. Be sure to try Matsuba-gani, a luxury food only available in Kinosaki Onsen, if you visit during winter! [Video] 0:29 - The Opening of the Matsuba-gani Crab Season Christmas and Other Winter Events at Crab Kingdom Source :YouTube screenshot During the crab season at Kinosaki Onsen, the area is referred to as 'Crab Kingdom.' One of the highlights of Crab Kingdom is its unique winter events. The Crab Kingdom Shouting Contest is held to celebrate the opening of the Crab Kingdom with the arrival of the snow crab season. Wearing a crab hat and happi, visitors shout "Kani-san, Arigato!" (カニさんありがとう!, Thank you, crabs!), followed by a message they wish to share, and compete to see who can yell it the loudest. This shouting contest is unique to Kinosaki and has become a winter tradition. The winners of the contest receive prizes, including things like free snow crab. [Video] 1:15 - The Crab Kingdom Shouting Contest On Christmas Eve on December 24th, the Crab Santa Christmas Event will be held in front of JR Kinosaki Onsen Station.Limited to the first 200 people!A numbered ticket will be distributed in advance.It is a lottery to win Matsuba crab and Tajima beef.There is a lot of excitement around the big roulette! Please join us! [Video] 1:59 - The Crab Santa Christmas Event Day Trips and Overnight Stays to Feast on Crab in Kinosaki! Photo:Steamed crab in an earthenware pot, Kinosaki Onsen ※Image is for reference only For those interested in visiting Kinosaki in winter, nothing beats hitting the relaxing hot springs and filling your belly with tasty snow crab. Here are some recommended hotels and plans that allow you to do just that! If you're looking to taste the famous snow crab of Kinosaki Onsen, we recommend Yamashiroya (山しろや). At this Japanese-style inn, you can enjoy fresh snow crab from November to March. The most popular plan is the "Manpuku Kani-suki Plan" (満腹かにすきプラン), which includes crab sukiyaki, grilled crab, sashimi made from locally caught fish, zosui rice with kani miso (crab brain), and fruit, allowing you to enjoy a full meal of seasonal snow crab. The soup stock used for the crab sukiyaki is a secret recipe made by simmering 13 different ingredients for 9 hours. If you just want to get your fill of crab, and aren't worried about the smaller details of the trip, Kawaguchiya Kinosaki Riverside Hotel is a popular hotel that offers an all-you-can-eat crab dinner at an affordable price, and is just an 8-minute walk from Kinosaki Onsen Station via the JR San'in Line. For those with limited time, we recommend the Full Course Day-trip Crab Lunch Plan at Kawaguchiya Honkan. Located in the center of Kinosaki Onsen, Kawaguchiya Honkan is popular for its traditional Japanese-style atmosphere, ideal for touring the outside hot springs, and its private open-air baths with a lovely atmosphere. At this inn, you can also enjoy day-trip crab lunches of sukiyaki and grilled crab at a restaurant with a sunken kotatsu to keep you warm. Enjoy an amazing time at Kinosaki Onsen with relaxing hot springs and delicious snow crab! Summary of Kinosaki Onsen's 'Crab Kingdom' Kinosaki Onsen is famous for its seven outdoor hot springs, which visitors can tour while wearing traditional Japanese yukata. In addition, Kinosaki Onsen is famous for its snow crab which can be enjoyed in the winter months. Also, if you take part in the unique shouting contest, you can have some fun while also relieving some stress! This winter, plan a trip to Kinosaki Onsen's Crab Kingdom for scrumptious crab dishes and relaxing hot springs. [Video] 4:29 - Outdoor Hot Spring Tour 【TripAdvisor】Kinosaki Onsen -
Video article 8:17
The Splendid Skills of the Artisans of the 200-Year-Old Eel Shop "Nodaiwa" in Minato, Tokyo! Explore the Secrets of a Popular Japanese Dish That Has Long Delighted the Japanese Palate
Food & Drink- 390 plays
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日本食になくてはならないうなぎ料理 こちらの動画は「Eater」が公開した「Chef Kanejiro Kanemoto Is Japan's Grilled Eel Master — Omakase」です。 日本食を代表する料理の一つが「うなぎ料理」ですね。 今回は東麻布にある200年の歴史を持った老舗うなぎ屋「野田岩」の板前さんたちが職人技をふるううなぎ料理について紹介していきます。 うなぎが土曜の丑の日に食べられるようになったのは江戸時代の蘭学者平賀源内の発想が起源と言われていますが、実は万葉集にはすでに大伴家持が石麻呂という人に「夏痩せにはうなぎを食するのがいい」と薦めている一句があります。 そう考えると7世紀ころの日本にはすでに夏になるとうなぎを食べるという風習が始まっていたのですね。 日本グルメの歴史は長くて深いのです。 東麻布野田岩の歴史とうなぎ職人の実演披露 うなぎ料理の代表といえばなんといっても「蒲焼」ですね。 蒲焼の作り方はいたってシンプル。 開いたうなぎを串に刺しタレを塗りながら熱した備長炭で焼いけば店内は香ばしい香りでいっぱい! しかし捌くのに3年、串打ち3年焼きは一生と言われるほど高度な職人技術が要求される料理で、さばいた後の内臓も残すところなくいただけます。 うなぎの肝吸いは蒲焼とならんだ定番料理の一つといえるでしょう。 動画では板前さんたちがその作り方を惜しげもなく披露してくれます。 名人の包丁捌きは見逃せません。 うなぎのさばき方と焼き方 うなぎの調理法には関東風と関西風という違いがあるのをご存知ですか? 関東風のうなぎの蒲焼の作り方は「背開き」といって、まな板にうなぎの頭を目打ちという道具で刺して固定し、背中から開いていきます。 焼く前に蒸して肉を柔らかくするのも関東風の特徴です。 また関東では、「う巻き」や白焼きなど料理の種類もバラエティに富んでいます。 一方の関西風は「腹開き」といって生きたままお腹から包丁を入れて開いていきます。 焼く前に蒸さずそのまま備長炭で焼いていくという違いもあります。 生臭さを取るために開いたら素焼きにしてすぐタレにくぐらせるので、関東のような白焼きという文化はありません。 ほかにも人気のうなぎ料理には名古屋周辺が発祥の「ひつまぶし」があります。 日本の伝統グルメうなぎ料理紹介まとめ いまや世界中で愛されている日本の食文化の殿堂が「うなぎ料理」ですが、蒲焼のほかにもうな重、うな丼、う巻き、茶碗蒸し、酢の物、肝吸い、ひつまぶし、白焼きとうなぎだけでコース料理が楽しめます。 こちらの動画をご覧になると野田岩の麻布飯倉本店にいってうなぎ料理コースを食べたくなりせんか? 今度の休みはうなぎの白焼きを肴に日本酒を一献!と洒落込んでは如何でしょう? -
Video article 5:06
Indulge in luxurious Japanese cuisine at Hakuunso, a Michelin-starred ryokan in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture! Relax at the Kawahara Onsen hot spring
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 343 plays
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Listed in Michelin! Video Introduction of "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" in Yugawara Onsen, Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture This video was created by "Japan Explorers," and it is a PR video of the Japanese inn (旅館, ryokan) "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" at Yugawara Hot spring, in Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region. The title is "The luxury ryokan Yugawara Onsen Mano no Sato Hakuunso published by Michelin" Yugawara Hotspring Hakuunso [High quality ](ミシュラン掲載の高級旅館 湯河原温泉 万葉の里 白雲荘 Yugawara Hotspring Hakuunso [高画質])". In this article, we'll introduce the charm of Yugawara Hot spring’s "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso," which has been posted on Michelin for four consecutive years. Yugawara Hot spring, in Kanagawa Prefecture is a popular inn. The video introduces luxury rooms and hot springs, as well as beautiful Michelin-rated dishes. Before we get started, please enjoy the video showcasing the hospitality of a Japanese hot spring inn. “Manyo No Sato Hakuunso”: The Luxury Japanese Hot Spring Inn Located at the Historic Yugawara Hot Spring Source :YouTube screenshot Manyo no Sato Hakuunso is a luxury hot spring inn located at Yugawara Hot spring, one of Japan's leading hot spring towns. Yugawara Hot spring is located in Ashigarashimo-gun, in Kanagawa prefecture, and is easily accessible from Tokyo and Yokohama. Every room at the Yugawara Onsen "Manyo-no-Sato Hakuun-so" has an elegant and luxurious structure where you can relax and enjoy the natural view of the Chitose River. There are five rooms with an open-air hot spring bath, three separate rooms with an open-air hot spring bath, one room with an open-air bath, and nine general guest rooms with an indoor bath. Each guest room has a name, "Soseki Literature Museum," "Fujimura Literature Museum,”" "Dokuho Literature Museum," "Manyo," "Tsubaki," "Sakuraba," "Hydrangea," "Hana Mizuki," "Hakumo," "Jukuni," "Seseragi," "Satsuki," "Chitose," " Yayoi," "Minami," and "Hatsune." Accommodation plans include one-day spa plans and banquet plans for groups. Introducing Manyo No Sato Hakuunso, Also Recognized by Michelin Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to the guest rooms with hot spring baths, there are also Sanukinoyu (large public baths) and suite private spa (private open-air bath), where you can fully enjoy Yugawara Hot spring. The large baths overflowing with rich spring water are introduced at 1:52 and 4:51, and private open-air baths are introduced at 3:48. The quality of the hot spring is calcium chloride. It's effective against rheumatic diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, wounds, chronic eczema and keratosis, weakness, gynecological disorders, hypertension, poor circulation, arteriosclerosis, gout, uric acid, and more. The baths are also fully equipped with amenities, so there's no need to worry about bringing your own. Japanese Cuisine at Manyo No Sato Hakuunso Source :YouTube screenshot Speaking of the pleasures of Japanese hot spring inns, Hakuunso also serves delicious Japanese cuisine. Manyo no Sato Hakuunso has been published in the Michelin Guide "Yokohama / Kawasaki / Shonan II Special Edition" for four consecutive years. The dinner course is introduced at 2:19 in the video. The kaiseki cuisine, which uses fresh seafood purchased directly from local fishermen and locally grown vegetables, is changed monthly, and the chef, Koichi Okuyama, provides exquisite, seasonal Japanese cuisine that has earned the restaurant a Michelin listing. One of the features of the evening meal is "Horaku-yaki," in which seafood is steamed and grilled in a ceramic pot. This can be seen at 2:51 in the video. Breakfast, typical of a traditional Japanese ryokan, is introduced at 4:18. Small plates of brightly colored dishes are elegantly presented, and local dried horse mackerel is roasted on a cooking stone and freshly grilled giving it a savory flavor and also making it a spectacle to behold. Both dinner and breakfast are served with glistening rice cooked in an earthenware pot, giving it the most flavor possible. I know you're probably looking forward to eating here now, just be careful not to eat too much before you go sightseeing. Facilities at "Manyo No Sato Hakuunso" “Manyo no Sato Hakuunso” at Yugawara Hot spring, has a wide range of in-house facilities. In addition to the private open-air baths and the large hot spring baths, there is the blissful, relaxing Ajisai-no-Mori (Forest of Hydrangea), the aesthetic salon, the private room space Suzukaze, and the dining room Senkei. You can use the facilities of "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" at your leisure. Sightseeing at "Manyo No Sato Hakuunso" Photo:Gazebo In the Yugawara area, one of the most popular hot spring sightseeing spots in Japan, there are many sightseeing spots we recommend. If you want to get in touch with the nature of Yugawara, visit Manyo Park, Makuyama Park (Yugawara Bairin), Hoshigayama Park Satsuki no Sato, Fudo Falls, and Yoshihama Beach. The best natural scenery is also a great spot for Instagram. The "Doi Castle Ruins," where you can experience the history and culture of Yugawara, has the best view. You can experience the art of Yugawara at the "Municipal Yugawara Art Museum," "Pumpkin Museum," "Kyotaro Nishimura Memorial Museum," "Living National Treasure Museum," "Hakone Lalique Museum," "Hoshino Prince Museum," "IZU PHOTO MUSEUM," "Buffet Children's Museum," and "Iri." If you want to enjoy the popular local gourmet restaurants in Yugawara, go to the ramen shop "Ramenya Iida Shoten" or the bakery "BREAD & CIRCUS." Popular festivals and events include "Yugawara Onsen Sunday Sightseeing Morning Market," "Watching the Show," "Training tour of Yugawara geisha," "Yugawara Onsen Marine Fireworks Festival," "Firefly Party," "Ikemine Momiji no Sato, and Tea Room." As you can see there are plenty of sightseeing spots in Yugawara! Please enjoy sightseeing in Yugawara as you see fit! Summary of “Manyo No Sato Hakuunso”- The Michelin Listed Inn How'd you like the video filled with the charms "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso"? The gentle Japanese style guest rooms provide a relaxing space. If you want to spend a relaxing time at a Japanese inn, tasting Michelin-starred cuisine and taking a dip in a hot spring, watch this video to experience the wonders of Manyo no Sato Hakuunso. Room rates for reservations vary depending by season and room, so please check the official website and travel websites for details. ◆ Manyo no Sato Hakuunso Introduction of Facility Overview◆ 【Address】 716-1 Miyagami, Yugawara-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture 259-0314 【Access】About 10 minutes by car from Yugawara Station on the Tokaido Main Line 【Parking】Available. 15 cars. 【Telephone No】0465-62-2341 【Official Website】 Yugawara Onsen Manyo-no-Sato Hakuunso Yugawara Luxury Ryokan-Ashigarashimo-gun https://www.hakuunsou.com/en/ 【Official Website】Yugawara Onsen official tourist site "Onsen town 60 minutes from Yokohama" http://yugawara-resort.com/ 【Tripadvisor】 Yugawara Hot spring town https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121143- Yugawara_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 25:03
Quintessence, a Very Famous Japanese Restaurant That Was Awarded Three Stars by Michelin Tokyo 2020! A Look at Chef Shuzo Kishida's Passion for Cooking!
Food & Drink Celebrities- 22 plays
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This video, titled "#15 Shuzo Kishida (Quintessence)" (#15_岸田周三(Quintessence)), was released by "Palais de Z - The Future of Deliciousness" (パレ・ド・Z〜おいしさの未来〜). This video introduces Shuzo Kishida, the owner-chef of Quintessence, a restaurant that was awarded 1st place among the three Michelin stars restaurants of Tokyo in 2020. One of the characteristics of Chef Shuzo Kishida is that he does not create recipes, and he believes in continuous growth. He has a belief in his ingredients, and in the way he goes to the market to find what he is satisfied with, you can sense the splendor of his sincere approach to cooking. In this video, you'll learn about Chef Shuzo Kishida's career and his passion for cooking! -
Video article 3:09
The Two-Michelin-Starred Restaurant "Masago Saryo" in Yokohama! You'll Definitely Be Impressed by the Thought That Goes Into Their Food!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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This video, titled "[Two Stars in the Michelin Guide Yokohama] Enjoy Kaiseki Cuisine in a 50-Year-Old Sukiya-Zukuri Building|The Essence of Japanese Cuisine ~ Masago Saryo" ([ミシュランガイド横浜二つ星]・築50年の数奇屋造りの一軒家で楽しむ懐石料理 和食の真髄を堪能~ 真砂茶寮 ~), was released by Restaurant ShortShort Films. This video introduces "Masago Saryo," a 50-year-old restaurant in Yokohama that has been awarded two Michelin stars. The restaurant has the appearance of a quiet hideaway, serving kaiseki cuisine that allows diners to relax and just enjoy the flavors. It's not so much about the deliciousness of the food as it is about the quiet enjoyment of Japanese cuisine. In this video, the owner of Masago Saryo talks about his passion for his restaurant and his cuisine. -
Video article 10:18
Yamazaki, a Famous Japanese Restaurant in Toyama, the Only One in Hokuriku With Three Michelin Stars! Take a Look at All the Beautiful Dishes This Restaurant Has to Offer!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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This video, titled "【Michelin 3 Stars】Japanese Food -Gourmet food in japan【yamasaki】," was released by "Prince Uni Channel【Japanese Gourmet】." The video introduces a famous restaurant in Toyama, the only one in Japan's Hokuriku region to have received three Michelin stars, "Japanese Cuisine Yamazaki." Yamazaki, the only Japanese restaurant in Toyama to receive three Michelin stars and beating out many other famous restaurants in Hokuriku, is sure to make your taste buds dance with its many flavorful dishes. The fact that you can enjoy luxury meals at such reasonable prices at a high-end restaurant is also a key point. Why not stop by for a delicious meal on your way to Toyama? This video introduces a course meal at Yamazaki, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 10:01
Sushi Sakai - A Three-Star Michelin-Starred Restaurant in Kyushu! Be Amazed by the Overwhelmingly Delicious Seafood Dishes!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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This video, titled [Fukuoka Gourmet] Three-Michelin Star [One of the leading sushi restaurants in Kyushu] The peak of sushi! [Sushi Sakai] Nishinakasu, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture|sushi|鮨|sushi sakai|ウニ王子チャンネル#88" (【福岡グルメ】ミシュラン三つ星「九州を代表する鮨の名店」で最高峰の鮨体験!【鮨さかい】福岡県福岡市西中洲|sushi|鮨|sushi sakai|ウニ王子チャンネル#88), was released by "Uni Prince Channel" (ウニ王子チャンネル#88). This video introduces Sushi Sakai, a famous restaurant in Kyushu that has 3 Michelin stars and has been ranked #1 in Tabelog Gold for 3 years in a row! It was only a year after becoming independent that Sakai received one star, and four years later it was awarded its third. Every dish brought to you is top-notch and the sushi is to die for! This video introduces a 30,000 yen course meal from Sushi Sakai, be sure to check it out! -
Video article 6:47
From Two Stars to Three Stars in the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2020! Introducing Some of the Amazing Dishes From the Japanese Fine Dining Restaurant, Azabu Kadowaki!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "[Tokyo Gourmet] Japanese Restaurant "Azabu Kadowaki," Which Was Upgraded to Three Stars in the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2020 for Its Original Truffle Rice|3 Michelin Stars Tokyo Kadowaki|ウニ王子チャンネル#49" (【東京グルメ】ミシュランガイド東京2020三つ星へ昇格した『元祖トリュフご飯」の日本料理店【麻布かどわき】Michelin 3 Stars Tokyo Kadowaki ウニ王子チャンネル#49), was released by "Uni Prince Channel" (ウニ王子チャンネル). This video introduces Kadowaki, a Japanese fine dining restaurant that was upgraded from two to three stars in Michelin Tokyo 2020. Famous for its use of seasonal ingredients, Azabu Kadowaki's menu changes with the seasons, leaving diners coming back for more. One of the most famous menu items at Azabu Kadowaki is the original truffle rice, which was created at the restaurant and is one of the most addictive dishes you'll ever try. This video features a full course meal at Azabu Kadowaki, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out! -
Video article 8:07
Unaju From the "Michelin Tokyo Bib Gourmand" Restaurant, Unagi Irokawa in Asakusa!
Food & Drink- 33 plays
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The Unaju of Unagi Irokawa, Listed as a Michelin Tokyo Bib Gourmand This video, titled "浅草雷門【うなぎ色川】のうな重と肝焼きGrilled Eel and Rice of Irokawa in Asakusa.【飯動画】【Unagi】," introduces Unagi Irokawa in Asakusa. Unagi Irokawa is an eel restaurant with a long history, established in 1861. The eel here is baked with a secret savory sauce that has been handed down for more than 150 years, and are soft and fluffy. The restaurant was listed as a Michelin Bib Gourmand and there is a long line of people waiting to get in every day. If you're seated at the counter, you can watch the chefs grill the eels right before your eyes! If you're visiting Tokyo's Asakusa, be sure to stop by. ◆Unagi Irokawa Store Information◆ 【Address】2-6-11 Kaminarimon, Taito, Tokyo 【Access】A 1-minute walk from Asakusa Station (Exit A1) off the Toei Subway Asakusa Line / A 3-minute walk from Asakusa Station off the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line and Tobu Isesaki Line / A 5-minute walk from Tawaramachi Station off the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line 【Avg. Cost】¥3500+ 【Hours】11:30-14:00 or until sold out 【Closures】Sundays, holidays, etc. 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3844-1187 【Tabelog】Unagi Irokawa https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1311/A131102/13003697/ -
Video article 3:02
Sold Out Before the Store Opens?! A Look at the Exquisite Unaju of the Michelin Restaurant Obana!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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Obana's Exquisite Unaju This video shows the delicious unagi at Obana, a famous eel restaurant in Taito City, Tokyo. Obana is listed in the Michelin Guide, and there is a long line of people waiting to get in every day. The restaurant opens at 11:30 a.m., but there is a line of people waiting to get in more than an hour before it opens, and depending on the day, the restaurant may be sold out more than an hour before it even opens. In the video they were also already sold out before opening. Be ready to come early if you plan on eating at Obana! ◆Obana Store Information◆ 【Address】2-6-11 Kaminarimon, Taito, Tokyo 【Access】A 4-5 minute walk from Minami-Senju Station off the JR Joban Line or Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line 【Avg. Cost】¥5300+ 【Hours】[Tuesday - Friday] 11:30-13:30, 16:00-19:30 / [Saturday, Sunday, Holidays]11:30-13:30, 16:00-19:30 or until sold out. 【Closures】Mondays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3801-4670 【Yelp】Obana (尾花) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E5%B0%BE%E8%8A%B1-%E8%8D%92%E5%B7%9D%E5%8C%BA?osq=obana -
Video article 10:46
Follow a Day in the Life of a Michelin-Starred Sushi Chef at This Top-Notch New York City Restaurant! American Connoisseurs Will Be Delighted With the Delicious "Sushi Noz"
Food & Drink- 19 plays
- YouTube
Here's the Daily Schedule of Sushi Noz, a Michelin-Starred Restaurant! This chef has been studying the art of sushi for more than 20 years. This is a video of a day in the life of Nozomu Abe, the owner of "Sushi Noz." Sushi Noz opened its doors in New York City, USA in 2018. It's not an overstatement to say that New York is a fierce battleground for Edo-mae sushi, but it's so good that it has been awarded one Michelin star in New York City. Ninety percent of the fish they handle is transported by their expert buyers in Toyosu, and you can enjoy the fresh catch of the day with the restaurant's omakase course. Mr. Abe puts so much effort into his preparation that 90% of his work is completed before operations commence. In the video, he talks about the preparation process, his attitude as an artisan, and the ingredients he uses, so be sure to check it out. ◆Sushi Noz Store Information◆ 【Address】181 E 78th St, New York, NY 10075, United States 【Cost】Omakase Course- $300/person 【Hours】18:00~23:30 【Closures】Wednesday 【Phone】917 338 1792 【Official Homepage】Sushi Noz https://www.sushinoz.com/ 【Yelp】Sushi Noz https://www.yelp.com/biz/sushi-noz-new-york -
Video article 25:02
Masahiro Takashima Enjoys Yakitori, a Popular Japanese Food! Talking With a Chef Who Elevates a Food We All Know and Love to the Realm of Inspiration!
Food & Drink- 43 plays
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A Michelin-Starred Restaurant! Torishiki, the Most Difficult Yakitori Restaurant in Japan to Get a Reservation For! This video is a documentary on the yakitori restaurant "Torishiki," a restaurant just a few minutes away from Meguro Station in Shinagawa, Tokyo, which was introduced in a BS Fuji production of "Palais de Z - The Future of Deliciousness." The video is narrated and facilitated by Masahiro Takashima. Yoshiteru Ikekawa, the owner of Torishiki, was originally a businessman. On his birthday, he visited the famous yakitori restaurant "Toriyoshi" in Nakameguro, Tokyo, with his then wife. The visit had a profound impact on him and at the age of 27, he quit his job and entered an apprenticeship. After less than seven years of training, he started his own business at the age of 34. Torishiki's yakitori is grilled with binchotan charcoal and finished with 50 year old sauce, chicken fat, sake, soy sauce, soup stock, and olive oil, all of which he learned to utilize during his apprenticeship. The yakitori is so popular that it has been called the "most difficult yakitori restaurant in Japan to get a reservation for." Torishiki was awarded one star in the Michelin Guide just three years after becoming an independent restaurant. Currently, he and his like-minded companions have formed a group called "Yakitori Tatsujin" (yakitori experts) and are focusing their efforts to share yakitori with the world. They also have a store in Manhattan, New York, which was introduced in the video, where they operate under the name "Torien." In Japan, they have Torikado in Meguro, Tokyo; Torioka in Roppongi, Tokyo; and Torisaki in Kyoto. In the video, Yoshiteru Ikegawa, the owner of Torishiki, talks about his thoughts on yakitori and his commitment to it. Be sure to check out the video to see his passion in action. ◆Torishiki Store Information◆ 【Address】2-14-12 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa, Tokyo 【Access】2 minutes from Meguro Station by foot 【Avg. Cost】¥8000+ 【Hours】18:00-22:00 (Last entry) 【Closures】Sundays and Mondays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3440-7656 【Yelp】Torishiki (鳥しき) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E9%B3%A5%E3%81%97%E3%81%8D-%E5%93%81%E5%B7%9D%E5%8C%BA?osq=Torishiki -
Video article 0:58
The Genso Garden Event: Enjoy the Beauty and Romantic Scenery of Okayama Korakuen. The Illuminated Garden in Okayama City, Okayama Truly Makes for a Special, Unforgettable Experience!
Travel- 85 plays
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The Okayama Korakuen Genso Teien Event The video, produced by "Takashi Matsuo", catches a glimpse of the 2018 Okayama Korakuen Genso Garden summer event. Korakuen, situated in Okayama city, capital of the Okayama prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region, is one of Japan's three great gardens. A wonderful light-up event called “Genso Garden” is held in this gorgeous garden every summer, and in less than a minute the clip manages to convey the beauty of its scenery and its illumination under the night sky, all in 4k quality. What Is Korakuen? What Are Its Attractions? Photo:Okayama Korakuen Built 300 years ago by Tsunamasa Ikeda, the second daimyo of the Okayama clan, Korakuen is a historical cultural heritage and one of Japan's three most famous gardens. In addition to being designated as a national special place of scenic beauty, it has been awarded a three-star rating by the Japan Michelin Green Guide. The garden, which also goes by the name of Gokoen, is a stroll garden based on classic Japanese gardens, where the visitors can enjoy the most emblematic features of the four seasons such as cherry and plum blossoms in spring, or moonlit skies and autumn leaves in the fall. The Enyotei house and the Yuishinzan Hill are a must-visit, and if you happen to be there at the right time you should not miss the early summer tea picking and the traditional lawn burning. The garden currently hosts eight Japanese cranes, which freely range around the park from fall to winter. Also, buildings that are generally reserved for private rental, such as the Noh Stage and the Eisho room, are open to the public once a month so that anyone can enjoy the views the they offer. The "Genso Garden Event" Source :YouTube screenshot Korakuen's "Genso Garden" is a popular sightseeing event meant to bring some extra color to Okayama’s summer. In 2019, it was held at the same time as Okayama Castle's Ujo Togenkyo. In addition to the summer event shown in the video, there is a spring version of it which is held between late April and early May. Going through the video, at 0:17 you can see some tourists walking around the Japanese garden in their light yukata. A stroll through the park featuring wind chimes (0:22) and the carp pond (0:29) will certainly make for a relaxing visit. The highlight of this video is the illuminated view of Okayama Castle, featured at 0:41. The magnificent Okayama Castle shines in its pure white tones behind two of the garden’s main features, the Asahigawa and Tsukimi Bridges. Both are sights you want to experience at least once in your lifetime. The garden hosts a number of events throughout the year, such as a beer garden, a Japanese culture experience tour and Yukata Day, and many people regularly come even just to have a nice, cool evening while strolling around the park. Other Sightseeing Spots Around Korakuen Photo:Momotaro Some of the most popular places in the area are the Okayama Castle's Castle Tower, Ujo Park, and Mt. Mikai Zenkoji Temple with its wonderful treasure towers. Many people also like strolling through the retro-style streets of Izushi-cho in Monzen-machi, or visiting the healing spots in Nishigawa Green Road Park and Edagawa Green Road Park. And since we are talking about Okayama, one can’t forget about the statue of Momotaro, the iconic Japanese fairy tale character. Pottery from Bizen is another very popular feature from this area. You can also have lunch at at one of the many nearby hotels, eat local gourmet dishes such as the castle parfait and Okayama Castle rice cakes, or savory Japanese sweets and matcha from the local cafes. Korakuen Genso Garden Video Summary In less then a minute, this video manages to capture the atmosphere of both Korakuen and the summer atmosphere of Japan. Historic Japanese gardens change radically between day and night. That being said, if you want to walk through this beautifully lit up Japanese garden, don’t miss your chance to visit Korakuen during the Genso Garden event! ◆Overview of the Okayama Korakuen Garden◆ 【Address】1-5 Korakuen, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by bus from Okayama Station or 25 minute walk from the Okayama station 【Admission Fee】Adults 410 yen, seniors 140 yen, free for high school students and younger children (* 2019) 【Hours】From 17:00 to 20:30 【Average time spent here】30-60 minutes 【Parking】Available (100 yen per hour) 【Telephone】086-272-1148 【Notice】Pets are not allowed to enter the park, admission is until 20:00 【Official Website】Okayama Korakuen https://okayama-korakuen.jp/foregin_taravelers.html 【Tripadvisor】Okayama Korakuen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298134-d321203-Reviews-Okayama_Korakuen_Garden-Okayama_Okayama_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 13:13
Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta Is the World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded a Michelin Star! Neither the Amount nor Price Are a Laughing Matter!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video, titled "The World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded One Michelin Star|Eating High-Class Ramen at Tsuta for Around 3,000 Yen [IKKO'S FILMS] [Shinagawa Ikko]" (世界初のミシュラン一つ星を獲得したラーメン店「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦」で約3,000円の高級ラーメンを食してきた【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】), was released by "IKKO'S FILMS." This video introduces Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta, the world's first ramen restaurant to be awarded a Michelin star. Until now, numerous ramen restaurants have only been able to achieve "bib gourmand," but in 2014, Tsuta was the first ramen restaurant in the world to earn a star. The ramen, which is lavishly flavored with black truffles, is known as a high-class ramen that is stunning in both appearance and price, as it costs about 3,000 yen per bowl. Check out the video to get a feel for the atmosphere at Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta! -
Video article 6:08
1.5 Times Thicker Than Regular Eel! Feast on Fluffy, Delicious Eel! Introducing the Famous Eel Restaurant "Unagi Tomoei" in Odawara, Kanagawa, Where You Can Enjoy Grilled Eel, Liver, and Kabayaki!
Food & Drink- 25 plays
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This video, titled "[Exquisite] A Famous Michelin Eel Restaurant! One of Tabelog's Top 100 Restaurants [Unagi Tomoei] Food Porn" (【極上】ミシュランの鰻の超有名店!食べログ百名店【うなぎ亭 友栄】飯テロ), was released by "Roid Gohan" (ロイドごはん). This video shows delicious eel dishes at Unagi Tomoei in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. After an introduction of the menu from the exterior of the restaurant, you'll enjoy delicious eel, freshly cut liver (with sauce and wasabi), and the high-class unaju. The video shows that the eels are thick and fluffy with just the right amount of fat. Be sure to try sprinkling some fresh wasabi on the eel as well. Check out the video to see some delicious eel dishes! -
Video article 3:28
Sukiyabashi Jiro - A Michelin-Starred Restaurant for Eight Consecutive Years! What the Artisans at Japan's Leading Sushi Restaurant Have to Say About Sushi!
Food & Drink- 27 plays
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This video is titled "Sukiyabashi Jiro|Ono Jiro, the Sushi God" (すきやばし次郎 神様小野次郎). It was released by "mrlll." This video introduces Sukiyabashi Jiro, a famous sushi restaurant in Japan that has been awarded three stars by Michelin for eight consecutive years. Every piece of sushi made is sparkling and pleasing to the eye, and the taste is also indescribable, making Sukiyabashi Jiro famous as one of Japan's leading restaurants. It is famous for being the place where former American president, Barack Obama, visited, and it is a sushi restaurant we highly recommend checking out if you can. In this video, Jiro Ono, a chef at Sukiyabashi Jiro, talks about his sushi. -
Video article 8:55
Nikunotakumi Miyoshi - Japan's Finest Kappo Restaurant! A Glimpse at Some of the Finest Dishes Japan Has to Offer!
Food & Drink- 30 plays
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This video, titled "[Kyoto Gourmet] Nikunotakumi Miyoshi - Japan's Top Restaurant! a Michelin-Starred, Top-Quality Meat Experience in Gion Shijo, Kyoto! Niku Kappo Nikunotakumi Miyoshi ウニ王子チャンネル#57" (【京都グルメ】肉割烹の日本最高峰「にくの匠三芳」京都祇園四条でミシュラン1つ星の極上の肉体験!Niku Kappo Nikunotakumi miyoshi ウニ王子チャンネル#57). It was released by "Uni Prince Channel" ( ウニ王子チャンネル). This video introduces Nikunotakumi Miyoshi, a famous restaurant in Kyoto which was awarded a Michelin star in the Kyoto Guide. They use only the finest quality meat and best cuts, making it a place worthy of its stars. You can taste some of the most delicious meat dishes you can imagine here, so we recommend checking it out at least once! In this video, you'll see Nikunotakumi Miyoshi, one of Japan's best restaurants. -
Video article 2:22
What is the artistic soup bowl at Gion Sasaki, a three-star Michelin Guide Japanese restaurant in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture?
Food & Drink- 27 plays
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Video introduction of the artistic soup bowl at Gion Sasaki, a three-star Michelin Guide Japanese restaurant in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. This video shows "Shiruwan," a seasonal dish at Gion, Kyoto's "Gion Sasaki," being made. Gion Sasaki opened in 1997 in Ponto-cho, Gion, and after moving once in Gion, opened its current location in 2006 in Gion, where many old establishments are still standing. The restaurant has been awarded three stars in the Michelin Guide. In this video, you can see how the "hamo" (daggertooth pike conger) is processed and then grilled over binchotan charcoal to become a delicious bowl of soup. Be sure to check out the video showcasing three-Michelin star artisanship. ◆Gion Sasaki Store Information◆ 【Address】1F, 566-27 Komatsucho Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 605-0811 【Access】A 10-minute walk from Keihan Gion-Shijo Station / A 12-minute walk from Shijo-Kawaramachi Station off the Hankyu Kyoto Line 【Price Range】¥30,000+ 【Hours】【Lunch】12:00- Simultaneous start【Dinner】18:30- 【Closures】Sundays・The 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month・Irregular 【Parking】None 【Phone】075-551-5000 【Official Homepage】Gion Sasaki http://gionsasaki.com/ 【Tabelog】Gion Sasaki (祇園 さゝ木) https://tabelog.com/en/kyoto/A2601/A260301/26001863/ -
Video article 2:40
Gion Sasaki, a Three-Star Japanese Restaurant in the Michelin Guide! A Look at Their Delicious Sea Perch That Evokes the Vestiges of Summer!
Food & Drink- 37 plays
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The Delicious Sea Perch of Gion Sasaki This video shows the "Suzuki no Kawa-pari Ishigamayaki" at Gion Sasaki. Roughly translated it means "Crispy Skinned Sea Perch Cooked in a Brick Oven." Gion Sasaki opened in 1997 in Ponto-cho, Gion, and after moving once in Gion, opened its current location in 2006 in Gion, where many old establishments are still standing. The restaurant has been awarded three stars in the Michelin Guide. The sea perch used, called "suzuki" (スズキ) in Japanese, has many different names, including "seigo" (セイゴ) and "fukko" (フッコ) to name a couple. The sea perch is served with Manganji togarashi, baby corn, corn kakiage for garnish. The sea perch is cut in three pieces and salted and left to rest. The skewered sea perch is grilled in a brick oven and served with Manganji togarashi sauce. The sea perch is crispy around the edges, moist and half-cooked inside after being baked in the brick oven, and it is accompanied by the aroma of Manganji togarashi, which gives it a deep flavor. Be sure to check out the video to see how it's cooked. ◆Gion Sasaki Store Information◆ 【Address】1F, 566-27 Komatsucho Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 605-0811 【Access】A 10-minute walk from Keihan Gion-Shijo Station / A 12-minute walk from Shijo-Kawaramachi Station off the Hankyu Kyoto Line 【Price Range】¥30,000+ 【Hours】【Lunch】12:00- Simultaneous start【Dinner】18:30- 【Closures】Sundays・The 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month・Irregular 【Parking】None 【Phone】075-551-5000 【Official Homepage】Gion Sasaki http://gionsasaki.com/ 【Tabelog】Gion Sasaki (祇園 さゝ木) https://tabelog.com/en/kyoto/A2601/A260301/26001863/ -
Video article 4:15
Beef "Shiogamayaki" With the Aroma of Cherry Blossoms Prepared by Gion Sasaki, a Three-Star Japanese Restaurant in the Michelin Guide.
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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Beef Shiogamayaki at Gion Sasaki This video introduces the amazing beef "shiogamayaki" (protein cooked in salt crust) at Gion Sasaki, at three-star restaurant in the Michelin Guide. Gion Sasaki opened in 1997 in Ponto-cho, Gion, and after moving once in Gion, opened its current location in 2006 in Gion, where many old establishments are still standing. The restaurant has been awarded three stars in the Michelin Guide. In Gion Sasaki's beef shiogamayaki, wagyu beef is first seasoned with salt and pepper, let to sit, and then wrapped in a cherry leaf. They use egg whites and salt to create a "salt kettle" around the beef and then place it in the pizza oven until it's completely browned. When you crack the salt kettle, you can smell the fragrance of cherry blossoms in the steam. Be sure to check out the video of the beef shiogamayaki with beautifully cooked wagyu beef and the aroma of cherry blossoms! ◆Gion Sasaki Store Information◆ 【Address】1F, 566-27 Komatsucho Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 605-0811 【Access】A 10-minute walk from Keihan Gion-Shijo Station / A 12-minute walk from Shijo-Kawaramachi Station off the Hankyu Kyoto Line 【Price Range】¥30,000+ 【Hours】【Lunch】12:00- Simultaneous start【Dinner】18:30- 【Closures】Sundays・The 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month・Irregular 【Parking】None 【Phone】075-551-5000 【Official Website】Gion Sasaki http://gionsasaki.com/ 【Yelp】Gion Sasaki (祇園 さゝ木) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E7%A5%87%E5%9C%92-%E3%81%95%E3%82%9D%E6%9C%A8-%E4%BA%AC%E9%83%BD%E5%B8%82?osq=%E7%A5%87%E5%9C%92%E3%81%95%E3%81%95%E6%9C%A8 -
Video article 12:01
Three Michelin Stars in the Michelin Guide! The Charcoal-Grilled Sweetfish, Prepared by the Japanese Restaurant "RyuGin" in Tokyo
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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RyuGin - Three Stars in the Michelin Guide This video introduces the amazing "Oyogashi Ayu" (Swimming Sweetfish), at the Japanese restaurant "RyuGin" in Roppongi, Tokyo. In the video you can see the fish swimming around in salt water before being turned into amazing cuisine. This gives them a somewhat salty taste as they absorb the salt through their gills. Also, when they skewer the sweetfish, they stick the gall bladder with the skewer to release the bile and reduce the bitterness of the sweetfish, giving it an elegant aroma. Every process is at RyuGin has a purpose and brings out the most flavor possible. Be sure to check out the video to see their superb river fish dishes. ◆RyuGin Store Information◆ 【Address】7F Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, 1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0006 【Access】Directly connected to Hibiya Station off the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, Hibiya Line, and Toei Subway Mita Line / Directly connected to Yurakucho Station off the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line (4-minute walk) / Directly connected to Ginza Station off the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line, Hibiya Line and Ginza Line (5 minutes walk) / Yurakucho Station off the JR Yamanote and Keihin Tohoku lines (5-minute walk) 【Price Range】¥50,000+ 【Hours】17:30-23:00 (L.O. 20:00) 【Closures】Irregular ※Please check on their website 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6630-0007 【Official Homepage】日本料理 龍吟 | Nihonryori RyuGin http://www.nihonryori-ryugin.com/ 【Tabelog】RyuGin (龍吟) https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1301/A130102/13001457/ -
Video article 6:33
World-Famous Restaurant Kichisen, a Three-Michelin-Starred Restaurant in Kyoto! A Look at the Amazing Dishes Chef Yoshimi Tanigawa Creates With His Knives!
Food & Drink- 33 plays
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This video, titled "Kichisen's Three-Star Chef, the Art of Kyoto Cuisine" (京都吉泉三ツ星シェフ、京料理の巧みの技), was released by "Kichisen Kyoto" (吉泉京都). This video is about Chef Yoshimi Tanigawa, the owner of the famous Kyoto kaiseki restaurant Kichisen, which was awarded three stars by Michelin. There are no fancy techniques, but rather, with his extensive experience and clean knife handling, he is able to create dishes that will make even Michelin chefs wince. Chef Yoshimi Tanigawa aims to create dishes with the power to change people's view of life, and he does not forget to sharpen the knives that are essential to create the dishes! In this video, you can learn more about Chef Yoshimi Tanigawa and his cooking! -
Video article 17:04
Sushi Saito Is a Great Place in Roppongi That Was Awarded Three Michelin Stars. A Look Inside the High Class Restaurant
Food & Drink- 30 plays
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Sushi Saito, the Three Michelin Star Restaurant in Roppongi This is a documentary video of Takashi Saito, the owner of "Sushi Saito." Sushi Saito is an out-of-this-world restaurant that received 1 star the first year it opened in Japan, 2 stars the second year, and 3 stars the third year, and every year thereafter it has received 3 Michelin stars. The middlemen at Tsukiji market say they won't sell fish to Saito if they don't have top quality fish, despite having fish available. The only item on the menu is the "Omakase Course," but the restaurant is currently not taking reservations from the general public as they are incredibly popular. You can see the ingredients and how he prepares sushi in the video, as well as Saito's thoughts on sushi. Be sure to check out the passion of this 3 Michelin star restaurant in the video! ◆Sushi Saito Store Information◆ 【Address】106-0032 Tokyo, Minato City, Roppongi, 1 Chome−4−5, ARK Hills South Tower, 1F 【Access】A 5-minute walk from Tameike Sanno Station / An 8-minute walk from Toranomon Station / 60 meters from Roppongi-Itchome Station 【Cost】¥3000+ 【Hours】12:00-14:00 / 17:00-23:00 【Closures】Sunday, Holidays (Excluding holidays that are not consecutive holidays) 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3589-4412 【Tabelog】Sushi Saito (鮨 さいとう) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1308/A130802/13015251/