Video article 4:29
The Thick Soup at Menya Gokkei in Kyoto Is Just Too Good! This Unique Soup Is Something You Won't Find Anywhere Else!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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This video, titled "[Menya Gokkei] Chicken Daku! Super Thick, Viscous White Chicken Broth! A New Texture I've Never Had Before! [Kyoto] [ASMR/ramen/noodles] Noodle Channel Episode #110" (【麺屋 極鶏】鶏だく!超濃厚肉濁鶏白湯!今までに食べたことのない新食感です!! 【京都】【ASMR/ramen/noodles】 麺チャンネル 第110回), was released by "Noodle Channel" (麺チャンネル). This video introduces Menya Gokkei, a ramen shop famous for its rich flavor and unique texture. Menya Gokkei is famous for its viscous soup, and since so many people visit every day, it's not unusual that you have to wait in line. The other ingredients are carefully chosen so that the soup is just the right thickness, and the chashu and menma (bamboo shoots) are extremely thick. In this video, you can see a video of a visit to Menya Gokkei and try their popular "chicken daku." -
Video article 3:52
Oiwatei, the ramen restaurant that is said to be the thickest in Japan! What's the secret to the soup so thick that the sprouts stand upright!
Food & Drink- 44 plays
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This video, titled "[Ooiwatei] Trying Ramen So Thick It Stand on Its Own [Food Porn|Aichi Ramen] Susuru TV. Episode 621" (【大岩亭】レンゲが立つほど濃厚過ぎるラーメンをすする【飯テロ 愛知ラーメン】SUSURU TV.第621回), was released by "SUSURU TV." This video introduces Ooiwatei, the ramen shop that serves the thickest ramen in Japan. Ooiwatei is characterized by a soup so thick that the sprouts stand upright, and many people feel that they are eating the soup rather than drinking it. The pork and chicken in the soup is rich in collagen, and it also contains a lot of soy sauce and niboshi (dried sardines) to create a unique viscous soup. In this video, you can see a sample of the rich ramen at Ooiwatei, so if you're interested, please check it out. -
Video article 3:52
If you want to talk about tsukemen, you can't miss Daishouken! Here's the history of the restaurant that gave birth to Tsukemen, which is still very popular today!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, titled "Higashi-Ikebukuro|Taishoken|Main Store (Famous for Its Roots in Tsukemen) Minami-Ikebukuro, Toshima City" (東池袋 大勝軒 本店(つけめんのルーツの名店)豊島区南池袋). was released by "Nationwide Ramen Videos" (全国ラーメン動画). In this video, you'll learn about Taishoken's main store in Higashi-Ikebukuro that is famous for Kazuo Yamagishi, the father of dipping noodles. The history of Taishoken dates back as far as 1948, and the ramen that became the starting point for shoyu ramen in Japan was created by Marucho, the shop that can be called the original Taishoken. From there, Yamagishi opened Taishoken with the wish to "greatly outperform the competition," which sparked the Tsukemen (dipping noodle) boom. In this video, you can see a sample of the noodles at the Higashi-Ikebukuro Taishoken main store, which is famous for dipping noodles. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 14:40
Introducing the Charms of Shinjuku, Tokyo, the Largest City in Japan. Check Out Tourist Attractions of Shinjuku, the Nightless City Where History, Culture, Past, Present and Future All Intersect!
Local PR Travel- 80 plays
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日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「一般社団法人新宿観光振興協会 Shinjuku Convention & Visitors Bureau」が公開した「SHINJUKU 9Stories【English】」です。 新宿には数多くの観光スポットがあります。 映画、ランチやディナーなどのグルメ、ショッピング、文化や歴史の散策など新宿にきて揃わないものはないと言われるほどディープな大都市「新宿」の魅力をたっぷりとご紹介します。 日本一の大都会「新宿」の人気スポット まず、新宿といえば高層ビル群。 西新軸エリアには未来的なデザインがオシャレな東京モード学園を始めとした数多くの高層ビルが見られます。 そして西新宿一帯は東京でも一二を争うシティホテルの激戦地! 世界的にも有名なホテルが数多く軒を連ねています。 「新宿」の日本一とは? また、新宿には数多くの日本一が存在します。動画でも頻繁に新宿の日本一が登場していましたが皆さん気づきました? 一つ目は日本一乗降客数が多いと言われるJR新宿駅。 毎日300万人以上の人が新宿を利用しています。 二つ目の日本一は不夜城歌舞伎町。 新宿ゴールデン街やゴジラヘッドのある映画館など、毎日朝まで多くの観光客で賑わうスポットです。 しかし、歌舞伎町には喧騒ばかりではありません。 実は花園神社を始めとした多くの神社仏閣があることでも有名です。 毎年11月になると花園神社では人気のお祭り、酉の市が開催されます。 三つ目の日本一はアジア最大とも言われているゲイタウン新宿二丁目です。 お値段はとてもリーズナブル! 女性が安心して遊べる上にディープな魅力に溢れた街。 そしてグルメも充実している新宿イチオシの観光スポットです。 四つ目の日本一が新宿伊勢丹! ここは何が日本一かというとデパートの年間売上が毎年日本一なのです。 まさにショッピングの殿堂ですね。 新宿には他にも高島屋や小田急をはじめとした高級百貨店やブティックがひしめき合っています。 代々木方面にはスポーツの聖地、東京体育館や神宮球場、秩父宮ラグビー場を有する明治神宮外苑、新宿二丁目と三丁目、広大な新宿御苑と緑もたっぷり!大都会の真ん中で森林浴が楽しめるのです。 日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介まとめ 新宿で歴史や文化を感じたい人は新宿三丁目周辺がおすすめスポットです。 落語小屋や能楽堂、美術館、新宿ピカデリーなどの映画館などが楽しめます。 新宿では古くから伝わる伝統のお祭りも開催され、日本の古き良き時代も感じることのできる街です。 歴史と現代が交錯する大都会新宿の魅力を動画でご堪能ください。 -
Video article 10:34
You'll Never Get Tired of Watching This Popular Kyoto Sweet Being Made! London-ya, a Confectionery Shop That Sells London-Yaki at Shinkyogoku in Kyoto!
Food & Drink- 32 plays
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This video, titled "名物ロンドン焼き!作り方をじっくり眺めてみた!カステラ 京都グルメ The Amazing London-Yaki (Castelle) Machine at Kyoto Japan!," was released by "DELI BALI." London-Yaki is one of the most popular Kyoto gourmet dishes among both tourists and young locals alike. London-ya, featured in this video, is located near the entrance to Shinkyogoku, a popular shopping street for young people. The unique feature of London-ya is that you can watch from outside as the london-yaki (small castella filled with white bean paste) are made, one after another. You can watch as the batter is poured into the round molds and baked. On top of being a treat to watch, they're also a treat to eat, and they taste delicious! If you're in the Shinkyogoku area of Kyoto and want to enjoy window shopping and eating around, be sure to stop by London-ya! -
Video article 6:08
1.5 Times Thicker Than Regular Eel! Feast on Fluffy, Delicious Eel! Introducing the Famous Eel Restaurant "Unagi Tomoei" in Odawara, Kanagawa, Where You Can Enjoy Grilled Eel, Liver, and Kabayaki!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video, titled "[Exquisite] A Famous Michelin Eel Restaurant! One of Tabelog's Top 100 Restaurants [Unagi Tomoei] Food Porn" (【極上】ミシュランの鰻の超有名店!食べログ百名店【うなぎ亭 友栄】飯テロ), was released by "Roid Gohan" (ロイドごはん). This video shows delicious eel dishes at Unagi Tomoei in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. After an introduction of the menu from the exterior of the restaurant, you'll enjoy delicious eel, freshly cut liver (with sauce and wasabi), and the high-class unaju. The video shows that the eels are thick and fluffy with just the right amount of fat. Be sure to try sprinkling some fresh wasabi on the eel as well. Check out the video to see some delicious eel dishes! -
Video article 7:28
An Easy and Delicious Udon Recipe. From How to Make It to How to Serve It!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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This video, titled "Quick and Easy. 10 Popular Udon Recipes" (簡単お手軽。人気のうどんレシピ 10選), was released by "macaroni | マカロニ." In this video, you'll find a selection of easy-to-prepare udon recipes. The recipe is taught by culinary researcher "Karikuru." In the video, you can see 10 different recipes using ingredients that are easy to find. You can make a different dish with the same ingredients just by changing the seasoning, and you'll see how one idea can expand your scope of cooking. Some of the recipes can be made in a microwave oven, which can be useful for when you're busy. Check out the video! -
Video article 4:10
Easy to Make Japanese Curry Udon Using Leftover Curry From the Day Before! Here's a Recipe for Curry Udon That You Can Easily Prepare at Home!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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This video, titled "Curry Udon Recipe - Easy to Make Japanese Style Curry Udon Using Leftover Curry" (残ったカレーで簡単に出来る和風カレーうどんの作り方 |Curry Udon recipe), was released by "otakufoods." The video shows how to make curry udon noodles from leftover curry. Many children and adults love curry, but it tends to have leftovers the next day. The method introduced in the video is a quick and easy way to make delicious curry udon noodles. Another key to the deliciousness of the curry udon noodles is to thicken it with potato starch. After adding fried tofu and green onions it becomes a must-try dish! Check it out in the video! -
Video article 1:21
Learn How to Order at Marugame Seimen, an Easy to Use Self-Service Udon Shop, and See What It's Like Inside!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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This video, titled "Marugame Seimen|Sanuki-Style Ordering" (丸亀製麺 讃岐式注文方法), was released by "Marugame Seimen" (丸亀製麺). This video shows how to order at Marugame Seimen. The ordering process is cafeteria style, so you order udon first. After that, you follow the flow to the tempura and omusubi (onigiri) corner, and finally pay for your food. Be sure to check out the video to see how it all works! -
Video article 3:14
The Most Beautiful Garnishes! Cutting Bamboo Into Pine Tree and Shrimp Decorations!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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A Single Bamboo Branch Turned Into Various Garnishes This video teaches you how to cut pine tree and shrimp decorations using bamboo leaves. There are several types of bamboo cutting, such as the ken-zasa, which is placed vertically between dishes, the shiki-zasa, which is placed underneath the food, kesho-zasa, which is placed on top of the food, and the kazari-mono, which is larger than those used for food. Check out the video to learn the steps for cutting pine tree and shrimp decorations from a single bamboo leaf! It's a great way to entertain guests when they come over, or to add a touch of class to your dishes on New Year's, etc. -
Video article 3:14
The "Neo Tonkotsu Ramen" of the High-Class, Reservation-Only Ramen Shop in Hiroo, Tokyo. Get a Taste of the Ramen Flavored With Delicious Spices and Oils!
Food & Drink- 16 plays
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This video, titled "[GENEI . WAGAN (Hiroo, Tokyo)] Now Offering Its Finest Creation- Neo Tonkotsu Ramen! "GENEI . WAGAN," a ramen shop in Hiroo, Tokyo, now offers an innovative new type of ramen called Neo Tonkotsu Ramen. GENEI . WAGAN is the only ramen restaurant in Japan that serves ramen kaiseki, and is open only in the evening by reservation. GENEI . WAGAN released a limited edition Neo Tonkotsu Ramen as part of their lunchtime menu, and it attracted a lot of attention from ramen fans. The specialty ramen, which is based on tonkotsu (pork bone) and carefully prepared with unique oil and spices, has become a favorite among ramen fans. -
Video article 8:52
Torii Gates at the Entrance of a Teppanyaki Izakaya?! A Look at Teppan-jinja in Osaka!
Food & Drink- 31 plays
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Teppan-jinja - A Teppanyaki Izakaya With a Shrine Theme This video shows what Teppan-jinja Soemoncho, a restaurant in Osaka City, is like. Teppan-jinja Soemoncho is a relatively new restaurant that opened in December 2016. A torii gate you'd find at a shrine is attached to the exterior, and as the restaurant's name suggests, the concept is based on a shrine. *"Jinja" means shrine in Japanese. The dishes are grilled skewers of vegetables and meat cooked on a teppan (griddle), and they are made with olive oil for a refreshing taste. They're open until late at night, so if you're ever in Osaka looking for a late night snack, give it a try. ◆Teppan-jinja Soemoncho Store Information◆ 【Address】2 Chome-3-14 Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0085 【Access】A 3-minute walk from Namba Station on the Subway Midosuji Line / A 3 minute walk from Namba Station on the Subway Sennichimae Line / A 3-minute walk from Osaka Namba Station on the Kintetsu Namba Line / A 5-minute walk from Namba Station on the Nankai Main Line / A 5-minute walk from Namba Station on the Nankai Koya Line / A 5-minute walk from Nihonbashi Station 【Avg. Cost】1 skewer ¥250+, ¥3,000 avg. 【Hours】17:00-05:00 (the following day) ※17:00-03:00 on Mondays 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Phone】06-6213-7011 【TripAdvisor】Teppan-jinja Soemoncho https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g14127623-d9675545-Reviews-Teppan_Jinja-Chuo_Osaka_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:11
Ingredients From All Over the Country! Stroll Through More Than 150 Shops in the Kuromon Market, AKA "Osaka's Kitchen"!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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Eating Around Osaka's Kitchen - Kuromon Market This video shows the shops lining Osaka's Kuromon Market. Kuromon Market is known as "Osaka's Kitchen," and as you can see in the video, there's plenty of food purchase for walking around and eating while perusing the shops. At Kuromon Market you can get a variety of foodstuffs, from fresh seafood, to fruit and processed goods. In the video they order baby octopus. It's a good place to buy souvenirs when you visit Osaka. Consider stopping by if you have the chance. 【Official Homepage】Kuromon Market https://kuromon.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Kuromon Market (黒門市場) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134994-d1896861-Reviews-Kuromon_Market-Nippombashi_Chuo_Osaka_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:02
Sold Out Before the Store Opens?! A Look at the Exquisite Unaju of the Michelin Restaurant Obana!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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Obana's Exquisite Unaju This video shows the delicious unagi at Obana, a famous eel restaurant in Taito City, Tokyo. Obana is listed in the Michelin Guide, and there is a long line of people waiting to get in every day. The restaurant opens at 11:30 a.m., but there is a line of people waiting to get in more than an hour before it opens, and depending on the day, the restaurant may be sold out more than an hour before it even opens. In the video they were also already sold out before opening. Be ready to come early if you plan on eating at Obana! ◆Obana Store Information◆ 【Address】2-6-11 Kaminarimon, Taito, Tokyo 【Access】A 4-5 minute walk from Minami-Senju Station off the JR Joban Line or Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line 【Avg. Cost】¥5300+ 【Hours】[Tuesday - Friday] 11:30-13:30, 16:00-19:30 / [Saturday, Sunday, Holidays]11:30-13:30, 16:00-19:30 or until sold out. 【Closures】Mondays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3801-4670 【Yelp】Obana (尾花) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E5%B0%BE%E8%8A%B1-%E8%8D%92%E5%B7%9D%E5%8C%BA?osq=obana -
Video article 12:43
Try Kyoto's Finest Matsutake Mushrooms, the Matsutake Tsubomi From Tamba, in a Variety of Dishes!
Food & Drink- 30 plays
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Matsutake Mushroom Buds From Tamba, Kyoto, Cooked on a With a Variety of Cooking Methods This video shows cooking with matsutake tsubomi from Tanba, Kyoto, which are considered to be one of the best matsutake mushrooms available. Matsutake mushrooms are known as a high quality food in Japan and are in season from late August to early November. The Tanba region of Kyoto, as introduced in the video, is famous for its matsutake mushrooms, especially the matsutake tsubomi (buds), which are considered to be of the highest quality. In the video, they create a variety of dishes, including steamed matsutake mushrooms in an earthenware pot, baked matsutake mushrooms in tsutsumi-yaki style, matsutake mushroom rice cooked in an earthenware pot, and "Shin-Tamba," a Japanese sake from Tamba which contains charcoal-grilled matsutake mushrooms. It's a high-end product, so it's hard to find, but when you do get it, it's good to know what to do with it! -
Video article 7:07
Learn How to Successfully Grill a High Quality Grass-Fed Beef Fillet in This Video!
Food & Drink- 24 plays
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This video, titled "【ASMR】牧草牛ヒレ肉を捌いてステーキの焼き方を紹介します Grass fed beef -Tender Loin-," was released by Nikuhack. Cattle raised only on grass are called "grass-fed." Grass-fed beef does not get marbled and has a redder color. The best grass-fed beef fillets are recommended to be grilled vigorously and eaten as steak. The video shows in detail how the butchers neatly cut and grill the grass-fed beef fillet. High-quality beef can be cooked on the surface and then lightly cooked with the remaining heat to bring the flavor. Beef cooked like this just melts in your mouth! -
Video article 11:42
Using a Naga Hibachi, Which Was Popular Among the Common People in the Edo Period, You Can Drink Sake While Cooking! Enjoy some warmed sake and leeks!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "鴨ねぎ-Duck and green onion-Japanese food【江戸長火鉢 73杯目】," was released by "てこ蔵・TEKOZO." This is a series of movies where you make snacks with charcoal from a naga hibachi and eat them with alcohol. This time, they make leeks, roast meat, and drink it with sake. A naga hibachi is a traditional wooden heating device with drawers, etc., and it has a copper furnace where the charcoal is placed. It became popular among the common people in the Edo period, and nowadays it is sold as antique furniture. The hibachi shown in the video is a Kanto hibachi with a table-like fireside board on the right side. You can warm up sake on a hibachi and grill duck and green onions on an iron pan and eat it with sake! Check out the video to see how awesome this meal looks! -
Video article 8:05
A Complete Recreation of the Flavors of the Long-Established Yokohama Restaurant "Ota Nawa Noren"! How to Make Beef Hot Pot With Miso Base!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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This video, titled "牛鍋-Gyunabe-Japanese food【江戸長火鉢 62杯目】," was released by "てこ蔵・TEKOZO." Beef nabe (hot pot), a dish that originated in Yokohama, is a dish in which beef is cooked in a hot pot with sweet miso sauce, similar to sukiyaki. This video shows how to make beef hot pot while referencing the famous restaurant "Ota Nawa Noren" in Yokohama. The recipe for miso sauce is made with 5 tablespoons of miso, 2 tablespoons of sake, 2 tablespoons of mirin, and 1 tablespoon of sugar, and heating it over low heat for about 20 minutes. The beef is placed in a pot with beef fat and dashi broth, then scallions, tofu, shirataki, mushrooms, and other ingredients are added. Finally, garland chrysanthemum is added to complete the dish. When you are ready to eat it, you can put it in a beaten egg. As you can see in the video, this dish goes great with beer! -
Video article 18:05
This Long-Established Candy Store Has Been Located in "Candy Alley" in Kawagoe, Saitama, for 100 Years. How to Make the "Kumiame Sakura Stick" by Tamariki Seika
Food & Drink- 76 plays
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This Long-Established Candy Store Has Been Located in "Candy Alley" in Kawagoe, Saitama, for 100 Years. How to Make the "Kumiame Sakura Stick" by Tamariki Seika This video shows the making of candy at "Tamariki Seika" in Kawagoe, Saitama. Tamariki Seika has been making handmade candies for over 100 years. The shop is located in "Candy Alley" (Kashiya Yokocho) a popular tourist spot in Saitama Prefecture, and offers a wide variety of kumiame candy. Kumiame is a type of rolled candy that when cut shows a picture or face, such as Kintaro Ame. In the video, they make "Flower Kumiame Sakura." The candy which was as big as a log, was stretched and stretched, and at the end, a cherry blossom pattern can be seen in the cut section. Be sure to check out the video to see the 100 year old techniques in action! ◆Tamariki Seika Store Information◆ 【Address】350-0062 Saitama, Kawagoe, Motomachi, 2 Chome−7−7 【Access】A 15-minute walk from Hon-Kawagoe Station 【Avg. Price】¥200+ 【Hours】10:00-17:00 【Closures】Mondays 【Phone】049-222-1386 【Tabelog】Tamariki Seika https://tabelog.com/en/saitama/A1103/A110303/11005857/ -
Video article 10:00
Located near Yushima Tenjin Shrine in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo! What is "18wari Soba" created by a master soba maker at "Soba maker's store of 18wari Soba"?
Food & Drink- 35 plays
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Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo "18wari Soba (buckwheat) buckwheat noodle store of a master of buckwheat noodle making" Video Introduction This video shows the delicious, two-color "juhachiwari soba" made at "Juhachiwari Soba." Normally, when making soba, buckwheat flour and wheat flour that serves as a binder are added, but soba made only with buckwheat flour is called "Juwari Soba," and soba made with 80% buckwheat flour and 20% flour is called "Hachiwari Soba" (8割蕎麦, lit. "80% soba"). The owner of Juhachiwari Soba makes his Juhachiwari Soba (十八割蕎麦) with both Juwari soba and Hachiwari soba, creating beautiful two-colored noodles. You can see him mixing the two types of soba and cutting the noodles in the video as well. This shop is located near Yushima Tenjin Shrine (Yushima Tenmangu Shrine) in Tokyo, one of the most famous power spots in the city, and has been frequently featured on Japanese tv. Be sure to check out the delicious soba in the video! ◆Juhachiwari Soba Store Information◆ 【Address】2-33-6 Yushima, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 【Access】10 minutes from JR Okachimachi Station / A 3-minute walk from Yushima Station off the subway 【Fee】¥110+ 【Hours】[Mon~Fri] 11:30~15:00(Last order) 17:00~21:00 (Reservation required for parties of 4 and up) / [Sat/Sun/Holidays] 11:30~15:30 (Last order) / ※Open Late on New Years 【Closures】Irregular 【Parking】None 【Tripadvisor】Juhachiwari Soba https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g1066442-d7489543-Reviews-Juhachiwari_Soba-Bunkyo_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 12:14
Learn About Sake, a Drink Popular All Over the World! This Video Is a Must-See for Sake Fans Around the World!
Food & Drink- 25 plays
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The History of Sake and How It's Made This video is a lecture on the basics of sake by Morikuni Ueda, the President of the Ueda Sake Research Institute. In this video, they discuss the definition, characteristics, and production process of sake. Sake has been drunk since the 700's and has since evolved through various brewing methods. You can learn more about the history of sake and how it's made in this video. -
Video article 3:33
Brilliant Professional Skills Make for a Superb Gomoku Fried Rice! A Video That Will Leave Your Stomach Rumbling!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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Quick and Easy! How to Make Gomoku Fried Rice! This video shows how to make delicious gomoku fried rice. In the video, the shrimp are first quickly fried in oil, then the egg, rice, and other ingredients, are added to a pan in that order. The cooking method used for the shrimp is a common techniques used in Chinese cooking. By soaking the food in oil, it traps the moisture and flavor in and prevents the moisture from leaking out when frying with other ingredients, leaving a crispy texture that is far more delicious than normal frying. Check out the quick hands of the chef in the video! -
Video article 16:29
The Hidden Gourmet Dish, "Anago Nanbanzuke"! Freshly Prepared Conger Eel Dishes With Delicious Japanese Sake!
Food & Drink- 29 plays
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Making Anago Nanbanzuke This video shows how to make Anago Nanbanzuke. Conger eel (anago) is known to come from Nagasaki, Shimane, and Aichi prefectures. Summer conger eel has little fat and is more refreshing, while winter conger eel is rich in fat, making it a hearty dish that is becoming increasingly popular. Conger eel is often eaten as a substitute for regular eel, but some people prefer conger eel because it's lower in calories and has a more refreshing flavor than normal eel. In the video, they make nanbanzuke (roasted or deep-fried fish or meat, marinated in a spicy sauce) using conger eel. 0:05: Opening the eel 3:43: Cutting the eel into small piece 5:42: Adding sake and salt to the eel and mixing it 6:24: Adding flour 6:46: Deep frying in oil 10:38: Preparing the bonito broth 11:28: Pickling the fried eel in a marinade of sugar, salt, vinegar, light soy sauce, and chopped red pepper 12:57: Dishing up the eel and adding onions, green spring onions, and a bit of marinade In the video, it's paired with a sake called "Dassai" (獺祭)! Eel is slimy and difficult to process, but if you manage to get some, why not give it a try? -
Video article 3:42
Fluffy Omelettes Flying Through the Air! Yokohama Tachibanatei's Professional Omelette-Making Skills! A Look at What Goes in To the Dishes of the Popular Restaurant in Yokohama, Kanagawa
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Introduction of the omelette rice recipe divine video of "Yokohama Tachibana-tei" in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. This video is titled “Graceful Skills, Yokohama Tachibanatei, Omelette Rice Performance, Uncut | Awesome Cooking Demo of Fluffy Japanese Omurice(華麗な技 横濱たちばな亭 オムライスパフォーマンス ノーカット | Awesome Cooking Demo of Fluffy Japanese Omelette Rice)” created by “LifeWith505” and it introduces the omurice-making process of “Yokohama Tachibanatei,” a famous Japanese restaurant introduced in television programs and magazines. The quick hands when stir-frying the chicken rice in the pan and the incredible skill of making the fluffy omelette that is placed atop the chicken rice is artistic and flashy. What is Yokohama Tachibanatei? Photo: Yokohama Minatomirai|Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Yokohama Tachibanatei, located in Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse and Cubic Plaza Shin-Yokohama in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is a famous restaurant where you can enjoy authentic Western dishes in Japan and whose most popular dish is its omurice. It’s always crowded during lunch, and its artistically-made omurice is enjoyed not just by the Japanese, but by foreigners as well. The key to its popularity is not just its aesthetic beauty, but also the fact that you can watch the live performance of the omurice being cooked, as this video introduces. In fact, omurice is said to be a Japanese dish made in Japan and its recipes and ingredients differ from restaurant to restaurant. However, this omurice “Omurice of a Western Food Restaurant” uses a recipe where a runny half-cooked egg is placed on the top of some chicken rice. In this video, you can see the amazing performances of the omurice-professionals of Yokohama Tachibanatei, a source of pride for Japan. The Chicken Rice Recipe of Yokohama Tachibanatei Source :YouTube screenshot The key to making the chicken rice, which will become the foundation of the omurice, is to stir-fry it with lots of butter and to make use of the savory flavor of the sauce and ketchup! While stir-frying the rice on a pan with hot butter, you add the first sauce (0:37). After adjusting the flavor with some salt and pepper and then giving it a mix, you add the second sauce at (1:13). Their ability to shake the frying pan without dropping a single piece of rice is truly the skill of a professional. The Fluffy Half-Cooked Egg Recipe of Yokohama Tachibanatei Source :YouTube screenshot The cooking process of the omelette that will be placed on top of the chicken rice begins at 2:28. You make the runny half-cooked eggs by putting a generous amount of mixed eggs in a pan with hot butter and then adjusting the intensity of the heat while finely shaking the chopsticks and the pan. This is the biggest highlight of this video! When the cooked egg flies through the air and lands on the chicken rice, the omelette splits beautifully, showing its fluffy, runny insides! This amazing cooking skill, that separates the amateurs from the pros, will make you go wild. You can see this from 3:21 in the video. If you want to carefully observe the omelette being placed on the chicken rice, we recommend watching the slowed-down version from 3:25. Summary of Yokohama Tachibanatei's Omurice “Yokohama Tachibanatei,” is a Western restaurant where you can enjoy not just the delicious omurice made with a special recipe, but also the incredible professional skills of the cooks. An original demi-glace sauce full of savory deliciousness is poured over the omurice, and you you'll be filled with satisfaction for the mere price of 880 yen (~$8 USD). Yokohama Tachibanatei, the restaurant introduced in this video, is located in Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, which is overflowing with diverse foreign cultures, gives the feeling of being inside a Western-style house, and is a popular restaurant highly rated on gourmet websites. In addition to the omurice, the menu also has dishes such as cutlet sandwiches and curry rice. In the Shin-yokohama restaurant, you can also get some take-out dishes such as tonkatsu bento (pork cutlet lunchbox). It’s a popular restaurant, so you may need to reserve some seats depending on the time you visit, but please visit the restaurant and enjoy the delicious taste of the omurice and the amazing cooking skills that you can watch live, both the pride and joy of Japan! ◆Yokohama Tachibanatei, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Restaurant◆ 【Address】First floor of Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Building No.2, 1-1-2 Shinko (新港, Shinko), Naka Ward (中区, Nakaku), Yokohama City 【Access】6 minutes by foot from Minatomirai Line Bashamichi Station (馬車道駅, Bashamichieki), Nihon-Odori Station (日本大通り駅,Nihonodorieki) 【Hours】11:00〜21:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】045-650-8752 【Official Website】Red Brick Warehouse Restaurant | Western Food Yokohama Tachibanatei https://yokohama-tachibana.net/akarenga/