Video article 1:21
Onuma Pond in Shiga Kogen, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture, a beautiful wilderness in Japan. The contrast between the bright blue surface of the water and the fresh greenery is as beautiful as if you were looking at a painting!
Travel- 321 plays
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長野県下高井郡山ノ内町が誇る志賀高原を堪能出来る動画をご紹介! こちらの「【4K】志賀高原・大沼池」は、長野県下高井郡山ノ内町にある志賀高原の景色を4Kで堪能出来る動画です。 貴重な生態系と四季折々の美しい景色から、観光地にとどまらず日本の貴重な自然遺産です。 この記事では、そんな志賀高原において、ハイキングコースとして人気な大沼池について、主にご紹介いたします。 長野県おすすめ観光スポットの志賀高原! 長野県でも随一の人気を誇る観光スポットの志賀高原では、四季折々の楽しみ方をすることが出来ます。 春は散歩をしながら美しい景色を、夏は数多くある池で釣りや様々なアクティビティを、秋は紅葉を楽しみながらアウトドア、冬は温泉巡りなんていうのも良いでしょう。 四季によって様々な楽しみ方を出来るのが、志賀高原の良いところと言えるでしょう。 志賀高原でのトレッキング観光の見所! 志賀高原と言えば、大自然の雄大さと綺麗な景色を楽しみながらのトレッキングが人気なアクティビティです。 中でもおすすめなのが池めぐりコース。 ここでは池めぐりコースで堪能することが出来るインスタ映え間違い無しの場所について紹介します。 まずは前山リフトに乗りながら堪能できるのが前山山頂と前山湿原です。 リフトに揺られながら、自然ならではの雄大な絶景を楽しむことができます。 徒歩だと大変という家族連れの方やカップルにもおすすめです。 特に前山湿原では、湿原特有の様々な植物を見ることが出来ることで有名です。 次に長野県の歴史において深いつながりを持つ、様々な池を堪能出来るのがこの志賀山・裏志賀山です。 鬼の相撲場の池や、長野県では有名な黒姫伝説とも繋がっている黒姫池等、由緒正しい池を目で肌で楽しむことが出来ます。 最後に志賀高原に来たからには外せないであろう観光スポットが、この大沼池です。 火山のせき止め湖とされており、周囲5.5㎞が志賀高原に囲まれている、志賀高原では一番大きな湖となっています。 大沼池は、黒姫池と同じく、黒姫伝説と深い繋がりを持っている池で、長野県の歴史とは切っても切り離せない深い関係があります。 歴史的な観点からは勿論のこと、水の美しさ、自然の雄大さ。そして池にポツンと佇む鳥居はインスタ映えすること間違い無し。 本でも有数の景色なので、ぜひ足を運んで頂きたい場所となっています。 この大沼池周辺にはレストハウスも存在しており、無料で提供されているので、疲れた足をそこで休めるのも良いでしょう。 志賀高原の観光の紹介まとめ 志賀高原は日本らしさ溢れる自然いっぱいの絶景を堪能することが出来る観光スポットとなっています。 みなさんも志賀高原の豊かな自然を肌で感じにきてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 1:16
I felt my heart being absorbed by the mysterious and beautiful scenery of the autumn leaves video of Norikura Kogen in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, a popular tourist destination, in the beautiful brocaded autumn!
Nature Travel- 125 plays
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Norikura Kogen" in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Autumn Foliage Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Colors in Japan|Autumn at Norikura Kogen" (日本の紅葉 Autumn Colors in Japan 乗鞍高原の秋), was uploaded by "beaphoto1. The video introduces the spiritual and ephemeral autumn scenery of Norikura Kogen (Norikura Highlands), a place visited by large numbers of people every year for its legendary autumnal colors. The beauty on display is such that you'll forget all about time for the entirety of the 1-minute video. We're sure that when you're done watching you'll be itching to visit Norikura Kogen! Where is Norikura Kogen? Basic Tips for Sightseers Photo:Autumn leaves at Norikura Kogen, Nagano Prefecture Located in Matsumoto, Nagano in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, and on the eastern side of the Northern Alps' southernmost area, the Norikura Kogen highlands are a popular sightseeing spot, and are lively in all seasons, with visitors making the trip for a variety of reasons. In the summer, you can escape the heat while camping or stay at one of the bed and breakfasts in the area. As summer gives way to fall, mountain climbing becomes a popular pastime, and in the winter, skiing and other winter sports can be enjoyed here. Also, the hot springs bursting forth from several locations in the area can be enjoyed no matter the season. Furthermore, if you're looking to get your fill of the great outdoors, no trip to Japan's Northern Alps would be complete without a visit to Norikura Kogen Holiday Village (休暇村乗鞍高原, Kyuka-mura Norikura Kogen). Situated 1600m above sea-level, it's perfect for stargazing and early morning walks, and there are even activities for enjoying nature with fellow travelers that anyone can participate in at their leisure. The views of the night sky here are truly unforgettable. Take your time and enjoy the boundless nature of Japan's Northern Alps at Norikura Kogen Holiday Village! When Is the Best Time to See the Autumn Foliage at Norikura Kogen? Photo:Ichinose Park, Norikura Kogen Autumn means autumn leaves, and the best time to see those at Norikura Kogen is from mid-late October. During this period, sightseers converge on the area for a glimpse of Norikura Kogen's autumn foliage. At one of the most famous spots, Ichinose Park (一の瀬園地, Ichinose-enchi), the reflection of Mt. Norikura (乗鞍岳, Norikura-dake) on the water's surface contrasts with the autumn leaves to create a spiritual atmosphere. [Video] 0:10 - Autumn Leaves and the Reflection of Mt. Norikura Even the more indoorsy people will find themselves enjoying hiking around Ichinose Park. Take a leisurely walk and admire the white birch forests, Zengoro Falls, Organ Bridge (オルガン橋, orugan-bashi) which spans the mountain stream, and the seasonal flowers that can be found in the area. The giant maple tree shown in the video is popular with photographers as a superb photo spot, so don't forget your camera! [Video] 0:31 - Giant Maple Tree Norikura Skyline/Echo Line aka Paradise in the Sky Photo:Norikura Skyline, Korikura Kogen You'll feel like you're coasting through the sky at Norikura Skyline/Echo Line. The word "Skyline" makes it sound like somewhere you'd go by car, but since this is a place to enjoy nature as well as gorgeous views while gliding through the sky, personal vehicles are prohibited in order to protect the environment and prevent traffic. If you're planning to visit by car, you'll need to switch to a bus at some point. For further details, check the Hida-Norikura Tourism Association's (飛騨乗鞍観光協会, Hida Norikura kanko kyokai) home page. Summary of Sightseeing at Norikura Kogen Norikura Kogen is brimming with fantastical views, including autumn leaves and giant maples, and has come to be known as a Paradise in the Sky. It's great for instagrammers and photographers alike, too. Why don't you add Norikura Highland to the candidate sites when you travel to Nagano? Norikura Kogen is also rife with facilities, including day-trip hot spring facilities, but there's so much to see and do that we encourage you to stay the night and take your time enjoying the superb views. So let go of some of that stress and charge your batteries with the help of Mother Nature. [TripAdvisor] Norikura Kogen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298118-d1372942-Reviews-Norikura_Kogen-Matsumoto_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:39
Don't miss this video full of highlights of the "Fire Festival of Yoshida," one of the three most bizarre festivals in Japan! A brave festival held in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, at the foot of Mt.
Festivals & Events- 313 plays
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Video introduction of "Fire Festival in Yoshida" in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, one of the three most bizarre festivals in Japan This video, “日本三奇祭 吉田の火祭り(鎮火祭・すすき祭り) The Yoshida Fire Festival,” was created by “FUJISAN DRONE BASE - 富士山ドローンベース.” The video introduces one of Japan’s historic summer festivals. The video begins with a powerful image of two portable shrines being carried through the streets, followed by an aerial view of a row of large torches lit by fire. Please enjoy this 4 minutes and 40 seconds video, which is packed with highlights. What are the three most bizarre festivals in Japan? When is the "Fire Festival of Yoshida" held? What is the wish behind it? Although there are various theories, the three most famous festivals in Japan are generally referred to as "Japan's three most unusual festivals": the Omihashira Festival in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture; the Namahage Shibatoe Festival in Oga City, Akita Prefecture; and the Yoshida no Himatsuri Festival in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture. The official name of the "Fire Festival of Yoshida" is the "Chinmoku Matsuri," and it is held jointly at the Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine and the Suwa Shrine. Fuji. The festival is usually held on August 26 and 27, so in 2024, it will be held on August 26 (Monday) and 27 (Tuesday). The festival is intended to pray for the safety of climbers of Mt. Fuji and to quell the eruption of Mt. What kind of festival is the "Fire Festival of Yoshida"? What is its history? Source :YouTube screenshot The festival is known as one of Japan’s Three Strangest Festivals, as well as one of the top ten fire festivals in Japan. Every year, the festival attracts up to 200,000 visitors. Yoshida's Fire Festival, a historic festival that has been held for more than 400 years, is designated as a nationally important intangible cultural asset. Originally, the "Fire Festival in Yoshida" was a festival of Suwa Shrine, not Sengen Shrine, and according to historical records, it originated from a bonfire at the annual festival (July 22) of Suwa Myojin in Kamiyoshida Village. Later, as Fuji worship flourished, Suwa Shrine was absorbed into Sengen Shrine and became a regent shrine. There are various legends about the origin of the fire festival. One legend tells of a white snake god descending from above with a portable shrine, and another tells of a myth that Kibana Kaiyahime, the deity of Sengen Shrine, gave birth to three children in a fire-burning maternity house in order to prove her identity. What are the highlights of the "Fire Festival in Yoshida," such as the lighting of the big torches? Source :YouTube screenshot Every year, on the 26th of August, Suwa Shrine carries out a procession with two mikoshi shrines. More than 100 sponsors and members of Mt. Fuji's religious associations participate in this ritual. The two mikoshi shrines are paraded through the worshippers who hold branches from the sacred Sakaki Evergreen. Finally, the procession ends at Asama Shrine. The festival can be seen from 0:43 in the video. Of the two mikoshi shrines, one created in the likeness of Mt. Fuji can be seen from 1:00 in the video. The "torch lighting," in which as many as 100 large torches, each about 3 meters high, are lit, is the highlight of the festival. From 1:54 of the video, you can see the torches being lit. When the torches are lit, a fantastic scene unfolds, as if the entire city has been transformed into a sea of fire. The Yoshida Fire Festival is accessible by bus or train, and temporary parking lots are also prepared during the festival, making it possible to visit by car. Traffic can get quite congested on festival days, so be sure to sure to account for drive time when visiting the festival by car. Summary of "Yoshida's Fire Festival," one of the three most bizarre festivals in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot Mt. Fuji is dearly beloved as the number-one mountain in Japan. This love can also be seen through the large number of visitors to the festival held at the foot of the mountain. If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the video and immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of this traditional, soul-stirring, and energetic festival of Japan! 【Official Website】Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine 【Tripadvisor】The Yoshida Fire Festival -
Video article 2:32
Wajima Asaichi, where you can enjoy fresh seafood in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, is one of the three major morning markets in Japan. Wajima City is full of historical attractions such as the traditional craft of "Wajima-nuri" (Wajima lacquerware) and kiriko (traditional Japanese doll)!
Shopping Travel- 61 plays
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Video introduction of "Wajima Morning Market" in Noto Peninsula, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, one of the three major morning markets in Japan This video, titled "Ishikawa Wajima Morning Market - 4K Ultra HD" (Ishikawa Wajima Morning Market - 輪島朝市 - 4K Ultra HD) was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It's a PR video for the Wajima Morning Market of Ishikawa Prefecture, located on the Noto Peninsula. The Wajima Morning Market is run by the Wajima City Morning Market Association (輪島市朝市組合) in the Koshinetsu region, and attracts many visitors as a tourist attraction on the Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture, with fresh seafood from the Sea of Japan and traditional goods such as Wajima lacquerware. One of the most popular tourist attractions in Wajima, where the Wajima Morning Market is held, is the Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces, which has been selected as one of the Top 100 Terraced Rice Terraces in Japan, with 1,004 terraced rice paddies. After the morning market, visitors can also enjoy a stroll to Sojiji Temple. The Delicious Food of Wajima! Enjoy Seafood and Local Specialties From the Sea of Japan at the Wajima Morning Market! Photo:Wajima Morning Market, Wajima, Ishikawa As you can see from 0:45 in the video, the Wajima Morning Market has more than 200 stalls along the 360-meter-long street where the market is located. Vegetables, dried fish, and other goods are also available at reasonable prices, and are loved by visitors. The Wajima Morning Market takes place from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and is visited by locals and tourists looking for fresh seafood, seafood bowls, and other delights. One of the attractions of the Wajima Morning Market is that visitors can walk around and try different snacks from all of the vendors in the area, from steamed buns to rice crackers and other local specialties. Visitors can also enjoy breakfast and lunch unique to the Wajima Morning Market, with its tasty seafood rice bowls, as well as cute sweets, such as Wajima pudding, a popular treat among women. The Wajima Morning Market is lined with many stores, each with its own unique characteristics, some of which have been around for over a thousand years. Some stores serve food prepared on the spot, so there's no shortage of things to enjoy at the Wajima Morning Market. Lacquerware and Folk Art in Wajima City! There's More Than Just Seafood! Photo:Wajima Lacquerware soup bowls Wajima is one of the largest cities on the Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture. Because Wajima is located by the Sea of Japan, visitors can enjoy fresh seafood, such as amberjack and seaperch at the Wajima Morning Market. Wajima is also famous for its kiriko lanterns, giant lanterns that look like portable shrines which are attached to sticks, and are recognized as a Japan Heritage. The traditional atmosphere of these lanterns is a great way to experience the culture of Wajima. The most popular tradition of Wajima is Wajima Lacquerware. The history of this lacquerware craft dates back to Japan's Heian period (794-1185 AD). Many pieces of lacquerware, the remains of the Heian period have been excavated from archaeological sites in Wajima, and Wajima Lacquerware is loved by many people both in Japan and abroad. The lacquerware is characterized by its sturdiness and luster, and is recommended not only as a meaningful gift but also as a souvenir together with yubeshi, a sweet yuzu-flavored wagashi (traditional Japanese sweet) from Nakauraya. Access to Wajima, Ishikawa Photo:Noto Airport (Noto-Satoyama Airport) It's about an hour from Tokyo to Noto Airport via plane. From Noto Airport, you can take a cab or bus to the center of Wajima. Another way to get to Wajima from Kanazawa Station is to rent a car and drive to the city. If you use the Wajima Morning Market Parking Lot, you can tour the city of Wajima while enjoying the Wajima Morning Market. Summary of the Wajima Morning Market, One of the Three Major Morning Markets in Japan The Wajima Morning Market introduced in the video and this article is one of the three largest morning markets in Japan, together with the Yobuko Morning Market in Saga Prefecture and the Katsuura Morning Market in Chiba Prefecture. The Wajima Morning Market is a great place to enjoy fresh seafood, traditional Wajima Lacquerware, and other local specialties. Be sure to check out the video to experience some of the charms of the Wajima Morning Market! You'll definitely want to check out the Wajima Morning Market after seeing it! 【TripAdvisor】The Wajima Morning Market https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021242-d1384988-Reviews-Wajima_Morning_Market-Wajima_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:40
Enjoy Skiing and Snowboarding at Kashimayari Snow Resort in Nagano Prefecture! Powdery Slopes and a Plethora of Facilities!
Things to Do- 31 plays
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Introducing Kashimayari Snow Resort in Nagano Prefecture This video, titled “鹿島槍スキー場公式PV HAKUBAVALLEY kashimayari snow resort” was uploaded by “KashimayariSV.” It’s the official video for Kashimayari Snow Resort! Hakuba, located in the Japanese Alps on the outskirts of Nagano City, is one of the most popular ski areas in Japan. Kashimayari Snow Resort shown in the video is located in the easily accessible Hakuba area, and from the slopes you can see Mt. Kashimayari, Mt. Jiigatake, and other mountains located in the Northern Alps of Japan. The ski resort is full of nature, with monkeys and Japanese serows also present in the area. The slopes have plenty of high-quality snow, dynamic courses, and a park with rails and banks for snowboarding. In addition, there are restaurants, outdoor baths, and lodging facilities at Kashimayari Snow Resort. A Closer Look at Kashimayari Snow Resort! Photo:Skiing Kashimayari Snow Resort is located on the Kashimayari Kurosawa Plateau in Omachi, Nagano, and offers more than 10 different courses. At 0:32 in the video, you can see the "Ippon Buna Downhill Course." Near the end of the course is the Nakatsuna Freestyle Park, a snowboard park. You can also enjoy a longer trail with the whopping 5,000-meter-long "Long Downhill Course." There is also the "Shimasaka Kids Park" for small children and a daycare center. Alpine Inn Kashimayari is introduced at 0:59 of the video. It has a restaurant where you can eat, "Gelespo," a store you can enjoy inside the ski resort, stores where you can buy local souvenirs, and an outdoor hot spring bath on the roof where you can relax and enjoy the view of the surrounding mountains. In addition, directly-managed accommodations are available, including reasonably priced dormitories and group rooms for those traveling in groups. There is also a special package deal that includes lodging at a nearby hotel and a lift ticket! Visit with your family and enjoy the luxury of a relaxing soak in the hot springs after skiing the snowy mountains. Sightseeing Information for Kashimayari Snow Resort Photo:Shinano-Omachi Station, Oito Line To get to Kashimayari Snow Resort, besides driving to the resort, you can also take a train to Shinano-Omachi Station on the Oito Line and take the free shuttle bus with no reservations required. There is also a free shuttle bus that runs from Matsumoto and Nagano if you purchase a lift ticket (reservation required). The lifts are generally open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with night skiing also available. In addition, ski and snowboard rentals and lift tickets can be reserved online. Summary of Kashimayari Snow Resort This video introduced all the charms of Kashimayari Snow Resort in Nagano Prefecture. You might even run into Shimashika-kun, the local mascot, if you’re lucky! If you're considering visiting Kashimayari Snow Resort and want to see the facilities, slopes, etc. that it has to offer, be sure to check out the video! 【Official Website】Kashimayari Sports Village (Kashimayari Snow Resort) https://www.hakuba1.com/english/ski_resort/129 【TripAdvisor】Kashimayari Sports Village https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021316-d2638047-Reviews-Kashimayari_Sports_Village-Omachi_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 10:06
Traditional Japanese Osechi Dishes Made by a Japanese Grandma. Learn Life Lessons From the Energetic Grandma Masami
Food & Drink Traditional Culture- 86 plays
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Grandma's Osechi-ryori: Video Introduction This video, titled "Grandma's Recipes|Grandma Masami's Osechi" (Grandma's Recipes|まさみおばあちゃんのおせち), was uploaded by "Grandma's Recipes." Osechi-ryori is a traditional Japanese dish eaten on New Year's in Japan. In Japan, people are so accustomed to Osechi-ryori that many people don't know about the meanings attached to the dish. In this article, we'll take a look at traditional Japanese Osechi-ryori through the recipes of Grandma Masami who has lived through 4 Japanese eras. Grandma Masami left her parents' house at the age of 8 and began working, and she is now 99 years old. In just half of her life, she endured many hardships, including two wars, the Great Kanto Earthquake, the Isewan Typhoon, the Great Hanshin Earthquake, and the Great East Japan Earthquake. Even so, she says with a smile how she lived an ordinary life. In this day and age when it's difficult to live an "ordinary life," these words must have a very significant meaning. The purpose of these videos is to learn recipes for happiness from energetic grandmothers over the age of 80 who have lived through turbulent lives. This video focuses on Osechi-ryori, a recipe for happiness handed down by a grandma in Nagano, Japan. The History of Osechi and Its Name Photo:Osechi-ryori Osechi-ryori was originally prepared as an offering to New Year's gods during seasonal festivals, such as Sechie (an official event held at the Japanese Imperial Court on national holidays) and Sekku. It is said that it was not until the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.) that they began to be served in stacked boxes and prepared as New Year's dishes as they are in modern-day Japan. "Osechi" is written as either "お節" or "御節" in Japanese. This naming also comes from Sekku, and the common interpretation is that the meaning is an abbreviation of Sechie. Classic and Regional Recipes for Osechi-ryori Photo:Osechi-ryori, three side dishes Although there are regional differences in osechi-ryori recipes, the basic recipe consists of three celebratory dishes (three side dishes), nishime (simmered vegetables), sunomono (pickled or vinegared food), and yakimono (grilled food). These three dishes are commonly made across Japan with black soybeans and herring roe. However, there is a difference: in Japan's Kanto region they use gomame (dried young anchovies), while in the Kansai region they use tataki-gobou (burdock root seasoned with sesame). The most common style of osechi-ryori is to use a four-tiered box containing 20 to 30 different dishes. Some of the most popular classic dishes in osechi-ryori are datemaki (a rolled omelette mixed with fish paste), kinton (mashed sweet potatoes), kohaku namasu (thinly sliced carrots and daikon radish), kamaboko, grilled sea bream, teriyaki amberjack, simmered tiger prawns, boiled clam, kombu-maki (sliced dried herring or other fish wrapped in kombu seaweed and boiled), and chikuzenni. The use of such auspicious and high-quality ingredients as sea bream, amberjack, and prawns gives the dish a celebratory atmosphere on this special day. In recent years, ingredients for osechi-ryori can be found in supermarkets after Christmas. There are many items that are nearly fully prepared, so osechi-ryori are relatively convenient to eat nowadays. The Meanings Behind Osechi-ryori Photo:Osechi-ryori, kurikinton Here are some of the meanings and hopes attached to osechi-ryori. ●Kurikinton (chestnuts and mashed sweet potatoes) In addition to its gorgeous and beautiful golden appearance, chestnuts are said to bring good luck in victory and prosperity. ●Kuromame (black soybeans) This dish is to wish for good health and the power to work another year. ●Kazunoko (herring roe) This dish is associated with wishes for prosperity of one's children. This dish is a celebratory food, and is associated with fertility. Photo:Osechi-ryori, Kombu-maki ●Kombu-maki Kombu is associated with happiness and comfort in old age. Kombu-maki, a type of kelp roll, is also used as a symbol of union and contains wishes of prosperity for one's offspring. Grandma Masami's One-Person Osechi-ryori It is becoming more and more common to have osechi-ryori delivered on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day in Japan, rather than making them at home, through commercial or online delivery services. Osechi-ryori themselves are becoming more and more varied, with Chinese, French, and even children's osechi-ryori appearing at the end of the year, rather than being solely Japanese style. The focus of this video, Grandma Masami, is now 99 years old! She lives alone, but she makes her own osechi-ryori every year. Although it looks like a simple osechi for one person, the handmade miso soup made from dried sardines, walnut rice cakes, steamed rolls, kinpira, namasu, and nishime all look delicious. [Video] 5:00 - Making Burdock and Carrot Kinpira [Video] 7:14 - Making Steamed Rolls Soybeans – The Secret to a Long Life? Photo:Soybeans When Grandma Masami is asked about the secret to her long life, she explains how she was poor and worked hard, but ate a lot of soybeans and other legumes, saying that maybe this was the secret to her good health. When Grandma Masami is asked about the secret to her long life, she explains how she was poor and worked hard, but ate a lot of soybeans and other legumes, saying that maybe this was the secret to her good health. Soy sauce, miso, natto, tofu, okara (soy pulp), and soybean flour. We can see that soybeans are as important an ingredient in the Japanese diet as rice. It's also an essential ingredient for making osechi-ryori. Soybeans are said to be a "kanzen shokuzai" (完全食材, a food that contains all the nutrients necessary for humans to maintain good health) with a well-balanced combination of lecithin, dietary fiber, isoflavones, protein, carbohydrates, and various vitamins and minerals. It's no exaggeration to say that soybeans are the secret to the longevity of the Japanese people. Soybeans have played a prominent role in Japanese food and the health of the Japanese people since the Heian period nearly a thousand years ago. Summary of a Japanese Grandma's Osechi-ryori While gorgeous osechi-ryori are a feast for the eyes, simple and healthy homemade osechi-ryori like Grandma Masami's recipes are also good. Why not try making your own this winter? -
Video article 3:05
An Encounter With the Specially Protected Rock Ptarmigan While Mountain Climbing! A Look at the Ecology of the Endangered Species and Where You Can Find It!
Living Things Nature- 448 plays
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The Rock Ptarmigan - An Endangered Species This video, titled "Endangered Species|Rock Ptarmigan|A Precious Encounter Whilst Mountain Climbing|Special Edition (4k)" (絶滅危惧種 雷鳥 登山で出会った貴重なニホンライチョウ動画 特集 【4K】), was created by "Yamacchi channel" (やまっちchannel). It contains footage of the rock ptarmigan, a protected species in Japan, as well as the Crested ibis and Red-crowned crane. Due to the effects of global warming, the number of rock ptarmigan in Japan has dwindled to around 1,500 and it is now recognized as an endangered species. This video contains a compilation of footage of the adorable rock ptarmigan, which was spotted whilst mountain climbing. In this article, we'll introduce the rock ptarmigan, an endangered species! More About the Rock Ptarmigan, an Endangered Species Photo:Tateyama ptarmigan Said to have survived the ice age, the rock ptarmigan is now an endangered species belonging to the order Galliformes, family Phasianidae and genus Lagopus (キジ目キジ科ライチョウ属, kijimokukijikaraichouzoku). The subspecies of rock ptarmigan which inhabits Japan is a very adorable and friendly bird, making it a favorite among mountain climbers. It has a characteristic call that sounds similar to that of a frog. From 0:14 in the video you can see the rock ptarmigan at Mt. Senjo (仙丈ヶ岳, senjogatake), and at Mt. Tsubakuro (燕岳, tsubakurodake) from 1:38, Mt. Chogatake (蝶ヶ岳, chougatake) from 2:09, and Mt. Jonen (常念岳, jounendake) at 2:04. Rock ptarmigan chicks average 6 cm in height. A fully grown adult rock ptarmigan measures 37 cm in height and weighs approximately 400-600g. They lay their eggs in early summer from the beginning to the middle of June. The color of their feathers also changes depending on the season. In summer, their feathers are a dark brown color, and in winter they change to a snowy white. Furthermore, the rock ptarmigan is a symbol of Toyama Prefecture (富山県 toyamaken), Nagano Prefecture (長野県, naganoken) and Gifu Prefecture (岐阜県, gifuken). Photo:Northern Alps The rock ptarmigan lives in a harsh environment at an altitude of 2,400 m. In the warmer summer months they live in the alpine zone, moving to the subalpine zone in the cooler winter months. In 1980, there were an estimated 3,000-4,000 rock ptarmigans living in Japan. However that number has dropped to around 1,500. The effects of global warming are considered to have been the direct cause of this decrease in numbers. It is thought that the decrease in creeping pine (ハイマツ, haimatsu) numbers, a main food source for the rock ptarmigan, due to global warming is one of the main causes of the decline in rock ptarmigan numbers. Several measures are being taken in order to conserve the rock ptarmigan, such as protecting the species from predators and breeding in zoos. Incidentally, rock ptarmigans have been kept in Ueno zoo (上野動物園, uenodoubutsuen) since 2019. The Habitat of the Endangered Rock Ptarmigan Photo:Tateyama mountain range and a ptarmigan There are 6 genera and 17 species of rock ptarmigan found across the world. They can be found in North America, the coast of the Arctic Ocean in Eurasia, Europe, and the alpine zone in Asia. In Japan, they inhabit the central area of Honshu (Japan's main island) (本州中部地方, honshuuchuubuchihou). In this video, you can see footage of the rock ptarmigan spotted whilst climbing Mt. Senjo, Mt. Chogatake, Mt. Tsubakuro and Mt. Jonen. Snacks shaped like rock ptarmigan are sold in Nagano prefecture, the home of the Northern Alps. A similar bird, the Hazel grouse (エゾライチョウ, ezoraichou), of the genus Tetrastes (エゾライチョウ属, ezoraichouzoku), inhabits Hokkaido (北海道), Japan's northernmost Island. Summary of the Endangered Rock Ptarmigan Source :YouTube screenshot This video "Endangered Species|Rock Ptarmigan|a Precious Encounter Whilst Mountain Climbing|Special Edition (4k)," created by "Yamacchi channel" (やまっちchannel), contains footage of the rock ptarmigan, an endangered species. We highly recommend the video to animal lovers as it has footage of the rock ptarmigan from different places all over Japan! This video of the adorable rock ptarmigan is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! -
Video article 5:43
A video introduction to the Kita-Yatsugatake Ropeway in Chino City, Nagano Prefecture! The luxurious experience of overlooking Japan's three major alps is sure to impress!
Transportation- 249 plays
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Video introduction of "Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway" in Chino City, Nagano Prefecture This video is titled "4K|Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway|A Superb View of the Alps" (4K アルプスの絶景 北八ヶ岳ロープウェイ). It was produced by “ibukivideo,” and introduces the spectacular view from the Kita-Yatsugatake Ropeway. The Kita-Yatsugatake Ropeway is located in the northern Yatsugatake mountain range, spanning the Suwa and Saku regions of Nagano Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture. It's a luxurious ride overlooking the three major Alps in Japan. In this video, you can see various views from Sanroku station to the observation deck at the summit station. In this article, we'll introduce the Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway. Be sure to follow along with the video! What Is the Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway? Photo:Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway The Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway is a large 100-seat ropeway located between Mt. Yoko (northern Yatsugatake) and Mt. Shimagare. Depart from Sanroku station at an altitude of 1,771m, seen at 0:03 in the video, and climb to the summit station at an altitude of 2,237m, shown at 2:20. Within about 7 minutes of boarding, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Yatsugatake mountain range. You'll understand why it's a popular tourist spot. An observation deck is installed at the summit station, and you can see a view of Mt. Ontake, the Central Alps, and the Northern Alps. In addition, there is a garden called Tsubo-niwa at the summit station, where you can enjoy seasonal alpine plants. We recommend viewing the beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. The Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway is operated by Kita Yatsugatake Resort Co., Ltd. The name has changed several times over the years as well. From 1967 to 1985 it was called "Japan Pilatus Yokodake Ropeway," in 1985 it was renamed to "Pilatus Yokodake Ropeway," between 2001 and 2012 it went by "Pilatus Tadeka Ropeway," and from 2012 to the present it has gone by "Kita Yatsugatake ropeway." Sightseeing on the Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway Photo:Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway By car, access to the Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway is about 25 km (40 to 50 minutes) from the Suwa IC on the Chuo Expressway. By bus, get off at Chino Station on the JR East Japan Chuo Line. At the Alpico Kotsu Bus Stop at the west exit, take the "Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway" to the hotel. It takes around 1 hour to arrive. The cost of the ropeway is 2,100 yen for adults (junior high school students and older) and 1,050 yen for children. At Yatsugatake, you can climb from the summit of the ropeway. There are a variety of trails to choose from, including day hikes and overnight hikes using a mountain lodges. Keep in mind that the temperature and weather in the mountains can change easily, especially in summer when there are many evening showers. Rain gear is a must in case it starts to rain. The Yatsugatake Ropeway also offers delicious meals. "Sky Restaurant Komakusatei" is a popular restaurant that offers handmade dishes using Ingredients from Shinshu, Nagano. At the BBQ Garden, you can enjoy a group barbecue. Enjoying a barbecue while staying in a log cabin-style cottage in the great outdoors is something special. Near the Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway, there are plenty of lodging facilities where you can enjoy hot springs as well. Summary of Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway Source :YouTube screenshot "4K|Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway|A Superb View of the Alps" released by "ibukivideo," introduces the superb views of the Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway. Besides the scenery on the ropeway, you can also enjoy beauty of nature from the top of the mountain. If you're interested in the Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway, where you can enjoy beautiful scenery and delicious food, be sure to check out the video! 【Tripadvisor】Kita Yatsugatake Ropeway https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g303145-d1991109-Reviews-Kitayatsugatake_Rope_Way-Chino_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:42
The wild dance of a swarm of 5,000 fireflies at Matsuo Gorge in Kamiina-gun, Nagano Prefecture! The miraculous and spectacular view created by nature fascinates all who see it!
Nature- 2.38K plays
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Video introduction of 5,000 fireflies at Matsuo Gorge, Kamiina-gun, Nagano, Japan This is a 4K sightseeing video of fireflies frolicking in nature in the Matsuo Gorge in Tatsuno, Nagano, in Japan's Koshinetsu Region. With the gradual loss of nature in recent years, the number of places where you can see natural fireflies has been decreasing. In this video, you can watch a swarm of fireflies lighting up the Matsuo Gorge, located in a town in the mountains. Enjoy the light of the fireflies as they light up your screen in 4K quality. Tatsuno, a Firefly Haven Surrounded by Nature Source :YouTube screenshot Tatsuno, located in the Kamiina District of Nagano Prefecture, is a mountain town that retains the atmosphere of good old Japan. Tatsuno is known as the "firefly town," and in the early summer, you can observe a group of natural fireflies around Matsuo Gorge. Tatsuno Hotarudoyo Park, adjacent to Matsuo Gorge, is also home to many fireflies, creating beautiful natural scenery. When can fireflies be seen at Matsuo Gorge? Fireflies in Matsuo Gorge can usually be seen from the end of May to early June. The number of fireflies then gradually increases, reaching its peak in mid-June. A popular event called the "Shinshu Tatsuno Firefly Festival" is held during the peak viewing period. In the evening hours, food stalls are lined up in front of the station, and events are also held. It’s considered proper etiquette for onlookers to be quiet when watching the fireflies. Enjoy a wonderful sightseeing trip to see the fantastic fireflies! If you go to Matsuo Gorge for sightseeing by car, you can use the parking lot at the Tatsuno Hotarudoyo Park. You can also park your car in front of Tatsuno Station and use the "park and ride." Be sure to check out the event schedule and parking information before going sightseeing. Matsuo Gorge Is Overflowing With Nature Photo:Tatsuno Hotarudoyo Park Matsuo Gorge was designated a prefectural natural monument in the Taisho Period (1912-1926 AD). The fireflies of Matsuo Gorge are nurtured by the clear waters of the Tenryu River that flows from Lake Suwa. The number of fireflies in Matsuo Gorge can reach 10,000 or more on a good year. We recommend watching the fireflies dance across the riverside from the Matsuo Gorge observation deck. Firefly Village Tatsuno has been selected as one of Japan's "Top 100 Villages of Natural life" (ふるさといきものの里100選, Furusato Ikimono-no-Sato) Summary of Fireflies at Matsuo Gorge, Nagano The Matsuo Gorge is one of the best places in Japan to see fireflies in the Shinshu area. No matter who you are, the amazing scene created by these beautiful creatures is something that everyone should see at least once in their life. Check out Matsuo Gorge, a little-known tourist spot where the original scenery of Japan still remains. When is Matsuo Gorge "Shinshu Tatsuno Firefly Festival" 2024? What time is recommended? The 76th Shinshu Tatsuno Firefly Festival will be held for nine days from June 8 to 16, 2024. Fireflies usually stop flying around 9 p.m., so the best time to view them is between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. on a hot and humid day. In addition, a day with no wind and no moonlight is especially good. ◆ Matsuo Gorge (Tatsuno Hotarudoyo Park) Introduction of Overview Information ◆ 【Address】〒399-0400 1006-1 Kamihiraide, Tatsuno machi, Kamiina-gun, Nagano Prefecture 【Access】A 15-minute walk from Tatsuno Station on the JR Chuo Main Line 【Admission fee】500 yen as a contribution for firefly conservation and education. 【Hours】24 hour 【Parking】Available. Approx. 700 cars ¥300 - ¥1000 (regular car) 【Phone number】 0266-41-025 【Official website】Sightseeing Tatsuno https://www.town.tatsuno.lg.jp/gyosei/soshiki/sangyoshinkoka/kankosite/1/1/1209.html -
Video article 4:47
Kisumika" in Komagane City, Nagano Prefecture, is a luxurious hidden inn with a magnificent view of the Japanese Alps! If you want to enjoy an extraordinary luxury resort atmosphere in the midst of the great outdoors, go to this hotel!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 102 plays
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Kisumika" Hidden Inn in the Central Alps Video Introduction This video titled "2019 Full ver” is a promotional video for the private getaway in the Chuo Alps- Tokisumika. Kiso range (木曽山脈:Kiso mountain range) in Nagano(長野県:Nagano prefecture), Hida mountain range, and Akashi mountain range are collectively called the Japan Alps. The Chuo Alps, located in the center of the Japan Alps, is a popular tourist spot where people can enjoy different sceneries from all 4 seasons. Tokisumika, in the Chuo Alps, is a popular accommodation on travel and review sites. If you want to escape from daily life and feel the beauty of Nagano Prefecture's Chuo Alps, be sure to watch the video and take in all of the gorgeous views. What Kind of Place Is Tokisumika Source :YouTube screenshot When you arrive at the lobby, you'll hear the beautiful singing of an erhu (a two-stringed Chinese violin). The recommended guest rooms are the scenic Garden View Twin and the Japanese Garden Semi Suite Twin. There are other luxurious rooms such as the Garden Corner Twin, Riverside Corner Twin, and Garden Semi Suite Twin, and all of the rooms are comfortable and attractive. It is also recommended that you relax in the guest room with a semi-open-air bath. Unfortunately, there is no large public bath, but every room has a semi-open air bath equipped with various amenities. How to Spend Your Time at Tokisumika Source :YouTube screenshot At the restaurant "Aoi," You can enjoy original kaiseki meals (traditional Japanese meal brought in courses) prepared with ingredients from the local mountains in the southern part of Shinshu. With carefully selected ingredients and a motto of hospitality, the Japanese cuisine, prepared with local ingredients, is truly exquisite. The Ayurveda Indian massage service inside the hotel is also a great way to relax. There is also a wedding plan at "Kisumi Ka," a hidden inn tucked away in the Central Alps Grove. If you have a wedding ceremony here, the amazing views are sure to make for an unforgettable experience. Summary of Tokisumika! ©Suganu0405 Modifying Tokisumika is a hotel that offers a magnificent view of the Japan Alps. If you're staying here, it's recommended that you take the Komagatake Ropeway and walk around the different tourist spots of the Chuo Alps, such as the instagrammable "Senjojiki Cirque," "Kozenji Temple,” "Komakusa Bridge," or the "Komagane Local Museum." You can enjoy one day hot spring facilities at "Komakusa no yu" as well. We recommend taking a walk around Komagane Kogen (駒ヶ根高原: Komagane Highlands) to enjoy the overflowing nature. Accommodation fees vary by season and room type. Please see the official web-site or travel web sites for prices. If you haven't yet, be sure to watch the video about Tokisumika to get a better idea of what it's like. ◆Information about Tokisumika◆ 【Address】4-172 Akaho Komagane-shi Nagano 【Access】3 minutes by car from Komagane IC in Chuodo. A free shuttle bus is available from JR Komagane station (Reservation required) 【Parking】Available (Free) 【Telephone Number】0265-95-2446 【Official Website】The Private Getaway Tokisumika https://www.tokisumika.com/ 【Tripadvisor】The Private Getaway Tokisumika https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1021315-d12687372-Reviews-Chuo_Alps_Mori_no_Kakureyado_Tokisumika-Komagane_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:52
Experience the great outdoors in Kiso-cho, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture! Refresh your mind and body with canoeing and mountain yoga in the forests of Shinshu, a green-filled region in Nagano Prefecture!
Local PR Things to Do Travel- 72 plays
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Video introduction of activities in Kiso Town, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture If you're interested in enjoying fun activities in Nagano prefecture, we highly recommend you check out this video! This video, titled "Tons of Fun in Nagano Prefecture! Kiso Edition" (信州でアクティビティを楽しもう!~木曽 編~), created by "Shinshu Furusato Wari Channel" (信州ふるさと割チャンネル), introduces various activities in the Kiso area. Kiso in Nagano prefecture is gaining popularity as a spot to enjoy various outdoor activities, such as canoeing at the beautiful, yet not-well known, Ontake lake (御岳湖), or taking part in a yoga classes at Mt. Ontake (御嶽山). There's plenty of fun activities for you to try in Kiso, all packed into this short 3 minute long video! Make sure you get the most out of your trip to Nagano prefecture by trying out some of the activities featured in this video! Activities to Try Out at Mt. Ontake Source :YouTube screenshot Kiso is a beautiful town in Nagano prefecture, surrounded by nature and situated at the foot of Mt. Ontake. Mt. Ontake is popular among mountain climbers, and thanks to the Ontake Ropeway (御岳ロープウェイ) beginners can also enjoy the scenery from the top of the mountain. It's the perfect spot to take photos. Don't forget to share them on your Instagram! You can take a look at the scenery from 1:51 in the video. There are several mountain retreats situated halfway up the mountain for those who wish to stay overnight. There are many fun tours and activities to take part in as well, including lunch and yoga on the mountain. For those who wish to be one with nature, we highly recommend taking part in one of the outdoor yoga classes. At 2:21 in the video, you can see students practicing yoga on top of Mt. Ontake under the beautiful blue sky. It provides a great opportunity to refresh both your body and mind. Lake Activities in Kiso, Nagano Source :YouTube screenshot At the foot of Mt. Ontake lies Ontake lake and Lake Shizenko (自然湖). In the village of Otaki (王滝), you can take part in the "Ontake Adventure Shizenko Nature Canoe Tour" (おんたけアドベンチャー自然湖ネイチャーカヌーツアー), and at Ontake lake you can try out "Ontake Lake Canoe Touring" (おんたけ湖カヌーツーリング). Even if you're a complete beginner, you can still take part in the canoe tours as there will be instructors to guide you along the way. Canoeing amidst the beautiful scenery of Nagano prefecture is an experience that you can't afford to miss! You can take a look at the canoe tours from 0:13 in the video. As you can tell from the video, the view of Kiso from the canoe is really something special! There are many tours and activities to enjoy in the beautiful town of Kiso! Summary of Kiso, Nagano The town of Kiso suffered a lot of damage due to the eruption of Mt. Ontake in 2014. However the town is recovering and the number of tourists is increasing every year. There are now many facilities where you can enjoy activities such as those featured in this video. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the video and take a look at the beautiful scenery Kiso has to offer. After watching the video, you're sure to want to take a trip to Kiso and experience it all for yourself! -
Video article 4:03
You've Never Seen a View Quite Like This! The Beautiful Tulip Fields Covering Alps Azumino National Government Park in Azumino, Nagano Prefecture, Are a Sight You’ve Got to See to Believe!
Travel Local PR- 629 plays
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National Alps Azumino Park, Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This introductory video of the tulip fields in Alps Azumino National Government Park was created by AQUA Geo Graphic. It's titled "[ 4K UltraHD ] 国営アルプスあづみの公園 - Alps Azumino National Government Park in Spring - (shot on Samsung NX1)." The beautiful 4k images of the brilliantly colored tulips that cover the fields of Alps Azumino National Government Park are a sight quite like no other! Did you know Japan had such picturesque scenery? The beauty caught on camera is a sight you can't afford to miss! What is Alps Azumino National Government Park? Photo:The countryside culture zone at Alps Azumino National Government Park, Azumino, Nagano Alps Azumino National Government Park is a park located in the Koshinetsu region that covers an area from Azumino plateau (安曇野高原, Azumino kougen) in Azumino city (安曇野市, Azuminoshi) to Mount Jonen (常念岳, Jounendake). The park covers a vast area of land, approximately 353 hectares, with superb views that change from season to season as a variety of flowers such as tulips and rhododendron bloom. The park is divided into two areas: Horigane, Hotaka district, and Omachi, Matsukawa district. You can access Horigane, Hotaka district by taking a tour bus from JR Hotaka station (穂高駅, Hotakaeki) which takes around 13 minutes. The Omachi, Matsukawa district, is accessible by the Gururin-go bus from Shinano Omachi station (信濃大町駅, Shinano oomachi eki) and takes around 15 minutes to arrive. Alternatively, you can take the Fureai-go bus which should arrive in around 25 minutes. There is also free parking available at the park for those who are travelling by car. As you can see in the video, in spring the fields are covered by approximately 240,000 tulips of 95 different varieties, along with approximately 5,000,000 rapeseed flowers. The Flowers of Alps Azumino National Government Park Photo:Tulips at Alps Azumino National Government Park, Azumino, Nagano Making use of the high and low grounds of the plateau, from early spring to summer you can enjoy viewing flowers such as cherry blossoms, tulips, rhododendron, and more. Alps Azumino National Government Park is one of the leading flower viewing spots in Japan, and the magnificent scenery is something that's sure to look great on Instagram! There are lots of activities and experiences at Alps Azumino National Government Park to keep you entertained; Please make the most of the beautiful landscape and climate of the Shinshu region. Throughout the video, you can see various flowers blossoming with the with the snow-capped Alps (アルプス山脈, Arupusu sanmyaku) in the background. Red, pink, yellow, white, purple, blue... Here you can find a park covered in what looks like a carpet of colorful flowers. When are the "cherry blossoms" and "tulips" in the National Alps Azumino Park at their best? Cherry blossoms in the National Alps Azumino Park are usually at their best from early April to mid-April. Tulips are usually at their best from late April to mid-May. If you want to enjoy the collaboration of cherry blossoms and tulips, why not visit in April? According to the cherry blossom forecast for 2024, Nagano Prefecture will be in bloom six days earlier than usual, and the full bloom is expected five days earlier than usual. Looking at the official Instagram, we saw a post of cherry blossoms and tulips in full bloom on April 7, 2023. Please check out our Instagram before you go. Sightseeing Spots at Alps Azumino National Government Park Photo:The countryside culture zone at Alps Azumino National Government Park, Azumino, Nagano Horigane, Hotaka district is divided into two separate zones: a countryside culture zone (田園文化ゾーン, Denenbunka zoon) and a woodland culture zone (里山文化ゾーン, Satoyamabunka zoon). Horigane, Hotaka district was an area designed to conserve and restore the beautiful Azumino countryside so that we may continue to enjoy the scenery for many more years to come. The Countryside Culture Zone recreates the bountiful nature of the Japanese Alps and there are facilities and parks where you can take part in various cultural and nature experiences. On the other hand, the Woodland Culture Zone recreates the traditional woodland scenery of Japan. The area is equipped with facilities where you can experience traditional woodland culture and learn of the natural Azumino environment. The Omachi, Matsukawa district is also divided into several zones: the Center Zone, Conservation Zone (保全ゾーン, Hozen zoon), Forest Recreation Zone (林間レクレーションゾーン, rinkan rekureeshon zoon), Mountain Stream Recreation Zone (渓流レクレーションゾーン, keiryuu rekureeshon zoon) and lastly the Nature Experience Zone (自然体験ゾーン, shizen taiken zoon). Through various hands on experiences you can learn more about the stunning landscape and environment of the area. Alps Azumino National Government Park Area Dining Guide Photo:Kurobe Damn curry Azumino soba and mountain vegetables are foods associated with the Azumino National Park area, and the local delicacy Kurobe Dam curry (黒部ダムカレー, Kurobe damu karee) is especially popular at the moment. In hotel restaurants around the nearby JR Hotaka station (穂高駅, Hotaka eki) and Shinano Omachi station (信濃大町駅, Shinano oomachi eki), you can enjoy regional cuisine packed with locally grown produce typical of the rural Shinshu area. We hope you enjoy the local cuisine on your next trip to Shinshu! Alps Azumino National Government Park Event Information Various events are held throughout the year in the Alps Azumino National Government Park area. The most special of these events is the Summer Alps Adventure (夏のアルプス大冒険, natsunoarupusu daibouken)! There are many family-friendly events and fun experiences planned every year that you can take part in! In the winter months you can enjoy the illuminations at night! For more information, please check the official home page. Alps Azumino National Government Park Summary We highly recommend visiting Alps Azumino National Government Park during spring on your next trip to Shinshu. The traditional Japanese scenery in this vast national park is ever changing due to the different variety of flowers that bloom in each season and with the dramatic Japanese Alps in the background it's a destination you're sure to want to visit again and again. The beautiful tulip fields of Alps Azumino National Government Park are a sight you have to see to believe! Please enjoy the beautiful scenery brought to you in the video. ◆Alps Azumino National Government Park◆ 【Address】33-4 Horiganekarasugawa, Azumino-shi, Nagano Prefecture 399-8295 【Access】20 minutes drive from Nagano Motorway Toyoshina Interchange (長野自動車道豊科IC, Naganojidoushadou toyoshina IC) 【Hours】9.30am - 5pm (Mar 1st – Jun 30th, Sep 1st – October 31st), 9.30am - 6pm (July 1st – Aug 31st), 9.30am - 4pm (Nov 1st – last day in Feb) 【Holidays】Dec 31st, Jan 1st, every Monday (or Tuesday when Monday is a public holiday) 【Parking】Available 【Official Website】Alps Azumino National Government Park http://www.azumino-koen.jp/en/ 【Official Website】Azumino City Hall https://www.city.azumino.nagano.jp/site/userguide/foreign.html -
Video article 3:45
Enjoy the spring season at Chikumagawa River Park in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, where 600 double-flowered cherry trees bloom! The colorful pink, yellow, and red flowers blooming all over the park will surely captivate you.
Nature- 139 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Chikumagawa Fureai Park, Where Double-Flowered Cherry Trees and Peaches Are in Full Bloom - 4K Footage" (八重桜や花桃が咲き誇る千曲川河川公園・4K撮影), was released by "haruyuki onoue." Chikumagawa Fureai Park in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture is a popular spot where beautiful flowers bloom in spring. Due to the high altitude of Nagano Prefecture, the temperature is cooler, and the blossoming of the double-flowered cherry trees takes place from late April to around Golden Week (the first week of May). At this time of year, the bright pink peaches and the eye-catching yellow rape blossoms also bloom, creating a spectacular view. The many petals of the double-flowered cherry trees and peaches are gorgeous and make for great Instagram photos. Many visitors come to Chikumagawa Fureai Park to enjoy the late spring. -
Video article 3:04
Cherry blossoms in full bloom covering the entire area are truly spectacular! Rokudo no Tsutsumi" in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture, was a hidden cherry blossom viewing spot that I wanted to visit at least once!
Nature- 1.52K plays
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Cherry blossom video introduction of "Rokudo no Tsutsumi" in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "[ 4K UltraHD ] 六道堤の桜 - Cherry Blossoms at Rokudo Bank - (shot on Samsung NX1)," was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." This three-minute video captures a stunning view of the sea of cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank Normally, when thinking of the Koshinetsu region or the Nanshin region of Nagano Prefecture (甲信越地方・長野県南信地方, koshinetsu chiho・nagano-ken nanshin chiho), the area best known for cherry blossoms would be Takato Castle Ruins Park (高遠城址公園, takato joshi koen). This park is one of the three great cherry blossom spots in Japan, known for having "the best cherry blossoms under the heavens." However, another special spot, known only to locals, exists in Ina City (伊那市, ina-shi). Enjoy the beautiful cherry blossom viewing spots of Nagano Prefecture in the video. Rokudo Bank, Nagano Prefecture Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank Rokudo Bank is just 10 minutes from Takato Castle Park by car. Though a hidden spot, it's known to have cherry blossoms every bit as beautiful as those in the main park. The snow-tipped peaks of the Kiso Mountains can be seen from 0:36 to 1:55 in the video. Because Ina City in Nagano Prefecture is at a high elevation and surrounded by mountains, the cherry blossom season tends to be a bit late, but cherry blossoms are usually at their best from early to mid-April. The Cherry Blossoms of Rokudo Bank Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank The reservoir is surrounded by approximately 120 takato-okuhigan cherry trees. The sight of the sea of cherry blossoms in full bloom stretching as far as the eye can see is nothing short of breathtaking. On days when the weather is nice, the cherry blossoms are reflected on the surfaces of the water, creating a dream-like scenery. Definitely take some pictures to post on your Instagram! You can see this beautiful scenery in the video as well. As seen at the beginning of the video, there is a little island of red pines in the middle of the reservoir. This adds to the Japan-esque scenery. You can also see two cute ducks swimming peacefully through the cherry blossoms at 1:23 in the video. In addition to the full bloom period, another great time to visit is when the cherry blossoms began to scatter with the wind as the season begins to end. Summary of Rokudo Bank Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank In this article, we introduced Nagano prefecture’s hidden gem- the cherry blossoms of Rokudo Bank. This place is loved dearly by locals for its beautiful scenery. Of course, the historical Takato Castle Park is known for its stunning cherry blossoms as well. If you have the chance to visit Ina City in Nagano Prefecture, we definitely recommend checking out the blooming forecast before going. ◆Rokudo Bank◆ 【Address】Misuzu, Ina City, Nagano Prefecture 【Access】A 15-minute drive from Ina-Kita Station on the Central Japan Railway Iida Line 【Parking】Available(Free・5 Spaces) 【Official Homepage】Ina City Tourism Association -
Video article 8:38
A reproduction VTR produced by the "Idojiri Archaeological Museum" in Suwa-gun, Nagano Prefecture, gives a full picture of life in the Jomon period!Stone tools, earthenware, and other artifacts excavated from the ruins. The artifacts reveal the life of the Jomon people!
History Life & Business Travel- 999 plays
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Video introduction of a reproduction of the Jomon people's daily life" produced by the "Idojiri Archaeological Museum" in Suwa-gun, Nagano Prefecture. Many tourists come to Japan to enjoy the beautiful shrines, picturesque scenery, delicious food and other uniquely Japanese characteristics. Even Japanese people love to travel to places like Kyoto and Nara where they can enjoy sightseeing at historical buildings and eating delicious food. However, in this article, we'd like to take a break from the standard approach to enjoying Japan and recommend a few lesser-known spots where you can learn about the life of the Jomon people nearly 3,000 years ago. In this article, we'll introduce the Idojiri Archaeological Museum, where you can learn about the life of the Jomon. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read on! Who Were the Jomon People? What Were Their Lives Like? Source :YouTube screenshot The Jomon people lived all over Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, during the Jomon period approximately 16,000 to 3,000 years ago. In world history, this period corresponds to the Mesolithic and Neolithic ages. The Jomon were a people who devised many different ways to survive. They invented tools and objects that were passed down through the Yayoi period and into the modern day to make life easier. For example, it was in the Jomon period that bows were made, making it possible to hunt from a distance. They also invented stone tools and earthenware, which made it possible to cook and store food. It was also during this period that people began to build pit houses and settle in one place, and villages were established. In this way, the Jomon were able to use their wisdom to improve their lives. The Idojiri Archaeological Museum Source :YouTube screenshot The Idojiri Archeological Museum, which can be viewed from 0:27 in the video, is a facility where you can learn about the life and culture of the Jomon people. There are a number of exhibits on display that tell the story of life in the Jomon period, including pottery and other artifacts from the Jomon period. The earthenware and stone tools are arranged according to the age of the Jomon period, and there are also descriptions on the use of each item. There is also a section where you can see what it would have been like to live in a Jomon period dwelling, as well as a reproduction of their diet and clothing. There is also a place where you can learn about the religion and myths of the time, deciphered from the patterns of the earthenware and stone tools. It's a must-see for history buffs! Many stone hoes have been found at the Idojiri ruins as well. They can be seen at 0:38 in the video. About 4,500 years ago, these stone hoes were utilized by the Jomon people. They were a strong agricultural tribe, and used them to plow their fields. In the spring they sowed millet, and in the summer they sowed buckwheat. You can see a reenactment of their agricultural activities at 1:02 in the video. There are also weeding tools on display at the Idojiri Archaeological Museum. Source :YouTube screenshot In the fall, they used stone knives to harvest their grain (2:10). Threshed grains were transferred to a stone mill to remove the shells. The threshed grains would be hulled in a stone mortar and then cooked into porridge using earthenware, and then the whole family would eat together in the pit dwelling. In addition to porridge, the Jomon also ate river fish, wild vegetables, walnuts, and dumplings. You can check out how the tools they used when cooking were made at 4:59 in the video. Jomon pottery was entirely hand made. First, the clay is kneaded and mixed with sand to make a dough, then the dough is piled to create a pattern without any gaps. Each piece was dried for 2-4 weeks before being baked over an open fire. So how were Jomon period tools made? You can see this process at 6:23 in the video. They used oval shaped stones to hit a smaller, flat stone to break of thin pieces that will be used to make the hoes. The hoe and other stone tools of the time are shaped the same way as modern hoes. Women's necklaces and other items were also excavated from various ruins. You can also see how people would have hunted with bows during the Jomon period. The Idojiri Archaeological Museum is an interesting spot to learn about the roots of Japanese people and the lifestyle of the Jomon people. Summary of the Jomon Civilization Source :YouTube screenshot This video was created by "IDOJIRIKOKUKOKAN." We recommend it to anyone interested in learning about Japanese history! By implementing reenacted clips in the video, it's easy to understand the lifestyle of the Jomon people and how they made and used tools. Famous Jomon period ruins include Sannai Maruyama (Aomori), Kamegaoka (Aomori), Omori Kaizuka, (Tokyo), Kasori Shellmounds (Chiba), and Nabatake (Saga). If you're interested in the Jomon period, be sure to stop by! -
Video article 4:54
Takada Joshi Park – One of Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan! Check Out the Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom, the Cherry Blossom Blizzards, and the Nighttime Cherry Blossoms of Niigata Prefecture via Video!
Nature Travel Art & Architecture- 50 plays
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Cherry Blossoms at Takada Castle Site Park: Video Introduction This video, titled "Cherry Blossoms at Takada Castle Site Park|One of the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossoms Spots in Japan|Breathtaking Cherry Blossom Blizzards and Nighttime Cherry Blossom Viewing" (【日本三大夜桜 高田城址公園の桜 圧巻の桜吹雪と夜桜 - Takada Castle Cherry Blossoms 2022 in full bloom - (BMPCC6K)), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Takada Castle Site Park is located in Joetsu, Niigata, in Japan's Koshin'etsu Region. This video was taken on April 12th, 2022, when the cherry blossoms were blooming beautifully. The flowers had fully bloomed just two days before the shooting! The contrast between the blue sky and pink and white flowers is simply magical. The cherry blossom blizzard is a view that will definitely catch your eye! The illuminated cherry blossoms here are so beautiful that it they have been chosen as one of the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the lovely cherry blossoms of Takada Castle Site Park! What Is Takada Castle Site Park Like? Photo:Takada Castle Site Park, Joetsu, Niigata Takada Castle was built in 1614 by Matsudaira Tadateru, the sixth son of Tokugawa Ieyasu. The castle was built with a moat that utilized the river surrounding it. The castle was built in the Edo Period over the span of four months by order of the shogunate. In 1871, the castle was abandoned and converted into an army garrison. In 1908, the earthen mounds of the Ninomaru and Sanomaru (2nd and 3rd baileys) were removed and part of the moat was filled in. The moat and the restored three-story turret of Takada Castle are reminders of the castle's former glory. Today, the ruins of Takada Castle are maintained as Takada Castle Site Park, and the entire area is designated as a historic site by Niigata Prefecture. Takada Castle Site Park has many facilities, including the Takada Library, a history museum, athletic fields, and even a baseball field. Many citizens visit here because they can use both cultural and sports facilities. With a grass plaza and a promenade around the outer moat, visitors who take a stroll can enjoy the scenery of Japan's four seasons here. Festivals, Cherry Blossom Illuminations, and More! Everything to See at the Takada Castle Site Park Cherry Blossom Viewing Party Photo:Takada Castle Site Park illuminated, Joetsu, Niigata The Takada Castle Site Park Cherry Blossom Viewing Party is one of the biggest events of spring in Joetsu, Niigata. During the festival, the cherry blossoms are at their peak! Trees will be lit up from dusk till 9:00 P.M. In the year 1090 AD, approximately 2,200 cherry trees were planted here by local military personnel. In 1917, citizens were allowed to visit the area for leisure, and in 1926, the event was advertised nationwide and the first cherry blossom viewing party was held. Today, around 4,000 cherry trees bloom around Takada Castle Site Park. Most of them are Someiyoshino cherries, and from the beginning of the video, you can see a beautiful cherry blossom blizzard like a scene from a movie. The reflection of the blue skies and snow-covered Mt. Myoko on the surface of the moat is truly incredible. [Video] 0:59 - Cherry Blossoms and a Snow-covered Mt. Myoko As we mentioned, Takada Castle Site Park is so famous for its nighttime cherry blossoms that it was chosen as one of the Top 3 Nighttime Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan. The three-story turret of Takada Castle is illuminated, and the illuminated cherry blossoms reflected on the dark surface of the moat creates a mystical scene. [Video] 3:00 - The Illuminated Turret and Cherry Blossoms at Takada Castle If you visit Sakura Road, you can pass through a tunnel of cherry blossoms. Sakura Road is illuminated at night, allowing visitors to take impressive photos, both during the day, and at night. When do Cherry Blossoms Bloom at Takada Castle Site Park? Photo:The Takada Castle Site Park Cherry Blossom Viewing Party, Joetsu, Niigata The cherry blossoms are usually at their best at the beginning of April each year. On April 10, 2022, two days before the video was filmed, the cherry blossoms in Takada Castle Ruins Park were in full bloom, and a beautiful cherry blossom blizzard was observed during the shooting.However, in 2023, cherry blossoms were in full bloom at the end of March, which is earlier than usual. [Video] 0:00 - A Cherry Blossom Blizzard and the Three-story Turret of Takada Castle The Takada Castle Ruins Park Kanzakura-kai, which will be held in accordance with the cherry blossom season, is scheduled from March 29th to April 14th, 2024.The contents of the event during the period will be announced as soon as it is decided, so please check the website of the Joetsu Tourist Convention Association before going out. Summer at Takada Castle Site Park – Beautiful Lotuses In summer, the outer moat of Takada Castle Site Park will be filled with lotuses. At the beginning of the Meiji Period (1868-1912 AD), people grew lotus roots to rebuilt the economy of the Takada Domain. This eventually led to the lovely views of lotuses we see today. The outer moat of Takada Castle was built using the nearby Sekikawa River (関川, Sekikawa). Although the eastern side has been filled in, it is still as large as approximately four Tokyo Domes. Every year, from the end of July to the middle of August, green leaves fill all the surface of this moat, while pink flowers bloom atop them. The scale and beauty of the blooms is said to be the best in the East. Lotus flowers tend to open at dawn or early morning and close around noon. To see the lotus flowers in full bloom, we recommend visiting early in the morning. A Brief Introduction to Niigata, Japan Niigata Prefecture is the fifth largest prefecture in Japan and is divided into three regions: Joetsu, Chuetsu, and Kaetsu (Upper, Middle, and Lower Niigata). With a population of nearly 2.2 million, it's the 15th most populated city in Japan. Niigata is known for its beautiful rice fields which yield delicious rice and make for great sake. Situated along the coast of the Sea of Japan, it also has delicious seafood. Additionally, Niigata is one of the snowiest regions of Japan, which make it a great place to enjoy skiing and snowboarding, but it's also known for its summer festivals, such as the Niigata Festival, which features dancing, parades, portable shrines, fireworks, and more. Summary of Takada Castle Site Park's Cherry Blossoms Photo:Cherry blossoms illuminated in Takada Castle Site Park, Joetsu, Niigata A collaboration of approximately 4,000 cherry trees, historical sites, stunning views of cherry blossoms and Mt. Myoko, and a beautiful tunnel of cherry blossoms at night. The cherry blossoms at Takada Castle Site Park are nothing short of spectacular. Most of the cherry trees at Takada Castle Site Park are Someiyoshino cherries, but the large weeping cherry tree at the end of Sakura Road is a must-see. During the Takada Castle Site Park Cherry Blossom Viewing Party, many stalls and vendors are set up around the area and the park can become quite crowded. This is a major event at a famous sightseeing spot, but there are some restrictions in place to prevent the spread of infectious disease. Be sure to research them before you go. ◆Takada Castle Site Park◆ [Address] 44-1, Motoshiro-cho, Joetsu-shi, Niigata [Access] Train: Approximately 15 minutes on foot from Takada Station on the Echigo Tokimeki Railway's Myoko Haneuma Line Bus: Approximately 1 minute on foot from Takada Joshi Koen Iriguchi (高田城址公園入口) by Kubikino Bus [Closures] None [Admission Fee] Free [Parking] Available (Prices vary by parking lot) 【Official Website】Takada Castle Site Park 【TripAdvisor】Takada Castle Site Park -
Video article 4:23
Senrihama Nagisa Driveway on the Noto Peninsula in Hakui-gun, Ishikawa Prefecture, where the feeling of speed is irresistible!
Travel Things to Do Nature- 334 plays
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Noto Peninsula, Hakui, Ishikawa [Senrihama Nagisa Driveway] Video introduction This video, titled "Chirihama Nagisa Driveway in ISHIKAWA, JAPAN" (【石川/自然景勝地】千里浜なぎさドライブウェイ - Chirihama Nagisa Driveway in ISHIKAWA, JAPAN -), was uploaded by "channel WASABI." Driving on the Beaches of Chirihama Nagisa Driveway Photo:Chirihama Nagisa Driveway The magnificent 8-kilometer-long Chirihama Beach is located in Noto Hanto Quasi-National Park on the west coast of the Noto Peninsula. Chirihama Nagisa Driveway is a popular sightseeing spot in Noto where cars and motorcycles can enjoy a ride along the seashore. Enjoy the blue sea and skies while driving next to the beach as the waves lap against the shore. It's like a scene from a movie. Which is why it's no surprise that Chirihama Nagisa Driveway was selected as the No. 1 beach in Japan in "Travelers' Choice World's Best Beaches 2016." You can also capture Instagram-worthy photos and videos when visiting. Chirihama Nagisa Driveway is popular among couples, but it is also crowded with families in summer as they can enjoy swimming, fishing, and clam digging. The campgrounds along the Chirihama Nagisa Driveway are also popular. From the high ground, you can enjoy watching the sunset over the sea. Sightseeing Attractions Around Chirihama Nagisa Driveway! Photo:Freshly-caught seafood being grilled One of the most enjoyable parts of traveling is the food you can find at different cafes, and restaurants. The Noto-Chirihama Resthouse is a great place to grab a bite to eat and look for souvenirs. It's located at the end of Chirihama Nagisa Driveway. The wooden deck overlooking the Sea of Japan offers a sense of freedom and a spectacular view of the sunset that's sure to look great on Instagram. The café, which is produced by SSTR, Japan's largest touring event, offers fresh seafood grilled on the beach. It's popular among motorcycle enthusiasts as well as general tourists. Furthermore, with a space for selling souvenirs and a coworking space, this spot is used for a wide range of purposes from sightseeing to business. We also recommend Roadside Station Noto Chirihama, located near the Chirihama Nagisa Driveway. In addition to lunch, a café, and souvenirs, visitors can enjoy a footbath here as well. In the information space, you can also watch the driveway on a live camera. There are also facilities available for you to wash your tires after a drive along the beach. Tolls, Closures, and Information About Chirihama Nagisa Driveway Photo:Chirihama Nagisa Driveway Chirihama Nagisa Driveway is essentially a tourist road that can be accessed by private cars, rental cars (some companies prohibit the use of rental cars due to erosion concerns), motorcycles, bicycles, buses, etc. It is open 24 hours a day, and there is no fee. However, please note that the road will be closed when it is deemed unsafe to dive on, such as when waves are high. For access information, call the Ishikawa Hakui Public Works Office (Japanese only) or check Ishikawa Michi Information Network (Japanese only). Summary of Chirihama Nagisa Driveway Chirihama Nagisa Driveway is a popular tourist spot where you can drive your car along the sandy beach and experience movie-like scenery. Park your car by the beautiful Chirihama Beach on a sunny day to take Instagrammable photos, or enjoy marine activities, such as swimming and clam digging with your family. When you visit Noto and Kanazawa, be sure to stop by Chirihama Nagisa Driveway as well. 【Official Website】Chirihama Nagisa Driveway https://www.city.hakui.lg.jp/soshiki/sangyoukensetsubu/syoukoukankouka/12/1/2505.html 【TripAdvisor】Chirihama Nagisa Driveway https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021238-d1237921-Reviews-Chirihama_Nagisa_Driveway-Hakui_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:23
A blissful moment at a luxury ryokan where you can feel the spirit of hospitality. The charm of "Meiseki no Yado KAGETSU" located in the center of Ishiwa Onsenkyo in Fuefuki-shi, Yamanashi Prefecture, is shown in the video.
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 178 plays
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Video Introduction of "Meiseki no Yado Kagegetsu", a hot spring inn in Ishiwa, Fuefuki-shi, Yamanashi Prefecture Produced by “MDK TV”, this video is titled "The luxury inn at Isawa Onsen, in Yamanashi Prefecture, Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu"(山梨県石和温泉の高級旅館 銘石の宿 かげつ - www.isawa-kagetsu.com -), and it is an introductory video for Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu. "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu" is popular on hotel review websites and so on because it offers the best hospitality services available. Access is about 10 minutes by car from Ichinomiya Misaka IC on the Chuo Expressway, and about 5 minutes by train from Isawa Onsen Station on the JR Chuo Line. There is also a shuttle bus from the station. This article, along with the video, introduces the appeal of the luxury inn "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu", which has been selected as one of the top 100 inns in Yamanashi Prefecture for 34 consecutive years. The video introduces a beautiful Japanese garden and delicious Kaiseki cuisine, so we recommend checking it out. Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Source :YouTube screenshot Located in Fuefuki City (笛吹市, Fuefuki shi), Yamanashi Prefecture, Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu was established in 1906 (Meiji 39) and is a long-established inn loved by various artists and cultural figures. It is easily accessible from Tokyo and is very popular as a hotel for travel and sightseeing. One of the highlights of the “Stone of Monument Inn - Kagetsu” is the Japanese garden, where you can enjoy a variety of seasonal views. The 5,000 tsubo (traditional unit of land area, approx. 3.31 square meters) site has been completed over several decades with the artificial hill, built with stones collected from all over the country, and top-class landscaping techniques. Your heart will be healed by the beautiful garden with a pure Japanese atmosphere. In the garden, you can also watch the Nishikigoi as the swim through the pond. It is very relaxing. Since it is a photo-friendly spot, you can have fun taking commemorative photos for Instagram and feeding the koi. At 0:30 in the video, you can see the aerial footage of the Japanese garden by drone. What's more, the garden of Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu was the first Japanese garden that used 3D projection mapping in a Japanese hot spring. This beautiful scenery that blends modern technology with Japanese traditions, can be found at 0:58 in the video. The In-House Facilities of Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Source :YouTube screenshot "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu" has many facilities that can heal both mind and body. Please use the 24 hour large open-air bath where you can relax in the hot springs while enjoying the beautiful scenery. The springs can be seen at 0:54 in the video. If you're looking for some luxury, you can enjoy the hot springs in the open-air baths. You can also receive aromatherapy and try the aroma salon as well. After enjoying the hot springs, relax in the rest area, coffee lounge, mahjong room, or Club Stone where you can enjoy karaoke. There is also a garden pool, so you can feel the full resort experience. There are also stalls for buying souvenirs such as Koshu Inden, Kikyo Shingen Mochi, and Koshu Wine, all which make great gifts or personal treats. There is also a banquet hall available for corporate meetings and company trips. There's a little bit of everything at Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu, so take your time and relax how you want to. Guest Rooms and Accommodation Information for Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Located in the Isawa Onsen village, Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu offers beautiful Japanese-style rooms overlooking the Japanese garden. Kagetsu's accommodations are divided into the Central Hall, South Hall, East Hall, West Hall, and Back Hall, and each room has a different atmosphere. Amenities are also available, so there's no need to bring your own. When you stay, there are various plans for families and couples, so you can choose the plan you like. Please check the travel site and official website, as the room rates for hotel reservations vary depending on the season, room, plan, and tour. There is also a day plan to enjoy lunch and relax at the hot springs. Dining at Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu Source :YouTube screenshot The prestigious inn in Yamanashi Prefecture, Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu, offers excellent meals such as kaiseki (a traditional Japanese meal brought in courses) and seasonal dishes as well. At the restaurant "Togentei," the head chef puts his heart into his cuisine to create beautiful, delicious gourmet dishes. Specially made with Koshu beef that melts in your mouth. This can be seen from 0:45 of the video. Sightseeing Around Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Photo:Fuefuki Togenkyo There are various sightseeing spots around Isawa Onsen in Fuefuki, where Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu is located. Fuefuki Togenkyo where peach blossoms bloom, Mars Yamanashi Winery where you can enjoy Koshu wine, Lumiere Winery and Monde Brewery, Prefectural Museum Kajiam, Shakado Archaeological Museum, Satono Station Ichinomiya, which has many souvenirs, and Misaka Toge, where you can enjoy superb views of Mt.Fuji. Be sure to check them out if you're planning on making a trip to Kagetsu, and don't forget to taste local specialties such as "hoto" while you're at it. Summary of Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu The video about “Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu, a luxury inn at Isawa Onsen in Yamanashi Prefecture, was created by "MDK TV." If you want to stay at a luxury inn with one of Japan's most amazing hot springs, be sure to watch the video and experience the splendor of the famous Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu. Experience a healing experience at Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu; the luxury inn where you can experience hot springs, a Japanese garden, sublime cuisine, and more. Stone Monument Inn - Kagatsu 【Address】385 Kawanakajima, Isawa-cho, Fuefuki-shi, Yamanashi Prefecture 406-0024 【Access】About 10 minutes from Chuo Expressway Ichinomiya Misaka IC / 5 minutes by car from JR Chuo Toku, Isawa Onsen Station 【Parking】Available. About 70 units. 【Telephone No】055-262-4526 【Official Website】 Luxury Inn of Isawa Onsen, Yamanashi Prefecture https://www.isawa-kagetsu.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】 Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1021447-d1065069-Reviews-Kagetsu-Fuefuki_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:00
Hotel Shoho - A Luxury Hotel Inside a Hot Spring Resort in Matsumoto, Nagano. See the Amazing Facilities and Delicious Cuisine Offered at One of Japan's Top 100 Hotels!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Food & Drink Travel- 173 plays
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Shinshu Matsumoto Utsukushi-ga-hara Onsen "Hotel Shoho" in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture Video Introduction Hotel Shoho, introduced in this video, is a famous hot spring hotel in Shinshu (信州, Shinshu) Matsumoto (松本,Matsumoto) in Nagano Prefecture (長野県, Nagano-Ken) Here, you can enjoy Japanese cuisine with excellent ingredients, and spectacular views of the Northern Alps from the open-air baths using natural hot spring water. Hotel Shoho has received high reviews on review and comparison websites. The hotel has also been selected as one of the "Top 100 Hotels and Ryokans" in Japan, as selected by professionals, so we mean it when we say that this hotel is worth the visit. In this article, we will introduce you to the interior facilities of the Japanese modernist (hotel-style ryokan) onsen inn, filled with the rich nature of Shinshu, healing, relaxation, and hospitality. Sit back and enjoy a taste of this luxury hotel style onsen ryokan (Japanese style hot spring inn)! Enjoy Some of the Finest Gourmet Food in Japan at Hotel Shoho Source :YouTube screenshot First, we’ll introduce three restaurants in Hotel Shoho, all of which offer dishes using local ingredients from Shinshu. At ‘Shunsai Dining Shinshu,’ they offer freshly prepared dishes, such as Shinshu beef in an open kitchen, and the guests enjoy the meal in a private room. The second restaurant is the Japanese restaurant ‘Shokusai Kamikochi,’ which boasts a private space that offers freshly cooked Shinshu brand ingredients. We recommend this restaurant for small groups. The third one is the dinner / Izakaya style restaurant ‘Kihachi.’ Here, you can enjoy more than 40 kinds of local Sake. The Japanese cuisine, cooked by the first-class Itamae chef utilizing the bounty of the mountain, served side-by-side with local Shinshu Sake, are beautifully arranged. Be sure to take some pictures for your instagram! The Hotel Spectacular Views of Shoho's Prized Guest Rooms and Splendid Open-Air Baths Source :YouTube screenshot Hotel Shoho has both Japanese-style rooms and western-style rooms, and each room is equipped with an onsen bath. In the VIP room on the top floor, you can enjoy a large panoramic view in the open-air bath. The pride of Hotel Shoho is the open-air bath overlooking the Northern Alps and Matsumoto Castle. You can enjoy the scenic beauty of Matsumoto while soaking in a relaxing hot spring. The open-air bath is open from 3 PM to 11 PM for women and from 6 AM to 11 AM for men. You can also walk around the hotel wearing a Yukata. Sightseeing Around Shinshu Matsumoto ©Suganu0405 Modifying The area around Shinshu Matsumoto is a land surrounded by the Northern Alps, with scenic spots such as Azumino, Kamikochi and the national treasure Matsumoto Castle. Kamikochi is one of Japan's leading mountain resorts, and is a popular tourist sight, with 2 million people visiting the location every year to enjoy mountain climbing and hiking. The water of the rivers and ponds is crystal clear and are famous for their shiny emerald color. If you want to enjoy the great outdoors of Shinshu on your sightseeing tour around Hotel Shoho, you've got to check out Utsukushigahara plateau! Utsukushigahara Onsen has footbath and a one-day bath as well, making it a popular spot where guests at Hotel Shoho can spend their time relaxing. Shinshu is known for its harsh climate, but is blessed with colorful natural scenery, such as cherry blossoms in spring, greenery in summer, autumn leaves in the fall, and beautiful snowscapes in winter, allowing guests to enjoy a variety of beautiful scenery no matter when they visit. Summary of Hotel Shoho The Hotel Shoho official website is updated with day trip plans and other various events. Amenities for children are also provided, making it a great place for family trips as well. Rates vary by plan, season, and day of the week. Due to the popularity of this inn, we recommend booking as soon as possible. The video also gives a look at the atmosphere of Hotel Shoho's rooms, restaurants, and hot springs. We hope this article has inspired you to visit Hotel Shoho; It's definitely worth the visit! There's a free shuttle bus available by the police station near JR Matsumoto Station that will take you to Hotel Shohoho. Remember, when booking your trip, the sooner the better! ◆Hotel Shoho Facility Overview◆ 【Address】527 Yamabe, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture 〒390-0221 【Access】20 minutes by taxi from Matsumoto Station on the JR Chuo Line 【Parking】Available 【Tel】+81 263-38-7711 【Official Website 】Hotel Shoho http://www.hotel-shoho.jp/en/ -
Video article 6:23
Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort" in Kitasaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture is an exquisite space that attracts tourists from all over the world. Spend the most special day of your life with our popular wedding plans!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 132 plays
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Legrand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, Japan - Video Introduction This video created by Le Grand Karuizawa introduces Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort, and is titled "Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel and Resort, Promotional Video"(ルグラン軽井沢 ホテル&リゾート プロモーションムービー). Karuizawa-Cho, in Nagano prefecture, is one of the luxury mountain resorts in Japan, and located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. We are going to introduce “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort,” where you can experience the highest-quality customer service, located at the foot of Mount Asama in Nagano in the Koshinetsu region which is famous for its Onsen (hot springs). In this video, you will see the wedding hall, onsen, and rooms that will make your wedding day unforgettable. Enjoy the video of the place that will be the grounds for the happiest day of your life. What is “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Source :YouTube screenshot “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” is a luxury resort hotel located at the foot of Mount Asama (浅間山,Asama san) in Karuizawa-Cho, Nagano in Shinshu in Japan. Access is 15 minutes from Karuizawa JR station by car. They also provide a shuttle bus service between the station and the hotel. The affiliated hotel "Le Grand Kyu Karuizawa hotel" is located nearby. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Wedding Plans Source :YouTube screenshot The video mainly introduces wedding plans. A wedding is supposed to be the most special day of your life. In this video, the introduction of their wedding plan starts around 2:43. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” has a large premises for a wedding venue. With the chapel, the beautiful garden and terrace tables, they provide the most wonderful experience to everyone at the wedding ceremony. A lot of people may feel Karuizawa is a place for special occasions because it is known as a vacation region. This hotel has highly-rated reviews on its wedding plans compared to other hotels in the region, and a lot of its customers have had a great start to the next chapter in their life here. They regularly hold a bridal fair or event in Ginza Salon in Tokyo so that people can discuss or consult about the wedding plans without actually going to the site. It is also a part of the reason that it has such a good reputation. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort”: Rooms and the Extensive Onsen Area Source :YouTube screenshot “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” has three types of rooms. One in the main building furnished with European Antiques, one in the Villa Suite, and one in the highest-grade luxury "Yamanoue Suite" so customers can choose the room they would like to stay in. They also have multiple bathing facilities for customers to choose from depending on their mood that day. There's the large public bath "Komorebi" which is filled with natural Onsen water, a private bath, a Tembo-buro (a bath with a nice outside view), and Happu Onsen. Because Nagano prefecture is featured for its many onsen, you can enjoy a variety of luxurious onsen here. Happu Onsen is Hydrogen Carbonate Spring which is known as one of three "Hot Springs of Beauty"(the top three springs contain chemicals that benefit health and beauty) in Japan. Happu Onsen has positive effects on wounds and skin conditions. A day trip is also possible. Around 1:37 in the video, you can see the hotel rooms and around 1:02 the onsen are shown. Facilities of “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Source :YouTube screenshot On the hotel's large premises, there are swimming pools, gardens, a spa, and a gym as well. Spend your quality time however you would like. In the mountain area, there is a "Yamanoue sweet terrace/activity deck" located 1000 meters above sea level. In the main building, there is a classical style main entrance, a garden decorated with seasonal flowers, a boutique for gifts and "SPA LA VILLA" where you can enjoy a facial massage in a relaxing room. They also have rooms called "Prive.Lac," "Bell Foret," and "En Chante" for meeting and banquet purposes. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Restaurants and Bars Their French restaurant "Vaas" provides French gourmet with seasonal ingredients produced by Japan. There is also a Grilled restaurant called "Grill Mille "serving Grilled meals with ingredients produced by the Shinshu region, "Karuizawa French," and "ASAMA Café." Enjoy drinking at the bar "Rouge" and the "Poolside Bar" at night. A variety of different cuisines are also served for breakfast. Sightseeing Around “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Photo:Shiraito Falls There are many tourist spots in Karuizawa, in Nagano prefecture where “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” is located at. "Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza (軽井沢 プリンス ショッピングプラザ, Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza)" the mall with 240 stores, "Uchimura Kanzo Memorial Stone Church (石の教会 内村鑑三記念堂, Ishinokyoukai Uchimura Kanzo Kinendo)" stone & glass church, "Shiraito Falls (白糸の滝, Shiraito no Taki)" the waterfalls designated as a Japanese natural monument as well as a national scenic spot, "Hiroshi Senju Museum Karuizawa (軽井沢千住博美術館, Karuizawa Senju Hiroshi Bijutsukan)" which has a great ambiance, "Kumoba Pond (雲場池, Kumoba Ike)" also known as "Swan Lake (スワンレイク)", "Karuizawa Hoshino Area (軽井沢星野エリア, Karuizawa Hoshino Area)" which great writers and artists gathered and created their community in Taisho era, "Karuizawa Taliesin (軽井沢タリアセン, Karuizawa Tariasen)" a resort facility where there are many shops and leisure venues, "Old Usui Outlooks (旧碓氷峠見晴台, KyuUsuitouge Miharashidai)" near the top of the Usui, outlook park which is located at an altitude of 1200m, "Karuizawa Lake Garden (軽井沢レイクガーデン, Karuizawa Lake garden)" where there are 8 garden areas and one great lake in the garden, and "Old Karuizawa Ginza Street (旧軽井沢銀座道,Kyu Karuizawa Ginzado) " where several hundreds of tourists visit every year. If you're making a trip to “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” consider checking out some of these spots as well. Recap of “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” As shown in the video, “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” provides the best customer service experience (Omotenashi in Japanese) to its customers and that is one of the reasons it is so popular. We weren't able to show how the staff provides customer service and room service in this video but we're sure that you'll be satisfied with them as well. For more details about the hotel's facilities, room amenities and tourist spots nearby, be sure to visit their website. Accommodation fees differ by season, room, and plan. Please check the rates on their website or other hotel booking websites when you make a reservation. ◆About “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort”◆ 【Address】864-4 Hotchi, Karuizawa, Kitasaku, Nagano 389-0113 【Access】About 15 minutes from Karuizawa JR station by car 【Parking】Yes. Limited to 45 spots 【Phone】0267-48-0099 【Official Website】Karuizawa hotel / Le Grand Kyu Karuizawa https://www.legrand-karuizawa.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】"Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort" https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g325581-d10384974-Reviews-Le_Grand_Kyukaruizawa-Karuizawa_machi_Kitasaku_gun_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.htmlshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:23
The sunflower field in Akeno, Yamanashi Prefecture, has been used as a filming location for a popular movie! The "Hokuto City Akeno Sunflower Festival," an event held when sunflowers are in full bloom, is also a hot topic!
Nature- 340 plays
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Drone footage of the Akeno sunflower field in Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture! This video is titled ““Beautiful Drone footage” Akeno Sunflower Field(【絶景ドローン映像】明野ひまわり畑)”. It is a video of the Sunflower Field of Akeno in Hokuto, Yamanashi, in Japan's Kanto region, presented by “Houdoukyoku.” You can see the buds from the beginning of the video and from 0:27, you can see them fully bloomed, in all of their big, beautiful, yellow glory. This popular sightseeing spot “Akeno Sunflower Field” holds Hokuto City Akeno Sunflower Festival every year when the sunflowers are fully bloomed. When is the best time to see the sunflower field in Akeno, where the movie was shot? What are the highlights? Photo:Akeno Sunflower Field in Yamanashi prefecture Hokuto City in Yamanashi Prefecture is said to have the longest hours of sunlight in Japan. The best time to see the sunflowers in Akeno, which grow in full sunlight, is usually from late July to late August. The variety of sunflowers is changed from field to field so that visitors can enjoy them for a long time. Many people visit every year to see the spectacular summer view created by approximately 400,000 sunflowers. The sunflower field became a hot topic because it was filmed for the movie “Be with You” released in 2004. A lot of fans still visit the field to this day. Not only the sunflower fields of Akeno in Yamanashi Prefecture, but in fact there is also a place called Akeno in Ibaraki Prefecture, where an event called the "Akeno Sunflower Festival" will be held. The festival features about 100 double-flowered sunflowers against the backdrop of the famous Mount Tsukuba. When you hear the words "sunflowers in Akeno," that may be what comes to mind for some people. The Sunflower Festival in Ibaraki Prefecture is the Hokuto City Akeno Sunflower Festival! What is the time of year and what are the highlights? Photo:Ice cream The Hokuto Akeno Sunflower Festival 2023 was held from July 22 to August 20, 2023. The event was held at two venues: the main venue and the Rural Park venue. During the event, there were sunflower sundaes, a combination of sunflower soft serve ice cream and shaved ice, crepes, juice, and other café menus, as well as events such as the traditional performing art of sarumawashi. There was also a photo contest, so why not participate by taking a great photo with sunflowers in the background? Although the "Hokuto City Akeno Sunflower Festival 2024" has not been announced as of April 2024, it is expected to be held around the end of July, when sunflowers are at their best. Please check the official website and Instagram for information on sunflowers and the "Hokuto City Akeno Sunflower Festival 2024". Some Info on Sunflowers Photo:Sunflower Sunflowers belong to the daisy family, and its trademark is its bright yellow flower petals. Some of the larger sunflowers grow up to 3 meters tall (~10 ft.). The sunflower seeds can be eaten, and even used for oil. Its scientific name is "helianthus". Heli meaning "sun", and anthus meaning "flower" The sunflower's origin is North America and it is called soleil (which means sun) in some foreign countries . Summary of Sunflower Field in Akeno, Yamanashi Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from the video, Akeno Sunflower Festival in Yamanashi is a very popular sightseeing spot with a very impressive, expansive scenery. A live camera is located around the field as well, so check out the footage collected on sunny days. There are bus tours when the sunflowers are in full bloom so we definitely recommend participating if you have the chance. ◆Akeno Sunflower Field◆ 【Address】5664 Akenocho Asao, Hokuto, Yamanashi 408-0201 【Access】15minutes drive from Chuo Expressway Nirasaki IC or Sutama IC 【Operating Hours】 8:00 to 17:00 【Parking】Parking lot available 【Telephone No】0551-42-1423 【Entrance fee】Free 【Tripadvisor】Akeno Sunflower Field Akeno Sunflower Field -
Video article 3:01
Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Video Introduction! Fun Courses for Kids, Day-Care, and All Sorts of Facilities! Enjoy Hot Springs and More at This Winter Wonderland in Nagano Prefecture With Your Family
Things to Do Sports Travel- 115 plays
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Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort in Japan's Shinshu Region: Video Introduction This video, titled "2020–21 Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Promotion Video" (2020-21 野沢温泉スキー場プロモーションビデオ), was uploaded by "nozawaonsen." Blanketed in a veil of silvery white snow, Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort has something for the whole family, with a variety of courses, ranging from beginner to expert level. In addition to skiing and sledding, facilities include a kids' park and even a day-care center, so visitors with small children can enjoy the slopes too. Once you've had your fun on the powder, at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort you can soothe your tired body in the thermal springs, or enjoy some delicious cuisine. Before we go any further, check out Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort's gorgeous snow-covered scenery and people enjoying winter activities in the video. Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort’s Distinctive Features, and Course Difficulty Photo:Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort, Nagano, Japan Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort is located in northern Nagano prefecture in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, and its slopes — which cover an area the size of 63 Tokyo Domes — set it apart from all other ski resorts. Twinkling prettily, trees decorated with icicles dot the landscape, which, with its 100% natural snow, boasts some of the best powder in Honshu (the main island of the Japanese archipelago) and there are plenty of gorgeous views to be seen as well. The vast slopes play host to a total of 36 runs, divided in a 40/30/30 ratio between beginner, intermediate, and expert difficulties respectively. The resort is popular amongst skiers and snowboarders of all levels, from novices to seasoned experts. What’s more is, there's the Nagasaka Gondola, a large gondola which can ferry 10 people from the Nagasaka area to the Yamabiko area in one go. These gondolas are the first in Japan to have an all-glass structure, which boasts excellent ventilation properties, and allows riders to take in the natural scenery as they travel from one point to the next. Plenty of Courses for Beginners and Families! Photo:Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort, Nagano, Japan Thanks to its abundance of runs and areas aimed at beginners and children, Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort is popular among visitors with no skiing experience and families with small children. There's even a rental shop, so there's no need to worry if you don't have your own equipment. The Uenotaira Course (上ノ平ゲレンデ, uenotaira gerende) and Paradise Course (パラダイスゲレンデ, paradaisu gerende) are recommended for beginners or kids who aren't yet familiar with skis or snowboards. These slopes are both gentle and wide, making them the perfect choice for those who want to enjoy the snow without worrying about having an accident. Furthermore, thanks to lower temperatures than those at the foot of the mountain, the quality of the snow is great. The lift adjacent to the slopes has a handrail and can take up to four people, meaning you can ride as a group; a boon for those with young children who may struggle with the lifts. Once you've had your fill of skiing about at the summit, you can leave the Paradise Course behind you and head for the Rinkan Course (林間コース, rinkan kosu). This course allows skiers to enjoy some spectacular views as they descend the mountain along a beautiful wooded trail. If you aren't confident in your skiing abilities, you can take the gondola to the bottom, so be sure to keep this in mind if you're new to skiing or snowboarding. The area at the foot of the mountain is also recommended for beginners and kids. There are wide and gentle slopes here too, ideal for kids who are experiencing skiing or snowboarding for the first time. Ziplines, Indoor Playgrounds and More! Check Out the Exciting Activities at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Photo:Zip Sky Ride at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort, Nagano, Japan "Zip Sky Ride" is one of the most popular facilities at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort. This zipline, comprising of a seated harness mounted on a wire rope using a pulley is located above the Hikage Course, and is 652 meters with a total altitude difference of 122 meters. The zipline can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h! This aerial activity lets visitors soar above the slopes like a bird. The ride is accessible to everyone elementary school age and up, so consider flying over the mountains with your kids! In addition, the Kids' Park and Nasky Room are great for those with kids who haven't started elementary school yet. The Kids' Park offers sledding, tubing, and more, and the Nasky Room (ナスキールーム) has educational toys, making these places great for both relaxing and playing. There's a day-care as well! "Yumin," has qualified childcare professionals present, meaning you can have peace of mind knowing your kids are in good hands while you enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities on the slopes. How to Get the Best Deals at Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort! Photo:Friends chatting with smartphones Buying one of the special package tickets from Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort's home page will allow you to save a little money. Priced at ¥6,500 for adults and ¥4,300 for kids, the special package tickets include a gondola ticket, which would usually sell for ¥6,000, or ¥3,600 per child, as well as ¥1,000 worth of lunch tickets. Furthermore, a package that includes a 1-day lift ticket, a ¥1,000 lunch ticket, and a Nozawa Onsen Sparena bath ticket is also available for ¥7,000 for adults and ¥4,600 for children. These perks are also available to those visiting one a day trip, so save yourself some money while enjoying Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort. Additionally, there are a variety of seasonal value passes available to skiers, including a spring skiing service pass, and family-oriented passes, such as the spring break family pack campaign, etc. Enjoy a trip to Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort next spring with your little ones and make some unforgettable memories! Check out Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort's homepage for more details. Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Roundup: A Ski Resort Recommended for Families and Kids The beautiful slopes covered in powdery snow offer tons of photogenic views that would look great on Instagram. There are a variety of courses tailored for both children and adults, and the views are fantastic. The area surrounding Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort has a wide range of hotels, inns, and ryokan (traditional Japanese style inns) as well. A shuttle bus runs between the spa town and the ski resort, so guests can unwind with a dip in the hot springs and some delicious food after a fun-filled day of skiing. We implore you to head to Nagano Prefecture in Japan's Shinshu region and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and memorable winter activities! 【Official Website】Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort 【TripAdvisor】Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort -
Video article 4:16
Fuji-Kawaguchiko Autumn Foliage Festival" in Minami-Tsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture: Watch a video of the illuminated autumn leaves and take in the spectacular photo spots! Visit Yamanashi for Autumn Sightseeing
Festivals & Events Nature Travel- 167 plays
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Yamanashi Minamitsuru-gun "Kawaguchiko" Autumn Foliage Movie Introduction This video, titled "Must-see Views at Lake Kawaguchi|A Corridor of Autumn Leaves" (Must See in Kawaguchiko,Japan "Autumn Leaves Corridor" 河口湖 紅葉(もみじ)回廊), was uploaded by "ka2see tv." The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is held in conjunction with the autumn leaves of Lake Kawaguchi, which are at their best from early to mid-November. Visitors are fascinated by the corridor surrounded by beautiful autumn leaves. Check out the relaxing illuminations and the pleasant rustling of leaves in the video below. Celebrate Autumn With the Colorful Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival Photo:The corridor of autumn leaves at the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival The "Fuji Kawaguchi Lake Autumn Leaves Festival" is held at Lake Kawaguchi . Period: October 28 - November 23, 2023 Time: 9:00~19:00 Light up until 22:00 Admission: Free Main Venue: Momiji Corridor This is a popular sightseeing event where visitors can observe the autumn foliage of approximately 400 to 500 trees along the shores of Lake Kawaguchi, with Mt. Fuji in the distance. [Video] 2:57 - The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival [Video] 0:16 - A View of the Illuminated Autumn Foliage A Spectacular View of Mt. Fuji and Autumn Leaves Around Lake Kawaguchi! Photo:Mt. Fuji from a tunnel of autumn leaves at Lake Kawaguchi There are a number of places around Lake Kawaguchi where visitors can enjoy the autumn leaves. Here are some of the best places to take pictures around Lake Kawaguchi. ●The Tunnel of Autumn Leaves This is a famous spot where the autumn leaves along the road turn red and resemble a colorful tunnel. The composition of the autumn leaves, Mt. Fuji, and Lake Kawaguchi is very popular, and many photographers and tourists visit this spot to take photos. The view of the bright red autumn leaves over Mt. Fuji is like a painting, reminding us of the autumn season in Japan. The spot has been featured on tourism posters, and it's sure to be a popular on Instagram as well. ●Momiji-dai Momiji-dai, an observation deck for viewing the autumn leaves, is located on Mt. Ashiwada at the eastern end of the Aokigahara Sea of Trees on the north side of Mt. Fuji. The observation deck offers a breathtaking 360-degree view. You can see Mt. Fuji and the Aokigahara Sea of Trees through the autumn leaves, as well and the views of Lake Motosu and Lake Nishiko are also outstanding. ●Lake Motosu Lake Motosu, one of the Fuji Five Lakes, is a popular photo spot that even appears on the 1,000-yen bill. Lake Motosu is famous for its upside-down Fuji reflected on the surface of the lake, and in autumn, the reddish autumn leaves can be seen reflected on the surface of the lake as well. Enjoy a collaboration of colorful autumn leaves and Mt. Fuji in one place. Summary of Autumn Leaves at Lake Kawaguchi Photo:The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival Come and enjoy Japan's unique autumn scenery at the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival. The illuminated autumn leaves of Fujikawaguchiko are a very different sight from those seen during the daytime. There are many places around Lake Kawaguchi where you can take photos of the autumn leaves as well, so be sure to bring a camera when sightseeing in Yamanashi! During the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival, many people are expected to visit and crowds and traffic jams are likely to occur. Free temporary parking is available, but spaces are limited. To avoid congestion around the venue in 2023, please use the shuttle bus during weekends and holidays. Traffic near Kawaguchiko Bridge can be checked via live camera, so we recommend using it when you visit the area. 【Official Website】The 24th Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival https://fujisan.ne.jp/pages/433/ 【TripAdvisor】The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1165976-d10019717-Reviews-Fuji_Lake_Kawaguchi_Koyo_Festival-Fujikawaguchiko_machi_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanas.html -
Video article 4:21
Fuji, which straddles Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures, is the world's largest tourist attraction in Japan. Fuji, which straddles Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures. Its mysterious beauty captivates all who see it.
Nature- 213 plays
- Vimeo
Fuji" across Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures 4K Time-lapse Video Introduction This video is “Mount Fuji | A Time-lapse Film 4K,” made by Daisuke Shimizu. It is a 4K time-lapse of Mt. Fuji. Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 12,000 feet tall, spanning both Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures. Since long ago it has been an object of worship under the name “Reihou Fuji.” In 2013 it was registered as a World Heritage Site, and it has become a famous mountain visited by more than 200,00 tourists, both Japanese and international, every year. Mt. Fuji is still an active volcano, but the last time it erupted was about 300 years ago (1707 AD) during the Edo period. This video introduces the beautiful scenery of Mt. Fuji through a 4K time-lapse. The highlights are the flowing, starry sky, the cityscape spreading into the hills, and the reflection of Mt. Fuji on the surface of a nearby lake. Enjoy the charm of the power spot, Mt. Fuji. Mt. Fuji: A World Heritage Site ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying Mt. Fuji is a mountain that spans Shizuoka Prefecture (in Fujinomiya CIty, Susono City, Fuji City, Gotemba City, Koyama-town Sunto-gun) and Yamanashi Prefecuture (in Fujiyoshida City and Narusawa-mura Minamitsuru-gun). It is a world-famous mountain that has been selected as one of Japan's "Three Great Mountains," "Japan's Top 100 Geological Sites," and as a World Heritage Site. In the past, Mt. Fuji was feared for its large eruptions and lava spills, and it was considered a mysterious mountain and an object of worship. It is said that when Mt. Fuji's eruptions subsided, trainees began to step into the mountain to gain the divine and spiritual power of Mt. Fuji. Nowadays, the Fujinomiya peak side of Mt. Fuji is home to Sengen Taisha Okumiya who worships Asama no Ookami (浅間大神), also called Konohanasakuyabime, as the main deity. Also, the summit of the Yoshida and Kawaguchi Lake (河口湖, Kawaguchiko) side is home to Kukushi Shrine. The beautiful figure of Mt. Fuji, said to be the symbol of Japan, has been drawn in various art works, such as the famous “Gaifu Kaisei,” drawn by the Japanese ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai. Mt. Fuji Is Also Popular Abroad! Photo:Mt. Fuji The mountain climbing season at Mt. Fuji differs by trail. Please note that it is completely closed outside of these climbing seasons. ・ Yoshida trail (Yamanashi Prefecture side): July 1 - September 10 ・ Subashiri trail (Shizuoka Prefecture side): July 10 - September 10 ・ Gotemba trail (Shizuoka Prefecture side): July 10 - September 10 ・ Fujinomiya trail (Shizuoka Prefecture side): July 10 - September 10 ・ Ohachi-meguri Trail (The trail of the crater's rim): July 10 - September 10 The trailhead is near the fifth station, and you can take the Fuji-Subaru Line/Fujiyama Skyline to get to it. You can also get there by car or bus. Parking is also available. The time required for climbing differs by trail, but the Subashiri route takes about 5 hours and 40 minutes and descending takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes. The weather on Mt. Fuji, which is 12,000 ft. above sea level, is extremely variable, and the summit of Mt. Fuji may reach subzero temperatures even during the summer. Headlights are also required if you are climbing in the evening. Mountain climbing on a one-day trip is also possible, but if climb to high in a short time, you run the risk of developing altitude sickness, so please be careful. Fuji also has a number of huts, so we recommend that you take a break at them or stay overnight. Please follow the rules and manners, bring sufficient equipment, and avoid taking any unnecessary risks. The Peak of Mt. Fuji in 4K This article's video introduces the beautiful figure of Mt. Fuji through a 4K time-lapse. From 0:08 in the video, You can see Mt. Fuji in the darkness of the night as the morning sun gradually rises. From 1:15, it is possible to see clouds over the snow capped Mt. Fuji, and from 1:33, there's the highlight of the movie, the mysterious and beautiful starry sky over Mt. Fuji. The video shows Mt. Fuji seen from the beach, an upside-down Mt. Fuji floating on the surface of a lake, a night view at the foot of Mt. Fuji, and many more beautiful sceneries. There might be aspects of Mt. Fuji that you have not seen before! Things to Do Near the Sacred Mt. Fuji Photo:Mt. Fuji and autumn leaves seen from Lake Kawaguchi When you visit Mt. Fuji, be sure to check out the sightseeing spots around Mt. Fuji. This article introduces some recommended sightseeing spots around Mt. Fuji, but there are still more. The World Heritage Center, located in Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture, is a hands-on exhibition and tourism facility where you can enjoy the charms of Mt. Fuji. There's also Fujikyu Highland, a popular amusement park, and many hot springs, hotels, inns, and campgrounds, where you can relax after a long day of travel. Also famous is "Oshino Hakkai," "Shiraito Falls, "Narusawa Ice Cave," and the "Fugaku Wind Cave" where you can feel the clear water of Mt. Fuji. These are also popular as some of Japan's leading power spots. In addition, there are many sightseeing spots around Mt. Fuji, such as "Yamanakako Hananotsu Park," "Mishima Skywalk," "Fuji Safari Park Clematis Hill," and "Children's Country." Gourmet foods that we recommend trying are the local Yoshida Udon and Fujito. The Fuji Sanroku Whiskey, made with delicious subterranean water from Fuji, is also popular. Summary of Popular Sightseeing Spots at Mt. Fuji This time we introduced the charm of Mt. Fuji, a world renown mountain and the symbol of Japan. Be sure to check out the video to see the beautiful 4K footage of Mt. Fuji. It truly is amazing. Mt. Fuji, the tallest mountain in Japan, can be seen from different places all over Japan. Definitely keep your eyes peeled when visiting Japan. 【Official Website】Mt. Fuji Climbing Official Website http://www.fujisan-climb.jp/en/index.html