Video article 10:23
Shingu City in Wakayama Prefecture, Full of World Heritage and Historical Sites, Is One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Spots! Here's a Roundup of the Most Popular Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 104 plays
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和歌山県新宮市を堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「市役所新宮」が公開した「和歌山県新宮市観光プロモーション <Long>」です。 和歌山県新宮(しんぐう)市の絶景をたっぷり堪能出来る動画となっています。 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも有数の観光地であり「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい」をキャッチフレーズに、世界遺産の街として有名です。 こちらの記事ではそんな和歌山県新宮市について、おすすめの観光スポットや名所、グルメについて動画と共に紹介をしていきます。 和歌山県新宮市にはこんな良い場所がいっぱいある! 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも指折りの人気の観光スポットで、和歌山県の歴史にも縁のある名所や絶景が溢れるほどあります。 ここではそんな日本でも選りすぐりの和歌山県新宮市の観光スポットをいくつか紹介していきます。 ① 神倉神社(動画:1:33~) 世界文化遺産の『紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道』の一部で、熊野速玉大社の摂社の日本でも有名な神社です。 毎年2月6日には国指定無形民俗文化財にも指定されている勇壮な火祭りとして知られている『御燈祭り』も開催されています。 ② 浮島の森 住宅街に囲まれ、存在感を放つ面積約5,000㎡の沼の上に浮かんでいる不思議な森です。 約130種類の珍しい植物が自生し、天然記念物に指定されている貴重なスポットで、自然に溢れている景色はインスタ映え間違い無しです。 島内は遊歩道がしっかり整備されているので、ぜひその不思議な空間を楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 ③ 阿須賀神社 遡るとこと紀元前423年、考昭天皇の代に創建されたと伝えられている日本の歴史も深い繋がりがあり、世界遺産にも登録されている神社です。 国指定無形民俗文化財に登録をされている『熊野速玉例大祭』は毎年10月15日~16日に執り行われています。 他にも、和歌山県新宮市には綺麗な海の広がる王子ヶ浜、4月には満開の桜の絶景を堪能出来る新宮城跡、奇岩怪石が裏なる海岸線にある孔島・鈴島等、沢山の日本が誇る観光スポットがあります。 和歌山県新宮市のグルメと温泉も堪能しよう! 疲れた体を『高田グリーンランド(雲取温泉)』や『熊野川温泉"さつき"』にて癒し、和歌山県新宮市のグルメを堪能することをおすすめします。 三輪崎漁港の新鮮な海鮮、熊野の地酒、熊野牛など和歌山県新宮市で味わうことが出来る郷土料理はまさに絶品です。 自然を大切している和歌山県新宮市ならではの新鮮な食材を使った日本食・和食を、ぜひ和歌山県新宮市観光の際に味わってみて下さい。 和歌山県新宮市の観光紹介まとめ まさに「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい。」というキャッチフレーズに相応しい、日本の魅力が溢れた観光スポット和歌山県新宮市。 今回紹介させて頂いた名所の数々の他にも、佐藤春夫記念館や世界遺産である『熊野古道』の一部である高野坂、日本の滝百選の一つである『桑ノ木の滝』等の沢山の観光スポットや穴場で溢れています。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事で和歌山県新宮市に興味を持って頂けたら、日本の良さを十二分に堪能出来る和歌山県新宮市への観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 1:53
Fuji, Yamanashi Prefecture, is located in Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture! Surrounded by beautiful nature, this place is so attractive that it has been selected as one of the top inbound popular tourist destinations!
Local PR- 37 plays
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Video introduction of "Lake Yamanakako" in Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture, one of the Fuji Five Lakes This video, titled "HIKE IN LAKE YAMANAKAKO," was released by the "Lake Yamanaka Tourism Department" (山中湖村観光課). The video introduces Yamanashi prefecture's (山梨県) Lake Yamanaka, one of the top sightseeing spots in Japan among both foreign and domestic travelers. Lake Yamanaka lies at the foot of Mt. Fuji and has the largest surface area of the Fuji Five Lakes making it one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan. It's located in Yamanakako Village, in the Minamitsuru district of Yamanashi Prefecture. From 0:13 in the video, you can see the spectacular scenery of the lake and the nature surrounding it. In the background lies the impressive Mt. Fuji, a majestic mountain that many travelers, both foreign and domestic, come to see each year. Enjoy Hiking at Lake Yamanaka! Photo:Takasashiyama and Yamanaka Lake, Kanagawa Prefecture We highly recommended hiking on your trip to Lake Yamanaka. Hiking does require a fair amount of stamina, but the views of the beech tree forest that can be seen at 0:44, the wild flowers and large trees shown at 1:04, and the spectacular views across the grasslands, are guaranteed to make the effort worthwhile. Some of the most popular hiking courses in the area include the "Mt. Mikuni Panoramic Hiking Course" (三国山・パノラマ台ハイキングコース), "Mt. Takazasu and Mt. Myojin Hiking Courses" (高指山・明神山ハイキングコース), "Mt. Ishiwari Hiking Course" (石割山ハイキングコース), and the "Mt. Ohira Hiking Course" (太平山ハイキングコース). All of the mountains mentioned above are featured in the video so we highly recommend checking it out to find out which hiking course interests you the most! For those of you visiting Yamanashi prefecture for the first time, we recommend the "Mount Mikuni Panoramic Hiking Course" which offers scenery you are unlikely to find anywhere else, as well as the view of "Diamond Fuji." Top 3 Sightseeing Spots Around Lake Yamanaka Photo:camp 1. Sonei Yamanakako Campsite (村営山中湖キャンプ場). If you're thinking about going camping during your trip to Lake Yamanaka, we highly recommend the Sonei Yamanakako Campsite. As a tent only campsite there are no cottages available, but you can spend the night on one of the lodge beds and it's the perfect place to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Lake Yamanaka and its surroundings. The area is fully equipped with public facilities, including toilets and showers, to help make your stay as comfortable as possible. 2. Yamanakako Hot Springs: Benifuji no Yu (紅富士の湯) With all baths boasting a view of Mount Fuji, this is an experience you can't afford to miss on your trip to Yamanashi prefecture. Enjoy taking a dip in the baths to rest your tired legs after a long day of hiking while enjoying the beautiful scenery the hot springs have to offer. 3. Hananomiyako Park (花の都公園). Hananomiyako park, situated on the banks of Lake Yamanaka, is one of the leading tourist attractions in Yamanashi prefecture. The area is beautifully colored with different seasonal flowers and is a popular spot for traveling couples. Other activities you can enjoy in the area include fishing for wakasagi (Japanese smelt), cycling around the lake, taking a trip on a sightseeing boat, and even hang gliding! If you have time to spare, be sure to try some of the local cuisine, such as Hoto (ほうとう) or Yoshida Udon (吉田うどん). After you're done eating, if you need a place to stay there are plenty of hotels and ryokan for you to choose from in the area. Summary of Sightseeing at Lake Yamanaka Photo:Autumn scenery by Lake Yamanaka, Yamanashi Prefecture In this article, we introduced Lake Yamanaka, a tourist spot that symbolizes Yamanashi prefecture. Lake Yamanaka is situated in Yamanakako Village in the Minamitsuru District of Yamanashi prefecture. It is without a doubt one of the most popular and famous sightseeing spots in Japan and we highly recommend it to anyone visiting Japan from overseas! Lake Yamanaka is easily accessible, taking just one and a half hours to reach from Tokyo by car. There are many other sightseeing spots and events held in the area around Lake Yamanaka, such as Oshino Hakkai (忍野八海), Sengen Shrine (浅間神社), and fireworks displays. If after watching this video you'd like to learn more about Lake Yamanaka, we highly recommend taking a trip to see all of the beautiful scenery in person! 【Tripadvisor】Sonei Yamanakako Campsite https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1104179-d13236229-Reviews-Lake_Yamanaka_Campsite-Yamanakako_mura_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinet.html -
Video article 3:16
Enjoy a Luxurious Sightseeing Experience Surrounded by Nature in Otaki Village, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture! Feel the Grandeur of Nature and Rid Yourself of Fatigue
Local PR Travel- 44 plays
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長野県木曽郡王滝村エリアの絶景が堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「outakimura」が公開した「2016王滝村観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 こちらは、長野県木曽郡王滝村の自然の景色を堪能出来る動画となっています。 長野県木曽郡王滝村エリアは絶景が溢れるスポットで、インスタ映えもすることから、老若男女問わず観光を楽しむことが出来ます。 こちらの記事では、日本の自然の美しさが溢れる長野県木曽郡王滝村の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 動画で紹介されている長野県木曽郡王滝村ってどんなところ? 長野県木曽郡王滝村は日本の長野県南西部、西側が岐阜県に接しており、動画の0:20で紹介されている御嶽山の麓に位置しています。 かつては林業が盛んな地域で知られており、特に「木曽ヒノキ」は日本の三大美林にも数えられていました。 長野県木曽郡王滝村は、動画の0:38で紹介をされている里宮神社を始めとした、八海山神社等の6社殿からなる王滝御嶽神社もあり、日本の歴史と文化的にも深い関わりのある由緒正しいスポットとなっています。 長野県木曽郡王滝村周辺のおすすめ観光スポット! ①里宮神社 自然と共存した素晴らしい建物で、神社としてのご利益も良く、他にも5つの神社があることから、日本の歴史が好きな人にはたまらない場所となっています。 ②清滝・新滝 里宮神社から御嶽山へ向かう道のりの途中で見ることが出来る有名な絶景スポットです。 清滝は高さ約30mの滝で、御嶽山を信望している行者達が精進潔斎するスポットで、往時から信者が滝行を行った滝と知られています。 新滝は、滝の裏側に小さな岩祠があることで有名で、そこから見る景色は「裏見滝」と呼ばれ、観光スポットとして有名です。 気候によって様々な顔を見せ、特に冬は他の季節とは全く違った絶景を作り出すので、日本の四季と自然を余すことなく堪能することが出来ます。 ③御岳湖・自然湖 御岳湖は、貯水量が名古屋ドーム55杯分を誇る巨大な愛知用水のダムとして1961年に誕生し、現在に至るまで王滝村の人々の生活を守ってきました。 日本ならではの四季折々の美しい景色が魅力のスポットとしても知られています。 自然湖は、1984年に起こった長野県西部地震によってせき止められた王滝川によって生まれた天然の湖です。 どちらもカヌーで堪能することが出来ます。 長野県木曽郡王滝村の観光の紹介まとめ 長野県木曽郡王滝村は多くの自然を残している素晴らしい日本の観光スポットとして知られているので、まずはこちらの動画で堪能してみて下さい。 日本の自然をたっぷり堪能して、温泉で疲れを癒した後はキャンプ場で自然を堪能しながらゆっくり過ごす、そんな贅沢な休日長野県木曽郡王滝村で過ごしてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:00
Yamagata Casting Is an Essential Part of Japan's Tea Ceremony Culture. A Quick Look at the Traditional Craft of Yamagata City, Yamagata and How It's Made!
Traditional Crafts- 164 plays
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Yamagata's Traditional Craft "Yamagata Casting" Introductory Video This video "TEWAZA yamagata casting(手技TEWAZA「山形鋳物」)" was created by "Dentoukougei Aoyama Square" (伝統工芸青山スクエア). In this 4 minute long video, they introduce Yamagata casting, including the history, unique characteristics, and manufacturing process. We hope you enjoy taking a look at the incredible skills of the craftsmen and the intricately designed items they create in this video. Yamagata Casting - A Traditional Craft Photo:tea kettle Yamagata casting is a traditional Japanese craft that dates back to the Heian Period (794 AD-1185 AD) when casting craftsmen found that the soil quality in the surrounding area was suitable for creating ironware. Many of the chagama (tea kettles) used nowadays in Japanese tea ceremony are made with Yamagata casting. You can see some of these tea kettles from 0:12 in the video. The thin, delicate Yamagata casting is currently being used in the production of traditional crafts such as Nambu Ironware (南部鉄器), iron kettles, and copperware, as well as building materials and machinery parts. The Yamagata Casting Process Source :YouTube screenshot The Yamagata casting process starts with creating a mold. You can take a look at this from 0:28 in the video. Once the overall design has been decided, a mold is then created using sand and clay from Yamagata prefecture. The design that appears on the surface of the casting is first drawn on washi paper (和紙) which is then used to trace or imprint the design onto the mold. From 2:08 in the video, you can see the molten iron as it's poured into the mold, a process called "Ikomi" (鋳込み). It is then cooled and then removed from the mold, through a process known as "Katadashi" (型出し) in Japanese. Finally, the item may be finished with a coating of lacquer, color application or left unglazed. The finished product, a beautiful tea kettle, can be seen from 3:29 in the video. Yamagata Casting Makes the Perfect Gift! Source :YouTube screenshot Many items other than the traditional Kyusu (急須, traditional Japanese teapot) and tea kettles can be made with Yamagata casting. In recent years, various kitchenware such as glasses and teapots as well as more traditional Japanese kitchen items like modern Sukiyaki pots, called "Sukiyaki Nabe" or Japanese kettles called "Yakan" are being made via the same process. If you're looking for a gift for a special someone, why not take a look at the beautifully designed Yamagata casting items on sale at the store "GASEN" (雅山)? Yamagata Casting Culture and Manufacturing Process Summary The history, techniques of the craftsmen, and manufacturing process of Yamagata casting has been compressed into this 4 minute long video. If you're interested in Japanese culture, we highly recommend taking a look at the amazing craftsmanship featured in the video. Every item is like a work of art! If you like what you see, consider taking a trip to Yamagata prefecture and see the real thing up close! -
Video article 3:25
Nara Prefecture's Beautiful Ryuogabuchi Pond Is a Great Place for Taking Instagram Photos! Check Out the Video To See Its Beauty for Yourself!
Nature Travel- 296 plays
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Ryuogabuchi Pond – A Photographer's Dream Do you know of the mysterious pond deep in the mountains of Nara Prefecture? This time, we'll introduce the video "【日本の絶景】新緑の龍王ヶ淵 Ryuogabuchi Superb view of Nara Japan 4K," uploaded by "SOTOBURA." Ryuogabuchi Pond is a famous location for photography in Uda City, Nara Prefecture, thanks to its beautiful reflective water surface. The crystal-clear pond is also a popular spot for photographers as the surrounding mountains reflect off the water's surface like a mirror. It's also famous as an "instagrammable" location in Japan. And with that, let's dive into the video of Ryuogabuchi Pond! A Closer Look at Ryuogabuchi! Photo:Ryuogabuchi Pond, Nara Prefecture Ryuogabuchi is located on the hillside of Mt. Nukai, a small mountain in Yamato Fuji, and the water flowing from the approximately 530m tall mountain is crystal clear, creating a mysterious pond. At 1:08 in the video, you can see the mysterious reflection of the trees of Mt. Nukai on the surface of the pond. The pond is 150 meters across from east to west and 100 meters across from north to south, making it a popular walking course. Some parts of the trail can be marshy and sometimes wet, so be sure to wear some comfortable sneakers. The nearby Horikoshi Shrine worships Toyotama-hime, who appears in the folk tale Urashima Taro. The video shows the quiet surface of the pond, but there are a lot of tourists on holidays, so we recommend visiting on a weekday to avoid the crowds and enjoy a quiet view of the pond. The Best Time to Visit Ryuogabuchi Pond Photo:Starry skies at Ryuogabuchi Pond, Nara Prefecture Ryuogabuchi is an amazing place to visit in the summer when the leaves are fresh and green, and in the fall when the leaves change to beautiful shades of red and orange. You can also enjoy breathtaking snowy scenery during the winter months. That being said, if you're driving in winter, you'll need to be prepared with snow tires. On a clear, windless day, the lake does not stir, and the surrounding scenery is said to reflect beautifully off of its surface. Because it is located deep in the mountains, you'll be able to see the stars on clear nights as well. Fishing is prohibited at Ryuogabuchi Pond, as it's considered a place of faith. Sightseeing Around Ryuogabuchi Pond Photo:Murouji Temple, Nara Prefecture There are many tourist attractions, including temples, around Ryuogabuchi in Nara Prefecture. In particular, nearby you'll find Murouji Temple and Onoji Temple, for which the nearest station, Muroguchi-Ono Station, is named. Approximately 100 mikumari cherry trees line the banks of the Hono River and they're lit up, making it a popular cherry blossom spot in the city. Ryuogabuchi is only 10 minutes away from the Hari Interchange on the Meihan National Highway (名阪国道針IC), so it's a good place to visit by car. Parking is also available, so you can visit easily. Summary of the Ryuogabuchi Area Photo:Ryuogabuchi Pond, Nara Prefecture Check out the video of Ryuogabuchi and be soothed by the clear blue skies and tranquil pond. If you're looking to relax and get away from work, be sure to visit Ryuogabuchi. You can also enjoy listening to the playful sounds of fish and frogs jumping in the pond. Just walking around the promenade while taking in the natural scenery is sure to make you feel at peace. 【Tripadvisor】Ryuogabuchi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022867-d19690682-Reviews-Ryuogabuchi_Pond-Uda_Nara_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:27
Japan's Oldest and Most Famous Swords at Kasuga Taisha Shrine's Hall of National Treasures in Nara, Japan! Japanese Sword Fans and History Buffs Will Enjoy This Video!
News Traditional Crafts History- 314 plays
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Some of the Oldest Japanese Swords at Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Nara: Video Introduction This video, titled "Yasutsuna – An Exhibition of the World of the Oldest Japanese Swords" (最古の日本刀の世界「安綱・古伯耆」展), was uploaded by "Nara Television Broadcasting Co." ( 奈良テレビ放送). This news video introduces an exhibition held in the city of Nara featuring works related to the swordsmith Yasutsuna and his family. It shows works created by swordsmiths active in the late Heian Period (794-1185). Forty articles are on display, including 10 national treasures, such as a famous sword called "Dojigiri," which was used by Minamoto no Yorimitsu to kill Shuten Doji, as well as other swords with a distinguished history. The exhibition also offers a glimpse into the history of how Japanese swords that were once straight, came to have a curved blade. Be sure to check out the priceless masterpieces in the video as you read along. The Black Lacquer Tachi of Kasuga Taisha – One of the Oldest Japanese Swords Source :YouTube screenshot The sword which is kept in the treasury of Kasuga-taisha and is known as Kuro-urushi-yamagane-tachi (黒漆山金作太刀, lit. "black-lacquered mountain-iron blade") was made in the late Heian period (around 1185 AD). It was discovered during a structural renovation of the temple's treasury in 1939 and is now nationally recognized as an important work of art. You can take a look at Kuro-urushi-yamagane-tachi at 0:13 in the video. Every 20 years Kasuga-taisha undergoes renovation and it was when the sword was being cleaned and repaired that it was found out to have been made in the mid to late 12th century, making it one of the oldest swords in Japan. The curved shape of the blade is what helped identify which century the sword was made in. Source :YouTube screenshot The area of the blade near the handle is curved and the tip is straight, a style typical of ancient Japanese swords. It is a real blessing to find the sword in such a good state, along with it's case which shows characteristics of 14th century craftsmanship, leading to the hypothesis that this sword was a precious samurai family heir loom which had been passed down for years and years. You can see the case at 1:17 in the video. Sightseeing Spots at Kasuga-Taisha Shrine Photo:The Large Cedar Tree at Kasuga-Taisha's Central Gate・Nara Kasuga-taisha is a shrine which was built in Nara prefecture in 768 AD. There are approximately 1000 Kasuga shrines in Japan and Kasuga-taisha in Nara is known as the grand shrine and the most important of them all. Kasuga-taisha is known for bringing good luck and happiness in marriage and we highly recommend receiving a stamp or good luck charm (omamori) from the shrine. Many events are held at Kasuga-taisha such as the Kasuga Wakamiya-On Festival (春日若宮おん祭, asugawakamiyaonmatsuri), the Buddhist Lantern Festival (万灯篭, mandoukago), and the Iris Festival (菖蒲祭, shoubumatsuri). We also recommend visiting during fall to see the beautiful changing colors of the leaves or in spring when the wisteria are in full bloom. There are also many spots in the area where you can go for lunch or grab something to eat! Summary of Famous Swords of Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Nara Source :YouTube screenshot A Japanese sword in the collection of the Nara's Kasuga Taisha Shrine attracted attention in 2018 when it was discovered to be one of the oldest Japanese swords in existence. In addition to this famous sword, masterpieces such as Hizamaru and Higekiri are also on display in the National Treasure Hall of Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara. Kasuga Taisha Shrine is a popular attraction among both foreign and domestic tourists. Please check the official website of Kasuga Taisha Shrine for information on special exhibitions where you can see the masterfully crafted blades.. ◆Nara Kasuga-taisha Information summary◆ 【Address】 Kasuganocho (春日野町) 160, Nara city, Nara prefecture 【Openings】March-October 6.30am-5.30pm, November-February 7am-5pm 【Entrance fee】Free of charge (Kasuga-taisha Museum: Adults: 500 yen, University/High school students: 300 yen, junior high school/elementary school students: 200 yen) 【Access】10 minutes by bus (bound for Kasuga-taisha Honden (春日大社本殿)) from JR Nara Station (JR 奈良駅, JR Naraeki) followed by a 10-minute walk. 【Parking】Available (1000 yen) 【Phone number】0742-22-7788 【Official Website】World Heritage Kasuga-taisha https://www.kasugataisha.or.jp/en/about_en/ -
Video article 3:35
Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture, Called the "Aegean Sea of Japan," Is Just Like a Painting! Introducing the Charms and Activities of Shirasaki Coast!
Nature- 140 plays
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Introducing Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture! This video, titled "Shirasaki Coast (Wakayama) A Beautiful Scenic Location Called the Aegean Sea of Japan" (白崎海岸(和歌山)日本のエーゲ海と称される絶景スポット), was released by "K Japan Traveler." Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which has a magnificent view on Instagram, was selected as one of the Top 100 Beaches of Japan, and in 2009, it was also selected as one of the Top 100 Landscapes of the Yomiuri Shimbun. Many tourists visit the beach throughout the year, where the contrast between the blue of the sea and sky and the pure white of limestone and sandy beaches is attractive. The History and Highlights of Shirasaki Coast Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture Shirasaki Coast is the sea of the Shirasaki Coast Prefectural Natural Park in Yura, Hidaka District, Wakayama Prefecture, and, as you can see at 0:33 in the video, is characterized by the white limestone surrounding it. Geologically, limestone is said to have come from the Permian Period in the latter half of the Paleozoic Era, more than 200 million years ago. From spring to summer, a large group of black-tailed gulls fly to Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which is rich in nature, as you can see from 3:03 in the video. The marine park is also known for its daffodils. Things To Do at Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture We recommend enjoying swimming, fishing, and Shirasaki cruise activities around Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture. There are also diving spots and diving pools nearby. From Shirasaki Manyo Park, we recommend enjoying the view of the strange rocks "Tatego" and "Oobae," which are the symbols of Shirasaki Coast. Also, stop by Koukokuji Temple, the Shellfish Exhibition Hall, the Park Center, Shirasaki Marine Park Observatory, and Totsui Limestone Cave. Dining and Lodging at Shirasaki Coast Photo:The Starry Skies of Shirasaki Marine Park, Wakayama Prefecture Around Shirasaki Coast, there are many restaurants and cafes where you can eat seafood dishes such as Shirasu-don on a low budget as well as the famous Shirasaki curry. In addition, there's Roadside Station Shirasaki Ocean Park where you can buy souvenirs, and hotels that are ideal for accommodation, so plan your trip carefully! Summary of Wakayama Prefecture's Shirasaki Coast As you can see in the video, the charm of Shirasaki Coast is that you can enjoy the spectacular blue and white scenery. When the sun sets, you can see a soothing view that you won't find during the day. Be sure to check out the business information and regular holidays for the Shirasaki Marine Park campsite and the surrounding facilities before visiting for sightseeing. ◆ Introduction to Shirasaki Coast ◆ 【Address】Take a bus from JR Kii-Yura Station and get off at Shirasaki Nishi, and walk 1.5 km. 【Parking】Free Parking Available 【Tripadvisor】Shirasaki Marine Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121347-d1385202-Reviews-Shirasaki_Ocean_Park-Yura_cho_Hidaka_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 7:23
Amami Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture Is a Surfing Utopia! Water So Clear You Can Even See Coral Reefs on the Ocean Floor!
Sports- 1.03K plays
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The Beautiful Views of Amami Oshima, Kagoshima This video, titled "Short Surf Trip to Amami Oshima," was created by "Hiroo Shimo." This video is perfect for people who love surfing, as it shows viewers a beautiful view of Amami Oshima, including beautiful aerial footage taken by drone. Amami Oshima has a warm climate year around with great waves. With these conditions, Amami Oshima is known as a surfing utopia. The Pro Surfing World Championship was also held here. This article will talk about tourist information as well as surfing spots in Amami Oshima. In the video you can see surfing and the beautiful, crystal clear waters of Amami Oshima. Hopefully you're up for some travelling because this video will have you raring to go! Surfing at Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Amami Oshima coast As Amami Oshima is warm year around, and the water is also warm, it's the perfect place for surfing. There are several surfing spots in Amami Oshima where both beginners and pros can hit the waves. Take a look at the video at 3:06 to see the beautiful blue waters and the coral reefs underneath the ocean, in this aerial video. Also check out 3:25 to see a beautiful sunset with two palm trees. This video will make you feel like you're actually on a tropical island. Wet suits and surfboards are available for rent at surf schools, so there's no need to worry about being unprepared. Some surf spots are used mainly by locals and we don't recommend them for beginners. If you're new to surfing, we recommend enrolling in a surf school and getting lessons and advice from an instructor. Surf Spots in Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Surfing There's a chance you'll see sea turtles in Amami Oshima as well. Advanced surfers try to get good waves on days when typhoons are passing. As Amami Oshima is an island, surf spots are divided into two areas: the East China Sea side and the Pacific Ocean side. The main surf spots are as follows: ・Tebiro ・Gamou ・Hatohama ・Ayamaro ・Gusuku ・Ohama ・Bira ・Imaizai ・Yagijima ・Kohama ・Toen ・Katoku ・Tomori Beach Marine Activities at Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Exploring mangroves As Amami Oshima has such clear waters, to the point that you can see the coral reefs on the ocean floor, there are other marine activities you can enjoy as well. Swimming in the ocean, snorkeling, canoeing, SUP(Stand up Paddle boarding), and diving, are all popular marine activities in Amami Oshima. There are also schools and rental companies to rent equipment, so you can enjoy the beautiful ocean without having to worry about bringing much. Sightseeing Around Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Photo:Mangroves at Amami Oshima Access to Amami Oshima is about 2.5 hours from Tokyo and 2 hours from Kansai by plane. There's more to see in Amami Oshima than just the sea as well. There's the Tanaka Isson Art Museum, where visitors can learn about the history and culture of Amami, as well as Amami Park, the Kuroshio-no-Mori Mangrove Park where visitors can explore the virgin mangrove forest by canoe, and the Mangrove Forest National Park. You can also visit Kakeroma Island by boat to enjoy more natural scenery. Camping is available at Ohama Seaside Park and if you want to admire the scenery, we recommend Ayamaru cape, and Honohoshi shore. Enjoy the beautiful ocean and outstanding natural views on your visit to Amami Oshima. Summary of Amami Oshima, Kagoshima The video "Short Surf Trip to Amami Oshima," shows people enjoying surfing in the beautiful ocean. This article talked about surf spots, information about marine activities, and tourist spots in Amami Oshima. We hope you enjoyed the article and look forward to seeing you at Amami Oshima! 【Official Website】Amami City Official Website https://www.city.amami.lg.jp/english/index.html -
Video article 2:28
Enjoy the magnificent nature at the Chokaisan-Tobishima Geopark in Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture! Don't miss this video if you want to enjoy the beauty of Shirataki Falls in Mototaki subterranean water!
Nature- 113 plays
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Chokaisan-Tobishima Geopark, Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled “[4K UHD ] Mt. Chokai/Tobishima Geopark: Fresh Greenery and Mototaki Falls (Shot on GH5 With Gimbal)” ([ 4K UHD ]鳥海山・飛島ジオパーク: 新緑の元滝伏流水 Moto-taki Waterfall ( shot on GH5 with Gimbal)), was released by “AQUA Geo Graphic.” Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark is the name of Akita Fuji (秋田富士), Dewa Fuji (出羽富士), and Shonai Fuji (庄内富士), which have been selected as some of the 100 Famous Mountains and 100 Famous Geographical Features of Japan. Furthermore, it is also the name of the "Mysterious Island Tobishima" and "Chokai National Park," which is located about 30 km west of Mt. Chokai, and was recognized as a Japan Geopark in 2016. Nowadays it's called Mt. Chokai, but in ancient times it was known as "Torimiyama" and you could see a 360-degree view of the horizon from the top. Due to volcanic eruptions and other volcanic activities, this view is no longer visible and it is now called Mt. Chokai. The overall theme is "The cycle of water and life created by the Japan Sea and the plateau," and the sub-theme is "Nature and life created by warm currents, active volcanoes, and spring water." In this article, we'll introduce the "Mototaki Underflow," an ethereal waterfall flowing down a rock face at the foot of Mt. Chokai in the Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark area. What Exactly is a “Geopark”? Photo:Mototaki Underflow, Akita Prefecture The word "geopark" (“ジオパーク” jiopaaku in Japanese) is a combination of the words “geo” and “park.” It was selected for the purpose of learning about the natural environment and ecosystems that spread across the land, as well as the culture and industries that people have created. At present, there are 43 areas selected as Japan Geoparks, and 9 of them are also recognized as UNESCO Global Geoparks. As they are sometimes called "大地の公園" (Daichi no Kouen, lit. "Earth Parks") in Japanese, they are famous for the various scenery they offer throughout the year, and are especially popular during the fall with the autumn leaves change to beautiful shades of red and yellow. There is also a sake brewery in the area that uses clean spring water, so if you like sake, be sure to take a tour of the brewery. The Mototaki Underflow Located at the Foot of Mt. Chokai Photo:Mototaki Underflow, Akita Prefecture The Mototaki Underflow is located at Mt. Chokai in Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture. Although it is called "Mototaki" (元滝, lit. "source waterfall"), the original source of the subterranean waterfall is currently closed to traffic, and the Mototaki Underflow is located about 200 meters downstream. As you can see from 0:42 in the video, the waterfall is relatively small, only 5 meters tall and about 30 meters wide, yet 50,000 tons of water flow from it each day. The fantastic scenery created by the moss and the subterranean stream flowing out of the gaps in the green rocks is fascinating, and surely allows for some beautiful photos to share on Instagram. Recommended Sightseeing Destinations Around the Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark Area Photo:Scenery from Hokotate Observatory, Akita Prefecture 1. Mt. Chokai Omonoimi Shrine/Fukura Kuchinomiya (Chokaisan Omonoimi Jinja Fukura Kuchinomiya) An old shrine, said to be the oldest shrine in the Shonai region, with origins dating back to 1963. It sits on the summit of Mt. Chokai, and there are two satomiya (shrines built in a village for the convenience of worshippers) called "Kuchinomiya" (口ノ宮, lit. "entrance shrines") at the foot of the mountain, one at Fukuura and the other at Warabioka. 2. The Shirai Rice Fields and Weirs This farmland was developed in 1800 based on the concept of rice fields for the Han-School of Shonai Chido-kan by Yadayu Shirai, the county representative of the Shonai domain. There are many innovative ways to heat and utilize the cool spring water of Mt. Chokai, and you can see the fruits of the wisdom of the area's ancestors here. It's a 10-minute drive east from Yuza Station. 3. Hokotate Observatory Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark is also famous for its mountain climbing, and the Hokotate Observatory is a popular tourist spot where you can enjoy the magnificent view of Mt. Chokai. The observatory is located at the fifth station of the mountain, which can be reached by car, so it's possible to stop by during your drive, and there are a number of mountain lodges on the way to the summit, so you can take breaks as you go. When climbing the mountain, we recommend asking for a mountain guide or participate in a geotour so that you can learn more about Mt. Chokai. 4. Chokai Blue Line Chokai Blue Line is a mountainous road that rises from zero to 1,100 meters above sea level, and during the fall, amongst the autumn foliage, it offers a spectacular view worthy of any bucket list. Summary of Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark Photo:Mototaki Underflow, Akita Prefecture Mt. Chokai and Tobishima Geopark has become a nature-rich spot called "緑のダム" (The Green Dam) due to the planting of beech trees by the townspeople to preserve water quality and purify the water source. In addition to sightseeing, be sure to try some gourmet foods like delicious Akita Iwagaki Oysters, which contain many minerals from the spring water! 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Chokai https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298237-d1397297-Reviews-Mt_Chokai-Tohoku.html -
Video article 1:47
Meet the Craftsman That Has Been Crafting Intricate Bunraku Puppet Heads for 40 Years! This Interview With an Awa Deko Ningyo Puppet Maker Will Make You Fall in Love With Ningyo Joruri!
Traditional Crafts- 319 plays
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Yoichiro Amari - 40 Years a Puppet Craftsman This video, titled "Making Puppet Ningyo Joruri and Bunraku Puppet Heads for 40 Years|nippon.com" (人形浄瑠璃、文楽の人形の首(デコ)を作り続けて40年 | nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com." This video is an interview with Amari Yoichiro, an Awa Deko craftsman who is known by the name "Ningyo Yo" (Yoichiro). In the interview, he talks about interesting stories and how the heads are made. Bunraku, also known as Ningyo Joruri, is a form of traditional theater Japanese puppet. "Bunraku" has been registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Ningyo Joruri has received a lot of attention. Let's take a look at the interview with "Ningyo Yo," an Awa Deko craftsman who inherited the traditional performing art, Ningyo Joruri. After watching this video, you'll surely be captivated by Ningyo Joruri. Keeping Ningyo Joruri Alive Source :YouTube screenshot Ningyo Yo (Yoichiro Amari), interviewed in the video, was born in Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku in 1945. In 1974, he entered Ningyo Tsuneo and honed his skills as a specialist in making Ningyo Joruri. In 1984, he was certified as an Awa Deko Ningyo Production Preservation Society (master), and in 2006, he was recognized as a Tokushima Prefecture Outstanding Technician "Master Craftsman of Awa" by Tokushima Prefecture In 2007, he was appointed as the Awa Deko Ningyo Writers Association (Vice Chairman), and is currently active as the Awa Ningyo Joruri Promotion Association (Director). The technique of making cleverly designed dolls based on photographs and other information is highly regarded, and he receives requests to make and restore dolls from all over Japan. In the video, you can see the contraptions that give the dolls their detailed expressions at 0:14. What Is Ningyo Joruri and When Did It Start? Source :YouTube screenshot Ningyo Joruri is a play in which the music from gidayu-bushi is performed together with shamisen and puppets. The stories are presented in a fun way with narrative and other elements. Ningyo Joruri started at the end of the Azuchi-Momoyama period more than 400 years ago and developed in the early Edo period. Later, Gidayu Takemoto, a native of Awaji Island, founded the Bunraku Theater in Osaka's Dotonbori district, where the theatre's form was developed and it spread around Osaka as "Bunraku." Among the many performances, "Sonezaki Shinju" (The Love Suicides at Sonezaki), which depicts the hearts of men and women by Chikamatsu Monzaemon, is one of the most representative performances. The skillful manipulation of the puppets using wigs, props, swords, fans, umbrellas, etc. has been accepted by the common people and is loved by many even today. In 1955, it was designated an Important Intangible Cultural Property of Japan, and in 2008, it was registered as an Intangible World Heritage under "Bunraku," and its name has spread throughout the world. Ningyo Joruri Introduction Summary Source :YouTube screenshot In this article we introduced Ningyo Joruri. The puppet theatre, which started as a form of entertainment, has attracted a lot of attention worldwide in modern times. It has also attracted many people in places such as Kyoto, as a Shinto ritual. There is also a Kabuki performance from Ningyo Joruri. We hope this video has sparked your interest in the history and culture of Ningyo Joruri. At the National Bunraku Theater and the National Theater of Japan, it's easy for beginners to puppet theatre to watch as there are earphone guides to help you understand. Why not enjoy some traditional Japanese puppet theatre and make your experience in Japan even more memorable? -
Video article 14:29
New information on "Mononoke no Sato" and "Witches' Valley" at Ghibli Park in Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture! The long-awaited theme park for Ghibli fans will finally open in Aichi Prefecture in the fall of 2022!
News Things to Do Travel- 168 plays
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Ghibli Park "Mononoke no Sato" and "Witches' Valley" in Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture Video Introduction This video, titled "[Ghibli] Latest Information "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches" – An Interview with Director Goro Miyazaki! A Perfect Recreation of Whisper of the Heart's Antique Shop?!" (【ジブリ】新情報「もののけの里」「魔女の谷」を宮崎吾朗監督に直撃! 「耳をすませば」の地球屋をプロの仕事で完全再現!?), was uploaded by "CHUKYO TV NEWS" (中京テレビNEWS). The theme park "Ghibli Park," scheduled to open on November 1, 2022, is drawing a lot of attention right now. The latest information on the Mononoke Village and Valley of Witches areas within the park is presented in the form of an interview with director Goro Miyazaki, the son of Hayao Miyazaki. Information on Ghibli Park - Opening Dates, Location, Etc. Photo:An aerial view of Aichi Earth Expo Memorial Park in Aichi, Japan, taken via drone Ghibli Park is a park that recreates the world of Studio Ghibli. The park is located in Aichi Expo Memorial Park in Nagakute, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai Region. There are no big attractions or rides at the park, and it's a place where visitors can explore forests and paths while feeling the wind on their skin and discovering hidden secrets. The fact that the park is built together with the forest shows how much importance is placed on the Ghibli worldview. Ghibli Park is divided into five areas, which will be opened sequentially by completion date. The first phase of the park will open on November 1, 2022 and will include the "Hill of Youth," "Dondoko Forest," where Satsuki and Mei's house from "My Neighbor Totoro" is located, and "Ghibli's Grand Warehouse," which will house various exhibits of Studio Ghibli works. The second phase is scheduled to open in the fall of 2023 with "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches." Check out the official website for detailed opening dates and a map of the park. Mononoke Village – Scheduled to Launch in 2023 Source :YouTube screenshot The Mononoke Village area is scheduled to open approximately one year after the November 2022 opening. In Mononoke Village, visitors will be able to see facilities that appeared in the movie "Princess Mononoke" as well as objects made based on the characters in the movie. During the interview, director Goro Miyazaki says that objects (playground equipment) will be made in the likeness of the demons/cursed gods in Princess Mononoke, and that they will also be climbable. In addition, visitors can enjoy a hands-on learning experience at "Irontown," where iron is extracted from iron sand, and a charcoal-making hut is also under construction. Valley of Witches – Scheduled to Launch in 2024 Source :YouTube screenshot Following Mononoke Village, Valley of Witches is scheduled to open. It has been announced that the Okino residence where Kiki, the main character in the movie "Kiki's Delivery Service," was born and raised will be constructed, and the room where Kiki packed her bags will be faithfully reproduced as well. The "Gütiokipänjä Bakery," where Kiki and her black cat Jiji lived, will have a store as well as an attic. According to an interview with director Goro Miyazaki, the "Gütiokipänjä Bakery" will actually sell bread baked in a stone oven. The opening of Valley of the Witches is surely something to look forward to! The 'Hill of Youth' – A Faithful Recreation of the Antique Shop Featured in 'Whisper of the Heart' Source :YouTube screenshot The "Hill of Youth" will open prior to "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches." There, the antique shop from the movie Whisper of the Heart will be recreated. The shop is built by Tatsuya Yamada, an architect specializing in wooden structures, and Takeshi Nakamura, a carpenter, who reviewed the work dozens of times, paying close attention to the smallest details. One example of the attention to detail was shared in the interview as well. It's mentioned that, in order to reproduce every detail, they asked an abacus craftsman to decorate a part of the balcony railing fence for the antique shop. This shows the attention to detail that went into recreating the structure to immerse visitors in the world of Ghibli. Now that you have this knowledge, you can be sure to look for small details like this when visiting! [Video] 8:00 - Interview with Yamada and Nakamura Admission Fees, Tickets, and Free Areas at Ghibli Park Ghibli Park requires a reservation for each area with specific dates and times. Please check the official Ghibli Park website for up-to-date admission fees and pricing for each area. Tickets are scheduled to go on sale in August, and will be available for purchase through Boo-Woo Tickets (Boo-Wooチケット) and other means. In addition, Ghibli Park will also have a free area with playground equipment inspired by "The Cat Returns." This is great information for those who live nearby with young children or those planning on visiting the area with kids. 【Official Website】Ghibli Park https://ghibli-park.jp/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Aichi Expo Memorial Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121224-d1309786-Reviews-Expo_2005_Aichi_Commemorative_Park-Nagakute_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 5:11
The Keyhole-Shaped Tumulus Listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site in Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture Is a Popular Historical Tourist Attraction. Check Out Retro Spots Like Daikoku Temple and Shirotori Shrine!
Local PR- 35 plays
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大阪府羽曳野市の魅力を紹介した動画について こちらの動画は「羽曳野市 公式YouTubeチャンネル」が公開した「Osaka:Half a day Spent in Habikino City」です。 大阪府羽曳野市には大黒寺や誉田八幡宮などの観光スポットが様々あります。 自転車を使えば、わずか半日程度で、大阪府羽曳野市の観光を満喫できます。 大阪府羽曳野市とは 大阪府羽曳野市は大阪市の南東部に位置しています。 大阪府羽曳野市を訪れるには新幹線で新大阪駅よりバスや電車などで向かうか、伊丹空港から大阪市内へ向かい、その後にバスや電車で向かうことになります。 大阪と言えばグルメランキングでたこ焼きやお好み焼き、串カツなどのグルメは有名。 そして大阪府羽曳野市周辺はたこ焼きやお好み焼き以外に焼き鳥やステーキなどを堪能できる店が多くあります。 大阪府羽曳野市が誇る特産品について 明治時代に大阪府羽曳野市一帯でぶどう栽培が盛んでした。 農業振興策の一環として、ぶどうを使ってのワイン造りが行われ、やがて大阪を代表するワインの生産地として有名になったのです。 ワインに適したぶどうの品種改良はこの頃から行われていたのです。 またワイン以外にも和菓子がおいしいことで評判なのが大阪府羽曳野市の特徴でもあります。 大阪府羽曳野市の名所及び世界文化遺産登録された古墳について 動画の1:50より紹介されている大阪府羽曳野市にある古墳は古市古墳群(遺跡古市古墳群)に含まれており、2019年7月6日の第43回世界遺産委員会にて世界文化遺産登録が決定しました。 これを受けて、古墳に関する観光ツアーが増加傾向にあります。 また翠鳥園遺跡公園には、旧石器時代の跡があり、旧石器人のアトリエもあります。 考古学に興味がある方は外せない観光スポットと言えるでしょう。 大阪府羽曳野市内のお寺や神社を自転車で巡ってみよう 大阪府羽曳野市内には多数のお寺や神社が点在していており、誉田八幡宮という神社から野中寺・法泉寺・大黒寺・西琳寺などを大阪府羽曳野市観光で外せないお寺がたくさんあります。 大阪府羽曳野市紹介まとめ 人気の観光スポットが盛りだくさんの大阪府羽曳野市。 この動画をご覧になるときっと大阪府羽曳野市に実際に訪れてみたいと思うはずです。 -
Video article 3:03
The Niyodo River in Shikoku Is Famous for Having the Clearest Waters of All Rivers in Japan! Enjoy the Mystical World of the Crystal Clear Waters Coined "Niyodo Blue"!
Nature- 182 plays
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Niyodo River: The Best Water Quality in Japan! This video, titled "[4K] 仁淀ブルー:奇跡の清流 仁淀川(高知県 仁淀川水系)Niyodo River,the best water quality river in Japan.," was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." When asked about famous rivers in the Shikoku region, most people picture the Shimanto River (四万十川, shimantogawa), but did you know there is an even prettier river in the area? I'm of course referring to the Niyodo River. As the third largest river in Shikoku, after the Shimanto River and Yoshino River (吉野川, yoshinogawa), it ranks number one year after year as the river with the best water quality in Japan. As you can see in the video, the crystal clear water of the Niyodo River is absolutely stunning and has been given the name "Niyodo Blue" after its mystical blue color. In the video, you can enjoy viewing the river from both above and below the surface of the water! Serpent Sanctuaries and Instagrammable Spots Near the Niyodo River Photo:Niko Deep, Kochi Prefecture Mt. Ishizuchi's (石鎚山, ishizuchisan) Omogo River in Ehime Prefecture (愛媛県, ehimeken) is the main water source for the Niyodo River and the streams that run through the valleys of Kochi Prefecture (高知県, kouchiken). Niyodo River is 124 kilometers long and has a surface area of 1,560 square kilometers. The river runs through mainly mountainous regions and the combination of both the beautiful natural surroundings and stunning blue color of the river makes the area very picturesque. From 1:50 in the video, you can see the basin of "Nikobuchi" (にこ淵), which is thought to be the home of the legendary eight-headed serpent Yamata no Orochi. On a sunny day during the hours of 11 am and 3 pm, the light shines directly into the pool and the blue color of the river is even more prominent. We highly recommend visiting Nakatsu Gorge (中津渓谷, nakatsukeikoku) and Yasui Gorge (安居渓谷, yasuikeikoku) during the fall to see the beautiful scenery. There are many beautiful spots along Nakatsu Gorge, such as Uryu Falls (雨竜の滝, uryuunotaki), Momiji Falls (もみじだき) and Ryugubuchi (竜宮淵). The special rocks called "Ishibashira" (石柱) are another great sightseeing spot. The pool of water known as "Suishobuchi" (水晶淵) along Yasui Gorge changes color from blue to green depending on the season and time of day. The contrasting colors of the fall foliage and the river attracts many visitors and the area has become a very popular tourist destination. In the second half of the video, from 2:09, you can see some of the low-water crossings found along Niyodo River. A distinguishing feature of these types of bridges is that they have no sides or guard rails, which allows them to blend easily into the surrounding nature creating a beautiful landscape. The Niyodo River Is Popular Among Both Locals and Tourists! Photo:Niyodo River, Kochi Prefecture In recent years the number of tourists visiting the Niyodo River has increased dramatically, but the river is still just as popular among the locals. The Niyodo River area has a population of approximately 110,000. In the middle reaches of the river, there's the multi-purpose Odo Dam (大渡ダム) and facilities for flood control and power supply development, which support the lives of people living in harmony with the Niyodo River. There are also several campsites in the area for those who'd like to spend the night in the beautiful outdoors. There are many fun activities to take part in, such as canoeing and rafting or you can simply go for a swim. There is also a stone skipping competition held here each year. The locals can often be seen playing in the river. In 2002, the Niyodo River was the most visited river in Japan. Not only is it the most beautiful river in Japan, it's also the most loved river by its locals. Summary of the Niyodo River Photo:The Niyodo River and a low-water crossing, Kochi Prefecture The mystical blue water of the Niyodo River captivates all who look upon it. The majority of the river is surrounded by mountains making it fairly difficult to access via public transportation. We recommend renting a car or taking a trip to the river by bike! There is a roadside station near the river with hot spring facilities where you can also spend the night, a perfect place to relax after a long day of sightseeing. For those who don't have a valid driver's license in Japan but still wish to visit the Niyodo River, please check out the Niyodo River Tourist Association (仁淀川観光協会, niyodogawa kankou kyoukai) website for more information on how to access the river via public transport (※Unfortunately the website is only in Japanese). Some of the roads from the car park to the spots introduced in the video can be slippery so please be careful when walking. If you still haven't yet, be sure to enjoy the mystical world of the beautiful, blue Niyodo River in the video. 【Tripadvisor】Niyodo River https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298233-d10383500-Reviews-Niyodo_River-Kochi_Prefecture_Shikoku.html -
Video article 8:27
The Beautiful Natural Scenery of Miyagi Prefecture, Engulfed in a Gentle Glow! Introducing Popular Destinations in Japan's Tohoku Region!
Local PR Travel- 48 plays
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The Beautiful Sights of Miyagi Prefecture This video, titled "A Journey to the Light|Miyagi Prefecture|Long Version" (光に出会う旅 宮城県 ロングバージョン), was released by Miyagi Tourism. If you're thinking of going sightseeing to feel the unique essence of Japan, then why not come and feel the light of Japan in Miyagi prefecture. Miyagi Prefecture offers a variety of events and unique cherry blossom viewing spots. It's a great place to get a taste of Japanese tradition and culture. Enjoy the breathtaking atmosphere in the video. Cherry Blossoms in Miyagi Prefecture If you're looking to enjoy the cherry blossoms in Miyagi Prefecture, we recommend checking out the Hitome Senbonzakura (一目千本桜) at the Shiroishi River Bank in Shibata, Miyagi. The 1,200 cherry trees, mainly yoshino cherry trees, are a sight to behold. During the cherry blossom festival at Shiraishi Park, the cherry blossoms are lit up at night, making it a great place for taking Instagram pics! You can feel the unique and fantastic atmosphere of the illuminated cherry blossoms in the video as well. The combination of the cherry blossoms and lights at night create a fantastical atmosphere. Events to enjoy in Miyagi Prefecture When most people hear Miyagi Prefecture, they think of the Sendai Tanabata Festival, the number one Tanabata festival in Japan. Every year, thousands of tourists flock to this festival.But that's not all that Miyagi has to offer. At the Sairi Night of Illusions (齋理幻夜) in Marumori, countless lanterns are decorated to create a fantastic atmosphere reminiscent of the Taisho era. A lantern floating ceremony is also held in Matsushima. Miyagi Prefecture is full of events. If you plan your trip to line up with the events and festivals, you're sure to have an amazing time! Enjoy the Flavors of Miyagi Prefecture Gourmet food is an essential part of sightseeing in Miyagi Prefecture. That being said, one dish we recommend is wasabi-don (a bowl of rice topped with wasabi and other ingredients). It's delicious just with fresh wasabi, but sometimes it's served with beef, so it's a must-try dish when visiting Miyagi Prefecture. There are also other specialties, such as Sendai Seri (Japanese parsley) Hot Pot, and if you fancy yourself some spirits, you'll definitely enjoy it with some sake, such as Abe Kan, Hakurakusei, Hagi no Tsuru, or Ichinokura! Enjoying Nature in Miyagi Prefecture When traveling in Miyagi Prefecture, the great outdoors are a major appeal of the area. Speaking of nature in Miyagi Prefecture, the the Matsushima Archipelago is one of the three most scenic spots in Japan. In addition, there are many tourist attractions such as Kabukuri-numa, Anbasan (Anba Mountain), Saga-kei Gorge, and more. Summary of Sightseeing Destinations in Miyagi Prefecture In Miyagi Prefecture, you can enjoy delicious food while enjoying nature and Japanese culture through various events. There are too many places to cover everything in one article. Come to Miyagi Prefecture and experience the awesomeness of it all for yourself! -
Video article 4:06
Discover the Origins of Christianity in Japan on the Amakusa Islands in Kumamoto Prefecture! This Historic Location for Christianity in Japan Is a Popular Tourist Attraction Registered as a World Heritage Site
Local PR Travel- 85 plays
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The Christian Town on the Amakusa Islands of Kyushu This video, titled "'Kyushu Heritages for Tomorrow' Kumamoto 'Amakusa Islands'" ([明日の遺産 九州] 熊本「天草諸島」), was released by "Nippon Archives." It introduces the charm and traditional culture of the Amakusa Islands in Kyushu. The Amakusa Islands are a group of 120 islands that extends across Kumamoto and Kagoshima prefectures in western Kyushu. This area was where the historic Amakusa-Shimabara Rebellion, said to be Japan's largest rebellion, took place approximately 400 years ago. In 2018, "Hidden Christian Sites in Nagasaki and the Amakusa Region" was registered as a World Heritage Site and became widely talked about. The Deep History of Christianity on Kyushu's Amakusa Islands Photo:Sakitsu Church After Francis Xavier arrived in Hirado, Nagasaki in 1549 and preached Christianity, the western area of Kyushu has become a region home to many Christians. A Jesuit college was also built in Amakusa to train missionaries, and as can be seen from 3:01 in the video, there is a statue of Mary on the scenic seaside, which has become a popular symbol of faith. There were many martyrs in the Shimabara Rebellion led by Amakusa Shiro, and the faith of their ancestors lives on in the region today. When you go sightseeing in the Amakusa Islands, be sure to stop by Sakitsu Church, Oe Church, and the Amakusa Christian Museum, where you can learn about the history of the Amakusa area, remember the scenes of the past, and offer prayers. Recommended Tourist Spots on the Amakusa Islands of Kyushu Photo:Amakusa Five Bridges, #4 Bridge, Kumamoto Prefecture The Amakusa Gokyo (Five Bridges of Amakusa), which link the Amakusa Islands, create a spectacular scene that looks great on Instagram. Gion Bridge, which has been selected as one of Japan's 100 Famous Bridges, is another spot we recommend checking out. At Amakusa Dolphin Information, you can get information about dolphin watching in Amakusa as well. You can see the dolphins swimming in the sea of Amakusa at 0:52 in the video. Be sure to stop by Misumi fishing port, a hidden fishing hole. Local Foods and Hot Springs Around Amakusa, in Japan's Kyushu Region! Photo:Chicken sashimi Amakusa Daiou is a local chicken known as a specialty of Amakusa. When you travel to Amakusa, be sure to try the popular local cuisine "Amakusa Daiou no Torizashi" (天草大王の鳥刺し). Summary of the Scenic & Historic Amakusa Islands Photo:A statue of the virgin Mary with baby Jesus on the Amakusa Islands, Kumamoto Prefecture This video introduces many spots where you can feel the history of Christianity around the Amakusa Islands in Kyushu. While learning about the history of the area, be sure to take your time sightseeing on the scenic Amakusa Islands, a place in Kyushu rich in nature. 【Official Website】What is Amakusa - Amakusa Travel Guide - Amakusa Takarajima Tourism Association https://www.t-island.jp.e.aex.hp.transer.com/about 【TripAdvisor】Amakusa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1023376-Amakusa_Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 14:41
[WORKMAN] Reviewing 5 Pieces of Camping Equipment Under 1,000 Yen! A Full Set of Gear for Beginners!
Things to Do- 27 plays
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WORKMAN's Camping Equipment WORKMAN is known in Japan for working wear, winter clothes, safety shoes, etc. However, in recent years, WORKMAN's outdoor products have also been attracting attention. In this article, we introduce a video review of five pieces of WORKMAN equipment. A WORKMAN Camping Gear Review for Beginners! This video, titled "Reviewing Five Pieces of Workman's New 2021 Spring/Summer Camping Gear! Lots of Gear for Beginner Campers!" (ワークマンの2021春夏新作キャンプギア5選をレビュー!これからキャンプを始める初心者向けのギアが満載だった!), was uploaded by "SLOWCAMP." Workman, well-known for its work clothes, also offers a full lineup of outdoor gear! There is a wide variety of fashionable and useful items available. In this article, we'll introduce 5 pieces of camping gear all available for under 1,000 yen! For beginners who are just getting into camping, expensive camping gear can be a bit of a hurdle. Being able to get cheap, but reliable gear will ensure you can have a good time. The Easy-To-Use 'Compact Hammer' Source :YouTube screenshot This simple and compact hammer costs 680 yen (tax included). The video also compares its size and other features with a standard stake hammer. Despite its small size, it's a highly rated hammer due to the deep indentations on the handle, which allow for a firm grip. The shape of the hammer, however, is not designed for removing stakes. In the video, you can see how the stakes are hammered into the ground. [Video] 0:22 - Compact hammer The Fine-Pitched 'Hybrid Saw' Source :YouTube screenshot The Hybrid Saw, which combines a saw and a box cutter into one, costs 980 yen (tax included). It's made with a firm grip, making it easy to hold and cut with. Compared to a Daiso saw, the pitch of the blade is finer. The saw cuts better than its slender appearance would leave you to believe! The fine pitch of the blade makes the cuts clean and neat. Even hardwoods can be cut with no problem. It can also handle branches and firewood quite well. [Video] 6:00 - Cutting a Branch With the Hybrid Saw The box cutter can be used in a variety of situations. In the video, it's used to make wood shavings for making fire. [Video] 2:54 - Hybrid Saw 'Wide Multi Hook' Carabiners for Hanging Objects Source :YouTube screenshot The carabiner with hook is 499 yen (tax included). Since space is limited inside a tent, hanging camping gear on ropes is a good way to save space. The Wide Multi Hook is useful for such situations. Check out the comparison with a 100-yen product in the video! [Video] 7:40 - Wide Multi Hook Nylon 'Para Mate' Paracord Source :YouTube screenshot The 4mm x 15m nylon Para Mate paracord costs 350 yen. It's mainly used for securing tents and putting up tarps. In the video, you can see it being attached to a stake hammer or saw as a cord. Para Mate paracord can also be used for other purposes, such as wrapping it around the handle of a sierra cup to protect it from the heat of a fire, or to protect and reinforce gear such as axes. [Video] 9:16 - Para Mate Paracord '2way All In One Bag' for Organizing Gear Source :YouTube screenshot The 2way All In One Bag (980 yen, tax included) is useful for storing compact camping gear. Thanks to the shoulder belt, it can be used as a shoulder bag or hung from the waist. [Video] 11:50 - 2way All In One Bag Storing Camping Gear How do you store your camping gear? As you continue to go camping, the amount of gear you have tends to increase as well. It's important to think about how to store your gear so that when you feel like camping, you're not left trying to remember where you put it. First, make room for a dedicated shelf for your camping gear. Arrange your gear at the right height on each shelf for a clean look. Compact camping gear should be stored in storage bags or other containers according to their purpose so that they don't fall apart. Some camping gear can even be displayed decoratively. Displaying your camping gear neatly can also keep you in high spirits while thinking about your next camping trip. Summary of Camping Gear for Beginners Solo camping is popular in Japan these days. Reasonably-priced but practical camping gear is easy to prepare and less burdensome. If you're thinking about going camping, be sure to check out this video to help you choose the right camping gear! -
Video article 7:11
What is the charm of "Fairlady Z," a car that still has a strong fan base? The video produced by a store specializing in old cars in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, tickles the hearts of car lovers!
Transportation- 84 plays
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Fairlady Z" video produced by a store specializing in old cars in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. "RockyAuto|Fairlady Z S30Z 240ZG RB Engine|The Joy of Driving a Classic Car with an RB Engine|Convenient and High-Speed, A Special Tailormade Car" (ロッキーオート フェアレディーZ S30Z 240ZG RBエンジン搭載の旧車で走る楽しさを 快適・快速オーナー様だけの特別な1台を), created by "RockyAuto," is a video introducing the Fairlady Z, made by the classic car shop, "RockyAuto." The first generation S30 series Fair Lady Z, revived in the modern era with an RB engine and the light body of a classic car, makes for an awesome drive. Its cool exterior is also impressive, making this video a must-see for car lovers. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the popular Fair Lady Z. The Fairlady Z - All the Charms of a Classic Source :YouTube screenshot The Fairlady Z, sold by classic car shop RockyAuto, is a practical car equipped with an RB engine, air conditioning, and power steering, and can be driven with everyday use in mind. By refurbishing a classic car with newer features, the Fairlady Z has been reborn to provide a safe and convenient driving experience. You can see an orange Fairlady Z being taken for a spin at 4:26 in the video. Rocky Auto carries Fairlady Z models, such as the S30Z, 240ZG, Skyline GT-R, and the Toyota 2000GT. Although made to order, it also carries the Kenmeri GT-R and Hakosuka, the 8th generation model of the Nissan Skyline. The shop is popular among car lovers, including lovers of classic cars, historic cars, and even vintage cars. The name "Fairlady" was inherited from the Datsun Fairlady and named after the musical "My Fair Lady." The exports are known as 'DATSUN' and 'NISSAN.' Source :YouTube screenshot The Fair Lady Z's RB engine has the performance of an updated version of the classic, making it usable as an everyday vehicle. A characteristic of the engine is that it does not overheat and does not require much maintenance, something uncommon in classic cars. There are various types of RB engines, including the RB26DETT and RB26 Twin Turbo. You can see the engine of the Fairlady Z at 0:50 in the video, and even hear the beautiful sound it makes when giving it gas and when idling. What Are Classic Cars? Source :YouTube screenshot Classics refer to cars and motorcycles manufactured more than a few decades ago. Older models are called classic cars, while cars manufactured between 1919 and 1930 are sometimes classified as vintage cars. Classic car enthusiasts often buy older cars that have been serviced from specialty shops, or acquire them through restoration. Old cars from the 1960's and 1970's were often owned by the younger generation of that time, but they were difficult to maintain were often given away. The rare cars that remain are now sold at premium prices. Summary of the Fairlady Z Source :YouTube screenshot RockyAuto's Fairlady Z is a fast and reliable vehicle that still has that classic engine purr. The video showcases the beautiful vehicle in its newly restored glory. Rocky Auto classic can be customized with engines and turbos to your liking, allowing you to create your dream car. If you’re interested, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 5:36
Catch the famous water at Enryu-ji Temple in Ono City, Fukui Prefecture, and feel refreshed! Experience misogi (purification of the skin) in the "temple of water coverings" to refresh your mind and body!
Festivals & Events Things to Do- 108 plays
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Video introduction to Enryuji Temple, a temple in Ono City, Fukui Prefecture, Japan, where visitors can experience water sports. This video, titled "Enryuji - Ono, Fukui Prefecture" (Enryuji [圓立寺] 〜福井県大野市〜), was created by "The Asobigokoro." The video introduces Enryuji Temple of Ono City in Fukui Prefecture. Enryuji Temple was founded in 1556 under the Nichiren school of Buddhism. The temple has a long history, and is the home of many precious items including a set of folding screens depicting the Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry. In fact, the temple has been designated an Important Cultural Property of Japan. Mountains surround the temple, creating a stunning landscape of natural beauty. Here, you can find Oshozu, a spring ranked amongst Japan's top 100 water sources. As the temple's nickname "temple of the flowing waters" suggests, you can experience a Misogi purification ritual at the temple. Refresh your mind and body at Enryuji Temple Source :YouTube screenshot The Nichiren school has a spiritual training ritual known as "Hyaku Nichi Dai-Aragyo" (百日大荒行), or the "Hundred Days of Asceticism." The current Osho priest, the 33rd Hikyu (日久), has completed this ritual five times. He is now carrying out missionary activities using the temple as a space for prayer. The Misogi ritual of Enryuji Temple involves immersing yourself in the waters while chanting sutras, as well as undergoing prayer and meditation, and copying sutras and sermons. In addition, you can also receive qigong therapy to relieve physical and mental pain and improve your body’s natural healing capabilities. After going through the Misogi ritual and qigong therapy, we daresay you'll feel like a completely refreshed version of yourself. From 1:26 in the video, you can see the members of the general public participating in the ritual. Recommended Sightseeing Locations in the Echizen-Ono Area Source :YouTube screenshot Echizen Ono is an area with a distinctly traditional Japanese atmosphere, giving it the nickname "The Little Kyoto of Hokuriku." Ono Castle (大野城, ono-jo) is located in the center of the city, with a beautifully laid-out grid of towns extending out from it. The cityscape is known as one of the Top 100 Cityscapes of Japan, with many tourists visiting every year to see it. The morning market held every morning on Shichiken-dori Street is particularly popular, and the market has a history that dates back more than 400 years. There are also many hot springs facilities and hotels in the vicinity of Enryuji Temple. Summary of Enryuji Temple Source :YouTube screenshot Enryuji Temple attracts visitors from both within Japan and from overseas. Many of these visitors come solely to participate in the purification ceremony. In the video, you can see visitors to the temple cleansing their minds and bodies through this ceremony. Be sure to visit Enryuji Temple in Fukui Prefecture for a one-of-a-kind experience. 【Official Website】Enryuji Temple|Echizen-Ono's Temple of the Flowing Waters https://enryuji-ono.com/?page_id=17 【Tripadvisor】Enryuji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021155-d15180849-Reviews-Enryu_ji_Temple-Ono_Fukui_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:04
Video of the production of Tendo Shogi Pieces, Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture! Explains the features and depth of the Shogi pieces used by professionals in title matches!
Travel Traditional Culture Traditional Crafts- 307 plays
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Tendo Shogi Koma" Video Introduction in Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture This video, titled "TEWAZA/TENDO-SHOGI-KOMA/Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square" (手技TEWAZA「天童将棋駒」TENDO-SHOGI-KOMA/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square), was uploaded by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square" (伝統工芸 青山スクエア). Tendo Shogi Koma Source :YouTube screenshot The Tendo Shogi Koma featured in this video are shogi pieces made in and around the city of Tendo, Yamagata, in Japan's Tohoku region. Tendo Shogi Koma account for about 90% of all shogi pieces produced in Japan. There are different types of Tendo Shogi Koma according to the way they are made and the materials they are made from, and they also vary in price. The materials used for Tendo Shogi pieces include high-grade Japanese boxwood, grey snake-bark maple, and Japanese bigleaf magnolia. Not just the type of wood, but also the grain patterns are important for Tendo Shogi Koma, with the more beautiful the patterns creating higher quality pieces. Among Tendo Shogi pieces, the most affordable sets for beginners are oshi-koma, pieces with characters stamped on them. After that are kaki-koma, in which the characters are written in lacquer, followed by hori-koma, in which the characters are carved into the pieces, and finally horiume-koma, in which lacquer is applied to the grooves of the carved characters creating a 3-dimensional look. The hand-carved and lacquered pieces, made using traditional techniques, are beautifully finished and considered a luxury item. The pieces used by professional shogi masters in tournament play use Japanese boxwood with carved lettering filled with lacquer that creates raised lettering. The price of Tendo Shogi Koma range from a few thousand yen to over 200,000 yen for a set of the highest quality pieces. Shogi pieces can also be purchased online. The handmade Tendo Shogi Koma are characterized by their luxurious and smooth feel and the commanding sound they make placed on a square. The History and Origins of Tendo Shogi Koma Shogi pieces have their origins in India, where Western chess was introduced to the East. It is said that the manufacturing of Tendo Shogi Koma began at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868) when it was encouraged as a secondary occupation for samurai. It was the Tendo Oda clan during the Edo period that encouraged the manufacture of the pieces as a form of supplementary income. Tourism in Tendo, Yamagata Photo:Tendo Park Shogi Statue, Tendo, Yamagata Tendo, Yamagata is known as the home of shogi pieces. In the video, you can see art shogi pieces scattered around Tendo, the town of shogi. [Video] 0:01 - Shogi Art The Tendo Cherry Blossom Festival's "Human Shogi" is well known among tourists. In this event, professionals play a game with humans dressed in armor and kimono representing the pieces. In addition, at the Tendo Shogi Museum, located at JR Tendo Station, Tendo Shogi Koma are displayed and souvenir goods are sold in the event hall. There is also a hands-on workshop for making kaki-koma, so consider checking it out. Making Tendo Shogi Koma Source :YouTube screenshot Here, we'll go over how Tendo Shogi Koma are made. Crafting Process 1. Creating Pieces from Raw Timber Wood is dried and cut into the shape of a shogi piece. 2. Carving the Characters Characters are carved by hand with a piece of paper on which the characters are written. 3. Applying Lacquer Natural lacquer is repeatedly applied to the grooves where the characters have been carved and allowed to dry. 4. Porcelain Polishing The final step in polishing the surface of the piece is to polish it using porcelain. 5. Mori-Age-Koma To make the characters appear raised on the piece, the lacquer is applied over and over again. In the video, you can see the craftsmen at work in various workshops. [Video] 0:26 - How Tendo Shogi Koma are Made Summary of Tendo Shogi Koma The video displays the beauty of the pieces from the wood all the way down to their feel. It demonstrates the skill of these master artisans. It's even said that the Mori-Age (pieces with raised lettering) Tendo Shogi Koma improve the concentration of professional players. Check out the video to see the Tendo Shogi Koma, a traditional Japanese craft that has been passed down by craftsmen for hundreds of years. -
Video article 5:12
Discover the charm of Rengeoin and Sanjusangendo, one of Japan's most famous tourist attractions, in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! The expressive and powerful Buddhist statues are solemn and mysterious!
Art & Architecture Travel- 249 plays
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Rengeoin (Sanjusangendo), a famous sightseeing spot in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Kyoto Rengeoin Sanjusangendo and Buddhist statues" (京都 蓮華王院(三十三間堂)と仏像), was released by "Four Seasons Kyoto." It shows "Sanjusangendo," the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, a popular tourist spot in Japan, and national treasures housed in Kyoto's Rengeoin Temple, including the many Buddhist Statues it keeps in a solemn atmosphere. In this article, we'll introduce the charms of the Buddhist temple "Sanjusangendo" in Higashiyama, Kyoto alongside the video. You'll be drawn to the magnificence of the building and the expressions of the Buddhist statues, and you'll surely want to see the real thing after watching the video. A Closer Look at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Photo:Sanjusangendo, Kyoto Rengeoin is located in Higashiyama, Kyoto, one of Japan's leading tourist areas. The main hall "Sanjusangendo" was built at the Imperial Palace of Emperor Shirakawa after he became Japan's 77th emperor. The building was destroyed by fire once and rebuilt in 1266. There are many national treasures and Important Cultural Properties in Rengeoin. The video shows the Important Cultural Property "Minami-daimon" that can be seen from 0:13 in the video. The national treasure "Sanjusangendo," is the longest wooden building in the world with 33 pillars in the temple and measuring approximately 120m from north to south. "Taiko-Bei," an Important Cultural Property built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi together with "Minami-daimon," are introduced from 2:11 in the video. At Rengeoin, an event called "Omato Taikai," named after "Toshiya" in the Edo period (1603-1868) is held at the "Toshiya Range" in mid-January. In particular, the competition in which adults who have just come of age wear furisode (long-sleeved kimono) and other formal attire and shoot at large targets is popular among tourists as a traditional event in Kyoto. The Buddhist Statues at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Source :YouTube screenshot An introduction to the Buddhist statues in Sanjusangendo, the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, can be seen from 3:03 in the video. You are not allowed to take pictures inside the main hall, so this video is a great way to see close up images of the statues. The video first introduces the famous Japanese national treasure, "Sentai Senju Kannon Ryuzo," the standing statues of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy." Looking closely at each one, you'll find that each face is different, and it's said that there will always be one with a face that resembles the person you wish to see most. Enshrined in the center of the hall is the National Treasure, a seated statue of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy. The national treasures "Fujinzo," "Raijinzo," and "Kannon Nijyuhachibushuzo" are enshrined in front of the Sentai Kannon statue, creating a solemn atmosphere. Summary of Sanjusangendo, One of the Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot This video introduces some of the highlights of the popular tourist spot in Japan and Buddhist statues deemed national treasures. Access to Sanjusangendo is ~10 minutes by bus from Kyoto Station, and about a 7-minute walk from the nearby "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line. Admission to the temple is 600 yen for the general public, 400 yen for high school and junior high school students, and 300 yen for children, and parking is available for up to 50 cars. In this article, we introduced the charms of Rengeoin/Sanjusangendo, popular sightseeing destination in Japan. Consider visiting Sanjusangendo, a temple lined with historic buildings, amazing Buddhist statues deemed national treasures, and a beautiful Japanese garden. ◆Rengeoin Temple/Sanjusangendo◆ 【Address】〒605-0941 657 Sanjusangendomawari, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto 【Access】Transportation access is approximately 10 minutes from Kyoto Station by bus, or a 7 minute walk from the closest train station "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line 【Hours】8:30 - 17:00 (9:00 - 16:00 from November 16 to March) 【Admission Fee】General: ¥600, Junior High/High School Students: ¥400, Children: ¥300 【Parking】Available: 50 spaces 【Tripadvisor】Sanjusangendo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321411-Reviews-Sanjusangendo_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:05
Amami Oshima, in Kagoshima Prefecture, Has a Beautiful Underwater World Where Daily Fatigue Is Washed Away. Enjoy Scuba Diving in the Beautiful Tropical Sea That Will Have You Wondering if You're Still in Japan!
Things to Do- 128 plays
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Introducing the Underwater World of Amami Oshima! This time, we'll introduce the video "[ 4K Ultra HD ] 奄美の海中世界 Underwater World in Amami Islands (Shot on RED EPIC)" with which you can enjoy the beautiful underwater scenery of Amami Oshima in the Amami Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture. The video was released by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The approximately 3-minute long video is packed with beautiful images of underwater coral reefs and the tropical fish of Amami Oshima, a subtropical climate. Amami Oshima in Kagoshima Prefecture Photo:A village in Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture Amami Oshima, introduced in the video, is the main island of the Amami Islands located at the southern tip of Kagoshima Prefecture. There is also Amami Oshima Airport in Amami Oshima, and there are also flights from Kagoshima as well as Tokyo and Osaka. Skymark Airlines, LCC peaches, and JAL offer flights, and in recent years it has become popular as a remote island that can be visited easily. Car rental is convenient for traveling from the airport! For those who are not confident in driving or don't have a license to do so, we recommend visiting on a tour. Staying in Naze, Amami City, in the center of the island, is great as it allows you to be right in the middle of everything the island has to offer. For those who want to enjoy a private space, we recommend staying at a resort hotel that is a little more tucked away. Diving in Amami Oshima! Photo:Amami oshima The Amami Islands consist of eight inhabited islands: Kikaijima, Kakeromajima, Kakejima, Yoroshima, Tokunoshima, Okinoerabujima, and Yoronshima, and Amami Oshima which is the largest of these. Since it is located in the middle of Okinawa Island, which is about 380 km south of Kagoshima, the waters are incredibly clear and are called "Amami Blue." You can also see coral reefs and colorful tropical fish in the sea around here. It's also possible to encounter groups of clownfish, moray eels, and sea turtles like in the popular Disney movie "Finding Nemo." Many coral reefs inhabit the sea of Amami Oshima, and you can also see coral, such as "Hama coral" and "branch coral" up close. You can see the beautiful coral reefs from 1:39 in the video. In addition to diving, you can also enjoy several experience-based activities, such as whale watching and snorkeling in the sea of Amami Oshima! Attractions and Sightseeing on Amami Oshima! Photo:Exploring mangroves by canoe The charm of Amami Oshima is the beautiful sea, but that's not all it has to offer. On the island of Amami Oshima, Kinsakubaru Forest and the Amami Mangrove Forest are famous. The two of these make up the Amami Gunto National Park, a place abundant with nature. It is also home to animals so rich in character that it is called the Galapagos of the Orient, and if you're lucky, you'll be able to see the nationally protected species of the island, such as the "Amami rabbit," "Lidith's jay," and the "White-backed woodpecker" or Kagoshima prefecture's protected species, the "Amami Oshima Frog." In addition, "Ayamaru Misaki", "Tomori Beach" and "Mt. Yuwan" on the island are also great places to visit. Summary of Amami Oshima in Kagoshima Prefecture Photo:Amami Oshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture In this article we introduced a video showing diving on Amami Oshima. Hopefully this article and video have sparked your interest in the popular Island. Amami Oshima is a place where you can enjoy gourmet food as well as scuba diving. If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the video to see the beautiful scenery of Amami Oshima! 【Official Website】Amami Oshima Tourist Guide|Operated by the Amami Oshima Tourism and Products Federation | Relax in Amami https://www.amami-tourism.org/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Amami Oshima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g14769233-Amami_Oshima_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:01
Roppongi Art Night – A One-Night Art Extravaganza! Experience a Festival of Art in the Heart of Tokyo!
Travel Traditional Culture Modern Culture Festivals & Events Traditional Crafts Art & Architecture- 17 plays
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Roppongi Art Night Video Introduction This video, titled "Roppongi Art Night|Spin-off Project_Message Video 'Right Now, Can Art Revitalize the City?'" (六本木アートナイト スピンオフ・プロジェクト_メッセージ映像「いま、アートで街を元気にできる?」), was uploaded by "Roppongi Art Night - Digital [RAN TV]" (六本木アートナイト・デジタル【RAN TV】). The video contains a powerful message with the theme, "Right Now, Can Art Revitalize the City?" Be sure to check it out. Roppongi Art Night - An Art Festival in the City of Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In March 2009, Tokyo's leading art festival began with the launch of Roppongi Art Night. Roppongi Art Night was held with the aim of proposing a new lifestyle of enjoying new art in daily life and creating a pioneering model for urban development in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The festival has been gaining popularity year after year as a one-night-only art festival that allows visitors to experience the extraordinary by arranging a variety of artworks, not only contemporary art, but also design and music, throughout Roppongi, where various commercial and cultural facilities are concentrated. Roppongi Art Night 2021 Canceled Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic Photo:People wearing masks Roppongi Art Night has been held since 2009, but due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, Roppongi Art Night 2021, which was scheduled to take place in the fall of 2021, was postponed to March 18, 2022. However, unable to escape the effects of the pandemic, the Roppongi Art Night Executive Committee decided to outright cancel the festival, and many users on Twitter expressed their disappointment and sadness at the announcement. In response, an online event called the "Inclusive Art Program" was held to encourage people to share the enjoyment of art despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and many art fans participated and had a great time at the events. Have an Amazing Time at Roppongi Art Night! Source :YouTube screenshot The charm of Roppongi Art Night is that visitors can enjoy art outside of art museums. The entire town of Roppongi is the stage. The main attraction of Roppongi Art Night is that everyone is welcome to participate in the event, including those who are invited to submit video works and other artworks. In past Roppongi Art Night events, furoshiki was the main theme, and furoshiki designed by Yayoi Kusama and Takeshi Kitano were shown to the public. In addition, although it was canceled, Roppongi Art Night 2021 was a collaborative project with Doraemon. There was also a program in which participants could enjoy guided tours by volunteers. Rather than a typical commentary on artworks, the program focused on a dialogue with the participants to convey the charm of Roppongi as a town. It was a fascinating program that offers each participant a unique experience. In addition, Roppongi Art Night also featured a program in which visitors could enjoy the gorgeous aroma and taste of Suntory's "Hibiki" whiskey while viewing exhibits and stories related to the whiskey. Roppongi Art Night is an event where the entire town of Roppongi becomes a stage for enjoying art. Summary of Roppongi Art Night Roppongi Art Night is a one-night event where the town of Roppongi is filled with all kinds of art. You can really feel the energy and vitality from the video! When Roppongi Art Night, one of Japan's premier art festivals, is held, consider picking up a guidebook and visiting one of the Instagram-worthy art spaces? Whether you're alone, going as a couple, with family, or participating in a guided tour or event, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Buses will be in operation during the festival, allowing visitors to enjoy the art throughout the night. Special tickets are also available, so be sure to come out and enjoy this art festival in Roppongi to the fullest! 【TripAdvisor】Roppongi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g14129735-Roppongi_Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 6:28
A Look at the New Brand of Fitness Clothing by Popular Idol Rola, and Her Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle in Los Angeles!
Celebrities- 632 plays
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An Interview With Rola in Her LA Home This video, titled "Rola's Happy and Sustainable LA Life! Vogue Japan" (ROLAのハッピー&サステナブルなLAライフを公開!| VOGUE JAPAN), was created by VOGUE JAPAN. Model and television personality Rola, who is now based in Los Angeles, gives us a look inside her home and at her sustainable lifestyle in this special video. Rola introduces some of the environmentally friendly kitchen tools she uses in her beautiful LA kitchen. She also takes you on a tour of her office, where she introduces her self-produced lifestyle brand "Studio R330." In this article, we'll introduce both Rola and the sustainable lifestyle she follows. More About Fashion Model and Television Personality Rola Source :YouTube screenshot Rola debuted as a model and television personality at the age of 16. Her father is from Bangladesh and her mother is Japanese. She was born in Tama city, Tokyo. She works exclusively for the talent agency "ViVi" and is well known for her carefree attitude. As well as appearing on entertainment shows, she also performs as both a singer and an actress. She actively posts messages and videos on social media regarding recent environmental and social issues. In 2013, she launched her own fashion brand "Vasilisa" and has been based in Los Angeles since 2016. More About Rola's Sustainable Lifestyle Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:24 in the video, Rola introduces her current lifestyle in her home in Los Angeles. She starts by introducing various kitchen tools made with natural materials, such as a kitchen sponge. In place of saran wrap, she uses products made from natural ingredients such as beeswax that are reusable and therefore environmentally friendly. Rola explains how she prefers to eat organic and vegan produce and enjoys gardening and growing her own vegetables. More About Rola's Original Lifestyle and Her Brand "Studio R330" Source :YouTube screenshot At 3:45 in the video, Rola shows off some of the clothing from her new brand "Studio R330," which she launched from her home office on June 5th 2020. Her brand's workout clothing, which took more than 2 years to make, is made from 83% recycled materials. Rola explains how she wanted to create a workout clothing collection as she believes exercise is important for both the mind and body. Summary of Rola's LA Lifestyle and Original Brand, Studio R330 We hope you enjoyed the video "Rola's Happy and Sustainable LA Lifestyle! Vogue Japan," featuring the cute and charming Rola at her stylish LA home. We can't wait to find out what's to come next from eco-conscious celebrity Rola's lifestyle brand! If, after reading this article you're interested in learning more about Rola or her new lifestyle brand, be sure to give the video a watch! 【Official Website】Studio R330 https://r330.jp/ -
Video article 29:15
How to Set Up a Tarp - A Definitive Guide for Solo Campers! Works for Square, Rectangle, and Hexagon Tarps Too!
Things to Do- 26 plays
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Tarps - An Essential Piece of Camping Gear In Japan, the Corona pandemic has made it difficult for many people to gather in places with large groups of people. As such, camping has been growing in popularity as a leisure activity that can be enjoyed by families, and an increasing number of people have started camping. Tents are important when camping, but another piece of equipment that's incredibly important is the tarp. In this article, we've chosen a video in which an advanced camper introduces how to set up a tarp. Video Introduction Photo:A tarp This video, titled "The Definitive Guide to Setting Up a Tarp - All the Techniques and Tips for a Perfect Setup! After This, You've Got No Excuses!" (【決定版】完璧なタープを張るテクニックとコツを余すことなく大紹介!これで張れない訳がない!), was uploaded by "" (チキューギ.). It's a detailed guide on how to set up a tarp. This channel has published various videos on tarp setup in addition to this video, but this video is a culmination of all them. The video shows how to set up a tarp without fail, even as a solo camper! If you're planning on setting a tarp up for camping any other outdoor activities, be sure to check out this video before you do it! General Information About Tarps Photo:A tarp A tarp is a large sheet of waterproof or water-resistant material without a floor that protects against the sun and rain when outdoors. The material they're made of varies, but it's generally a heavy polycotton or a light polyester. There are many different types of tarps: ・Hexagon tarps - Hexagonal tarps with two poles ・Square tarps and rectangular tarps for large groups or families ・Wing tarps - Which are almost square in shape ・One-touch tarps - Freestanding and easy to set up ・Screen tarps with mesh panels and many more. Tarp sizes range from approximately 2m to over 6m, with the type and size adjusted to the number of people and situations in which they will be used. How to Set Up a Hexagon Tarp With 2 Poles Photo:A woman hammering stakes The video explains how to set up a 2-pole hexagon tarp. However, the method can also be used for a basic 2-pole tarp, rectangle tarps, or even square tarps, so be sure to check it out. First, fold the tarp in half, place it down with the sun facing you, and drive a marker stake into the ground where the tarp's eyelet is. Place the poles in a straight line from the folded line of the fabric and place a marker stake at the end of the pole. [Video] 1:43 - Laying the tarp down [Video] 3:03 - Positioning the poles [Video] 3:32 - Marker stake Next, lay the pole down so that it is perpendicular to the marker stake you just put down. Drive another stake into the ground 2/3 of the way up the pole, at an angle such that they create a 30-degree angle between the ground and the stake, and a 90-degree angle between the stake and the guy lines. By doing this, not only is the angle determined, but also the distance the poles are from the stakes, making the tarp more wind resistant. Thread the top of the pole through the eyelet of the tarp, followed by your guy lines. Connect the guy lines to the stakes while leaving some slack, then set the poles up and tighten the guy lines. After that, tie the sub ropes in the four remaining eyelets, making sure they're tight. The video also shows how to tie sub ropes, including how to tie the Eskimo Bowline, the Bowline, the Slip Knot, and the Cow Hitch using sub ropes at four different locations. [Video] 15:37 - Tying knots for your sub-ropes Tips for Avoiding a Saggy Tarp Here's a tip for when your tarp is a bit loose after setting it up. Move the base of the poles towards the center of the tarp slightly. This creates more tension on the guy lines. Pulling the guy lines tight will remove wrinkles and creating a nice, clean-looking shelter. [Video] 22:15 - Tips for more tension Choosing the Right Camping Gear Photo:Steel stakes for securing a tent when camping Polyester can be used without the methods shown here, but polycotton and cotton tarps are heavy and can be easily affected by wind and other factors if the angle and position of the tarp isn't correct. Also, because tarps can be heavy, it's important to choose the one that's right for you when purchasing any equipment. Having said that, ropes should be 5mm or longer, and sturdy stakes, preferably 3cm or thicker, are also recommended. Safe in the Rain and Wind! Summary of How to Set Up a Tarp The video explains how to put up a tarp in an easy-to-understand manner with a variety of tips and tricks. It's a great video that can help even beginners put up a tarp beautifully and without failure. If you can put up a tarp properly, you can enjoy peace of mind even when it rains or there are strong winds. If you're a beginner who is just learning to put up a tarp, or you've managed to do it before but aren't quite confident in your skills, be sure to check out this video, as it's packed with tips from an advanced camper.