Video article 2:26
The Samurai Spirit Remains in Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki! There Are So Many Spots in Japan Where the Spirit of Japan's Warriors and Samurai Still Lives On!
Local PR- 50 plays
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福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「Diamond Route Japan」が公開した「【4K】SAMURAI Spirits : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |」です。 動画の舞台である福島・栃木・茨城は、武士の精神が今も息づく地域です。 こちらの動画では侍や武士といったモチーフだけではなく、日本芸能も登場しています。 現代においても国内外問わず熱中させてくれる侍と武士、そして日本芸能。 日本芸能、そして舞台芸術を融合させた「剣伎衆かむゐ」 動画で演舞しているのは、パフォーマンス集団「剣伎衆(けんぎしゅう)かむゐ」。 武道など日本文化とダンスパフォーマンスを融合させた演技が特徴です。 武士と侍の精神 戦国時代に活躍した侍。 そして侍といえば武士道、というのが海外から見た日本のイメージです。 「道」とは宇宙や物事の道理・本質を表す言葉が起源です。 転じて、道という概念は日本古来の信仰である神道へと変化し、武士道などさまざまな形へ変化させていきました。 戦国時代に始まったこの精神は現代の武道や日本芸能にも浸透しています。 日本芸能として残る能 また、代々世襲制で継承している日本芸能もあります。 戦国時代に開花した能です。 こうした日本芸能は、文化の発展に寄与した人物が人間国宝として数えられます。 福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」紹介まとめ 福島・栃木・茨城は、武士道精神が今もなお強く残る地域です。 日本の伝統、そして和の心を知りたい方は是非、福島・栃木・茨城へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 7:31
How to Cook Rice with a Mess Tin! 6 Tips to Make Tasty, Fluffy Rice Using Solid Fuel!
Things to Do Food & Drink- 401 plays
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The Basics of Camp Cooking in Japan: Rice Rice, the staple food of the Japanese people, is also popular when camping. In this article, we'll introduce a video how to cook rice using a mess tin. Learn about mistakes advanced campers have already made so you can avoid making them yourself! Video Introduction This video, titled "[Mess Tins] Tips to Avoid Mistakes When Cooking Rice" (【メスティン】メスティン自動炊飯で失敗しないポイントとは), was uploaded by "Second Lieutenant Nya [Demoted to Rave Reviews]" (ニャア少尉【絶賛降格中】). The video introduces how to cook rice without fail using a mess tin. It's a must-see for outdoor and camping beginners in Japan, as well as for those who have never successfully cooked rice with a mess tin. Check it out! Mess Tins - A Popular Piece of Camping Dishware Photo:Camping gear A mess tin is a piece of cookware used during camping and backpacking. Shaped like a lunch box with a handle, they're made of aluminum for high heat conduction and can be heated with a single burner. They're also compact and easy to store. They can be used for smoking foods, pasta, and even arranged recipes using cooked rice and bread. They're a popular cooking utensil for outdoor enthusiasts with a variety of cooking methods, such as simmering, steaming, baking, etc. The first time you use a mess tin, it's recommended that you file and deburr it, as they can have rough spots on them. Some campers also recommend seasoning to prevent burning and other problems. 6 Tips for Cooking With a Mess Tin Photo:Rice soaked in water The video explains 6 tips to avoid mistakes when using a mess tin for outdoor cooking and camping. Let's take a look! ・Allow Water to Permeate the Rice Thoroughly After washing your rice, you'll want to soak the rice in water for at least 30 minutes during summer and 1 to 2 hours in winter in order to allow the water to penetrate the rice. [Video] 0:48 - Preparing the rice ・Solid Fuel (25g) Next is the solid fuel. Use 25g of solid fuel so that the fire won't go out in the middle of cooking. [Video] 1:24 - Solid fuel ・Next is the water. Be careful with the amount of water so that your rice isn't hard when you're finished cooking. In the video, water is added until the middle of the rivet of the mess tin for 1 cup of rice, but note that the height differs by manufacturer. [Video] 1:54 - Adding water ・Use a Wind Screen Fourth, use a windbreak to keep the heat and temperature consistent. The wind outside can make it difficult for the fire to reach the mess tin, resulting in uneven cooking, so be sure to use a wind screen. [Video] 2:24 - Wind screen ・Place a Weight on Top of the Mess Tin Lid The lid may come off when the pressure inside the mess tin rises. It's recommended that you put a weight on the lid to prevent it from coming off. [Video] 2:41 - Weights ▪ Steaming Remove from heat once steam starts to spill out or there's any bubbling sounds. To prevent the temperature from dropping too low, place the rice in a temperature retaining bag and let it steam for 10 minutes to make it fluffy and delicious. [Video] 3:52 - Steaming Warming Up Canned Goods With a Mess Tin! Source :YouTube screenshot The video shows how you can place a weight on top of the lid to prevent it from opening while the rice is cooking. In the video, canned food that is eaten with rice was placed on top of the lid instead of a weight. When the rice is done cooking, the canned food is also warmed up, so you can kill two birds with one stone! Summary of Mess Tins for the Outdoors & Camping In this article, we introduced a video of how to cook with a mess tin. A mess tin is a cooker that is handy for outdoor cooking, such as when camping, because it allows for easy outdoor cooking due to its versatility. Whether you're cooking with a mess tin for the first time or have used a mess tin before but experienced some failures, be sure to refer to this video to make some delicious rice! -
Video article 6:15
Learn About the Nature and Profound Traditions of Aira City in Kagoshima Prefecture. Introducing the Beauty of Aira City With Stunning Aerial Footage!
Local PR Travel- 96 plays
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九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「姶良市公式youtubeチャンネル」が公開した「姶良市PR動画「AIRA CITY」(full version)」です。 今回は鹿児島県の姶良市(あいらし)を紹介します。 こちら記事では、日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市の情報や、おすすめの穴場スポットなどを紹介します。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地の姶良市は、鹿児島県の中央に位置する町です。 自然、歴史、文化、特産品、温泉とさまざま観光資源がある魅力のある観光地で、鹿児島を旅行する際にはぜひ寄りたいエリア。 活火山である桜島の景勝を楽しんだり、緑豊かな山々に癒されたりと自然が好きな方にとくにおすすめの場所です。 鹿児島県姶良市で自然、伝統文化を思う存分体験し、心に残る旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の景勝エリア 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市には、自然の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 まず、おすすめの観光スポットは龍門滝。 龍門滝は「日本の滝百選」にも選ばれた日本を代表する滝。 46メートルの高さから流れ落ちる滝はとても雄大で、見るものを圧倒させる力があります。 続いてのおすすめが、美しいアーチが特徴の金山橋です。 金山橋は明治12年頃に築かれた歴史ある石橋。 近くにある板井手の滝とのコントラストが美しく、インスタ映えのおすすめの撮影スポットでもあります。 他にも、網掛川や錦江湾、重富海水浴場、布引の滝、龍門司坂など鹿児島県姶良市には絶景を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の伝統文化 九州のおすすめの観光地、鹿児島県姶良市は、伝統工芸が盛んな観光地でもあります。 300年以上の歴史がある伝統工芸の龍門司焼は、薩摩を代表する焼き物として有名。 帖佐人形は、鹿児島県姶良市に残る伝統工芸で鹿児島県の伝統的工芸品にも選ばれています。 他にも、和紙漉きが楽しめるなど、鹿児島県姶良市の魅力的な伝統文化を体験できるスポットがあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の紹介まとめ こちらの動画は鹿児島県姶良市のおすすめの観光地を美しい映像でご覧になることができます。 美しい自然や歴史のある伝統文化を楽しめる鹿児島県姶良市。 九州観光の際には、鹿児島姶良市に是非、足をお運びください! -
Video article 2:20
Mino Ware, a Traditional Craft From Gifu Prefecture. Learn About These Amazing Works of Art and How They're Made!
Traditional Crafts- 34 plays
- YouTube
伝統工芸品美濃焼紹介動画について こちらの動画は「瑞浪市大好き」が公開した「美濃焼観光PRムービー 瑞浪市観光協会」です。 食事をするときに、綺麗な食器が使われていると目でも楽しめテンションがあがりますよね。 こちらの記事では、日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼の特徴や種類、作り方などを動画とともに紹介します。 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼とは 日本の代表的な伝統工芸である美濃焼は産地が数箇所あり、岐阜県の瑞浪市、土岐市、多治見市などで作られています。 お皿や、茶碗、マグカップ、コーヒーカップなどさまざまな種類のある美濃焼は、丈夫で使いやすくとても人気。 デザインも多種多様で様々な料理に合わせやすく、日本の食卓を支えている食器です。 お洒落な美濃焼は、陶磁器の生産量が日本一で、日本人の暮らしを支えている食器と言えるでしょう。 美しい陶器の美濃焼を使って、日々の食事を楽しみましょう。 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼の作り方 芸術品のような美しさを持つ美濃焼は、職人の手仕事によって作られていきます。 ではその制作工程を簡単に紹介します。 まず、土練りと言われる工程で土を練っていきます。 続いてに成形し、形を作っていきます。 その後、天日干しなどで乾燥。 乾燥させる時間は、作品の大きさや素材の厚さによって変わります。 成形し乾燥させたら、700度から800度の窯元で焼き上げ。 下絵を書き、作品の強化のために釉薬をかけていきます。 釉薬をかけたら本焼きで、高温で焼成していきます。 本焼きが終わったら、上絵用の絵具で絵を描いて、また700から800度で焼き上げて完成です。 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼を購入する 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼は、岐阜県の美濃地方以外ではネットショップで購入するのがおすすめ。 また、岐阜県多治見市では美濃焼ミュージアムがあります。 各時代の焼き物が展示されており、伝統工芸品が好きな方が満足できる施設になっています。 日本の伝統工芸である美濃焼紹介まとめ こちらの動画では岐阜県美濃地方の歴史や美濃焼の職人技をご覧になることができ、とても興味深い内容になっています。 日本で人気の食器である美濃焼。 この記事を読んで興味を持たれた方はぜひ動画をご覧ください。 -
Video article 2:40
Video showing the fantastic beauty of the ice bubble at Lake Nukabira in Kamishiboro-cho, Hokkaido! Information on sightseeing throughout the four seasons is also introduced.
Travel Nature- 300 plays
- YouTube
Video Doukai of “Lake Nukabira” Ice Bubble, Kamishiboro-cho, Hokkaido This video, titled "Lake Nukabira in Hokkaido, a Treasure Trove of Ice Bubbles in Winter...." (北海道糠平湖、この冬アイスバブルの宝庫に...。), was uploaded by "Shinji Kawamura." Lake Nukabira's Ice Bubbles Photo:Ice bubbles at Lake Nukabira, Hokkaido Lake Nukabira, located in Kamishihoro, Hokkaido, a town with great natural beauty in Northern Japan, is a man-made dammed lake completed in 1956. Around Lake Nukabira are the hot springs and ski slopes of Nukabira Gensenkyo. These facilities, as well as smelt fishing on Lake Nukabira are also popular during the winter months, when the Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles can be enjoyed. The Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles refer to the phenomenon in which gases generated by microorganisms decomposing plants, etc. that have sunk to the bottom of the lake are trapped in ice as the lake freezes. The sight of countless bubbles freezing like white jellyfish in the ice at various depths is nothing short of magical! It's an exceptional sight created by nature that looks great on Instagram. You can enjoy a fantastic sight of the Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles throughout the video. [Video] 0:25 - Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles When to See the Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles Photo:Ice bubbles at Lake Nukabira, Hokkaido The ice bubbles can be seen from early January to late February, provided that snow is not covering the ice. Since the ice bubbles are often seen in years with little snowfall, if you want to see the ice bubbles at Lake Nukabira, we recommend checking the weather conditions and snowfall. Since there are few places in Japan where you can see ice bubbles, seeing them at Lake Nukabira can be considered lucky. For safer viewing, it's recommended that you join a tour organized by Higashitaisetsu Nature Guide Centre, which will take you to places where you can see the ice bubbles. Sightseeing and Attractions at Lake Nukabira Photo:Taushubetsu Bridge, Hokkaido The video only shows beautiful images of Lake Nukabira's ice bubbles, but there are also various leisure and sightseeing spots around Lake Nukabira. One of the most famous sights of Lake Nukabira is Taushubetsu Bridge. Taushubetsu Bridge is an arch-shaped bridge over which the old Japan National Railways Shihoro Line ran. The reflection of Taushubetsu Bridge on the lake is fantastic, and there are tours where visitors can see the bridge in all seasons. In the video, you can see a series of arch bridges on a frozen Lake Nukabira. [Video] 0:00 - Taushubetsu Bridge In winter, you can enjoy Lake Nukabira's ice bubbles as well as the aforementioned smelt fishing, and in summer, you can enjoy fishing for different varieties of trout. From the end of June to the end of September, the Lake Nukabira Campground, a place rich in nature, can be used! From the campground, visitors can also take a day trip to the Nukabira Gensenkyo. The foot-pedaled trolley train, modeled after the tracks of the old Japanese National Railways, is also popular! Mori no Torokko Ecorail allows parents and children to enjoy a train trip in the great outdoors, which is approximately 1 km round trip. It also doesn't require any reservations! Access to Lake Nukabira ・From Obihiro Station, 100 minutes by bus (20 minutes walking from Nukabira Gensenkyo Office) ・Approximately 77 minutes by car from Obihiro Station Summary of Lake Nukabira's Ice Bubbles Lake Nukabira, located near the center of Hokkaido, is a popular tourist spot where you can enjoy the magnificent nature of Japan throughout the year. This article introduced information about when and under what conditions you can see the Lake Nukabira ice bubbles, as well as information about leisure and sightseeing activities to enjoy at Lake Nukabira. Seeing the fantastic ice bubble of Lake Nukabira in winter will surely have you wanting to see it in person. Be sure to check weather conditions in advance so that you can visit and experience the natural beauty of Japan during winter. 【TripAdvisor】Lake Nukabira https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120379-d8734770-Reviews-Lake_Nukabira-Kamishihoro_cho_Kato_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 4:59
Fukuoka Prefecture's Local Idols Introduce the Charms of Yanagawa City! You Don't Want to Miss This Video Full of Fascinating Sights and Adorable Dancing!
Local PR Travel- 41 plays
- YouTube
九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市をご当地アイドルが紹介! こちらの動画は「柳川フィルムコミッション」が公開した「【柳川市観光PRビデオ】SAGEMON GIRLS さげもんガールズ」です。 福岡県はおいしい食べ物や人気観光がいっぱいの魅力ある日本のおすすめの観光地。 そんな福岡県でグルメや観光も楽しめるエリアを探している人はいませんか? 今回は福岡県の柳川市を紹介したいと思います。 こちら記事では、福岡県の柳川市の人気スポットや、おすすめグルメなどを動画と共に紹介したいと思います。 福岡県柳川市のご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」の可愛いダンスも堪能ください 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地のひとつ柳川市は、福岡県の南部、筑後地方の南西部に位置します。 筑後地方の主要都市のひとつで、さまざまな魅力のある都市です。 柳川の川下り体験や相撲、有明海でとれた柳川産のりやうなぎ料理など、観光やグルメで楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 福岡県柳川市は福岡の天神駅から西鉄電車で約50分で行くことができるので、福岡で観光する際にはぜひ立ち寄ってみてください。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめスポット 人気観光地の福岡県の柳川市には、おすすめの観光スポットがたくさんあります。 まず、歴史が好きな人やパワースポットに行きたい人におすすめなのが三柱神社と日吉神社。 ともに由緒正しい神社で参拝すれば気が引き締まります。 長命寺や沖端水天宮も福岡県柳川市の有名な歴史スポットです。 柳川藩主立花邸御花も歴史を体感できる国指定名勝。 庭園が当時のままに残り、美しい景観を楽しめる名所です。 ほっと一息つきたい場合には、「からたち文人の足湯」がおすすめ。 足湯エリアには柳川ゆかりの文人たちの写真などが飾られており、歴史が好きな人も楽しめます。 ゆっくり足湯に浸かりながら、写真を眺めれば心癒される時間になるでしょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめグルメ 日本の観光地である福岡の柳川市にはおすすめのグルメもあります。 うなぎは食べログで高評価のお店が多く、柳川市に訪れたときには必ず食べておきたい日本料理。 うなぎ料理の他にも、柳川産味噌や米せんべいなどが有名。 美味しいグルメを楽しんで最高の旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市紹介まとめ こちらの動画は福岡県柳川市の人気ご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」のかわいい踊りと一緒に、柳川市のおすすめの観光スポットが紹介されています。 観光スポットとおいしいグルメがたのしめる福岡県の柳川市。 気になる方はぜひ観光に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 2:11
Kirakira Donki - An Amusement Park of Candy in Tokyo's DiverCity! Check Out All of the Trendy Goods for Sale at This Shop in Odaiba!
News Food & Drink Shopping- 237 plays
- YouTube
『Kirakira Donki Video Introduction Sweets and other types of cute goods are very popular on Japanese Twitter and TikTok. Many people are tempted to check out these popular goods, but don't actually know where to buy them. In this article, we'll introduce Kirakira Donki, a trendy shop that recently opened in Odaiba. The video, titled "Kirakira Donki Opens in Odaiba! What's There to See? TBS NEWS DIG" (「キラキラドンキ」お台場にオープン!見所は?【Nスタ】|TBS NEWS DIG), was uploaded by "TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN." Be sure to give it a watch! Kirakira Donki in Odaiba, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot Kirakira Donki opened in Tokyo's DiverCity, a shopping mall in Odaiba, in May 2022. Don Quijote has developed stores specializing in different concepts, such as "Okashi Donki" specializing in sweets, "Sake Donki" specializing in sake, "Cosme Donki" specializing in cosmetics, and even "Konkara Donki" which specializes in spicy foods. Their newest store, Kirakira Donki, which targets "Generation Z," has now popped up in Odaiba with trendy items, such as cosmetics and sweets that are popular on Japanese social media! About 60% of the staff working there are Generation Z, in their teens and 20s, and they select products that are popular on social media, as well as cutely-colored goods. In the video, you can see the inside of the newly opened Kirakira Donki. When you enter "Kirakira Donki," you'll see Don Quijote's official character "Don Pen" painted everywhere, and the ceiling is decorated in a playful style, reminiscent of an amusement park. In addition, large, cute pop-ups and handwritten product descriptions are meant to make the store catch the customer's eyes. These are just a few of the many creative details that draw customers to the store. Goods Sold at Kirakira Donki Source :YouTube screenshot The store has a wide variety of Korean food products, such as Planet Gummi, that became popular on Japanese TikTok, photogenic candies shaped like stars and hearts, as well as juices and even popular Korean and Chinese cosmetics that can be purchased for 500 yen or less! The store features a whopping 10,000 products that appeal to Japan's Gen Z. In addition, they have "Mobile Foods," like waffles and "Beauty Vinegar" drinks for take-out. 4,000 Kinds of Cute Cosmetics and Nearly 2,000 Varieties of Candy! There are about 4,000 reasonably-priced cosmetics sold at the store. This summer's hot sellers include stick-type A'pieu sunscreen in cute colors and bang styling sticks. The bang styling sticks are a popular product among teenagers that helps neatly tuck away frizzy hair during Japan's rainy season. In addition, there's a selection of around 1,800 kinds of sweets popular on Japanese social media, including cookies, gummies, and all sorts of candies. There's sure to be a candy that you'll like! Gummies Galore! Source :YouTube screenshot The Planet Gummi gummies became a hot topic on Japanese social media because of the sound they make when opened. The video even shows an elementary school girl that came to the store with her parents saying, "I'm happy I got to try the Planet Gummi gummies that I'd seen YouTubers eating! The girl's mom, who came with her to the store, also seemed to enjoy herself. Planet Gummi is a favorite in Japan, and now they're also available in a transparent blue color called "Planet Candy." This product was created by a long-established company founded in 1975. This candy is also slowly gaining popularity and is sure to be popping up on Japanese Instagram in the near future. In an interview with a customer to the store, she says "I was able buy some Korean snacks like Planet Gummi and Ozzy Strawberry so I'm happy!" Some of the items are available on the Internet, but being able to buy them in person is a totally different experience. In addition to the "Planet Gummi," new snacks such as "Pop Eye" and "Monster Gummies" that resemble poke balls are also popular on Japanese social media. Kirakira Donki has tons of products that fulfill the desires of Generation Z. It might even become a new tourist attraction in Tokyo! ◆Kirakira Donki DiverCity Tokyo Plaza Store◆ Hours: 10 AM – 9 PM Address: Tokyo Plaza 2F, 1-1-10 DiverCity Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN, 135-0064 Access: Public Transportation - A 5 minute walk from Daiba Station via the Yurikamome Line, a 3 minute walk from Tokyo Teleport Station via the JR Rinkai Line 【Official Website】Odaiba DiverCity Tokyo Plaza - Mitsui Shopping Park https://mitsui-shopping-park.com/divercity-tokyo/ 【TripAdvisor】DiverCity Tokyo Plaza https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1066449-d2696968-Reviews-Diver_City_Tokyo_Plaza-Koto_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 14:19
Tatsuno, Hyogo - From the Beautiful Natural Scenery of the Ibo River to the Historical Tatsuno Castle and Classic Summer Food Ibonoito Somen, There's Almost Too Much Sightseeing To Be Done Here!
Local PR Travel- 191 plays
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Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture This video, titled "Tatsuno City Tourism PR Video (Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture)" (たつの市観光PR動画(兵庫県たつの市)), was released by "Tatsuno City Kouhou." The city of Tatsuno, located in the southwestern part of Hyogo Prefecture, is also called the "Little Kyoto of Harima" and retains its unique Japanese atmosphere. So, what kind of tourist spots is Tatsuno, Harima home to? Tatsuno Castle, a landmark in Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:Uzumi-mon Gate, Tatsuno Castle Tatsuno Castle, a landmark of Tatsuno, Hyogo, which can be seen from 3:07 in the video, is a historic castle standing on the hills of Tatsuno, Hyogo. Tatsuno Castle, built by Akamatsu Murahide about 500 years ago, is small in size but has a powerful presence. After sightseeing at Tatsuno Castle, take a walk through the castle town of Tatsuno, which can be seen from 4:27 in the video. At the ruins of the Tatsuno Clan Head, Wakizaka's former residence, there is a historic tea room and garden called Shuentei. Be sure to check out the Samurai House Museum, where you can get a glimpse of the lifestyle of the samurai at that time. Around the area, you'll find the birthplace of Rofu Miki, the lyricist of the famous children's song "Akatombo." It's a very popular place among tourists. Local Specialties of Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:Ibonoito Somen The Ibo River, known for its rich clear water, flows through the center of Tatsuno, Hyogo. Rich wheat, high-quality soybeans, and Ako salt, which has been produced since the Edo period (1603-1868 AD), are famous in the Harima Plain of Hyogo Prefecture. Because of this, Tatsuno, Hyogo's hand-pulled Somen noodles, called "Ibonoito Somen," and soy sauce, thrive in the area. Called "Tatsuno, the birthplace of light soy sauce, it's also home to the Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum, which can be seen from 0:47 in the video. As a souvenir for sightseeing, be sure to buy some Ibonoito Somen and soy sauce steamed buns. Tatsuno, Hyogo is also known as the city of leather because of its tanned leather made using the beautiful water from its rivers. This can be seen from 2:22 in the video. Called Tatsuno leather, it's been cultivated as a traditional industry since olden times. As seen from 10:59 in the video, the southern part of Tatsuno, Hyogo is a port town facing the Seto Inland Sea, making it a place where oysters and other fishing industries thrive. Sightseeing in Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:Plum trees, Sekainoume Park The Murotsu area in the southern part of Tatsuno, Hyogo, prospered as a post town on the Inaba Highway running from Kobe to Tottori. At Banshu Murotsu, which faces the harbor, there are tourist attractions, such as the Murotsu Museum of Sea Port and the Murotsu Museum of Folklore. Ayabeyama Plum Forest and Sekainoume Park, where beautiful plum blossoms bloom in Mitsu in early spring, are definitely worth a visit. Kamo Shrine, on the beach, is also a hidden gem in Tatsuno, Hyogo. Summary of Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:The Honmaru Palace of Tatsuno Castle, Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno, Hyogo, has various tourist spots, including historical spots where you can feel Japanese culture, sightseeing spots where you can enjoy superb views of nature, and delicious gourmet food. If you're going on a sightseeing trip to Hyogo prefecture, be sure to stop by Tatsuno, as it's full of amazing things to enjoy! 【Official Website】Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture|City Hall Website https://www.city.tatsuno.lg.jp/ -
Video article 4:46
A Look at the Cute Eurasian Red Squirrel of Hokkaido! These Critters Are Something Out of a Fairy Tale!
Travel Nature Living Things- 303 plays
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Video Introduction of the Eurasian Red Squirrel of Hokkaido This video, titled "The Eurasian Red Squirrel Playing in a Field of Pink and Blue Flowers [2020]" (エゾリス駆ける、ブルーとピンクのお花畑は そのまんまメルヘンの世界だった 2020), was uploaded by "Shinji kawamura." The video shows footage of the Eurasian red squirrel eating nuts and running around cutely. What the Cute Eurasian Red Squirrels of Hokkaido Look Like Photo:A Eurasian Red Squirrel, Hokkaido The Eurasian red squirrel weighs approximately 300 to 410 grams and is approximately 22 to 27 cm in length, which is about the size of a kitten. A baby squirrel is about 6 to 8 centimeters long, making it very small and cute looking. The tail of the Eurasian red squirrel is covered with hair that is roughly 5 cm long, which makes the body of the squirrel itself appear larger. The hair itself is very fine, so you can see in the video how it fluffs up whenever the squirrel moves around. [Video] 4:04 - The cute tail of the Eurasian red squirrel Lifespan of the Eurasian Red Squirrel Photo:A Eurasian Red Squirrel, Hokkaido Natural predators of the Eurasian red squirrel include birds, such as crows, owls, and hawks, as well as cats and foxes. They live in nests in trees to protect themselves from their natural predators. The life span of the Eurasian red squirrel is said to be 2 to 4 years, but in some cases, they may live as long as 6 years. In Japan, they have to endure the harsh cold of Hokkaido, but they do not hibernate. Before winter is in full swing, they gather nuts and bury them in the ground to prepare for winter. Starting from around December, Hokkaido is covered with snow, so it's difficult for humans to tell where the squirrels have hidden their nuts. However, the Eurasian red squirrel can pinpoint the location of buried nuts and eat them. And while the winter coat of the Eurasian red squirrel is characterized by its fluffiness, it changes into a summer coat during the spring and summer months, giving them a slender appearance. Where to Spot the Eurasian Red Squirrel Photo:A wooden path at Maruyama Park, Sapporo The cute and cuddly Eurasian red squirrel lives in places where it's very cold, such as the northern part of Eurasia. In Japan, they can only be seen in Hokkaido. They inhabit the plains and subalpine forests of Hokkaido. It's difficult to go to a natural forest to see Eurasian red squirrels, even if you would like to see them in person after watching a video. We recommend Maruyama Park in Sapporo, Hokkaido. You may be lucky enough to see wild Eurasian red squirrels in Maruyama Park, a park surrounded by nature in Sapporo, Japan. In addition, an albino Eurasian red squirrel was spotted on the campus of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and blew up on the internet for a while. Incidentally, the Birds and Wildlife Protection Law prohibits the breeding of Eurasian red squirrels. Therefore, you have to go to Hokkaido to see them in Japan. If you want to see these cute little creatures, consider making a trip to Hokkaido! Summary of the Eurasian Red Squirrel Japan offers beautiful natural scenery in each of its four seasons. In this article, we introduced the cute Eurasian red squirrels of Hokkaido. They look like something out of a fairy tale. The sight of them running around energetically in a field of flowers is quite relaxing. Hokkaido is the only place in Japan where you can see Eurasian red squirrels in the wild. In Maruyama Park in Sapporo, there is a possibility to see Eurasian red squirrels in their natural habitat. If you're planning a trip to Hokkaido, consider checking them out? [Video] 1:13 - Eurasian red squirrels eating nuts Until you actually get to see them in person, please enjoy the lovely footage introduced in this article. -
Video article 10:40
Let's take a stroll along Sugamo Jizo-dori Shopping Street in Toshima-ku, Tokyo, known as "Grandma's Harajuku! Don't miss the strolling video that will make you feel like a tourist at popular spots such as Togenuki Jizoson!
Shopping- 377 plays
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PR Video for the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street, a Famous Tourist Spot in Toshima-Ku (豊島区: Toshima Ward) This video called “What kinda place is Sugamo? Strolling through the Jizo Dori Shopping Street - 4K 50fps(巣鴨ってどんな街?地蔵通り商店街をぷらっと散歩 -4K 50fps)” is produced by “ PlaT JAPAN Ch. ( ぷらっとNIPPON : PlaT JAPAN Ch.) ” to promote the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street which has many places to eat as well as female clothing shops. It can be accessed from JR Sugamo Station (巣鴨駅: Sugamo Eki) to the old Nakasen-do Road (旧中仙道: Kyu Nakasen-do). The nostalgic feel and distinct atmosphere of this shopping street is popular with not only Japanese people, but also among foreign tourists. You can see famous tourist spots or food spotting information in this video. This 10 minute video shows the street from Kogan temple (高岩寺:Kogan-ji) to Koshinzuka - station (庚申塚 : Koshinzuka), the last stop of the Toden Arakawa-line Streetcar. You can feel the lively atmosphere in this street. What Is the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street? Source :YouTube screenshot The Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street in Toshima-ku, Tokyo has flourished since the mid Edo period. The first inn town of the Nakasen-do Road starting from Nihonbashi was located around Sugamo Station. Sugamo is famous as “Grandma’s Harajuku” because many old people visit this town. An on-the-street interview with elderly people is frequently conducted in this area. The access is 5 minutes on foot from Sugamo Station on the JR Yamanote Line, and on the opposite side of the shopping street is Koshinzuka Station off the Toden Arakawa Line. There are many parking lots and accommodations around this shopping street. You can visit there by car as well. Photo:Togenuki Jizo, Kogan-ji There are famous souvenir shops and tourist spots such as Kogan-ji, well-known as “ Togenuki Jizo” and relocated from Ueno in 1891 to Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street. Visitors can’t see the Gohonzon (the main object of devotion) of Togenuki Jizo because it is treated as a hidden Buddhist secret, but it is said that if you pray to its divine spirit, that its image will be transferred to a paper and you will receive good luck. Also there is the “Arai Kannon” in the Kogen-ji. It is said that if a person praying washes an affected part of the body of this Kannon, the affected part of that persons body will be cured. In addition, Shinsho-temple (眞性寺 : Shinsho-ji) is another famous temple in this street. The “Zizo son fair” is held in this shopping street on days ending in 4 (4th, 14th, 24th) . There are many shops and flea markets on this street as well. More people visit this street than usual on a fair day, so be sure to check what days you're going on. Recommended Shops on Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street Photo:Sugamo's Shichimi stand There are many delicatessens or sweet parlors in the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street. You can enjoy the “Fried horse mackerel” of “Tokiwa Shokudo” where there is always a long line outside during lunch time, “Shio Daifuku" (rice cake stuffed with salt seasoned bean jam) made by Mizuno, the “Bean jam buns” of Kifukudo, “Rice cakes” made by Raisindo, and plenty more for you to try. Also there are many female clothing retail shops in the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street. “Maruji” is particularly famous for red underwear that are sold as a good luck charm. The Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street is also a well known power spots. Tamaya Sugamo that sells power stones and natural stones, is familiar to many people. “Sugamon no oshiri” placed at the entrance of the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street is the mascot character of this street. It is said that if a person touches the backside of this mascot character, they will have success in love. Summary of Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street Source :YouTube screenshot You can feel what the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street is like in the video “What kinda place is Sugamo? Strolling through the Jizo Dori Shopping Street - 4K 50fps” . Also you can see the old familiar band of musical sandwich men in this video (2:21). The map of this shopping street into which all shops are included is available on the web site of the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street Promotion Association. Please visit Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street with that map in a hand. 【Official Website】Shopping Street Promotion Association https://sugamo.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sugamo Jizo-dori Shopping Street https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g14134309-d1373813-r377821031-Sugamo_Jizo_dori_Shopping_Street-Sugamo_Toshima_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 13:06
Yufu City in Oita Prefecture Is One of the Best Hot Spring Towns in Japan! The Quaint, Historic Streets of This Popular Tourist Destination Have So Much to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 36 plays
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大分県由布市は四季が織りなす自然豊かな街 こちらの動画は「大分県由布市」が公開した「由布市観光PR動画(An Invitation to Yufu)」です。 大分県由布市は、大分県の中央に位置する街であり、日本全国的にも温泉地として有名な観光地だ。 この街は周囲を山々と河川で覆われた自然豊かな街であり、標高の高い盆地にある。 そのため日較差が大きい気候にあり、冬には雪が積もることもあるほどだ。 しかし、春になると菜の花や桜並木が街に彩りを加え、日本の四季を感じることができることも大分県由布市の魅力であると言える。 大分県由布市は全国でも有数の温泉観光地 大分県は日本でも有数の湯治場として知られており温泉の源泉数・湧出量ともに日本全国で見てもトップである。 なかでも別府市と由布市には温泉地が集中しており、日本全国から温泉を目当てに観光客が訪れる。 大分県由布市湯布院町近辺には「由布院温泉」など有名な温泉が集中している。 「湯平温泉」は鎌倉時代から存在したと言われる由緒ある温泉であり、温泉街には江戸時代に作られた石畳が残っている。 「塚原温泉」は薬湯として有名な温泉であり、アトピーや水虫など皮膚に対する効能があるとされている。 「塚原温泉」は日本三大薬湯に数えられることもあるほどだ。 他にも大分県由布市には様々な温泉があり、旅館の多くには天然の温泉施設が併設されている。 大分県由布市では自然と歴史を堪能できる 大分県由布市は古くから温泉地として有名であり、温泉とともに発展してきた。 それに伴い日本の歴史にゆかりのある観光施設も多くある。 「宇奈岐日女神社」には、「大杵社の大スギ」という樹齢1,000年以上の大木があり、日本の天然記念物に指定されている。 この大スギの他にも30メートルほどもあるスギが立ち並び、大迫力の自然を堪能することができる観光スポットだ。 大分県由布市のシンボルになりつつある「観光辻馬車」は、由布市の田園風景を眺めながら「宇奈岐日女神社」などの観光地を巡る事のできる人気の乗り物になっている。 大分県由布市には「だんご汁」に「やせうま」など美味しい郷土料理もたくさん 大分県由布市には多くの郷土料理が存在する。 なかでも「だんご汁」と「やせうま」は他では味わえない料理である。 「だんご汁」は豚汁に似た料理で、もちもちした平たい麺を入れる料理だ。 このもちもちした平たい麺にきな粉と砂糖をまぶしたお菓子が「やせうま」と呼ばれている。 また地元で育てられた黒毛和牛「豊後牛」や、地元の蔵で醸した地産の麦焼酎なども大分県由布市では人気のグルメになっており、日本人からのみならず海外の旅行客からも高く評価されています。 大分県由布市は家族で1日中いても楽しめる! 大分県由布市は、最近では温泉だけでなく家族で楽しめる観光施設も増えている。 自然に囲まれた「高原美術館」は洋館風のオシャレなギャラリーが特徴的で、ゆったりとした時間を過ごすことができる穴場だ。 また「梨狩り」や「お箸作り体験」などは、子どもに人気の場所である。 大分県由布市の観光スポット紹介まとめ 由布市は大分市や別府市とも近く、非常にアクセスしやすい観光地になっている。 大分県を訪れた際には電車やバスを使って気軽に足を運んでみるとよいだろう。 -
Video article 4:34
Dream Suspension Bridge [Sunmatakyo] is a sightseeing spot in Haibara-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture! Located at the entrance to the Southern Alps, this is the bridge you want to cross before you die in Sunmatakyo! What is its charm?
Travel Nature- 206 plays
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Video Introduction to "Sunmatakyo," a Dream Suspension Bridge in Haibara-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture This video, titled "Sumata Gorge|Yume no Tsuribashi with GoPro [4K]" (寸又峡 夢の吊り橋 with GoPro[4K]), was uploaded by "NOMAD LIFE." It introduces Yume no Tsuribashi, a famous tourist attraction in Shizuoka, Japan. Yume no Tsuribashi - A Bucket List Destination in Shizuoka, Japan Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka Located in Kawanehon, Shizuoka lies Yume no Tsuribashi (Dream Suspension Bridge), a suspension bridge that should be on anyone's bucket list. It is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan, and crossing the suspension bridge over the milky blue lake is truly an unforgettable experience. Originally, Yume no Tsuribashi at Sumata Gorge was used as a path for villagers and lumberjacks to come and go. The forestry industry was thriving in the area around Sumata Gorge, and it's said that there were many villages in the area. Nowadays, it attracts attention not as a road for daily life but as a tourist attraction, and many people visit the area every year. With a total length of 90 meters and a height of 8 meters, this suspension bridge is truly one of dreams! The deck, made of wooden planks, has many gaps and no side walls, making it a thrilling suspension bridge. Due to weight restrictions, only 10 people can cross the bridge at a time. Furthermore, during the tourist season, the bridge is restricted to one-way traffic. Check out the video below to see how the thrilling Yume no Tsuribashi is crossed. [Video] 1:44 - Crossing Yume no Tsuribashi Cherry Blossoms, Autumn Leaves, and Other Seasonal Attractions and Activities to Enjoy Near Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka The area around Yume no Tsuribashi is also popular as a spot to enjoy the seasons, including cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. If you take a steam locomotive from Sumata Gorge to the Oi River, you can see approximately 280 Someiyoshino cherry trees from late March to early April each year. In addition, from October to November, when the beautiful autumn colors are in season, visitors can enjoy viewing the autumn foliage from Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge. The area around Sumata Gorge is an area where one can enjoy the great outdoors to the fullest. Fishing and trekking, as well as campgrounds, make this a spot full of attractions for outdoors enthusiasts. Hiking and driving courses are well maintained and can be enjoyed by families, couples, and friends. You can also buy cute souvenirs at the stylish retro café Seiko Udoku Village (晴耕雨読village), which offers a great view of Okuoikojo Station. You can also have a delicious lunch at café Uemaru or Suikoen. One of the attractions of this area is that you can enjoy a one-day trip to Sumatakyo Onsen. The area is lined with popular inns, where you can enjoy local delicacies harvested from the surrounding mountains for dinner. Things to Be Aware of When Visiting Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan. Many tourists visit from all over Japan to catch a glimpse of the fantastic atmosphere. However, there are a few things you should know in advance. Because Yume no Tsuribashi is located deep in the mountains, entry is prohibited after sunset. Furthermore, the entire tour of the Sumata Gorge Promenade Course takes approximately 60 to 80 minutes, so visitors should allow plenty of time for this tour. In addition, be sure to wear appropriate clothing. The path to Yume no Tsuribashi has many steep slopes and stairs, and is made up of gravel. Therefore, it's recommended that you wear comfortable sneakers. Yume no Tsuribashi is also a very popular spot for taking Instagram photos in Japan due to its fantastic scenery. However, the bridge can be somewhat wobbly, and some people accidentally drop their smartphones or cameras while getting absorbed in taking pictures. Such an accident can really kill the mood, so please be careful. Besides that, it's recommended that visitors check the weather forecast in advance as roads may be closed on days when the weather is bad. [Video] 2:24 - Steep stairs Summary of Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka In this article we introduced Yume no Tsuribashi, a famous tourist attraction in Shizuoka's Sumata Gorge that should be on any bucket list. Visitors can enjoy the scenery of Japan's four seasons here, with cherry blossoms in spring, autumn leaves in fall, snow in winter, and beautiful greenery in the summer. It's a popular tourist attraction where you can really experience nature in Japan. The view from Yume no Tsuribashi is truly spectacular! It attracts many visitors. There are inns, campgrounds, and hot springs in the vicinity as well, so be sure to enjoy it however you like. To get to Yume no Tsuribashi, first take the Shimada Kanaya IC to the parking lot of Sumatakyo Onsen (about 90 minutes). From there, it's a 40-minute walk from the parking lot to Yume no Tsuribashi. Although it takes some time to get there, it usually passes quickly thanks to the beauty of the surrounding nature of Sumata Gorge. Be sure to check out the video to see the fantastical scenery of Yume no Tsuribashi! 【TripAdvisor】Sumata Gorge https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1121220-d1313698-Reviews-Sumatakyo_Valley-Kawanehon_cho_Haibara_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 8:39
Feel the History of Japan in Shibata, Niigata Prefecture! This Video Shows You the Charm of Shibata, a City in Niigata Prefecture You Don't Want to Miss!
Local PR Travel- 46 plays
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新潟県新発田(しばた)市の観光スポットが丸わかりになる動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「新発田市観光協会」が公開した「新発田市観光PRムービー」です。 新潟県北部下越地方にある新発田市(しばた)にある沢山の観光名所を堪能することが出来る動画となっています。 日本の歴史とも深い関りのある新潟県新発田市は新潟のみならず、日本でも屈指の観光スポットとして人気であり、日本の文化を知るには欠かせない場所となっています。 この記事では、そんな新潟県新発田市の観光名所や絶景、古くから伝わる歴史や伝統のグルメ等の耳より情報を動画と共に紹介いたします。 新潟県新発田市の新発田城とその周辺観光について! 新潟県新発田市の中でもひと際日本の歴史を感じさせる建造物と言えば、動画の0:58でご覧になることが出来る新発田城(別名:あやめ城)でしょう。 築城時期が不明とされている城ではあるものの、鎌倉時代初期にはあったことから、佐々木盛綱の傍系である新発田氏によって築城されたのではと言われています。 その周辺には、動画の1:25ご覧になれる寺町通りもあり、日本の歴史を感じることのできる新潟県でも屈指の観光スポットとなっています。 国指定名勝の清水園について! 動画の2:01から紹介されている清水園は、こちらも日本の新潟県の観光スポットとして有名なスポットとされています。 清水園には、日本の自然に溢れた近江八景を取り入れており、その中には日本の国指定重要文化財ともされている足軽の歴史を知ることが出来る足軽長屋もあります。 撮影も自由ということから、自然と歴史が堪能出来るこの観光スポットでインスタ映えを狙ってみるのもまた良いのではないでしょうか。 観光だけでは終わらない新潟県新発田市の魅力! 新潟県新発田市観光ではグルメや温泉等も忘れてはいけません。 動画の3:32で紹介をされている和菓子は、伝統の職人技によってまるで芸術品のような素晴らしい出来であることが分かるのではないでしょうか。 動画の6:14で紹介されているレトロな雰囲気残る歴史深い新道・掛蔵地区では、新潟県の地産地消の寿司等のグルメを堪能したり、お土産を買うこともできます。 そして旅の疲れは『美人をつくる温泉』と名高い月岡温泉で癒すことで、新潟県新発田市を余すことなく堪能出来るでしょう。 新潟県新発田市の観光の紹介まとめ 多くの観光スポットと日本の歴史深い建造物が存在する新潟県新発田市。 こちらの記事で紹介した観光スポットの他にも、堀部安兵衛生誕地、大正・昭和の歴史を堪能することが出来る蕗谷虹児記念館、そして新潟県新発田市が産んだ人間国宝『天田昭次』について知ることが出来る刀剣伝承館・天田昭次記念館等も見逃せない観光スポットとなっています。 毎年8月の中旬には、城下町新発田まつりも開催されます。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事で新潟県新発田市に興味を持たれた方は、ぜひ一度実際に新潟県新発田市へ足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 7:07
Cape Kiritappu - Enjoy a View of Cute Otters Playing in Hokkaido! Observe the Wildlife of Japan at This Popular Sightseeing Location!
Living Things- 2.62K plays
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Video Introduction This video, titled "Cape Kiritappu, Hokkaido|Wild Sea Otters Floating in the Sea|2020" (北海道霧多布岬 ぷかぷか浮かぶ 野生のラッコ 2020), was uploaded by "Shinji kawamura." The video captures endangered sea otters playfully swimming and relaxing at Cape Kiritappu, a place where you can encounter otters, foxes, and other wildlife of Japan. It's a great place for taking Instagram photos as well, so be sure to check it out. Don't forget to follow along with the video! Sea Otters – An Endangered Species on the Decline in Japan Photo:A raft of sea otters The main habitat of wild sea otters is the area from the California coast through Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Overfishing has led to a decline in the wild population, and it's estimated that more than 3,000 sea otters perished when an oil tanker ran aground in Alaska. Although the number of sea otters in the wild temporarily declined to less than 2,000, active conservation efforts have helped the population recover to more than 100,000. On the other hand, the number of sea otters kept in aquariums in Japan has continued to decline from 122 in 1994, and by 2021 there will be only 4 in Japan. Sea otters, which are designated as an endangered species, are prohibited from being imported from outside of Japan. Currently, because of declining reproductive capabilities and aging populations, further breeding of sea otters kept in Japan becoming more and more difficult. Because of this, it's not unlikely that there will come a day when sea otters can no longer be seen in aquariums in Japan. Where to See Sea Otters in the Wild in Japan Photo:Cape Kiritappu, Hokkaido There was a time when wild sea otters were no longer seen in the waters around Japan due to overfishing, but since 1980, there has been a string of sightings along the eastern coast of Hokkaido. In recent years, wild sea otters have been seen in Japan mainly in three areas along the eastern coast of Hokkaido. One is Cape Kiritappu, which is introduced in the video, and the others are Cape Nosappu in Nemuro, which is located on the northeast side of the cape, and Moyururi Island, an uninhabited island off the Kombumori fishing port between Cape Kiritappu and Cape Nosappu. Breeding has been confirmed on both Cape Kiritappu and Moyururi Island. Of these three locations, the highest probability of observing wild sea otters from land is at Cape Kiritappu. The sight of wild sea otters, both parents and offspring, floating in the sea, is both funny and cute. [Video] 0:19 - Wild Sea Otters Swimming With Their Offspring in Their Arms Sea Otters at Cape Kiritappu - The Best Times and Where to See Them Photo:An otter Wild sea otters can be seen throughout the year around Cape Kiritappu. However, your chances are low during bad weather, such as fog or high waves. It's said that the chance of seeing sea otters on a clear day is only a 1 in 3 chance, so weather is also an important factor. The best place to see them is where the waves are most calm. The probability of seeing them is higher on the north side of the cape and around reefs. If you're lucky, you can see wild sea otters up close, but we recommend bringing a telescope or binoculars in order to clearly see their appearance, behavior, and facial expressions. You can check out the sea otters napping and eating in the video. [Video] 1:50 - Sea Otters Relaxing and Taking Naps [Video] 4:28 - Sea Otters Eating Shellfish off Their Stomachs Summary of Otters at Cape Kiritappu The number of sea otters kept in aquariums has drastically decreased due to difficulties in breeding in Japan. Wild sea otters, on the other hand, a species that once vanished due to overhunting, can now be seen in the waters around Japan. The eastern coast of Hokkaido, where sightings are particularly common, is now quite popular. Cape Kiritappu is a popular spot to see rare wild sea otters from land. If you happen to see them during a visit to the area, consider yourself lucky! 【TripAdvisor】Cape Kiritappu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120924-d1553698-Reviews-Kiritappu_Cape-Hamanaka_cho_Akkeshi_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 7:37
Shima Kanko Hotel Hosted Many Countries' Leaders at the Ise-Shima Summit. Enjoy a Luxurious Time in an Extraordinary Space With Excellent Food in Shima, Mie Prefecture!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 38 plays
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伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「都ホテルズ&リゾーツ/Miyako Hotels&Resorts」が公開した「【公式】◆志摩観光ホテル ー 志摩時間へようこそ。ー」です。 美し国、伊勢。 ここに世界各国から愛されるホテル「志摩観光ホテル」は2016年にはG7伊勢志摩サミットが行われ、日本国内だけでなく世界からも注目を集めています。 日本を代表する迎賓館伊勢志摩の老舗ホテル。 クラシックホテルで過ごす美し国伊勢志摩の魅力をご紹介しましょう。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」とは 三重県志摩市にある志摩観光ホテルの基本情報をご紹介しましょう。 2016年にはG7伊勢志摩サミットが開かれ、世界各国の賓客を極上のおもてなしをしました。 もともと志摩観光ホテルは、真珠の養殖が盛んな三重県賢島(かしこじま)に真珠を買い付けに訪れる外国人向けに1951年誕生しました。 ホテルの設計を担当したのは日本の建築家村野藤吾氏です。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」の魅力 志摩観光ホテルは贅沢なお部屋が特徴。 開業当時のクラシカルな客室のメイン施設ザ・クラシック、多彩なスイートが豊富なベイスイート。 コーナースイートでは、伊勢志摩の絶景、賢島の英虞湾が眺望できます。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」で味わう絶品料理 伊勢志摩の賢島は真珠だけでなく伊勢海老をはじめとした魚介類グルメが豊富です。 フランス料理「ラメール」では地元で獲れた伊勢海老をはじめとした海の幸を中心としたシェフ自慢のフルコース料理、鉄板焼「山吹」では、日本を代表する松坂牛をふんだんに使用した料理が。 和食「浜木綿」では旬の食材の逸品を味わうことができます。 志摩観光ホテルで贅沢な食事のひと時をすごしましょう。 豊富なメニューの中には、G7伊勢志摩サミットで振る舞われたランチ、ディナーを味わうことができます。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」紹介まとめ 志摩観光ホテルは日本人のおもてなしの心がしっかりと詰まった観光ホテルです。 まずは紹介した動画で志摩観光ホテルに足を運んだ気分を味わってみてはいかがでしょう。 -
Video article 6:58
Make a World Class Bento With This Recipe Video! This Bento Is Full of Delicious Ingredients and Nutrition!
Food & Drink- 56 plays
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独自の日本食グルメ「お弁当」紹介動画 こちらの動画は「cook kafemaru」が公開した「Japanese Bento Lunch Box 秋だもん。色とりどり~うちのお弁当♪」です。 日本食文化のひとつともいえる「お弁当」 日本人は自分用に、あるいは家族のために職場や学校にお弁当を作って持っていくのが当たり前の光景となっています。 それもそのはず、お弁当の歴史は古く、「お弁当」という言葉自体は安土桃山時代には生まれています。 実はこのお弁当、海外では「Bento」と翻訳され、辞書にも載っているほど認知された日本食の文化なのです。 というのも、海外のランチはパンにハムやチーズを挟んだお手軽サンドが一般的。 そのため、日本食の基本である焼く・煮る・炒める・揚げる・蒸すという5つの方法で新鮮な食材を調理したお弁当は珍しいのです。 さらに、お弁当箱は海外では「Bento Box」と呼ばれ、お土産として人気の雑貨となっています。 海外ではサンドイッチをプラスチックなどのボックスにつめて職場や学校にもって行きますが、凝ったデザインはそうそうないのです。 そのため、日本のお弁当箱の色とりどりのデザインや豊富な形は珍しいようですね。 なかには、ご飯やおかずを入れる本体に加えて、スープを入れて保温できるタイプのお弁当箱もあります。 外食産業も発達している日本において、これほどお弁当が定着し、発展しているのも珍しいのではないでしょうか。 なかには低価格・早い仕出しをうたうお弁当専門店もあります。 お弁当はもはや日本の代表的なグルメのひとつと言っても過言ではないのです。 詰め方にも工夫がいるお弁当 おかずの詰め方にも工夫がいります。 ご飯とおかずを隙間無く詰めないと通勤・通学しているときに傾いて中身が潰れますし、汁気が多いとお弁当箱から染み出て鞄の中身が濡れてしまうからです。 こうして海外と比較してみると、日本のお弁当はおかずの詰め方にも結構気をつかうのですね。 製法にも時短の工夫を 海外では食事を作るにも効率を重視するためか、材料も簡単な調理で済ませることも多いですが、日本では朝早く起きてキッチンで仕込みをする方も少なくありません。 特にお弁当持参の学校に行く子供さんがいる家庭では、お母さんは毎朝大忙しです。 とはいえ、毎朝最初からおかずを作るのも大変なので、さまざまな時短製法が編み出されることも。 おかずを作り置きしたり、冷凍食品でチンしたり、いろんなアイデアがあります。 最近ではおかず用の冷凍食品もラインナップが増えてきました。 また、メニューをどうするかも悩みの種です。そんなときはブログサイトのレシピやクックパッドを参考におかずを作ります。 お弁当の人気断トツのメニューはから揚げ お弁当グルメといえば、から揚げや玉子焼き、しょうが焼きが人気です。 一方で、凝った人のなかには、キャラ弁を作る方もいます。 作ったキャラ弁は毎朝写真にとってレシピと一緒にブログに載せる人も。 また、お弁当は家で作るだけではありません。 お弁当屋さんで買うこともありますし、ごはん持参のうえお惣菜屋さんで野菜やおかずを袋に詰めてもらうこともできます。 色々なメニューを楽しむことができるのでお惣菜グルメを楽しむのもいいですね。 日本のグルメ「お弁当」紹介まとめ 皆さん様々な工夫をしてお昼のグルメタイムを楽しんでいます。 もはや日本料理の職人技ともいっていいのではないでしょうか。 動画では、美味しそうなおかずの作り方が紹介されています。 おかずがひとつ、またひとつとできあがる様子は見ていて飽きませんよ。 たまにはお弁当グルメで日本食に舌鼓を打ちましょう! -
Video article 14:27
You Won't Be Able to Take Your Eyes off the Amazing Skills of the Chef in This Video as He Prepares Ika Somen! The Amazing Knife Skills and Techniques Required to Prepare This Delicious Dish Are the Heart of Japanese Cooking!
Food & Drink- 158 plays
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About the Ika Somen Recipe Video Many people are probably used to preparing sashimi from already prepared sections of fish, but it's rare that people fillet fish and make sashimi from scratch at home. Preparing Japanese food may also seem like an incredibly time consuming task if you aren't Japanese yourself. In this video, the chef demonstrates how to fillet and prepare spear squid, called yariika in Japanese (ヤリイカ), to make the dish Ika Somen. The tips and techniques shown in this video are a must-see for anyone interested in Japanese cuisine! Preparing the Squid to Make Ika Somen Photo:Squid sashimi Preparation is the key to making delicious Japanese food. The majority of people who eat sashimi at home tend to buy it already prepared from the supermarket as the process of making it (filleting squid in particular) is rather complicated. This video will show you how to fillet and prepare squid, a useful skill which can be applied to a variety of Japanese dishes. Please feel free to refer to this article whenever you need a reminder of how to prepare squid! First, the squid's innards must be removed. Place your hand inside the body of the squid and simply pull out the innards. Pinching the fins at the top of the squids body while removing the innards will make this step easier. Next, the cartilage must be removed from inside of the body of the squid. Tips to Make Your Ika Somen Taste Delicious Source :YouTube screenshot It's important to properly remove all of the skin from the squid. Holding the fins, peel off the skin of the squid from top to bottom. With the skin intact, the squid appears red, but removing the skin will reveal the white, smooth flesh underneath. After removing the skin, insert your knife into the area where the cartilage used to be and cut the squid vertically to open it up. If, after opening up the squid, you find some remaining innards, use the knife to remove them and quickly clean the flesh. Next, you must cut into the flesh near the top of the squid to help you remove the thin membrane that is attached to the inside of the body. Doing this will ensure the flesh is smooth and improve the texture of the squid. Prepare the fins of the squid in the same way. Finally, give the squid a quick rinse with cold water and use a dish cloth to remove any excess moisture. You can use the dish cloth to lightly scrub the skin in order to remove any remaining membrane or innards. This is another key tip to ensure your squid tastes delicious. Your Ika Somen is almost ready! Time to Turn the Squid Into Ika Somen Source :YouTube screenshot All that's left to do now is to line up the edges of the squid and cut the flesh into thin strips. This is the highlight of the video! To make the Ika Somen, first the outer flesh must be removed, as only the inner flesh will be used to make Ika Somen. To do this, the chef inserts the knife at one end of the flesh and carefully slices off the thin outer layer. You can see how this is done at 9:50 in the video. As you can see, this requires a lot of skill and experience to do well. Next, take the prepared squid flesh and cut it vertically into thin strips. Cutting the flesh with the knife in a pulling motion, as you would with meat or fish, is one of the fundamentals of Japanese cooking. Squid Sashimi Goes Great With Alcohol! The prepared squid sashimi, or Ika Somen, is usually served roughly mixed in a Japanese style dish. The squid is then topped with grated ginger and lightly dressed with soy sauce. It's best to mix the squid with the toppings before eating. At 13:00 in the video, you can see the squid being served alongside Japanese sake (called "nihonshu" in Japanese). If you enjoy drinking, you'll really appreciate this delicious dish that goes down smooth with a drink. In this video, the Japanese chef demonstrates how to prepare Ika Somen using fresh squid. We hope you enjoyed learning some of the tips and tricks required to prepare this dish. After watching the video, are you feeling up to making your own Ika Somen? -
Video article 4:14
For beautiful cherry blossoms in Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture, visit Hachimanbori Tour!Nighttime cherry blossoms in the town of historical drama are full of emotion!
Travel Art & Architecture Nature- 71 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of “Hachimanbori” in Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture, with beautiful nighttime cherry blossoms This video, titled "Hachiman-bori Canal in SHIGA, JAPAN / Viewing Cherry Blossoms at Night" (【滋賀/観光地】八幡堀夜桜/近江八幡幻想の夜 - Hachiman-bori Canal in SHIGA, JAPAN / Viewing cherry blossoms at night -), was uploaded by "channel WASABI." Enjoy the beautiful nighttime cherry blossoms of Hachiman-bori Canal, a cherry blossom spot in Omihachiman, one of the leading tourist attractions in Shiga Prefecture, in the video. Hachiman-bori Canal, a Tourist Attraction in Omihachiman Photo:Omihachiman, Shiga Omihachiman is one of the most famous tourist spots in Japan's Kansai region and Shiga Prefecture, and one of the most popular attractions in Omihachiman is the famous Hachiman-bori Canal. The Hachiman-bori Canal dates back to Japan's Warring States Period (1467-1615 AD) and the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1598 AD), when Toyotomi Hideyoshi's nephew, Toyotomi Hidetsugu, built a castle and established a town on Mt. Hachiman. The Hachiman-bori Canal is connected to Lake Biwa, and a "rakuichi-rakuza" (free markets and open guilds) system was established to accommodate the merchants who passed through the canal. The castle town was the birthplace of the Omi merchants and played a role in the development of the town as a result of their efforts to make it prosperous. When is the best time to see the cherry blossoms in Hachimabori?What are the highlights of the tour of Hachimantori? "Hachimanbori Tour" takes you on a Japanese boat, looking up at the emotional white-walled storehouse and cherry blossoms, showing different views from willow in summer, autumn leaves in autumn, and snow in winter.It takes about 30 minutes to tour Hachimantori. Cherry blossoms in Hachimanbori in Omi Hachiman are usually at their best in early April.2024 is expected to bloom on March 31st and be in full bloom around April 8th. When you visit Omi Hachiman City in spring, please check the cherry blossom status before going out. Hachiman-bori Canal and Beautiful Cherry Blossoms: A Spectacular Sightseeing Location! Photo:The Hachiman-bori Canal, spring, Shiga Omihachiman is famous as a village of water, selected as one of the Eight Views of Lake Biwa. One of the most popular sightseeing tours in Omihachiman is the Hachiman-bori Canal Tour. The Hachiman-bori Canal Tour is a popular way to view the cherry blossoms while enjoying a leisurely ride on a traditional Japanese houseboat. Visitors can also enjoy the seasonal scenery of willows in summer, autumn leaves in fall, and gentle snow in winter, while viewing merchants' mansions reminiscent of days past. In addition to touring around Hachiman-bori Canal, we also recommend taking a leisurely stroll through the historical streets. Omihachiman - A Town of Historic Merchant Houses and Historical Dramas Photo:The townscape of Omihachiman Omihachiman is not only famous as a sightseeing spot, but it's also known as one of Japan's most famous locations for filming historical dramas. The merchants' houses and elegant townscape, which still retain their historical atmosphere, are the perfect locations for historical dramas. In particular, it became famous as a location for the Rurouni Kenshin movie, and the Hachiman-bori Canal has become popular not only among fans, but also among many others as a place for pilgrimages. Sightseeing and Recommendations Around Hachiman-bori Canal Photo:The Kawara Museum In the vicinity of the Hachiman-bori Canal, there's the Kawara Museum, a unique exhibition hall in Japan specializing in roof tiles, and the Honganji Hachiman Betsuin Temple (本願寺八幡別院), the largest temple in the city, where visitors can experience the history of Omihachiman. There are also cafes and restaurants where you can stop by during a stroll and enjoy lunch. For example, there's a restaurant called "Tiffany" where you can enjoy famous Omi Beef dishes, or "Kihei" where you can sample the local cuisine of Omihachiman. When it comes to cafes in Omihachiman, Taneya/Club Harie is a place you have to check out. Its most popular items are Japanese sweets and baumkuchen. When visiting the Hachiman-bori Canal area for sightseeing, we recommend that you pick out the spots you want to visit in advance, and if you're coming by car, look up the location of parking lots in advance to ensure a smooth visit. Summary of Beautiful Cherry Blossoms at Hachiman-bori Canal Omihachiman is so beautiful that it has been selected as one of the Eight Views of Lake Biwa, delighting the eyes of many people. The Hachiman-bori Canal tour introduced in the video can be enjoyed together with a canal tour of the town. Both are incredibly attractive. Since there's a difference in the time required, if you have time to relax, the canal tour is definitely something to try. During Hachimanbori Matsuri (Hachiman-bori Canal Festival), the streets, as well as bamboo floats along the Hachiman-bori Canal are filled with lights. The lights create a more elegant and emotional atmosphere, making it great for taking Instagram photos. From the top of Mt. Hachiman, visitors can enjoy a breathtaking night view of Omihachiman combined with the lights along the walking path. The Hachiman-bori Canal is a place with an amazing historical atmosphere that has been used as a location for historical dramas. Be sure to stop by when you visit Shiga Prefecture. 【TripAdvisor】Hachiman-bori Canal https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1023564-d1424429-Reviews-Hachiman_bori-Omihachiman_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:03
Kumamoto Prefecture's Traditional Craft "Higo Zogan" Is a Work of Art! To Think That Iron Can Be Shaped to Be This Beautiful! Check Out the Renowned Craftsmanship of Japan!
Traditional Crafts Celebrities- 260 plays
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"Higo Zogan" - A Traditional Craft of Kumamoto Prefecture For those seeking the beauty of Japan's traditional crafts, or wondering what types of traditional handmade goods Japanese artisans make, this is the video for you! This video, "手技TEWAZA「肥後象がん」Higo Zougan Inlay," was created by "Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square" (伝統工芸 青山スクエア). This video introduces higo zogan craftsman Inada Kentaro. In the video, he is seen using the traditional methods of higo zogan to create a chopstick rest. This is a wonderful video to get a sense of the beauty of Japanese products. An Introduction to the Traditional Japanese Craft, Higo Zogan Source :YouTube screenshot Higo zogan is Kumamoto Prefecture’s traditional craft. It is a form of metalworking where gold and silver leaf are inlaid onto iron in order to create designs. Higo zogan has a long history, and was first used in sword mounts and fixtures, gun barrels, obi fasteners, and hairpins. Now, it is used to create accessories such as tie pins, necklaces, hair pins, cufflinks, loop ties, and earrings, as well as stationery such as ballpoint pens, fountain pens, paperweights, and paper-knives. Many types of products are created using higo zogan. With higo zogan’s birthplace being Kumamoto Prefecture, in recent years, higo zogan pendants featuring Kumamoto’s mascot Kumamon have also been created. The adorable designs make these pendants perfect as gifts. The beauty of Japan’s traditional craft is perfectly paired with modern designs, leading to the creation of attractive products. The Crafting Process of Higo Zogan Source :YouTube screenshot This is an introduction of higo zogan’s crafting process according to the video. The object made this time is a chopstick rest. ・Base-making (生地作り, kiji-dukuri) (0:21) The raw material, iron, is cut and then polished to smooth its corners. ・Inlay preparation (布目切り, nunome-kiri) (0:41) Using a tool called the “tagame,” grooves are carved vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. ・Inlaying and hammering (打ち込み、叩き締め, uchikomi, tatakishime) (1:10) Using a specially sized deer antler, gold or silver is inlaid onto the iron base. ・Smoothing the surface (布目消し, nunome-keshi) (1:55) Using a tool called a “kisaki,” areas with grooves are smoothed and polished. ・Rusting (錆び出し, sabidashi) (2:11) Using iron rust coloring, the surface of the product is blackened. ・Rust-proofing (錆止め, sabidome) (2:30) The product is inserted into boiling tea for rust-proofing. ・Heating (焼き付け, yakiduke) (3:02) Heating prevents the appearance of rust after aging. ・Completion The completed chopstick rest is shown from 3:17 in the video. This is all introduced in detail in the video, so definitely check it out. Purchasing Higo Zogan Products Now, we'll introduce a place to purchase higo zogan products. We recommended "Higo Zogan Mitsusuke" (肥後象嵌 光助) in Kumamoto. At this store, you can even try your hand at making accessories. From accessories such as pendants, brooches, earrings, and gold leaf paintings, to pieces of artwork - There are a multitude of items available, so definitely check them out. In addition, Higo Zogan products are also available through the Internet, so definitely try that out too! As for how to care for the products after purchase, use a dry, soft cloth or a piece of tissue to wipe the product in order to maintain its shine. Summary of Higo Zogan, the Culmination of Craftsmen's Skills Source :YouTube screenshot In the video, the process of Higo Zogan as well as the necessary materials are explained in more detail than in this article, providing an interesting introduction to Higo Zogan. There are also many products perfect as souvenirs introduced in the video. For those who have had their interest piqued by Kumamoto’s Higo Zogan, definitely check out the video! 【Official Website】Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/ -
Video article 15:53
Pros and Cons of Burner Pads - Camping and Outdoor Activities With a Single Burner
Things to Do Food & Drink- 197 plays
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Single Burners for Camping in Japan Japan is experiencing a camping boom, and many campers opt for the easy-to-use single burners when camping. Let's take a look at a video to see what burner pads are and how, if at all, they can make your cooking experience better when enjoying the outdoors. Video Introduction: Single Burners and Burner Pads This video, titled "Should You Buy a Single Burner and Burner Pad Together?" (シングルバーナーとバーナーパッドは一緒に買うべき?), was uploaded by "HAMA." Different Types of Single Burners Photo:A single burner There are two types of single burners: unified and partitioned. The unified type has the burner and gas canister in one unit, making it compact and convenient for cooking for one person. With the partitioned type, the burner and gas can are separated, and the burner is more stable than the unified type, so it's recommended when using a large pot. In addition, there are two types of gas canisters: CB cans and OD cans. CB cans are often used in household gas stoves, and inexpensive ones can be purchased at 100-yen shops all across Japan. The video uses a unified single burner with easily accessible CB cans. The Pros of Using a Burner Pad With a Single Burner Photo:A burner pad In the video, Hama-san from Okinawa goes over whether or not you should use a burner pad with your single burner. As you probably already know, a single burner is a small gas stove that can start a fire. It's a piece of outdoor equipment that can easily be used to boil water and cook food when camping or enjoying other outdoor activities. However, using a single burner by itself has some disadvantages, such as not distributing heat well, resulting in burnt pots and pans, as well as being unstable when used with larger pans. This is where burner pads come in. The main feature of a burner pad is that it converts the flame into a more evenly distributed source of heat. This makes it possible to cook dishes like curry, which requires heat be increased gradually, without burning the food. [Video] 4:35 - Using a Burner Pad In the video, you can see how gyoza (Japanese dumplings) are cooked. By using the burner pad, the gyoza are evenly browned and look delicious! [Video] 12:45 - Cooking Gyoza Beware of Thermal Radiation When Using Burner Pads Photo:A single burner The burner pad used in the video is a burner pad by Uniflame, made with a stainless-steel frame and a special heat-resistant steel mesh. The burner pad distributes heat and allows the user to adjust the strength of the flame to suit their needs. However, it's recommended that you cook over low heat because the thermal radiation can damage utensils and also heat up the gas can. Thermal radiation can also occur when using larger cookware, such as frying pans. Although not shown in the video, there are heat shielding tables for single burners. Consider checking them out as well! Should You Buy a Burner Pad for Your Single Burner? Summary The burner pad, which more evenly distributes the heat of a single burner, expands the range of cooking recipes you can prepare. Some campers use single burners without a burner pad when boiling water and with a burner pad when cooking. The less burnt-on food, the easier it is to wash your cookware. If you're thinking about purchasing a burner pad, be sure to use this video/article as a reference! -
Video article 8:17
The Splendid Skills of the Artisans of the 200-Year-Old Eel Shop "Nodaiwa" in Minato, Tokyo! Explore the Secrets of a Popular Japanese Dish That Has Long Delighted the Japanese Palate
Food & Drink- 376 plays
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日本食になくてはならないうなぎ料理 こちらの動画は「Eater」が公開した「Chef Kanejiro Kanemoto Is Japan's Grilled Eel Master — Omakase」です。 日本食を代表する料理の一つが「うなぎ料理」ですね。 今回は東麻布にある200年の歴史を持った老舗うなぎ屋「野田岩」の板前さんたちが職人技をふるううなぎ料理について紹介していきます。 うなぎが土曜の丑の日に食べられるようになったのは江戸時代の蘭学者平賀源内の発想が起源と言われていますが、実は万葉集にはすでに大伴家持が石麻呂という人に「夏痩せにはうなぎを食するのがいい」と薦めている一句があります。 そう考えると7世紀ころの日本にはすでに夏になるとうなぎを食べるという風習が始まっていたのですね。 日本グルメの歴史は長くて深いのです。 東麻布野田岩の歴史とうなぎ職人の実演披露 うなぎ料理の代表といえばなんといっても「蒲焼」ですね。 蒲焼の作り方はいたってシンプル。 開いたうなぎを串に刺しタレを塗りながら熱した備長炭で焼いけば店内は香ばしい香りでいっぱい! しかし捌くのに3年、串打ち3年焼きは一生と言われるほど高度な職人技術が要求される料理で、さばいた後の内臓も残すところなくいただけます。 うなぎの肝吸いは蒲焼とならんだ定番料理の一つといえるでしょう。 動画では板前さんたちがその作り方を惜しげもなく披露してくれます。 名人の包丁捌きは見逃せません。 うなぎのさばき方と焼き方 うなぎの調理法には関東風と関西風という違いがあるのをご存知ですか? 関東風のうなぎの蒲焼の作り方は「背開き」といって、まな板にうなぎの頭を目打ちという道具で刺して固定し、背中から開いていきます。 焼く前に蒸して肉を柔らかくするのも関東風の特徴です。 また関東では、「う巻き」や白焼きなど料理の種類もバラエティに富んでいます。 一方の関西風は「腹開き」といって生きたままお腹から包丁を入れて開いていきます。 焼く前に蒸さずそのまま備長炭で焼いていくという違いもあります。 生臭さを取るために開いたら素焼きにしてすぐタレにくぐらせるので、関東のような白焼きという文化はありません。 ほかにも人気のうなぎ料理には名古屋周辺が発祥の「ひつまぶし」があります。 日本の伝統グルメうなぎ料理紹介まとめ いまや世界中で愛されている日本の食文化の殿堂が「うなぎ料理」ですが、蒲焼のほかにもうな重、うな丼、う巻き、茶碗蒸し、酢の物、肝吸い、ひつまぶし、白焼きとうなぎだけでコース料理が楽しめます。 こちらの動画をご覧になると野田岩の麻布飯倉本店にいってうなぎ料理コースを食べたくなりせんか? 今度の休みはうなぎの白焼きを肴に日本酒を一献!と洒落込んでは如何でしょう? -
Video article 35:26
8 Different Fire Tongs Recommended by a Professional Camper! Snow Peak, TEOGONIA, Captain Stag, and More!
Things to Do- 17 plays
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Choosing the Right Fire Tongs for Camping in Japan Fire tongs are an indispensable piece of equipment for camping if you're planning on building a fire. More and more people are starting to enjoy both solo and family camping in Japan. In this article, we'll introduce a video goes over the different features and comfort of fire tongs. Video Introduction: 8 Different Fire Tongs for Camping and Outdoor Activities in Japan This video, titled "Campfire BBQ [Comparing 8 Different Fire Tongs]" (キャンプ焚火BBQ【火ばさみ8種類比較), was uploaded by "solo camp & camp cooking in Japan TANA channe." Fire Tongs: Features and Ease of Use Photo:Fire tongs If you're just getting started with camping or other outdoor activities, or you're finding your current fire tongs difficult to use or in need of replacement, this video is for you! The video introduces the characteristics of each pair of fire tongs, how comfortable they are to use, and how well they can actually handle charcoal and other materials. Hopefully it helps you find a new pair of fire tongs. 1. Snow Peak Source :YouTube screenshot Snow Peak's fire tongs are 40.5 cm long, approximately 4 cm wide, made of stainless steel, and weigh approximately 200g. They open in a V-shape and can be stored compactly simply by putting a rubber band on the tips to hold it shut. The grip is made of beech wood, making it easy to hold, and the jagged tip makes the fire tongs suitable for campfires and barbecues. They also look stylish. Reviews state that the tongs are reliable even when used with heavy firewood, and that they don't warp easily and are easy to use. Although some strength is required when picking things up, the large opening makes it easy to grab large coals and other items. [Video] 1:55 - Snow Peak's Fire Tongs [Video] 8:36 - Picking Up and Moving Charcoal 2. TEOGONIA Fireplace Tongs Source :YouTube screenshot TEOGONIA's fire tongs are 42 cm long and weigh 390g. The body is made of steel and the grip is made of high-quality rosewood. The tip of the tongs opens wide for a firm grip. However, it may be difficult for some people, such as those with smaller hands or women, to open them wide. It may be better to actually try them out in a store before purchasing them. [Video] 10:00 - TEOGONIA Fire Tongs 3. KONYO Daigoro Source :YouTube screenshot The Daigoro Charcoal Tongs are 28.5 cm long and are suitable for use on smaller charcoal beds. Many reviewers say that they are non-slip and rust-resistant, and most importantly, they are inexpensive. However, some people seem to feel that they are less sturdy than others, or that they become distorted and do not grip well. [Video] 16:10 - Daigoro Charcoal Tongs 4. ONOE (尾上製作所の火ばさみ) Source :YouTube screenshot The ONOE fire tongs are relatively reasonably priced fire tongs. The video shows how the flat shape allows you to grab charcoal and kettles without difficulty. This product can also be used for picking up trash. [Video] 18:46 - ONOE Fire Tongs 5. Captain Stag Wide BBQ Tongs (キャプテンスタッグ BBQ ワイド 炭バサミ) Source :YouTube screenshot The Captain Stag Wide BBQ Tongs also open wide in a V-shape, and require a rubber band or some other binding to store them easily. This is a larger type with an overall length of about 47 cm. They are made of stainless steel and feature a wider width at the tip. The wide tip allows for a firm grip on large pieces of firewood or charcoal. Made of stainless steel, it is resistant to rust and can be used not only for camping but also for picking up trash, such as empty cans and twigs. [Video] 20:52 - Captain Stag Wide BBQ Tongs 6. Captain Stag Dutch Oven Tongs Source :YouTube screenshot The Captain Stag Dutch Oven Tongs feature a Dutch oven lifter at the tip. The overall length is about 49 cm and the tongs themselves are rather large. The grip is made of natural wood. With a load capacity of 5 kg, this product can be used as both fire tongs and a lid lifter, making it useful for those who use Dutch ovens when camping. Compared to Snow Peak, they require less strength to clamp down on something. Some say they're easy to use because the handle is made of wood, while others say it is difficult to use because of the unique tip. This is a product that has a niche use and should be purchased for specific uses. [Video] 23:39 - Captain Stag Dutch Oven Tongs 7. Vieaura Fireplace Tongs Source :YouTube screenshot The Vieaura Fireplace Tongs are 38.5 cm long, and weigh only 15g. They are lightweight, and are suitable for use in a wide range of applications. The long handle is also a good choice for those who are concerned about getting burned. Because the tongs are light and slim, some say the tongs aren't strong enough, and some people with smaller hands may find the tongs difficult to open wide. On the other hand, there are also reviews that say the tongs are easy to use and grip charcoal firmly, so this is another pair of tongs we recommend trying at a store before purchasing. [Video] 27:27 - Vieaura Fireplace Tongs 8. Captain Stag Large Charcoal Tongs Source :YouTube screenshot The Captain Stag Large Charcoal Tongs have a total length of 45 cm and include a stopper for easy storage. The jagged tip makes them easy to grasp objects with, and the grip is vinyl-coated to prevent slipping. Reviews include comments that say the rubber grip is easy to use, while others say the tongs aren't durable and the clip for storing the fire tongs comes off easily. [Video] 30:58 - Captain Stag Large Charcoal Tongs Summary of Fire Tongs for Camping in Japan Fire tongs come in a wide variety of types and at varying prices. Your choice will come down to your camping/outdoor preferences, how you plan to use the tongs, and who will be using them. You can purchase fire tongs online, but if you're interested in a product after watching the video, consider trying it out in a store to get an idea of what the product is like before buying it. Don't forget to check the length as well, as you also want to be careful about safety when dealing with fire. By choosing the perfect camping equipment for you, you can enjoy a more comfortable outdoor experience. -
Video article 2:13
The highlight of Nagatoro Funadama Festival, a summer festival in Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture, is the Mantoro Boat Festival, lantern floating, and fireworks display! Make the best memories of summer!
Festivals & Events- 80 plays
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埼玉県秩父の伝統的な夏祭り「長瀞船玉まつり」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「公式チャンネルさいたまつり」が公開した「長瀞船玉まつり 2018 【4K】さいたまつり」です。 埼玉の「長瀞(ながとろ)船玉まつり」をご存知でしょうか? 観光名所・埼玉県秩父郡で行われている夏祭りで、こちらの動画ではその様子を美しい4Kの高画質映像でご覧になることができます。 長瀞船玉まつりとは? 夏の風物詩とも言われる日本の花火は年々進化しており、長瀞船玉まつりでも豪華な花火大会が催されます。 街の人総出で行われる祭りの準備様子は、活気に溢れています。 長瀞船玉まつりの歴史 「長瀞船玉まつり」の歴史は長く、昔荒川の周遊船の船頭が、船下りの際に水上の安全を祈願し、水神様を祀ったことが起源とされています。 この周遊船は現在も船頭さんたちによって運営されています。 長瀞船玉まつりの目玉!荒川に映る日本伝統の灯火 「長瀞船玉まつり」はまず、「万灯船」の運航から始まります。 18時になると水上安全修ばつ祭と呼ばれる神事が行われます。 そしてその後18時すぎには、およそ1,000基もの灯籠が流され、美しい光の川を生み出します。 19時すぎには花火大会がスタート! ここで観衆の高揚はピークに達します。 万灯船、灯籠流し、そして仕掛け花火やスターマインの光が、日本埼玉の美しい景勝地を美しく色付けます。 長瀞船玉まつりの紹介まとめ 「長瀞船玉まつり 2018 【4K】さいたまつり」は、日本の文化を肌で感じられる「長瀞船玉まつり」を美しい映像で紹介してくれています。 祭りの準備の熱気や、夜に映し出される美しい光景を感じられる動画になっているので、長瀞の景勝地観光に興味のある人は是非ご覧ください。 日本の伝統ある文化に触れたい方は、ぜひこの機会に長瀞へ行ってみましょう! -
Video article 5:54
CB Cans - A Cheap, Easy-To-Use, and Convenient Alternative to OD Cans When Camping IF You Know Their Limitations…
Things to Do- 27 plays
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The Two Types of Gas Canisters for Camping in Japan Whether it be solo camping or family camping, the number of campers in Japan is increasing rapidly. Gas canisters, both CB cans and OD cans, are a must-have item when it comes to cooking while camping. In this article, we'll focus on the advantages of CB cans for beginners who aren't familiar with the differences between Japan's different gas canisters. Video Introduction: CB Cans - Readily Available at 100-Yen Shops All Across Japan This video, titled "[Gas] The Difference Between CB and OD Cans (Which is Better for Camping? Explaining the Key Differences Between the Two)" (【ガス】CB缶とOD缶の違いについて(キャンプでは結局どっちがいいのか? 使い分けのポイントについて解説)), was uploaded by "sugita outdoor channel" (杉田アウトドアch / sugita outdoor channel). Sugita, the camper in the video, enjoys solo camping and auto-camping in small groups. He explains the advantages of CB cans, which are cheap and easily obtainable in Japan, and how they're different from OD cans. CB Cans Photo:A gas stove A CB can, short for "Cassette Gas Bombe," is a gas canister often used in household stoves in Japan. It has the following characteristics: ・Pros The advantage of choosing CB cans is that they are inexpensive, costing only about 100 yen per canister. Their thin and compact shape makes them easy to store, and they can be easily purchased at convenience stores and supermarkets in Japan. Furthermore, in the past, there were not many burners that could be used with CB cans, but the number of burners compatible with CB cans has increased dramatically in recent years, making them more accessible. ・Cons When the temperature of the canister drops below 5°C, a pressure drop occurs that causes the output of the can to decrease. In severe conditions, such as below freezing temperatures, CB cans may become unusable. Those planning to camp in winter should be especially careful. [Video] 0:42 - CB Cans OD Cans Photo:An OD can An OD can, short for "Outdoor can," is a gas canister designed for outdoor use. Compared to CB cans, which are long and narrow, OD cans are characterized by their sturdier shape. ・Pros OD cans can be used in colder conditions, such as during the winter or when climbing high-altitude mountains. Those camping in the dead of winter or climbing mountains at high altitudes will want to bring OD cans with them. ・Cons OD cans are more expensive than CB cans, costing about 500 yen per can, and they are larger than CB cans, making them difficult to store. Another disadvantage is that they are difficult to obtain, being purchasable only at outdoor specialty stores or online. Useful Items to Have With CB Cans Photo:Solid fuel Sugita, the video creator, says that he has never experienced any trouble using CB cans when camping. However, he mentions that he actively prepares so that he can avoid problems when using CB cans. In order to prepare for situations where you can't use a CB can, such as on a cold morning, here are some useful items you can take with you. ・A Heater To keep the CB cans in usable condition, they should be kept from the cold as much as possible. To aid in this, a heater is a useful item to have. Even in the worst-case situation where a CB can is not available, you can still boil water on the top of the heater. It's also a good idea to protect the gas canister by wrapping a cloth around it to prevent it from getting cold in the open air. ・Solid Fuel You can also bring solid fuel just in case you need to boil water for making hot beverages. They're quite compact, so be sure to bring several. ・OD Cans It is a good idea to have at least one OD can with you in case of an emergency. It will also be useful in the early morning when the temperature is lower. ・Fire Starter It's hard to keep warm when it's cold. We recommend bringing items that can easily start a fire. Gas Canisters and Expiration Dates When storing CB and OD cans, care should be taken to avoid gas leaks and you should also be weary of expiration dates. Gas canisters deteriorate over time. While they have a long shelf life (approximately 7 years from the date of manufacture), you should be sure to check the manufacture date on the bottom of the can. Also, if there are any deformities or rusting on the lid or the cylinder, it's possible the cans are deteriorating at a faster rate than normal. Storing Gas Canisters Photo:A gas canister Gas canisters should be stored away from fire and direct sunlight, and in a dry place below 40°C (104°F). It's also dangerous to place them near cooking areas where fire is present, on the ground under the scorching sun, or in a car, even if you're camping or do other outdoor activities. Properly Disposing of Gas Canisters When disposing of CB or OD cans, be sure to use them up before discarding them. Whether or not to puncture the gas cans after they are used up depends on the local government. Check the disposal method of the local government in advance and dispose of the cans accordingly. Summary of Japan's CB Cans, a Convenient Piece of Camping Equipment CB cans are cheap, available at most supermarkets in Japan, and are very useful! However, if you purchase them without knowing how they work, you might find yourself in an undesirable or possibly even dangerous situation. Be especially careful when camping in winter. Don't forget to prepare other items to keep the gas canisters from getting too cold and also backup items in case it does happen. OD cans are another great item to have in case it gets colder than you were expecting. There are many awesome campgrounds in Japan. Enjoying hot meals and warm drinks while camping in the crisp, clean air of winter is truly a unique experience as well. Be sure to check the weather conditions on the day of your camping trip so you can be well equipped and ready to go!