Video article 3:30
The Kyoto Yamashina Gishi Festival Feels Like a Trip Back in Time! The Traditional Japanese Atmosphere Created by the Parade Group Dressed as the 47 Ronin, Is an Event in Kyoto's Yamanashi Ward You Don’t Want to Miss!
Festivals & Events- 87 plays
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Kyoto Yamashina Gishi Matsuri - A Celebration of Japanese History This video, titled "Kyoto Festival: 47 Rōnin March (Gishi Matsuri) [4K]," was produced by "Discover Kyoto." Yamashina, located in the western area of Japan’s ancient capital Kyoto, is a small basin surrounded by rich natural scenery and mountains on three sides. Here, there is a festival related to Ako Roshi, or the 47 Ronin, famous from Chushingura. That festival is the Kyoto Yamashina Gishi Matsuri (festival), introduced in the video. Chushingura is well known among Japanese people. Although there are many places in Tokyo related to Chushingura, such as Edo Castle, Lord Kira's Residence, and Sengakuji Temple, there is a scene called Act 9: Yamashiro Kankyo no Ba (Yamashiro's Retreat) in "Kanadehon Chushingura," which is a script of Ningyo Joruri (a Japanese puppet show) and Kabuki, and the story’s setting is in Kyoto. This is the land where one of the key members of Chushingura, Oishi Kuranosuke, lived in hiding until he was killed, so there are many so there are many historical sites associated with the 47 Ronin. Because of this historical connection, "Yamashina Gishi Matsuri” is held on December 4 every year, where a procession of the samurai troops in their battle costumes parades through the town (video 1:12), and reenactments of Chushingura’s famous "Ninjo Matsu no Roka," "Seppuku," "Renbanjo Aratame," "Raid, "Oishi Ondo" (video 2:50-) as well as the "Genroku Hanami Dance" by women, liven up the festival. Enjoy the video of Kyoto's Yamashina Gishi Matsuri, which will have you feeling as though you've traveled back in time to the Edo period! The Parade Course of Kyoto's Yamashina Gishi Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot In front of the main hall of Bishamon-do, there is a departure ceremony early in the morning that all members attend. This can be seen in the video at 0:55. The group, dressed as Oishi Kuranosuke and his loyalists, departs from Bishamon-do and walk through the area to Ako Oishi Shrine via the Kyoto City Tobu Culture Hall. Bishamon-do, where the 47 Ronin depart from, is a temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism that enshrines Bishamonten In fact, this Bishamon-do plays an important role in the Chushingura story. The treatment of the 47 Ronin after killing Kira Kozukenosuke was complicated and opinions were divided in the Bakufu (government). Troubled by this, Tokugawa Tunayoshi, the shogun at the time, asked Kōben-hosshinnō his opinions on the matter. Koben recognized the allegiance of 47 Ronin, but at the same time, told Tsunayoshi that giving death is also a mercy. They were ordered to commit seppuku (ritual suicide), and it is said that their bodies were buried in Sengakuji Temple in Tokyo. Therefore, with the advice from Koben, the warriors' were able to fulfill their duties, and Bishamon-do became the starting point of the Yamashina Gishi Matsuri parade. Incidentally, the present Bishamon-do was moved to the grounds of Anshoji Temple in 1665, after it was abolished during the Onin War. Access to Bishamondo, the starting point of Yamashina Gishi Matsuri, is a 20-minute walk from JR Yamashina Station. The History of the Yamashina Gishi Matsuri in Kyoto, and Access to the Area Photo:Kyoto・Bishamon-do Yamashina, Kyoto is a famous sightseeing place in Japan, with rich natural scenery and many historical locations. Yamashina Gishi Matsuri is an event related to Chushingura, but there are other famous places, such as Zuishinin where the female poet Ono no Komachi, who was active in Heian period (794-1185), lived, and the area is also the where the ancestors of Murasaki Shikibu lived. Arashiyama and Kiyomizudera Temple are famous places to view the autumn foliage in Kyoto They're also great for learning about the history of Japan, so be sure to check them out if you have the chance. It takes about 5 minutes to get to JR Yamashina Station from Kyoto Station. It's usually very crowded on the day of the event, and it is difficult to find a parking space, so we recommend using public transportation. Summary of Kyoto's Yamashina Gishi Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot The Yamashina Gishi Matsuri Photo Contest is also held on the day of Yamashina Gishi Matsuri. Besides the 47 Ronin parade, there are many highlights such as Gomataki, which is introduced at 2:11 in the video. This traditional festival, which tells the story of Japan's historical romance, is something you don't want to miss! Enjoy the heroic ranks of the 47 Ronin, dressed for battle, in 4K! -
Video article 1:03
Yonezawa Uesugi Festival" in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture is like stepping back in time to the battlefields of the Warring States Period. The powerful sound of real flintlock rifles being fired resonates in the core of the body!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 174 plays
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Yonezawa Uesugi Festival" in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture, Video Introduction The video we'll be introducing this time is "Demonstration of Real Matchlock Guns" (本物の火縄銃の発砲実演), which as it's title suggests, demonstrates the firing of matchlock guns. The matchlock is one of the firearms that was introduced to Japan during the age of civil wars (c. 1467 to 1615). The matchlock is a smoothbore muzzleloader. The ignition method is classified as a matchlock type due to firing mechanism. When fired, the fuse comes into contact with a black powder propellant, thus igniting it and causing the gun to fire. The history of guns in Japan begins with the matchlock gun invented in Europe in 1543 that first landed in Tanegashima of Kyushu's Kagoshima Prefecture. Because of this it was referred to as a Tanegashima Gun or just "Tanegashima." According to the "Teppoki" an Edo Period (1603 to 1868 AD) account of the history of guns in Japan, Sengoku military commander Tokitaka Tanegashima adopted matchlock guns immediately after seeing a demonstration of their power, and soon after, matchlock guns spread throughout the rest of Japan. After its introduction, the design was improved upon, becoming a flash type matchlock using a spring as a trigger to improve accuracy. The History and Characteristics of the Matchlock Photo:A matchlock ashigaru squad The firearm before the matchlock was a touch-hole typethat was manually ignited by touching a flame to the ignition port, but a serpentine lock type that was operated with an S-shaped metal fitting was devised. In addition to that, a stock was added, and a matchlock gun was completed. The match lock system that was invented after that improved upon its range and power, and transformed it into a flint lock system that ignites by striking a flint rock. Comparing a museum matchlock with modern rifles, one of the things that stands out the most is the shape around the grip, which is very different. Therefore, it is said that the firing method was to shoot with the elbow stretched out instead of firing with the butt of the gun in one's shoulder. Oda Nobunaga, who held influence over the entire country during the Azuchi-Momoyama era, used the matchlock on the battlefield, and defeated the Takeda army at the famous battle of battle of Nagashino. The firing speed, which is a weak point of the matchlock gun, was made practical by forming teams of firing squads which led to Nobunaga's victory. During the Edo period, the shogunate restricted the possession of matchlock guns. Technology was stagnant due the national isolation policy that had been implemented by Japan's government, and new guns weren't introduced until the end of the Edo period at which point matchlock guns had become obsolete. Types of Matchlocks Photo:A matchlock In Japan, matchlock guns are categorized according to the weight of the ball they use, the place of production, and the school. Depending on the weight of the bullet, a matchlock is placed in either the small cylinder, medium cylinder, large cylinder, or large gun category. The production areas include Kunitomo Tsutsu, Sakai Tsutsu, Hino Tsutsu, Tosa Tsutsu, Satsuma Tsutsu, and more. Replicas made by safe gun makers are used in marksman competitions. Even in many Western countries, Japanese-style matchlock guns are used in quite a few tournaments. They are also sold to individuals, but they usually do not disclose prices and require you to contact them regarding any inquiries. In addition, even if you do not compete in competitions, you will need to register possession of one because it is subject to the regulations regarding possession of guns and swords. A Firing Demonstration at the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival held in Yamagata Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region is one of the events where a matchlock demonstration is performed. The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival is a historic festival that has been held since 1965, and it is an annual festival held at the Uesugi Shrine, which enshrines the Uesugi family's ancestor, Uesugi Kenshin, as well as at Matsugasaki Shrine that enshrines Uesugi Yozan, Uesugi Kagekatsu, and Naoe Kanetsugu. On the final day of this event, you will be able to see a matchlock gun demonstration performed by 700 performers wearing armor, divided into the Uesugi and Takeda armies, and imitating the battle of Kawanakajima. A standing performer fires from 0:43 in the video, followed by crouching performers from 0:48, and finally from 0:56 we see a performer firing from the prone position. Summary of the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Source :YouTube screenshot In this article we introduced the history and evolution of the matchlock gun. Did you like it? In the video, you can see a rare demonstration of the powerful matchlocks, so if you still haven't checked it out yet, we recommend giving it a watch! If you're interested in this kind of Japanese history, consider a trip to see the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival! -
Video article 9:14
Bringing the Samurai Back to Life in Modern Times! A Look at the Commitment of the Artisans Who Protect Japan's Historical and Traditional Crafts and the Problems They Face
Traditional Culture- 139 plays
- YouTube
日本にわずか数名!武士が大切にした甲冑を守る現代の職人・甲冑師の紹介動画 こちらは「ANA Global Channel」が公開した甲冑師・三浦公法さんへのインタビュー動画「Japanese armor maker/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL? CRAFTSMANSHIP(甲冑師)」です。 現代に受け継がれる芸術品としての甲冑の歴史 かつて武士が合戦で身につけた甲冑。現代では工芸品としての性格が高く、日本刀と並んで国内外のコレクターから人気を集めています。 武士が作り上げてきた甲冑という伝統文化と歴史を受け継ぐのは、今では数名の甲冑師のみとなりました。 甲冑師の仕事とは 現代の甲冑師は歴史的な鎧や兜を修理・製作したり、鎧細工を施したりすることが主な仕事となっています。 そんな匠の技を継承する甲冑師のひとり、三浦公法さんは無形文化財としても認定された職人です。 国宝の復元や、江戸時代に徳川家康から英国ジェームズ一世に贈られた甲冑の修理復元を行うなど、歴史的価値のある作品を手掛けてきました。 新作の甲冑を作る場合、平安時代や鎌倉時代に作られた甲冑をもとに製作します。 すべて手作業なので、納品までに非常に時間がかかり、早くても3年、長くて5年の年月が必要だといわれています。 しかも甲冑に設計図はありません。 鎧細工に使う素材は自ら探し、加工を行うため、匠の技が試させられるのです。 甲冑師は歴史上、戦国時代には「具足師(ぐそくし)」と呼ばれていました。 平安時代には、武士の成立を背景として大鎧が主たる甲冑でありましたが、戦国時代になると、鉄砲の登場を背景に機動性に優れた甲冑である「当世具足(とうせいぐそく)」が誕生しました。 一方で、戦国武将は甲冑に個性あふれるデザインを施し、その奇抜さや迫力を戦場で競い合ったのです。 甲冑師と後継者問題 伝統工芸品の世界で問題になるのが後継者問題。 職人の世界といえば所作の指導や厳しい修行があるため長続きしない人も少なくありません。 しかし中には、日本文化に興味をもって海外から弟子入りする人も増えています。 甲冑師・三浦さんの弟子アンドリューさんもアメリカからやってきました。 端午の節句・五月人形に受け継がれた甲冑の伝統文化 美術品として扱われる甲冑。 現代の私たちが最も身近に見られるのが端午の節句の五月人形です。 その歴史は武士社会の成立にさかのぼります。 端午の節句自体は奈良時代からあったようですが、甲冑を飾る習慣は武士の治世となった江戸時代に端を発します。 武士にとって端午の節句は重要な行事。 この季節に盛りを迎える菖蒲が「尚武(部を重んじる意味)」に繋がることから、邪気を祓い健康を保つと考えられてきました。 このことから男子の健康、ひいては一族の繁栄を願い、武家の家では端午の節句に神社に甲冑を奉納していたのです。 甲冑は武士にとって戦いから身を守る防具という意味だけではなく、病などの災いからも守ってくれるものだったからなのですね。 さて、この五月人形の製作も甲冑師の仕事です。 職人の作風もさまざまですが、五月人形で有名な甲冑師としては、一久、雄山、辰広、龍玉がいます。 有名な流派としては明珍派、春田派があります。 端午の節句には、どんな人形が飾られているか目を向けてみるのもいいですね。 甲冑師の紹介まとめ 戦国時代が好きな人であれば実際に触れたくなるのが甲冑です。 都内には甲冑試着体験を行っているところもあります。 興味のある人は甲冑を身に付けて、当時の武士になりきってみてはいかがでしょうか。 芸術品としての甲冑の価値は高く人気を誇ります。 動画を通じて、甲冑の歴史の奥深さを味わってみてくださいね! -
Video article 4:42
Soma Nomaoi, a festival of mounted samurai in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture. This documentary follows one woman who is active in the festival! A documentary video with over 1 million views that caught the world's attention!
Festivals & Events- 216 plays
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Soma Nomaoi" Samurai Girl Video Introduction in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture This video, titled "Samurai Girl - One Girl's Story of becoming a Samurai (Samurai Girl - Soma Nomaoi)" (Samurai Girl ~ One Girl's Story of becoming a Samurai(サムライガール〜相馬野馬追)) is a documentary video on Soma Nomaoi, an event in the Soma region of Fukushima prefecture. The video of the samurai girl has attracted so much attention that it was accessed from more than 100 countries within a month of its release. At 0:24 in the video, we see the beautiful samurai girl before she dons her armor. Fully armored up at 1:06, we see the dignified spirit of ancient Japanese samurai within her. What Kind of Event is Fukushima's Soma Nomaoi? Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture Soma Nomaoi is a historic event held in July every year in the Soma region of Fukushima Prefecture, and is designated as an Important Intangible Folk Culture Asset of Japan. The scene of many military leaders and feudal lords getting together to welcome the general is incredibly powerful. There are also many dynamic events, such as reenactments of battles by cavalrymen, wild horse races, armor competitions, and banner wars, and the festival is great for taking Instagram photos! There are also food stalls set up at the events, so if you’re looking to enjoy some delicious Japanese cuisine, this is a great place to visit. Access to Soma Nomaoi, an Event in Fukushima Prefecture Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture Soma Nomaoi, a festival made famous by "Samurai Girl," is held at the Hibarigahara Festival Grounds (雲雀ヶ原祭場地) in Fukushima prefecture. In addition, events are also held at Soma Nakamura, Soma Ota, and Soma Odaka shrines in Soma. On the day of the event, many tourists gather and there is road traffic control. We recommend checking posters for access and parking information ahead of time. We also recommend joining a tour or buying tickets in advance. Summary of Soma Nomaoi and Samurai Girl Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture The video, featuring samurai girl, introduces the dynamic rituals of the Soma Nomaoi, an event that recreates the atmosphere of the Warring States Period. The Soma Region of Fukushima Prefecture was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. This video shows the strong will of the people of Fukushima Prefecture's Soma region. We hope you'll come out to support the reconstruction of Fukushima Prefecture and watch the demonstration of warlords donning armor and Japanese swords! -
Video article 6:42
Rare Footage of Legendary Samurai From the End of the Edo Period! Enjoy Japan's Samurai Culture That Attracts So Many Foreigners!
History- 261 plays
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This video, titled "[Astonishing] The Discovered Photos of Japan's Last Samurai Are So Amazing! So Real You Can Barely Believe It. End of the Edo Period. Japan's Legendary Samurai Are Wicked Cool!" (【驚愕】発見された「日本最後の侍」の写真が凄すぎる!嘘のような本当の写真 江戸時代 幕末 伝説のサムライたちがヤバイ), was released by "Serious Stories Channel" (マジ話チャンネル). The technology of photography was introduced to Japan at the end of the Edo period. It's amazing that there are still photos of samurai in Japan that were taken during the Meiji Restoration and Meiji Period. The photographs shown in the video were taken by Felice Beato and Kusakabe Kimbei. They took photos of the samurai of the past, which do not exist in modern Japan. At 3:33 in the video, you can see a photo of the famous samurai, Sakamoto Ryoma. Be sure to check out the video to see how cool the Japanese samurai look in their unique outfits! -
Video article 3:25
Rediscover the History of Japan at the Ishiguro Samurai House, a Samurai Residence in Semboku, Akita That Brings the Culture of the Edo Period to the Present Day!
Art & Architecture- 40 plays
- YouTube
秋田県の武家屋敷「石黒家」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful」が公開した「Ishiguro Samurai House - Akita - 石黒家 - 4K Ultra HD」です。 世界に代表する日本の文化といえば、”サムライ”。 サムライ文化は今や存在だけでなく、住んでいた住居スペースとなった武家屋敷も海外から注目を集めています。 武家屋敷には古きよき日本の伝統が織り込まれており、日本の歴史の魅力を再発見することができます。 秋田県の武家屋敷「石黒家」とは 秋田県の「石黒家」とは秋田県仙北市の史跡にも指定されている武家屋敷です。 江戸時代に佐竹義隣の用人として仕えた石黒勘左衛門直起が暮らしていました。 仙北地域では多くの武家屋敷がありますが、石黒家がある角館町では武家屋敷には今もなお住人が暮らしているため、武家屋敷の中を知ることができません。 石黒家はこの地域で唯一、江戸時代の日本文化・日本伝統公開をしている施設で、実際に家に上がり武家屋敷の内部を肌で感じることができます。 動画内では、武家屋敷で使用されていた着物も展示物として飾られている様子をご覧になれます。 これは、管理者が石黒家の直系家系の方が管理しているからこそ、先祖代々伝えられた品を惜しみなく展示することを可能としています。 秋田県の武家屋敷「石黒家」紹介まとめ 日本の歴史を肌で感じることのできる秋田県の武家屋敷「石黒家」。 ぜひあなたも足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 1:12
Travel Back in Time to the Warring States Period at Tokai-Kassen World in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture! Put on Your Armor and Experience the Battle of Sekigahara!
Festivals & Events- 44 plays
- YouTube
戦国時代を体験できるイベント「東海合戦ワールド」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「愛知県観光コンベンション局」が公開した「Tokai-Kassen World | 東海合戦ワールド」です。 皆さんは日本への観光の際、武将の体験ができる場所を聞かれたことはありませんか? 今回の動画は日本の戦国時代が体験できる東海合戦ワールドをご紹介します。 東海合戦ワールドへ行けば戦国時代の日本を肌で感じられること間違いなしです! 戦国時代を体験できる東海合戦ワールドの魅力! 東海合戦ワールドとは毎年11月ごろ名古屋市にある大高緑地(おおだかりょくち)で行われているイベントです。 現在はサムライニンジャフェスティバルと名前を変えてパワーアップして毎年開催中! 東海合戦ワールドでは観光客も戦国時代を体感できる 東海合戦ワールド当日、会場にはホラガイの音が鳴り響きます。 ホラガイの音を合図に鎧をつけた多くの武者・侍の大武者行列が出現。 その光景はまさに戦国時代そのもの。 大武者行列の人をご覧になると日本の観光へ訪れた外国人の方の姿もちらほら。 子供も戦国時代を体験!東海合戦ワールド 東海合戦ワールドでは子供も楽しめます。 鎧を着ながら日本刀のレプリカでチャンバラごっこをする姿も。 戦国時代の子供達も同じような光景があったのでしょうか。 会場は広大な広さを持つ大高緑地。 親子で行っても人混みに巻き込まれることはありません。 親子で戦国時代を楽しめること間違いないでしょう。 東海合戦ワールドではご当地グルメで日本を楽しめる。 東海合戦ワールドのもう一つの魅力がご当地グルメ。 イベント会場では名古屋を中心としたご当地グルメを楽しむことができます。 美味しいご当地グルメは日本への観光客にも人気。 東海合戦ワールド会場で行う火縄銃に圧巻! 東海合戦ワールド会場では火縄銃の実演も行っています。 この光景には多くの観光客がカメラを片手にその光景を写そうと必死。 ホラガイの合図に火縄銃を一斉に発射する光景は圧巻です。 東海合戦ワールド紹介まとめ 今回は東海合戦ワールドを紹介しました。 こちらのイベントは日本へ訪れた観光客も気軽に鎧を着て武者や武将になりきり、戦国時代を体感できます。 是非日本観光の際は東海合戦ワールドへ訪れてみてはどうですか? -
Video article 2:15
Tsushima Invades Japan as an Ultra-High Quality Game! There's a Reason Why Ghost of Tsushima Has Been Called One of the Best Playstation Games Ever!
Modern Culture- 27 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "'Ghost of Tsushima' An unprecedented upheaval hits Japan." (『Ghost of Tsushima』 未曽有の動乱、日本上陸。), was released by "PlayStation Japan." Ghost of Tsushima was developed by the American video game company Sucker Punch Productions and released in July 2020 for the PlayStation 4. The best part of Ghost of Tsushima is that you can play as a samurai, and once you pick up the controller, you'll find yourself in the world of the samurai. Please note that due to the overly realistic depictions, the game was given a CERO rating of "Z," which specifies that the game is made for those 18 years of age or older. -
Video article 1:00
Kei Nishikori, One of the World's Top Tennis Players, Is Now a Samurai! His World Class Tennis Skills Shine Even When Swapping His Racket for a Sword!
Celebrities Sports- 89 plays
- Vimeo
Kei Nishikori's Nissin Cup Noodle TV Commercial This video, "Nissin Cup Noodle TV commercial Kei Nishikori- The Arena Specialist" is a TV commercial that was broadcast in 2015. In the advertisement video, professional tennis player Kei Nishikori is dressed as a Samurai, defeating his opponent with his amazing tennis skills while using a wooden sword instead of a racket. It's amazing what professional tennis players can do! The Nissin Cup Noodle TV commercial Source :vimeo screenshot The commercial starts with Kei Nishikori on a boat in the New York sea with the Statue of Liberty in the background. It's as if Musashi Miyamoto is heading to the decisive battle on Ganryu Island (巌流島, Ganryu-Jima), where he'll battle against Kojiro Sasaki. The place he arrived with wearing Kimono and headband, having only a wooden sword, is a tennis stadium. He arrives at an indoor tennis stadium wearing a Kimono, headband, and while having only a wooden sword. You can watch this scene at 0:13 in the video. As the game starts, he easily swats back the fierce attack of the opponent, one ball after another, all with a wooden sword. The scene, which can be seen from 0:28 is not CG either, he's actually playign tennis with a wooden sword. And starting from 0:48 in the video, the highlight of this video, we see Kei Nishikori’s signature technique, “Air-Kei,” as he lands an explosive volley! The super aerial shot has a tremendous force that doesn't fade even when using a wooden sword instead of his racket. The final signature on the camera is also done in a brush strokes, creating a lasting impression. This decisive battle scene was shot in the Grand Prospect Hall in Brooklyn, and his opponent is British tennis player Dan Cochran, the finalist of the NCAA (The National Collegiate Athletic Association) championships. Who Is Kei Nishikori? Source :vimeo screenshot Kei Nishikori is a professional tennis player born in 1989 in Matsue City (松江市, Matsue-Shi), Shimane Prefecture (島根県, Shimane-Ken), in Japan's Chugoku Region. He's 178 cm (5.8 ft.) tall, weighs 75 kg (165 lbs), and became a professional player in 2007, at the age of 17. At the age of 18, he won the Delray Beach International Tennis Championships, became only the second Japanese men's singles champion on the tour in history, after Shuzo Matsuoka. In 2016, he became a men’s tennis singles bronze medalist at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics and received the first medal in 96 years as a Japanese player in tennis competitions. In 2019, he won the Brisbane International for the first time in 3 years, and ranked 28th on the “World Fame 100” that same year. ◆Kei Nishikori: Career Standings and Results◆ 2014 Japan Open Champion 2014 US Open Runner-up 2015 Barcelona Open Champion (2 consecutive victories) 2016 Memphis Open Champion (4 consecutive victories) 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics Bronze medal 2018 Monte Carlo Masters Runner-up He brings good news to Japan with his outstanding record among Japanese athletes active on the world stage. In the four major tournaments held by the International Tennis Federation (Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon Championship, and US Open), his runner-up placement at the 2014 US Open is his highest ranking. What is Nissin Cup Noodles? Photo:Cup noodles Nissin Foods' Cup Noodles, was born in 1971 as the first cup noodle in the world. It was launched in more than 80 countries around the world, and in 2016, the total number of meals sold worldwide exceeded 40 billion. It's also a popular souvenir for visitors to Japan, especially in the Philippines, where "Seafood Noodles" have become very popular. In addition to the original soy sauce cup noodles, various types are sold, such as “Seafood noodles,” “Cup noodles Curry,” “Cup noodles Chili Tomato noodles,” “Cup noodles Shio (salt),” and “Cup noodles milk seafood noodles.” In Ikeda city (池田市, Ikeda-Shi), Osaka Prefecture (大阪府, Osaka-Fu), in Japan's Kansai Region, and in Yokohama City (横浜市, Yokohama-Shi), Kanagawa Prefecture (神奈川県, Kanagawa-Ken), in Japan's Kanto Region, there are the Momofuku Ando Memorial Museum (a cup noodle museum). In the past, famous people such as Masatoshi Nagase, Takuya Kimura, and groups like AKB48 appeared in TV commercials for Nissin Foods’ cup ramen, and it was a pretty hot topic on social media. In 2019, a commercial was collaborated with "ONE PIECE," a popular manga/anime series worldwide. Summary of Kei Nishikori's Nissin Cup Noodle TV Commercial Source :vimeo screenshot Be sure to watch this commercial, as it showcases the amazing skills of top class Japanese athlete Kei Nishikori! Kei Nishikori, along with other world-class tennis players like Naomi Osaka, will continue to bring excitement to the Japanese tennis scene! 【Official Website】Cup Noodles Museum, Yokohama https://www.cupnoodles-museum.jp/en/yokohama/ 【Official Website】Cup Noodles Museum Ikeda, Osaka https://www.cupnoodles-museum.jp/en/osaka_ikeda/ -
Video article 4:03
Travel Back in Time to Japan’s Warring States Period! Historical Reenactments at the Shimonoseki Straits and Genpei Festivals of Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi!
Festivals & Events History Traditional Culture- 176 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction to the Shimonoseki Straits Festival "Genpei Festival This video, titled "The Official Video of the Genpei Festival - Shimonoseki Straits Festival" )【公式】しものせき海峡まつり 源平まつり), was released by the city of Shimonoseki. The 4-minute video introduces highlights of the 2017 Genpei Matsuri ritual and other events, set to a solemn tune. What is the Shimonoseki Straits Festival "Genpei Festival"? What are the dates of the festival? Located at the westernmost tip of the Main Island, Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi Prefecture features a historical site where the famous sea battle "Dan-no-ura" occurred in 1185. At the Shimonoseki Straits Festival, annually scheduled from May 2nd-4th, performers with authentic clothing produce a surreal sight, as if the illustrations from the ancient scrolls are coming to life before our very eyes. The highlight of the festival is "Genpei Festival" on May 3 held at Kanmon Straits where the famous sea battle occurred. The warriors' parade, the reenactment of the sea battle of Dan-no-ura, and the archery battle between the warring clans (one scene from Studio Ghibli's Pompoko explicitly references this battle), and Senteisai (loosely translated as the "former emperor festival" and is held to commemorate the child Emperor Antoku who drowned at Dan-no-ura), attract a great number of onlookers. The video leads us over to the city where performers wearing the medieval costumes fill the streets. Enjoy your journey back in time through the video! Genpei Samurai Procession, a highlight of the Genpei Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Genpei Festival is preceded by "Senteisai", where a ritual is held to offer prayers to the shrine in order to appease the soul of Emperor Antoku's. Samurai, courtesans, and adorable child soldiers are separated into the Genji and Heike clans and parade throughout the city. From 0:09, the video allows us a glance at the elaborate preparation process that turns the performers into historical characters, and at 1:26the parade begins. The parade depicts the two warring clans marching to the battlefield. The vigorous war cries of the warring clans captivate onlookers. Genpei Boat Battle, a highlight of the Genpei Festival Source :YouTube screenshot From 1:37 is the majestic reenactment of the climatic sea battle. The presence of historical characters such as the legendary monk warrior Benkei, the heroin Shizuka Gozen, and the child Emperor Antoku on the boats portraying the scene, energizes the event. The spectacular reenactment, with a fleet of about 200 ships sailed out on the wild waves, will definitely look great on Instagram. A series of events associated with the Genpei war take place on the main stage and the dance of the 5 gorgeous courtesans closes the performance. The main stage performances are introduced from 3:00. Festival performers are chosen from the public submissions. Summary of the Shimonoseki Straits and Genpei Festivals The video guides us through the Shimonoseki Straits Festival where one can experience one of Japan's most historically significant events. Enjoy time traveling back to the 12th century with this video! The main venues at the Genpei Festival are the Akama Shrine and Shimaitoshi Square. Transportation is blocked at some parts of the city during the festival, so we recommend checking the event schedule in advance if you're planning on using it. -
Video article 9:40
Experience a popular warlord at the Shibuya Armor and Armor Photo Studio in Shibuya, Tokyo! Walk the streets of Japan wearing cool armor!
Things to Do History- 361 plays
- YouTube
Shibuya Armor and Armor Photography Studio, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, video introduction "How To Wear The Samurai Armor" is a video showing, you guessed it, how to wear samurai armor. There are a lot of people interested in samurai armor from Japan's Warring States Period (1467-1615 AD). Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio, that produced this video, offers an armor photography course and a street photography course in Shibuya, where you can enjoy becoming a Japanese samurai for a photo shoot. The Armor of the Warring States Period Photo:Samurai Procession Armor refers to the equipment worn by samurai and military commanders of Japan's warring states period, and famous warlords of such as Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Japanese armor was traditionally made by an armourer. As shown at 4:46 in the video, the samurai carries a Japanese sword on an armored girdle, and on his back he carries equipment such as bows and arrows. Samurai wore this same armor in the warring states period while riding into battle on horseback. The unique characteristic of Japanese samurai armor is its rich color. It's a unique and cool look quite different from the armor of ancient western knights. Types of Samurai Armor Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, armor from Japan's warring states period has several components. After putting on the large iron plate-body, and tosei-gusoku, the warrior would then equip weapons such as spears, bows and arrows, and a swords. It's quite complicated and putting it on alone is quite difficult. At the Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio, the staff will help you put the armor on, so don't worry about that. As you can see in the video, the Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio not only allows you to wear armor, but also gives you some trivia about armor, which is great fun for anyone interested in the samurai of the Warring States period. In the video, you can see explanations about bows, Japanese swordsmanship, helmets, origins of the equipment, and more. You can see the armor of the popular warlord Yukimura Sanada at 9:32 in the video. It's as if he's been resurrected in the present day! How Can You Try on Samurai Armor From Japan's Sengoku Period? Source :YouTube screenshot You may want to buy life-sized Japanese armor, but the samurai costumes on sale are surprisingly expensive and heavy. Some people enjoy making their own armor for cosplay. If you're interested, be sure to browse the internet for it. If you want to feel like a samurai without having to spend a ton of money, we recommend renting armor at the "Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio" or "Sengoku Photo Studio SAMURAI" introduced in this video. Summary of Japan's Samurai Armor Photo:Japanese armor Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio, introduced in the video, is a dream studio for those interested in Japanese history and samurai culture during the Warring States period. In Japan, you can also experience ninja and samurai at the VR Ninja Dojo in Kanda, Edo Wonderland Nikko Edomura, the Samurai Museum in Shinjuku, and Izakaya Ninja hall in Asakusa. If you would like to know more about Japan's Warring States Period, we recommend checking these out! ◆ Shibuya Samurai Armor Photo Studio Facility Overview ◆ 【Address】7th floor, King Building, 5-6 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0044 【Access】A 10 minute walk from Shibuya station on the JR Yamanote line 【Admission Fee】Prices vary by plan, so be sure to check out the official website for more information. 【Hours】10: 00 ~ 21: 00 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Phone number】03-4330-7200 【Official Website】Samurai Armor Photo Studio http://samurai.bz/en/index.html -
Video article 3:06
Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture Is Famous for Its Spectacular View of the Beautiful Seto Inland Sea, Where Much of Japan's Traditional Culture Remains. Introducing the Fascinating Festivals That Are Rooted in the History and Daily Life of the Area!
Local PR- 67 plays
- YouTube
広島県三原市の魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では、「【広島県三原市 観光PR動画】「浮城は知っとる -祭り- 編」Full Version」という4K動画を紹介します。 伝統的な祭りが多く開催される瀬戸内の城下町『広島県三原市』について紹介しているこの動画。 中でも代表的な三原やっさ祭りは必見です! 伝統あふれる三原市の魅力を動画と共に楽しんでください。 三原市で行われている日本の伝統的な祭りについて まずは冒頭でもお話しした三原市で行われている、伝統的な三原の4大祭りについて紹介をしていきます。 三原の4大祭りその1「三原やっさ祭り」 毛利元就の三男としても有名な戦国武将『小早川隆景』が三原城を築いたことを祝う為に行われたのが起源のお祭りで、動画では0:17で紹介されています。 地元の踊り手達による盆踊りとは違う三原市の伝統文化『やっさ踊り』と共に、三味線、笛、御囃子を奏でながらJR三原駅前を練り歩きます。 やっさ祭りは毎年8月に三日間かけて行われ、最終日には『やっさ花火フェスタ』も開催されます。 ぜひ観光の際は合わせてみてはいかがでしょうか。 三原の4大祭りその2「神明祭(しんめいさい)」 1:55で紹介されている神明祭は、室町時代から始まったとされます。 伊勢神宮をまつる三原市伝統のお祭りです。 500店以上の露店が並び、活気あふれる神明祭。 その中でも特筆すべきは巨大だるまです。 三原神明市では別名だるま市とも呼ばれるほど、だるま文化が根付いていて、神明祭では巨大なだるまを見ることが出来ます。 三原の4大祭りその3「三原浮城まつり」 浮城とも呼ばれる三原城をテーマとしたイベントで、早川甲冑部隊の旧城下練り歩きや和太鼓演奏は、感動の一言。 日本文化の象徴でもある甲冑に身を包んだ男達が練り歩く『甲冑武者行列』は圧巻です! 動画1:35でも見ることが出来ますが、ぜひ一度間近で見て頂きたい日本の伝統的なお祭りの一つです。 三原の4大祭りその4「三原さつき祭り」 市花である『さつきの花』をテーマとして開催されるお祭りで、さつきの花が咲き誇っている宮浦公園や三原市芸術文化センターポポロを会場としています。 子供も楽しめるような出店や展示、そして体験コーナーがあり、ステージではやっさ太鼓やフラダンスなど大人が楽しめる催しももりだくさん。 是非ご家族で楽しんでほしいお祭りです。 広島県三原市の魅力紹介まとめ 島々が織りなす多島美の美しさが名高い瀬戸内の城下町、広島県三原市について紹介をさせて頂きました。 上記の4大祭りの他にも、久井稲荷神社で開催される『御福開祭・はだか祭り』に三原園で行われる『もみじ祭り』等、多くのお祭りが存在します。 春夏秋冬、日本の四季折々で祭りを楽しむことが出来る広島県三原市を訪ねてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 2:26
The Samurai Spirit Remains in Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki! There Are So Many Spots in Japan Where the Spirit of Japan's Warriors and Samurai Still Lives On!
Local PR- 53 plays
- YouTube
福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「Diamond Route Japan」が公開した「【4K】SAMURAI Spirits : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |」です。 動画の舞台である福島・栃木・茨城は、武士の精神が今も息づく地域です。 こちらの動画では侍や武士といったモチーフだけではなく、日本芸能も登場しています。 現代においても国内外問わず熱中させてくれる侍と武士、そして日本芸能。 日本芸能、そして舞台芸術を融合させた「剣伎衆かむゐ」 動画で演舞しているのは、パフォーマンス集団「剣伎衆(けんぎしゅう)かむゐ」。 武道など日本文化とダンスパフォーマンスを融合させた演技が特徴です。 武士と侍の精神 戦国時代に活躍した侍。 そして侍といえば武士道、というのが海外から見た日本のイメージです。 「道」とは宇宙や物事の道理・本質を表す言葉が起源です。 転じて、道という概念は日本古来の信仰である神道へと変化し、武士道などさまざまな形へ変化させていきました。 戦国時代に始まったこの精神は現代の武道や日本芸能にも浸透しています。 日本芸能として残る能 また、代々世襲制で継承している日本芸能もあります。 戦国時代に開花した能です。 こうした日本芸能は、文化の発展に寄与した人物が人間国宝として数えられます。 福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」紹介まとめ 福島・栃木・茨城は、武士道精神が今もなお強く残る地域です。 日本の伝統、そして和の心を知りたい方は是非、福島・栃木・茨城へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:55
A True Samurai of Our Time! Watch as He Sets a New Guiness World Record!
Traditional Culture- 36 plays
- YouTube
ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介 こちらの動画は「ギネス世界記録 公式チャンネル」が公開した「尋常じゃない動き!武道家の達人が、刀でイグサを切りまくる【ギネス世界記録】」です。 日本伝統の文化は今も尚さまざまな形で根付いています。 武道家としての道を究めた人の持つ技術は神業と呼ばれることもあります。 今回は日本刀でイグサをひたすら斬る動画を紹介します。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画とは 動画で紹介されている日本を代表する居合術家の町井勲(マチイイサオ)が日本刀を用いてひたすら猛スピードでイグサを斬る動画です。 実際の居合術の様子だけでなく、町井勲のインタビューとギネス世界記録を樹立した瞬間が収められています。 世界記録を保持している武道家はどれほどすごいのか知りたい方にうってつけの動画です。 町井勲が達成したギネス世界記録は日本刀を用いた1分間速斬りの最多数。動画内の記録は87太刀です。 町井勲とはどのような人物なのか 町井勲は修心流居合術兵法創始者。 平成のサムライと呼ばれ、6つのギネス世界記録を達成したことでも有名です。 2005年に居合術道場「修心館」を開設しています。 また『最強のすすめ ~日本刀が教えてくれた日本人の生き方~』という著書をはじめ、修心流居合術兵法の初歩に関するDVDを発売するなど日本伝統の居合術を広めるために精力的に活動していることでも有名。 町井勲が樹立したその他の世界記録 町井勲は1分間速斬りの最多数の他に樹立したギネス世界記録は ・据斬 ・3分間速斬り ・最速テニスボール居合斬り ・6ミリBB弾居合斬り ・千本斬り の5つになります。 日本刀1本で世界記録をいくつも達成する神業は想像以上の努力と才能が必要です。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介まとめ 日本伝統の文化の1つである侍や居合術。 今回紹介した動画は世界記録を達成した日本の武道家の凄技が収められています。 この記事を通して日本伝統の文化や歴史などを学びたい、触れてみたいと感じていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 2:50
In the Town of Nishiki, Kyushu, There Are Many Charming Sightseeing Spots. Nature, Crafts, Historical Structures, You Name It! An Introduction to All the Places to Check off Your List in Nishiki!
Local PR- 71 plays
- YouTube
About the Enticing Promotional Video of Nishiki There's probably a lot of people who want to enjoy an amazing experience Japan, yet don’t know where to go... For a fulfilling trip to Japan, you're gonna want to do at least a little bit of research about the country. This can be done through a variety of methods such as books, review sites, and videos that introduce aspects of Japanese culture. In this article, we'll introduce the video “Nishiki, Kumamoto Japan 錦町プロモーション”, created by “NISHIKI KUMAMOTO JAPAN.” This video contains information about Kumamoto Prefecture, specifically Nishiki Town, in the Japan's Kyushu region. Whether you’re specifically interested in Nishiki, or if you’re interested in touring Japan as a whole, definitely check out this video. Highlights of the Video Source :YouTube screenshot “Nishiki, Kumamoto Japan 錦町プロモーション” is a 2-minute 50-second video about Nishiki As it introduces all the unique features of Nishiki, do take the time to view this video before visiting Japan. There are a multitude of Insta-worthy, scenic areas of abundant nature. As for crafts, from 0:35 in the video, the process of a potter creating one of his works is shown, and from 0:46 in the video, a craftsman creating a knife in a foundry can be seen. From 1:23, a swordsman appears, carrying a powerful sword. What is Nishiki? Source :YouTube screenshot Nishiki can be found in the southern area of Kumamoto Prefecture. To the south is a mountainous area reaching an elevation of 1,000m, and to the north is the Hitoyoshi Basin that the Kuma River runs through. This is a sightseeing area famous for its swordsmen and fruit villages. Fruit-picking is available in certain seasons, so for those interested, definitely check this place out. Nishiki’s Ohira Valley is a famous spot where you can enjoy camping. Savor the magnificent scenery of Nishiki to your heart’s content! The fireflies in summer, the red-and-gold leaves of the Shingu-ji Temple, and the gingko trees in autumn are all beautiful sights shown from 1:13. For those who want to experience the mysteries of nature, we recommend the Nishiki Himitsukichi Museum shown at 0:31 in the video. As seen from 0:54, you might even get the chance to see bats. Source :YouTube screenshot For those who want to learn more about Japan’s history, definitely check out the Kuwahara Family Residence . The residence is built in the architectural style of the later years of the Edo period (around 1750 to 1850), and has been designated as one of Japan’s Important Cultural Properties. At the Hitoyoshi Naval Air Station Secret Base Museum , visitors can find out more about Japan in the final stages of World War 2. The Tsuchiya Kannon-do , with more than 550 years of history, is another spot we recommend. There's some delicious food waiting for you when you get to Nishiki as well. Be sure to check out Nishiki Horumon Street, where there are many restaurants serving horumon (beef or pork offal) dishes. Things to Note When Visiting Nishiki Source :YouTube screenshot Here are some things to note before going sightseeing in Nishiki. Before setting off, besides the video introduced here, there are other sources to check for information. Nishiki’s homepage contains information about various sightseeing areas. When planning your sightseeing schedule, be sure to pay attention to each area's opening hours as well as regular holidays. The next point of note is what to do in Nishiki. For those who enjoy physical activity, there are places such as the Rafting HEART sports complex, as well as Nishiki Kurando Park. For those who want to check out Nishiki’s specialty products, make sure your stop by the Roadside Station Nishiki Farmer’s Market. Located right beside Roadside Station Nishiki, various specialty goods can be purchased at the market. This area is also known for its abundant wild roses, the sight of which can be enjoyed from late May to early June. Also, do make sure to plan the right time for your trip if you hope to view autumn scenery, summer fireflies, or take part in events such as the Nishiki Festival. Furthermore, traditional crafts such as akazu yaki, as seen from 0:35 in the video, are also famous. At the Toshogama Factory, you can even try your hand at pottery. Summary of the Introduction to Nishiki Source :YouTube screenshot In Nishiki, there are many charming sightseeing spots, so do include this town on your list of places to visit in Japan. There are so many interesting areas that it’s impossible to visit them all in one day. Around Nishiki there are many hotels and ryokans available, so we recommend planning an overnight stay. Furthermore, the Hometown Tax is applicable to souvenirs, the local cuisine, as well as fruits such as peaches, pears and chestnuts. Definitely check those out as well! The video introduced in this article neatly captures the charm of Nishiki, so for those interested in Japanese culture and/or wilderness, do take a look. You're sure to feel the urge to make a trip to Nishiki. 【Official Website】 Kumamoto Prefecture Kuma Village Office http://www.kumamura.com/gyousei/ -
Video article 5:41
Kenshibu: A Traditional Japanese Performing Art That Combines Beauty and Spirit! Watch Closely as the "Kenshibu Super Team" Performs Their Prestigious "Kenshibu Dance"!
Traditional Culture- 94 plays
- YouTube
The Kenshibu Super Team's Amazing Performance Video! This video, titled "Kenshibu Super Team|Promotional Video 'PASSION ~ Like a Blaze ~'," was released by the "Japan Ginkenshibu Foundation." Ginkenshibu, a traditional Japanese performing art, is a combination of two art forms: sword dancing and poetry. The Japan Ginkenshibu Foundation, introduced in the video, continues to promote the appeal of Ginkenshibu, a traditional Japanese performing art, through teaching Ginkenshibu and organizing stage performances and national competitions. A Closer Look at Kenshibu, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot The history of Ginkenshibu, the traditional Japanese performing art introduced in the video, dates back more than 100 years, and is said to have started when a samurai in the Edo period (1603-1868) danced whilst holding a sword. It was not until the Meiji period (1868-1912) that Hibino Raifu shaped the style of the current sword dance based on the forms used in Japanese swordsmanship. In most cases, different characters are in charge of the sword dance, which is performed brilliantly with the movements of kenjutsu and iaijutsu, and the poetry dance, which incorporates the techniques of Chinese poetry, Japanese Waka poetry, shigin, and Japanese music. The performance may be performed by two people who do the sword dance and poetry dance or done by a large number of performers. The characteristic of the traditional Japanese performing art, Kenshibu, is that swords and fans are used in the performances. Performers of the traditional performing art, Kenshibu, are required to have the spirit of Bushido, the spirit and dignity of a samurai. From 0:44 of the video, you can see the powerful Kenshibu performance. The Kenshibu Super Team Source :YouTube screenshot The Kenshibu Super Team is a project started to raise the next generation of Kenshibu artists while inheriting the techniques of the traditional Japanese performing art. Kenshibu Super Team's Shoko Shibata is a member of the Japan Soshinryu and started the traditional performing art Kenshibu when he was in elementary school. The highly skilled members of the team, including Shoko Shibata, Irikura Shouou, Gaikou Sotome, Houyo Kutsukawa, Yuuyo Sugiura, and Bishin Nagasawa; perform the Kenshibai Super Team performance "PASSION ~ Like a flame ~" introduced in the video at the beginning of this article. Many spectators are mesmerized by the dynamic and intense movements of Kenshibu. Summary of the Kenshibu Super Team Source :YouTube screenshot The Kenshibu Super Team is a fascinating organization that arranges and performs Kenshibu, a traditional Japanese performing art, in a contemporary style. If you want to experience traditional Japanese culture, be sure to check out the performance of the Kenshibu Super Team! 【Official Website】Kenshibu Super Team - Japan Ginkenshibu Foundation http://www.ginken.or.jp/index.php/en/top-en/ -
Video article 4:15
Put on a Kimono and Stroll Through Yakage Town in Okayama Prefecture, Where the Good Old Days of Japan Remain! The Daimyo Procession Through the City Will Have You Feeling as Though You've Traveled Back to the Edo Period!
Local PR Travel History- 129 plays
- Vimeo
Yakage Town, Okayama Prefecture! This video is titled "A Town Full of Culture and History - Yakage Town, Okayama Prefecture." It introduces Yakage, Okayama, located in Japan's Chugoku region. Yakage Town is referred to as the "back seat of Kurashiki." Yakage, Okayama prefecture is a historical lodging town, where Princess Tenshoin Atsu is said to have stayed. In Yakage Town, Yakage Honjin and Waki Honjin, which were official lodgings for Daimyo, still exist today. They also hold an event called the Yakage Shukuba Festival Daimyo Procession in autumn. The main attraction at the festival is the luxurious Daimyo Procession shown from 0:07 in the video. The procession goes through town shouting "Kneel! Kneel!" You can hear this throughout the video. Okayama Prefecture is known for fine weather. It has more nice weather than other places in Japan, making it the perfect place to visit on the weekends. Enjoy the video of Yakage, Okayama, a town full of culture and traditional Japanese scenery. A Look at Yakage Source : YouTube screenshot Yakage, Okayama has various historical buildings from the Edo Period (1603~1868), Meiji Period (1868~1912), Taisho Period (1912~1926), and the Showa Period (1926~1989). You can experience all of the different eras within one town, which is one of the things that makes Yakage so interesting. This is explained by the town guide at 2:40 in the video. Traditional Japanese Kimono such as those shown in the video match very well with the traditional Japanese atmosphere of the streets, which are perfect for taking Instagram photos. You can also enjoy a leisurely stroll around Yakage Town Hall and the Rural Environment Improvement Center. Eraya is a hole in the wall spot that you can visit if you're into plastic models. Yakage, Okayama Is Full of Popular Tourist Attractions! Photo:Kibino Makibi Park (Yakage Town) In Yakage, where the streets of Edo remain, we recommend visiting the Old Yakage Headquarters Ishii Family Residence and Old Yakage Waki Headquarters Takakusa Family Residence. Other places to visit include Koian, where you can see antique art, Yakage Town House Exchange Center (やかげ町家交流館 Yakage Machiya Koryukan), Yakage's Local Art Museum (やかげ郷土美術館 Yakage kyodo Bijutukan), Unai Firefly Park (宇内ホタル公園 Unai Hotaru Koen), History Park (歴史公園 Rekishikoen) and Kibino Makibi Park (吉備真備公園 Kibino Makibi Koen). We recommend visiting Yakage for the Camelia festival (つばき祭り Tsubaki Matsuri) in April and the Kibikosai Festival (吉備公祭 Kibikosai) in May, as well. There are many hot spring facilities in the Yakage Town area. We recommend staying at Yunohana Hot Springs (湯の華温泉 Yunohana Onsen) to relax and unwind. Create your own sightseeing route in Yakage Town, Okayama Prefecture and enjoy sightseeing, nature, and culture! Delicious Food in Yakage, Okayama! Okayama prefecture is famous for its soy sauce. The video shows you how they make soy sauce at 2:30. Why not try some delicious Yubeshi dumplings, a local specialty of Okayama Prefecture, dipped in some locally made soy sauce? After strolling through town, enjoy lunch at a one of the old fashioned cafes or restaurants in the area. You can also pick your own fruit at Suisha no Sato Fruits Topia (水車の里フルーツトピア). Summary of Yakage, Okayama Source :YouTube screenshot In Yakage Town, Okayama prefecture, you can stroll around the historical Japanese streets and sightseeing locations with amazing views. Plan a memorable trip to Okayama using the information in this video! There are also hotels and inns nearby, so we recommend staying overnight! 【Official Website】Yakage Town, Okayama PR Website https://japan-yakage.jp/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Yakage Town https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121388-Yakage_cho_Oda_gun_Okayama_Prefecture_Chugoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 6:48
Inuyama Castle, a national treasure in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture, is one of only five national treasures in Japan! Climbing the castle tower, you will feel like a lord! We propose a trip to immerse yourself in Japanese history!
History Travel- 169 plays
- YouTube
Video Introduction, History and Origin of Inuyama Castle, a National Treasure in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture The video "The National Treasure Inuyama Castle" (国宝犬山城 National Treasure Inuyama Castle) was produced by "SouthernValleyDiary." The national treasure Inuyama Castle was constructed in 1537 during the Muromachi Period (1336-1573), and it uses a structure implemented in some of Japan’s oldest castle towers. It was built in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture in Japan's Tokai region. It is popularly known as Hakutei Castle and not only can you see the castle town, but you also get a view of the majestic Mt. Igiyama and the entire Inuyama region from the castle tower built on the banks of the Kiso River. Photo:Aichi prefecture / Inuyama Castle It was Oda Nobunaga's uncle, Oda Nobuyasu, who built the national treasure Inuyama Castle. Later, in 1617, during the Edo Period (1603-1868), improvements were made to the castle towers by Naruse Masashige and it became what we know it as today. Naruse remained as the castle lord until the end of the Edo Period. Due to the establishment of prefectures in place of feudal domains, everything other than the castle tower was demolished. The castle suffered through some natural disasters such as earthquakes, however, through reconstruction, it was designated as a national treasure in the 10th year of the Showa period (1935). Also, due to revisions in the National Treasure regulations in the 1952, the castle was once again designated as a national treasure. Although it was once famous as a privately-owned castle, it is presently owned by the Inuyama Castle Hakutei Bunko foundation. The castle tower has a 3-tier exterior, including 4 interior floors, and 2 basement floors. Recently, the Shachihoko (an imaginary creature with a carp body and a tiger head) roof ornament was repaired and the castle's symbol was resurrected. Inuyama Castle, One of the Few Existing Castle Towers Designated as a National Treasure Source :YouTube screenshot Of the 200 castles that you can see in Japan, there are only 12 castle towers that exist from before the Edo period and that are still standing to this day. They are called the 12 Existing Castle Towers and the national treasure Inuyama Castle is one of them. Also, the 5 castle towers in Japan designated a national treasure are called the 5 National Treasure Castles and they consist of Himeji Castle, Matsumoto Castle, Hikone Castle, Matsue Castle, and of course, Inuyama Castle. The revered national treasure Inuyama Castle can be seen from 3:39 in the video. The treasured castle tower, the connecting smaller watch tower built on the stone wall, and the interior of the castle tower can be seen in the footage as well. Inuyama Castle and Places to Visit Nearby Source :YouTube screenshot On the eastern side of Inuyama Castle's castle tower, there was once a giant cedar tree. Unfortunately the tree is now dead, but it is revered as the sacred tree "Osugi-sama." The Inuyama Castle ruins are also designated as a national historic site. Some popular locations to visit near the castle are the gourmet restaurants and cafes that retain the traditional machiya (townhouse) ambience. Inuyama Castle Town can be seen from the beginning of the footage, and old, irreplaceable townhouses can be seen here as well. There are many restaurants selling soba/udon, ice cream, and gohei mochi (a type of sticky rice cake), so you will be able to enjoy seeing the sights while munching on a snack and walking around. Also, the building that once housed a famous kimono merchant, the Former Isobe Family Residence, still exists in its original state and is open to the public. The footage of the Former Isobe Family Residence can be seen from 0:18 in the video. Source :Youtube screenshot Near Inuyama Castle is the Inuyama City Museum of Cultural History, along with the Karakuri Museum, and the Castle and Town Museum. There you will be able to experience the rich history of Inuyama Castle. From 1:28 in the video, the display of the Karakuri dolls that were once used during the Inuyama Festival can be seen at the Karakuri Museum. At the Inuyama Cultural History Museum seen from 1:56, the castle town and Yama floats from the Inuyama Festival are shown, as well as a detailed diorama of Inuyama Castle, and the shachihoko. It's a 15-minute walk from Meitetsu Inuyama station and admission is only ¥100, so we definitely recommend visiting if you're going to the castle. A famous shortcut to Inuyama Castle is Sanko Inari Shrine which can be seen from 2:49 in the video. If you go through the numerous red Torii gates, you'll be overwhelmed by the sacred atmosphere. The heart shaped Ema (wishing plaques) are perfect for wishing for matchmaking and harmonious marriages, so this is a spot you should stop by if you're looking for love! There's a parking lot here as well, so if you plan on going by car, we recommend checking out the details of the parking lot. Summary of Inuyama Castle Source :YouTube screenshot What did you think? Out of the many castles Japan can be proud of, there are only 5 designated as national treasures, and the national treasure Inuyama Castle is definitely worth the visit. Experience firsthand, the castles that Japan proudly presents to the world! ◆National Treasure Inuyama Castle|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】65-2 Inuyama Kita Koken, Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture 484-0082 【Access】About 15 minutes on foot the Meitetsu Inuyama Yuen Station 【Admission Fee】Adults ¥550、Elementary and junior high school students ¥110 (※As of April 2020) 【Hours】9:00~17:00 【Closures】End of the year 【Parking】Parking lots in the vicinity (Fee required) 【Telephone】0568-61-1711 【Tripadvisor】Inuyama Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g325580-d320121-Reviews- Inuyama_Castle-Inuyama_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:25
More than just the "Three Major Summer Festivals in Tohoku!The fun ways to enjoy summer in Tohoku are endless!
Travel- 158 plays
- YouTube
Video Introducing Summer Festivals and Summer Tourist Attractions in Tohoku This video, titled "Summer Passion in Tohoku, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 東北の夏," was uploaded by "TOHOKU JAPAN." It introduces summer in Japan's Tohoku region, the perfect place for sightseeing while avoiding the summer heat, in beautiful 4K. There are many things to see and do in the Tohoku region during summer, including appreciating the spectacular natural scenery and enjoying festivals rooted in the culture of the region since ancient times that represent the Tohoku region itself. When are the three major summer festivals in Tohoku in 2024: Aomori Nebuta Festival, Sendai Tanabata Festival, and Akita Kanto Festival? The Tohoku region is known for its numerous summer festivals. Among them, Aomori Nebuta Festival, Sendai Tanabata Festival, and Akita Kanto Festival are known as the three major summer festivals in Tohoku. Here are the dates of each festival in 2024. ●Aomori Prefecture: Aomori Nebuta Festival [video: 1:09~]. Friday, August 2 - Wednesday, August 7, 2024 ●Miyagi Prefecture: Sendai Tanabata Festival [video: 1:37~]. Tuesday, August 6 - Thursday, August 8, 2024 ●Akita Prefecture: Akita Kanto Festival [video: 1:12-]. Saturday, August 3 - Tuesday, August 6, 2024 There's more! 2024 Dates of Summer Festivals and Other Events in Tohoku Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture Tohoku has been attracting more and more tourists from overseas every year, and there are many popular tourist spots where people and nature live in harmony. In the summer, Japan's Tohoku region is brimming with festivals. Here are the 2024 dates for the popular summer festivals and fireworks displays shown in the video. ●Fukushima Prefecture: Fukushima Waraji Festival [video: 0:40~]. Friday, August 2 - Sunday, August 4, 2024 ●Morioka Sansa Festival (Iwate Prefecture) [video: 1:15~]. Thursday, August 1 - Sunday, August 4, 2024 ●Yamagata Prefecture:Yamagata Hanagasa Festival [video: 1:40~]. August 5 (Mon) - 7 (Wed), 2024 ●Yamagata Prefecture:Shinjo Festival [video: 1:45~] August 24, 2024 (Mon) Saturday, August 24 - Monday, August 26, 2024 ●Akita Prefecture: Omagari Fireworks Festival [video: 3:00~]. August 31, 2024 If you are planning a summer trip to Tohoku, why not schedule your trip based on the festival dates listed above? Please check the detailed schedule of each festival and enjoy the highlights to the fullest. Spectacular natural scenery in summer! Tohoku [by Prefecture] Recommended Summer Tourist Attractions Photo:Bentennuma at Goshikinuma Here are some of the best places to visit in the Tohoku region, by prefecture, where you can enjoy spectacular summer scenery. Aomori: Jigokunuma [2:07-] Aomori: Tanesashi Coast [2:10-] Aomori: Ashigezaki Observatory [2:12-] Aomori: Oirase Gorge [2:32-] Iwate: Jodogahama Beach [0:17-] Iwate: Geibikei [0:34-] Iwate: Aragami Shrine [2:01-] Iwate: Motsuji Temple [2:39-] Akita: Omono River [1:03-] Akita: Mototakifukuryusui [2:29-] Akita: Kisakata [2:44-] and so on! Photo:A sea of clouds from Azuma Kofuji Fukushima: Goshikinuma Ponds [0:03-] Fukushima: Sannokura Sunflower Field [0:10-] Fukushima: Azuma-kofuji [2:15-] Miyagi: Izunuma [0:54-] Miyagi: Zuihoden Temple [1:34-] Miyagi: Katanuma [1:59-] Miyagi: Futakuchi Kyokoku [2:05-] Miyagi: Zao Okama [2:24-] Yamagata: Tamasudare Falls [0:46-] Yamagata: Maruike Pond [0:52-] Yamagata: Zao Katakainuma Pond [1:54-] Yamagata: Dokkonuma Swamp [1:57-] Unlike the snowy winters, the vivid fresh greenery in the sunshine is a must-see sightseeing spot in Tohoku. The beautiful sight only seen in summer is a must-see. Summary of Summer Festivals and Tourist Attractions in Tohoku Photo:Nebuta Festival, Aomori Prefecture Tohoku is also famous for delicious seafood from the seas and fresh ingredients from the mountains. There are many nationally famous hot springs and scenic spots as well, making it a great place to get away from the stress of daily life. If the sightseeing spot is in the mountains, you can avoid the heat as the temperature is much cooler at night. Walking in the woods, surrounded by rich nature, you can revitalize your mind and body. Japan's Tohoku region is a great place for solo travelers, couples, families and friends to travel. During Obon, many tourists come to visit the three major festival of Tohoku, so we recommend making reservations early, before the hotels are fully booked. This summer, how about a trip to Tohoku, where you can enjoy summer festivals, delicious food, and spectacular summer scenery? -
Video article 1:50
The Mishima Festival in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture is a summer tradition! Don't miss this video full of highlights, including Mishima Taisha's historic rituals, floats, warrior procession, and handheld fireworks!
Festivals & Events History- 300 plays
- YouTube
Mishima Grand Festival, a festival of Mishima-taisha Shrine in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan This video “[Official] MISHIMA FESTIVAL JAPAN" (しゃぎり!歴史ロマン!【公式】三嶋大祭りMISHIMA FESTIVAL JAPAN) is a promotional video of a festival with a profound history that is held in Mishima, Shizuoka. Mishima Festival is held from August 15th to 17th and it is a summer tradition in Mishima, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai region. The video condenses the highlights of the three-day summer Mishima Grand Festival, including the solemn Shinto ritual, the festival music called "Shagiri," the heroic floats and Tezutsu fireworks, and the Yabusame horseback archery ritual. First, please enjoy the 1 minute and 50 second video to your heart's content. What kind of festival is the Mishima Grand Festival and when is it in 2024? The Mishima Taisha Grand Festival and the "Tsuke Matsuri," a festival attached to the main festival, have been known as the "Mishima Summer Festival" in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Today, it is called the "Mishima Grand Festival" as a festival that emphasizes "history, culture, and tradition. Held annually over three days on the same day in August, the Mishima Grand Festival is the largest festival in Mishima City, attracting approximately 500,000 visitors each year. 2024 dates are as follows. Dates: Thursday, August 15, Friday, August 16, and Saturday, August 17, 2024 Location: Central city area between Mishima Taisha Shrine and Mishima Hirokoji Station Access: 15-minute walk from Mishima Station on the JR Tokaido Honsen Line Mishima Grand Festival [First Day] Schedule Highlights "Floats and Shagiri Source :YouTube screenshot Mishima Grand Festival, one of the summer festivals in Mishima, Shizuoka Prefecture, is held from August 15 to 17 and is one of the main festivals of Mishima-taisha. On the first day of festival, you'll see floats decorated with drums, bells, and chimes parading throughout the town. Hearing the noises beckons people to continue to observe the activity. Please check the video at 0:22 and see the dynamic parade floats. They're perfect for taking Instagram photos. If you watch the video at 0:31, you'll see the sunset and the lanterns on the floats shine throughout the town. Mishima Grand Festival [Day 2] Highlights of the schedule: "Yoritomo no Kyoaku Flag Raising Procession" and "Tezutsu Fireworks". August 16th is day 2 for the Mishima Festival, and it is a day for traditional culture. On the second day, there will be a parade as well as the formal ceremony of Minamotono Yoritomo raising an army. Minamotono Yoritomo is a samurai with a history in Shizuoka. Every year, a Japanese celebrity performs the role of Minamotono Yoritomo, therefore, it attracts many visitors. In 2024, "Tomiei Drum" who was the drummer in the popular drama, Sunday Gekijo "VIVANT", will play the role of Lord Yoritomo. We are looking forward to seeing what kind of Lord Yoritomo he will be. Please check out the video at 0:50 to see an actor playing Minamotono Yoritomo. The performance and the armor of the participants for this event is very impressive. There are more performances such as the Kid’s Flute Piece and the dedication of Ninjomai and Uyarasumai. At 1:01 in the video, we see the Tezutsu fireworks display which is truly a magical sight. Mishima Grand Festival [Day 3] Schedule Highlights "Yabusame (horseback archery) ritual" and "Nohyo-bushi Parade Source :YouTube screenshot August 17th is the last day, and it is a day for dancing. On the last day, Yabusame Shinji is held, and many people visit to see this exciting event. Please see the video at 1:16 to see what Yabusame Shinji is. Anyone can participate in the "Nohyo-bushi Parade," a grand dance to the local folk song "Nohyo-bushi" between Mishima-taisha Shrine and Hirokoji, and the "Mishimasamba Parade," a dance to the lively rhythm of the local folk song. Both adults and children can enjoy the parade, and locals and tourists alike join in the excitement. Summary of the "Mishima Grand Festival" in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Towards the end of the video at 1:38, many people get on Yagura (a wooden stage) and perform Mishima Bayashi. We have introduced a brief schedule for the three days, but please check the official website for the detailed schedule and program. The Mishima Grand Festival in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a heroic festival that brings excitement to Shizuoka during the Obon season. There will be fair stalls, night stalls, and street stalls where you can enjoy Japanese festivals, so be sure to wear a Japanese-style yukata to the festival. On the day of the festival, you can use the Mishima Taisha parking lot and the city's central parking lot, but it is recommended that you leave plenty of time for the festival as there will be traffic restrictions at nearby spots. 【Official Website】Mishima Festival https://www.mishima-cci.com/maturi/ 【Tripadvisor】Mishima Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g780865-d1313050-r606940142-Mishima_Taisha_Shrine-Mishima_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 6:00
Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture: A Town With Tons of History, Gourmet Food, Tradition, and Culture. In This Video, Two Beautiful Women Wander Around the Tourist Spots of Matsusaka!
Local PR Travel Food & Drink- 88 plays
- YouTube
Matsusaka City Is More Than Just Matsusaka Beef This video was created by the Matsusaka Tourist Association. This video will introduce you to Matsusaka, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region. It's called "Matsusaka-city tour video [Japanese]" (松阪市観光動画【日本語】). Matsusaka city is located in the center of Mie prefecture. Matsusaka is a gateway to Ise Shima, and it is about 15 minutes by train to Ise, a castle town with a traditional atmosphere. In this video, two beautiful ladies tour Matsusaka in order to introduce you to gourmet food, tradition, and culture. You'll be raring to visit Matsusaka after watching the video. What to Eat in Matsusaka Photo:Sukiyaki Lots of good food can be found in Matsusaka city. We especially recommend Matsusaka beef, introduced in the video at 0:33. A world-famous brand, Matsusaka beef comes from Matsusaka cows that drink beer and get massages. This peculiar way of raising cows gives the meat an amazing flavor, and no other beef has the same taste. It is so soft that if you touch the beef, the fat starts to melt. In the video at 1:02, Shigenobu Kajio from the Matsusaka Tourist Association talks about the beautiful marbling, sweetness, and top quality of Matsusaka beef. If you're visiting Matsusaka, the most famous Matsusaka beef dish, sukiyaki, is one you've gotta try! They show how to cook this at 1:21 in the video. Of course, there's more ways than just sukiyaki to enjoy Matsusaka beef. Other ways include steaks, yakiniku, and more! Matsusaka local food includes Japanese sweets like Oinotomo, Matsusaka tea, Monaka Ice cream (wafers filled with bean jam), and there's the popular Japanese sweets store, Yanagiya Hozen, where you can buy some of these. There are also many restaurants serving lunch as well as popular ramen stores throughout the area. A restaurant called "Kappo Ryokan Yachiyo" serves many different Matsusaka beef dishes such as shabu-shabu, steaks, rare, lightly roasted beef, and beef stew. Matsusaka is full of flavor! Historical Spots in Matsusaka Photo:Gojoban Yashiki After filling up at a local restaurant, enjoy a walk around the city and admire the history. During the warring states period (late 1400s to late 1600s), Matsusaka City in Mie Prefecture prospered as a merchant city under the command of Gamo Ujisato, a military commander of the Warring States period. At the "Matsusaka Cotton Hand Weaving Center" introduced in the video, they sell Matsusaka cotton textiles, such as dresses, accessories, Kimonos, and Yukata (summer Kimono). You can also try the weaving experience to get more in touch with Japanese culture. In the castle town, Matsusaka, there are number of tourist spots where you can enjoy the city’s history such as Gojoban Yashiki, Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Ozu Yasujiro Seishunkan Museum, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, Former residence of Hasegawa, Ozu Seizaemon, Hasegawa Jirobei, and the birthplace of the Mitsui Family. You can see the details in the video at 3:39. There are many great places for taking Instagram photos as well. Norinaga Motoori, a famous person in the Kojiki (A record of ancient matters), was from Matsusaka, and there are facilities related to Motoori Norinaga such as the Museum of Motoori Norinaga, and the former residence of Motoori Norinaga "Suzu-no-ya." Japanese explorer, Takeshiro Matsuura, who was the first person to document the inner reaches of Hokkaido, was also from Matsusaka. He is the one that named Hokkaido "Ainu." Access to Matsusaka It's more convenient to use trains to get to Matsusaka. From Osaka or Kyoto, it takes just under 2 hours, while from Nagoya it's only a 70 minute journey. From Kansai International Airport, change at Namba Station, and from Chubu International Airport Centrair, change at Nagoya Station. It is also easily accessible from Kyoto and Nara. Festivals in Matsusaka Source :YouTube screenshot There are many events in Matsusaka. Take a look at the video at 4:48 to see some of them. The Ujisato Festival held in autumn in memory of Gamo Ujisato is a very powerful event! There is also the Hatsuuma Festival, the Norinaga Festival, and the Matsusaka Gion Festival. Many people come to the Matsusaka Beef Festival where they auction off Matsusaka cattle. The Matsusaka City Marathon is also very popular. Other Tourist Spots Around Matsusaka There are number of tourist spots that weren't introduced in the video. If you want to relax, we recommend visiting Mie Ureshino hot springs and Matsusaka Kumano-no sato hot hprings. If you want to buy souvenirs and Matsusaka goods, you can visit roadside stations Iitaka and Chakura, or places like Matsusaka Bell Farm, Matsuzakashi Santaro, and local street markets. We highly recommend having lunch at Matsusaka's local restaurants! There are more exciting spots in Matsusaka as well: Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Matsusaka Park, Chubudai Athletic Park, Komyo-ji Temple, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, wealthy merchant town Matsusaka, Matsusaka Tourist Information Center, Takeshiro Matsuura Museum, ceramic art space “Niji no Izumi,” Matsusaka Suzu no Mori Park, and Mount Takami. Find your favorite place amongst the beautiful scenery of Matsusaka. Overview of Matsusaka Interested in checking out Matsusaka city? Don't forget to try Matsusaka's local cuisine, Matsusaka beef when you visit! Check out the video to see the delicious Matsusaka beef. We don't recommend watching it on an empty stomach! 【Official Website】Mie Prefecture Matsusaka city, city hall https://www.city.matsusaka.mie.jp/site/userguide/foreignlanguage.html -
Video article 14:40
Introducing the Charms of Shinjuku, Tokyo, the Largest City in Japan. Check Out Tourist Attractions of Shinjuku, the Nightless City Where History, Culture, Past, Present and Future All Intersect!
Local PR Travel- 83 plays
- YouTube
日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「一般社団法人新宿観光振興協会 Shinjuku Convention & Visitors Bureau」が公開した「SHINJUKU 9Stories【English】」です。 新宿には数多くの観光スポットがあります。 映画、ランチやディナーなどのグルメ、ショッピング、文化や歴史の散策など新宿にきて揃わないものはないと言われるほどディープな大都市「新宿」の魅力をたっぷりとご紹介します。 日本一の大都会「新宿」の人気スポット まず、新宿といえば高層ビル群。 西新軸エリアには未来的なデザインがオシャレな東京モード学園を始めとした数多くの高層ビルが見られます。 そして西新宿一帯は東京でも一二を争うシティホテルの激戦地! 世界的にも有名なホテルが数多く軒を連ねています。 「新宿」の日本一とは? また、新宿には数多くの日本一が存在します。動画でも頻繁に新宿の日本一が登場していましたが皆さん気づきました? 一つ目は日本一乗降客数が多いと言われるJR新宿駅。 毎日300万人以上の人が新宿を利用しています。 二つ目の日本一は不夜城歌舞伎町。 新宿ゴールデン街やゴジラヘッドのある映画館など、毎日朝まで多くの観光客で賑わうスポットです。 しかし、歌舞伎町には喧騒ばかりではありません。 実は花園神社を始めとした多くの神社仏閣があることでも有名です。 毎年11月になると花園神社では人気のお祭り、酉の市が開催されます。 三つ目の日本一はアジア最大とも言われているゲイタウン新宿二丁目です。 お値段はとてもリーズナブル! 女性が安心して遊べる上にディープな魅力に溢れた街。 そしてグルメも充実している新宿イチオシの観光スポットです。 四つ目の日本一が新宿伊勢丹! ここは何が日本一かというとデパートの年間売上が毎年日本一なのです。 まさにショッピングの殿堂ですね。 新宿には他にも高島屋や小田急をはじめとした高級百貨店やブティックがひしめき合っています。 代々木方面にはスポーツの聖地、東京体育館や神宮球場、秩父宮ラグビー場を有する明治神宮外苑、新宿二丁目と三丁目、広大な新宿御苑と緑もたっぷり!大都会の真ん中で森林浴が楽しめるのです。 日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介まとめ 新宿で歴史や文化を感じたい人は新宿三丁目周辺がおすすめスポットです。 落語小屋や能楽堂、美術館、新宿ピカデリーなどの映画館などが楽しめます。 新宿では古くから伝わる伝統のお祭りも開催され、日本の古き良き時代も感じることのできる街です。 歴史と現代が交錯する大都会新宿の魅力を動画でご堪能ください。 -
Video article 39:12
Drink All the Japanese Sake You Could Want! One Man Enjoys Japanese Sake While Meeting Locals Across Japan!
Food & Drink- 28 plays
- YouTube
Beer, shochu, wine, sake, whiskey, cocktails... conquer the spirits of Japan! In this video, Jack Maxwell of the Discovery Channel introduces the alcohol of Japan, touching on the history and the people of the region. From 00:13, they're at Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, enjoying not wine or sake, but rather, a bath. From 02:32 they take a visit to the Tomozuna stable. From 03:44 they enjoy sake at Chanko Nabe Kai with the wrestlers of the Tomozuna Stable. From 06:25 they observe ice making at the warehouse of Chuoreito Industries. From 07:04 they enjoy cocktails made with ice from Chuoreito Industries at Bar High Five, run by the same company. At 12:39, Jack Maxwell, who has moved to the Kansai region, gets his portrait painted at a portrait shop. From 13:39 he experiences a Japanese drinking party with his friend Mark, toasting with shochu and beer. From 18:43 he visits the Konishi Sake Brewery. His first time experiencing hirezake. From 27:00 he experiences a traditional Japanese festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha in Osaka. At 33:49 he visits the Suntory Yamazaki Distillery and tries different whiskeys. In the video, there were many different types of alcohol, not only to drink, but also to enjoy taking a bath with, for use in Shinto ceremonies, as sacred wine, and enjoying fillet wine made from pufferfish fillet, which is poisonous. Be sure to check out the video to see all the different types of alcohol and interactions with the locals of Japan!