Video article 3:11
The Age of Robots Is Finally Upon Us! Meet "Pepper," the Cheery-Eyed Robot Ready to Take Your Order!
Life & Business- 94 plays
- YouTube
The Cashier "Pepper" by "Pepper" This video, titled "Pepper for Biz [Cashier for Pepper] Feature Introductory Video" (Pepper for Biz 「レジ for Pepper」 機能紹介ムービー), introduces the functions of "Cashier for Pepper" of "Pepper for Biz." The video was released by SoftBank. The video shows how Pepper is used to automate tasks, such as customer service, product ordering and accounting in the store. "Cashier for Pepper" is a solution in which all customer service is handled by a service robot. What Kind of Robot Is Pepper? Source :YouTube screenshot Some of you may have seen Pepper or had conversations with him at smartphone shops or restaurants in Japan. Pepper is a humanoid robot developed in 2014 that can recognize emotion. The emotion-recognizing personal robot is powered by an emotion engine and cloud AI, which allows it to make flexible decisions based on the situation. Pepper performs a series of necessary operations, such as customer service and accounting at stores. Features of "Cashier for Pepper" Source :YouTube screenshot "Cashier for Pepper," shown in the video, is a full-scale, self-checkout system, that performs a series of operations related to product purchases. Pepper is a service robot that can attract customers, recommend products (with a recommended "Plus One" feature"), select menus, and print order sheets on a tablet all at in one. Some of these features can be seen at 1:13 in the video. As shown at 1:31 in the video, Pepper also has the ability to select a payment method, allowing customers to pay with an IC card. Pepper's payment terminal is linked to the POS system, so it can handle a wide range of payment types, including QR payments and electronic money payments. "Cashier for Pepper" also includes a customer registration with Pepper's facial recognition system, order history check, and inbound functions in Japanese, English, and Chinese. This is explained at 2:45 in the video. Summary of "Cashier for Pepper" Source :YouTube screenshot In recent years, due to a decline in the number of workers, the shortage of cashiers has become a major problem in Japan. "Cashier for Pepper" has the potential to be the cashier of the future. If you'd like to implement "Cashier for Pepper" as a staff member to reinvent your store, you can start by checking out Pepper's features and pricing on their website. -
Video article 4:48
Mountaineer Ken Noguchi Talks About Environmental Issues. The Climber Who Conquered the Mountains of the World, Now Spends His Time Cleaning up the World Heritage Site Mt. Fuji, With Children.
Celebrities Nature- 176 plays
- YouTube
The Cool Choice Project The Cool Choice Project is an educational activity that was launched in 2015 to introduce the efforts of the Ministry of the Environment to tackle global warming and call on all people to help fight global warming caused by carbon dioxide. Ken Noguchi, a world-famous, professional mountaineer, and the youngest person to climb the Seven Summits, talks about COOL CHOICE in a video interview titled "Our COOL CHOICE: Mountaineer Ken Noguchi|COOL CHOICE" (私たちができるCOOL CHOICE 登山家 野口健|COOL CHOICE). Who Is Ken Noguchi? Source :YouTube screenshot Maybe the profile of the alpinist (professional mountaineer) Ken Noguchi is more appropriate than the mountaineer Ken Noguchi. Mountaineer Ken Noguchi- No, scratch that, PROFESSIONAL mountaineer Ken Noguchi, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to a Japanese diplomat father and an Egyptian mother. He first came to Japan when he was four years old, and at first, wasn't able to speak any Japanese. His parents also divorced when he was in elementary school. When he was suspended from high school, he received a copy of "Risking My Youth on the Mountains" by mountaineer Naomi Uemura and had his first mountain climbing experience. Even when he was unsure of what to do after graduating from high school, this book inspired him to enroll in Asia University with the goal of conquering the Seven Summits. Ken Noguchi is currently married, with a wife and daughter. It became a hot topic on a TV variety show when it was revealed that he and his wife had lived apart for 15 of their 16 years of marriage and that he had set up a separate house in Otsuki, Yamanashi Prefecture, far from his home, and that even when he was in Japan, he stayed there. His daughter, Eko Noguchi, is a TV personality and mountaineer that does mountain climbing activities with her father. You can find more information about Ken Noguchi and his daughter on Twitter and blog, so if you're interested, be sure to follow him. Source :YouTube screenshot Ken Noguchi Profile ・ Height 169 cm (5'6") ・ Blood type A ・ Alpinist (professional mountaineer) and t.v. personality ・ Visiting Scholar, Asia University -Biography- ・ Climbed Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the European continent, at the age of 16. ・ At the age of 17, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest peak on the African continent. ・Set the record for the youngest person to climb Mt. Everest at the age of 25. ・ Established the Sherpa Fund for Sherpa orphans who died in 2000 ・ Established the Manaslu Fund in 2006 to support children's education in Sama Village ・ Currently engaged in cleaning and climbing the Himalayas and Mt. Fuji as a representative of NPO PEAK + AID Environmental Protection Message From Mountaineer Ken Noguchi Source :YouTube screenshot At 1:00 in the video, Noguchi talks about his reasons for wanting to clean up the environment. A truly admirable task. When climbing Everest for the first time, he noticed there was a lot of garbage, some of which had Japanese writing on it. According to the Sherpas, Mt. Fuji is famous for being one of the most trash-filled mountains in the world, and the Japanese climbers are considered a nuisance because they just kept littering. Hearing this, Noguchi's ego as an alpinist began to change. From 2:38 in the video, Noguchi says, "Above all, it's important to understand our impact on nature." Without mountains, there'd be no mountaineering. Understanding this, Noguchi desired to keep clean the mountains that he treasured so. If you love the sea, you clean the sea. The first thing to do is to discover a connection with nature, even if it's subjective, just wanting to clean the place that you love, that's a start. Summary of Professional Climber Ken Noguchi Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to his work as a mountaineer, Ken Noguchi also focuses on environmental education and organizes classes to clean up mountains around Japan, including Mount Fuji. You can see some of his activities at 2:44 in the video. We hope you take a look at Mr. Noguchi's interview and think about your own impact on the environment. 【Official Website】Ken Noguchi Official Website http://www.noguchi-ken.com/ -
Video article 14:59
Sharpening a Chisel, an Essential Tool for Carpentry! Bringing Worn-Out Tools Back to Life to Be as Good as New!
Life & Business Traditional Culture- 33 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "宮大工が職人技で教える初心者のための”のみ”の研ぎ方はこれだ! Sharpening a Japanese Chisel," was released by "翠紅舎 Suikoushya." The chisel shown in this video is a tool mainly consisting of a metal blade and a handle, and is used for drilling holes or engraving in wood, stone, metal, etc. There are several types of chisels and each has its own special use. They are used often in Japanese crafts. Flat bladed chisels are called flat chisels, Other blades are made of other materials, such as soft iron or steel. In this video, you can learn about the chisel, an indispensable tool for carpenters, and how to maintain it. -
Video article 19:29
A Young Swordsmith Trains Hard Every Day to Make His Dream Come True. What Does the Man Preserving Japanese Traditions Have to Say About His Passion for Swords?
Traditional Crafts- 102 plays
- YouTube
丹精込めて伝統文化・工芸品の刀を作る刀鍛冶とは こちらの動画は「明日への扉 by アットホーム」が公開した「#001 刀鍛冶 玉木 道明 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム」です。 「子供の時、おもちゃの刀を使って遊んでいたのがきっかけだった」 多くの日本人男子は、子供の時そのようにチャンバラをしてきたのではないでしょうか? 日本の伝統文化を継承するために毎日丹念している方の話しは、多くの人が面白い・興味深いと感じ、とても刺激的に感じることが多いと思います。 こちらの動画では工房で日本伝統の刀匠という刀鍛冶になるべく目指す若者を紹介。 この記事では、動画に沿って刀鍛冶の魅力や、刀の世界で毎日を過ごす玉木道明さんにについて紹介します。 日本の工芸品、伝統文化を伝える職業の刀鍛冶 刀鍛冶とは、刀を作る職人です。 高温に熱した鉄を何回も金槌で叩いて形を作っていきます。 刀の歴史・起源は日本書紀に奈良時代より作られていた記録も残っています。 現在では刀鍛冶は日本の伝統文化として珍しい職業となっています。 日本の伝統文化・工芸を継承する刀鍛冶の玉木道明について 若き刀職人の玉木道明氏は、日本の伝統文化を守るべく刀鍛冶になるため、広島県庄原市にある久保善博氏が行っている善博日本刀鍛錬道場で修行を行っています。 刀の職人は鍛人という言い方がありますが、それ以外にも鍛師・刀師・鍛刀師という呼び名があります。 また、刀派・流派は時代によって異なるのが特徴です。 刀鍛冶になるには修行が必要で、今日、明日刀を作りたいと言って作れることはできない匠の技です。 伝統文化・工芸品の刀を作るまでの工程 刀を作る工程として、まずは玉鋼を作ります。 火床で加熱をして鞴で火を操ることが大事だと言われています。 水へし・先手を行い火造り、研ぎ、焼き入れに刃紋を行います。 また、刀を作るためには刀工集団という専門的な技術を持った人が集まって作られます。 鉱物を山から掘る鉱山師から始まり、鉄穴師、タタラ師、山子、彫師、鞘師、研師といった多くの技法が相まって刀は作られているのです。 日本の伝統文化・工芸を継承すべく独立する玉木道明氏 今回の動画では玉木道明氏が独立するために刀剣の里で初打ち式へ参加する様子も収められています。 こちらは動画の16:12過ぎより紹介されています。 独立後は伝統文化として、刀は工芸品として価値が高い職人となることでしょう。 日本の伝統文化・工芸を伝える刀鍛冶、玉木道明の紹介まとめ 刀鍛冶を目指す玉木道明さんのドキュメンタリー動画では匠の技を感じられたのではないでしょうか。 この記事を読んで、刀鍛冶や日本の伝統文化・工芸などや玉木道明さんに興味をもった方は、日本刀に触れる観光に出かけてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:48
Japanese Hollywood Actress Sukezane Kiki's Beautiful Sword Fighting Captivates Fans All Over the World! A Look Inside Her Suitcase for a Glimpse at Her Private Life!
Celebrities Entertainment & Music- 91 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Hollywood Actress Sukezane Kiki! This video, titled "Sukezane Kiki Prepares for Her Trip! What's Inside the Hollywood Actress' Suitcase?!" (ハリウッド女優の豪快な旅支度。祐真キキのスーツケースの中身とは?), was released by "VOGUE JAPAN." Sukezane Kiki is attracting worldwide attention as an actress who achieved the American Dream. What kind of talent is the Japanese Hollywood actress who has starred in hit American TV dramas? In this article we'll take a look at her career and what she's up to, as well as what's inside her suitcase! The Career and Activities of Sukezane Kiki! Source :YouTube screenshot Sukezane Kiki, real name Sukezane Kie, is a Hollywood actress from Kyoto. During her second year of high school, she moved to the United States alone, where she worked on humanitarian and environmental issues. When she was 23, she moved to Los Angeles, auditioning for a wide range of roles. Then, in 2015, she gained popularity when she was selected to play Miko Otomo, a main role in the American NBC TV drama "HEROES REBORN." She reportedly learned English through her boyfriend's after moving to the US, but they have apparently separated and she now lives with a different man. In 2019, it was reported that she was diagnosed with acoustic neuroma and had surgery to remove a tumor. Sukezane Kiki's Overseas Activities! Source :YouTube screenshot Sukezane Kiki, with her bewitching looks, has appeared in movies, dramas, and commercials, including the popular American TV drama series "HEROES REBORN." One of the charms of Sukezane Kiki is her beautiful, dance-like sword fighting and action moves. Sukezane Kiki comes from a family of Kyoto samurai, and she's no stranger to action filming. Sukezane Kiki appears in "HEROES REBORN" as well as in the Netflix drama "Lost in Space." Be sure to check it out! he video showcases the contents of Sukezane Kiki's suitcase when she went overseas. It's packed full of various things, such as her party bag shown at 1:08, and the alarm clock at 1:22. There are also scripts, souvenirs, sweets, and fashionable makeup tools. Summary of Sukezane Kiki Source :YouTube screenshot Did you enjoy learning about Sukezane Kiki, the popular Japanese actress active in Hollywood? You can find out more about Sukezane Kiki's personal life on her Instagram. Be sure to check out the popular Japanese actress Sukezane Kiki! -
Video article 1:09
Weathering with You – Winner of "Best Animated Picture" at the 2019 Hochi Film Awards. A Look at the Popular Movie that Brought Tears to the Eyes of Audiences All Over the World!
News Festivals & Events- 36 plays
- YouTube
Weathering with You - Best Animated Picture This video, titled "44th Hochi Film Award|Best Animated Feature|"Weathering with You," by Makoto Shinkai" (新海誠監督 第44回報知映画賞 アニメ作品賞「天気の子」), was produced by "Sports Hochi." It shows the 44th Hochi Film Award Ceremony and the acceptance speech by Makoto Shinkai. The movie "Weathering with You," won the Hochi Film Award in 2019. This article will introduce "Weathering with You," alongside the video. Weathering With You - Hochi Film Award for Best Animated Picture Source :YouTube screenshot The 2019 blockbuster "Weathering with You" received the Hochi Film Award for Best Animated Picture. As you can see from 0:10 in the video, director Makoto Shinkai was interviewed at the award ceremony, and went on to say that he wanted to create a film that would take audiences to a world full of different types of entertainment. The voice actor, Daigo Kotarou, who voiced protagonist Morishima Hodaka, and voice actor, Mori Nanana, who voiced heroine Hina Amano, also visited to congratulate him. The 2019 Hochi Film Award nominees for Best Picture included "Listen to the Universe," " Tonde Saitama," "Confidence Man JP-Romance", and "Kingdom", etc. Weathering with You Source :YouTube screenshot Weathering with You, which won the Hochi Film Award for Best Animated Picture, is a feature-length animated film about the weather. The slogan for the movie was "This is a story about the secrets of the world that only her and I know." This is the 7th film directed by Makoto Shinkai, the first in three years since his previous film "Your Name." Weathering with You is the story of how the protagonist Hodaka, who ran away from his home on an isolated island, to Tokyo, where he meets Hina, a girl who can clear the skies with her prayers, and together, they choose how to live. The film was shown on 448 screens at 359 theaters, one of the largest screenings in history. It also broke the record for first day screening attendance. In the first three days after the screening, it recorded an attendance of 1.15 million people and grossed 1.6 billion yen at the box office, surpassing Shinkai's previous work "Your Name." By April 2020, the film had earned 14 billion at the box office, making it the 12th highest-grossing film of all time. It was also released in 140 countries and territories overseas, and was the number one film at the box office in its first week in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It has become a popular work all over the world. The music was composed by RADWIMPS as in the previous work. There are 5 songs, including "Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?," "We'll Be Alright," "Grand Escape feat. Toko Miura," "Celebration feat. Toko Miura," "Voices of the wind" and the ending theme. Popular actors Shun Oguri and Tsubasa Honda also provided the voices of the characters in the film. It has become a very popular work due to the beautiful images and music. Summary of Weathering with You Source :YouTube screenshot Published by "Sports Hochi," "44th Hochi Film Award|Best Animated Feature|"Weathering with You" gives a look at the animated picture "Weathering with You," by Makoto Shinkai, and also shows an interview with the famed director, where he talks about his films and his thoughts on his works. We recommend the video to both those who have already seen Weathering with You and those who have plans to see it in the future! As of May 2020, Weathering with You is also available on DVD. Be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Movie "Weathering with You" Official Site (JP) https://tenkinoko.com/ -
Video article 14:20
At Japan's Manga Cafes, on Top of Reading Manga, You Can Also Surf the Internet, Watch Movies, and Do Karaoke! What Facilities Are Available at Japan's Manga Cafe's and What Are the Best Ways to Use Them?!
Things to Do- 18 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Downtown] A Report on Staying at a Manga Cafe [Seriously, This Manga Cafe Is Better Than a Hotel]" (【都内】漫画喫茶宿泊レポート【ホテルより綺麗な漫画喫茶がマジで凄い】), was released by "Shachiku [Shachikurumi Channel]" (しゃちく【しゃちくるみちゃんねる】). A manga cafe is a cafe that has a lot of manga inside. Recently there are more and more places that offer not only manga, but also computers, TVs, and DVD players with internet access. There are also manga cafes that offer karaoke, showers, and darts. Manga cafes have booths for individual use or for use with a companion, so you can concentrate on reading manga in a relaxing space. There are also many manga cafes where you can stay overnight, so if you're looking for a place to stay the night, consider looking for a manga cafe. -
Video article 1:19
Comiket, a Massive Event for Manga and Anime Fans in Japan! A Look at What You Can See at the Largest Otaku Festival Around!
Shopping- 19 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "A Festival for Manga and Anime Fans|Comiket Is Now Open!" (漫画・アニメファンの祭典 コミックマーケットが開幕), was released by "TOKYO MX." Comic Market (commonly known as Comiket), held every summer and winter, is a festival of Japanese manga and anime. Usually held at Tokyo Big Sight, Comiket attracts about 500,000 fans to the market where manga and doujinshi works are sold. Popular personalities and companies also participate in the market. Manga and anime otaku create their own doujin and cosplay costumes for the event. The hall is packed first thing in the morning and there are many otaku who spend tens of thousands of yen at a time to get their favorite works. -
Video article 30:42
From the Beginning to the End of the Dam That Supported Kumamoto Prefecture for So Many Years! A Record of the 8.4 Billion Yen Arase Dam Removal!
History- 28 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Removal of the Arase Dam|30-Minute Version (For Specialists)" (荒瀬ダムの撤去 30分版(一部専門家向け)), was released by "Kumamoto Prefecture Enterprise Bureau" (熊本県企業局). It shows the removal of the Arase Dam, which was built in Kumamoto Prefecture. The key point is that it introduces the history of the dam from the start of the power generation project to its removal. It also introduces the schedule and details of the removal work, which is perfect for those who want to learn more about the technicalities of dam removal. Of course, you don't have to be an expert on Japanese dams to enjoy the content. You can see rare scenes that you don't often see in daily life, so we recommend that you make time to watch it! -
Video article 4:27
The World-Famous Manga "One Piece" Has Been Turned Into a Kabuki Filled With Entertainment! Super Kabuki II|One Piece's High Quality Recreation and Production!
Traditional Culture- 18 plays
- YouTube
This , released by "Cinema Today" (シネマトゥデイ), is titled "Introducing "Cinema Kabuki|Super Kabuki II: One Piece" Special Video" (『シネマ歌舞伎 スーパー歌舞伎II ワンピース』魅力を紹介!特別映像). The video ranks the appeal of Cinema Kabuki Super Kabuki II One Piece, which was performed in November 2015. Super Kabuki II: One Piece is a collaboration between Kabuki and the manga 'ONE PIECE' which has a lot of fans both in Japan and abroad. The play will be screened in movie theaters as "Cinema Kabuki" and this special video has been released. Although the film is Kabuki, the dialogue is in modern Japanese, making it easy to understand. The actors playing the characters are not only kabuki actors, but also include Seiji Fukushi and Tadanobu Asano. Check out the video to see the awesome performance! -
Video article 4:26
A Kabuki Performance of the Popular Manga "Naruto"! This Action Packed Show Will Have You on the Edge of Your Seat!
Traditional Culture- 27 plays
- YouTube
This video, released by "Entre Theatre Video Channel" (エントレ 演劇動画チャンネル), is titled "Minosuke's Naruto & Hayato's Sasuke! The New Kabuki Play "Naruto" Live at Shinbashi Enbujo!" (巳之助のナルト&隼人のサスケ!新作歌舞伎「NARUTO -ナルト-」が新橋演舞場で開幕!). In the video, you can watch a public stage rehearsal for the 2018 kabuki "Naruto" and an interview with the cast. Naruto is a popular action manga that was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump. This time, the world of "NARUTO" is expressed in kabuki, and a new kind of kabuki is performed with elements of modern drama and action. The entire show will run for four hours (including intermissions), making it a dense work of art. In this interview with Minosuke Bando and Hayato Nakamura, they discuss the subtle differences between kabuki and action, as well as highlights and their enthusiasm for the work. -
Video article 24:25
The Hilt, Which Determines the Beauty and Functionality of a Japanese Sword, Is Made by a Craftsman Called a Tsukamaki-Shi! Check Out the Video to See the Japanese Craftsman's Techniques!
Traditional Crafts- 67 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "#103 Tsukamaki-Shi, Kentaro Kubo|Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (#103 柄巻師 久保 謙太郎 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by "Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (明日への扉 by アットホーム). In the world of Japanese swords, there are swordsmiths and scabbard makers who make swords and scabbards, but the traditional craftsmen who make the hilt, are called "tsukamaki-shi". Many people are fascinated by the visual beauty of Japanese swords, and the tukamaki-shi is the leading figure in the production of the sword's visual beauty. The handmade sword hilt is covered with stingray skin called shagreen and then wrapped with string or other material to make it easier to grip. Some of the best sword handles from the Edo period are called masterpieces, and Kentaro Kubo, a master tsukamaki-shi, works hard every day to create masterpieces that come close to those works. -
Video article 3:26
A Modern Day Ninja! This High School Girl Is as Fast as Greased Lightning and Has Crazy Parkour Skills!
History- 19 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Ninja High School Girl - Awesome Moves in a School Uniform - Japanese school girl chase #ninja" (忍者女子高生 | 制服で大回転 | japanese school girl chase #ninja), was released by "Suntory Official Channel (SUNTORY)" (サントリー公式チャンネル (SUNTORY)). In this video, a high school girl in her school uniform is seen moving around the school like a ninja! You'll be surprised at how light and agile she is while being chased, and how truly ninja-like she is, using makibishi and kawarimi. These aren't your everyday "cute" high school girls, these girls have an air of stylish and cool just like that of a ninja! Be sure to check out the awesome acrobatics of the ninja girls in the video! -
Video article 2:54
Become an Unstoppable Ninja! Parents and Kids Dancing Together, Communicating, and Having Fun While Exercising!
History- 19 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Ninja Exercise Choreography - The Tokugawa Ieyasu and Hattori Hanzo Ninja Team" (忍者体操ふりつけ動画 徳川家康と服部半蔵忍者隊), was released by "The Tokugawa Ieyasu and Hattori Hanzo Ninja Team" (徳川家康と服部半蔵忍者隊). This video shows catchy Ninja Gymnastics video that makes it great for getting children to exercise! Men and women in ninja costume perform exercises to a tune that's so catchy it will get stuck in your head all day, and it's easy to imitate! It's good exercise for children and parents can enjoy time with their children by doing it together. In this video, they teach ninja gymnastics from start to finish, so try and follow along! -
Video article 3:21
Hattori Hanzo, With the Aichi Prefecture Tourism PR Team "Samurai No Furusato Aichi," Teaches Self-Defense Techniques That Can Be Used to Protect Oneself!
History- 34 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Nin Nin★TUBE [Hattori Hanzo Ninja Squad Style - Self-Defense Techniques - Hanzo Edition]" (忍ニン★TUBE [服部半蔵忍者隊流~護身術~ 半蔵編]), was released by "Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Hattori Hanzo Ninja Team" (徳川家康と服部半蔵忍者隊). Tokugawa Ieyasu and Hattori Hanzo Ninja Squad is a group that trains at Nagoya Castle every day to promote "Aichi, the home of the warlords" as a PR team for Aichi's tourism. The self-defense technique introduced by Hattori Hanzo is said to be a ninja art. When someone grabs your wrist, you move your arm toward the back of his or her hand in a self-defense technique. This action makes it difficult for the opponent to grab you (see the video). The trick to this self-defense technique is to quickly rotate your arm around theirs. -
Video article 7:35
Enjoy Delicious Pork Chashu Sauce Just Like What You'd Find in a Restaurant! The Chef of a Beer Bar in Chofu Shares His Secret Chashu Sauce Recipe!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Tare Sauce] The Recipe for My Secret Chashu Tare [Ramen] [PetitLucky] Vol.2. #Stayhome #WithMe #TogetherAtHome" (【タレ】某有名店秘伝のチャーシューダレのレシピを教えちゃいます【ラーメン】【プチラッキー】Vol.2 #StayHome #WithMe #家で一緒にやってみよう), was released by "COCOCOROチャンネル." In this video, a chef from a beer bar in Chofu, Tokyo, shares his recipe for an excellent chashu tare. The recipe in the video is for a commercial amount, so it uses 3.6 liters of soy sauce, but you can make it at home by adjusting the ratio to be the same. The beauty of this recipe is that almost doesn't use any knives, just get the ingredients together and leave it to simmer. You can make delicious sauce just by letting it sit overnight. The sauce introduced in the video can be used for more than just chashu, so you can enjoy arranging it to suit your own needs! -
Video article 7:39
Nippon Sport Science University's Precision Marching Will Give You Goosebumps! Nippon Sport Science University's Athletic Research Demonstration Was a Highlight of the Event!
Sports- 288 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Nippon Sport Science University・Precision Marching 2019 / Kanagawa Shimbun (Kanaloco)" (日体大・集団行動2019/神奈川新聞(カナロコ)), was released by "kanaloco." Precision marching is when a group makes disciplined movements all at once. At the "Physical Education Research and Demonstration Presentation" held by the Nippon Sport Science University, incredible performances, that would surprise even people from abroad, are held. Their perfectly coordinated performance is enough to give you goosebumps if it's your first time seeing it. It's amazing that each person acts individually, but when viewed as a whole, they are united as one. The perfect timing that allows them to not bump into each other during intersecting situations is incredible. It's a performance that will have you wondering how it's even possible when there are no markers or landmarks used. -
Video article 49:10
[The Times Are Changing] Changes in Work Content Due to Mechanization and Rationalization, and Examples of Work From a Simpler Time
Life & Business- 29 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Changes in Cargo Handling] Transportation Pallet Work (1958)|Logistics Archives|Nippon Express" (荷役はかわる 通運のパレット作業(1958)|物流アーカイブズ|日本通運), was released by "Nippon Express Official Channel" (日本通運 公式チャンネル). This video explains about cargo handling in 1958. For more than a hundred years, cargo handling has been done by hand. However, this method had many disadvantages, such as the burden on the person carrying it and damage to cargo. The advent of forklifts, pallets, and roller conveyors changed this old-fashioned cargo handling operation. By mechanizing and streamlining the process using these devices, the efficiency of cargo handling operations has greatly improved! It has brought about a revolutionary change in cargo handling. This video shows how cargo loading and unloading has changed, from the old-fashioned loading and unloading of the past, to the mechanization of work today. -
Video article 4:05
Bringing the Charm of Aizu to the World! An Amazing Yosakoi Performance by the Locals of Fukushima Prefecture!
Traditional Culture- 54 plays
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This video, titled "Diamond Route Japan feat. GOJIN from AIZU, Japan," was released by "Diamond Route Japan." In this video, you can enjoy the unity of the Yosakoi group, Gojin, that is active in Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture. Behold their youthful dances that are full of energy, and watch the place come to life! The dance and music are a perfect match, which further draws out the charm of Gojin. The performance was filmed at Tsuruga-jo Castle in Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture. If you want to visit the place where this Yosakoi performance was held by Gojin, we recommend visiting Tsurugajo Castle! The strength and beauty of the dance is truly breathtaking. -
Video article 1:00
A Real Life Version of the Popular Character From the Popular Railroad Animation "Chuggington"! Wilson and Brewster Introduce Okaden Chuggington, a Sightseeing Streetcar!
Transportation- 32 plays
This video, titled "Chuggington train," was released by "NHK WORLD-JAPAN." In this video, we see the start of the "Okaden Chuggington" streetcars. "Wilson" and "Brewster," the characters from the popular British-born cartoon "Chuggington," will show children around the city of Okayama. They were designed by Eiji Mitooka. The interior of the car is designed to excite children, and a navigator will hold events inside the car during its journey. Take a ride on the tram that runs between Okayama Station and Higashiyama Okaden Museum Station! It's a 50 minute journey your kids will love! -
Video article 9:53
An Introduction to Shoko Kanazawa's Calligraphy Exhibition, Where She Shows off Her Bold Calligraphy! A Glimpse at the Works of the Genius Calligrapher With Down Syndrome!
Traditional Culture- 27 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Shoko Kanazawa, a genius calligrapher with Down's Syndrome - Inori no Zouko - nippon.com" (ダウン症の天才書家・金澤翔子 ー 祈りの造形 | nippon.com), was produced by "nippon.com." In this video, you can see a calligraphy exhibition by Shoko Kanazawa, a calligrapher with Down syndrome, at the Ueno Royal Museum in September 2017. Shoko Kanazawa began her calligraphy career at the age of five with her mother, a calligrapher, as her teacher. At the age of 20, she made her debut as a calligrapher, and is now considered a genius calligrapher! Check out the video to see the many wonderful works and thoughts of her mother. -
Video article 2:59
Introducing the Solo Exhibition of World-Renowned Flower Arranger Shogo Kariyazaki! This Beautiful Display of Unique Artworks Is a Must-See!
Traditional Culture- 79 plays
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This video, titled "[Promoting Cross-Cultural Exchange Through Flowers] Flower Arrangement Artist・Shogo Kariyazaki|nippon.com" (「花を通じて異文化交流を深めたい」 華道家・假屋崎省吾 | nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com." In this video, you can see flower arrangement artist Shogo Kariyazaki's solo exhibition. The solo exhibition is held every year, and Kariyazaki says that it's his life's work. You can check out his artistic and powerful works in this video! -
Video article 3:43
Experience What It Feels Like to Run 100 Meters in 9.98 Seconds, Through the Eyes of National Record Holder Kiryu Yoshihide! Watch the Eye Level Video as He Sprints 100 Meters!
Sports Celebrities- 87 plays
- YouTube
Video of Sprinter, Kiryu Yoshihide, Taken by Gopro! Check out the video, uploaded by Kiryu Yoshihide “Running with a GoPRo!(GoProを付けて走ってみた!)” Kiryu Yoshihide is a famous sprinter, holding the national record for the 100 meter dash, at 9.98 seconds. It's rare to see him running on indoor track with a GoPro on his head. The difference between his point of view and the point of view of a normal person while running, is shown at 2:21 in the video. What Kind of Athlete Is Kiryu Yoshihide? Source :YouTube screenshot Kiryu Yoshihide is a sprinter from Hikone, Shiga in Japan's Kansai region. He was born December 15th, 1995 and he is now 24 years old (as ofJune, 2020). He is 176 cm tall and weighs 70 kg. He has liked sports since his childhood, and during his time at Rakunan High School and Toyo University, he participated in national and world tournaments. After graduating from college, he participated in the Asian Games as a track and field athlete affiliated with Nippon Life Insurance, while also appearing in commercials and television programs. In 2020, he announced his marriage on his official YouTube channel, surprising everyone. A Look at His Records and Awards! Source :YouTube screenshot Yoshihide Kiryu competes globally in short-distance track and field events such as the 100 and 200 meter dash. In 2017, he achieved a 9.98 in the 100 meter sprint, his best record as well as the national record. At the Rio Olympics in 2016, he ran 2 x 100 meter relays with Yamagata Ryota, Iizuka Shota, and Aska Cambridge. They set a record for Asia and took home a silver medal. About Kiryu Yoshihide Source :YouTube screenshot Other than YouTube, he also has a Twitter and Instagram. He talks about his training and track and field in general. He introduces about his cleats, how to build muscles, and more. Definitely check it out if you're interested in track and field. Summary of Kiryu Yoshihide Source :YouTube screenshot This video showed Kiryu Yoshihide’s impressive speed, and introduced a little bit about him. If you watch the video at 2:21, you realize the difference between a professional runner and an average person. We also see a race between Yoshihide and his coach at 2:38. He is now training for the Tokyo Olympics. It'll be exciting to see what he can achieve, and if he'll be able to set any new records. 【Official Webbsite】JAAF | Kiryu Yoshihide https://www.jaaf.or.jp/english/ -
Video article 5:36
The Most Popular Sake in Each Category! SAKE COMPETITION 2014, Japan's Largest Sake-Drinking Event!
Festivals & Events Food & Drink- 19 plays
- YouTube
SAKE COMPETITION 2014, Japan's Largest Sake-Drinking Event This video was shot at SAKE COMPETITION 2014, Japan's largest sake-making event. At the event, the award ceremony and tasting of the award-winning breweries in each category is held, with guest presenter Hidetoshi Nakata, actor Yoshihiko Hakamada, TV personality Amie Izawa and other celebrities sharing their passion for sake. The following sake breweries won first place in each category. 【Free Style Under 5000 Division】 Sumikawa Shuzo [Toyobijin Daiginjo Jipangu] 【Free Style Division】 Matsuzaki Shuzo [Hirotogawa Daiginjo] 【Junmai Division】 Miyaizumi [Sharaku Junmai] 【Junmai Ginjo Division】 Miyaizumi [Sharaku Junmai Ginjo Bizen-Omachi」 【Junmai Daiginjo Division】 Miyagi Sake [Yamawa Junmai Daiginjo] Be sure to check out the video to see the winners being chosen!