Video article 4:35
Marie Kondo, the Organization Expert. Her "KonMari Method" Gained Attention Even in America, and Her Best Seller, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up" Was Made Into a Drama Called "Tidying up With Marie Kondo." What’s the Secret to Her Organizational Skills?
Celebrities Life & Business News- 109 plays
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An Introduction to Marie Kondo, the Organizing Consultant! This time, we'll introduce the video “Marie Kondo: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up / アメリカでもベストセラー!「人生がときめく片づけの魔法」こんまり人気に迫る!” This is the video featuring Marie Kondo , an organizing consultant. Her book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” sold as many as 5 million copies across 41 countries. Some people have even called it the "Cleaning Bible". What Is Marie Kondo Like? Source :YouTube screenshot Marie Kondo is a small lady, at just 147 cm tall. She lives in America with her husband and their children. Her blog and Instagram explain how to organize rooms. Many fans pay attention to her Social Networking Service. Marie Kondo also runs an online shop selling kitchen and bath goods. Her picture book “Kiki & Jax The Life-Changing Magic of Friendship” published in 2019 also became a hot topic for a while. In 2015, she garnered a lot of attention after being featured on the TV program “Jounetsutairik." The original Netflix series “KonMari The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” where American families are visited and receive help tidying up is also very popular. How Great Marie Kondo's “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up” Is! Source :YouTube screenshot Her book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” published in 2010, sold over a million copies and was made into a drama in Japan. Moreover, the English version dominated the top of the charts on Amazon's Best Sellers list. It also came in first and second together with her new book “Spark Joy” in the New York Times' "How-To" list. Marie Kondo was also chosen as one of “the 100 most influential people in the world”. This is introduced at 0:20 in the video. What Is Marie Kondo's Organization Method? Source :YouTube screenshot Marie Kondo’s nickname “Kon Mari” is used as a verb to mean organizing, like “I’m konmari-ing.” in the English speaking world. Nowadays, as a hashtag of organizing, “Kon Mari” is used in Social Networking System. The public interview of Marie Kondo about “The Kon Mari Method” well noticed in New York in Amerika is shown from 1:19 in the video. The secret to Marie Kondo’s organization is “To clean up and keep what is important and what sparks joy” and “to appreciate” one's belongings. According to the journalist (from 2:54 in the video), Marie Kondo told American who love shopping and tend to accumulate things that removing some of them and simplifying, will lead to happiness. The KonMari Method has reached the hearts of many people. Summary of the Video of Marie Kondo, the Organizing Consultant Source :YouTube screenshot Marie Kondo’s way of organizing is getting a lot of attention not only in Japan but also in other countries as well. For those who have endless worries about organizing, and are interested in the Japanese culture of organizing, please refer to Marie Kondo. You can expect more secrets to achieve an organized life by checking out some of the books by “Yamashita Hideko” who proposed “Danshari” (detachment from possessions). -
Video article 21:10
What Makes Amezaiku One of Japan's Most Prized Traditional Crafts? If You Look at the Craftsmanship of Japan, the Country of Manufacturing, You'll Understand Why...
Traditional Crafts- 546 plays
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日本の伝統工芸飴細工紹介動画について 日本が誇る伝統工芸の一つである飴細工について、『日本糖果藝術 飴細工 - 金魚,青蛙,貓,狗 東京』の動画を元に紹介をさせていただきます。 飴細工とは? 日本が誇る伝統工芸の飴細工とは何か、まずはその詳細について紹介をさせていただきます。 飴細工は、製菓技術の一つで、起源は平安時代に京都で作られていたお供え物になります。 熱した飴を職人が自在に操って作品を作り出す様はまさに芸術の一言で、今回紹介させていただいている動画を見ても、伝統工芸の素晴らしさがはっきりと分かることでしょう。 動画内で実際に飴細工を制作されている姿をまずはご覧ください。 飴細工は飴と製菓という言葉が表す通り、芸術品でありながら食べることが出来ます。 その精巧な作りは食べる時には勿体無いと思ってしまうほどです。 しかし基本的には食べ物というよりは芸術品や美術品といった側面が強く、動画内でも猫や犬、金魚や青蛙等を題材としており、思わず飾っておきたくなるような素晴らしいものばかりです。 和と洋で違う飴細工 日本の伝統工芸としても名高い飴細工ですが、実は和菓子だけでなく、洋菓子としてもその技術が用いられています。 和菓子としての飴細工は、最小限の道具で生き物をモチーフとした一品で完成する作品が多いのに対し、洋菓子の飴細工は、バラや花等の植物を主として、一品一品を組み合わせた大規模な作品として主に制作されています。 伝統工芸としての歴史はどちらも古く、その美しさから、日本人外国人問わず、多くの人の間でお土産やプレゼントとして人気です。 日本が誇る伝統工芸飴細工の紹介まとめ 視覚でも味覚でも楽しませてくれる伝統工芸の飴細工、今回はその素晴らしさについて動画を交えてご紹介させていただきましたが、いかがだったでしょうか? 今回紹介をさせていただいた飴細工職人の方々は、通販での販売、体験教室を開くなど、積極的に伝統工芸を後世へと伝え、残していく活動をされています。 特にその活動を積極的に行われているのが「飴細工よし原」であり、職人の人が実際に目の前で作る姿を見ることもできます。 飴細工体験教室などのイベントも開催されるので、動画を見て気になった方はぜひ「よし原」へと足を運んでみることをおすすめします。 伝統工芸を実際に触れることで、伝統工芸という日本文化に対しての理解が一層深まることでしょう。 日本の伝統工芸の一つである飴細工について興味を持っていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 2:41
Full Power! The Precision of the Heavy Machine Operator Who Manipulates His Harvester So Smoothly It's Like an Extension of His Body.
Life & Business Transportation- 340 plays
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The Heavy Machinery of Modern Japanese Forestry This video is "cutting with the powerful of heavy machinery(重機の強力なパワーで伐採)" produced by "takao kuboki" In recent years, it is said that the shortage of people is serious in primary industries, such as forestry. Forestry in particular is facing the problem of an aging population and lack of successors. Japanese satoyama (undeveloped woodland near populated area) cannot be grown into a healthy forest unless humans cut down unnecessary/predatory trees. That's where heavy machinery for cutting down trees comes in. The power to grab trees and move them around like pencils is amazing. Enjoy the powerful scenes of Japan's heavy logging machinery. The Power and Performance of Japan's Heavy Machinery! Source :YouTube screenshot The highlights of this video are around 0:54 and 01:28. A scene in which the tip of the heavy machine arm is dexterously manipulated, and a single tree is grabbed and knocked down with a crash. It’s only about 20 seconds long, but quite amazing to see. One tree is felled, creating a cloud of snow. Unless thinning is performed in this way, sunlight will not reach the ground and these "satoyama" will become unhealthy mountains. Forestry is a very important industry, as roughly 70% of Japan is covered in forests. Demand for heavy equipment operators will continue to increase if younger people don't take up the profession. The Amazing Skills of Japan's Heavy Machinery Operators Photo:Heavy Machinery Heavy machinery are dedicated vehicles used in civil engineering and construction. There are cranes, excavators, forklifts, road rollers, bulldozers, aerial platforms, unic (mini crane), digging / rock drilling / boring vehicles, wheel loaders, dump trucks, heavy equipment carriers, and loads more. Working in the snow from the beginning of this video is a heavy machine equipped with a type of arm called a "baguette" Heavy equipment is expensive even for used vehicles, and it is difficult for small and medium sized enterprises to buy them. Because of that, many people use rentals or lease them. The video shows logging in the forest, but small-sized excavators are useful in logging due to slopes and poor scaffolding. How to Get a Heavy Equipment License in Japan? What Vehicles Are Suitable for Logging? Photo:A Harvester Special qualifications (licenses) are required to operate heavy equipment in Japan. Heavy machinery is highly specialized vehicles used only in specific places. Therefore, qualifications according to the purpose are required. Here are some of them. ・Operation of vehicle construction equipment for leveling, transportation, loading and excavation. ・ Operation of vehicle construction equipment for foundation work. ・Operation of vehicle construction machinery (for dismantling). ・Operation of a shovel loader. To operate an excavator, a commonly used vehicle, you need one of the following qualifications: "Vehicle-based construction machine driving skill training" or "Special education on the operation of small vehicle-based construction machinery" Summary of the Video (The Myths of Heavy Machinery Vehicles in Japan) Japan's heavy equipment is used in many places around the world. Many heavy equipment manufacturers, such as Komatsu, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and IHI Construction Machinery, are different from ordinary automobiles, and, they are successful in the world's leading industries. This video introduces heavy machinery in Japan that cuts down forests in snowy "satoyama." Enjoy the powerful logging scenes and the craftsmanship of heavy equipment operators who can knock down trees brilliantly even on sites with poor scaffolding. -
Video article 5:40
The Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo," the Keystone of the International Space Station! Introducing Japan's Cutting-Edge Space Research Technology!
Life & Business- 60 plays
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The Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo,” the Largest on the International Space Station The video "2019-2020 JAXA Manned Space Activities - "Kibo" and Beyond" (2019-2020 JAXA 有人宇宙活動~「きぼう」その先へ) uploaded by “JAXA,” introduces the Japanese experiment module “Kibo” of the International Space Station. The area known as Low Earth Orbit (LFO) (less than 2,000 km from the Earth), is said to be the gateway to space, and is where various satellites fly. As you can see from 0:33 in the video, Kibo, one of the largest space experiment facilities, was completed in 2009 on the International Space Station. It orbits at an altitude of about 400 kilometers. In terms of size, it is approximately 108.5 meter x 72.8 meters, weighs 420 tons, and flies at speed of about 27,000 km/h (~16,777 Mph). “Kounotori,” the cargo transporter, was also successfully launched, and Kounotori 8 has achieved a 100% mission success rate. Experiments Involving Kibo Source :YouTube screenshot The Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” is “doing things for society that can only be done in space.” At Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF), they are researching the effects of gravity on living things. This is shown at 1:37 in the video. In the fall of 2019, CBEF-L, which can equip larger devices, was also added. The Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) is a material testing device that melts materials by making them float, and can examine materials that are difficult to examine on the ground, such as glass and ceramics. The J-SSOD is a mechanism that releases small satellites using Kibo's airlock and robotic arm. The Small Optical Link for International Space Station (SOLISS), developed in collaboration with a private company, conducts experiments using optical disk technology to enable future inter-satellite and space-to-ground high-capacity communications. Beyond Low Earth Orbit Photo:Mars We're currently entering an era where exploring the moon and mars is possible. Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) technology is a system for purifying water and air. A water reclamation system based on Japan's outstanding water treatment technology is also being put to the test. The new H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV-X) is Japan's original spacecraft that will improve Kounotori's transportation capability, and will allow for in-orbit missions that the Japanese sector is aiming for, with the goal of launching by 2021. The Astronauts of Kibo Source :YouTube screenshot There are Japanese astronauts working on the Japanese Experiment Module as well. Noguchi Soichi has maintained the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo and has conducted various experiments. He is responsible for operating the Inter-orbit Communication System (ICS), communicating with the ground through HD images, and preparing for spacecrafts and supply vehicles that visit the ISS. He also interacts with the ground by posting information, pictures, and videos on social media sites, such as Twitter. Doi Takao was in charge of installing and maintaining a storage module for “Kibo.” He organized cargo transfer between the space shuttle and the ISS as a loadmaster (cargo transfer supervisor). Hoshide Akihiko was selected for a long duration mission to the ISS in 2020 and he will lead as a captain at the end on the mission. Summary Photo:Satellite The Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" is a key facility of the ISS. We are proud to say that Japanese technology is at the forefront of space activities. Let's think back to the Japanese engineers and astronauts who continue to play an active role in space, through this video! 【Official Website】JAXA https://global.jaxa.jp/projects/iss_human/kibo/ -
Video article 15:03
The Art of Eating! Video demonstration of Japanese wagashi! Taste wagashi filled with the hospitality of Kyoto's long-established “Tsuruya Yoshinobu” in Chuo-ku, Tokyo!
Food & Drink- 376 plays
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Introduction of video demonstration of “Tsuruya Yoshinobu Tokyo Branch”, Kyoto's long-established Kyoto confectionery store located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo. This video, titled "JAPANESE CANDY ART Incredible WAGASHI Traditional Sweets Tokyo Japan," was created by "Travel Thirsty." The video shows the traditional preparation process of fresh confectionaries by the long-established confectionary shop "Tsuruya Yoshinobu" in Nishijin, Kyoto at their Tokyo branch. "Namagashi," which are made by wrapping red bean paste and shaping it into seasonal flowers and fruit shapes, are highly regarded for their beautiful appearance. Recommended Products of Yoshinobu Tsuruya Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The confectionaries of Tsuruya Yoshinobu, a long-established Japanese confectionary shop established in 1803, are filled with the Japanese spirit of hospitality. Tsuruya Yoshinobu's "Yu-Mochi" is made of Gyuhi (a kind of rice cake made from glutinous rice flour) and has a Yuzu fruit flavor. It won the prize in the Gift Packaging Award at the Japan Packaging Contest held by the Japan Packaging Institute. Fukuhauchi is a confectionary made of Momoyama dough wrapped with white bean paste, and is said that it was purchased by Empress Shoken at the end of the Meiji Period (around 1867). Other popular items include Yokan, Kohakuto, shaved ice, Kyokanze, and arrowroot-flavored Ogura Zenzai. In addition to Tsuruya Yoshinobu's Tokyo branch shown in the video, they also have their flagship store in Kyoto that sells sweets that can only be tasted in Kyoto, so be sure to keep an eye out for them if you're visiting the Kyoto branch. The Tsuruya Yoshinobu Main Shop Source :YouTube screenshot The Tsuruya Yoshinobu main shop was built in 1992 in the style of a traditional Kyoto "Machiya" (townhouse). The building is characterized by a traditional Japanese Sukiya-style architecture. At the entrance of the main shop, there is a large signboard with the symbolic Kyoto specialty "Yu-Mochi," and in the entrance window, there's an Omotenashi display for welcoming customers. There are a lot to enjoy. There is also a tea room, a tea garden, a tea house, a resting place, a tea room called "Kayu-Jaya," a resting place, a tearoom called "Yu-shin," and a cedar door painting called "Tancho-tsuru" (丹頂鶴, "Red-crowned Crane") by Atsushi Uemura. At the "Kayu-jaya" demonstration counter, the artisans themselves will demonstrate how wagashi are made. This video shows demonstrations of Wagashi making, such as chestnut confectioneries at 0:18 and beautiful confectioneries that look like cherry blossoms at 7:04. All of them look so beautiful that it's hard to even eat them. Buying Confectioneries From Tsuruya Yoshinobu in Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In 2015, the Tsuruya Yoshinobu IRODORI shop opened at Kyoto Station, Hachijoguchi. In this shop, they offer a "to-go" option for some of the products. This is perfect if you're traveling on the Shinkansen. Thanks to their Tokyo branch shown in the video you can buy the famous confectioneries from Nishijin, Kyoto, in Tokyo. There's even a Japanese confectionery café in Nihonbashi (日本橋), so consider stopping by if you're looking for a place to take a break. Summary of Tsuruya Yoshinobu Source :YouTube screenshot The wagashi featured in the video are beautiful and taste amazing. They also look great on Instagram! Be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet, as you can see the awesome skills of the chefs as the make traditional Japanese confectionaries. ◆Tsuruya Yoshinobu Tokyo Branch|General Information◆ 【Address】1-5-5, Nihonbashi Muromachi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0022 【Access】Directly connected to the underground station of Mitsukoshimae Station via the Tokyo Metro Hanzomon and Ginza Lines (Exit A6). 【Hours】First Floor Shop 9:00-18:00; Second Floor Kayu-jaya / Rest Area 9:30-18:00 (last order 17:30) 【Closures】First Floor shop: Closed on New Year's Day / some Wednesdays ※Closed every Wednesday from September to November Second Floor Kayu-jaya / Rest Area: Closed every Wednesday (Open on national holidays) 【Phone】075-441-0105 ※The hours of operation may have changed, so please check before you visit. 【Official Website】Kyo-Kasho Tsuruya Yoshinobu Official Online store https://www.tsuruyayoshinobu.jp/shop/pages/en_about.aspx -
Video article 7:55
Full of Incredible LEGO Gizmos! Don’t Miss This Popular Video With Over 30 Million Views!
Things to Do- 222 plays
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Check Out This Popular Lego Ball Contraption Video! First, let’s watch this video titled “LEGO GBC 20 modules [LEGO] I made a ball contraption(LEGO GBC 20 modules 【レゴ】 玉ころがしをつくってみた)” produced by Akiyuki Brick Channel. This video shows a machine called GBC made with LEGO bricks. GBC refers to a work comprised of a series of gadgets made with huge LEGO brick modules to carry small balls. It's an acronym of Great Ball Contraption. The GBC created with various mechanisms such as shovels and pumps is like a robot with a mind of its own. It seems like many viewers watch the video again and again to see the GBC’s interesting and fascinating mechanisms. Surprisingly, this video has more than 30 million views! Enjoy this addictive video that will have you watching it over and over again. History of the Popular Line of Toys, LEGO Photo:LEGO LEGO refers to a line of plastic brick-building toys developed by a Danish toy company. The name originates from the Danish phrase “leg godt” meaning “play well.” LEGO is a popular toy that is still popular all around the world even half a century after its debut in 1958. Which Bricks to Purchase Photo:LEGO The basic kit series is the best option for beginners who are wondering which to choose as many kinds of bricks are sold. These kits include building bricks as well as figure parts like chefs or janitors and widen the range of play. If you have no idea how to play with the bricks, read the building instructions and assemble the parts. Experience the fun of building with LEGOs that fascinate both kids and adults alike. About the GBC in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Japan is a manufacturing powerhouse, and it demonstrates its advanced technology in the world of toys as well. Now, let's take a brief look at the GBC (Great Ball Contraption) built with LEGO bricks in the video. First, you can see a crane scooping the small rolling soccer balls and basketballs and pour them onto the running truck at 0:04. After unloading the truck, the balls go through various contraptions. This footage starts from 0:44 in the video. As you can see in the video, one of the things that makes this video so fascinating is the high quality of each device. After going through countless devices, those balls finish their journey at, surprisingly, the same crane at the very beginning of the video! You can see this at 7:28 in the video. LEGOLAND in Japan! Source :【Official Website】Legoland Japan Resort LEGOLAND, the LEGO theme park created by LEGO Group, has gained a lot of attention. LEGOLAND opened in Denmark as well as the UK and the US one after another, and in 2017, LEGOLAND Japan opened in Aichi Prefecture in Japan. As a place where visitors can play in the world of toys, LEGOLAND is an ideal place for dates and leisure as well. Summary of the GBC Built by Legos Source :YouTube screenshot LEGO is loved all around the world and has infinite ways it can be enjoyed. Be it playing with your family and friends or trying to build a fascinating GBC like the one in the video, find your own way to enjoy LEGO. After watching this video, you will surely be tempted to play with LEGO! Try not to get lost watching the video's amazing contraptions! 【Official Website】Welcome to LEGOLAND Japan Resort! https://www.legoland.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】LEGOLAND Japan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298106-d12284533-Reviews-LEGOLAND_Japan-Nagoya_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:57
The 30 Years of the Heisei Era Was a Period of Cell Phone Evolution! Shoulder Phones, Phs, Pagers, Feature Phones, Ringtones, Pix, Etc. Let’s Look Back at the Nostalgic History of Cell Phones.
Life & Business- 188 plays
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The Video That’ll Take You Back Through the History of Cell Phones in Japan! The video we’ll introduce this time is one that looks back through the history of cell phones in the 30 years of the Heisei era. The video is called "【On-Site】Memory of Heisei, 30 Years of ‘Cell Phone’ Evolution(【現場から、】平成の記憶、「携帯電話」進化の30年)"and is publicized by ‘TBS NEWS’. To say that cell phones are a truly indispensable infrastructure in Japan, a modern society, is not an exaggeration. A network disruption, once it takes place, becomes news all throughout society. In the early days of the Heisei era (around 1989), the use of cell phones was few and the general public did not carry them regularly. Now, the norm is 1 phone per person. Let’s look into the history of cell phones to see how they managed to evolve to a such great extent. History of Cell Phones 1: When Did the History Begin? The Early-Heisei Era and the Rise of Cell Phones Source :YouTube screenshot The history of cell phones began with shoulder phones launched in Showa 60 (1985). This can be seen from 0:37 in the video. At the time, it weighed 3kg and required ¥200,000 as a deposit on top of basic charge and call charges, so only about 490,000 contracts were made and it was a status symbol during the bubble economy. It was remotely a commodity in the wider society. The youngsters who only know of present cell phones would be astounded by its stunningly large size. As time passed, it became smaller little by little but didn’t amount to wide dissemination among the public. Then came the Heisei era. In the early days of the Heisei era, the size of shoulder phones became small and pagers and PHS were in. And in Heisei 11 (1999), the history of cell phones reached a tipping point. People not only talked on cell phones, they started to use them. Cell phones were dubbed Ketai and Docomo launched i-mode. Now connected to the internet, the number of cell phone contracts in Japan exploded. Source :YouTube screenshot In Heisei 12 (2000), ringtone service began, and in Heisei 14 (2002), cell phones with a camera were launched causing the ‘PIX’ (a message with a picture), fad. 1seg was also equipped to the phones, enabling people to watch TV programs on them, marking the transition from the period of analogue technology to one of digital. This is shown from 1:30 in the video. By then, the number of contracts had reached around 81 million, and a society in which almost every Japanese carried a phone was forming. With au (formerly IDO) and vodafone (formerly J-PHONE) joining the market with Docomo, it was a period where designs of phones became stylish and cool and communication technology saw a massive improvement. History of Cell Phones 2: Feature phones that went through a unique evolution in Japan! Source :YouTube screenshot In Japan, folding cell phones were popular until the mid-Heisei era. They were called "Garake", and many used it on a daily basis. The history of cell phones reached a critical juncture which led to modern cell phones. In Heisei 20 (2008), Softbank Mobile started selling the iPhone in Japan. On the day of release, more than 1,500 people lined up in a queue craving for the iPhone. Masayoshi Son, the CEO of Softbank Mobile at the time, said “the computer is now in the palm of your hand”, which is shown from 2:00 in the video. Smartphone was dubbed Sumaho (based on the Japanese pronunciation) and became widely popular. With the advent of smartphones, ‘Insta-bae’ where people take photos and upload them to the social media such as Instagram became a trend. Many companies now provide kakuyasu smartphones where prices are cheaper than they used to be. The video describes how smartphones now ‘connect’ people 24 hours, both in good and bad ways. History of Cell Phones 3 Evolution of phones into the future! Source :YouTube screenshot Japan, now in the Reiwa era, a period of next generation wireless communications has already begun. Starting with 5G, providing a speed a hundred times faster than the present, the use of electronic money is expanding as well. App stores are overflowing with new apps as well, making them indispensable in everyday life. Remote control of a robot is possible with just the touch of a button on your phone in this period. This can be seen at 3:03 in the video. How will cell phones transform in the future? No one can say for sure. Only time will tell. Summary of the History of Cell Phones This time, we introduced the history of cell phones in Japan. We’re sure many of you felt the nostalgia watching the video. The 30-year-long Heisei era is known as the period where phones went through an unimaginable evolution, but we can’t be more excited about the transformation of phones, becoming more and more convenient, in the future! -
Video article 3:35
Skateboarding Expected to Be in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! Witness the Skills of Some of the World's Top Young Riders Contracted With Murasaki Sports!
Sports- 100 plays
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Skateboarding in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! This video is a session of TEAM RIDER, which consists of five street skaters, Yoshiaki Toeda, Ryuhei Kitazume, Yuto Hori, Daisuke Ikeda, and Sorayoshi Shirai. Skateboarding has become a hotly anticipated event as it becomes a part of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. For some of you, skateboarding is what "kids do for fun." However, skateboarding is one of the most popular international extreme sports, along with surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and BMX, which are all part of the Olympic Games. Check out the video to see some awesome tricks and learn just how fun skateboarding can be! The 2020 Tokyo Olympics' Skateboarding Competition Photo:Skateboarding Although the history of skateboarding varies, it is most likely that it was born around 1940 on the west coast of the United States. Until around 1990, it was enjoyed for fun, but it later took established itself as a sport and joined the Olympic games. There are two types of skateboarding: street and vert. Street skating is exactly what it sounds like- skating around streets and using the natural environment as your skatepark. At the Olympics, it's essentially a small course intended to mimic that natural environment, with staircases, handrails, and more setup for the competitors to do tricks with. Competitors are judged on the number of tricks the can do in the allotted time period, as well as on the complexity of their tricks. Photo:Skatepark On the other hand, vert skating, also known as park skating uses large half-pipes, quarter-pipes, and bowls that you would see at a skatepark. These allow the competitor to gain speed that allows them to grind for long distances, or to gain incredible height and do aerial tricks. It might not look that hard, but being so high in the air can actually be quite nerve wracking, and they don't always land their tricks either. Street skating might not be as fast paced, but the freestyle performances are just as impressive as their vert counterparts. The video shows a video of a street skateboard competition starting at 0:17. Skateboarders and Other World-Class Riders! Murasaki Sports Supporting the Youth! Source :YouTube screenshot Many athletes who have won numerous awards in world contests, including the designated players for the Tokyo Olympics, belong to Murasaki Sports. The skateboard team "TEAM RIDER," that can be seen in the video, includes Yoshiaki Toeda (0:15), Ryuhei Kitazume (1:14), Yuto Horiyume (2:21), Daisuke Ikeda (0:39), and Sorayoshi Shirai (1:42). Check out some of their awesome tricks in the video. There's also surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and other athletes besides the five skaters mentioned above. The athletes are committed to improving their skills while practicing for competition on a daily basis. The Murasaki Sports website also features blog posts on the athletes' competitions as well as their private lives, so you can stay up to date with their daily activities. You too can support the players of Murasaki Sports! Summary of Murasaki Sports' Skateboarders Photo:Skateboarding We hope you were able to see some of the charms of skateboarding through this article. Be sure to look out for skateboarding at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! The population and public interest in skateboarding isn't that high, but the community is great and they love helping beginner get into the sport! If you're into skateboarding, be sure to watch the video and check out some of their awesome tricks! 【Official Website】Skateboard - Murasaki Sports https://www.murasaki.co.jp/brand/ridelifemag-murasaki-sports/shop/honatsugi/354a9bd2-09ad-4aea-a98f-e4249637a13b -
Video article 17:12
Watch Closely as the Chef of RyuGin, a Japanese Restaurant in Roppongi, Tokyo, Creates Exquisite Cuisine Worthy of Being Called Works of Art!
Food & Drink- 235 plays
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Akamutsu Cuisine "Ryu-Rin" Video Introduction at Ryu-Gin, Minato-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "Nihonryori RyuGin 2012" (日本料理 龍吟 龍鱗2012), introduces the amazing cuisine of Nihonryori RyuGin, a Japanese restaurant in Roppongi (*"NihonRyori" (日本料理), means "Japanese Cuisine" in Japanese*). The video was produced by Tokyo Gastronomy. Chef Seiji Yamamoto of RyuGin, a Japanese restaurant in Roppongi, presents his artistic fish dish, Ryurin, at the World Culinary Summit in Spain. Check out the masterful cuisine prepared in the video! Preparing the Delectable Seaperch Source :YouTube screenshot RyuGin's Chef Seiji Yamamoto uses blackthroat seaperch, which is fatty and juicy, with even its bones and scales being edible. Blackthroat seaperch, called "akamutsu" (赤むつ) in Japanese, is also called "nodoguro" (のどぐろ, lit. black throat) in Japanese, due to its black mouth, and is the finest seafood available from the Sea of Japan. Bringing out the flavor of the ingredients with simple cooking methods, such as frying and grilling, shows the artisanal techniques of Japanese cuisine. Chef Yamamoto has analyzed the traditional Japanese method of cooking dried fish over open flame and has incorporated umami by drying and maturing ingredients to create the pinnacle of Japanese cuisine. At 0:26 in the video, you can see the fish being neatly scaled, and at 0:58, filleted with the utmost precision. After the fish is dried, it's fried in oil. This can be seen at 12:47 in the video, and the finished product is shown at 14:50. Learn How to Make This Delicious Traditional Dish Source :YouTube screenshot Japan is home to numerous Japanese restaurants and fine dining establishments. You can also find delicious Japanese cuisine, historic ryokan, ryotei, and restaurants in every corner of the country. Restaurants serving Japanese cuisine use carefully selected local ingredients and pay close attention to details, from the preparation process to cooking methods. At some Japanese restaurants, you can observe the chef's knife work up close. If you're visiting Japan from abroad, we highly recommend dining at a Japanese restaurant and enjoying traditional Japanese food culture. Summary of Japan's Finest Cuisine Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced you to the artisanal skills of chef Seiji Yamamoto at the Japanese restaurant RyuGin, who made the beautiful dish Ryurin using blackthroat seaperch. You can enjoy artistic masterpieces like the one shown in the video at the many fine dining restaurants in Japan. When you go to a Japanese restaurant be sure to go over the menu and find what's right for you. You're sure to enjoy a great meal with lots of delicious local ingredients! ◆RyuGin|General Information◆ 【Address】7F Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, 1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0006 【Access】Directly connected to Hibiya Station via the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, Hibiya Line and Toei Subway Mita Line 【Hours】17:30 - 23:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Telephone】03-6630-0007 【Official Website】Nihonryori RyuGin|日本料理 龍吟 http://www.nihonryori-ryugin.com/ 【Yelp】RyuGin|龍吟 https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E9%BE%8D%E5%90%9F-%E6%B8%AF%E5%8C%BA -
Video article 3:22
The First Japanese Person to Win the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling! Kazuhiro Tsuji's Special Make-Up Technique Is Absolutely Astounding!
News- 71 plays
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Kazuhiro Tsuji's Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hair Styling! The video, “Kazuhiro Tsuji, [So Excited to Have Received the Award] Academy Award Report(辻さん、アカデミー賞報告 「うれしかった」),” was released in 2018 by “KyodoNews.” It's news coverage of Kazuhiro Tsuji receiving the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling at the 2018 Academy Awards. Kazuhiro Tsuji was in charge of the special effects make-up of Gary Oldman, who played the role of Winston Churchill in the film “Darkest Hour,” released in 2017. The make-up he did on Gary Oldman received recognition and he became the first Japanese person to win the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling. In the video, you can see him giving an elated speech during his interview. In this article, we'll talk about Kazuhiro Tsuji, winner of the 2018 Academy award for hair and makeup. Be sure to follow along with the video! Kazuhiro Tsuji- Personal History and Career Source :YouTube screenshot Kazuhiro Tsuji is a make-up artist and contemporary artist from Kyoto city, Kyoto prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. He is an American citizen, living in Los Angeles, and goes by the name “Kazu Hiro.” During his high school years, he happened to look at a film magazine that had an article of special effects make-up done by the world-renowned make-up artist Dick Smith, and from that, he became interested in make-up. Thus, he began learning about special effects make-up. He was a teacher at the Yoyogi Animation Academy, and was in charge of make-up on the Japanese film “Sweet Home.” He emigrated to the United States in 1996. He studied under Dick Smith and worked on many Hollywood movies such as “Men in Black” and “Planet of the Apes.” He was also in charge of the make-up for movies such as “How the Grinch stole Christmas,” “Click,” and “Norbit.” He became an American citizen in 2019, and after naturalizing in America, he also changed his name to Kazu Hiro. He has an Instagram account where you can see some of his make-up and art as well. Kazuhiro Tsuji's Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling Source :YouTube screenshot Kazuhiro Tsuji was in charge of actor Gary Oldman’s special effects make-up in the English film, “The Darkest Hour,” released in 2017. This can be seen at 0:26 in the video Kazuhiro Tsuji had actually retired from the film industry in 2012 and had been active as a contemporary artist but after receiving a passionate offer from Gary Oldman, he decided to return to the industry. It took more than 4 hours to put on the special effects make-up that transformed Oldman into the former prime minister Winston Churchill. The transformation of Oldman to look like former prime minister Churchill, was recognized and as it's shown in the video, he received the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling at the 90th Academy Awards in 2018. This is the first time a Japanese person has won an Oscar at the Academy Awards since the film “Okuribito” won the Foreign Language Film Award at the 81st Academy Awards. From 1:03 in the video, you can see Kazuhiro Tsuji’s delighted expression as he comments on his achievement. He also comments on the Oscar statue at 1:59. In 2019, he was in charge of the special effects make-up on "Scandal" at the request of Hollywood actress, Charlize Theron. This was also recognized as high quality, near-perfect make-up and he received the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling, for the second time, at the 92nd Academy awards. Summary of Academy Award Winner Kazuhiro Tsuji Source :YouTube screenshot In the video “Kazuhiro Tsuji, [So Excited to Have Received the Award] Academy Award Report(「辻さん、アカデミー賞報告 「うれしかった」),” produced by “KyodoNews” in 2018, you can see Kazuhiro Tsuji at a press conference held when he returned to Japan for a visit. At the end of the footage, he says that he will be holding an exhibit in 2020. His exhibition is something to look forward to seeing, as he is also a renown contemporary artist. 【Official Website】The Darkest Hour http://www.bitters.co.jp/churchill-movie/ -
Video article 3:57
5G - This 5th Generation Mobile Communication System Will Change Lives. A Dream-Like Future With Autonomous Driving and Tele-Medicine Will Soon Be Reality
Life & Business- 36 plays
- YouTube
An Introduction to 5G "[Image Movie] Connect Future- A World Connected by 5G-3-minute ver(イメージムービー】Connect future ~5Gでつながる世界~(3 min. ver))", is a published video released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications video channel that introduces the 5G communication line network. The new communication system is expected to change the future. In the video, you can see a doctor make a remote diagnosis, see a self-driving taxi, and other languages being translated in real time. It also introduces many other things that will change the world in the future. In this article we'll introduce 5G and talk about how it could change life as we know it. What Is 5g? Source :YouTube screenshot 5G is short for "5th generation" mobile communication system, and it is what all major mobile carriers are starting to promote. It is the next generation mobile communication that will replace the 4G line currently in mainstream use throughout Japan. As a next-generation communication system, the frequency band uses the 3.6-6 GHz to 28 GHz band, and is adapted to the IoT (Internet of Things) that will carry the future era with functions such as "high speed", "enormous capacity", "simultaneous multi-connection", and "ultra low delay". With the spread of 5G, you can watch sports on your sunglasses (seen in the beginning of the video), self-driving cars, remote farming with drones like 0:23 in the video, and even tele-medicine. The unmanned shopping scene that can be seen from 1:03 in the video is the future world that 5G aims for. What is IoT? Source :YouTube screenshot IoT is a mechanism called the "Internet of Things". It is a collective term for all things, such as houses, buildings, cars, and home appliances that connect to the Internet to communicate and share information. As the IoT advances, a lot of data can be collected efficiently and various things can be done via the Internet with the rapid development of AI. By combining IoT with the high-speed communication and ultra-low delay of 5G, you can enjoy the scenery of a video in real time as shown at 2:09 in the video. It is also possible to have a session with people in different places and use 3D images like from 2:50. You can truly see the future of technology. Summary of 5g Photo: We briefly introduced the 5G line that will start to become mainstream in the coming era. Overseas, 5G communication lines are already in use. In Japan, services are scheduled to start sequentially from NTT DOCOMO and au from spring 2020, and compatible smartphones will be sold sequentially. With the rapid spread of 5G as a communication line and the use of VR and AI in the future, an age of "smart cities" is closer to reality than ever before. With the arrival of this 5G communication line, it is expected that both life and business will be transformed. We hope this video has sparked your interest in the future of technology. -
Video article 23:05
These Road Technicians Are Quick and Precise! Take a Look at Their Artistic Road Marking!
Life & Business- 737 plays
- YouTube
Japan's Road Technicians This video called "Road marking 4K Version 2018" (2018 道路のライン引き 路面標示施工 4K版). It features road marking technicians making marks on a runway at Aomori Airport. Watch the amazing skill of these road marking technicians in the video! You'll be amazed by their efficiency. Road Work in Japan Wouldn't Be the Same Without 'Em! Photo:"Stop" road marking There are various type of road markings in Japan to maintain safe traffic. These road markings are necessary to do road work, are used for parking, at construction sites, and also for public works projects. Almost all road markings in Japan are conducted by an operator with a nationally certified license for road marking. In this video, a road marking technician makes markings on a road using a line marker in quick, precise fashion. Not Missing the Mark Source :YouTube screenshot Before making marks, operators clean the surface of the road and make an outline of the finished markings. From there, the operator measures the outer frame of the markings precisely and creates the shape of each character using specialized marking tape made to stick to asphalt. Next, they operate a machine called a line marker car (road marking and construction machine) to apply the letters to the road. You can't help but admire their craftsmanship in writing letters in the blink of an eye. To call it a work of art wouldn't be an exaggeration. The highlight of this video is the scene where the operator makes complicated character markings such as "降車専用" (Drop-off only) (10:27). The operator draws beautiful lines over the outline marked with tape. What Kind of People Are Road Marking Technicians! Photo:Road line drawing machine If you check out some Japanese job sites, you'll find some road marking jobs. However, unless you're a certified technician you aren't qualified to do this job. Japan's road marks have detailed standards for thickness and size, as well as for the amount of resin in the paint types for road markings. If you acquire the necessary knowledge and obtain a nationally certified license, you too can do road marking in Japan! Summary of Japan's Road Marking Technicians Source :YouTube screenshot The road marking technicians who line Japan's roads are an important part of keeping Japan's roads safe. To these licensed technicians, the curvy markings, such as the ones introduced at 13:22, and 14:30 are but simple tasks. Be sure to watch the video to see their amazing skills! Next time you're walking down the street or driving your car and you notice some road markings, remember who painted them! -
Video article 2:10
The New "I-Road" Gliding Through the Streets of Tokyo. The Futuristic, Ultra-Compact Car Developed by Toyota Is a High-Performance Machine That Will Blow You Away!
Transportation- 89 plays
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Introductory Video for Toyota's New "i-Road" In this article we introduce the video "TOYOTA i-ROAD driving around Tokyo!". The i-ROAD is a futuristic compact vehicle developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation that is attracting attention worldwide. The sight of the new age, electric-powered i-ROAD swiftly gliding through the streets of Tokyo is truly fascinating. Please take a look at this new and exciting model in our video! Throughout the video we will introduce you to the special features and sales strategies of the Toyota i-ROAD. More About the Toyota i-Road Source :YouTube screenshot Since being revealed to the public at the Geneva Motor Show in 2013, the electric-powered Toyota i-ROAD has gained huge popularity among car fanatics worldwide. Combining the maneuverability of a bike and comfort of a car, the interior of the compact, two-seater i-ROAD is surprisingly spacious. The Toyota i-ROAD features sides which can be manually opened and closed, making it comfortable to drive even in rainy conditions, however it is not equipped with air conditioning. The three-wheel vehicle (two wheels at the front and one at the rear) drives like a motorcycle but with more stability, automatically leaning to maintain balance when turning corners for a safe and secure ride. You can watch the i-ROAD's smooth and stable corner turns from 0:25 in the video. The Toyota i-ROAD was designed to meet the needs of generations young and old. From 0:59 in the video, you can watch an interview with an individual who took a test ride in the i-ROAD. Watch the i-Road Drive Around the Streets of Tokyo! Source :YouTube screenshot In this 2-minute long video, you can watch the i-ROAD glide through the streets of Harajuku , Akihabara, Shibuya, the area surrounding Tokyo station, the National Diet Building (国会議事堂, kokkaigijidou), Asakusa, and Odaiba . You can check out the exhilarating footage of the i-ROAD traveling around all of the famous spots in Tokyo from 0:10 and 1:34 in the video. After watching this video i'm sure you'll want to take the i-ROAD for a drive yourself! Unfortunately, the i-ROAD is still a concept car undergoing field trials, and therefore only a small number of models have been produced. A few have been sold to regular customers, however, the majority have been sold to companies and local governments. How to Drive the i-Road Since 2015, Toyota has been offering an i-ROAD sharing service and a test drive monitor service. For those who are hesitant about whether to purchase an i-ROAD or not, we recommend making the most of Toyota's car rental service (which comes at an affordable price), or testing out the comfort and feel of the i-ROAD at an exhibit during the Tokyo Motor Show. As long as you hold a regular driver's license you will qualify to drive the i-ROAD. Unfortunately, those who hold a driver's license for a moped or motorcycle license do not qualify. Toyota i-Road Introductory Video Summary Photo:Toyota This video explains in detail all about the new i-ROAD vehicle which has been developed by Toyota. Please enjoy watching the i-ROAD with its chic style and eye-catching colors effortlessly gliding through the streets of Tokyo. In 2017, Toyota released their new model i-TRIL which we highly recommend checking out as well! Look forward to news of original and exciting micro-car development from Japanese car manufacturers in the near future! 【Official Website】TOYOTA i-ROAD | Toyota Motor Company https://global.toyota/en/detail/1225223?_ga=2.148155319.1464172541.1586412657-302881253.1586412657 -
Video article 3:40
The Latest Technology, a Super Heat-Resistant Alloy, Reduced the Fuel Consumption of Airplanes by a Whopping 100 Million Yen! Introducing the Manufacturing Process and Research of the New Material Developed by a Japanese Research Institute!
Life & Business- 51 plays
- YouTube
A New, Super Heat Resistant Alloy That Has Improved Fuel Efficiency in Airplanes! This video "World-Record Super Heat-Resistant Alloy That Has Improved the Fuel Efficiency of Aircrafts!" (ジェット機の燃費向上を実現した世界記録の超耐熱合金), created by "nimspr," introduces the amazing processing technology of a Japanese research institution. Burning at higher temperatures reduces fuel consumption. To combat this, aircrafts, jets, and automobile makers are required to develop special material. NIMS, introduced in the video, has developed a super heat resistant alloy that can resist extremely high temperatures and currently holds the world record for super heat-resistant alloys. How Is the Superalloy Used? Photo:Airplane NIMS’ superalloy is used in the latest Boeing 787, shown at 0:21 in the video. As you can see from 0:45 in the video, ordinary metals are poly-crystalline when made in a mold, but the superalloy shown in the video is mono-crystalline with no grains, making it resistant to heat. This super heat-resistant alloy is used in turbine blades- the hottest part on all aircraft parts. By using the superalloy, it's possible to save 100 million yen per year, per aircraft. The heat resistant titanium alloy by NIMS is also highly resistant to rust. On top of that, it is incredibly light, making it a highly valued material. A Look at the New Superalloy Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to titanium, which is shown in the video, there are other kinds of materials, such as iron, cobalt, nickel, aluminum, tantalum, chromium, molybdenum and tungsten. Research institutions across japan have spent a long time researching how to combine these materials to create the perfect metal. The experimental data collected by NIMS over several decades was used to create superalloys. Summary of the New Superalloy Source :YouTube screenshot NIMS Materials Strength Standard and Technology Group conducts research on high fatigue tests which check creep properties and fatigue characteristics for superalloys. They also focus on the recycling of materials, the design of end mills for cutting superalloys, as well as promoting low-cost, high-performance development through the establishment of material design methods. This can be seen at 1:53 in the video. It'll be exciting to see what Japan's research institutes will come up with in the future! -
Video article 3:11
The Age of Robots Is Finally Upon Us! Meet "Pepper," the Cheery-Eyed Robot Ready to Take Your Order!
Life & Business- 115 plays
- YouTube
The Cashier "Pepper" by "Pepper" This video, titled "Pepper for Biz [Cashier for Pepper] Feature Introductory Video" (Pepper for Biz 「レジ for Pepper」 機能紹介ムービー), introduces the functions of "Cashier for Pepper" of "Pepper for Biz." The video was released by SoftBank. The video shows how Pepper is used to automate tasks, such as customer service, product ordering and accounting in the store. "Cashier for Pepper" is a solution in which all customer service is handled by a service robot. What Kind of Robot Is Pepper? Source :YouTube screenshot Some of you may have seen Pepper or had conversations with him at smartphone shops or restaurants in Japan. Pepper is a humanoid robot developed in 2014 that can recognize emotion. The emotion-recognizing personal robot is powered by an emotion engine and cloud AI, which allows it to make flexible decisions based on the situation. Pepper performs a series of necessary operations, such as customer service and accounting at stores. Features of "Cashier for Pepper" Source :YouTube screenshot "Cashier for Pepper," shown in the video, is a full-scale, self-checkout system, that performs a series of operations related to product purchases. Pepper is a service robot that can attract customers, recommend products (with a recommended "Plus One" feature"), select menus, and print order sheets on a tablet all at in one. Some of these features can be seen at 1:13 in the video. As shown at 1:31 in the video, Pepper also has the ability to select a payment method, allowing customers to pay with an IC card. Pepper's payment terminal is linked to the POS system, so it can handle a wide range of payment types, including QR payments and electronic money payments. "Cashier for Pepper" also includes a customer registration with Pepper's facial recognition system, order history check, and inbound functions in Japanese, English, and Chinese. This is explained at 2:45 in the video. Summary of "Cashier for Pepper" Source :YouTube screenshot In recent years, due to a decline in the number of workers, the shortage of cashiers has become a major problem in Japan. "Cashier for Pepper" has the potential to be the cashier of the future. If you'd like to implement "Cashier for Pepper" as a staff member to reinvent your store, you can start by checking out Pepper's features and pricing on their website. -
Video article 3:49
The Beautiful Cutlery of Sakai, Osaka - The Appeal of Osaka's Traditional Craft and How the Blades Are Made!
Traditional Crafts- 166 plays
- YouTube
Sakai, Osaka - A City Known for Its Traditional Japanese Cutlery This video, titled "手技TEWAZA「堺打刃物」Japan Sakai Forged Knife/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square" introduces Osaka's Sakai cutlery. The video was released by Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square. Sakai knives are produced in Sakai, Osaka. Blacksmiths in Sakai forge beautiful knives that are truly works of art. The city of Sakai has developed together with the traditional culture of knife-making. The History and Culture of Sakai Cutlery, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot The history of Sakai cutlery dates back to the 16th century. Tobacco was introduced from Portugal around this time, and tobacco knives for chopping tobacco leaves began to be made in Sakai, Osaka. In the Edo Period (1603-1867), the shogunate granted the city a seal of quality certification and allowed the city to sell these knives exclusively, making Sakai famous as a major producer of cutlery. Even today, there are many factories in Sakai that manufacture a wide variety of knives, including deba bocho knives. How Traditional Sakai Knives Are Made Source :YouTube screenshot The manufacturing process of Sakai knives is roughly divided into three parts: forging, sharpening, and patterning, each of which is performed by a different craftsman. After casting the raw metal, blacksmiths use annealing, quenching, and tempering techniques to increase the hardness and sharpness of the blade. The techniques used for Sakai cutlery are used to make deba bocho (fish cutting knives), chef's knives, and even scissors and other bladed tools. In this video, you can see the welding at 0:33, rough grinding at 1:54, and sharpening from 2:22. The techniques used in Sakai cutlery are used not only for making deba bocho and chef's knives, but also for making scissors. Purchasing High-Quality Sakai Cutlery Source :YouTube screenshot If you're looking to purchase high-quality Sakai cutlery, opt for a prestigious brand. Today, there are more than 20 traditional artisans in the world of Sakai cutlery who continue to make high quality knives. Recommended brands include Sakai Ichiji, Kamoshita and Naojiro. Knives forged by master artisans are different from the ones you'll find in a department store. You can buy Sakai cutlery in stores as well as online, so choose one that fits your purposes and price range. Be sure to utilize the Sakai Cutlery Material Laboratory (堺刃物素材研究所), which sells and refinishes Sakai cutlery. You can see a completed Sakai knife at 3:10 in the video. Summary of Sakai Cutlery Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, Sakai Cutlery is a traditional craft produced by the craftsmen of Sakai, Osaka. The knife industry in Osaka is supported by the skilled craftsmanship of blacksmiths. Be sure to purchase a high-quality Sakai knife to experience the epitome of sharpness. -
Video article 2:08
Kirikane: A Japanese Technique That Uses Gold Leaf to Draw Patterns on Buddhist Decorations. Check Out the Beautiful Craftsmanship in These Works of Art Created by Highly Skilled Artisans!
Traditional Crafts- 411 plays
- YouTube
Kirikane - A Traditional Japanese Decorative Technique This video, titled "Japanese Craftsmanship: Japanese Crafts "Kirikane" (Japanese Craftsmanship:日本の匠「截金」), was produced by "Japanese Craftsmanship." It introduces the culture of Kirikane, a traditional Japanese craft. Kirikane is a decorative technique that involves cutting thinly stretched gold or silver foil into small pieces and creating patterns while pasting them to an object. Since ancient times, kirikane has been essential for decorating Buddhist statues and paintings as well as for decorating spirit tablets. Kirikane is an indispensable traditional Japanese technique in the world of Buddhist art. The History of Kirikane, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot It's estimated that kirikane was already being used for the decoration of tableware, Buddhist statues, and decorative boxes in Asian countries in the pre-era (BC). In Japan, too, kirikane came to be used for carving Buddhist statues and making Buddhist paintings from around the Nara Period (710-794) onward. It's only in Japan, however, that kirikane culture has been inherited for traditional crafts despite thousands of years of history. To date, three people, Baitei Saita, Daizo Nishide, and Sayoko Eri, have been designated as Important Intangible Cultural Properties (Living National Treasures) in the art of kirikane. These three kirikane craftsmen were recognized for their mastery of advanced kirikane techniques and their efforts to spread the culture of kirikane. The Traditional Japanese Craft, Kirikane - How It's Made Source :YouTube screenshot Kirikane artisans first create patterns with motifs of nature, plants, and animals, which are then repeated geometrically. They then bake four sheets of foil as thin as 1/10,000th of a millimeter, burn them together, cut them carefully, and attach them according to the prepared pattern. The cutting and attaching can be seen at 0:46 in the video. On top of gold and silver foil, platinum foil is sometimes used for kirikane as well. The skill of master artisans is indispensable in creating beautiful kirikane works of art. Experience Traditional Kirikane Source :YouTube screenshot If you'd like to experience the traditional culture of kirikane, we recommend visiting a shop that sells traditional crafts or checking out a kirikane exhibit. There are many different types of kirikane works of art, such as decorative boxes and tools. Many pieces made using traditional Japanese crafts are expensive, but some of can be found for surprisingly reasonable prices, so be sure to check them out if you're looking for gifts or souvenirs. We recommend attending a class where you can experience traditional Japanese kirikane and learn about the history and techniques of the craft. Summary of Kirikane, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot Kirikane is indispensable to Japanese Buddhist art culture and traditional crafts as a whole. You can see various kirikane works at 1:55 in the video. The appeal of kirikane lies in its elegant beauty. Kirikane works are also available for purchase, so if you're interested in these high-quality items, be sure to check them out. -
Video article 7:08
Kyo-Shikki - Traditional Japanese Lacquerware From Kyoto. Check Out the Awesome Techniques Used to Create the Simple Yet Elegant, Deep Black Craft!
Traditional Crafts- 164 plays
- YouTube
"Kyo-Shikki" and "Zohiki Natsume" - Traditional Japanese Craft Culture This video, titled "Zohiki Natsume Lacquering" (象彦なつめ塗り) was uploaded by Masao Kudo. It introduces how "Natsume" (棗), traditional Japanese lacquerware containers used during Japanese tea ceremony, are made. The video was taken at the Kyo-Shikki store "Zohiko" in Kyoto which has been in business for more than 350 years. As you watch the master craftsman at work throughout the video, you can learn more about the technical skills that have been passed down over the years that are so critical to preserving Japanese culture and traditional crafts. "natsume" are lidded containers used to store matcha tea used during traditional Japanese tea ceremony. In order to preserve the high quality of the tea, the natsume must be made in a way that leaves no gap between the main body of the container and the lid. Japanese lacquerware can be decorated using techniques such as Maki-e (蒔絵), however, the natsume you see in this video is simply covered in a coating of black lacquer, a simple yet beautiful finish that really shows off the skill of the craftsman. How are Zohiko's Natsume Made? Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, third generation lacquer craftsman of Zohiko, Keiko Nishimura (西村圭功), demonstrates the traditional craft of lacquering natsume. The video begins with the craftsman coating a container made of ultra thin Japanese zelkova (欅, keyaki) with a base coat of "Kiurushi" (生漆), which is the unrefined sap of the lacquer tree. This can be seen at 0:55 in the video. The brim of the container is covered with washi tape in a process called "Kamihari" (紙張り) which strengthens the edge. Sand, water and lacquer from Japan's Kyoto region are then mixed together and applied to the container in a step called "Jizuke" (地付け). The craftsman then moves on to perform "Kukuri" (ククリ), a technique characteristic of Zohiko's Natsume. "Kukuri" is a process which involves combining powdered sharpening stone and lacquer, referred to as "Sabi," and then applying the mixture to the corners of the container and lid. The edges are then polished to produce a smooth finish and ensure that the lid and body of the container fit together perfectly. This is shown at 2:20 in the video. The lacquer is strained through a filter to ensure it contains no impurities before moving on to the "Nakanuri" (中塗り), Nakanuritogi" (中塗り研ぎ) and "Uwanuri" (上塗り) steps. The natsume are then placed in a "Furo" (a space with a high level of humidity) to dry, after which the Zohiko Natsume is complete. You'll be amazed at the number of steps and high level of skill involved in making these simple-looking, black lacquer coated natsume tea containers. Preserving Japanese Culture Through Kyo-Shikki Lacquerware Source :YouTube screenshot Zohiko, which has inherited the culture of Kyo-Shikki lacquerware, offers a wide variety of products, from "Suzuribako" (硯箱) and "Temotobako" (手許箱, small storage boxes) that are more like works of art than traditional crafts, to "Jubako" (重箱) and "Zoni-wan" (雑煮椀) bowls used for New Year's, "Marubon" (丸盆) and "Yohobon" (四方盆) that are essential to Japan's hospitality culture and daily life, and trays and plates with modern designs that can be used for everyday purposes. There are also many luxury items decorated with gold and silver available for purchase as well. Gold or silver powder is sprinkled on top of a lacquer design before it completely dries, a technique called "Maki-e," which gives the lacquerware a beautiful finish. Summary of Zohiko Natsume Source :YouTube screenshot Lacquerware is a traditional Japanese craft and if properly stored and maintaned, items can last for generations. Zohiki's natsume are a great example of Japan's "Kyo-Shikki" lacquerware culture and demonstrates the amazing talent of lacquerware craftsmen. We highly recommend experiencing the beauty of Kyoto's lacquerware first hand! 【Official Website】Kyo-Shikki Zohiko - Zohiko Lacquerware Art – https://www.zohiko.co.jp/global/en/ -
Video article 18:05
High Quality Marble Coasters You'll Never Get Tired of Watching! Can You Believe These Are All Made of Disposable Chopsticks?!
Things to Do- 48 plays
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This video, titled "Marble Coasters Made With Chopsticks" (割り箸で作るビー玉コースター), was released by "gh gt." This video shows a marble rolling down a coaster made of disposable chopsticks. The more you watch it, the more you'll be amazed at the many carefully calculated contraptions! This video is perfect for those who enjoy DIY crafts, and may be a good reference for your own! The more you watch it, the more you'll realize how cool these marble coasters are. -
Video article 4:13
An Introduction to a Traditional Japanese Kokeshi Doll Production Workshop in Naruko, Miyagi Prefecture. These Cute Dolls, Made by Master Artisans, Make Great Souvenirs!
Traditional Crafts- 489 plays
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宮城県鳴子で作られている伝統工芸「こけし」の紹介動画について こちらは「Esther Bellido」が公開した宮城県鳴子の伝統工芸こけしを実演で製作する様子がご覧になれる動画「Relaxing & Calm - Making a traditional Japanese wooden Kokeshi Doll」です。 こけしとは東北地方で作られている伝統工芸品。 日本へ観光の際にはお土産として購入すりのも良いでしょう。 こちらの動画では職人が匠の技を披露し、こけしを手仕事で作る様子がご覧になれます。 日本の伝統工芸品!こけしの歴史・由来・意味とは? こけしの起源は江戸時代、東北地方の温泉へ来た観光客にお土産として木の人形「こけし」を販売したのが発祥。 こけしは地域により形に違いがあり、津軽系・南部系・木地山系・鳴子系・作並系・遠刈田系・弥治郎系・肘折系といった多くの種類があり技術・技法も違います。 値段は1000円ほどから高級なものは数万円になります。 芸術品こけしの制作工程 こちらの動画の舞台は宮城県鳴子にあるこけしの岡仁。 ここではこけしを作る様子を実演で見ることができます。 近年では、こけしは可愛いと、若い女性や訪日観光客を中心に人気となり、ブームとなりました。 インテリアとしてこけしを自宅に飾る人も。 こけしの製作の工程は0:26からご覧になれます。 こけしの原料となる原木を切る玉切り。 次に余分な木を切る木取り、木地挽きという作業では回転させて削っていきます。 最後はカンナで仕上げ挽きをして、形が出来上がったら絵付け。 高速で回転するこけしに丁寧に色をつけていきます。 鳴子のこけしの特徴は蝋引き(ろうひき)をすること。 蝋引きをすることで色が鮮やかになります。 頭と胴体を別々に作製したものを、最後に頭と胴体を繋げ作品の完成。 宮城県鳴子で伝統工芸のこけしを楽しむ! 鳴子には多くのこけし職人がおり、職人によって技法・作り方も独自のものであり、こけしも作る人によって形が違うとも言われています。 日本の伝統工芸品「こけし」紹介まとめ 今回は日本の伝統工芸品のこけしの制作風景の動画を紹介いたしましたが、一つ一つが手作りだということがわかったと思います。 また、今回動画で取り上げたこけしの岡仁はお店でこけし作りの体験ができ、通販サイトで商品の販売をしています。 こちらの動画では4分ほどでこけしづくりの職人の技を感じることができます。 日本の伝統工芸品「こけし」の魅力をこの動画で堪能ください! -
Video article 26:05
All Eyes on Kawasaki Heavy Industries' Manufacturing Robot! What Is This Technologically Advanced, Industrial Robot Used For?
Life & Business- 28 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Learning Sunday] Robots by Kawasaki Heavy Industries|July 30, 2017 Broadcast" (【モノ知りサンデー】2017年7月30日放送「ロボット」川崎重工業), was released by "Sun Television" (サンテレビ). It introduces the Kawasaki Museum, a corporate museum of Kawasaki Heavy Industries in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, and the robots inside the manufacturing plant. The museum displays motorcycles, bullet trains, and manufacturing robots. High-tech robots are used by equipment manufacturers both in Japan and abroad, including in medical and nursing care settings. The manufacturing process of robots is divided into various processes, with detailed work being done by skilled employees and robots making robots. Watch the video to see how the robots are made! -
Video article 8:59
These Noodles Go Down Smooth! Inaniwa Udon - How One of Japan's Top 3 Udons Is Made!
Food & Drink- 46 plays
- YouTube
Making Inaniwa Udon This video shows how "Inaniwa Udon," a specialty of Akita Prefecture, said to be one of Japan's top 3 udon noodles, is made. As you can see in the video, Inaniwa Udon is made through several steps: 1. Neri (練り): Kneading 2. Komaki (小巻): The noodles are cut into pieces, stretched out to about 1.5 cm in thickness, and coiled inside a tub. 3. Nai (綯い): This involves wrapping the noodles around two small bars that resemble a sort of "noodle loom." 4. Tsubushi (つぶし): Using a special rolling pin to flatten the noodles that have been wrapped around the bars. 5. Nobashi (延ばし): Lengthening the noodles by hanging, etc. 6. Kansou (乾燥): Drying the noodles. 7. Saidan (裁断): Cutting the noodles to length. 8. Senbetsu (選別): Separating and removing any imperfect noodles. Inaniwa udon has a long history of being served to lords since the Edo period, and it was not allowed to be eaten by ordinary people. It is characterized by its translucent milky white color, smooth, slippery texture, and firm noodles. Be sure to try a bowl if you get the chance! -
Video article 11:40
How About Some Decorative Cucumber to Go With Your Sashimi? A Sushi Chef Shows You 11 Different Ways to Cut up Cucumber With Easy-to-Understand Demonstrations!
Food & Drink- 72 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Cucumber Decoration] 11 Types of Cucumber Decoration|A Sushi Chef's Knife Skills" (【きゅうりの飾り切り】11種類の胡瓜の細工 寿司職人の包丁技術 Cucumber decoration), was released by "よろいチャンネル yoroisushi." This video shows how to cut up cucumbers in decorative shapes. It shows 11 different ways to cut cucumbers, making use of the dark green surface and the fresh yellow-green color of the inner portion of the cucumber If you watch the video and get used to making small, consistent cuts, you'll be able to do this at home! You can place the cucumber slices on a dish to add some flare to your meals! You can also see how amazing the sushi chef's knife work is, so be sure to check out the video to see him in action. -
Video article 4:29
Nanpu - A Teppanyaki Restaurant in Nagoya City. They Make Dashi-Maki Tamago" and Fluffy Omelettes on a Teppan Grill?!
Food & Drink- 28 plays
- YouTube
Cooking Eggs on a Teppan Grill?! This video shows how to make dashi-maki tamago (Japanese rolled omelets) using a teppan grill at Nanpu, a teppanyaki restaurant in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. Nanpu is a chain of izakaya (Japanese style pubs) established in 1996 with 13 locations in Aichi, Gifu, and Okinawa. In this video, they make dashi-maki tamago and fluffy omelets at Nanpu's main branch in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. You probably don't imagine cooking eggs when you see a teppan grill, but in the video, the use a spatula to expertly cook the eggs. The highlight of the video is the final twirl of the dashi-maki tamago, which can be seen at 1:13. Be sure to check it out! ◆南風 -NANPU- Store Information◆ 【Address】〒462-0056 Aichi, Nagoya, Kita Ward, Chumarucho, 1−4-4 【Access】A 10-minute walk from Shonaidori Station on the Chickamae Subway Line. 【Price Range】¥3,000+ 【Hours】17:00-24:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Parking】Available. 6 spaces 【Phone】052-910-3654 【Official Homepage】南風 -NANPU- https://nanpu.co.jp/ 【Tabelog】Nanpu https://tabelog.com/en/aichi/A2301/A230113/23033046/