Video article 1:58
Amazing Driving Sense! A Look at the Techniques of the Police Officers Who Keep Japan Safe!
Transportation- 37 plays
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This video was released by "HIDE channel." It's titled "That's Not Possible Right?! The First Place Patrol Car Driving Is Insane!" (これ絶対無理でしょ!?交通機動隊パトカー第一位の走りはヤバかった!!). The video features the 2019 Metropolitan Police Safe Driving Competition. It's a competition in which the best police officers from all over the country compete with each other in their driving techniques. The outstanding driving techniques of the police officer who came in first place in the Metropolitan Police Safe Driving Competition are something to behold. The video gives a first look at the skilled driving of Japanese police force. If you want to know more about Japanese police, be sure to check it out. It's a great one to watch in your free time, as it's only 2 minutes long. -
Video article 16:03
A Professional Racing Driver Shows Us What Makes Japanese Cars So Special! Check Out the Speed of the Nissan 30Z!
Transportation- 31 plays
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This video, titled "Trying the STAR ROAD special make with Akira Iida and Daijiro Inada |Full Throttle on the Winding Road and Nighttime Street Driving in the 30Z!" (飯田章 と 稲田大二郎 の STAR ROAD 特製 極上30Z で ワインディング全開走行 & 夜のストリート爆走), was released by "VIDEO OPTION." Akira Iida, one of Japan's leading racers, and Daijiro Inada, a car tuning commentator, test drive the 30Z tuned by STAR ROAD and introduce the ride quality. This is a fascinating video that allows you to enjoy the amazing techniques of the racers. If you want a Japanese car, but don't know which one to buy, we recommend checking out this video! Even if you're not planning to buy a car, check out the video to get a taste of what it's like to drive a Japanese car! It's an action packed video that's well worth the watch! -
Video article 1:00
A Real Life Version of the Popular Character From the Popular Railroad Animation "Chuggington"! Wilson and Brewster Introduce Okaden Chuggington, a Sightseeing Streetcar!
Transportation- 34 plays
This video, titled "Chuggington train," was released by "NHK WORLD-JAPAN." In this video, we see the start of the "Okaden Chuggington" streetcars. "Wilson" and "Brewster," the characters from the popular British-born cartoon "Chuggington," will show children around the city of Okayama. They were designed by Eiji Mitooka. The interior of the car is designed to excite children, and a navigator will hold events inside the car during its journey. Take a ride on the tram that runs between Okayama Station and Higashiyama Okaden Museum Station! It's a 50 minute journey your kids will love! -
Video article 3:41
A Close up View of Landing and Takeoff! If You Love Planes Then This Is the Video for You!
Transportation- 26 plays
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This video, titled " [4K] Dynamic landing and take-off|ANA Boeing 777-200, 777-200/ER at Osaka Itami Airport," was produced by "ZKj-Zmh6BFU." In this video, you can see an airplane landing and taking off at Itami Airport. It is also called Osaka International Airport and was called just "International Airport" in the past, but it is now used as a hub airport for planes in Japan. It is one of the three Kansai airports, and you can catch a glimpse of why it was once called an international airport, as both jets and propeller-powered aircrafts land and take off here. This video shows planes taking off and landing at Itami Airport, so if you are interested in the video, be sure to check it out! -
Video article 9:15
Japan Air Commuter's Airplanes Inspire the Spirit of Travel! A Look at the Many Different Air Commuter Planes of Japan!
Transportation- 25 plays
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This video, titled "[4k] [Airplane Video] A Japan Air Commuter (JAC) plane at Fukuoka Airport" ([4k] [飛行機動画] 福岡空港に飛来した日本エアコミューター(JAC)の飛行機), was released by "Fairport." This video introduces Japan Air Commuter's airplanes flying to Fukuoka Airport. Japan Air Commuter is a member of the JAL group of airlines and operates turboprop airplanes (propeller-driven planes). Compared to jet planes, propeller-driven planes are more compact and fly at a lower altitude, allowing passengers to enjoy the view from the sky. In this video, you can see one such propeller plane in flight. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 6:34
Sightseeing in Asakusa with a jinrikisha will lead you to unknown discoveries! Video showing popular spots in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo, as if you were riding on a rickshaw.
Transportation- 161 plays
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Taito City, Tokyo "Rickshaw Driving Through Asakusa" Video Introduction The video "Asakusa Viewing on Rickshaw!! 浅草を人力車で iPhone Creative 4K,"released by "Studio Hakugeiスタジオ白鯨," is a video showing sightseeing in Asakusa, a popular tourist destination in Japan, by a rickshaw. The rickshaw featured in the video is "Ebisuya," in Asakusa. As you can see in the video, the number of rickshaw pullers who can show you around in English has been increasing in recent years. In addition to Asakusa, where this video was taken, you can also try out rickshaws at other popular sightseeing spots in Japan, including Kamakura and Arashiyama in Kyoto. In addition to the Ebisuya rickshaw shop featured in this video, the Jidaiya's rickshaw shop is also popular. Enjoy sightseeing in Asakusa by rickshaw through the amazing 4K footage! The Rickshaw: History and How It Works! Photo:Asakusa・Rickshaw Rickshaws are the perfect option for those looking to explore popular tourist spots but find it difficult to walk around, or for those who want to experience a different kind of sightseeing tour. Rickshaws are called "jinrikisha," in Japanese, written "人力車." The characters mean: 人: Person 力: Power 車: Vehicle Which basically comes out to be "A human powered vehicle." A rickshaw has two large wheels and a comfortable pedestal, and has a cover that protects passengers from the rain. Rickshaws were first introduced in Nihonbashi in 1872, approximately 150 years ago, and were used as one of the main modes of transport during the Meiji, Taisho and early Showa periods (around 1930). It was also used to transport geisha and maiko in the Karyukai world (Kagai). You might be worried riding one of these bad boys is expensive, but the price is actually quite reasonable, starting at around 3,000 yen per person, and sometimes you can find discounts for couples. If you make a reservation before sightseeing, you can rest easy knowing you'll have a great time sightseeing. Famous Attractions in Asakusa! Source :YouTube screenshot In the video, rickshaw puller guides you through popular sightseeing spots in Asakusa in English. Starting at 0:51 in the video, the famous golden object you see is the Asahi Breweries Headquarters. At 1:21 in the video, there are spots where you can take a picture of Tokyo Sky Tree. The kabuki character seen at 1:44 in the video, belongs to a souvenir shop where you can buy tabi socks and so on. Of course, don't miss out on Sensoji Temple, which is very popular with tourists visiting Japan. It's introduced at 3:33 in the video. Asakusa has a rickshaw lane on the road, so you can enjoy sightseeing without getting stuck in traffic jams. Summary of Rickshaw Rides in Asakusa Source :YouTube screenshot Many of the part-time rickshaw drivers were once talked about as being good-looking. If you go around the sightseeing spots of Japan by rickshaw, you're sure to have a good time! It's also a good idea to specify your destination, or ask the rickshaw drivers to show you hidden gems that only they know about. In addition to the rickshaws shown in the video, you can also take a ride on a horse-drawn carriage, houseboat, or other unusual vehicles when you visit Japan. 【Official Website】Tokyo Asakusa Store | If You're Sightseeing by Rickshaw... | Rickshaw Ebisuya http://ebisuya.com/en/ 【Official Website】Asakusa Tourism | When It Comes to Rickshaws, Nothing Beats Jidaiya https://jidaiya.biz/index-e.html -
Video article 13:01
【Easy Japanese】A Beginner's Guide on How to Use the Train in Japan – Tickets, IC Cards, Japan Rail Pass, and More!(日本の電車の乗り方を解説!切符、ICカード、ジャパンレールパスの購入方法も紹介!)
Life & Business Transportation Travel- 1.11K plays
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How to Use the Train in Japan: Video Introduction 日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かたの動画どうが紹介しょうかい! This video, titled "How to ride a train in Japan," was uploaded by "YOU in Japan-Homestay in Japan-" (YOU in Japan-ホームステイインジャパン-). 今回こんかいは、『YOU in Japan-ホームステイインジャパン-』さん制作せいさくの『日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かた』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 It introduces how to purchase train tickets and IC cards, and how to use them to ride the train in Japan. 日本にほんで電車でんしゃに乗のるときに、切符きっぷやICカードの購入こうにゅう方法ほうほうと乗のり方かたを紹介しょうかいする動画どうがです。 It's a useful video for those traveling in Japan or those who want to live in Japan in the future. 日本にほんを旅行りょこうする人ひとや、将来しょうらい日本にほんに住すみたいと思おもっている人ひとに役やくに立たつ動画どうがです。 Transportation in Japan 日本にほんの交通こうつう Photo:A station(写真しゃしん:駅えき) Trains are an important means of transportation in Japan. 電車でんしゃは日本にほんの重要じゅうような交通手段こうつうしゅだんです。 Trains are used by millions of people each day in Japan, for things like work and school. 日本にほんでは毎日まいにち、何なん百ひゃく万人ばんにんもの人ひとが通勤つうきんや通学つうがくするために電車でんしゃを使つかっています。 Especially in urban areas like Tokyo, trains are used far more than cars. 特とくに東京とうきょうのような都市部としぶでは、車くるまよりも、電車でんしゃを使つかう人ひとが圧倒的あっとうてきに多おおいです。 Furthermore, it's said that Japan also has some of the most punctual trains in the world. さらに、日本にほんの電車でんしゃは世界せかいで最もっとも時間じかんに正確せいかくと言いわれています。 Japan's trains are also a very useful form of transportation for travelers. 旅行者りょこうしゃにとっても便利べんりな交通手段こうつうしゅだんです。 If you're traveling in Japan, trains will probably be the mode of transportation you use most. 日本にほんを旅行りょこうする場合ばあい、おそらく日本にほんで最もっともよく利用りようする交通手段こうつうしゅだんでしょう。 But there are some things to know before riding them that will make using them much easier. 乗のる前まえに知しっておくと役立やくだつ情報じょうほうを紹介しょうかいします。 Purchasing Train Tickets & IC Cards 乗車券じょうしゃけん・ICカードの購入こうにゅうについて Photo:A ticket terminal at a station(写真しゃしん:駅えきの券売機けんばいき) There are two main ways to take use the train in Japan: the first is to buy a ticket to ride the train, and the second is to use an IC card. 日本にほんで電車でんしゃに乗のるには、主おもに2つふたつ>の乗のり方かたがあります。1つひとつは切符きっぷを買かっての乗のり方かた、もう1つひとつはICカードを使つかっての乗のり方かたです。 IC cards (Integrated Circuit Cards) are rechargeable cards that that can be used to ride the train in Japan. ICカード(Integrated Circuit Card)は、必要ひつような電車でんしゃ賃ちんを乗のる前まえにチャージができるカードです。 They can be purchased at stations all across Japan. 日本全国にっぽんぜんこくの駅えきで買かうことができます。 IC cards make train travel incredibly easy as you no longer have to purchase a ticket and calculate costs every time you ride the train. ICカードを使つかうと、電車でんしゃに乗のるたびに切符きっぷを買かったり、料金りょうきんを計算けいさんしたりする必要ひつようがなくなります。 Simply scan your IC card at the ticket gate and the fee is deducted from your card automatically. 改札かいさつでICカードをスキャンするだけで料金りょうきんが自動的じどうてきに引ひき落おとされるので、電車でんしゃの旅たびがとても簡単かんたんになります。 IC cards can be recharged at terminals where tickets and IC cards can be purchased. ICカードのチャージは、切符きっぷやICカードが買かえる自動券売機じどうけんばいきでできます。 When coming to Japan from overseas, you'll likely be landing at either Haneda Airport or Narita Airport. 海外かいがいから日本にほんに来くる場合ばあい、羽田空港はねだくうこうか成田空港なりたくうこうのどちらかに着陸ちゃくりくすることが多おおいでしょう。 Both airports sell IC cards, but the video will show you how to purchase them at Haneda Airport. どちらの空港くうこうでもICカードが販売はんばいされていますが、動画どうがでは羽田空港はねだくうこうでの買かい方かたを紹介しょうかいしています。 First, you'll need to find the ticket terminal. まずは、自動券売機じどうけんばいきを探さがしましょう。 As shown in the video, these ticket terminals also have multilingual support, so even if you can't speak Japanese, you should have no problems using them. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、自動券売機じどうけんばいきは多言語たげんご対応たいおうもしているので、日本語にほんごが話はなせない人ひとでも問題もんだいなく使つかえるはずです。 After using the ticket fare chart above the ticket terminals to find your destination and ticket price, you can put in your money and receive your ticket and change, as well as a receipt. 自動券売機じどうけんばいきの上うえにある切符きっぷ運賃表うんちんひょうで目的もくてき地ちと切符きっぷの料金りょうきんを確認かくにんしたら、お金かねを入いれて切符きっぷ、おつり、領収書りょうしゅうしょを受うけ取とります。 If you're going to need a connecting ticket, simply choose where you'll be changing lines, enter the name of the station you'll be going to, select that station, and pay. 連絡れんらく切符きっぷが必要ひつような場合ばあいは、乗のり換かえの場所ばしょを選よらんで、行き先ゆきさきの駅えきの名前なまえを入力にゅうりょくして、その駅えきを選えらんでお金かねを払はらいます。 [Video] 2:16 - How to Purchase Train Tickets at Haneda Airport 【動画どうが】2:16~ 羽田空港はねだくうこうでの乗車券じょうしゃけんの買かい方かた As shown in the video, there are a variety of different IC cards used across Japan, but Suica and PASMO are the main IC cards used in Japan's Kanto region. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、日本全国にっぽんぜんこくでさまざまなICカードが使つかわれていますが、関東地方かんとうちほうで主おもに使つかわれているカードは「Suica」と「PASMO」です。 By following the instructions displayed on the ticket terminal, you can easily purchase an IC card. ICカードは、自動券売機じどうけんばいきに表示ひょうじされる案内あんないに従したがって、簡単かんたんに買かうことができます。 You'll also need to charge it for your first use. 初はじめて使つかうときは、チャージも必要ひつようです。 There's also a personal PASMO where you can enter your details, but this is mostly for residents of Japan, so if you're just traveling, it shouldn't be necessary. 個人情報こじんじょうほうを入力にゅうりょくする「名前なまえ入いりPASMO」もありますが、これは主おもに日本にほん在住者ざいじゅうしゃ向むけなので、旅行りょこうが目的もくてきの場合ばあいは必要ひつようないでしょう。 [Video] 4:19 - How to Purchase an IC Card at Haneda Airport 【動画どうが】4:19~ 羽田空港はねだくうこうでのICカードのチャージ方法ほうほう To recharge your IC card, simply press the recharge button. ICカードのリチャージは、リチャージボタンを押おします。 After that, insert your IC card into the slot, and choose how much you want to recharge. 一部いちぶの自動券売機じどうけんばいきでは、ICカードを差さし込こみ口ぐちに入いれる代かわりに、小ちいさなICカードトレーにカードを入いれます。 At some ticket terminals, instead of inserting your card into a slot, you place it in a small IC card tray. それから、ICカードを差さし込こみ口ぐちに入いれて、チャージする金額きんがくを選えらびます。 [Video] 6:53 - How to Recharge an IC Card at Haneda Airport 【動画どうが】6:53~ 羽田空港はねだくうこうでのICカードのチャージ方法ほうほう How to Use Tickets & IC Cards to Ride the Train in Japan 乗車券じょうしゃけん・ICカードを使つかって日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かた Photo:An automatic ticket gate(写真しゃしん:自動改札じどうかいさつ) The first thing to be aware of is that some ticket gates have IC card-only gates, and tickets cannot be used to pass through these. まず、一部いちぶの改札かいさつにはICカード専用せんようの改札かいさつがあって、切符きっぷでは通とおれないので注意ちゅういしてください。 To pass through the ticket gate, simply insert your ticket into the slot on the ticket gate. 改札かいさつを通とおるためには、切符きっぷを改札かいさつの投入とうにゅう口ぐちに差さし込こんでください。 The ticket will then be pulled through to the other side. すると、切符きっぷが反対はんたい側がわから出でてきます。 Be sure to take this or you'll end up having to repurchase the ticket when you get off the train. これを必かならず取とらないと、電車でんしゃを降おりるときに切符きっぷをもう一度いちど買かい直なおさなければならなくなります。 [Video] 7:29 - Passing Through the Ticket Gate With a Train Ticket 【動画どうが】7:29~ 乗車券じょうしゃけんで改札かいさつを通とおる様子ようす When passing through the ticket gate with an IC card, simply touch your IC card to the IC card reader, and when it beeps, the gate will open and u can pass through. ICカードで改札かいさつを通とおるときは、ICカードリーダーにICカードをタッチして、「ピッ」と鳴なれば改札かいさつが開ひらいて通とおれます。 [Video] 8:00 - Passing Through the Ticket Gate With an IC Card 【動画どうが】8:00〜 ICカードで改札かいさつを通とおる様子ようす After passing through the ticket gate, you can head to the platform where you can wait for your train. 改札かいさつを通とおったら、列車れっしゃを待まつホームへ向むかいます。 If you have a lot of luggage, you can use the elevator, but if you're traveling light, you can also use the escalators. 荷物にもつが多おおい場合ばあいはエレベーターを使つかいますが、荷物にもつが少すくない場合ばあいはエスカレーターを使つかっても良よいでしょう。 Be sure to double check the train information at the platform to avoid getting on the wrong train. 間違まちがえて乗のってしまわないように、ホームにある電車でんしゃ案内あんないをもう一度いちど確認かくにんしましょう。 [Video] 8:15 - Going to the Train Platform 【動画どうが】8:15〜 ホームへ向むかう様子ようす Most trains in Japan will have a small electronic display that tells what the next station is and what kind of train you're currently riding. 日本にほんのほとんどの電車でんしゃには、次つぎの駅えきがどこか、今いま乗のっている電車でんしゃの種類しゅるいを示しめす小ちいさな電光掲示板でんこうけいじばんがあります。 Most trains have this displayed in English as well. そして、ほとんどの電車でんしゃには、この掲示板けいじばんは英語えいごでも表示ひょうじされています。 [Video] 9:10 - Getting on the Train 【動画どうが】9:10〜 電車でんしゃに乗のる様子ようす Just like when how you got on the train, simply insert your ticket into the ticket gate slot when getting off. 電車でんしゃに乗のったときと同おなじように、降おりるときも投入とうにゅう口ぐちに切符きっぷを入いれると降おりられます。 If this is your final destination, the ticket won't come out on the other side. 最終目的地さいしゅうもくてきちの場合ばあいは、切符きっぷは反対はんたい側がわには出でてきません。 [Video] 9:39 - Getting off the Train & Exiting the Ticket Gate With a Train Ticket 【動画どうが】9:39~ 乗車券じょうしゃけんで電車でんしゃを降ふって、改札かいさつを出でる様子ようす If using an IC card, touch the IC card to the IC card reader until it beeps, and pass through the ticket gate. ICカードの場合ばあいは、ICカードをICカードリーダーに「ピッ」となるまでタッチして、改札かいさつを通とおってください。 [Video] 10:35 - Getting off the Train & Exiting the Ticket Gate With an IC card 【動画どうが】10:35~ ICカードで電車でんしゃの降ふり方かたと改札かいさつを出でる様子ようす If you're using an IC card, as usual, simply touch the IC card to the IC card reader until it beeps, and then pass through it. ICカードの場合ばあいは、いつも通とおり、ICカードリーダーにピッとなるまでICカードをタッチして通とおれば大丈夫だいじょうぶです。 Just be sure your card is adequately charged or you'll have to go to a ticket terminal to recharge before transferring. ただ、カードにチャージされている金額きんがくが足たらない場合ばあいは、乗のり換かえの前まえに自動券売機じどうけんばいきでチャージする必要ひつようがあります。 [Video] 10:46 - Transferring Trains With an IC card 【動画どうが】10:46~ ICカードで電車でんしゃに乗のり継つぐ様子ようす When transferring with a train ticket, insert the ticket into the slot on the ticket gate, and be sure to grab it on the other side, as you'll use it until your final destination. 乗車券じょうしゃけんで乗のり換かえる場合ばあい、最終目的地さいしゅうもくてきちまで切符きっぷを使つかいますので、改札かいさつの投入とうにゅう口ぐちに乗車券じょうしゃけんを差さし込こんで、反対はんたい側がわで必かならず取とってください。 [Video] 11:26 - Transferring Trains With a Train Ticket 【動画どうが】11:26~ 乗車券じょうしゃけんで乗のり換かえる様子ようす Once you get the hang of Japan's railways system you'll be traveling at a much faster pace. 日本にほんの電車でんしゃに慣なれたら、もっと効率的こうりつてきに観光かんこうができるようになります。 I highly recommend using an IC card as it will save you a lot of time that would otherwise be spent buying tickets and calculating prices. ICカードは、切符きっぷを買かったり料金りょうきんを計算けいさんしたりする時間じかんをなくして、時間じかんの節約せつやくになりますので、ぜひ使つかってみてください。 You can also get the ¥500 deposit back if you return the IC card when you no longer need it (there will likely be a small fee deducted when returning the card). また、ICカードが不要ふようになったら返却へんきゃくすれば、500円ごひゃくえんのデポジットを返かえしてもらえます(返却へんきゃくの時ときにちょっとした手数料てすうりょうがかかることがあります)。 The Different Types of IC Cards Used in Japan 日本にほんで使つかわれているICカードの種類しゅるい Photo:suica(写真しゃしん:suica) There are many different IC cards used across Japan. 日本全国にっぽんぜんこくで使つかわれているICカードは様々さまざまな種類しゅるいがあります。 Unfortunately, they cannot be used for continuous travel between different regions. しかし、残念ざんねんながら、各かくエリア間かんをまたがってご利用りよういただくことはできません。 Here is a list of the different IC cards and where the areas they can be purchased. ここでは、ICカードの種類しゅるいと買かえる地域ちいきを紹介しょうかいします。 IC cards can be used in different areas in Japan as well, although some may have limited uses. また、ICカードは他たの地域ちいきでも使つかえますが、一部いちぶの機能きのうが使つかえないことがあります。 Kitaca - JR Hokkaido Kitaca - JR北海道ほっかいどう Suica - JR East (Tokyo, Niigata, Sendai) Suica - JR東日本ひがしにほん(東京とうきょう、新潟にいがた、仙台せんだい) PASMO - Tokyo metropolitan area PASMO - 東京とうきょう manaca - Nagoya, Shizuoka manaca - 名古屋なごや、静岡しずおか TOICA - JR Central TOICA - JR東海とうかい ICOCA - JR West (Hiroshima, Kyoto, Osaka, Okayama) ICOCA - JR西日本にしにほん(広島ひろしま、京都きょうと、大阪おおさか、岡山おかやま) PiTaPa - Kansai (Kyoto, Osaka) PiTaPa - 関西かんさい(京都きょうと、大阪おおさか) SUGOCA - JR Kyushu (Fukuoka) SUGOCA - JR九州きゅうしゅう(福岡ふくおか) nimoca - Fukuoka, Oita, Kumamoto, Saga, Miyazaki, Hakodate nimoca - 福岡ふくおか、大分おおいた、熊本くまもと、佐賀さが、宮崎みやざき、函館はこだて Hayakaken - Fukuoka subway system Hayakaken - 福岡市ふくおかし地下鉄ちかてつ Another thing of note is that IC cards can be used for shopping at many places as well. ICカードのもう1つひとつのポイントは、多おおくの場所ばしょで買かい物ものする際さいにも使つかえるということです。 This is nice to avoid carrying a lot of change. 小銭こぜにが溜たまらないので便利べんりです。 Also, if you're looking to take a quick break, IC cards can be used at many vending machines to purchase a drink! また、ちょっとした休憩きゅうけいのときに、自動販売機じどうはんばいきでもICカードで飲のみ物ものが買かえるので便利べんりです。 Types of Trains in Japan 日本にほんの列車れっしゃの種類しゅるい Photo:A rapid train(写真しゃしん:快速電車かいそくでんしゃ) There are five main types of trains in Japan, differing by number of stops and other factors. 日本にほんには、停車ていしゃする駅えきの数かずなどの違ちがいによって、主おもに5種類ごしゅるいの列車れっしゃがあります。 Remembering the different types can help you know which train to board. 列車れっしゃの種類しゅるいを覚おぼえたらどの電車でんしゃに乗のればいいのかが分わかりやすくなります。 Local: 普通ふつう Local trains are the slowest type of train and generally stop at every station on the line. 普通列車ふつうれっしゃは最もっとも遅おそい種類しゅるいの列車れっしゃで、一般的いっぱんてきには、各駅かくえきに停車ていしゃします。 Rapid: 快速かいそく Rapid trains generally cost the same as local trains but are faster as they stop only at major stations. 快速列車かいそくれっしゃは一般いっぱん的てきに普通列車ふつうれっしゃと同おなじ料金りょうきんですが、主要しゅような駅えきだけに停車ていしゃしますので、普通列車ふつうれっしゃより速はやいです。 Express: 急行きゅうこう Express trains generally stop at fewer stations and are faster than rapid trains. 急行列車きゅうこうれっしゃは、一般的いっぱんてきに停車ていしゃする駅えきが少すくなくて、快速列車かいそくれっしゃより速はやいのが特徴とくちょうです。 Limited Express: 特急列車とっきゅうれっしゃ Limited express trains are the fastest trains in Japan besides shinkansen, and an additional fee will be charged when using riding them. 特急列車とっきゅうれっしゃは、新幹線しんかんせん以外いがいで日本にほんの最もっとも速はやい列車れっしゃで、乗のる場合ばあいは別べつの料金りょうきんがかかります。 Shinkansen: 新幹線しんかんせん Shinkansen, or bullet trains, are the fastest trains in Japan and connect Japan's major cities. 新幹線しんかんせんは、日本にほんの最もっとも速はやい列車れっしゃで、日本にほんの主要しゅよう都市としを繋つないでいます。 Train Ticket Prices in Japan 日本にほんの乗車券じょうしゃけんの料金りょうきん When traveling to a nearby location, most train tickets will start at around 160 yen (in Tokyo) and slowly increase as distance increases. 近ちかいところに行いく場合ばあい、ほとんどの乗車券じょうしゃけんは(東京とうきょうでは)160ひゃくろくじゅう円えんぐらいから買かえて、距離きょりが長ながくなるにつれて高たかくなります。 Keep in mind that train ticket prices also change depending on the type of train you ride on. 乗車券じょうしゃけんの料金りょうきんは、列車れっしゃの種類しゅるいによっても変かわるのでご注意ちゅういしてください。 In general, local trains are the cheapest, while shinkansen are the most expensive. 一般的いっぱんてきに、普通列車ふつうれっしゃは最もっとも安やすい列車れっしゃで、新幹線しんかんせんは最もっとも高たかい列車れっしゃです。 The Japan Rail Pass & Green Tickets ジャパンレールパスとグリーン券けん Photo:Japan Rail Pass(写真しゃしん:ジャパンレールパスじゃぱんれーるぱす) The Japan Rail Pass is a special type of train ticket that can be purchased ONLY by foreign tourists that enter Japan as a temporary visitor, for the purpose of sightseeing. ジャパンレールパスは、日本にほんに一時いちじ的てきに入国にゅうこくする「観光かんこう目的もくてきの外国人観光客がいこくじんかんこうきゃく」しか買かえない特別とくべつな乗車じょうしゃ券けんです。 There are two types of Japan Rail Pass, "Green" and "Standard," and the cost of each varies depending on the period of use. ジャパンレールパスには、「グリーン」と「普通ふつう」の2つふたつ>の種類しゅるいがあって、それぞれ使用しよう期間きかんによって金額きんがくが変かわります。 ・7-day Passes 7日間なのかかん有効ゆうこうパス Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Green グリーン Adults - 44,810 YEN 大人おとな 44,810よんまんよんせんはっぴゃくじゅう円えん Children - 22,400 YEN 子供こども 22,400にまんにせんよんひゃく円えん Standard 普通ふつう Adults - 29,650 YEN 大人おとな 29,650にまんきゅうせんろっぴゃく円えん Children - 14,820 YEN 子供こども 14,820いちまんよんせんはっぴゃくにじゅう円えん ・14-day Passes 14日間じゅうよっかかん有効ゆうこうパス Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Green グリーン Adults - 64,120 YEN 大人おとな 64,120ろくまんよんせんひゃくにじゅう円えん Children - 32,060 YEN 子供こども 32,060さんまんにせんろくじゅう円えん Standard 普通ふつう Adults - 47,250 YEN 大人おとな 47,250よんまんななせんにひゃくごじゅう円えん Children - 23,260 YEN 子供こども 23,260にまんさんぜんにひゃくろくじゅう円えん ・21-day Passes 21日間にじゅういちにちかん有効ゆうこうパス Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Green グリーン Adults - 83,390 YEN 大人おとな 83,390はちまんさんぜんさんびゃくきゅうじゅう円えん Children - 41,690 YEN 子供こども 41,690よんまんせんろっぴゃくきゅうじゅう円えん Standard 普通ふつう Adults - 60,450 YEN 大人おとな 60,450ろくまんよんひゃくごじゅう円えん Children - 30,220 YEN 子供こども 30,220さんまんにひゃくにじゅう円えん ※Prices up to date as of 10/17/2022 ※2022にせんにじゅうに年ねん10月じゅうがつ17日じゅうしちにち現在げんざいの料金りょうきんです。 Green cars are train cars with first class seating, allowing you to relax when traveling. グリーン車しゃは一いち等席とうせきがある車両しゃりょうで、旅行りょこうの時ときに使つかうとくつろぐことができます。 One thing to note is that green car tickets can be purchased even without a Japan rail pass 1つひとつ注意ちゅういしたいのは、グリーン車しゃのグリーン券けんはジャパンレールパスがなくても買かえるということです。 Train Manners in Japan 日本にほんの電車でんしゃのマナー Photo:A businessman talking on the phone while riding the train(写真しゃしん:電車内でんしゃないで通話つうわをするビジネスマン) We mentioned that Japan is known for its punctual trains, but Japanese people are also known for their good manners when riding trains. 日本にほんの電車でんしゃが時間じかんに正確せいかくであることをお伝つたえしましたが、電車でんしゃに乗のるときの日本人にっぽんじんのマナーが良よいことも知しられています。 Here, we'll list some things to keep in mind when riding a train in Japan, so you don't cause other trouble for other passengers. ここでは、日本にほんの電車でんしゃに乗のるときに、他たの乗客じょうきゃくに迷惑めいわくをかけないように気きをつけたいことを紹介しょうかいします。 1. No Talking on the Phone 1. 通話つうわは禁止きんし Talking on the other phone is definitely something to avoid, as it can be noisy and can cause trouble for other passengers. 通話つうわはうるさくて、他たの乗客じょうきゃくに迷惑めいわくをかけてしまいますので、絶対ぜったいにやめましょう。 It's also good manners to keep your phone on silent or some setting with which it won't ring. また、携帯電話けいたいでんわはマナーモードなど、音おとが鳴ならない設定せっていにするのがマナーです。 2. Talk Quietly When Riding the Train 2. 電車でんしゃに乗のるときは静しずかに話はなす Talking loudly with friends can be tempting when you're having fun, but it's important to be mindful of others. 友達ともだちと遊あそんでいるときは、大おおきな声こえで話はなしていても気きづかないかもしれませんが、他たの人ひとを気きづかうことが大切たいせつです。 It's also good manners to avoid listening to loud music. また、音楽おんがくを静しずかに聴きくのもマナーです。 3. Don't Eat When Riding the Train 3. 電車でんしゃで食たべてはいけない Eating on the train should always be avoided unless you're riding a shinkansen or in a green car, as these generally have tables and cup holders for eating and drinking. 新幹線しんかんせんやグリーン車しゃでは、よくテーブルやカップホルダーがありますので食たべても大丈夫だいじょうぶですが、それ以外いがいの電車でんしゃでの食事しょくじはマナー違反いはんです。 4. Be Careful of Priority Seating 4. 優先席ゆうせんせきに注意ちゅうい Trains in Japan have priority seating that is to be used be by senior citizens, people with disabilities, people with injuries, pregnant women, and people with children. 日本にほんの電車でんしゃには、高齢者こうれいしゃ、障害者しょうがいしゃ、傷病しょうびょう者しゃ、妊婦にんぷ、乳幼児にゅうようじがいる人ひとの優先ゆうせん座席ざせきがあります。 Be careful not to sit in them if you don't fit into any of the above categories. 上記じょうきに当あてはまらない人ひとは、座すわらないように気きをつけましょう。 5. Be Careful to Not Take Up Too Much Space 5. スペースを取とり過すぎないように注意ちゅうい Trains in most major Japanese cities are quite packed, especially during rush hour. 日本にほんの主要しゅよう都市としの電車でんしゃは、特とくにラッシュ時じになるとかなり込こみます。 Because of this, it's important to not take up more space than you need, so that other passengers have room as well. 他たの乗客じょうきゃくのスペースも考かんがえて、必要ひつよう以上いじょうのスペースをとらないようにしましょう。 If you're traveling with a backpack, it's considered good manners to move the backpack to your chest. リュックの場合ばあいは、胸むねの方ほうに持もつのがマナーとされています。 This makes it take up less space behind you and prevents it from bumping into people. そうすることで、後うしろのスペースを取とらず、人ひとにぶつかりません。 Also, be sure to use the luggage shelves located above the seats if possible. また、可能かのうであれば座席ざせきの上うえにある荷物棚にもつだなを使つかうと良よいでしょう。 If you can't use them, try to keep your bags as close to yourself as possible. 使つかえない場合ばあいは、できるだけ自分じぶんの近ちかくに荷物にもつを持もちましょう。 Summary of How to Use the Train in Japan 日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かたのまとめ Whether you're traveling or planning to reside in Japan, we hope this article has helped you better understand trains in Japan. 日本にほんへ旅行りょこうであれ、住すむ予定よていであれ、この記事きじを読よむことで、日本にほんの電車でんしゃを知しっていただけたら嬉うれしいです。 It can be difficult at first, but after learning the basics you'll have a much easier to traveling around Japan. 最初さいしょは難むずかしいかもしれませんが、基本きほんを覚おぼえれば、日本国内にほんこくないの移動いどうがわかりやすく楽たのしくなるでしょう。 There are some manners to abide by when traveling via train in Japan, but as long as you're careful you should have no trouble! 電車でんしゃを使つかう時ときにはマナーを守まもるのが大切たいせつですが、気きをつければ問題もんだいありません。 Feel free to leave a comment and let us know if you have any questions too! 質問しつもんなどがありましたら、お気軽きがるにコメントしてください。 h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 2:06
Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go - A Steam Locomotive Running Through Beautiful Autumn Foliage of Fukushima! Selected As One of the "Top Ten Railway Lines With Beautiful Autumn Foliage," This Train Still Runs As a Classic Steam Locomotive!
Transportation- 147 plays
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A video of Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go - A Steam Locomotive on the Tadami Line This video, titled "[4K] Tadami Line "Koyo-go 2015" - Journey Through Japan by Train - A Spectacular View of a Steam Locomotive," (【4K】只見線「紅葉号2015」〜日本の鉄道旅 絶景SL」) was released by "beaphoto1." The Tadami Line runs along a ravine from Aizuwakamatsu Station in Fukushima Prefecture (福島県) to Koide Station in Niigata Prefecture (新潟県). It's a popular line among railroad enthusiasts and tourists for its spectacular scenery. The Tadami Line is a local line with a reputation for enjoyable train travel. This video features the SL (steam locomotive) Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go, one of the most popular trains on the line. Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go's Tadami Line - Ranked the #1 Local Line Source :YouTube screenshot The Tadami Line is a 135.2 km long line belonging to East Japan Railways (JR East) and connects Fukushima and Niigata prefectures along the valleys of the Aburuma (破間川) and Tadami Rivers (只見川). The Tadami line runs through one of the most mountainous areas in Japan, so the scenery from the train windows is incredibly beautiful and it's very popular among travel lovers. With fresh greenery in the spring, autumn leaves in the fall, and snowy scenery in the winter, you can enjoy the scenery from the train windows all year round on the Tadami Line. As the train runs along a canyon, there are many railway bridges. Among them, the "No. 1 Tadami River Bridge," which can be seen from 0:03 in the video, is a popular spot for photographing the beautiful SL Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go. The "No. 1 Tadami River Bridge," which frequently appears in the video, was completed in 1938 as a truss arch bridge. In a survey by The Nikkei on October 11, 2008, the Tadami Line was ranked first in the NIKKEI PLUS1 "Top Ten Railway Lines with Beautiful Fall Foliage." You can see the scenery of the steam locomotive Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go running on the No. 1 Tadami River Bridge at 0:10 and 1:18 in the video. The Allure of the SL Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go Source :YouTube screenshot The most attractive part of the SL Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go is that you can enjoy a landscape found only on this local line. The SL Aizu Tadami Koyo-go is a C11 325 type, and has three coaches. It starts from Aizu-Wakamatsu station and ends at Tadami Station. The C11 325 model has been running on many routes since it was manufactured in 1946, and is still in service today as the SL Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go. When the steam locomotive is not in operation, there is also a trolley train called the Kaisoku Kazakko Tadami Line Koyo-go. This is another train we highly recommend riding if you have the chance. The Tadami Line is famous as an "unexplored line," and what better way to experience it than traveling through it on a steam locomotive? Sightseeing Destinations in Aizu via the SL Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go Photo:Higashiyama Onsen, Fukushima Prefecture The SL Aizu-Tadami Koyo-go starts at Aizuwakamatsu Station in Fukushima Prefecture. This is the center of Aizu tourism, and is home to the famous Higashiyama Onsen (hot springs). There are many other onsen inns along the route, so we recommend staying at one to relax for an evening. We recommend enjoying Fukushima's famous horse sashimi, Aizu-Jidori chicken, and the mushroom dishes in autumn when staying at one of the local hot spring inns. Summary of the SL Aizu Tadami Koyo-go Photo:Tadami Koyo-go, Fukushima Prefecture We hope that after watching this video you're thinking about enjoying a train ride to see the beautiful autumn foliage of Aizu! Aizu is a tourist destination with different scenery in each of the four seasons. Enjoy a trip to Aizu on the scenic Tadami Line's SL Aizu Tadami Koyo-go, and enjoy Aizu - a great place for taking Instagram photos! -
Video article 1:09
The "Hamanasu," With Its Lovely Pink Body, Is Now in Hokkaido! The Remarkable New Train, Built To Commemorate the 140th Anniversary of the Opening of Hokkaido's Railroads, Is Equipped With All the Latest Technology!
Transportation- 65 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Hokkaido’s "Hamanasu"! This video, titled "Debut of the New Limited Express Sightseeing Train "Hamanasu": JR Hokkaido" (観光用にも使える新型特急車両「はまなす編成」がデビュー:JR北海道), was released by "nippon.com." It's a news video introducing JR Hokkaido's new limited express sightseeing train "Hamanasu." From October 2020, the Hamanasu finally began its journey to Abashiri, Kushiro, Hakodate and Wakkanai as a regular limited express train. The Hamanasu is expected to support many people as a new means of travel to Hokkaido. What is the Hamanasu? Photo:The Hamanasu, Hokkaido The KiHa 261-5000 series of the Hamanasu is a multi-purpose diesel locomotive based on the KiHa 261 express locomotive. This train features a cute pink coloring that evokes the image of the Japanese rose (Rosa rugosa, beach rose), called "Hamanasu" (ハマナス) in Japanese. Two 5-car trains were produced and named "Hamanasu" and "Lavender." Commemorating the 140th anniversary of Hokkaido's railroads, the Hamanasu began trial operations in July 2020, and made its commercial debut on Saturday, October 17, 2020, as the "140th Anniversary of Hokkaido's Railways" dedicated day-trip sightseeing train. Starting October 24, the Hamanasu is scheduled to operate with the limited expresses "Okhotsk," "Taisetsu," "Ozora," "Hokuto," "Soya," and "Sarobetsu" operated regularly by JR Hokkaido. The Hamanasu looks like a green car, but there are no plans to add a green car to the train for a while. Enjoy a Wonderful Time Sightseeing on the Hamanasu Source :YouTube screenshot The interior of the Hamanasu is introduced at 0:22 in the video. Car No. 1 is a free space called the "Hamanasu Lounge" and is a multi-purpose room. Car No. 1 also has private rooms with sunken kotatsu-style tables and a counter selling local specialties, and is a great space to enjoy conversing with friends and family during your sightseeing trip. Cars 2 to 5 are equipped with general seating, and each seat is equipped with an electrical outlet and an arm table, and there is also free WiFi available. You can also use your computer or smartphone on the train, making it convenient for business purposes. Summary of Hokkaido’s Newest Sightseeing Train, Hamanasu Photo:The Hamanasu, Hokkaido This article introduced the Hamanasu, a newly launched train that debuted in 2020. The Hamanasu is planned to be very active in the future as a new means of transportation for travelers to Hokkaido. If you're planning a trip to Hokkaido, we recommend taking the popular Hamanasu for an amazing journey! -
Video article 5:38
Gaining Attention From All Over the World! A Test Run of the Latest Shinkansen, Running at a Top Speed of 400 KM/H. The Cool, Futuristic Design of ALFA-X!
Transportation- 628 plays
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ALFA-X The video "Let’s go and see ALFA-X! E956 series Shinkansen Test Car, the video showing its moving pantograph, and the arrival, passage and departure : ALFA-X shinkansen test run" (「ALFA-Xに会いに行こう! E956形新幹線試験車両 パンタグラフ上げ下げと発着通過映像 ALFA-X shinkansen test run」)was created by "It’s railway!/caruze67." It shows running scenes of ALFA-X, a shinkansen (bullet train) developed for commercial operation at a speed of 360 km/h. The new model of pantograph (a piece of equipment mounted on the roof of an electric train) goes up and down (from 1:15 in the video). The car departs and arrives in the video. Train spotters can’t resist it. This article explains the test car “Shinkansen ALFA-X. Please enjoy ALFA-X's futuristic design. What Is ALFA-X? Source :YouTube screenshot The test car, E956 series Shinkansen ALFA-X is a JR Tohoku Shinkansen, developed for commercial operation with a top speed of 360 km per hour. A test run at 400 km/h is also scheduled. The 10-car ALFA-X has different front designs between the first car and the tenth car as they were manufactured by different companies. Kawasaki Heavy Industries is in charge of the first car. The length is about the same as the E5 series. It aims to reduce pressure waves when traveling through a tunnel and at the same time keep the pressure inside of cars. Hitachi Manufacturing made the tenth car. Its feature is that its longer than the E5 series. It also reduces pressure waves and tries to improve environmental performance. The long nosed front car keeping down air pressure can fully be enjoyed from 3:25. The orange tail lamps in front of the window are design accents. The design of Shinkansen ALFA-X feels futuristic. The characteristic silver metallic color and light green lines look fast. It is shown at 0:02 through the end of the video. Operation is scheduled on Tuesday and Saturday between May in 2019 (Reiwa 1) and March in 2022, about 70 days in a year. On the first day of the operation, it was presented to reporters at the Shinkansen rolling stock base in Rifu cho in Miyagi Prefecture. ALFA-X is earthquake-proof and designed to reduce the swaying of cars. The eighth car, which is Grand Class, offers a luxurious train ride. Overseas Reactions to ALFA-X The test car “Shinkansen ALFA-X” which runs at a top speed of 360 km/h is gaining a lot of attention from overseas. There are various reactions to the fastest train ever made. People sharing that they are envious and would like one to be created in their country and so on, is not uncommon. The distinctive design of ALFA-X is also popular. Summary of ALFA-X Source :YouTube screenshot The video “Let’s go and see ALFA-X! E956 series Shinkansen Test Car, the video showing its moving pantograph, and the arrival, passage and departure : ALFA-X shinkansen test run,” created by “It’s railway!/caruze67,” introduces the next generation Shinkansen of the East Japan Railway Company. The toy Shinkalion ALFA-X modeled after the test car ALFA-X is also available, gaining more and more recognition. We recommend the ALFA-X Plarail or N gauge model trains as souvenirs. It is so exciting to imagine traveling Japan in such a cool train in just a few years' time. -
Video article 2:58
The Worldwide Popular Car Brand Lexus Sells a Luxury Yacht Full of Charm! Spend a Dreamy Time on Board the Luxury Ship!
Transportation- 31 plays
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This video, titled "Lexus LY 650 Luxury Yacht Launch Video," was released by "Motorward." Lexus, which is featured in the video, is a premium brand made by Toyota Motor Corporation. With fans in Japan and around the world, Lexus unveiled its luxury LY 650 yacht in 2019 in Boca Raton, Florida, USA. The Lexus yacht is around 65 feet (20 meters) long and has excellent sailing capabilities that make for an exhilarating ride. Of course, the stylish exterior of the yacht is also worth noting. The reliable Toyota production system is applied to the production of the LY 650, so you can rest assured that it's of the highest quality. -
Video article 32:19
Airplanes Coming and Going in a Heavy Snow Storm! New Chitose Airport Jets Brave the Snow to Get Passengers to Their Destinations Safely!
Transportation- 36 plays
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This video, titled "[4K] 35 Jets in Heavy Snow! Winter Plane Spotting at Sapporo New Chitose Airport / 新千歳空港 JAL ANA," was released by " j-sky on YouTube." This video shows over 30 minutes of airplanes departing from and landing at New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido. One of the features of New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido is that planes can take off and land even on snowy days. In Japan's Honshu region, flights can be cancelled when there is a lot of snow, but Hokkaido's airport is unaffected by a little snow. The Hokkaido area is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. If you want to enjoy the snowy scenery, try to get a plane ticket on a snowy day like the one shown in the video! -
Video article 2:09
A Powerful Landing Scene of a Famous Aircraft Responsible for the Success of JAL. The Majestic Sight of a Jumbo Jet Plane Landing With a Splash of Snow Is a Sight to Behold!
Transportation- 29 plays
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This video, titled "Reverse thrust on taxi way? JAL 747 Memorial #003 : 747-446D [JA8083] at CTS/RJCC : Landing," was released by "j-sky on YouTube." It's cool seeing the large aircraft land and go down the runway, but how does an airplane land and stop in the first place? After the aircraft lands it glides for a while, then slows down and comes to a stop. When an aircraft moves on the ground under its own power, it is called taxiing. In order for an aircraft to stop successfully, they choose a runway with a headwind or a system of reverse thrusters that directly thrust upward at an angle. So many different things go into the safe landing of an airplane. -
Video article 1:03
Spend an Elegant Time on the Cruise Ship Hotel GUNTU; Used in a Commercial for Georgia. Enjoy a Luxury Trip in an Extraordinary Space in Hiroshima!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Transportation Travel- 334 plays
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Video About the Seto Inland Sea Cruise Ship, GUNTU “Seto Inland Sea Cruise ship's GUNTU(瀬戸内海 客船旅館 ガンツウ | Seto Inland Sea Cruise ships GUNTU)” is created by “HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR” and it introduces attractions of the small floating hotel, GUNTU. GUNTU became famous through Georgia’s commercial and reviews. It has high reviews that refer to it as gorgeous and people can spend a wonderful time here. It has great reviews on travel comparison sites as well. In this article, attractions of GUNTU are introduced. By watching this video, you'll want to go sightseeing on GUNTU and enjoy beautiful food and hot springs while looking out at the Seto Inland Sea. What Is GUNTU? Source :YouTube screenshot GUNTU is a small hotel and a cruise ship with 19 hotel rooms, that depart and arrive at Bellavista Marina. It was designed by architect Yasushi Horibe and the wood keeps the inboard facilities warm. You can check it out from 0:21 in the video. GUNTU came from the name of a blue small crab, Guntu. It is not as famous as the Japanese blue crab, but it gives nice broth and the local people love it. The cruise ship was named after this crab, so that local people would love it too. There are one night, two night, and three night cruises. Different kinds of routes exist as well. For example, the west circuit goes around Miyajima which is a World Heritage site, and the east circuit goes around Naoshima and Inujima. There are central circuit and special circuit too. At a port of call, you can enjoy activities and sightseeing outboard. Many people enjoy a special time at GUNTU. But there are cases where routes, times, and activities are changed, due to weather. How to Spend Your Time on GUNTU Source :YouTube screenshot There's a hotel room where you can relax, as well as the "Guntu Suite" located at the bow of the ship, and a beautiful view can be seen from the room. There are other rooms as well, such as the grand suite which has a large window and terrace suite with an outside bath. There are other places where you can relax and enjoy as well. The observation deck where you can see the Seto Inland Sea, the bath and sauna where you can feel the warmth of the ship's architecture, and the balcony where you can be calm and enjoy a nice elevated area, are all places we recommend. Also, there is a spa, gym, bar, lounge, shop and different kinds of massages as well. Amenities are available as well. Food on GUNTU Source :YouTube screenshot GUNTU provides delicious Japanese and western food. All of the food is supervised by Shigeyoshi Sato, who is a chef at “Shigeyoshi.” Cuisine of the Seto Inland Sea is used, and the meals fascinate passengers. As you can see from 0:38 in the video, there is a sushi restaurant and fresh seafood can be enjoyed at the counter. The Japanese sweets are amazing as well, and they are made in front of the passengers. You must try these when you stay on the GUNTU. Summary The “Seto Inland Sea Cruise ships' GUNTU” created by “HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR” is an introductory video of the luxury cruise ship GUNTU. Japan has gorgeous and luxurious cruise ships. Watch the video and feel luxury. It's a bit pricey, but it's definitely a trip you won't forget. ◆GUNTU Information◆ 【Address】depart and arrival: 1344-2 Oobiraki Urasakicho Onomichishi, Hiroshima 720-0551, JAPAN 【Address】40 minute car ride from JR Fukuyama Station, 50 minute car ride from Onomichi Station. 【Parking】available 【Telephone No】0120-873-333 【Official Website】GUNTU https://guntu.jp/ -
Video article 38:00
The Bullet Trains of Japan! All the Different Kinds of Bullet Trains Japan Has to Offer. From the Latest Neo-Futuristic Carriages, to the Elusive Carriage Said to Bring You Luck!
Transportation- 550 plays
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Introducing the Bullet Trains of Japan! This video is called "Bullet trains from around the nation in 38 minutes" (全国の新幹線を38分で見る) Shinkansen 2018 (シンカンセン 2018) Super-Express Shinkansen). We especially recommend it to Japanese bullet train fans. The first bullet train in Japan was introduced on October 1st, 1964. They have been evolving throughout their long history. There are many varieties of trains, and you'll never get bored with them. Be sure to watch the full video to enjoy all of the eye-catching bullet trains to the fullest. Types and Nicknames of Bullet Trains! Photo:Doctor Yellow For Tohoku Shinkansen Lines, they use the ‘Hayabusa’ carriages shown from 00:34 and 02:46, the ‘Komachi’ carriages shown from 05:31 and ‘Yamabiko’ shown from 07:40 and 08:31. Tsubasa shown from 10:28 is a carriage used in the Yamagata Shinkansen Line. Toreiyu Tsubasa shown from 13:51 is a special tourist carriage. Max Toki shown from 14:40 and the Genbi Shinkansen shown from 16:17 belong to the Joetsu Shinkansen Line. The Kagayaki shown from 16:50 is from the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line. East Eyes shown from 18:44 and Doctor Yellow shown from 19:21 are carriages that inspect the railway tracks. You don’t really come across these carriages, so if you see one, it's considered very lucky. The Tokaido Shinkansen Line that runs through Tokyo Station and Shinosaka Station owns the Nozomi Shinkansen shown from21:14, Kodama shown from 24:46 and 28:02 and Rail Star shown from 31:20 in the video. Tsubame is shown from 33:36 and Mizuho by Kyushu Shinkansen Line is shown from 35:01 in the video. Trivia and Facts About Japan's Bullet Trains! Photo:Shinkansen The definition of bullet trains is ‘railway trains that can run at speeds exceeding 200 km/h. The maximum speed of the current bullet trains in operation is 285km/h. However, there may be a bullet train that exceeds 300 km/h in the future. The history of bullet trains goes back to October 1st 1964 when the dream super-fast express Tokaido Shinkansen Line was launched. Japan has been a leading player in the world of bullet train development for more than 50 years, improving speed, comfort and safety of the trains. In 2027, as a replacement for bullet trains, high-speed linear motor cars are scheduled to launch between Tokyo and Nagoya. In addition to the bullet train lines shown in the video, there are various bullet train routes throughout Japan such as the Hokkaido bullet trains, Akita bullet trains and the San'yo bullet trains. There are also special routes in Japan where bullet trains run on the local train lines such as the Hakata Minami Line and the Joetsu Line. Summary of Bullet Trains in Japan There are many kinds of bullet trains in Japan. Each line has a different color and carriage shape. Find your favorite bullet train as you watch the video. If you are traveling in Japan, you should definitely use a bullet train for long journeys to enjoy the ride comfortably and in a timely manner. When you take a bullet train, check the route map, timetable, fares, price of ticket books, reservations for reserved seats and Green carriage seats, vacancy of non-reserved seats and operational statuses on the official website as well as the Midorino Madoguchi Ticket Offices at large stations. 【Official Website】JR East:East Japan Railway https://www.jreast.co.jp/e/ -
Video article 9:14
Check Out the Steam Locomotive "SL Yamaguchi-Go," AKA "Lady," as She Thunders Along! All About the SL Yamaguchi-Go Running on the Yamaguchi Line!
Transportation- 443 plays
- YouTube
Introducing "Lady" "C571 SL Yamaguchi-go - Lady's return!- 2019 Oct 19-20(C571 SLやまぐち号 【貴婦人完全復活!】 2019.10.19-20)" is a 4K video that captures the steam train that runs between Shin-Yamaguchi Station and Tsuwano (Yamaguchi Prefecture) on the JR West Yamaguchi Line. In 2019, SL Yamaguchi-go celebrated its 40th anniversary since its return. A commemorative event held at the relevant stations and in the train, attracted many fans. The old-fashioned steam train chugging along with smoke coming out of its stack, its whistle, and the steam shooting out the side is spectacular to watch. Enjoy the video of the retro-chic locomotive train. About the Steam Locomotive, SL Yamaguchi-go Photo:The SL Yamaguchi-go C571 The steam train C571 was withdrawn from mainline service in 1965, but made a comeback in 1979 owing to the passionate requests from local enthusiasts and steam locomotive fans. As of November 2019, it runs between Shin-Yamaguchi and Tsuwano that takes about 2 hours and only runs on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays. This elegant machine is popularly known as "Lady". Steam Locomotives are powered by a steam engine: The water contained in a boiler turns into steam when heated, and creates high pressure. Because of this, steam locomotives puff black smoke and big gray clouds of steam when they depart (seen in the video from 1:21). The video shows the SL Yamaguchi-go running through the autumn landscapes in the area stretching between Yamaguchi city and Tsuwano. Cosmos flowers swaying in the wind along the track present an astonishing coincidence of mixed colors, making a fine contrast with the black body of the steam train (from 6:25). You can take beautiful pictures of the SL Yamaguchi-go when it crosses Tsuwano Bridge, or passes by Honmonmae Crossing, Nakaza Crossing, or Nayoshi District. The impressive sight of the train making a turn on the railway turntable also offers a perfect photo opportunity. The SL Yamaguchi-go typically pulls 5 coaches, but occasionally gets double-headed with another steam locomotive, D51200 (Degoichi) -
Video article 3:16
The World's Largest Airplane, "ANA Airbus A380," Will Begin Flights to Hawaii in 2019! Check Out the Luxury First Class Seating and an Awesome Look at the Cockpit!
Transportation- 188 plays
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Flights to Hawaii on the Airbus A380! This article will talk about the video published by "SankeiNews," titled "ANA|The World's Largest Passenger Plane|Airbus A380|Inside Look!" (世界最大の旅客機「エアバスA380」内部公開). This video will explore the interior of ANA Airbus A380. On April 23, 2019, ANA gave the press an inside look at the interior of the FLYING HONU, the world's largest double-decker passenger aircraft, the Airbus A380, which will operate on the Narita-Honolulu route, at Narita Airport. A380 began operation on May 24th, 2019 for the first time, under a Japanese Airline company. What Is the Airbus A380? Source :YouTube screenshot As shown at the beginning of the video, the exterior of the Airbus A380 is painted to resemble a sea turtle, which is considered to be a sacred creature in Hawaii. It holds a total of 520 seats which is the largest number of seats on any ANA flight: 8 first class, 56 business class, 76 premium economy, and 383 economy seats. You can see a glimpse of the cabin at 0:15 in the video. One special feature of this plane is that some of the economy seats convert to couch seating so that passengers, especially children, can lay down comfortably. Each floor has a bar counter for beverages and there's a multi-purpose room at the back of the first floor for changing and breast feeding. The luxurious First Class can be seen at 2:01 in the video.It features a luxurious in-flight service and a full range of toiletries and bedding. The Airbus A380 has four engines and is approximately 73 metres long, 80 metres wide and 24 metres tall, with a cruise speed of 910 kilometres per hour and a total flight distance of 13,330 kilometres. Features of the Airbus A380 Source :YouTube screenshot The ANA Airbus A380 has a variety of features. The seat pitch is 34 inches (86 centimeters), which allows you to stretch your legs out. The A380 is also equipped with one of the largest LCD monitors in the economy class, offering the latest movies and in-flight programs.There's also a PC power supply and USB port at your feet to keep your gadgets from running out of juice. The in-flight meal will be served in collaboration with "bills," which is said to serve some of the best breakfast in the world. You can enjoy Pork Schnitzel and a Japanese inspired grilled chicken with coconut curry sauce, from 10,000 ft. There are a variety of kids' meals as well. At 1:06 in the video, you can see limited edition plush toys and original goods such as a 1/500 scale FLYING HONU model on sale inside the plane. The Airbus A380 Operates Globally Photo:Airplane・Airbus A380 The Airbus A380, shown in the video, is a turbofan four-engine, super-sized passenger aircraft manufactured by the European company Airbus. The A380 is the largest passenger aircraft in history, with 234 aircrafts in operation by 14 companies worldwide, including Emirates and Singapore Airlines. Historically, the A380 was operated by Singapore Airlines on October 15, 2007, with service between Singapore and Sydney. Japanese airline Skymark agreed to purchase the Airbus A380 on November 8, 2010, but the deal unfortunately fell apart. ANA, on the other hand, was scheduled to reach a purchase agreement in 2008, but due to the stock market crash that year no progress was made. In 2016, it was reported that three Airbus A380 aircrafts would be introduced to the Honolulu route in the spring of 2019, as shown in the video, and the Airbus A380 aircraft, with a sea turtle paint design, began service as FLYING HONU. Summary of the Airbus A380 Source :YouTube screenshot What did you think of ANA's Airbus A380? This article introduced the interior and history of the luxurious Airbus A380. You can take a look at the cockpit at 2:28 in the video, too, so be sure to check it out. The Airbus A380 is said to be priced at $445.6 million USD. The A380 only operating between Hawaii and Japan at this time, but if you're planning on traveling between Japan and hawaii be sure to look into flights on the massive A380! 【Official Website】New A380/ ANA’s new Hawaii with FLYING HONU https://www.ana.co.jp/ja/jp/hawaii24/airbus380/ -
Video article 5:02
An In-Depth Look at the Fascinating, 600 Million Yen Private Jet, Hondajet Elite! Enjoy the Beautiful Airplane Showing off the Latest Technology in Japan as It Attracts Attention From All Over the World!
Transportation- 82 plays
- YouTube
The HondaJet Elite This video, titled "Hondajet Elite Promotional Video" (HondaJet Eliteプロモーション動画), created by HondaJet, introduces the next generation private jet, HondaJet Elite. Thanks to advances in technology, the HondaJet Elite now boasts increased mileage as well as improved in-flight sound reduction. One look at the modern, stylish design of this private jet will make you wish you had your own! In this article, we would like to introduce you to some of the attractive features of the HondaJet Elite. More About the Popular HondaJet Elite Source :YouTube screenshot The HondaJet Elite is an aircraft that is gaining popularity worldwide. It is manufactured and sold by the Honda Motor Company (本田技研工業, hondagikenkougyu) subsidiary Honda Aircraft Company. The HondaJet Elite is an upgraded version of the HondaJet HA-420: a private jet that Honda Aircraft Company began to manufacture in 2015. The new, upgraded version is attracting attention due to its longer flight range and reduced noise output. They are currently on the market for around 580 million yen (~$5.4m USD), and despite the high price, sales are strong. Another 1 million yen (approximately 930,000 US dollars) is necessary to cover pilot labor costs, fuel costs, and other maintenance costs every year. Including the previous model, HondaJet sales for the first half of 2019 were higher than any other private aircraft on the market. The cabin consists of four passenger seats equipped with a Floating Ball Joint System which allows them to be moved forward, backward, left or right. Furthermore, the HondaJet Elite requires only a single pilot, making room for an extra passenger seat adjacent to the pilot's seat. You can take a look at the futuristic design of the cockpit at 1:40 in the video. The stylish and luxurious interior is another amazing feature of this aircraft. You can see it from 3:11 in the video. Stand-Out Features of the HondaJet Elite Source :YouTube screenshot The HondaJet Elite, manufactured by Honda Aircraft Company, is equipped with the latest technology and features increased flying range and improved sound reduction. Honda Aircraft Company's advances in aircraft engineering, aerodynamics and newly developed engine noise reduction technology have significantly improved the performance of their aircraft. A few stand-out features include the natural laminar flow wings, natural laminar flow nose, over-the-wing engine mount, and composite fuselage. The jet's size and HF120 turbo fan remain unchanged and are identical to the previous model. The HF120 Aero Engine remains largely unchanged apart from an improvement in sound reduction. The HondaJet Elite, equipped with the latest in technology, is a private jet that is gaining attention on a worldwide scale. Summary of the Popular HondaJet Elite Source :YouTube screenshot This video, "HondaJet Elite Promotional Video," created by HondaJet, introduces the outstanding features of the high performance aircraft, HondaJet Elite. The beautiful design, state-of-the-art aircraft equipment, and footage of the airplane soaring across the sky are sure to impress any airplane fanatic. 【Official Website】HondaJet https://global.honda/products/HondaJet.html -
Video article 2:39
Check Out the Rocket Starts at Ishigaki Airport! The Super Dolphin’s Powerful Take-off Will Have You in the Mood for Some Traveling!
Transportation- 21 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "An Ishigaki Airport Specialty|Rocket start! ANA WINGS Boeing 737-500 JA8419 Takeoff 10/21/2011"(石垣空港名物 ロケットスタート! ANA WINGS Boeing 737-500 JA8419 離陸 2011.10.21), was released by "earlgreyv3." This video shows the rocket start of an airplane, which is considered to be one of the specialties of Ishigaki Airport. The Runway for Jets Is Generally 2,000-4,000 Meters, but the Super Dolphin at Ishigaki Airport Only Needs 1,500 Meters! It is said that only by releasing the brakes at 100% engine output and accelerating from the rocket start can the jet take off on the short runway. Check out the powerful takeoff in the video! -
Video article 3:41
Airports Aren't Just a Place to Get on a Plane! Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery During Your Travels!
Transportation- 31 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[4K] [airplane video] Airport Scenery in Japan|Airport of Japan BGV" ([4k] [飛行機 動画] 日本の空港情景 Airport of japan BGV), was released by "Fairport." This video shows the seasonal scenery of 9 of Japan's airports. Airports are not just a place to board an airplane, but they are also popular as sightseeing spots because of their beautiful scenery. Narita International Airport and Itami Airport, which are introduced in the video, are especially popular for their beautiful night views, and we recommend checking them out. This video introduces 9 of Japan's beautiful airports, so give it a watch if you have time! -
Video article 1:01
Blue Impulse, a Team of Acrobats From the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, Show Us an Amazing Takeoff of the #5 Aircraft. From a Low, Smoke-Filled Flight to the Sky in One Fell Swoop!
Transportation- 36 plays
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This video, titled "Over 3 Million Views! Blue Impulse 5 Is off the Ground!" (再生回数300万回越え!!ブルーインパルス5番機のすご過ぎる離陸!), was released by "kumao0526." This is a video of the moment Blue Impulse's fifth plane takes off. Blue Impulse is made up of planes 1 to 6, and the 5th one leads the formation as the 2nd Wing Commander, and also takes part in the "solo mission" which is performed by a single plane. In this video, you can see the amazing acrobatics of the number 5 as it takes off, flies low through the smoke of the other planes, and then climbs in one fluid motion, performing a 360-degree roll. In addition to the performance in the air, be sure to watch the intricate takeoff that shows the pilots skill. -
Video article 1:03:26
A ride on the E235 Series Yamanote Line (Tokyo - Tokyo)!
Transportation- 75 plays
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This video, titled "[Full view] I took a ride on the E235 Yamanote Line Counter Clockwise (Tokyo to Tokyo) " (【4K60p超高画質前面展望】E235系山手線内回り(東京~東京)), was released by "NJR新日本旅客鉄道" (New Japan Railway). This is a video of the E235 Series Yamanote Line inner (counter clockwise) route, taken on August 14, 2018. The Yamanote Line inner route starts at Tokyo Station and proceeds towards Akihabara, Ueno, and Ikebukuro. This movie shows the inner route trains on the Yamanote Line. Normal trains go back and forth, but the Yamanote Line is a circular line. The train photographed is the new E235 Series TO21 train, which started operation in 2015. Be sure to watch the video and enjoy the view from the Yamanote Line! -
Video article 3:46
This Is Why You Don't Leave Your Boat Floating in the Water! If You're a Boat Owner, You'll Want to Avoid This!
Transportation- 19 plays
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This video, titled "船底掃除の風景 The bottom of a ship cleaning," was released by "fujiyamaotoshi." This video shows how they clean the bottom of a yacht that has been floating in the sea for about 3 years. If you leave your boat in the water like this, it'll get covered in dirt and barnacles. If left unattended, the ship will stop moving because the propeller won't turn and the weight of the ship will increase, resulting in poor fuel efficiency and many other problems. So, as shown in the video, it's important to clean your boat both thoroughly and frequently! -
Video article 4:26
Chiba Urban Monorail's Main Train [Type 0 Urban Flyer] 2012 Debut
Transportation- 17 plays
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This video, titled "千葉アーバンモノレール Chiba Monorail 'Urban Flyer' (001)," was released by "Dotaku." This video features Chiba Urban Monorail's flagship train, the Type 0 Urban Flyer, which debuted in 2012. The Type 0 Urban Flyer is based the previous designs, but with minor changes that upgraded its safety and viewability. The seats have a better view due to being low-back seats, and vertical handrails have been added to ensure the safety of the elderly and those with disabilities. The video shows the view from inside the train, so you can enjoy feeling like you're riding the urban flyer!