Video article 2:09
What Happens When You Translate the Honorific Into English? Rakugo Artist Katsura Sunshine Introduces Rakugo in English!
Traditional Culture- 34 plays
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This video, titled "[NEWS] What it looks like translating honorifics into English... Katsura Sunshine's English Rakugo Part 6" ([NEWS] 敬語を英語で訳してみると… 桂三輝の英語落語 其の六です), was released by "TIMELINE - タイムライン." Canadian rakugo performer affiliated with Yoshimoto Kogyo, Katsura Sunshine introduces Japanese keigo with a Japanese "keigo dictionary" in hand, in a rakugo style that is sure to make you laugh! The dictionary contains everything from the highest level of Japanese honorifics to rude words and phrases. For example, "Thank you" is considered both... The more honorifics used, the longer the sentences become, and the harder it is to translate it into English. In English, a simple "Thank you" would be enough, but in Japanese, there are many different words with the same meaning, and this often confuses non-native speakers. Enjoy the differences between English and Japanese with this fast-paced English Rakugo! -
Video article 25:46
The World of Kimono in Monotone. Enjoy the Collection of Beautiful Kimono!
Traditional Culture- 30 plays
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This video, titled "室華風-MUROKAFU-|TOKYO KIMONO COLLECTION|着物メディアKIMONO BIJIN," was released by "KIMONO BIJIN channel ― Kimono Media ―." In this video, you can see a black and white kimono show based on the concept of "monotone." Enjoy the contrast of the chicly colored kimono. Also check out the various designs of the kimono. They're so beautiful it's hard to believe they're just black and white! -
Video article 1:56
【Easy Japanese】What Is Setsubun? An Introduction to the Bean-Throwing Tradition of Japan + 3 Recommended Setsubun Festivals in Japan!(【やさしい日本語】節分とは?日本の豆をまく伝統の紹介と日本のおすすめ節分会3選!)
Traditional Culture Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 235 plays
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Setsubun, a Japanese Tradition: Video Introduction 日本にほんの伝統でんとうである節分せつぶんの動画どうが紹介しょうかい This video, titled "Setsubun Trivia - Why Soybeans? What Are the Meanings of Mamemaki and Ehomaki?" (節分の豆知識 ~なぜ大豆?豆まき・恵方巻の意味とは?~), was uploaded by "Tokai Voices Channel" (東海ヴォイスちゃんねる). 今回こんかいは、『東海とうかいヴォイスちゃんねる』さん制作せいさくの『節分せつぶんの豆知識まめちしき ~なぜ大豆だいず?豆まめまき・恵方巻えほうまきの意味いみとは?~』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 What is Setsubun? The Meaning of the Japanese Tradition 節分せつぶんって何なに?日本にほんの伝統でんとう行事ぎょうじの意味いみ Photo:A calendar showing February(写真しゃしん:2月にがつのカレンダーかれんだー) Setsubun is a Japanese tradition to celebrate the changing of the seasons. 節分せつぶんとは、季節きせつの移うつり変かわりを祝いわう日本にほんの伝統でんとう行事ぎょうじです。 The word Setsubun (節分) means "division of the seasons." 節分せつぶんという言葉ことばは、「季節きせつの分わかれ目め」という意味いみがあります。 In modern Japan, Setsubun is often held on February 3rd, the day before "Risshun" (立春), or the first day of spring. 現代げんだいの日本にほんでは、節分せつぶんは「立春りっしゅん」の前日ぜんじつである2月3日にがつみっかに行おこなわれることが多おおいです。 The History of Setsubun 節分せつぶんの歴史れきし The history of Setsubun goes back more than a thousand years. 節分せつぶんの歴史れきしは1000年せんねん以上いじょう前まえにさかのぼります。 As Setsubun means "division of the seasons," it wasn't always just once a year. 「季節きせつの分わかれ目め」という意味いみの節分せつぶんは、昔むかしは年とし1回いっかいではなく、 Setsubun used to take place between the changing of each of Japan's four seasons. それぞれの季節きせつの分わかれ目めに行おこなわれていました。 Furthermore, the western calendar only started being used relatively recently in Japan, and Setsubun was actually held on different days in the past. さらに、日本にほんで西暦せいれきが使つかわれるようになったのは比較的ひかくてき最近さいきんのことなので、昔むかしは節分せつぶんが別べつの日ひに行おこなわれていました。 The day before the first day of spring is called Setsubun, and in the past, Setsubun had the same meaning as New Year's Eve today, as it marked the transition to a new year. 立春りっしゅんの前日ぜんじつを節分せつぶんと言いい、昔むかしは新あたらしい年としに変かわる境目さかいめとしていたため、節分せつぶんは現代げんだいの大晦日おおみそかと同おなじ意味いみを持もっていました。 Setsubun – Bean Throwing & Oni 節分せつぶんの豆まめまき・鬼おに Photo:A family enjoying mamemaki(写真しゃしん:節分せつぶん:の豆まめまきをする家族かぞく) In the past, people believed that illnesses and disasters at the change of seasons were brought in by demons (oni), so events began to be held to ward off evil spirits. 昔むかしの人ひとは、季節きせつの変かわり目めの病気びょうきや災害さいがいは鬼おにが呼よび込こむと思おもっていたため、魔除まよけけの行事ぎょうじが行おこなわれるようになりました。 Starting from the Muromachi Period, people began to perform "mamemaki," which involved throwing soybeans to banish demons. 大豆だいずを投なげて鬼おにを追おい払はらう「豆まめまき」が行おこなわれるようになったのは室町時代むろまちじだいからです。 The reason why beans were used is because the word bean (豆, mame) and "Extermination of evil" (魔滅, mame) are pronounced the same in Japanese, and soybeans were thought to have spiritual power. 豆まめを使つかうのは、「豆まめ」と「魔滅まめ」(魔まを滅めっする)が同おなじ発音はつおんであることと、大豆だいずには霊力れいりょくがあると考かんがえられていたためです。 Mamemaki (bean-throwing) is held to drive away oni (demons/evil spirits) and to pray that the new year will be free from illness and disasters and bring good fortune. 鬼おに(邪気じゃき)を退治たいじして、新あたらしい年としを病気びょうきや災害さいがいがなく福ふくを呼よび込こむようにと願ねがいを込こめて、豆まめまきを行おこないます。 Mamemaki is done with roasted beans, which are said to ward off evil spirits. 豆まめまきをするときは、邪気じゃきを払はらうといわれる炒いった豆まめを使つかいます。 [Video] 0:09 - Soybeans and Mamemaki 【動画どうが】0:09~ 大豆だいず・豆まめまき Foods Eaten During Setsubun 節分せつぶんに食たべるもの Photo:Ehomaki and soybeans for Setsubun(写真しゃしん:節分せつぶんの恵方巻えほうまきと大豆だいず) There are 2 common foods eaten during Setsubun that are said to bring good luck. 節分せつぶんには、福ふくを呼よび込こむと言いわれる食たべ物ものが2つあります。 The first is the same soybeans used for mamemaki. 1つ目めは豆まめまきに使つかわれる大豆だいずです。 It's said that if you eat your age + 1 in soybeans you will avoid sickness and stay in good health. 自分じぶんの数かぞえ年どし(実年齢じつねんれい+たす1個いっこ)と同おなじ数かずの大豆だいずを食たべると、病気びょうきにならず、健康けんこうに過すごせると言いわれています。 Be sure to use the leftover beans you didn't throw. まかなかった豆まめを食たべましょうね。 The second food is ehomaki. 2つ目めの食たべ物ものは恵方巻えほうまきです。 Ehomaki is a thick sushi roll filled with a variety of tasty ingredients. 恵方巻えほうまきとはさまざまなおいしい具ぐが入はいった太ふとい巻まき寿司ずしのこと。 When eating ehomaki, one is supposed to face in this year's lucky direction and sit quietly until they've finished eating. 恵方巻えほうまきを食たべるときは、その年としの恵方えほうを向むいて、食たべ終おわるまでは話はなさず静しずかに食たべます。 The "lucky direction" is said to be where the god of good luck resides, and this changes every year. 恵方えほうというのは歳徳神としとくじんがいる方向ほうこうですが、年としによって方角ほうがくは変かわります。 Additionally, ehomaki is supposed to be eaten whole and not cut. また、恵方巻えほうまきは切きらずに丸まるごと食たべるのが基本きほん。 Not cutting the ehomaki symbolizes "not severing ties" and is said to bring good luck. 恵方巻えほうまきを切きらないことは「縁えんを切きらない」という意味いみで、運うんを呼よび込こむと言いわれています。 When making ehomaki, it's common to use 7 ingredients to symbolize the "seven lucky gods" from Japanese mythology. 恵方巻えほうまきを作つくるときには、日本神話にほんしんわに登場とうじょうする「七福神しちふくじん」を表あらわす7つの具材ぐざいを使つかうのが一般的いっぱんてきです。 The reason a sushi roll was chosen was to "wrap the good luck inside." 巻まき寿司ずしが選えらばれたのは、「福ふくを巻まき込こむ」ためです。 [Video] 0:55 - Soybeans and Ehomaki on Setsubun 【動画どうが】0:55~ 節分せつぶんの大豆だいずと恵方巻えほうまき [Video] 1:12 - Lucky Directions and Ehomaki Ingredients 【動画どうが】1:12~ 恵方えほうと恵方巻えほうまきの具材ぐざい Setsubun 2024 – 3 Recommended Setsubun Festivals in Japan 2024年にせんにじゅうよねんの節分せつぶん 日本にほんのおすすめ節分せつぶんイベント3選さんせん Photo:Hozomon Gate and a 5-story pagoda, Sensoji Temple(写真しゃしん:浅草浅草寺宝蔵門あさくさせんそうじほうぞうもんと五重塔ごじゅうのとう) Sensoji Temple - Tokyo 浅草寺せんそうじ 東京都とうきょうと Sensoji Temple was the first temple in Edo (Present-day Tokyo) to hold Setsubun celebrations on a large scale. 浅草寺せんそうじは、江戸えど(現在げんざいの東京とうきょう)で初はじめて大型おおがたな節分せつぶんの行事ぎょうじを行おこなったお寺てらです。 Today, the main event consists of a mamemaki event where the chief priests scatter beans from atop a stage. 現在げんざいの主おもな行事ぎょうじは、住職じゅうしょくが舞台ぶたいの上うえからの豆まめまきです。 At Sensoji Temple, rather than "Oni wa Soto, Fuku wa Uchi" (鬼は外福は内, Demons out luck in), they chant "Senju Banzai Fuku wa Uchi" (千秋万歳福は内), which roughly means "Luck for forever and a thousand years!" 浅草寺せんそうじでは、「鬼おには外そと、福ふくは内うち」ではなく、「千秋万歳せんしゅうばんぜい福ふくは内うち」と言いいます。 In addition to the mamemaki event, there is also "Shichi Fukujin no Mai" (七福神の舞, Dance of the Seven Lucky Gods), and mamemaki performed by entertainers associated with Asakusa. 豆まめまきのほか、「七福神しちふくじんの舞まい」もあって、浅草あさくさに関係かんけいがある芸能人げいのうじんによる豆まめまきも行おこなわれます。 【Event Period】Feb. 3 【開催かいさい時期じき】2月3日にがつみっか Yasaka Shrine - Kyoto 八坂神社やさかじんじゃ 京都府きょうとふ The Setsubun event at Yasaka Shrine features dance performances and mamemaki by Maiko (apprenctice geisha) from the hanamachi districts of Kyoto. 八坂神社やさかじんじゃの節分せつぶん会えでは、京都きょうとの花街はなまちの舞妓まいこさんによる舞踊ぶようや豆まめまきが行おこなわれます。 Also, if you buy fukumame (lucky beans), a fukubiki (lottery ticket) with no empty lot is included, and you can participate in a drawing. また、福豆ふくまめを買かうと、空からくじなしの福引ふくびきがついていて、抽選会ちゅうせんかいに参加さんかできます。 Prizes include TVs and other luxury prizes, as well as daily necessities. 景品けいひんは、テレビなどの豪華賞品ごうかしょうひんや日用品にちようひんなど。 【Event Period】Feb. 2 - Feb. 3 【開催かいさい時期じき】2月2日にがつふつか〜2月3日にがつみっか Sumiyoshi Taisha - Osaka 住吉大社すみよしたいしゃ 大阪府おおさかふ At Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, a ceremony called Tsuina Hoshashiki is held by the members of Ogasawara-ryu, a school of archery and horseback archery. 住吉大社すみよしたいしゃでは、礼法れいほう・弓術きゅうじゅつ・馬術ばじゅつの流派りゅうはである「弓馬きゅうば術じゅつ礼法れいほう小笠原おがさわら教場きょうじょう一門いちもん」の方々かたがたによって「追儺ついな歩射式ほしゃしき」が行おこなわれます。 Tsuina is a ceremony to drive away evil spirits. 追儺ついなとは悪鬼あっきを追おい払はらう儀式ぎしき。 "Houshashiki," in which the archer draws his bow on a large target made to look like an oni, is performed in front of a large audience. 鬼おにに見立みたてた大おおきい的てきに弓ゆみを打うつ「歩射式ほしゃしき」は多おおくの観客かんきゃくの前まえで行おこなわれます。 In addition, zenzai (oshiruko) will be served by staff of an unlucky year and other related people. また、節分せつぶんは悪鬼あっきを追おい払はらう日ひということで、厄年やくどしのスタッフや関係者かんけいしゃにぜんざい(おしるこ)が振ふる舞まわれます。 【Event Period】Feb. 3 【開催かいさい時期じき】2月3日にがつみっか ※Event dates and times current as of January 15, 2024. ※イベント開催かいさい日時にちじは2024年にせんにじゅうよねん1月15日いちがつにじゅうごにち時点じてんのものです。 Please check the official websites for up-to-date information. 最新情報さいしんじょうほうは各かく公式こうしきサイトにてご確認かくにんください。 Summary of Setsubun, a Traditional Japanese Event 日本にほんの伝統でんとう行事ぎょうじである「節分せつぶん」のまとめ That concludes our introduction to Setsubun, a traditional Japanese event. 以上いじょう、日本にほんの伝統でんとう行事ぎょうじである「節分せつぶん」についてご紹介しょうかいしました。 If you're in Japan for Setsubun, we recommend visiting one of the exciting events that happen across the country. 節分せつぶんに日本にほんにいる人ひとは、日本にほん各地かくちで開催かいさいされる節分せつぶん会えに参加さんかすることをおすすめします。 For those not in Japan, you can still have fun with mamemaki and making and eating ehomaki! 日本にほんにいない人ひとは、豆まめまきしたり、恵方巻えほうまきを作つくって食たべたりすることで楽たのしめます! When eating the ehomaki, be sure to sit quietly and face the lucky direction for the year! 恵方巻えほうまきを食たべるときは、その年としの恵方えほうを向むいて静しずかに食たべましょう! This year's lucky direction is slightly east of east-northeast! 今年ことしの恵方えほうは、東北東とうほくとうのやや東ひがしだそうです! h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 2:54
Setsubun Matsuri” at Yoshida Shrine, Kyoto, Japan, Enjoy the video of the Tsuina Ceremony ‘Oniyarai’! Highlights of the festival!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 241 plays
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Video Introduction of “Setsubun Matsuri” at Yoshida Shrine in Kyoto This video, titled "Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival, Kyoto, 2016|Demon Exorcising Ritual (Oniyarai)" (京都 吉田神社 節分祭2016 追儺式(鬼やらい)), was uploaded by "Kyo-yumoto Hatoya Zuihokaku" (京湯元ハトヤ瑞鳳閣). Every year, a Setsubun Festival is held at Yoshida Shrine in Sakyo, Kyoto, in Japan's Kansai region. In this video, you can see the traditional event "Oniyarai," a ritual to drive away demons that has been passed down for many years. Three oni (demons), blue, red and yellow, rush into the shrine grounds, shouting and scaring the shrine-goers. This is followed by spear and shield-wielding officials valiantly driving away the demons. Children attending the festival sometimes even cry at the terrifying sight of the demons. The powerful performance with the demons is a must-see! [Video] 1:17 - The Vigorous Red Oni The History and Benefits of Yoshida Shrine, Kyoto Photo:A torii gate at Yoshida Shrine, Kyoto Yoshida Shrine, located in Sakyo, Kyoto, is famous for its traditional wedding ceremonies and for warding off bad luck. The shrine is located at the foot of Mt. Yoshida, right next to Kyoto University's Yoshida Campus, where beautiful autumn foliage can be seen in the fall. The history of Yoshida Shrine dates back to 859, when Fujiwara no Yamakage invited the four deities of Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara to serve as shrine deities. The four deities enshrined at the shrine are Takemikazuchi no Mikoto, Iwainushi no Mikoto, Amenokoyane no Mikoto, and Himegami, and are believed to ward off evil and bring good fortune. Various deities, including the god of cooking and the god of sweets, are enshrined in the shrine grounds, and many aspiring chefs and pastry chefs from all over Japan visit the shrine. The Setsubun Festival, a major event of faith and tradition in Kyoto since it began in the Muromachi Period (1336-1573 A.D.), attracts many tourists as well as locals. In this article, we'll introduce some of the highlights of Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival. Oniyarai, a Demon Exorcising Ritual at Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival Photo:Oniyarai The Tsuina Ceremony held every February 2nd at Yoshida Shrine is also called "Oniyarai." Setsubun is commonly associated with mamemaki (bean throwing), but at Yoshida Shrine, Oniyarai is the main attraction. In this ceremony, three oni (demons), red, blue, and yellow, are chased away by "Housoshi." The Housoshi, who wears a mask with four golden eyes, is a sorcerer with divine powers originating from China. Holding a shield and a halberd, he walks through the shrine to ward off evil spirits by striking the ground with the halberd and shouting loudly. Children who cry out loudly in fear of the oni are said to grow up healthy. Since actual oni are gentle, it is common to see them comforting children who cry. We recommend bringing a camera so you can take some awesome photos of the oni during the ceremony. [Video] 1:58 - Housoshi Driving Away the Oni When will Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival be held in 2024? Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival is scheduled to be held from February 2-4, 2024. The festival usually attracts around 500,000 visitors, and the shrine grounds are filled with crowds of people who come to pray for good luck and to receive the popular "fuku-mame," or lucky beans. The festival will feature 800 booths and food stands on the 2nd and 3rd, making it an exciting event. For three days from February 2nd to 4th, you can make a special visit to the Imperial Palace. Win Lucky Beans and Other Prizes at the Yoshida Shrine Lottery! The "Yaku-yoke Fukumame" (lucky beans to ward off bad luck) that come with lottery tickets are extremely popular each year. Those who purchasers the lucky beans are entered into a drawing for a chance to win a variety of prizes sponsored by a number of famous companies. The event has long been enjoyed by visitors to the shrine. Visitors are sure to be amazed by the luxurious prizes! The luck that comes with the lucky beans, which may bring you a car, electrical appliances, or other items, makes one's heart leap with excitement. Each bag of lucky beans is priced at 300 yen (~$2.30), and each bag comes with one raffle ticket. The lottery is usually held on February 4 at 1:00 p.m., and the winners will be announced simultaneously at the shrine grounds and on the website after February 5. The deadline for redeeming a lucky drawing is usually around February 20, so don't forget to redeem your prizes if you win! Summary of Yoshida Shrine's Setsubun Festival Photo:Yoshida Shrine, Sakyo, Kyoto Yoshida Shrine has a temporary parking lot, but it is not available during the three days of the Setsubun Festival. There are several paid parking lots, but not many parking spaces are available, so you may have less trouble with congestion if you use public transportation. Please note that there will be extensive traffic restrictions in the surrounding area (from Yoshida Shrine to Higashi Ichijo Intersection (東一条交差点, Higashi Ichijo Kosaten)). Winter in Kyoto can be quite cold, so be sure to pack warm clothing for your visit. For those with small children, it's recommended that you visit the shrine during the daytime when there is less crowding. The three oni who are driven away during the Tsuina Ceremony walk around the shrine grounds and along the approach to the shrine during the daytime. It can be a bit scary, but you can only encounter the oni during the Setsubun Festival. It's sure to make for good memories. 【TripAdvisor】Yoshida Shrine -
Video article 14:21
Enjoy the video of Suzume Odori (sparrow dance) of the "Sendai Aoba Festival" in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture! History and highlights of the festival. Was the splendid performance an improvised dance?
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 135 plays
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Sendai Aoba Festival 2023" in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Sendai Sparrow Dance 2023 Sendai Aoba Festival SUZUME ODORI(sendai,Japan)" (仙台すずめ踊り 2023仙台・青葉まつり SUZUME ODORI(sendai,Japan)), was uploaded by "emeraldmiyagi II." The Sendai Aoba Festival of Sendai, Miyagi features a traditional dance called "Suzume Odori" (すずめ踊り, lit 'sparrow dance'), which has been handed for generations in Sendai. The dancers, with fans in hand, resemble cute sparrows. The dance is said to have originated as an improvised dance performed by masonry workers. This article introduces the history of Suzume Odori and its highlights. Be sure to check out the video to see what the lively Suzume Odori dance is like. What Is the Sendai Aoba Festival? The History of the Unique Japanese Festival Photo:Sendai Aoba Festival, Sendai, Miyagi The origins of the Sendai Aoba Festival, held every May, can be traced back to the Sendai Festival, a festival held at Sendai Toshogu Shrine by order of Date Tadamune, the second lord of the Sendai Domain, in 1655. At the time, the festival featured a spectacular procession of floats. The last Yamaboko floats were made in 1897, but since 1956, Sendai Aoba Festival has been held under the sponsorship of the Sendai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc. The current Sendai Aoba Festival was first held in 1985. The present Sendai Aoba Festival, which was continued as the first festival in 1985, was unfortunately canceled in the second and third years of the Showa era due to the spread of the new coronavirus. 2022 was held on a reduced scale, but 2023 is the first regular event in four years, and you can feel the joy and vitality of those who have been waiting for it from the video. [Video] 7:27 - Children Dancing Happily With Adults Sendai Aoba Festival – The Meaning of the Suzume Odori Dance, Clothing, and Characteristics of the Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The history of Suzume Odori dates back to 1603. It is said to have originated as an impromptu dance performed by masonry workers in front of Lord Date Masamune at a banquet that was held after the relocation of Sendai Castle. Because the dancers resembled sparrows, the dance was named "Suzume Odori," and Date Masamune's family crest was also bamboo and sparrow. It's recorded that "Suzume Odori" was danced at the Aoba Festival in 1885. However, due to a lack of successors, the dance ceased for a time in 1950. Later, with the aim of preserving the tradition as a local folk art, it was revived as Sendai Suzume Odori at the 3rd Sendai Aoba Festival in 1987. The current Sendai Aoba Festival is a two-day festival in which the Suzume Odori dance is performed on a grand scale. The clothing worn during Suzume Odori consists of women wearing their hair in buns with flower ornaments. Happi coats, etc., are worn over Koikuchi shirts with carp-like cuffs. In the video, many people can be seen wearing matching hachimaki headbands with patterns. In their hands, they hold fans with different colors on each side. The sight of a large number of people dancing together is spectacular, and is great for taking photos if you're a photographer or Instagrammer! [Video] 2:54 - Sendai sparrow dance with happi coat, thick shirt and zelkova trees The Suzume Odori dance is performed on Jozenji-dori, a street lined with zelkova trees, which can be seen from the beginning of the video, and the costumes of the dancers are particularly noteworthy. Things to Do at the Sendai Aoba Festival Photo:Suzume Odori at the Sendai Aoba Festival, Sendai, Miyagi The Sendai Aoba Festival is a two-day festival that includes "Yoimatsuri," and evening festival, and "Hon Matsuri," the festival on the main day of the event. During Yoi Matsuri, Suzume Odori is held after the opening ceremony, and during Hon Matsuri, another version of the dance is performed. On both days, a market will be set up in Kotodai Park and other areas, where visitors can experience the traditions, culture, and gourmet food associated with feudal lord Date Masamune. Tourists can also participate in the Suzume Odori dance as well. It's a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture. You can watch the Suzume Odori dance at Sendai Civic Square. [Video] 0:02 - Suzume Odori at Sendai Civic Square When is Sendai Aoba Festival in 2024 + How to Get to Sendai Aoba Festival Photo:Kotodaikoen Station, Sendai City Subway The 40th Sendai Aoba Festival in 2024 is scheduled to be held on Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19. To access the festival, visitors can walk from JR Sendai Station or Kotodaikoen Station, etc. If you are driving, parking is available at general pay parking lots. Please note that traffic regulations will be enforced around the venue during the event period. A Brief Introduction to Sendai Sendai is located approximately 1 hour north of Tokyo by bullet train. It's famous for its gyutan (thinly sliced beef tongue), Tanabata festival in August, and snacks made with zunda, a mashed paste made from boiled green soybeans. The city was founded in 1601 by Data Masamune, a legendary samurai and ruler of which a statue can be seen at Sendai Castle (Aoba Castle). May is the last month of spring in Japan, and as such, Sendai, much like Tokyo, will be getting warmer with each passing day. As such, we recommended bringing t shirts and shorts for the warmer days, as well as long-sleeve shirts, windbreakers, etc., for days when the temperature is a bit lower. Things to Do Near Sendai Aoba Festival Sendai Aoba Festival is held in close proximity to Sendai Station, and there are many things to do nearby. Here is a short list of things to do near the festival: Zuihoden Zuihoden is the mausoleum of the famous warrior and ruler, Date Masamune. It was built in 1636 by order of Date Masamune, who passed away at the age of 70. The mausoleum features gorgeous architecture and other members of the Date Clan are also entombed in nearby mausoleums on the premises. Hours: February 1 - November 30, 9:00 am - 4:50 pm (last admission at 4:30 pm) December 1 - January 31, 9:00 am - 4:20 pm (last admission at 4:00 pm) Admission Fee: General admission: 570 yen, High school students: 410 yen, Elementary and middle school students: 210 yen (Discounts available for groups of 20 or more) Sendai Castle (Aoba Castle) Sendai Castle, also known as Aoba Castle, was built in 1601 by order of Date Masamune. Throughout the castle's life it was damaged by many earthquakes and other natural disasters, but was repaired each time. It was also involved the Boshin War, however, indirectly. Many of the former buildings were destroyed by a large fire in 1882 and later in 1945 during WWII. Despite being mostly ruins, there are many attractions to see here, including the gallant statue of Date Masamune on horseback. Hours: April - October: 9:00 am - 4:20 pm (Reception closes at 3:50 pm) November - March: 9:00 am - 3:40 pm (Reception closes at 3:10 pm) Admission Fee (Aoba Castle Museum): General admission: 700 yen, Middle and high school students: 500 yen, Elementary school students: 300 yen Sendai Morning Market A morning market offering a wide variety of fresh local specialties from Miyagi Prefecture. You can enjoy purchasing souvenirs here or trying a wide range of snacks. There are also restaurants where you can eat at as well. Hours: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Admission Fee: Free Summary of the Sendai Aoba Festival This article introduced Suzume Odori, one of the main parts of the Sendai Aoba Festival. The dance, with its colorful fans, makes you want to start dancing yourself. Watching the dancing in the video, it's hard not to crack a smile. If you're planning to visit Miyagi Prefecture during the Sendai Aoba Festival, consider participating in the festival. Even if you just show up and watch, you're sure to have a great time! -
Video article 3:43
Ome City, TokyoOme City, TokyoOme City, Tokyo, one hour from the center of Tokyo, surrounded by great nature, experience Ome's sightseeing spots in this video! Full of activities, gourmet food and attractions! Experience the sightseeing spots in Ome, surrounded by great nature, in this video! Full of activities, gourmet food, and attractions!
Travel Nature Food & Drink- 74 plays
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Ome City, Tokyo "Ome Sightseeing" Video Introduction This video, titled "Ome, Tokyo|Tourism PR "Another World Just an Hour the Heart of Tokyo|Long ver." (東京青梅 観光PR「都心から約1時間の別世界」長編 Ome City Tokyo Long ver.), was uploaded by "Ome Blue|Ome, Tokyo Sightseeing Video Channel" (Ome Blue 東京青梅 観光動画チャンネル). The city of Ome, located just an hour from Tokyo, is an otherworldly place surrounded by nature. Check out the video to learn about the joy of sightseeing in Ome, including traditional indigo dyeing experiences, delicious gourmet food, and activities that you can enjoy in the surrounding nature of Ome. Ome – Just 1 Hour From the Heart of Tokyo Photo:Mt. Mitake, Ome, Tokyo Ome, Tokyo, located in Japan's Kanto region, is located in the northwestern part of the Tama area, just one train ride from Shinjuku. Despite being within day-trip distance from central Tokyo, the city boasts spectacular natural beauty. There are many sightseeing spots in Ome, including Mt. Mitake, where visitors can enjoy hiking, Okutama, a place with breathtaking seasonal scenery, and Mitake Gorge, where visitors can enjoy a variety of aquatic activities. Ome is also home to many culinary delights, featuring dishes made using local vegetables and sake made from the famous water of Okutama, which will satisfy both your stomach and your spirit. With the Aizome Experience (indigo dyeing experience), visitors can try their hand at making Omejima, a traditional textile of Ome that has been produced since Edo-period Japan. You can also see the indigo-dyeing experience in the video via the below timestamp. [Video] 2:33 - Indigo-Dyeing Experience Ome is a great place for sightseeing, as visitors can enjoy nature, recreational activities, gourmet food, culture, and more. Highlights and Sightseeing Spots in Okutama, a Place Surrounded by Mountains Photo:Autumn leaves at Lake Okutama, Tokyo Okutama is a must-visit place if you're sightseeing in Ome, Tokyo. In the Okutama area, visitors can enjoy exciting activities in a scenic natural setting. Lake Okutama, with its beautiful rural scenery, is popular for hiking, as it offers different scenery in each of Japan's four seasons. SUP (stand-up paddleboarding) is another activity that can be enjoyed at Lake Okutama, and allows visitors to ride a board on the quiet surface of the lake. You can also rent a bicycle and enjoy trekking through the mountains of Okutama. Hybrid electric bikes are also available for rent, so even those who are not confident in their stamina can enjoy trekking in Okutama comfortably. [Video] 2:20 - Activities in Okutama Leaving Lake Okutama and moving to the Nippara area, you'll find the Nippara Limestone Caves, a sightseeing spot created by Mother Nature. The Nippara Limestone Caves are the largest limestone caves in Japan's Kanto region, and there are many attractions to see within the caves, including Buddhist statues and giant frog-shaped rocks. The temperature inside the cave is around 11°C year-round, making it cool in summer and comparatively warm in winter, making it a pleasant place to walk around. The Tama River, Mt. Mitake, and Other Highlights – Explore the Beautiful Views of the Mitake Gorge Photo:Gyokudo Art Museum The Mitake Gorge hiking course, which starts at JR Ikusabata Station and takes you along the Mitake Gorge Trail to visit tourist spots, can be completed in about an hour and a half on foot. You can also take a break from hiking and stop by the Ozawa Sake Brewery for a sake tasting. [Video] 0:48 - Ozawa Sake Brewery Sake Tasting Mitake Gorge is also known for its beautiful autumn foliage, and in the fall, visitors can stroll along the clear streams enjoying while admiring the changing of the leaves. Mitake Gorge also offers a variety of water-based activities, such as canoeing and rafting. Whether canoeing down the river in the great outdoors or enjoying a thrilling rafting session, you're sure to experience the beauty of the Mitake Gorge. [Video] 2:12 - Canoeing and SUP in Mitake Gorge Musashi Mitake Shrine, a Power Spot at the Top of Mt. Mitake Photo:Musashi Mitake Shrine at the summit of Mt. Mitake Mt. Mitake has long been worshipped as a sacred mountain, and Musashi Mitake Shrine, said to be a power spot, is located at the summit of Mt. Mitake. The guardian deity of the shrine is the Japanese wolf Oguchimagami, also known as O-Inu-sama. The eyes of O-Inu-sama, which are depicted on a talisman with the power to ward off fire and protect against theft, are in the shape of a crescent moon. [Video] 1:36 - Musashi Mitake Shrine Along the mountain path leading to Musashi Mitake Shrine, there is also an ancient zelkova tree, which legend has it was planted by Yamato Takeru during his expeditions to the east. Check out the video for a close-up of the zelkova tree. [Video] 1:18 - The Jindai Keyaki Zelkova To get to Mt. Mitake, first take the Nishi-Tokyo Bus from Mitake Station on the JR Ome Line to Takimoto Station on the Mitake Tozan Railway. Walking from Takimoto Station to Mt. Mitake takes about 60 minutes, so we recommended taking the cable car to Mt. Mitake. Be sure to check out the scenery from the cable car as well. [Video] 1:09 - The Takimoto Station Cable Car Mt. Mitake also offers easy hiking courses that can be enjoyed by both children and the elderly. Please check the Mitake Tozan Railway website for information on various courses. Summary of Ome, Tokyo Sightseeing If you still haven't watched the video yet, be sure to check it out, as it's filled with all the charms of Ome. Ome is a place rich in natural beauty, but it is also a place where you can enjoy old-fashioned Showa-retro atmospheres. The Showa Retro Goods Museum exhibits candy shop packages and posters from Japan's Showa period, and is sure to be a memorable experience. It's a great place for Instagrammers and photographers as well. The museum also serves delicious food, which is a must when sightseeing in Ome. Mayugura, which has a gallery attached to it, serves nutritious and well-balanced meals centering on seasonal vegetables. The plum manju (steamed buns) at Kobaien, a plum confectionery, are perfect as souvenirs. You can also enjoy them inside the restaurant, which also has a tatami room. [Video] 2:48 - Plum Manju and the Showa Retro Goods Museum A trip to Ome, Tokyo, will leave you feeling like you're in a different world. We hope you enjoy a satisfying sightseeing trip to Ome that will stimulate all 5 senses! 【Official Website】Ome City Website https://www.city.ome.tokyo.jp/ 【TripAdvisor】Ome, Tokyo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1060902-Ome_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:14
A Traditional Japanese New Year's Event! Burning New Year's Decorations in Tokyo's Oyama Dairi Park to See Off New Year's Gods!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 114 plays
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Dondo Yaki at Oyama Dairi Park: Video Introduction This video, titled "Dondo Yaki Jan. 1, 2016 4K, Oyama Dairi Park" (どんど焼き(4K動画、2016年1月11日、小山内裏公園)), was uploaded by "Hiroharu Ashikaga" (足利宏治). This video introduces Dondo Yaki, a traditional Japanese event that involves lighting bonfires at the end of the New Year holiday in Japan. Have you ever heard of Dondo Yaki? It's a Japanese fire festival that actually has different names in different regions of Japan. Some of these names include Sankuro, Sagicho, Donto Yaki, and Doso Jin Matsuri. This video introduces the fire festival being held at Oyama Dairi Park in Machida, Tokyo, in Japan's Kanto region. During the event, leaves from the kaya tree (Japanese nutmeg-yew) are piled up like a mountain on a scaffold made of wood and bamboo so that the bonfire burns well. Then, Japanese New Year's decorations, such as Shimekazari (a rope decoration to ward off evil and bring luck) and Kadomatsu are placed on top of the bonfire and burned. The bigger the bonfire becomes, the more spectacular it looks. It's a sight you don't want to miss! [Video] 1:38 - Flames Rising Into the Sky What Is Dondo Yaki? The Meaning of the Name and the History of the Traditional Japanese Festival Photo:Dondo Yaki The history of this Japanese Fire festival dates back to Japan's Heian Period (794 AD - 1185 AD). Dondo Yaki is an event to see off the god of the New Year as he returns to the sky after visiting people's homes during the New Year's holiday. Dondo Yaki is a fire festival with a long history, in which local people burn lucky charms and decorations, such as shimekazari and kadomatsu, as well as kakizome, to ward off bad luck for the year and to wish for a good harvest, prosperous business, family safety, good health, and the prosperity of one's descendants. There are various theories as to the origin of the name Dondo Yaki. One suggests that it was named after the crackling noise of bamboo when it burns, which is "Don!" in Japanese. Another suggests that it comes from the word "Don don moeru" (どんどん燃える, lit "to burn gradually"). There is also a custom of skewering mochi (rice cakes), mikan (mandarin oranges), and dango, and roasting them over the bonfire during Dondo Yaki. Doing so is thought to keep one healthy throughout the year and protect them from the cold, and is a custom that has been passed down from generation to generation in almost every region of Japan. When and Where Is Dondo Yaki Held in Tokyo? Here's a look at some Dondo Yaki events held in Tokyo. If you're in Tokyo for the New Year's holiday, consider dropping by this historic New Year's event as part of your sightseeing trip. ■Torikoe Shrine – Tondoyaki Location: 2 Chome-4-1 Torigoe, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0054 Event Dates: January 8, 2022 (Sat) ※The temple office will be open from January 5 (Wed) to morning on January 8 (Sat) Hours: Starting at 1:00 p.m. (Hours are subject to change depending on the weather) [Access] A 5-minute walk from Kuramae Station (Subway) An 8-minute walk from the West Exit of JR Asakusabashi Station A 10-minute walk from Shin-Okachimachi Station on the Oedo Line Photo:Hanazono Shrine, Shinjuku, Tokyo ■Hanazono Shrine – Yunohana Shinji (Yuhana Matsuri) Location: 5 Chome-17-3 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022 Event Dates: Saturday, January 8, 2022 Hours: Starts at 11:00 a.m. [Access] Exit E2 of Shinjuku Sanchome Station on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line, Fukutoshin Line, and Toei Shinjuku Line A 7-minute walk from the East Exit of Shinjuku Station on the JR, Odakyu, and Keio Lines ■Tama River Riverside – Dondo Yaki Location: North side of the picnic plaza in Futakotamagawa Park Event Dates: January 16 (Sun.), 2022 (tentative) ※Decorations to be burnt can be brought to the festival from January 9 (Sun.) to January 16 (Sun.), 10:00 a.m. Hours: Previous years started at 11:00 a.m., but this year is scheduled to start earlier [Access] A 15-minute walk from Futakotamagawa Station on the Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line and Tokyu Oimachi Line From Futakotamagawa Station, take the bus bound for Seijo Gakuen-mae (成城学園前), get off at Yoshizawa (吉沢), and walk 5 minutes ■The Komae Shoshun Festival's Dondo Yaki Location: Tamagawa Ryokuchi Park 4 Chome-1 Inogata, Komae, Tokyo 201-0015 Event Dates: January 9, 2022 (Sun) ※Decorations to be burnt can be brought to the festival on January 8 (Sat) 14:00-16:00, January 9 (Sun) from 8:00- Hours: [Opening ceremony] Starting at 9:30 - [Ignition] from 10:00 - [Access] A 5-minute walk from Izumi-Tamagawa Station on the Odakyu Line Things to Keep In Mind When Participating in Dondo Yaki Dondo Yaki is considered a children's festival, and the main participants are elementary and junior high school students. In the video, you can see children lighting the fire as well. [Video] 0:07 - Children Lighting the Fire Children are considered messengers of the gods and carry out a series of events, such as inviting good luck and exorcising bad luck for the year. In local communities across Japan, children and adults share roles in organizing events, and through New Year's festivities, local people bond together and residents of all ages deepen their mutual understanding of one another and interact with one another. Each community has its own rules, customs, and legends. We recommend checking the details of each event before participating. Summary of Dondo Yaki, a Traditional New Year's Event in Japan Photo:A New Year's bonfire Dondo Yaki has a long history dating back to the Heian Period (794-1185). What better place to renew your New Year's resolution than in front of a blazing bonfire? In Japan there's also a traditional Japanese candy called Dondon Yaki (どんどん焼き). Both of them have similar names, and both are products of an important Japanese tradition with a long history. Dondo Yaki is held only once a year, at the end of the New Year's holiday. We recommend visiting with your family if you have the chance! -
Video article 3:56
Experience the 1200-Year Old Pilgrimage "Shikoku Henro." Journey to the 88 Sacred Sites and Connect With Japanese History and Nature
Traditional Culture Art & Architecture History- 144 plays
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About Shikoku Henro The video "Japan the Beautiful, Shikoku Henro" ([美しき日本] 四国 四国遍路), is about the Shikoku Pilgrimage, also known as Shikoku Henro. Shikoku Henro is a walking route that takes you to the 88 temples of Shikoku Island, in the four prefectures of Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, and Kochi. This article takes a look at the charms of this ancient route. The video navigates us through the beautiful landscapes of Shikoku Henro, and the distant view of the mountains, clad in green amongst the blue skies, make viewers feel as if their on the pilgrimage themselves. What is Shikoku Henro? Photo:Kobo Daishi statue Shikoku Henro is a multi-site pilgrimage of 88 temples associated with the Buddhism monk Kukai (Kobo Daishi) on Shikoku Island. Pilgrims are called "ohenro-san." The pilgrimage was practiced exclusively by ascetic monks until the Edo Period when the teaching of Kukai became widely spread across the country due to infrastructure developments, and commoners subsequently traveled to Shikoku Island to trace the path of Kukai and pray for good health. The culture of "osettai" by the Shikoku locals to support the safe journeys of ohenro-san by offering meals and shelter, has been maintained for roughly 300 years. In 2015, Shikoku Henro was added to the Japan Heritage list. The pilgrimage is quite exhausting due to the mountains and valleys, but it gives you a profound spiritual experience. Making the Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage Photo:Shikoku Henro You can visit any temple you want, but many people start at Temple 1 and visit them in order. After offering prayers at a temple, pilgrims receive a red seal stamp (known as Goshuin) in their stamp book. The motto to symbolize Shikoku Henro is expressed by the word "dogyo ninin" (Traveling together), which means that a pilgrim traveling alone is accompanied in spirit by the monk Kukai at all times. There exists a custom to visit the mausoleum of Kukai, Koyasan (Mt.Koya) Okunoin Temple in Wakayama Prefecture, after completing the pilgrimage route as well. Tips for Making the Pilgrimage Source :YouTube screenshot Shikoku Henro takes around 50 days on foot. You can take breaks to go sightseeing or enjoy local dishes. Staying at local inns, referred to as "henro-yado," also offers a refreshing experience, allowing you to relax and continue the pilgrimage at your own pace. The video portrays a traveling pilgrim taking steps forward on the route winding through the mountains and valleys. The natural beauty of Shikoku Henro is breathtaking. There is no designated clothing that pilgrims must wear, but they are often clad in white robes and a ceremonial stole, a cone-shaped hat to protect them from the sun and rain, and holding a wooden staff which is said to represent the body of Kukai and support the pilgrim along the way. Wearing the classic pilgrim clothing will help you feel ready for the journey. Summary of Shikoku Henro Experiencing the pilgrimage will lead you to discoveries that lay deep within the depths of Japanese culture and history. Tracing the ancient path of the pilgrimage, you may encounter yet undiscovered gems. Furthermore, the beautiful natural environment and the local custom of selflessly helping and supporting another may also lead to self-discovery and personal growth. -
Video article 14:51
Koyasan Is a Holy Land for Japanese Buddhism Which Was Founded by Kukai. Come Purify Your Mind and Body at This Mysterious Power Spot in Wakayama Prefecture!
Art & Architecture- 89 plays
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Introducing Mt. Koya This video, titled "The Holy Land in the Sky – Mt. Koya (生きている天空の聖地 高野山) was created by "greentvjapan." It's an introductory video of the beautiful and mysterious Mt. Koya; one of the top holy cities in Japan. Mt. Koya is known as a holy place by those who follow Buddhism, folk religion, and mountain worship. The History of Mt. Koya Photo:Koyasan Daimon, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya, a sacred mountain located in Koya, Ito district (伊都郡高野町) in Wakayama prefecture, is a holy land for Buddhism, starting with Shuzenji Temple given to Kukai (also known as Kobo Daishi (弘法大師)) by Emperor Saga (嵯峨天皇) in the Heian Period (794 AD - 1185 AD). Mt. Koya, which is the site of the head temple for Shingon Buddhism (真言宗, shingonshuu), is designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site under "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range." The beautiful temples on Mt. Koya, created by talented carpenters and cypress bark roof craftsmen, are a must see for any tourist visiting the area! The Highlights of Mt. Koya Photo:Danjo Garan in Koya-san, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya's "Danjo-garan" (壇上伽藍) features many temples and shrines including Konpon Daito (根本大塔), Sanno-in (山王院), Kondo (金堂) and "Oku-no-In" (奥之院) of Kongobuji (金剛峯寺). There are many Jizo statues at Oku-no-in. You can take a look at these in the video from 4:14. If you are visiting Mt. Koya on foot, why not trek along some of the famous pilgrimage routes, such as Kurokomichi (黒子道), Nyoninmichi (女人道), Kyoosaka-michi Fudozaka (京大坂道不動坂), Mitanizaka (三谷坂) including Nyusakadonojinja (丹生酒殿神社). You can also receive a special seal stamp called a "Go-shuin" at Mt. Koya for good luck! Other items you can purchase at Mt. Koya include good luck fortunes known as "O-mamori," "zukou" (a powder-type incense/perfume), and good related to Mt. Koya's character, "Koya-kun" (こうやくん). You can also take part in meditation practice, sutra-copying and flower-arrangement experiences. The Temple Lodgings at Mt. Koya Photo:Koya in Wakayama Prefecture Every morning at 6 am when the temple bell rings, the monks begin their ascetic practices. Every morning, the monks take breakfast to Kukai in a ceremony called "Shojingu" (生身供). If you decide to stay the night in one of the Buddhist temples on Mt. Koya you can enjoy vegetarian Buddhist cuisine called "Shojinryori" (精進料理), which includes food, such as sesame tofu and traditional Japanese sweets, with the monks as well as take part in Buddhist prayers. Events on Mt. Koya Source :YouTube screenshot Many events take place on Mt. Koya throughout the year, such as the Aoba Festival (青葉祭り), Koya Fire Festival (高野の火祭り), Obon Lantern Festival and Candle Festival, and man other events that celebrate the changing of the seasons. During fall, there is a special Buddhist service known as "Kinshu Daigaran Oneri Ho'e" (錦秋大伽藍お練り法会) and in winter there is "Gohei Osame" (御幣納め), "Shushoe" (修正会) and "Joyanokane" (除夜の鐘, the ringing of the New Year's bells). Many tourists visit Mt. Koya in spring during cherry blossom season and in fall to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the autumn foliage. Mt. Koya Introductory Video Summary Photo:Danjo Garan As explained in the video, Mt. Koya has a long history dating back more than 1,200 years and is a sacred place worshipped by followers of Buddhism. The entire mountain is sacred meaning there are a lot of tourist spots for you to visit within short distances of one another. Before visiting, we highly recommend checking out the public transportation access to and from the mountain, as well as parking availability, hours, and walking courses to make the most of your trip to Mt. Koya. 【Official Website】Mt. Koya, Shingon Buddhism, Kongobuji temple http://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Koya https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 9:26
Enjoy Japanese Gourmet Food At "Kano Shoujuan" in Otsu, Shiga! Experience the Traditional Japanese Atmosphere With a Japanese Sweets-Making and Tea Ceremony Experience!
Travel Food & Drink Things to Do- 60 plays
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Kashojuan Longevity Village, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato Tea Ceremony - Shiga - 叶匠寿庵 寿長生の郷," was released by "Tokyo Street View --Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the popular tourist attraction Kanou Shoujuan (叶匠寿庵) in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. Kano Shoujuan is the perfect place to visit for those looking to try the finest tea and sweets that Japan has to offer. Visit Kanou Shoujuan for spectacular views of Japan and to experience traditional Japanese culture. Kano Shoujuan - A Japanese Sweets Shop That Has Been Loved In Japan For Many Years Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan is a famous Japanese sweets shop with stores in department stores across Japan. Its head office is located in the suburbs of the Otsu area, south of Lake Biwa. Camellias, cherry blossoms, and hydrangeas can be found blooming around Sunai no Sato, and trees such as oaks and chestnut trees are also grown to create a beautiful view. In the plum grove on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan, a plum festival is held in the spring when the weather is nice, and a plum picking event is held in the early summer when the plums bear fruit. You can see the exterior of Kano Shoujuan from 0:37 in the video. Beautiful Japanese Sweets Made in a Traditional Japanese Building Source :YouTube screenshot The building "Omukae-dokoro" on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan is a quaint-looking Japanese building with a hearth inside to help visitors feel the traditional culture of Japan. The Japanese confectionery workshop "Santokuen" is characterized by a traditional Sukiya-zukuri style architecture. Many beautiful Japanese sweets are produced in a natural environment surrounded by beautiful gardens. Kanou Shoujuan - Experience Traditional Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot At Kanou Shoujuan you can experience the joy of making Japanese sweets and papermaking, through which you can feel the traditional culture of Japan. In the tea room "Seikankyo," you can also experience traditional Japanese tea ceremony, one aspect of Japanese culture that dates back nearly a thousand years. This can be seen from 3:21 in the video. There are also limited time experience-based events, so we recommend checking out any information regarding these before deciding on your trip. Gourmet Spots in Sunai no Sato! Photo:kaiseki cuisine After enjoying a walk and experiences at "Kano Shoujuan," we recommend trying the beautiful, delicious kaiseki cuisine. At the restaurant "Sanju-tei," you can enjoy a blissful time with a meal that incorporates the seasonal flavors of Omi. We also recommend visiting "Irori Sabo" and trying the superb shaved ice, made with natural ice. Summary of Sunai no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato is a hidden tourist destination where you can enjoy traditional culture in a quaint atmosphere. If you're looking to go sightseeing, consider dropping by Kano Shoujuan・Sunai no Sato to enjoy the beautiful scenery of ancient Japan. 【Tripadvisor】 Sunai no Sato https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298202-d1653996-Reviews-Sunainosato-Otsu_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:18
Kikonai, Hokkaido Is Full of Beautiful Scenery, Delicious Food, and Popular Sightseeing Destinations! This Charming Town Is Definitely Something To Throw on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Travel- 53 plays
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Kikonai - The Town Known as the Entrance To the North This video, titled "Tradition and Innovation in Kikonai - Kikonai Digest" (木古内町の伝統と革新 ~木古内ダイジェスト~), was created by "Kikonai Station|Shinkansen Sightseeing Station Master Kiko" (木古内駅新幹線観光駅長キーコ). Hokkaido is always bustling with tourists. When it comes to popular travel destinations in Japan, for many people, Hokkaido comes to mind. Facing a mountainous area lined with southern Hokkaido cedars and the frigid Tsugaru Strait (津軽海峡, tsugaru kaikyo), the town of Kikonai in Hokkaido, with a population of about 4,400, is called the first station of the north. When visiting Hokkaido via shinkansen, you'll either pass or get off at Kikonai Station (木古内町駅, kikonai-cho eki). In this article, we'll introduce the town of Kikonai alongside the video. A Look at the Charm of Kikonai Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, Keiko, the official mascot of Kikonai, introduces the charm of her town in just 4 minutes! If you're interested in learning more about Kikonai, be sure to check out the video. From 0:22 in the video, you can see the vast amounts of snow, set against the backdrop of Samegawa Shrine (佐女川神社, samegawa jinja). Looking at the beautiful winter scenery will make you feel as if you’re right there in Hokkaido. From 0:55 in the video, the Kanchu-Misogi Festival (寒中みそぎ祭り, kancho misogi matsuri), a Shinto tradition, is introduced. The festival is held at Samegawa Shrine. Every day and night, cold water ablutions are performed in order to purify oneself and pray for a good catch and a bountiful harvest for the year. The festival dates back more than 180 years. The Kanrin Maru (咸臨丸), a capital ship built during the formation of the navy at the end of the Edo Period, can be seen from 1:32 in the video. After its completion in 1857, the ship was used for supply missions. The Kanrin Maru ran aground off Cape Saraki, and is now on display at the Cape Saraki Dutch Tulip Park (サラキ岬オランダチューリップ公園). As the national flower of the Netherlands, the tulips burst into bloom around the Kanrin Maru. The Hokkaido Shinkansen, which opened in 2016, is one of the means of access to Kikonai, and can be seen at 2:16 in the video. Additionally, from 2:37, the South Hokkaido Railway is introduced. Its nostalgic appearance captures the hearts of many. From 2:55 in the video, you can see delicious seafood! The seared scallop rice bowl is mouthwateringly delicious. In addition, the popular Hakodate Wagyu Beef is another must-try in Kikonai. Roadside station Misogi no Sato Kikonai (みそぎの郷きこない) can be seen from 3:27 in the video. Here, you can enjoy a variety of delicious snacks, such as croquettes made with Hakodate Wagyu Beef. The roadside station is also a good place for souvenirs. Summary of Kikonai, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot As introduced in this article, Kikonai is a place where you can enjoy both history and delicious food. It's definitely a place you should consider adding to your itinerary when visiting Hokkaido. Don't miss other sightseeing spots, such as the Kikonai Local History Museum "Ikarinkan" (いかりん館), which introduces the history of the town, as well as Kikonai Onsen Notoya, where you can relax in the hotsprings after a long day of traveling. There are many ways to enjoy Kikonai, from taking pictures of Instagram-worthy scenery to learning more about Japanese history! Come discover what this amazing town has to offer! 【Official Homepage】Kikonai, Hokkaido http://www.town.kikonai.hokkaido.jp/language.html 【Tripadvisor】Kikonai https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1120305-Kikonai_cho_Kamiiso_gun_Hokkaido-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:56
Enjoy Tori no Ichi, a Festival in Asakusa, Tokyo to Pray for Good Business! Food, Traditional Crafts, Goshuin Stamps, Traditional Dances... Don't Miss This Video Packed With the Sights and Sounds of Tori no Ichi!
Festivals & Events- 54 plays
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東京・浅草のお祭り「酉の市」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「EDO POP TOKYO 【江戸ポップ東京】」が公開した「2018年 浅草 酉の市 楽しみ方紹介します♪ 鷲神社 / 長國寺 御朱印も!Asakusa Torino-ichi Festival」です。 お祭り大国日本。 その日本を代表する都市が東京。 東京と言えば大都会をイメージする人が多いかもしれませんが、実はお祭りが盛んな都市。 今回は東京でも屈指のお祭りシティ浅草・酉の市を約4分の動画で紹介しちゃいます! 東京・浅草「酉の市」 東京浅草のお祭りと言えば浅草神社で5月に行われる三社祭りが有名ですが、浅草のお祭りはそれだけではありません。 今回は浅草を代表する神社、鷲神社と長國寺で行われた酉の市へ潜入した動画を紹介いたします。 酉の市は日本代表インスタスポット!? まずは鷲神社。 参拝の列に並ぶと御社殿の提灯の数がすごい。 露店や屋台、お囃子もあり、インスタ映え必至です! 鷲神社はお賽銭からの二礼二拍手一礼、長國寺はお賽銭からの鈴→合唱→一礼です。 長國寺では参拝者の邪気を払って、幸運をもたらす鷲舞ひ(おおとりまい)もあり、見逃せません。 酉の市の由縁と歴史、起源 酉の市の歴史を知れば、日本のお祭りをますます好きになります。 酉の市の起源は日本武尊(ヤマトタケル)が武具の熊手をかけて勝ち戦を祝った日が11月であったことと言われています。 鷲神社は天照大御神に由縁があります。 酉の市の開催時期は毎年11月の酉の日です。 酉の日というのは、干支の中の酉=12日に1回ということになります。 東京・浅草のお祭り「酉の市」紹介まとめ 日本、そして東京のお祭り・酉の市。 いかがでしたでしょうか。 一度は訪れてみたい下町情緒あふれる江戸っ子の町・浅草には切山椒のお餅、屋台には老舗のベビーカステラ屋さんなどのローカルグルメも楽しめます。 東京・浅草のお祭り「酉の市」に参加して運気を上げていきましょう! -
Video article 6:13
The Beautiful World of 3D Paper Cutting Art! Enjoy Amazing Works Created by the Paper Cutting Artist, Naofumi Hama
Traditional Culture Modern Culture- 210 plays
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Beautiful 3D Paper Cutting Art! Check out the video "The world of beautiful 3D paper cutting #1" (美しい立体切り絵の世界 #1). Most people would be surprised by the beautify of his works. These 3D paper cutting works are created by the paper cutting artist, Naofumi Hama. 3D paper cutting works offer something different to the plain world of traditional paper artistry. What kind of skills are necessary? Let’s take a look at the secrets of 3D paper cutting. More About 3D Paper Cutting Source :YouTube screenshot 3D paper cutting works are created by folding plain paper cutting works. Extra caution is necessary to assemble minute pieces due to their extreme fragility. In the video clips, you can see various 3D paper cutting works such as roses, pansies, ducks, and ironware. Also other beautiful and delicate art works such as gerbera, Dutch hats, origami cranes, chrysanthemum, and butterflies appear in the video. Be sure to take a look! How to Create 3D Paper Cutting Works Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from this video clip, it may be difficult for beginners to learn this style of paper cutting. It's recommended to try simple cuts using Origami and a cutter when first starting out. It's okay if you stack the cutout patterns and then carefully cut them with a cutter as well. We recommend purchasing a paper cutting kit in which designs of flowers or animals are included for practice. If you're interested in 3D paper cutting, Naofumi Hama has also written a book on 3D paper cutting (only in Japanese). Summary of 3D Paper Cutting Source :YouTube screenshot There are other famous 3D paper cutting artists besides Naofumi Hama such as SouMa, Ayano Tomoda or Miki Kajita. Please check out the beautiful 3D paper cutting works created by these artists and enjoy the different styles that each of them has to offer. All 3D paper cutting works that appear in this video clip are breathtaking. Be sure to watch the video one again to enjoy its unique world view. 【Official Website】Naofumi Hama 3D Kirie (Paper Cutting) https://naofumihama.com/ -
Video article 2:50
In the Town of Nishiki, Kyushu, There Are Many Charming Sightseeing Spots. Nature, Crafts, Historical Structures, You Name It! An Introduction to All the Places to Check off Your List in Nishiki!
Local PR- 62 plays
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About the Enticing Promotional Video of Nishiki There's probably a lot of people who want to enjoy an amazing experience Japan, yet don’t know where to go... For a fulfilling trip to Japan, you're gonna want to do at least a little bit of research about the country. This can be done through a variety of methods such as books, review sites, and videos that introduce aspects of Japanese culture. In this article, we'll introduce the video “Nishiki, Kumamoto Japan 錦町プロモーション”, created by “NISHIKI KUMAMOTO JAPAN.” This video contains information about Kumamoto Prefecture, specifically Nishiki Town, in the Japan's Kyushu region. Whether you’re specifically interested in Nishiki, or if you’re interested in touring Japan as a whole, definitely check out this video. Highlights of the Video Source :YouTube screenshot “Nishiki, Kumamoto Japan 錦町プロモーション” is a 2-minute 50-second video about Nishiki As it introduces all the unique features of Nishiki, do take the time to view this video before visiting Japan. There are a multitude of Insta-worthy, scenic areas of abundant nature. As for crafts, from 0:35 in the video, the process of a potter creating one of his works is shown, and from 0:46 in the video, a craftsman creating a knife in a foundry can be seen. From 1:23, a swordsman appears, carrying a powerful sword. What is Nishiki? Source :YouTube screenshot Nishiki can be found in the southern area of Kumamoto Prefecture. To the south is a mountainous area reaching an elevation of 1,000m, and to the north is the Hitoyoshi Basin that the Kuma River runs through. This is a sightseeing area famous for its swordsmen and fruit villages. Fruit-picking is available in certain seasons, so for those interested, definitely check this place out. Nishiki’s Ohira Valley is a famous spot where you can enjoy camping. Savor the magnificent scenery of Nishiki to your heart’s content! The fireflies in summer, the red-and-gold leaves of the Shingu-ji Temple, and the gingko trees in autumn are all beautiful sights shown from 1:13. For those who want to experience the mysteries of nature, we recommend the Nishiki Himitsukichi Museum shown at 0:31 in the video. As seen from 0:54, you might even get the chance to see bats. Source :YouTube screenshot For those who want to learn more about Japan’s history, definitely check out the Kuwahara Family Residence . The residence is built in the architectural style of the later years of the Edo period (around 1750 to 1850), and has been designated as one of Japan’s Important Cultural Properties. At the Hitoyoshi Naval Air Station Secret Base Museum , visitors can find out more about Japan in the final stages of World War 2. The Tsuchiya Kannon-do , with more than 550 years of history, is another spot we recommend. There's some delicious food waiting for you when you get to Nishiki as well. Be sure to check out Nishiki Horumon Street, where there are many restaurants serving horumon (beef or pork offal) dishes. Things to Note When Visiting Nishiki Source :YouTube screenshot Here are some things to note before going sightseeing in Nishiki. Before setting off, besides the video introduced here, there are other sources to check for information. Nishiki’s homepage contains information about various sightseeing areas. When planning your sightseeing schedule, be sure to pay attention to each area's opening hours as well as regular holidays. The next point of note is what to do in Nishiki. For those who enjoy physical activity, there are places such as the Rafting HEART sports complex, as well as Nishiki Kurando Park. For those who want to check out Nishiki’s specialty products, make sure your stop by the Roadside Station Nishiki Farmer’s Market. Located right beside Roadside Station Nishiki, various specialty goods can be purchased at the market. This area is also known for its abundant wild roses, the sight of which can be enjoyed from late May to early June. Also, do make sure to plan the right time for your trip if you hope to view autumn scenery, summer fireflies, or take part in events such as the Nishiki Festival. Furthermore, traditional crafts such as akazu yaki, as seen from 0:35 in the video, are also famous. At the Toshogama Factory, you can even try your hand at pottery. Summary of the Introduction to Nishiki Source :YouTube screenshot In Nishiki, there are many charming sightseeing spots, so do include this town on your list of places to visit in Japan. There are so many interesting areas that it’s impossible to visit them all in one day. Around Nishiki there are many hotels and ryokans available, so we recommend planning an overnight stay. Furthermore, the Hometown Tax is applicable to souvenirs, the local cuisine, as well as fruits such as peaches, pears and chestnuts. Definitely check those out as well! The video introduced in this article neatly captures the charm of Nishiki, so for those interested in Japanese culture and/or wilderness, do take a look. You're sure to feel the urge to make a trip to Nishiki. 【Official Website】 Kumamoto Prefecture Kuma Village Office http://www.kumamura.com/gyousei/ -
Video article 4:11
Walk the Buzen Kaido in Kumamoto Prefecture and Experience One of Japan's Historical Highways! The Theater Where You Can Enjoy Traditional Kabuki Culture Is a Valuable Cultural Property That Has Been Passed Down From the Edo Period!
Traditional Culture- 103 plays
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The Buzen Highway - A Historical Highway and Popular Sightseeing Destination in Kumamoto Prefecture This video, titled "'Kyushu Heritages of Tomorrow' 'The Buzen Highway and Yachiyo-za'" (「明日の遺産九州」の「豊前街道と八千代座」), was released by "Nippon Archives." The Buzen Highway (豊前街道, Buzen Kaido) is a historical highway stretching from Kumamoto to Ueki and Yamaga, and from Nagomi to Kokura via Nankan. During the Edo period (1603-1868), it prospered as a post town where the Daimyo procession passed through for Sankin-kotai (the alternate attendance system). Along the street, there were merchants' residences, theaters, and hot springs popular with those looking to bathe in the springs, and it is still a popular tourist destination even today. Sightseeing Locations Along the Buzen Highway Photo:The Yamaga Lantern Festival on the Buzen Highway, Kumamoto Prefecture The Buzen Highway, a highway which while traveling on you can feel the historical scenery of Japan, is the perfect place for a walk. If you're looking to discover the charms of the Buzen Highway, take a sightseeing tour around the area and soak in the history and nature of the surrounding area. Arao Higata, located on the eastern side of the central part of the Ariake Sea, which can be seen from 0:14 in the video, is a place overflowing with nature, and is registered under the Ramsar Convention. Also, be sure to check out the Yamaga Lantern Festival held in Yamaga on the Buzen Highway. The History of Yachiyo-za, a Historical Theater on the Buzen Highway Photo:Yachiyo-za, a theater on the Buzen Highway, Kumamoto Prefecture The theater Yachiyo-za in Yamaga on the Buzen Highway, which can be seen from 2:27 in the video, is a facility that conveys the atmosphere of a traditional Japanese theater that was popular during the Edo period. It was built by gentlemen who made their fortunes in business during the Meiji period (1868-1912), with a stock method of 30 yen per share. Yachiyo-za uses distinctive architectural techniques, such as a rotating stage with German rails, a trapdoor, old-fashioned ceiling advertisements, tatami box seats, and gallery seating. Yachiyo-za became a movie theater in the Showa period (1926-1989 ), but was reverted to a theater years later. Experience Traditional Japanese Culture at Yachiyo-za, a Theater on the Buzen Highway Source :YouTube screenshot Since the grand opening kabuki performance by the Matsushima family, many performances have been held at Yachiyo-za. In addition to performances by Bando Tamasaburo and Ebizo Ichikawa, many performances were held by entertainers during the Heisei period (1989-2019), and the theater became very popular. Yachiyo-za became a nationally designated important cultural property in 1988 and was subsequently renovated from 1996 to 2001. The Kabuki performance that you will be seeing from the audience seating of the tasteful Yachiyo-za is exceptional. If you want to see Kabuki, a traditional Japanese performing art and culture, be sure to check out the performance schedule. Summary of the Buzen Highway Area Photo:A Footbath on the Buzen Highway, Kumamoto Prefecture There are many tourist attractions on the Buzen Highway, including Yachiyo-za, where you can enjoy traditional Japanese culture. The Buzen Highway is easily accessible from Kitakyushu Airport, and there are parking lots nearby. By using this video shown as reference, consider planning a wonderful trip to Kumamoto where you can enjoy Japanese culture to your heart's content. 【Official Website】National Important Cultural Property Yachiyoza "Yachiyo-Za" Official Website | Yamaga Guide https://yamaga.site/?page_id=2 -
Video article 6:12
Kendo - The Japanese Sport That Uses Bamboo Swords. Witness the Legacy of Japan's Samurai With This Traditional Martial Art!
Sports Traditional Culture History- 521 plays
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The Traditional Japanese Martial Art “Kendo” This video is "Best of Kendo~Awesome~" produced by "NAGASHI." Kendo is one of Japan's traditional martial arts. Many Japanese people know about the style of Kendo. What's so fascinating about this sport though? Kendo is a one-on-one competition where players wear a kendo uniform, armor, and use bamboo swords called "shinai." Kendo and other traditional Japanese martial arts are about valuing respect. Swords are of course weapons, but it is the human mind that controls them. Winning a match, according to the rules, means winning with the swordsmanship you've refined. The swordsman stay focused until after the match, when they've bowed to one another. This is standard Kendo etiquette. Kendo is said to be a martial art that begins and ends with a bow. The beauty of this Japanese culture may be one of the attractions of Kendo. In the video, you can see this etiquette from 0:05 and 5:57 in the second half. I hope that these videos will show the excellence of Kendo and the spirit, and harmony among Kendo fighters through their matches and practice, and at the same time, convey the beauty of Japanese martial arts as a whole. The History of Kendo Photo:Kendo Nowadays, the sport has federations all over the world, and not only schoolchildren's tournaments, inter-scholastic athletics competitions, and national championships, but matches are held all over the world. With the increase in the number of competitors, kendo's technical population has grown to about 1.7 million, but it was originally created to practice swordsmanship. It is a traditional martial art that inherited the soul of the samurai, which is said to have already existed in the Heian period (794-1185 AD). Kendo, as a competitive sport, had its own set of dan rankings and rules and instruction manuals from the Edo period (1603- 1868 AD). Gradually, the style came closer and closer to the style we have today. However, even now, having gone from martial arts to competition, it's practitioners still train their mind, body, and they still maintain proper etiquette. The Gear Required for Kendo Photo:Kendo "Men" The traditional Japanese martial art kendo requires a few pieces of gear. ・防具 Armor ・剣道着 Kendo uniform ・竹刀 Bamboo sword (sometimes wooden swords are used for training) ・小手 Kote(padded gloves to protect the wrists and forearms) ・面 Men(a face mask) ・垂れ Tare(waist protector) ・袴 Hakama(pleated and divided skirt made in fine stripes) You can purchase this gear at kendo specialty stores and kendo shops. For a moment, at 0:14 in the video, you can see the image of the camera attached inside a face mask. You can feel what Kendo is like in this scene. Japanese traditional martial art kendo rules Photo:Referee Kendo is a sport that trains the mind and body. The format of the matches are one-on-one individual matches, but there is also a team competition where 1 winner is crowned. A match in Kendo is between two players until two points are scored, or the time runs out. (One game = Three match) There are 3 valid targets to strike in order to score a point ・Men (the face mask) ・Kote(the padded gloves to protect the wrists and forearms) ・Do (the breastplate) Also, when it comes to matches for college students or older, two-sword style is also possible. It is rare in Japan, but is often seen in overseas kendo matches. Miyamoto Musashi, one of the most popular, and said to be the most powerful swordsmen in the world, was also a master of the two swords. From 0:25, the video introduces a number of matches. Not only do bamboo swords clash, but sometimes competitors are violently struck, propelling them into the air. This is not unexpected however, as it is a combat sport. Summary of the Fascinating, Traditional Japanese Martial Art, Kendo The appeal of kendo, the traditional Japanese martial art, lies in the intensity of the matches. The dignified movements of these swordsmen are the result of daily rigorous training. There are rankings called "dan" in Kendo, but in order to receive a ranking, you must go through a rigorous certification test to obtain the title. The dojo where swordsmen practice everyday is packed with the lives of the swordsmen. Kendo is also said to be a lifelong sport. Please enjoy the video of the Kendo matches, that transcend both age and gender. 【Official Website】All Japan Kendo Federation https://www.kendo.or.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:30
Japan Through the Eyes of a Foreigner! Rediscover Japan at a Temple in Wakayama, Surrounded by Nature and Neon Lights in the Heart of the City!
Travel- 51 plays
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This video, titled "Japan - Neons & Sakuras," was released by Oliver Astrologo. Japan is a country where old traditions and the latest technology are fused together. Tokyo is lit up like something out of a science fiction movie, with neon LED's twinkling in the background. People hurry to get where they need to be on crowded trains and at the scramble intersection in Shibuya. At the same time, the film shows women and priests in Wakayama, where temples are surrounded by nature and in harmony with mountains and forests. In contrast to the neat rows of bamboo groves and torii, there are alleyways in the center of the city, where artisans make dyed goods and costumes, and people work as aikido masters and geiko. -
Video article 3:54
The "Ako Lion Dance": A Dynamic, Traditional Japanese Lion Dance of Ako, Hyogo That Has Long Been Enjoyed in Japan; Watch the Lively Lion Dance Parade From the Roadside in This Video!
Festivals & Events History- 850 plays
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The Traditional Ako Lion Dance! This video, produced by "Ako Channel - The Official Video Channel of Ako City," is an official PR video titled, "Ako Lion Dance - Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society" (赤穂の獅子舞「新田西部獅子舞保存会」). There are various regional events and festivals in autumn every year in Ako, Hyogo in Japan's Kansai Region. The Ako Lion Dance, performed by the members of the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society (新田西部獅子舞保存会), is especially popular as it is vigorous and has a long history in the area. The Ako Lion Dance parades through the approaches to shrines and temples. Take in the traditional Japanese atmosphere through the video, which shows the lion dance, a traditional cultural event in Ako in the fall. Don't Miss the Dynamic Movement of the Ako Lion Dance! Source :YouTube screenshot The Autumn Festival of Hiyoshi Shrine in Nitta District is held annually in October in Ako City, Hyogo Prefecture. During this lively festival, the Ako Lion Dance, performed by the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society, parades throughout the city. The festival begins with the "welcome of the gods"(0:19). A mischievous wild lion is skillfully led by a Tengu, a sort of Japanese goblin often found in folk tales. At 0:41, after “the purification of the lion head and Tengu mask” takes place, it's time to leave for "Hanamai," which parades through the city of Ako (0:53). "Hanamai" continues to visit over 200 places while performing to the sound of the drum. The lion dance at Hiyoshi Shrine is performed by Western Nitta District and Nitta Village alternately each year. The one seen in the video is performed by Western Nitta District. The highlight of the festival is "dochu mai" (1:58); while the rituals are being performed at Hiyoshi Shrine, the lion dance troupe takes its time to move along the approach to the shrine. After the ritual is over, they run up to the worship hall and the dedication dance begins. The Ako Lion Dance is descended from Ako Hachiman Shrine in Ozaki Districtand is characterized by slow movements during "dochu mai" and intense movements during the dedication dance at the main shrine. The Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society performs a dance with a skit called "Niwaka."(2:55). So Much to See and Do at the Ako Autumn Festival! Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to the lion dance dedication by the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society, various events are held in Ako, such as an exorcism ritual and a children's mikoshi (portable shrine). The Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society is not the only performer of Ako Lion Dance. There are many other organizations, such as Kamihamaichi and the Kizu Lion Preservation Society, that performs the dance as well. The lion dance of the Kamihamaichi Lion Preservation Society, known for its Hanamai and group dances, and the lion dance of the Kizu Lion Dance Preservation Society, which prays for purification and a good harvest, are also worth seeing. During the Autumn Festival in Ako, there are many stalls along the streets of shrines and temples. One of the ways to enjoy Ako's Autumn Festival is to eat local Japanese food at the stalls. Summary of the Ako Lion Dance The Ako Lion Dance is an important traditional ritual, and the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society has long been honing their skills to preserve the culture. Succession of traditional culture is a significant theme of traditional Japanese festivals. Visit the Ako Autumn Festival and experience Japanese culture through vigorous lion dances! 【Official Website】Ako Tourism - FEEL AKO TIME https://ako-kankou.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:40
Kashima Jingu Shrine" in Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan! Don't miss the video of the power spot associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu, the Okumiya Shrine, Mitarashi Pond, Yoseki, and other highlights!
Art & Architecture- 111 plays
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Kashima Jingu Shrine" in Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction If you're looking to receive the divine blessings of a historical shrine or just want to go sightseeing to discover the history of Japan, then this is the video for you! This video, titled "Superb Views in Ibaraki - Kashima Jingu Shrine | VISIT IBARAKI, JAPAN" (【絶景茨城】鹿島神宮 | VIST IBARAKI,JAPAN), made by Ibakira TV, shows Kashima Shrine which is dedicated to the God of martial arts. You won't be able to look away after witnessing the solemn atmosphere and beauty of this historical shrine. The video also explains the history of the shrine. It's a must-see for anyone interested in Japanese culture or history! In this article, we'll talk about the history and allure of Kashima Shrine. Be sure to follow along with the video! A Look at Kashima Shrine Source :YouTube screenshot Kashima Shrine is a very popular tourist attraction in Japan. It's dedicated to the Great God of martial arts, Takemikazuchi. Within Kashima Shrine, there are many articles that have been designated National Important Cultural Properties. These articles have been donated by various family members from the Tokugawa Shogunate family line over the years. The current shrine building was built by Tokugawa Hidetada, while the rear shrine building was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the tower gates by Tokugawa Yorifusa, the first Mito feudal lord. If you're a history buff definitely check it out! As you proceed along the rear approach to the shrine, you can see Mitarai Pond and "Kaname Ishi," said to calm earthquakes. Kaname Ishi is shown at 1:32. You can feel the mystical atmosphere from the video. Other tourist attractions that you shouldn’t miss out on when visiting Kashima Shrine are the Deer Park and Rear Shrine. While you enjoy the views of beautiful Kashima Shrine, you can also learn the history through the video! Information on Kashima Shrine and the Surrounding Area Photo:Mitarashi Pond Here we give you information about the grounds of the popular Kashima Shrine and its surrounding area! The Kashima Shrine grounds are approximately 70 hectares (~173 acres) in size. The area is dotted with viewpoints for enjoying the beautiful scenery and famous historical locations. You'll come across Torii gates near the car par park of Kashima Shrine. The gates are followed by the tower gate and the main shrine building. As you proceed along the rear approach, you'll see the Deer Park, the Rear Shrine, and Mitarashi Pond. There is a shop selling good luck charms, votive pictures, and red seals, so if you're looking for souvenirs of Kashima Jingu Shrine or just want to get some power from the shrine, definitely check it out. You should also visit Ichi no Torii Gate, a famous water gate near Kashima Shrine. It can be seen at 0:07 in the video. Be sure to drop by if you're visiting the shrine. Summary of Kashima Shrine, a Famous Tourist Attraction in Japan "Superb Views in Ibaraki - Kashima Jingu Shrine | VISIT IBARAKI, JAPAN," made by Ibakira TV, is a fascinating video in which you can learn about the history of Kashima shrine. If you're into Japanese history, this is a video you've got to see! We recommend Kashima Shrine as a tourist attraction in Japan. It's perfect for those who want to learn more history and those looking to see traditional Japanese scenery! Be sure to check out the video before your visit! ◆Kashima Shrine◆ 【Address】2306-1 Oaza-kyuchu, Kashima City, Ibaraki 314-0031 Japan 【Access】10 minutes from Kashima Shrine Station on Kashima Line 【Hours】24 hours 【Parking】Yes 【Telephone No.】0299-82-1209 【Tripadviser】Kashima Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1021215-d1407488-Reviews-Kashima_Jingu-Kashima_Ibaraki_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:22
Fire, Dancing Around a 60-Foot-Tall Tree in the Northern Area of Kyoto! Flaming Torches Thrown About! Check Out the Hirogawara Matsuage Traditional Fire Festival!
Festivals & Events- 208 plays
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Introducing Kyoto's Hirogawara Matsuage Fire Festival! ‘Kyoto Festival: Fire Ritual in Hirogawara Kyoto (Matsuage)’ is a video made by Discover Kyoto and it show a festival in Kyoto called Matsuage at Hirogawara, Sakyo District. There are many traditional fire festival events throughout Japan. One of the most famous fire festivals in Kyoto is the Gozan Fire Festival, where people send off the spirits of the dead during the Bon Festival. In Kyoto, there are other Matsuage festivals such as the Hanase Matsuage Fire Festival, Kuta Matsuage, and Kumogahatano Matsuage. Today we present to you- Hirogawara Matsuage, held on August 24th every year. You will enjoy the dancing fire in the sky and the spectacular display of a large tree falling with a loud crash. What is Hirogawara Matsuage? Photo:Torch Ceremony Hirogawara Matsuage was originally a fire ritual to commemorate the fire god Atago at Atago Shrine. It is said to have originated from a special praying ritual for good harvest and fire prevention in addition to ‘the sending-off of the spirit of one's ancestors. It is also called Matsuage Festival (Matsuage Matsuri), and the Matsuage Shinto Ceremony (Matsuage Shinji). Hirogawara Matsuage is organized by around 40 men from the preservation society. First, they light around 1,000 log torches standing in the ground. They then light the small bundles of wood attached to a rope, and proceed to hurl them up at the top of the 60 ft. tall Torogi Pine tree. The objective here is to light the torch at the top of this large tree. The arcs of torchlight flames flying through the darkness is magical. The dynamic display of the throwing of the burning torches is the highlight of this fire festival. You can see it from 0:38 in the video. Once the torch has been lit, and the tree is engulfed in flames, it is pulled down using pre-attached ropes. This is definitely one of the highlights of the video. You can see the large, flaming tree crashing to the ground causing shockwaves to ripple through the ground (1:11). The men then run into the flames, carrying large poles to stoke the flame even higher into the night sky. This ritual is called Tsukkomi. It is shown from 1:36 in the video. When and Where to See Hirogawara Matsuage Hirogawara Matsuage is held in the evening of August 24th every year. Please note that it takes about two hours to get to Demachiyanagi Station on the Eizan Electric Railway and Keihan Electric Railway by Kyoto Bus, and it is not possible to take a day trip from the festival site by bus. You can book a hotel close to the venue or visit the event by car and use the parking lot nearby. Kyoto Bus offers a sightseeing coach bus tour to for Hirogawara Matsuage. We recommend joining if you have the chance. Summary of Hirogawara Matsuage Source :YouTube screenshot This video covers the dynamic Hirogawara Matsuage, a summer tradition in Kyoto, in just 2 and a half minutes. We hope you enjoy it! If you'd like to see Hirogawara Matsuage, a traditional Japanese fire festival, please visit the Rakuhoku District of Kyoto using a Kyoto Bus tour. 【Official Website】Rakuhoku area | Kyoto Travel-Navi http://www.japan-travel-navi.jp/kyoto/en/category/spots/rakuhoku/ 【Tripadviser】Kyoto Gozan Fire Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820274-Reviews-Kyoto_Gozan_no_Okuribi-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:48
A Powerful Display of Traditional Japanese Archery! During the Warring States Period of Japan, Satsuma Heki-Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi’s Historical Martial Art Was as Successful as Guns on the Battlefield!
Festivals & Events History- 1.12K plays
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Satsuma Heki Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi This video, titled "Koshiya Kumiyumi, Battlefield Archery Demonstration" (薩摩日置流腰矢組弓 演武), shows a performance of Japanese archery at the World Kyudo Competition. During the Warring States period (1467-1615 A.D.), archery was often used as a martial art on the battlefield. The video shows a powerful archery competition, so you can enjoy a taste of traditional Japanese culture. Satsuma Heki Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi Photo:Japanese archery Satsuma Heki Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi (roughly "Satsuma Heki School of Archery"), one of the schools of Japanese archery, was established by Heki Danjo Masatsugu during the Muromachi period (1336-1573 A.D.). However, as guns came to be used in battle, archery gradually came to be neglected. At this time, the Satsuma Heki School continued to study the art of archery while passing on the techniques to its senior apprentices. They devised tactics, such as "Koshiya" and "Sashiya" which were used to form a formation before loosing all arrows at the same time, as well as "Oshitsume" and "Totsugeki." Schools Derived From the Satsuma Heki School The Satsuma Heki School is where Kyudo began and the school has had a strong influence on Japan since the Warring States period. After the Warring States period, the style was divided into various schools of archery derived from the Heki School, and has continued to the present day. The major schools are the Izumo School of the Yamato Heki Line ("Yoshida School"), Yamashina School, Sakon Emon School, Okura School, Insai School, Daishin School, Jutoku School, Sekka School, and Dosetsu School. The Iga-Heki lineage includes the Chikurin School, the Ikkan School, and the Honda school. Other schools, such as the Urakami lineage of the Satsuma Heki Insai School, the Settsu lineage of the Satsuma Heki Insai School, the Heki To School and the Itsumi School are also active. The Satsuma Heki school focuses on the way the bow is held, and the basic shooting technique is to hold the bow diagonally in front of you in a raised motion and then draw the arrows. Each school has its own unique shooting techniques and movements. The Demonstration of the Satsuma Heki School Source :YouTube screenshot The video begins with nine armor-clad performers entering the archery arena. You can see from the video that there are a lot of spectators watching the event. From 0:37 in the video, the performers release their bows one after another with a loud shout. In the performance shown at 2:08 in the video, you can see that after releasing the bow, they gradually move closer towards their targets. This is the formation and method of shooting would have been used on the battlefield in the same way. Summary of Satsuma Heki Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi's Archery Performance Kyudo is one of the unique Japanese martial arts that developed during the Warring States period. This video shows the powerful demonstration by the Satsuma Heki School of Archery. If you're interested in Japanese martial arts, be sure to check out the awesome form of these iron clad archers! -
Video article 5:09
Photographs of Japan From the Late Edo Period to Meiji Period Japan!
History- 939 plays
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This video, titled "Photos from 19th century Japan," was released by "shibumihungary." These are photos of Japan in the 19th century collected by Shibumi dojo in Hungary. In Japan, the 19th century covers the period from the late Edo period to the end of the Edo period and the Meiji period. The people of this time period may seem distant to those of us living today. However, looking at the photos in the video, we can feel the people of the 19th century in a vivid and real way. The hair style and clothes of the Japanese people of that time are very different from what we see today. Their clothing is really cool, and has attracted national and international attention. -
Video article 2:58
Huge Lions, Sea Breams, and Armor Parade Through the Streets of Karatsu Kunchi in Saga Prefecture! You've Never Seen a Festival Like This! Learn About Japanese Culture Through Traditional Festivals!
Festivals & Events- 74 plays
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佐賀県を代表する秋季例大祭『唐津くんち』を堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの「唐津くんち[Hi-res/4K SAGA]」は、日本の佐賀県唐津市の唐津神社によって行われている秋季例大祭「唐津くんち』を紹介した動画となっています。 唐津神社で行われる唐津くんちの曳山行事は、平成27年にはユネスコ無形文化遺産にも指定された、日本が世界へと誇る伝統文化です。 この記事では、そんな日本の伝統文化である唐津くんちについて紹介していきます。 唐津くんちってどんな祭り? 唐津くんちは、11月2日,3日,4日の計三日間行われる秋季例大祭です。 乾漆によって作られた大きな曳山を、笛や鐘、太鼓の三ッ囃子で奏でられる囃子と掛け声とともに、唐津市内にある旧城下町を巡行します。 『くんち』は漢字で表すと『供日』で、これは収穫感謝の意が込められているという意味だそうです。 唐津くんちの三日間について! 佐賀県で行われる唐津くんちは三日間行われますが、それぞれ日によって催しも違うので、観光の際には注意が必要です。 2日に行われるのは宵山、3日に行われるのはお旅所神幸、そして4日に行われるのは町廻りと呼ばれています。 曳山を筆頭に、囃子や曳子と共に、夜の街に綺麗な音や掛け声を響かせながら巡行します。 曳山って何?どんなのがあるの? 曳山は制作期間3~6年は必要なほどの巨大な乾漆造で、世界最大級とされています。 一番曳山の『赤獅子』を筆頭に、六番曳山である『鳳凰丸』や最後の十四番曳山である『七宝丸』、今は消失してしまった十五番曳山の『黒獅子』等があります。 現存する曳山14台は全て佐賀県の重要有形民俗文化財に指定されています。 唐津くんちについてまとめ 日本が世界へと誇れる伝統文化、唐津くんちについてご紹介をさせて頂きました。 ぜひ大迫力の唐津くんちを佐賀県でご覧になってみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 15:11
The “1,000-day Kaiten Gyogyo,” a 1,200-year-old ascetic practice in the Mudoji Valley in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, on the southern edge of Mount Hiei, is a rigorous seven-year walk of 40,000 kilometers, or one full circle around the globe!
Traditional Culture- 33 plays
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This video, titled "Sennichi Kaihogyo" (千日回峰行), was released by "oNaraPark." This Video Is a Documentary Featuring Endo Hoshino, a Monk Who Has Been Training in the Mudoji Valley on the Southern Outskirts of Mt. Hiei for 12 Years. It is said that the monks who practice Kaihogyo wear white linen garments called 'Jōe,' which are said to act as burial clothing should they fail the pilgrimage. In the video, you can also see the practice of the 30-kilometer round trip around the foot of the mountain which lasts 100 days. The scene where Endo Hoshino, who has reached the 300th day of his journey, takes off his sandals as if to console himself on his seemingly endless journey while making a visit to the temple, is quite moving.