Video article 0:40
Mysterious giant salamander appears in the Kamo River in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! The ecology of this “living fossil” designated as a special natural monument is introduced!
Living Things- 4.28K plays
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Video Introduction of “Giant Salamander” Appeared in Kamogawa River, Kyoto, Japan This is a video of the Giant Salamander, a protected species, that appeared in Kyoto's Kamo River. The giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian. The characteristics of giant salamanders is their large body, which is approximately 150cm (~5 ft.) long. Giant salamanders have not changed in form since ancient times, and as such, they are referred to as "living fossils." What Are Giant Salamanders? Photo:Giant salamander Japanese Giant Salamanders belong to the animalia kingdom, chordata phylum, and amphibia class. They are also referred to as "Hanzaki" in Japanese. It is an endemic species living in the south western part of Japan. The mucus giant salamanders secrete on their skin smells like Japanese pepper (Sansho), so they are called "Sansho Uo" in Japanese. Chinese giant salamanders are very similar to Japanese giant salamanders. There's not much difference between Japanese giant salamanders and Chinese giant salamanders, and it is difficult to identify them based on appearance. In China, there is a theory that earthquakes occurs when giant salamanders appear. Are There Many Giant Salamanders Living in Kyoto's Kamo River? Photo:Kyoto As you can see in the video, giant salamanders are often seen in Kyoto's Kamo River basin. However, according to genetic research in the Kyoto area, the native species are extinct and the ones currently living in the city are likely to be non-native, hybrids, or a new species. In Kyoto, heavy rains and typhoons often cause the Kamo River to flood. After it rains, you can find salamanders that were washed downstream from Kumogahata village. The video begins with a giant salamander, over 1 meter in length, walking slowly along the path. It stops moving after 0:07, but you can see it slowly raising its head a couple of times. Giant Salamanders at the Kyoto Aquarium! Photo:Giant salamander At Kyoto Aquarium, there is a special display area of giant salamanders, and if you're lucky, you may even hear their low guttural call. You can also buy stuffed giant salamanders at the aquarium's souvenir shop. At the aquarium, more research is being done on giant salamanders. According to studies, the average life expectancy of a Giant Salamander is 80 years, but some live more than 200 years. Summary of the Giant Salamander at Kamo River Source :YouTube screenshot Many of you may have been surprised by the sheer size of the salamander in the video. There are many reports of salamander sightings along the Kamo River, so it's a good place to stop by when sightseeing in Kyoto. You can also visit the Kyoto Aquarium to learn more about the biology of the Japanese giant salamander. 【Official Website】Kyoto Aquarium- A short walk from Umekoji-Kyotonishi Station https://www.kyoto-aquarium.com/ -
Video article 6:57
Yakushiji Temple in Nara Prefecture - Registered as a World Heritage Site Under "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara," the Temple Is Also Known as a Power Spot To Pray for Good Health!
Art & Architecture- 59 plays
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Yakushiji Temple in Nara Prefecture This video, titled "[World Heritage] Yakushi-ji Temple/Hosso Sect Head Temple - Yakushi-ji Temple in NARA, JAPAN –" (【世界遺産】薬師寺/法相宗大本山 - Yakushiji Temple in NARA, JAPAN -), was released by "channel WASABI" The video introduces "Yakushiji Temple," located in Nishinokyo, Nara City, Nara prefecture. Yakushiji Temple is one of the Nanto Shichi Daiji (seven great temples of the southern capital (Nara)) and is an old temple that represents the long history of Japan. It is well known for the main hall, which enshrines the deity that the temple worships, as well as the "Yakushiji-style Garan Building Layout," which has 2 pagodas in the east and the west. The main hall can be seen from 1:26 in the video. In 1998, it was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara." In addition, 9 national treasures and 26 important cultural properties are enshrined at Yakushiji Temple. In this article, we'll introduce the history of and tourist information for Yakushiji Temple in Nishinokyo, Nara City, Nara Prefecture. A Closer Look at Yakushiji Temple in Nara City, Nara Prefecture Photo:Yakushiji Temple, Nara Prefecture It is said that Yakushiji Temple was opened in 680 in Nishikyo, Nara city, Nara prefecture so that Emperor Tenmu could pray for his empress' health. During the Asuka era (around 592-710), the Hosso sect of Buddhism was brought to Japan by Xuanzang. The Hosso sect is one of the "Nanto Rokushu" (Six Schools of Nara Buddhism) and is the oldest surviving sect in Japan. Yakushiji Temple was built after the transfer of the capital to Heijo-kyo, but since there was a Yakushiji Temple with the same name in Kashihara City before that, there was a "Yakushiji Temple Controversy" concerning the relationship between the two temples. Throughout the long history of Yakushiji Temple, halls, such as the Kondo (main hall), West Pagoda, and Daikodo Hall (large hall) have been burnt down, and the East Pagoda, a national treasure that can be seen from 1:43 in the video, is the only thing that remains from when it was originally constructed during the Nara period (710-794). When the East Pagoda was repaired, a highly durable 1,000-year-old Japanese nail made of iron sand was discovered and is now displayed at Yakushiji Temple. Highlights of Yakushiji Temple Photo:Yakushiji Temple, Nara Prefecture This video introduces the temple towers of Yakushiji Temple. The first to be introduced is, Yasumigaoka Hachimangu, an important cultural property located in the southernmost part of the compound. From there, the Kondo (main hall), located in the back of the central gate, is shown. The Kondo is a building where the statues of the main deities, the Yakushi Triad, are enshrined, and the elegant building "Ryugu-zukuri" was rebuilt in 1976. Next, the West Pagoda and the East Pagoda, both national treasures, are introduced. Following that, from 1:55, you can see Daikodo Hall, Jikido Hall, Kyoraku-mon Gate (North Gate), the Genjo Sanzoin Complex, the Genjo Pagoda, and Fudo Hall. Tourist Information for Yakushiji Temple Yakushiji Temple is conveniently located just a 1-minute walk from Kintetsu Nishinokyo Station. There is also a parking lot so you can visit by car as well. Hours for Yakushiji Temple are from 8 AM to 5 PM and admission is ¥1,100 for adults. Regular rituals and festivals organized by Yakushiji Temple are held as events. Also, there is a sutra-copying dojo where you can calm your mind and reexamine your mind's present state through a sutra-copying experience. In addition, you can get a shuin stamp and amulets at Daikodo Hall. Summary of Yakushiji Temple Photo:Yakushiji Temple, Nara Prefecture This video, "[World Heritage] Yakushi-ji Temple/Hosso Sect Head Temple - Yakushi-ji Temple in NARA, JAPAN –," introduces Yakushiji Temple, a popular tourist destination in Nara City, Nara Prefecture. You can feel the divine blessings of Yakushiji Temple, which is also known as a power spot to pray for health, so be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet! Also, consider adding Yakushiji Temple to your itinerary during your next trip to Japan! 【Official Website】Yakushiji Temple Official Website https://www.yakushiji.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Yakushiji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298198-d319881-Reviews-Yakushi_ji_Temple-Nara_Nara_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 10:23
Shingu City in Wakayama Prefecture, Full of World Heritage and Historical Sites, Is One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Spots! Here's a Roundup of the Most Popular Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 104 plays
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和歌山県新宮市を堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「市役所新宮」が公開した「和歌山県新宮市観光プロモーション <Long>」です。 和歌山県新宮(しんぐう)市の絶景をたっぷり堪能出来る動画となっています。 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも有数の観光地であり「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい」をキャッチフレーズに、世界遺産の街として有名です。 こちらの記事ではそんな和歌山県新宮市について、おすすめの観光スポットや名所、グルメについて動画と共に紹介をしていきます。 和歌山県新宮市にはこんな良い場所がいっぱいある! 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも指折りの人気の観光スポットで、和歌山県の歴史にも縁のある名所や絶景が溢れるほどあります。 ここではそんな日本でも選りすぐりの和歌山県新宮市の観光スポットをいくつか紹介していきます。 ① 神倉神社(動画:1:33~) 世界文化遺産の『紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道』の一部で、熊野速玉大社の摂社の日本でも有名な神社です。 毎年2月6日には国指定無形民俗文化財にも指定されている勇壮な火祭りとして知られている『御燈祭り』も開催されています。 ② 浮島の森 住宅街に囲まれ、存在感を放つ面積約5,000㎡の沼の上に浮かんでいる不思議な森です。 約130種類の珍しい植物が自生し、天然記念物に指定されている貴重なスポットで、自然に溢れている景色はインスタ映え間違い無しです。 島内は遊歩道がしっかり整備されているので、ぜひその不思議な空間を楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 ③ 阿須賀神社 遡るとこと紀元前423年、考昭天皇の代に創建されたと伝えられている日本の歴史も深い繋がりがあり、世界遺産にも登録されている神社です。 国指定無形民俗文化財に登録をされている『熊野速玉例大祭』は毎年10月15日~16日に執り行われています。 他にも、和歌山県新宮市には綺麗な海の広がる王子ヶ浜、4月には満開の桜の絶景を堪能出来る新宮城跡、奇岩怪石が裏なる海岸線にある孔島・鈴島等、沢山の日本が誇る観光スポットがあります。 和歌山県新宮市のグルメと温泉も堪能しよう! 疲れた体を『高田グリーンランド(雲取温泉)』や『熊野川温泉"さつき"』にて癒し、和歌山県新宮市のグルメを堪能することをおすすめします。 三輪崎漁港の新鮮な海鮮、熊野の地酒、熊野牛など和歌山県新宮市で味わうことが出来る郷土料理はまさに絶品です。 自然を大切している和歌山県新宮市ならではの新鮮な食材を使った日本食・和食を、ぜひ和歌山県新宮市観光の際に味わってみて下さい。 和歌山県新宮市の観光紹介まとめ まさに「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい。」というキャッチフレーズに相応しい、日本の魅力が溢れた観光スポット和歌山県新宮市。 今回紹介させて頂いた名所の数々の他にも、佐藤春夫記念館や世界遺産である『熊野古道』の一部である高野坂、日本の滝百選の一つである『桑ノ木の滝』等の沢山の観光スポットや穴場で溢れています。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事で和歌山県新宮市に興味を持って頂けたら、日本の良さを十二分に堪能出来る和歌山県新宮市への観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 1:27
Japan's Oldest and Most Famous Swords at Kasuga Taisha Shrine's Hall of National Treasures in Nara, Japan! Japanese Sword Fans and History Buffs Will Enjoy This Video!
News Traditional Crafts History- 314 plays
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Some of the Oldest Japanese Swords at Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Nara: Video Introduction This video, titled "Yasutsuna – An Exhibition of the World of the Oldest Japanese Swords" (最古の日本刀の世界「安綱・古伯耆」展), was uploaded by "Nara Television Broadcasting Co." ( 奈良テレビ放送). This news video introduces an exhibition held in the city of Nara featuring works related to the swordsmith Yasutsuna and his family. It shows works created by swordsmiths active in the late Heian Period (794-1185). Forty articles are on display, including 10 national treasures, such as a famous sword called "Dojigiri," which was used by Minamoto no Yorimitsu to kill Shuten Doji, as well as other swords with a distinguished history. The exhibition also offers a glimpse into the history of how Japanese swords that were once straight, came to have a curved blade. Be sure to check out the priceless masterpieces in the video as you read along. The Black Lacquer Tachi of Kasuga Taisha – One of the Oldest Japanese Swords Source :YouTube screenshot The sword which is kept in the treasury of Kasuga-taisha and is known as Kuro-urushi-yamagane-tachi (黒漆山金作太刀, lit. "black-lacquered mountain-iron blade") was made in the late Heian period (around 1185 AD). It was discovered during a structural renovation of the temple's treasury in 1939 and is now nationally recognized as an important work of art. You can take a look at Kuro-urushi-yamagane-tachi at 0:13 in the video. Every 20 years Kasuga-taisha undergoes renovation and it was when the sword was being cleaned and repaired that it was found out to have been made in the mid to late 12th century, making it one of the oldest swords in Japan. The curved shape of the blade is what helped identify which century the sword was made in. Source :YouTube screenshot The area of the blade near the handle is curved and the tip is straight, a style typical of ancient Japanese swords. It is a real blessing to find the sword in such a good state, along with it's case which shows characteristics of 14th century craftsmanship, leading to the hypothesis that this sword was a precious samurai family heir loom which had been passed down for years and years. You can see the case at 1:17 in the video. Sightseeing Spots at Kasuga-Taisha Shrine Photo:The Large Cedar Tree at Kasuga-Taisha's Central Gate・Nara Kasuga-taisha is a shrine which was built in Nara prefecture in 768 AD. There are approximately 1000 Kasuga shrines in Japan and Kasuga-taisha in Nara is known as the grand shrine and the most important of them all. Kasuga-taisha is known for bringing good luck and happiness in marriage and we highly recommend receiving a stamp or good luck charm (omamori) from the shrine. Many events are held at Kasuga-taisha such as the Kasuga Wakamiya-On Festival (春日若宮おん祭, asugawakamiyaonmatsuri), the Buddhist Lantern Festival (万灯篭, mandoukago), and the Iris Festival (菖蒲祭, shoubumatsuri). We also recommend visiting during fall to see the beautiful changing colors of the leaves or in spring when the wisteria are in full bloom. There are also many spots in the area where you can go for lunch or grab something to eat! Summary of Famous Swords of Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Nara Source :YouTube screenshot A Japanese sword in the collection of the Nara's Kasuga Taisha Shrine attracted attention in 2018 when it was discovered to be one of the oldest Japanese swords in existence. In addition to this famous sword, masterpieces such as Hizamaru and Higekiri are also on display in the National Treasure Hall of Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara. Kasuga Taisha Shrine is a popular attraction among both foreign and domestic tourists. Please check the official website of Kasuga Taisha Shrine for information on special exhibitions where you can see the masterfully crafted blades.. ◆Nara Kasuga-taisha Information summary◆ 【Address】 Kasuganocho (春日野町) 160, Nara city, Nara prefecture 【Openings】March-October 6.30am-5.30pm, November-February 7am-5pm 【Entrance fee】Free of charge (Kasuga-taisha Museum: Adults: 500 yen, University/High school students: 300 yen, junior high school/elementary school students: 200 yen) 【Access】10 minutes by bus (bound for Kasuga-taisha Honden (春日大社本殿)) from JR Nara Station (JR 奈良駅, JR Naraeki) followed by a 10-minute walk. 【Parking】Available (1000 yen) 【Phone number】0742-22-7788 【Official Website】World Heritage Kasuga-taisha https://www.kasugataisha.or.jp/en/about_en/ -
Video article 0:53
Packed With Candy and Toys, Dagashi Stores Are a Dream World for Children! This Video Takes You to a Popular Spot Among Kids. Take a Look at the Nostalgic Atmosphere of These Candy Stores!
Shopping- 193 plays
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A video on retro Japanese Dagashi Stores! This video introduces you to Japan's nostalgic "Dagashi Stores". To Japanese adults, this video reminds them of their childhood with its nostalgic feel. That being said, Its certainly very interesting to children and foreigners who don’t know about Japanese Dagashi Stores. When there weren't convenience stores in the past, children loved to go to Dagashi Stores where they chose special candies and toys to spend their allowances on. Enjoy the video showing the fun scenes of Dagashi Stores. What Are Dagashi Stores? What Kind of Things Do They Sell? Photo:Dagashi Store Dagashi Stores are shops that buy candies and toys from wholesale distributors and sell them in their own shops. In some regions, they are also called ‘Ichimon Candy Stores’. As seen from 0:32 in the video, Dagashi Stores attract children with their shelves of various candies and toys. Candies such as Kinakobo, Chocobat, BIG Katsu, Mochitaro, Umaibo, and sweets with toys and sweets with winning tickets are still being sold. Many candies that adults nowadays used to buy when they were young. You Can Buy Toys and Play Games, Too! Photo:Traditional Toys Dagashi Stores are popular among young children. They also sell toys such as spinning tops (独楽 Koma), Menko (めんこ), Taketombo Bamboo toys (竹とんぼ Taketombo), balloons and plastic models. Children enjoy playing candy lotteries with pictures of movie stars, Arcade games, and medal games with friends. Dagashi Stores are important socializing spots for children, too. Let's Check It Out! Photo:Sweet Shop Yokocho There are still some individually run Dagashi Stores left in Japan. The chained Dagashi Stores within AEON shopping mall should be easy to find. You should visit "Kashiya Yokocho" (菓子屋横丁), a popular tourist destination in Kawagoe, and if you're of legal age (20 in Japan), be sure to check out "Dagashi Bar" where you can eat candies with alcohol. At the unique chain shops "Private Dining Bar Rokunen Yonkumi" (個室居酒屋6年4組), they offer "All you can eat candy." You can also buy candies that are sold at Dagashi Stores on the internet. We recommend that you check out various online shops. Summary of the Introductory Video on Japanese Dagashi Stores Source :YouTube screenshot Today we introduced you to Dagashi Stores that are popular among children. After watching the video, if you're longing for a nostalgia filled trip or just want to experience the Japanese culture of Dagashi Stores, be sure to find and visit the address of a nearby Dagashi Store that's still open. -
Video article 1:36
Be the Last One Standing in a Fierce Battle To the Death at the Popular Event "Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-" Where You Can Become a Full-Fledged Ninja! You Might Be the Star of the Next Battle!
Things to Do- 38 plays
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An Event To Immerse Yourself in the World of Ninja in Japan This video, titled “Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- Official PV” (忍者合戦-SHINOBI-公式PV), was released by “IKUSA Inc.” The video was made to promote “Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-.” Watching the video is a great way to get a feel for the popular ninja experience event. Have you ever thought to yourself “How cool would it be to be a ninja”? In Japan, there is a long history of ninja. Ninja are also popular overseas, and many people outside of Japan associate the country with sushi and ninja. For every person whom Mt. Fuji comes to mind, there is also a person for whom ninjas come to mind. Ninja accumulate training and discipline to hone their skills and carry out missions and orders. And you can become one of those ninja by joining the event shown in this video, "Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-." In this article, we'll introduce "Ninja Lassen - SHINOBI" alongside the video. Be sure to check it out if you’re interested in ninja! Introducing the Popular Event “Ninja Kassen – SHINOBI” Source :YouTube screenshot The video is only about a minute and a half long, making it easy to watch even if you've only got a few minutes to spare. You can enjoy watching people of all ages, from adults to children, turning into ninjas and using ninja arts! At 0:27 in the video, you can see a team warcry as the ninja prepare for battle. At 1:02 in the video, it's explained that the event can be enjoyed by anyone. Old, young, male, female, anyone can participate and have fun! What Kind of Event is Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- Photo:Wakayama Castle Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- is an event held by IKUSA Inc. It's an event where participants become full-fledged ninja and fight enemies with painless foam swords by knocking loose the balls attached to their body that act as hit-points. But it isn't just about fighting the enemy, you also have to complete the missions that are given to your army. Schedules can vary depending on the number of participants and regulations. The footage for this battle was filmed at Wakayama Castle. However, Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- is held in many other areas besides Wakayama Prefecture as well. Having a Blast at Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- Source :YouTube screenshot In order to enjoy "Ninja Gassen -SHINOBI-" to the fullest, it's important to know what types of battles you'll be fighting in. The main types of battles are team deathmatch, chieftain battles, battle royale, and scroll battles. 【Team Deathmatch】 Team Deathmatch is a battle in which two teams battle it out. At the end of the time limit, the team left standing or whichever team has more survivors, wins. 【Chieftain Battles】 In chieftain battles, you win by defeating the other team's chieftain. The key to victory is having a better strategy for cornering the enemy. 【Battle Royale】 Battle Royale will have you fighting as the last one to stay alive. You'll be fighting against enemies and even those who were your allies until just recently. The last one standing will be crowned the victor. 【Scroll Battles】 Scroll Battles are battles where you try and take the scrolls placed in your opponent's camp while at the same time protecting your own (capture the flag). Having coordinated attacks and strategies are the key to victory in these battles. In order to not be defeated prematurely, you'll need to cooperate and strategize with your comrades. In some cases, you may even need to be a decoy in order to succeed in your mission. The Fun of Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- Source :YouTube screenshot Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- is full of excitement. If you’re planning on participating in Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-, there’re a few things you’ll want to know. First, you can interact with people of all ages, genders, and nationalities who love ninja. It’s a great opportunity to talk to others who share your love of ninja! It’s also a good opportunity to make some ninja companions! Second, it gives you the opportunity to work in large groups of people. The best part of "Ninja Kassen-SHINOBI" is that you can enjoy coming up with tactics together and create memories by taking photos. Another attraction of "Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-" is that you can enjoy learning about the history, lore, and stories of ninja. If you're interested in learning more about the Iga and Koga ninja, you may be able to gain more insight into ninja through "Ninja Kassen - SHINOBI-." Summary of Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-|Become the Ninja You’ve Always Dreamed Of! Photo:Ninja Utilizing its expertise in regional revitalization, IKUSA Inc. has been involved in several events and training programs that utilize activities and outdoor play, such as "Ninja Kassen - SHINOBI-." Why not see how you’d fare as a ninja? In addition to the ninja show, there are many other options to make the event more exciting, such as ninja costume rental, a shuriken dojo, ninja workshop, original ninja suit rental, original armor rental, actual ninja employees, and more. If you want to experience Japanese history and culture, consider participating in the "Ninja Kassen - SHINOBI" event and making some great memories and companions! Be sure to follow the rules when participating in events such as "Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-." Being considerate of one another is also very important in order to enjoy the event. -
Video article 2:55
If You're Visiting Nara Prefecture, Then You Don’t Want to Miss Out on the City of Tenri! This City, Full of Rich History, Was Home to the Royal Family Approximately 1,300 Years Ago!
Local PR Travel- 129 plays
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About Tenri, Nara Prefecture This video, titled "Tenri Tourism PR (Introducing Attractions in Tenri)" (天理市観光PR(天理市の魅力紹介)), was made by Tenri City Hall. It introduces tourist information for Tenri, Nara Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai Region (関西地方, Kansai-chiho). About 1,300 years ago, Nara Prefecture was the capital of Japan. The temples, landscape, and culture that have withstood the test of time are still present day, and they invite you to experience the atmosphere of the old days. Tenri is located in the middle of Asuka・Fujiwara-kyo (飛鳥・藤原京,Asuka Fujiwara-kyo) and Heijo-kyo (平城京, Heijo-kyo), both former capitals, and the home of the imperial family at the time. It was a place of irreplaceable significance for Japanese politics and culture at the time. This video shows the attractions of Tenri packed into a 3 minute long video. Be sure to follow along as you read the article! Recommended Sightseeing Locations in Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The oldest road in Japan, Yamanobe street (山辺の道, Yamanobe-no-michi), where you can hike while indulging in the beautiful scenery of Nara Basin (奈良盆地, Nara Bonchi), is a historical sightseeing spot, the origins of which can be traced all the way back to the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan). In the comfortable fall climate especially, many tourists visit Yamanobe street to witness the breathtaking landscape. In addition, there are fascinating historic sites within the city, such as Nishiyama Kofun (西山古墳), Yamato Tenjinyama Kofun (大和天神山古墳), and the Mausoleum of Emperor Keikō (渋谷向山古墳, Shibutani Mukai-yama Kofun). Walk through the refreshing sightseeing route and wallow in the beautiful, natural landscape. Yamanobe street and the kofun group are introduced at 1:16 in the video with the narration that helps you feel the origins of Japan. If you are now interested kofun, try Kurozuka Burial Mound Pavilion (天理市立黒塚古墳展示館), which is the guidance facility for Kurozuka Kofun (黒塚古墳), designated a historic landmark by the government. Walk Around the Temples and Shrines of Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Isonokami Shrine (石上神宮, Isonokami-jingu), said to be one of the oldest shrines in Japan, is a site we highly recommend visiting. You'll also want to visit other little-known tourist spots such as Himuro Shrine (氷室神社, Himuro-jinja) and Zenpuku Temple (善福寺, Zenpuku-ji). There are many cute deer around the temples and shrines where you can enjoy the natural scenery, so be sure to enjoy walking around. These temple and shrine are introduced at 0:28 in the video. There are many other temples and shrines to visit in Tenri, including Chogaku Temple (長岳寺, Chogaku-ji) and Yamato Shrine (大和神社, Yamato-jinja). Dining in Tenri, Nara Prefecture Nakanishi Peanuts, located in Tenri, is a famous peanut shop where many customers visit from faraway. Furthermore, there are many places in Tenri where you can enjoy delicious eel cuisine. Don't forget to try Tenri Ramen, a local specialty of Tenri, when sightseeing. Refreshing portions of shaved ice are served at the lively Ice Dedication Festival (献氷祭, Kenpyo-sai), held annually on May 1st, as Himuro Shine in Tenri worships a god of ice. Enjoy eating delicious shaved ice, perfect for your Instagram, at this beautiful, out-of-the-way destination. Summary of Tenri, Nara Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Tenri, Nara Prefecture, with a population of 65,466 people (as of 1 July 2019), is easily accessed, being only an hour away from Osaka and Kyoto. The name "Tenri" is derived from the religious organization Tenrikyo, as the city is the largest religious city in Japan with Tenri Church Headquarters (天理教教会本部, Tenrikyo Kyokai-honbu) located in the city center, making it the only city in 21st century Japan to be named after a religious organization. There are many facilities and buildings related to Tenrikyo within Tenri, such as Tenri University. As introduced in the video, there are countless appealing sightseeing sites in Tenri, Nara Prefecture. Nara Prefecture is popular as a tourist destination where you can experience the history and culture of Japan. Be sure to watch the video and indulge in the attractions that Tenri has to offer. If you're planning on enjoying sightseeing in Nara Prefecture, don't miss out on visiting some of the other tourist attractions in Tenri after visiting famous places like Todai-ji Temple (東大寺, Todai-ji) and Nara Park (奈良公園, Nara-koen). You can rest easy at night thanks to the numerous hotels and ryokan located around Tenri. 【Official Website】Tenri, Nara Prefecture City Hall Homepage http://www.city.tenri.nara.jp/ -
Video article 15:20
The Most Dangerous Festival in Japan? Osaka's Danjiri Festival Is Full of Unexpected Events and Accidents! Toppling Over Sideways, Crashing, Falling Over... It's a Thrilling Event You Won’t Want to Miss!
Festivals & Events- 7.25K plays
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Osaka's Danjiri Festival: The Most Dangerous Festival in Japan? This video [2019 Danjiri Festival's Accidents and Unexpected Events](令和元年 だんじり祭り 事故&ハプニング集) is a video summarizing events that took place during Osaka's traditional Danjiri Festival. During the Danjiri festival, Danjiri festival floats are pulled along the streets at amazing speeds. They fly past the front of people's homes at full speed grazing street lights and barely avoiding crashes but unfortunately accidents do occur from time to time. This video contains a collection of exciting footage from the Danjiri festival, including accidents and other shocking scenes. Please enjoy the thrilling footage! What Is the Danjiri Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot The Danjiri festival is a traditional religious festival held in Kishiwada, Osaka in the Kansai region of Japan. It dates back to the Edo period (1603–1868AD) and originates from the shrine lanterns of the time. There are several Danjiri festivals held in the central area of the Kinki region of Japan: Kishiwada Danjiri Festival, Haruki Danjiri Festival, Kobe Danjiri Festival and Sakai Danjiri Festival to name a few. The Danjiri Festival is held every year to pray for a good harvest and attracts many viewers keen to take a look at the exciting event. The wooden floats decorated with beautiful carvings are pulled around the town on ropes and considered by many to be works of art. Accidents Are Unavoidable During the Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot Accidents and unexpected events happen almost every year during Osaka's Danjiri festival. This video contains footage of the festival floats toppling over, crashing into lamp posts and other dangerous accidents due to the high speed they are being pulled around at. A method called "Yarimawashi" (やりまわし) used to help the floats turn right-angled street corners at high speed is one of the most thrilling and suspenseful moments of the festival. Accidents are particularly prone to happening on rainy days or during the darker hours of the evening. This can be seen at 2:57, 3:18, 6:23 and 8:14 in the video. Some years accidents are so dangerous that they have unfortunately resulted in death. Source :YouTube screenshot The highlight of this video has to be at 13:36 when one of the floats crashes into a street light which breaks and falls over. You can feel just how terrifying that must have been! Again at 14:50 you can see a float crash into a street curb and topple over. There are also many moments when the floats shake violently from side to side and come close to toppling over, occasionally actually falling over in front of spectators. Attending even as a spectator can put your life at risk! As you've probably noticed from the video at 5:45, 6:45, and 7:08, those pulling the floats cannot let go of the ropes even if they fall over and as a result end up being dragged along the street. The reason being, is that there is a danger of being trampled by the float if one let's go of the ropes, therefore there is a rule that one must hold onto the rope no matter what. Danjiri Festival Summary Source :YouTube screenshot We hope you enjoyed our video compilation of the thrilling events that take place during the Danjiri fesival. With serious accidents being a regular occurrence, it's safe to say that the Danjiri festival is one of the most dangerous festivals in Japan. Even so, every year many visitors come to watch and take part in the festival. There are many food stands and the large number of spectators make this is a very lively and exciting festival! ◆Kishiwada Danjiri Festival Introduction Summary◆ 【Event date】Every year in the middle of August 【Access】JR Kishiwada station (JR岸和田駅, JR Kishiwadaeki) or JR Haruki station (JR春木駅, JR Harukieki) 【Official Website】Kishiwada Danjiri Festival https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.kishiwada.osaka.jp%2Fsite%2Fdanjiri%2F 【Tripadvisor】Danjiri Festival (September festival) https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1023471-d10019374-r362673132-Danjiri_Matsuri_September-Kishiwada_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 0:40
A Futuristic Bicycle Parking Area in Front of Kyoto Station! A Look at the Latest Japanese Technology Making Contributions Towards Maintaining the Beautiful Scenery of Kyoto!
Life & Business News- 333 plays
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Kyoto Station's Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Area This video, titled "Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Lot Opened in Front of Kyoto Station" (京都駅前に機械式地下駐輪場がオープン) was released by SankeiNews. The first automated underground bicycle parking lot in Kyoto made big news when it was opened on February 11th, 2015 at the East and West Hachijou Entrance to Kyoto station. This is a video showing footage of the automated storage and retrieval of a bicycle from inside the underground parking lot that was made available to the press upon opening. It's a sight that one would normally never be able to see and well worth the watch! More About Kyoto Station's Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Lot Source :YouTube screenshot The underground parking lot has a 12 meter deep cylindrical design and the footage of the automated storage of the bikes underground is truly amazing! You can take a look at this from 0:06 in the video. One of these underground parking lots (called Eco-cycles) can store approximately 200 bicycles. The way it works is that you place your bike into an elevator-type booth, simply push a button and the bicycle will automatically be stored away in the underground parking lot. You can see this in the opening scenes of the video. When you would like to retrieve your bicycle, all you have to do is swipe your designated IC card and your bike should arrive through the elevator-style booth in approximately 13 seconds. This can be seen at 0:17 in the video. As you can see in the video, the front wheel of the bicycle is held by a machine, which allows the machine to move the bicycle to the correct location. It's truly amazing to watch the machine at work! Advantages and Disadvantages of Automated Underground Parking Lots Source :YouTube screenshot It can no doubt be said that the new underground bicycle parking lot in Kyoto is very convenient, but it's not without its disadvantages. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this system. First of all, one of the advantages of the underground parking lot is that, being indoors, there is less risk of one's bicycle being damaged by rain or possibly being stolen compared to if it were parked outdoors. Another advantage is that since the bicycles are neatly stored away, the iconic scenery of the streets of Kyoto can be easily maintained. However, one of the disadvantages of such a system is the development cost. The cost to build one of these parking lots is approximately 160,000,000 yen (roughly 1.5 million US dollars) with the overall construction cost coming to approximately 426,600,000 yen (roughly 4 million US dollars), far higher than a regular outdoor bicycle parking lot. It is hardly a sum than can be covered by usage charge alone. For this reason, it's unlikely that this kind of underground parking area will be adopted by many local governments without good reason for it. Furthermore, the lack of information on running performance, maintenance costs and the fact that the parking lot is not equipped to handle non-standard bicycles are all problems that still need to be dealt with. Kyoto Station Automated Underground Bicycle Parking Lot Usage Fee Photo:Bicycle parking area For those who wish to use the new underground parking lot, you'll need to enter a fixed-term contract, which currently costs 2700 yen per month (as of Jan 2020). It is also possible to pay for parking per day at a cost of 150 yen; however, the parking lot can often be full so it's best to search for alternative parking options beforehand. Those wishing to enter a fixed term contract need to ensure that their bicycle meets the required standards for the automatic parking lot. You must know your bicycle's length, width, height and position of the front and/or rear basket, tire size, bike weight, and position of gears and possibly several other measurements. Extra precautions must be taken for bikes which have unique or special designs, such as road bikes, mountain bikes, and more. Summary of Kyoto's Automated Underground Parking Lot What 'd you think of Kyoto's new underground bicycle parking lot? Kyoto station's south entrance has long been troubled with the unauthorized parking of bicycles. It is hoped that the completion of this new underground parking lot will bring and end to this problem and help contribute towards maintaining the beautiful scenery of Kyoto. Videos of bicycles being sucked up by the automated machinery of Kyoto's underground parking lot have attracted a lot of attention on social media, so much so that many tourists are visiting Kyoto for the sole purpose of seeing this unusual parking lot! The development of this automated parking lot in the futuristic city of Kyoto is sure to have a profound impact on the rest of the world. 【Official Website】Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Lot introduction|KYOTO PARKING NAVI https://kyotopublic.or.jp/bikepark/ -
Video article 10:12
Japanese Whisky Is Highly Regarded Around the World. Popular Manufacturer Suntory Talks About the Secrets to the Deliciousness of 90 Years of Japanese Whiskey
Food & Drink- 68 plays
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世界中から高い評価を集める「日本産ウイスキー」、人気の秘密は職人のこだわりにあった! こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「WHISKY - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (ウイスキー)」です。 近年、ハイボールブームやNHKの連続テレビ小説「マッサン」の放送により、人気に火がついた日本産ウイスキー。 ウイスキーと一言で言っても種類はさまざま。 大きく分けて、スコッチ、アイリッシュ、バーボン、カナディアン、そしてジャパニーズ(日本産)と5種類あります。 たくさんの種類があるウイスキーの中でも日本産のウイスキーの人気は国内にとどまらず、世界中から高い評価を浴びています。 日本産ウイスキーは、注目の高さから入手が困難になっていたり、価格にも大きな差が出ています。日本のウイスキーがこれほどまで高い評価を得るようになったのは、職人の徹底したウイスキーへのこだわりがあったから。 日本のウイスキーの90年の歴史は職人のウイスキーへの情熱の積み重ねでした。 日本の職人のウイスキー造りへのこだわり 日本のウイスキーは「味と香りが素晴らしい」と、国際的なコンテストでもさまざまな賞を受賞しています。 そんな高評価を得ている日本のウイスキーの美味しさの秘訣は、職人のこだわりによるところがとても大きいと言えます。 動画で紹介されているサントリー名誉ブレンダーの輿水精一さんによると、ウイスキーの魅力は、樽で長いこと寝かせる熟成にあり、サントリー「響」は、日本でとれるミズナラの木で作った手作りの樽で原酒を長期熟成させているのです。 このミズナラの樽で原酒を寝かせることで日本のウイスキー独特の香りや味わいが生まれているのです。 木の樽で原酒を熟成させるということが、日本産のウイスキーの特徴を生み出すひとつの要因となっています。 日本産ウイスキー(ジャパニーズウイスキー)の種類 日本国内で作られている日本産ウイスキーにはどのような種類があるのか知らないという方も多いのではないでしょうか? 日本産ウイスキーは主に3つの種類に分けられます。 ・モルトウイスキー 日本産ウイスキーにおけるモルトウイスキーとは、原料に麦芽(モルト)だけを使用した、単式蒸留のウイスキーを指します。 味わいは力強く濃厚です。 ・グレーンウイスキー 日本産ウイスキーにおけるモルトウイスキーは、原料にトウモロコシ、ライ麦などの穀類(グレーン)を使用した連続蒸留のウイスキーを指します。 くせのない飲みやすさが特徴。 職人のこだわりの詰まった日本産ウイスキー紹介まとめ 日本産ウイスキーについてもっと知りたいという人はぜひ動画をご覧ください。 職人のウイスキーへの情熱に触れることで、ウイスキーの深みのある味と香りがさらに美味しく感じられるかもしれません。 -
Video article 14:26
Feel the History of Japan in Kyoto Jidai Matsuri. One of the Three Major Festivals in Kyoto, This Historical Parade Attracts More Than 61,000 People!
Festivals & Events- 55 plays
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秋の京都観光で、京都時代祭は外せない! こちらの動画は「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Festival: Jidai Matsuri [4K]」です。 京都時代祭は京都三大祭りのひとつに数えられ、秋の京都に欠かせない行事です。 この動画では京都時代祭の行列風景を英語の字幕解説付きで紹介していますので、観光前の情報収集にも最適です。 京都時代祭の時代風俗行列では時代を彩った武士や庶民たちが現代に息を吹き返します! 動画を見終わった後は、幕末の志士が活躍する明治維新、衣装が艶やかな平安時代に迷い込んだような気分になることでしょう。 京都時代祭は京都三大祭りのひとつ! 京都時代祭は葵祭や祇園祭に比べると歴史は浅いものの、京都三大祭りのひとつで、京都市民が主体のお祭です。 京都時代祭を運営しているのは、平安講社です。 平安講社は、平安神宮の維持と祭の挙行の維持のために平安神宮創建時にできた組織です。 現在では担当学区制で各時代を受け持ち、時代ごとの行列の人員や衣装の管理を行なっています。 京都時代祭の見どころは、時代風俗行列! 京都時代祭のメインは、各時代のスタイルに扮して練り歩く時代風俗行列です。 都大路を可憐優美に進む行列に参加するのは、総勢約2,000名の市民です。 桂小五郎など日本人なら誰でも知っている歴史的な著名人に扮し、馬や牛車に乗って次々に通っていきます。 そのほか町衆や市井で活躍した女性達も行列に参列し、京都時代祭を盛り上げます。 なかでも動画の7:24より紹介されている、京の町衆の風流踊りを再現した「室町洛中風俗列」は見逃せません。 風流傘を中心に、囃子方、踊り手で構成されています。 また、動画の2:34より紹介されている「徳川城使上洛列」は大きな掛け声でひときわにぎやかです。 時代風俗行列の魅力は、それぞれ特徴ある時代の風俗を示しているところです。 礼束や髪型、化粧、着付けは厳密な時代考証に基づいたものです。 そのため衣装や鎧、祭具には京都の伝統工芸の技術のすべてが傾注されていると言えるでしょう。 京都時代祭を楽しむなら有料観覧席がおすすめ 京都三大祭りのひとつである京都時代祭は、海外観光客も多く沿道を埋めつくします。 京都御所と御池通、平安神宮道には有料観覧席が設置されています。 交通規制が敷かれるほどの人が訪れるため、落ち着いて観覧するなら有料観覧席の予約がおすすめ。 山国隊の笛や太鼓の音色を先頭に約2kmにわたる行列は、平安時代から明治維新まで千余年の風俗を忠実に再現し、歴史の厚みを感じます。 京都時代祭は日本の歴史の縮図とも言うことができるでしょう。 京都時代祭の様子は十二十二でも! 時代祭に合わせて京都観光に来ることができない場合にも、京都時代祭を楽しむ場所があります。 それが時代祭館「十二十二(トニトニ)」です。 平安京遷都の日であり、京都時代祭の催行日でもある十月二十二日に因んで名付けられました。 京都市左京区岡崎にあり、平安神宮から徒歩1分とアクセスも抜群。 平安神宮周辺を観光する際は「十二十二」をコースに加えると良いでしょう。 「十二十二」では、館内スクリーンで時代風俗行列をテーマにした映像を鑑賞できるなど365日いつでも京都時代祭を疑似体験することができます。 京都時代祭の紹介まとめ 京都へのご旅行予定の方も予定が決まっていない方も、京都時代祭の時代風俗行列を堪能できるこちらの動画をご覧ください。 この記事では京都時代祭の目玉である圧巻の祭列の様子、観覧スポットを紹介しました。 ぜひ一度は、京都時代祭においでやす~。 -
Video article 3:05
This Is How Fried Rice Is Cooked in Japan! Check Out the Amazing Skills of These Chefs as They Create Delicious Dishes!
Food & Drink- 45 plays
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This video, titled "Egg Fried Rice - Famous Restaurant Style in Japan" (ずっと見てられるチャーハン専門店の鍋振り 華麗な職人技!), was released by "Sushi Bomber TV The Frontline of Cooking" (Sushi Bomber TV クッキング最前線). In this video, the chefs can be seen cooking some delicious fried rice right before your eyes. Fried rice is a dish that is made by frying pre-cooked rice with various ingredients in oil in a pan. Once you try it, you'll realize it's not as hard as you thought, but the more you learn about it, the more you'll understand the depth of the process, and how much work can actually go into making a perfect batch of delicious fried rice. In this video, you can see how a professional cooks fried rice with incredible speed, so if you like cooking or just enjoy food, give it a watch! -
Video article 10:56
Fukuzaki in Hyogo Prefecture Is a Place Where History, Literature and Nature Mingle. Visit the Town With Nostalgic Scenery and a Hint of Mystery...
Local PR Travel- 31 plays
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兵庫観光のかくれた観光名所「福崎町」の魅力とは? こちらの動画は「福崎町観光協会」が公開した「福崎町観光PR動画「観光PR」」です。 兵庫県福崎町は民俗学者柳田國男を始めとした多くの偉人を排出した町です。 清流市川に育まれる豊かな風土と気候に恵まれ、古くから交通の要衝として宿場町としても栄えた場所です。 風光明媚な景勝地として、また学問と歴史の町として兵庫県の穴場的な観光スポットでもあり、知る人ぞ知る名所の宝庫。 大庄屋三木家住宅や旧辻川郵便局、学問成就の道は必見です。 兵庫県福崎町の歴史 兵庫県福崎町は昭和31年に田原村、八千種村、旧福崎町が合併してできた町です。 周囲を緑豊かな自然に恵まれた静かな町ですが、古くには東西南北に伸びる街道の交差する要衝の宿場町として栄えました。 今でも当時の名残が残っており、南北はJR播但線と播但連絡道路、国道312号線、東西には中国自動車道と県道が交わる動脈として機能し、福崎町東部工業団地(福崎工業団地)は兵庫県の重要な産業の一翼を担っています。 兵庫県福崎町周辺の観光スポット&イベント情報 周囲を豊かな自然に恵まれた兵庫県福崎町には歴史的に重要な史跡などの観光スポットが数多く点在しています。 おすすめの観光エリアは福崎東洋ゴルフ倶楽部、春日山、作門寺山門、七種の滝、田口奥地、七種神社(七種山)、清流市川、駒が岩などです。 また古くから宿場町として栄えた名残りで古刹が多く、苔むした風情はインスタ映えすること間違いなしです。 兵庫県福崎町を代表するおすすめの古刹は應聖寺、金剛城寺、神積寺、鈴ノ森神社、北野天満神社、本覚寺、日光寺など…。 小さな町にこれだけの寺院仏閣がひしめくのは日本有数の密度なので、寺院仏閣巡りが好きな方にもおすすめです。 四季を通じてイベントも多く、春は桜の花見や民俗辻広場まつり、夏の虫送りなどが開催されます。 柳田國男とかっぱの出会い 兵庫県福崎町出身の日本民俗学者柳田國男がいなければ「妖怪」という存在がこれほど多くの人たちに認識されることがなかったと言われています。 妖怪は怖いだけでなくどこかユーモラス。 ゲゲゲの鬼太郎やポケモン、妖怪ウォッチなどの作品は柳田國男の影響が強く出ていると言われているほどです。 柳田文学でも特に有名なのは「かっぱ」との出会いを記した遠野物語です。 日本の昔話につきものの妖怪の数々を紹介した功績をたたえ、柳田國男生家を文化財として保護し、神崎郡歴史民俗資料館などにその足跡を記録しています。 そして福崎駅前商店街には柳田國男の石像と妖怪ベンチを設置、兵庫県福崎町を訪れる観光客のインスタ映えポイントとして人気を博しています。 兵庫県福崎町周辺のグルメ情報 兵庫県福崎町は日本有数のもちむぎの産地です。 おすすめのグルメは何と言ってももちむぎ麺でしょう。 福崎駅やホテル周辺にはいたるところでもちむぎ麺を楽しむことができます。 もちむぎ麺をお土産として求めるなら「もちむぎのやかた」がおすすめです。 もちむぎともう一つの名産品ツノナスは夏に収穫されるのでお盆のころには新麦のおいしいもちむぎ麺とツノナスの郷土料理を食堪能することができます。 兵庫県福崎町紹介まとめ 兵庫県福崎町は西日本陸路の要衝地、また歴史と文学と自然が混じり合う町として人気のある観光地です。 四季折々の豊かな自然、そして妖怪と人との共生を動画と共にお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:50
Known for its huge, nearly 15-meter tall Buddha statue, the Great Buddha Hall at Todai-ji Temple is a popular spot to visit! The historic Todai-ji Temple is home to many other national treasures and Buddha statues!
Art & Architecture- 252 plays
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This video, titled "Todai-Ji - Nara - 東大寺 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Nara has been around for 1,300 years and has many tourist attractions, but the most popular ones are still Todai-ji Temple and Nara Park. Todai-ji Temple, which attracts thousands of visitors every year, was built in 743 and is the head temple of the Kegon sect of Buddhism. The Daibutsu-den (Great Buddha Hall) is a national treasure and was surrounded by a building called a "Kondo" (Golden Hall) after the nearly 15-meter-tall Buddha was built. There are many other national treasures on the temple grounds, including a standing statue of Kongorikishi. Todai-ji Temple is also a World Heritage Site. The temple has had a great influence on Japanese Buddhism and culture, making it a must-visit location! -
Video article 5:05
Wreck Diving Down to the Wreck of the Shirahama Shipwreck in Wakayama. The Ship Sitting at the Bottom of the Sea Home to a Variety of Marine Life
Things to Do- 23 plays
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This video, titled "WreckDiving~Shirahama Shipwreck~ -Spring 2020-" (WreckDiving~白浜沈船~ -2020春-), was released by published by "Pro Diver Cati's Sea Channel" (プロダイバーCatiの海チャンネル). The artifacts sunk to the sea become the perfect home for sea creatures. The Shirahama Shipwreck is one of them, and a variety of fish have come to live there. In the town of Shirahama, Wakayama, a 31-meter long ship sank at a depth of 18 meters. The Shirahama Shipwreck was originally intended as a wreck point, and the ship was artificially sunk. The video shows what the wreck looks like. Around the wreck, you can find scorpionfish, cardinalfish, white sea slugs, red Lionfish, flounders, groupers, moray, and a great variety of creatures living around the shipwreck. -
Video article 5:03
You Can Only See It Here! The Glowing Sea Anemone at the Shogase Dive Site in Tanabe, Wakayama!
Things to Do- 20 plays
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This video, titled "9.7.2019 Tanabe Diving Service|Wakayama Japan|Shogase Glowing Sea Anemone|Angelfish and More|Divinngu Saeki Photography" (2019.7.9田辺ダイビングサービスwakayama japanショウガセオオガワリイソキンチャク.キンチャクダイ他Divinngu Saeki撮影), was released by shogo saeki. Tanabe, located in the center of the Wakayama Prefecture coastline, is a rich sea with tropical fish and coral reefs that thrive thanks to the Kuroshio Current. This video shows Shogase, a dive site with a mixture of tropical and temperate zone creatures. The creature shining green is a colony of sea anemones. This glowing anemone is a rare species found only in these waters and can be seen throughout the year. In addition, tropical anemones and seahorses can also be seen here. Take a look at the rich nature of Wakayama! -
Video article 2:18
This Amazing Cutting-Edge Technology Allows You to Pass Ticket Gates With Facial Recognition! Osaka Metro's Next-Generation Ticket Gates
News- 55 plays
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Introduction to Osaka Metro’s “Facial Recognition Ticket Gates” Today, we'll introduce “Osaka Metro Starts Testing Facial Recognition Ticket Gates(【改札機「顔パス」通過 大阪メトロが実証実験】)" a video by Kyodo News. This is a news video of Osaka Metro starting the testing of facial recognition ticket gates, in anticipation of the World Expo in Kansai. In December 2019, Osaka Metro released information of the next generation facial recognition ticket gates. By registering your faces photo data in advance, you can pass through ticket gates with facial recognition without using the conventional tickets and IC cards, which is an amazing technology. In the video, you can see Japan’s cutting edge technology. Please enjoy. What Kind of System Is Osaka Metro’s Facial Recognition Ticket Gate? Source :YouTube screenshot Osaka Metro installed the test ticket gate at the Dome-mae Chiyozaki Station on the Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line in Osaka City’s west ward, and demonstrated its use before the media. As seen from 0:07 in the video, there are cameras set at the ticket gates, and these cameras recognize people’s faces passing through the gate, and the gate immediately opens. If people don’t need to take out tickets and IC cards, they can use stations without stress even when carrying heavy luggage or shopping bags. You can see in the video from 1:18 a passenger carrying big bags on both hands passing through the gate smoothly. The scene of passengers passing through the gate with facial recognition is introduced in the video from 0:26. In the video, Osaka Metro workers are shown passing through the gate with facial recognition, but in the future, they will build up systems so that ordinary passengers can use it as well. The Installation and Future Prospects of Osaka Metro’s Facial Recognition Ticket Gates Photo:Ticket gates Maybe it won’t be too long until people are passing the ticket gates with facial recognition and ticket vending machines disappear from stations. If no ticket vending machines are needed, it will be a cost reduction for railway companies, so it can be said that there are many benefits. This system is only a system using facial recognition technology, so if you are wearing masks and hats it leads to matching failure, and the gates don’t open. From now on, they will brush up the technology to improve on the ease of use for passengers. Summary of Osaka Metro’s Facial Recognition Ticket Gates Source :YouTube screenshot Technology of ticket gates opening through facial recognition is unprecedented, and Osaka Metro is garnering a lot of attention for this first attempt. Osaka Metro aims to install the facial recognition ticket gates to all stations by fiscal year 2024, in time for the World Expo in Osaka. These days, many technologies have become wide spread, such as cashless payments and QR codes. It can be said that these facial recognition ticket gates are one of these shifts toward the next-generation. 【Official Website】Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition https://www.expo2025.or.jp/en/ -
Video article 6:18
Fly Freely Through the Air With the Water Pressure of a Jet Ski! the "Flyboard" Is the Latest Marine Leisure Activity That Is All the Rage!
Sports- 133 plays
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PR Video for Japan's Flyboard Championship! This is the promotion video called “Japan Flyboard Championship 2018(フライボード選手権2018 & フライボードガール~Flyboard Japan Championship~)” . As you can see from the video (0:07) , a new device called a "fly-board", that soars through the air using water pressure, is attracting a lot of attention as a new marine sport. Surprisingly, there's also a Flyboard World Championship. Flying through the air with all that freedom looks like a blast! You won't be able to keep your eyes off this new marine sport! What a Flyboard Looks Like Photo:Flyboard Flyboarding is a marine sport where a person flies from the surface of the water by using a hover-boardthat connects between a water-jet and a hose on the rider's feet. When water bursts forth from the exhaust of the personal watercraft, jets are sprayed from under the board through a hose, allowing the wearer to fly. The maximum flying height is about 9 meters (30 ft.). But it's possible to do a variety of flips and tricks with practice. You can see a lot of different tricks such as the back-flips in this video (0:23). The Japan Flyboard Championship! Source :YouTube screenshot The 2018 Japan Flyboard Championship was held at the Hachikenyahama (八軒家浜: Hachikenyahama) in Tenma, Osaka City Osaka in May, 2018. Entrants competed with each other to perform the most impressive tricks in a set time limit. As you can see in the video at 1:40, the performances of female competitors, called “Flyboard Girls”, also became famous in this championship. Besides the Japan Flyboard Championship, there's also the Flyboard World Championship as well. People from all over the world enjoy flyboarding. As you may know, flyboards are used for many shows such as the ones at Tokyo Disney Sea. Wanna Give It a Shot? Source :YouTube screenshot Recently, trial lessons have become available seaside or at lakes such as Lake Yamana ( 山中湖:Yamanakako) or Lake Kawaguchi (河口湖:Kawaguchiko). There is another activity similar to flyboarding where you can fly using a jet pack. This can be seen at 3:13 in the video. "Do I need to buy something in order to try it out?" Don’t worry about that, necessary items such as a wet suits or life jackets are available for rent. Don't worry about being a beginner either. Instructors give great guidance so there's nothing to worry about. The average lesson fee is about 6000 yen (~$55 USD). It's definitely worth trying at least once! Summary of the Japan Flyboard Championship Source :YouTube screenshot Flyboarding is not a major marine sport yet, but it has been attracting a lot of attention due to the nature of the sport's aerial freedom. If this article has you interested in flyboarding, be sure to give it a shot! -
Video article 19:02
Can even natto haters eat natto? Video of the making of Red Soybean Natto! What is the excellent Kyoto natto made by the president of a natto craftsman in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, who used to hate natto?
Food & Drink Traditional Culture Life & Business- 34 plays
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Video introduction of “Red Soybean Natto” made by a natto craftsman in Kyoto, Japan This video, titled "How to make a Delicious Japanese "Kyo-Natto" Amazing "Natto" Master in Kyoto Japan![ASMR][DELI BALI]," was uploaded by "DELI BALI." This series features Kyo-natto, a popular product in Japan's Kansai region, made by Fujiwara Foods, near Kuramaguchi Station in Kyoto. Check out the video below to see how the delicious Kyo-Natto is made. Red Soybeans - One of the Many Varieties of Soybeans! Photo:3 types of soybeans Did you know that there are many varieties of soybeans? When you hear the word "soybeans," the first thing that comes to mind is probably the common yellow soybean. However, there are actually other varieties of soybeans, including red soybeans, green soybeans, and even black soybeans. Among the many varieties, red soybeans are a rare variety with few farmers growing them. Their nutritional value and flavor are superior to those of other varieties, and they are highly sought after. Different Ways to Eat Red Soybeans One problem many people have with natto is that the soybean skin remains in their mouth even after they've finished eating. The skin of red soybeans is so thin that it easily passes through the teeth, and the texture is pleasant, so the skin does not remain in the mouth. Also, because of its strong umami flavor, many recipes have been published for people who want to taste the full flavor of the bean, such as nimame (boiled soybeans). In addition to the sweet nimame, there are many other ways to enjoy soybeans, such as boiled in salted water, served with rice, or with spinach and tofu dressing. There are many different recipes to try out. In this video, red soybean natto is used as an ingredient. Kyo-Natto - The Creme de la Creme of Natto Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces Fujiwara Foods, a leading natto manufacturer in Kyoto. In addition to natto made from common soybeans, the company also produces red soybean natto and green soybean natto. Several types of natto, including "Kyo-Natto Otsubu" (京納豆大粒, Large Bean Kyo-Natto) and "Kamogawa Natto" (鴨川納豆, Kamo River Natto), which won an excellence award for five consecutive years at the Japan Natto Competition, are loved by many natto fans. The process of making red soybean natto begins with the artisan's hand washing of the beans. The beans are gently washed by hand and soaked in water until they are about twice their original size. From there, the red soybeans are cooked in a pressure cooker. In the video, you can see the pressure cooker, which is full of Fujiwara Foods' commitment and history. After the beans are cooked, natto bacillus is immediately sprayed on the beans. Before the beans cool down, the natto is packed and left in the fermentation room for another 20 hours before the red soybean natto is finally ready. President Fujiwara says he never liked natto and did not want to take over his family's business. However, he is now known as a natto maker with fans not only in Kyoto but all across Japan. Summary of Kyo-Natto, a Natto Made With Red Soybeans Natto is a food for all genders and ages because of its high quality protein, so much so that it's called "Hatake no Niku" (畑の肉, 'the meat of the fields') in Japan. Furthermore, in recent years, soybeans have been attracting attention from people interested in dieting as a low-sugar food. Natto is made from fermented soybeans, which makes it even more nutritious. However, as the president of Fujiwara Foods disliked natto, it is a food that Japanese people are quite divided about. For those who dislike the smell, using spices such as wasabi, garlic, or curry seems to make it easier to eat. Be sure to give it a try if you dislike natto yourself. Even some natto lovers probably didn't know that there's red soybean natto and green soybean natto, or they may have known about them but have never eaten them. You'd be surprised at how different the different types of soybeans are. Red soybean natto is on a whole different level from regular natto. Be sure to give it a try! -
Video article 10:07
Amatsu amaguri” is made with a lot of time and effort by craftsmen. Don't miss the video of the production process made by skilled craftsmen at a popular amatsu amaguri store in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture!
Food & Drink- 143 plays
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Video Introduction of Amazuki Chestnut Production Process at a Popular Amazuki Chestnut Shop in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "Making the Best Sweet Chestnut "AMAGURI" at Kyoto! Japanese Street food, Craftsmanship, Gourmet!," was created by "DELI BALI." This video introduces the sweet chestnut store "Hayashi Monshodo" (林万昌堂) which has been in business since 1874. Hayashi Monshodo is located at the entrance to Shinkyogoku (新京極) in central Kyoto (京都府, kyoutofu). As you can see in the video, a huge amount of chestnuts are roasted here every day. Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts have become a famous soul food of Kyoto. Enjoy watching learning more about Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts in the video. More About Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts Photo:Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts are made from chestnuts of the Chinese Chestnut tree (シナグリ, shinaguri) (scientific name Castanea mollissima), a deciduous tree native to China. Since the astringent bark is not attached to the edible part with tannin like the Japanese chestnut, it's easy to peel off the roasted part with one's hands or utensils. Li Jinzhang (李金章) and Kunijiro Kuki (九鬼国次郎) opened Japan's first sweet chestnut store "Kanemasuya" on November 3rd, 1910 in Asakusa's Nakamise Shopping Street (浅草の仲見世). Chinese chestnuts were originally only grown in China, however, selectively bred species, which differ from the original Chinese variety, are now being grown in both Kochi Prefecture (高知県, kouchiken) and Gifu prefecture (岐阜県, gifuken). These chestnuts are highly disease resistant, much like the Japanese chestnut, and hybrids are currently being created with American and European species to improve their resistance to disease and pests. How Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts Are Made Photo:Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts The process for making Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts is as follows. 1. Roasting From 0:28 in the video, you can see a huge amount of chestnuts being roasted together. They are mixed constantly with river pebbles until they become soft. The river pebbles are great conductors of heat which helps maintain the plumpness of the chestnuts throughout roasting. 2. Sorting From 0:56 in the video, you can see the chestnuts being sorted. Poor quality chestnuts are removed and discarded. This is all done by hand and requires a lot of knowledge and experience to know what to look for. The chestnuts are roasted carefully, with roasting time and methods being adjusted as needed. Once the chestnuts are fully roasted, mizuame is added. The sugar caramelizes producing a beautiful aroma. 3. Inspection From 3:53 in the video, you can see the chestnuts being checked to see how much longer they need to be cooked. The fully roasted chestnuts are separated from the hot river pebbles using a sieve. 4. Sorting From 6:00 in the video, you can see the fully roasted chestnuts being sorted. Small or poor quality chestnuts are removed during this stage. 5. Brushing From 6:38 in the video, you can see the chestnuts being brushed. This process produces a glossy finish. Once this process is complete, the chestnuts are ready to be packaged and sold. 6. Completion From 7:47 in the video, you can see the chestnuts as they're packaged and then lined up in the store ready to be sold. Summary of Hayashi Manshodo's Tianjin Sweet Chesnuts Photo:Shelled sweet chestnuts Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts are fun to peel and delicious to eat! We hope you enjoyed watching the video and learning more about how Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts are made! Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts are higher in calories than Japanese chestnuts, high in fiber, and very filling, making them a very popular snack. If you are interested in trying these sweet, freshly baked chestnuts, they can also be purchased online, so be sure to check out Hayashi Manshodo's website! 【Official Website】Hayashi Manshodo - A Long Established Chestnut Shop https://www.hayashi-mansyodo.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:35
Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture, Called the "Aegean Sea of Japan," Is Just Like a Painting! Introducing the Charms and Activities of Shirasaki Coast!
Nature- 140 plays
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Introducing Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture! This video, titled "Shirasaki Coast (Wakayama) A Beautiful Scenic Location Called the Aegean Sea of Japan" (白崎海岸(和歌山)日本のエーゲ海と称される絶景スポット), was released by "K Japan Traveler." Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which has a magnificent view on Instagram, was selected as one of the Top 100 Beaches of Japan, and in 2009, it was also selected as one of the Top 100 Landscapes of the Yomiuri Shimbun. Many tourists visit the beach throughout the year, where the contrast between the blue of the sea and sky and the pure white of limestone and sandy beaches is attractive. The History and Highlights of Shirasaki Coast Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture Shirasaki Coast is the sea of the Shirasaki Coast Prefectural Natural Park in Yura, Hidaka District, Wakayama Prefecture, and, as you can see at 0:33 in the video, is characterized by the white limestone surrounding it. Geologically, limestone is said to have come from the Permian Period in the latter half of the Paleozoic Era, more than 200 million years ago. From spring to summer, a large group of black-tailed gulls fly to Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which is rich in nature, as you can see from 3:03 in the video. The marine park is also known for its daffodils. Things To Do at Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture We recommend enjoying swimming, fishing, and Shirasaki cruise activities around Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture. There are also diving spots and diving pools nearby. From Shirasaki Manyo Park, we recommend enjoying the view of the strange rocks "Tatego" and "Oobae," which are the symbols of Shirasaki Coast. Also, stop by Koukokuji Temple, the Shellfish Exhibition Hall, the Park Center, Shirasaki Marine Park Observatory, and Totsui Limestone Cave. Dining and Lodging at Shirasaki Coast Photo:The Starry Skies of Shirasaki Marine Park, Wakayama Prefecture Around Shirasaki Coast, there are many restaurants and cafes where you can eat seafood dishes such as Shirasu-don on a low budget as well as the famous Shirasaki curry. In addition, there's Roadside Station Shirasaki Ocean Park where you can buy souvenirs, and hotels that are ideal for accommodation, so plan your trip carefully! Summary of Wakayama Prefecture's Shirasaki Coast As you can see in the video, the charm of Shirasaki Coast is that you can enjoy the spectacular blue and white scenery. When the sun sets, you can see a soothing view that you won't find during the day. Be sure to check out the business information and regular holidays for the Shirasaki Marine Park campsite and the surrounding facilities before visiting for sightseeing. ◆ Introduction to Shirasaki Coast ◆ 【Address】Take a bus from JR Kii-Yura Station and get off at Shirasaki Nishi, and walk 1.5 km. 【Parking】Free Parking Available 【Tripadvisor】Shirasaki Marine Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121347-d1385202-Reviews-Shirasaki_Ocean_Park-Yura_cho_Hidaka_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 9:25
Osaka's Tengo Nakazaki-dori Shopping Street: Take a Stroll Through the Retro Town Where the Influence of Showa Is Still Strong! Nostalgic Scenes That Make It Feel as Though You've Time Traveled Back to the Showa Era
Shopping- 138 plays
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From Tenma to Tengo Nakazaki-dori Shopping Street This video, titled "Strolling through Osaka 2 - Tenma, Nakazakicho – Time travel back to the Showa era!"(大阪の街を歩く(2) 昭和にタイムスリップ!天満~天五中崎通商店街 Walking Osaka 2 - Tenma, Nakazakicho), was uploaded by " Panacealand." The Umekita area around the north exit of the JR Osaka Station (大阪駅: Osaka-eki ) is where urban renewal projects have been promoted and transformed the place into a new town full of high-rise buildings. On the other hand, the area a short ways away from the Osaka Station has off-streets and shopping centers that retain the down town and showa-era atmospheres. This is a 9 and a half minute video shot by a person who actually walked from Tenma Station to the Tengo Nakazaki-dori Shopping Street through Tenma Ekimae Kita Hondori. It feels as if you're actually walking through the retro-inspired street with many Japanese style bars and pubs. Roadside Stands! Source :YouTube screenshot Tenma Ekimae Kita Hondori located immediately north of the Tenma Station is called Uratenma. Many small stores like roadside stands line both sides of the street. Many people enjoy meals or even a slightly early happy hour here. As you can see from the video (1:30), people enjoy drinking in the middle of the day. There are various types of restaurants serving Kushikatsu, Ramen, Yakitori, Pasta, Sushi, and more, all at reasonable prices. What Is Tengo Nakazaki-dori Shopping Street Source :YouTube screenshot If you turn left after walking through the Tenma Ekimae Kita Hondori, you can see the entrance of the back street to the Tengo Nakazaki-dori Shopping Street (3:30). During this stroll, you walk across a famous shopping center called “Tenjinbashiuji Shotengai” (3:45). It's a roughly 400 meter long Shopping street that stretches all the way to Nakazaki Subway Station. Nakazaki-cho eki (中崎町駅: Nakazaki-cho station has various types of eating places serving French, Takoyaki, Sushi, Shaved ice, and coffee. It is also called “Oideyasu Street” and is famous for being “Osaka's Neighborhood Kitchen” . Many kinds of shops, new and old, line both sides of this street. Nakazaki-cho Station, which is a terminal of the Tanimachi Subway Line shown in this video (8:37), is next to the Osaka Station, and is accessible by foot. Summary of Tengo Nakazaki-dori Shopping Street Source :YouTube screenshot We hope you were able to feel the nostalgia of the Shows era through the article and video. The video is actual footage from the Tenma Station to the Tengo Nakazaki-dori Shopping street, so be sure to check it out. You can feel the atmosphere of this street and what kinds of shops there are as well. This area is easily accessible through JR or the Tanimachi Subway line, and even on foot. This place is famous not just among Japanese, but due to its nostalgic atmosphere, it is also a popular spot among foreign tourists. Be sure to check it out if you have the chance! -
Video article 2:13
The "Tower of the Sun," Created by Japanese Artist Taro Okamoto at Expo '70, Is Open to the Public for the First Time in 48 Years! Feel the Vibrancy of This Restored Masterpiece!
Art & Architecture- 72 plays
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Introducing the Interior of the Tower of the Sun The video "Opening of the Interior of the Tower of the Sun," (「太陽の塔」内部を公開), released by SankeiNews, is a video about the reopening of the interior of the Tower of the Sun after the repairs and refurbishing completed in March 2018. The Tower of the Sun is a major work of art by artist Taro Okamoto, and is registered as a tangible cultural property of Japan. This article introduces the interior of the exhibit. The video introduces the restored 'Tree of Life' and the 'Sun of the Underworld'. The dynamism of the interior takes viewers to another world. About the Tower of the Sun Source :YouTube screenshot The Tower of the Sun was built together with the "Tower of Mother," the "Tower of Youth" and the "Big Roof" as part of the Japanese theme pavilion at Expo '70 in Osaka in 1970. At 70 meters tall, with 25-meter-long arms, it's a gigantic piece of art. The golden face, located at the top, represents the future, and is 11 meters in diameter. The Face of the Sun, resting between 2 arms, represents the present, and the face on the back (the Black Sun) represents the past. Xenon arc lamps were used in the eyes of the Golden Face during the Expo. Originally, another face, the 'Sun of the Underworld' was located at the basement floor, but it went missing after the Expo. This 'phantom face' was eventually restored in the refurbishing work. The newly restored 'Sun of the Underworld' appears in the video at 0:50. The gallery inside displays the massive piece "Tree of Life" (1:13), which represents the evolution of creatures. Modern technology enabled these objects, originally attached to the artwork, to be restored. Only a model of gorilla with a damaged head (1:35) remains the same. The video navigates viewers through the tower's artistic interior, reminiscent of another dimension. The Tower of the Sun: Visitor Information Source :YouTube screenshot The Tower of the Sun is located at the Expo Commemoration Park in Suita, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. It has been off limits since the event ended, but the prefectural government began refurbishing the tower's interior in 2017 and reopened it in March 2018. An event called 'Rebirth of the Tower of the Sun' was held to celebrate its reopening. Admission is by internet reservation only, and tickets are not sold on the day. To go by train, get off at Osaka Monorail Line Banpaku-kinen-koen Station and follow the slope to the park. Most people visiting by car use the Nihonteien-mae Parking Lot. Summary of the Tower of the Sun Source :YouTube screenshot The video "Opening of the Interior of the Tower of the Sun," introduces the reopening of the inside of the amazing artwork that has been loved as a symbol of the park for years. Enjoy the masterpiece of Taro Okamoto shown in the video. Go to the official website of the Tower of the Sun for more information and tickets. A museum shop located inside of the artwork stocks a variety of exclusive goods, including the popular "Tower of the Sun figurine" We hope this article has inspired you to visit the amazing work of art! ◆The Tower of the Sun - Museum Info◆ 【Address】1-1 Senribanpakukoen, Suita, Osaka 565-0826 JAPAN 【Access】Banpaku-kinen-koen Station 【Admission fee】Adults: 720 Yen (~$7 USD), Children: 310 Yen (As of April 2020) 【Opening Hours】10:00~17:00 【Closures】Please see the official website 【Parking】None 【TEL】0120-197-089 【Official Website】The Tower of the Sun https://taiyounotou-expo70.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】The Tower of the Sun (Banpaku kinen koen) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023474-d1407905-Reviews-The_Tower_of_the_Sun-Suita_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:41
Enjoy a Dreamy Time With Fluffy Owls at Japan’s Owl Cafes! Enjoy Coffee, Cake, and Other Pastries While Spending Time With These Adorable Critters!
Living Things- 67 plays
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Japan's Owl Cafes! This video is titled "The First Owl Café in Nara- 'Watawata'" (奈良で初めてのフクロウカフェ【わたわた】). It introduces the owl café in Nara, called "Watawata." There aren’t many chances where you can interact with owls, but at Japan's owl cafes you can enjoy seeing owls up close and even petting them! Many tourists from overseas come to Japan's cat cafes, but if you're looking for a more unique experience we definitely recommend checking out an owl cafe! How Owl Cafes Work Source :YouTube screenshot Owl cafes are places where there are cute owls, such as horned owls and more. Customers can play with owls while eating and drinking, and you can even feed the owls as well! As you can see from 0:49 in the video, there are cafes where you can put the owls on your shoulder and play with them too. You can also take photos with the owls and post them on social media sites. You can see this at 0:51 in the video. About Owls Photo:Owl Owls are nocturnal birds of prey, belonging to the order Strigiformes. They are called "the professors of the forest" and "philosophers of the forest." Their size ranges from 50 to 62 centimeters in length and they weigh anywhere from 500 to 1,300 grams. Five species of owls exist in Japan: the Yezo Ural Owl, Tohoku Owl, Ural Owl, Moniyamae, and Kyushu Owl. The hooting of owls can sometimes be heard as far as several kilometers away. Summary of Japan's Owl Cafes Source :YouTube screenshot If you're looking to rid yourself of stress and enjoy time with an animal you wouldn't normally get to be up close to, be sure to visit one of the many owl cafes in Japan! If you like cute animals, you can also try visiting a parrot or hedgehog cafe as well! 【Tripadvisor】Wata Wata Owl Cafe https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298198-d9856696-Reviews-Wata_Wata_Owl_Cafe-Nara_Nara_Prefecture_Kinki.html