Video article 2:42
Enjoy Camping in Style in Tokyo! A Glamping Facility in Okutama, Where Every Detail Has Been Carefully Considered!
Things to Do- 23 plays
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This video, released by "TOKYO MX," is titled "150,000 Yen per Night! A Luxury Campground in Okutama, Tokyo" (1泊15万円! 東京・奥多摩町に豪華キャンプ場). It covers glamping in Okutama, Tokyo, and is perfect for those looking to enjoy the outdoors in Tokyo. You can check out the inside of the tent at 0:47. It's worth watching if you're looking for a place where you can enjoy a stylish space in Tokyo's outdoors. You can also check out the chef serving up a course at 1:06. If there are any foodies out there we recommend this video to you as well. The video is short, at just ~3 minutes long, so if you're interested in the outdoors, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 0:32
Enjoy the Outdoors in Fukuoka Prefecture! A Glamping Spot Where You Can Come Empty-Handed and Still Enjoy Barbecuing!
Things to Do- 20 plays
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This video, titled "How About BBQ in Style on a Day Trip Glamping? [California B.B.Q BEACH]" (日帰りグランピングでおしゃれにBBQはいかが?「California B.B.Q BEACH」), was released by "Letron - Outing Video Media" (ルトロン - おでかけ動画メディア). This video introduces the atmosphere of California B.B.Q Beach in Fukuoka Prefecture. The features of the campground are explained in the video so be sure to take a look if you're looking to take a trip outdoors. It's only 30 seconds long too, so if you only have a minute to spare, it's perfect! At 0:13, they show you the inside of a tent, so if you're thinking about enjoying glamping at California B.B.Q Beach, we recommend at least watching that part. Other points of interest include a look at the beach at the 0:16 mark. If you're curious about the beaches in Japan, this can help give you an idea of what they're like. It's a charming place to enjoy a barbecuing without having to worry about bringing your own gear! -
Video article 15:58
Discover the Profound World of "Mukimono," the Traditional Japanese Art of Decorative Garnishing. Check Out the Different Types of Japanese Makimono, the Vegetables Used, and the Meaning Behind Them!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "[Peony Daikon] Artisanal Vegetables|Mukimono|How It's Made" (【牡丹華大根】 細工野菜 むきもの 作り方), was released by "Japanese Food Craft Channel" (和食の技術チャンネル). Beautiful mukimono vegetables are sometimes served on Japanese plates. This video shows you how to make peony flower daikon radish. Other ingredients such as carrots, pumpkins and potatoes are also used for decoration. In addition to the flower and bird-shaped peonies, there are also peonies representing the four seasons and congratulatory peonies, which are so beautiful you'd never get bored looking at them. In the course of their training, Japanese chefs learn how to properly peel vegetables and even learn how to carve them. Just one piece of mukimono can make a dish look gorgeous. -
Video article 3:06
Editing Supervised by Hattori Nutrition College! Check Out How to Prepare and Cook Eel in This Video!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
- YouTube
How to Process and Cook Eel! This video, supervised by Hattori Nutrition College in Tokyo, teaches you how to prepare and cook unagi (eel). The video shows how to process and cook eel from 0:17. 1 Place the eel in ice water 2 Sever the backbone of the eel 3 Place the eel on its side with its back facing you and pin the head in place 4 Cut along the backbone of the eel 5 After its opened, remove the innards 6 Place the blade between the body and backbone of the eel, cutting the backbone from the body, and then slice the tail 7 Remove any meat covered with blood and then remove the head 8 Make a shallow cut along the abdomen of the eel to open it up further 9 Cut it into easily skewerable pieces Next is skewering, shown from 1:47. 1 Insert the skewers directly from the side of the slices 2 Since the meat near the tail end is thinner, stick the skewer through the skin You can check out the video to see the actual steps in action. -
Video article 5:05
Wreck Diving Down to the Wreck of the Shirahama Shipwreck in Wakayama. The Ship Sitting at the Bottom of the Sea Home to a Variety of Marine Life
Things to Do- 24 plays
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This video, titled "WreckDiving~Shirahama Shipwreck~ -Spring 2020-" (WreckDiving~白浜沈船~ -2020春-), was released by published by "Pro Diver Cati's Sea Channel" (プロダイバーCatiの海チャンネル). The artifacts sunk to the sea become the perfect home for sea creatures. The Shirahama Shipwreck is one of them, and a variety of fish have come to live there. In the town of Shirahama, Wakayama, a 31-meter long ship sank at a depth of 18 meters. The Shirahama Shipwreck was originally intended as a wreck point, and the ship was artificially sunk. The video shows what the wreck looks like. Around the wreck, you can find scorpionfish, cardinalfish, white sea slugs, red Lionfish, flounders, groupers, moray, and a great variety of creatures living around the shipwreck. -
Video article 2:51
Nodahama Is a Popular Diving Spot on Izu Oshima Island! The Arches Made of Lava Rock Look Like an Underwater Ruin!
Things to Do- 31 plays
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This video is titled " [ 4K Ultra HD ] 伊豆大島(1) 野田浜アーチ Nodahama-Beach,Izu-Oshima Island,TOKYO. (Shot on RED EPIC)." It was released by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Izu's Oshima Island has been recognized as a Japanese Geopark. Among the many beaches of Izu Oshima Island, Nodahama, located in the northwest, is a particularly unique dive site. Because Izu Oshima is a volcanic island, lava flowing into the sea formed undersea arches, making it one of the few geo-sites in the world. The breathtaking formations attract a wide variety of marine life and many schools of fish can be observed here. The video shows the arches made by the lava flowing from Nodahama and the schools of fish that gather there. Enjoy the scenery of the ocean floor, which looks like the remains of an ancient civilization sunk into the sea! -
Video article 12:21
A Resort Island Known as a Natural Fishing Reef. Fish Watching on Hatsujima in Atami!
Things to Do- 35 plays
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This video, titled "March 2, 2019 - Hatsujima Diving" (2019年3月2日 初島ダイビング), was released by "munecyan." Hatsujima, located in Atami, is a resort island just two hours from Tokyo and 30 minutes by boat from Atami Port, making it possible to take a day trip to the island. The warm ocean currents from the south keep the climate mild all year round, allowing you to enjoy subtropical marine life and fresh seafood. There are also a variety of diving schools that offer hands-on programs and license courses for beginners who are interested in diving. In addition to schools of angelsharks, the waters of Hatsujima are home to nudibranchs, jawfish, and a variety of other fish, making fish watching here a blast! -
Video article 11:53
Tons of Popular Characters Will Be at the Ikebukuro Halloween Cosplay Festival! Check Out Some of the Awesome Costumes From the 2014 Event!
Modern Culture- 62 plays
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This video is titled "Ikebukuro・Halloween Cosplay Parade in Ikebukuro! Sexy ONE PIECE Team and Cool Metal Gear! Ikebukuro Cosplay Vol. 1" (池袋でハロウィン・コスプレパレード!SexyなONE PIECEチームやカッコいいメタルギアも♪池袋街コスレポVol.1). It was released by "ikebukurotv." The Ikebukuro Halloween Cosplay Festival introduced in the video, is a Halloween event held every year around Halloween, in which many cosplayers participate. The event is sponsored by Dwango, Toshima Ward, and Sunshine, which runs the video service niconico. You can enjoy delicious food in cosplay on the streets and there are also stage events. This video shows the cosplay parade that takes place on Sunshine Street! Cosplayers are also asked what it is they enjoy about cosplay in interviews in the video! -
Video article 2:18
This Amazing Cutting-Edge Technology Allows You to Pass Ticket Gates With Facial Recognition! Osaka Metro's Next-Generation Ticket Gates
News- 70 plays
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Introduction to Osaka Metro’s “Facial Recognition Ticket Gates” Today, we'll introduce “Osaka Metro Starts Testing Facial Recognition Ticket Gates(【改札機「顔パス」通過 大阪メトロが実証実験】)" a video by Kyodo News. This is a news video of Osaka Metro starting the testing of facial recognition ticket gates, in anticipation of the World Expo in Kansai. In December 2019, Osaka Metro released information of the next generation facial recognition ticket gates. By registering your faces photo data in advance, you can pass through ticket gates with facial recognition without using the conventional tickets and IC cards, which is an amazing technology. In the video, you can see Japan’s cutting edge technology. Please enjoy. What Kind of System Is Osaka Metro’s Facial Recognition Ticket Gate? Source :YouTube screenshot Osaka Metro installed the test ticket gate at the Dome-mae Chiyozaki Station on the Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line in Osaka City’s west ward, and demonstrated its use before the media. As seen from 0:07 in the video, there are cameras set at the ticket gates, and these cameras recognize people’s faces passing through the gate, and the gate immediately opens. If people don’t need to take out tickets and IC cards, they can use stations without stress even when carrying heavy luggage or shopping bags. You can see in the video from 1:18 a passenger carrying big bags on both hands passing through the gate smoothly. The scene of passengers passing through the gate with facial recognition is introduced in the video from 0:26. In the video, Osaka Metro workers are shown passing through the gate with facial recognition, but in the future, they will build up systems so that ordinary passengers can use it as well. The Installation and Future Prospects of Osaka Metro’s Facial Recognition Ticket Gates Photo:Ticket gates Maybe it won’t be too long until people are passing the ticket gates with facial recognition and ticket vending machines disappear from stations. If no ticket vending machines are needed, it will be a cost reduction for railway companies, so it can be said that there are many benefits. This system is only a system using facial recognition technology, so if you are wearing masks and hats it leads to matching failure, and the gates don’t open. From now on, they will brush up the technology to improve on the ease of use for passengers. Summary of Osaka Metro’s Facial Recognition Ticket Gates Source :YouTube screenshot Technology of ticket gates opening through facial recognition is unprecedented, and Osaka Metro is garnering a lot of attention for this first attempt. Osaka Metro aims to install the facial recognition ticket gates to all stations by fiscal year 2024, in time for the World Expo in Osaka. These days, many technologies have become wide spread, such as cashless payments and QR codes. It can be said that these facial recognition ticket gates are one of these shifts toward the next-generation. 【Official Website】Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition https://www.expo2025.or.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:17
Female Wrestler Saori Yoshida Receives the People’s Honor Award! Introducing the “Strongest Female Primate” Who Has Won 16 Consecutive World Championships and 206 Consecutive Individual Competitions, an Unprecedented Record!
Sports News- 135 plays
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The Press Conference for Saori Yoshida Receiving the People’s Honor Award This video, titled "Aiming for 14 Consecutive Wins|People's Honor Award" (「14連覇を目指したい」 国民栄誉賞受賞の吉田選手), is from the press conference for female wrestler Saori Yoshida after she received the People’s Honor Award in 2012. Saori Yoshida is a former wrestler nicknamed the "Strongest Female Primate." She became a hot topic of conversation after wearing a gorgeous kimono to receive the People’s Honor Award. This article introduces Saori Yoshida, who received the People’s Honor Award, and also introduces the award itself. About Saori Yoshida 画像引用 :本記事動画 Saori Yoshida is a 157 cm tall (5'1"), former female wrestler with a plethora of records. Her father, Eikatsu Yoshida, is also a former wrestler and a coach. She retired from competing in 2019 and is now herself a coach. After her retirement, she went to work for YSW Tokyo, a company that her brother owns. Presently, she stars in commercials for companies such as ALSOK and also does other work in the entertainment industry. There were also rumors of marriage after her retirement; however, as of 2020, she is still single. These days, she is also very active on Instagram. Saori Yoshida's Impressive Record Source :YouTube screenshot Saori Yoshida has an unprecedented 16 consecutive wins at the world championships in the women’s individual wrestling matches, and in 2012, she received a Guinness Book of World Records certification for winning 13 consecutive titles. She also extended her winning streak at the All-Japan Championships and the World Cup to an unprecedented 206 consecutive individual wins. She won the Athens, Beijing, and London Olympics, and was captain of the Japanese team at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The People’s Honor Award Photo:Microphone The People’s Honor Award that Saori Yoshida received is, s one of Japan's Prime Minister's Commendation Awards. It was established in 1966 by Eisaku Sato and expanded the range of the Prime Minister’s Awards. The awardees are determined according to the criteria of the award, and Japanese citizens such as Sadaharu Oh, Shigeo Nagashima, Naomi Uemura, Naoko Takahashi, Yoshiharu Habu, and Yuzuru Hanyu have received the award in the past. Saori Yoshida, introduced in the video, is not only a People’s Honor awardee but also a recipient of the Medal of Honor with a Purple Ribbon. In the press conference, which can be seen from 0:14 in the video, she is seen saying “I want to continue to break world records,” and she did just that At the end of the press conference, she also goes on to say how she wants to visit hot springs and take a trip to Hawaii. Summary of Saori Yoshida Receiving the People’s Honor Award Source :YouTube screenshot The video this time introduced the press conference of Saori Yoshida after she received the People’s Honor Award. During her career, Saori Yoshida has set multiple records attracted a lot of attention as a world-class athlete. Her words of wisdom, "You won't get stronger if you don't hate losing," inspired many people to take up sports. We look forward to what she does after retirement. -
Video article 19:19
A Close Look at the "Tsugegushi Comb" Craftsman Inheriting Japanese Tradition! Hideaki Mori's Passion for Creating Combs Greater Than Any That Technology Can Produce!
Traditional Crafts- 49 plays
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This video, titled "#020 Tsugegushi Comb Craftsman Hideaki Mori|Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (#020 つげ櫛職人 森 英明 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by "Door to Tomorrow by At Home" (明日への扉 by アットホーム). Hideaki Mori is a tsugegushi comb craftsman born in 1983 in Aichi Prefecture. He is the third generation of "Tsugegushi Shoten," a long-established comb manufacturer. The tsugegushi comb is made from the wood of the Japanese boxwood, and in spite of its hardness, the teeth are hard to break and strong and static electricity does not occur easily because of the elasticity. For these reasons, the comb has long attracted users as a top quality comb. When Hideaki was a university student, he saw the reaction of the customers who used tsugegushi combs and realized the splendor of the tsugegushi combs. Upon graduating from college, he became an apprentice to his father, Shingo Mori, the third generation of the family, and has continued to hone his skills. -
Video article 2:44
Discover the Beauty of "Edo Kaijo," a Japanese Sake Made in Tokyo's Minato Ward! Witness the Free and Challenging Brewing Techniques That Cannot Be Replicated!
Food & Drink- 27 plays
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The Approach to Sake Brewing at Tokyo Port Brewery, a Free and Challenging Brewery in Tokyo's Minato Ward This video is a short documentary by Yoshimi Terasawa, who, in 2011, revived a brewery that had gone out of business in 1911. It has attracted attention for its free and challenging sake brewing, taking advantage of a once-lost tradition. Edo Kaijo is a sake made in Tokyo's Minato Ward. Be sure to give it a try. 【Official Homepage】Tokyo Port Brewery http://tokyoportbrewery.wkmty.com/ -
Video article 6:18
Fly Freely Through the Air With the Water Pressure of a Jet Ski! the "Flyboard" Is the Latest Marine Leisure Activity That Is All the Rage!
Sports- 142 plays
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PR Video for Japan's Flyboard Championship! This is the promotion video called “Japan Flyboard Championship 2018(フライボード選手権2018 & フライボードガール~Flyboard Japan Championship~)” . As you can see from the video (0:07) , a new device called a "fly-board", that soars through the air using water pressure, is attracting a lot of attention as a new marine sport. Surprisingly, there's also a Flyboard World Championship. Flying through the air with all that freedom looks like a blast! You won't be able to keep your eyes off this new marine sport! What a Flyboard Looks Like Photo:Flyboard Flyboarding is a marine sport where a person flies from the surface of the water by using a hover-boardthat connects between a water-jet and a hose on the rider's feet. When water bursts forth from the exhaust of the personal watercraft, jets are sprayed from under the board through a hose, allowing the wearer to fly. The maximum flying height is about 9 meters (30 ft.). But it's possible to do a variety of flips and tricks with practice. You can see a lot of different tricks such as the back-flips in this video (0:23). The Japan Flyboard Championship! Source :YouTube screenshot The 2018 Japan Flyboard Championship was held at the Hachikenyahama (八軒家浜: Hachikenyahama) in Tenma, Osaka City Osaka in May, 2018. Entrants competed with each other to perform the most impressive tricks in a set time limit. As you can see in the video at 1:40, the performances of female competitors, called “Flyboard Girls”, also became famous in this championship. Besides the Japan Flyboard Championship, there's also the Flyboard World Championship as well. People from all over the world enjoy flyboarding. As you may know, flyboards are used for many shows such as the ones at Tokyo Disney Sea. Wanna Give It a Shot? Source :YouTube screenshot Recently, trial lessons have become available seaside or at lakes such as Lake Yamana ( 山中湖:Yamanakako) or Lake Kawaguchi (河口湖:Kawaguchiko). There is another activity similar to flyboarding where you can fly using a jet pack. This can be seen at 3:13 in the video. "Do I need to buy something in order to try it out?" Don’t worry about that, necessary items such as a wet suits or life jackets are available for rent. Don't worry about being a beginner either. Instructors give great guidance so there's nothing to worry about. The average lesson fee is about 6000 yen (~$55 USD). It's definitely worth trying at least once! Summary of the Japan Flyboard Championship Source :YouTube screenshot Flyboarding is not a major marine sport yet, but it has been attracting a lot of attention due to the nature of the sport's aerial freedom. If this article has you interested in flyboarding, be sure to give it a shot! -
Video article 5:23
Goryokaku in Hakodate, Hokkaido - A Strange, Star-Shaped Fortress! A Look at the History of the Popular Tourist Destination!
History Travel- 278 plays
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Goryokaku in Hakodate! This video, titled "Goryokaku, Hakodate" (函館 「五稜郭」 Goryokaku, Hakodate), introduces the historical location, Goryokaku in Hakodate. Shown at the beginning of the video, Goryokaku in Hakodate is a fortress characterized by its beautiful star-shape. If you go up to the observation deck of Goryokaku Tower, as shown at 1:34 in the video, you can see the beautiful star-shaped moat that surrounds Goryokaku Park. Don't forget to bring your camera, it'll look great on Instagram! About Goryokaku Photo:Goryokaku Goryokaku was built by the Tokugawa Shogunate to protect the Hakodate magistrates office, at the end of the Edo period. (1853 – 1868) The star-shaped Goryokaku is also called Ryohoshiki and it was designed by Takeda Ayasaburo. This is shown at 1:54 in the video. Goryokaku was called Kameda yakushodorui and Hakodate Onyakusho during its construction. It is also known as Yanagino Castle (柳野城, Yanagino-jyo) since there were a lot of willow trees in the area (柳, "yanagi," means willow in Japanese). The History of Goryokaku Photo:Goryokaku's stone walls Completed around the time of the Meiji Restoration, Goryokaku was occupied by the former shogunate's forces during the Battle of Hakodate, the final battle of the Boshin War, and became its headquarters. As you can see from 1:22 in the video, the earthwork, stone walls, and stone monuments still remain. Goryokaku was also used as parade ground for the army during the Meiji period (1868 to 1912). Highlights of Goryokaku Photo:Goryokaku, Winter Illumination Goryokaku has been the setting for many historical events since the end of the Edo period. In 1988, a TV drama titled "Goryokaku" was also produced. Goryokaku is a special national historic site, and has been designated a Hokkaido Heritage Site as the "Remains of Goryokaku and the Battle of Hakodate." It is currently managed by the city of Hakodate as a government-owned property. The magistrate’s office, which can be seen at 1:47 in the video, was reconstructed in 2010. You can see the inside, including the main hall, courtyard, and historical records, at 2:33 in the video. Goryokaku park also hosts a limited time illumination event, so we recommend lining up your visit with it if possible. Summary of Goryokaku ©Goryokaku-Tower Modifying Goryokaku, shown in the video, is a great place to enjoy seasonal scenery, including cherry blossoms in the spring, autumn colors in the fall, and snowy scenery in winter. In addition to Goryokaku, Hakodate also offers other pleasures such as the night view from Mt. Hakodate and eating Hakodate ramen, a specialty of the city. Incidentally, Tsuruoka Castle (龍岡城) in Saku City, Nagano is also designed in the shape of a star, so be sure to check it out as well! ◆Goryokaku Information◆ 【Address】44-2 Goryokakucho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 040-0001 【Access】15 minutes by a car, taxi, and bus from JR Hakodate Station 【Parking】None 【Tripadvisor】Goryokaku Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g298151-d1439713-r68353674-Goryokaku_Park-Hakodate_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 3:56
Lake Ozenuma Summer Hiking! Trek Through the Beautiful Daylilies of Lake Ozenuma, a Famous Place for Flowers at Oze National Park in Fukushima, Japan!
Nature Travel- 67 plays
- YouTube
The Daylilies of the Oe wetlands at Lake Ozenuma: Video Introduction This video, titled "Lake Ozenuma in Summer and Hiking Through the Daylilies of Oe Marsh|Daylilies at Lake Ozenuma|A Famous Place for Flowers" (夏の尾瀬沼とニッコウキスゲの大江湿原ハイキング 尾瀬沼のカンゾウ 花の名所 花見頃), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." Daylilies are a common seasonal flower during summer in Japan, and Oe Marsh is famous for its spectacular view of the flowers. [Video] 0:21 - Oe Marsh The video shows the yellow daylilies swaying in the summer breeze and the beautiful scenery of various highland plants surrounding the marshland and Lake Ozenuma. Be sure to enjoy the beautiful video showing the lush greenery and brilliantly blooming flowers in this 4-minute video. [Video] 0:28 - Highland Plants [Video] 2:07 - Daylilies Oe Marsh – A Popular Attraction at Oze National Park Photo:Daylilies at Oe Marsh Oze National Park is a famous landmark in Japan and is home to Oe Marsh, an attraction known for its beautiful flowers. Oe Marsh lies around the Oe River near the village of Hinoemata, Fukushima and is known for the beautiful daylilies that bloom there. If you go down river, you'll find Lake Ozenuma, which is surrounded by a promenade for visitors to enjoy a relaxing stroll around it. It's an especially popular attraction during the summer months. What Are Daylilies? Facts and Interesting Information About the Famous Flower of Oze National Park Photo:Daylilies The daylilies of Oze National Park are characterized by their dark orange-yellow petals, of which it has six. The best time to see the daylilies at Oze National Park is from late June to August, as they grow at high elevations in the mountains, where temperatures can vary greatly. In Japanese, the daylilies at Oze National Park are called Nikkokisuge (ニッコウキスゲ, 'Nikko Daylilies'), which comes from the fact that there are many colonies of them that can be found growing in Nikko, Tochigi. Other than Oe Marsh, these daylilies can be found at Senjogahara Marshland and in the Kirifuri Highlands of Nikko, Tochigi, where the name originated, as well as in Nagano Prefecture, which is home to the Kirigamine Highlands and Kurumayama Highlands, where the flowers can be found growing in colonies. What makes the flowers so special is the vivid color of their petals. The flower is known to bloom in the morning and close in the evening, and it's almost as if it puts all of its energy into blooming to show you its brilliant beauty. Other Flowers to See at Oe Marsh, a Famous Spot for Flowers in Oze National Park! Photo:Daylilies at Oe Marsh Oe Marsh in Fukushima Prefecture is one of the most famous flower viewing spots in Oze National Park. Oe Marshland is famous for its flowers in summer, but there's a lot more to see than daylilies. Here we'll introduce the best time to view the different flowers around the Oe River from spring to summer, together with the meanings of each flower in Japanese culture. Daylilies A short-lived flower that blooms in the morning and withers in the evening. The bright color of the flower is its distinguishing feature. Best time to see it: Mid-July to late July Language of Flowers: Something new each day Photo:Skunk cabbage Skunk Cabbage At first glance, skunk cabbage looks like a large white flower, but the white part is actually not a petal, but rather a type of leaf called a bract. The white leaves have a strong presence, and the stick-like part of the leaf is surrounded by a flower that looks like an ear. It's popular for its dignified appearance. Best time to see it: Mid-May to early June Language of Flowers: Beautiful memories Photo:Cottongrass at Lake Ozenuma Hare's-Tail Cottongrass In June, small yellow petals bloom from this flower, and by the end of June, they turn into fluffy, white, round heads. The lovely cotton grass blooms all over Oze National Park. Best time to see it: Late June to mid-July Language of Flowers: Wavering thoughts ※The above information is based on the usual flower viewing times for Oze National Park as a whole. The blooming time and best time to see the flowers may vary with the climate of a given year and the altitude of the area the flower is growing, so please view this information only as a reference, not as a guarantee. Let's Go Hiking in Oze – Lake Ozenuma to Oe Marsh: A Walking Course Recommendation for Enjoying the Splendid Scenery of Oze National Park Photo:Lake Ozenuma hiking trails Oze National Park, which boasts a vast area, has a number of hiking courses, some of which are quite advanced and will require an overnight stay at a mountain lodge. We recommend a one-day course that begins at Numayama Pass on the Fukushima Prefecture side of the mountain, passes through Oe Marsh, and returns to Numayama Pass after stopping at Lake Ozenuma. It's a 4.35-mile hike, and the wooden boardwalk is well maintained, making it ideal for hiking beginners and those who want to enjoy a casual hike to see the views in Oze National Park. Oze National Park Day Trip Hiking Course Numayama Pass → Oe Marsh → Lake Ozenuma → Oe Marsh → Numayama Pass Near Lake Ozenuma, there is a famous photo spot as well as the Ozenuma Visitor Center where you can get information about the nature of Lake Ozenuma and Oze National Park by experts on the area. How to Get to Oze National Park From Tokyo How you decide to travel to Oze National Park will depend on which hiking course you plan on using. For the hiking course we listed above, the best way to reach Numayama Pass is as follows. Take the train from Tokyo Station to Aizukogen-Ozeguchi Station (210 mins), then take a bus to Numayama Pass (120 mins). This route will take about 6 hours in total and there will be a couple transfers depending on the line you use. Most trains will take you to Kitasenju Station and from there will be a straight shot to Aizukogen-Ozeguchi Station via the Tobu Line's Limited Express Revaty. Oze National Park From Tokyo Station Tokyo Station → Aizukogen-Ozeguchi Station → Numayama Pass ※The bus from Aizukogen-Ozeguchi Station to Numayama Pass is not in operation from November to March. ※Oike to Numayama Pass is closed from November to mid-May. If you're hiking at a trail starting at Hatomachi Pass or Oshimizu, you can use one of the two following routes. Take the shinkansen from Tokyo station to Jomo Kogen Station (60 mins), and from there take a bus to Togura (戸倉) (120 mins), and from Togura, take a bus to Hatomachi Pass (25 mins). Tokyo Station → Kogen Station → Togura → Hatomachi Pass ※The bus from Togura to Hatomachi Pass is not in operation from November to April. Take the shinkansen from Tokyo station to Jomo Kogen Station (60 mins), and from there take a bus to Togura (戸倉) (120 mins), and from Togura, take a bus to Oshimizu (20 mins). Tokyo Station → Kogen Station → Togura → Oshimizu ※The bus from Togura to Oshimizu is not in operation from November to April. Summary of Summer at Lake Ozenuma and Oe Marsh Currently, there are more than 900 species of alpine plants that inhabit Oze National Park, making it a very unique place to visit in Japan. In order to protect the scenery of Oze National Park, we ask that you please do not leave trash behind or step foot into the wetland area. In the summer, vast mountains and lovely flowers await you in Oze National Park. Whether you're a serious climber or visiting for a casual nature walk, be sure to stop visit! 【TripAdvisor】Oe Marsh -
Video article 8:37
Shiba Inu is a dignified and unique breed of dog!Learn about the types, personalities and characteristics through videos!
Living Things- 163 plays
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Shiba Inu - The Only Small Dog Among Japanese Dogs Photo:A Shiba Inu standing in a rice field This video, titled "No.7 Shiba inu ❤️ TOP100 Cute Dog Breeds Video," was uploaded by "I want a dog! A dog channel for beginners." This video introduces the cute Shiba Inu, including everything from their personality to how much exercise they need, as well as things to know before owning one. Be sure to check it out as you read along. The History of the Shiba Inu, a Dog Native to Japan Photo:A Mino Shiba Inu Of the six types of dogs native to Japan (Japanese dogs), the Shiba Inu is the only small Japanese dog. It's said that the origins of the Shiba Inu may originate from the "Jomon Inu," which is said to have coexisted with humans as early as the Jomon Period (710-794). The Shiba Inu has been kept as a hunting dog for small animals and birds in various parts of Honshu (mainland Japan) since ancient times. It's said that 80% of all Japanese dogs kept in Japan are Shiba Inu. There are several types of Shiba Inu, including the San'in Shiba Inu, Shinshu Shiba Inu, and Mino Shiba Inu, but the Shinshu Shiba Inu lineage currently accounts for the majority. Unfortunately, there is only a small number of Shiba Inu, and some breeds are in danger of extinction. The Shiba Inu was also in danger of extinction due to crossbreeding with Western dogs at the end of the Taisho Period (1912-1926), food shortages during World War II, and distemper (a viral disease found in domestic animals), but thanks to the efforts of people wishing to preserve the breed, breeding improved and the Shiba Inu is still around today. In recent years, research has shown that the Shiba Inu is the closest dog breed to the wolf. [Video] 2:23 - The History of the Shiba Inu [Video] 2:53 - The Shiba Inu - The Closest Dog Breed to a Wolf? The 2 Kinds of Shiba Inu Faces - Fox Face and Raccoon Face Photo:A fox face Shiba Inu There are two main types of Shiba Inu faces: The fox face, and the raccoon face. The fox face is characterized by a long, stern face, a long muzzle (the part around the dog's mouth), and a shallow forehead. This type is similar to the ancestral dogs of the Jomon period. The raccoon face is characterized by a round face, short muzzle, and a round nose and eyes, more modern characteristics. It can be difficult to tell which face a Shibu Inu has when they are puppies, so you'll need to check the pedigree with the breeder. [Video] 0:53 - Shiba Inu Face Types The 4 Different Coat Colors of Shiba Inu Photo:A black-coated Shiba Inu In addition to their different face types, Shiba Inu have 4 different coat colors: These are red, black, sesame, and white. ●Red (Brown) The red coat accounts for 80% of all Shiba Inu, and when most people think of a Shiba Inu, they tend to picture this coat color. ●Black The black coat covers the entire body of the Shiba Inu, with the chest and belly often being white. The black color is also characterized by the eyebrow-like spots above the eyes. The color makes their bodies look tighter, giving them a dignified appearance in spite of their small size. ●White White is the rarest color of Shiba Inu. Some dogs are born with a red coat, but it gradually changes to white. Because of its rarity, until recently it was not uncommon for a pedigree to be issued for a white Shiba, but there have been some cases where the color has been recognized at exhibitions. ●Sesame This coat color is a mixture of red, black, and white, and is classified as sesame, red sesame, or black sesame according to the ratio of these colors. As they develop, the ratio of the coat color changes, and you can enjoy watching your Shiba Inu grow. Besides red (brown), other coat colors are quite uncommon. [Video] 1:40 - Shiba Inu Coat Colors Shiba Inu Size, Weight, and Other Characteristics + The Unique Mame-Shiba Photo:A Shiba Inu's tail The Shiba Inu's outward appearance is characterized by its dense, stiff short hair and curly tail. It's said that there are nine different types of tails, so be sure to pay attention to the shape of the tail as well as the face and coat color. The average life span of a Shiba Inu is 15.1 years. It's a long-lived breed among small dogs. The average height of a Shiba Inu is 39.5 cm (15.5 in) for males and 36.5 cm (~14.5 in) for females, and the average weight is 10 kg (22 lbs) for males and 8 kg (~17.5 lbs) for females. The "Mame Shiba," which has become popular in Japan in recent years, is smaller than the standard Shiba, with an average large height of 28 cm to 34 cm (11-13.5 in) and an average weight of around 5 kg (11 lbs). The even smaller "Ko-Mame Shiba" is about 24 cm long (~9.5 in) and weighs about 2 kg (~4.5 lbs), so even as an adult it looks like a puppy and is popular for its adorable appearance. Neither the Mame Shiba nor the Ko-Mame Shiba are recognized as official breeds, but rather, are considered to be small Shiba Inu. Their personalities and how they are cared for are the same as that of regular Shiba Inu, but because of their smaller size, they are said to be a little more pampered than their regular Shiba Inu counterparts. [Video] 3:23 - How Big is a Shiba Inu? Things to Know Before Caring for a Shiba Inu Photo:A sleeping Shiba Inu Before committing to raising a Shiba Inu, it's important to first learn about their personalities. Shiba Inu are said to be smart and loyal, and tend to be affectionate to no one but their owners. They are also stubborn and cautious, so socialization training is important. Shiba Inu should be trained to avoid barking and biting when they are puppies. By way of gender comparison, females are more docile than males. To develop a sociable personality, it's important to expose them to other dogs and people outside the family from a young age, and to familiarize them with various places. Additionally, because Shiba Inu are very territorial and susceptible to stress, it's important to give them their space. If you keep your dog indoors, you should prepare an enclosure for it, and if you keep it outside, you should provide a kennel. If you keep your dog outside, place the kennel on soil, not concrete, to avoid heat stroke. [Video] 4:15 - How to Take Care of a Shiba Inu How Much Exercise Does a Shiba Inu Need? Photo:A Shiba Inu walking The Shiba Inu was originally a hunting dog, and as such, is a very athletic breed. For an adult dog, it's sometimes said that the ideal exercise distance is equal to the dog's body weight (e.g. 10 kg = 10 km), but if you continue to exercise your dog every day, long distances may be difficult for both you and your dog to keep up. A good starting point is to exercise the dog for 30 minutes, twice a day, every day. Sinec every dog varies, if your dog seems to be under stress due to lack of exercise, then you should be sure to take it on more walks, and give it more opportunities for exercise. [Video] 5:16 - How Much Exercise Does a Shiba Inu Need? How Much Does it Cost to Own a Shiba Inu Photo:A Shiba Inu If you wish to own a Shiba Inu, you can adopt a rescue, or purchase one from a pet store. According to the American Kennel Club, the average price for a Shiba Inu tends to be around $2,000-$4,000. The price can also vary depending on the color of the coat. Common diseases that Shiba Inu are prone to include skin diseases (atopic dermatitis)" and food allergies, as well as dementia, patellar luxation, cataracts, and otitis externa (inflammation of the external ear canal). although it can be difficult because of the large amount of hair that falls out, because Shiba Inu are especially prone to skin diseases, it's important to keep their bodies clean and brush them carefully when they are shedding. Compared to many other breeds, the Shiba Inu is said to be relatively disease-free. However, you should not let your guard down, so be on the lookout for changes on a daily basis. [Video] 2:10 - Where to Get a Shiba Inu [Video] 5:57 - Diseases Shiba Inu Are Prone To Summary of the Shiba Inu Photo:A sleeping Shiba Inu If you're thinking about caring for a Shiba Inu, it's important to understand its personality, socialize it properly, and provide it with an appropriate environment. [Video] 6:56 - Shiba Inu Review ・Shiba Inu have a history of being hunting dogs, so you should not think of them as pets. ・Shiba Inu are known to bite, so it's important to train them after adopting one. ・Shiba Inu shed a lot of fur and are prone to skin diseases, so be sure to keep them clean and brush them frequently when they are shedding. ・Shiba Inu need a lot of exercise, so they should be walked daily. Be careful not to overwork them. ・Japanese dogs are prone to dementia. Shiba Inu are smart and loyal to their owners. It's important to understand their characteristics and traits so that you can live together with them for a long time. -
Video article 8:15
Edo Period Food – Food Culture in the Age of the Samurai!
Food & Drink Traditional Culture Life & Business- 177 plays
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Edo Period Recipes: Video Introduction Source :YouTube screenshot This video, titled "[2] Edo Period Food: Making it Just Like the Original Recipe" (【2】江戸時代のご飯 原典(レシピ)通り作ってみた), was uploaded by "Gens Bookshelf Cafeteria." This video introduces Edo Period food recreated based on recipes from three cookbooks published during the Edo Period: Ryori Monogatari, Tofu Hyakuchin, and Meihan Burui. The Edo Period (1603-1868 A.D.) was a period of 260 years where Japan was under the rule of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The recipes are intriguing as they introduce meals that are similar to many found in present-day Japanese cooking, while reflecting the food culture of the time. Be sure to check out what the dishes were like in the video. How Many Meals a Day in Edo Period Japan? Shogun vs. Commoner Food Culture Photo:An oil lantern During the Edo Period, people generally ate two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. However, midway through the Edo Period, it's said that three meals a day became the norm. This was due to the improvement of lanterns, which allowed people move about at night. Basic meals of the common people consisted of one soup and one vegetable dish. Side dishes consisted mostly of simmered vegetables and pickled vegetables, and fish was eaten only once every two weeks or so. The tenements where the common people of Edo lived were small and cramped housing complexes. Because of the cramped kitchens, rice was cooked only once a day to ensure efficient cooking. Farmers paid a large portion of their taxes as rice, so they had little rice to eat themselves. They often ate katemeshi, rice cooked with various grains, or mochi (rice cakes) made from various grains. The diet of a samurai varied according to rank. Low-ranking samurai had the same diet as common people, while high-ranking samurai ate a wider variety of food items and ingredients. Daimyo (feudal lords) and shogun enjoyed an even wider variety of side dishes, and some lords even enjoyed fish at every meal. Depending on their social status, they may also have enjoyed sake. Another characteristic of Edo Period food was that many people began to eat out. Food stalls selling tempura and soba (buckwheat noodles) slowly began to pop up and became common among the general populace. Other popular foods were kabayaki (grilled eel covered in a sweet soy sauce) and sushi. Together with soba and tempura, these are considered the four major foods of the Edo. 3 Edo Period Cookbooks – Cook Like They Did in the Age of the Samurai Source :YouTube screenshot Here are the three books on food in the Edo Period that were featured in the video. ●Ryori Monogatari (Tales of Cooking) Ryori Monogatari is a cookbook published in 1643, in the early Edo Period. It's considered to be the oldest cookbook in Japan that provides specific cooking methods. Dishes and ingredients are listed by category, such as "sea fish" and "river fish," and cooking methods are divided into "broths," "vinegared foods," etc. This method of compiling recipes influenced later cookbooks as well. ●Tofu Hyakuchin Tofu Hyakuchin is a cookbook published in 1782, in the mid-Edo Period. It lists 100 recipes for tofu. The book introduces dishes divided into six classes, including "common" and "exquisite," and describes the cooking processes in detail. The book also includes a note that a sequel was published the following year, which suggests that tofu was a popular ingredient among the people of the Edo Period. ●Meihan Burui Meihan Burui was published in 1802, in the late Edo Period. It's a cookbook specializing in recipes involving rice, and introduces more than 140 recipes for porridge, sushi, etc. It also includes columns on the characteristics of rice by production area, showing the high level of interest in cooking with rice during the Edo Period. Fish? Meat? Vegetables? What Did People in the Edo Period Eat the Most Of? Photo:Rice bran The basic diet during the Edo Period consisted of rice, miso soup, and one side dish. From the mid-Edo Period onward, as rice production increased and rice-polishing technology improved, diets shifted from brown rice to white rice. This had an impact on food culture as well, such as the spread of pickled vegetables made from the bran produced in the rice polishing process. Side dishes for the common people consisted mainly of beans and vegetables cooked in a stew. Natto (fermented soybeans) and tofu were also commonly eaten as a source of protein. Vegetables such as daikon, komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach), and leeks were common, and these are eaten even today. Soy sauce, an essential ingredient for flavoring meals in the Edo Period, also spread to the common people in the mid-Edo Period. Many of the dishes in the book are also flavored simply with soy sauce or miso. ●Nebuka-jiru Nebuka-jiru is a miso soup with green onions. Make broth with kombu and dried sardines, and add leeks. Once cooked, miso is added and the soup is complete. [Video] 2:14 - Nebuka-jiru ●Ozasa Tofu Tofu is cooked on a skewer, then cooked in a pot with broth, soy sauce, and mirin. Beaten egg is then poured over the tofu and simmered, and then sprinkled with sansho (Japanese pepper). [Video] 3:00 - Ozasa Tofu ●Tofu Noodles Tofu crumbles and komatsuna are stir-fried, then mixed with boiled somen noodles. Season with soy sauce and serve. [Video] 4:11 - Tofu Noodles In the Edo Period diet, common people ate fish dishes only a few times a month. The common people ate inexpensive and easily obtainable fish, such as sardines and tuna. Shoguns or daimyo on the other hand, ate high-end fish such as sea bream (which were said to bring good luck), sillago, and flounder. Although eating meat was prohibited for many years, it was sometimes consumed for medicinal purposes. Summary of Food Culture in Edo Period Japan Source :YouTube screenshot In this article. we introduced a video recreating Edo Period food. By learning about meals during Edo Period Japan, you can better understand how people lived, the food culture, and the social dynamics of the time. Food is one of the many perspectives from which to understand the history of any given era. If you're curious about Japanese cooking, maybe try making some of the recipes yourself! We hope you can use this article as a reference to create some delicious dishes! -
Video article 11:10
Ito for Shark Diving in Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan! Introducing videos that let you enjoy the beautiful and mysterious marine world.
Things to Do Living Things Travel- 85 plays
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Diving Video Introduction at Ido, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "Tateyama Ito Diving" (館山 伊戸ダイビング), was uploaded by "munecyan." It introduces diving in Ito, Chiba. If you're interested in diving but aren't very familiar with it, be sure to check out the diving you can do in Ito, Chiba in the video! Are There Sharks in Tokyo and Chiba? There are a variety of different sharks in both Tokyo and Chiba. Some sharks you can find in Tokyo are houndsharks, sawsharks, angelsharks, etc. Additionally, in Chiba there are shortfin mako sharks, salmon sharks, thresher sharks, and many more varieties. Going on the shark diving tour in Ito is the best way to see sharks near Tokyo, but there are also other diving spots in Japan where you can go shark diving. Ito, Chiba Prefecture – A Popular Diving Spot Close to Tokyo! Ito, Chiba, in the Kanto region, is known as the southernmost diving spot in Japan's Kanto region. Divers from all over the world gather here to enjoy the diving spots of the Boso Peninsula. Ito is also known as a shark diving spot. You can see schools of sharks from up close. In addition to sharks, Ito is also a fascinating diving spot where you can see sunfish, nudibranchs, and a variety of other marine creatures up close. The Various Marine Life You Can See in Ito, Chiba Photo:Banded houndsharks and red stingrays One of the greatest attractions of diving is to be able to see sea creatures swimming in the sea up close. As mentioned above, in Ito and the Tateyama area, you can see beautiful coral reefs as well as various types of creatures up close. You can enjoy the marine world of Ito through an unforgettable diving experience. [Video] 4:55 - Coral Reef [Marine Life in Ito, Chiba] Here are some of the sea creatures you may encounter in the sea of Ito. ・Short barbeled velvetchins ・Longtooth groupers ・Banded houndsharks ・Goniobranchus tinctorius (sea slug) ・Red stingrays ・Dorid nudibranchs (sea slug) ・Striped boarfish ・Asian sheepshead wrasse ・Spotted white sea slugs ・Sun fish Tateyama Shark Scramble – The Main Attraction in Ito, Chiba! Photo:A group of banded hounsharks Tateyama Shark Scramble is attracting a lot of attention in the Tateyama/Ito area. Tateyama Shark Scramble refers to the phenomenon when more than 100 sharks can be seen swimming in a whirlpool in the ocean. It's also known as the "Shark Tornado." Ito was originally called Shark City because of the large number of sharks that inhabit the area. However, serious damage was caused by the large number of sharks. The problem was that the sharks ate the fish caught by fisherman, who were left with insufficient catches. The local fishing cooperative wanted to somehow solve this problem, so they consulted a man named Mr. Shiota, who provides diving services in Ito. As a result, a shark guiding operation was launched in 2009 which successfully kept sharks away from captured fish. As a result of these efforts, Okimaene, a dive point in Ito, Chiba, is now attracting attention from all over the world as a spot where you can swim with sharks. Underwater Bird Watching in Ito, Chiba? Photo:A Japanese cormorant Underwater bird watching might sound like a fever dream, but it's actually something that can be enjoyed in the Tateyama and Ito areas in winter. During the winter you can see Japanese cormorants diving into the ocean. This bird is native to Japan, Korea, and other parts of East Asia. Its body is 84-92 cm in length and it's generally greenish-black with a yellow beak. In addition to the cormorants that originally inhabit the Tateyama/Ito area, some cormorants come to Ito from other areas for the winter. In winter, the water temperature drops and the cormorants cannot catch fish in the shallows, so they dive into the water to catch fish. You can watch them catch fish underwater when diving. Another attraction of diving in Tateyama and Ito is that you can experience underwater bird watching of sea cormorants only in winter. When Is the Best Season to Go Diving in Ito, Chiba? Photo:Diving Diving is possible throughout the year in the Tateyama/Ito area in Chiba, and from late August to early September, the water is warm enough to dive in a wetsuit. Shark schools can be seen throughout the year, but some species and scenes can only be seen at certain times of the year. ・January to March: Underwater bird watching The water is crystal clear and the cormorants can be seen diving up to 20 meters below the surface. ・June-August: You can view the courtship ritual of the longtooth grouper from up close. ・Autumn - Winter: You can see powerful scenes of large fish attacking their prey. How to Get to Ito, Chiba Since it's only a two-hour bus ride from Tokyo, visitors can enjoy diving on a day trip. There are also restaurants in the area, with the seafood restaurant "Gyoko Shokudo Daibo" being particularly popular for its delicious seafood and hamayaki (a style of cooking where the entire fish is skewered and cooked whole over a grill). While the Tateyama/Ito area is popular for diving, it's also a great place for sightseeing and fishing, as there are many fishing ports, restaurants, guest houses, and hotels, some of which have open-air baths with a view of the sea. Summary of Diving in Ito, Chiba The Tateyama/Ito area is a popular diving spot for beginners and experienced divers alike, and has attracted attention from around the world. The shark diving is especially exciting! You can see sharks swimming around from up close in the video. Located just 2 hours from Tokyo, Ito, Chiba is a great spot for a day trip. Why not try diving in the Tateyama/Ito area, where you can see schools of sharks and sea cucumbers being captured in the ocean? It's an experience you can't have anywhere else in Japan! [TripAdvisor] Ito, Chiba -
Video article 16:41
Mehari-zushi - A Local Dish of Mie and Wakayama Prefectures! Discover a Style of Sushi With a Long History of Home Cooking!
Food & Drink- 62 plays
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Mehari-zushi – A Local Specialty Loved for Ages This video, titled "vlog|Making "Mehari-zushi," a local dish of Kumano" (vlog | 熊野の郷土料理「めはり寿司), was uploaded by "manospun kitchen and garden." It introduces Mehari-zushi, a local specialty of Wakayama and Mie prefectures and how to make it. Mehari-zushi is a historical local dish that has been handed down from generation to generation in Japan's Kumano region. It is said to be one of the oldest "fast foods" in Japan, and this video will show you how it's made! Follow along with the video and learn how to make this delicious recipe from the comfort of your own home! More About Mehari-zushi, a Specialty of Japan's Kumano Region Photo:Mehari-zushi, a local cuisine from Japan's Kumano Region The name "mehari-zushi," comes from the phrase "Me wo Miharu" (目を見張る), meaning "to open one's eyes wide." This refers to the eye-popping expression made by people who see the size of the snack, one of the things that makes it unique. Rather than sushi, it might be more fitting to refer to mehari-zushi as giant rice balls, or a type of onigiri. The recipe is actually quite simple: pickle leaf mustard in salt and flavor it with a mixture of soy sauce, sake, and mirin (Japanese rice wine). Mehari-zushi has also been designated as an excellent souvenir recommended by Wakayama Prefecture, and is a specialty product of Japan's Kumano region and the Yoshino region of Nara Prefecture. Mehari-zushi bentos are sold in the Kumano region, and are often eaten by people working in the mountains or by farmers. Cut-up pieces of leaf mustard are packed into the balls of rice as well, making it a very flavorful delicacy. Mehari-zushi has been a local specialty for a long time, but it is now being sold in Ginza, Shinsaibashi, and other popular shopping areas in Tokyo and Osaka. The pioneer of this trend is Sohonke Mehariya, established in 1962. Sohonke Mehariya sells traditional Kumano specialty sushi from Wakayama Prefecture, and is famous nationwide for its mail-order and made-to-order services. Mehari-zushi – A Snack of Many Names Photo:Takana (leaf mustard) The main ingredients for Mehari-zushi are white rice, takana (leaf mustard), soy sauce, sake, and mirin (Japanese rice wine). When mehari-zushi was first being made, barley rice was used, but these days, white rice is the preferred choice. In some places, sushi rice is used instead of white rice, giving each region its own unique characteristics. It is simple to make, but you should keep in mind that it takes more than a week to pickle the mustard leaves, so it isn't exactly quick. You can see how mehari-zushi is made starting at 0:35 in the video. Mehari Sushi - Where to Try This Tasty Snack Photo:Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine, a World Heritage Site in Wakayama Prefecture For those who find making it at home a little too difficult, you can still enjoy real mehari-zushi at restaurants in Japan. In the vicinity of Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine and Kumano Kodo in Shingu, Wakayama, there are several restaurants that serve traditional mehari-zushi. If you're looking to enjoy the authentic atmosphere where this Wakayama delicacy is made, we highly recommend a visit! Summary of Mehari-zushi, a Local Specialty of Wakayama and Mie Prefectures Mehari-zushi is said to be one of the oldest "fast foods" in Japan. As you can see in the video, it's a simple recipe, but it's characterized by the time and effort it takes to pickle the mustard leaf, as well as the depth of flavor, making it the perfect sushi to bring with you when traveling. Be sure to check out the video to learn how to make your own mehari-zushi! -
Video article 3:43
Nabegataki Falls - A Beautiful Travel Destination Surrounded by Nature in Kumamoto Prefecture
Nature Travel- 290 plays
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A Look at the Breathtaking Nabegataki Falls This video, titled "Nabegataki [8K]" (Nabegataki 鍋ケ滝 [8K]), was uploaded by "Japan Explorers." It introduces the beautiful waterfall, Nabegataki Falls, in Kumamoto Prefecture while showcasing the natural beauty of Japan. Nabegataki Falls, located in Oguni, Aso, Kumamoto in Japan's Kyushu region, was actually featured in a commercial for Soukenbicha Tea's Namacha, starring actress Nanako Matsushima, and quickly became well known for its beauty. Even within Aso Geopark, which is recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark, the spectacular view of Nabegataki Falls is full of natural beauty. Check out the beautiful scenery showcasing the waterfall in this quick. 4 minute video! Highlights of Nabegataki Falls in Kumamoto Photo:Nabegataki Falls, Kumamoto Nabegataki Falls, located in the town of Oguni, is about a 20-minute drive from Kurokawa Onsen, a hot spring resort in Kumamoto Prefecture, and is maintained as Nabegataki Park. The most unique feature of Nabegataki Falls is that visitors can view the waterfall from behind, and see its curtain-like appearance in all of its beauty (video 1:34). Because of this, it's a popular travel destination among tourists looking to explore the nature of Japan. It's said that the same pyroclastic flow from a huge eruption approximately 90,000 years ago, which created the Aso Caldera, created the unique features of Nabegataki Falls as well. Nabegataki Falls is a relatively small waterfall measuring 20 meters wide with a drop of about 10 meters, but the way the water cascades from the top of the waterfall creates a beautiful view that resembles a curtain of water. Another unique characteristic of Nabegataki Falls is how the surrounding greenery gives it a faint glow, making it popular amongst photographers and instagrammers alike. Photo:Nabigataki Falls illuminated, Aso, Kumamoto Furthermore, in the spring, Nabegataki Falls is lit up for a limited time, and visitors can enjoy fantastic views of the waterfall while it's illuminated. There are also stairs on the path leading to Nabegataki Falls, and heart-shaped stones are hidden in the stone pavement along the way, so be sure to keep an eye out for these as well. Enjoy Delicious Food, Sweets, and Sightseeing Spots Around Nabegataki Falls! In addition to Nabegataki Falls, there are a myriad of sightseeing spots around the area that visitors can enjoy. First, there's "Sora Iro no Tane," famously known as "the small bakery in the forest." The bread here is hot and fresh even in the cold, and the cream buns are popular for their hearty and satisfying texture. Next is a soba restaurant called "Waremokou" on the route to Nabegataki Falls. The restaurant is full of delicious dishes and features famous Kumamoto beef and soba. After enjoying the beautiful scenery of Nabegataki, visitors can enjoy beautiful paintings at the Sakamoto Zenzo Museum of Art, a museum covered entirely with tatami mats. Enjoy the abstract paintings of Zenzo Sakamoto a famous Japanese painter. Summary of Nabegataki Falls in Kumamoto Prefecture As you can see, Nabegataki Falls, located in Oguni, Aso, Kumamoto, is loved by many people as one of the most beautiful spots in Japan, and has now become very popular among young people, particularly instagrammers and photographers. This video, shot in 8K, shows the beautiful scenery of Nabegataki Falls in such detail that it's almost like looking at the real thing. Now that you've seen a video on it, consider checking out Nabegataki Falls, one of the most beautiful spots in Japan, and explore all of the natural beauty for yourself. 【Tripadvisor】Nabegataki Falls https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121535-d1960940-Reviews-Nabegataki_Falls-Oguni_machi_Aso_gun_Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 4:00
What is the commitment of Japanese candle craftsmen in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, who continue to challenge new things while preserving the tradition of “Japanese candles,” a traditional Japanese product?
Traditional Crafts History- 140 plays
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Japanese candles” passed down by craftsmen in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Good Sign, Vol. 39 Japanese Candles|Daiyo" (Good Sign 第39回 和ろうそく 大與), was uploaded by "Good Sign." It introduces the traditional Japanese candles made by Daiyo, a workshop in Imazu, Takashima in Shiga Prefecture. In Imazu, a town on the northern shore of Lake Biwa in Takashima, Shiga, located in Japan's Kansai region, there is an old Japanese candle shop called "Daiyo" (大與) that has been making candles for 100 years. Daiyo's traditional Japanese candles are among the precious candles stored at Eiheiji Temple, the head temple of the Soto sect of Buddhism. Be sure to enjoy this video about Japanese candles, a traditional culture with a long history in Japan, while following along with the article! The History of Japan's Beautiful Candles Photo:Japanese candles Japanese candles are traditional candles that have been handed down from one generation to the next in Japan. Japanese candles were first produced in the 1300s. There is mention of candles in the Taiheiki (太平記, Chronicle of Great Peace) of 1375, which means that candles have a history of at least (approximately) 650 years, making them very old. Japanese candles are made from wax made from the fruit of the wax tree, a member of the poison oak family. Other types of wax include soy wax made from soybeans, beeswax from beehives, and wax made from whale oil. What Makes Daiyo's Candles Unique? Photo:Wax tree fruit The traditional Japanese candles made in Imazu, Takashima, Shiga, have been made using handmade techniques since ancient times, and there are only about ten craftsmen in the whole country who have inherited these techniques. It is said that it takes more than 10 years to become a full-fledged Japanese candle maker. At present, the third and fourth generations of Japanese candle makers are working together to keep the tradition alive. Traditional Japanese candles are truly one of Japan's representative crafts. The raw materials used and finished candles can be seen starting from 1:36 in the video. The Japanese candle making workshop Daiyo continues to take on various challenges in search of new possibilities. For example, making scented candles and oils, which are popular both in Japan and abroad. They've even tried using rice bran instead of the wax tree. This didn't work because it wasn't possible to add fragrance to the rice bran wax. However, Daiyo took this into consideration and made a candle that is perfect for places where fragrance is not needed. Compared to Western candles that use petroleum, rice bran wax is smokeless and odorless, making it perfect for restaurants and other dining establishments. In addition to being used for light, Japanese candles can also be used as common household goods, just like plates and bowls, and they are once again becoming a part of our daily lives. The Appeal of Japan's World-Renowned Candles Source :YouTube screenshot The purely plant-based Japanese candle is highly regarded overseas for its environmental friendliness. To make a Japanese candle wick, a bamboo skewer is wrapped with Japanese paper and the stems of soft rush. Melted wax is then taken in the hand, and the wick is rolled and waxed. The wax thickness is then adjusted by repeating the waxing. Since Japanese candles use only Japanese paper and the stems of the soft rush, they are 100% plant-based and do not produce soot. The flickering flame is another unique quality of Japanese candles. Furthermore, painted candles are also very popular both in Japan and abroad. By mixing colored Japan wax into the painted candles, they can be molded properly and have a glossy appearance. The appeal of Japanese candles is spreading overseas as well, and they are highly valued around the world. Where to Buy Japanese Candles Photo:A Kyo-rousoku candle There are very few stores in Japan that sell traditional Japanese candles. In addition to Imazu, Takashima in Shiga Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture is famous for Uchiko candles, Fukui Prefecture for Echizen candles, and Fukushima Prefecture for Aizu painted candles. In addition, you can buy special Japanese candles at Matsumoto Shoten in Nishinomiya in Hyogo Prefecture. There are also stores in Tokyo and Kyoto that sell Japanese candles. These days, Japanese candles can also be purchased online, where you can choose from a variety of products from the comfort of your own home. A Tidbit on Japanese Candles The weight of Japanese candles is expressed in "monme." 1 monme is equal to approximately 3.75 grams. A 1 monme candle is about 7 cm long and burns for about 25 to 30 minutes. Summary of Traditional Japanese Candles Japanese candles date back roughly 650 years. Nowadays, they are highly valued overseas, and are considered to be environmentally friendly candles. However, it is also true that the number of candle makers is decreasing as candles have become less prevalent in modern society. Therefore, Daiyo, an old Japanese candle workshop in Imazu, Takashima, Shiga, continues pass down the craft, despite the challenges it faces. Discover the charm of a long-established Japanese candle shop that has been around for more than 100 years! 【Official Website】Handmade Japanese Candles - Daiyo https://warousokudaiyo.com/ -
Video article 5:07
A hidden spot with a spectacular view! 4K video of “Kinzo-ji Temple” in Kyoto, Japan! Don't miss the beauty of this mountain temple known for its autumn foliage!
Travel Art & Architecture Nature- 55 plays
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Autumn Foliage Video Introduction of “Kinzo-ji Temple” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "[4K] Concept of OKU, KONZO-JI Temple of Kyoto" ([4K] Concept of OKU, KONZO-JI Temple of Kyoto ”奥” 金蔵寺 京都の寺), was uploaded by "Yurara Sarara," a channel that introduces Japanese culture through video. It introduces Konzoji Temple located in Oshioyama, Kyoto. Kyoto's Konzoji Temple, shown in the video, was built during Japan's Nara period (710-794 AD) as a temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism. Later, it was destroyed by fire during the Onin War, but was rebuilt by Keishoin, the mother of the 5th Tokugawa shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, during the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). Enjoy the beautiful appearance of the temple in this short, 4K video. Konzoji – A Mountain Temple Full of Beauty Photo:Beautiful greenery at Konzoji Temple, Kyoto Konzoji Temple is located in the Rakusai area of Kyoto, on the hillside of Mt. Oshio, a mountain with an elevation of 642m. During the Heian period (794-1185 AD), it was called "Iwakura of the West" and is said to have been revered by people. One of the best places to visit in Konzoji Temple is the 12-meter-tall "San no Taki" (産の滝), a waterfall that can be seen at 1:13 in the video. The name "San no Taki" (産の滝: lit. "waterfall of birth") comes from the fact that Mukojin, the deity of Muko Shrine, was born near this waterfall. The next thing to see at Konzoji Temple is the many halls on the temple grounds. The main hall of Konzoji Temple was reconstructed during the Edo period (1603-1868) by Keishoin and houses the eleven-faced thousand-armed Kannon statue, the principal deity of the temple. The Kaizando Hall is a magnificent hall made of all-cypress and enshrines successive generations of priests including Zen Master Takatoyo, the founder of Konzoji Temple. Behind the main hall of Konzoji Temple, there's the Atago Gongen Hall, which enshrines Atago Gongen, and houses a statue of the Jogun Jizo (勝軍地蔵), a jizo said to be able to defeat an army. The statue of the Jogun Jizo is enshrined in this hall, which is open only during the Buddhist memorial service held on April 23 every year. Furthermore, Konzoji Temple has an observatory, and if you head east from Shimonogawa Benzaiten (下の川弁財天, a small shrine), you can enjoy an observatory with a panoramic view of Kyoto City. We recommend checking out the view when visiting the temple. Konzoji Temple - A Hidden Gem for Enjoying Autumn Leaves! Photo:Autumn leaves at Konzoji Temple, Kyoto Konzoji Temple is rarely visited by people, and the people you do see there are usually those who enjoy hiking. However, in early summer, there is a lot of greenery and it is a very pleasant spot to take a leisurely tour of the temple grounds. Konzoji is also known for the beauty of the green maple leaves, and it is the perfect place to experience the nature of Japan. Konzoji Temple also takes on a new appearance during the autumn months. The beautiful autumn colors that can be seen here have turned the temple into a hidden gem for viewing the breathtaking foliage of the season. Because it's located on the mountainside, the temperature varies greatly between morning and evening, and it's a great place to enjoy the spectacular autumn leaves. In particular, the path from Nio-mon Gate to the main hall is surrounded by autumn leaves creating a sort of tunnel of foliage, and is famous locally for its eye-catching beauty. Konzoji Temple is a tourist spot where you can enjoy beautiful greenery in the summer and orange and red autumn leaves in the fall. There is a parking lot you can use when accessing Konzoji Temple via car, but please note that there are some steep roads. When coming by bus, it's about an hour on foot as the nearest bus stop is quite far. That being said, if you're looking to get some hiking or exercise in, or just want to explore something new, this is definitely a place to check out. Summary of Kyoto's Beautiful Konzoji Temple As introduced in this article, Konzoji Temple is a place where you can enjoy the beautiful nature of Japan. In addition, many Shigaraki ware tanuki (raccoon dogs) figures can be found in the area, and the figure of a tanuki enjoying sake is becoming popular as an Instagram icon. The quaint appearance of the halls standing amongst the green maples expresses the beauty of Japan. In autumn, these trees turn breathtaking shades of red and orange, and visitors can enjoy the natural beauty created by the autumn leaves. Consider visiting Konzoji Temple, a place where you can enjoy the beauty of Japan in each of the four seasons! 【Tripadvisor】Konzoji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d1386185-Reviews-Konzoji_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:05
Wakayama Castle - Experience History, Hospitality, and Culture
Travel Art & Architecture History- 66 plays
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Wakayama Castle - One of the Top 100 Japanese Castles This video, titled "[Wakayama - Japan's Top 100 Castles] Residence of the Kishu Tokugawa Family" (【和歌山/日本100名城】紀州和歌山城/紀州徳川家五十五万石の居城 - Wakayama Castle in WAKAYAMA, JAPAN -), was uploaded by "Channel WASABI," a channel that introduces beautiful scenery and famous travel destinations. The video introduces Wakayama Castle, located in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai Region. The history of Wakayama Castle dates back to 1619 when Tokugawa Yorinobu, the tenth son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, entered Wakayama Castle and established the Kishu Tokugawa family. The castle later became the residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family of the Kishu domain (present day Wakayama and southern Mie), one of the three Tokugawa families. In this video, you can enjoy the charm of Wakayama Castle and its long history. The Charm of the Wakayama Castle's Keep Structure! Photo:Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture Wakayama Castle is one of the rare castles in Japan that has what is called a "coalition type" castle tower that features a main keep, a smaller, secondary keep, and turrets lining its walls. In addition to Wakayama Castle, Himeji Castle and Matsuyama Castle are the only other surviving castle towers built in this style. You can see the castle tower at 2:37 in the video. Wakayama Castle was used for a long time as the residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family of former Kishu domain, but the castle tower and other buildings were destroyed by fire during the Wakayama Air Raid in 1945. After the war, the castle was rebuilt with a series of towers and other structures, and is now selected as one of the Top 100 Castles in Japan. Furthermore, from the Wakayama Castle tower on top of Mt. Torafusu, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of Wakayama City. The powerful earthen mounds and stone walls, and the majestic castle tower are a must-see. Nishinomaru Garden and Okaguchi Gate - Scenic Spots and Important Cultural Properties! Photo:Nishinomaru Garden, Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture Wakayama Castle's Nishinomaru Garden was created as a place for the feudal lords to enjoy the elegance of the past. In Nishinomaru Garden, you can see the historical scenery and feel the history of Wakayama Castle. The Nishinomaru site is also a large open space where you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing in spring. There is also an Important Cultural Property called Okaguchi Gate at Wakayama Castle. Originally, the large and small keeps were designated as Important Cultural Properties, but they were destroyed by fire in the 1945 Wakayama Air Raid. Today, only Okaguchi Gate remains as an Important Cultural Property. Relaxing in Wakayama Castle's Tea Room In Wakayama, the castle keep is called "Otenshu" or "Otensu." There are Otenshu teahouses around Wakayama Castle, where staff dressed as lords and princesses or as samurai offer hospitality to visitors. Enjoy an Exciting Time at Wakayama Castle! Photo:Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture It's one thing to immerse yourself in the historical sites and enjoy the atmosphere at Wakayama Castle. However, Wakayama Castle offers a variety of entertainment for all types of people to enjoy. From around late March to early April, the castle tower is lit up and many people come to see the beautifully illuminated Wakayama Castle. Then, there's "Omotenashi Ninja," another popular event. The Omotenashi Ninja lurk inside Wakayama Castle Park and guide tourists around and even take pictures for them. Visitors can also enjoy a costume experience by dressing up in historical clothing. Wakayama Castle - Entrance Fees and Access Photo:Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture The admission fee to the Wakayama Castle tower is 410 yen for adults and 200 yen for children (elementary and junior high school students), making it a great place for families to visit. Wakayama Castle is a 10-minute walk from Nankai Wakayama Station. It also about 15 minutes from the Wakayama Interchange on the Hanwa Expressway by car. There are many parking lots in the area, so you can enjoy Wakayama Castle in a relaxed atmosphere. Furthermore, there is space around the area to enjoy lunch or have a picnic in the park, making it an all-day destination. Furthermore, there is space around the area to enjoy lunch or have a picnic in the park, making it an all-day destination. The guidebook introducing the Kii area includes a map of the area, as well as the Kii Mirokuji San Castle Ruins, Ohashi Roka, and the Wakayama History Museum. In addition, there's Wakayama Castle Park Zoo and Wakayama Castle Hall, which are designed to keep even small children entertained. Summary of Wakayama Castle, One of Japan's Top 100 Castles Wakayama Castle is the symbol of Wakayama City in Wakayama Prefecture. Wakayama Castle has grown bigger and bigger since 1619 when Tokugawa Yorinobu became the lord of the castle. It has also become one of the most famous castles in Japan due to its rare "coalition type" castle tower. Experience the history of Wakayama and the grandeur of Wakayama Castle in this 6-minute video! 【TripAdvisor】Wakayama Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298204-d1385117-Reviews-Wakayama_Castle-Wakayama_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:22
Isshiki Beach in Miura-gun, Zushi and Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture, from the sky! Selected as one of the world's top 100 beaches, Isshiki Beach is a spectacular beach that can be reached in a day trip from central Tokyo.
Nature- 156 plays
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Isshiki Beach, Miura-gun, Zushi, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan This video, titled "Zushi, Hayama [Isshiki Beach] Drone Footage, 4K, Drone, Japan|HAYAMA ZUSHI" (逗子・葉山【一色海水浴場】ドローン空撮 4K Drone Japan HAYAMA ZUSHI), was uploaded by "Drone Man sky creative" (ドローン男子 sky creative). It introduces Isshiki Beach in the Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa Prefecture, located in Japan's Kanto Region, via drone footage. The video gives a unique view of Isshiki Beach that you wouldn't normally see, that is, from the sky. We hope you enjoy it! More About Isshiki Beach in Zushi-Hayama, Kanagawa! Photo:Isshiki Beach, Zushi-Hayama Isshiki Beach is a serene beach measuring 500m long and 30m wide facing Sagami Bay in Hayama, a resort area on the Miura Peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture. It's a beautiful beach that extends to the backside of the Hayama Imperial Villa, a villa of the Imperial Family, and was selected as one of the "100 Best Beaches Around the World" by CNN in 2013. It's also a popular spot for surfing and SUP, and you can see many people enjoying marine activities, water sports, swimming, and sunbathing in the video. In the vicinity of Isshiki Beach is Arasaki Park, the #1 scenic spot on the Miura Peninsula, where you can get a great view of Mt. Fuji and beautiful sunsets! Isshiki Beach is a must-visit tourist spot when visiting the Isshiki area. The beach is easily accessible on a day trip from Tokyo, and is crowded with families swimming and sunbathing on sunny days. There are rocks on both sides of the beach where visitors can enjoy playing on the rocks. You can see the rocky beach from 1:42 in the video. During beach season, lifeguards are stationed at beach houses, so there's no need to worry about safety. The beach houses are rated highly on review sites for being very stylish and having great atmospheres. Lunch and showers are available at the beach houses as well. Unfortunately, the beach has been temporarily closed due to the novel coronavirus, so be sure to check in advance when visiting. Speaking of beaches and swimming, one of the things you might be wondering about is whether or not barbecues are allowed. Unfortunately, Isshiki Beach prohibits barbecues within the summer beach area. That being said, it is possible to have a barbecue a short distance away from the beach, but it is not permitted near residences. Information on Events and Activities Held at Isshiki Beach Photo:Beach yoga A variety of events are held at Isshiki Beach in the Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa. One such event is Feel SHONAN during Beach Yoga Week, where participants can experience authentic, relaxing beach yoga. Participants say that beach yoga at Isshiki Beach makes them feel like they are one with nature. In summer, the Hayama Kaigan Fireworks Festival is held, attracting many visitors annually. The Hayama Kaigan Fireworks Festival is held every year from late July to early August at Morito Beach and the Isshiki Beach Breakwater. At Isshiki Beach, sea kayaking, a type of canoeing, is a popular activity. Fishing is also popular, and anglers can catch flatheads and Japanese whiting. Sightseeing Information and Instagram Photo Tips for Isshiki Beach Photo:Morito Daimyojin Shrine, Hayama, Kanagawa The Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa is home to many tourist attractions. If you like visiting shrines and learning about the history of places you visit, we recommend checking out Morito Daimyojin, a shrine founded by Minamoto no Yoritomo that's visited by many people each year to pray for successful pregnancy and safe childbirth. If you're looking to enjoy a Japanese garden or a tea house, there's also Hayama Shiosai Park. We also recommend Hayama Ajisai Park, where visitors can see 3,000 colorful hydrangeas, and Hayama Sangaokayama Ryokuchi, where visitors can enjoy hiking. Hayama Marina, where visitors can enjoy cruising around Enoshima and Yujiro Lighthouse, is also popular. Summary of Isshiki Beach in Zushi-Hayama In this article, we introduced Isshiki Beach, one of the best beaches in Japan. The beach is just an hour and a half from Tokyo, and as you can see in the video, it features beautiful cobalt blue waters. Enjoy a relaxing time at Isshiki Beach in the Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa this summer! ◆Isshiki Beach◆ 【Address】Isshiki, Hayama, Miura, Kanagawa 【Access】From Zushi Station (JR Yokosuka Line) or Hayama Station (Keihin Kyuko Line), take the Keikyu Bus bound for Kaigan-mawari Hayama, and get off at the Isshiki Kaigan bus stop (20 minutes) By car, it's about 20 minutes from the Zushi Interchange on the Yokohama–Yokosuka Road via the Zushi Shindo toll booth (逗葉新道料金所). 【Parking】Parking available for 30 cars. Weekdays: 1,500 yen, Weekends: 2,000 yen 【TripAdvisor】Isshiki Beach https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121132-d7652968-Reviews-Isshiki_Beach-Hayama_machi_Miura_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html