Modern Culture
Video article 11:28
A Life-Size 8-Meter-Tall Ingram Stands in Toyosu, Tokyo! The Giant Robot From the Live-Action Film "Mobile Police Patlabor" Is the Most Powerful and High Quality Robot in Japan!
Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 508 plays
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What Is Mobile Police Patlabor? The video we'll introduce this time is titled "A Life-Size, 8m-Tall Ingram Stands in Toyosu! Live-Action ‘Patlabor’ Event." It introduces the promotional event held as a part of a project for the live-action version of Mobile Police Patlabor launched in 2014. Mobile Police Patlabor is a near-future science fiction work that gained popularity from the 1980s to the early 2000s as a media mix (manga series, anime series, short novel, game, etc.). Ingram, the giant robot introduced in the video, is a robot that belongs to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Special Vehicle Section 2, Division 2 (aka: Special Vehicle Section 2, Labor Division). The story is set in a world where Japan has succeeded in developing an industrial robot (labor), but there is a high incidence of large-scale crime using labors. In response, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department introduced a large man-made general purpose machine, code-named Ingram, to combat labor crime. Mobile Police Patlabor has been adapted into a TV anime series and three feature films, but ‘The Next Generation: Patlabor’ launched in 2014 is the first live-action version. The car that transports Ingram is called the ‘labor carrier’, and the signal ‘deck up’ is used to launch Ingram from the bed of the carrier in the movie as well, so it must have been exciting for the fans to witness the impactful scene of the life-size Ingram decking up in Toyosu, where Special Vehicle Section 2 is located. Specifications of the Life-Size Ingram Source :YouTube screenshot Let’s compare the specifications of the Ingram from the truly popular comic and anime series and the life-size Ingram in this article. The Ingram in the serialized manga and anime series moves acrobatically to the extent where it is physically impossible as it operates in a 2-dimensional world, but that is not possible using the available technologies in the real world, and "the biggest challenge of the life-size AV-98 Ingram was to make it stand on its own." The first-generation Gundam which used to be exhibited in Odaiba, and the Unicorn Gundam, with a transformation mode, are famous as the first life-size robots, and are popular tourist spots in Tokyo. However, the life-size Ingram is a large-scale standing model following these two. You can see the life-size, 8m-tall Ingram deck up in the video at 1:34. As you can see from the video, the Ingram is highly detailed, but it is slightly different from the original draft as many parts have been added to its legs and feet in order to have it stand on its own, giving it a more muscular look on its lower body. The public exhibit of the life-size Ingram as part of the highly-anticipated new project for Mobile Police Patlabor "The Next Generation: Patlabor," was held in major cities all across the country, such as Osaka, Kyoto, and Fukushima, after launching in Toyosu, Tokyo. Moreover, at Huis Ten Bosch in Nagasaki and at the 27th Tokyo International Film Festival, the Ingram which was actually used for shooting was exhibited. Summary of the Life-Size Ingram From Mobile Police Patlabor Source :YouTube screenshot The live-action version of Mobile Police Patlabor features an all-star cast, including director Mamoru Oshii, Erina Mano as Ingram's pilot, Akira Izumino, and Toshio Kakei as the captain of Division 2, Keiji Gotoda, and culminates in seven short films plus a feature-length theatrical production, "The Next Generation Patlabor - Tokyo War." You can watch the interviews in the video as well; Erina Mano from 7:08, Toshio Kakei from 8:18, and the director, Mamoru Oshii, from 8:51. It is said that the story of the live-action version "The Next Generation Patlabor - Tokyo War" is based on the second film, but the characters and settings have been revamped. The new series was welcomed by long-time fans, saying it was "Nostalgic!," and "Cool!," and it was highly praised overseas as well. In Japan, there are novelizations and games, as well as plastic models and figurines of Ingram on sale, so be sure to check them out! -
Video article 1:57
“Licca chan” is having her 50 year anniversary party! Even after 50 years the ever-lasting adoration for this dress-up doll has yet to fade!
Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 104 plays
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Introducing dress-up doll “Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party” This news footage, produced by “KyodoNews”, titled “Licca chan’s 50th anniversary event. Invitations from a 25 year old limited-edition product(リカちゃん50周年で式典 25年前の限定品に招待状)”, is about the dress-up doll “Licca chan” who was manufactured in 1967 and “Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party” held to commemorate her 50th anniversary. In 2017, Licca chan’s 50th anniversary parties were held in Tokyo and in Osaka. The video showcases a few of the scenes from the party held in Osaka. In this article, we will be introducing what attracts people to the Licca chan doll that has continued to be loved for a long time, as well as Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party. Before we begin, check out the footage of the lively party, celebrating Licca chan’s 50th anniversary! What is “Licca chan”? Source : This article's video The dress-up doll “Licca chan” was first sold by the company Takara Tomy in 1967, as a blonde 22cm tall toy doll that girls could enjoy playing “pretend” or “dressing up” with. The Licca chan doll sold over 60 million units, and while it was loved by the generation that played with it, it also came to be loved by subsequent generations, making it a long selling product with a rich history. In the present day, Licca chan has expanded from the field of toy dolls and is now a commercial character for companies as well. Source : This article's video Licca chan was given a character profile such as family structure and age at the time of her release, and it is thought that her popularity came from the fact that her clothes and figure changed according to the lastest trends and fashion, thus always making her relevant icon. Licca chan’s full name is Licca Kayama, her birthday is on May 3rd, and she is a 5th grader. Her family consists of her fashion designer mother, her French musician father, younger twin sisters, and younger triplet sisters. She also has grandparents and friends as well, and is known to have had many boyfriends, such as Sho and Wataru, over the years. Other than the main Licca chan doll, there are many variations and associated products, such as family member dolls, dresses, houses, accessories, pet shops, and storage cases that are sold as well. In the past, pregnant Licca chan dolls have also been sold. These Licca chan doll products can be bought at the Licca chan store “Licca chan's Little Castle-Shop”, Toys R Us, or the online seller Amazon. About Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party Source :YouTube screenshot Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party commemorated the 50th anniversary of the dress-up doll “Licca chan” from when she was first released, and the events were held in Tokyo and Osaka. There was an invitation to this party inside the limited edition “2017 Premium Licca chan” that was sold in 1992, commemorating her 25th anniversary. And the party was held with limited attendants who RSVPed to the event. It is because of this, that there is the subheading “The promise of Licca chan and me” under the official party title. 370 fans who bought the porcelain Premium Licca chan doll, which was enclosed in a wooden case that came with a music box function (2500 limited editions were sold, and this doll can be seen from 1:30 of the footage), attended the party. It was a very lively event with quizzes being held, untold stories from the development team, and a reenactment of Licca chan’s voice on the telephone. The attendees of the party brought along their favorite Licca chan dolls, which can be seen from 0:10 in the video. In an interview with one of the female attendees, as seen from 0:33 in the video, she tells how she named her daughter “Licca”. The quiz held at the party can be seen from 1:13 in the video, and the “History of Licca chan” over 40 generations is also displayed. Licca chan's 50th anniversary summary Source :YouTube screenshot The video, “Licca chan’s 50th anniversary event invitations from a limited-edition product 25 years ago”, shows scenes from Licca chan’s 50th anniversary party. It also shows us an exhibition commemorating Licca chan’s 50th anniversary, "50 years since the birth of Licca chan”, which had a nationwide tour, and the renewal of Licca chan’s Castle. The release of a Licca chan doll giftset was one of the many 50th anniversary products sold to commemorate this special occasion as well. Women of all ages can appreciate the popularity of Licca chan, who gives glittering hope to all. Be sure to watch the video so you can see all of the scenes we talked about in this article. 【Official Website】LICCA KAYAMA OFFICIAL|Licca Official Information Site|Takara Tomy https://www.takaratomy.co.jp/english/products/licca/index.html -
Video article 1:49
The Power of Virtual Influencers, an Important Source of Information Transmission. Learn About How Virtual Influencers, Now a Threat to Actual Influencers, Are Made!
Modern Culture- 84 plays
- YouTube
Virtual Influencers This video, titled "A Virtual Influencer With 1.6 Million Followers!," is a video that introduces virtual influencers, a hot topic as of late. Have you ever heard of a "virtual influencer"? A blogger or YouTuber who has many followers, and therefore, a lot of influential power, is referred to as an "influencer." Currently, there are virtual influencers with more than 1.6 million followers on Instagram. These CG virtual influencers, who are currently attracting attention worldwide, are being used to spread information online. Popular Virtual YouTubers such as the Japanese Kizuna Ai (an anime-style virtual character) are gaining popularity. In this article, we'll talk about some of these characters, who are also referred to as "virtual humans" and "virtual dolls." These virtual characters are an inexpensive and more appealing way to advertise compared to conventional mass media, and are being utilized by various companies including fashion brands. The World's First Virtual Influencer Modeling Agency Set up in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot These virtual influencers, fictitious characters created using 3D computer graphics, regularly post pictures of their daily life on social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram, as well as modelling, singing, and dancing. Virtual characters are used by various companies to model apparel and cosmetics, and are proving to be a very effective means of advertising. The virtual modeling agency featured in this video works with the second hand clothing retailer "yutori." The modeling agency is VIM (previously YYZ). They're introduced at 0:24 in the video. From 0:32, you can see one of their realistic virtual models modelling an outfit of second hand clothing. The two models introduced in the video are called Aoi Prism (葵プリズム) and uca. Both are Japanese style virtual models. From 0:39, fashion director Soudai Yamaguchi (山口壮大, yamaguchisoudai) talks about how a high level of 3D computer graphics can be used to create a virtual model that rivals an actual model with little difference in how their daily life and work are portrayed on screen to viewers. How Virtual Influencers Are Created Source :YouTube screenshot From 1:09 in the video, VIM representative Takanori Kataishi (片石貴展, kataishitakanori) is questioned about the creation of their virtual models. Unfortunately, he couldn't go into details on how the models were created as it's a company secret. However, from looking at the video it's clear that they are created using fairly high level computer graphics. Summary of Virtual Influencers Source :YouTube screenshot Although their use is fairly limited at the moment, it's expected that these virtual influencers will play an active role Japan in the future. Every day new virtual influencers are being born; for example the first ever virtual celebrity Hiro Mizushima (水嶋ヒロ, mizushimahiro) and other popular virtual influencers on SNS such as "imma" and Liam Nikuro (二クロ・リアム, nikuroriamu). Be sure to check out these characters online when you have the chance! -
Video article 27:35
Build Your Ideal Island! Learn How to Enjoy Living on an Uninhabited Island in Animal Crossing!
Modern Culture- 19 plays
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This video is from the Nintendo Official YouTube channel. It's titled "Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct 2020.2.20|An in-Depth Look at Life on an Uninhabited Island" (あつまれ どうぶつの森 Direct 2020.2.20 無人島生活をくわしくご紹介). The game introduced in the video, Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch, is a game set on an uninhabited island where players can enjoy living on a deserted island by building a house and garden in whatever way they see fit. It's a very popular game where you can interact with other players. In this video, you can learn how to start the game and learn more about the game's development! -
Video article 1:30
The Popular Movie “Love Is Hard for Otaku”, Featuring Takahata Mitsuki, Yamazaki Kento and Nanao, Is a Romantic Comedy That Will Make You Laugh While at the Same Time Causing Your Heart to Skip a Beat!
Modern Culture- 63 plays
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Check out the Trailer! Here we'll introduce the movie trailer for “Love is Hard for Otaku." Love is Hard for Otaku was released on February 7th, 2020. It is a romantic comedy about a girl who is secretly a fan of yaoi, and a boy who is a video game otaku. A lot of fans came to the movie premiere and preview, because there was prior information that famous actors would be appearing in the movie. What Kind of Movie Is "Love is Hard for Otaku"? Source :YouTube screenshot “Love is Hard for Otaku” was originally a serial manga created by Fujita on the illustration community service pixiv. It spread quickly through word of mouth and has since been made into an anime and movie. The movie was directed by Fukuda Yuichi, who is known for “Gintama” and “Kyo Kara Ore Wa.” The musical-type music which starts from 1:10 in the video, was produced by Sagisu Shiro who also composed the music for “Shin Godzilla.” Famous Actors in the Movie Source :YouTube screenshot In the movie, Mitsuki Takahata plays Momose Narumi, who is a big fan of yaoi, and Kento Yamazaki plays Nifuji Hirotaka who is a big fan of video games. There are other interesting otaku characters like, the voice actor idol fan and cosplay fan. A lot of famous actors are in the movie, such as Nanao, Kaku Kento, Imada Mio, Wakatsuki Yumi, Muro Tsuyoshi, Sato Jiro and Saito Takumi. Spoilers! Source :YouTube screenshot As you can tell from the title, it is about an otaku couple who are not used to going out. Momose Narumi was dumped because she was an otaku and since then, she has been hiding that fact. Nifuji Hirotaka knows her well, and asks her to date him. They start dating, on the condition that he would help her shop at Comiket. Even though they are both otaku, they have different tastes. How will their relationship go…? Enjoy watching their relationship bloom in this cute romantic comedy. Summary Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced the trailer for “Love is Hard for Otaku”. The movie has a great reputation among young people as well. Have fun watching the different otaku characters and the romantic story, by watching the movie in theaters! -
Video article 10:54
Make the Sword of Erdrick From Dragon Quest With Materials You Can Pick up at Any 100 Yen Store in Japan! Tips, and How to Make Your Own!
Modern Culture- 30 plays
- YouTube
This video was released by "GyakuYoga - the weapon and armor maker GyakuYoga Props" (ギャクヨガ-武器防具作る人 GyakuYoga Props). The video is titled "ENG_SUB [Dragon Quest XI]Sword of Light Tutorial (Sword of Roto) - How make cosplay sword." In this video, cosplayer GyakuYoga shows you how to make a sword by hand from the popular game Dragon Quest. Dragon Quest is an RPG game that was released in 1986 and has had several installments. Erdrick's (known as "roto" in Japan) sword, which is made in this video, is one of the weapons that Erdrick, the hero of Dragon Quest, is equipped with. Most of the materials for making the sword can be purchased at a hundred yen shop. It's hard to believe that this sword was created on such a low budget. The sword looks heavy at first glance, but it only weighs 260 grams and has an iron core inside to make it stronger. The second half of the video shows how to make the scabbard as well! -
Video article 5:50
You’re Now Luffy! Run Around the Open-World of One Piece! Introducing “One Piece World Seeker”, With a Breathtaking Field and Stunning Battle System!
Modern Culture- 133 plays
- YouTube
Introducing ‘One Piece World Seeker’ This video, titled ‘One Piece World Seeker – Opening Cinematic Trailer | PS4’, was published by ‘PlayStation’ and is a promotional movie for the new game ‘One Piece World Seeker’ which launched in 2019, and is based on the famous manga/anime series One Piece. A large number of popular characters from One Piece are included, and adventure around the in-game world. Seeing as the platform it was released on was the PlayStation 4, the graphics are amazing, and by watching the video, you'll want to give the game a go as well. In this article, we’ll go into some of the details regarding ‘One Piece World Seeker'. What is the popular manga series 'One Piece' all about? Source :YouTube screenshot One Piece is an adventure manga serialized in weekly Shonen Jump by Shueisha, since 1997. As of April 2020, the latest issue is the 96th, and an impressive 470 million paperback copies have been sold in total. The story depicts the nautical adventure romance of the protagonist Monkey D. Luffy travelling around the world to discover the legendary treasure- a single gold piece (a.k.a. One Piece). Friendships and emotional scenes that lead to deep character development with other characters like Zoro Roronoa, and Nami are part of what makes One Piece a great series. It is extremely popular overseas as well, and it has been recognized as ‘the comic book with the most issues published by a single author’ by the Guinness Book of World Records. In 2019, ‘Stampede’, the latest One Piece movie, was shown. The Japanese rock band ‘WANIMA’ played the theme song, and the best voice actors were gathered for it. It is a truly great movie with appearances from countless popular characters from past series'. As of March 2020, it topped 10 billion yen (~$92.7m USD) in box offices worldwide. The newest addition to the One Piece Series- ‘One Piece World Seeker’ Source :YouTube screenshot So what is the latest One Piece videogame, ‘One Piece World Seeker’? ‘One Piece World Seeker’, introduced in the video, is a game launched in 2019 from Bandai Namco Entertainment. It is based on an original story featuring newly-designed characters by Eiichiro Oda, making it irresistible for fans of the series. ‘One Piece World Seeker’ uses the open-world setting where players can adventure around the world freely and put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist Luffy. The refined graphics of the PS4 add to the excitement of adventuring around the world of One Piece. Source :YouTube screenshot In ‘One Piece World Seeker’, players can experience ‘Dramatic open world Action’, while adventuring around as Luffy. In battle, players utilize ‘Luffy Actions’, such as Gomu Gomu no Bazooka, to overwhelm enemies. Skills are easy to use, so anyone, from children to adults, can enjoy this game. In addition, DLC, which adds various episodes to the game, is now available, and you can enjoy the game even after finishing the main storyline. You can check out some of the popular characters in the video, such as Brook from 0:27, Nami from 0:32, and Zoro from 1:46. The newly-released One Piece game in 2020, ‘Pirate Warriors 4’, is another highly rated game from the series and has skyrocketed in popularity. ‘One Piece World Seeker’ wrapped up Source :YouTube screenshot ‘One Piece World Seeker – Opening Cinematic Trailer | PS4’ published by ‘PlayStation’ is a video introducing 'One Piecce World Seeker', one of the latest games from the popular One Piece franchise. It is an open-world game, where you can adventure to your hearts content. Anyone, especially One Piece fans, can enjoy this game! -
Video article 1:21
Captain Tsubasa's Newest Soccer Game! The High-Quality Soccer Game to Be Released in 2020, With Visual Effects True to the Original Anime Series, Is Driving Fans Wild!
Modern Culture- 41 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Captain Tsubasa's Latest Appearance! "PS4/Nintendo Switch 「Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS」First Trailer(PS4/Nintendo Switch「キャプテン翼 RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS」ファーストトレーラー)," made public by ‘876TV,’ is a movie introducing a Captain Tsubasa video game, set to be released in 2020. The visual effects loyal to the original anime series are breathtaking, and the video doesn’t fail in delivering this to the fans. Fans are going after hearing about the Captain Tsubasa's latest addition to the series, after nearly 10 years of waiting! In this article, we’ll go into detail about the action packed soccer game, ‘Captain Tsubasa: RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS,’ and the original series of Captain Tsubasa. Captain Tsubasa Returns 10 Years Later... Source :YouTube screenshot After nearly 10 years, a new captain Tsubasa soccer game is set to release for PS4 and Nintendo Switch. ‘Captain Tsubasa: RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS’ is scheduled for an August 2020 release. The developer is Bandai Namco Entertainment. It's an action-soccer game with familiar characters from the anime series, Captain Tsubasa, make amazing plays with incredible speed. The game can be enjoyed by anyone as well, making it something to look forward to! Source :YouTube screenshot Each character in the game is dubbed by voice actors, making it easier to indulge in the world of Captain Tsubasa. It's garnered a lot of attention on popular SNS sites in Japan, such as Niconico and 5ch. The video introduced here is the first trailer, and at the time of this article, the third trailer has already been made public! If you’re interested, don't forget to check it out! You can watch spectacular scenes, just like the ones from the anime series, in the video, such as Hikari Matsuyama’s Eagle Shot at 0:36, and Kojiro Hyuga’s Tiger Shot at 0:42. What Is the Captain Tsubasa Series? Source :YouTube screenshot Captain Tsubasa is a soccer manga series by Yoichi Takahashi that was serialized in Shonen Jump. It's often abbreviated as CapTsubasa. The series tells the story of Tsubasa Ozora, whose creed is "the ball is my friend," and other attractive characters such as Genzo Wakabayashi, Kojiro Hyuga, Misaki Taro, and Ishizaki Ryo, who grow up playing soccer. The serialization of Captain Tsubasa caused a soccer boom in Japan was the influence for many soccer players who currently play professionally. Popular foreign players, such Zidane and Neymar, say they started playing football after being influenced by Captain Tsubasa. It contributed enormously to the increase in soccer's population, which was previously quite small in Japan. The series ended once, but restarted as the popularity of soccer had risen due to the start of the J League. There are sequels which take place in countries overseas, like ‘World Youth Ver.’ And ‘Rising Sun.’ ‘Captain Tsubasa Magazine,’ a magazine entirely about Captain Tsubasa, is currently being sold as well. In addition, there are futsal courts called Captain Tsubasa Stadium in places like Yokohama and Tokyo, and they're very popular among children. Summary of Captain Tsubasa's Latest Appearance Source :YouTube screenshot ‘PS4/Nintendo Switch 「Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS」First Trailer,’ created by ‘876TV,’ is a video introducing a high-quality Captain Tsubasa soccer game. It's the first (non-mobile) Captain Tsubasa game in about 10 years so it's grabbing the attention of many fans. It's a refreshing game where you can enjoy making incredible, action-packed plays. Check it out if you’re interested! As for smartphone games, there's ‘Captain Tsubasa ZERO Score! Miracle Shoot’ and ‘Captain Tsubasa Fight! Dream Team’, so don’t forget to check those out as well! -
Video article 4:23
A must-see for arcade enthusiasts! The latest games will be presented at the Konami booth at the Japan Amusement Expo in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture! Enjoy the latest arcade games before anyone else!
Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 48 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of Konami booth at Japan Amusement Expo, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan. This video titled “Konami Arcade Game 2019 (JAEPO)" features Konami's booth at the Japan amusement EXPO 2019 (JAEPO)(ジャパンアミューズメントエキスポ2019(JAEPO)) held at the Makuhari Messe convention center in January, 2019. The Japan amusement EXPO is an exhibition of arcade games held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba (千葉県:Chiba prefecture). Famous game companies such as SQUARE ENIX, BANDAI or SEGA release the latest arcade games at this exhibition. Konami is the maker of various games and gaming consoles such as arcade games or rhythm games set in a game arcade. In this article, we will introduce what the Konami booth exhibits at their booth in the Japan amusement EXPO. Be sure to follow along with the video. Arcade games Introduced at Konami's Booth at the Japan Amusement Expo 2019 Source :YouTube screenshot 1. Dance Dance Revolution 20th anniversary. You can see footage of this from 0:38. DDR is a rhythm game. The golden body of this arcade game is highly visible not only in the Konami booth but also throughout the entire exhibition. 4.1 ch’s high quality sound and 55 inch’s large screen allows players to enjoy endless hours of fun with this rhythm game, which is exactly why many people looking for the newest rhythm game visited Konami's booth. Source :YouTube screenshot 2. ELDORA CROWN “ELDORA CROWN”, an arcade medal game, is a “Dungeon crawler RPG” that was released 15 years ago. Footage of its newest installment appears at 1:40. Although this is an arcade medal game, players can enjoy the many different functions that a normal Dungeon crawler RPG has to offer; one of these being jobs/classes. In online mode, a player can compete with up to 10 other players at a time. Source :YouTube screenshot 3. BOMBER GIRL "BOMBER GIRL” is the most popular game online game among foreign audiences. The old, familiar bomber man is transformed and comes back to life as a cute girl. This arcade game garnered a lot of people’s attention, not only because of the attractiveness of the characters, but also because of the quality of the games 3D images. Also a full-scale baseball card collection game game, "Anima Lotta," a game that will draw you in with its dazzling glimmer, and "Marble Carnival," a type of medal game that uses marbles, were also exhibited at Konami’s booth. Summary of Konami's Japan Amusement Expo 2019 Booth Source :YouTube screenshot Did you enjoy the video featuring the “Konami booth” at the 2019 Japan amusement EXPO? If so, don't forget it's held in January or February every year. In addition to game demos, the Japan Amusement Expo sponsors other events such as the "Tenka Ichigege Festival", the "Tenkaichi Medage Festival", as well as the "Tenka Ikgege Festival." If you want to compete with other players, why not try participating in these competitions? Also there are other exciting activities at the Japan Amusement Expo such as crane games, where players can bring back prizes for free, or you can meet famous YouTubers who visit this Expo to shoot videos. The Japan Amusement Expo is a famous event that attracts about 70 thousand visitors. There are two types of entrance tickets: “Business tickets” and “General entry tickets." If you are interested in the Japan Amusement Expo, be sure to give it a visit! 【Official Website】Japan Amusement Expo http://www.jaepo.jp/top_en.html -
Video article 11:53
Tons of Popular Characters Will Be at the Ikebukuro Halloween Cosplay Festival! Check Out Some of the Awesome Costumes From the 2014 Event!
Modern Culture- 61 plays
- YouTube
This video is titled "Ikebukuro・Halloween Cosplay Parade in Ikebukuro! Sexy ONE PIECE Team and Cool Metal Gear! Ikebukuro Cosplay Vol. 1" (池袋でハロウィン・コスプレパレード!SexyなONE PIECEチームやカッコいいメタルギアも♪池袋街コスレポVol.1). It was released by "ikebukurotv." The Ikebukuro Halloween Cosplay Festival introduced in the video, is a Halloween event held every year around Halloween, in which many cosplayers participate. The event is sponsored by Dwango, Toshima Ward, and Sunshine, which runs the video service niconico. You can enjoy delicious food in cosplay on the streets and there are also stage events. This video shows the cosplay parade that takes place on Sunshine Street! Cosplayers are also asked what it is they enjoy about cosplay in interviews in the video! -
Video article 3:25
The 2.5D Musical "Touken Ranbu," Popular Among Women, Is Headed to the World Stage! Backstage at the Touken Ranbu Performance in Paris!
Modern Culture Entertainment & Music- 176 plays
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About the DVD and Blu-Ray of the Musical "Touken Ranbu" This is a promotional video published by "PRIME CAST." The title of this video is "Shibuya no Oto Presents the Musical 'Touken Ranbu' - From 2.5D to the World <Special Edition> Blu-ray & DVD Launch Announcement Video" (シブヤノオト Presents ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 -2.5次元から世界へ- <特別編集版> Blu-ray&DVD 発売告知動画). This DVD/Blu-ray was released in June, 2019. This DVD/Blu-ray closely covered "Touken Ranbu - Atsukashiyama 2018" in Paris, France. It also contains unreleased footage of Touken Ranbu performed at the music show "Shibuya no Oto." In addition, bonus videos, including stage footage from the performances "MUSIC JAPAN" and "Shibuya no Oto," which can be seen at 1:36 in the video, the special medley performance at "SONGS OF TOKYO" (2:16), and the live performance in 2018 at the Japanese traditional New Year’s eve music show "Kohaku Uta Gassen (2:45) are also contained in this DVD/Blu-ray. This article will introduce the musical "Touken Ranbu" alongside the video. Check out the video to get a feel for the 2.5-dimensional world of Touken Ranbu. About the Musical, Touken Ranbu Source :YouTube screenshot Toukenranbu is a very popular online game released in 2016 as a smartphone app from DMM Games. It's a sword training simulation game in which players collect "sword boys" by anthropomorphizing famous Japanese swords to fight their enemies in historical battles. Due to the popularity of the game, famous Japanese swords have attracted attention and have been exhibited in museums, shown at musicals, used in theatre, appeared in animations and movies, have had events made about them and have even had products made available for sale. The 2.5-dimensional work refers to the space between the two-dimensional game and the three-dimensional real world. The musical "Touken Ranbu" is a 2.5-dimensional musical action play in which actors recreate the world of the game on stage. Touken Ranbu -From 2.5D to the World <Special Edition> Source :YouTube screenshot The musical "Touken Ranbu" is still being performed and has many different programs. This DVD/Blu-ray contains a program called “Atsukushiyama 2018,” a story about sword men preventing historical revisionists from altering the history of Yoshitsune Minamoto and Musashibo Benkei. This DVD/Blu-ray closely covered the backstage at this musical performed in Paris, France. Other programs include “Bakumatsu Tenroden” and “Three Hundred Years of Lullaby,” while "Bakumatsu Tenrouden 2020" (幕末天狼傳2020) and "Sword Dance: Paradise of the Sea of Tranquility" (刀剣乱舞 ~静かの海のパライソ~) are scheduled to be performed in 2020. The musical will be divided into two parts: the first part is a musical and the second part is a live performance where the audience can enthusiastically support their favorite characters. The main cast of “Atsukashiyama 2018” is led by Mario Kuroba, Ryo Kitazono, Tsubasa Sakiyama all of whom have appeared in the musical Prince of Tennis. A behind-the-scenes look at the performance, including Ryo Kitazono's voice only appearance due to a doctor's stop just before the Paris show (0:45) are included in the DVD/Blu-ray. Summary of Touken Ranbu - From 2.5D to the World <Special Edition> Source :YouTube screenshot The Musical “Touken Ranbu” will be performed again in fall, 2020. Please check the official website for ticket information. The CD album “Token Danshi team Sanjo with Kiyomitsu Kashu” is also on sale and has become very popular, especially among women. If you're interested in the musical, be sure to watch the announcement video, which shows the charm of the musical Touken Ranbu! 【Official Website】Musical “Touken Ranbu” https://musical-toukenranbu.jp/ -
Video article 2:04
Manga - Japan's World-Famous Contemporary Culture! Boasting a Collection of Over 300,000 Manga, the Kyoto International Manga Museum Is the Place to Go for Any True Manga Fan!
Modern Culture- 85 plays
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Learn About the Kyoto International Manga Museum With This Video This video, titled "Kyoto International Manga Museum - Local Information Video Site Machi Log" (京都国際マンガミュージアム - 地域情報動画サイト 街ログ) "Machi Log," a Japanese video news site. It's a promotional video of the Kyoto International Manga Museum located in Nakagyo, Kyoto. One Piece, Chihayafuru, Kimetsu no Yaiba... The craze for Japanese Manga and Cosplay has been rapidly spreading across the world. The Kyoto International Manga Museum is a paradise for manga lovers, and attracts both domestic and international visitors. From the classics to the latest manga - you are free to read any comic from the collection. This article looks at the facilities and history of the Kyoto International Manga Museum. What is the Kyoto International Manga Museum? Source :YouTube screenshot In November 2006, the Kyoto International Manga Museum was founded as a joint project between Kyoto city and Kyoto Seika University (a university noted for its faculties of manga and anime). The building housing the museum is the former Tatsuike Elementary School. Today, the museum is also recognized as a comprehensive cultural facility that holds many important historical, as well as contemporary, manga-related materials including Meiji-period(1868-1912) magazines, the postwar rental comics, and the original illustrations. The museum offers a variety of entertainment to both children and young adults, such as the "Children's Library"(0:58-) that contains plenty of illustrated books for children, the "Walls of Manga" which have a total length extending 140 meters (1:10-), the "International Manga Expo" dedicated to international manga, periodic performances of kamishibai (paper plays) (1:19-), and a portrait corner. Some facilities try to limit overcrowding on Saturdays, Sundays or national holidays by limiting the number of participants. The world-class manga collection includes the classics or the growing section of international manga. Highlights of the Kyoto International Manga Museum Source :YouTube screenshot Not just offering the opportunity to enjoy manga, the Kyoto International Manga Museum also has facilities that allow you to conduct research on the topic as well. The research reference room, for example, allows you to access to the digital archives. Hands-on workshops give participants a real manga-making experience. These facilities and workshops are to help contribute to cultivating future manga artists and animators. Visitors are greeted by a figure from one of Tezuka Osamu's masterpieces, "Hi no Tori" (Phoenix), suspended on the atrium as they walk in. Drawn on the wall of the in-house cafe are the autographs and illustrations by many famous manga artists. These exclusive attractions ensure an instagrammable picture. The museum provides various facilities such as a museum shop that stocks a huge lineup of the museum's original goods, including its mascot character "Manyu". Visitors can enjoy a picnic in the museums courtyard as well. Summary of the Kyoto International Manga Museum Introduction Source :YouTube screenshot This article introduced the Kyoto International Manga Museum, a must-go place for all manga fans or youngsters who are aiming to be illustrators/manga artists themselves. The museum has held many collab events with popular manga. In December 2019, a pop-up store teamed up with "The Seven Deadly Sins" opened there. The Kyoto International Manga Museum offers you quite unique manga-related experiences. It is made to entertain everyone. You can simply enjoy reading manga, or track back the history of the art form. If you're planning on visiting Kyoto It's a great opportunity to visit the Kyoto International Manga Museum. ◆Kyoto International Manga Museum|General Information◆ 【Address】〒604-0846 Kyoto International Manga Museum Karasuma-Oike, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto Japan (Address to put in your car's navigation system) 604-0846 Kinbuki cho 452, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city 【Entrance Fee】Adults - 800 yen, High school and junior high school student - 300 yen, Children - 100 yen(Group discounts are available) 【Hours】10:00-18:00 【Holidays】Tuesdays 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】+81-75-254-7414 【Official Website】Kyoto International Manga Museum https://www.kyotomm.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:19
Kawaii" is the word that keeps coming back to you on a Harajuku tour with a Lolita guide! A new tour in Tokyo that allows visitors to experience Kawaii in Harajuku, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, is very popular among foreign tourists!
Modern Culture Travel Things to Do- 119 plays
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Video introduction of Harajuku tour to experience "Kawaii" in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo "Kawaii" everywhere! Lolita Tour Guide, Harajuku Tour (06/18/26)" (「カワイイ」連発!ロリータガイドと巡る原宿ツアー(18/06/26)」), is a video released by "AnnnewsCH," of a Lolita fashion guide taking foreign tourists on a tour of popular spots in Harajuku, such as grocery stores and cafes. Now that Kawaii (cute) culture is gaining popularity throughout the world, more and more foreigners are coming to Japan to experience the Japanese subculture, instead of touring Japan's high packed tourist attractions. This article introduces Japan's kawaii culture with a focus on Harajuku tours led by Lolita fashionistas. A Look at "Kawaii" Lolitas Photo:Lolita fashion girl A growing number of foreigners visit Japan to take a tour of Takeshita Street, the holy land of lolitas. At present, there are tours that are soaring in popularity among foreign visitors to Japan. That tour, is the lolita-fashion Harajuku tour! Lolita guides will take you through trendy boutiques and cafes dealing with cute fashion, and you can enjoy a tour packed with "kawaii." The tour can be viewed at 0:12 in the video. Lolita fashion refers to cute fashion, such as dolls, clothes with lots of laces and frills, and hairstyles with large ribbons. Street fashion, a look sported by many young women in Japan, is said to have been born in Harajuku. The lolita girl played by Kyoko Fukada, from the movie "Kamikaze Girls" released in 2004, triggered a sudden rise in popularity. The Kawaii Harajuku Tour! Source :YouTube screenshot The Harajuku tour, which allows you to experience kawaii, is a tour that takes you to Takeshita Street, Omotesando, Urahara, Cat Street, Meiji Street, and other kawaii shopping spots where you can discover new forms of kawaii in every corner. Takeshita Street is a shopping street in Jingumae, Shibuya, and is a pedestrian mall for young people.. It's a very exciting spot, filled with couples on dates and students on school trips. This tour will take you to a number of shopping and lunch spots, including boutiques selling Lolita fashion, Instagrammable cafes, and shops offering crepes and other sweets. You can see the kawaii Harajuku tour throughout the video, including shopping at the cute little shop on a back street (1:55), having a quick bite to eat at the cute little cafe (2:17), and experiencing a kawaii show like at 2:26. You can see kawaii everywhere along the Harajuku tour! Japan's Unique "Kawaii" Culture Source :Harajuku Kawaii Tour Kawaii is a Japanese word that expresses loveliness and charm. It is similar to "Cute" when translated into English, but the nuance of "Cute" is slightly different from that of "Kawaii" in Japan as it has a childish feel to it. Since there is no other word that fits the word "Kawaii" exactly, the Japanese word "Kawaii" has come to be used abroad as is. The success of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu was also a catalyst for the popularity of kawaii culture around the world. Recently, BABYMETAL, a band that plays metal music in kawaii fashion, has also become popular overseas, and the number of people from abroad who like kawaii culture may continue to increase in the future. Summary of "Kawaii" Culture Source :YouTube screenshot This article introduced the Harajuku Kawaii Tour along with the video "Kawaii" everywhere! Lolita Tour Guide, Harajuku Tour (06/18/26)," by "AnnnewsCH." In the video, you'll see how to enjoy Japan's unique culture by visiting various spots where you can experience "kawaii"! Enjoy a tour that adds a new element of discovery to the traditional experience of Japan! 【Official Website】Takeshita Street official map -Harajuku latest information- https://www.takeshita-street.com/ 【Official Website】Harajuku Kawaii Tour https://www.harajuku-kawaii-tour.com/ -
Video article 3:30
Aimi Sekiguchi - The VR Artist Creating Amazing 3D Art Work in a Virtual Space! Learn the Beautiful Artist's Thoughts on VR Art!
Modern Culture- 127 plays
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VR Artist Aimi Sekiguchi This video, titled "Tokyo Crossing #56 "VR (Virtual Reality)" - VR artist Aimi Sekiguchi" (東京交差点 #56「VR(仮想現実)」-VRアーティスト せきぐちあいみ) was published by "テレビ東京公式 TV TOKYO." Aimi Sekiguchi is a VR artist who creates works of art in an empty virtual space. She has been performing live in Japan as well as abroad, including the United States and Russia. This video shows an interview with VR artist Aimi Sekiguchi as she talks about the appeal of VR art. Be sure to follow along as you read this article! What Is a VR Artist? Source :YouTube screenshot VR (Virtual Reality) is a technology that allows you to perceive, as if it were real, phenomena that appear in a VR/virtual space, that do not actually exist in real life. In other words, VR art uses an empty space as a canvas to draw three-dimensional pictures by wearing VR goggles Viewers are able to see the work through a monitor. For example, the painting in the frame has depth and allows the viewer to go further into the painting, creating a new way to experience art. The artworks have depth and the ability to be experienced in 360 degrees of wonder. You can watch the actual creation of a work of art using the VR equipment and tools at 1:01 in the video. The people who create and perform this VR art are called VR artists. About VR artist, Aimi Sekiguchi Source :YouTube screenshot Aimi Sekiguchi (せきぐちあいみ), introduced in the video, started out as a TV personality before turning into a VR artist. Her real name is Aimi Sekiguchi (関口愛美, written in kanji), and she was born in 1987, making her 33 years of age. She became famous after responding to an interviewer in a TV street interview when asked about the female-only cars on Japanese trains, saying "I don’t really care where I am on the train." The video quickly went viral. Aimi Sekiguchi is currently working as a VR artist with the VR painting app Tilt Brush, as well as doing live painting in various countries, such as the 45th WorldSkills Competition, and is also a main personality of her own local radio show called "Aimi Sekiguchi Virtual Radio"(0:43). She also shares her three-dimensional art on YouTube and shares information about her work and activities on Instagram. As you can see from 2:11in the video, Aimi is seen learning how to use space at the Shunkaen Bonsai Museum in Edogawa-ward, Tokyo. It's hard to connect the space where the bonsai trees are lined up with VR art, but Aimi explains "Bonsai is an art work that includes all of the space around it, therefore, it's very helpful when I paint VR art." Summary of VR Artist Aimi Sekiguchi Source :YouTube screenshot In the video "Tokyo Crossing #56 "VR (Virtual Reality)" - VR artist Aimi Sekiguchi," Aimi explains that she would like to "stimulate peoples' imagination" through her work. In the video, you can see Aimi Sekiguchi's passion for VR art. If you're interested in Aimi Sekiguchi or VR art after reading this article, be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet. Also be sure to check out Aimi's official website and social media sites! 【Official Website】Aimi Sekiguchi -VR official Site - Creative Village https://www.creativevillage.ne.jp/lp/aimi_sekiguchi/ -
Video article 1:42
Meijiza, the Oldest Theater in Tokyo, Has Had Its Front Curtain Beautifully Renovated! the Digitally Powered Drapes, Created in Collaboration With the Digital Art Group "TeamLab," Are Truly a Sight to Behold!
Modern Culture Traditional Culture News- 23 plays
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This video, titled "Unveiling of the New 145th Anniversary Drapes|A Collaboration Between Meijiza and TeamLab" (145周年新緞帳を披露 明治座、チームラボとコラボ), was released by "KyodoNews." Meijiza, introduced in this video, is a theater located in Chuo City, Tokyo, and is the longest established theater in Tokyo. To celebrate Meijiza's 145th anniversary, they held a preview of their new drapes in April 2019, in collaboration with digital art collective TeamLab. The drapes are 7 meters long and 20 meters wide, and projections of the streets of Nihonbashi and the activities of its people are shown through projection mapping. -
Video article 4:55
Introducing the Now Handicap Accessible Tourist Attractions of Japan. What Is the Handicap Accessible Situation in Japan, That Many Foreign Tourists Are Benefiting From?
Modern Culture News- 83 plays
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Handicap Accessible Japan! The video, “Handicap-Accessible Information of Tourist Sites by Barry-Joshua Grisdale(観光地のバリアフリー情報発信 グリズデイル・バリージョシュアさん)”, introduces Barry-Joshua Grisdale of Canada, who promotes information on handicap accessible information on Japan’s tourist websites. Barry-Joshua Grisdale created an English travel information website for people with disabilities called “Accessible Japan”, and promotes information concerning accessibility to Japan’s tourist attractions for the rest of the world. The website name, "Accessible Japan", comes from (as you probably guessed) the word accessibility (able to access easily or use easily). In recent years, the word accessibility, along with the phrase barrier-free, have been popularized globally. In this article, we will be introducing Barry-Joshua Grisdale and Japan’s handicap accessible situation. The Different Types of "Handicap Accessible." Photo:A wheelchair accessible ramp Handicap accessible means that people with disabilities, elderly people with impaired movement, and a wide range of other people, can use facilities and get around with ease. This also refers to the modifications that help make their lives easier. Recently, a barrier-free law has been put into place in Japan, and there have been many changes happening such as: reducing uneven transitions between streets and sidewalks,installing tactile paving on the streets (braille blocks), handicap toilets, as well as elevators. Handrails on trains, extensive wheelchair accessible routes, “Non-step” buses, and handicap accessible hotels are some of the other efforts being made. Japan’s Efforts to Become “Barrier-Free” Source :YouTube screenshot It has been 4 years since Barry-Joshua Grisdale created “Accessible Japan”, the English travel information website for people with disabilities that is accessed over 70,000 times annually. Barry-Joshua Grisdale now works at a welfare facility in Tokyo. He fondly remembers when he came to Japan on a trip when he was 19 years old, and 6 train station attendants carried him down the stairs. Since then he has been spreading the word on how wonderful Japan is to its visitors. Source :YouTube screenshot The English travel information website for people with disabilities “Accessible Japan”, created by Barry-Joshua Grisdale, recommend a pathway leading up to the popular sightseeing attractionSensoji Temple, as shown from 1:05 in the video. It's very useful for people visiting Japan for the first time. The pathway is very flat and easy to access. Also, there is a service in which wheelchair users can use a slope to get on, and take a ride on a rickshaw! Historically famous tourist sites such as Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, as introduced in the footage at 3:31, have become more handicap accessible by installing elevators. Summary of Japan’s Handicap Accessible Tourist Sites Source :YouTube screenshot With the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, Japan will have many visitors coming from overseas, and those with disabilities, using wheelchairs, and those with service dogs will also be able to enjoy Japan’s tourist attractions. The video in this article, summarizes the efforts of Japan’s tourist sites to becoming handicap accessible. If you're interested in handicap accessibility at Japan’s tourist sites, give "Accessible Japan" a try. It's full of useful content. 【Official Website】Accessible Japan https://www.accessible-japan.com/ -
Video article 12:15
Cute, Popular Products From the 100 Yen Shop, Daiso! Cute, Colorful Masking Tape to Get You Excited!
Life & Business Modern Culture- 25 plays
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This video, titled "Daiso Stationery Unboxing Video + Daiso Masking Tape Sampler ? | Rainbowholic" (ダイソー文具開封動画 + ダイソーのマスキングテープサンプラー ? | Rainbowholic), was released by "rainbowholicTV." Masking tape is a tape that can be applied and removed many times due to its low adhesive strength. It's printed with stylish floral and pastel patterns, and can be used to decorate diaries, notebook covers, and other small items. As a standard decoration item in the Japanese stationery world, it has become a must-have item for girls who love stylish stationery. They're available at 100-yen stores such as Daiso, and you can't help but pick them up for their cute looks and practicality. In this video, you can see how to make an original sample book by attaching masking tape to the full width of a notebook. -
Video article 6:13
The Beautiful World of 3D Paper Cutting Art! Enjoy Amazing Works Created by the Paper Cutting Artist, Naofumi Hama
Traditional Culture Modern Culture- 211 plays
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Beautiful 3D Paper Cutting Art! Check out the video "The world of beautiful 3D paper cutting #1" (美しい立体切り絵の世界 #1). Most people would be surprised by the beautify of his works. These 3D paper cutting works are created by the paper cutting artist, Naofumi Hama. 3D paper cutting works offer something different to the plain world of traditional paper artistry. What kind of skills are necessary? Let’s take a look at the secrets of 3D paper cutting. More About 3D Paper Cutting Source :YouTube screenshot 3D paper cutting works are created by folding plain paper cutting works. Extra caution is necessary to assemble minute pieces due to their extreme fragility. In the video clips, you can see various 3D paper cutting works such as roses, pansies, ducks, and ironware. Also other beautiful and delicate art works such as gerbera, Dutch hats, origami cranes, chrysanthemum, and butterflies appear in the video. Be sure to take a look! How to Create 3D Paper Cutting Works Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from this video clip, it may be difficult for beginners to learn this style of paper cutting. It's recommended to try simple cuts using Origami and a cutter when first starting out. It's okay if you stack the cutout patterns and then carefully cut them with a cutter as well. We recommend purchasing a paper cutting kit in which designs of flowers or animals are included for practice. If you're interested in 3D paper cutting, Naofumi Hama has also written a book on 3D paper cutting (only in Japanese). Summary of 3D Paper Cutting Source :YouTube screenshot There are other famous 3D paper cutting artists besides Naofumi Hama such as SouMa, Ayano Tomoda or Miki Kajita. Please check out the beautiful 3D paper cutting works created by these artists and enjoy the different styles that each of them has to offer. All 3D paper cutting works that appear in this video clip are breathtaking. Be sure to watch the video one again to enjoy its unique world view. 【Official Website】Naofumi Hama 3D Kirie (Paper Cutting) https://naofumihama.com/ -
Video article 1:36
Awesome Drawings of "Fullmetal Alchemist"! These Beautiful Works, That Took at Total of 790 Minutes to Complete, Are a Must-See, Even if You're Not a Fan!
Celebrities Modern Culture- 27 plays
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This video, titled "A Glimpse at the Making of Hiromu Arakawa's "Fullmetal Alchemist" Illustration! [Fullmetal Alchemist Exhibition]" (荒川弘「鋼の錬金術師」イラストメイキングをチラ見せ! 【鋼の錬金術師展 開催記念】), was released by "Square Enix" (スクウェア・エニックス). Fullmetal Alchemist is a popular manga by Hiromu Arakawa that was published in Monthly Shonen Gan Gan from 2001 to 2010. Cumulative sales had exceeded 70 million copies worldwide as of November 2017. The video showcases an illustration-making DVD by author Hiromu Arakawa, released in 2017, and you can watch a digest of how the illustrations were created. -
Video article 5:02
E-Sports in Japan - Competitive FORTNITE and Crazy Plays
News Modern Culture- 904 plays
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A First in Japanese History! No.1 in the Popular Online Game "FORTNITE"! Are you familiar with e-sports? E-sports is a form of sport competition using video games. Players compete to show their mastery of the game and win massive prize pools. E-sports has actually been around for decades, but thanks to advances in technology and more and more people being connected to the internet, it has seen a surge in growth in the last 10 years, with professional teams popping up all over the globe. Japan actually has vocational schools that train e-sports players, and sends world class athletes to compete on the world stage. This video introduces Ruri, the first Japanese player to win the Australian Open Summer Smash 2020, a new tournament with 30 million yen (~$280,000 USD) in prize money at stake. What is FORTNITE? Source :YouTube screenshot Let's talk about the rules of FORTNITE, and how it's played. Starting at 0:38 in the video, you can see up close footage of the fast-paced, action-packed gameplay. FORTNITE is an online battle royale game with a twist. One of the main features of the game is called "building" which allows players to use materials they've found throughout the map to construct tactical structures that allow them to outmaneuver their opponents. The online battle royale game "FORTNITE," is developed by Epic Games in the UK. Supported platforms are PC, PlayStation 4, XboxOne, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android. There is a "save the world" mode where players work together to fight off waves of monsters, and a "battle royal" mode where players fight against one another to be the last remaining. Because of FORTNITE's in-game transactions, and depictions of violence, the game has a PEGI rating of 12+. The actual game is a 3rd person shooter where characters spawn into a map and have to scavenge the area for weapons, armor, and materials. Players start every match as a blank canvas, forcing them to adapt to their environment and make do with what they have. The story is post-apocalyptic in nature, with 98% of the world's population being eradicated by a sudden storm and the emergence of monsters called "husks." The player's goal is to fight to survive and save the human race. The "Australian Open Summer Smash 2020" Featuring FORTNITE Source :YouTube screenshot Cross-platform online games like FORTNITE, which are also compatible with handheld devices, have evolved remarkably in recent years. Ruri, a member of the Japanese professional team "CrazyRaccoon," managed to win such a large scale tournament at just 16 years old. The "Australian Open Summer Smash 2020" was held at a tennis stadium in Melbourne, Australia, also used for the Australian Open tennis tournament every February. The crowed roared when the Japanese team secured their victory. The second day's solo match (a charity tournament) also drew a large crowd where spectators gathered to see the winner's Victory Royale. The rules are simple- the last player standing wins. Summary of Japan's Australian Open 2020 Fortnite Win Source :YouTube screenshot Ruri is just 16 years old but is already an accomplished player that managed to win a prestigious tournament with a massive prize pool. Players also have rankings, similar to other sports, and it's expected that we'll see Ruri aiming for #1. In the world of e-sports, opportunities for young players like Ruri continue to grow. People even talk about the future of e-sports, saying that it's only a matter of time before it's a part of the Olympics. 【Official Website】Fortnite - Play Now for Free | Official Site | Epic Games https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/home?lang=en-US -
Video article 11:17
What Kind of Manga Would Tezuka Osamu Have Drawn If He Were Still Alive? That Long-Awaited Manga Has Finally Been Drawn, Thanks to the Use of AI Technology!
Celebrities Modern Culture- 97 plays
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TEZUKA2020 - A Project to Create a Work of Osamu Tezuka Using AI Technology This video, titled "TEZUKA2020 Official Movie" (TEZUKA2020 オフィシャルムービー), is a a video introducing a project to create the newest work of the god of manga, Osamu Tezuka, using AI technology and manpower. Upon hearing that a new manga by Osamu Tezuka would be released, many fans around the world were in awe. Using cutting-edge AI technology, the project was able to create characters and basic story elements. Based on these elements, humans filled in the story, and a new work by Osamu Tezuka was born. You can see it being made in the video. In this article, we'll introduce "TEZUKA2020," a project to create an Osamu Tezuka manga using AI. Be sure to follow along with the video! Genius Manga Artist Osamu Tezuka Source :YouTube screenshot Osamu Tezuka was one of Japan's leading manga artists and was highly regarded as the "God of Manga." His real name is “Osamu Tezuka, written 手塚治 in Japanese, but he used the characters 手塚治虫 (same pronunciation) as a pen name. He was born in 1928 in Takarazuka, Hyogo prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. Besides being a manga artist, he was also an animator and animation director. He completed 700 titles, and drew more than 150,000 sheets of manuscripts before he passed in 1989. He was famous for story mangas with the theme of life, science, and future, and he still has many fans around the world to this day. Osamu Tezuka's debut work was "Ma-chan’s Diary." At the time it was a complete hit, and there were even dolls and snacks based on characters from the story. His major works are ASTRO BOY, Jungle Emperor Leo, Princess Knight, Black Jack, The Three-Eyed One, Phoenix, Buddha, Ayako, A Tree in the Sun, A Message to Adolf, and the list goes on. TEZUKA2020 Source :YouTube screenshot TEZUKA2020 is a project to create a new work by Osamu Tezuka through a collaboration between cutting-edge AI technology and humans. The plot overview and characters are created by AI, and using these elements, humans fill in the plot and draw manga. From 1:30 in the video, Osamu Tezuka’s son, Makoto Tezuka, a director of Tezuka Production, says in an interview "the possibility of AI creating a new Osamu Tezuka manga is not zero percent, so it's worth a try." Most people thought AI could create a complete character design, but the design that the AI designed was far from ideal. This can be seen at 4:45 in the video. When creating characters, using only Tezuka manga data was not enough for the AI to study, to remedy this, AI researchers used NVIDIA’s hyperrealistic face-generating technology, and had the AI learn to draw faces. The work, which ended up being a herculean task, was titled "Paidon," and it was published on Kodansha Publishing’s Weekly Morning magazine as a two-part episode. Paidon is a story based in Tokyo in 2030. The main character of the story is a homeless philosopher, and he turns his back on a highly regulated society, solving crimes with a small robotic bird, Apollo. Summary of TEZUKA2020 Source :YouTube screenshot The video "TEZUKA2020 Official Movie," posted by "KIOXIA-JP," introduces the collaboration project TEZUKA2020, that uses cutting-edge AI technology and manpower to create a work by the late Osamu Tezuka You can see the new Osamu Tezuka work being created in the video. "Paidon," created using AI turned out to be a pretty good work. If you still haven't yet, be sure to watch the video to see the amazing AI technology in action. 【Official Website】KIOXIA #FUTURE MEMORIES 01 “TEZUKA 2020” https://tezuka2020.kioxia.com/en-jp/ -
Video article 1:29
A Real-World Escape Game! You Better Use All Five Senses If You Want to Solve This Mystery!
Things to Do Modern Culture- 42 plays
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A Real-World Escape Game This video titled ““Real Escape Game” PV(『リアル脱出ゲーム』PV)”, created by “SCRAP”, is a promotion video of a real escape game service, which is an experience-based event. A lot of people are getting excited, because a real-world experience-based event like this has never existed before. You have to escape by using your brain to solve puzzles and it is recommended for people who are looking for something new. We'll talk a little about the appeal of a real-world escape game in this article. What Is a Real-World Escape Game? Source :YouTube screenshot The real-world escape game is an experience-based event service, registered as a trademark of SCARP. The participants have to analyze hints, think outside the box, and even use strength in order to solve the puzzles and escape, and it can be done alone or in a large group. The atmosphere of the venue is shown from 0:05 and how it is solved is shown from 0:21 in the video. Real-world escape games are held all over Japan and they all have different characteristics. Different games are introduced in the video, like a submarine escape, an amusement park escape, an undersea prison escape, and more. Mysterious letters, shapes, numbers, tools and messages are everywhere in the venue and you have to decode and analyze them, within the 60 minute time limit. There are some events with an escape rate of 1% and they are difficult to solve, which is why people like to challenge the game and get excited about trying them. Where to Experience a Real-World Escape Game Source :YouTube screenshot There are different kinds of games held in different places in Japan, such as Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Yokohama, Sendai, Kanagawa, Shinjuku, Kichijoji, Ikebukuro, Shimokitazawa and Asakusa and they all have different themes. You should go and try your favorite event at least once if you're interested. There are cafes to relax at as well. Collaboration events Source :YouTube screenshot There are also events collaborated with anime, manga, and video games. In 2020, there will be events such as: Cardcaptor Sakura, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Detective Conan and Love Live! Sunshine!! In the past, there was a collaboration with Resident Evil and Mezamashi TV. Check out the homepage for more collaborated events. Real-World Escape Game Overview Source :YouTube screenshot ““Real Escape Game” PV” created by “SCRAP” is a video that introduces the real escape game which is getting popular these days. There are different kinds of real-world escape games that are based on anime and popular video games and they can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Whether you solve the puzzles or not, it's sure to be a memorable experience! There are practice questions on the official website, so if you're interested we recommend giving it a try! -
Video article 4:58
Here Are Some of the Most Popular Places to Experience the Princess Experience That All Girls Dream off! She's Wearing a Beautiful Dress That Makes Her Look Like a Disney Princess!
Things to Do Modern Culture- 34 plays
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This video, titled "An Eternal Longing ☆ The Princess Experience Is Really Popular!" (永遠の憧れ☆プリンセス お姫様体験が大人気), was released by "KyodoNews." This video is a news video released by Kyodo News that gives shows you princess experiences in Japan. The Disney Store, which sells Disney princess costumes, is the driving force behind the experience of becoming a princess, every girl's dream. The Snow Crystal Museum in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, is a popular place where you can feel like a princess, as it looks just like the castle from Disney's "Frozen." Lockhart Castle in Takayama Village, Gunma Prefecture, is a popular destination for couples and women, with more than 250 costumes available in the exotic mountain castle. These princess experiences have also increased tourism. It's been observed that Disney characters have become more popular due to their increased diversity. -
Video article 1:01
Roppongi Art Night – A One-Night Art Extravaganza! Experience a Festival of Art in the Heart of Tokyo!
Travel Traditional Culture Modern Culture Festivals & Events Traditional Crafts Art & Architecture- 17 plays
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Roppongi Art Night Video Introduction This video, titled "Roppongi Art Night|Spin-off Project_Message Video 'Right Now, Can Art Revitalize the City?'" (六本木アートナイト スピンオフ・プロジェクト_メッセージ映像「いま、アートで街を元気にできる?」), was uploaded by "Roppongi Art Night - Digital [RAN TV]" (六本木アートナイト・デジタル【RAN TV】). The video contains a powerful message with the theme, "Right Now, Can Art Revitalize the City?" Be sure to check it out. Roppongi Art Night - An Art Festival in the City of Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In March 2009, Tokyo's leading art festival began with the launch of Roppongi Art Night. Roppongi Art Night was held with the aim of proposing a new lifestyle of enjoying new art in daily life and creating a pioneering model for urban development in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The festival has been gaining popularity year after year as a one-night-only art festival that allows visitors to experience the extraordinary by arranging a variety of artworks, not only contemporary art, but also design and music, throughout Roppongi, where various commercial and cultural facilities are concentrated. Roppongi Art Night 2021 Canceled Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic Photo:People wearing masks Roppongi Art Night has been held since 2009, but due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, Roppongi Art Night 2021, which was scheduled to take place in the fall of 2021, was postponed to March 18, 2022. However, unable to escape the effects of the pandemic, the Roppongi Art Night Executive Committee decided to outright cancel the festival, and many users on Twitter expressed their disappointment and sadness at the announcement. In response, an online event called the "Inclusive Art Program" was held to encourage people to share the enjoyment of art despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and many art fans participated and had a great time at the events. Have an Amazing Time at Roppongi Art Night! Source :YouTube screenshot The charm of Roppongi Art Night is that visitors can enjoy art outside of art museums. The entire town of Roppongi is the stage. The main attraction of Roppongi Art Night is that everyone is welcome to participate in the event, including those who are invited to submit video works and other artworks. In past Roppongi Art Night events, furoshiki was the main theme, and furoshiki designed by Yayoi Kusama and Takeshi Kitano were shown to the public. In addition, although it was canceled, Roppongi Art Night 2021 was a collaborative project with Doraemon. There was also a program in which participants could enjoy guided tours by volunteers. Rather than a typical commentary on artworks, the program focused on a dialogue with the participants to convey the charm of Roppongi as a town. It was a fascinating program that offers each participant a unique experience. In addition, Roppongi Art Night also featured a program in which visitors could enjoy the gorgeous aroma and taste of Suntory's "Hibiki" whiskey while viewing exhibits and stories related to the whiskey. Roppongi Art Night is an event where the entire town of Roppongi becomes a stage for enjoying art. Summary of Roppongi Art Night Roppongi Art Night is a one-night event where the town of Roppongi is filled with all kinds of art. You can really feel the energy and vitality from the video! When Roppongi Art Night, one of Japan's premier art festivals, is held, consider picking up a guidebook and visiting one of the Instagram-worthy art spaces? Whether you're alone, going as a couple, with family, or participating in a guided tour or event, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Buses will be in operation during the festival, allowing visitors to enjoy the art throughout the night. Special tickets are also available, so be sure to come out and enjoy this art festival in Roppongi to the fullest! 【TripAdvisor】Roppongi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g14129735-Roppongi_Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html