Video article 2:34
This is the landing place of UFOs! Let's take a look at the spectacular power spot, Kizuro, Kumano City, Mie Prefecture, from the sky! The unexplored region known only to those in the know is a mysterious sight that will amaze anyone!
Nature- 664 plays
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What is “Kizuro” in Kumano City, Mie Prefecture, an unexplored region of Japan? Aerial Video Introduction This video "Unexplored Japan (Kizuro) (日本の秘境 (木津呂))" was created by "hashieemov". Kizuro is an unexplored region in Japan in the town called Kiwa (紀和町, kiwachou). Kiwa is located in Kumano city, Mie prefecture in the Tokai region of Japan. It is one of the most uniquely structured settlements to be found in Japan and attracts many tourists as it is thought to be a power spot. It has also been featured in the Japanese TV show "Nani kore, Chinkyakkei" (What's this? 100 Famous, Bizarre Views) and looks identical to a location from the movie "Your name" (君の名は, kiminonawa). In this video, we introduce to you the Kizuro Village through aerial drone photography. Kizuro: An Unexplored Region of Japan. Why Is It Shaped So Strangely? Source :YouTube screenshot Kizuro Village is located in a basin surrounded by mountains in a town called Kiwa in Kumano city, Mie prefecture. It is situated in the center of a white, oval area of land with a river running through it. The unusual and unique shape of the terrain is one of the characteristics of this small, ancient settlement. You can take a look at the terrain from 0:07 in the video. Depending on which direction you look at it from, the terrain appears circular and the highest point from which you can see it is the top of Mt. Shimzau (嶋津山, shimazuyama) in Kumanogawa, Shingu in Wakayama prefecture. The mountain path is very steep and rugged so please take a map if you plan on climbing it. The mouth of the Kitayama river (北山川, kitayamagawa) which surrounds Kizuro Village is part of the Kumano pilgrimage which is registered as a World Heritage Site. The settelement of Kizuro is thought to have been formed approximately 1500 years ago after the eruption of a volcano caused the land to sink and was slowly eroded by the surrounding Kitagawa river, the shape of the settlement is still changing today. It has become a popular tourist spot because of its photographic terrain which looks similar to a UFO landing spot, with tour buses even operating in the area. There is an ancient practice in Asia called Feng Shui that can be used to forecast or predict fortune by reading the energy in an area. Feng Shui masters believe that the unique terrain surrounding Kizuro Village makes it a very important power spot. Being referred to as an "unexplored region" you would think that the area is very isolated, and therefore deserted, however in 2015 there were eleven people living in the area. The main industry is forestry, and lumber from the area (Kumano) is very valuable and is sold at a high price. Outdoor Activities in Kizuro, an Unexplored Region of Japan Photo:Camp In the opening of the video you can see a car, however there are very few car parks in the area and it could also be said that the access is rather inconvenient. However, a lot of outdoor activities can be enjoyed nearby such as camping, mountain climbing, an observation deck, rafting, Ikadanori and the flower grotto. It is a great spot to experience outdoor adventures! Kizuro Village Is Also a Popular Hot Spring Area Source :Official home page of the Yunokuchi Onsen The unexplored region of Kizuro is also popular as a hot spring area. Many people come to visit Yunokuchi Onsen which is surrounded by the Kumano mountains where the water is said to have healing benefits. Summary of Japan's Unexplored Kizuro Village Photo:Kizuro What do you think of Japan's Kizuro Village? If you decide to visit Kizuro Village, there are many other tourist spots you can enjoy in the area, such as the Maruyama-senmai Rice Field, Shishiiwa and Onigajou. You can access Kizuro from Kumano city center in approximately 60 minutes by car. -
Video article 3:00
In Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture, You Can Enjoy Powerful Motor Sports and Traditional Japanese Crafts! Enjoy a Beautiful View of the Four Seasons You Won't Find Anywhere Else!
Local PR Travel- 26 plays
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日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」のプロモーション動画について 「CitySuzuka」が制作した「鈴鹿市PR動画」では、世界中から注目を浴びるモータースポーツを中心に日本の伝統工芸品や特産物など三重県鈴鹿市の魅力をたっぷりと紹介している動画です。 こちら記事では、日本の観光地である三重県鈴鹿市の魅力を動画とともに紹介します。 日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」はモータースポーツの聖地 三重県の鈴鹿市と言えば、モータースポーツが浮かぶ人が多いのではないでしょうか? 世界の頂点と言われる「F1日本グランプリ」や、真夏の祭典「鈴鹿8時間耐久ロードレース」など世界中から注目を浴びる大会が開催されています。 動画では0:24から紹介されています。 これらのレースが開催されているモータースポーツの聖地が鈴鹿サーキット。 迫力あるバイクレースを目当てに国内外から多くの観戦客が訪れます。 プロのバイクレーサーによる圧倒的な迫力に目を奪われるでしょう。 三重県鈴鹿市を観光するときにモータースポーツは必見ですよ! 日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」は伝統工芸も盛ん 外国人の方々が日本を観光するときは日本の文化に触れたいですよね。 三重県鈴鹿市の周辺は日本の伝統工芸が盛んな場所でもあります。 動画の1:00から紹介されている文様が美しい伊勢型紙は、職人の匠の技によって作られる伝統工芸。 彫刻刀で綺麗に彫られた作品は芸術品のようです。 また、動画の1:18から紹介されている鈴鹿墨は墨の発色は良く、上品で深みのある墨。 鈴鹿市の気候風土により、滑らかな墨が出来上がります。 もの作りの町である三重県鈴鹿市。 自分のお気に入りの工芸品を見つけるために、お店を巡るのも旅行の楽しみのひとつです。 日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」は自然やグルメなどの魅力も 三重県鈴鹿市は他にもさまざまな魅力があふれています。 「かぶせ茶」「鈴鹿抹茶」「日本酒」「地酒」といった鈴鹿市の特産物。 また「鈴鹿バルーンフェスティバル」「鈴鹿シティマラソン」「すずフェス」「鈴鹿げんき花火大会」といったみんなで楽しめるイベントも充実しています。 また、鈴鹿市は四季折々の自然の絶景を見ることができます。 春は桜が咲きほこり、夏は青々とした海の景色、秋の紅葉のしんみりした景観、冬の山に積もった雪の景勝など季節によって感じが変わる風景を楽しめますよ。 他にも椿大神社や勝速日神社、鈴鹿の森庭園、鈴鹿フラワーパーク、石垣池公園などインスタ映えスポットがたくさんあります。 日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」の記事のまとめ 三重県鈴鹿市はモータースポーツや日本の伝統工芸、美しい景色を楽しめる人気の観光地。 動画をご覧になればきっとお気に入りのスポットが見つかりますよ。 -
Video article 7:37
Shima Kanko Hotel Hosted Many Countries' Leaders at the Ise-Shima Summit. Enjoy a Luxurious Time in an Extraordinary Space With Excellent Food in Shima, Mie Prefecture!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 38 plays
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伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「都ホテルズ&リゾーツ/Miyako Hotels&Resorts」が公開した「【公式】◆志摩観光ホテル ー 志摩時間へようこそ。ー」です。 美し国、伊勢。 ここに世界各国から愛されるホテル「志摩観光ホテル」は2016年にはG7伊勢志摩サミットが行われ、日本国内だけでなく世界からも注目を集めています。 日本を代表する迎賓館伊勢志摩の老舗ホテル。 クラシックホテルで過ごす美し国伊勢志摩の魅力をご紹介しましょう。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」とは 三重県志摩市にある志摩観光ホテルの基本情報をご紹介しましょう。 2016年にはG7伊勢志摩サミットが開かれ、世界各国の賓客を極上のおもてなしをしました。 もともと志摩観光ホテルは、真珠の養殖が盛んな三重県賢島(かしこじま)に真珠を買い付けに訪れる外国人向けに1951年誕生しました。 ホテルの設計を担当したのは日本の建築家村野藤吾氏です。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」の魅力 志摩観光ホテルは贅沢なお部屋が特徴。 開業当時のクラシカルな客室のメイン施設ザ・クラシック、多彩なスイートが豊富なベイスイート。 コーナースイートでは、伊勢志摩の絶景、賢島の英虞湾が眺望できます。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」で味わう絶品料理 伊勢志摩の賢島は真珠だけでなく伊勢海老をはじめとした魚介類グルメが豊富です。 フランス料理「ラメール」では地元で獲れた伊勢海老をはじめとした海の幸を中心としたシェフ自慢のフルコース料理、鉄板焼「山吹」では、日本を代表する松坂牛をふんだんに使用した料理が。 和食「浜木綿」では旬の食材の逸品を味わうことができます。 志摩観光ホテルで贅沢な食事のひと時をすごしましょう。 豊富なメニューの中には、G7伊勢志摩サミットで振る舞われたランチ、ディナーを味わうことができます。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」紹介まとめ 志摩観光ホテルは日本人のおもてなしの心がしっかりと詰まった観光ホテルです。 まずは紹介した動画で志摩観光ホテルに足を運んだ気分を味わってみてはいかがでしょう。 -
Video article 2:56
Steel Dragon at Nagashima Sparland, a popular amusement park in Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture, is a thrilling super jet coaster that travels at a speed of 150 km per hour!
Things to Do- 20 plays
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This video, titled "[HD] Nagashima Spa Land High Quality ★Steel Dragon 2000★" (【HD】 長島スパーランド 高画質★スチールドラゴン2000★), was released by "HIKAWA RIDES." This video introduces the Steel Dragon 2000, one of the attractions of Nagashima Spaland. You can feel what it's like to ride the Steel Dragon 2000 by watching the video Plunging down from 97 meters will have you on the edge of your seat! If you want to go to an amusement park in Japan but aren't able to travel, experience what it feels like by watching this video! You also get a great view of Nagashima Spa Land at 0:10 in the video. If you're visiting Mie Prefecture in the future, we recommend stopping by! -
Video article 3:26
The Beauty of Mie Prefecture's Tea Plantations Will Blow You Away! Introducing the Popular Tea of Mie Prefecture, the Third Largest Producer of Tea in Japan!
Nature- 180 plays
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Mie Prefecture's Tea Plantation! There are many tea plantations around Japan. In this article, we'll introduce the tea plantations of Mie prefecture alongside a 4K video. The video, titled "Mie Green Tea Fields - 4K Ultra HD," was created by "TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful." The video introduces a famous tea called "Isecha" (伊勢茶), that's produced in Mie prefecture. The Kamize tea plantation by the Miyagawa river in the Odai Sankei area of Mie prefecture's Taki district is famous for producing high quality Japanese tea. Don't miss out on the beautiful scenery of the paddy fields and green tea plantations in this video! The History and Types of Tea Plantations in the Video Photo:A tea plantation in spring Isecha is thought to have been grown in Mie Prefecture for over 1,000 years. It's said that from the Muromachi period (1336-1573 AD) to the Edo period (1603-1863), priests and merchants carried Isecha to all corners of Japan. Japanese tea leaves are picked from shrubs, such as those seen at 0:41 in the video. The Japanese tea leaves harvested from the tea plantations are sorted into a variety of types, depending on how they were cultivated and processed. These varieties include teas such as Sencha (煎茶), Kabusecha (かぶせ茶) and Gyokuro (玉露). When Is Japanese Tea Harvested and How Can You Purchase It? Photo:Tea plantation・Tea picking Tea farmers in Japan pick the first tea of the year around May. An event is held at the Kamize tea plantation (introduced in the video) where leaves are picked to be used as an offering to Ise Grand Shrine. Japanese tea can be purchased at either tea shops in the area or online. There are also many cafés where you can try a variety of Japanese teas and traditional sweets. The Top Tea Producing Areas in Japan! Photo:Green tea and tea leaves Areas famous for tea production in Japan include the Mount Fuji area of Shizuoka prefecture, Kyoto prefecture, Miyazaki prefecture, and Kagoshima prefecture. The Kamize and Suizawa (水沢) tea plantations of Mie prefecture are also known for producing high quality Japanese tea. The largest producers of tea in Japan (based on production volume, production cost, and cultivation area) are ranked as follows: No.1 – Shizuoka prefecture No.2 – Kagoshima prefecture No.3 – Mie prefecture Summary of Mie Prefecture's Tea Plantation Photo:Tea plantation We hope you enjoyed the view of the beautiful tea plantations introduced in the video. During the peak of the tea growing season, the tea plantations in Mie prefecture, in areas such as Suzuka Yokkaichi, Oku Ise Odai, and Suizawa, create some incredible scenery. At 2:17 in the video, you can see the beautiful scenery of the tea plantations surrounded by mountains. In the Ise-Shima area you can also see the amazing single cherry blossom tree known as "Iwatozakura" (岩戸桜). If watching this video has sparked your interest in Japanese tea, we highly recommend visiting a tea plantation during the height of the tea season to enjoy some amazing sightseeing and delicious tea! -
Video article 2:06
Sekinodo,” a famous confectionery from Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture, is a historic wagashi that has been presented to the royal family. We will discover the secret of this confectionary that has been loved by many people for hundreds of years!
Travel Traditional Culture- 44 plays
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Video introduction of “Sekinodo,” a famous confectionery in Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture This video, titled "[4K video] 'Seki no To' – A Famous Confectionery Offered to the Imperial Family of Kyoto: Kameyama, Mie | nippon.com" (【4K動画】京の皇族にも献納された銘菓「関の戸」:三重県亀山市| nippon.com), was uploaded by nippon.com. "Seki no To" was created by the long-established store "Fukawaya," a Japanese confectionery shop in Kameyama, Mie, located in Japan's Tokai region. The shop was founded in the Kan'ei era (1624-1645) during the reign of Iemitsu, the third Tokugawa shogun, and Seki no To was thought up of by Iyoyasushige Hattori, a descendant of ninja. Seki no To was once used by the Imperial Household as a sweet to be paired with tea. There was even a special box that was used to deliver Seki no To to the Imperial Household. At 1:45 in the video, you can see the luxury container in which the sweets would have been stored. This traditional Japanese sweet has been loved by many people for hundreds of years, so be sure to check it out in the video! The Ingredients Used to Make Seki no To! Source :YouTube screenshot The ingredients used to make the traditional Japanese sweet are brown sugar, wasanbon, gyuhi, mizuame, and azuki beans. Seki no To is an elegant rice cake measuring roughly 3 cms in diameter. It is made by kneading mizuame and rice cake powder together and putting red bean paste inside of it. In the video, you can see the recipe for Seki no To and how it's made at 0:54 in the video. Seki no To has a shelf life of just 15 days, so be sure to enjoy it before it expires! The long-established store "Fukawaya" that sells "Seki no To" also has "Seki no To Ice Milk" a tasty ice cream. "Seki no to Ice Milk" is also very popular and is made by dissolving Seki no To in milk. Where to Purchase Seki no To Source :YouTube screenshot There are three ways to purchase Seki no To: ・At Fukawaya, the store in Mie Prefecture ・At Fukawaya's online shop ・At department stores across Japan In recent years, Fukawaya has also made and sold glass art called "Seki no To Amabie" to ward off evil. Summary of Seki no To - A Traditional Japanese Sweet Seki no To is a traditional Japanese sweet with a history dating back nearly 400 years. The name Seki no To is not only used for the traditional sweet, but also for the name of songs, kabuki plays, and even in the names of sumo wrestlers. Fukawaya, located in Mie Prefecture, has been manufacturing and selling Seki no To since the Edo period (1603-1868) as a long-established Japanese confectionery shop. If you're planning on visiting Kameyama City in Mie Prefecture, be sure to drop by Fukawaya to buy some famous, traditional Japanese sweets! 【Tripadvisor】Fukawaya https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g1019674-d3868245-Reviews-Fukagawaya_Mutsudaisho_Seki_No_To-Kameyama_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:26
The “Iga braid” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, has been the talk of the town since the popular animated film Iga Kumihimo” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, which became the talk of the town after the popular animated film ”Kimi no na wa. The intricately hand-woven designs are truly works of art! The valuable work process is also introduced in the video.
Traditional Crafts- 417 plays
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Video Introduction of Iga Kumihimo, a Traditional Craft of Iga City, Mie Prefecture This video is “TEWAZA- Iga Kumihimo Braided Cord,” introducing Iga Kumihimo, produced by “Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square.” Iga Kumihimo is a traditional handicraft that has gained a lot of attention thanks to the popular animated movie “Your Name.” It has been popular since ancient times, used to make Kimono accessories, such as Obi straps. Kumihimo’s charm lays in its beautiful design, which has been hand-braided using elaborate techniques. Let’s peek into the beautiful world of Iga Kumihimo, where the craftman’s amazing attention to detail is packed into his crafts, and enjoy the traditional Japanese culture. The video shows a craftsman carefully making Iga Kumihimo by hand. It's rare footage that allows us an inside look at Iga Kumihimo The Charm of the Iga Area, Home of Iga Kumihimo Photo:Ise Shrine Iga City (伊賀市, Iga-Shi), a major producer of Iga Kumihimo, is a small town located in the mountains of Mie Prefecture. Mie Prefecture (三重県, Mie-Ken), in the Tokai region of Japan. It is said that the Iga Area was once home to many Ninjas, and is still attracting people’s attention as the “Ninja Village.” In the neighboring area Ise City, there is Ise Shrine, which has been worshiped since ancient times. There are many other attractive sightseeing spots in Mie prefecture as well, such as Nabana no Sato, and Meoto-Iwa. Take your time and enjoy the area. The History of the Traditional Handicraft, Iga Kumihimo Source :YouTube screenshot Braiding has a long history in Japan, dating back to the introduction of Buddhism during the Nara period (710-794 AD). The technique of Iga Kumihimo, which is said to have originally been used for Buddhist robes and sutras, has changed over time as it has been used for Japanese clothing accessories such as obi fasteners. At present, Iga Kumihimo is popular not only for making obi fasteners, but also in making accessories, necklace key chains, straps, charms, accessory cases, ties, bracelets, neck straps, and so on. You can see some of the finished products from 3:11 of the video. The Process of Braiding Iga Kumihimo Source :YouTube screenshot The main process of making Iga Kumihimo braids is to use silk or gold thread and to braid it up using a traditional tool called a “Kumidai.” You can see the threads dyed in various colors at 0:29 in the video. "Thread measuring" is the next step you can see from 0:36 in the video. This determines the length and number of threads. In this video, nine thin threads are bundled together to make a single thread used for Kumihimo braiding. Finally, it becomes a “Braid.” This process is introduced at 0:54 in the video. Each workshop braids by following the instructions called “Ayagaki,” which have been passed down from one generation to the next. The craftsman says that the “High loom,” used in the “braiding” in the video, can catch many more bobbins compared to other stands, and that lets them create complicated patterns. In order to knit beautiful IGA braids, the skill of a craftsman who has been making braids for many years is essential. You can learn about the history and culture of Iga Kumihimo, its techniques, and how to make it at the “Iga Tradition Hall –Iga Kumihimo Center Kumi-no- Sato” located in Iga City. You can also experience making various kinds of works such as key chains and bracelets with Iga Kumihimo. Summary of Iga Kumihimo Source :YouTube screenshot The craftsman explains at 2:42 in the video that, "Kumihimo can stretch because of the diagonal lattice weave. It adapts to the body," and that "a cord made properly with a high loom will stay snug, from morning until you come back home." Iga Kumihimo is a traditional handicraft that is popular among many people due to its high degree of perfection. Each hand-braided piece is truly a work of art. If you are interested in this traditional handicraft after reading this article, why not try it yourself? You can purchase by mail order, and they offer beginner kits so those who have never tried it before can experience the traditional Japanese culture of Iga Kumihimo! 【Official website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:16
What is the Japanese confectionery “Ochigan” offered at the puja at Senshuji Temple in Tsu City, Mie Prefecture? Enjoy the beautiful traditional confectionery in 4K video! How it is made, its origin, characteristics, etc.
Traditional Culture Food & Drink- 111 plays
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Video introduction of the rakugan (wild geese) offered at the puja at Senshuji Temple in Tsu City, Mie Prefecture, Japan. This video, titled "[4K Video] Rakugan – A Japanese Sweet Offered at Senjuji Temple: Tsu, Mie|nippon.com" (【4K動画】専修寺(せんじゅじ)の法会に供される落雁:三重県津市一身田町| nippon.com), was uploaded by "nippon.com." In this 4K video, you can see the traditional Japanese sweet rakugan, made by Okadaya and offered at Senjuji Temple, as if you were actually seeing it with your own eyes. [Video] 0:28 - Rakugan [Video] 1:50 - A Buddhist Service at Senjuji Temple Senjuji Temple is the head temple of the Takata sect of Shinshu Buddhism, which has more than 600 temples throughout Japan. Located in Tsu, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region, the temple houses Nyoraido and Mieido, the first buildings in Mie Prefecture to be designated as national treasures, as well as many other national treasures related Buddhism and Important Cultural Properties designated by the government of Japan. Every year from January 9 to 16, Shinshu's largest Buddhist memorial service, Hoonko, is held here. The signature traditional Japanese sweet offered at the altar of such an important Buddhist service at Senshuji Temple is rakugan. Okadaya is the sweets shop that supplies these rakugan to Senjuji Temple. Okadaya was founded in 1868 and is a long-established confectionary in Tsu, Mie, the same city as Senjuji Temple. Currently, in addition to Japanese sweets such as rakugan, sakura okoshi, and otafuku manju, Okadaya also sells fresh and colorful birthday cakes, wedding cakes, and cakes with illustrations, made with seasonal ingredients. What Is Rakugan? Origin, Characteristics, and How It's Made Photo:Rakugan Rakugan is a traditional Japanese sweet commonly used in tea ceremony or as an offering. It's made by kneading grain-derived flour with sugar or syrup, pressing it into a mold, forming it, and drying it. Rakugan is also a type of higashi. Higashi refers to dried wagashi with less than 20% water content. Major types of higashi include rakugan, konpeito, senbei, and yatsuhashi. Wagashi can be classified into three categories: fresh confectioneries, semi-perishable confectioneries, and dried confectioneries. Rakugan, wasanbon, and yatsuhashi belong to the dried confectionery category. Rakugan, which are very hard, are mostly made of sugar, meaning that the flavor of the ingredients can be enjoyed as is, and because they contain little water, they are resistant to mold and last a long time. Because of its unique hardness, it's easy to form patterns on the surface, and it's possible to make patterns in the shape of flowers, family crests, cranes and turtles, and other auspicious symbols, and it can also be colored in various colors with food coloring. These characteristics are what make rakugan suitable as an offering, and thus they are frequently used as such. There are two popular theories about the origin of the name rakugan (落雁): the first is that the name comes from the Chinese sweet nanrakukan (軟落甘) and that the name changed over time, and the second is that it was named after Katata no Rakugan (堅田落雁, Wild Geese Returning Home at Katata) one of the Eight Views of Omi. Rakugan are said to have originated when a disciple of the Buddha served rakugan to monks during the Bon Festival. The word "rakugan" (落雁) means "geese flying down from the sky," and is a well-known seasonal word used in Japanese poetry to represent autumn. Rakugan, Wasanbon, and Hakusetsuko – Three Types of Japanese Sweets Photo:Wasanbon Hakusetsuko and wasanbon are two other types of higashi and are difficult to distinguish from rakugan. Here, we'll explain the differences and uses of rakugan, hakusetsuko and wasanbon. Both rakugan and hakusetsuko can be colored red and white and decorated with patterns, and are typical traditional Japanese sweets used as offerings for the Bon Festival. Rakugan are made from steamed and dried rice powder, while hakusetsuko are made from raw rice powder. Wasanbon is made by molding only wasanbon, a type of sugar, and therefore differs from rakugan and hakusetsu-kan in both ingredients and how it's made. Wasanbon is a specialty of Kagawa and Tokushima prefectures, and is made by refining sugarcane juice. Today, it's considered a high-end sugar due to its scarcity and the decrease in the number of producers. It's mainly used as sugar for Japanese sweets, and is especially famous for its use in higashi sweets. How to Store Rakugan and How Long It Can Be Kept Photo:Bon Festival offerings The reason why rakugan is used as an offering is because its ability to last for a long time. So, by when should rakugan be eaten? If stored properly, rakugan can be kept for more than a month and eaten without any problems. On the other hand, if they are not stored properly, their quality may deteriorate quickly. The key to preserving the quality of rakugan is to avoid humidity and sunlight. Because of its high sugar content, rakugan easily absorbs moisture, especially during Japan's rainy season, and when it absorbs moisture, it spoils much quicker. In addition, colored rakugan will lose their color when exposed to sunlight. If they are to be served after being dedicated as an offering, it's important to pay attention to humidity, sunlight, and the time of year they are offered. To prevent spoiling from humidity, we recommend wrapping the rakugan in film. As tea sweets, rakugan can be stored in an airtight container without losing quality if kept out of direct sunlight. How to Enjoy Rakugan and Recipes They Can Be Used In Photo:Rakugan sugar The following is a list of delicious ways to eat rakugan as well as recipes they can be used in. Since the main ingredient of rakugan is sugar, it can be processed into a powder using a grater, food processor, or mill, and used as a substitute for sugar in a wide variety of applications. For example, we recommend using it in coffee, tea, or other beverages, or in yogurt or pancakes, as it's particularly easy to utilize. By using it in these ways, you can enjoy the taste of rakugan that have hardened over time, as opposed to eating them as they are. Summary of Rakugan, a Traditional Japanese Sweet In this article, we introduced rakugan, a higashi (dried confectionery) that's also offered at the Buddhist memorial service at Senjuji Temple. With a long history, rakugan has been loved throughout Japan to the extent that it has been selected as one of the three most famous confectioneries in the country. If you have the chance to try this traditional Japanese sweet, definitely give it a go! -
Video article 6:00
Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture: A Town With Tons of History, Gourmet Food, Tradition, and Culture. In This Video, Two Beautiful Women Wander Around the Tourist Spots of Matsusaka!
Local PR Travel Food & Drink- 81 plays
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Matsusaka City Is More Than Just Matsusaka Beef This video was created by the Matsusaka Tourist Association. This video will introduce you to Matsusaka, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region. It's called "Matsusaka-city tour video [Japanese]" (松阪市観光動画【日本語】). Matsusaka city is located in the center of Mie prefecture. Matsusaka is a gateway to Ise Shima, and it is about 15 minutes by train to Ise, a castle town with a traditional atmosphere. In this video, two beautiful ladies tour Matsusaka in order to introduce you to gourmet food, tradition, and culture. You'll be raring to visit Matsusaka after watching the video. What to Eat in Matsusaka Photo:Sukiyaki Lots of good food can be found in Matsusaka city. We especially recommend Matsusaka beef, introduced in the video at 0:33. A world-famous brand, Matsusaka beef comes from Matsusaka cows that drink beer and get massages. This peculiar way of raising cows gives the meat an amazing flavor, and no other beef has the same taste. It is so soft that if you touch the beef, the fat starts to melt. In the video at 1:02, Shigenobu Kajio from the Matsusaka Tourist Association talks about the beautiful marbling, sweetness, and top quality of Matsusaka beef. If you're visiting Matsusaka, the most famous Matsusaka beef dish, sukiyaki, is one you've gotta try! They show how to cook this at 1:21 in the video. Of course, there's more ways than just sukiyaki to enjoy Matsusaka beef. Other ways include steaks, yakiniku, and more! Matsusaka local food includes Japanese sweets like Oinotomo, Matsusaka tea, Monaka Ice cream (wafers filled with bean jam), and there's the popular Japanese sweets store, Yanagiya Hozen, where you can buy some of these. There are also many restaurants serving lunch as well as popular ramen stores throughout the area. A restaurant called "Kappo Ryokan Yachiyo" serves many different Matsusaka beef dishes such as shabu-shabu, steaks, rare, lightly roasted beef, and beef stew. Matsusaka is full of flavor! Historical Spots in Matsusaka Photo:Gojoban Yashiki After filling up at a local restaurant, enjoy a walk around the city and admire the history. During the warring states period (late 1400s to late 1600s), Matsusaka City in Mie Prefecture prospered as a merchant city under the command of Gamo Ujisato, a military commander of the Warring States period. At the "Matsusaka Cotton Hand Weaving Center" introduced in the video, they sell Matsusaka cotton textiles, such as dresses, accessories, Kimonos, and Yukata (summer Kimono). You can also try the weaving experience to get more in touch with Japanese culture. In the castle town, Matsusaka, there are number of tourist spots where you can enjoy the city’s history such as Gojoban Yashiki, Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Ozu Yasujiro Seishunkan Museum, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, Former residence of Hasegawa, Ozu Seizaemon, Hasegawa Jirobei, and the birthplace of the Mitsui Family. You can see the details in the video at 3:39. There are many great places for taking Instagram photos as well. Norinaga Motoori, a famous person in the Kojiki (A record of ancient matters), was from Matsusaka, and there are facilities related to Motoori Norinaga such as the Museum of Motoori Norinaga, and the former residence of Motoori Norinaga "Suzu-no-ya." Japanese explorer, Takeshiro Matsuura, who was the first person to document the inner reaches of Hokkaido, was also from Matsusaka. He is the one that named Hokkaido "Ainu." Access to Matsusaka It's more convenient to use trains to get to Matsusaka. From Osaka or Kyoto, it takes just under 2 hours, while from Nagoya it's only a 70 minute journey. From Kansai International Airport, change at Namba Station, and from Chubu International Airport Centrair, change at Nagoya Station. It is also easily accessible from Kyoto and Nara. Festivals in Matsusaka Source :YouTube screenshot There are many events in Matsusaka. Take a look at the video at 4:48 to see some of them. The Ujisato Festival held in autumn in memory of Gamo Ujisato is a very powerful event! There is also the Hatsuuma Festival, the Norinaga Festival, and the Matsusaka Gion Festival. Many people come to the Matsusaka Beef Festival where they auction off Matsusaka cattle. The Matsusaka City Marathon is also very popular. Other Tourist Spots Around Matsusaka There are number of tourist spots that weren't introduced in the video. If you want to relax, we recommend visiting Mie Ureshino hot springs and Matsusaka Kumano-no sato hot hprings. If you want to buy souvenirs and Matsusaka goods, you can visit roadside stations Iitaka and Chakura, or places like Matsusaka Bell Farm, Matsuzakashi Santaro, and local street markets. We highly recommend having lunch at Matsusaka's local restaurants! There are more exciting spots in Matsusaka as well: Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Matsusaka Park, Chubudai Athletic Park, Komyo-ji Temple, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, wealthy merchant town Matsusaka, Matsusaka Tourist Information Center, Takeshiro Matsuura Museum, ceramic art space “Niji no Izumi,” Matsusaka Suzu no Mori Park, and Mount Takami. Find your favorite place amongst the beautiful scenery of Matsusaka. Overview of Matsusaka Interested in checking out Matsusaka city? Don't forget to try Matsusaka's local cuisine, Matsusaka beef when you visit! Check out the video to see the delicious Matsusaka beef. We don't recommend watching it on an empty stomach! 【Official Website】Mie Prefecture Matsusaka city, city hall https://www.city.matsusaka.mie.jp/site/userguide/foreignlanguage.html -
Video article 3:37
Kuwana City in Mie Prefecture - Great for Traveling Alone! Clams, Sukiyaki, Strawberries, and More... This Video Will Have Your Mouth Watering in No Time!
Local PR Food & Drink Travel- 155 plays
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About Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture This video is a sightseeing video titled "Kuwana City Sightseeing Video Japanese ver." (桑名市観光動画 日本語ver), that introduces the charm of Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture in Japan's Tokai region. It was produced by the Kuwana City Public Relations Department. Kuwana City is an attractive area dotted with a ton of hole-in-the-wall locations. Check out our recommendations for sightseeing, including historical landmarks and leisure facilities. This video introduces the culture, traditions, and cuisine of Kuwana City in Mie Prefecture from the perspective of a solo traveler. The introduction to the local cuisine of Kuwana City looks especially delicious, and there are many excellent dishes you'll want to try at least once. Things to Do Near Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture Photo:Shichiri no Watashi In Kuwana City, there are many beautiful sightseeing locations, such as Tado Taisha Shrine (多度大社, Tado Taisha), Kasuga Shrine (春日神社, Kasuga Jinja), the statue of Honda Tadakatsu who was a vassal of Tokugawa Ieyasu and his tomb, Rokkaen, as well as the former Moroto Seiroku Residence, and Moroto Garden. The Shichiri no Watashi (Miya-no-Watashi Park) is the former site of Shichiri Marine in Kuwanajuku from Miyajuku (now Nagoya). Tado Taisha Shrine is introduced at 0:37 in the video. This Tado Taisha Shrine is a legendary place where God is said to have descended on a white horse. You can even see a pure white horse in the video. Leisure Facilities and Sightseeing Events in Kuwana City Photo:Illuminations of Nabana no Sato Kuwana City has many entertainment facilities where you can enjoy a special time. Among them, Nagashima Spa Land is popular as one of the largest amusement facilities in Japan. Nagashima Spa Land is introduced at 2:55 in the video, and the roller coasters are a ton of fun! Nearby, Nabana no Sato is an attractive place where you can enjoy beautiful flowers and illuminations. You can also enjoy shopping at Mitsui Outlet Park Jazz Dream Nagashima. Kuwana City also hosts the Kuwana Suigo Fireworks Festival at the end of July every year, which gets packed with tourists. We also recommend the morning market "Sanpachi," held on Teramachi Dori Shopping Street. Delicious Food in Kuwana City Photo:Yasunaga-mochi Kuwana City is also famous for its tasty gourmet cuisine. Above all, the Yasunaga-mochi, sold at the long-established store Nagamo-ya, which has its headquarters located in the city, is a historical confectionary that was loved by travelers visiting Ise long ago. This is shown at 0:59 in the video. You can also eat delicious clams in Kuwana city thanks to it being located near the sea. For souvenirs, we recommend buying boiled clams called "hamaguri no shigure-ni." Kuwana City is also famous for shabu-shabu and sukiyaki shops, as well as spots where you can enjoy strawberry picking. Taste the exquisite local cuisine in Kuwana City. Summary of Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture The culture, natural landscape, history, and gourmet food of Kuwana City introduced in this article are shown in even more detail in the video. In addition, there are still many attractive sightseeing spots in Kuwana City that we can't cover here. Enjoy the charms of Kuwana City through the lovely introductory video! Which sightseeing spots in Kuwana City are you interested in? 【Tripadvisor】Kuwana City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g651657-Kuwana_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu-Vacations.html -
Video article 4:16
Ise Katagami, a Traditional Craft of Suzuka, Mie Prefecture With a History of More Than 1,000 Years, Is Highly Regarded Around the World for Its Use in Yukata and Kimono
Traditional Crafts- 52 plays
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伝統工芸品「伊勢形紙」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「伊勢形紙」Ise-katagami Paper Stencil/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 伊勢形紙(いせかたがみ)は、型染めに用いられる型紙です。 古くから伊勢(三重県鈴鹿市)で作られ、現在でも流通している90%以上の伊勢形紙はこの地域で生産されています。 伊勢形紙は1955年に、文化財保護法に基づき工芸技術としての重要無形文化財に指定され、6名の職人が重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)として認定されました。 1983年には通産省の伝統的工芸品の指定も受けています。 日本の伝統工芸品である伊勢形紙とは 伊勢形紙は、柿渋で張り合わせて補強した美濃和紙を台紙にし、文様や図柄を彫刻刀で丹念に彫り抜いたものです。 職人が彫刻刀による手彫りで図柄を彫り抜いて作りあげる独特の風合いが魅力です。 千有余年の歴史を誇る伊勢形紙は、古くから友禅や小紋、浴衣など着物の文様の型染めに用いられてきました。 図柄の芸術性が再評価され、現在は着物の染色のみならず生活に密着した日用品などにも使用されるようになっています。 例えば襖・障子などの室内装飾やLED照明にも応用されるなど伊勢形紙の新しい取り組みに注目が集まっています。 さらに団扇、扇子、しおりなどの和小物は連日多くの外国人観光客がお土産品として買い求めています。 日本の伝統工芸品である伊勢形紙の制作工程 繊細で美しい文様で世界的に高く評価されている伊勢形紙ですが、型紙を作るには高度な技法と根気が必要です。 動画でご覧になれる制作工程を簡単に説明すると、まず最初は型地紙づくりです。 美濃和紙を柿渋でベニヤ状に張り合わせ、天日乾燥と室枯らし(燻烟)を繰り返します。 ここまで延べ40日ほどかけて作られます。 出来上がった紙を選別後、2、3カ月~1年間、寸法を安定させるために寝かせます。 出来上がった伊勢形紙は染型紙として用いられ、細かい刃先の彫刻刀で精巧微細な図柄を彫っていきます。 色や素材の使い方しだいで、職人の技法とデザインセンスが光る作品が生まれるのです。 日本の伝統工芸品である伊勢形紙紹介まとめ 残念なことに着物の需要の減少によって伊勢形紙業者は縮小傾向にあり、技術保存会などが用意された型紙に彫っていく1日体験コースや、本格的な伊勢形紙の技術が学べる弟子入りコースなど優れた技術を後世に伝えようと様々な工夫をしています。 その反面、手仕事から生まれる美しい模様の伊勢形紙は日本文化の象徴、また伝統工芸品として外国人旅行客に好まれています。 伊勢形紙はこれからも美術伝統工芸品として高く評価され、人々を魅了し続けることでしょう。 -
Video article 16:50
Iga Beef - Enjoy The Finest Japanese Beef At Sukiyaki Kanaya, A Popular, Long-established Japanese Restaurant In Iga, Mie! The Soft, Melt-in-your-mouth Texture Of The Grilled Beef Will Take You To Cloud Nine!
Food & Drink- 56 plays
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Video introduction of Iga beef grilled at the long-established “Kanaya Head Office” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture. This video, titled "Iga Beef Amiyaki - Gourmet Food in Japan," was released by "Aden Films." The video showcases Iga Beef being grilled at the long-established shop "Sukiyaki Kanaya" in Iga City, Mie Prefecture. "Sukiyaki Kanaya" in Iga, Mie is a Japanese sukiyaki restaurant that produces Iga Beef and offers some of the finest cuts of beef around. It's very popular as a long-established restaurant where you can relax and enjoy Iga Beef in a Japanese-style atmosphere. This time, we'll introduce the characteristics of Iga Beef and the grill menu of Sukiyaki Kanaya, the restaurant introduced in the video. Iga Beef, a High-end Brand of Japanese Beef Photo:Iga Beef Iga Beef refers to female Japanese Black heifers fattened in Japan's Tokai region in Iga and Nabari in Mie prefecture. Specifically, the cattle are fattened females born to Tajima bulls in Hyogo Prefecture and virgin cattle from Miyazaki Prefecture. Since its founding 100 years ago, Kanaya has been producing Iga Beef with its advanced fattening techniques. Also, it's said that the livestock production of Iga Beef became known nationwide when Seizaburo Kanaya shipped Iga Beef to Tokyo for the first time in 1883. The clean air and water of the Iga Basin and the abundant pastures of the natural environment make it suitable for cattle breeding. The Iga Beef bred there has a unique fragrance and richness to it and is characterized by its melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. Iga Beef is sold as a high-end beef brand at 18 certified butcher shops. As a special product of the Iga region, it is also sold online, and its flavor is recognized both in Japan and overseas. The Grilled Beef Dishes of Sukiyaki Kanaya Source :YouTube screenshot The long-established Iga Beef restaurant Sukiyaki Kanaya is a Japanese restaurant that has been producing Iga Beef for four generations. The menu at Sukiyaki Kanaya includes, of course, sukiyaki, as well as butter-grilled beef, regular grilled beef, shabu-shabu, and Iga Beef steaks for both lunch and dinner. The video will introduce the "Amiyaki" method of grilling over charcoal, which brings out the flavor of the meat more directly. You can see the Iga Beef grilled with plenty of sauce at 2:28 in the video. At Sukiyaki Kanaya, the veteran Chef Nakai attends to the table and grills 3 pieces of A5 rank marbled meat and vegetables, such as onions and shiitake mushrooms, to utter perfection. Check out the video at 4:09 and you'll be able to get an idea for just how tender this meat is. Summary of Iga Beef, the So-Called"Phantom" Beef Photo:Iga Beef In the video "Iga Beef Amiyaki - Gourmet Food in Japan" that was shown here, you can thoroughly enjoy the grilled cuisine of Sukiyaki Kanaya. Watching the video of the delicious Iga beef grilled over charcoal with special sauce... If this doesn't make you want to go sightseeing in the ninja village of Iga then I don't know what will. -
Video article 4:41
Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, has a long history of 2,000 years. One of the most popular tourist spots in Japan is a sacred power spot that you should visit at least once in your lifetime!
Art & Architecture- 45 plays
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Ise Jingu Shrine, Ise City, Mie Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "【伊勢神宮】 SOUL of JAPAN ISE-JINGU" was uploaded by "ISE-JINGU Official Channel" (伊勢神宮 公式チャンネル (ISE-JINGU)). It introduces Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region. Ise Jingu Shrine is one of Japan's major tourist destinations and has ancient roots. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read on! About Ise Jingu Shrine - A Popular Tourist Destination in Mie Prefecture Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu Shrine・Toyouke Daijingu In 2016, the 42nd G7 Summit was held in Shima, Mie. Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise, Mie is a highly popular tourist destination not only for Japanese tourist, but also for tourists from abroad. It is called "Oise-san" or "Dai-jingu-san" and officially called "Jingu." There are 125 shrines, including Inner Shrine where Amaterasu Omikami is enshrined as the ancestral deity of the Imperial family, and the Outer Shrine where Toyouke no Omikami is enshrined as the god of food, clothing, shelter, and industry, and they are collectively referred to as "Jingu." The video introduces attractive spots at Ise Jingu Shrine for around 5 minutes. "Toyouke Daijingu" is shown from 0:45, "Shikinen Sengu," where a lot of historical materials are displayed, is shown from 1:24 and the inner shrine is shown from 1:54. The murmur of the Isuzu River (五十鈴川) at the entrance of Ise Jingu and the spiritual atmosphere is very soothing. The History of Ise Jingu Shrine Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu shrine approach The inner shrine has a history of about 2,000 years and outer shrine about 1500 years. Originally, Amaterasu Omikami was enshrined in Nara, but was moved around the country in search of a more suitable location and finally settled in Ise, Mie. Because of its long history, historical figures such as Taira no Kiyomori, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and Oda Nobunaga have also visited the temple. Worshipping From the Outer Shrine To the Inner Shrine Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu outer shrine・Tsukiyomi-no-miya entrance When you pray at Ise Jingu Shrine, you have to worship from the outer shrine and then the inner shrine. This is because Toyouke no Omikami, the deity of the outer shrine, is the god of food for Amaterasu no Mikami, the deity of the inner shrine, and it was customary to offer food to her before visiting the inner shrine, and it is still customary to visit the shrines in that order. Enjoy Tourist Sites Around Ise Jingu! Photo:Mie Prefecture, Shiroko Station・Suzuka City Billboard There are many tourist sites in the city, such as Suzuka Circuit, Nagashima Spa Land and Shima Spain Village (志摩スペイン村). Because of this, the number of tourists continued to break a records for the third year in a row and in 2018, at a total of 42.6 million tourists. Out of 42.6 million people, Ise Jingu was visited by more than 8 million tourists, solidifying Ise Jingu as a major tourist destination in Mie Prefecture. Summary of Ise Jingu Shrine Photo:Ise Jingu Shrine, Mie Prefecture The video introduces Ise Jingu Shrine, a tourist destination in Mie Prefecture. Ise Jingu Shrine is a sightseeing spot with a very spiritual and solemn atmosphere. You can feel the solemnity just by watching the video. Be sure to visit Ise Jingu Shrine when you travel to Mie Prefecture! ◆Ise Jingu Shrine|General Information◆ 【Address】1 Ujitachi, Ise, Mie 516-0023 【Access】Access to the outer shrine is a 5-minute walk from Iseshi Station. The inner shrine is about a 30-minute walk from Isuzugawa Station 【Admission Fee】Free 【Hours】5am to 6pm 【Closures】No holidays 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0596-24-1111 【Official Website】Ise Jingu Shrine https://www.isejingu.or.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Ise Jingu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g303159-d555336-Reviews-Ise_Jingu-Ise_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:46
Watch the beautiful spectacular scenery at Altia Toba, a Southern European-style resort hotel. The Western-style house by the sea in Toba City, Mie Prefecture, is full of charm!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 59 plays
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南欧風リゾートホテル「アルティア鳥羽」のプロモーション動画について 「日本で美しい景色やおいしいグルメを食べられるホテルはないかな?」 このように、美しい景観や料理を楽しめるホテルを探している人に必見の動画の紹介です。 「IZUMIGOtv」が公開した【公式】アルティア鳥羽 プロモーションムービー」は、三重県鳥羽市にあるホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の魅力を紹介している動画です。 志摩半島の自然が豊かな景勝、心身を癒す温泉などアルティア鳥羽に泊まりたくなるような映像が詰まっています。 こちら記事では、三重県志摩半島を観光する際におすすめのホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の魅力や、周辺情報を動画と共に紹介します。 三重県観光の際におすすめのホテル「アルティア鳥羽」 三重県を観光する際におすすめのホテルであるアルティア鳥羽は、とても美しい南欧風のリゾートホテルです。 アルティア鳥羽は、2016年の伊勢志摩サミットで話題になった三重県志摩半島の東部にあります。 この鳥羽というエリアは、昔ながらの宿泊地で旅館が多いのが特徴です。 そんな旅館が多い中にある南欧風リゾートホテルのアルティア鳥羽は、異彩を放っており人気があります。 懐石料理や露天風呂、プールまである贅沢な宿泊施設のアルティア鳥羽。 豪華なホテルに泊まって、心身を癒すのはいかがでしょうか? 三重県観光で人気のホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の特徴 三重県志摩半島を観光する際に利用したいアルティア鳥羽は、さまざまな魅力があります。 まず鳥羽の夜景はアルティア鳥羽に宿泊したときには、必ず見ておきたい景色。 天体望遠鏡で鳥羽の星空を見ることもでき、美しい夜空を思う存分楽しむことができます。 食事は夜の豪華な懐石料理やフレンチ料理、朝は朝食バイキングなど絶品のグルメを堪能できます。 プランによって食事の内容が変わってくるので、ご自身に合ったプランを選びましょう。 伊勢志摩の新鮮な海の幸は絶品ですよ。 人気のホテルのアルティア鳥羽では、他にも日帰り温泉やエステなどもおすすめ。 三重県観光で人気のホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の周辺スポット 三重県で人気のホテルであるアルティア鳥羽の周辺には、観光スポットも充実しています。 アルティア鳥羽に宿泊した際に、必ず行っておきたい観光スポットといえば伊勢神宮です。 お伊勢さんという愛称で呼ばれる伊勢神宮には、全国からたくさんの参拝客が訪れる歴史ある場所。 日本最大級のスケールを持つ鳥羽水族館もおすすめです。 約850種類2万点の海の生物を鑑賞できます。 他には、二見興玉神社や安土桃山文化村、志摩地中海村、おかげ横丁、夫婦岩なども人気の観光名所。 三重県観光で人気のホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の記事まとめ こちらの動画をご覧になればアルティア鳥羽でどんな素晴らしい体験ができるのか想像でき、実際に宿泊したいと思えるはずですよ。 美しい南欧風リゾートホテルのアルティア鳥羽。 夜景やグルメなどさまざまな魅力のあるホテルで、贅沢な休日を過ごしてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 6:27
The history of Iga-Ueno Castle in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, the birthplace of the ninja, is explored! One of the 100 best castles in Japan, the castle's beautiful appearance with its distinctive high stone walls is enchanting!
Art & Architecture- 123 plays
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Iga Ueno Castle” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This is a video introducing Iga Ueno castle in Mie, which was selected as one of Japan’s Top 100 Castles. The title of the video is "Japan’s Top 100 Castles, Iga Ueno Castle, Mie Prefecture" (日本100名城 伊賀上野城 三重県 Iga Ueno Castle), published by “castle shrine.” Iga, Mie prefecture is known as the origin of Ninjas. As shown at the beginning of the video, the nearest station to the castle, Ueno-shi station, is also called Ninja-shi station ("shi" means city in Japanese). Iga Ueno castle is famous for its massive stone walls. In the video at 3:32, you can see the majestic castle as it sits atop the towering stone walls. These tall stone walls are the second largest stone walls in Japan after Osaka castle. Many tourists gather here for cherry blossom viewing and to see the autumn leaves at this scenic castle. We hope you'll enjoy the video showing the castle in all its grandeur. A Look at Iga Ueno Castle Photo:Iga Ueno Castle in spring Iga Ueno castle was built on Ueno Plateau in the Iga area. The castle was classified as a hirayama style castle (built on a hill in a plain) and also called Hakuho castle. It was known as a defensive castle as there are two rivers near it. These rivers were a great advantage in protecting the castle when attacked. Before Iga Ueno castle was built, there were different buildings, such as a temple and a small castle, at the site of Iga Ueno castle. In the Warring States period (1467-1615), construction of Iga Ueno castle began under the authority of military commander, Katsutoshi Takigawa. After that, Tsutsui Sadatsugu reconstructed the castle by referring to the manuscript "Isui Unko," written by Nyogen Kikuoka. Finally, the castle was expanded by Takatora Toda who received it from Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Shortly thereafter, Takatora became the lord of the castle. The current Iga Ueno castle is a castle keep, also called "Iga Cultural Property." Different calligraphic works are embedded in the coffers of the top floor as well. These calligraphic works are outstanding and the castle is now designated as a cultural property of Iga. When is the best time to see cherry blossoms in Iga Ueno Castle?What's the highlight? About 600 cherry trees are planted around the castle tower of Iga Ueno Castle.In spring, you can enjoy the collaboration between Tenshukaku and cherry blossoms reflected in the blue sky, making it a great shooting spot.When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the Tenshu-kaku lights up, and the gentle light of the lanterns shines on them. Usually, cherry blossoms in Tsu, Mie Prefecture, are at their best from late March to early April.It seems that the cherry blossom forecast date for 2024 will be in full bloom around March 31st and April 7th. Sightseeing at Iga Ueno Castle and the Castle Town Photo:Iga Ueno castle, Scenery from the castle tower Ueno park is located around Iga Ueno Castle. This park is popular for literary fans as there are different historical buildings related to Matsuo Basho, a famous poet who was from Ueno. There are also Ninja museums and different Ninja attractions, so it is a perfect place to have fun and learn about Ninja culture. Stop by restaurants and gift stores in the castle town to enjoy the local specialties. Summary of Iga Ueno Castle Photo:Iga Ueno Castle , castle tower Iga Ueno castle is a great place to visit and see the castle tower, Hakuho gate, and cultural properties on display inside the castle. You can also collect a seal of the castle if you have a castle stamp book. Check out the video and see the wonderful view from the top of the castle tower. Matsuzaka castle is also located in Mie, so if you can, we recommend visiting both. ◆Information of Iga Ueno Castle◆ 【Address】106 Ueno-marunouchi, Iga, Mie 【Access】An 8 minute walk from Iga railway Ueno-shi station 【Admission fee】600 yen for an adult, 300 yen for a child 【Hours】9:00 - 17:00 【Parking】Paid Parking Available 【Telephone No】0595-21-3148 【Official Website】Iga Ueno Castle http://igaueno-castle.jp/?page_id=196 【Tripadvisor】Iga Ueno Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1015945-d1810041-r645274595-Iga_Ueno_Castle-Iga_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:11
Enjoy the spectacular flight of the Self-Defense Forces' first domestically produced helicopter! The somersaults and sharp turns shown at the Akeno Camp Air Festival in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, are worth seeing!
Transportation- 38 plays
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This video, titled "[Domestic Helicopter OH-1 Ninja] Japan Ground Self-Defense Force|Akeno Garrison Air Festival 2014" (「国産ヘリコプター OH-1 ニンジャ」陸上自衛隊 明野駐屯地航空祭2014), was released by "jbanban." This video shows the aviation festival held at the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Akeno Garrison. The OH-1 Ninja helicopter shown in the video was built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries. The role of observation helicopters is to support tactics by scouting invading landed targets from low altitude. The OH-1 Ninja is equipped with an attitude control system, as it needs to be stationary while observing. OH-1 Ninjas also made headlines when they appeared in that popular movie "Shin Godzilla" to attack Godzilla in his third form. -
Video article 8:28
Sumi ink is essential for calligraphy with a history of more than 1,000 years, and video shows the high-quality ink-making techniques of ink artisans in Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture.
Traditional Culture- 126 plays
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Video Introduction of “Sumi Craftsman's Sumi Ink Making Technique” in Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture This video, titled "Japanese ink artisan/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL CRAFTSMANSHIP(墨職人)," was created by "ANA Global Channel." The video shows the process of creating the inksticks used in Japanese calligraphy. Japanese calligraphy is well-known both in Japan and overseas as a hallmark of Japanese culture. In Japanese calligraphy, ink is, of course, essential. Japanese calligraphy has a rich history, dating back more than a thousand years. The reason why works of calligraphy from such a long time ago can be appreciated even now, is the incredible skills of the craftsmen who created the paper and ink used for them. The traditional techniques for making high-quality ink have been passed down for generations. In the video, one ink artisan explains his craft, and you can see the entire inkstick-making process with the artisan pouring his heart and soul into his creations. The Process of Creating Inksticks Source :YouTube screenshot The main material used in the ink for both Japanese calligraphy and as a dye is the soot and glue collected after burning oil. Pine resin and charcoal are occasionally used as well. The very best craftsmen carefully select materials in order to create the highest-quality inksticks. To create the ink, first the soot is dissolved, then mixed and kneaded well with the glue. Following that, the mixture is inserted into a mold and left to harden. During this process, the artisans’ hands are stained completely black. The hardened mixture is left to dry for one to a few months, then polished and shined to create the final product. This process can be seen from 2:43 in the video. Where to Buy the Inksticks Shown in the Video? Source :YouTube screenshot In elementary schools in Japan, calligraphy is a compulsory subject for practicing penmanship. Therefore, Japanese calligraphy instruments and inksticks are readily available. Besides the solid inksticks, there is a liquid variation known as "bokuteki" (墨滴), as well as other variations. Popular companies such as Kuretake (呉竹) and Kaimei (開明) offer various inksticks at reasonable prices. For those thinking of starting their Japanese calligraphy journey, go for these affordable materials. Japan's inksticks have the distinguishing feature of not fading over time. However, because of that, if clothes are stained by the ink, the stain will not disappear even after washing, so do be careful. Summary of Japan's Ink Artisans Photo:Calligraphy As seen from the video, the ink used in Japanese calligraphy is created through the painstaking work of craftsmen. The art of writing words beautifully with a brush and ink is a tradition the Japan prides itself on. From 6:19 in the video, rare colored inksticks made using natural ores are shown as well. If you're interested in Japanese culture, why not try purchasing inksticks and other necessary materials, and give Japanese calligraphy a try? -
Video article 2:30
Japan's most un-stiff noodle! What is Ise Udon, a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture, with thick, soft noodles covered with pitch-black sauce?
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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Video introduction of Ise Udon, a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture This video introduces the famous "Ise Udon" from Ise City, Mie Prefecture. Ise Udon is a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture, where the noodles are thick and soft and covered with thick, black sauce. Ise Udon is said to be the least chewy udon in Japan, but it is fluffy and soft and has an addictive texture. From 0:00, you can see Ise Udon Yamaguchiya, and from 1:08 you can see Ise Udon from Komadori Shokudo. If you're planning a visit to Ise Jingu Shrine, be sure to stop by! ◆Komadori Shokudo Store Information◆ 【Address】Mie Pref. Iseshi Ichinoki 2-5-12 【Access】A 6-minute walk from Iseichi Station / A 12-minute walk from Miyamachi Station / A 13-minute walk from Uji Yamada Station 【Price Range】¥480+ 【Hours】9:30-18:00 (L.O.) 【Closures】Mondays, the 3rd Tuesday of every month 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0596-24-3792 【Tabelog】Komadori Shokudo (駒鳥食堂) https://tabelog.com/en/mie/A2403/A240301/24004675/ ◆Yamaguchiya Store Information◆ 【Address】1 Chome-1-18 Miyajiri, Ise, Mie 516-0072 【Access】211 meters from Iseshi Station 【Price Range】¥530+ 【Hours】10:00-18:45 (L.O.) 【Closures】Thursday (Excluding national holidays) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0596-28-3856 【Official Homepage】Yamaguchiya http://www.iseudon.jp/shop/index.html 【Tabelog】Yamaguchiya (名代伊勢うどん 山口屋) https://tabelog.com/en/mie/A2403/A240301/24000930/ -
Video article 6:07
One of the largest in Japan! Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture “Nabana-no-sato Illumination” video is like a different world! Enjoy a romantic Christmas with the art of interweaving lights!
Festivals & Events Travel- 79 plays
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Video introduction of “Nabana-no-sato Illumination” in Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture This video, titled "Nabana no Sato Flower Park and Amazing Winter Illumination Displays, Kuwana City, Mie," was uploaded by "Nagashima Resort Official Channel" (ナガシマリゾート 公式チャンネル). Nabana no Sato Illumination is an illumination event with a different theme each year, as well as a winter tradition in Mie Prefecture. The video shows the 2019-2020 event with the theme "Cherry Blossoms." The themed area is one of the largest in Japan, and the colorful production using the world's most advanced programming technology is utterly spectacular. In addition, "Hana-Kairo" (華回廊, lit 'Flower Corridor'), a 200-meter-long tunnel of light, envelops visitors in a fantastic atmosphere and is a must-see attraction at the event. Be sure to check out the beautiful lights of Nabana no Sato Illumination as you read along! Nabana no Sato Illumination – Highlights, Event Period, & Other Useful Information Photo:Nabana no Sato Illumination, Kuwana, Mie Nabana no Sato Illumination is held at Nabana no Sato, a theme park of flowers and food. It's just one of the facilities of Nagashima Resort in Kuwana, Mie, in Japan's Tokai Region. There are various facilities around the park as well, the most famous of which are the Jumbo Seawater Pool and Nagashima Spa Land. Nabana no Sato Illumination is about a 20-minute bus ride from Nagashima Spa Land. Nabana no Sato Illumination is usually held from late October to the end of May, with beautiful seasonal scenery, such as weeping plum blossoms and cherry blossoms illuminated in the spring and autumn leaves illuminated in the fall. The area also offers different views at different times of the day, with beautiful flowers during the day and light art at night. With Nagashima Resort facilities in the vicinity, this is a popular tourist attraction in Mie that offers plenty of ways to enjoy yourself. Nabana no Sato Illumination – Event Dates for the Winter Illumination Event Photo:A sea of clouds at Nabana no Sato Illumination, Kuwana, Mie Nabana no Sato Illumination is held every year with a different theme. After watching the stunning video you're sure to want to visit yourself! So, you may be wondering "What's this year's theme?" "What time is the park open 'til?" "How long does it take to see everything?", etc. etc. We'll answer all of those questions below! Nabana-no-sato Illumination 2023-2024 Theme: "Golden Pyramid Period: October 21, 2023 - June 2, 2024 Special date-specific tickets are required for the illumination from 15:00 to 23:00 on December 23 to 25. Illumination hours: Varies according to the time of sunset. From fall to winter, it will be from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and from spring to summer, it will be from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. For details, please see the official website. Time required: approximately 2 hours Admission fee: 2,500 yen (adults and children) Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Nabana no Sato Illumination features seven spots where visitors can view elaborate works of light art. The highlight of the illuminations is the Tunnel of Light, which was selected as a bucket-list location. LED light bulbs in the shape of flowers create a fantastical atmosphere, making it a popular spot for taking photos. Nabana no Sato Illumination – Perfect for a Romantic Christmas Date! Get Your Exclusive Tickets! Photo:Nabana no Sato Illumination 2020, Kuwana, Mie During the event period, from December 23 to 25, a special Christmas event will be held, requiring a special ticket for admission. The tickets are designated for a specific day, from 15:00 to 23:00. On the same day, visitors can enter the Begonia Garden at no extra charge on the day of the event, where a special Christmas production will be presented. Illumination tickets can be purchased in advance at convenience stores. Also, check out the special plans that include transportation to and from the illumination if you stay at an official hotel. Enjoy a romantic Christmas date with your special someone with the fantastical Nabana no Sato Illumination! It's sure to be a memorable time! Summary of Nabana no Sato Illumination Nabana no Sato Illumination is a nationally renowned illumination event and a popular tourist attraction. As a result, various tours are organized and many tourists visit the area. Nagashima Resort is easily accessible by public transportation and has various facilities in the surrounding area, so whether it be flowers or illuminations, there are attractions for everyone to enjoy! The resort is particularly popular among families and couples. After a day of fun, you can relax and unwind at a hotel or hot spring. Nabana no Sato Illumination, which can be enjoyed almost all year round, attracts many people each year. Experience the overwhelming twinkling lights at one of the largest illumination events in Japan! It's sure to make your travels in Mie memorable! ◆Nabana no Sato◆ 【Address】〒511-1144 Mie, Kuwana, Nagashimacho Komae, 漆畑270 【Telephone】0594-41-0787 (9:00 AM - 9:00 PM) 【Parking】Free parking available 【Hours/Access】Please check the official website 【TripAdvisor】Nabana no Sato -
Video article 1:53
Feel the Spirit of Japan With the Beautiful Prayer "Kagura," at Ise Shrine in Ise, Mie Prefecture! Introducing Highlights of Popular Sightseeing Spots That You Won't Want to Miss When Visiting Ise-Shima!
Traditional Culture History- 517 plays
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Video introduction of “Mikagura” prayer at “Ise Jingu” in Ise City, Mie Prefecture This is a video produced by "Ise Shrine Official Channel (ISE-JINGU)" called "[Ise Shrine] Shrine Devotional Prayer Okagura ISE-JINGU" (【伊勢神宮】神宮のご祈祷 御神楽 ISE-JINGU). Ise Shrine is a shrine with a long history that has been worshipped in Japan since the time of mythology. The god of the Imperial Grand Shrine (the inner shrine), is Amaterasu Omikami, and the god of Toyokami Grand Shrine (the outer shrine), is Toyouke Omikami. This charming shrine with plenty of nature is located just past Uji Bridge, the entrance to the inner shrine, and is affectionately called "Oise-san" by tourists. Please enjoy the prayer of Ise Shrine, as it's not something you get to see every day. The Prayer "Okagura" at Ise Shrine, Mie Prefecture Photo:Miko with Kagura bells Kagura, dedicated at the Kagura Hall of Ise Shrine, is a ceremony of exorcism in which sacred sake is served before the gods. The ritual prayer, introduced at 0:35 in the video, is one of the most important rituals of Shinto. After the ritual prayer, there is a dance performance (0:53) that shows Yamato-mai, and from 1:08 a long ceremonial dance by the Prince of Lanling. After the Kagura, worshippers pray, as seen at 1:40 in the video Ise Shrine, Mie Prefecture - A Historic Tourist Attraction With Tons of Highlights Photo:Ise Shrine Many tourists visit Ise City, Mie Prefecture to visit Ise Shrine. Don't forget your shuin when you visit! After worship, it's recommended that you purchase a good luck talisman. At Ise Shrine, there are also festivals, such as the Kagura Festival, the Shin-an Festival, and the Kamigyo Festival. We definitely recommend checking these out. On the approach to the outer shrine of Ise Shrine, there's "Houonkan (1F Senokuniya, Syoujirou / 2F Magatama Tei)," "mirepoix," "French cuisine Bon Vivant," "Mitsuhashi Ponju," "Ise Kikuichi," "Akafuku Gekumae Special Shops” and other places where you can enjoy lunch and local gourmet! You can enjoy Japanese sweets such as Akafuku mochi and dumplings, and even eat around. After visiting the geku, go to the naiku where Amaterasu Omikami, the guardian deity of the Japanese people who reigns over the other the eight million gods, is enshrined. "Chōzuya," "Ujibashi," "Isuzu-gawa Mitarashi," "Takimaturinokami," "Goshogu," and "Kazahino minomiya," are full of attractions! There are hotels and inns such as "Toba International Hotel", "Shima Kanko Hotel Bay Suite" and "Ikadaso," so you can enjoy your trip to Ise-Shima even if you're staying overnight. Be sure to enjoy the "profit spot" and the power spot as well. Sightseeing Around Ise Shrine Photo:Okage Yokocho lanterns The area around Ise Jingu is also home to other attractions such as Tagamiya Shrine, Sarutahiko Shrine and Sarume Shrine, which are separate shrines on the grounds. If you have the chance, you should also check out the Imperial Grand Shrine, Ara Matsuri Shrine, Koyasu Shrine, Futami Okitama Shrine, and Meotoiwa in the Ise-Shima area. There are souvenir shops and delicious eateries in Okageyokocho and Oharai town, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled. Summary of Ise Shrine in Mie Prefecture In 2013, Shikinen Sengu was held at Ise Shrine in Mie Prefecture. This is the largest festival at Ise Jingu, where the Great God is relocated to the shrine pavilion, which is rebuilt once every 20 years. In May 2016, key figures from various countries gathered to hold the "G7 Summit," a meeting to discuss global economic and international issues, In Ise City. Ise Shrine is a very popular tourist spot in Japan, and we highly recommend visiting it. If you visit at the right time, you may be able to see the elegant prayers shown in the video, or see the Kagura exorcism. ◆Ise Shrine Introduction of facility outline◆ 【Address】1 Ujikancho, Ise City, Mie 516-0023 【Access】Geku is a 5-minute walk from Ise-shi Station, Naiku is a 30-minute walk from Isuzugawa Station 【Hours】5: 00 - 18: 00 【Closures】None 【Parking】Available 【Telephone No】0596-24-1111 【Entrance fee】Free 【Official Website】Ise Shrine https://www.isejingu.or.jp/en/index.html 【Official Website】Ise City Tourism Association https://ise-kanko.jp/main/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Ise City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g303159-Ise_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu-Vacations.html -
Video article 7:37
Enjoy Luxurious Sukiyaki at the Popular Restaurant "Sukiyaki Kanaya" in Iga, Mie!
Food & Drink- 41 plays
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Tastier than Kobe or Matsuzaka Beef! Sukiyaki video introduction using Iga meat from the “Original Iga Meat Kanaya” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture. This video shows the delicious sukiyaki of Sukiyaki Kanaya. When you think of Iga City, for many people, ninjas come to mind, but in fact, the city is also famous for its specialty Iga Beef. It has a longer history than Matsuzaka beef, and some people say it's better than Kobe or Matsuzaka beef. It's also called the "phantom beef" because of its low distribution. One of the places where you can eat this "phantom beef" is Sukiyaki Kanaya in Iga City. At Sukiyaki Kanaya, there are a variety of dishes using Iga beef, including sukiyaki, Kanaya's famous buttered dishes, shabushabu, and steak. As you can see in the video, there are hot pots at each table, and the hostesses cook it right in front of you so you can eat them as soon as their ready. If you get the chance to try this phantom Iga beef, don't pass it up! ◆Sukiyaki Kanaya Store Information◆ 【Address】434 Uenononinmachi, Iga, Mie 518-0831 【Access】95 meters from Hirokoji Station 【Avg. Cost】¥8000+ 【Hours】11:00-20:30 (L.O. 19:00) 【Closures】Mondays (On the case that Monday is a public holiday, the following Tuesday will be closed 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0595-21-0105 【Tripadvisor】Kanaya (金谷) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g1015945-d1663760-Reviews-Kanaya-Iga_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 5:25
Hinamatsuri & Other Things to Do in Futami, Mie in Spring! Video of the Traditional Japanese Festival + More
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 68 plays
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Video Introduction of “Ohinasama Tour in Futami” in Ise City, Mie Prefecture This video, titled "Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) in Futami, Ise, Mie" (Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) ひな祭り「おひなさまめぐり in 二見」三重県伊勢市), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." What Is Hinamatsuri + A Brief Introduction to Mie Prefecture Hinamatsuri, also known as Girls' Day, is a traditional Japanese event/festival to celebrate the health and happiness of girls that takes place on March 3rd each year in Japan. The festivals generally feature dolls (called 'hina') dressed up in kimono, along with decorations, such as peach and cherry blossoms. During Hinamatsuri, the dolls are placed on a platform called a "Hina-dan," which generally features 7 tiers of dolls and a red cloth covering. The dolls used in Hinamatsuri can often be quite expensive, but they are more commonly handed down from the grandparents of the child as heirlooms when the baby is born. Common foods eaten during Hinamatsuri include different types of sushi, amazake (a type of sake with little or no alcohol content), mochi, etc. Mie Prefecture is located in southern Honshu, Japan's main island. It shares borders with Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama, Gifu, Shiga, and Aichi Prefectures, as well as the sea, allowing for it to have a thriving fishing industry. Mie is home to a number of attractions, including various shrines, the most famous of which is Ise Grand Shrine. Each year in Futami, Mie, where Futamiura, a National Site of Scenic Beauty famous for Meoto-iwa (夫婦岩, lit. "Wedded Rocks"), a pair of sacred rocks said to represent a married couple, is located, a Hinamatsuri festival is held. Approximately 1,500 hina dolls are displayed at Hinjitsukan, a historic building that once served as lodging for distinguished guests. Enjoy the historic, museum-like building and the various Hina dolls displayed there in the video. How Hinamatsuri is Celebrated in Futami, Mie Photo:Hina dolls The Hinamatsuri festival is held annually for about a month from February to March in the Futamiura area centering on the Meoto-iwa. The first Hinamatsuri festival in Futami was held by local volunteers in order to revitalize tourism in the area, which had been experiencing a decline due to aging facilities and changes in transportation. During the event period, visitors can see Hinamatsuri decorations everywhere, including public facilities, inns, restaurants, souvenir stores, and even in the yards of ordinary houses. There are many elaborate exhibits and plenty of things to see! The Hinamatsuri festival in Futami also offers workshops and events for visitors to enjoy Hinamatsuri and has become a spring tradition that many people participate in. What are the dates and highlights of the 2024 Ohinasama Meguri in Futami? The 20th Ohinasama Meguri in Futami was held from February 4 to March 5 in 2023, and will be held from February 4 to March 10 in 2024 in Futami-machi, Ise City, Mie Prefecture, in the Futamiura area. Since the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), Futamiura has been visited by many people as a place to purify oneself before visiting Ise Grand Shrine. During the event, Hina dolls will be displayed at the traditional Japanese-style inns along the Meoto-iwa approach to the inns. At the Futami Lifelong Learning Center (二見生涯学習センター, Futami Shogai Gakushu Senta), visitors can enjoy all sorts of popular Hinamatsuri decorations. You can enjoy the creative display in collaboration with Hinjitsukan. There are approximately 1500 priceless Edo period hina doll decorations and creative hina dolls on display at Hinjitsukan! The hina dolls depicting nobles sitting in the palace are really something else. [Video] 1:11 - Splendid Hina Doll Decorations Next, we'll take a look at Hinjitsukan, one of the exhibition halls during the Hinamatsuri festival of Futami, Mie. Unique Events at Hinjitsukan, a Guest House Turned Museum Photo:Hinjitsukan in Futami, Mie During the 20th Hinamatsuri festival in Futami, special exhibitions, workshops, and events are planned to take place at Hinjitsukan, an Important Cultural Property of Japan. The interior of the museum has a historic atmosphere, with gorgeous dolls from the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.) to the Showa period (1926-1989 A.D.) displayed in various places. There are also a number of dolls and decorations with unique designs. Visitors can take their time to appreciate the unique hina dolls here. [Video] 2:22 - Unique Hina Doll Displays The theme for 2023 was "Nostalgic School Trips," and the theme for 2024 will be "Futami no Shinji" (the Shinto rituals of Futami), with exhibits depicting the "Mogari Shinji," "vegetable and fruit cultivation at Jingu Gyoen," and "hard salt production at Goshiohama and Goshioyakijo" with hina dolls. There are also workshops offering a pearl hina doll-making experience that both children and adults alike can enjoy. On weekends, there will be various events, such as gospel concerts, erhu (Chinese violin), koto, and shakuhachi (bamboo flute) performances, rakugo (comedic Japanese storytelling), magic shows, and more. Kimono Rental Experiences and Discounts for Wearing Them! Guests who visit Hinjitsukan while wearing kimono on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays during the Hinamatsuri festival will be admitted free of charge! On days with free admission for those wearing kimono, there will be a matcha (powdered green tea) ceremony as well, and you can enjoy tea while viewing the strolling garden. [Video] 0:22 - Hinjitsukan, an Important Cultural Property of Japan Summary of Hinamtasuri in Futami, Mie Photo:The Meoto-iwa at Futami Okitama Shrine The Hinamatsuri festival of Futami, Mie started as a way to revitalize the community of Futami, and is now a springtime tradition and event enjoyed by many people in Futamiura. If you come to Mie, Japan for sightseeing during the spring, we definitely recommend coming by and enjoying a kimono rental experience while enjoying the attractions in the area. From JR Futamiura Station to the Meoto-iwa and Futami Okitama Shrine, it's about 10-15 minutes walking. This is a great chance to experience Japanese culture and traditions and see unique hina doll decorations you won't find in other parts of Japan. There's also a stamp rally that visitors can complete to receive a commemorative gift, providing another enjoyable way to tour the area. There are also restaurants serving special foods unique to Hinamatsuri that are only available during the festival. Enjoy Hinamatsuri in Mie, Japan with a sightseeing trip to Futamiura! ◆Hinjitsukan◆ 【Address】566-2 Futamicho Chaya, Ise, Mie 519-0609 【Hours】9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 【Closures】Tuesdays (If Tuesday is a national holiday, closed the following day) 【Admission Fee】Adults: 310 yen, Children (elementary, junior high, high school): 150 yen ※During the Hinamatsuri festival: Adults: 400 yen, children: 200 yen 【Parking】None 【Access】Nearest station: An approximately 12-minute walk from Futamiura Station via the JR Sangu Line 【TripAdvisor】Hinjitsukan -
Video article 2:14
Tekone Sushi - A Local Specialty of Mie Prefecture! This Historic Dish, With Its Rich Seafood Flavors, Is Something You've Got to Try!
Food & Drink- 58 plays
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Tekone Sushi - A Local Dish Representing Mie Prefecture's Ise-Shima Region This video, titled "How to make "Tekone Sushi" - Traditional Japanese Cooking with Hazuki Kajiyama" (「手こね寿司」の作り方 | 梶山葉月の伝えていきたい日本の郷土料理), was uploaded by "Recipe Book TV" (レシピブックTV). It introduces how to make tekone sushi. Tekone sushi is a local dish that originated in the Ise-Shima region of Mie Prefecture. Nowadays, along with Ise udon stores, it is one of the two most popular foods in Ise-Shima. In this article, we'll will introduce a recipe and how to make delicious tekone sushi. We'll also take a look at Japanese food culture a bit! The video shows you how to make tekone sushi, with step-by-step instructions on how to make it. Be sure to check out the video to see the tasty dish you'll be able to whip up! Simple Tekone Sushi - How to Make the Local Dish of Ise-Shima, Mie! Photo:Skipjack tuna fillet Tekone sushi is characterized by the fact that it is, simply put, sushi that you don't hold. Originally, it was made by placing fish fillets on top of sushi rice, but nowadays, the most common way to serve it is to sprinkle chopped seaweed over the top. Due to its simplicity and how easy it is to make, it has become a popular standard dish in daily life. In the recipe presented in the video, the savory vegetables, including shiso, Japanese ginger, and welsh onions, are first cut and soaked in water. Then, while the odor is being removed, you slice the tuna into small strips. As you can see from 0:33 in the video, red meat fish is used, but you can use any fish you like and still get a delicious dish. For the sauce, mix soy sauce, mirin, and sake in a ratio of 2:1:1, and then marinate the sashimi in the sauce. As shown at 1:21 in the video, the sushi rice is made at the same time. The key is to not only add vinegar, but also sugar and salt. Once the sushi rice is done, top it with the shiso leaves, fish, and the rest of the vegetables in that order, and you're done! It's a very simple recipe. Easy and Delicious! Learn the Origins and History of Tekone Sushi! Photo:Tekone sushi From here, let's deepen our knowledge of the origins and history of tekone sushi! The exact origins of tekone sushi aren't clear, but one theory is that a fisherman from Shima invented tekone sushi. During his busy days fishing for skipjack tuna, he would quickly slice up one of the fish he caught and make it into a bowl like this. It is a quick and easy way to eat skipjack tuna, and it's also rich in nutrients such as vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron, as well as EPA and DHA, which help to thin the blood. It was like an all-purpose, nutritious fast food that could be eaten on the fly. However, rice has been scarce in the Shima region since ancient times, and bonito was also caught in the surrounding seas, so there is a theory that the dish was eaten to celebrate a big catch, and was preserved as a celebratory dish. In any case, because of its deep history and the fact that it is loved by many people, it was selected as one of the Top 100 Local Dishes of Rural Areas by Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, and can be considered one of Japan's representative regional specialties. Summary of Tekone Sushi, a Local Specialty of Ise-Shima, Mie As shown in the video, tekone sushi is delicious and easy to make. The unique, hand-made sushi is different from the normal sushi most people are used to and is one of the most important local dishes in Japan, which is why it's important to pass on recipes to future generations. You can visit Ise-Shima and try it there or use this video/article to make some at home. Try one of Japan's famous local specialties! -
Video article 3:10
The Night View of Yokkaichi Factories: A Rising Tourist Destination in Mie Prefecture. Insta-Worthy! Breathtaking! Beautiful! An Introduction to the Best Spot to Observe the Wondrous Night View and How to Enjoy the Factories at Night
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 455 plays
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Factory nightscapes are rapidly gaining popularity in Japan! Video Introduction of Night Views of Factories in Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture The phrase ‘night view’ would cause many to think of the lights of a town observed from the top of a mountain or an observatory. However, in recent years, night views of factories have been gaining popularity. So what's all the buzz about? This video introduces the ‘Night View of Yokkaichi Factories’ with a breathtaking and wondrous movie made using time-lapse footage. Why Are Nighttime Factories So Popular? Photo:Yokkaichi Factories Japan offers a variety of places in which you can observe factories at night across the country. Yet, the Yokkaichi Industrial Area (四日市工場地帯, Yokkaichi Kojo Chitai) in Mie Prefecture, Kansai Region (関西地方, Kansai Chiho), introduced in the video, is the MECCA of night view factories, due to its spectacular views. Along the coastline of Yokkaichi sit factories of major corporations, such as factories of Kioxia, one of the leading electric companies in Japan, factories and petrochemical complexes of JSR Corporation, and so on. The view of the water reflecting the glaring lights of these huge factories is utterly breathtaking. The fire and smoke billowing from the chimneys is absolutely gorgeous. (Although admittedly probably not great for the environment). Observe the Night View From ‘Umiterasu 14’ Photo:Umiterasu Since there are no high grounds near Yokkaichi Industrial Area, it's difficult to observe the factories at night from up high. However, ‘Umiterasu 14’, a commercial building located 15-minutes from JR Tomidohama Station by foot, offers an opportunity for a spectacular view of Yokkaichi factories from above. Pop in the lift inside the building and enjoy the beautiful landscape from the paid area on the 14th floor. But, be careful because the observatory in ‘Umiterasu 14’ closes at 5 pm on weekdays. It's open until 9 pm on Fridays and Saturdays, so we recommend visiting during the weekend. How to Enjoy the Night View of Yokkaichi Factories Photo:Yokkaichi factories Many people visit Yokkaichi Industrial Area for the purpose of taking photos, making it a famous Instagrammable spot. It's a popular destination for families, solo travelers, and couples alike. We also recommend joining the cruise tour in which tourists can enjoy the wondrous atmosphere of factories at night from the comfort of a boat. The popular Gotochi Bear (a stuffed bear) souvenir, ‘Night View of Yokkaichi Factories Bear’ is sold exclusively at EXPASA Gozaisho, a service area of NEXCO Naka Nihon, a highway near Yokkaichi Industrial Area. The Gotochi Bear, depicting the night view of Yokkaichi City (四日市市, Yokkaichishi) with fresh blue, will certainly make for a great memory. Summary of the Night View of Yokkaichi Factories The Yokkaichi Industrial Area is accessible on foot from JR Yokkaichi Station and Tondahama Station. We recommend that you use parking lots in the Kasumigaura area because there are no parking lots in the Shiohama area. In addition, there are many other spots to observe the factories at night, such as Taisho Bridge (大正橋, Taishobashi), Isozu・Suzuka River (鈴鹿川, Suzukagawa) the nearby estuaries, Tarusaka Park・Hazuyama Green Space (垂坂公園・羽津山緑地, Tarusaka Koen ・ Hazuyama Ryokuchi) and more. Be sure to visit the must-see Yokkaichi factories at night. But for now, please enjoy the beauty of the factories through the video as this time-lapse movie does a great job of conveying their charm.