Video article 3:20
The Colorfully Decorated "Chocolate Banana" Is a Food Stall Classic You'll Want to Share on Instagram! Have a Look at the Wacky Chocolate Bananas in This Video!
Shopping- 1.47K plays
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Introducing the Classic "Chocolate Banana" This video, titled "Japanese Food Stall Classics – The Chocolate Banana|Fukuoka, Japan" (日本の屋台の食べ物 - チョコレートバナナ 福岡日本). It introduces one of the classic foods sold at food stalls around Japan- the chocolate banana. In Japan, trying food from the various food stalls set up during festivals is an activity that anyone can enjoy. In this video you can see chocolate bananas being decorated to look like cute characters before being displayed at the front of the food stand. The chocolate banana is one of the most popular food stand items, along with other classics such as takoyaki, yakisoba, okonomiyaki, frankfurts, ikayaki, corn on the cob, baby castella, and buttered baked potatoes. Enjoy watching this introductory video on the popular Chocolate Banana! What are Chocolate Bananas? Photo:Chocolate bananas The chocolate banana, a popular food stall snack, is also sometimes called Choco Banana or Banana Choco. Bananas are skewered onto sticks and coated in delicious chocolate. They're a popular item sold at food stalls during festivals and special events in Japan. In this footage taken of a festival food stand in Fukuoka, you can see chocolate bananas being decorated with marshmallows and other sweets to look like cute characters. These cute looking chocolate bananas have to be one of the most Instagrammable foods in Japan! How to Make Chocolate Bananas Source :YouTube screenshot Chocolate bananas are actually pretty easy to make. First, dip your skewered banana into melted chocolate. Once the banana is fully coated allow the chocolate to dry. You can see this at 0:22 in the video. Of course, you can also enjoy eating the chocolate banana as it is but why not have fun decorating your chocolate banana with various toppings and colorful sprays? At 0:37 in the video, you can see how simple chocolate bananas are transformed into cute characters by decorating them with mini potato chips and marshmallows! You can easily make chocolate bananas at home too! Any time you're in the mood to make a chocolate banana, don't be shy about watching this video for inspiration! Chocolate and Banana Flavored Desserts Are Extremely Popular in Japan Photo:Chocolate banana crepe Chocolate and banana are very complementary flavors. There are many other chocolate and banana flavored desserts you can enjoy in restaurants and cafes around Japan, such as chocolate banana cake, chocolate banana parfaits, chocolate banana tarts, chocolate banana pound cake, chocolate banana muffins, and so much more! Summary of Chocolate Bananas at Japan's Food Stalls In Japan, festivals are held throughout the year and it is common to see many food stands and night stalls set up in the area. Chocolate Bananas are one of the most popular items sold at these stands. Costing roughly 300 yen (~$3 USD) each, chocolate bananas are a very affordable and delicious snack. You should definitely try one the next time you come across one at a festival! -
Video article 2:23
Selling "Shichimi-Togarashi" to a Lively Rhythm! This Performance Is Part of the Ancient Japanese Tradition "Kojo" Seen in Kabuki!
Shopping Traditional Culture Food & Drink- 621 plays
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Introducing a Lively Shichimi-Togarashi Vendor This video introduces a vendor selling a spice called "Shichimi Tougarashi" (七味唐がらし, a 7 flavored peppercorn blend), in Asakuksa, Tokyo. In this video, you can hear the sales pitch speeches of the peppercorn vendor at a booth during a festival. His light-hearted sales pitch while mixing the seven-flavored spice is sure to have both your eyes and mouth watering! Watch and Listen to the "Shichimi-Togarashi" Vendor! Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, you can watch the performance of the salesman at his food stall repeating his sales pitch while blending and selling his spices. The 7 different spices are layered side by side like a rainbow and blended beautifully- a process that gathers quite an audience. In the video, the male artisan repeats his sales pitch while blending the shichimi-togarashi, and the woman standing next to him swiftly wraps the merchandise to hand to the customers. Many tourists gather around the stall to catch a glimpse of the artisan’s amazing performance. In Japan, this type of sales pitch/vendor performance dates back to long ago. Summary of the Togarashi Salesman Did you enjoy the enchanting voice of the spice salesman? Shichimi-togarashi is an attractive addition to various Japanese dishes such as ochazuke (rice soaked with green tea, dashi, or hot water), eggs over rice, and tsukudani (seafood, meat or seaweed simmered in soy sauce and sugar). In addition to shichimi-togarashi being an everyday seasoning, it also makes for a great souvenir. If you haven't tried it before, be sure to pick up some shichimi-togarashi the next time you have the chance! If you watch this video after purchasing the product online, listening to the sales pitches might make you feel as if you bought it at an actual festival stall! -
Video article 6:08
You Don't Want to Miss This Light-Hearted, Daring, and Dizzying Demonstration by a Knife Maker! People Can't Help but Stop and Watch!
Shopping- 521 plays
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露店商・直次郎包丁による啖呵売の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「Muzina Shanghai」が公開した「2019年版今宮十日戎、名物露店 堺・直次郎包丁の啖呵売」です。 啖呵売(たんかばい)とは、露店で商品を叩き売りするときに話す口上のことをいいます。 直次郎包丁が注目されるのは、この包丁屋さんが度肝を抜くような実演販売をするところ。 動画では0:28から、包丁で木の板を切る様子が紹介されています。 今回は堺・直次郎包丁の紹介動画を元に、昭和感漂うちょっとディープな日本を紹介しましょう。 露店商が集まる今宮戎神社の十日戎 大阪市浪速区にある観光名所のひとつ、今宮戎神社。 毎年正月になると今宮十日戎、通称「えべっさん縁日」が開かれ、境内には露店がたくさん出店します。 「えべっさん」とは、七福神の恵比須天のこと。 天下の台所として賑わう大阪は、商売繁盛を司るえびす神信仰が今も厚く、親しみを込めて恵比須天を「えべっさん」と呼んでいるのです。 ちなみに、えびす宮の総本山は兵庫県西宮市にある西宮神社。 ここは毎年正月になると福男選びレースを行い、全国的にニュースで話題になる神社でもあります。 露店・直次郎包丁の啖呵売 動画では冒頭から直次郎包丁の啖呵売が紹介されています。 啖呵売とは、映画「男はつらいよ」に出てくる主人公・寅さんが露店で叩き売りしているシーンがわかりやすくイメージできるのではないでしょうか。 啖呵売の醍醐味は露店店主との値引きの駆け引きです。 直次郎包丁でも「安いよ、安いよ」と呼び込みをし、一方でお客さんも値引き交渉を負けじと行っています。 動画では1:30からお客さんとの値段交渉が始まっていますが、こうしたコミュニケーションも露店の面白さといえますね。 堺は刃物の名産地 直次郎包丁がその名に冠している堺という地は、刃物の名産地でもあります。 とくに堺産の和包丁は有名で、プロの料理人が使う包丁の多くが堺産の刃物なのです。 和包丁は刃がすべて鋼でできている全鋼製が特徴です。 定期的に研ぎを入れるなどメンテナンスが必要で、手間がかかりますが切れ味のよさは維持できます。 今では手入れが簡単で錆びにくいステンレス製包丁が普及し、全鋼製の包丁を家庭で見かけるのも少なくなってきました。 こうした全鋼製の包丁は通販でも購入できます。 露店商・直次郎包丁による啖呵売紹介まとめ 動画でご覧になれる堺・直次郎包丁のような啖呵売をする露店商は数を減らしています。 昔ながらの趣を残す直次郎包丁の啖呵売は、古き良き日本の歴史を伝える貴重な文化とも言えますね。 皆さんも露店巡りをしてみるのはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 2:55
The Visual of It Being Grilled at a Stall Is Mouthwatering! "Gohei Mochi," a Local Cuisine of the Chubu Region
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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Gohei Mochi From Japan's Chubu Region This video shows gohei mochi being cooked and taste tested at a stall. Gohei-mochi is a local dish from the central region of Japan. It's made by wrapping rice crushed into powder around a skewer, toasting it, and finally dipping it in sauce and cooking it again. There are two types of sauce, one with a soy-sauce base, and the other with a miso base. These vary by season and region, but both are sweetened with sugar. Some of the sauce includes sesame seeds, walnuts, peanuts, and other ingredients, and there are many variations. You can find them at highway service areas and roadside stations in Japan's Chubu region, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled! -
Video article 2:39
A Karumeyaki Demonstration Worthy of Applause! The Popular Candy Sold at Festivals and Street Vendors Is Fun to Watch and Makes a Great Snack!
Food & Drink- 39 plays
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A Karumeyaki Demonstration! This video shows karumeyaki being made at a stall near the Japan Mint in Osaka Prefecture. Karumeyaki, also known as karuyaki, etc., is a traditional Japanese snack that looks like a large, puffy disk. From 1:10 in the video, you can see the vendor add granulated sugar and watch it swell. The taste you'll notice is caramelized sugar with a slightly charred taste and a macaron-like texture. You don't see karumeyaki stalls very often, but you can find demonstrations at festival and fair stalls, so if you see one, be sure to give it a taste! -
Video article 10:03
A craftsman in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, teaches how to make the popular Japanese confectionery "Dorayaki"! The history of Dorayaki, the origin of its name, and other secrets of this popular Japanese sweet dissected!
Food & Drink- 166 plays
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Video Introduction to Kawachiya, a Popular Dorayaki Shop in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture This video, titled “Japanese Street Food - Japanese Pancake DORAYAKI Jiggly Fluffy Cake,” was uploaded by “Sushi Bomber TV|Cooking Front Line” (Sushi Bomber TV クッキング最前線). Dorayaki is a classic Japanese sweet loved by the people of Japan! These sweets are also well known from the popular anime "Doraemon." Dorayaki is a snack that can be easily made at home with pancake mix and anko (sweet bean paste), but you'll appreciate the flavor even more after watching the skillful techniques of these confectioners! There are many autographs of famous people inside Kawachiya, and it's frequently featured on TV programs across Japan. Kawachiya was established in 1988 and the popular confectionery features a limit of five dorayaki per person, but this is because the owner wants as many people as possible to be able to try them. The Coca-Cola logo at the front of the shop, where the owner is demonstrating and selling the dorayaki, gives the shop a slightly retro look. Dorayaki – A Popular Japanese Confection Photo:Dorayaki Dorayaki is such a popular Japanese confection that there are famous stores all over Japan, but surprisingly few people know how to make it properly. The recipe differs from store to store, but here we'll share a simple recipe and the origin of the name "dorayaki." Dorayaki is a general term for Japanese sweets made of a disk-shaped sponge cake with sweet bean paste sandwiched in between. It is said that the name "dorayaki" came from the shape of the sponge cake, which resembles a gong, which in Japanese is 銅鑼, pronounced "dora." The dough is made of wheat flour, eggs, and honey, giving it a slightly Western feel, making it a very popular sweet regardless of age or gender. Recently, freezing technology has advanced to allow them to be stored for longer periods of time, making them a great souvenir or gift. The standard sweet bean paste used inside is "koshi-an" or "tsubu-an," but there are also unique stores that add "shiro-an" (white bean paste) or cream. As you can see at 9:10 in the video, a special version with peanut butter sandwiched between the freshly baked cakes is served to the waiting customers. Nowadays, machine made dorayaki are commonly available at supermarkets and convenience stores, but there's something special about eating freshly made, fluffy, and hot dorayaki made right before your eyes at a street vendor. The History of Dorayaki. Why Are There so Many Dorayaki Products With the Name “Mikasa”? Photo:Torayaki The origins of dorayaki date back hundreds of years, and it is said that there was already a confection like the one we known today in the Kamakura period (1192 to 1333 A.D.). It is said that the current style of sandwiching two pieces of sponge cake together became standard in the Showa period (1926–1989 A.D.), but in the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), it was common to fold the round baked dough around the sweet bean paste, sort of like a dorayaki taco. It's said that the major Japanese confectionery Bunmeido made Dorayaki famous nationwide, and since this company popularized Dorayaki under the product name of "Seika Mikasa-yama," many Dorayaki products have been named "Mikasa." There is also a theory that the names "Mikasa," "Mikasa-yaki," and "Mikasa-manju" are favored in Japan's Kansai region because they originate from Mt. Wakakusa, commonly referred to as Mt. Mikasa, in Nara Prefecture. There are also "Nama-dora" with whipped cream, "Torayaki" with tiger patterened cakes ("tora" means "tiger" in Japanese), and "Mushi-dora" where the cakes are steamed instead of baked. Famous Dorayaki Stores Across Japan In this article, we introduced the famous "Kawachiya," a confectionery in Shizuoka, but there are many stores all over Japan where the popular sweet, dorayaki, is sold. In Tokyo, there are three major dorayaki shops: "Kameju" in Asakusa, "Usagiya" in Ueno, and "Sogetsu" in Higashi-Jujo, all of which are crowded with customers seeking dorayaki every day. Dorayaki is also very popular in online rankings. "Suzumeya" in Minami-Ikebukuro, "Seijuken" in Nihonbashi, "Bairindo" which originated in Saitama Prefecture, the popular "Kouro-an" in Yokohama, "Ryoguchiya Korekiyo" in Nagoya, "Morihan" and "Taneya" in Kyoto are all famous wagashi stores with high rankings. Summary of Dorayaki, the Popular Japanese Confection Photo:Dorayaki being made One of the highlights of Kawachiya, the shop introduced here, is the is the teamwork of the husband and wife. The husband cooks up the delicious confections and the wife packages them diligently. The dorayaki, with its fluffy sponge cake and generous amount of sweet bean paste will have you coming back for more! It is also sold in an assortment with other Japanese sweets, making it a great gift. Some stores also offer a service where they'll print a face on the cakes for birthdays and celebrations, making it great for special occasions as well! 【TripAdvisor】Kawachiya https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g298124-d1704426-Reviews-Kawachiya-Shizuoka_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:03
Fresh, Hot and Fluffy Taiyaki! Check Out This Video Demonstration of Taiyaki, a Popular Japanese Confectionery That All Japanese Know and Love, at Gin no An!
Food & Drink Shopping- 137 plays
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Video introduction of "Gin no An Osu Shotengai" Taiyaki store in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture This video, titled "薄皮たい焼きの作り方 Japanese Pancakes fish shaped TAIYAKI," produced by "Sushi Bomber TV クッキング最前線," shows taiyaki being made at a food stall. This video is a compilation of taiyaki demonstrations at "Gin no An" at Osu Shotengai, a shopping street in Nagoya city (名古屋市: Nagoya-shi, Aichi prefecture (愛知県: Aichi-ken). Taiyaki is a traditional Japanese confectionery in the shape of a fish, and there are many famous shops in Japan that sell the delicious snack. Be sure to watch this video to learn how it's made! The Origin and Types of Taiyaki Photo:Taiyaki In Japan, “Imagawayaki, a round pancake filled with red bean paste, has been eaten since the Edo period (1603-1868). One day, a long established imagawayaki store changed the shape of their pancakes from a round shape to a fish shape. After changing the shape, the snack quite literally sold like hotcakes. The nursery rhyme Oyoge Taiyaki-kun was also a popular song for children in the Showa era. Taiyaki has a long history, and the variety of taiyaki is expanding rapidly, from the more orthodox ones with azuki beans in between, to chocolate taiyaki and even cream taiyaki. How to Make Taiyaki Source :YouTube screenshot Taiyaki are baked from a mixture of ingredients, including flour, baking soda, sugar, and water. The batter is poured into a metal baking mold specially made for taiyaki, followed by a generous amount of sweet bean paste, as shown at 0:45 in the video. When the batter is sufficiently cooked, the two sides of the mold are combined and it is further baked, as shown at 1:27 in the video. This can be a bit difficult to prepare at home, as the average homeowner doesn't have a taiyaki machine available. At 2:46 in the video, you can see the popular croissant taiyaki being made. The cooking process differs from regular taiyaki in that the ingredients are pre-prepared and can be baked as is. Each taiyaki contains about 220 calories and costs around 120-150 yen. Taiyaki is inexpensive and easy to eat, making it a great snack. Summary of Taiyaki Source :YouTube screenshot If you're planning a trip to Japan, we recommend that you taste a variety of Japanese food and sweets to gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. there are a number of taiyaki shops, such as Gin no An, all over Japan that offer taiyaki sales demonstrations.> Once you've experienced the artisanal skills of these taiyaki chefs, be sure to try their freshly baked taiyaki! At 3:32 in the video, a customer breaks his taiyaki in half and shows us what's inside... It looks so yummy! ◆Gin no An - Osu Syotengai◆ 【Address】 2-17-20 Osu Naka-Ku Nagoya-shi Aichi ken 460 - 0011 【Access】A 7-8 minute walk from Osu-Kannon Station on the Nagoya Municipal Subway Maizuru Line 【Hours】[Weekdays ] 11:00 to 20:00, [Weekends and National holidays ] 10:30 to 20:00 Open 7 days a week 【Telephone】052-209-9151 【Parking】None 【Official Website】Gin-no An http://www.ginnoan.com/ -
Video article 6:41
Enjoy Watching How the Traditional Sweet "Dragon's Beard Candy," a Popular Delicacy in China and Korea, Is Made in This Amazing Demonstration Video! The Delicate Sweets Created by the Cheery Professional in This Video Are Simply Amazing!
Food & Drink Shopping- 1.8K plays
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About the Demonstrational "Dragon Beard's Candy" Video This video features footage of a professional making traditional dragon beard's candy by hand at a food stall in the Shin-Okubo area of Shinjuku, Tokyo (東京都新宿の新大久保). The delicate sweets, which are known for being difficult to make, are a traditional sweet in Korea which are also known by the name Kkul-tarae (クルタレ) or Ronshutan (ロンシュータン). In this video, you can see the techniques used to make dragon's beard candy and learn more about the history and characteristics of this traditional sweet. We hope you enjoy the video! What Is Dragon's Beard Candy? Source :YouTube screenshot Dragon's beard candy is a traditional sweet which has been eaten in countries such as China, Korea and Taiwan for hundreds of years. Its popularity has spread to other foreign countries, such as the US, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada and Hong Kong. Dragon beard's candy originated in China over 2,000 years ago, when the delicate treat was originally prepared for the emperor; however, it eventually came to be eaten by ordinary citizens and has been loved to this day. The main ingredient used to make dragon beard's candy is maltose syrup, known as "mugi mizuame" in Japanese. Cornstarch is also an essential ingredient. It's made by stretching a hard piece of candy over and over again to create a candy with a light and crunchy texture. The mildly sweet Dragon's beard candy is often given as a gift (lucky charm) in Seoul, Korea. Watch the Amazing Skills of This Professional Dragon Beard's Candy Maker in Shin-Okubo! Source :YouTube screenshot Each piece of dragon's beard candy is carefully handmade by craftsmen. As can be seen in the video, the street vendor first prepares the maltose syrup candy. He creates a hole in the hard candy and proceeds to stretch the candy using this hole. You can take a look at the stretching process throughout the video. The vendor then stretches the candy over and over while continually covering it in cornstarch until the threads of the candy reach the thickness of what is thought to resemble a dragon's beard. Only highly skilled professionals can make the candy incredibly thin without it breaking or snapping. A single piece of candy is stretched into an amazing 16,384 strands. From 4:26 in the video, the street vendor explains that this is the perfect number of strands to create the most pleasant melt-in-your-mouth texture. At 2:20 in the video, he begins to fold the candy to create the 16,384 strands, which he completes in roughly 35-40 seconds. The highlight of the video has to be when the professional dragon's beard maker shows off the finished product to the customers, at which point it looks beautifully smooth like threads of silk. Many customers are amazed by the look of the finished product! You can take a look at this in the video at 4:18. If you get a chance to see it up close, be sure to take a video of your own and share it with your friends! Source :YouTube screenshot After stretching out the candy, crushed peanuts, almonds, sesame seeds, or coconut can be added as a filling. One piece of candy costs approximately a few hundred yen (a couple bucks (USD)). There are very few people who know how to make the candy as the skills required are so difficult to master. Summary of Dragon Beard Candy There are food stalls in Shin-Okubo and Yokohama's Chinatown (横浜中華街, yokohamachuukagai) where you can watch dragon beard's candy being made right before your eyes. You can also buy dragon beard's candy online, sometimes sold under the name "Dragon Candy." For those interested in tasting and experiencing the delicate texture of dragon beard's candy, we highly recommended purchasing some and trying them out for yourself! Watching how the amazing dragon beard candy is made is guaranteed to pique your curiosity! Be sure to check it out in the video! -
Video article 6:40
Tantalize Your Taste Buds With Takoyaki, the Fast Food of the Common People of Japan! A Look at How the Delicious Food Stall Snack Is Made!
Food & Drink- 104 plays
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Takoyaki, a Classic Food Sold at Stands This video, titled "Japanese Street Food: Takosen" was uploaded by "Aden Films." Osaka in Japan's Kansai region is famous for okonomiyaki and takoyaki, but this time we'll be introducing takoyaki and "takosen," two popular "B-Grade" cuisines. The video also introduces a store that sells handmade takosen and shows how it's made. Japanese cuisine is often associated with sushi and kappo cuisine, but the king of B-grade gourmet foods, takoyaki, introduced here is also a legitimate Japanese dish. Today, takoyaki has made its way from East Asia to Southeast Asia and to the Americas as a representative Japanese food. Takoyaki and Takosen - A Look at How the Classic Street Foods Are Made! Photo:How to Make Takoyaki ・How To Make Takoyaki - Make the dough by adding water, egg, and yamaimo (Japanese yams) to flour - Boil the octopus in salted water, remove the slime and cut into pieces - Let the dough sit for a day and night to blend - Heat a specialty takoyaki machine and coat with a thin layer of oil and pour in the dough - Add ingredients such as green onions, red ginger, tenkasu, shredded cabbage, and so on and finally add the main ingredient - octopus. - Grill it while rolling it with a bamboo skewer until it is evenly golden brown. - Takoyaki is ready when it is fluffy and round - Top with sauce, green onions, dried seaweed, dried bonito flakes, etc. From 0:28 in the video, you can see how they cook a large batch of takoyaki at once on a big takoyaki machine. ・How To Make Takosen - Place the cooked takoyaki between shrimp flavored rice crackers - Like takoyaki, top with sauce and other toppings The popular toppings are the traditional okonomiyaki sauce, dried bonito flakes, dried seaweed, and mayonnaise, but in recent years, cheese, chili powder, and even chocolate sauce and maple syrup have become popular. You can see the takosen being put together at 6:03 in the video. The History of Takoyaki and Takosen Photo:takoyaki "Aizu-ya" is said to be the inventor of takoyaki, the comfort food of Osaka. In the 1960s, takoyaki stands and night stalls were everywhere, and could be found especially in places like Shinsaibashi and Dotonbori. Takoyaki was a popular food, but there was a lot of garbage because of it due to people eating it while walking. Eventually, takosen, introduced in the video, was created from the eco-friendly idea of reducing waste by sandwiching takoyaki between shrimp crackers reducing the materials required to hold and eat it. A Popular Souvenir! The Famous Takoyaki Shop "Wanaka" Photo:Wanaka's takoyaki Takosen is even available at izakaya and speciality stores. The shop featured in the video is Wanaka, a famous takoyaki shop. It's a specialty store for takoyaki and takosen, located mainly in Osaka. The store, found at a shopping mall in Fukuoka, is popular for its food stall-style design. Summary of Takoyaki and Takosen, the Kings of Japan's Food Stalls Photo:takosen Takoyaki and takosen are very simple Japanese foods. The best part is that there are many ways to enjoy them as you can add your own toppings and customize the recipe how you like! Try to find your own way to eat it! Why not sit down and enjoy a glass of beer with some delicious takoyaki after watching the amazing takoyaki chefs of Osaka's Wanaka? -
Video article 3:49
What's That Amazing Smell?! The Skill Of These Baby Castella Craftsmen Is Nothing Short Of Amazing! Be Amazed by the Mouth-Watering Performance While You Wait for Your Chance To Buy!
Food & Drink Shopping- 630 plays
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Introducing Baby Castella Stalls! "Japanese Stall Series: Baby Castella Edition(日本の屋台シリーズ ベビーカステラ編)" is a video that people who love Japanese festival culture and event stalls should definitely watch. Baby Castella is a standard for festival menus. At the stalls, they use a special baking machine similar to a takoyaki machine and bake round and cute castella with amazing craftsmanship. Check out the amazing skills of real craftsmen at baby castella specialty stores that are especially popular at Japanese food stalls. What Are Baby Castella? Origins and How They're Made Photo:Baby Castella It is said that the history of Baby Castella began in the Taisho era (1912 to 1926 AD) with a stall in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. A stall craftsman made a menu that closely resembles a commercially available bell castella, and it became a very popular product. You can learn more about how to make baby castella at 0:53 in the video. Just pour the dough into a special baking machine that the craftsman has, close the baking machine lid and bake it. As you can see from 3:34, the baked baby castella uses a skewer to fly neatly into the pom-pom and saucer. It looks easy, but baking a lot of baby castellas requires the quick work of a skilled craftsman. Calories and Prices of Baby Castella Photo:Baby Castella Nakazawa Seika, a famous baby castella store that has opened stores in Fukagawa Fudo and Asakusa Tori-no-ichi, is a castella specialty shop where you can wait for up to three hours. The baby castella sold at the shop is pretty reasonably priced however. They start at 12 for 300 yen (~$3 USD). One baby castella is about 30 calories, but these babies are freshly made and super tasty, so you might want to be careful about eating too much. Making Baby Castella at Home! Photo:Baby castella made with a takoyaki pan It is often thought that a special machine used in a specialty store is needed to make baby castella, but you can actually make them at home, using a takoyaki machine. If you use a hot cake mix and bake the dough with a takoyaki machine, you can make your very own delicious baby castella. We recommend giving it a try if you have the chance! Summary of the Baby Castella Stalls Source :YouTube screenshot There are many people who look forward to eating street food at festivals. On festival and event days, eating lunch and snacks at the stalls is a great way to try new foods and make some great memories. One of the pleasures of Japanese food stalls is to be able to see the craftsman's skills in action. If you are sightseeing in Japan, be sure to stop by the baby castella stalls where you can see the amazing techniques shown in the video. -
Video article 3:52
You Won't Be Able to Take Your Eyes off the Amazing Skills of This Female Chef Cooking up a Yakisoba Storm! Yakisoba Is a Popular Food Found at Festival Food Stalls in a Variety of Styles!
Food & Drink- 391 plays
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Yakisoba at Japan's Festival Stalls This video, titled "Japanese yakisoba street food japan how to make yakisoba" (物凄い焼きそば女職人 焼きそば屋台 職人芸 無修正 ノーカット Japanese yakisoba street food japan how to make yakisoba[飯テロ公式]), was released by "JAPAN FOOD 〜 The Ultimate Food Porn 〜" (JAPAN FOOD 〜最高の飯テロ〜). The video shows how yakisoba is made at food stalls at festivals in Japan. In the video, the yakisoba chef works quickly to prepare a huge amount of yakisoba, an amazing feat that you'd be hard pressed to imitate. Check out the amazing skills in the video! How Delicious Festival Yakisoba is Made! Photo:A yakisoba stand Yakisoba is a popular food that is relatively easy to make at home. Prepare some Chinese noodles and cabbage, throw it into an oiled pan, add water and fry it up. After stir-frying the noodles, season with yakisoba sauce. We recommend trying it with some mayonnaise or adding pickled ginger on the side, two authentic ways of serving it in Japan. Yakisoba sold at Japanese food stands are generally sold in small plastic containers, as shown at 3:38 in the video. What is the charm of the yakisoba stand that is shown in the video? Photo:yakisoba stand Of course, homemade yakisoba is delicious, but there's just something about the yakisoba at festivals that will have you coming back for more. The food stands found at festivals across Japan use plenty of ingredients, and season them all at once with tasty seasonings. Making a lot of yakisoba at once is a lot of work, especially when doing it for hours on end. As a staple food of festivals, yakisoba can be purchased at a reasonable price, generally costing around 200 to 500 yen, depending on the area. Different Varieties of Yakisoba Photo:Yakisoba sandwich There are many different recipes for yakisoba, so try cooking it at home or if you're in Japan, be sure to visit a specialty store. Yakisoba sanwiches with yakisoba sandwiched between a hotdog bun is popular as a light snack that anyone can enjoy. There are also local recipes from different regions of Japan, such as omusoba and sobameshi. Yakisoba can be seasoned in a number of ways. In addition to yakisoba sauce, there's also yakisoba made with Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and oyster sauce, salt and pepper, and even miso. Summary of Japan's Delicious Yakisoba Stands Photo:A yakisoba stand The video introduced in this article shows how large amounts of yakisoba is made at festivals in Japan. It's quite impressive, and if you haven't eaten yet, it might just have you in the mood for some tasty noodles! Be sure to try some delicious yakisoba when visiting any of Japan's exciting festivals. -
Video article 7:07
The Amazing Skills of These Okonomiyaki Chefs Will Blow You Away! Check Out the Eye-Popping Craftsmanship That Goes on at These Japanese Festival Stalls!
Food & Drink Shopping- 413 plays
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The Incredible Skills of Okonomiyaki Chefs This video about Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki is titled “An Okonomiyaki Stall Bringing in Droves of Fans/2018/Craftsmanship/Street Food Japan Okonomiyaki" (その場でファンが出来るお好み焼き屋さん 2018 職人芸 Street Food Japan Okonomiyaki). The chef from the Okonomiyaki stall introduced in the video, is a full-fledged pro when it comes to making large amounts of Hiroshima style and Kansai style Okonomiyaki. Many customers gathered to see the outstanding performance, attracted by the delicious smell of the Okonomiyaki. Besides the incredible performance, the reason why Okonomiyaki is so popular is because of the relatively low prices and the filling nature of the delicious snack. Many people are impressed by the amazing performance of making Okonomiyaki. Check out the video to see the quick hands of this chef as he prepares Kansai/Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki. The performance is quite impressive. You'll probably want to see it in person after watching the video. What Kind of Food Is Okonomiyaki? Ingredients and How It's Made! Photo:Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki Okonomiyaki is a traditional Japanese food, and has been a soul food for many people for a long time. Okonomiyaki was created in Tokyo sometime between 1926 and 1941. The recipe is very simple- You simply mix all the ingredients and cook it on a teppan (iron grill/skillet) or in a pan. Later on, the custom spread from Tokyo to the Kansai region. There are two kinds of Okonomiyaki: Kansai style (Osaka area) and Kanto style (Tokyo area). What you see in the video is called Kansai style Okonomiyaki. Kansai style Okonomiyaki is made by mixing minced cabbage and batter together and cooking it on an iron pan. However, some people make it differently by flattening the batter on the iron pan and putting the cabbage on top. Modanyaki is a different type of Okonomiyaki that involves putting noodles into the mix. Modanyaki is also very popular in Japan. The recipe is pretty simple. Use flour and water to make a batter, and mix it with minced cabbage and Yamaimo (Japanese yam). From there, cook the ingredients on the iron plate after greasing it with cooking oil, adding sliced pork, noodles, green onions, eggs, and other delicious ingredients. You can simply put whatever ingredients you like in Okonomiyaki. Some other popular ingredients are seafood, cheese, and mochi (rice cakes). Once you've finished making the okonomiyaki, season it with okonomiyaki sauce, fish flakes, and dried green seaweed. Many people prefer mayonnaise on their Okonomiyaki. The most common way to eat Okonomiyaki is to cut it in small pieces using the spatula, so that it can be shared amongst friends. For the Okonomiyaki from a festival stall (like the one in the video), use chopsticks to cut the Okonomiyaki. Takoyaki, and Monjayaki are 2 popular foods in Japan similar to Okonomiyaki. The video shows viewers the entire process of making Okonomiyaki, from greasing the iron plate, to flattening the batter and adding ingredients such as sliced pork and cabbage. One of the most impressive scenes can be seen at 1:54, when the chef flips each Okonomiyaki one by one in quick succession. He's making 30 Okonomiyaki at once! Be sure to check out the video to see a detailed look at how Okonomiyaki are made. Japan's Popular Festival Stalls! Source :YouTube screenshot No festival is complete without getting some food at a local stall. And the taste of freshly made okonomiyaki from a stall is totally different from what you'd make at home. There are actually a lot of tourists who visit Japanese festivals just to enjoy different foods and see the amazing skills of the chefs. In this video, we showed you the craftsmanship of the Kansai-style and Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki attracting large crowds. This Okonomiyaki stalls are very popular and often attract large lines of people. Don't be surprised when you're not the only one excited to buy this delicious treat. Summary of Japan's Delicious Okonomiyaki Trying different food at festival stalls is an inseparable part of Japanese festival culture. There are a lot of different food stalls at Japan's festivals where you can see the professional skills of chefs. The amazing skills of Japan's Okonomiyaki chefs is a must-see! This video offers a new way to enjoy the festivals- watching the craftsmanship of japan's food stall chefs! If you want to see the craftsmanship behind Japan's food stall culture, or if you want to try the mouth-watering okonomiyaki for yourself, be sure to hit up one of Japan's festivals! -
Video article 10:00
Gion, Kyoto's Kyo Tsukimachian Is Packed With Broad Beans! A Look at Their Broad Bean "Rice" Crackers Made Using Traditional Techniques!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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A Look at Kyo Tsukimachian's Broad Bean "Rice" Crackers Made Using Traditional Techniques! In this video, we see a craftsman baking bean crackers in Gion, Kyoto. The Gion branch of Kyo Tsukimachian offers a variety of bean crackers, made with plenty of broad beans and carefully baked using a traditional method. How about a souvenir from Gion? Check out the video to see how they bake the bean crackers! ◆Kyo Tsukimachian Store Information◆ 【Address】247-14, Gion Kitagawa, Higashiyama, Kyoto, Kyoto (京都府京都市東山区祇園町北側247-14) 【Access】A 1 minute walk from Gion-Shijo Station from the Keihan Electric Railway 【Admission Fee】¥110+ 【Business Hours】10:00-19:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Phone】075-533-0141 【Official Homepage】Kyo Tsukimachian Kyoto Branch https://www.kyo-tsukimachian.com/ 【Tabelog】Kyo Tsukianmachi Kyoto Branch https://tabelog.com/en/kyoto/A2601/A260301/26024783/ -
Video article 10:00
Mysterious shop Ponta open only in the middle of the night! What is the history and taste of this legendary street-side ramen?
Food & Drink- 18 plays
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This video, titled "伝説の屋台ラーメン 深夜限定グルメ 京都 ぽん太 日本拉麺 A Legendary Street Ramen in Kyoto Japan! Dramatic "Ponta"," was released by "DELI BALI." In this video, they introduce "Ramen Ponta" which is a street ramen that only a handful of people know about. Nowadays, there aren't many street truck ramen shops in Japan, but Ponta is still open from 9:30 PM to 2:30 AM. It is hard to go to this shop because it is late at night, but it tastes great and it's one of the best shops for after going to an Izakaya. Check out the delicious ramen from Ponta shown in the video! -
Video article 2:31
Fun Even to Watch! It Just Gets Bigger and Bigger as It Cooks! "Basho Senbei," a Specialty of Osaka!
Food & Drink- 27 plays
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It Just Gets Bigger and Bigger as It Cooks! "Basho Senbei," a Specialty of Osaka! This video shows a demonstration of baking basho senbei at a festival stall. Basho means "banana" and basho senbei (rice crackers) are named after the shape of a banana leaf. It's pretty uncommon to find even in Japan, but it's an Osaka specialty, and you can buy it online as well. In the video, you can see the rice cakes that start out the size of the palm of your hand getting bigger and bigger as they're cooked. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 4:19
Chuka Soba Inoue in Tsukiji Market! If You Want a Taste of Old-Fashioned Chinese Noodles, This Is the Place to Go!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "Tsukiji Market [Chuka Soba Inoue [Close Due to Fire]" (築地市場 中華そば 井上 【火災により営業中止】), was released by "1 TAKE JAPAN." This video introduces Chuka Soba Inoue, a Chinese soba restaurant in Tsukiji. Inoue was forced to suspend its business due to a fire in 2017, but it has now relocated and is serving ramen to many customers with the same taste as before. A characteristic of this restaurant is that it has only one dish on the menu, it's famous Chinese soba. In this video, you can see how the Chinese soba is made. -
Video article 4:30
Is This Really a Standard Dish at Festivals in Japan's Kyushu and Chugoku Regions?! "Hashimaki," a Delicious Chopstick Treat!
Food & Drink- 34 plays
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Hashimaki, a Standard Food at Festivals in Japan's Chugoku and Kyushu Regions This video shows hashimaki being made at a festival stall. Hashimaki is a standard dish at festivals in the Chugoku and Kyushu regions, in which thinly cooked okonomiyaki is wrapped around chopsticks. Since it's wrapped around chopsticks it's easier to eat than normal okonomiyaki. It's not very famous in the regions east of Osaka unfortunately. There is a theory that this is because people in Osaka prefer okonomiyaki to hashimaki. If you find a hashimaki stall at a festival or other event, be sure to try it! -
Video article 3:41
Dive Into Some Old-Fashioned Ramen Made at Wakaba at Tsukiji's Outer Market! The Chinese Noodles Tasted at This Long-Established Restaurant in Tokyo's Kitchen Are a Special Treat for Anyone!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "「若葉」築地場外市場 中華そば / WAKABA Japan Tsukiji Outer Market Ramen," was released by "TomTomJp01." This video introduces the ramen restaurant "WAKABA" in Tsukiji's outer market. In Tsukiji, where many ramen shops are located, WAKABA stands tall, serving traditional Chinese soba. The noodles are characterized by their ultra thin and curly shape, and when combined with the chicken broth, the flavor of the noodles is truly exquisite, making it a favorite among tourists. In this video, you can see the whole process Chinese soba being made at WAKABA, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 2:11
Ingredients From All Over the Country! Stroll Through More Than 150 Shops in the Kuromon Market, AKA "Osaka's Kitchen"!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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Eating Around Osaka's Kitchen - Kuromon Market This video shows the shops lining Osaka's Kuromon Market. Kuromon Market is known as "Osaka's Kitchen," and as you can see in the video, there's plenty of food purchase for walking around and eating while perusing the shops. At Kuromon Market you can get a variety of foodstuffs, from fresh seafood, to fruit and processed goods. In the video they order baby octopus. It's a good place to buy souvenirs when you visit Osaka. Consider stopping by if you have the chance. 【Official Homepage】Kuromon Market https://kuromon.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Kuromon Market (黒門市場) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134994-d1896861-Reviews-Kuromon_Market-Nippombashi_Chuo_Osaka_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 8:12
Eating Around in "Osaka's Kitchen"! Oysters, Fresh Sea Urchins, and More at a Fish Restaurant in Osaka's Kuromon Market!
Food & Drink- 33 plays
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Shelling Oysters Like Crazy! Fresh Oyster and Sea Urchin! This is a video of a chef at a fish market in Osaka's Kuromon Market, shelling oysters and opening sea urchin and also shows taste testing them. Kuromon Market is known as "Osaka's Kitchen" because of the variety of foodstuffs available there, including seafood, fruit, and processed foods. The 580-meter-long market is made up of 150 shops that offer a wide variety of carefully selected ingredients from all over the country. In the video, you can see a chef shelling oysters one after another, as well as opening sea urchins. His hands are so dexterous that you can't help but notice his skills, so be sure to check out the video to see how he does it. 【Official Homepage】Kuromon Market https://kuromon.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Kuromon Market (黒門市場) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134994-d1896861-Reviews-Kuromon_Market-Nippombashi_Chuo_Osaka_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:29
This Is How Yatsuhashi, Kyoto's Most Popular Sightseeing Souvenir, Is Made!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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Yatsuhashi- One of Kyoto's Most Popular Sightseeing Souvenirs This video shows how to make "Yatsuhashi," a representative souvenir of Kyoto. Yatsuhashi is a Japanese confectionery that has established a firm position as a tourist souvenir of Kyoto. In general, there are two types of yatsuhashi: nama yatsuhashi (non-baked yatsuhashi) and katayaki yatsuhashi (hard-baked yatsuhashi), both are equally popular. The standard flavor is cinnamon, although it is now available in a variety of flavors, such as matcha, strawberry, and black sesame. In the video, you can see the katayaki yatsuhashi being made in the store, so be sure to check it out. -
Video article 18:32
A Promotional Video Introducing the Totsuka Shopping District in Yokohama City's Totsuka Ward in the Form of a Drama! See Heartwarming Views of People in a Variety of Stores!
Shopping- 84 plays
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Introduction of Totsuka Ward Shopping District Promotional Video This video, titled "The Totsuka Shopping District Promotional Video" (戸塚区商店街プロモーションビデオ), was uploaded by "CityOfYokohama." The promotional video introduces the Totsuka Shopping District in Yokohama, Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region. It was produced by the Totsuka Shopping District Federation, which is made up of 11 shopping associations in Yokohama's Totsuka Ward. The Totsuka Shopping District is home to a variety of stores and is used on a daily basis by people living in the neighborhood. The video is a dramatized story of five children meeting and growing up in the town. It's like watching a coming-of-age drama set in the Totsuka Shopping District and is very heartwarming. Through interactions with many shopkeepers, the video conveys the charm of the Totsuka Shopping District and the warm atmosphere of the streets, making the viewer feel nostalgic and emotional. Be sure to give it a watch! The Totsuka Shopping District in Yokohama, Kanagawa Photo:The view toward the east exit of Totsuka Station, Totsuka, Yokohama, Kanagawa All over Japan, there are various types of shopping associations in different areas. A shopping association is an organization of stores and businesses in the retail and service industries within a certain area. The Totsuka Shopping District aims to create a locally-based community where stores and specialty shops work together to make the town livelier. The Totsuka Shopping District is somewhat of an unusual shopping association in Japan in that it is comprised of large commercial buildings and shopping streets across the ward, while most shopping associations are made up of small stores in one location. Stores Located in the Totsuka Shopping District Source :YouTube screenshot At the beginning of the video, viewers are introduced to Tomizuka Hachimangu Shrine, the local guardian of Totsuka, which appears every time the children age. The children visit the shrine from time to time in their daily lives, which shows how the shrine is connected to the local community. The stores featured in the video are listed below for each shopping association. Totsuka Station East Exit Lapis Shopping Association: KITAYA Dunk (喜多屋ダンク), Yurindo (有隣堂) Tokyu Plaza Totsuka Association: Yurindo (有隣堂) Totsuka Asahimachidori Shopping Association: Ocean Hamaju (オセアンハマ住) Totsucana Mall Shopping Association: Niku no Saito (肉のさいとう), Mediac PC School (メディアックパソコンスクール), 1,000 Yen Cut Choki Choki (1000円カット Choki Choki), ABLE, Omedetaiyaki Honpo (おめで鯛焼き本舗) Up to this point, the children are about first graders while touring the Totsuka Shopping District, and from 3:57, the children who have grown up to be junior high school students introduce the stores. Totsuka Station East Exit Lapis Shopping Association: Monet (純喫茶モネ) Totsuka Higashiguchi Shopping Association: Boulangerie PETIT LAPIN (ぷちらぱん), Katsuta Orthopedic Clinic (かつた整骨院) Higashi-Totsuka Shopping Association: Hair Make De Choix Totsuka-juku Honobono Showa-kai: Tsumugu café & something (紡ぐ café & something) Totsuka Shuku Ekimae Shopping Association: Yamagata-ya Western Goods Store (山形屋洋品店) Tokyu Plaza Shotenkai: Green Parks Topic Harajuku Shopping Street Shoei-kai: Itoya Dry Cleaning (いとう屋クリーニング) Midway through Mr. Saeki, chairman of the "Hirado Shopping Association" the Totsuka Shopping District Federation, also makes an appearance. From 12:40, the five of them, now grown up, tour the Totsuka Shopping District together. Totsuka Shuku Honobono Showa Kai: Komachi Café (こまちカフェ) Totsuka Asahimachidori Shopping Association: Machi no Hanaya (街の花屋さん) Totsuka Station East Exit Lapis Shopping Association: Hashigo-ya (はしごや) Summary of the Totsuka Shopping District Promotional Video The video introduces the city of Totsuka, home to the Totsuka Shopping District. It's a nostalgic and heartwarming tour of the city with children. We hope you enjoy this story-based introduction video of the vibrant the Totsuka Shopping District, which even produced an original theme song to liven up the town. -
Video article 2:32
Wajima Asaichi, where you can enjoy fresh seafood in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, is one of the three major morning markets in Japan. Wajima City is full of historical attractions such as the traditional craft of "Wajima-nuri" (Wajima lacquerware) and kiriko (traditional Japanese doll)!
Shopping Travel- 61 plays
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Video introduction of "Wajima Morning Market" in Noto Peninsula, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, one of the three major morning markets in Japan This video, titled "Ishikawa Wajima Morning Market - 4K Ultra HD" (Ishikawa Wajima Morning Market - 輪島朝市 - 4K Ultra HD) was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It's a PR video for the Wajima Morning Market of Ishikawa Prefecture, located on the Noto Peninsula. The Wajima Morning Market is run by the Wajima City Morning Market Association (輪島市朝市組合) in the Koshinetsu region, and attracts many visitors as a tourist attraction on the Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture, with fresh seafood from the Sea of Japan and traditional goods such as Wajima lacquerware. One of the most popular tourist attractions in Wajima, where the Wajima Morning Market is held, is the Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces, which has been selected as one of the Top 100 Terraced Rice Terraces in Japan, with 1,004 terraced rice paddies. After the morning market, visitors can also enjoy a stroll to Sojiji Temple. The Delicious Food of Wajima! Enjoy Seafood and Local Specialties From the Sea of Japan at the Wajima Morning Market! Photo:Wajima Morning Market, Wajima, Ishikawa As you can see from 0:45 in the video, the Wajima Morning Market has more than 200 stalls along the 360-meter-long street where the market is located. Vegetables, dried fish, and other goods are also available at reasonable prices, and are loved by visitors. The Wajima Morning Market takes place from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and is visited by locals and tourists looking for fresh seafood, seafood bowls, and other delights. One of the attractions of the Wajima Morning Market is that visitors can walk around and try different snacks from all of the vendors in the area, from steamed buns to rice crackers and other local specialties. Visitors can also enjoy breakfast and lunch unique to the Wajima Morning Market, with its tasty seafood rice bowls, as well as cute sweets, such as Wajima pudding, a popular treat among women. The Wajima Morning Market is lined with many stores, each with its own unique characteristics, some of which have been around for over a thousand years. Some stores serve food prepared on the spot, so there's no shortage of things to enjoy at the Wajima Morning Market. Lacquerware and Folk Art in Wajima City! There's More Than Just Seafood! Photo:Wajima Lacquerware soup bowls Wajima is one of the largest cities on the Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture. Because Wajima is located by the Sea of Japan, visitors can enjoy fresh seafood, such as amberjack and seaperch at the Wajima Morning Market. Wajima is also famous for its kiriko lanterns, giant lanterns that look like portable shrines which are attached to sticks, and are recognized as a Japan Heritage. The traditional atmosphere of these lanterns is a great way to experience the culture of Wajima. The most popular tradition of Wajima is Wajima Lacquerware. The history of this lacquerware craft dates back to Japan's Heian period (794-1185 AD). Many pieces of lacquerware, the remains of the Heian period have been excavated from archaeological sites in Wajima, and Wajima Lacquerware is loved by many people both in Japan and abroad. The lacquerware is characterized by its sturdiness and luster, and is recommended not only as a meaningful gift but also as a souvenir together with yubeshi, a sweet yuzu-flavored wagashi (traditional Japanese sweet) from Nakauraya. Access to Wajima, Ishikawa Photo:Noto Airport (Noto-Satoyama Airport) It's about an hour from Tokyo to Noto Airport via plane. From Noto Airport, you can take a cab or bus to the center of Wajima. Another way to get to Wajima from Kanazawa Station is to rent a car and drive to the city. If you use the Wajima Morning Market Parking Lot, you can tour the city of Wajima while enjoying the Wajima Morning Market. Summary of the Wajima Morning Market, One of the Three Major Morning Markets in Japan The Wajima Morning Market introduced in the video and this article is one of the three largest morning markets in Japan, together with the Yobuko Morning Market in Saga Prefecture and the Katsuura Morning Market in Chiba Prefecture. The Wajima Morning Market is a great place to enjoy fresh seafood, traditional Wajima Lacquerware, and other local specialties. Be sure to check out the video to experience some of the charms of the Wajima Morning Market! You'll definitely want to check out the Wajima Morning Market after seeing it! 【TripAdvisor】The Wajima Morning Market https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021242-d1384988-Reviews-Wajima_Morning_Market-Wajima_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:42
Fluffy Omelettes Flying Through the Air! Yokohama Tachibanatei's Professional Omelette-Making Skills! A Look at What Goes in To the Dishes of the Popular Restaurant in Yokohama, Kanagawa
Food & Drink- 347 plays
- YouTube
Introduction of the omelette rice recipe divine video of "Yokohama Tachibana-tei" in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. This video is titled “Graceful Skills, Yokohama Tachibanatei, Omelette Rice Performance, Uncut | Awesome Cooking Demo of Fluffy Japanese Omurice(華麗な技 横濱たちばな亭 オムライスパフォーマンス ノーカット | Awesome Cooking Demo of Fluffy Japanese Omelette Rice)” created by “LifeWith505” and it introduces the omurice-making process of “Yokohama Tachibanatei,” a famous Japanese restaurant introduced in television programs and magazines. The quick hands when stir-frying the chicken rice in the pan and the incredible skill of making the fluffy omelette that is placed atop the chicken rice is artistic and flashy. What is Yokohama Tachibanatei? Photo: Yokohama Minatomirai|Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Yokohama Tachibanatei, located in Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse and Cubic Plaza Shin-Yokohama in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is a famous restaurant where you can enjoy authentic Western dishes in Japan and whose most popular dish is its omurice. It’s always crowded during lunch, and its artistically-made omurice is enjoyed not just by the Japanese, but by foreigners as well. The key to its popularity is not just its aesthetic beauty, but also the fact that you can watch the live performance of the omurice being cooked, as this video introduces. In fact, omurice is said to be a Japanese dish made in Japan and its recipes and ingredients differ from restaurant to restaurant. However, this omurice “Omurice of a Western Food Restaurant” uses a recipe where a runny half-cooked egg is placed on the top of some chicken rice. In this video, you can see the amazing performances of the omurice-professionals of Yokohama Tachibanatei, a source of pride for Japan. The Chicken Rice Recipe of Yokohama Tachibanatei Source :YouTube screenshot The key to making the chicken rice, which will become the foundation of the omurice, is to stir-fry it with lots of butter and to make use of the savory flavor of the sauce and ketchup! While stir-frying the rice on a pan with hot butter, you add the first sauce (0:37). After adjusting the flavor with some salt and pepper and then giving it a mix, you add the second sauce at (1:13). Their ability to shake the frying pan without dropping a single piece of rice is truly the skill of a professional. The Fluffy Half-Cooked Egg Recipe of Yokohama Tachibanatei Source :YouTube screenshot The cooking process of the omelette that will be placed on top of the chicken rice begins at 2:28. You make the runny half-cooked eggs by putting a generous amount of mixed eggs in a pan with hot butter and then adjusting the intensity of the heat while finely shaking the chopsticks and the pan. This is the biggest highlight of this video! When the cooked egg flies through the air and lands on the chicken rice, the omelette splits beautifully, showing its fluffy, runny insides! This amazing cooking skill, that separates the amateurs from the pros, will make you go wild. You can see this from 3:21 in the video. If you want to carefully observe the omelette being placed on the chicken rice, we recommend watching the slowed-down version from 3:25. Summary of Yokohama Tachibanatei's Omurice “Yokohama Tachibanatei,” is a Western restaurant where you can enjoy not just the delicious omurice made with a special recipe, but also the incredible professional skills of the cooks. An original demi-glace sauce full of savory deliciousness is poured over the omurice, and you you'll be filled with satisfaction for the mere price of 880 yen (~$8 USD). Yokohama Tachibanatei, the restaurant introduced in this video, is located in Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, which is overflowing with diverse foreign cultures, gives the feeling of being inside a Western-style house, and is a popular restaurant highly rated on gourmet websites. In addition to the omurice, the menu also has dishes such as cutlet sandwiches and curry rice. In the Shin-yokohama restaurant, you can also get some take-out dishes such as tonkatsu bento (pork cutlet lunchbox). It’s a popular restaurant, so you may need to reserve some seats depending on the time you visit, but please visit the restaurant and enjoy the delicious taste of the omurice and the amazing cooking skills that you can watch live, both the pride and joy of Japan! ◆Yokohama Tachibanatei, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Restaurant◆ 【Address】First floor of Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Building No.2, 1-1-2 Shinko (新港, Shinko), Naka Ward (中区, Nakaku), Yokohama City 【Access】6 minutes by foot from Minatomirai Line Bashamichi Station (馬車道駅, Bashamichieki), Nihon-Odori Station (日本大通り駅,Nihonodorieki) 【Hours】11:00〜21:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】045-650-8752 【Official Website】Red Brick Warehouse Restaurant | Western Food Yokohama Tachibanatei https://yokohama-tachibana.net/akarenga/