Video article 7:01
There Are So Many Fascinating Places to Visit in Kanagawa Prefecture! World-Famous Sightseeing Spots in Kanagawa Are Brilliantly Introduced With Smooth Dancing!
Local PR- 58 plays
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神奈川県の魅力ある観光スポットを華麗なダンスと共に紹介する動画について こちらの動画は「かなチャンTV(神奈川県公式)」が公開した「ENJOY JAPAN! (神奈川県海外向けPR動画)」です。 近年、日本への外国人観光客が増えています。 京都や大阪、秋葉原と観光名所が数多くある日本ですが、近年神奈川も注目されつつあります。 こちらの動画の後半部分では英語での観光地解説もしています。 国内外問わず、様々な方にぜひ見て頂きたい動画です。 動画内では神奈川県知事をはじめ、蕎麦屋の店主や浴衣を着た女性がダンスをしながらテンポよく、楽しく観光地を紹介しています。 今回は、そんな神奈川の観光名所のおすすめスポットを掘り下げて紹介していきます。 神奈川県の人気観光名所 神奈川県の名所は、横浜市にある赤レンガ倉庫やランドマークタワーを含む都市のみなとみらい21が代表的で、旅行情報ランキングサイトでも人気の観光スポットです。 他にも、米軍基地がある横須賀市や横須賀へ向かう途中にあるレジャースポットの、八景島シーパラダイスも人気の観光地です。 神奈川県の人気観光スポット「横浜赤レンガ倉庫」 横浜赤レンガ倉庫は、神奈川県横浜市に位置する観光名所です。 横浜赤レンガ倉庫内には飲食店から土産物店、化粧品店まで幅広くビールやアイドルイベントなども行われており、地元以外の様々な観光客に親しまれています。 横浜の貿易色強い歴史を感じたいという方は一度訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? 神奈川県の人気観光スポット「江の島」 江の島は、神奈川県藤沢市に位置する観光名所です。 海産物が名物として知られ、特産のしらすは絶品です。 神奈川の観光名所を訪れつつ、海産物も楽しみたいという方は一度訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? 神奈川県の人気観光スポット「箱根」 箱根は、神奈川県の箱根町に位置する観光名所です。 芦ノ湖、関所をはじめとした観光名所が有名ですが、温泉街、蕎麦や寄木細工など様々な魅力があるため、ツアーなども多く組まれています。 歴史ある建物や絶景を味わいたいという方は一度訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? 神奈川県の人気観光スポット「三崎 うらり食堂」 うらり食堂では、三崎の名産であるマグロを始めとした魚介類の定食を味わえます。 三崎観光に来た方は是非一度うらり食堂へ足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか? 神奈川県の人気観光スポット「大磯 鴫立庵」 大磯にある鴫立庵では、茶道やいけばなといった日本の伝統芸能を体験することができます。 文化を学びたい、という方は鴫立庵へ足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか? 神奈川県の人気観光スポット「大山 こま参道」 伊勢原市、大山のこま参道は古き良き日本の商店街の雰囲気を味わいつつ、買い物をすることができます。 こま参道へ足を運ぶ際は、必見です。 神奈川県の人気観光スポット「城ヶ島」 城ヶ島は、神奈川県三浦の南端に位置する島です。 シュノーケリングや島内部の海南神社が有名で、夏になると多くの観光客が足を運ぶ人気スポットです。 神奈川県の人気観光スポット紹介まとめ 今回は神奈川県の観光名所について紹介しました。 日本の歴史を語る際に欠かせない鎌倉や横浜といった観光名所も多く、穴場の観光スポットも多かったですね。 横浜にホテルを予約し、横浜、鎌倉、横須賀、三浦というルートで観光をするのもいいかもしれません。 日本旅行の際に、神奈川県は絶対に外せない観光スポットと言えますね! -
Video article 3:37
Spend a Relaxing Time in Kamakura, Kanagawa. One of the Most Popular Tourist Spots in the Kanto Region, Kamakura Has Natural Landscapes, History, Culture, and Food to Give You a Satisfying Trip!
Local PR- 23 plays
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神奈川県鎌倉市のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「鎌倉市公式チャンネル」が公開した「鎌倉市プロモーション動画」です。 こちらの動画は神奈川県鎌倉市のイメージを掴むのにうってつけの動画です。 日本の文化や神奈川県鎌倉市の街並みを知るのにチェックしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 動画の0:26より江ノ電、0:34よりサーフィンを楽しんでいる人、1:27より鎌倉市の恵まれた気候により育まれた野菜の数々とたくさんの名物や文化についてご覧になることができます。 他にも動画の1:48でご覧になれる人力車もポイント。 日本の文化を楽しむためにも神奈川県を観光する際は人力車に一度乗って観光するのも良いかもしれません。 神奈川県鎌倉市とは 鎌倉市は神奈川県にある市で日本有数の観光地の1つ。 1252年に造立が開始された高徳院にある鎌倉大仏や、神奈川県鎌倉市の象徴とも言われている鶴岡八幡宮など魅力的な観光スポットが数多く存在します。 神奈川県を訪れるなら鎌倉市は選択肢に入れておきたいところです。 神奈川県鎌倉市を観光する際のポイント 神奈川県鎌倉市を訪れる際、いくつかポイントが存在します。 是非参考にしていただけると幸いです。 鎌倉市を楽しむポイントは ・インスタ映えする景色を撮る ・鎌倉ハイキングコース ・鎌倉小町通り の計3つが挙げられます。 ・神奈川県鎌倉市でインスタ映えする景色を撮る 神奈川県鎌倉市にはインスタ映えする絶景が数多く存在します。 報国寺(竹寺)と呼ばれる寺の竹林や、人気漫画バスケットボール漫画「スラムダンク」の聖地として知られている鎌倉高校駅前の踏み切りなどが挙げられます。 ・鎌倉ハイキングコース 神奈川県鎌倉市には天園ハイキングコースや祇園山ハイキングコースといったハイキングコースがあります。 神奈川県鎌倉市で自然に触れたい方は観光プランに入れることをおすすめします。 ・鎌倉小町通り 鎌倉小町通りは土産物屋や飲食店が多く並んでおり、グルメを楽しみたい方ならチェックしたい場所。 魅力的な雑貨もあるので、お土産を購入してはいかがでしょうか? 大仏やアジサイと神奈川県鎌倉市の文化をモチーフにした商品がいくつも発売されています。 神奈川県鎌倉市紹介まとめ 日本にはさまざまな文化が根付いており、神奈川県をはじめ日本各地を訪れた際は各地の文化や歴史などに触れてください。 今回の動画は神奈川県鎌倉市の文化や街並みをイメージするのにうってつけです。 神奈川県鎌倉市周辺のエリアに興味がある方は一度ご覧ください。 -
Video article 2:17
Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture Is One of Japan's Leading Port Cities! Enjoy the Best of Japan Sightseeing in This City Full of Exotic Culture and Charm!
Local PR Travel- 63 plays
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神奈川県横浜紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yokohama Official Visitors Guide」が公開した「Welcome to Yokohama」です。 日本へ訪日されたらどこの観光名所行きたいですか? のんびり日本を観光したい人におすすめなのが横浜です。 首都東京や日本の空の玄関口、羽田空港からも30分ほどの距離。 横浜はみなとみらい21を中心としたショッピングスポットや観光名所に中華街を中心としたグルメも豊富です。 それでは日本の中でもオススメしたい観光地、横浜の動画をご覧ください。 神奈川県横浜でおすすめしたい観光名所みなとみらい21 横浜でまず訪れたいスポットはみなとみらい21。 ここには赤レンガ倉庫や横浜ランドマークタワーといった観光名所があります。 また、山下公園は海が望めるエリアとしても人気が高い観光スポットです。 歩いていける元町エリアもショッピングスポットとして観光に外せません。 日本一のチャイナタウン!横浜中華街はグルメ観光に絶対外せない 映像では匂いが伝えられないのが非常に残念です。 横浜を代表する観光名所がここ横浜中華街。 日本一の規模を誇る中華街には500店舗以上のお店があり、横浜のグルメスポットとして人気が高いエリアです。 ブタまん・シウマイ、カリカリ焼きそばといった手軽な中華料理からちょっと高級なコース料理まで楽しめます。 日本を代表する港町、横浜は海から観光もまた楽しい 港町横浜は街を海から見るのもおすすめ。 水上バスから横浜を眺めてみませんか。 海から見る横浜は別の顔をしています。 日本の歴史は横浜の歴史にも繋がる 横浜の歴史は 1854年、日本へのペリー来航で大きく変わります。 1859年に、横浜港が外国人の寄港地として開港。 その頃から横浜には多くの異国文化が入ってきます。 横浜がクルーズ船の日本を代表する寄港地としても有名な大桟橋もその名残。 今、横浜がこれだけ大きい街になったのもペリー来航が始まりといえます。 人気観光スポット横浜紹介まとめ 今回は横浜の動画を見てみましたがどうでしたか? この動画を見てショッピング・グルメ・観光と横浜の魅力が存分にわかったはずです。 みなさんも是非横浜に訪れてみてください。 それでは横浜でお会いできることを楽しみにしています! -
Video article 2:59
Experience high-class luxury at Hakone Ginyu, a ryokan in Hakone Onsen, Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture! Spend an exquisite time in one of the best hot spring resorts in Japan!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 195 plays
- YouTube
Video Introduction of "Hakone Ginyu" hot spring inn in Hakone-cho, Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture This is an introductory video on the luxury ryokan "Hakone Ginyu" located in Miyanoshita, Hakone, Ashigarashimo, Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region. The video, "Hakone Ginyu" Inn PV Japan(“Hakone Ginyu” 宿PV JAPAN 箱根吟遊 02)” was created by “private-onsen Japan.” Hakone Ginyu, a ryokan located in Hakone, one of Japan's most famous sightseeing spots, famous for hot springs and Mt. Fuji, is characterized by a symbolic mark that expresses the characters "花鳥風月, Kacho Fugetsu" (Beauty of nature) and "心" (heart), in oracle bone script. It's a ryokan that we highly recommend for sightseeing trips and it has great reviews and travel and comparison sites. It's no secret that Hakone is a well known place to enjoy hot springs, and Hakone Ginyu offers a variety of hot springs for you to enjoy and relax with. In this article, we'll talk about how to enjoy Hakone Ginyu for both foreign and domestic travelers! Hidden Gems at Hakone Ginyu! Source :YouTube screenshot Hakone Ginyu consists of a Japanese/Asian style theme, and this luxury facility includes lounges and bars where you can make the most of your trip. Check out the lounges from 1:18 in the video. So what's so special about Hakone Ginyu? First, the location. As you can see in the video (0:45), Hakone Ginyu is located in the valley at 1,400 ft. above sea level. The entrance and lobby are located on top of the building and from here you can enjoy a view of the entire Hakone mountain range. Each room offers different views, and this is another reason why Hakone Ginyu is so popular. Source :YouTube screenshot There are four different types of rooms: "風" (Wind), "星" (Stars), "空" (Sky), and "月" (Moon) Each room comes with a private hot spring fully equipped with amenities. You can also relax at the "Ginyu Spa," which is introduced at 1:42 in the video. The spa is not only for overnight guests, but also for day trip guests as well. You can also rent it out after business hours, and there is an open-air bath exclusively for the "Ginyu Spa." Hot Spring Information for Hakone Ginyu Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video at 2:48, Hakone Ginyu is an inn with an amazing view of the Hakone mountain range. Enjoy the changing of the leaves while relieving yourself of fatigue in the "Infinity Open-Air Bath." All rooms are also fully equipped with personal open-air baths for you to enjoy. All of the hot springs are highly effective in moisturizing the body and provide a wonderful way to relax after a long day of sightseeing. The quality of the spring is sodium-chloride (Low tonicity, weak alkalinity, high temperature spring). The hot spring is said to be effective against various diseases such as gynecological diseases, children's diseases, chronic skin diseases, cuts, burns and other general conditions (neuralgia, myalgia, joint pain, stiff joints, bruises, sprains, chronic gastroenterological diseases, hemorrhoids, cold sensitivity, post-illness recovery, recovery from fatigue, and also promotes health. Local Gourmet Food at Hakone Ginyu Source :YouTube screenshot After enjoying the spectacular scenery and relaxing in the hot springs, the obvious thing to do is to fill your stomach with some fine gourmet dishes. And you're in luck! Hakone Ginyu, prepares sumptuous meals using seasonal ingredients from each of the four seasons of Japan. You can even enjoy the food in your room at your leisure. Check out the video from 1:12 to see some of the food at Hakone Ginyu. They offer breakfast, dinner and even late night snacks, all of which can be brought to your room. This kind of hospitality is exactly what you'd expect of a luxury inn such as Hakone Ginyu. Sightseeing at Hakone Ginyu Photo:Hakone shrine's torii As Hakone is one of the most popular tourist areas in Japan, there are a myriad of famous tourist spots that you can visit. “Hakone Shrine,” “Hakone Open-Air Museum,” “Hakone Venetian Glass Museum,” “Pola Museum of Art,” “The Museum of the Little Prince in Hakone,” “Hakone Museum of Art,” “Okada Museum,” “Hakone Tram,” and so much more! Explore Hakone and find your favorite spot! Summary of Hakone Ginyu Source :YouTube screenshot It takes about 30 minutes to get to Hakone Ginyu from the Gotemba Interchange on the Tomei Expressway (Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway). Even in Hakone, which is famous for its hot spring resorts, Hakone Ginyu is considered to be a particularly high-class ryokan. It is the perfect place to enjoy Japan's unique four seasons and its hot springs, making it a great place to visit for foreigners and families with children who are considering a resort stay. With so much to offer, it's naturally very difficult to get a reservation.Rates and prices vary depending by season and plan, so please check the official website or travel websites for more details. Spend a night at the Hakone Ginyu, and enjoy the Japanese atmosphere to the fullest extent possible. ◆Hakone Ginyu◆ 【Address】100-1 Miyanoshita, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 250-0404 Kanagawa Prefecture 【Access】30 minutes from the Gotemba Interchange on the Tomei Expressway / 50 minutes from the Atsugi Interchange on the Tomei Expressway 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】 0460-82-3355 【Official Website】Hakone Ginyu http://www.hakoneginyu.co.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Hakone Ginyu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298171-d559365-Reviews-Hakone_Ginyu-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 4:04
The Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence Is a Popular Tourist Spot in Kamakura With a Scenic French-Style Garden and Room for Tea Ceremony. It Has Been the Setting for Famous Dramas as Well! Check Out This Video on the History of the Kachonomiya Family and Their Garden in Kanagawa Prefecture!
Art & Architecture- 107 plays
- YouTube
Video Introduction of "Kachoinomiya Residence" in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture This video, titled "Introduction to the Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence" (華頂宮邸の紹介), was released by "Crystal Palace Exposition" (水晶宮博覧会). The video introduces the Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence of Kamakura City in Kanagawa Prefecture. The residence is not only registered as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan (Architecture), but has also been chosen as one of Japan’s "Top 100 Historical Gardens," and one of Kamakura’s "Top 3 Western-style Buildings." The elegant and beautiful appearance of the residence has led to it being the filming site for various television productions. In this article, we'll introduce the history and charms of the Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence. The History of the Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence Source :YouTube screenshot The Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence was built by Prince Kacho Hirotsune (博経親王), the 12th prince of the Fushiminomiya (伏見宮邦家) family, a branch of the imperial family. The current owner is Kacho Hirokazu (華頂博一). The branches of the imperial family formed in 1868 ceased to exist in the Taisho era, but the Kacho house continued to hold Shinto ceremonies. The original residence is said to have been in located in Mita, Minato, Tokyo. Now, a kindergarten can be found in that area. The residence shown in the video was moved to its current location in Kamakura in 1929. The Charms of the Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence Source :YouTube screenshot You can find the Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence behind Hokokuji Temple (鎌倉報国寺), which is famous for its bamboo garden. The three-story wooden residence has a charming Western retro atmosphere. As seen from 2:58 in the video, a French garden and various tearooms are located on the premises. There are many other spots to explore as well. In the spring, the weeping cherry trees burst into bloom, and in autumn, the leaves change to beautiful shades of red and yellow. The interior of the residence is only opened to the public twice a year, once in spring and once in autumn. Be sure to check the opening days before planning your visit. Summary of the Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence Source :YouTube screenshot This residence is a must-visit if you're making a trip to Kamakura. Other recommendations in Kamakura include the Ichijo Ekan Sanso House (一条恵観山荘), Jomyoji Temple (浄妙寺), Zuisenji Temple (瑞泉寺), and Sugimoto Temple (杉本寺). There are many popular lunch spots in Kamakura as well, so be sure to take your time and enjoy sightseeing! ◆Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence Facility Overview◆ 【Address】2-6-37, Jomyoji 2-chome, Kamakura City, Kanagawa 【Access】A 35-minute walk from JR Kamakura Station, or a 4-minute walk from the Jomyoji (浄明寺) bus stop from JR Kamakura Station. 【Admission Fee】Free 【Hours】April to September: 10:00-16:00 October to March: 10:00-15:00 【Closures】Mondays and Tuesdays 【Parking】None 【Phone】0467-61-3477 【Tripadvisor】Former Kacho-no-Miya Residence https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g303156-d6897781-Reviews-Old_Kachonomiya_House-Kamakura_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 5:06
Indulge in luxurious Japanese cuisine at Hakuunso, a Michelin-starred ryokan in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture! Relax at the Kawahara Onsen hot spring
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 315 plays
- YouTube
Listed in Michelin! Video Introduction of "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" in Yugawara Onsen, Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture This video was created by "Japan Explorers," and it is a PR video of the Japanese inn (旅館, ryokan) "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" at Yugawara Hot spring, in Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region. The title is "The luxury ryokan Yugawara Onsen Mano no Sato Hakuunso published by Michelin" Yugawara Hotspring Hakuunso [High quality ](ミシュラン掲載の高級旅館 湯河原温泉 万葉の里 白雲荘 Yugawara Hotspring Hakuunso [高画質])". In this article, we'll introduce the charm of Yugawara Hot spring’s "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso," which has been posted on Michelin for four consecutive years. Yugawara Hot spring, in Kanagawa Prefecture is a popular inn. The video introduces luxury rooms and hot springs, as well as beautiful Michelin-rated dishes. Before we get started, please enjoy the video showcasing the hospitality of a Japanese hot spring inn. “Manyo No Sato Hakuunso”: The Luxury Japanese Hot Spring Inn Located at the Historic Yugawara Hot Spring Source :YouTube screenshot Manyo no Sato Hakuunso is a luxury hot spring inn located at Yugawara Hot spring, one of Japan's leading hot spring towns. Yugawara Hot spring is located in Ashigarashimo-gun, in Kanagawa prefecture, and is easily accessible from Tokyo and Yokohama. Every room at the Yugawara Onsen "Manyo-no-Sato Hakuun-so" has an elegant and luxurious structure where you can relax and enjoy the natural view of the Chitose River. There are five rooms with an open-air hot spring bath, three separate rooms with an open-air hot spring bath, one room with an open-air bath, and nine general guest rooms with an indoor bath. Each guest room has a name, "Soseki Literature Museum," "Fujimura Literature Museum,”" "Dokuho Literature Museum," "Manyo," "Tsubaki," "Sakuraba," "Hydrangea," "Hana Mizuki," "Hakumo," "Jukuni," "Seseragi," "Satsuki," "Chitose," " Yayoi," "Minami," and "Hatsune." Accommodation plans include one-day spa plans and banquet plans for groups. Introducing Manyo No Sato Hakuunso, Also Recognized by Michelin Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to the guest rooms with hot spring baths, there are also Sanukinoyu (large public baths) and suite private spa (private open-air bath), where you can fully enjoy Yugawara Hot spring. The large baths overflowing with rich spring water are introduced at 1:52 and 4:51, and private open-air baths are introduced at 3:48. The quality of the hot spring is calcium chloride. It's effective against rheumatic diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, wounds, chronic eczema and keratosis, weakness, gynecological disorders, hypertension, poor circulation, arteriosclerosis, gout, uric acid, and more. The baths are also fully equipped with amenities, so there's no need to worry about bringing your own. Japanese Cuisine at Manyo No Sato Hakuunso Source :YouTube screenshot Speaking of the pleasures of Japanese hot spring inns, Hakuunso also serves delicious Japanese cuisine. Manyo no Sato Hakuunso has been published in the Michelin Guide "Yokohama / Kawasaki / Shonan II Special Edition" for four consecutive years. The dinner course is introduced at 2:19 in the video. The kaiseki cuisine, which uses fresh seafood purchased directly from local fishermen and locally grown vegetables, is changed monthly, and the chef, Koichi Okuyama, provides exquisite, seasonal Japanese cuisine that has earned the restaurant a Michelin listing. One of the features of the evening meal is "Horaku-yaki," in which seafood is steamed and grilled in a ceramic pot. This can be seen at 2:51 in the video. Breakfast, typical of a traditional Japanese ryokan, is introduced at 4:18. Small plates of brightly colored dishes are elegantly presented, and local dried horse mackerel is roasted on a cooking stone and freshly grilled giving it a savory flavor and also making it a spectacle to behold. Both dinner and breakfast are served with glistening rice cooked in an earthenware pot, giving it the most flavor possible. I know you're probably looking forward to eating here now, just be careful not to eat too much before you go sightseeing. Facilities at "Manyo No Sato Hakuunso" “Manyo no Sato Hakuunso” at Yugawara Hot spring, has a wide range of in-house facilities. In addition to the private open-air baths and the large hot spring baths, there is the blissful, relaxing Ajisai-no-Mori (Forest of Hydrangea), the aesthetic salon, the private room space Suzukaze, and the dining room Senkei. You can use the facilities of "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" at your leisure. Sightseeing at "Manyo No Sato Hakuunso" Photo:Gazebo In the Yugawara area, one of the most popular hot spring sightseeing spots in Japan, there are many sightseeing spots we recommend. If you want to get in touch with the nature of Yugawara, visit Manyo Park, Makuyama Park (Yugawara Bairin), Hoshigayama Park Satsuki no Sato, Fudo Falls, and Yoshihama Beach. The best natural scenery is also a great spot for Instagram. The "Doi Castle Ruins," where you can experience the history and culture of Yugawara, has the best view. You can experience the art of Yugawara at the "Municipal Yugawara Art Museum," "Pumpkin Museum," "Kyotaro Nishimura Memorial Museum," "Living National Treasure Museum," "Hakone Lalique Museum," "Hoshino Prince Museum," "IZU PHOTO MUSEUM," "Buffet Children's Museum," and "Iri." If you want to enjoy the popular local gourmet restaurants in Yugawara, go to the ramen shop "Ramenya Iida Shoten" or the bakery "BREAD & CIRCUS." Popular festivals and events include "Yugawara Onsen Sunday Sightseeing Morning Market," "Watching the Show," "Training tour of Yugawara geisha," "Yugawara Onsen Marine Fireworks Festival," "Firefly Party," "Ikemine Momiji no Sato, and Tea Room." As you can see there are plenty of sightseeing spots in Yugawara! Please enjoy sightseeing in Yugawara as you see fit! Summary of “Manyo No Sato Hakuunso”- The Michelin Listed Inn How'd you like the video filled with the charms "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso"? The gentle Japanese style guest rooms provide a relaxing space. If you want to spend a relaxing time at a Japanese inn, tasting Michelin-starred cuisine and taking a dip in a hot spring, watch this video to experience the wonders of Manyo no Sato Hakuunso. Room rates for reservations vary depending by season and room, so please check the official website and travel websites for details. ◆ Manyo no Sato Hakuunso Introduction of Facility Overview◆ 【Address】 716-1 Miyagami, Yugawara-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture 259-0314 【Access】About 10 minutes by car from Yugawara Station on the Tokaido Main Line 【Parking】Available. 15 cars. 【Telephone No】0465-62-2341 【Official Website】 Yugawara Onsen Manyo-no-Sato Hakuunso Yugawara Luxury Ryokan-Ashigarashimo-gun https://www.hakuunsou.com/en/ 【Official Website】Yugawara Onsen official tourist site "Onsen town 60 minutes from Yokohama" http://yugawara-resort.com/ 【Tripadvisor】 Yugawara Hot spring town https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121143- Yugawara_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:52
6 Million Lights at "Lake Sagami Illumillion," One of the 3 Great Illuminations of the Kanto Region! Create Life-Long Memories at Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture!
Things to Do Festivals & Events- 87 plays
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Lake Sagami Illumillion! This time, we'll introduce the video "Lake Sagami Illumillion 2019-2020 Digest" (さがみ湖イルミリオン2019-2020ダイジェスト), publicized by "Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest." Lake Sagami Illumillion is an illumination event held at Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto Region. The video contains highlights of Lake Sagami Illumillion's 2019-2020 season. What Kind of Illumination Events Are There at Lake Sagami Illumillion? Source :YouTube screenshot There are many events at Lake Sagami Illumillion, including Rainbow Lift, shown at 0:04 in the video, the Hot Air Balloon of Light, which can be seen at 0:18 in the video, and more! From 0:34 in the video, you can see the City of Light and Music, the main attraction of Lake Sagami Illumillion 2019, in detail. Spots such as the Zoo of Light, the Flower Garden of Light and the Aquarium of Light are also shown in the video, so please take your time and enjoy it. Lake Sagami Illumillion Photo:Sagamihara Illumination Lake Sagami Illumillion is a popular event chosen as one of the 3 great illuminations of the Kanto Region. An astonishing 6 million lights are used for the event. In addition to the spots introduced in the video, there are many other mysterious areas such as the Sea of Light, Tulip Lane, Fantasy Walk: The Seven Colored Galaxy, Illumillion Tree, full of Christmas spirit, The Fortress of Trickery/The Maze of Light, and more! We recommend enjoying the nighttime attractions, such as the Ferris Wheel of Life, Pilot Paradise, or seeing a show. About Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest is a leisure destination located in Wakayanagi (若柳,Wakayanagi), Midori Ward (緑区, Midoriku), Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The amusement park area is popular for its outdoor sports facilities, such as the attractions of Paddington Town, the thrill ride "Ozoratengoku," and the "Muscle Monster" athletic facility. There is also a barbecue area, a souvenir shop, and a spot where you can enjoy spending time with your pets. Summary of Lake Sagami Illumillion Source :YouTube screenshot At Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest's popular "Lake Sagami Illumillion" event, you too can enjoy the stunning illumination featured in the video. Event times and lighting schedules change every year, so be sure to check the website before heading out. Please note that it is very crowded on weekends. We recommend taking a bus tour to visit. ◆Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest Facility Information◆ 【Address】〒252-0175 1634 Wakayanagi, Midori Ward, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture 【Access】An 8-minute bus ride from JR Sagamihara Station 【Admission Fee】Adults:1800 yen Children:1100 yen 【Hours】Weekdays 10:00〜16:00, Weekends 9:00〜17:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0570-037-353 【Official Website】Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest https://www.sagamiko-resort.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021282-d1881044-Reviews-Sagami_Lake_Resort_Pleasure_Forest-Sagamihara_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:30
The famous "Stick-fighting" of National Defense Academy of Japan in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, a powerful animation! Punching! Kick! Throwing! Is this martial arts? Fighting? No, it is a school event!
Sports- 569 plays
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Introduction of the video of the famous stick-fighting at the school festival of the National Defense Academy in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. This video was created by ‘wasabiesince2002’ and was entitled ‘Punch! Kick! Hurl! And choke! "Bo-taoshi" of National Defense Academy of Japan is a combat sport!! 2013 National Defense Academy of Japan, the 61st Founding of the Academy Memorial Festival, Bo-taoshi, 1st Match, 1st Game, No.4(殴る!蹴る!投げる!絞める!防衛大学校の棒倒しは格闘技だ!! H25年 防衛大学校 第61回 開校記念祭 棒倒し 第1回戦第一試合 No.4)’. Usually locked by airtight gates leaving common people with no clue on what’s inside, the National Defense Academy of Japan, introduced in this video, is, in a sense, an unexplored location left in modern-day Japan. Annually, the academy hosts a famous event that is broadcast on TV as well. That event is called "Bo-taoshi" and it is performed during the autumn academy festival: ‘Founding of the Academy Memorial Festival’. Bo-taoshi, that leaves spectators breathless, is more of a combat sport than something you'd see at a school festival. A chaotic brawl of punches, kicks, throws, and chokes leaves many injured! But watching this traditional sport, the students of the National Defense Academy of Japan don’t fail to assure that they are the guardians of Japan's future. Please enjoy the powerful battle between these future self-defense officers in the video. It's sure to be very exciting. The History of the Extreme "Bo-Taoshi" Photo:Self-Defense Officer Bo-taoshi is a traditional event with a long history played in the Imperial Military Academy, Imperial Military Air Force Academy, and the Imperial Naval Academy. It is a precious game that brings the history of modern Japan to the present. Bo-taoshi in the National Defense Academy has been played since 1954 at the ‘Founding of the Academy Festival’ and it is considered one of the three major games of the academy along with the ‘Cutter Games’ and ‘Long-Distance Running’. What Exactly Is "Bo-Taoshi’" Source :YouTube screenshot The autumn academy festival in National Defense Academy is similar to a sports festival. However, Bo-taoshi is a literal fight between youngsters, whose shoulders bare the burden of the security of Japan, and a town sports fesitval comes no where close to this level of brutality. The game is a team sport played by battalions. Each battalion, both the attacking and the defending side, consists of 150 people. The rules are simple: the pole, which is the target of attack, is erected at the center of the field and the attacking side wins if they manage to make it fall within 2 minutes. The defending students, equipped with headgear, first surround the pole and 1 person climbs to the upper end of the pole. Next, 4 students climb to the second stage. This can be seen from 0:10 in the video. At the fire of the starting pistol, the attacking battalion charges fiercely to the pole. This is shown from 1:11 in the video. The defending battalion prevents the charge, and the fight, quite literally, is on. The student at the top of the pole is forcefully brought down from 1:47, and you can see the ferocious onslaught of the attacking side as they attempt to knock the pole down. Some of the students shed tears after the competition, showing that this is the result of the rigorous training they do every day. Becoming the champion is an irreplaceable honor for them. Simple, Yet Complex! Bo-Taoshi and Its Refined Tactics Source :YouTube screenshot At a glance, the attack may seem like a reckless charge, but, in fact, it is thoroughly planned out into a sophisticated strategy. The defending battalion, too, consists of the robust and trained students of the National Defense Academy, so a reckless charge would easily be taken in stride. Because of this, the offense and defense plan out their tactics and act accordingly during the 2-minute game. Here, we'll introduce some basic strategies used in Bo-taoshi. ・Offense Scrum: The attacking battalion forms a scrum and leads the charge toward the pole. The scrum acts as stepping stones after the charge so pole attackers can jump over the barrier and get closer to the top of the pole. Pole attackers: Attackers who jump at the pole and attempt to bring it down. General support attackers: Do anything they can to weaken the defense of the defending battalion. ・Defense Pole support: Hold the pole in the upright position and keep it from being brought down. Ninja: This is the single man at the top of the pole who tries to kick off the pole attackers jumping onto the pole. Killers: Harass and interrupt the attacking enemies. Scrum Disablers: Do whatever they can to invalidate the scrum of the attacking battalion. The Warriors of the Future! Summary of Bo-Taoshi The National Defense Academy’s autumn festival, the ‘Founding of the Academy Memorial Festival,’ which is introduced in this video, is a very important event for the academy. On the day of the event, the academy will be open to the public and anyone can walk around campus. Booths and stands will open inside the property which make for a lively and exciting atmosphere perfect for a school festival. The main event is of course Bo-taoshi, the specialty of the National Defense Academy! Many people visit just for the sake of watching it! Battalions of 150 people brawl over the pole, punching and kicking, and the battalions wear shirts of different colors so that people can see what’s happening more easily. Spectators cheer on the team they want to win with a massive cheer or, at other times, by screaming. Please take your time and enjoy the spectacular game of Bo-taoshi shown throughout the video. 【Official Website】National Defense Academy of Japan – Ministry of Defense・Self-Defense Force https://www.mod.go.jp/nda/english/index.html -
Video article 4:45
If you are going to Hakone Ashinoko area, one of the most popular sightseeing spots in Japan, stay at the popular ryokan "Hananori" in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture! Relax in an extraordinary space with a view of Lake Ashinoko spread out before your eyes!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 140 plays
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Introduction of "Hananori", a luxury ryokan in Ashinoko, Hakone, Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa, Japan video This Video, titled “Hakone / Ashinoko HANAORI. Introduction video; Hanaori Long Version, HAKONE, Lake Ashi, Foot bath”, is showing the attraction of Hakone luxury hotel “HANAORI”. “HANAORI” is a Japanese Ryokan that just opened in 2017, and the location is a beautiful spot overlooking Lake Ashino-ko (Hakone Lake). This is a very popular accommodation with great reviews on travel sites. Hearing that a luxury inn with such a beautiful view exists you're probably thinking "it's gotta be expensive." Well actually, “HANAORI” is a place where you can enjoy a relaxing onsen (hot spring) resort with pretty reasonable prices. This makes it a pretty popular spot. Please watch this video, and enjoy the sights of Hakone Lake. HANAORI's Hot Springs Source :YouTube screenshot Japan's Ryokan are the embodiment of "Omotenashi" (hospitality in Japanese), and when you'll inevitably want to rid yourself of fatigue in the beautiful hot springs, like the one introduced at 1:42 in the video, you'll known exactly what Japan's hospitality is all about. “HANAORI” has 100% natural hot springs from Ubako Yamakoshi Asahi hot spring, a slightly thick hot spring (due to its rich mineral content). Tanayu, the open-air bath with views of Ashino-ko during any season, is like heaven. The hot springs qualities are calcium, magnesium, sodium sulfate, and hydrogen carbonate. These are effective against nerve pain, muscle pain, joint pain, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive disorders, hemorrhoids, cold sensitivity, fatigue, arteriosclerosis, cuts, burn injury, and chronic skin diseases. It also has a soothing effect, and helps cultivate health enhancement In addition to the public baths, make sure that you enjoy the private baths, foot-baths, and the after-bath relaxing space to soothe your body. There's also a powder room with skin care amenities. Dining and Room Information for Hakone Lake's “HANAORI” Source :YouTube screenshot After bathing in a hot spring, you'll want to change into a yukata and enjoy an exquisite dining experience. As introduced at 3:17 in the video, the Japanese Ryokan "HANAORI" has buffet dining, French Cuisine, and Japanese restaurants as well. Enjoy meals packed with local ingredients. You can enjoy time at a café time and lunch at the open-air terrace and take some memorable photos for your Instagram as well. In the Japanese Ryokan "HANAORI," there are Japanese and Western style rooms that combine the best of both worlds, as well as deluxe rooms with open-air baths. Check the accommodation plan and book a room before visiting. Facility Information for “HANAORI” Ashino-ko. The charm of “HANAORI” is that everyone can spend time enjoying their time however they wish. You can purchase traditional crafts and souvenirs just from Hakone, or relax with beauty treatments and massages. Summary of Hakone Lake's “HANAORI” Photo:Torii at Hakone Shrine Around the Hakone Ashino-ko area where “HANAORI” is located, there are various tourist attractions such as Hakone Shrine, Kuzuryu Shrine Shingu, and Owakudani Kurotamagokan (Black Egg shop) in the Owakudani Garden. There are many activities such visiting the top of Mt.Hakone on the Hakone Komagatake Ropeway, enjoying the artwork at the Hakone Open-Air Museum, Pola Museum, Hakone Museum, The museum of the Little Prince, and Okada Museum of Art. Also you can fully enjoy the natural scenery on the Lake Ashi no-ko Pleasure Boat, Hakone Pirate Ship, Hakone Tozan Railway, and even healing your tired body at a day-trip hot spring to make some unforgettable memories. These attractions are featured throughout the video. When you visit "HANAORI", be sure to enjoy sightseeing around the area! For those wanting to visit some of Japan's most famous hot springs, we hope you enjoy watching the video and experience how wonderful “HANAORI” is. Please check travel sites and the official website, as room rates for reservations can vary by season, room, plan, and tour. ◆Hakone Lake Ashino-ko HANAORI Facility Information◆ 【Address】160 Motohakone Togendai, Hakone-Cho, Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa. 【Access 】3 minute walk from Hakone Ropeway “Togendai” station, and a free shuttle bus service is available from JR Odawara station. 【Parking】Available. About 100 spots. 【Tel】+81 460-83-8739 【Official website】For Hotels and Ryokan in Hakone Lake Ashino-ko: Hakone Lake Ashino-ko HANAORI https://hakone-ashinoko-hanaori-jp.book.direct/en-gb 【Trip Advisor】Hakone Lake Ashino-ko HANAORI https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298171-d12487229-Reviews-Hakone_Ashinoko_Hanaori-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 8:09
Hakone Shrine in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture is one of the leading power spots in the Kanto region! Introducing the highlights of the popular tourist spots in the area where many people come to seek good fortune!
Art & Architecture- 189 plays
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Video introduction of "Hakone Shrine" in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture This video, titled “Hakone Shrine” (箱根神社), was uploaded by k_sada. It introduces Hakone Shrine, located on the shore of Lake Ashinoko in Hakone, Kanagawa. Hakone Shrine is a popular power spot that can be easily accessed from Japan’s Kanto region. The video covers every corner of Hakone shrine and is a must-see for anyone traveling to Hakone. Be sure to check it out and maybe a little luck will rub off on you as well! A Look at the Charms of Hakone Shrine Photo:Hakone Shrine's main shrine approach, Kanagawa Prefecture Hakone Shrine is famous as one of the most powerful power spots in Japan's Kanto region, and is said to improve one's luck for success, as well as bless people with economic fortune, wish fulfillment, success in marriage, love, and health. The main approach to the shrine, the fifth torii gate, Shinmon gate, the kagura hall, and the ceremony hall, all of which can be seen from 0:20 in the video, are also places we recommend stopping by when visiting Hakone Shrine. Popular spots that you won't want to pass up are Anzu-sugi (a cedar tree to pray for safe childbirth), Soga Shrine, the fourth torii gate, the Kagura Repository, the lake-bottom tree, the Ebisu Shrine, and the torii of peace. The History of Hakone Shrine and When It Was Built Photo:Ryujinsui at Kuzuryu Shrine, Kanagawa Prefecture Hakone Shrine has a long history, and it is even mentioned in books from the Kamakura Period (~1185-1333 AD). Many warlords have visited and worshipped in Hakone. In particular, Minamoto no Yoritomo is said to have worshipped at Hakone Shrine. It was burned down once by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but the shrine’s main building was rebuilt by Tokugawa Ieyasu. A new shrine, which can be seen at 3:03 in the video, was built at Kuzuryu Shrine and many people still come to visit it today. Popular Tourist Spots Near Hakone Shrine Photo:A sightseeing ship on Lake Ashinoko, Kanagawa Prefecture In addition to the shrines, Hakone has many other tourist spots in the neighborhood. From Shinjuku, the Odakyu Line runs to Hakone-Yumoto, and the Odakyu Romancecar is a very popular train. It takes about 85 minutes to reach Hakone-Yumoto from Shinjuku. On weekends, many people enjoy the sightseeing boats on Lake Ashinoko and the hot springs where you can relax. In addition to the tourist attractions, we also recommend visiting festivals, such as the Hakone Shrine Setsubun Festival and the Kosui Festival. Hakone Shrine, Hakone Motomiya Shrine, and Kuzuryu Shrine are known as Hakone Sanja Mairi (箱根三社参り, Hakone Three Shrine Visit), and many people visit all three shrines. We also recommend picking up a shuin stamp and buying omamori charms for good luck and for souvenirs. Hakone, with its high elevation, has many viewpoints from which you can see Suruga Bay, the Izu Peninsula, Sagami Bay, and the Shonan coast when the weather is favorable. Summary of Hakone Shrine Photo:Hakone Shrine's torii gate This video introduced Hakone Shrine in Hakone, Kanagawa. Hakone Shrine is easily accessible thanks to its parking lot and good transportation. A leisurely walk around Hakone Shrine will help you relax and get your daily exercise in. Of course, don't forget to take pictures of the beautiful scenery, as Hakone Shrine is quite Instagram-worthy! 【Tripadvisor】Hakone Shrine / Kuzuryu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298171-d319902-Reviews-Hakone_Shrine_Kuzuryu_Shrine_Singu-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefect.html -
Video article 26:20
Video of a stroll through the exotic "Yokohama Chinatown" in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture! Feel like you are traveling abroad in this town with over 200 Chinese restaurants!
Travel Food & Drink- 45 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Walking around Yokohama Chinatown - Long Take【横浜・中華街】 4K," was released by "NIPPON WANDERING TV." Yokohama Chinatown is the largest downtown area in Japan and East Asia. Its history can be traced back to 1859, when the port of Yokohama was opened to create a foreign settlement. After passing through the Seiryu-mon (Blue Dragon Gate), which guards the eastern side of the city, and walking into the center of the city, you'll gradually start seeing shop signs written in Chinese. There are over 200 Chinese restaurants in Chinatown, offering everything from well-established fine dining to take-away snacks for walking around. Enjoy feeling like you've traveled to China without having to leave Japan! -
Video article 1:39
The 18-Meter Tall, Life-Size Gundam Moves at Last?! Opening in Yokohama in October 2020, This Gundam Project in Kanagawa Prefecture Is Far More Ambitious Than We Could Have Ever Imagined!
News- 66 plays
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Moving full-scale Gundam video introduction in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture "A Full-Scale Moving Gundam in Yokohama|To Open in October" (動く実物大ガンダム間近で 横浜、10月に施設オープン), is a video introducing the plan for an actual moving Gundam. The popular anime series Mobile Suit Gundam was a social phenomenon that captured the hearts of children and adults alike. The construction plan for a facility where you can actually see a full-scale version of the Gundam (model number: RX-78-2) up close and in action, has started at the Yamashita Pier (山下ふ頭, Yamashitafuto) in Yokohama. This article introduces the full-scale Gundam set to be built in Yokohama alongside the video. What Is Mobile Suit Gundam? Source :YouTube screenshot Mobile Suit Gundam is a televised anime series about giant robots that was broadcast in Japan from 1979. The main character was Amuro Ray, and the show depicted a conflict between people that completely defied the conventional wisdom of the mecha anime genre. It also gave birth to new buzz words such as "Char" and "Newtype" capturing the hearts of adults and children alike. Even today, more than 40 years after the show's broadcast, sequels are being broadcast and Gundam series toys, Bandai plastic models called "Gunpla," and figurines are being sold one after another, and the popularity of the series continues to grow. The GUNDAM GLOBAL CHALLENGE project Source :YouTube screenshot The "GUNDAM GLOBAL CHALLENGE project" is a group built around Representative Director Yasuo Miyakawa, with the purpose of building a moving, full-scale model RX-78-2, which is one of the main mobile suits that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary since its premier. It's planned to be built at Yamashita pier,in Yokohama. You can see the outline of the plan being explained at a press conference at 0:08 in the video. The Gundam is planned to be 18 meters tall when standing, weigh 25 tons, don carbon armor, and have an actuator that allows for 24 degrees of freedom. It's truly an actual gundam! The design is the Gundam used by the popular character Amuro Ray, and it will be operated remotely by a pilot outside of the Gundam. Life-size Gundams have been built before in Odaiba(お台場,Odaiba) and Shizuoka (静岡,Shizuoka), but this plan in Yokohama is the first attempt to create a moving full-scale Gundam, and it is catching the attention of Gundam fans all over the world! GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA! Source :YouTube screenshot GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA is a facility scheduled to open at Yamashita pier, Yokohama, on October 1st, 2020, and is built so that you can see the moving full-scale Gundam from the same point of view as in the anime. This is explained in detail at 0:18 in the video. The main facilities are "GUNDAM-CARRIER" which supports the gundam from behind, "GUNDAM-DOCK" where the gundam is stored, and "GUNDAM-DOCK TOWER," explained using a model from 1:12 in the video. This is a special viewing space where you can see the gundam up close from 15-18 meters high. The facility is built so that visitors can enjoy and experience every corner of the full-scale gundam with the view of Yokohama city in the background. In addition, "GUNDAM LAB" is also being built in the facility. This is planned to be a spot that all Gundam lovers can enjoy — it has an exhibition facility explaining how the moving life-size Gundam works, shops, cafes, and communication spaces! Summary of the Moving, Full-Scale Gundam Photo:Yokohama・Yamashita Pier Since it was first aired as a robot anime produced by Sunrise Inc, it has become very popular not only as an anime, but also in video games and manga, and after 40 years, a gundam is finally being built in real life. This article introduced the moving life-size Gundam planned to be built in Yokohama, alongside the video. Are you excited to see the giant gundam up close? The gundam walking plan to be held in Yokohama is an embodiment of the dreams of many people- that a gundam would move for real someday. Think you can wait 'til October 2020? If this article and video is your first time hearing about the project, or if you're just curious about it, don't forget to visit Yokohama in October! 【Official Homepage】GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA *Exhibition ends on Sunday, March 31, 2024. https://gundam-factory.net/en/ -
Video article 6:32
Yabusame (horseback archery) ritual at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, one of the three major Yabusame events in Japan! Ancient Japanese archery and horseback archery
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 91 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of "Yabusame (horseback archery) ritual" at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture Photo:Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura This video, titled "Yabusame Horseback Archery 20 Shots|Kamakura 2019" (鎌倉 鶴岡八幡宮 流鏑馬 20連発 Yabusame Horseback Archery 20 shots Kamakura 2019), was uploaded by "keity." Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is located in Kamakura, Kanagawa. Yabusame (traditional Japanese horseback Archery) is a Shinto ritual of the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Festival in which archers dressed in traditional hunting attire shoot at targets while controlling their aim from horseback. The video begins with the yabusame ritual and shows the archers shooting arrows called "kabura-ya" which whistle when loosed. Accurately shooting the arrows from horseback at high speed requires the archer be incredibly skilled. Check out the video to see the awesome footage of the archers performing on horseback. The History of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Photo:The stone steps leading up to the main shrine of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura The history of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine dates back to 1063, when Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, the ancestor of Minamoto no Yoritomo, who founded the Kamakura shogunate, moved Ishimizu Hachimangu Shrine from Kyoto. Yoriyoshi was a devout worshipper of Ishimizu Hachimangu Shrine and enshrined the Shinto deity Hachiman as the Minamoto Clan deity near Yuhigahama beach in Kamakura. Later, Minamoto no Yoritomo returned the shrine to its present location on Kyoto and laid the foundations for Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. In 1180, Minamoto no Yoritomo established the first samurai government, the Kamakura Shogunate, in Kamakura, and in the same year, he moved the Hachimangu Shrine, which was associated with his ancestors, to its present location. The shrine was revered as the guardian deity of the Shogunate, Kamakura, and the eastern provinces of Japan. Additionally, the shrine hosted, and continues to host, a number of festivals that were important to the shogunate, including life release ceremonies, yabusame, sumo wrestling, and bugaku (traditional Japanese court music and dance), all of which have been handed down to the present day. One of the most famous historical events at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is the assassination of Minamoto no Sanetomo, which happened on the large stairway leading up to the shrine. When you visit the shrine, you can climb up the very same stairs the assassination took place on. What is Yabusame? The History of Japan's Traditional Archery Photo:Yabusame Yabusame, the ancient Japanese art of horseback archery, has a long history, dating back to the 6th century during the reign of Emperor Kinmei. It's said to have started as a ritual in which three targets were shot from horseback at Usa Jingu Shrine in Oita Prefecture in honor of Empress Jingu and Emperor Ojin. Yabusame (流鏑馬) means "to ride a horse while shooting arrows." Yabusame at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is a traditional event with more than 800 years of history. It's said that it started when Minamoto no Yoritomo performed yabusame in 1187 at a life release at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine to pray for peace and prosperity in Japan. Encouraged by Yoritomo, Yabusame was an essential Shinto ritual for warriors to improve their skills and to show the quality and hardiness of warriors in the Kamakura period. There are two schools of yabusame. Minamoto no Tsunemoto, the founder of the Seiwa Genji branch of the Minamoto clan, handed down the tradition to Minamoto no Yoshimitsu, and from there it was passed on to the Takeda and Ogasawara clans. As a result, there are two schools of yabusame: the Takeda School and the Ogasawara School. Yabusame archery performed at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is of the Ogasawara style. Yabusame is performed at Shinto rituals and festivals all over Japan, and you can enjoy seeing the differences between the two schools by going to events in other areas. The Top 3 Yabusame Events in Japan Photo:Yabusame at Shimogamo Shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Oita Prefecture, Nyakuichioji Shrine in Nagano Prefecture, and Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto Prefecture are collectively considered to host the three best Yabusame events in Japan. Here, we'll explain a bit about yabusame at Nyakuichioji Shrine and Shimogamo Shrine. ●Yabusame at Nyakuichioji Shrine, Nagano Prefecture The Yabusame ritual at Nyakuichioji Shrine is held during the annual festival. What makes this ritual unique is that the archers are children. They put on makeup and wear traditional archer attire, parade through the town, and perform yabusame at the shrine to celebrate a good harvest. ●Yabusame at Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Prefecture The yabusame ritual at Shimogamo Shrine is held as a precursor to Kyoto's famous Aoi Matsuri. Shimogamo Shrine has the longest history of yabusame rituals among the three shrines, dating back to circa 457 according to the Nihon Shoki. What makes this event unique is that while the other two are performed in warrior costumes, the yabusame ceremony at Shimogamo Shrine is performed in traditional court noble attire. Highlights of the Yabusame Ritual at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Photo:Yabusame at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine The highlight of yabusame at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is the garbs worn by the archers. They wear traditional hunting costumes worn by samurai during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and wear unique hats called "ayaigasa," which are made of rush woven into twill and covered with cloth. They wear jackets called "hitatare" and carry a sword at their waist, which gives them a dignified appearance. One of the highlights of the yabusame is the distinctive yell of the archer as he runs his horse. When the archer shoots an arrow while running his horse, he shouts "in, yo, i." This represents the Japanese words for "yin, yang, and arrow," and is attributed to Onmyodo, or "The Way of Yin and Yang," which was incorporated into the teachings of the samurai during the Kamakura period. Nagakiyo Ogasawara, the founder of the Ogasawara School of yabusame, was also a samurai in the Kamakura period. Even more than the shouts though, is the sound the arrow makes when it strikes its target. Be sure to check out the video to see the skill that samurai warriors would have used on the battlefield when fighting for their lives. Schedule and Location Information for the 2023 Yabusame Event at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Photo:The main shrine of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura The yabusame ritual at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is usually held on the same day as the annual festival on September 16 and during a festival in October. That being said, the 2022 event was cancelled due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Currently, no information regarding the schedule for the 2023 yabusame event has been announced on the shrine's website. However, since there are no longer any restrictions on activities, there is a strong possibility that the event will be held this year, so we're optimistic that the event will be held this year. After leaving the entrance of the shrine office of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, a ritual will be held at the lower worship hall, followed by a small parade welcoming the archers and their horses. After that, the archers, dressed in magnificent traditional hunting attire, will perform the yabusame ritual. Summary of Yabusame at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine Photo:The main shrine of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura Yabusame, performed as a ritual event during Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine's annual festival, is a rare opportunity to see magnificent costumes, traditional Japanese martial arts, and splendid horsemanship and archery. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine offers blessings for luck in victory, work, and success in life, as well as for easy childbirth and marriage, so consider having a quick prayer if you visit the shrine for the yabusame ritual. Also, be sure to see the portable shrine procession at the Shinkosai Festival held after the regular festival, and the dance performed by miko (shrine maidens) wearing traditional garbs. Yabusame events are a great opportunity to see the skills of warriors that have been handed down since the Kamakura period. We hope you will be able to witness this spectacular ritual that has been handed down for hundreds of years. 【Official Website】Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine -
Video article 1:57
Step Into Odawara Castle and Journey Back in Time to the Warring States Period! A Look at the Castle Overflowing With History in Odawara, Kanagawa; It Might Just Bring Out the Warrior in You!
Art & Architecture Travel History- 168 plays
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Odawara Castle, a Fortress Feared for Its Impenetrability This is a promotional video for Odawara castle, titled "Odawara Castle PR Video 2013," brought to you by Cityodawara. Odawara castle is a popular tourist destination in Odawara city, Kanagawa prefecture (神奈川県, Kanagawaken), located in the Kanto region of Japan. It's popular with both locals and foreigner visitors alike. Odawara castle was the Odawara clan's stronghold from the Sengoku period until the Edo period and was known and feared for being impenetrable. It would become the domain's administrative headquarters for the Odawara clan. During the reign of the third generation feudal lord Hojo Ujiyasu, the castle underwent substantial military strengthening and became famous as an impenetrable castle after withstanding fierce attacks from both Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen. At the time of the Battle of Odawara, Hojo Ujimasa set up camp at the castle, and for 5 generations, up until the reign of Hojo Ujinao, his family remained in and protected the castle, and the area flourished as a political center in the southern Kanto region. During this short video we would like to introduce our most recommended sightseeing spots around Odawara castle. Looking at these images will make you feel truly as if you've traveled back in time and will give you a taste of life back in the Warring States period. Sightseeing Spots Around Odawara Castle, Home to the Hojo Clan Photo:Odawara Castle Maidashi Gate After the restoration (from July 2015 to April 2016), Odawara castle became a symbol of Odawara city and one of the city's most popular tourist attractions. Starting with the Castle Tower (天守閣, Tenshukaku), there are also many other places of historic significance, such as the Castle Park (小田原城跡公園, Odawarajouseki kouen), Castle Gate (常盤木門, Tokiwagimon), Copper Gate (銅門, Doumon), Maidashi Gate (馬出門, Umadashimon) and Ninomaru areas. The castle is also famous as a cherry blossom viewing spot in the spring. Throughout this video you can take a look inside the historic castle's grounds. The shot of the cherry blossom in full bloom and the Castle Tower at 1:20 is absolutely breathtaking. By far the most instagrammable spot in the area! In recent years, an increasing number of tourists visit the castle to collect a stamp of the Shogun's seal, called Go-shuin. There are also various museums and events to take part in, such as an armor wearing experience, the Tokiwagimon Samurai Museum (常盤木門SAMURAI館, Tokiwagimon Samurai kan), Odawara Castle History Museum (小田原城歴史見聞館, Odawarajou rekishi kenbunkan), as well as a children's playground to keep the kids entertained. For more detailed information on the facilities, please ask a staff member at the Ninomaru tourist office inside the castle grounds. You can also see the natural beauty of the changing seasons at Odawara castle throughout the video. From 1:37 in the video, you can take a look at the superb view from the Castle Tower overlooking the city, with the ocean in the backdrop. Popular Tourist Attractions in Kanagawa Prefecture: Odawara Castle Area Restaurant Guide Boiled fish paste products, such as kamaboko, are a speciality of the Odawara area. Honmaru tea house (本丸茶屋, Honmaru chaya) and shop, located inside the castle grounds, are popular lunch destinations among visitors, and a great spot to try the local cuisine. Here you can enjoy your lunch, surrounded by the beautiful scenery of the castle. In the vicinity of the castle you can also find many cafes, restaurants, and izakaya (Japanese bar/restaurant). We recommend taking a walk around the castle area and trying some of the local delicacies! Popular Tourist Attractions in Kanagawa Prefecture: Odawara Castle Area Restaurant Guide The following are a list of events which took place at Odawara Castle in 2019: Family History Tour (夏休み親子歴史教室, Natsuyasumi oyako rekishi kyoushitsu)(held during summer vacation), Fuma Ninja Class (風魔忍者教室, Fuuma ninja kyoushitsu), Projection Mapping World Tournament (プロジェクションマッピング世界大会, purojekushon mappingu sekaitaikai), Sengoku Gonbei Original Art Exhibition (センゴク権兵原画展, Sengokugonbei gengaten) and the Odawara Lantern Summer Festival (小田原ちょうちん夏祭り, Odawara chouchin natsumatsuri). For more details, please check the official Odawara Castle home page. Popular Tourist Attractions in Kanagawa Prefecture: Odawara Castle Introduction Summary Photo:Cherry Blossoms at Odawara Castle Odawara Castle can be accessed by a 10-minute walk from Odawara Castle Train Station (小田原城駅, Odawarajou eki). If you are travelling by car, you can reach Odawara castle from Ogikubo Interchange (荻窪IC, Ogikubo IC), Odawara Atsugi Road (小田原厚木道路, Odawara atsugidouro) in around 10 minutes. Please note that that there is no parking lot at Odawara Castle Park. Odawara castle is a tourist spot in Kanagawa prefecture that has grown equal in popularity to destinations such as Yokohama, Shonan, and Kamakura. Why not take a trip to Odawara Castle and experience some of Japan's rich cultural history? Be sure to enjoy the video, it may give you a taste of what it felt like to be a samurai warrior during the Warring States period! ◆Odawara Castle◆ 【Address】 Odawara Castle, Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture 250-0014 【Access】10-minute walk from Odawara station (小田原駅, Odawaraeki)(JR Eastern Japan) 【Hours】9:00~17:00 【Parking】No car park on site 【Telephone】0465-23-1373 【Official Website】Odawara Castle https://odawaracastle.com/ 【Tripadvisor】Odawara Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021278-d1311266-Reviews-Odawara_Castle-Odawara_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:48
Ebina SA in Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture, the busiest Tomei Expressway in Japan!
Shopping- 32 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Ebina, the Busiest Service Area in Japan|11/11/2018" (日本一混むサービスエリア海老名2018/11/11), was released by "Onose Yuji." The Ebina Service Area on the Tomei Expressway is famous for being the most crowded service area in Japan. There are many delicious gourmet foods here that you won't find anywhere else. One of the specialties at the Ebina Service Area is the melon bread from Porutogaru, which has been in business for 25 years and is the world's largest seller of melon bread. The green outside dough is moist and crispy, and the soft baked melon bread is slightly sweet inside, give those who eat it a nostalgic feeling. Long lines of people wait in front of the store for the melon bread. Enjoy the lively atmosphere of the Ebina service area! -
Video article 8:03
The Jewel of Shonan – Experience Winter on Enoshima With This Festival of Lights! See the Beautiful Illumination in Kanagawa via Video!
Festivals & Events Travel- 84 plays
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The Jewel of Shonan – An Illumination Event on Enoshima: Video Introduction This video, titled "Enoshima Illumination|the Jewel of Shonan|Filmed on a Sony A6600|4K Video" (江ノ島イルミネーション 湘南の宝石 ソニーa6600撮影 4K撮影), was uploaded by "Shumi-chan" (趣味チャン). This video shows 2021's "The Jewel of Shonan," an illumination event that takes place on Enoshima. Be sure to check out the video showing 8 minutes of twinkling illuminations covering the spacious event site before reading along. The Jewel of Shonan – An Illumination Event on Enoshima: Highlights & Schedules for 2022 The Enoshima illumination "The Jewel of Shonan" is a popular winter event on Enoshima, which has been held since 1999 and is celebrating 23 years. With the Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden and the Enoshima Sea Candle (formerly known as the Enoshima Observation Lighthouse) as the main spots of illumination, it's a community-integrated festival of lights and colors that takes advantage of the sea and sky of Shonan and the location of Enoshima. The Jewel of Shonan is said to be one of the 'Top 3 Illuminations in Japan's Kanto Region,' and was awarded second place in the illumination category in the Illumination Awards. It also ranks highly on many illumination rankings, making it one of the leading illumination events in Japan's Kanto region. Photo:The Enoshima illumination, the Jewel of Shonan Let's take a look at some of the highlights of the event while watching the video. After entering Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden and passing through the tunnel of the Shonan Chandelier made up of approximately 70,000 Swarovski crystals, the main attraction, the illuminated Enoshima Sea Candle, will come into view. [Video] 0:11 - Entering the Event [Video] 1:48 - Shonan Chandelier, a Tunnel With a Gorgeous Glow The Enoshima Sea Candle is an observation lighthouse that has become a symbol of Shonan. [Video] 2:22 - The Enoshima Sea Candle, a Magnificent Lighthouse The entire area of the observatory lighthouse, named 'Great Space of Light,' is a perfect photo spot with its beautifully shining jewel-shaped monument made of lights! [Video] 2:30 - The Great Space of Light With the Beautifully Shining Jewel-Shaped Monument of Lights Photo:The Enoshima Sea Candle, Enoshima illumination The view from the observatory is also exceptional, and visitors can enjoy a breathtaking night view of Sagami Bay. [Video] 3:41 - Heading to the Sea Candle Observation Deck Floor [Video] 4:25 - The Illumination from the Outdoor Observation Deck As the name suggests, the illumination along the pathway of 'Jewel Forest' resembles jewels scattered all around. The highlight of Jewel Forest is the delicate lighting. [Video] 6:02 - Jewel Forest Pathway [Video] 7:12 - Illumination of Mt. Fuji Although the video ends with the illumination of Mt. Fuji on the wall, the event itself is a large-scale event of lights and colors in harmony with the location of Enoshima. Beautiful lights and illuminations can be seen at Enoshima Shrine (江島神社, Enoshima Jinja), Nakatsumiya Square (中津宮広場. Nakatsumiya Hiroba), Shonan Jewel Square (湘南宝石広場, Shonan Houseki Hiroba), Oiwayamichi Street (御岩屋道通り, Oiwayamichi-dori), Enoshima Iwaya, and Enoshima Yacht Harbor. ◆The Jewel of Shonan 2023◆ Schedule: November 23, 2023 - February 29, 2024 ◇Nighttime opening hours◇ Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden / Enoshima Sea Candle Weekdays and year-end and New Year holidays: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm (last admission 7:30 pm) Weekends, holidays and Dec. 23-30: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm (last admission 8:30 pm) ※From January 6th, from 17:30 on weekdays, weekends, and holidays. Shonan Candle – A Breathtaking Autumn Illumination Photo:Shonan Candle, Enoshima Before the Enoshima Illumination "Jewel of Shonan," the "Shonan Candle" autumn event will be held for 23 days from October 15 (Sat) to November 6 (Sun). Approximately 10,000 candles will be lit at the Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden on Enoshima Island. The warmth of the candlelight is very different from the dazzling winter illumination. Autumn is a season when people start to feel lonely, so consider making some date plans for the Shonan Candle and enjoy a nice evening out. A Recommended Summer Illumination Event on Enoshima Photo:The lantern light up event on Enoshima At the Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden, where the Enoshima Sea Candle, a symbol of Shonan, stands, light-themed events are also held in the summer. As a summer tradition, the Enoshima Lantern Festival has been held annually since 2008, and this year the event was held from July 23 (Saturday) to August 31 (Wednesday). The event features 1,000 lanterns, as well as the light installation "Hikari no Emaki" (光の絵巻, lit. 'A Picture Scroll of Lights') at Enoshima Shrine, offering a different atmosphere in summer than in autumn and winter, making it an event you don't want to miss. Summary of Illumination Events on Enoshima Enoshima is known for its impressive winter illuminations, and every year large scale light events are held in summer, fall, and winter in order to revitalize the local community. No matter which season, the events are always romantic thanks to the perfect location of Enoshima. We encourage you to go out with your family and friends, or for a nice, romantic date. You're sure to have a great time, making memories and taking photos at all of the picturesque photo spots. Enoshima is also a great place for tourists, as it's relatively easy to get to even from distant places. However, because this is a popular event, traffic jams and other congestion are to be expected, especially on weekends and holidays. Parking lots in the neighborhood can also fill up. Therefore, we recommend that you avoid coming by car if possible and use public transportation. Enjoy the festive mood of the colder months with a trip to this heartwarming illumination event. 【Official Website】Enoshima and Kamakura Travel Guide 【TripAdvisor】The Jewel of Shonan -
Video article 6:08
1.5 Times Thicker Than Regular Eel! Feast on Fluffy, Delicious Eel! Introducing the Famous Eel Restaurant "Unagi Tomoei" in Odawara, Kanagawa, Where You Can Enjoy Grilled Eel, Liver, and Kabayaki!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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This video, titled "[Exquisite] A Famous Michelin Eel Restaurant! One of Tabelog's Top 100 Restaurants [Unagi Tomoei] Food Porn" (【極上】ミシュランの鰻の超有名店!食べログ百名店【うなぎ亭 友栄】飯テロ), was released by "Roid Gohan" (ロイドごはん). This video shows delicious eel dishes at Unagi Tomoei in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. After an introduction of the menu from the exterior of the restaurant, you'll enjoy delicious eel, freshly cut liver (with sauce and wasabi), and the high-class unaju. The video shows that the eels are thick and fluffy with just the right amount of fat. Be sure to try sprinkling some fresh wasabi on the eel as well. Check out the video to see some delicious eel dishes! -
Video article 3:09
Fujiya Ryokan" in Yugawara, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture is a famous inn that you should visit at least once. How about a classical yet modern long-established onsen ryokan for a weekend stay?
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 82 plays
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Video Introduction of "Fujiya Ryokan" in Yugawara, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture This video, titled " Fujiya Ryokan [Selected Lodgings to Visit on Weekends]" (富士屋旅館【週末に訪れたくなる厳選宿】), was uploaded by "Relux Lodging Diary" (Relux宿日記). Fujiya Ryokan, featured in the video, is a popular long-established hot spring inn located in Yugawara, Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region, near Hakone. The hot springs and scenic beauty of the area between Yugawara and Hakone have a long history that is mentioned in ancient texts, such as the Manyoshu. Fujiya Ryokan already had a predecessor building in the late Edo period (around 1750-1860 AD), and the oldest building today, the Old Building, was built in 1923. The oldest building, the "Old Building" (旧館, Kyuu-kan) was built in 1923, making it a building with nearly 100 years of history. The New Building, the Old Building, and Rakumiso, all of which have equally elegant guest rooms, are connected by a long corridor that leads to the large bathhouse, allowing visitors to enjoy a stroll through the Japanese garden before a relaxing bath. The Old Building, the (as its name implies) oldest building at the inn, provides guests with a stylish and tranquil space with a Taisho-modern taste of the time inherited through the use of fine 13.68-centimeter square pillars made of Japanese cypress and glass doors with kumiko panels. The New Building is a high-quality guest room that provides a conscious blend of Japanese and Western styles while maintaining the retro feel of the Showa period. The guest rooms can be viewed at 0:43 in the video. The History of Fujiya Ryokan in Yugawara, Kanagawa Source :YouTube screenshot According to "Guide to Yugawara" (湯河原案内, yugawara an'nai) published in 1918, Fujiya Ryokan started its business as a hot spring inn in 1920, and was called "Juhoen" at the time. After crossing the long bridge over the Fujiki River, you'll see a vast site lined with towers and annexes, and it is introduced as a famous ryokan where you can enjoy nature and flowers in every season. The large bath is a hot spring cypress bath with a weak saline solution (weak alkalinity), and is considered a beauty spring because its pH is close to that of human skin. You can see the large bath at 2:39 of the video. Of course, visitors can also enjoy the hot spring water in the indoor baths of their guest room. Fujiya Ryokan has been loved by many Japanese literary figures, including Doppo Kunikida, Natsume Soseki, Yosano Akiko, and Junichiro Tanizaki. Gourmet Dining at Fujiya Ryokan in Yugawara, Kanagawa Source :YouTube screenshot When you think of hot spring inns, besides the hot springs and luxurious rooms, if there's anything you don't want to miss out on, it's the delicious cuisine they serve. Fujiya Ryokan's restaurant, Hyorokutei, offers dishes that will make even the most seasoned gourmet's taste buds sing. The name "Hyorokutei" comes from the traditional good omen for good health - Gourds (Hyotan in Japanese). It combines the words "gourd" (Hyo)tan, six (roku), and "restaurant" (tei). (※Gourds have long been a good luck charm for good health in Japan) Savor the mouthwatering fish dishes made with a wide variety of Higashi-Izu seafood from Sagami Bay, as well as premium ingredients, such as Japanese black beef, locally harvested game dishes, and domestic eel. We also recommend the "dancing icefish," which you can see in the video at 2:18, served with ginger vinegar, a specialty of Yugawara. If you're too busy for an overnight stay, Fujiya Ryokan's one-day hot spring and gourmet plan is a great option. At Hyorokutei, even on a day trip, you can enjoy sumptuous kaiseki cuisine, shabu-shabu made with local sea bream, charcoal-grilled meat, and other delectable dishes. Summary of Fujiya Ryokan in Yugawara, Kanagawa Source :YouTube screenshot What did you think? Fujiya Ryokan, introduced in the video, has been chosen by foreign tourists as one of the best inns in Japan. Once you stay there, it's almost inevitable that you'll become a repeat guest! Enjoy hospitality and luxury that you can only find in Japan. For more information on accommodations and access, please visit the official website of Fujiya Ryokan. 【Official Website】Fujiya Ryokan Yugawara https://fujiyaryokan.jp/ 【TripAdvisor】Fujiya Ryokan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1121143-d16695943-Reviews-Fujiya_Ryokan-Yugawara_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 5:00
Yokohama Zoo Zoorasia" in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, brings you in touch with animals from all over the world! Introducing the charms of one of Japan's largest zoos, which celebrated its 20th anniversary!
Living Things- 54 plays
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Yokohama Zoo Zoorasia, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan This video, titled "Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA" (よこはま動物園ズーラシア), was released by "CityOfYokohama." It introduces the amazing animals and exciting events at Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA. There are three zoos in Yokohama, Kanagawa, located in Japan's Kanto region: Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA, Nogeyama Zoological Gardens, and Kanazawa Zoological Gardens. Of these, Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA is famous for being one of the largest zoos in Japan. There are also restaurants, cafes, and stores in the park, so animal lovers can enjoy themselves all day long. The video introduces cute newborn animals, crowd favorites, and exciting events. Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2019, was created based on the concept of "symbiosis of life and harmony with nature." The zoo has been managed with the hope that by recreating an environment where the animals are comfortable, visitors will be able to see them in their natural state. (Prince) Rajkumar, an Indian elephant that has been entertaining visitors since the park opened, is introduced at 1:59 in the video. You can also see a baby Francois' leaf monkey in the video. ZOORASIA - Events, Tours, and More! Photo:A bird show at Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORAISA At Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA, there is also a bird show where you can interact with birds, as can be seen at 3:04 in the video. At Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA, there is also a bird show where you can interact with birds, as can be seen at 3:04 in the video. There's also "Night ZOORASIA" where you can see nocturnal animals being active, and "ZOORASIA Night Market" where you can enjoy animal print illuminations and gourmet food, held on a regular basis. This can be seen at 3:23 in the video. At Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA, you can feed horses, ride horses, and enjoy other hands-on experiences. There's also a "Kitchen Tour" held every Saturday. During this free tour, visitors can see how food is prepared for the animals in the zoo. Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA is surrounded by Yokohama Animal Forest Park (横浜動物の森公園) and Korokoro Lawn (ころころ広場), making it a wide-area park. There are also many hotels and other lodging facilities around the park, making it a great place for families with small children to stay the night. Interact With the Animals at Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA! Photo:A lion Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA exhibits 750 animals of approximately 100 species, divided into eight zones according to climate zone and region. These zones are: "Asian Tropical Forest," "Subarctic Forest," "Oceania Grassland," "Central Asian Highland," "Japanese Countryside," "Amazon Jungle," "African Tropical Rainforest," and "African Savanna. The animals you can see at Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA (Non-comprehensive list) In addition to the rare Okapi and the endangered Sumatran tiger, you can also see Asiatic lions, horses, elands, giant anteaters, Steller's sea eagles, giraffes, Oriental storks, chimpanzees, cheetahs, proboscis monkeys, Japanese macaques, Japanese black bears, Eastern Black Rhinoceroses, Arabian camels, polar bears, Japanese raccoon dogs, Bornean orangutans, Malayan tapirs, red pandas, and more. Access to Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA and Other Important Information Please note that pets are not allowed in the park. That being said, certified service dogs are allowed to enter the park, although access to some areas of the park may be restricted. ◇Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA◇ 【Hours】9:30 AM – 4:30 PM 【Advance Reservations】Advance reservations are required for admission on weekends and holidays 【Closures】Tuesdays (or the following day if Tuesday is a national holiday), year-end and New Year holidays 【Address】1175-1 Kamishiranecho, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 241-0001 【Park Map】An English version of the map of the zoo can be found on the official website 【Access】Accessible by taxi from "Tsurugamine Station" or "Mitsukyo Station" on the Sotetsu Line. When accessing via JR/City Subway, take the bus bound for "Yokohama Zoo" (よこはま動物園, Yokohama Dobutsuen) from the south exit of Nakayama Station and get off at "Yokohama Zoo." 【Parking】Parking available for up to 2,200 vehicles: 1,000 yen per day, buses: 2,500 yen per day Summary of Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA's Animals and Events Photo:The Tsushima leopard cat on the verge of extinction In this article, we introduced the attractions of Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA. Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA is also working to protect and breed animals, and has succeeded in repopulating the Tsushima Leopard Cat, which is said to be on the verge of extinction. Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA also hopes to protect endangered species, which are expected to increase in number in the future. 【Official Website】Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA (Automatic translation tool available) https://www.hama-midorinokyokai.or.jp/zoo/zoorasia/ 【Tripadvisor】Yokohama Zoological Gardens ZOORASIA https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298173-d561517-Reviews-Yokohama_Zoo_Zoorasia-Yokohama_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:22
Isshiki Beach in Miura-gun, Zushi and Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture, from the sky! Selected as one of the world's top 100 beaches, Isshiki Beach is a spectacular beach that can be reached in a day trip from central Tokyo.
Nature- 140 plays
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Isshiki Beach, Miura-gun, Zushi, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan This video, titled "Zushi, Hayama [Isshiki Beach] Drone Footage, 4K, Drone, Japan|HAYAMA ZUSHI" (逗子・葉山【一色海水浴場】ドローン空撮 4K Drone Japan HAYAMA ZUSHI), was uploaded by "Drone Man sky creative" (ドローン男子 sky creative). It introduces Isshiki Beach in the Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa Prefecture, located in Japan's Kanto Region, via drone footage. The video gives a unique view of Isshiki Beach that you wouldn't normally see, that is, from the sky. We hope you enjoy it! More About Isshiki Beach in Zushi-Hayama, Kanagawa! Photo:Isshiki Beach, Zushi-Hayama Isshiki Beach is a serene beach measuring 500m long and 30m wide facing Sagami Bay in Hayama, a resort area on the Miura Peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture. It's a beautiful beach that extends to the backside of the Hayama Imperial Villa, a villa of the Imperial Family, and was selected as one of the "100 Best Beaches Around the World" by CNN in 2013. It's also a popular spot for surfing and SUP, and you can see many people enjoying marine activities, water sports, swimming, and sunbathing in the video. In the vicinity of Isshiki Beach is Arasaki Park, the #1 scenic spot on the Miura Peninsula, where you can get a great view of Mt. Fuji and beautiful sunsets! Isshiki Beach is a must-visit tourist spot when visiting the Isshiki area. The beach is easily accessible on a day trip from Tokyo, and is crowded with families swimming and sunbathing on sunny days. There are rocks on both sides of the beach where visitors can enjoy playing on the rocks. You can see the rocky beach from 1:42 in the video. During beach season, lifeguards are stationed at beach houses, so there's no need to worry about safety. The beach houses are rated highly on review sites for being very stylish and having great atmospheres. Lunch and showers are available at the beach houses as well. Unfortunately, the beach has been temporarily closed due to the novel coronavirus, so be sure to check in advance when visiting. Speaking of beaches and swimming, one of the things you might be wondering about is whether or not barbecues are allowed. Unfortunately, Isshiki Beach prohibits barbecues within the summer beach area. That being said, it is possible to have a barbecue a short distance away from the beach, but it is not permitted near residences. Information on Events and Activities Held at Isshiki Beach Photo:Beach yoga A variety of events are held at Isshiki Beach in the Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa. One such event is Feel SHONAN during Beach Yoga Week, where participants can experience authentic, relaxing beach yoga. Participants say that beach yoga at Isshiki Beach makes them feel like they are one with nature. In summer, the Hayama Kaigan Fireworks Festival is held, attracting many visitors annually. The Hayama Kaigan Fireworks Festival is held every year from late July to early August at Morito Beach and the Isshiki Beach Breakwater. At Isshiki Beach, sea kayaking, a type of canoeing, is a popular activity. Fishing is also popular, and anglers can catch flatheads and Japanese whiting. Sightseeing Information and Instagram Photo Tips for Isshiki Beach Photo:Morito Daimyojin Shrine, Hayama, Kanagawa The Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa is home to many tourist attractions. If you like visiting shrines and learning about the history of places you visit, we recommend checking out Morito Daimyojin, a shrine founded by Minamoto no Yoritomo that's visited by many people each year to pray for successful pregnancy and safe childbirth. If you're looking to enjoy a Japanese garden or a tea house, there's also Hayama Shiosai Park. We also recommend Hayama Ajisai Park, where visitors can see 3,000 colorful hydrangeas, and Hayama Sangaokayama Ryokuchi, where visitors can enjoy hiking. Hayama Marina, where visitors can enjoy cruising around Enoshima and Yujiro Lighthouse, is also popular. Summary of Isshiki Beach in Zushi-Hayama In this article, we introduced Isshiki Beach, one of the best beaches in Japan. The beach is just an hour and a half from Tokyo, and as you can see in the video, it features beautiful cobalt blue waters. Enjoy a relaxing time at Isshiki Beach in the Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa this summer! ◆Isshiki Beach◆ 【Address】Isshiki, Hayama, Miura, Kanagawa 【Access】From Zushi Station (JR Yokosuka Line) or Hayama Station (Keihin Kyuko Line), take the Keikyu Bus bound for Kaigan-mawari Hayama, and get off at the Isshiki Kaigan bus stop (20 minutes) By car, it's about 20 minutes from the Zushi Interchange on the Yokohama–Yokosuka Road via the Zushi Shindo toll booth (逗葉新道料金所). 【Parking】Parking available for 30 cars. Weekdays: 1,500 yen, Weekends: 2,000 yen 【TripAdvisor】Isshiki Beach https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121132-d7652968-Reviews-Isshiki_Beach-Hayama_machi_Miura_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 5:00
Yugawara Onsen in Yugawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture! Check out the Fireworks Festival, Yukake Festival, Hotaru Festival, and other events to fully enjoy!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 89 plays
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Kanagawa Yugawara Onsen", Yugawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Video introducing festivals and other events This video, titled "Yugawara Onsen, SIghtseeing PR Video," was made by "yugawaraonsenkanko" to introduce events at Yugawara Onsen Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region. Yugawara Onsen in Yugawara machi, Kanagawa, takes about 60 minutes to get to from Yokohama. It has gained popularity as an Onsen resort among tourists in the Kanto region. Yugawara Onsen is a scenic tourist resort overlooking Sagami Bay and surrounded on three sides by the Hakone Outer Rim Mountains, Izu, and Atami. Yugawara Onsen is also known as the "City of Four Seasons," with its beautiful seasonal scenery, and many events are held throughout the year. It’s especially popular among women because of its easy access by train. Here we introduce recommended sightseeing locations and events where you can experience Japanese culture to your heart’s content. The video introduces a lot of events and festivals. While it's of course an attractive sightseeing spot year round thanks to its hot springs and natural scenery, but in this article we'll mainly be focusing on events shown in the video. Without further ado, let's take a look at what Yugawara has to offer! Yugawara's historical sightseeing event "Samurai Procession The video from the beginning shows the "Minamoto no Yoritomo Flag-raising Samurai Procession". Usually held on the first Sunday of April, the 2024 event was held on Sunday, April 7. About 200 warriors parade through the town from Gosho Shrine to Sakuragi Park, imitating the flag raising of Minamoto no Yoritomo and Dohi Sanpei. The Dohi Festival is also held on the same day at Joganji Temple. Yukake Matsuri, a festival unique to hot spring resorts The "Yukake Matsuri" is a festival unique to the hot spring resort where people pour hot spring water over each other while carrying portable shrines. You can watch it from 0:27 of the video. Barrels and pails filled with hot water are set up along the streets of the hot spring resort, and spectators pour hot water over the portable shrine and its bearers with great vigor. The festival is said to be a reenactment of the ritual of pouring hot water on the portable shrine to pray for its safety during the Edo period (1603-1868). The "Yugake Matsuri" is usually held on the fourth Saturday in May, and in 2024 it was held on Saturday, May 25. Firefly Festival "Firefly Party" in Yugawara The Firefly Festival "Firefly Party" is usually held at Manyo Park from late May to mid-June. Fireflies are nurtured in firefly huts and released by local elementary school students, creating a fantastic sight as they cast their beautiful light along the water's edge in the park. Don't miss the heroic Tezutsu Fireworks! Fireworks Display in Yugawara Onsen In summer in Yugawara, visitors can enjoy the powerful and heroic Tezutsu Hanabi (handheld fireworks) and Uchiage Hanabi (fireworks launched by hand). The Enshu Tezutsu Fireworks number about 100, and the sight of them shooting high into the air supported by the hands of the pyrotechnicians is sure to impress! The fireworks launched from the park are so close that they are said to be the closest fireworks display in Japan. Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024 Time: Tezutsu fireworks 20:20-20:40 Fireworks 20:40~21:00 Before the fireworks begin, visitors can watch a taiko drum performance. Yassa Festival, a summer festival in Yugawara Onsen Photo:Yugawara station Yugawara Onsen, overlooking Sagami Bay and surrounded on three sides by Hakone's outer rim, Izu, and Atami, is a scenic, nature-rich tourist destination. Yugawara Onsen, with its beautiful seasonal scenery, hosts many events and flourishes year round. The summer festival of Yugawara Onsen is the Yugawara Yassa Festival in early August.During the festival, a dashi (festival car) and dancers wearing yukata (informal cotton kimono) walk around in an Ohayashi (Japanese orchestra) among the refreshing sea breeze in the night of Yugawara. It's truly an awesome sight. This can be seen at 3:04 in the video. Be sure to watch the video to see the summer festival, a long held tradition in Japan. The 2023 event was held on August 2 and 3, 2023; information on the 2024 event has not been announced at this time, so please check the official Yugawara Onsen tourist website. Seasonal Views at Yugawara Onsen, Kanagawa Photo:Yugawara Plum Garden There are many places where you can feel the changing of the seasons in Japan. Nearly 4,000 plum trees bloom in early spring at the Yugawara Plum Garden in Makuyama Park. You can see fireflies around Oku Yugawara during the summer solstice as well. In autumn, you can enjoy the beauty of the crimson foliage at sightseeing locations, such as Manyou Park and Gojo shine. There are a lot of Instagrammable spots in Yugawara Onsen area as well, thanks to the rich in natural scenery. Apollo sou in Yugawara Onsen has a mandarin bath, and you can also enjoy taking a foot bath in Manyou Park. Create unforgettable memories by visiting these hidden gems in Yugawara. Yugawara is also home to some of the delicious ramen in the country, so if you're looking to grab a bite to eat, definitely consider adding some noodles to your trip. Summary of Yugawara Onsen, Kanagawa Yugawara Onsen is an attractive tourist spot where you can enjoy a taste of good old Japanese culture. One of the charms of the Yugawara Onsen area is that you can stay at a hotel or Japanese inn or even visit it on a day trip from the Kanto region. Come sightseeing in Yugawara Onsen, and see with your own eyes the picturesque scenery and spectacular festivals introduced in the video. In the past, a samba parade was also held, parading through the hot spring resort area at night with spectacular dancing. When you visit Yugawara Onsen in Kanagawa Prefecture for sightseeing, why not check the official Yugawara Onsen tourist website for the schedule of events and festivals to be held, and make your own plans? There's a million different ways to enjoy your trip to Yugawara Onsen! 【Official Website】Kanagawa Prefecture, Yugawara Town Hall Official Website http://www.town.yugawara.kanagawa.jp.e.td.hp.transer.com/ 【Official Website】Yugawara Hot Spring Resort http://yugawara-resort.com/ -
Video article 13:28
Video introduction of "Hakone Glass Forest Art Museum" in Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture! Venetian glass that looks like art. What are the highlights and recommended spots?
Travel Things to Do Art & Architecture Nature- 72 plays
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Hakone Glass Forest Museum, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa, Japan This video, titled "[Hakone Venetian Glass Museum] A Popular Sightseeing Attraction in Hakone / Enchantingly Beautiful Venetian Glass" (【ガラスの森美術館】箱根おすすめ観光地/美しいヴェネチアンガラスにうっとり❤Venetian Glass,Garasunomori Museum,Hakone,Japan[SUB]), was uploaded by "MaYu_diary." This vlog introduces the highlights and must-see spots at the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum, with its beautiful Venetian glass works, as well as the café attached to the museum. Be sure to check out the beauty of the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum, a popular tourist attraction in Hakone. Highlights of the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum + Average Time Spent There Photo:The Hakone Venetian Glass Museum, Kanagawa The Hakone Venetian Glass Museum, a tourist attraction in Hakone, is Japan's first museum dedicated to Venetian glass. Facilities include a Venetian Glass Museum, a contemporary glass museum, a hands-on workshop, and a café/restaurant. The Venetian Glass Museum exhibits Venetian glass made from modern times to the present day in a building designed in the image of an aristocratic mansion. The Venetian Modern Glass Museum displays artistic glass works created by modern glass artisans for the enjoyment of visitors. The entire Hakone Venetian Glass Museum can be viewed in one to one and a half hours, or two to three hours if you include lunch and a hands-on workshop. Gardens Decorated With Beautiful Glasswork and Seasonal Flowers Photo:An Illumination at the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum, Kanagawa Glass monuments and glassworks are arranged in the garden of the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum. Especially famous is the "Corridor of Light" on the path leading to the Venetian Glass Museum. The 9-meter-tall, 10-meter-long arch is covered with approximately 160,000 pieces of crystal glass, which sparkle and shine in the sunlight, creating a magical sight. During autumn, when the leaves change color, the sunlight and wind make the arches glow even brighter, making them a photogenic spot that further accentuates the beauty of the garden and is popular amongst instagrammers. The garden is planted with seasonal flowers, and visitors can also see beautifully blooming hydrangeas and roses. In addition, mallard ducks in the ponds provide comfort to visitors with their amiability. Also popular in winter are the Christmas trees made of crystal glass in various sizes. Visitors can also enjoy a fantastic crystal illumination. Lunch at a Café Inside the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum The gardens are home to the famous café/restaurant "La Canzone," where guests can enjoy a special lunch menu, cappuccinos, and seasonal sweets. Particularly famous are the croissants. Many people visit for the croissants, but other popular items include sandwiches, gelato, and chiffon cakes. Although it's currently closed, you can also enjoy listening to canzone music at this very popular café/restaurant. Create Lasting Memories at Various Hands-on Workshops! As mentioned above, the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum offers hands-on workshops. There is a "Sandblasting Workshop" where you can engrave your desired patterns on glass, and a "Fusing Workshop" where you can make one-of-a-kind original accessories using glass. In the spring of 2022, a "Venice Mask Making Workshop" was held as well. Reservations for each hands-on workshop are recommended at least one day in advance. Tickets and Souvenirs! Summary of the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum Photo:Hakone Venetian Glass Museum, Kanagawa Be sure to check out the video showing the museum if you haven't already. At the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum, you can also obtain discount tickets on the official website and receive discounts through group reservations. Be sure to check in advance. You can also purchase glassware, glasses, and tableware as souvenirs at the museum store, which are a great way to remember your trip. There are also hot springs, hotels, and other accommodations in the area, which are all conveniently accessible. Admission to the Hakone Venetian Glass Museum, located in Hakone, the pride of Kanagawa and a hot spring resort, is 1,800 yen for adults (see below for details), closed for 11 days from the day after Coming of Age Day, and pets are prohibited. With the strong summer sun, parasol rentals are free, so consider planning a trip to see the beauty of the cooling Venetian glass and the beautiful scenery of Sengokuhara. ◆Hakone Venetian Glass Museum◆ 【Address】940-48 Sengokuhara, Hakone, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa 250-0631 【Telephone】0460-86-3111 【Hourse】10:00 - 17:30 (Admission until 17:00) 【Admission Fee】Adults ¥1,800, High School Students ¥1,300, Elementary School Students ¥600 【Access】 Public Transportation: Tokyo Station [Tokaido Shinkansen] 40 min → Odawara Station [Hakone Tozan Bus] (bound for Togendai) 40 min → Hakone Venetian Glass Museum Shinjuku Station [Odakyu Romancecar] 90 minutes → Hakone-Yumoto Station [Hakone Tozan Bus] (bound for Togendai) 25 minutes → Hakone Venetian Glass Museum Hakone-Yumoto Station [Hakone Tozan Railway] 40 minutes → Gora Station [Hakone Tozan Bus] (S or M route) 20 minutes → Hakone Venetian Glass Museum Shinjuku Express Bus Terminal (Busta Shinjuku) [Odakyu Express Bus] 130 minutes → Hakone Venetian Glass Museum Car: From Tomei Gotemba I.C., take Route 138 toward Hakone (approx. 20 min.) 【Official Website】Hakone Venetian Glass Museum https://www.hakone-garasunomori.jp/entrance/english/ 【TripAdvisor】 https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298171-d1412184-Reviews-Hakone_Venetian_Glass_Museum-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_K.html -
Video article 6:37
4K video of silver grass at "Sengokuhara Miscanthus Meadow" in Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture! Don't miss it in autumn when it is at its best! Also introduces nearby spots, lunch, etc.
Nature Travel- 102 plays
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Video introduction of "Sengokuhara Susuki Meadow" in Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture This video, titled "Sengokuhara Pampas Grass Field - Kanagawa - 4K Ultra HD" (Sengokuhara Pampas Grass Field - Kanagawa - 仙石原すすき草原 - 4K Ultra HD), was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Enjoy the beautiful 4K visuals and the sound of pampas grass swaying in the wind as if you were standing in the pampas grass field of Sengokuhara. Sengokuhara – A Famous Place for Viewing Pampas Grass in Hakone, Kanagawa Photo:The pampas grass field of Sengokuhara, Hakone The pampas grass field of Sengokuhara is located on Mt. Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region. It is one of the "Top 50 Scenic Spots in Kanagawa" and "Top 100 Places to View Flowers in Kanagawa," and is well known for its pampas grass. At the foot of Mt. Daigatake, which was formed by the eruption of Mt. Hakone, lies a field of pampas grass, and in autumn, visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery of golden plumes rippling in the wind. The fantastic scenery of the Sengokuhara pampas grass field has attracted a lot of attention and draws a large number of tourists every year. The Field of Pampas Grass in Hakone – When to See the Breathtaking Autumnal Scenery Photo:The walking path through the pampas grass field of Sengokuhara, Hakone The golden pampas grass in the field in Sengokuhara is at its best from late September to early November. The lush green tips of pampas grass turn a silvery-white, and as autumn deepens, the tips open up and turn a pale golden color. The beautiful golden color of the pampas grass field, which can only be seen during autumn in Japan, is a distinctive sight of autumn in Hakone. The main walking route for the pampas grass field is to go straight along the path and back, which takes about 30 minutes round-trip. The path through the grassy field is great for taking photos as well. [Video] 0:05 - Sengokuhara Pampas Grass Field Walking Path At the midpoint of the path, visitors can enjoy a lovely collaboration of mountains and the soft tips of the pampas grass. The view from the small hill in the middle of the path is another nice spot, perfect for taking pictures. The best times to visit are in the morning and at dusk, when there are few people around. The photogenic golden pampas grass glistening in the sunlight and the setting sun are guaranteed to be make for awesome photos for Instagrammers and photographers alike. The Pampas Grass Field of Sengokuhara During Summer Sengokuhara's pampas grass field is of course famous for its pampas grass in autumn, but other seasons also have their own unique charms. In early summer, around June, visitors can enjoy the lush green landscape of the meadow that has grown back after the annual burn in the spring. The sight of the newly sprouted green pampas grass swaying in the wind is a different aesthetic than that of autumn. The green pampas grass and blue skies are a perfect contrast, and photographers/Instagrammers can take some delightful photos during this time as well. Spring at Sengokuhara – A Fiery Event on the Pampas Grass Field In the pampas grass field of Sengokuhara, an event called Yamayaki is held from mid to late March every year. Yamayaki, meaning "Mountain burning," is an annual event to maintain the pampas grass field. By burning the dead grass, it prevents the growth of weeds in the field and helps to return the meadow to its youthful appearance. The event is held in the mild spring weather, and spectator seating is available as well. The crackling fire and the intense heat are definitely worth a trip to Hakone. How to Get to Sengokuhara's Pampas Grass Field + Parking & Lunch Photo:Hakone-Yumoto Station To get to Sengokuhara's pampas grass field, take the Hakone Tozan Bus bound for Togendai from Hakone-Yumoto Station and get off at Sengokogen (~30 mins). If going by car, free parking and paid parking are available in the immediate vicinity of the pampas grass field. A temporary free parking lot is also available from September 1 to November 30 every year during the pampas grass' peak viewing period. For lunch, we recommend trying the soba restaurant Hoshinoan (そば処 穂し乃庵, Soba-dokoro Hoshinoan) by the Sengokuhara pampas grass field. In the midst of the refreshing pampas grass field, you can enjoy the seasonal flavors and unique dishes made from the best ingredients while gazing out at the field of pampas grass. Summary of Sengokuhara's Pampas Grass Field The area around the Sengokuhara pampas grass field is home to numerous tourist attractions, including art museums, and its hot springs, characterized by their cloudy white water, are also popular. In particular, the hot springs of the Hakone Ichinoyu Group, which currently has 10 facilities in Hakone, are well known as affordable accommodations in Hakone, and feature dreamy open-air guest rooms as well. Let the warmth of the hot springs wash away your fatigue. Sengokuhara's pampas grass field is easily accessible from central Tokyo, as it's located just a short 2-hour and 15-minute bus ride from Shinjuku Station in Tokyo via the Odakyu Hakone Express Bus. If taking this route, be sure to get off at the Sengokukogen bus stop. Enjoy a visit to see the spectacular golden landscapes of autumn in Hakone! 【TripAdvisor】Sengokuhara https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298171-d1514732-Reviews-Sengokuhara-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 7:45
Enjoy Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise's Dolphin Show From the Comfort of Your Own Home! These Adorable Dolphins Put on an Amazing Show in Yokohama, Kanagawa!
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Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise Dolphin Show Video Introduction This video is titled “A Dolphin Show to Enjoy at Home Long Version “Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise(おうちで楽しむイルカショー ロングver【横浜・八景島シーパラダイス】).” It was uploaded by Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise. You'll feel like you're at the aquarium just by watching this video. Check out the exciting footage of these adorable dolphins putting on an amazing performance! What Is Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise’s Dolphin Show? Source :YouTube screenshot At Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise, you can watch shows involving various sea creatures. As you can see from 0:05 in the video, mascot Sea Para Seata appears and from 0:49 the show of penguins and dolphins begins. You can see a cool hawk from 1:00. When the dolphins jump in tandem with the music, the water splashes high into the air. This can be seen at 4:24 in the video. Be careful of sitting in the front row, you're bound to get splashed! There are other shows involving seals and walruses as well, so be sure to check them out if you're interested. We recommend booking a hotel so that you can enjoy a whole day at the aquarium. There's also a shopping mall, hotel, and a marina all inside Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise. What Is Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise Like? Photo:Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise is a leisure facility, called "Sea Para" for short. The aquarium is at Aqua Zone and there are several sections, such as the Aqua Museum, Aqua Stadium Dolphin Fantasy, Sea Farm, and The Fureai Lagoon where you can pet some of the animals. The amusement park is at Pleasure Land and there are restaurants, souvenir shops and amusement zones. The magic show by Mr. Maric and the illumination event LIGHTIA were 2 very popular events. Summary of Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise Photo:Dolphin Watching a dolphin show is very exciting. If you haven't gotten your fill of dolphins, there's plenty to see in the video! Check out the website for tickets and get ready to visit Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise! There are quite a few seats at the dolphin show, but be aware that it can be crowded on weekends. ◆Information◆ 【Address】 Hakkeijima, Kanazawa, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0006 【Access】 Hakkeijima Station Seaside Line. Bus available from Yokohama Station 【Aqua resort pass】 3,000 yen for adult and 1,800 yen for elementary to junior high school students (Depends on season/ Amusement park one day pass discount available) 【Closures】No holidays 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】045-788-8888 【Official Website】Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise http://www.seaparadise.co.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298173-d1308703-Reviews-Yokohama_Hakkeijima_Sea_Paradise-Yokohama_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html a