Video article 9:47
Wadaiko, a traditional Japanese craft that plays dynamic music at festivals and other events, takes several years to complete!This is a video of a taiko drum craftsman in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture, who preserves the technique!
Traditional Crafts- 187 plays
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Video Introduction of Japanese Drum Artisans in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture "# 005 Wadaiko Tetsuro Sugiura: Door to Tomorrow by At Home" is an interview with the Wadaiko craftsman introduced in the Discovery Channel program "Tomorrow's Door." Tetsuro Sugiura, a wadaiko craftsman of "Asano Taiko" in Japan's Hokiriku region, Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture, trained long and hard before becoming a full-fledged wadaiko craftsman. This time, let's take a closer look at Japanese traditional crafts, and the technique used for making Japanese drums, which takes several years to learn. About the Traditional Culture of Japanese Wadaiko Introduced in the Video Photo:Wadaiko Wadaiko is one of the Japan's historical musical instruments that is played at festivals that are held all over Japan, such as Kyoto and Fukuoka. It is also used at ceremonies at shrines and temples, as well as for Kabuki and Noh. Its origin dates way back, and the oldest Japanese taiko drum was excavated from the remains of the Jomon period (14000 BC- 400 BC). A Japanese drum (Wadaiko) is a percussion instrument that is made of wood and has a body covered with leather. There are various types of Japanese drums that are currently used, such as a long drum, tub drum, and an attached drum. How Wadaiko Are Made Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The production process of the traditional Japanese drum, Wadaiko, is introduced in detail from 2:09 in the video. The two main tasks to make the taiko, are the making of the body and the making of leather. A Japanese drum craftsman cuts down a zelkova tree, which is then used as a raw wood without any treatment. They then cut the body of the zelkova and roughly forms it into its final shape, which is then naturally dried in a cool and dark place for 3 to 5 years. The carving on the inside of the drum is beautifully hand-crafted to have a tortoiseshell or diamond-like pattern. You can see the inner carving process from 3:01 in the video. Source of photo :YouTube screenshot Next, as you can see from 3:18 in the video, a refined technique is essential for lacquer painting. In the process of making leather, from 3:25 in the video, the skill of the Japanese drum craftsman integral to creating the beautifully processed cowhide, which will cover the drum. After putting the leather over the drum the sound is checked, and if sufficient, tacks are attached to complete the work. You can see the finished product from 4:43 in the video. Each taiko drum takes several years to complete and many craftsmen are involved in the crafting process. From 4:56 in the second part of the video, you can see the craftsmanship of the Japanese drum artist Tetsuro Sugiura, who is a leather craftsman. An interview with Mr. Tetsuro Sugiura is introduced in detail where he talks about the process of leather making, which is the cornerstone of each drum's sound. Summary of Japan's Traditional Wadaiko Craftsmen Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The video shows the long and delicate process of making large Japanese taiko drums. No special qualifications are required for the production of wadaiko, but long and rigorous training is required to craft wadaiko that produce beautiful, dynamic sounds of art. This craft relies much on feel, and thus requires diligent and highly skilled Japanese drum craftsmen. 【Official Website】Asano Taiko https://www.asano.jp/en/ -
Video article 9:44
A Must See! Japan's Unique Gardening Culture, "Zoen," in the Back of a Truck! An Introduction to the Kei Truck Garden: A Mobile Japanese Garden!
Modern Culture Art & Architecture Transportation- 204 plays
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Kei Truck Gardens If you're looking to get a taste of Japanese culture or see some traditional Japanese crafts, then look no further than Kei Truck Gardens! This video will introduce you to the art of Japanese landscaping... in the back of a truck! The video is called "Kei Truck Gardens. Transform the bed of your truck!" (軽トラガーデン 軽トラックの荷台を庭に!). It was created by "yuji kuroda 96TV." It's an interesting video that introduces a unique take on gardening. Probably not very many people have heard of this before, so let's take a look at what it's like! In this article, we'll give you an overview of the Japanese kei truck garden. We will explain the outline of the kei truck garden as well as its appeal. What is a Kei Truck Garden? Source :YouTube screenshot The kei truck garden, a new type of Japanese landscaping, is a unique garden created in the bed of a kei truck. Kei truck gardens started about 10 years ago to increase the publicity of gardening. The unexpectedness of a garden located in a small space in the back of a truck attracted a lot attention, and the gardens received high praise from overseas as well. In addition, the kei truck garden is not only unexpected, but also allows you to move the garden from place to place as is. It also has the advantage of being able to be exhibited at events and contests/shows. These small works of art a definitely worth a watch. Be sure to check them out in the video! How to Make a Kei Truck Garden The charm of the kei truck garden is having the beauty of a Japanese garden condensed into a small space. The gardeners use sand, rocks, pines, and moss to create gardens in the limited space (2m×1.4m). Every detail of the garden is handcrafted by the gardener, and it's hard to believe you can fit it all in the back of a kei truck. The video shows the viewer a variety of beautiful works in different kei trucks. Source :YouTube screenshot You can also see a wide variety of gardens at the regularly scheduled kei truck garden contests. Find different features such as tasteful water dripping landscaping. The Instagram-worthy trucks lined up in a row with their beautiful gardens and flowers makes for an amazing sight. Where Can You Find the Unique Kei Truck Garden Contest? Source :YouTube screenshot The unique kei truck garden contest takes place in many places in Japan. In the past, contests have been held at the World Expo and in Osaka, Toyama, and Shiga. This contest started at the plants event in Toyama in 2011. The Kei Truck Garden Contest was first held in 2011 as part of a greening event in Toyama Prefecture, and has since been held at greening and skills events in various regions across the country, with 2018 and 2019 being held in Akita and Osaka, respectively. More information can be found on the website of the Japan Federation of Landscape Contractors, so if you're interested in the Kei Truck Garden Contest, be sure to check it out. Summary of the Kei Truck Garden We hope that this video has piqued your interest in Japanese gardening. It's quite a unique style of gardening, but it's very interesting what people come up with. The contest, in which gardeners compete for skills, has become a popular event and there was even a show made about it. Be sure to check out the event and find your favorite garden! 【Official Website】Japan Federation of Landscape Contractors https://www.jflc.or.jp/english.php -
Video article 6:12
Kendo - The Japanese Sport That Uses Bamboo Swords. Witness the Legacy of Japan's Samurai With This Traditional Martial Art!
Sports Traditional Culture History- 534 plays
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The Traditional Japanese Martial Art “Kendo” This video is "Best of Kendo~Awesome~" produced by "NAGASHI." Kendo is one of Japan's traditional martial arts. Many Japanese people know about the style of Kendo. What's so fascinating about this sport though? Kendo is a one-on-one competition where players wear a kendo uniform, armor, and use bamboo swords called "shinai." Kendo and other traditional Japanese martial arts are about valuing respect. Swords are of course weapons, but it is the human mind that controls them. Winning a match, according to the rules, means winning with the swordsmanship you've refined. The swordsman stay focused until after the match, when they've bowed to one another. This is standard Kendo etiquette. Kendo is said to be a martial art that begins and ends with a bow. The beauty of this Japanese culture may be one of the attractions of Kendo. In the video, you can see this etiquette from 0:05 and 5:57 in the second half. I hope that these videos will show the excellence of Kendo and the spirit, and harmony among Kendo fighters through their matches and practice, and at the same time, convey the beauty of Japanese martial arts as a whole. The History of Kendo Photo:Kendo Nowadays, the sport has federations all over the world, and not only schoolchildren's tournaments, inter-scholastic athletics competitions, and national championships, but matches are held all over the world. With the increase in the number of competitors, kendo's technical population has grown to about 1.7 million, but it was originally created to practice swordsmanship. It is a traditional martial art that inherited the soul of the samurai, which is said to have already existed in the Heian period (794-1185 AD). Kendo, as a competitive sport, had its own set of dan rankings and rules and instruction manuals from the Edo period (1603- 1868 AD). Gradually, the style came closer and closer to the style we have today. However, even now, having gone from martial arts to competition, it's practitioners still train their mind, body, and they still maintain proper etiquette. The Gear Required for Kendo Photo:Kendo "Men" The traditional Japanese martial art kendo requires a few pieces of gear. ・防具 Armor ・剣道着 Kendo uniform ・竹刀 Bamboo sword (sometimes wooden swords are used for training) ・小手 Kote(padded gloves to protect the wrists and forearms) ・面 Men(a face mask) ・垂れ Tare(waist protector) ・袴 Hakama(pleated and divided skirt made in fine stripes) You can purchase this gear at kendo specialty stores and kendo shops. For a moment, at 0:14 in the video, you can see the image of the camera attached inside a face mask. You can feel what Kendo is like in this scene. Japanese traditional martial art kendo rules Photo:Referee Kendo is a sport that trains the mind and body. The format of the matches are one-on-one individual matches, but there is also a team competition where 1 winner is crowned. A match in Kendo is between two players until two points are scored, or the time runs out. (One game = Three match) There are 3 valid targets to strike in order to score a point ・Men (the face mask) ・Kote(the padded gloves to protect the wrists and forearms) ・Do (the breastplate) Also, when it comes to matches for college students or older, two-sword style is also possible. It is rare in Japan, but is often seen in overseas kendo matches. Miyamoto Musashi, one of the most popular, and said to be the most powerful swordsmen in the world, was also a master of the two swords. From 0:25, the video introduces a number of matches. Not only do bamboo swords clash, but sometimes competitors are violently struck, propelling them into the air. This is not unexpected however, as it is a combat sport. Summary of the Fascinating, Traditional Japanese Martial Art, Kendo The appeal of kendo, the traditional Japanese martial art, lies in the intensity of the matches. The dignified movements of these swordsmen are the result of daily rigorous training. There are rankings called "dan" in Kendo, but in order to receive a ranking, you must go through a rigorous certification test to obtain the title. The dojo where swordsmen practice everyday is packed with the lives of the swordsmen. Kendo is also said to be a lifelong sport. Please enjoy the video of the Kendo matches, that transcend both age and gender. 【Official Website】All Japan Kendo Federation https://www.kendo.or.jp/en/ -
Video article 4:08
Step Into the World of Bonsai (盆栽), a Traditional Japanese Culture, at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama City, Saitama! Enjoy the Charm of Bonsai With 4K Images, and Experience the Harmony of Japan
Traditional Culture Art & Architecture- 325 plays
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An Introduction to the Globally Popular Art, "Bonsai" This video, titled "Saitama Omiya Bonsai Museum - 大宮盆栽美術館 - 4K Ultra HD." It was uploaded by TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful. Bonsai is a famous traditional art that originated in Japan. It is a symbol of Japanese culture and art, and nowadays the word "Bonsai" is known globally. Many Bonsai fans from around the world visit the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture in Japan's Kanto region to enjoy the many beautiful bonsai they have on display there. This video shows some of the globally famous Bonsai, including Seiryu (青龍) exhibited at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum. Enjoy the beauty of Bonsai through the video. Bonsai has been loved by many for a long time as a traditional Japanese culture. The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama City Photo:Enjoying bonsai The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture was opened in 2010. With the Bonsai craze in recent years, it is extremely popular among foreign tourists. This is a top tourist spot, where foreigners can fully immerse themselves in Japanese culture. There are approximately 60 Bonsai trees on display regularly. One of the reasons the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama Prefecture is so popular is its reasonable admission fee; It costs 300 yen per person (as of October 2019). Access to the museum is also very good. It's just a 5 minute-walk from Toro Station via the JR Utsunomiya Line. There is also a large car park, too. There are popular cafes and eateries famous for delicious lunches near the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama. Various, interesting festivals and events, including workshops, are held at these venues frequently. They are great tourist attractions on their own, too. To enjoy it fully, you'll need to check out hotels and traffic information in advance. Facilities of the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum, Saitama The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama, established for the purpose of promoting bonsai culture, has set up photography corners indoors and outdoors, where you can take pictures, to meet the needs of bonsai fans. You can also check out historical documents and folklore records with which you can learn about the history of how Bonsai came to be. There are many references on Bonsai pots (盆器, Bonki) and water stones (水石, Suiseki), as well as paintings, such as Ukiyoe (浮世絵) that have a connection with Bonsai. The regular exhibition includes Japan’s first-class Bonsai plants, with varieties such as Goyo Matsu (五葉松, Japanese white pine), Aka Matsu (赤松, Japanese red pine), Ezo Matsu (蝦夷松, Ezo spruce), Shinpaku (真柏, Chinese juniper) and Kuro Matsu (黒松, Japanese black pine), as shown in the video. To our delight, various other exhibitions are also held there. The indoor area is shown from 0:04, while the outdoor area is shown from 3:02 in the video. Facilities at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum include the Museum Shop, where you can buy souvenir and Bonsai goods, the Information Corner, Kisetsuno Hitohachi, the Collection Gallery, Zashiki Kazari, the Special Exhibition Room, the Seminar Room, and the Bonsai Terrace . The museum provides audio guides in 4 languages (Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean) to accommodate foreign visitors. Just a short walk from the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum, there's the Omiya Bonsai Village (大宮盆栽村, Omiya Bonsai Mura) which is famous as a bonsai Mecca, with various Bonsai gardens. Be sure to visit the village as well when stopping by the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum. Purchasing Bonsai Online? Photo:Bonsai Bonsai can become a piece of fine art with beautifully shaped body and branches by looking after it using methods such as Nehari, Miki, Tachiagari, Edaburi and Ha. Using various types of trees such as Japanese Maples, Cedar, and Tsuyama Cypress,' it takes the skills of a Bonsai master to create a piece that can pull you into the world of serene nature. This is why Bonsai is seen as a traditional art with a long history and is a sophisticated hobby. At the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama, there are exhibits that teach beginners how to create and enjoy Bonsai. Bonsai plants and tools necessary to create Bonsai can be purchased at online shops such as Amazon and Rakuten. Summary of the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama City In Bonsai, you artificially create a world of nature by giving a tree a life in a Bonsai pot. This can be seen in the video as well. If you are impressed by the beautiful Bonsai after in the video, be sure to visit the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama Prefecture. The Director Takehiko Suga will welcome you. You'll be fascinated even more by the beautiful world of Bonsai after seeing the real thing. ◆Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama City◆ 【Address】2-24-3 Toro-machi, Kita-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture 〒331-0804 【Access】5 minute walk from Toro Station on the JR Utsunomiya Line 【Admission Fee】 310 Yen per person (※as of November 2019) 【Hours】March - October, 9AM - 4:30PM, November~February 9AM-4PM 【Closures】Thursdays (If it is a national holiday, the museum will be open) and before and after New Year 【Parking】39 cars (free up to 2 hours), 3 coach buses (880 Yen), 2 disabled spaces (free) 【Telephone No.】048-780-2091 【Official Website】Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama City https://www.bonsai-art-museum.jp/en/ -
Video article 16:32
Kutani Ware: A Style of Traditional Japanese Porcelain in Ishikawa Prefecture, Characterized by Its Elaborate Use of Brilliant Colors. Find Out Where to Get Your Hands on These Works of Art!
Traditional Crafts History- 198 plays
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Introducing Kutani Ware! This article introduces Kutani ware alongside the video "Traditional Japanese Crafts・Kutani Ware Glazing" (日本の伝統工芸品・九谷焼の染め付け). Kutani ware started around the Edo Period (1603-1868) in Kanazawa city, Ishikawa in Japan's Hokuriku region. It was originally called Kokutani ware. Today, Komatsu-city, Kaga-city, and Noumi-city are famous for the production of Kutani ware. The piece in the video is by Kamide Chouzaemon, one of Japan's leading Kutani pottery makers. The video is only about a minute long, but it shows the amazing dyeing technique used to make the beautiful, traditional Japanese pottery. How Kutani Ware Is Made Source :YouTube screenshot The signature liquid cobalt oxide is used to dye Kutani ware, which gives us a feel for Japanese culture. Kutani ware is produced by using a thin brush to draw precise patterns which requires the skills of a master craftsman. Patterns are drawn on the Kutani ware, using the brown cobalt oxide as a base material, after which they are fired in a kiln. From there, the color of the brown cobalt oxide changes into a beautiful shade of blue. This method of painting Kutani ware using blue, green, yellow, purple, and red within its patterns is called Kutani Gosai. Where to Purchase the Kutani Ware Kutani ware, made by famous craftsmen and artists, is considered an art, and can be rather expensive. However, there is some Kutani ware sold at reasonable prices. Kutani ware can be viewed and purchased at museums and porcelain/ceramics markets in Kanazawa. They have Kutani ware bowls, small plates, teacups, china bowls, tea pots, vases, and more. You can buy different pieces and incorporate them into your daily life. Their products are also available on the internet through retailers such as Amazon and Rakuten. Enjoying a Kutani ware demo at a workshop also makes for a memorable experience. By adding Kutani ware to your table, you can appreciate Japanese traditional culture more deeply. Summary of Japan's Traditional Kutani Ware Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, each piece of Kutani ware is hand dyed by a craftsman. The dyeing process of Kutani ware has been handed down for hundreds of years. Be sure to watch the video to see the amazing craftsmanship of Kutani ware craftsmen. -
Video article 3:09
The Traditional Japanese Art “Kamikiri”: Prepare to Be Blown Away by the Amazing Skill of Shoraku Hayashiya and Niraku Hayashiya, Two Kamikiri Masters!
Traditional Culture History- 401 plays
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Kamikiri: The Art and its Origins This video is titled "Kamikiri (Yose)" (紙切り(寄席)), and it was created by “bunkachannel”. Rakugo is a traditional Japanese culture. Yose refers to the theater where rakugo takes place. But did you know that besides rakugo, there’s another performance called “kamikiri,” introduced in this video, that is conducted in a yose? “Kamikiri” is an impromptu performance where the performer cuts out paper according to the theme provided by the audience. Its roots are in the Edo period (1603-1868), where it was performed as entertainment for banquets, and it was established as a performing art in the Meiji period (1868-1912). It truly is a piece of art, made with just a single pair of scissors. It is a traditional performing art that is popular among foreigners as well. Watch a 3-minute video of this historic Japanese traditional performing art that is not only beautiful but also funny. Masters of Kamikiri: Shoraku Hayashiya and Niraku Hayashiya Source :YouTube screenshot The two performers in this video are Shoraku Hayashiya and Niraku Hayashiya, both famous for their skills in kamikiri. Shoraku is a kamikiri master, and he performs on television programs as well as at theaters in Asakusa (浅草, Asakusa) and Ueno (上野, Ueno). He performs not just in yose, but in theaters in and out of Japan. At 1:09 in the video, you can see a kamikiri of a man and women sharing an umbrella, a type of kamikiri Shoraku is particularly skilled at. Be sure to check it out! His apprentice, Mr. Niraku, has also inherited his master’s skills and traditions, and has gained popularity through his storytelling-based kamikiri. There’s no need for complicated language when it comes to kamikiri. It’s a performance that can be enjoyed by anyone who understands shapes, so beginners who have trouble understanding the more complicated rakugo, or non-Japanese people can also enjoy kamikiri! Kamikiri: It’s Harder Than It Looks! Source :YouTube screenshot One of the main characteristics of paper cutting is that there are no mistakes. The rakugo performer sits on the “koza” (the stage of the yose) and collects requests from the audience. You only have one shot—no drafts or second chances! At 1:32 in the video, he receives a request for a “Wind Chime Shop” from an audience member. He cuts the paper in an instant, following the beat of the hayashi music. Just cutting it while sitting stiffly isn't interesting. Therefore, the performer uses small talk and story telling to captivate the audience. The resulting forms are scenes from traditional Japanese kabuki plays, animals, anime characters and more. Each kamikiri is also crafted differently. The finished art is passed out as a souvenir, as you can see in 2:25, so try to reserve a first-row seat if you’re watching in a yose! In order to perform kamikiri, you must have the skill of a craftsman: the skill to cut the paper while imagining various finished versions of the art in your mind. Summary of Kamikiri Photo:Kamikiri The only tools you need to perform the traditional Japanese performing art “kamikiri” are one pair of scissors and one piece of paper. Because it is so easy to begin, there are lessons that teach how to do kamikiri, changing rakugo and kamikiri into something that is more familiar to us. However, the two members of the Hayashi family have a unique sense of humor that is not easy to imitate. Experience the awesome performances of these professionals in this video. -
Video article 9:26
Enjoy Japanese Gourmet Food At "Kano Shoujuan" in Otsu, Shiga! Experience the Traditional Japanese Atmosphere With a Japanese Sweets-Making and Tea Ceremony Experience!
Travel Food & Drink Things to Do- 64 plays
- YouTube
Kashojuan Longevity Village, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato Tea Ceremony - Shiga - 叶匠寿庵 寿長生の郷," was released by "Tokyo Street View --Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the popular tourist attraction Kanou Shoujuan (叶匠寿庵) in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. Kano Shoujuan is the perfect place to visit for those looking to try the finest tea and sweets that Japan has to offer. Visit Kanou Shoujuan for spectacular views of Japan and to experience traditional Japanese culture. Kano Shoujuan - A Japanese Sweets Shop That Has Been Loved In Japan For Many Years Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan is a famous Japanese sweets shop with stores in department stores across Japan. Its head office is located in the suburbs of the Otsu area, south of Lake Biwa. Camellias, cherry blossoms, and hydrangeas can be found blooming around Sunai no Sato, and trees such as oaks and chestnut trees are also grown to create a beautiful view. In the plum grove on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan, a plum festival is held in the spring when the weather is nice, and a plum picking event is held in the early summer when the plums bear fruit. You can see the exterior of Kano Shoujuan from 0:37 in the video. Beautiful Japanese Sweets Made in a Traditional Japanese Building Source :YouTube screenshot The building "Omukae-dokoro" on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan is a quaint-looking Japanese building with a hearth inside to help visitors feel the traditional culture of Japan. The Japanese confectionery workshop "Santokuen" is characterized by a traditional Sukiya-zukuri style architecture. Many beautiful Japanese sweets are produced in a natural environment surrounded by beautiful gardens. Kanou Shoujuan - Experience Traditional Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot At Kanou Shoujuan you can experience the joy of making Japanese sweets and papermaking, through which you can feel the traditional culture of Japan. In the tea room "Seikankyo," you can also experience traditional Japanese tea ceremony, one aspect of Japanese culture that dates back nearly a thousand years. This can be seen from 3:21 in the video. There are also limited time experience-based events, so we recommend checking out any information regarding these before deciding on your trip. Gourmet Spots in Sunai no Sato! Photo:kaiseki cuisine After enjoying a walk and experiences at "Kano Shoujuan," we recommend trying the beautiful, delicious kaiseki cuisine. At the restaurant "Sanju-tei," you can enjoy a blissful time with a meal that incorporates the seasonal flavors of Omi. We also recommend visiting "Irori Sabo" and trying the superb shaved ice, made with natural ice. Summary of Sunai no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato is a hidden tourist destination where you can enjoy traditional culture in a quaint atmosphere. If you're looking to go sightseeing, consider dropping by Kano Shoujuan・Sunai no Sato to enjoy the beautiful scenery of ancient Japan. 【Tripadvisor】 Sunai no Sato https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298202-d1653996-Reviews-Sunainosato-Otsu_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:34
Kusarigamajutsu - Learn About the Japanese Martial Art Used by Ninja and Samurai!
Sports Traditional Culture History- 520 plays
- YouTube
The Ancient Japanese Martial Art - Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu This video, titled "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," was created by "bushinjuku." It's an introductory video of "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," a traditional Japanese martial art that involves wielding dual "kusarigama," a chain and sickle weapon with a metal weight attached to the end of the chain. The footage of the techniques, which require a combination of spirit, skill, and strong physique, is truly captivating. In this article, we'll introduce the origins and history behind the ancient Japanese martial art Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu. About Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu was developed as a way for peasants to protect themselves using a sickle and chain as they could not carry swords. Nowadays, you can learn how the sickle and chain would have been used as a weapon by watching demonstrations performed by Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu practitioners. You can watch a typical demonstration in this video from 0:13. The martial art is gaining huge popularity worldwide. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is a martial art in which the practitioner utilizes a dual sickle-and-chain to take down an opponent. A heavy weight is attached to the end of the chain which aids in attacking and defending against an enemy. You can see how this is used from 0:58 in the video. The weight at the end of the chain can also be used to disarm an opponent. You can see how this is done at 1:46 in the video. From 3:10, you can also watch footage of the weight being used to smash plant pots from a distance, something that requires great skill and technique. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is steadily gaining popularity, and as well as demonstrations like the one in the video, there are also Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu competitions and mixed style competitions with Kendo practitioners being held. The Origin and History of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu started as a form of self-defense, after that Ju-jitsu developed as a form of unarmed combat and following that, Kendo (a form of fencing with Japanese swords). Near the end of the Edo Period (1853-1868 AD) it was still a well-kept clan secret, with varying schools or styles (such as Otomeryu) only being passed down to other clan members. The Shinmen Nito Shinkage Ryu school (opened by Shinmen Bensuke) derived from a two-sword fighting style called Niten Ichi Ryu passed down by Miyamoto Musashi. By the time the third generation master Matsumura Yoshitaka appeared, the "Shinmen" part of the name had ceased to be used. Currently the fifth generation master Shimamura Shu passes down the ancient practice of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu through his training. He is based in the city of Kochi, in Kochi Prefecture . Summary of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu, a Traditional Japanese Martial Art The video "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," created by "bushinjuku," shows masters of the ancient martial art demonstrating a variety of techniques. The popularity of Japanese ninja and samurai has brought about a rise in the number of people overseas undertaking Japanese martial arts training such as Ju-jitsu, Kendo, and Karate to name just a few. There has also been an increase in the number of foreigners making visits to Japan to receive further training in the homeland of their martial art. The techniques performed in this video, which require a high level of skill and are the result of many years of training, are nothing short of impressive. This video is a must-watch for all Japanese martial arts fans! 【Official Website】Nihonkobudoukoukai, Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu http://www.nihonkobudokyoukai.org/martialarts/077/ -
Video article 7:48
Kendo - A Traditional Japanese Martial Art Which Has Been Practiced for Hundreds of Years With Techniques Passed Down From Generation to Generation. Top Kendo Practitioner, Yukiko Takami, Explains the History of Kendo and Expresses Her Feelings About the Sport!
Sports Traditional Culture Celebrities- 563 plays
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What Does Top Kendo Athlete, Yukiko Takami, Have to Say About Kendo? In this video "KENDO - Yukiko Takami/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL? DOU (剣道 - 鷹見 由紀子), Yukiko Takami, one of the top Kendo practitioners in Japan, introduces the sport representative of Japanese martial arts. What does this female Kendo practitioner have to say about the sport? About Yukiko Takami Source :YouTube screenshot Yukiko Takami is a Kendo practitioner who has won world championships in both single and group Kendo competitions and is regarded by many to be one of the top Kendo practitioners in Japan. In this video, she talks about the traditional martial art. The Ancient Japanese Martial Art, Kendo Kendo is a Japanese martial art where one fights using a bamboo sword whilst wearing a Kendo uniform which includes protective equipment such as a mask and gloves. The martial Kendo was developed hundreds of years ago (near the end of the Edo era: 1750 AD-1860 AD) in Japan as a way of practicing sword fighting using bamboo swords whilst wearing protective equipment. It has grown in popularity over the years with many competitions being held all over the world. One can compete in Kendo in both single and group competitions, much like other martial arts such as Judo and Karate. One does not simply improve at Kendo by winning matches, training is geared towards improving not just physical strength but also fighting spirit and technique. Moving up the ranks in Kendo also requires more than just strength. There are more than 1.7 million Kendo practitioners competing in Japan, which is more than ten times the number of Judo practitioners currently competing, which number around 160,000. Photo:Kendo The ancient martial art of Kendo is taught to children in Japan as an after-school club activity. There are Kendo halls and classes held all over the country, where one can learn not only technical sword-fighting skills but also about etiquette and Japanese spirit. Yukiko Takami talks in the video of how she used to let her performance in competition affect her emotionally. However, she describes that now, the process is more important than the end result in Kendo, and that learning to respect one's opponent is necessary to grow. From 3:45 in the video, Yukiko Takami talks about the importance of respecting one's opponent instead of focusing on winning or losing. Kendo, the Japanese Martial Art That Begins and Ends With a Bow Photo:Kendo One of the appealing features of Kendo is that it is a martial art one can continue practicing for a lifetime. Yukiko Takami explains that in Kendo, one fights not only using power and speed, but also one's spirit, and that this feature sets Kendo apart from other martial arts such as Karate or Judo. As Kendo is a martial art that wouldn't exist without an opponent, learning to respect each other is a key part of training. In the training hall, known as a dojo, it is custom for students to bow to the shrine and train with their opponents safety in mind. A Top Kendo Practitioner's Thoughts – Summary We hope you enjoyed watching the video of top Kendo practitioner Yukiko Takami! She explains in detail the history of the martial art and also her personal feelings regarding the practice and training. Yukiko Takami also explains in detail the techniques and rules involved in Kendo. We hope you enjoyed learning more about this ancient Japanese martial art. -
Video article 4:04
Chasen: Introducing the Characteristics and History of the Takayama Tea Whisk – A 500-Year-Old Utensil Essential for Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony
Traditional Crafts History- 365 plays
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Takayama Tea Whisks This video was made by Japanese Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square, a shop dedicated to Japanese traditional crafts, to introduce the Takayama Tea Whisk. Photo:Chasen (Tea Whisk) In the unique culture of Japanese tea ceremony, tea whisks are used for making matcha tea. Takayama Tea Whisks are traditional instruments made of bamboo and individually hand-crafted by artisans. In this article we'll introduce the charms and manufacturing process of Takayama Tea Whisks. Be sure to follow along with the video. Takayama Tea Whisks and Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony Source :YouTube screenshot Japan has many traditional crafts with a long history. There is a wide variety of crafts including lacquerwares, ceramic wares, Buddhist altars, textiles, bamboo works, woodworks, Japanese paper, and many more. Tea ceremony utensils are traditional crafts that also have high cultural value as well. The tradition of tea drinking is said to have already started in the Heian period (794-1185 AD) in Japan. During the Kamakura period (1185 – 1333 AD), monk Eisai brought tea ceremony to Japan. As one of the most expensive tea whisks used for tea ceremony, the traditional Takayama Tea Whisk is made in Takayama in Ikoma City, Nara. The History and Cultural Value of Takayama Tea Whisks The production of Takayama Tea Whisks started around the middle of the Muromachi period (1336 – 1573 AD). The tea whisk was requested by Juko Murata, who started the tradition of Wabicha (a style of tea ceremony). Takayama Tamibe-no Jounyudo Souzetsu, the lord of Takayama’s son, accepted the request and made a special tea whisk for Murata. The tea whisk was presented to Emperor Gotsuchimikado and cherished by him. After the Edo period, the art of making Takayama Tea whisks had been handed down from artisans to only one of their children as a secret technique. In recent years however, the craftmanship has been passed down to 16 apprentices. The craft has been passed on as a handicraft of artisans in Takayama, Nara as well. The Characteristics and Manufacturing Process of Takayama Tea Whisks Source :YouTube screenshot Takayama Tea Whisks are made with many types of bamboo such as Henon bamboo, black bamboo and soot bamboo which is smoked in a hearth for many years. The edge of a bamboo pole is cracked into pieces, shaved thin, curled and fixed, then wrapped together to form a bamboo whisk. The painstakingly crafted Takayama Tea Whisks are truly works of art. Take a look at 0:29 in the video as it introduces the manufacturing process of Takayama Tea Whisks in detail. Summary of Takayama Tea Whisks The tradition of Japanese tea ceremony is also very popular outside Japan as it shows the Japanese spirit of Wabisabi. You can see that each tool made in the workshop is also a very profound traditional craft. We hope after reading this article and watching the video that we've sparked your interest in Takayama Tea Whisks. The maker of the video, Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square, sells a variety of products including Takayama Tea Whisks. If you want to experience traditional Japanese culture or tea ceremony culture, we highly recommend that you purchase a traditional Takayama Tea Whisk. 【Official Website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 15:03
The Art of Eating! Video demonstration of Japanese wagashi! Taste wagashi filled with the hospitality of Kyoto's long-established “Tsuruya Yoshinobu” in Chuo-ku, Tokyo!
Food & Drink- 372 plays
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Introduction of video demonstration of “Tsuruya Yoshinobu Tokyo Branch”, Kyoto's long-established Kyoto confectionery store located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo. This video, titled "JAPANESE CANDY ART Incredible WAGASHI Traditional Sweets Tokyo Japan," was created by "Travel Thirsty." The video shows the traditional preparation process of fresh confectionaries by the long-established confectionary shop "Tsuruya Yoshinobu" in Nishijin, Kyoto at their Tokyo branch. "Namagashi," which are made by wrapping red bean paste and shaping it into seasonal flowers and fruit shapes, are highly regarded for their beautiful appearance. Recommended Products of Yoshinobu Tsuruya Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The confectionaries of Tsuruya Yoshinobu, a long-established Japanese confectionary shop established in 1803, are filled with the Japanese spirit of hospitality. Tsuruya Yoshinobu's "Yu-Mochi" is made of Gyuhi (a kind of rice cake made from glutinous rice flour) and has a Yuzu fruit flavor. It won the prize in the Gift Packaging Award at the Japan Packaging Contest held by the Japan Packaging Institute. Fukuhauchi is a confectionary made of Momoyama dough wrapped with white bean paste, and is said that it was purchased by Empress Shoken at the end of the Meiji Period (around 1867). Other popular items include Yokan, Kohakuto, shaved ice, Kyokanze, and arrowroot-flavored Ogura Zenzai. In addition to Tsuruya Yoshinobu's Tokyo branch shown in the video, they also have their flagship store in Kyoto that sells sweets that can only be tasted in Kyoto, so be sure to keep an eye out for them if you're visiting the Kyoto branch. The Tsuruya Yoshinobu Main Shop Source :YouTube screenshot The Tsuruya Yoshinobu main shop was built in 1992 in the style of a traditional Kyoto "Machiya" (townhouse). The building is characterized by a traditional Japanese Sukiya-style architecture. At the entrance of the main shop, there is a large signboard with the symbolic Kyoto specialty "Yu-Mochi," and in the entrance window, there's an Omotenashi display for welcoming customers. There are a lot to enjoy. There is also a tea room, a tea garden, a tea house, a resting place, a tea room called "Kayu-Jaya," a resting place, a tearoom called "Yu-shin," and a cedar door painting called "Tancho-tsuru" (丹頂鶴, "Red-crowned Crane") by Atsushi Uemura. At the "Kayu-jaya" demonstration counter, the artisans themselves will demonstrate how wagashi are made. This video shows demonstrations of Wagashi making, such as chestnut confectioneries at 0:18 and beautiful confectioneries that look like cherry blossoms at 7:04. All of them look so beautiful that it's hard to even eat them. Buying Confectioneries From Tsuruya Yoshinobu in Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In 2015, the Tsuruya Yoshinobu IRODORI shop opened at Kyoto Station, Hachijoguchi. In this shop, they offer a "to-go" option for some of the products. This is perfect if you're traveling on the Shinkansen. Thanks to their Tokyo branch shown in the video you can buy the famous confectioneries from Nishijin, Kyoto, in Tokyo. There's even a Japanese confectionery café in Nihonbashi (日本橋), so consider stopping by if you're looking for a place to take a break. Summary of Tsuruya Yoshinobu Source :YouTube screenshot The wagashi featured in the video are beautiful and taste amazing. They also look great on Instagram! Be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet, as you can see the awesome skills of the chefs as the make traditional Japanese confectionaries. ◆Tsuruya Yoshinobu Tokyo Branch|General Information◆ 【Address】1-5-5, Nihonbashi Muromachi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0022 【Access】Directly connected to the underground station of Mitsukoshimae Station via the Tokyo Metro Hanzomon and Ginza Lines (Exit A6). 【Hours】First Floor Shop 9:00-18:00; Second Floor Kayu-jaya / Rest Area 9:30-18:00 (last order 17:30) 【Closures】First Floor shop: Closed on New Year's Day / some Wednesdays ※Closed every Wednesday from September to November Second Floor Kayu-jaya / Rest Area: Closed every Wednesday (Open on national holidays) 【Phone】075-441-0105 ※The hours of operation may have changed, so please check before you visit. 【Official Website】Kyo-Kasho Tsuruya Yoshinobu Official Online store https://www.tsuruyayoshinobu.jp/shop/pages/en_about.aspx -
Video article 17:46
Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa, Tokyo - One of the Three Main Festivals in Japan! Don’t Miss One of the Best Japanese Festivals With More Than 100 Portable Shrines and 1.5 Million Visitors in Tokyo!
Festivals & Events Travel- 334 plays
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Sanja Festival" in Asakusa, Taito Ward, Tokyo: Charms and Highlights Video Introduction Source :YouTube screenshot This is an introductory video titled “SANJA MATSURI – IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI” (SANJA MATSURI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - 祭 (三社祭/東京)), created by ANA Global Channel. It introduces Sanja Matsuri (三社祭, Three Portable Shrines Festival) in Asakusa, Tokyo. The old town Asakusa is a popular sightseeing spot in Tokyo for foreign tourists; It is famous for Sensoji Temple (浅草寺, Sensoji) and Kaminarimon Gate (雷門, Kaminarimon). Sanja Matsuri is the festival held at Asakusa Shrine (浅草神社, Asakusa Jinja) in this old town. The video shows various scenes, including a powerful portable shrine procession. Along with the video, Mr. Hamasaki of the Kaminarimon Seibu-cho Kai explains in detail the highlights and history of the Sanja Matsuri. The video will surely help you enjoy the Sanja Matsuri even more! The video will surely help you enjoy the Sanja Matsuri even more! When is the Sanja Festival held in Asakusa, Tokyo? How to get there? The Sanja Matsuri is held in Taito-ku, Tokyo, mainly in the 44 townships that are the Ujiko of the Asakusa Shrine. It is usually held on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the third week of May every year. In 2024, it will be held from May 17 to May 19. Asakusa Shrine is a 7-minute walk from Asakusa Station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line/Toei Subway Asakusa Line. Please also enjoy the downtown area from the station. The Sanja Matsuri, which is becoming increasingly popular not only in Japan but also overseas, is now one of the most popular events in Japan. Sanja Matsuri: Day 1 Source :YouTube screenshot The first day of Sanja Matsuri starts with “Daigyoretsu Parade.” Beginning with a float accompanied by music, a line of chic Edokko (people born and raised in Edo), dressed as geisha and egrets, parade along the routes in each town of Asakusa. You can see this scene from 2:14 in the video. You especially don't want to miss the “Binzasara Dance,” the dance of rice planting. “Binzasara” is a traditional music instrumental made of 108 thin layers of Japanese cypress boards. Here, participants pray for a good harvest by dancing with the sound of Binzasara. The Binzasara Dance is also designated as an important intangible folk-cultural property of Tokyo; It is a special event you can see only at this festival. After that, the ceremony of transferring the Omi-Tama to the shrine of each town council, is held. Sanja Matsuri: Day 2 Source :YouTube screenshot On the 2nd day of Asakusa Sanja Matsuri, the event called "Mikoshi Togyo" is held by the 44 parishioners of Asakusa. A mikoshi is a portable shrine on which a god or a spirit rides during festivals. In the afternoon, approximately 100 “Portable Town Shrines (町内神輿, Chonai Mikoshi)” owned by 44 towns of Asakusa undergo a purification ceremony at Asakusa Shrine one by one. Then, Edokko carry Mikoshi together and walk around the town energetically. All the portable shrines are put behind the main hall of Sensoji Temple, so it is a very good spot to take some photos. It's definitely worth seeing the view of the 100 portable shrines. You can take some great pictures here as well! You can see this scene from 4:32 in the video. In the video, Mr. Hamasaki says that the events held on the 2nd day are practice for carrying the portable shrines on the following day. He also says that there are no rules for shouts; As long as everyone enjoys carrying the shrines, it's fine. Usually the area around Kaminarimon Gate is full of tourists. During the festival, however, many Edokko gather in this area to carry portable shrines. You can see some great scenes from 9:30 in the video. After that, you can see the female shrine maidens’ dance performance at Kagura Hall (神楽殿, Kaguraden). Sanja Matsuri: Day 3 On the final day of Asakusa Sanja Matsuri, you can see the main portable shrine (本社神輿, Honja Mikoshi) of Asakusa Shrine. The portable shrines where gods ride are called “Miya.” The three portable shrines are called “the first palace (一之宮, Ichino Miya),” “the second palace (二之宮, Nino Miya),” and “the third palace, (三之宮, Sanno Miya).” And taking the palaces out of each Mikoshi is called “Miyadashi.” People first move three spirits to the three portable shrines, and then they walk around the towns of Asakusa while carrying each portable shrine. Many people vie for handles of portable shrines wildly, which Mr. Hamasaki says the best part of Sanja Matsuri. However, Miyadashi, carrying Mikoshi out of the shrine, starts at 6 a.m. Moreover, people are not allowed to go inside Asakusa Shrine during this time. If you want to watch this scene with the best possible view, we recommend staying at a hotel in the area the day before the event. At 12:58 in the video, Mr. Hamasaki says that it is fun for visitors to watch Mikoshi Togyo because it is a participation type festival that is very close to the audience. On the same day, you can also see the ceremony of spirits returning from portable shrines, female attendants dancing, and the dance offering accompanied by a Japanese drum performance. Food at Asakusa Sanja Matsuri Don’t forget the food stalls at the festival! Enjoying street food is another fun part of Sanja Matsuri. Asakusa is famous for many kinds of delicious local food, such as Monja, Sukiyaki, and Unagi eels. Enjoy the sounds and flavors of Sanja Matsuri! Overview of Asakusa Sanja Matsuri Asakusa Sanja Matsuri is one of the three main festivals in Japan. In recent years, collecting the Goshuin (red seals) at temples and shrines has become popular. In addition, many temples and shrines are now popular among Instagrammers, which is why a large number of visitors come to Asakusa Shrine throughout the year. During the three days of this festival, Asakusa Shrine and the old town of Asakusa become full of the excitement of Edokko! Sanja Matsuri, a historical and traditional festival in Asakusa, now attracts people all around the world. This 18-minute video shows some highlights of Sanja Matsuri, including the powerful ceremony of transferring the spirits to portable shrines. Mr. Hamasaki introduces some must-see points of the festival, so be sure to check them out! Enjoy Sanja Matsuri, the historical festival in Asakusa! During the festival, traffic is very crowded due to traffic restrictions. The parking lots around the shrine can also not be used, so when you visit Sanja Matsuri, we highly recommend using public transportation. ◆Information of Asakusa Shrine◆ 【Address】2-3-1 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0032 JAPAN Seven-minute walk from Asakusa Station (Ginza Line/Asakusa Line) 【Parking】There are some parking lots. You cannot park your car if you are only visiting the shrine. 【Phone Number】03-3844-1575 【Official Website】 Asakusa Shrine, Sanja Matsuri https://www.asakusajinja.jp/english/ -
Video article 14:54
Nihon Buyo - Traditional Japanese Dance Based on Kabuki. Experience Japanese Culture and Learn the History of the Beautiful Performing Art!
Traditional Culture Entertainment & Music Celebrities- 463 plays
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The Traditional Art Form Nihon Buyo! Nihon buyo can be described simply as a dance performed while wearing a kimono to traditional Japanese music. Nihon buyo has been loved by the Japanese people for hundreds of years along with other Japanese art forms such as Noh (能), Kyogen (狂言), Kabuki (歌舞伎) and Bunraku (文楽). This video, created by ANA Global Channel, features an interview with the Japanese Buyo dancer Rin Hanayagi. We hope you enjoy learning about this beautiful art form which has been passed down for generations. The Origins and History of Nihon Buyo Source :YouTube screenshot Traditional Japanese dances date back to mythological times. Since the Heian period (794 AD-1185 AD), dances such as Dengaku (田楽) and Sarugaku (猿楽) have been performed by the common people and later evolved into the popular art forms Noh and Kyogen. The first official mention of Nihon Buyo in Japanese history was during the Edo period (1603 AD-1868 AD). 400 years ago, Izumo no Okuni (出雲阿国) started putting on kabuki performances in Shijo Kawara, Kyoto (京都の四条河原). At the time, it wasn't considered proper for women to perform on stage and so she traveled the country, performing dressed as a man. Her kabuki performances popularized dance throughout Japan. During her interview in the video, Rin Hanayagi explains in detail about the history and origins of Nihon Buyo. Nihon Buyo Schools There are currently more than 200 Nihon Buyo schools in Japan, all with their own characteristic techniques and traditions. The number of schools dramatically increased since the start of the Taisho Period (1912 AD-1926 AD) continuing to branch off into different styles of dance. There are five main schools (五大流派, godairyuuha) which include the Hanayagi school (花柳流), Fujima school (藤間流), Wakayagi school (若柳流), Nishikawa school (西川流) and Bando school (坂東流). The traditions and dances of the schools have been passed down for generations with the names of the schools taking on that of their successors. Nihon Buyo Dancer Rin Hanayagi on Japanese Tradition In the video, Nihon Buyo dancer Rin Hanayagi talks about her feelings towards Japanese tradition. She talks of how her repeated training has increased her knowledge and has been drilled into her behavior. She comments that would like to bring the spirit of Japan to the people through her dance and put on a performance that the viewers can enjoy. At 3:03 in the video, Rin Hanayagi talks of how much thought and detail is put into her outfit, makeup, hairstyle, and more, to make it easy for the viewers to understand what kind of role she is trying to portray in her performances. She wants to work hard to make sure that this beautiful and ancient art form is passed on to future generations and is not forgotten. Nihon Buyo in Recent Years Photo:Buyo From the Meiji Era (1868 AD-1912 AD) to the Showa Era (1926AD-1989AD), and even today, the traditional art form is practiced by people all over the country. Not only can one learn how to dance, but proper manners and etiquette are also taught during Nihon Buyo classes, making it a popular pastime for women and children. There are also many fans of Nihon Buyo outside of Japan. In recent years, the number of foreigners visiting Japan in order to take part in Nihon Buyo workshops and watch Nihon Buyo shows has been increasing. Donning a kimono and trying out a traditional Japanese dance is a great way to remember your trip. Summary of Nihon Buyo Nihon Buyo performances are currently being held all over the country. We recommend checking out the Nihon Buyo Kyoukai (日本舞踊協会) website to find out what kind of performances are taking place. If you're interested in Nihon Buyo, we highly recommend watching a live dance performance! Don't forget to watch the video and enjoy watching a traditional Nihon Buyo performance! It can be seen from 11:51 in the video! -
Video article 11:12
The Kyoto Imperial Palace Was Once the Center of Japanese Politics. Enjoy the Historical Atmosphere of a Sightseeing Destination Where the Architectural Techniques of the Imperial Court Have Been Preserved in Their Original Form
Art & Architecture- 141 plays
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Video introduction of the Kyoto Imperial Palace Special Open House in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This is a video titled "20180407 Kyoto Imperial Palace Special Opening kyoto imperial palace Special Day(20180407 京都御所 特別公開 kyoto imperial palace Special Day)," produced by "osaka life impact," that shows the special opening of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. The Kyoto Imperial Palace, introduced in this video, is a valuable building that brings together traditional Japanese culture and the ancient architecture of the Japanese Imperial Court. It was used as the residence of the Emperor until the Meiji Restoration in 1869. Today, it is used as the Imperial Palace. The "Kyoto Imperial Palace Special Opening" is the perfect place to get an in-depth look at the fascinating buildings that give you a sense of Japan's deep history. Enjoy taking a walk through the Kyoto Imperial Palace by watching the video. What Kind of Place Is the Kyoto Imperial Palace? Source :YouTube screenshot The Kyoto Imperial Palace is a facility related to the Imperial family, located in Kamigyo ward, Kyoto city, Kyoto Prefecture, and is currently managed by the Kyoto Office of the Imperial Household Agency. It is a building derived from Todo-in Temple, and has been regarded as an Imperial Palace since Emperor Godaigo left Kyoto in 1331 and Emperor Kogon was crowned. The Imperial Palace was used for 550 years, through the reigns of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, all the way up to the relocation of the capital to Tokyo by the Emperor Meiji. Tours and Highlights of the Kyoto Imperial Palace Photo:Kyoto Imperial Palace, Shishinden One of the things you don't want to miss when visiting the Imperial Palace is the gates scattered around the area. The gates, such as Kenrei Gate, Shuhei Gate, Gishu Gate, Seisho Gate, Kougou Gate, and Empress Gate are all amazing architectural masterpieces. Be sure to check out buildings such as the Shishinden and the Imperial Throne, as well as places like,Seiryoden, Oninoma, Morotayu, Geisyun, Kogosho, Ongakumonsho, Empress Gojogo, Osannoma, Goryoko. Also, check out Saruga Tsuji, the demon gate. In addition to the Kemari garden, the courtyard garden, the pond garden, and the inner court gardens which can be seen at 4:51, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom at and around Shin-Mikurumayose shown at 0:40 in the video. Don't forget to take pictures! There's some amazing places that will look great on your Instagram! Sightseeing Around the Kyoto Imperial Palace! Photo:Autumn leaves at Arashiyama Kyoto, dating back to the relocation of the Heian capital, is a popular spot visited by many tourists from both Japan and overseas. After visiting the Kyoto Imperial Palace, stop by the Munakata Shrine and Itsukushima Shrine in Gyoen and ask for your red seal! If you have time, we definitely recommend visiting the Arashiyama area, Gojo area, Nijo Castle, the Kyoto National Museum, and more. If you want to enjoy lunch at a cafe or buy souvenirs, we recommend visiting the Kawaramachi area. There's so many popular sightseeing spots in Kyoto that you probably won't be able to see everything in one day (unless you're running maybe). That being said, we recommend booking a hotel and staying overnight. There's plenty to see so you definitely won't regret it. Kyoto Video Tour Summary Photo:Kyoto Imperial Palace You can see the majesty of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, and all of its charms throughout the video, so take your time perusing the sights. The Kyoto Imperial Palace is normally closed to the public, but by filling out a visitors application you can reserve a visit. There are also public events during spring and autumn, so we recommend visiting Kyoto at this time. No reservation is required for the general public and no admission fee is required. A tour around the famous places in Kyoto will be held simultaneously with the opening of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, so think about participating if you're interested. ◆Introduction of Kyoto Imperial Palace facility◆ 【Address】3 Kyoto Gyoen, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-0881 【Access】Immediately from Marutamachi Station or Imadegawa Station on the Karasuma Subway Line 【Entrance fee】None 【Hours】9:00 to 16:30 (* Please see the official website for details as times may vary by season) 【Closures】Mondays 【Parking】Available (charged) 【Official Website】Visiting the Imperial Household Agency: Facility Information: Kyoto Imperial Palace https://sankan.kunaicho.go.jp/english/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Kyoto Imperial Palace https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321088-Reviews-Kyoto_Imperial_Palace-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:47
Kisumika" in Komagane City, Nagano Prefecture, is a luxurious hidden inn with a magnificent view of the Japanese Alps! If you want to enjoy an extraordinary luxury resort atmosphere in the midst of the great outdoors, go to this hotel!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 109 plays
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Kisumika" Hidden Inn in the Central Alps Video Introduction This video titled "2019 Full ver” is a promotional video for the private getaway in the Chuo Alps- Tokisumika. Kiso range (木曽山脈:Kiso mountain range) in Nagano(長野県:Nagano prefecture), Hida mountain range, and Akashi mountain range are collectively called the Japan Alps. The Chuo Alps, located in the center of the Japan Alps, is a popular tourist spot where people can enjoy different sceneries from all 4 seasons. Tokisumika, in the Chuo Alps, is a popular accommodation on travel and review sites. If you want to escape from daily life and feel the beauty of Nagano Prefecture's Chuo Alps, be sure to watch the video and take in all of the gorgeous views. What Kind of Place Is Tokisumika Source :YouTube screenshot When you arrive at the lobby, you'll hear the beautiful singing of an erhu (a two-stringed Chinese violin). The recommended guest rooms are the scenic Garden View Twin and the Japanese Garden Semi Suite Twin. There are other luxurious rooms such as the Garden Corner Twin, Riverside Corner Twin, and Garden Semi Suite Twin, and all of the rooms are comfortable and attractive. It is also recommended that you relax in the guest room with a semi-open-air bath. Unfortunately, there is no large public bath, but every room has a semi-open air bath equipped with various amenities. How to Spend Your Time at Tokisumika Source :YouTube screenshot At the restaurant "Aoi," You can enjoy original kaiseki meals (traditional Japanese meal brought in courses) prepared with ingredients from the local mountains in the southern part of Shinshu. With carefully selected ingredients and a motto of hospitality, the Japanese cuisine, prepared with local ingredients, is truly exquisite. The Ayurveda Indian massage service inside the hotel is also a great way to relax. There is also a wedding plan at "Kisumi Ka," a hidden inn tucked away in the Central Alps Grove. If you have a wedding ceremony here, the amazing views are sure to make for an unforgettable experience. Summary of Tokisumika! ©Suganu0405 Modifying Tokisumika is a hotel that offers a magnificent view of the Japan Alps. If you're staying here, it's recommended that you take the Komagatake Ropeway and walk around the different tourist spots of the Chuo Alps, such as the instagrammable "Senjojiki Cirque," "Kozenji Temple,” "Komakusa Bridge," or the "Komagane Local Museum." You can enjoy one day hot spring facilities at "Komakusa no yu" as well. We recommend taking a walk around Komagane Kogen (駒ヶ根高原: Komagane Highlands) to enjoy the overflowing nature. Accommodation fees vary by season and room type. Please see the official web-site or travel web sites for prices. If you haven't yet, be sure to watch the video about Tokisumika to get a better idea of what it's like. ◆Information about Tokisumika◆ 【Address】4-172 Akaho Komagane-shi Nagano 【Access】3 minutes by car from Komagane IC in Chuodo. A free shuttle bus is available from JR Komagane station (Reservation required) 【Parking】Available (Free) 【Telephone Number】0265-95-2446 【Official Website】The Private Getaway Tokisumika https://www.tokisumika.com/ 【Tripadvisor】The Private Getaway Tokisumika https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1021315-d12687372-Reviews-Chuo_Alps_Mori_no_Kakureyado_Tokisumika-Komagane_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 39:12
Drink All the Japanese Sake You Could Want! One Man Enjoys Japanese Sake While Meeting Locals Across Japan!
Food & Drink- 27 plays
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Beer, shochu, wine, sake, whiskey, cocktails... conquer the spirits of Japan! In this video, Jack Maxwell of the Discovery Channel introduces the alcohol of Japan, touching on the history and the people of the region. From 00:13, they're at Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, enjoying not wine or sake, but rather, a bath. From 02:32 they take a visit to the Tomozuna stable. From 03:44 they enjoy sake at Chanko Nabe Kai with the wrestlers of the Tomozuna Stable. From 06:25 they observe ice making at the warehouse of Chuoreito Industries. From 07:04 they enjoy cocktails made with ice from Chuoreito Industries at Bar High Five, run by the same company. At 12:39, Jack Maxwell, who has moved to the Kansai region, gets his portrait painted at a portrait shop. From 13:39 he experiences a Japanese drinking party with his friend Mark, toasting with shochu and beer. From 18:43 he visits the Konishi Sake Brewery. His first time experiencing hirezake. From 27:00 he experiences a traditional Japanese festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha in Osaka. At 33:49 he visits the Suntory Yamazaki Distillery and tries different whiskeys. In the video, there were many different types of alcohol, not only to drink, but also to enjoy taking a bath with, for use in Shinto ceremonies, as sacred wine, and enjoying fillet wine made from pufferfish fillet, which is poisonous. Be sure to check out the video to see all the different types of alcohol and interactions with the locals of Japan! -
Video article 3:03
Elegant breakfast at Kaiseki Chikamata, a long-established ryokan in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. The video introduces exquisite Japanese cuisine that is the envy of all, both in taste and appearance!
Food & Drink- 149 plays
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Video introduction of breakfast at Kaiseki Chikamata, a long-established ryokan in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. This video, titled "Kyoto-Style Breakfast at a Long-Established Ryokan|Kaiseki Kinmata [Kyoto]" (老舗旅館で頂く京の朝食「懐石 近又」【京都】), was released by "e-eizo.com" (e映像制作.com). It introduces the gourmet food and recipes served at Kinmata, a long-established ryokan in Kyoto. Kinmata is a well-established ryokan (Japanese inn) located just a five-minute walk from Kawaramachi Station in Kyoto. Founded in 1801, Kinmata was originally known as "Omiya Matahachi" (近江屋 又八) until the Meiji Period. Kinmata was built as a regular inn for medicine merchants in the Omi region, and today it is noted for its popularity, being limited to just three groups per day. The building is a typical machiya-style house and is designated as a "Registered Tangible Cultural Property of Japan." You can see its appearance from the beginning of the video at 0:01. Enjoy a Meal at Kinmata Source :YouTube screenshot The video shows how they prepare "Kyo no Obanzai Choshoku" (京のおばんざい朝食), a Kyoto-style kaiseki (懐石) breakfast available at Kinmata. In addition to the carefully prepared dashimaki tamago, which you can see being prepared at 0:18 in the video, the breakfast also includes boiled vegetables, dried fish, freshly cooked rice and miso soup, finished off with dessert. In addition to accepting overnight stays, Kinmata also offers lunch courses in tatami rooms as well as counter seats, so be sure to choose what suits you when making a reservation. The breakfast served at Kinmata can be seen from 1:57 in the video. Be sure to check it out! The Menu at Kinmata Source :YouTube screenshot If you're looking for delicious gourmet food in Kyoto, Nishiki Market, "the kitchen of Kyoto," is second to none. Nishiki Market sells a wide variety of foodstuffs, including Kyoto vegetables, bentos, and a variety of delicious foods to enjoy. Kinmata uses quality ingredients sold at Nishiki Market to create a number of exquisite dishes. Dried Echizen stockfish, pickled vegetables, free range Kyo Aka Jidori chicken, densuke daikon, red kidney beans, chirimen sansho, dengaku with shogoin turnip, and sesame tofu all have a delicate and elegant taste. Summary of Kinmata Source :YouTube screenshot In Kyoto, there are many long-established Japanese inns and restaurants. Among these, the kaiseki restaurant Kinmata, shown in the video, is notable for its gentle flavor and use of fresh Kyoto vegetables. If you're in Kyoto, a historical tourist destination, be sure to enjoy the unique local flavors of the ancient capital to make your trip even more memorable. Don’t forget to make a reservation at Kinmata to taste the finest in Kyoto cuisine! ◆Kinmata|Restaurant Information◆ 【Address】604-8044 Kyoto, Nakagyo Ward, Dainichicho, 407 【Access】A 10-minute walk from Shijo Station off the Karasuma subway line from JR Kyoto Station 【Closures】Closed on Wednesdays 【Telephone】075-221-1039 【Official Website】KYOTO KINMATA|京都 近又 https://www.kinmata.com/index-e.html 【Yelp】Kinmata https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E8%BF%91%E5%8F%88-%E4%BA%AC%E9%83%BD%E5%B8%82?osq=Kinmata -
Video article 12:33
Noh - Fall in Love With the Classical Japanese Dance Theatre. A Look at Its History, Charm, and Aesthetics
Traditional Culture Celebrities- 498 plays
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Introducing the Traditional Japanese Theater, "Noh" I reckon that many international tourists who visit Japan are interested in experiencing a traditional Japanese performing art. If you're one of those people, I recommend catching a Noh performance that integrates a number of performance elements handed down over the centuries. "ANA Global Channel" aired the promotional video "NOH- Yaemon Yamashita/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL? " (NOH - Yaemon Yamashina/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL? DOU(能 - 山階 彌右衛門), (English subbed) featuring Noh actor, Yaemon Yamashita. The video contains his interview where he talks about the history and charms of Noh as well as his actual performance of "Aoi no ue" from 9:29 which is even more eloquent than he describes. Noh: Origins Yamashita talks about the history of Noh from 0:34. The classical Japanese performance art, Noh was formalized into the present-day's form (known as Kanzeryu) during the Muromachi period (1336-1573) by Kan'ami and his son Zeami. Noh involves chants, drama, dance, basic movement patterns (known as Kata) or narration (known as Katari) and actors convey the emotions of characters using the entire ensemble. The audience is increasingly captivated by the effects. According to Yamashita, Noh can be compared to western theater, such as opera or musicals, that is loved around the world. Noh was designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property in 1957, and as a UNESCO intangible Cultural Heritage in 2001. Noh is often confused with Kabuki outside of Japan. While Kabuki performances are attended by the general public, Noh is a refined performance art meant for the upper classes and was later made the official ceremonial art by the shogunate. Noh is a comprehensive art form that involves dance, music and drama, just like western theater, but what makes it unique is that it is based on a stylization of the external expressions. The Charms of Noh Photo:Noh Yamashita speaks about the Noh performance from 1:13. On a mysterious stage known as Noh Butai, a story unfolds through the performances of Shite (the leading character) and Waki (the supporting actor), where plots are usually drawn from legend, history, and literature. Shite is also a main organizer of the Noh performance, and furthermore, a prop maker. The instrumentalists (known as hayashi) play the four Japanese instruments used in Noh theatre: transverse flute, hip drum, the shoulder-drum, and the stick-drum. Kyogen is a comedy piece performed at intervals between the main Noh performance. Thus, a Noh program usually includes both Noh and Kyogen, and offers 2 types of entertainment. Shite wears a mask as seen in the video from 3:14. The masks tell the audience what kind of character he portrays, such as a divine, old man, old woman, villain, or demon. Although there are a few roles Shite plays without wearing a mask, such as Musashibo Benkei (a Japanese warrior monk from the 12th century), Yamashita says that an actor plays the part without any facial expression as to convey emotion through only movements and body language (3:42~). The masks cover an actor's facial expression, but this stimulates the imagination of the audience. Plot development and the accompanied music induces a variety of emotions and creates an illusion of reality. Another interesting aspect of Noh is that each viewer has their own understanding of the scenes being portrayed. From 5:13, Yamashita says that an essential part of Noh performances is to maintain a stable posture, known as "Kamae," while using the basic Hakobi step where the feet are slid across the floor one after another without lifting them. In Noh performance, the beauty must lie in the visible elements (movement, body language or posture) rather than on the inside of actors, and this external beauty is what brings out the internal beauty. - This is the Noh aesthetic handed down for generations. Noh Is Performed at Theaters Called "Nohgakudo" Noh is typically performed at theaters called "Nohgakudo." There are plenty of renowned Noh theaters including Kongo-Nohgakudo in Kyoto, National Nohgakudo and Hohsho Nohgakudo in Tokyo, and Nagoya Nohgakudo in Nagoya. The visit will afford you the opportunity to experience Noh performance. Source :YouTube screenshot Summary of Noh Theatre The video captures Yaemon Yamashita's performance of "Aoi no ue" from 9:29, after his interview. The video deepens our understanding and gives the performance depth. It's worth watching to get an idea about the history and aesthetics of Noh. It leads us into the profound beauty of the art form. If you want to experience a Noh performance, "Nohgaku Dairengin" is a great program to check out. It allows beginners to take a 4-month training of "Takasago" and perform it on stage. If you want to know more about Noh, check the lineup of items published from Nohgaku Shorin, a publishing house specialized in Noh. It also stocks the audiovisual materials such as CDs, DVDs and cassette tapes that non-Japanese speakers can enjoy, as well as a variety of Noh props and stationary goods. -
Video article 4:45
The Spooky "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" of Tanabe, Wakayama. Enjoy the Ancient Japanese Festival Handed Down From Generation to Generation, With More Than 2,000 Years of History!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture History- 123 plays
- YouTube
Taisha Reitaisai's Shinto Ritual: "Yunobori Shinji" This video, titled "Reitaisai Kumano Hongu Taisha -Official," shows aspects of "Yunobori Shinji," a shinto ritual that is part of the traditional "Reitaisai" rituals held at Kumano Hongu Grand Shrine, in Wakayama prefecture. "Kumano Hongu Taisha," a world heritage site in Wakayama prefecture, is one of three grand shrines configuring "Kumano Sanzan" along with "Kumano Nachi Taisha" and "Kumano Hayatama Taisha." Kumano Hongu Taisha was built more than 2050 years ago, and Yunobori Shinji, the largest annual shinto festival, has been designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Wakayama Prefecture. This video introduces the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" of Wakayama prefecture. If you ever wonder what kind of sacred rituals and events are held in the festival, take a look at the video and this article. Yunobori Shinji and Miyawatari Shinji - Two Shinto Rituals Source :YouTube screenshot The "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" is held for three days from April 13th to 15th every year. The festival starts with the events "Yunobori Shinji" and "Miyawatari Shinji." Starting at 0:07 in the video, it shows one aspect of the ritual where people invoke the spirit of the gods into children after they've purified themselves in the sacred water of Yunomine Onsen during "Yunobori Shinji." During the festival, the children are only allowed to put their feet on the ground while in the ritual so their fathers or brothers carry them on their shoulders and hike through 3.4 km of mountain trail called the "Kumano Kodo pilgrimage routes" to get to "Oyunohara." In the afternoon, there is the traditional performance by the children called the "Yasabaki Shinto Ritual" at Yunomine Ouji which is shown in the video around 0:44. After that, the children, a Kannushi (a person responsible for the maintenance of a Shinto shrine), and people with musical instruments line up and head to “Otabisho.” Rituals of the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" Source :YouTube screenshot The event called Funatama Taisai (船玉大祭) and the eve of the main festival are held at Kumano Hongu Taisha on April 14th. As shown in the video around 1:15, the most important event, the Hondensai (本殿祭), and the Togyo Festival (渡御祭) in which 400 people dressed in Heian style clothing for the performance participate in, are held on April 15th. A procession that recreates Kumano Gokou then heads to Oyunohara to perform sacred dances such as "Yamatomai" and "Mikomai." In the “Hondensai,” there is the "Togyosai" festival and the "Kangyo Sai" festival where you can see the Mikoshi (a portable shrine) with the flowers from "The deity of Kumanomusumi" (熊野牟須美神) (The god enshrined in Kumano Sanzan). It is said that the gods are pleased by the decorating of the Mikoshi with flowers and the swinging of the mikoshi. Starting at around 2:32, the video shows children praying for a good harvest. The festival is called "Ondasai" (御田祭, Ondasai). The video also shows the events "Gomadaki" (護摩焚き, Gomadaki) performed by monks, "Mochinage" (throwing rice cake), "Saitodaigoma" (採燈大護摩, saitodaigoma) and "Tamagushi Houten" (玉串奉奠, tamagushi Houten). which are also fun to see. Towards the end of the festival, when the sun starts to go down, people walk out of the Torii gate of "Ooyunohara" and make their way back to the shrine. After that, the last festival, "Kangyo-sai," is held (3:49). Summary of the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitai Festival" Photo:Kumano Hongu Taisha The video shows a lot about the traditional sacred festival at Kumano Hongu Taisha. Climb up the 158 stone steps and walk through the sacred gate, and you'll find Kumano Hongu Taisha. If you're looking to enjoy the atmosphere of Japan's shrines, Kumano Hongu Taisha is the perfect place to visit. Repair work was also undertaken in 2012 to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the shrine being transferred to its current location. There are many hotels and Ryokan (Japanese style inn) in Tanabe City in Wakayama, near Kumano Hongu Taisha. You can have a great time feasting on the local cuisine during your lunch break. You can also go shrine hopping with your Goshuin notebook when the weather is nice. ◆Kumano Hongu Taisha◆ 【Address】1110 Hongu, Hongu-sho, Tanabe-shi, Wakayama prefecture 【Access】140 minutes from Nanki-Shirahama Airport by bus 【Hours】6:00 – 17:00 【Parking】Available (Free) 【Phone】0735-42-0009 【Official Website】Kumano Hongu Taisha http://www.hongutaisha.jp/english/ -
Video article 5:06
Indulge in luxurious Japanese cuisine at Hakuunso, a Michelin-starred ryokan in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture! Relax at the Kawahara Onsen hot spring
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 340 plays
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Listed in Michelin! Video Introduction of "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" in Yugawara Onsen, Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture This video was created by "Japan Explorers," and it is a PR video of the Japanese inn (旅館, ryokan) "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" at Yugawara Hot spring, in Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region. The title is "The luxury ryokan Yugawara Onsen Mano no Sato Hakuunso published by Michelin" Yugawara Hotspring Hakuunso [High quality ](ミシュラン掲載の高級旅館 湯河原温泉 万葉の里 白雲荘 Yugawara Hotspring Hakuunso [高画質])". In this article, we'll introduce the charm of Yugawara Hot spring’s "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso," which has been posted on Michelin for four consecutive years. Yugawara Hot spring, in Kanagawa Prefecture is a popular inn. The video introduces luxury rooms and hot springs, as well as beautiful Michelin-rated dishes. Before we get started, please enjoy the video showcasing the hospitality of a Japanese hot spring inn. “Manyo No Sato Hakuunso”: The Luxury Japanese Hot Spring Inn Located at the Historic Yugawara Hot Spring Source :YouTube screenshot Manyo no Sato Hakuunso is a luxury hot spring inn located at Yugawara Hot spring, one of Japan's leading hot spring towns. Yugawara Hot spring is located in Ashigarashimo-gun, in Kanagawa prefecture, and is easily accessible from Tokyo and Yokohama. Every room at the Yugawara Onsen "Manyo-no-Sato Hakuun-so" has an elegant and luxurious structure where you can relax and enjoy the natural view of the Chitose River. There are five rooms with an open-air hot spring bath, three separate rooms with an open-air hot spring bath, one room with an open-air bath, and nine general guest rooms with an indoor bath. Each guest room has a name, "Soseki Literature Museum," "Fujimura Literature Museum,”" "Dokuho Literature Museum," "Manyo," "Tsubaki," "Sakuraba," "Hydrangea," "Hana Mizuki," "Hakumo," "Jukuni," "Seseragi," "Satsuki," "Chitose," " Yayoi," "Minami," and "Hatsune." Accommodation plans include one-day spa plans and banquet plans for groups. Introducing Manyo No Sato Hakuunso, Also Recognized by Michelin Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to the guest rooms with hot spring baths, there are also Sanukinoyu (large public baths) and suite private spa (private open-air bath), where you can fully enjoy Yugawara Hot spring. The large baths overflowing with rich spring water are introduced at 1:52 and 4:51, and private open-air baths are introduced at 3:48. The quality of the hot spring is calcium chloride. It's effective against rheumatic diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, wounds, chronic eczema and keratosis, weakness, gynecological disorders, hypertension, poor circulation, arteriosclerosis, gout, uric acid, and more. The baths are also fully equipped with amenities, so there's no need to worry about bringing your own. Japanese Cuisine at Manyo No Sato Hakuunso Source :YouTube screenshot Speaking of the pleasures of Japanese hot spring inns, Hakuunso also serves delicious Japanese cuisine. Manyo no Sato Hakuunso has been published in the Michelin Guide "Yokohama / Kawasaki / Shonan II Special Edition" for four consecutive years. The dinner course is introduced at 2:19 in the video. The kaiseki cuisine, which uses fresh seafood purchased directly from local fishermen and locally grown vegetables, is changed monthly, and the chef, Koichi Okuyama, provides exquisite, seasonal Japanese cuisine that has earned the restaurant a Michelin listing. One of the features of the evening meal is "Horaku-yaki," in which seafood is steamed and grilled in a ceramic pot. This can be seen at 2:51 in the video. Breakfast, typical of a traditional Japanese ryokan, is introduced at 4:18. Small plates of brightly colored dishes are elegantly presented, and local dried horse mackerel is roasted on a cooking stone and freshly grilled giving it a savory flavor and also making it a spectacle to behold. Both dinner and breakfast are served with glistening rice cooked in an earthenware pot, giving it the most flavor possible. I know you're probably looking forward to eating here now, just be careful not to eat too much before you go sightseeing. Facilities at "Manyo No Sato Hakuunso" “Manyo no Sato Hakuunso” at Yugawara Hot spring, has a wide range of in-house facilities. In addition to the private open-air baths and the large hot spring baths, there is the blissful, relaxing Ajisai-no-Mori (Forest of Hydrangea), the aesthetic salon, the private room space Suzukaze, and the dining room Senkei. You can use the facilities of "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" at your leisure. Sightseeing at "Manyo No Sato Hakuunso" Photo:Gazebo In the Yugawara area, one of the most popular hot spring sightseeing spots in Japan, there are many sightseeing spots we recommend. If you want to get in touch with the nature of Yugawara, visit Manyo Park, Makuyama Park (Yugawara Bairin), Hoshigayama Park Satsuki no Sato, Fudo Falls, and Yoshihama Beach. The best natural scenery is also a great spot for Instagram. The "Doi Castle Ruins," where you can experience the history and culture of Yugawara, has the best view. You can experience the art of Yugawara at the "Municipal Yugawara Art Museum," "Pumpkin Museum," "Kyotaro Nishimura Memorial Museum," "Living National Treasure Museum," "Hakone Lalique Museum," "Hoshino Prince Museum," "IZU PHOTO MUSEUM," "Buffet Children's Museum," and "Iri." If you want to enjoy the popular local gourmet restaurants in Yugawara, go to the ramen shop "Ramenya Iida Shoten" or the bakery "BREAD & CIRCUS." Popular festivals and events include "Yugawara Onsen Sunday Sightseeing Morning Market," "Watching the Show," "Training tour of Yugawara geisha," "Yugawara Onsen Marine Fireworks Festival," "Firefly Party," "Ikemine Momiji no Sato, and Tea Room." As you can see there are plenty of sightseeing spots in Yugawara! Please enjoy sightseeing in Yugawara as you see fit! Summary of “Manyo No Sato Hakuunso”- The Michelin Listed Inn How'd you like the video filled with the charms "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso"? The gentle Japanese style guest rooms provide a relaxing space. If you want to spend a relaxing time at a Japanese inn, tasting Michelin-starred cuisine and taking a dip in a hot spring, watch this video to experience the wonders of Manyo no Sato Hakuunso. Room rates for reservations vary depending by season and room, so please check the official website and travel websites for details. ◆ Manyo no Sato Hakuunso Introduction of Facility Overview◆ 【Address】 716-1 Miyagami, Yugawara-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture 259-0314 【Access】About 10 minutes by car from Yugawara Station on the Tokaido Main Line 【Parking】Available. 15 cars. 【Telephone No】0465-62-2341 【Official Website】 Yugawara Onsen Manyo-no-Sato Hakuunso Yugawara Luxury Ryokan-Ashigarashimo-gun https://www.hakuunsou.com/en/ 【Official Website】Yugawara Onsen official tourist site "Onsen town 60 minutes from Yokohama" http://yugawara-resort.com/ 【Tripadvisor】 Yugawara Hot spring town https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121143- Yugawara_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:30
Extend Your Journey to the Yamashiro Hotspring in Kaga and Enjoy the Beautiful Japanese Scenery! A Look at Recommended Spots, Food, and Ryokan in the Onsen Village!
Travel Things to Do- 139 plays
- YouTube
About the PR Movie for Yamashiro Onsen in Kaga, Ishikawa "山代温泉 PRmovie 【short ver.】" made by the Yamashiro Onsen Tourist Association is a promotional video of popular tourist spots in Kaga city, Ishikawa prefecture. Yamashiro Onsen in Kaga is located in the Hokuriku region of Honshu. It is known as the only Onsen town in the region and referred to as "Ideyu no machi" (The Town of Onsen) with its 1300 years of history. It has been loved by a number of Japanese writers and artists, with a heart of hospitality times past. It's one of the most popular Onsen places on Japanese travel review & comparison sites. many of the charms of old Japan are captured in this one and a half minute video, so be sure to take a look! Attractive Spots Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot If you want to have a relaxing time, Rosanjin's Hut "Iroha" introduced from 0:24 is a highly recommended tourist spot. Other sightseeing places, such as the foot baths, Kutani Kamaato Museum and the steps of the Japanese alphabet to the Hattori Shrine are shown as well. The unique observatory of Sazaedo at 1:00 in the video is also a very attractive place to visit. Presented at 0:13 in the video is Sohachi's Roppo Yaki, which is great for having a snack while you walk or lunch as well. Kaga parfait presented at 0:47, with it's delectable sweets, is also something you don't want to miss. Onsen and Ryokan in the Area Photo:Yamashiro Onsen Soyu and Kosoyu introduced from 1:09 are Yamashiro's representative traditional Japanese public baths. Enjoy good old Japanese baths tiled with Kutaniyaki ceramics. In Yamashiro Onsen there are various select onsen ryokans such as Rurikoh, Yuzankaku, Housyoutei, Yamashitaya and Yoshidaya Sannoukaku. We also recommend lodging such as Araya Totoan, Yayunokuni Tensho, Tachibana Shikitei, Hatori, Beniya Mukayu, Morinosumika Resorts & Spa, Yukai Resort Saichoraku and Hoshino resorts. Of course there are places you can enjoy without staying the night at a hotel as well. The natural minerals in Yamashiro Onsen's spring water are: sodium, calcium, monosulfate, and chloride. The health benefits include: the easing of chronic pains, such as muscle pain, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, neuralgia, frozen shoulder, bruises, sprains. On top of that, it is also effective in easing muscle stiffness caused by motor paralysis, poor circulation, peripheral circulatory disturbance, intestinal disorders, mild cases of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, pulmonary emphysema, hemorrhoids, autonomic instability, sleep disorders, depression and aids in recovery from fatigue and promotes health. Things to do When Visiting Yamashiro Onsen There are a variety of things to do when staying at the Yamashiro Onsen. There is "Hazuchio Gakudo" which is a supporting institution for local communication, "Gallery PANNONICA" where unique exhibitions of all genres are held, "Izukuraya Buzangama" where you can see ceramic artworks, "Utsuwazo" where local Kutani ceramic artists' works and other great artworks of Yamanaka's lacquer ware are exhibited, and "Kamamoto Kutani Bitouen" where you can enjoy original ceramic wares. There are a lot of places where you can actually experience the traditional craft Kutaniyaki (A type of Japanese porcelain). If you have a chance to visit Yamashiro Onsen, why not give some of these places a visit as well. Summary of Yamashiro Onsen Photo:Onsen After staying at one of Japan's ryokan, visiting Yamashiro Onsen, spending a wonderful time in the large public baths and open-air baths, you may want to put on your yukata, relax and enjoy some private time exploring the Ryokan. If the weather is nice, you can have a nice time walking around the Onsen village just like in the video. Access is about 30 minutes by car from Komatsu Airport and the closest station is Kaga Onsen Station of Hokuriku-honsen, West Japan Railway. Spend time at Shiroyama Onsen, the popular Onsen area of Kanazawa and Kaga of Ishikawa prefecture will definitely make for an unforgettable experience. 【Official website】Yamashiro Onsen Tourist Organization Kanazawa & Kaga|27 minutes from Kanazawa station of Hokuriku Shinkansen http://www.yamashiro-spa.or.jp/foreign/en 【Tripadvisor】Yamashiro Onsen Kosouyu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g651648-d3782601-Reviews-Yamashiro_Onsen_Kosouyu-Kaga_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:51
Koyasan, Wakayama Prefecture: A Sacred Place for Japanese Buddhism, With 1200 Years of History! One of Japan's Foremost Power Spots Is a Legendary Place Filled With Temples and Historical Buildings!
Art & Architecture Travel History- 191 plays
- Vimeo
Introducing Koyasan in Wakayama Prefecture This video, titled "聖地|和歌山県高野山 / Sacred place Koyasan, Wakayama" was created by "Hiraku KAWASHIMA." It introduces Koyasan a sacred place for Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, registered as a World Heritage Site. Koyasan is located in Wakayama, in Japan's Kansai region. It is a sacred place for Japanese Buddhism, opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai at the beginning of the Heian period 794 AD - 1185 AD), more than 1200 years ago. In this video, you'll see some of the highlights of Koyasan in just 2 minutes worth of footage. Please enjoy the video and be sure to take notes on whatever interests you as well! Koyasan Photo:Koyasan Danjo Garan Hasuike (Lotus Pond) Koyasan is a region in Koya, Ito District, in the northern part of Wakayama Prefecture. It is surrounded by 1,000 meter tall mountains at an altitude of about 800 meters. Koyasan as a place name is a flat basin-shaped area surrounded by eight peaks: Imagi peak, Hoju peak, Mt. Hachibuse, Mt. Benten, Mt. Koya, Mt. Tenjiku, Mt. Youriyu, Mt. Mani, and Mt. Tenjiku all make up Mt. Koyasan. Koyasan is a Zen Buddhist seminary opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai and is a sacred place for Japanese Buddhism. Today, it is a religious city centered around the fundamental dojo "Danjo Garan," the precinct for religious practices. Danjo Garan, one of the two most sacred places along with Okunoin, can be seen from 0:27 in the video. In 2004, twelve buildings along the Koyasan-cho Ishimichi and Kongo-buji Temple precincts (six districts), along with Kumano Hongu Taisha, Wakayama Prefecture, Yoshinoyama Nara Prefecture, and Ominesan Nara Prefecture, were registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In 2016, the Koya Pilgrimage Route, Kuroco Road, Nyonin Road, Kyouosakamichi Fudouzaka, and Mitanizaka were registered as World Heritage Sites. In 2015, the temple's 1200 year ceremony was held, attracting many visitors. In Koyasan, there are many events throughout the year, but the ritual that has been going on every day for 1200 years is "living in nature." This is a ceremony where meals are delivered twice a day to the mausoleum where the spirit of Kukai is enshrined. Koyasan is a sightseeing spot full of history. There are many places where you can enjoy Japanese sweets and food. There are also educational facilities such as elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities on the premises of Koyasan. Highlights of Koyasan Photo:Koyasan Kongobu-ji Temple The video introduces the facilities and temples located at Koyasan. All are within the precincts of Kongobuji Temple, the head temple of the Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism. The admission fee for Kongobu-ji Temple is 500 yen for general admission, and 200 yen for elementary school students (※As of Nov. 2019). Next up are some of the structures at Koyasan: ・Daimon (~0:03) The large front gate sitting at roughly 25 meters tall. Designated as an important cultural property. The video shows it lit up and very shiny. ・Danjo Garan (~0:27) The main temple used for general activities. Registered as a National Historic Site and World Heritage Site. ・Konpon Daito (~0:31) The first Tahoto (a form of Japanese pagoda) in Japan with a height of 48.5 meters. Built as a symbol of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. In the video, you can see the main tower shining under the night sky. ・Ichinohashi Bridge (~0:42) There is an approximately 2 km approach from here to Kobou Daishi Mausoleum. ・Shoujoshin-in (~0:46) Koyasan Bekkaku Honsan Shoujoushinin is a shukubo (accommodation facility) and temple that was built by Kukai and later rebuilt by Taira no Munemori. ・Kongobu-ji Temple (~0:50) Koyasan Shingon Buddhism is the headquarters of Koyasan. There are many attractions such as the largest rock garden "Banryu Garden," and fusuma paintings by the Kano School. ・Okunoin (~0:53) There are around 200,000 tombs belonging to the Imperial Family and Daimyo on the approach to the shrine. More than 60% of the graves belong to feudal lords of the warring states period. Miroku stone, which is called the Seven Wonders of Koyasan. It is said to be a stone that fulfills spiritual desire, and that there is benefit when touched. There is a tradition of paying a visit to this place to report on the completion of a pilgrimage to the 88 sacred places in Shikoku and to thank the pilgrims for their efforts. There is also a legend that Kukai, 1,200 years after being enshrined at the temple, is still practicing as a living Buddha. ・Mizumuke Jizo (~1:04) At the Jizo-son (the guardian deity of children), which stands along the banks of the Tamagawa River, sutra wood is offered to the god of Jizo to provide water for the ancestors of the deceased. ・Hasuike (~1:08) It is said that the Buddha is enshrined here. ・Gobyo-bashi (Mausoleum Bridge) (~1:22) The bridge closest to Kobou Daishi Mausoleum is a sanctuary, and photography is prohibited. Although it is not introduced in the video, there is also the "Okunoin approach," "Kondo," "Meaye dou," "Onsha," "Ajimi Jizou," "Sengoku samurai memorial tower," "Tokugawa Family Reidai," "Kongo Sanmaiin," "Koyasan Reihokan, Kurukayado, Ichijoin, Corporate memorial monument, and Hokiin which was built by Kangen. There are also spots where you can get your shuin. Summary of Koyasan Photo:Pilgrim So what'd you think about the holy place, Koyasan? The video introduces just some of the interesting things about Koyasan. Koyasan is also one of the most popular and powerful power spots in Japan. You might even get some power from the video! At Koyasan, you can stay in a shukubo, experience a devotional service, participate in religious events and meditation, and learn about sutras, poetry, and flower arranging, so you can feel the traditions of Koyasan. ◆ Koyasan overview information ◆ 【Address] Kongobu-ji Temple 132, Koyasan, Koyacho, Ito-gun, Wakayama 648-0294, Japan 【Access】 ・ Train: Get off at Gokurakubashi Station on the Nankai Koya Line and walk from Koyasan Station on the Nankai Koyasan Cable ・ By car: Approximately 2 hours from the center of Osaka, the nearest expressway exit “Hanwa Expressway Wakayama IC and Minamihanna Road Habikino IC 【Admission fee】Kongobu-ji Temple: General: ¥ 500 / Elementary school student: ¥ 200 (※as of December 2019) 【Hours】Kongobu-ji Temple 8: 30-17: 00 【Closures】Open daily 【Parking】There are many parking lots in the neighborhood, but please note that it is very crowded on the weekends. 【Phone number】Kongobu-ji Temple 0736-56-2011 【Official Website】Koyasan Shingon Sect Main Temple Kongobu-ji http://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Koyasan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 13:01
Okayama Prefecture's Kurashiki City Is a Beautiful Japanese Tourist Spot With Traditional Streets and Waterways. Kurashiki City's Popular Character "Denim Ninja" Introduces Popular Sightseeing Spots in a Comedic Way!
Local PR Travel- 62 plays
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岡山県倉敷をデニム忍者が紹介! こちらの動画は「観光課倉敷市」が公開した「【English】DENIM NINJA in KURASHIKI - DENIM NINJA solves the 30 mysteries of Kurashiki!! (Long ver.)」です。 日本の観光地というと東京・京都・大阪が有名ですが、岡山県倉敷市も昔ながらの街並みがあることをご存知ですか? 岡山県倉敷市は美観地区を中心に屋敷に水路・川舟といった日本の昔ながらの風景が残っているのです。 また、日本で初めてデニムを生産した場所として名を知られています。 では動画でデニム忍者と一緒に倉敷の観光名所を巡っていきましょう! 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスが良く日本の観光ルートに入れやすい 岡山県倉敷市へのアクセスは京都駅からおよそ1時間半・大阪より1時間です。 また、関西から四国や九州へ行く途中に位置していている倉敷。 日本を周遊するルートで訪れやすい観光地です。 岡山県倉敷の美観地区は川舟・屋敷が残っていて日本への観光に最適 倉敷市にある美観地区は日本でも昔ながらの街並みが残るとして有名。 川舟に乗れば数多くの屋敷や水路を楽しめます。 この美観地区ではなまこ壁の屋敷を見てみましょう。 壁の模様がなまこのように見えることが名前の由来。 また、大原美術館はヨーロッパの美術品を多数取り揃え、和と洋の昔ながらの町並みが堪能できます。 また、着物を着て観光することも可能。 着物という日本の伝統文化に触れて周辺を観光してみませんか? 日本のデニム発祥の地、港町児島を観光してみよう 岡山県南部に位置する倉敷市。 その中でも瀬戸内海に面した港町児島地区は「日本のデニム発祥の地」とされ、駅前にはジーンズストリートがあります。 また、本州の岡山県と四国の香川県のアクセスルートとなる瀬戸大橋があるのも倉敷。 瀬戸大橋の横にそびえる鷲羽山(わしゅうざん)からの景色は瀬戸内海の自然を楽しるおすすめの穴場スポットです。 日本一の◯◯!岡山県が誇る名物をデニム忍者が堪能♫ 果物王国の岡山県! マスカットをはじめとして桃の生産が有名です。 特にマスカットの生産量は日本一を誇る岡山県。 マスカットを使ったワインが人気でお土産にも最適です。 高級感があり日本料理をはじめとした和食にも合います。 みなさんもグルメな街・岡山県倉敷市を楽しんでみませんか。 岡山県倉敷市紹介まとめ 今回は岡山県倉敷市の観光動画を紹介いたしました。 動画をご覧になり岡山県倉敷市の観光名所が多いことに驚いたはずでしょう。 岡山県倉敷市は観光スポットが豊富です。 次は皆さんの足で倉敷を体感してみてくださいね。 -
Video article 3:36
Dogo Onsen, the Oldest Hot Spring in Japan, and the Inspiration for Studio Ghibli’s Oscar-Winning Animated Film?! The Hot Spring, Loved by Famous Japanese Novelist Natsume Soseki, Is an Attractive Destination, Filled With History!
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 156 plays
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Dogo Onsen in Matsuyama, Ehime - A Popular Tourist Destination in Japan This video, titled "Beautiful Japan- Dogo Onsen, Matsuyama" ([美しき日本] 愛媛 松山市道後温泉), was produced by N.a. It introduces the public bathhouse, Dogo Onsen, which is said to be the oldest spa resort in Japan, as well as other famous sites in Matsuyama. The focus of the video is the historical public bathhouse Dogo Onsen, which earned three stars in the "Michelin Green Guide Japan" and is also the first public bathhouse in Japan designated an Important Cultural Property. The video does a great job at capturing the appeal of the destination that is even mentioned in ancient Japanese mythology. The History of Dogo Onsen Source :YouTube screenshot At Dogo Onsen, the legend of the white egret has been passed down for centuries; legend tells of an egret soaking its injured wings in the hot spring and being cured. The locals who watched observed the miracle tried the hot spring for themselves and discovered its healing powers. Dogo Onsen is mentioned in the ancient texts of the Nihon Shoki, Manyoshu, Iyokoku Fudoki, and the Tale of Genji. It is counted as one of the Three Ancient Springs, with the two others are being Arima Onsen and Shirahama Onsen, and has 3000 years of history. The public bathhouse at Dogo has a restroom and drinking the green tea and confectioneries is provided in the admission fee. Besides Natsume Soseki, Dogo Onsen was a favorite retreat of many notable people, including Masaoka Shiki, a famous poet/author, Prince Shotoku, Issa Kobayashi, Hirobumi Ito (the first prime minister of Japan), and Kyoshi Takahama. You can enjoy traveling back in time by watching the video that tells of the history of Dogo Onsen. Dogo Onsen's hot spring water is simple alkaline, and it's known as a beauty spring, making it a popular destination for female travelers. Water is pumped directly from the natural hot springs without being reheated or mixed with cold water for controlling the temperature, so you'll feel the non-diluted, refreshing effects of the hot spring almost immediately. The hot spring is said to be effective in treating neuralgia, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, skin disease, gout and anemia. The Attraction of Dogo Onsen's Main Building Photo:Dogo Onsen The main building of Dogo Onsen is allegedly an inspiration to Hayao Miyazaki's blockbuster Spirited Away. The stunning exterior is a combination of four buildings that were repeatedly expanded and remodeled over a period of 125 years. Full-scale conservation repair work was executed in January 2019. It has three different day-visit baths, known as Sotoyu. The Dogo Onsen Annex: Asuka no Yu features a large resting hall using traditional Ehime handcrafts. The admission fee is 610 Yen (as of November 2019). Two other day-visit baths are in the Dogo Onsen Main Building and the Dogo Onsen Tsubaki no Yu. Four different admission plans provide visitors with varying levels of access in the Main Building, and an English pamphlet provided at the counter will help you understanding the differences. "Shinrokaku," a taiko drum in the main building's tower, is sounded three times a day. You can see it being struck at 1:04 in the video. The sound of Dogo's taiko drum is listed in the government-led project "100 Soundscapes of Japan." All of the guests look up at the tower when it is sounded, providing a picturesque scene. Be sure to take some pictures for your Instagram! Tourist Spots Around Dogo Onsen, Matsuyama Photo:Bocchan Train Dogo Onsen is 40-minute drive from Ehime Matsuyama Airport by limousine bus. From JR Dogo Onsen station, it's just a few minutes walking. You may be able to see the "Bocchan" train waiting at the station, a replica of a steam locomotive named after the Natsume Soseki novel "Bocchan". This old-fashioned train appears in the video at 0:30. Matsuyama castle is famous for cherry blossoms, and is one of only 12 castles that features a keep built prior to the Edo period (1603-1868). The Inland Sea and Matsuyama city can be seen from the keep. The castle is introduced at 0:41. Be sure to check it out! Summary of Dogo Onsen Photo:Matsuyama Castle There are many hotels and inns in the Dogo Onsen area, so you can enjoy a relaxing stay while going hot spring hopping. In recent years, Matsuyama has put efforts into art events to capture the attention of travelers looking for something new to experience, which makes the city a year-round destination in Ehime. The video tells of the long history and charms of Dogo Onsen. Perhaps you've come to understand what it is about Dogo onsen that made it loved by so many prominent historical figures. 【Official Website】Dōgo Onsen https://dogo.jp/en/ 【Official Website】Matsuyama City http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.matsuyama.ehime.jp%2F