Video article 2:09
Enjoying Visiting an Amusement Park From the Comfort of Your Own Home! Scream on Yomiuri Land's Popular Roller Coaster, "Bandit"!
Things to Do- 55 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Enjoying Visiting an Amusement Park From the Comfort of Your Own Home! Scream on Yomiuri Land's Popular Roller Coaster, "Bandit"!" (お家で遊園地気分が味わえる映像!よみうりランドの人気ジェットコースター「バンデット」で絶叫!), was released by "HIKAWA RIDES." Yomiuri Land is a recreational area that opened in 1964. The most popular attraction, Bandit, is a roller coaster that is still going strong several decades after its introduction in 1988. Its exhilarating ride through the forest on the grounds still attracts many roller coaster enthusiasts. The well-balanced ups and downs of the ride allow you to enjoy the ride without getting woozy. The horizontal loop, with its strong G's and being the 4th longest ride in Japan, are thrilling. Enjoy the thrilling experience in the video! -
Video article 8:15
Mt. Takao in Hachioji, Tokyo, Which Boasts the World's Largest Number of Climbers, Is the Site of Hiwatari Matsuri, a Ritual in Which Flames Rise Into the Heavens and Ascetic Monks Cross Over Hot Coals!
Festivals & Events- 98 plays
- YouTube
世界一登山者の多い高尾山とは こちらの動画は「TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful」が公開した「Mount Takao Hiwatari-Sai Fire-Walking Matsuri - Tokyo - 火渡り祭り高尾 - 4K Ultra HD」です。 高尾山は日本の東京都八王子にある山で、ハイキングも楽しめる日本でも有数の登山スポットです。 関東近辺からの交通アクセスがよく、連日多くの方が訪れます。 高尾山には天狗がいるという伝説があり、災厄を無くす・開運・福を呼ぶ・民衆の救済などの多くのご利益をもたらしてきたとされています。 この高尾山に鎮座するのが薬王院です。 日本の火渡り祭り 日本国内のいくつもの寺院では、こちらの薬王院のような火渡り祭りが行われています。 これは御護摩と呼ばれ、不浄なものを祓うため素足で燃える火の上を歩くという儀式として日本では古くより行われています。 動画で紹介されている東京都八王子市にある高尾山薬王院で毎年3月に行われる火渡り祭りは東京都屈指の大祈祷法要です。 八王子高尾山麓の自動車祈祷殿広場にて火渡り祭りが行われます。 高尾山の火渡り祭りは一般参加者も多数訪れ、当日はかなりの混雑となります。 東京都八王子市高尾山の薬王院で行われる火渡り祭りには、国土安穏・復興祈願・世界平和・息災延命・災厄消除・交通安全・身上安全の祈念が込められ、柴燈大護摩供御壇木の奉納により多くの功徳を得られるとされています。 高尾山薬王院の中には多くの授与品があります。「撫で木」または「なで木」という氏名を書いた御札を火渡り祭りの御護摩木として奉納することで願いを成就するとしています。 さらに、身体の不調がある箇所をなでることで病気を治るとされています。 火渡り祭りの火で加持された御浄塩は不浄を清めるとして盛り塩などとして使用できます。 山伏が火の周りをご加持して歩く梵天札や渡火証なども火渡り祭りを行う上で授与されるものとして用意されています。 高尾山の火渡り祭りの式次第 東京都八王子市高尾山の薬王院で行われる火渡り祭りの式次第は以下の通りです。 1) 阿字門、2)大導師招待、3)火切加持、4)床堅、5)神斧、6)寶剣、7)法弓、8)願分、9)閼伽・点火、10)散華・梵天祓い、11)湯加持、12)火生三昧表白、13)清浄払い、14)火生三昧、15)御信徒火渡りとなっています。 高尾山の薬王院で行われる火渡り祭り紹介まとめ 東京都八王子市高尾山の薬王院では他にも、自動車祈祷広場において交通安全祈願の儀式が行われています。 また月齢写経会や不動尊から八十八箇所をめぐる大師巡礼などのイベントも行っています。 火渡り祭り当日は多くの露天や屋台も出店していて、見学をするだけでも伝統儀式の雰囲気を味わうことができます! 動画を通じてその魅力に触れてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 1:48
Ebina SA in Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture, the busiest Tomei Expressway in Japan!
Shopping- 35 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Ebina, the Busiest Service Area in Japan|11/11/2018" (日本一混むサービスエリア海老名2018/11/11), was released by "Onose Yuji." The Ebina Service Area on the Tomei Expressway is famous for being the most crowded service area in Japan. There are many delicious gourmet foods here that you won't find anywhere else. One of the specialties at the Ebina Service Area is the melon bread from Porutogaru, which has been in business for 25 years and is the world's largest seller of melon bread. The green outside dough is moist and crispy, and the soft baked melon bread is slightly sweet inside, give those who eat it a nostalgic feeling. Long lines of people wait in front of the store for the melon bread. Enjoy the lively atmosphere of the Ebina service area! -
Video article 6:21
Introducing the Imperial Palace, a Soothing Spot Surrounded by an Abundance of Greenery! The Former Site of the Edo Castle Is a Popular Spot in Tokyo That You Shouldn't Pass Up!
Travel- 37 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Tokyo Imperial Palace Part I - 皇居 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." What you see in this video is the Imperial Palace, the symbol of Japan. In the Edo period it was the residence of the Tokugawa shogun, but in the first year of the Meiji period it became the residence of the Emperor and Empress. Inside the palace, the Imperial Household Agency and its related buildings, the Momijiyama Sericulture, Tokagakudo, and the Nippon Budokan are all open to the public. You can enjoy nature from season to season in the middle of Tokyo, and Chidorigafuchi in particular attracts many tourists every year as it is one of the best places for cherry blossoms in Japan. On the Second Day of New Year's, the Emperor and Empress Address Do a Congratulatory Visit to the Imperial Palace and the Emperor Gives a Speech to the Public. -
Video article 6:36
Mashiko, Tochigi Prefecture, a Place Where the Tradition and Culture Are Palpable. a Variety of Popular Sightseeing Spots in the Town Are Introduced in Just Six and a Half Minutes!
Local PR- 22 plays
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栃木県益子町エリアの魅力をご紹介! この記事では、「栃木県益子町 観光プロモーション映像/日本語版」という動画を元に、栃木県益子町について紹介いたします! 日本の文化を色濃く残している栃木県益子町は、見て体験して日本の文化を知ることが出来ます。 今回はそんな栃木県益子町について、動画と共にご覧ください。 日本の文化を堪能するまち歩き! 栃木県益子町は別名『陶芸の街』とも呼ばれています。 動画0:11でも紹介をされているメインストリート『城内坂』は、日下田藍染工房を始めとした陶芸や民藝等を売っているショップやギャラリーが並んでいるので、観光する際には立ち寄ってみてはいかがでしょう。 他にも、動画1:08の、日本国宝として有名な『濱田庄司』が最初に購入した古民家『旧濱田邸』や、数多くの有名な陶芸が展示されている益子陶芸美術館、動画1:46で紹介されている数多くの作品が作られてきた『登り釜』などは、ぜひ押さえておきたい観光スポットです。 春と秋の人気イベントである陶器市も開催をされるので、ぜひ日時を合わせて観光をすることをおすすめします。 グルメと体験で栃木県益子町を楽しむ! 動画2:10で紹介をされている通り、栃木県益子町には多くのパン屋や蕎麦屋があります。 こだわりグルメを楽しみながらの食べ歩きもよいでしょう。 酒造りが盛んなこともあり、酒造見学をすることも出来ます。 「陶芸の街」益子町では陶芸教室が数多く開かれています。 ろくろや手びねり、絵付け等の益子焼を実際に体験してみてください。 四季によって色んな楽しみ方も出来る栃木県益子町。 例えば夏なら沢山のひまわりで、秋ならコスモスを背景に記念撮影をすればインスタ映えすること間違いなしでしょう。 いちご狩りぶどう狩りや楽しめるので、ぜひ観光の際には検討してみてはいかがでしょうか。 栃木県益子町魅力紹介まとめ ここまで紹介させて頂いた場所の他にも、歴史的建造物が数多く存在します。 動画3:30でも紹介をされている西明寺は、珍しい笑い閻魔が飾られている面白いスポットです。 日本の古き良き文化が多く残る栃木県芳賀郡の益子町。 ぜひ現地を訪ねて観光してみてください! -
Video article 2:29
If You're Looking to Taste Iekei Style Ramen, Then Don't Pass up on Yoshimuraya, the Headquarters of Iekei Ramen!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Yoshimuraya|2-12-6 Minami-Saiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama|Ramen & Ajitama" (家系総本山 吉村家 横浜市西区南幸2-12-6 ラーメン 味玉), was released by "Nationwide Ramen Videos" (全国ラーメン動画). This video introduces "Yoshimuraya" in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is the origin of Iekei ramen, so much so that a genre called "Iekei ramen" was created, and many customers come here every day. They have been in business since 1974 and sell more than 1,500 bowls of ramen a day. There are a variety of toppings on the table, and customers can change their preferences as they please. This video shows you what it's like to visit Yoshimuraya, the headquarters of Iekei ramen! -
Video article 7:09
The Secret to Having So Many Repeat Customer Is That They Don't Decorate Their Ramen With Any More Than Is Necessary. Try Some Delicious, Old Fashioned Ramen!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Iida Shoten" (飯田商店), was released by "行列覚悟のラーメン店Ramen shops worth the wait." This video introduces the popular ramen shop "Iida Shoten," (Shouten) which is so popular that you need a numbered ticket to get in. Many of the ramen shops today have a strong visual impact, but this one doesn't have any. It's a shop that focuses on simplicity. The taste of the soup and the roasted pork chashu, with a flavor you won't find in other ramen restaurants, is enough to keep customers coming back. In this video, you can see how to get to Iida Shoten and what the ramen looks like. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 4:25
The Most Popular Ramen Shop in Hachioji, "Tantan"! What's the Secret to Its Taste, Loved by Locals and Other Prefectures Alike?!
Food & Drink- 27 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[An Extremely Popular Restaurant in Hachioji] Tantan, the Pinnacle of Hachioji Ramen" (【八王子の超人気店】タンタン 八王子ラーメンの最高峰タンタン), was released by "Ramen Daisuki KOBAcchi" (ラーメン大好きKOBAっち). This video introduces one of the most popular ramen shops in Hachioji, "Tantan." Tantan is the No. 1 most popular ramen in Hachioji, known as the "ramen topped with finely chopped onions," for which Hachioji is famous. A special feature of Hachioji's Tantan ramen is its chashu pork, which is easy to eat and soaks up the broth, giving it even more flavor. In this video, you can see a sample of one of Tantan's most popular ramen dishes, the extra-large chashu pork noodles! -
Video article 0:54
A Variety of Menu Items From the Stylish Udon Shop "Shinjuku Tsurutontan"
Food & Drink- 24 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Food in Japan | Shinjuku Tsurutontan | Japanese noodle restaurant | 新宿つるとんたん," was released by "Destination Japan." In this video, you can see "Shinjuku Tsurutontan," a noodle restaurant in Shinjuku. They have a wide range of menu items, from Western-style udon to standard yam udon and sushi rolls. Check it out in the video! -
Video article 2:42
Enjoy Camping in Style in Tokyo! A Glamping Facility in Okutama, Where Every Detail Has Been Carefully Considered!
Things to Do- 21 plays
- YouTube
This video, released by "TOKYO MX," is titled "150,000 Yen per Night! A Luxury Campground in Okutama, Tokyo" (1泊15万円! 東京・奥多摩町に豪華キャンプ場). It covers glamping in Okutama, Tokyo, and is perfect for those looking to enjoy the outdoors in Tokyo. You can check out the inside of the tent at 0:47. It's worth watching if you're looking for a place where you can enjoy a stylish space in Tokyo's outdoors. You can also check out the chef serving up a course at 1:06. If there are any foodies out there we recommend this video to you as well. The video is short, at just ~3 minutes long, so if you're interested in the outdoors, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 31:56
This Line Will Take You to Popular Sights in Tokyo and Odaiba! A Look at the Yurikamome Line From Start to Finish!
Transportation- 21 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "「ゆりかもめ」前面展望「夜景」(新橋-豊洲)全区間「7300系」[字幕][4K]Yurikamome Line Tokyo[Cab View]2019.01," was released by "mENAGA." The Yurikamome Line is well known for its transportation to Odaiba, Toyosu, and Shiodome. If you've been to Comiket, a popular event for anime and manga fans, you've probably used the Yurikamome line at least once. However, not many people have actually taken the whole line from start to finish! The main point of this video is that it captures the view from Shimbashi Station to Toyosu Station as seen from the Yurikamome line. The video is a great way to get a feel for what it's like to ride the Yurikamome line. -
Video article 5:50
Natural Incense Sticks Made Using a Water Wheel in Ibaraki Prefecture! The Only Materials Used Are Cedar Leaves and Fresh Water From Mount Tsukuba!
Traditional Crafts- 22 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Japan Handicrafts x Komamura Seimei-do" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 駒村清明堂), was released by "Japan Handicrafts" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑). Amidst the sound of the waterwheel, what is being carefully prepared is a cedar incense stick made by Komamura Seimei-do, which has been made for over 100 years since the Meiji Era. What makes it unique is that Komamura Seimei-do is the only company in Ibaraki Prefecture that makes incense sticks using waterwheels. It takes about 40 hours to slowly grind the dried cedar leaves, which are more than 50 years old, to prevent the fragrance of the cedar from escaping. Spring water from Mt. Tsukuba is the only other ingredient combined with the ground cedar leaves. The incense sticks are 100% additive-free and derived from nature in Ibaraki. Many buyers are fascinated by the elegant fragrance that makes you feel as if you're bathing in a forest and come to experience the work or visit the factory. -
Video article 2:34
The Topography of Okubo Beach Created by a Volcanic Island! Explore Popular Diving Spots on Miyakejima Island in the Izu Islands!
Things to Do- 19 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "2020/06/11 Miyakejima Diving|Okubo Beach" (2020/06/11 三宅島ダイビング 大久保浜), was released by snapperdive. Miyakejima is located in the Izu Islands. It's a volcanic island, so the unique scenery created by lava is a sight to behold. Okubo beach (大久保浜) is one of the most popular diving spots on Miyakejima. The standard course is to enter the ocean from the gravel beach and proceed along the coral mountains. Castanopsis, flatfish, and eels live in the sand. Lovely fish such as snappers, which are known to change sex, can be observed on the rocks. Enjoy this diving spot with diverse species of life! -
Video article 7:46
The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum - Enjoy the Beauty of Bonsai and Listen to the Stories of the Museum Staff as They Talk About Bonsai!
Traditional Culture- 73 plays
- YouTube
This video is titled "1000 Year Old Japanese Bonsai Tree Adventure ★ ONLY in JAPAN." It was released by "WAO RYU!ONLY in JAPAN." The video introduces the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum has more than 1000 bonsai trees on display. At 2:00 in the video, you can see an interview with a staff member of the museum as well. Be sure to check out the beautiful bonsai featured in the video! -
Video article 2:02
Capybaras bathing in the hot spring is a relaxing spot to observe the cute bathing scene. The capybara hot springs at Saitama-ken Kodomo Zoo in Higashimatsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture, are a relaxing spot where you can observe cute bathing scenes!
Living Things- 2.74K plays
- YouTube
Capibara Hot Springs Video Introduction at Saitama Children's Animal Nature Park in Higashimatsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture Capybaras are the largest members of the rodent family, and the video 「みんなで入浴 カピバラ温泉~桶風呂~始めました! 2017.12.5(埼玉県こども動物自然公園 公式/SaitamaChildrensZoo official )capybara onsen』, created by 「埼玉県こども動物自然公園(SaitamaChildrensZoo)」compiles scenes of capybaras enjoying bathing in the hot springs. These scenes of six capybaras considerately entering the hot springs together will warm your heart. The video has also become popular, not only among the Japanese, but also with people from overseas. The Capybaras Introduced in the Video, and Why They’re in the Hot Springs Photo:Capybaras Capybaras are members of the rodent family, and can be found from Panama in South America, all the way to Northeast Argentina. With calm and gentle personalities, capybaras are also popular as pets, and are the largest members of the rodent family, growing up to 106 to 134 centimeters. Males weigh around 77 to 141 pounds, while females weigh around 81 to 145 kilograms. Being proficient swimmers, capybaras tend to escape to the water once they sense approaching danger. They can remain underwater for up to 5 minutes. Although the water is their shelter and haven, due to their warm natural habitat, capybaras are weak to the cold. As a countermeasure to combat cold winters, the “Capybara Hot Springs” was created. The Capybara Hot Springs and the Saitama Children's Zoo Source :YouTube screenshot The Saitama Children's Zoo holds a “Capybara Hot Springs” event every year. The event lasts from November through March, with the location being at the Capybara/Wallaby enclosure. Pools built to look like rock baths are filled with water warmed to a suitable temperature by the sun. Besides the unique springs such as the yuzu bath, a waterfall bath and tub bath are also prepared. The video begins with five capybaras heading towards the hot springs. Of the five, three enter the bath with floating yuzu, one makes for the smaller tub bath, and the last heads for the waterfall bath. Without any jostling or competition for space, the atmosphere is calm and peaceful. From 1:22 in the video, another capybara appears. The scene of this capybara unobtrusively lowering itself backside-first into the yuzu bath is extremely heartwarming. From 1:43 in the video, the capybara in the waterfall bath can be seen wiping its face, and from 1:53 is seen staring peacefully into space, contently settling into the water. The fact that these capybaras act just like little humans will bring a smile to your face. In the Saitama Children's Zoo, you can enjoy viewing the capybaras while warming your feet in the foot baths. Why not stop by and enjoy the relaxing hot springs together with the capybaras? Saitama Children's Zoo Photo:Saitama Children's Zoo Saitama Children's Zoo is a spacious park located in Saitama Prefecture, Higashi-Matsuyama City in Japan's Kanto region (関東地方・埼玉県東松山市, Kanto-chiho・Saitama-ken Higashi-matsuyama-shi). Besides the zoo, the park also boasts the "Children’s Castle" (こどもの城, Kodomo no jo) as well as a large playground (みんなの広場, Minna no hiroba) where children can run around and play. In the playground is the “Adventure Forest Athletics” area (冒険の森アスレチック, Bouken-no-mori asurechikku) as well as the “Shabu-shabu Pond” (じゃぶじゃぶ池, Shabu-shabu ike) with water activites. Here, children can enjoy playing and being active. In the animal area, pony-riding as well as animal-feeding activities are available. Also, from September of 2019, the “Small Animals Enclosure” (ecoハウチュー, eco hauchu) was opened. There, you can observe small animals such as hedgehogs. Where to Enjoy Japan's Capybara Hot Springs Photo:Capybara hot springs, Kobe Animal Kingdom Below is a list of some of the capybara hot spring areas throughout Japan. With so many facilities available, you're sure to be able to enjoy the capybara hot springs! Hokkaido ・Banya no Yu (番屋の湯) [Ishikari, Hokkaido] ・North Safari Sapporo (ノースサファリサッポロ) [Sapporo, Hokkaido] Tohoku/Kanto Regions ・Akita Omoriyama Zoo (秋田市大森山動物園) [Akita Prefecture] ・Nasu Animal Kingdom (那須どうぶつ王国) [Tochigi Prefecture] ・Kusatsu Tropical Wonderland (草津熱帯園) [Gunma Prefecture] ・Aloha Garden Tateyama (アロハガーデンたてやま) [Chiba Prefecture] ・Mother Farm (マザー牧場) [Chiba Prefecture] ・Yokosuka Soleil Hill (長井海の手公園ソレイユの丘) [Kanagawa Prefecture] Chubu Region ・Ishikawa Zoo (いしかわ動物園) [Ishikawa Prefecture] ・Asuwayama Amusement Park (足羽山公園遊園地) [Fukui Prefecture] ・Suzaka Zoo (須坂市動物園) [Nagano Prefecture] ・Izu Shaboten Zoo (伊豆シャボテン動物公園) [Shizuoka Prefecture] ・Toyohashi Zoo and Botanical Park (豊橋総合動植物公園 のんほいパーク) [Aichi Prefecture] Kansai/Chugoku Regions ・Kobe Animal Kingdom (神戸どうぶつ王国) [Hyogo Prefecture] ・Himeji Central Park (姫路セントラルパーク) [Hyogo Prefecture] ・Daisen Tom Sawyer Pasture (大山トム・ソーヤ牧場) [Tottori Prefecture] ・Ikeda Zoo (池田動物園) [Okayama Prefecture] Shikoku/Kyushu Region ・New Reoma World (レオマリゾート) [Kagawa Prefecture] ・Tobe Zoo (愛媛県立とべ動物園) [Ehime Prefecture] ・Nagasaki Bio Park (長崎バイオパーク) [Nagasaki Prefecture] ・Aso Farm Land (阿蘇ファームランド) [Kumamoto Prefecture] ・Hirakawa Zoo (平川動物公園) [Kagoshima Prefecture] Summary of the Capybara Hot Springs Video The video introduced in this article shows capybaras enjoying a nice soak in the hot springs of the Saitama Children's Zoo. Definitely take a second to relax by watching this video of capybaras relaxing in the hot springs. 【Tripadvisor】Saitama Children's Zoo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021372-d1425140-Reviews-Saitama_Children_Zoo-Higashimatsuyama_Saitama_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 7:28
Pewter - A Craft Produced by Master Artisans That Has Been Passed Down for Generations in Japan. A Close Look at One Pewtersmith Who Respects the Tradition of His Craft and a Look at His Beautiful Works
Traditional Crafts- 47 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Pewtersmiths of Japan This video, titled "Japan Handicraft Encyclopedia - Suzukou" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 錫光), was uploaded by "Japan Handicraft Encyclopedia" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑). The art of using tin and lead to produce sake sets, chaki for tea, and various other containers, is a tradition said to have been passed down in Japan for centuries. This time we'll introduce the pewtersmiths of Suzukou, a long-established pewter shop. Suzukou is a workshop run by pewtersmiths Keiichi Nakamura and Takayuki Yoyama. At Suzukou, pewtersmiths manufacture new pewter products while reminiscing over the memory of their ancestors. Experience the beauty of their traditional craft in the video! What Exactly is a Pewtersmith? Source :YouTube screenshot A pewtersmith is a craftsman who uses tin or lead as a material to make tokkuri (sake bottles), flower pots, tea pots, and more. The use of tin and lead gives the product a mild flavor and excellent temperature retention properties, both hot and cold. In addition, tin is resistant to corrosion and does not attract moisture, making it a material that is pleasant to the touch. The products made by pewtersmiths can be used for many years, and this is a profession that is known to produce products that will last a lifetime. Suzukou – The Workshop of a Master Pewtersmith Source :YouTube screenshot It's believed that pewtersmithing was introduced from China about 1,200 to 1,300 years ago, during the Asuka and Nara periods (~592 to 794 AD). Established in 1987, the workshop "Suzukou," located in Kawaguchi, Saitama, was granted the honor of producing a water-dropper as a gift to Fumihito, Prince Akishino, and has been manufacturing products while following in the footsteps of its predecessor, Kozan Nakamura, famous as a master craftsman of our time, and collaborating with many craftsmen from different industries. As a workshop for the next generation, "Suzukou" is a place where tradition is respected and new things are born. Today, it attracts the attention of many people throughout Japan. Keiichi Nakamura - A Pewtersmith Who Insists on Working by Hand Source :YouTube screenshot Keiichi Nakamura was working as a company employee until he inherited his father's pewtersmithing business, which led him to be the craftsman he is today. From the interview, you can feel his strong feelings towards his craft with each word he speaks. He believes that his father's title of "a master craftsman of our time" will serve as a catalyst for the birth of new pewtersmiths in the future and allow them to connect the past and present. In the video, you can see the beautiful pewter products made by hand by Keiichi Nakamura. They're truly works of art. Summary of the Pewtersmiths of Suzukou Source :YouTube screenshot This video introduced an interview with the pewtersmiths of Suzukou. After listening to the interview, we hope you've come to appreciate the beautiful craft and are considering trying it out for yourself! Or at the very least, have come to appreciate traditional Japanese crafts. Some of Suzukou’s most popular products, such as the "Tumbler old fashioned 9 oz 'tsuchime'" (ぐい呑み・タンブラーオールド9オンス), can be purchased on their website. Consider checking out the beautiful traditional crafts made by these master pewtersmiths! 【Official Website】Suzukou|A Pewter Manufacturer and Distributor That Focuses on Handcrafted Products https://www.takumi-suzukou.com/hpgen/HPB/entries/7.html -
Video article 12:26
Strolling Through Shibamata, Katsushika, Tokyo, Famous for Tora-san. These Old-Fashioned Streets in Tokyo Are Full of Charming Shops!
Shopping- 64 plays
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Shibamata Teishakuten, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo Video Introduction This video, titled "Walking Around Shibamata, Tokyo - Long Ver.|4K" (Walking around Shibamata, Tokyo - Long Take【東京・柴又/帝釈天】 4K), was uploaded by "NIPPON WANDERING TV." It's a video that will make you feel like you're actually walking along the Shibamata Taishakuten approach from Shibamata Station. Shibamata Taishakuten, located in Shibamata, Katsushika, Tokyo, was founded in 1629 during the Kan'ei Era. At the beginning of the Edo Period (1603-1868 AD), the location of the main statue of Shibamata Taishakuten was unknown, but it was discovered during the renovation of the main hall and is enshrined there to this day. Katsushika Shibamata is also known as the place where the movie "Otoko wa Tsuraiyo" was set, and the Tora-san Memorial Museum is a nearby tourist attraction. The video, which lasts about 12 and a half minutes, will take you on a guided tour through Shibamata, including the Shibamata Taishakuten approach and Shibamata Tashakuten itself. The relaxing atmosphere will have you feeling as though you've traveled back in time to the days of Tora-san, so be sure to check it out! Shibamata Taishakuten – A Look at the Sightseeing Spot Introduced in the Video Photo:Shibamata Taishakuten, Katsushika, Tokyo Shibamata Taishakuten is a Nichiren Sect temple with its official name being Daikyo-ji Temple. Access to Shibamata Taishakuten is about a 3-minute walk along the temple approach, which is lined with shops, from Shibamata Station on the Keisei Line. Paid parking is also available nearby. The video tour begins at Shin-Shibamata Station on the Hokuso Line, starts along the temple approach from Shibamata Station, and enter the precincts of Shibamata Taishakuten at 6:09. From about 5:30 in the video, you can see Nitenmon Gate, a structure with a simple, yet impressive wooden appearance. The front of Taishakudo, located to the left side of Shibamata Taishakuten's main hall, is covered with a large Japanese black pine, called "Zuiryu no Matsu." There is also a gallery on the wall of the Taishakudo where you can see wonderful sculptures depicting the Lotus Sutra. Behind the main hall is the large guest hall, where you can observe the Japanese garden Suikeien (邃渓園) from the corridor. To the right of the main hall is Shakado (aka Kaisando), the oldest hall on the temple's precincts. After visiting, you can also get a shuin stamp, a talisman to protect yourself from evil, or even a talisman for safe childbirth. The opening hours for Shibamata Taishakuten are from 5 am to 7 pm. Enjoy Delicious Food on the Approach to Shibamata Taishakuten! Photo:The approach to Shibamata Taishakuten, Katsushika, Tokyo The path to Shibamata Taishakuten is lined with stores with a nostalgic Japanese atmosphere. You can see this in the video from 2:46. The first thing that you see in front of the station is the statue of Futen no Tora. Along the temple approach, there's also a souvenir shop called Shibamata Tamaya. There are also stalls selling takoyaki (octopus dumplings), and many visitors enjoy purchasing kusadango (mugwort dumplings) from the popular Takagi-ya (高木屋老舗), an old shop on the approach to Shibamata Taishakuten. Shibamata is also famous for delicious cuisine using river fresh. Consider trying some unagi (eel) for lunch at the long-established restaurant Kawachiya! There are many other exciting retro shops along the approach to the temple, and you can enjoy delicious food while exploring them, or just by window shopping. Summary of Sightseeing at Shibamata Taishakuten This video, titled "Walking Around Shibamata, Tokyo - Long Ver.|4K" introduces the charms and attractions of Shibamata Taishakuten and the approach leading to the temple. Be sure to check out the Showa Retro cityscape, which is visited by many people. We hope you enjoyed this article introducing information on Shibamata Taishakuten. If you're planning on visiting, don't forget to use this as a reference to explore the downtown area where you can feel the warmth and character of Tora-san! 【TripAdvisor】Shibamata Taishakuten https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066447-d1239469-Reviews-Shibamata_Taishakuten_Taishakuten_Daikyoji_Temple-Katsushika_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefect.html -
Video article 2:44
Enjoy the Wilderness of Tokyo’s Akiruno City! Healing Scenery, Full of Greenery and Plenty of Negative Ions!
Local PR- 392 plays
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An Oasis in Tokyo "Akiruno City Tourism PR Video" The video “[4K] Akiruno city-the unknown Tokyo / JAPAN / Akiruno City Sightseeing PR Video([4K] Akiruno city - the unknown Tokyo/ JAPAN / あきる野市観光PR動画)" released by "NAKAJI" mainly focuses on recommended sightseeing spots such as the natural scenery of the Kanto region and the city of Akiruno in Tokyo. If you watch the video, you'll be surprised by the natural beauty of greenery that you couldn't possibly attribute to Tokyo. Akiruno is recommended as a place to relax and get away from the crowds. This article introduces sightseeing spots in Akiruno where you can enjoy nature, history, culture and delicious food. More About Akiruno, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot Akiruno, Tokyo is a place rich with nature, about 40 to 50 km west of central Tokyo. With a population of about 80,600 (March, 2020), the climate is colder than in central Tokyo, and the altitude is high, so the area is not so hot in the summer. Akigawa and Itsukaichi merged in 1995 to form Akiruno. The name of the city is derived from the fact that "Akiru Shrine" was located in the former town of Itsukaichi. It is a recommended travel destination for those who are tired of urban life, and has places such as instagram spots and stylish cafes that can be seen in the video. Photo:Yozawa River Speaking of Akiruno's symbol, the clear stream Akigawa, the largest tributary of the Tama River, definitely comes to mind. It flows about 20 km from Hinohara Village to Akiruno, and the surrounding scenery is superb. You can see various landscapes depending on the season, such as fresh greenery in the spring and autumn leaves in the fall. In addition, Ishibune Bridge in the Akigawa Valley is one of the places to see when you go to Akiruno. It is a must-go-to location for checking out the scenery of the river and the autumn leaves that you can see from the top of Ishibune Bridge. The lush nature of Akigawa and the surrounding area can be seen at 0:12 in this video. Akiruno is also famous for Shiroyama. Shiroyama in the Togura district, is a mountain that used to be called "Togura Castle". From the top of Shiroyama, if the weather is nice, you can see the city center, and you will be impressed by the superb view. Since the altitude is not high and it is a gentle mountain trail, it is also a recommended route for beginners climbing and hiking. In addition, "Yamasaki no Oukashi," "Itsukaichi Basin," "Otake Limestone Cave," and "Akirudai Park" are other recommended scenic spots. Information About Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Akiruno, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot One of the recommended spots when visiting Akiruno is Seotonoyu. Seotonoyu, located near the Akigawa Valley, is a popular hot spring facility surrounded by greenery. The quality of the hot spring is highly talked about, and its modern interior is also very popular. It is a must-visit place when visiting Akiruno. Other recommended sightseeing spots include Kotoku Temple, Daihigan Temple, Ryushuin Temple, Fukazawa Small Art Museum, Akigawabashi River Park Barbecue Land, and Tokyo Summerland. Also, if you want to enjoy gourmet food in Akiruno, we recommend Kurochaya, where you can eat exquisite Japanese food. Cuisine using river fish such as sweetfish and the famous Tama Yuzu cider are popular. You can also enjoy the atmosphere at an old house. There is also a place in the garden where you can view the bamboo forest. The video also introduces plenty of these local gourmets from 1:37. Akigawa corn, norabou greens and Akigawa pears are also popular foods in Akiruno. Summary of Akiruno Photo:Akiruno・Autumn Colors at Ishibune Bridge "[4K] Akiruno city-the unknown Tokyo / JAPAN / Akiruno sightseeing PR video" is a video introducing recommended sightseeing spots in Akiruno, Tokyo. In addition to the ones introduced in this article, there are also traditional events such as Ninomiya Shrine Fall Festival (Ginger Festival), Shoichiiiwabashiri Shrine Festival (Ina Festival), and Akiru Shrine Festival (Itsukaichi Festival). Akiruno is full of nature. It has access from the city center, and it is a hidden healing location. Why not give it a visit? 【Official Website】Akiruno-shi, Tokyo https://www.city.akiruno.tokyo.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Akiruno-shi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1060923-Akiruno_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 8:32
Breathtaking world of light at the limited-time Oi Racecourse illumination “Tokyo Mega Ilumi 2023”! Watch the video of the powerful show of lights and fountains!
Festivals & Events Travel Modern Culture- 61 plays
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TOKYO MEGA ILLUMINATION 2022 – A Tokyo City Keiba Illumination: Video Introduction This video, titled "[Tokyo Mega Illumination 2022] Oi Racecourse Illumination iPhone14Pro 4K [Filming Date] 10/15/2022" (【東京メガイルミ2022】大井競馬場 イルミネーション iPhone14Pro 4K【撮影日】2022/10/15), was uploaded by "onchannel." In this video, you can see the Tokyo Mega Illumination 2022, which is being held at Tokyo City Keiba (Oi Racecourse) since October 15, 2022. Enjoy the fantastic world of lights, including illuminations, projection mapping, and a spectacular fountain show, filmed from a visitor's point of view! More About TOKYO MEGA ILLUMINATION Source :YouTube screenshot TOKYO MEGA ILLUMINATION is an illumination event held at Tokyo City Keiba in Shinagawa, Tokyo, in Japan's Kanto Region, which began in 2018. During the winter season only, Tokyo City Keiba will be covered in glittering lights even on non-racing days. The "Mega Illumination Show - Twinkle Fountain and Aurora Borealis" is a spectacular event. The dynamic fountain show, the mysterious aurora performance with seven-colored trees and lasers, and the lighting up of large trees with moving lights collaborate to create an exhilarating experience. [Video] 4:00 - Mega Illumination Show - Twinkle Fountain and Aurora Borealis Attractions & Things to Do at TOKYO MEGA ILLUMINATION Source :YouTube screenshot Tokyo Mega Illumination has a lot to offer. Here are some recommendations for families, groups of friends, and couples. Young children and grandparents alike are sure to enjoy the spectacular illumination as well. Color Shadow allows visitors to enjoy shadow puppets using their own shadows, and Moving Light features colorful lights that move around. In TWINKLE TUNNEL, visitors can experience a magical world of projection mapping. This is a great activity for young children as they can enjoy running around in the magical projection mapping and moving lights. [Video] 0:28 - TWINKLE TUNNEL Projection Mapping Don't forget to take photos with your family and friends or special someone! There are many colorful and photogenic photo spots, such as Rainbow Staircase and the Rose Garden! The Pony Carriage, a unique feature of Tokyo City Keiba, is another recommended attraction. Visitors can take memorable photos with cute ponies. [Video] 0:58 - The Colorful Rainbow Staircase Tokyo Mega Illumination is also a recommended event for dates. The Sparkling Area of Japan features a vast illumination of beautiful Japanese landscapes. The Edo Cherry Blossom Tunnel, a 100-meter-long tunnel made up of countless LEDs in the shape of flower petals, will transport you into a world of light! Take a leisurely stroll through the illumination and enjoy the magical lighting. [Video] 1:04 - The Sparkling Area of Japan Illumination Food at TOKYO MEGA ILLUMINATION – Where to Eat After Enjoying the Attractions Photo:Kitsune Udon ※Image is for reference only While enjoying the illuminations at Tokyo Mega Illumination, be sure to enjoy the food as well! The restaurant STAR LIGHT offers steaks and other meat dishes in the restaurant, as well as a lighter menu for take-out orders. G-FRONT is a dining area that offers dishes that will warm you up, such as curry, udon, and ramen noodles. Wa~nagomi (和~nagomi~) is a cafe that offers a full menu including set menus and matcha tiramisu. Visitors can take a relaxing break while viewing the illumination. Horseshoe churros are a popular snack and are available at Potato & Churros, while visitors can order crepes, dango, and waffles for takeout at Sweets Stable. Oi Racecourse Illumination Tokyo Mega Illumi 2023 is full of events! Collaboration projects with Roddy, monkey-mawashi, and juggling! In 2022, collaboration with the popular game Horse Daughter Pretty Derby became a hot topic.At Oi Racecourse Illumination Tokyo Mega Illumi 2023, a collaboration event with the horse motif balance ball Roddy will be held!Among the colorful rodies, there is also an exceptionally large rodies! There are also trap and stamp rallies, so parents and children can enjoy themselves. Also, you can't miss the night performance where you can see the performance of cute monkeys by Nikko Monkey Army and excellent juggling are performed. Also check out Oi Racecourse's unique Horse-san Event! There are commemorative photographs with small horses dressed in ribbons and limited number of paid events such as Pony Riding Experience and Pony Carriage Experience. Why don't you visit after checking the date of the event you are interested in? Summary of TOKYO MEGA ILLUMINATION Photo:Tokyo City Keiba Enjoy the exciting atmosphere of Tokyo Mega Illumination in a large venue unique to a horse racing track. A large parking lot is also available for those coming by car or motorcycle. The facility also has a clean diaper changing and nursing area, so guests coming with infants and small children can enjoy the event with peace of mind. Same-day ticket sales may be suspended during busy times, so it's recommended that you purchase advance tickets for a specific date and time ahead of time. Tokyo Mega Illumination is open even on rainy days, but horse events and other events may be canceled or have their locations changed. Be sure to check before you go. ◆Oi Racecourse Illumination Tokyo Mega Illumi◆ Period: November 11, 2023 - January 8, 2024 Venue: Oi Racecourse 〒140-0012 Katsujima 2-chome 1-2 in Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo Access: [Train] 8 minutes by monorail from Hamamatsu Station, 2 minutes walk from Oi Racecourse Mae Station [Car] Map code: 344 108*17 Parking: Yes (fee) Price/Ticket: [Advance Ticket] 800 to 1,500 yen for adults 400 to 700 yen for children (varies by schedule) [Ticket on the day] 1,000-2,000 yen for adults 500-1,000 yen for children (varies by schedule) Free for preschoolers *Please check the official website for access to the venue and ticket fees. 【Official Website】TOKYO MEGA ILUMI 2023-2024 【TripAdvisor】Oi Racecourse (Tokyo City Keiba) -
Video article 4:35
Enjoy a Luxurious Stay at Ikaho Onsen, One of Japan's Most Popular Hot Spring Resorts in Gunma! Enjoy a Day of Sightseeing, Looking for Popular Places and Souvenirs That Only a Hot Spring Resort Can Provide!
Travel- 83 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Ikaho Onsen! This video, titled "Ikaho Onsen Promotion (Ikaho Onsen Ryokan Cooperative Association)" (伊香保温泉プロモーション(伊香保温泉旅館協同組合)), uploaded by "Ikaho Onsen Ryokan Cooperative Association" (伊香保温泉旅館協同組合). The video introduces Ikaho Onsen in Gunma Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region, which has a history dating back roughly 400 years. Stone Steps introduced from 0:32 in the video is a popular site at Ikaho Onsen. There are Japanese inns, hotels, and souvenir stores dotted around the area. Stone Steps is the perfect place to explore Ikaho Onsen. The Highlights and History of Ikaho Onsen Photo:A drinking fountain at Ikaho Onsen, Gunma Prefecture Ikaho Onsen, located in Ikahomachi, Shibukawa, Gunma is one of the most famous hot springs in the prefecture, along with Kusatsu Onsen. Ikaho Onsen was discovered between 1900 and 1300 years ago, and the name can be found in the Manyoshu as well." We recommend stopping by Ikaho Shrine, Kogane no yu, Ougon no Yu Komaguchi, and Ikaho Rotenburo, which can be seen from 1:32 in the video. The Ikaho Ropeway, shown from 2:33 in the video, will take you up to the observatory where you can see the view from the Tokimeki Deck. It's a great way to relax and take in the scenery. Hotels Around Ikaho Onsen Photo:Hot springs at a ryokan Ikaho Onsen is sulfate spring with many hotels and business hotels, such as Hotel Tenbo and Hotel Kogure. There are hotels that provide private rooms with bathrooms and private baths that emphasize barrier-free access. There are also hot springs that can be used for day trips. Popular Locations and Food Around Ikaho Onsen Photo:Kajika Bridge During spring, cherry blossoms can be enjoyed at Shibukawashi Park and Nagamine Park, and in the summer you'll find fresh greenery. As you can see from 2:06, Kajika Bridge is full of nature and the leaves turn to beautiful shades of red and yellow in the fall. You can also enjoy ice skating during winter at Ikaho Ice Rink. We recommend stopping by Art Gallery Toukuro (伊香保陶句郎窯), Ikaho Hoshina Art Museum, and Ikaho Forest Park. You can also enjoy specialty foods such as "Mizusawa udon" which is one of the Japan's top three udon noodles, "Yu-no-Hana Manju," the origin of hot spring buns, Shibukawa's famous sweet "Koganeimo," and "Okkirikomi," a local specialty. Summary of Ikaho Onsen Photo:Ikaho Onsen, Gunma Prefecture As you can see in the video, Ikaho Onsen is full of relaxing scenery. If you're looking for an amazing, yet relaxing holiday, we recommend stopping by Ikaho Onsen. There are other hot springs, such as Akagi Onsen and Onogami Onsen, so we recommend looking up transportation access to these as well. 【Official Website】Shibukawa-Ikaho Onsen Tourism Association https://www.ikaho-kankou.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Ikaho Onsen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021199-d1424017-Reviews-Ikaho_Onsen-Shibukawa_Gunma_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 37:28
The Inkan – A Crucial Item for All of the Important Events in Your Life, and an Essential Part of Japanese Culture. In This Article, We'll Hear From the Inkan Craftsmen Who Skillfully Carve the Complicated Designs for Inkan!
Traditional Crafts- 56 plays
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Introducing Inkan Carving This video, titled "「TOKYO匠の技」技能継承動画「印章彫刻熟練技能編」," was created by "東京都 Tokyo Metropolitan Government." There are many "craftsmen" in all sorts of fields in Japan. Inkan makers, too, are known as craftsmen. The inkans carved by these craftsmen, using skills that were passed down to them and refined over the years, are truly works of art. This article will introduce the craft of carving inkan alongside the video. What Is Inkan Carving? Source :YouTube screenshot Inkan carving is the art of making the inkan used by companies and people every day in Japan. Inkan craftsmen are known as "insho chokoku ginoshi" (印章彫刻技能士), which roughly translates to "Seal Carving Technician." There is a Grade 1 and Grade 2 ranking for this titled. The certification exam is held once a year. Applicants are required to pass both an academic and practical examination before they are officially certified. In order to make a living as a craftsman, it's necessary to continuously accumulate knowledge about inkan. Although machine carving is now the norm, hand-carved inkan are still bought and sold today. In the video, the Grade 1-ranked Seal Carving Technician Tomonari Sanada (眞田智成) shows us how an inkan is made. If you’re interested in Japan’s inkan culture, definitely check out the video. Below is an overview of the video. Introduction of the carving tools and materials used for the inkan ↓ The process of creating an inkan ↓ Making a seal with the newly-crafted inkan This process can be viewed from 1:03 in the video. Through this nearly 40 minute video, you'll gain an appreciation for the skills of the inkan craftsmen. Summary of Inkan Carving Source :YouTube screenshot The world of inkan carving has many unseen depths and layers, and a high level of skill is required of the craftsmen. This video is a great introduction to the world of inkan carving. When visiting Japan, besides enjoying the gorgeous scenery and tasting delicious food such as sushi, why not experience Japanese culture and traditional crafts as well? Besides inkan, there are many other traditional crafts in Japan, giving you plenty of things to discover. In addition, hanko and inkan are popular souvenirs for foreigners as well. These are easily available through online stores, so consider checking them out! -
Video article 6:30
Iwafune in Tochigi City Has Been Attracting More and More Attention Overseas as the Setting of a Famous Anime! History, Tradition, and Outdoor Activities... Introducing the Many Charms of Iwafune, Tochigi!
Travel Local PR- 72 plays
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An Introduction to Iwafune, Tochigi This video, titled "Tochigi City Iwafune Area PR Video: Nature" (栃木市岩舟地域PR動画 自然編), was released by "Tochigi City, Tochigi Prefecture" (栃木県栃木市). Iwafune in Tochigi City has such rich history that even Murahi Shrine, a shrine in Iwafune, appears in the Manyoshu, a collection of ancient Japanese poetry, and it has been used as a filming location for movies and TV dramas for years. It is a town with both scenic beauty and cultural aspects. In 2007, Iwafune was used as the setting for the animation "5 Centimeters per Second," and it is becoming increasingly popular as a sacred place among overseas anime fans. In 2014, the town was merged into Tochigi City and the former Iwafune was abolished. The address used to be Iwafune, Shimotsuga County (下都賀郡, Shimotsuga-Gun), Tochigi, but is now Iwafune, Tochigi City. Sightseeing Locations in Iwafune, Tochigi Source :YouTube screenshot Let's take a look at some sightseeing destinations in Iwafune, Tochigi shown in the video. ・Mikamoyama Park [1:00~] The park is home to Mikamo Garden, Boken no Mori (冒険の森, Adventure Forest), and Wanpaku Park. Visitors can take the special "Flower Train" (フラワートレイン) through the park as well. ・Koushouji Temple [1:20~] The park is filled with cherry blossoms in the spring and red spider lilies in the fall. ・Iwafune Sports Park [1:32~] This is also a famous cherry blossom viewing spot that attracts many visitors. ・Daijiji Temple [1:47~] This is a historic temple with beautiful autumn leaves. The temple has become internationally famous for the research books of former Ambassador Reischauer (the United States Ambassador to Japan). ・Tochigi Flower Center [2:12~] Approximately 1,200 species of plants grow here, and you can enjoy seasonal flowers. ・Mt. Iwafune Cliff Stage [3:08~] This is a large, outdoor, live stage. Summary of Popular Sightseeing Locations in Iwafune, Tochigi Source :YouTube screenshot Iwafune in Tochigi City is a part of the "Kanto Fureai Trail" which connects the Tokyo metropolitan area. The area between Tochigi Station and Iwafune Station has been designated "Ryosen-wo-tadoru-Michi" (lit. The Path Along the Ridgeline). The population of Iwafune, Tochigi, is approximately 17,575 (as of 2014), and the main industries are agriculture and tourism. When the ears of rice turn golden in the fall, you can see breathtakingly beautiful rural scenery, and there are also many grape farms and other orchards where you can enjoy fruit-filled lunches and desserts. Outdoor activities are also popular in the area, and hiking, trails with panoramic views, and rocky trails can be found at Iwafune Nature Park and Mt. Iwafune in Tochigi City. For more information about Iwafune, Tochigi, please visit the official website of Tochigi City. 【Official Website】TOCHIGI CITY Official Website | Tochigi City, Tochigi Prefecture https://www.city.tochigi.lg.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Tochigi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g424927-Tochigi_Tochigi_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 9:24
Beautifully Blooming Lilies at Fukaya Green Park! Explore the Wonderful Park in Saitama, Japan via Video
Nature Travel- 51 plays
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Fukaya Green Park: Video Introduction This video, titled "Garden Species and Wild Species of Lilies, Both Are in Full Bloom at the Suburbs Tokyo," was uploaded by "Japan BackpackersXpress." This video introduces the colorful lilies blooming beautifully at Fukaya Green Park in summer, as well as wild lilies at the Sugaya-yakata Ruins and Sayama Inariyama Park. Be sure to give the video a watch to see the lovely lilies! More About Fukaya Green Park Fukaya Green Park, located in Fukaya, Saitama, opened in July 1996 as a project subsidized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. It is a complex facility with a swimming pool corner, flower and greenery corner, and a fitness corner. The Aqua Paradise Patio, one of the largest indoor amusement pools in Japan's northern Kanto region, is popular with children and adults alike. In addition, at the flower and greenery corner in Fukaya Green Park, visitors can experience the beautiful flowers of Japan's various seasons, with tulips in spring, lilies in summer, and cosmos all over the park in autumn. Various flower-related events are held at the park each month. For example, visitors can try their hand at flower arrangement using seasonal flowers through the seasonal flower lessons. In the past, visitors have also had the opportunity to try their hand at planting lily bulbs. The "Flower Concert" are held on the patio surrounded by flowers and greenery as well. It's possible to participate in the events by making reservations via the official website (Japanese only). The Best Time to See Garden Lilies at Fukaya Green Park Source :YouTube screenshot Fukaya City is one of the top producers of cut lilies. Fukaya Green Park, a must-see attraction for flower lovers, also grows Fukaya lilies, a local variety. The lilies in Fukaya Green Park are at their best from mid to late July. The video was shot on July 24, 2021, during the aforementioned period. Lily varieties include Cayenne, Hinault, Cesare, and Lexington, and they are planted by volunteers in mid-May. The lilies, which are at their best during the hot summer months, come in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, pink, and white! About 20,000 lilies bloom in a variety of colors in the park, delighting visitors. The lilies blooming all over the area make it popular with Instagrammers and photographers. [Video] 3:13 - Colorful Lilies Blooming at Fukaya Green Park Seasonal Flowers at Fukaya Green Park Source :YouTube screenshot At Fukaya Green Park, you can see flowers blooming in every season. Here are some of the flowers you can expect to see. You can check the blooming status via a calendar on the official website. If there is a flower you're looking for, be sure to look it up before visiting the park. ・Flowers in Bloom in Spring Cherry blossoms, tulips, dogwood, roses ・Flowers in Bloom in Summer Crape myrtles, sunflowers, lilies ・Flowers in Bloom in Autumn Cosmos ・Flowers in Bloom in Winter Pansies, violas The Best Time to See Wild Lilies at Fukaya Green Park Photo:Lilies There are approximately 100 species of lilies in the world. In Japan, there are 15 species of true lilies, including mountain lilies, sasa-yuri, showy lilies, maiden lilies, and easter lilies. The sight of wild lilies blooming in the fields and mountains is so dignified and beautiful that you can't help but stop to admire them. In Saitama, Japan, various wild species of lilies can be found growing in the wild. The video shows wild lilies at Sayama Inariyama Park and the Sugaya-yakata Ruins. Here are some characteristics of the flowers that appear in the video. ・Mountain Lilies Mountain lilies are a native Japanese lily, distributed in Japan's Kinki region and northward. The plant is 1 to 1.5 meters tall and is characterized by its whitish petals. ・Tiger Lilies Tiger lilies grow wild, not only in Japan, but also in Guam and China. In Japan, it's distributed throughout the country, from Kyushu in southern Japan to Hokkaido in the north. The flower grows to 1-2 m tall, and has orange-colored petals. Summary of Lilies at Fukaya Green Park Fukaya Green Park is a popular tourist spot with a swimming pool area as well as various amusements, such as the Green Park area. Since visitors can bring their dogs to the park, it's a nice place for people living in the neighborhood to relax. The park also has space to eat and enjoy picnics. The indoor pool, Aqua Paradise Patio, is also popular with families. However, there are admission restrictions if the park is crowded. Visitors can enjoy seasonal flowers at the Green Park corner. In summer, colorful lilies can be seen in full bloom. Even a single flower has a strong presence, and the view of 20,000 lilies makes it a very photogenic spot and great for Instagram. The spectacular view is made possible by the planting of the lilies by volunteers. While the colorful lilies blooming in the park are beautiful and moving, they wild lilies blooming around Saitama are also a sight to behold! ◆Fukaya Green Park - Aqua Paradise Patio◆ 【Address】763 Kashiai, Fukaya, Saitama 366-0816 【Telephone】048-574-5000 【Hours】10 AM – 9 PM ※Open from 9:00 AM during the summer season (July 20 - August 31) 【Closures】Every Tuesdays ※The park will remain open during the summer vacation period. 【Admission Fee】General Admission: Individual use: General 2,000 yen; Elementary and junior high school students 2,000 yen 【Parking】Available (Free) 【Access】 Car: Approximately 15 minutes from the Hanazono Interchange on the Kan'etsu Expressway toward Fukaya Station Public Transportation: A free shuttle bus service is available from the south exit of Fukaya Station 【TripAdvisor】Aqua Paradise Patio https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g651654-d2618179-Reviews-Aqua_Paradise_Patio-Fukaya_Saitama_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
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神奈川県鎌倉市のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「鎌倉市公式チャンネル」が公開した「鎌倉市プロモーション動画」です。 こちらの動画は神奈川県鎌倉市のイメージを掴むのにうってつけの動画です。 日本の文化や神奈川県鎌倉市の街並みを知るのにチェックしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 動画の0:26より江ノ電、0:34よりサーフィンを楽しんでいる人、1:27より鎌倉市の恵まれた気候により育まれた野菜の数々とたくさんの名物や文化についてご覧になることができます。 他にも動画の1:48でご覧になれる人力車もポイント。 日本の文化を楽しむためにも神奈川県を観光する際は人力車に一度乗って観光するのも良いかもしれません。 神奈川県鎌倉市とは 鎌倉市は神奈川県にある市で日本有数の観光地の1つ。 1252年に造立が開始された高徳院にある鎌倉大仏や、神奈川県鎌倉市の象徴とも言われている鶴岡八幡宮など魅力的な観光スポットが数多く存在します。 神奈川県を訪れるなら鎌倉市は選択肢に入れておきたいところです。 神奈川県鎌倉市を観光する際のポイント 神奈川県鎌倉市を訪れる際、いくつかポイントが存在します。 是非参考にしていただけると幸いです。 鎌倉市を楽しむポイントは ・インスタ映えする景色を撮る ・鎌倉ハイキングコース ・鎌倉小町通り の計3つが挙げられます。 ・神奈川県鎌倉市でインスタ映えする景色を撮る 神奈川県鎌倉市にはインスタ映えする絶景が数多く存在します。 報国寺(竹寺)と呼ばれる寺の竹林や、人気漫画バスケットボール漫画「スラムダンク」の聖地として知られている鎌倉高校駅前の踏み切りなどが挙げられます。 ・鎌倉ハイキングコース 神奈川県鎌倉市には天園ハイキングコースや祇園山ハイキングコースといったハイキングコースがあります。 神奈川県鎌倉市で自然に触れたい方は観光プランに入れることをおすすめします。 ・鎌倉小町通り 鎌倉小町通りは土産物屋や飲食店が多く並んでおり、グルメを楽しみたい方ならチェックしたい場所。 魅力的な雑貨もあるので、お土産を購入してはいかがでしょうか? 大仏やアジサイと神奈川県鎌倉市の文化をモチーフにした商品がいくつも発売されています。 神奈川県鎌倉市紹介まとめ 日本にはさまざまな文化が根付いており、神奈川県をはじめ日本各地を訪れた際は各地の文化や歴史などに触れてください。 今回の動画は神奈川県鎌倉市の文化や街並みをイメージするのにうってつけです。 神奈川県鎌倉市周辺のエリアに興味がある方は一度ご覧ください。