Video article 14:51
Koyasan Is a Holy Land for Japanese Buddhism Which Was Founded by Kukai. Come Purify Your Mind and Body at This Mysterious Power Spot in Wakayama Prefecture!
Art & Architecture- 96 plays
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Introducing Mt. Koya This video, titled "The Holy Land in the Sky – Mt. Koya (生きている天空の聖地 高野山) was created by "greentvjapan." It's an introductory video of the beautiful and mysterious Mt. Koya; one of the top holy cities in Japan. Mt. Koya is known as a holy place by those who follow Buddhism, folk religion, and mountain worship. The History of Mt. Koya Photo:Koyasan Daimon, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya, a sacred mountain located in Koya, Ito district (伊都郡高野町) in Wakayama prefecture, is a holy land for Buddhism, starting with Shuzenji Temple given to Kukai (also known as Kobo Daishi (弘法大師)) by Emperor Saga (嵯峨天皇) in the Heian Period (794 AD - 1185 AD). Mt. Koya, which is the site of the head temple for Shingon Buddhism (真言宗, shingonshuu), is designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site under "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range." The beautiful temples on Mt. Koya, created by talented carpenters and cypress bark roof craftsmen, are a must see for any tourist visiting the area! The Highlights of Mt. Koya Photo:Danjo Garan in Koya-san, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya's "Danjo-garan" (壇上伽藍) features many temples and shrines including Konpon Daito (根本大塔), Sanno-in (山王院), Kondo (金堂) and "Oku-no-In" (奥之院) of Kongobuji (金剛峯寺). There are many Jizo statues at Oku-no-in. You can take a look at these in the video from 4:14. If you are visiting Mt. Koya on foot, why not trek along some of the famous pilgrimage routes, such as Kurokomichi (黒子道), Nyoninmichi (女人道), Kyoosaka-michi Fudozaka (京大坂道不動坂), Mitanizaka (三谷坂) including Nyusakadonojinja (丹生酒殿神社). You can also receive a special seal stamp called a "Go-shuin" at Mt. Koya for good luck! Other items you can purchase at Mt. Koya include good luck fortunes known as "O-mamori," "zukou" (a powder-type incense/perfume), and good related to Mt. Koya's character, "Koya-kun" (こうやくん). You can also take part in meditation practice, sutra-copying and flower-arrangement experiences. The Temple Lodgings at Mt. Koya Photo:Koya in Wakayama Prefecture Every morning at 6 am when the temple bell rings, the monks begin their ascetic practices. Every morning, the monks take breakfast to Kukai in a ceremony called "Shojingu" (生身供). If you decide to stay the night in one of the Buddhist temples on Mt. Koya you can enjoy vegetarian Buddhist cuisine called "Shojinryori" (精進料理), which includes food, such as sesame tofu and traditional Japanese sweets, with the monks as well as take part in Buddhist prayers. Events on Mt. Koya Source :YouTube screenshot Many events take place on Mt. Koya throughout the year, such as the Aoba Festival (青葉祭り), Koya Fire Festival (高野の火祭り), Obon Lantern Festival and Candle Festival, and man other events that celebrate the changing of the seasons. During fall, there is a special Buddhist service known as "Kinshu Daigaran Oneri Ho'e" (錦秋大伽藍お練り法会) and in winter there is "Gohei Osame" (御幣納め), "Shushoe" (修正会) and "Joyanokane" (除夜の鐘, the ringing of the New Year's bells). Many tourists visit Mt. Koya in spring during cherry blossom season and in fall to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the autumn foliage. Mt. Koya Introductory Video Summary Photo:Danjo Garan As explained in the video, Mt. Koya has a long history dating back more than 1,200 years and is a sacred place worshipped by followers of Buddhism. The entire mountain is sacred meaning there are a lot of tourist spots for you to visit within short distances of one another. Before visiting, we highly recommend checking out the public transportation access to and from the mountain, as well as parking availability, hours, and walking courses to make the most of your trip to Mt. Koya. 【Official Website】Mt. Koya, Shingon Buddhism, Kongobuji temple http://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Koya https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:40
The precincts of Tsurugi Shrine in Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture, which has a long history of 1,800 years, are a healing power spot where you can enjoy the beauty of nature! Watch the beautiful video of the highlights of Tsurugi Shrine, including the temple bell, a national treasure!
Art & Architecture- 91 plays
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Video introduction of "Tsurugi Shrine" in Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture This video, titled "[Echizen] Tsurugi Shrine: the birthplace of the Oda family - Tsurugi Shrine, Fukui, JAPAN-" (【越前国二宮】劔神社/織田家発祥の地 -TsurugiI Jinja Shrine in Fukui, JAPAN–), was released by "channel WASABI." Tsurugi Shrine, also known as "Oda Myojin," is located in Echizen, Nyu District, Fukui Prefecture. The area is known as the birthplace of the Oda family, including the famous warlord Oda Nobunaga, and the shrine is highly revered as an "Ujigami.” The History of Tsurugi Shrine Source :YouTube screenshot The origin of Tsurugi Shrine, with a history dating back 1,800 years, goes back to when the god Susanoo was enshrined on the peak of Kuragatake and called "Tsurugidaijin" (劔大神, The Great God of Tsurugi). During the Nara Period (710-794 A.D.), when the shrine was known as a sacred site, Tsurugi Temple (劔神宮寺) was already built. It is also said that the shrine, which enshrines Susanoo-no-Mikoto (素盞嗚大神) and Kehi (氣比大神), was handed over to Prince Oshikuma, the son of Emperor Chuai, during the reign of Empress Jingu. After the Warring States Period (1467-1615 AD~), Tsurugi Shrine was protected and worshipped by the Shiba, Asakura, and Oda clans. The sacred crest of Tsurugi Shrine, which is closely connected to Oda Nobunaga, is the same as the family crest of the Oda family: the Oda Mokko (Flowering quince). Highlights of Tsurugi Shrine Source :YouTube screenshot The temple bell, a national treasure, is the third oldest bell in Japan and is said to have been made in the Nara Period. It is also home to many other temple treasures, including the important cultural property "The Eight Stages of Nirvana on Silk." In the video, you can see the large torii gate, Shinyoko (旧神前院摩堂, a storehouse for portable shrines), the Chozusha (a ritual water station for purifying oneself), and the Hall of Worship (拝殿, haiden) starting at 0:58, as well as the Omokaru Stone (おもかる石, a sacred wishing stone. It is said that if it’s lighter than you expect then your wish will come true. If it is heavier, it will be harder for your wish to come true.) at Komatsutate Isaoshi Shrine (小松建勲神社) and Yakushi Shrine (薬師神社) starting at 3:05 in the video. On the premises of Tsurugi Shrine, we recommend paying attention to the approach to the shrine, as well as checking the monument to the birthplace of the Oda clan, and more. Another attraction of Tsurugi Shrine is that you can enjoy the seasonal scenery, such as the Asian fawnlily that grow in clusters on the shrine grounds. During Hatsumode (the first shrine visit of the New Year) at Tsurugi Shrine, the shrine is also crowded with visitors. Summary of Tsurugi Shrine Source :YouTube screenshot Tsurugi Shrine is a famous power spot with 1,800 years of history and offers breathtaking views, as shown in the video. If you're looking to enjoy a wonderful time at a shrine with a rich history to cleanse both your body and mind, consider adding Tsurugi Shrine to your Itinerary. We recommend bringing your own shuin stamp book when you visit Tsurugi Shrine. Be sure to get a good luck charm as well! ◆Tsurugi Shrine Overview◆ 【Address】113-1 Ota, Echizen, Nyu District, Fukui 916-0215 【Access】Take a bus from JR Takefu Station and get off at the Myojin-mae bus stop, or 30 minutes by car from the Takefu I.C. or Sabae I.C. 【Hours】8:00 – 17:00 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0778-36-0404 【Tripadvisor】Tsurugi Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023595-d10556800-Reviews-Tsurugi_Shrine-Miyoshi_Tokushima_Prefecture_Shikoku.html -
Video article 2:32
The Great Buddha of Ushiku, Standing at 120 Meters Tall in Ushiku, Ibaraki and Recognized by the Guinness Book of Records, Is the Largest Buddha in Japan. The Interior Is Also a Fantastical Space!
Art & Architecture- 94 plays
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茨城県の絶景である牛久大仏が堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの「【絶景茨城】牛久大仏 [4K]茨城県牛久市|VIST IBARAKI,JAPAN」は、茨城県の牛久大仏の絶景を4Kで堪能出来る動画です。 日本で最大の立像である牛久大仏の迫力は必見です! 牛久大仏の歴史と文化について! 牛久大仏は、日本の茨城県牛久市の浄土庭園内に、1983年から1992年の9年の年月をかけて建造されました。 動画の0:35で紹介されている通り、茨城県は浄土真宗の宗祖として知られる親鸞(しんらん)聖人のゆかりの地ということから、牛久大仏が建造されました。 全高120m(仏高100m,台座20m)の青銅製大仏で、立像としては日本最大です。 ブロンズ立像としては世界一とされており、ギネスブックにも登録をされています。 その迫力はインスタ映え間違い無いでしょう。 牛久大仏の内部と周辺の名所 日本最大の大きさを誇る牛久大仏は、見た目のインパクトに目が行きがちになりますが、牛久大仏の内部に入ることもできます。 頭頂部には避雷針と航空障害灯があり、更には胎内が5層で分けられており、ここではそれぞれの層について紹介をします。 光の世界 1Fは、人の煩悩を表すとされている不思議な空間。 薄暗い空間の真ん中に一筋の光が降り注いでいる様は幻想的で不思議な印象を受けます 念仏の間・知恩報徳の世界 2Fは、和の雰囲気をたっぷり感じることが出来る空間となっており、お正月の時期になれば、念仏の間にて書初め体験も出来ます。 同じフロアには、別に約77席も写経席が用意されています。 料金はかかりますが、こちらでは写経体験も出来るので、お立ち寄りの際はぜひ訪ねてみるとよいでしょう。 蓮華蔵世界 3Fは、圧巻の約3,400体の胎内仏に囲まれた金色の世界が広がる空間となっています。 毎日朝と夕方には読経が響き渡り、他のフロアとは一風変わった雰囲気を放っています。 霊鷲山の間・展望台 4Fと5Fには、霊鷲山の間・展望台があります。 霊鷲山の間には、仏舎利(釈尊の遺骨)が安置されています。 また釈尊の生誕、入滅のパネル等が展示され、歴史について知ることが出来ます。 そして、牛久大仏には、展望台も設置されており、茨城県の景色を余すことなく見渡すことが出来ます。 スカイツリーや富士山も見ることが出来る、日本屈指の展望台としても知られています。 その他にも牛久大仏のある広大な浄土庭園内には、動物と触れ合える小動物公園やお花畑があり、食事処では茨城県のグルメをたっぷり堪能することが出来ます。 牛久大仏の観光の紹介まとめ こちらの「絶景茨城】牛久大仏 [4K]茨城県牛久市|VIST IBARAKI,JAPAN」では、牛久大仏の魅力を余すことなく堪能出来る動画となっています。 その見た目の迫力は勿論のこと、内部の充実さも目を見張るものがあり、観光スポットとしてはまさに日本屈指のものとなっています。 牛久大仏の他にも、周辺にある小動物公園や仲見世等も茨城県の観光スポットとして有名なので、茨城県に来た際には、立ち寄って見てはいかがでしょうか。 ぜひ今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事を参考に、牛久大仏への観光を一考して下さると、幸いです。 -
Video article 6:52
Basho no Sato, Located in Otawara, Tochigi, Is an Important Cultural Property of Japan Where Time Seems To Stands Still. Enjoy Admiring the Beautiful Scenery of Kurobane Daioji Temple, a Place Visited by the Famous Poet Matsuo Basho, in 8K Resolution!
Art & Architecture Travel- 63 plays
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Basho no Sato - A Popular Sightseeing Destination in Otawara, Tochigi This video, titled "JG☆☆8K HDR 栃木 芭蕉の里 黒羽 大雄寺(重文) Tochigi,Kurobane Daioji(Cultural Property)," was created by "JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." Matsuo Basho, a poet active during the Edo period (1603 AD - 1868 AD), is one of the most famous haiku poets in Japanese history. Many of the locations and buildings mentioned in his poetry collection "Oku no Hosomichi" (奥の細道) (often translated as "The Narrow Road to the Deep North") have become famous tourist spots in Japan. Basho no Sato Kurobane (芭蕉の里黒羽), introduced in the video, is one such tourist spot, located in Otawara, Tochigi. There are several famous spots in Basho no Sato, such as Daioji Temple, which belongs to the Soto school of Buddhism (曹洞宗), as well as Kurobane Fukushi Park (黒羽福祉公園), and Kurobane Basho no Yakata (芭蕉の館). Daioji Temple was built in 1404, giving it a long history dating back more than 600 years. Retracing the footsteps of Matsuo Basho in Daioji Temple Source :YouTube screenshot What kind of building is Tochigi prefecture's Daioji Temple? Let's take a look at Daioji Temple alongside the video. ・Sanmon (山門) 0:07~ Many Jizo statues (御地蔵) line the path towards the main temple gate. With these you can experience the atmosphere of the ancient temple. ・Somon (総門) and Kairo (回廊) 0:26~ A small main gate guarded by statues of arhats (羅漢) which marks the entrance to the thatch roofed hallway. ・Kyozo (経蔵) 0:45~ A storehouse where Buddhist scriptures are kept. Behind the storehouse is the treasure house known as "Shukokan" (集古館). Source :YouTube screenshot ・Shoro (鐘楼) 1:40~ After passing through Somon gate, a Japanese garden ornament, which also happens to be a musical device known as a "Suikinkutsu" (水琴窟) can be seen on the left hand side. On the right hand side you can see the bell tower "Shoro." ・Zendo (禅堂) 2:22~ If you turn left into the corridor (Kairo), about half way through you'll find the Zen meditation hall, or "Zendo." Matsuo Basho's poetry collection "Oku no Hosomichi" is an important piece of classical Japanese literature that is famous both in Japan as well as overseas. His journey, which covers all areas of Japan, was no easy feat. He would often walk several kilometers a day, writing haiku poems at many of his destinations. However, he is said to have spent two full weeks in Kurobane, Tochigi (featured in the video) with his disciple. Areas such as Nikko (日光) and Nasu (那須) in Tochigi prefecture are famous for their beautiful autumn foliage. The areas surrounding Kurobane Castle (黒羽城) and Daioji Temple also turn beautiful shades of red in autumn and are covered with peonies and irises. The picturesque scenery is sure to have tugged at the heart strings of Matsuo Basho. Daioji Temple has been preserved in its original form since 1448. At the time, the temple was known as "Kurobanesan Kuonin Daioji" (黒羽山久遠院大雄寺). Summary of Basho no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Tochigi prefecture was an area Matsuo Basho was particularly fond of. In particular, the area surrounding Kurobane Castle and Daioji Temple which has been called "Basho no Sato". The area attracts lots of tourists each year and is one of the top sightseeing spots in Tochigi prefecture. Tochigi prefecture is most famous for its picturesque scenery in fall. However, the hydrangea flowers planted around Daioji temple, when in bloom, are also a spectacular sight to see, and a festival is held each year to welcome them. Peonies and irises are also planted alongside the path to the temple, creating a beautiful landscape that can be enjoyed all year round. 【Tripadvisor】Daioji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021424-d7020346-Reviews-Daiouji_Temple-Otawara_Tochigi_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:55
Deep Underground Kasukabe, Saitama Lies a Mysterious Colossal Facility Reminiscent of the Parthenon in Athens! The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel Is a Guardian Protecting Saitama From Floods!
Art & Architecture- 132 plays
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Introducing the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel of Saitama Prefecture This video, titled "Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel [Saitama Prefecture Official Sightseeing Video]" (首都圏外郭放水路【埼玉県公式観光動画】), was released by "Chokotabi Saitama." The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel, also known as the "Underground Parthenon," is one of the largest underground drainage channels in the world, designed to protect the eastern area of Saitama Prefecture from floods. The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel is a tunneling shield constructed using the muddy-shield type method, and boasts a length of about 6.3 km with an inner diameter of about 10 m. Enjoy the video of the beautiful underground drainage channel, reminiscent of a temple, in Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture. A Closer Look at the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel Introduced in the Video Photo:The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel, Saitama Prefecture The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel is a flood protection facility built by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; and Kasukabe City is in charge of its maintenance. It began being used in June 2006. The official nickname is "Sairyu no Kawa" (the River of Sairyu) but it is also referred to as an underground temple. It is a class A river (specified waterways of special importance protected by the government) belonging to the Tone River system and is a ministerial management section (section outside the designated section) under direct control of the national government. The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel, which is located directly under the National Route 16 highway, has the ability to reduce flooding in the Naka River, Kuramatsu River, Ootoshi Furutone River, No.18 Channel, and the Komatsu River. The Function of the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel Photo:The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel, located 22m underground, is 177m long, 78m wide, and 18m tall. Each pillar weighs 500 tons, and 59 of them line the inside of the channel. You can see the pillars lined up in the facility from 1:05 in the video. The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel consists of an "inflow facility" and a "vertical shaft," a "tunnel" that drains floods, a "pressure control water tank" that weakens the force of water and secures the flow, and a "drainage pump station" that discharges floods. In the event of a flood, rainwater is stored in the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel and then pumped out to the Edo River to prevent damage. During Typhoon No. 19 in 2019, it helped to dramatically deter damage by filling with water to 90% of its maximum capacity. Summary of the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel of Saitama Prefecture Photo:The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel is a comprehensive and lifelong learning facility, and you can tour the inside of the pressure-regulating water tank that is introduced in the video (reservations are required). During the tour, you can see the operation room show at 0:37 in the video, and the first vertical shaft that you can see from 1:48 that guides the drainage from the river, so if you want to experience one of the safeguards protecting Saitama from mother nature, be sure to visit the facility. If you want to tour the facility, be sure to stay on the lookout for the Showa Drainage Pump Station that can be seen from 0:21 in the video, in the underground exploration museum for the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel, which is also called "Ryu Q Kan." 【Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel】 【Address】720 Kamikanasaki Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by car or bus from Tobu Noda Line Minami-Sakurai Station 【Official Website】Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel https://www.ktr.mlit.go.jp/edogawa//edogawa_index045.html 【Tripadvisor】Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021410-d12864760-Reviews-The_Metropolitan_Area_Outer_Underground_Discharge_Channel-Kasukabe_Saitama_Pref.html -
Video article 3:22
Okazaki Castle in Aichi Prefecture – A Base of Tokugawa Ieyasu, One of the Three Unifiers of Japan! Discover the History of Japan in a City Deified as the Birthplace of the Gods!
Art & Architecture History- 141 plays
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Okazaki Castle" Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture Video Introduction The video this time is titled "[Touken World] 'Okazaki Castle'|Swords and Armor|Sword and Armor Displays in the Castle|YouTube Video" (【刀剣ワールド】「岡崎城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画), released by "Virtual Sword Museum 'Touken World'." It introduces Okazaki Castle at Okazaki Park in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, in Japan's Tokai region. Okazaki Castle is known as the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and is famous for being the base of operations for Tokugawa Ieyasu, who returned to Mikawa (present-day Aichi Prefecture) after the Battle of Okehazama and used it as his base for unifying the country. This Okazaki Castle was deified as "the birthplace of the gods," and the Daimyo who became the lords of Okazaki Castle were proud to serve as its ruler. As you can see from 1:33 in the video, there are various exhibits of swords and armor related to Okazaki Castle. One of the most famous swords from the Muromachi period (1336-1573), "Kanemoto," with its impressive temper, resembling majestic mountains, can be seen at 1:51 in the video. At the The Ieyasu And Mikawa Bushi Museum in Okazaki Park, which can be seen at 2:09 in the video, visitors can learn about the history of the Matsudaira family, the ancestors of the Tokugawa family, from their beginnings to the unification of the Tokugawa family. A Kindami Gusoku (type of body armor), made of gold leaf, is also on display. A Look at Okazaki Castle Photo:Okazaki Castle Okazaki Castle is a Japanese castle located in the Mikawa Kuni Okazaki Domain (present-day Kosei Town, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture). Also known as "Ryujo," it was owned by the Matsudaira family during the Warring States period (1467-1615 AD) until the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1598 AD). Okazaki Castle is said to have been built by Saigo Tsuguyori, a descendant of the Niki clan in Mikawa Province, and his son Yoritsugu Saigo At that time, it was called "Ryuzu Castle." Tokugawa Ieyasu was born inside the castle in 1542. Therefore, it is called the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu. In the Edo period (1603 to 1868), it was written as "岡竒城" as oppsed to the current kanji "岡崎城" (same pronunciation). After the Meiji Restoration (1853-1867 AD), most of the castle wall at Okazaki Castle was demolished, but in 1959 the castle tower was restored to a three-layer, five-story building, and in 2006 it was listed as one of "Japan's Top 100 Castles." You can get to Okazaki Castle by foot from Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station or Okazaki Koen Station, or by local bus from Okazaki Koenmae Bus Stop. Vista Line Connecting Okazaki Castle and Taiju Temple Photo:Tokugawa Ieyasu・Daiju-ji Daiju-ji, a temple located around Okazaki Castle, is where Tokugawa Ieyasu, who, broken from his defeat in the Battle of Okehazama, attempted to commit ritual suicide, but was dissuaded by the chief priest. This 3-kilometer-long line that connects Okazaki Castle and Daiju-ji is known as the Vista Line, and it has been preserved for 370 years as a historical spot and a historical view. In modern times, the Vista Line has been drawn using laser light, and an event called the "Vista Line of Light" has also been held. Facilities Around Okazaki Castle Photo:Cherry blossoms at Okazaki Castle Okazaki Park, where Okazaki Castle is located, is famous for its cherry blossoms, and has been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan. A famous place in Okazaki Park is the Yachiyo Honten, where you can eat dengaku cuisine using Hatcho miso. Yachiyo Honten is a long-established Japanese restaurant that has been in business for more than 120 years. The Kinome Dengaku, grilled with the traditional technique of Yachiyo Honten, is an exquisite local specialty that can only be found at this restaurant. Also, in the castle town, there is an area called Hatcho Village, and there are traditional shops such as Hatcho Miso and Kakukyu Hatcho Miso, so please enjoy gourmet food and lunch. There are also temples and shrines, such as Rokusho Shrine, Takisan Toshogu Shrine, and Ise Hachimangu Shrine in the surrounding area, so we recommend visiting these to anyone collecting red seal stamps, after visiting Okazaki Castle. Summary of Okazaki Castle Photo:Okazaki Castle In the video you can learn more about Okazaki Castle, the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Okazaki Castle is a historical spot that we highly recommend visiting, as it is associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu, a famous warlord from the Warring States period. If you're interested, be sure to stop by Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture. ◆Okazaki Castle Facility Overview◆ 【Address】561-1 Koseicho, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, 444-0052 【Access】15 minutes walk from Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station 【Hours】 9:00-17:00 【Closures】End of the year (December 29-December 31) 【Admission fee】200 yen for adults 【Parking】Paid parking available 【Telephone No】0564-22-2122 【Official Website】Okazaki Castle Home Page | Okazaki Castle (Main Tower) | Special Features | Okazaki Park | Okazaki Outing Navigation-Okazaki City Tourist Association Official Site https://okazaki-kanko.jp/en 【Tripadvisor】Okazaki Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g788304-d1309910-Reviews-Okazaki_Castle-Okazaki_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 5:00
The 190,000-Square-Meter Atsuta Forest at Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Is Dotted With Power Spots! Take a Trip To the Historic Shrine, Which Has Been Around for Approximately 1,900 Years!
Art & Architecture- 89 plays
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Video introduction to the precincts of Atsuta Jingu Shrine in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture This video, titled "Atsuta Jingu - Nagoya - Aichi - 熱田神宮 - 4K Ultra HD," was created by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." The video portrays the grounds of Atsuta Shrine (Atsuta Jingu) in Atsuta, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. Atsuta Shrine, known affectionately as "Atsuta-san" to the locals, has a long and rich history. Besides the main shrine, there's "Atsuta Shrine Grove" (熱田の杜) with its towering camphor trees. The entire space is filled with spiritual energy. In this article, we'll introduce the must-see areas and visitor information about the shrine. From the video alone, you'll get a sense of how it feels to walk through the quiet and serene atmosphere of the shrine. What Kind of Place Is Atsuta Shrine? Photo:Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture Atsuta Shrine is an ancient shrine with around 1,900 years of history. The enshrined deity, Atsuta-no-Ookami (熱田大神) represents the sacred sword Kusanagi shinken (草薙神剣), one of the Three Sacred Treasures of Japan. The Five Great Gods of Atsuta, including Amaterasu-Omikami (天照大神) and Takehaya Susanoo-no-mikoto (素盞嗚尊) are enshrined as well. The shrine is a 3-minute walk from Jingu-Mae Station (名鉄神宮前駅) on the Nagoya Line (名鉄名古屋本線). Right in front of the station is Atsuta Shrine Grove. By car, the shrine is 10 kilometers away from the Nagoya Minami Interchange (名古屋南IC) on the Isewangan Expressway (伊勢湾岸自動車道). Parking is available at the shrine as well. At Atsuta Shrine, around 60 ceremonies and events are held every year, with the most popular being the "Atsuta Festival" (熱田まつり), held on the 5th of June. The shrine also attracts many visitors on occasions such as the first day of the year, Shichi-Go-San, and weddings, as well as for shrine visits or collecting shuin. A Look at the Grounds of Atsuta Shrine Photo:Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture The video begins at the "East Gate" (東門) closest to Jingu-Mae Station. This can be seen from 0:05 in the video. Inside the shrine, there's the East Entrance, West Entrance (西門), and Main Entrance (正門). As seen from 0:34 in the video, visitors must conduct ritual cleansings of their hands and mouth before entering the shrine. A row of sake barrels can be seen, with the 1000-year-old camphor tree "Okusu" (大楠) standing near by. Continuing on, you'll find the main shrine. This can be seen from 2:10 in the video. In the video, you can see the prayer hall (祈祷殿) where purification rituals are conducted, as well as the praying area for shrine visits (神楽殿). Behind the main shrine is the path "Kokoro-no-Komichi" (こころの小径), and further in, you can find Ichinomisaki Shrine (一之御前神社) where Amaterasu (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaterasu) is enshrined. This is known as the most spiritual place within the shrine, and access to the path is only open between 9 am and 4 pm every day. Another power spot is "Shimizu Shrine" (清水社) where the deity of water is enshrined. Other spots for prayers include the Minami-Shingu-Sha Shrine (南新宮社) where Susanoo is enshrined, Kusunomi-Mae-Sha Shrine (楠之御前社) where the deity of childbirth is enshrined, Hakken-gū (別宮八剣宮) where a sacred sword is enshrined, Kamichikama Shrine (Sessha Kamichikama Shrine, 上知我麻神社) where the deity of wisdom is enshrined, as well as Okuninushi-sha(大国主社) of the deity Daikoku (大黒様), and Kotoshironushi-sha (事代主社) of the deity Ebisu (恵比寿様). Summary of Atsuta Shrine Photo:Hitsuzumabushi, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture The video introduces the vibrant grounds of Atsuta Shrine. Be sure to check it out to see beautiful, relaxing scenes of the shrine. Of course, it'd be even better to pay an actual visit to the shrine! Near the shrine are numerous restaurants offering Nagoya's famous local specialty, hitsumabushi, so consider trying it if you're looking to grab a bite to eat! ◆Atsuta Shrine Facilities Overview◆ 【Address】Atsuta, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture 1-1-1 【Access】A 3-minute walk from Jingu-Mae Station off the Meitetsu Nagoya Line 【Hours】24/7 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】052-671-4151 【Official Website】Atsuta Shrine|Hatsu-Ebisu|Shichi-Go-San|Shrine Visit|Purification|Nagoya|Atsuta Shrine http://www.atsutajingu.or.jp/en/intro/ 【Tripadvisor】Atsuta Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298106-d320120-Reviews-Atsuta_Jingu_Shrine-Nagoya_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:33
Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo, the first upscale Starbucks in Japan, opens in Meguro-ku, Tokyo! Spend a moment of elegance and celebrity at the perfect location along the Meguro River!
Art & Architecture Shopping- 54 plays
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Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo, an upscale Starbucks store in Meguro-ku, Tokyo - Opening Video Introduction Here's a video from SankeiNews showing the press the opening of the Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo in Nakameguro in February 2019. This video was published by “SankeiNews.” The title of the video is "Only the 5th Store of its Kind in the World|An In-Store Roasting Machine|Starbucks Reserve Roastery Makes Landfall in Japan" (世界で五番目 店内に焙煎機 「高級スタバ」日本初上陸). Starbucks is a popular coffee chain with around 1,500 stores in Japan (as of September, 2019). The Starbucks introduced in the video is called a “Starbucks Reserve Roastery.” It is very different from regular Starbucks stores. Starbucks Reserve Roastery is a new type of coffee shops offering a high-quality, luxurious coffee experience by roasting coffee beans inside the store. This article will talk about the appeals of “Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo.” Be sure to watch the video as you read on! Before we go any further, we recommend checking out the interior of Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo shown in the video. This Starbucks offers “a unique, signature experience from roasting the beans to pouring the perfect coffee.” The Luxury Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo was launched in February, 2019 in Meguro, Tokyo. It's a 14 minute walk from Nakameguro station, located by the Meguro river. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Meguro river from the terrace- a famous place for cherry blossom viewing. The first thing that catches your eye upon entering the store is the huge cask in which the roasted coffee beans are matured. This can be seen at 0:24 in the video. The casks also feature a metal exterior design with cherry blossom petals. The other Starbucks Reserve Roastery are located in Seattle, Shanghai, Milan, and New York. This is the very first Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Japan. The CEO of Starbucks Coffee Japan, Takafumi Mizuguchi, made a speech, stating, “I want to make Japan a coffee wonderland” (0:36). After Mizuguchi’s speech, the architect, Kengo Kuma (a well-known designer who designed the new National Stadium) talked about the exterior design of this Starbucks. Introducing the Floors of Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot On the first floor, there is a main bar where you can order coffee, and an Italian bakery called “Princi” that offers freshly baked pastries. You can also purchase limited merchandise on the first floor (1:05). TEAVANA is located on the second floor. Here, you can enjoy different teas such as black tea and Japanese tea (1:52). The ARRIVIAMO BAR counter is located on the third floor. On this floor, you can enjoy special alcohol, including wine, beer, and cocktails, that use coffee (2:28). The fourth floor is also used for local events, as well as for tours to see the process of packaging coffee. Summary of Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, you can see the inside of the luxury Starbucks. This is the first store of its kind to launch in Japan. When it first opened, there was a long line to get in and tickets were distributed to prevent overcrowding. For now, you can check out this Starbucks in this video. The menu is very different from a regular Starbucks. A cup of coffee costs around 1,000 yen, but the taste of the coffee is very different from what you can get at other coffee shops. The atmosphere of the store is also outstanding. If you have a chance, be sure to visit this luxury Starbucks! 【Official Website】STARBUCKS RESERVE® ROASTERY TOKYO https://www.starbucks.co.jp/reserve/roastery/ 【Tripadvisor】STARBUCKS RESERVE(R) ROASTERY TOKYO https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g1066450-d16714835-Reviews-Starbucks_Reserve_R_Roastery_Tokyo-Meguro_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 8:44
Sunpu Castle, Built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, One of the "Three Unifiers of Japan," Is Full of Surprises! Learn the History of the Warring States Period at This Historical Castle in Shizuoka!
Art & Architecture Travel- 77 plays
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Video Introduction to Sunpu Castle, built by Ieyasu Tokugawa in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture The video, titled "Top 100 Castles of Japan|Sunpu Castle," was created by "castle shrine." It introduces Sunpu Castle in Aoi, Shizuoka, Shizuoka. Sunpu Castle is a castle built by Tokugawa Ieyasu and has been chosen as one of Japan’s Top 100 Castles. The castle is also called Fuchu Castle and Shizuoka Castle. During the Edo period (1603 to 1868), the Sunpu domain and head of Sunpu Castle were established. At present, the site of the inner citadel and the ruins of the outer citadel have been transformed into Sunpu Castle Park. Public facilities such as the prefectural government office and the Shizuoka District Legal Affairs Office are located in the outermost area of the castle. About Sunpu Castle and Its History Photo:Sunpu Castle Ruins park・Statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu Shizuoka City in Shizuoka Prefecture was ruled around the 14th century by the Imagawa clan, the Suruga Protectorate of the Muromachi Shogunate. In 1585, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the ruler of Suruga, moved the castle from Hamamatsu Castle to the present site and began to build Surpu Castle in 1585. Sunpu Castle was completed in 1589, but Tokugawa Ieyasu was transferred to Kanto by order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Nakamura Kazuuji became the lord of the castle. In 1605, Tokugawa Ieyasu handed over the title of Shogunate to Tokugawa Hidetada, who designated Sunpu the seat of government for the imperial family. He expanded Sunpu Castle and laid the foundation for the present-day cityscape by dividing Sunpu Castle Town into sections and creating a flood control project for the Abe River. In honor of his career, a bronze statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu was erected in the castle. It can be seen at 2:43 in the video. The interior of Sunpu Castle has been extensively reconstructed, and in 2016, an excavation of the castle tower was carried out to determine the condition of the tower's stone walls and to collect academic data. You can see the site of the excavation work at 2:50 in the video. Highlights of Sunpu Castle Photo:Sunpu Castle There are a lot of things to see at Sunpu Castle. The East Gate, which can be seen at 1:39 in the video, was restored in 1996. Tatsumi Tower, reconstructed in 1989, is one of the few castles in Japan with an L-shaped layout, and was an effective turret for the protection of Sunpu Castle. The complex waterway of the Ninomaru channel, which was discovered during research, is another highlight of the castle. Hitsujisaru Yagura is located in the southwest of Sunpu Castle's Outer Citadel Tower Although it looks like a double-roofed building, it is actually three stories high, and at the time it was used to defend against attacking enemies as an armory and a lookout. At the end of March 2014, it was restored using traditional wooden construction methods from that time period. All of the flooring and ceiling material on each floor have been removed, and some of it is glass, so you can see the subfloor structure of the tower. There's also Jodai Bridge and the Outer Citadel Gate too! You can also experience VR in the space-time room. At the attached Momijiyama Park, you can experience the atmosphere of a daimyo's garden. In spring, you can enjoy a cup of tea while admiring the seasonal changes in the cherry blossoms and other flowers. In the garden's teahouse, you can enjoy a variety of events such as tea ceremony, flower arranging, and haiku. Sunpu Castle General Information Photo:Mt. Shizuhata・Kunozan Toshogu Shrine Sunpu Castle is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is closed on Mondays. Admission is ¥360 for adults and ¥120 for children for all three facilities (East Gate/Tatsumi Yagura, Hitsujisaru Yagura and Momijiyama Garden). The castle is a 15-minute walk from JR Shizuoka Station and a 12-minute walk from Shizuoka Railway Shin-Shizuoka Station. By car it's about 17 minutes from the Shizuoka Interchange of the Tomei Expressway and 18 minutes from the Shin-Shizuoka Interchange of the New Tomei Expressway. There is no parking lot available, so please use the parking lot in front of the Civic Cultural Center (市民文化会館). Nearby Sunpu Castle is Kunozan Toshogu Shrine, a national treasure. This is the shrine where Tokugawa Ieyasu was buried and the temple used to be the site of Kuno Castle. At Rinzai Temple (臨済寺, Rinzaiji), located at the foot of Mt. Shizuhata, there are tombs and a memorial tablet of the Imagawa clan. Summary of Sunpu Castle Photo:Sunpu Castle Park and Mt. Fuji What'd you think of Sunpu Castle, built by the great general of the Warring States period, Tokugawa Ieyasu? Why not visit Sunpu Castle and get a red seal stamp from one of "Top 100 Castles of Japan"? Sunpu Castle is the great place to revisit the history of the Warring States period and learn about the history of Japan! ◆Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Sunpujokoen, Aoi, Shizuoka, Shizuoka 424-0855 【Access】A 15-minute walk from JR Shizuoka Station and a 12-minute walk from Shizuoka Railway Shin-Shizuoka Station 【Admission fee】Tickets for all three facilities (East Gate/Tatsumi Yagura, Hitsujisaru Yagura and Momijiyama Garden) are ¥360 for adults and ¥120 for children. 【Hours】9 am to 4:30 pm (East Gate, Tatsumi Yagura and Momijiyama Garden) 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】054-251-0016 【Official Website】Sumpu Castle Park https://sumpu-castlepark.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sumpu Castle Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298124-d1568848-Reviews-Shizuoka_castle-Shizuoka_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 19:29
A young thatch-roofing craftsman preserves the gassho-zukuri tradition in Shirakawa-go, Ono-gun, Gifu Prefecture! World Cultural Heritage buildings filled with the wisdom of our ancestors are created by the high skills of craftsmen.
Art & Architecture Traditional Culture- 642 plays
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Video introduction of "Shirakawa-go" thatched-workers in Ono-gun, Gifu Prefecture In this article we introduce the following video: "Door to Tomorrow by At Home Series '#019 Thatcher Eizaku Tanaka'" (明日への扉 by アットホームシリーズ「#019 茅葺職人 田中 栄作」). The video introduces 26 year-old thatcher Eizaku Tanaka from 2:55. The young thatcher was born and raised in Shirakawa-go, Gifu, in the Tokai region (東海地方) of Japan. Shirakawa-go, a registered World Heritage Site, is situated in an area that experiences heavy snowfall each year. The characteristic Gassho-zukuri-style houses are built to withstand the harsh weather conditions, however, constructing the thatched roofing is not only hard physically but also requires a vast amount of knowledge and skill. More About Shirakawa-go, a World Heritage Site in Gifu Prefecture Photo:Shirakawa-go in winter, Gifu Prefecture The unspoiled landscape of the Japanese villages Shirakawa-go in Gifu prefecture and Gokayama (五箇山) in Toyama prefecture (富山県, toyamaken) is hard to find anywhere else in Japan. Both of these historic villages were registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1995. As mentioned previously, Shirakawa-go is located in Gifu prefecture. This area receives some of the heaviest snowfall in Japan and around 100 gassho-zukuri houses of varying sizes have been built in this remote area of the country. You can see the snow-covered gassho-zukuri houses from 1:47 in the video. Gasshozukuri Minkaen (合掌造り民家園), an open-air museum located in Ogimachi (荻町) lies along the Sho river (庄川, shougawa) and was registered as an Important Cultural Asset in 1976. Shirakawa-go used to be rarely visited by outsiders, especially during the winter months, however, as the beauty of the landscape became well known through the media and internet, the number of tourists dramatically increased and Shirakawa-go is now one of the top sightseeing spots in Japan. The village is often lit up at night and the snow-covered gassho-zukuri houses look like something out of a fairytale. More About the Thatchers of Shirakawa-go Photo:A thatched roof The sericulture (silk farming) industry was very important to the Shirakawa-go region. You can see the attics where the silk worms were kept from 1:48 in the video. The typical shape of the thatched roofs is called "Kirizuma" (切妻) and the main materials used to make the roofs are Chinese silver grass (ススキ, Miscanthus sinensis) and Kariyasu (刈安, Miscanthus tinctorius), both of which are water-resistant and breathable. The roofs are generally replaced every 30-40 years, with small repairs being made along the way. The layout of the houses within the village and even the angle of the roofs have all been carefully designed taking into consideration the fact that they must be able to withstand the strong winds and heavy snowfall of that region. The smoke which rises from the sunken fireplace (irori, 囲炉裏) helps to prevent pests and degradation of the roof and improves the overall durability. The thatchers use techniques like these to ensure the roofs are strong enough to withstand the rain and wind. Reroofing the Houses of Shirakawa-go Photo:Re-thatching by a thatching craftsman Gassho-zukuri houses have been built in Japan since the Edo period (1603 AD-1868 AD). Built without the use of nails, the houses are split into two areas: the first floor living space and the attic space used for silk-farming. Windows can be built into the roof and the spacious design of the Kirizumazukuri (切妻造り) roofs create the ideal conditions for silk farming during the harsh winter months. The roofs are supported by pillars that are cut at a particular angle, lodged in place, and then tied securely. No nails are used to hold the pillars in place. In this way, the frame of the roof is strong yet flexible enough to withstand earthquakes. The above are all great examples of the high level of skill involved in Japanese engineering and construction. The design and functionality of the thatched roofing is one of the highlights of the houses in Shirakawa-go. The roofs are highly durable, however, being made from natural materials, they do require reroofing every 30-40 years. Reed screens called "sudare" are first laid down as a base, after which bundles of miscanthus reed, cut to around 80cm in length, are piled on making sure to leave no gaps. The most difficult part of the reroofing process is perfecting the edge of the roof, as this affects not only the final look of the roof but also the durability. Reroofing is a huge project which with the combined effort of the local thatchers takes on average 2 months to complete and costs approximately 20 million yen. You can take a look at the reroofing process from 6:52 in the video. Summary of the Thatchers of Shirakawa-go, a World Heritage Site in Gifu Prefecture Photo:Thatched roofs in Shirakawa-go, Gifu Prefecture Shirakawa-go, a village nestled amongst the mountains of Gifu prefecture, is a popular sightseeing destination which attracts a large number of tourists year after year. Other popular tourist spots and events in the Shirakawa-go area include Hirase Onsen (平瀬温泉, hiraseonsen), the autumn foliage of the area, Myozenji Temple (明善寺) where you can collect Goshuin (御朱印) and see the Doboroku Festival (どぼろく祭, doborokumatsuri) as well as the lion dance called "Shishimai" (獅子舞) in Japanese. You can also take a look at Shirakawa-go online on the Shirakawa village office website, which incldues live camera footage taken from the observation deck. 【Official Website】Shirakawa-go Tourism Association https://shirakawa-go.gr.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Shirakawa-go Gasshozukuri Village https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1119912-d1407426-Reviews-The_Historic_Villages_of_Shirakawa_go_Gassho_Style_Houses-Shirakawa_mura_Ono_gun.html -
Video article 3:35
Matsue Castle - Designated as a National Treasure This Castle Is One of the Most Popular Sightseeing Spots in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture! A Look at the Only Castle in Japan's San'in Region to Boast a Castle Tower!
Art & Architecture- 126 plays
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Introducing Matsue Castle! This video is titled "[Remastered] Matsue Castle - Shimane - 松江城." Produced by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful," it introduces Matsue Castle in Shimane prefecture. Matsue Castle is one of the 5 castles of Japan that are designated as national treasures. The majestic castle has an aura of history surrounding it and is a popular sightseeing destination in Shimane prefecture. In this article, we'll introduce Shimane prefecture’s Matsue Castle alongside with the video. About Matsue Castle Photo:Shimane prefecture・Matsue Castle Matsue Castle, introduced in the video, is a hirayama-style castle built in 1611. Horio Yoshiharu, Kyougoku Tadataka, Matsudaira Naomasa, and Matsudaira Harusato were lords of this castle. The castle has two names, and is often called "Chidori Castle." Famed for the only existing castle tower in the San-in region, Matsue Castle is built on the small Kameda Mountain, overlooking the beautiful Shinji Lake. Besides Matsue Castle, 5 more castles, including Inuyama Castle, Matsumoto Castle, Hikone Castle, and Himeji castle, are all designated as national treasures of Japan. Matsue Castle is designated as a national historical ruin as well as being chosen as one of the top 100 cherry blossom spots in Japan and one of the top 100 beautiful cityscapes. The History of Matsue Castle Photo:Matsue Castle in Spring In the Edo period (1603-1868), Matsue Castle served as the government office of the Matsue clan in the Edo Shogunate. However, because of the ordinance of "One Domain, One Castle," in the Meiji era (1868-1912), most of the castle, besides the wooden castle tower, was dismantled. Later on, the outer citadel tower and stone walls were reconstructed; and in the early years of the Showa era, the castle hillside area was opened to the public as a park. At 0:39 in the video, you can see Matsue Castle at the center of Matsue Shiroyama Park. Attached to the castle tower, there are connecting towers called Tsuke-yagura (lit. attached tower). The brattices, paulownia staircases, and wrapping boards called Tsutsumi-ita that protected the pillars were all distinctive features of the castle. It is said that there were many failed attempts when building the stone walls for the castle tower and there is also an urban legend that tells of men sacrificing themselves and becoming human pillars. Things to Note When Sightseeing at Matsue Castle Photo:Matsue Castle・Moat cruise During the fall season, there is an illumination event at Matsue Castle, and you can see the beautiful autumn colors. On New Year’s, the area is packed with people waiting to see the first sunrise of the year. Every year in winter, the Matsue Castle marathon is held; we recommend checking it out if you're interested! After visiting Matsue Castle, enjoy lunch at a café in the castle town where the samurai residences still remain, or take a cruise around the moat of Matsue Castle on the Horikawa River on a sightseeing boat. Summary of Matsue Castle Photo:Shimane prefecture・Matsue Castle It takes about 1 hour to see everything at the castle, including the castle tower and connecting towers, the well, and Matsue Castle Park. When sightseeing at the castle, be sure to get your seal stamp to commemorate your visit. In Shimane prefecture, there are many popular tourist spots, including Shinji Lake, Izumo Taisha Shrine, and Tamatsukuri Onsen. Be sure to check them out if you have time! ◆Matsue Castle Facility Overview◆ 【Address】1-5 Tonomachi, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by Lake Line Bus from JR Matsue Station, or a 20 minute walk from Matsue Shinji Onsen Station on the Ichibata Electric Railway 【Hours】8:30~18:30(Differs according to season) 【Admission fee】Adults ¥680, Elementary/Junior High School Students ¥290, Foreigners ¥470 【Parking】None. Please use a nearby coin parking lot 【Telephone】0852-21-4030 【Official Website】National Treasure Matsue Castle Website https://www.matsue-castle.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Matsue Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298136-d324845-Reviews-Matsue_Castle-Matsue_Shimane_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 5:02
Yamashiro: Mountain Castles of the Popular Warriors, Oda Nobunaga and Ranmaru Mori of Japan's Warring States Period
Art & Architecture- 129 plays
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Introducing the Treasures of Gifu: Higashi Mino's Mountain Castle Ruins The video titled "The Treasures of Gifu: “Higashi Mino's Mountain Castle ruins"(岐阜の宝もの「ひがしみのの山城」) was created by "G-Men, Gifu's Handsome Civil Servants." This video introduces the history of different mountain castle ruins in the Gifu area. Gifu prefecture in Japan's Tokai region, officially deemed some of its attractions, that are appreciated all over Japan, the "Treasures of Gifu." In 2017, the Iwamura Castle Ruins and Iwamura Castle Town, as well as the Naegi Castle Ruins, Mino Kaneyama Castle Ruins, and Higashi Mino Castle Ruins, were added to the list of the "Treasures of Gifu." This video and article will take a close look at these castle ruins. If you watch the video very carefully, you'll feel like you're actually visiting these castle ruins and can learn more about the history of Japan. A Look at the Iwamura Castle Ruins Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The places you see in the video from 0:32 are the Iwamura Castle Ruins and Iwamura Castle Town, located in Ena City. Lady Otsuya (おつやの方,Otsuya no Kata), Nobunaga's aunt, was the castellan of Iwamura castle. Iwamura castle was built in the Kamakura period and it has been selected as one of the Top 100 castles in Japan, as well as one of Japan's Top 3 Mountain Castles. What's amazing about these castle ruins is that the castle itself has 17 original wells, six-layered walls, and a fabulous view of the Taiko Yagura (Drum tower). Iwamura castle town has 400 years of history involving merchants and old houses. Also stop by the Iwamura History museum, the Katsukawa House, and Toyasa if you are in the area. You can check out the CG (Computer Graphic) of Iwamura castle at 1:25. The Naegi Castle Ruins Source of photo :YouTube screenshot From 1:54 in the video, Nakatsugawa's Naegi Castle ruins is introduced. Being on top of a 432 meter hill and across from the Kiso-gawa river by mountain castle bridge, Naegi castle has one of the best views in Gifu. You can see the 360 degree panoramic view of Kiso-gawa river and other natural views from the observatory. This castle was constructed in 1526, when Toyama governed the Naegi area from the Warring States Period through the Edo Period. Naegi castle is also one of Top 100 castles in Japan and has a deep history. It has many attractive features, such as a stone wall made of natural gigantic rocks, a castle tower, as well as a large watchtower. You can see stone walls piled up and it looks as though the walls are holding the rocks up. If you're interested in the history of Nakatsugawa or the legend of Naegi castle, be sure to stop by the Naegi Toyama Historical Museum. You can also check out the CG video of Naegi castle at 2:43 in the video. The Mino Kaneyama Castle Ruins Source of photo :YouTube screenshot The Mino Kaneyama castle ruins are introduced in the video at 3:14. The ruins have interesting features, such as cornerstones and broken stone walls. Kaneyama castle is located on top of Mt. Kojo. It's 276 meters (~905 ft.) tall with the best view of Kaneyama in Kani. It was also selected as one of the top 100 castles in Japan and was constructed in 1537. You can also see the remaining cornerstones used for the building. Something interesting to note about Mino Kaneyama Castle is its battering ram. Destroying a castle was the condition of an armistice during Sengoku period. One of the most famous warriors, Mori Ranmaru, grew up in Kaneyama and became the lord of the castle when he was 18. Unfortunately, only two months after becoming lord of the castle, he perished with Oda Nobunaga during the Honnoji Incident. As Kaneyama is Ranmaru Mori’s hometown, there is a place called "Ranmaru Furusato no Mori" where you can see the beautiful view of a canyon. As Kani City, Gifu is the birthplace of Mitsuhide Akechi, there are several fun events related to Japanese history, such as a stamp collecting event and a Sengoku Period treasure hunting event that take place there. The Treasures of Gifu: Mino Higashi's Mountain Castle Ruins Source of photo :YouTube screenshot In the video "The Treasures of Gifu: Mino Higashi's Mountain Castle ruins], viewers are introduced to several popular castle ruins deemed the "Treasures of Gifu." As Japan's Tokai region was one of the most important areas in Japanese history, there are several important castles and castle ruins. Most of the castle ruins are located on top of hills and surrounded by nature, making them the perfect spots for Instagrammers. If you are interested in Japanese history, please come visit Japan and see these popular castles. 【Official Website】Gifu Prefecture Official Website https://www.pref.gifu.lg.jp/foreign-languages/English/ -
Video article 11:12
The Kyoto Imperial Palace Was Once the Center of Japanese Politics. Enjoy the Historical Atmosphere of a Sightseeing Destination Where the Architectural Techniques of the Imperial Court Have Been Preserved in Their Original Form
Art & Architecture- 140 plays
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Video introduction of the Kyoto Imperial Palace Special Open House in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This is a video titled "20180407 Kyoto Imperial Palace Special Opening kyoto imperial palace Special Day(20180407 京都御所 特別公開 kyoto imperial palace Special Day)," produced by "osaka life impact," that shows the special opening of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. The Kyoto Imperial Palace, introduced in this video, is a valuable building that brings together traditional Japanese culture and the ancient architecture of the Japanese Imperial Court. It was used as the residence of the Emperor until the Meiji Restoration in 1869. Today, it is used as the Imperial Palace. The "Kyoto Imperial Palace Special Opening" is the perfect place to get an in-depth look at the fascinating buildings that give you a sense of Japan's deep history. Enjoy taking a walk through the Kyoto Imperial Palace by watching the video. What Kind of Place Is the Kyoto Imperial Palace? Source :YouTube screenshot The Kyoto Imperial Palace is a facility related to the Imperial family, located in Kamigyo ward, Kyoto city, Kyoto Prefecture, and is currently managed by the Kyoto Office of the Imperial Household Agency. It is a building derived from Todo-in Temple, and has been regarded as an Imperial Palace since Emperor Godaigo left Kyoto in 1331 and Emperor Kogon was crowned. The Imperial Palace was used for 550 years, through the reigns of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, all the way up to the relocation of the capital to Tokyo by the Emperor Meiji. Tours and Highlights of the Kyoto Imperial Palace Photo:Kyoto Imperial Palace, Shishinden One of the things you don't want to miss when visiting the Imperial Palace is the gates scattered around the area. The gates, such as Kenrei Gate, Shuhei Gate, Gishu Gate, Seisho Gate, Kougou Gate, and Empress Gate are all amazing architectural masterpieces. Be sure to check out buildings such as the Shishinden and the Imperial Throne, as well as places like,Seiryoden, Oninoma, Morotayu, Geisyun, Kogosho, Ongakumonsho, Empress Gojogo, Osannoma, Goryoko. Also, check out Saruga Tsuji, the demon gate. In addition to the Kemari garden, the courtyard garden, the pond garden, and the inner court gardens which can be seen at 4:51, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom at and around Shin-Mikurumayose shown at 0:40 in the video. Don't forget to take pictures! There's some amazing places that will look great on your Instagram! Sightseeing Around the Kyoto Imperial Palace! Photo:Autumn leaves at Arashiyama Kyoto, dating back to the relocation of the Heian capital, is a popular spot visited by many tourists from both Japan and overseas. After visiting the Kyoto Imperial Palace, stop by the Munakata Shrine and Itsukushima Shrine in Gyoen and ask for your red seal! If you have time, we definitely recommend visiting the Arashiyama area, Gojo area, Nijo Castle, the Kyoto National Museum, and more. If you want to enjoy lunch at a cafe or buy souvenirs, we recommend visiting the Kawaramachi area. There's so many popular sightseeing spots in Kyoto that you probably won't be able to see everything in one day (unless you're running maybe). That being said, we recommend booking a hotel and staying overnight. There's plenty to see so you definitely won't regret it. Kyoto Video Tour Summary Photo:Kyoto Imperial Palace You can see the majesty of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, and all of its charms throughout the video, so take your time perusing the sights. The Kyoto Imperial Palace is normally closed to the public, but by filling out a visitors application you can reserve a visit. There are also public events during spring and autumn, so we recommend visiting Kyoto at this time. No reservation is required for the general public and no admission fee is required. A tour around the famous places in Kyoto will be held simultaneously with the opening of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, so think about participating if you're interested. ◆Introduction of Kyoto Imperial Palace facility◆ 【Address】3 Kyoto Gyoen, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-0881 【Access】Immediately from Marutamachi Station or Imadegawa Station on the Karasuma Subway Line 【Entrance fee】None 【Hours】9:00 to 16:30 (* Please see the official website for details as times may vary by season) 【Closures】Mondays 【Parking】Available (charged) 【Official Website】Visiting the Imperial Household Agency: Facility Information: Kyoto Imperial Palace https://sankan.kunaicho.go.jp/english/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Kyoto Imperial Palace https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321088-Reviews-Kyoto_Imperial_Palace-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 5:58
Hill of the Buddha - A New Attraction in Sapporo, Hokkaido Designed by a World-Famous Architect. Come Check Out the Buddha as He Pokes His Head Out From a Hill Surrounded by Lavenders!
Art & Architecture Travel- 364 plays
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Makomanai Takino Cemetery’s "Hill of the Buddha" in Sapporo, Hokkaido "Introduction to the Hill of the Buddha" (頭大仏の紹介), is a video about the Hill of the Buddha, a symbol of Makomanai Takino Cemetery where you can see the head of the Great Buddha. At Makomanai Takino Cemetery, you can also see a vast landscape of lavender hills with more than 15 thousand lavenders. This dramatic Hill of the Buddha, standing at the top of a dome-shaped slope, was designed by Ando Tadao, a famous architect, in 2016 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Makomanai Takino Cemetery. It is made up of 57 parts, which were selected and processed from 4,000 tons of unpolished stones. It is 13.5 meters high and weighs 1,500 tons. Initially, it was called “Mitama Kuyo Daibutsu.” You can see the Great Buddha in its entirety from 0:08 in the video. The construction of the Hill of the Buddha began in October 2013 and finished in 2016. As you can see from 0:56 in the video, the hardest part of this project was growing the 15 thousand lavenders. With the advice of lavender farmers and the help of volunteers, they succeeded in growing the lavenders from seed. It took about three years to build the Hill of the Buddha, and the construction process can be seen from 1:31 in the video. Makomanai Takino Cemetery's Hill of the Buddha Source :YouTube screenshot The Hill of the Buddha at Makomanai Takino Cemetery, Sapporo, Hokkaido, features the Great Buddha poking his head out from the lavender hill. According to the architect Ando Tadao, the purpose of this is to emphasize the gratitude of the Great Buddha as “that which you cannot see stimulates the imagination.” As you can see from 4:07 in the video, there is an approach with lavenders when entering Makomanai Takino Cemetery. There is also a water garden, which is a bypass of the pathway behind the approach. The water is a boundary to purify mind and to awaken the extraordinary. After going through the water garden, there is a tunnel that goes through the hill, which is shown at 4:25 in the video. The tunnel represents the womb and is lined with concrete folds. You can see the Great Buddha as you pass through the tunnel, and the panoramic view of the Buddha, which you can see along the 135-meter walk, is even more impressive. The light from the sky lights up the Buddha and surrounds you with artistic scenery. Learn About the Construction Process at the Gallery and Café Source :YouTube screenshot Next to the water-basin, there is a gallery where you can see the construction process of the Hill of the Buddha. Here, you can find out what the famous architect Ando Tadao had in mind when he designed the project. Across the gallery, lays the “Rotunda Café and Store.” You can enjoy snacks and tea and buy original merchandise and souvenirs here. It was opened in 2018 as a rest station, due to the increase of foreign tourists. Also, there are replicas of Easter Island’s Moai statues, which carry the meaning of “living into the future,” as well as a replica of Stonehenge. Information About Makomanai Takino Cemetery Photo:The Great Buddha Access to Makomanai Takino Cemetery in Sapporo City, Hokkaido is 20-30 minutes from Makomanai Station by bus from the Namboku Subway Line. Times may vary by season, so check out the homepage for more details. If you are driving, you can use the free parking areas in the south and north. The lots have a capacity of 245 cars, so be sure to check the map if you're planning on driving. There is a 300 yen (~$3 USD) "lavender maintenance fee" you must pay if you want to see the Hill of the Buddha. It is open from 7 am to 7 pm during summer, and 7 am to 6 pm during winter. Enjoy Art at Sapporo's Newest Spiritual Site! Source :YouTube screenshot Are you interested in visiting the Hill of the Buddha? The Hill of the Buddha is a new sightseeing spot in Sapporo, Hokkaido, not only for its powerful atmosphere, but also for its refreshing and beautiful scenery. If you're thinking about visiting Hokkaido, be sure to stop by! ◆Information◆ 【Address】2-3 Takino, Minami, Sapporo, Hokkaido 005-0862 【Access】20 to 30 minutes by bus from Metro Namboku Line, Makomanai Station 【Admission Fee】~300 yen lavender maintenance fee 【Hours】 7 am to 7 pm during summer. 7 am to 6 pm during winter 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】 011-592-1223 【Official Website】Makomanai Takino Cemetery https://www.takinoreien.com/ 【Tripadvisor】Makomanai Takino Cemetery https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298560-d12597229-Reviews-Makomanai_Takino_Cemetery-Sapporo_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 3:14
Exquisite cuisine and hot springs at "Exhive Yugawara Rikyu" in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture! An extraordinary space where you can enjoy luxury awaits you!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 324 plays
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Video Introduction of "EXIVATE Yugawara Rikyu" in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan If you're thinking to yourself "I want to stay somewhere luxurious when I visit Japan" then look no further than Xiv Yugawara Rikyu! Check out the video “Xiv Yugawara Rikyu PV,” created by “Resort Trust Official.” It introduces a membership-only luxury resort hotel called Xiv Yugawara Rikyu. This hotel is used by VIPs and is very popular on review sites. The facilities are photogenic, food is delicious, and it has a lot of attractions. This video will make you want to stay at this hotel. In this article, we'll introduce the attractions of Xiv Yugawara Rikyu. Delicious Food at XIV Yugawara Rikyu Source :YouTube screenshot At Xiv Yugawara Rikyu, you can enjoy a variety of exquisite cuisine. There's a teppan-yaki restaurant where guests can enjoy the finest of seasonal ingredients, as well as an Italian restaurant where you can dine in an open space. There's also a Chinese restaurant with a beautiful yin and yang interior with a variety of dishes to choose from. In addition, Xiv Yugawara Rikyu offers a wide range of other gourmet services such as Japanese cuisine and a buffet breakfast, all of which use a variety of ingredients from the sea and mountains. You can check out some of the beautiful dishes at 2:06 in the video. Relaxing Hot Springs at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu Source :YouTube screenshot Make sure to visit the hot springs when staying at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu. There are 4 different types of outdoor hot springs at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu: Takebayashi-no-yu, Tsukimi-no-yu, Iwami-no-yu, and the single person baths, each of which have their own unique features. It's perfect for hot spring lovers. There are also dry saunas, private baths for a fee, and a range of other amenities. br> The benefits of each bath are as follows: ■Iwami-no-yu Spring qualities: Sodium, calcium chloride, sulfate (alkaline). Effective against: burns, scars, chronic skin diseases, neuralgia, arthralgia, chronic digestive diseases, cold sensitivity, and fatigue. Aids in relaxation and promotes beautiful skin. ■Single Person Baths Spring qualities: Sodium, calcium chloride, sulfate (alkaline) Effective against: burns, scars, chronic skin diseases, neuralgia, arthralgia, chronic digestive diseases, cold sensitivity, and fatigue. Aids in relaxation and promotes beautiful skin. ■Tsukimi-no-yu Spring qualities: Simple alkaline hot spring Effective against: neuralgia, arthralgia, chronic digestive diseases, and cold sensitivity. Aids in relaxation and promotes beautiful skin. ■Takebayashi-no-yu Spring qualities: Simple hot spring Effective against: neuralgia, arthralgia, chronic digestive disease, sensitivity to cold and fatigue The feeling of getting into an open-air bath while admiring the beautiful nature of Yugawara is unbeatable! Take a break from your daily grind at these hot spring spots. The hot springs are shown at 1:31 in the video. How to Spend Your Day at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu The interior of XIV Yugawara Rikyu is an extraordinary space that utilizes the traditional Japanese beauty motif “Rimpa modernism,” where you will be greeted with traditional and modern designs in the four colors: gold leaf, jet black, oboro silver, and white sesame. Admire the amazing entrance and beautiful gardens surrounded by the main building. Places to See at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu Be sure to enjoy the tourist attractions in Yugawara. There are so many places to visit, such as Makuyama Park, Yugawara Plum garden, Hakone Turnpike Daikanyama Parking Lot,Anest Iwata Sky Lounge, Fudou Waterfall, Ningenkokuhou Museum, Nishimura Kyotaro Museum, Yugawara beach, Gojo Shrine, Choritsu Yugawara Museum, and more. Also, there are places where you can enjoy hot springs, like Doppo-no-yu and Miyakami-no-yu. Summary of Xiv Yugawara Rikyu Source :YouTube screenshot The video “Xiv Yugawara Rikyu PV,” created by “Resort Trust Official,” introduces the popular luxury resort hotel. Its hot springs and restaurants are loved by VIPs, and there's a ton of places to visit in the area. You need to be a membership in order to stay here, so be sure to check out the official website for prices and reservations. The hotel definitely won't fail to impress, and it's a great way to relax. ◆Xiv Yugawara Rikyu◆ 【Address】631-1 Miyakami, Yugawara-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Pref. 259-0314 Japan 【Access】Approximately 30 minutes from the Ishibashi Interchange on the Odawara-Atsugi Road or Seisho Bypass 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】0465-60-2555 【Tripadvisor】XIV HakoneRikyuHakonemachiAshigarashimogun https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298171-d16780381-Reviews-XIV_Hakone_Rikyu-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:04
Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine: The Setting for a Popular Anime, This Shrine in Kumamoto Prefecture Is a Must-See for Anime Fans. Enjoy the Mystical Atmosphere That Will Transport You to Another World!
Art & Architecture Travel- 1.1K plays
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Introducing the mysterious Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine in Minami Aso of Kumamoto Prefecture This video, titled "上色見熊野座神社 Kami-shikimi Kumano-imasu Jinja," was released by "Shiawase Bokujo Country Bred Jedi" (幸せ牧場 CountryBredJedi). It introduces Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine, one of Kumamoto's leading power spots in Takamori, Aso District. It's said that Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine was the setting and model for the theatrical anime "Hotarubi no Mori e" (Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light) based on the popular shojo manga released in 2011. This mysterious video of Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine will have you feeling as though you've actually visited the sacred ground, so be sure to give it a watch! Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine in Minami Aso, Kumamoto Photo:Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine, Kumamoto Prefecture After climbing the mossy steps up the mountain, you'll find many stone lanterns on the pathway to the shrine. Solemn and mysterious looking cedar trees will also come into sight. After passing through the torii gate, more than 260 steps are left before you. The photogenic Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine is a mysterious spot that will have you feeling as though you've crossed over into another world. From 0:05 in the video, you'll see imagery that will make you feel as though you're actually walking through Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine. The History of Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine in Minami Aso, Kumamoto Photo:Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine, Kumamoto Prefecture It is unknown when Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine in Minami Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture was built. Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine enshrines Izanagi and Izanami-no-Mikoto, who appear in Japanese mythology. At the Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine, there is also the "Ugetoiwa", which is said to have a large hole of 10m or more in length and width due to being kicked by Kihachi Boshi, that is also a highlight to see. What is the theatrical anime "Hotarubi no Mori e" modeled after Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine, which can be seen in the video? Photo:Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine, Kumamoto Prefecture The theatrical animation "Hotarubi no Mori e" is based on the manga written by Yuki Midorikawa, the original author of the best-selling "Natsume Yujincho" (Natsume's Book of Friends). The story is about a girl who went to visit her grandfather's house but ends up having a mysterious experience in the nature-filled forest of the mountain god. This animation was incredibly popular at its release, and many people, including foreign travelers visiting Japan, visited Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine as a pilgrimage to the sacred place. Summary of Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine in Minami Aso, Kumamoto Photo:The Takamoridon Cedars, Kumamoto Prefecture You've probably felt the mysterious atmosphere of Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine through the video. On the hillside of Mt. Minami Gairin near Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine, there are two magnificent couple cedars called the "Takamoridon Cedars," which are said to be more than 400 years old. It's said that a famous entertainer visited here and their marriage was decided. Because of this, it became a widely talked about topic that wishes for matchmaking and marriage become fulfilled here. Access to Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine is a 10-minute drive from Takamori Station on the Minami Aso Railway. There is also a parking lot so you can visit by car. Consider visiting Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine, a great place for taking Instagram photos! 【Tripadvisor】Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121537-d9707472-Reviews-Kamishikimi_Kumanoimasu_Shrine-Takamori_machi_Aso_gun_Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 3:52
Learn the History of the Warring States Period at Otaki Castle in Chiba Prefecture's Isumi District! The Castle, Built by Tadakatsu Honda, One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Tokugawa Kingdom, Is One of "Japan's Top 100 Castles"!
History- 189 plays
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Video introduction of "Otaki Castle" in Isumi District, Chiba Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "Sword World|Otaki Castle|Swords and Armor Displays" (【刀剣ワールド】「大多喜城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画), uploaded by "Virtual Sword Museum [Sword World]," introduces the history of Otaki Castle in Otaki, Isumi, Chiba, as well as the museum’s collection of swords and armor. This article provides information on the history of Otaki Castle as well as tourist information, information on exhibits, and information about the opening of the Otaki Castle branch of the Chiba Prefectural Central Museum. The history of Otaki Castle and materials on swords and armor are explained in an easy-to-understand way, so even those not familiar with swords, armor, and other historical materials can enjoy it as well. The History of Otaki Castle Source :YouTube screenshot Otaki Castle was built by Mariyatsu Nobukiyo during the Tenbun period, and the castle was called Odaki Castle at that time. Afterwards, Tokugawa Ieyasu gave the castle to Honda Tadakatsu, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Tokugawa, who improved the old castle and became the first feudal lord of the Otaki clan. The castle town prospered during the Warring States period (1467 to 1615), and the remains of the castle and its surrounding area are still visible to this day. It is said that the castle tower, which had fallen into disrepair, was destroyed by a fire in 1842. Today, the ruins of the main castle, a large well (a Chiba-designated historical site), and the Ninomaru Palace Gate remain. Otaki Castle Museum Source :YouTube screenshot The castle tower was built in 1975 on the site of the inner citadel of Otaki Castle, a Chiba Prefecture-designated historical site, and the interior is a history museum. You can see the inside of the museum at 1:25 in the video. The theme of the exhibition is "Castles and the Castle Town of Boso," and exhibits include Japanese swords, armor, and other materials related to samurai. In addition to the permanent exhibition, special exhibitions are also held. There is a popular experience booth where you can try on armor, a statue of Lord Honda Tadakatsu donning his black armor, a painting of Honda Tadakatsu in his warrior form, which is shown at 2:15, and the "hare shaped helm," shown at 2:44 in the video. If you're looking for souvenirs, be sure to stop by the museum shop as well! Access to the castle is a 15-minute walk from Otaki Station on the Isumi Railway. There is also a paid parking lot located 5 minutes from Otaki Castle by foot. The museum is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is closed on Mondays and New Year's holidays. (Please check the official website for the latest information. Summary of Otaki Castle Photo:Otaki Castle in Spring In this video clip, you can learn about the history of Otaki Castle and its exhibits. Otaki Castle is also a popular spot for cherry blossom viewing in the spring. The red seal (goshuin) and the castle seal are also popular, and there are many restaurants where you can have lunch, as well as golf courses around Otaki Castle, making the town of Otaki popular with many visitors. Feel a sense of romance by watching the video. ◆Information◆ 【Address】481 Otaki, Otaki, Isumi, Chiba 298-0216 【Access】15 minutes from Isumi Railway Otaki Station on foot 【Admission fee】200 yen 【Hours】9 am to 4:30 pm 【Parking】A paid parking lot is available 【Telephone No】0470-82-3007 【Official Website】Otaki Castle http://www2.chiba-muse.or.jp/www/SONAN/contents/1518757587822/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Otaki Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121125-d1314470-Reviews-Otaki_Castle_Museum-Otaki_machi_Isumi_gun_Chiba_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 6:27
The history of Iga-Ueno Castle in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, the birthplace of the ninja, is explored! One of the 100 best castles in Japan, the castle's beautiful appearance with its distinctive high stone walls is enchanting!
Art & Architecture- 128 plays
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Iga Ueno Castle” in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This is a video introducing Iga Ueno castle in Mie, which was selected as one of Japan’s Top 100 Castles. The title of the video is "Japan’s Top 100 Castles, Iga Ueno Castle, Mie Prefecture" (日本100名城 伊賀上野城 三重県 Iga Ueno Castle), published by “castle shrine.” Iga, Mie prefecture is known as the origin of Ninjas. As shown at the beginning of the video, the nearest station to the castle, Ueno-shi station, is also called Ninja-shi station ("shi" means city in Japanese). Iga Ueno castle is famous for its massive stone walls. In the video at 3:32, you can see the majestic castle as it sits atop the towering stone walls. These tall stone walls are the second largest stone walls in Japan after Osaka castle. Many tourists gather here for cherry blossom viewing and to see the autumn leaves at this scenic castle. We hope you'll enjoy the video showing the castle in all its grandeur. A Look at Iga Ueno Castle Photo:Iga Ueno Castle in spring Iga Ueno castle was built on Ueno Plateau in the Iga area. The castle was classified as a hirayama style castle (built on a hill in a plain) and also called Hakuho castle. It was known as a defensive castle as there are two rivers near it. These rivers were a great advantage in protecting the castle when attacked. Before Iga Ueno castle was built, there were different buildings, such as a temple and a small castle, at the site of Iga Ueno castle. In the Warring States period (1467-1615), construction of Iga Ueno castle began under the authority of military commander, Katsutoshi Takigawa. After that, Tsutsui Sadatsugu reconstructed the castle by referring to the manuscript "Isui Unko," written by Nyogen Kikuoka. Finally, the castle was expanded by Takatora Toda who received it from Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Shortly thereafter, Takatora became the lord of the castle. The current Iga Ueno castle is a castle keep, also called "Iga Cultural Property." Different calligraphic works are embedded in the coffers of the top floor as well. These calligraphic works are outstanding and the castle is now designated as a cultural property of Iga. When is the best time to see cherry blossoms in Iga Ueno Castle?What's the highlight? About 600 cherry trees are planted around the castle tower of Iga Ueno Castle.In spring, you can enjoy the collaboration between Tenshukaku and cherry blossoms reflected in the blue sky, making it a great shooting spot.When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the Tenshu-kaku lights up, and the gentle light of the lanterns shines on them. Usually, cherry blossoms in Tsu, Mie Prefecture, are at their best from late March to early April.It seems that the cherry blossom forecast date for 2024 will be in full bloom around March 31st and April 7th. Sightseeing at Iga Ueno Castle and the Castle Town Photo:Iga Ueno castle, Scenery from the castle tower Ueno park is located around Iga Ueno Castle. This park is popular for literary fans as there are different historical buildings related to Matsuo Basho, a famous poet who was from Ueno. There are also Ninja museums and different Ninja attractions, so it is a perfect place to have fun and learn about Ninja culture. Stop by restaurants and gift stores in the castle town to enjoy the local specialties. Summary of Iga Ueno Castle Photo:Iga Ueno Castle , castle tower Iga Ueno castle is a great place to visit and see the castle tower, Hakuho gate, and cultural properties on display inside the castle. You can also collect a seal of the castle if you have a castle stamp book. Check out the video and see the wonderful view from the top of the castle tower. Matsuzaka castle is also located in Mie, so if you can, we recommend visiting both. ◆Information of Iga Ueno Castle◆ 【Address】106 Ueno-marunouchi, Iga, Mie 【Access】An 8 minute walk from Iga railway Ueno-shi station 【Admission fee】600 yen for an adult, 300 yen for a child 【Hours】9:00 - 17:00 【Parking】Paid Parking Available 【Telephone No】0595-21-3148 【Official Website】Iga Ueno Castle http://igaueno-castle.jp/?page_id=196 【Tripadvisor】Iga Ueno Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1015945-d1810041-r645274595-Iga_Ueno_Castle-Iga_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:57
The History of Shinshu's Matsumoto Castle, One of the Most Beloved Castles in Japan. The Keep is One of Only Five Keeps Registered as a National Treasure in Japan, and the Castle Even Has a Rare Moon Viewing Tower as Well!
Travel- 96 plays
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This video, titled "Matsumoto Castle - 松本城 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Unlike other castles in Japan, Matsumoto Castle is not built on a hill or mountain plateau, but on flat ground. Originally built as Fukashi Castle in the Warring States period (1467-1568) by the Shinano Protectorate of Ogasawara City, Matsumoto Castle once fell during the invasion of Takeda City in Kai Province. However, it was later rebuilt and is now one of the most beloved castles in Japan. The castle tower was built by Naomasa Matsudaira, the feudal lord at that time, and it is the only existing national treasure with a moon viewing tower in Japan. Many events are held in the nearby Matsumoto Castle Park throughout the year, so we recommend visiting during these events. -
Video article 4:52
Sapporo Clock Tower Is a Popular Sightseeing Spot in Hokkaido That You Don't Want to Miss! Learn About the History of Sapporo Clock Tower and Make the Most of Your Trip to Hokkaido!
Art & Architecture- 101 plays
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Sapporo Clock Tower! This time, we'll introduce the video "Sapporo 'Sapporo Clock Tower,'" a video tour of Sapporo City Clock Tower, a popular tourist attraction in Sapporo City (札幌市, Sapporo-Shi), Hokkaido (北海道, Hokkaido)! The Sapporo Clock Tower is a distinctive building with a large clock on a triangular roof in Sapporo City, Hokkaido. The Sapporo Clock Tower is the oldest existing clock tower in Japan and has been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. In this article, we introduce the Sapporo Clock Tower alongside the video. What Is the Sapporo Clock Tower? Photo:Hokkaido・Sapporo Clock Tower The Sapporo Clock Tower is a historical building built in 1876 as the former Sapporo Agricultural College's (currently Hokkaido University) martial arts dojo (enbujo). As you can see from 1:50 in the video, the signboard that says "enbujo" is still there. This mechanical clock tower was installed in the building in 1881. The clock is a pendulum-type tower clock made in the United States. The clock tower was purchased by the Sapporo City Government in 1896, and the building was used as a library and public hall before being used as an exhibition hall. More About the Sapporo Clock Tower Source :YouTube screenshot The area where the Sapporo Clock Tower is located is also known as the birthplace of Hokkaido University. Many documents from the Hokkaido University Library are displayed at the Sapporo Clock Tower as well. As you can see from 2:41 in the video, a photo of "Bell of Clock Tower," a song written by Tetsuo Takashina in 1922, played on the violin, is displayed in the exhibition room on the first floor. Additionally, from 4:11 in the video, you can see a reproduction of the auditorium on the second floor of the Sapporo Clock Tower and the inner workings of the clock. Sightseeing Around Sapporo Clock Tower Photo:Sapporo Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill・Clark Statue In the vicinity of the Clock Tower in Sapporo City, you can see the Former Hokkaido Government Office Building (Red Brick Office Building), and also Hokkaido University, known for the famous words of Dr. Clark, the first vice principal of the university, who said "Boys, be ambitious!" The former Sapporo Agricultural College's dojo was constructed based on the concept that Dr. Clark produced, and in 2017, a statue of Dr. Clark was installed in the Sapporo Clock Tower. You can also enjoy other local delicacies in Sapporo, such as ramen and seafood bowls. There are also many places where you can buy souvenirs nearby. The Sapporo Clock Tower also hosts concerts and events, so be sure to check out their schedule when visiting. Summary of the Sapporo Clock Tower Photo:Hokkaido・Sapporo Clock Tower This video captures the charm of the Sapporo Clock Tower in Hokkaido. The Sapporo Clock Tower underwent a renovation in 2018 and now looks refreshed and beautiful. Unfortunately, the Sapporo Clock Tower is surrounded by buildings and is unfortunately one of the "three most disappointing spots in Japan" due to its less-than-ideal view. However, if you actually visit and tour the museum, you'll be able to enjoy a facility that gives you a sense of Japan's history and culture. If you're looking for places in Hokkaido that are perfect for your Instagram, Sapporo Clock Tower is the place to go! ◆Sapporo Clock Tower Facility Information◆ 【Address】Kita 1-jo Nishi 2-chome, Chuo-Ward, Sapporo 【Access】A 10-minute walk from JR Sapporo Station, a 5-minute walk from Odori Subway Station 【Hours】8:45~17:10 【Admission Fee】Adults: 200 JPY, Free for high school students and younger 【Parking】None 【Telephone】011-231-0838 【Official Website】Sapporo Clock Tower:HOME http://sapporoshi-tokeidai.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Sapporo Clock Tower https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298560-d319830-Reviews-Clock_Tower_Tokei_dai-Sapporo_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 5:19
Haruna Shrine - A Shinto Shrine and Power Spot in Gunma With Ancient Cedar Trees and Mysterious Rock Formations. Absorb the Power of the Earth via Video!
Art & Architecture- 254 plays
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Haruna Shrine in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture This video, titled "Haruna Shrine - Gunma - 榛名神社 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It's a 4K video introducing the grounds of Haruna Shrine in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture. Haruna Shrine is an old shrine in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture that was built in 927. It is featured as a prestigious "shikinaisha" (shrine listed in the Engishiki) in the "Jinmyocho" (Register of Shrines in Japan) that describes major shrines nationwide. The main deities are the god of fire, Katsuguchi, the god of earth, the goddess Haniyama, Mikumari no Kami, Takaokami, Kuraokami, Oyamatsumi, Oomononushi no Kami, and Konohanasakuya-hime. It is said to have the benefits of extinguishing fire, good luck, large harvests, and prosperous business. In this article, we'll introduce the cultural assets and highlights of the precincts of "Haruna Shrine" in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, which is also popular as a power spot. The video introduces the main shrine, which is designated as a cultural property, as well as the precincts where old cedars and giant rocks are lined up along the approach. You'll be amazed at how the video shows the precincts filled with spiritual air. What Is Haruna Shrine? Photo:Haruna Shrine, Gunma Prefecture Haruna Shrine is located in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, and there are many hot spring areas, such as Ikaho Onsen, in the vicinity. In addition, Mt. Haruna and Lake Haruna are located in the vicinity, and the shrine is popular as a tourist destination. Access to Haruna Shrine is about 70 minutes by bus from the west exit of JR Takasaki Station. If you visit by car, there is also a parking lot nearby. Visiting hours are from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (5 pm in winter). Amulets, bills, and shuin stamps are awarded from 8:45 am to 4:00 pm. Various rituals and events are held throughout the year, and many people visit during the fall when the autumn foliage is at its best. Along with shuin stamps, Omikuji are also popular. Introducing the approach to "Haruna Shrine" introduced in the video Photo:Entrance to Haruna Shrine, Gunma Prefecture The video starts from the entrance to the approach to Haruna Shrine. The first thing that appears in the video is the Zui Shinmon, an important cultural property with the Senjafuda. This can be seen from 0:05 in the video. After passing the side of Kurakakeiwa, a rock that resembles a stone bridge, you can see the three-storied pagoda. You can see the pagoda at 0:31 in the video. The approach is dotted with strangely shaped rocks and boulders and the entire area has a dignified feel to it. Eventually Yatatesugi, a large cedar tree which is said to be over 400 years old and is designated as a national natural monument, will come into view on the left. It is said that Yatatesugi originated from Takeda Shingen shooting an arrow at Yatate Shinji, a ritual to pray for victory. Haruna Shrine's Miyukiden, Souryumon, Kagura hall, Kokusosha and Gakuden, hall of worship, hall of offerings, main shrine, and Misugataiwa are registered as National Important Cultural Properties. There are also many cultural properties designated by Gunma Prefecture and Takasaki City located at the shrine. The main sight of Haruna Shrine is Misugataiwa, the towering rocks behind the main shrine, where the gods are enshrined. It can be seen at 2:52 in the video. Be sure to take a look at its powerful appearance. Summary of Haruna Shrine Photo:Haruna Shrine and Tsuzuraiwa This video, "Haruna Shrine --Gunma --4K Ultra HD," introduces the scenery and cultural assets of Haruna Shrine. Tsuzuraiwa (the towering rocks), which are introduced from 4:50 at the end of the video, has a mysterious appearance, and you can feel the power of Haruna Shrine in the video, so be sure to check it out. 【Tripadvisor】Haruna Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g651653-d1822309-Reviews-Haruna_Shrine-Takasaki_Gunma_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:35
Osaka Castle - Built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Second "Great Unifier" of Japan, in Osaka! Learn About the History of the Warring States Period Through Famous Swords and Armor!
History- 349 plays
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Introducing Osaka Castle This video, titled "[Sword World] Osaka Castle|Swords and Armor|Swords and Armor on Display in the Castle|YouTube Video" (【刀剣ワールド】「大阪城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画), introduces Osaka Castle in Osaka. The castle's majestic appearance is famous as a symbol Osaka. However, most people don’t know the history of Osaka Castle. A Look at Osaka Castle Photo:Osaka Castle Osaka Castle was built in 1583 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the second of Japan's "Three Great Unifiers." As shown at 0:39 in the video, it's a massive, gorgeous castle with golden shachihoko ornaments. It was often called the "Golden Castle" because of this. The castle was a symbol of great wealth and power during Hideyoshi's reign, but after his death, it became the battlefield of Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Toyotomi family. In the end, Tokugawa Ieyasu came out on top, ending the reign of the Toyotomi family. Afterwards, Osaka Castle was seized by the Tokugawa Shogunate and became the base for its control of western Japan. During the Osaka campaign, the castle was heavily damaged and had to be rebuilt by the Tokugawa shogunate. The stone walls and moats that remain today were one such section that was rebuilt by the Tokugawa Shogunate. Swords and Armor Displayed in the Castle Source :YouTube screenshot Let's take a look at the history of Osaka Castle. It was the end of the Warring States Period (about 1615) and whoever won the battle between the Toyotomi and the Tokugawa families would become the unifier of the country. There were several important battles between Toyotomi and Tokugawa, but the decisive battle, and most famous one, is "The Battle of Sekigahara." Sengoku Hidehisa, a former feudal lord of the Toyotomi clan who followed Tokugawa Hidetada after Hideyoshi’s death, played an important role in this battle. His armor, as well as many other weapons, armor, and historical documents, are on display inside the castle. The present-day Osaka Castle was reconstructed in 1931, but it was destroyed during the Meiji Restoration and in air raids during the Pacific War. Today, the ruins of Osaka Castle are a special historical site, and a museum in the reconstructed site houses the famous blade, "Osaka Shinto," by an Osaka-based swordsmith, which can be seen at 2:10 in the video. The museum also houses "Kamichinokami Kunisuke" which is listed as Tangible Cultural Properties of Osaka Prefecture. It can be seen at 2:26 in the video. A number of armors, mainly from the Warring States period, are also on display. The chest with black leather, purple, red, and white armor, has been designated an important art object. You can see the collection of armor in the Osaka Castle from 2:29 in the video. Summary of Osaka Castle Photo:Osaka Castle Illumination The present-day Osaka Castle still has the inner citadel, the outer citadel, the watchtowers, and other structures that have been designated as important cultural assets, and you can also see the inside of the castle, which is currently undergoing a restoration project. Osaka Castle Park, known for its cherry blossoms and for being a great place for barbecuing, is also located in the vicinity, and is crowded with tourists who come to see the illuminations and light-up events. Osaka Castle is a symbol of Osaka, both in name and reality, as the adjacent Osaka Castle Hall hosts live concerts and other events. Enjoy delicious Osaka cuisine and learn about the history of Japan at Osaka Castle, a popular tourist destination! ◆Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Osakajo, Chuo, Osaka, Osaka 540-0002 【Access】A short walk from Tanimachi 4-chome (Yonchome) Station off the Chuo and Tanimachi Lines 【Admission fee】600 yen for adults 【Hours】9 am to 5 pm 【Closures】Year-end and New Years holidays 【Parking】Coin parking lot available 【Official Website】Osaka Castle https://www.osakacastle.net/ 【Tripadvisor】Osaka Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14127623-d320970-Reviews-Osaka_Castle-Chuo_Osaka_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 5:24
Simply Gorgeous! The Breathtaking Architecture of Akasaka Palace – Enjoy Perusing the Guesthouse in Minato, Tokyo That Provides Service to Key Figures From Around the World!
Art & Architecture- 168 plays
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Video Introduction of "Akasaka Rikyu, the State Guest House" in Minato-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "Akasaka Palace: 108 Years After Its Foundation - A Walk Through the Main Building" (迎賓館赤坂離宮: 今年で創建108年 本館内を歩く), was produced by the Mainichi Shimbun in 2017. It shows footage of the interior of Akasaka Palace's main building, and the summit meetings of major countries that have been held at it. Akasaka Palace is a breathtaking, modern, western-style building, designated as a national treasure and a facility of the Cabinet Office. This article will introduce the facilities of Akasaka Palace, an official guest house of the Japanese government. The video shows the unique architecture of Akasaka Palace, which is a mixture of Western palace architecture and Japanese architecture. When you will see the real thing in a beautiful and solemn atmosphere, you'll be amazed. About Akasaka Palace Source :YouTube screenshot Akasaka Palace is Japan's only neo-baroque palace building, built in 1909 as the Crown Prince's Palace. It was built to promote civilization and national prestige during the Meiji period. After the war, it underwent major renovations and reopened as a state guesthouse in 1974. Akasaka Palace is located in Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo, and is a 7-minute walk from Yotsuya Station on the JR Chuo Line and Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line. There is a paid parking lot in the vicinity. Akasaka Palace's Main Building is open to the public and can be visited without reservation (admission fee charged). You can also enjoy "afternoon tea" at the garden café in the front garden of Akasaka Palace, which consists of a three-tiered tray of sandwiches, scones, sweets, and tea. Those wishing to have afternoon tea, lunch, or tea at the garden café will need to pay a separate fee to visit the garden. Akasaka Palace's Main Building Source :YouTube screenshot At the beginning of the video, you can see the main building of Akasaka Palace. At 0:13 in the video, we enter the building from the front entrance and go up the central stairs. The main hall on the second floor is a gorgeous, gilded arched ceiling decorated with gold leaf and chandeliers. At 0:55 in the video, we see "Hagoromo no Ma," a room with a large mural on the ceiling depicting a passage from the Noh play "Hagoromo" (Robe of Heaven). The last general meeting of the 12th Summit of Developed Nations (Tokyo Summit) in 1986, was held in Hagoromo. This is shown at 1:19 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot In 1993, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa held a summit meeting in "Sairan no Ma," which can be seen at 1:31 in the video, with its impressive reliefs of Japanese elements, including traditional armored warriors painted with gold leaf. In "Hanatori no Ma," there are cloisonne frames depicting flowers and birds. There's also "Higashi no Ma," "Nishi no Ma, "Asahi no Ma" as well; all of which are worth checking out. You will be amazed by the splendor of the museum, which is decorated with national treasures, including artifacts and paintings that will take your breath away. It takes about an hour to tour the main building, the main garden, and the front garden. Special exhibitions are occasionally held at the Akasaka Palace's gardens as well. Since the secretariat of the organizing committee for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was established at Akasaka Palace, the Akasaka Palace Special Exhibition (History and Photographs) was also held at Akasaka Palace. Summary of Akasaka Palace Photo:Akasaka Palace "Akasaka Palace: 108 Years After Its Foundation - A Walk Through the Main Building," introduces the beautiful halls of Akasaka Palace. In addition to the main building of Akasaka Palace, there's also a Japanese style annex which requires an advance reservation to visit. For opening days and admission fees, please visit the official website. If you want to experience the glamorous stage of Japanese diplomacy, where kings and presidents from all over the world are welcomed, be sure to check out the video! Taking wedding photos in front of the Akasaka Palace is also quite popular. Some travel agencies offer tours to Akasaka Palace's gardens, so consider joining one if you're interested! ◆Guesthouse Akasaka Imperial Villa Facility Overview◆ 【Address】2-1-1 Moto-Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0051, Japan 【Access】A 7-minute walk from the Akasaka exit of Yotsuya Station on the Chuo and Sobu Lines 【Admission fee】Adults 1,500 yen, junior and senior high school students 700 yen (as of April 2020) 【Hours】10:00~17:00 【Closures】Wednesdays 【Parking】There is a paid parking lot in the vicinity 【Phone number】03-3478-1111 【Official Website】Guest House Akasaka Palace | Cabinet Office https://www.geihinkan.go.jp/en/akasaka/ -
Video article 6:19
Matsumoto Castle, a National Treasure, Is One of the Most Popular Sightseeing Spots in Nagano! The Interior of the Castle Tower Is an Amazing Sight, Filled With History!
Art & Architecture- 38 plays
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This video, titled "Matsumoto Castle (Castle Tower Interior)" (松本城(天守内部編)), was released by "ibukivideo." In this video, you can see the inside of Matsumoto Castle in Nagano Prefecture. The interior of Matsumoto Castle is constructed with many log pillars. The castle was designed for warfare and you can see the historical background of the castle all the way back to the Warring States period. Guns, armor and paintings from that time period are also displayed. Be sure to check it out in the video.