Life & Business
Video article 3:32
Flying Airplanes With Recycled Fuel? The Various Measures Taken by Japan Airlines to Reduce Carbon Emissions and Protect the Environment! Check Out the Video Summarizing Their CSR Activities!
Life & Business- 75 plays
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The CSR Activities of Japan Airlines (JAL)! This video titled “【Promotional Video】Japan Airlines _ CSR Activity Promotional Video,” produced by “Video Marketing Agency- PROOX Co., Ltd” (動画制作・映像制作の株式会社プルークス), is a promotional video that introduces JAL’s CSR activities. CSR stands for "corporate social responsibility," and refers to the social responsibility of a company to voluntarily engage in environmental protection activities from an ethical perspective. As introduced in the video, JAL, as a global company, continues to make various social contributions to reduce carbon emissions. This video introduces JAL’s CSR initiatives in a very clear and easy-to-understand way. We hope that by watching this video you'll get interested in environmental conservation as well! JAL’s Environmental Initiatives Source :YouTube screenshot It can be said that economic activity leads to the emission of large amounts of CO2 which in turn affects global warming. As introduced at 0:35 in the video, JAL’s CSR activities include the installation of equipment that lowers the air resistance of airplanes to increase fuel efficiency, cooperation with the atmospheric observation project “CONTRAIL”, and airplane engine cleaning for improved fuel efficiency. Examples of JAL's Bio-Jet Fuel Utilization Source :YouTube screenshot Japan Airlines (JAL) plans to introduce Bio-jet fuel into airplanes to further reduce CO2. Bio-jet fuel is an earth-friendly fuel made from wood and trash. From 2:36 in the video, a charter flight using fuel made from cotton clothing is also introduced. The recycling of garbage, wood and used clothes eliminates the need for mining new fossil fuels, which would lead to a cleaner, recycling based society. Eco-Friendly Flights by JAL Source :YouTube screenshot JAL conducted a demonstration flight of an airplane using Bio-jet fuel in 2009, and a test flight equipped with Bio-jet fuel from Chicago O’Hare International Airport to Narita International Airport in 2017. In addition, in 2019, they received a supply of Bio-jet fuel from Showa Shell Co, Ltd. and operated a flight to San Francisco International Airport. They are planning a charter flight with an airplane using Bio-jet fuel again in 2020. Summary of Japan Airlines' CSR Activity Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, the environmental conservation activities of Japan Airlines are explained in an easy-to-understand animation. The introduction of Bio-jet fuel for airplanes is an initiative for the “SDGs” adopted at the United Nations Summit. Everyone is focused on Japan Airlines' CSR activities as it continues to make various contributions to safety, environmental protection and local communities. 【Official website】CSR Information | JAL Corporate Website – Japan Airlines https://www.jal.com/en/ -
Video article 13:01
【Easy Japanese】A Beginner's Guide on How to Use the Train in Japan – Tickets, IC Cards, Japan Rail Pass, and More!(日本の電車の乗り方を解説!切符、ICカード、ジャパンレールパスの購入方法も紹介!)
Life & Business Transportation Travel- 1.09K plays
- YouTube
How to Use the Train in Japan: Video Introduction 日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かたの動画どうが紹介しょうかい! This video, titled "How to ride a train in Japan," was uploaded by "YOU in Japan-Homestay in Japan-" (YOU in Japan-ホームステイインジャパン-). 今回こんかいは、『YOU in Japan-ホームステイインジャパン-』さん制作せいさくの『日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かた』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 It introduces how to purchase train tickets and IC cards, and how to use them to ride the train in Japan. 日本にほんで電車でんしゃに乗のるときに、切符きっぷやICカードの購入こうにゅう方法ほうほうと乗のり方かたを紹介しょうかいする動画どうがです。 It's a useful video for those traveling in Japan or those who want to live in Japan in the future. 日本にほんを旅行りょこうする人ひとや、将来しょうらい日本にほんに住すみたいと思おもっている人ひとに役やくに立たつ動画どうがです。 Transportation in Japan 日本にほんの交通こうつう Photo:A station(写真しゃしん:駅えき) Trains are an important means of transportation in Japan. 電車でんしゃは日本にほんの重要じゅうような交通手段こうつうしゅだんです。 Trains are used by millions of people each day in Japan, for things like work and school. 日本にほんでは毎日まいにち、何なん百ひゃく万人ばんにんもの人ひとが通勤つうきんや通学つうがくするために電車でんしゃを使つかっています。 Especially in urban areas like Tokyo, trains are used far more than cars. 特とくに東京とうきょうのような都市部としぶでは、車くるまよりも、電車でんしゃを使つかう人ひとが圧倒的あっとうてきに多おおいです。 Furthermore, it's said that Japan also has some of the most punctual trains in the world. さらに、日本にほんの電車でんしゃは世界せかいで最もっとも時間じかんに正確せいかくと言いわれています。 Japan's trains are also a very useful form of transportation for travelers. 旅行者りょこうしゃにとっても便利べんりな交通手段こうつうしゅだんです。 If you're traveling in Japan, trains will probably be the mode of transportation you use most. 日本にほんを旅行りょこうする場合ばあい、おそらく日本にほんで最もっともよく利用りようする交通手段こうつうしゅだんでしょう。 But there are some things to know before riding them that will make using them much easier. 乗のる前まえに知しっておくと役立やくだつ情報じょうほうを紹介しょうかいします。 Purchasing Train Tickets & IC Cards 乗車券じょうしゃけん・ICカードの購入こうにゅうについて Photo:A ticket terminal at a station(写真しゃしん:駅えきの券売機けんばいき) There are two main ways to take use the train in Japan: the first is to buy a ticket to ride the train, and the second is to use an IC card. 日本にほんで電車でんしゃに乗のるには、主おもに2つふたつ>の乗のり方かたがあります。1つひとつは切符きっぷを買かっての乗のり方かた、もう1つひとつはICカードを使つかっての乗のり方かたです。 IC cards (Integrated Circuit Cards) are rechargeable cards that that can be used to ride the train in Japan. ICカード(Integrated Circuit Card)は、必要ひつような電車でんしゃ賃ちんを乗のる前まえにチャージができるカードです。 They can be purchased at stations all across Japan. 日本全国にっぽんぜんこくの駅えきで買かうことができます。 IC cards make train travel incredibly easy as you no longer have to purchase a ticket and calculate costs every time you ride the train. ICカードを使つかうと、電車でんしゃに乗のるたびに切符きっぷを買かったり、料金りょうきんを計算けいさんしたりする必要ひつようがなくなります。 Simply scan your IC card at the ticket gate and the fee is deducted from your card automatically. 改札かいさつでICカードをスキャンするだけで料金りょうきんが自動的じどうてきに引ひき落おとされるので、電車でんしゃの旅たびがとても簡単かんたんになります。 IC cards can be recharged at terminals where tickets and IC cards can be purchased. ICカードのチャージは、切符きっぷやICカードが買かえる自動券売機じどうけんばいきでできます。 When coming to Japan from overseas, you'll likely be landing at either Haneda Airport or Narita Airport. 海外かいがいから日本にほんに来くる場合ばあい、羽田空港はねだくうこうか成田空港なりたくうこうのどちらかに着陸ちゃくりくすることが多おおいでしょう。 Both airports sell IC cards, but the video will show you how to purchase them at Haneda Airport. どちらの空港くうこうでもICカードが販売はんばいされていますが、動画どうがでは羽田空港はねだくうこうでの買かい方かたを紹介しょうかいしています。 First, you'll need to find the ticket terminal. まずは、自動券売機じどうけんばいきを探さがしましょう。 As shown in the video, these ticket terminals also have multilingual support, so even if you can't speak Japanese, you should have no problems using them. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、自動券売機じどうけんばいきは多言語たげんご対応たいおうもしているので、日本語にほんごが話はなせない人ひとでも問題もんだいなく使つかえるはずです。 After using the ticket fare chart above the ticket terminals to find your destination and ticket price, you can put in your money and receive your ticket and change, as well as a receipt. 自動券売機じどうけんばいきの上うえにある切符きっぷ運賃表うんちんひょうで目的もくてき地ちと切符きっぷの料金りょうきんを確認かくにんしたら、お金かねを入いれて切符きっぷ、おつり、領収書りょうしゅうしょを受うけ取とります。 If you're going to need a connecting ticket, simply choose where you'll be changing lines, enter the name of the station you'll be going to, select that station, and pay. 連絡れんらく切符きっぷが必要ひつような場合ばあいは、乗のり換かえの場所ばしょを選よらんで、行き先ゆきさきの駅えきの名前なまえを入力にゅうりょくして、その駅えきを選えらんでお金かねを払はらいます。 [Video] 2:16 - How to Purchase Train Tickets at Haneda Airport 【動画どうが】2:16~ 羽田空港はねだくうこうでの乗車券じょうしゃけんの買かい方かた As shown in the video, there are a variety of different IC cards used across Japan, but Suica and PASMO are the main IC cards used in Japan's Kanto region. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、日本全国にっぽんぜんこくでさまざまなICカードが使つかわれていますが、関東地方かんとうちほうで主おもに使つかわれているカードは「Suica」と「PASMO」です。 By following the instructions displayed on the ticket terminal, you can easily purchase an IC card. ICカードは、自動券売機じどうけんばいきに表示ひょうじされる案内あんないに従したがって、簡単かんたんに買かうことができます。 You'll also need to charge it for your first use. 初はじめて使つかうときは、チャージも必要ひつようです。 There's also a personal PASMO where you can enter your details, but this is mostly for residents of Japan, so if you're just traveling, it shouldn't be necessary. 個人情報こじんじょうほうを入力にゅうりょくする「名前なまえ入いりPASMO」もありますが、これは主おもに日本にほん在住者ざいじゅうしゃ向むけなので、旅行りょこうが目的もくてきの場合ばあいは必要ひつようないでしょう。 [Video] 4:19 - How to Purchase an IC Card at Haneda Airport 【動画どうが】4:19~ 羽田空港はねだくうこうでのICカードのチャージ方法ほうほう To recharge your IC card, simply press the recharge button. ICカードのリチャージは、リチャージボタンを押おします。 After that, insert your IC card into the slot, and choose how much you want to recharge. 一部いちぶの自動券売機じどうけんばいきでは、ICカードを差さし込こみ口ぐちに入いれる代かわりに、小ちいさなICカードトレーにカードを入いれます。 At some ticket terminals, instead of inserting your card into a slot, you place it in a small IC card tray. それから、ICカードを差さし込こみ口ぐちに入いれて、チャージする金額きんがくを選えらびます。 [Video] 6:53 - How to Recharge an IC Card at Haneda Airport 【動画どうが】6:53~ 羽田空港はねだくうこうでのICカードのチャージ方法ほうほう How to Use Tickets & IC Cards to Ride the Train in Japan 乗車券じょうしゃけん・ICカードを使つかって日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かた Photo:An automatic ticket gate(写真しゃしん:自動改札じどうかいさつ) The first thing to be aware of is that some ticket gates have IC card-only gates, and tickets cannot be used to pass through these. まず、一部いちぶの改札かいさつにはICカード専用せんようの改札かいさつがあって、切符きっぷでは通とおれないので注意ちゅういしてください。 To pass through the ticket gate, simply insert your ticket into the slot on the ticket gate. 改札かいさつを通とおるためには、切符きっぷを改札かいさつの投入とうにゅう口ぐちに差さし込こんでください。 The ticket will then be pulled through to the other side. すると、切符きっぷが反対はんたい側がわから出でてきます。 Be sure to take this or you'll end up having to repurchase the ticket when you get off the train. これを必かならず取とらないと、電車でんしゃを降おりるときに切符きっぷをもう一度いちど買かい直なおさなければならなくなります。 [Video] 7:29 - Passing Through the Ticket Gate With a Train Ticket 【動画どうが】7:29~ 乗車券じょうしゃけんで改札かいさつを通とおる様子ようす When passing through the ticket gate with an IC card, simply touch your IC card to the IC card reader, and when it beeps, the gate will open and u can pass through. ICカードで改札かいさつを通とおるときは、ICカードリーダーにICカードをタッチして、「ピッ」と鳴なれば改札かいさつが開ひらいて通とおれます。 [Video] 8:00 - Passing Through the Ticket Gate With an IC Card 【動画どうが】8:00〜 ICカードで改札かいさつを通とおる様子ようす After passing through the ticket gate, you can head to the platform where you can wait for your train. 改札かいさつを通とおったら、列車れっしゃを待まつホームへ向むかいます。 If you have a lot of luggage, you can use the elevator, but if you're traveling light, you can also use the escalators. 荷物にもつが多おおい場合ばあいはエレベーターを使つかいますが、荷物にもつが少すくない場合ばあいはエスカレーターを使つかっても良よいでしょう。 Be sure to double check the train information at the platform to avoid getting on the wrong train. 間違まちがえて乗のってしまわないように、ホームにある電車でんしゃ案内あんないをもう一度いちど確認かくにんしましょう。 [Video] 8:15 - Going to the Train Platform 【動画どうが】8:15〜 ホームへ向むかう様子ようす Most trains in Japan will have a small electronic display that tells what the next station is and what kind of train you're currently riding. 日本にほんのほとんどの電車でんしゃには、次つぎの駅えきがどこか、今いま乗のっている電車でんしゃの種類しゅるいを示しめす小ちいさな電光掲示板でんこうけいじばんがあります。 Most trains have this displayed in English as well. そして、ほとんどの電車でんしゃには、この掲示板けいじばんは英語えいごでも表示ひょうじされています。 [Video] 9:10 - Getting on the Train 【動画どうが】9:10〜 電車でんしゃに乗のる様子ようす Just like when how you got on the train, simply insert your ticket into the ticket gate slot when getting off. 電車でんしゃに乗のったときと同おなじように、降おりるときも投入とうにゅう口ぐちに切符きっぷを入いれると降おりられます。 If this is your final destination, the ticket won't come out on the other side. 最終目的地さいしゅうもくてきちの場合ばあいは、切符きっぷは反対はんたい側がわには出でてきません。 [Video] 9:39 - Getting off the Train & Exiting the Ticket Gate With a Train Ticket 【動画どうが】9:39~ 乗車券じょうしゃけんで電車でんしゃを降ふって、改札かいさつを出でる様子ようす If using an IC card, touch the IC card to the IC card reader until it beeps, and pass through the ticket gate. ICカードの場合ばあいは、ICカードをICカードリーダーに「ピッ」となるまでタッチして、改札かいさつを通とおってください。 [Video] 10:35 - Getting off the Train & Exiting the Ticket Gate With an IC card 【動画どうが】10:35~ ICカードで電車でんしゃの降ふり方かたと改札かいさつを出でる様子ようす If you're using an IC card, as usual, simply touch the IC card to the IC card reader until it beeps, and then pass through it. ICカードの場合ばあいは、いつも通とおり、ICカードリーダーにピッとなるまでICカードをタッチして通とおれば大丈夫だいじょうぶです。 Just be sure your card is adequately charged or you'll have to go to a ticket terminal to recharge before transferring. ただ、カードにチャージされている金額きんがくが足たらない場合ばあいは、乗のり換かえの前まえに自動券売機じどうけんばいきでチャージする必要ひつようがあります。 [Video] 10:46 - Transferring Trains With an IC card 【動画どうが】10:46~ ICカードで電車でんしゃに乗のり継つぐ様子ようす When transferring with a train ticket, insert the ticket into the slot on the ticket gate, and be sure to grab it on the other side, as you'll use it until your final destination. 乗車券じょうしゃけんで乗のり換かえる場合ばあい、最終目的地さいしゅうもくてきちまで切符きっぷを使つかいますので、改札かいさつの投入とうにゅう口ぐちに乗車券じょうしゃけんを差さし込こんで、反対はんたい側がわで必かならず取とってください。 [Video] 11:26 - Transferring Trains With a Train Ticket 【動画どうが】11:26~ 乗車券じょうしゃけんで乗のり換かえる様子ようす Once you get the hang of Japan's railways system you'll be traveling at a much faster pace. 日本にほんの電車でんしゃに慣なれたら、もっと効率的こうりつてきに観光かんこうができるようになります。 I highly recommend using an IC card as it will save you a lot of time that would otherwise be spent buying tickets and calculating prices. ICカードは、切符きっぷを買かったり料金りょうきんを計算けいさんしたりする時間じかんをなくして、時間じかんの節約せつやくになりますので、ぜひ使つかってみてください。 You can also get the ¥500 deposit back if you return the IC card when you no longer need it (there will likely be a small fee deducted when returning the card). また、ICカードが不要ふようになったら返却へんきゃくすれば、500円ごひゃくえんのデポジットを返かえしてもらえます(返却へんきゃくの時ときにちょっとした手数料てすうりょうがかかることがあります)。 The Different Types of IC Cards Used in Japan 日本にほんで使つかわれているICカードの種類しゅるい Photo:suica(写真しゃしん:suica) There are many different IC cards used across Japan. 日本全国にっぽんぜんこくで使つかわれているICカードは様々さまざまな種類しゅるいがあります。 Unfortunately, they cannot be used for continuous travel between different regions. しかし、残念ざんねんながら、各かくエリア間かんをまたがってご利用りよういただくことはできません。 Here is a list of the different IC cards and where the areas they can be purchased. ここでは、ICカードの種類しゅるいと買かえる地域ちいきを紹介しょうかいします。 IC cards can be used in different areas in Japan as well, although some may have limited uses. また、ICカードは他たの地域ちいきでも使つかえますが、一部いちぶの機能きのうが使つかえないことがあります。 Kitaca - JR Hokkaido Kitaca - JR北海道ほっかいどう Suica - JR East (Tokyo, Niigata, Sendai) Suica - JR東日本ひがしにほん(東京とうきょう、新潟にいがた、仙台せんだい) PASMO - Tokyo metropolitan area PASMO - 東京とうきょう manaca - Nagoya, Shizuoka manaca - 名古屋なごや、静岡しずおか TOICA - JR Central TOICA - JR東海とうかい ICOCA - JR West (Hiroshima, Kyoto, Osaka, Okayama) ICOCA - JR西日本にしにほん(広島ひろしま、京都きょうと、大阪おおさか、岡山おかやま) PiTaPa - Kansai (Kyoto, Osaka) PiTaPa - 関西かんさい(京都きょうと、大阪おおさか) SUGOCA - JR Kyushu (Fukuoka) SUGOCA - JR九州きゅうしゅう(福岡ふくおか) nimoca - Fukuoka, Oita, Kumamoto, Saga, Miyazaki, Hakodate nimoca - 福岡ふくおか、大分おおいた、熊本くまもと、佐賀さが、宮崎みやざき、函館はこだて Hayakaken - Fukuoka subway system Hayakaken - 福岡市ふくおかし地下鉄ちかてつ Another thing of note is that IC cards can be used for shopping at many places as well. ICカードのもう1つひとつのポイントは、多おおくの場所ばしょで買かい物ものする際さいにも使つかえるということです。 This is nice to avoid carrying a lot of change. 小銭こぜにが溜たまらないので便利べんりです。 Also, if you're looking to take a quick break, IC cards can be used at many vending machines to purchase a drink! また、ちょっとした休憩きゅうけいのときに、自動販売機じどうはんばいきでもICカードで飲のみ物ものが買かえるので便利べんりです。 Types of Trains in Japan 日本にほんの列車れっしゃの種類しゅるい Photo:A rapid train(写真しゃしん:快速電車かいそくでんしゃ) There are five main types of trains in Japan, differing by number of stops and other factors. 日本にほんには、停車ていしゃする駅えきの数かずなどの違ちがいによって、主おもに5種類ごしゅるいの列車れっしゃがあります。 Remembering the different types can help you know which train to board. 列車れっしゃの種類しゅるいを覚おぼえたらどの電車でんしゃに乗のればいいのかが分わかりやすくなります。 Local: 普通ふつう Local trains are the slowest type of train and generally stop at every station on the line. 普通列車ふつうれっしゃは最もっとも遅おそい種類しゅるいの列車れっしゃで、一般的いっぱんてきには、各駅かくえきに停車ていしゃします。 Rapid: 快速かいそく Rapid trains generally cost the same as local trains but are faster as they stop only at major stations. 快速列車かいそくれっしゃは一般いっぱん的てきに普通列車ふつうれっしゃと同おなじ料金りょうきんですが、主要しゅような駅えきだけに停車ていしゃしますので、普通列車ふつうれっしゃより速はやいです。 Express: 急行きゅうこう Express trains generally stop at fewer stations and are faster than rapid trains. 急行列車きゅうこうれっしゃは、一般的いっぱんてきに停車ていしゃする駅えきが少すくなくて、快速列車かいそくれっしゃより速はやいのが特徴とくちょうです。 Limited Express: 特急列車とっきゅうれっしゃ Limited express trains are the fastest trains in Japan besides shinkansen, and an additional fee will be charged when using riding them. 特急列車とっきゅうれっしゃは、新幹線しんかんせん以外いがいで日本にほんの最もっとも速はやい列車れっしゃで、乗のる場合ばあいは別べつの料金りょうきんがかかります。 Shinkansen: 新幹線しんかんせん Shinkansen, or bullet trains, are the fastest trains in Japan and connect Japan's major cities. 新幹線しんかんせんは、日本にほんの最もっとも速はやい列車れっしゃで、日本にほんの主要しゅよう都市としを繋つないでいます。 Train Ticket Prices in Japan 日本にほんの乗車券じょうしゃけんの料金りょうきん When traveling to a nearby location, most train tickets will start at around 160 yen (in Tokyo) and slowly increase as distance increases. 近ちかいところに行いく場合ばあい、ほとんどの乗車券じょうしゃけんは(東京とうきょうでは)160ひゃくろくじゅう円えんぐらいから買かえて、距離きょりが長ながくなるにつれて高たかくなります。 Keep in mind that train ticket prices also change depending on the type of train you ride on. 乗車券じょうしゃけんの料金りょうきんは、列車れっしゃの種類しゅるいによっても変かわるのでご注意ちゅういしてください。 In general, local trains are the cheapest, while shinkansen are the most expensive. 一般的いっぱんてきに、普通列車ふつうれっしゃは最もっとも安やすい列車れっしゃで、新幹線しんかんせんは最もっとも高たかい列車れっしゃです。 The Japan Rail Pass & Green Tickets ジャパンレールパスとグリーン券けん Photo:Japan Rail Pass(写真しゃしん:ジャパンレールパスじゃぱんれーるぱす) The Japan Rail Pass is a special type of train ticket that can be purchased ONLY by foreign tourists that enter Japan as a temporary visitor, for the purpose of sightseeing. ジャパンレールパスは、日本にほんに一時いちじ的てきに入国にゅうこくする「観光かんこう目的もくてきの外国人観光客がいこくじんかんこうきゃく」しか買かえない特別とくべつな乗車じょうしゃ券けんです。 There are two types of Japan Rail Pass, "Green" and "Standard," and the cost of each varies depending on the period of use. ジャパンレールパスには、「グリーン」と「普通ふつう」の2つふたつ>の種類しゅるいがあって、それぞれ使用しよう期間きかんによって金額きんがくが変かわります。 ・7-day Passes 7日間なのかかん有効ゆうこうパス Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Green グリーン Adults - 44,810 YEN 大人おとな 44,810よんまんよんせんはっぴゃくじゅう円えん Children - 22,400 YEN 子供こども 22,400にまんにせんよんひゃく円えん Standard 普通ふつう Adults - 29,650 YEN 大人おとな 29,650にまんきゅうせんろっぴゃく円えん Children - 14,820 YEN 子供こども 14,820いちまんよんせんはっぴゃくにじゅう円えん ・14-day Passes 14日間じゅうよっかかん有効ゆうこうパス Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Green グリーン Adults - 64,120 YEN 大人おとな 64,120ろくまんよんせんひゃくにじゅう円えん Children - 32,060 YEN 子供こども 32,060さんまんにせんろくじゅう円えん Standard 普通ふつう Adults - 47,250 YEN 大人おとな 47,250よんまんななせんにひゃくごじゅう円えん Children - 23,260 YEN 子供こども 23,260にまんさんぜんにひゃくろくじゅう円えん ・21-day Passes 21日間にじゅういちにちかん有効ゆうこうパス Pricing: 料金りょうきん: Green グリーン Adults - 83,390 YEN 大人おとな 83,390はちまんさんぜんさんびゃくきゅうじゅう円えん Children - 41,690 YEN 子供こども 41,690よんまんせんろっぴゃくきゅうじゅう円えん Standard 普通ふつう Adults - 60,450 YEN 大人おとな 60,450ろくまんよんひゃくごじゅう円えん Children - 30,220 YEN 子供こども 30,220さんまんにひゃくにじゅう円えん ※Prices up to date as of 10/17/2022 ※2022にせんにじゅうに年ねん10月じゅうがつ17日じゅうしちにち現在げんざいの料金りょうきんです。 Green cars are train cars with first class seating, allowing you to relax when traveling. グリーン車しゃは一いち等席とうせきがある車両しゃりょうで、旅行りょこうの時ときに使つかうとくつろぐことができます。 One thing to note is that green car tickets can be purchased even without a Japan rail pass 1つひとつ注意ちゅういしたいのは、グリーン車しゃのグリーン券けんはジャパンレールパスがなくても買かえるということです。 Train Manners in Japan 日本にほんの電車でんしゃのマナー Photo:A businessman talking on the phone while riding the train(写真しゃしん:電車内でんしゃないで通話つうわをするビジネスマン) We mentioned that Japan is known for its punctual trains, but Japanese people are also known for their good manners when riding trains. 日本にほんの電車でんしゃが時間じかんに正確せいかくであることをお伝つたえしましたが、電車でんしゃに乗のるときの日本人にっぽんじんのマナーが良よいことも知しられています。 Here, we'll list some things to keep in mind when riding a train in Japan, so you don't cause other trouble for other passengers. ここでは、日本にほんの電車でんしゃに乗のるときに、他たの乗客じょうきゃくに迷惑めいわくをかけないように気きをつけたいことを紹介しょうかいします。 1. No Talking on the Phone 1. 通話つうわは禁止きんし Talking on the other phone is definitely something to avoid, as it can be noisy and can cause trouble for other passengers. 通話つうわはうるさくて、他たの乗客じょうきゃくに迷惑めいわくをかけてしまいますので、絶対ぜったいにやめましょう。 It's also good manners to keep your phone on silent or some setting with which it won't ring. また、携帯電話けいたいでんわはマナーモードなど、音おとが鳴ならない設定せっていにするのがマナーです。 2. Talk Quietly When Riding the Train 2. 電車でんしゃに乗のるときは静しずかに話はなす Talking loudly with friends can be tempting when you're having fun, but it's important to be mindful of others. 友達ともだちと遊あそんでいるときは、大おおきな声こえで話はなしていても気きづかないかもしれませんが、他たの人ひとを気きづかうことが大切たいせつです。 It's also good manners to avoid listening to loud music. また、音楽おんがくを静しずかに聴きくのもマナーです。 3. Don't Eat When Riding the Train 3. 電車でんしゃで食たべてはいけない Eating on the train should always be avoided unless you're riding a shinkansen or in a green car, as these generally have tables and cup holders for eating and drinking. 新幹線しんかんせんやグリーン車しゃでは、よくテーブルやカップホルダーがありますので食たべても大丈夫だいじょうぶですが、それ以外いがいの電車でんしゃでの食事しょくじはマナー違反いはんです。 4. Be Careful of Priority Seating 4. 優先席ゆうせんせきに注意ちゅうい Trains in Japan have priority seating that is to be used be by senior citizens, people with disabilities, people with injuries, pregnant women, and people with children. 日本にほんの電車でんしゃには、高齢者こうれいしゃ、障害者しょうがいしゃ、傷病しょうびょう者しゃ、妊婦にんぷ、乳幼児にゅうようじがいる人ひとの優先ゆうせん座席ざせきがあります。 Be careful not to sit in them if you don't fit into any of the above categories. 上記じょうきに当あてはまらない人ひとは、座すわらないように気きをつけましょう。 5. Be Careful to Not Take Up Too Much Space 5. スペースを取とり過すぎないように注意ちゅうい Trains in most major Japanese cities are quite packed, especially during rush hour. 日本にほんの主要しゅよう都市としの電車でんしゃは、特とくにラッシュ時じになるとかなり込こみます。 Because of this, it's important to not take up more space than you need, so that other passengers have room as well. 他たの乗客じょうきゃくのスペースも考かんがえて、必要ひつよう以上いじょうのスペースをとらないようにしましょう。 If you're traveling with a backpack, it's considered good manners to move the backpack to your chest. リュックの場合ばあいは、胸むねの方ほうに持もつのがマナーとされています。 This makes it take up less space behind you and prevents it from bumping into people. そうすることで、後うしろのスペースを取とらず、人ひとにぶつかりません。 Also, be sure to use the luggage shelves located above the seats if possible. また、可能かのうであれば座席ざせきの上うえにある荷物棚にもつだなを使つかうと良よいでしょう。 If you can't use them, try to keep your bags as close to yourself as possible. 使つかえない場合ばあいは、できるだけ自分じぶんの近ちかくに荷物にもつを持もちましょう。 Summary of How to Use the Train in Japan 日本にほんの電車でんしゃの乗のり方かたのまとめ Whether you're traveling or planning to reside in Japan, we hope this article has helped you better understand trains in Japan. 日本にほんへ旅行りょこうであれ、住すむ予定よていであれ、この記事きじを読よむことで、日本にほんの電車でんしゃを知しっていただけたら嬉うれしいです。 It can be difficult at first, but after learning the basics you'll have a much easier to traveling around Japan. 最初さいしょは難むずかしいかもしれませんが、基本きほんを覚おぼえれば、日本国内にほんこくないの移動いどうがわかりやすく楽たのしくなるでしょう。 There are some manners to abide by when traveling via train in Japan, but as long as you're careful you should have no trouble! 電車でんしゃを使つかう時ときにはマナーを守まもるのが大切たいせつですが、気きをつければ問題もんだいありません。 Feel free to leave a comment and let us know if you have any questions too! 質問しつもんなどがありましたら、お気軽きがるにコメントしてください。 h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 8:05
“From Within the Pocket to the Reaches of Space”! You Won’t Be Able Keep Your Eyes off the Technological Development of JAE! Check Out the PR Video of the Company Supporting Social Infrastructure!
Life & Business- 67 plays
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PR Video of Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd This video titled “Company’s Promotion Video for JAE(日本航空電子工業株式会社・JAE・会社PRビデオ・プロモーションビデオ)” is the one to promote Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd, a manufacturer of electronic components and devices. There are many companies that manufacture high quality electronic components or devices in Japan. Let's explore the manufacturing technology and corporate philosophy of the Avionics Group, that boasts such advanced technology in the industry. This video features easy-to-understand information on advanced technologies or production engineering that the JAE group has. By watching this video, you'll get a better understanding of the many technologies incorporated into the electronic devices you use one a daily basis. What Kind of Company Is JAE? Source :YouTube screenshot JAE is an electronic components manufacturer in Shibuya, Tokyo. The average age of the company's employees is between 30 and 40 years old, and the company uses advanced technology to make a variety of electrical products such as connectors, user interface solutions (e.g. touch panels), motion sensors and controls. The Highly Advanced Manufacturing of JAE Source :YouTube screenshot JAE is involved in the manufacturing of many different types of electronic components not only for small information equipment such as mobile products or connectors, but also for automobiles, bullet trains, and aircrafts. You can see what kind of products they make in the footage (from 1:08). They are also engaged in the design and manufacturing of sophisticated electronic parts such as rockets and ocean exploration machines. That being said, JAE is highly contributing to society's infrastructure. Various Activities That JAE Is Working On Source :YouTube screenshot This video clip includes footage (from 5:45) of various activities related to environmental management. JAE promotes environmental conservation activities through afforestation and maintenance of forests to promote environmental management. In addition, the global network, introduced at 6:12 in the video, is the company's effort to promote development and production at a number of sites both in Japan and overseas. Summary of JAE's PR Video Source :YouTube screenshot As shown at 4:48 in the video, JAE aims to reform manufacturing through the manufacture of precision electronics products. Their high quality manufacturing, based on overwhelming technological development and production capabilities, will support Japan's future electronic technology. Through the video, we're shown that the products and vehicles that are now indispensable in our lives are made with the cutting-edge technology of companies like JAE. ◆Company Information of Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Limited◆ 【Address】1-21-1 Dogenzaka Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0043 【Access】6 minutes from Shibuya Station off the JR Yamanote line by foot 【Telephone No.】03-3780-2711 【Official Website】Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Limited https://www.jae.com/ -
Video article 10:03
Magical Techniques Brings These Graters Back to Life! A Look at One Craftsman in Tokyo Making Used Graters Look Like New!
Life & Business- 217 plays
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Restoring Old Graters to their Former Glory This video, titled "The Fascinating Repairmen. #009 'Graters'" was uploaded by "Togepi1125." It shows a Japanese craftsman repairing graters. You can see the graters made from an ancient Japanese copper plate in the video. Copper graters have been used since the Edo period (1603-1868). It's said that a copper grater is an item that can last a lifetime if properly taken care, but it can also become damaged if used continuously. A grater repairman is an expert who uses manual techniques to repair tools in a workplace filled with many machines. Making Worn-Out Graters Look Like New - Techniques of a Grater Repairman Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces Takashi Teshigawara, the repairman at Kosuge, a hardware workshop in Tokyo, from 0:38. He has over 56 years of experience as a craftsman, and his skillful techniques can make damaged copper graters shine like new. Although the teeth on the surface of the grater are called eyes, repairing a grater is called re-toothing. Copper is a material that is easily affected by oxidation and other factors, so the edges of eyes become damaged over time. A skilled repairman can repair the damaged eyes using all kinds of techniques. The Repair Process of Graters Source :YouTube screenshot First, boil the old rusty grater, polish it properly, getting rid of stains left behind by radishes, ginger, wasabi, and any other vegetables. This process can be seen from 3:06 in the video. Next, the copper part of the grater is tapped with a hammer and roasted over fire to polish its surface. At last, a chisel is used to clean and sharpen the eyes of the grater. It takes a lot of time to clean and sharpen the flattened grater eyes. Through these techniques even the most worn-out graters will look like new. The finished grater can be seen from 7:37 in the video. Summary of Japan's Grater Repairmen Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, many Japanese tools have been repeatedly repaired by craftsman and used for many years. There are many artisans with expert skills who can repair various types of tools to the point that they look brand new. Check out the video to see the amazing work of one craftsman doing just that. -
Video article 2:53
A Future Where Man and Robot Coexist Is Just Around the Corner. The World Created by OriHime, a Robot Developed by a Young Japanese Robotics Researcher, Is the Path to the Future!
Life & Business- 69 plays
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The Robot Avatar Orihime This video, titled "Be Anywhere With Your Own Avatar|A Japanese Venture Developing Robots" (自分の分身でどこにでも ロボット開発した日本のベンチャー), was released by "BBC News Japan." Have you heard of the robot avatar OriHime(織姫)? This video introduces the robot avatar OriHime that was developed by a startup company located in Mitaka city, Tokyo. The video is about Ory Laboratory that is run by the robot researcher and the developer of OriHime Kentaro Yoshifuji(吉藤健太朗) and the interesting story of how OriHime was developed. Watch the video to learn about Japan’s advanced technology. Why Was OriHime Developed Source :YouTube screenshot Yoshifuji Kentaro developed OriHime from his own experience of feeling lonely while he was hospitalized for a certain period of time. At that time, he thought of a way to allow bedridden people to communicate with others remotely throughout the internet. Yoshioka Kentaro now goes by the name Yoshifuji Ory, and has become a person who is drawing attention from all over Japan and the world. Even Those Confined to a Bed Can Operate the Robot Avatar Orihime! Source :YouTube screenshot Even a bedridden person can operate OriHime remotely by his/herself. It takes a little time to get used to, but using a microphone, speakers, and using the "OriHime eye switch" communication device, even a bedridden person can operate OriHime easily with their eyes and fingers. You can see OriHime being operated at around 1:16 in the video. Expanding Our Capabilities With OriHime Photo:Remote work Orihime is not just for those suffering from illnesses either. It can also be a tool to communicate with family members who are away from home, working remotely, etc. For those who have kids that you sometimes have to leave at home alone, OriHime can be a good tool to check in on them. Besides parenting, it is also useful for children's education, with programs such as OriHime education, OriHime-D, and OriHime children's programming. As Japan's workforce continues to decline, the presence of robot avatars such as OriHime and remote work will grow. Orihime - The Robot Avatar Drawing Attention From All Over the World OriHime is now drawing attention from all over the world. OriHime being an employee of the cafe "WIRED SHIBUYA" in Shibuya made headlines around the world. The uses of OriHime will also expand by improving service staff and robot communicators. The robot is now drawing attention from around the world, and the creator, Yoshifuji Ory, is considering exporting the robot to different parts of the world in the near future. Having the product you created help people not only in Japan but also worldwide is a dream come true. It is precisely because he is taking on such a challenge that the young robotics researcher has attracted so much attention. Summary of the Robot Avatar OriHime Source :YouTube screenshot The video intrioduces Yoshifuji Kentaro, the creator of the robot avatar OriHime. For many watching this video it's probably like seeing the future you dreamed of as a child finally come to life. It will be interesting to see what OriHime, the Japanese robot avatar, has in store for us. -
Video article 4:51
A Look at Japan's Highly Sophisticated Coinage! Rare Footage Showing the Latest Japanese Coinage Technology Acknowledged Around the World!
Life & Business- 41 plays
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A Look at Japan's Currency Manufacturing Technology This video, titled "Japanese Currency Manufacturing Technology" (日本の貨幣製造技術), was released by "Japan Video Topics - 日本語". Japanese currency is created in accordance with the "Acts on Currency Units and Issuance of Coinage" (通貨の単位及び貨幣の発行等に関する法律). Currently, 6 types of coins and 4 types of banknotes issued by the Bank of Japan are in circulation, and 3 billion banknotes are printed every year. The History and Unique Characteristics of Japanese Currency Source :YouTube screenshot Today's Japanese banknotes are made through a method in which design and engraving specialists create the original designs with a brush, design a copper plate similar to a woodblock print and it is then printed by the National Printing Bureau. You can see the production process of these banknotes from 0:48 in the video. Throughout the long history of Japan, such as the Showa and Heisei periods, coinage technology of has dramatically improved. The value of Japanese coin manufacturing technology is recognized around the world, and in recent years, coin manufacturing has become a typical Japanese culture, with some people being asked to manufacture foreign coins as well. The Unique Ingenuity Incorporated Into Japanese Currency Source :YouTube screenshot Japanese banknotes and silver coins are actually packed with many innovations that bring together the advanced technology of traditional Japanese manufacturing. For example, Japanese bills have a watermark that makes a portrait appear when held over light. Ink is used for banknotes to create bumps when printing, so even blind people can touch the banknote and know what type it is. In addition, advanced anti-counterfeiting technology is used for Japanese floral patterns, such as the use of "Bank of Japan" micro-lettering, which cannot be color-copied, and "diagonal jaggedness" on the sides of the coins. Other advanced technologies such as "latent imaging," "fine lining," and "fine dotting," are also used in Japanese currency manufacturing. This amazing technology has been praised around the world for its ability to check the latent images and holograms of the 10,000-yen bill and the portraits and vertical bars of the 1,000-yen bill by touching, tilting, or holding them up to light. Summary of Japan's Currency Manufacturing Photo:Japanese money Japan's coinage is not something that can be seen often, so be sure to check it out if you still haven't yet! In Japan, the notes are scheduled to change in 2024, so keep an eye out for the new designs! In addition, commemorative coins are likely to be issued at events, such as the Olympics, so be sure to get one if you visit! -
Video article 7:06
This Tree Felling Video Is Full of Excitement and Suspense! You Won't Be Able to Take Your Eyes off This Video Showcasing the Amazing Skills and Techniques Used by Lumberjacks!
Life & Business- 521 plays
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Introducing Japan's Professional Lumberjacks This video [Felling of very tall trees 1] (高木の伐採作業1 美国林業) was created by "Mikuni Ringyou". It features demonstrations of techniques used by lumberjacks to cut down very tall trees. The professionals you can see in this video work for Mikuni Forestry, a company based in Honjo city (本庄市, honjoushi), Saitama prefecture in the Kantou region of Japan. Mikuni Forestry specializes in logging and the sale of lumber used to rebuild Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. The Origin of Forestry and Logging in Japan Photo:Logs Seventy percent of the land in Japan is covered in forest and many people work in the logging business. There are professionals who deal with a variety of requests; from pruning garden trees to the felling of large trees such as Japanese cedar, zelkova and evergreen oaks. They may also tackle other problems such as pest extermination, the uprooting of trees, and dealing with fallen trees. Lumber has been used since ancient times in Japan, for the building of houses, shrines and temples to the manufacture of smaller items such as furniture and everyday items. The forestry industry has grown and evolved alongside Japanese culture and lumber continues to be used to this day for a variety of purposes. More About the Lumberjacks and Logging Process in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot In Japan, professionals who are responsible for felling extremely tall trees are known as "Sorashi." There are many people in the logging business in Japan, but there are very few professionals with the title "Sorashi"; it is thought that there are only around 30 people in the whole of Japan. In order to cut down such large trees, special equipment and machinery such as cranes and chainsaws are essential. Felling down such large trees is a dangerous job, one small step can result in serious injury or even death. In this video, you can watch the felling of a 60 meter tall tree. As you can see from the opening scenes of the video, the workers wrap a rope around the trunk of the tree. From 0:21 in the video, you can see the workers use a chainsaw to cut all the way around the trunk of the tree. Then from around 0:59 you can hear the crashing noise of the tree as it falls to the ground. It appears he is using an even larger chainsaw than before. The highlight of this video has to be when the cedar tree is cut near the base and finally falls to the ground at 5:58. The footage is very impressive. Large Tree Logging Introductory Video Summary We hope you enjoyed watching the thrilling and exciting logging work of Japan's "Sorashi," captured on video. The amazing skills used in this video are something one would normally never be able to witness. For those who are considering the removal or felling of large trees, we highly recommend you put in a request to Mikuni Forestry who can advise you on the cost and man hours required. 【Mikuni Ringyou official Website】 http://www.mikuni-forestry.com/ -
Video article 4:03
What Was Life in Tokyo Like Over 100 Years Ago? Find Out With This Rare Footage of Tokyo During the Taisho Period!
Life & Business History- 2.68K plays
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Rare Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago! This video, titled "Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago (With Sound)" (東京の昔の映像 (音声あり)), was uploaded by "Final A." Have you ever wondered what life was like in Tokyo more than 100 years ago? Perhaps you've seen pictures in textbooks or studied it at school, but probably very few people have seen actual footage of what life was like back then. In this video, you can get a glimpse of what life was like in Tokyo around 1913-1915. The Lives of Tokyoites More Than 100 Years Ago Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:04 in the video, you can see many people walking around dressed in hakama (袴). You can also see children playing with a ball called a "mari" (毬) from 2:59. At the time, it was common for children to spend their days playing with traditional toys such as a mari (temari). As you can tell from the video, at the time, the majority of people were dressed in what would be considered traditional Japanese style clothing today. The streets were lit using fixed paper lanterns called "andon" (行灯). The population of Tokyo at the time was approximately 3 million. The population of the whole of Japan was approximately 50 million, less than half of what it is today. From 2:42 in the video, you can see how the area around Senso-ji temple (浅草寺) in Asakusa (浅草), Tokyo was just as busy then as it is nowadays. Tokyo From 1913-1915 Source :YouTube screenshot The Taisho period lasted only 15 years (1912-1926) but is well known because of the Great Kanto Earthquake (関東大震災). Many other important events also took place during the same time period. The most famous of those being World War I which started in 1913. In 1914, the first department store "Mitsukoshi Gofukuten" (三越呉服店) (currently known as Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store) opened in Japan, and the familiar lion statue, as well as escalators and elevators quickly became the talk of the town. At the time, the toy industry and product development were flourishing and it was the beginning of modernization in Japan. Tokyo Station (東京駅) was also opened in 1914. The station must have been very crowded at the time due to the large number of passengers travelling to and from the station. More About the History of Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In 1886, Tokyo prefecture (currently known in Japanese as Tokyo-to (東京都) was given the name Tokyo-fu (東京府). From the beginning of the Taisho period, there was a dramatic increase in the population of Tokyo. During the Meiji period (明治時代, meijijidai), the Tokyo area changed a great deal as Japan changed from being a country of agriculture to a country focused on industry. In the video, you can see that the most common mode of transportation was the rickshaw, however, the rickshaw was gradually replaced with bicycles and cars. At the time, there were many water wells in Tokyo and the water quality was also very good. Summary of Tokyo From 100 Years Ago Even if you aren't Japanese it's easy to feel a sense of nostalgia from this video. This rare footage offers a glimpse at what life was like over 100 years ago in Japan. It's invaluable footage that really allows us to see how far Japan and the rest of the world has come in such a short time. -
Video article 6:04
Bespoke shoes by a highly skilled shoemaker are like works of art! Check out the video to enjoy the craftsmanship of Shoji Kawaguchi, a shoemaker in Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo!
Life & Business Celebrities- 166 plays
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Video introduction of the shoemaker at MARQUESS, a shoe workshop in Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo "Meet the Japanese shoemaker who doesn't want his shoes to stand out | Remarkable Living" is a video that introduces shoe making craftsmanship by a shoemaker in Tokyo. Shoji Kawaguchi, a bespoke shoemaker from the shoe studio "MARQUESS" in Ginza, Tokyo, makes luxury shoes like those seen in the video. Shoji Kawaguchi studied abroad at a shoe vocational school in Northampton, England, and studied the skills of handmade British shoes under Paul Wilson. He was fascinated by the classic British shoes he had seen during his time there and later became an independent shoe making professional. Hand Made Shoes Source :YouTube screenshot From 1:30 on the video, the process of making handmade shoes by shoemaker Shoji Kawaguchi is introduced. The shoemaker first designs a shoe pattern and makes a paper pattern. He then make a wooden pattern according to the shape of the shoe. Next, he cuts the leather and other materials, sews them, and attaches the soles. All the work of MARQUESS shoe specialists is done by hand. As you can see in the video, Shoji Kawaguchi's shoe store has numerous shoe fitters. This is proof that the shoes were made according to the shape of each client's foot. The craftsmanship cultivated through many long years of training and work is indispensable in creating a classic shoe that fits snugly. The Commitment of MARQUESS' Shoemaker, Shoji Kawaguchi Source :YouTube screenshot All of MARQUESS' shoes are bespoke shoes. Tailor-made shoes are made according to the customer's preferences, after careful consideration of the type of leather and design requirements. MARQUESS checks not only the size of the feet but also the fashion of customers' suits and clothes, and proposes the best shoes to suit each individual. The reason why Shoji Kawaguchi makes classic shoes is introduced at 0:15 in the video. He says he wants to do a variety of shoe designs, but he wants to do this after mastering classic shoes because classic shoes are the basis for everything. When he first saw the shoes, all handmade in Northampton, England, he was inspired and felt compelled to pursue the craft. In addition, Shoji Kawaguchi feels that the most beautiful shoes are bespoke shoes from the 1930s to the 1940s, and says that he is studies daily to make shoes closer to the originals. In addition, Shoji Kawaguchi's commitment to shoes is discussed throughout this 6-minute video. Summary of Bespoke Shoemakers Source :YouTube screenshot In these videos, you can see the meticulous and high quality craftsmanship that only expert shoe makers posses! In the video, you'll see a world you never knew existed. Bespoke shoes are a little more expensive than regular shoes because all processes are done by hand. The appeal of these shoes is that you can get a pair that you can cherish and that will last you a long time. I bet you'll want your own pair of bespoke shoes after watching the video. 【Official Website】Marquess https://marquess-bespoke.blogspot.com/ -
Video article 1:00
Unraveling Tokyo's History in a Pop Video! The Tokyo Lifestyle Is Evolving With Each Passing Day, and Tokyo's Unique Culture Continues To Fascinate the World!
Life & Business- 36 plays
- YouTube
A Video Comparing Past and Present Tokyo! This video, titled "[Tokyo Tokyo Concept Video] Old meets New - Full version," was released by "Tokyo Tokyo." The video introduces and compares the past and present culture of Tokyo in a comical manner. The one-minute video is packed with many elements, including the historical culture of Japan, current pop culture, and subculture. If you're interested in Japanese culture, be sure to check out this video to compare past and present of Tokyo. Look Out for Information on the History and Culture of the Edo Period! Photo:Image of 36 Views of Mount Fuji In Tokyo, where the shogunate was established during the Edo period (1603-1868), Japan's unique culture continuously flourished. Kimono and traditional crafts, Kabuki and Noh, and traditional performing arts such as ikebana and tea ceremony have been loved for hundreds of years. In addition, Japanese food, such as sushi, developed greatly as a historical gourmet food favored by the common people in the Edo period. Ukiyo-e and Japanese paintings are the art of the Edo period. Japanese paintings drawn with a unique touch are still attracting attention from many history and art fans. The Contemporary Culture of Tokyo Introduced in the Video Photo:Cosplay Over many years new Japanese cultures continue to be born one after another in present day Tokyo. Particularly noteworthy is Japan's pop culture and subcultures, which have developed mainly among young people. The interesting culture unique to Tokyo, such as video games, special effects movies, idols and cosplay events, etc., is attracting a lot of attention not only from within Japan but also from abroad. In the video, there's Kendo and modern video games shown from 0:12, Maneki Neko and Hello Kitty from 0:24, and things like kaiju and Giant Robots, Ukiyo-e and Hatsune Miku, Noh and Kyari Pamyu Pamyu, etc. are compared with the past and introduced as contemporary culture. The video also introduces recommended gourmet foods to eat in present-day Tokyo. From 0:10 in the video, rice balls and the cute Kyaraben (character bentos), soba and tsukemen, and sushi and other Japanese cuisine is shown. There are many famous restaurants in Tokyo where you can enjoy mouthwatering ramen, so we recommend finding your favorite restaurant. Besides that, we recommend checking out popular foods like cotton candy and tapioca drinks that can be eaten at sightseeing spots, such as Harajuku. Summary of the Past and Present Tokyo Shown in the Video Photo:Downtown Tokyo from above This article introduced an interesting video that unravels the history of Tokyo. Lifestyles and cultures have changed drastically in Japan and unique cultures that were unthinkable a decade ago continue to be born. Suffice it to say, culture evolves alongside history. In the future, new cultures will continue to flourish in Tokyo. -
Video article 9:07
Japan's world-class modern art made by food sample craftsmen in Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture! Watch a video of the elaborate food sample production process
Life & Business Modern Culture Things to Do- 558 plays
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Video introduction of food sample craftsmen in Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan! Recommendations and points of interest The food models, that look exactly like the real thing, are frequently seen at restaurants and souvenir shops in Japan. But have you ever thought about how they're made? The introductory video of food models is created by ANA Global Channel. It shows how artisans’ feel about food models, and their production methods. Food models are now known all over the world as modern Japanese artworks. The role of food models and how artisans make food models is explained in this article alongside the video. The Role of Food Models: A Japanese Craft Photo:Food models Food models are replicas made by artisans so that people can imagine what kind of dish is provided at the restaurant without having to enter. By displaying the replicas in show-window, people can get an idea of the food and prices. This removes the anxiety of going into a restaurant blind. It's hard to go into a restaurant you're on the fence about when you've got little to no information about it. Japanese food model artisans provide a remedy for this. Food Models Are Popular Among Overseas as Well Source :YouTube screenshot Food models are popular in both Japan and other countries due to their high- quality and wide variety of products. There are a lot of stores that sell food models on Kappa Bridge (合羽橋, Kappabashi) Utensils Street in Asakusa, Taito Tokyo. There are different kinds of merchandise such as accessories, key chains and smartphone cases as well. These are bought as souvenirs and gifts by international tourists. It is globally recognized as a modern Japanese culture and art. How Food Models Are Made Let’s see how artisans create artificial food. The method is shown after 1:35. First, they make a cast of the ingredients by pouring silicon over real food. From here, they create a model by pouring vinyl resin in the mold. After that, all that's left is to paint the model. When all the fake ingredients are created, they are combined to create a replica indistinguishable from the real thing. There are replicas of sushi, soba, pasta, and more. Food Model Trial Classes Taking the opportunity to try your hand at making a food model makes for a really fun time and we highly recommend checking it out when you come to Japan. They take about 2 hours to complete so it's not a huge time sink either. The trial class is shown in the video around 5:07. It has become very popular with foreign tourists because of its convenience. You also get to take an awesome souvenir home with you! Summary Source :YouTube screenshot This ANA Global Channel video introducing food samples made by Japanese artisans is a great way to learn more about Japan. If you like arts and crafts or are interested in food models and artisans, definitely don't miss out on the video Have you figured out which one is real yet? The quality is quite impressive. -
Video article 5:33
Sento (public bathhouses) are full of Japanese-style atmosphere! Get to know the traditional Japanese culture of sento in this video introduction to Arai-yu, located in Asakusa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo!
Life & Business- 198 plays
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Video introduction of Arai-yu, a public bathhouse in Sumida-ku, Tokyo This 4 minute long video titled “Arai-Yu Sento - Tokyo(Arai-Yu Sento - Tokyo - 荒井湯 - 4K Ultra HD)“ features what the sento, “Arai-yu” in Sumida-ku (墨田区:Sumida ward) near the Tokyo Sky Tree is. While there are many natural hot springs and super sento in Japan, traditional public baths where you can enjoy Japan's unique bathing culture are also very popular. Watch the video and experience the feeling of being healed in a traditional Japanese public bath. The History of Japanese Sento Source :YouTube screenshot Sento is a paid public bath with a boiler and the beginning of its history dates back to the Heian period (794 to 1185 ). Public bathhouses have long been popular with the public, and from the Edo period (1603 to 1863) onward, they flourished as a social gathering place for the common people. There used to be more than 100 public bathhouses in Sumida, but the number of these bathhouses has been decreasing in recent years. What Is Araiyu? Source :YouTube screenshot Araiyu, a public bathhouse in Asakusa, has the same traditional architectural style as Japanese shrines, and is characterized by its tall chimney. You can see this traditional architecture in the footage from 0:09. The interior is decorated with paint and tile designs by bathhouse painters. The murals of Hokusai Katsushika, "The Great Wave Off Kanagawa" in the men's bath, and "36 Views of Mount Fuji" in the women's bath, are a must-see. You can also see these magnificent paintings in the bathrooms by watching the footage from 3:50. Let’s Visit a Traditional Japanese Sento! Source :YouTube screenshot Almost all Japanese feel nostalgic when they visit a sento. Recently, some bathing facilities have English-speaking receptionists for foreign tourists visiting a sento. There are Germanium baths, jet baths, ultrasonic baths, medicinal baths and more, so you'll never get bored of them. Some sento offer a sauna as well if you're into that. The Rules and Manners of Japan's Sento Source :YouTube screenshot There are important rules or manners for public baths, as they're used by many people. ・Before entering a bath, wash your body. ・Keep your hair up. ・Do not wash your body in the baths. ・Do not take a towel into a bathtub. ・The baths are shared use. ・If you sweat, wash off your sweat before entering a bathtub. Please make sure to follow these rules and manners and enjoy your time. Summary of Japan's Sento Source :YouTube screenshot After checking out this video of the atmosphere of Sumida's Araiyu, you'll definitely want to give it a visit. It's a great place to relax. Some of Japan's public baths are open 24 hours, but it's a good idea to check the days and hours of operation, as well as prices before visiting. ◆Araiyu◆ 【Address】2-8-7 Honjo Sumida 130-0004 【Access】10 minutes walking from “Honjo Azuma-bashi” station off the Toei Asakusa line 【Entrance fee】Adults (12+) 470 yen (* As of November, 2019) 【Hours】15:30 to 24:00 【Telephone No】03-3622-0740 【Tripadvisor】Araiyu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066459-d8008153-Reviews-Araiyu-Sumida_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:58
From a Bowel Professional Who Has Performed Over 40,000 Colonoscopies! The Secret to the Longevity of the Japanese and Italians Lies in the Natural Ingredients of Their Diets!
Life & Business- 42 plays
- YouTube
Tsuneo Matsuo is a doctor who has examined the large intestine of more than 40,000 people. He is a specialist when it comes to intestines and has published many books. Matsuo was one of the first promote "Fermented Cuisine" and "Mediterranean Cuisine" as effective in cultivating a healthy gut, and has proposed the term "Mediterranean-style Japanese Cuisine." He believes that the secret to longevity lies in certain Japanese and Italian ingredients. Bu what are these ingredients? Watch this video to find out and you'll be on your way to cultivating a healthy gut! -
Video article 3:18
The Giant, Heavy Machinery Used to Create the Yatsuba Dam in Gunma Prefecture! A Long, Long Time in the Making, and Just Completed in 2020, Lake Hachiba Agatsuma Was Built Through the Hard Work of Many Craftsmen!
Life & Business- 18 plays
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The Yatsuba Dam in Gunma Prefecture This video shows concrete being poured at the Yotsuba Damn in Gunma Prefecture. The Yatsuba Dam was originally planned in 1952 to protect Tokyo and the Tone River basin from floods caused by typhoons in the Agatsuma River, one of the major tributaries of the Tone River. However the project was abandoned due to water quality problems, lack of construction technology at the time, and anti-dam movements. After a long period of time to address these issues, construction of the dam began in 2015, and it was completed on March 31, 2020. The dam lake was named the "Yanba-Atsuma Lake" out of around 1,000 candidates from across the country. After years and years of waiting, the dam was finally completed. There's a roadside station and various tourist facilities around the Yatsuba Dam, so if you're in the area, be sure to stop by. -
Video article 5:04
Seijun Nishihata - Professional Plant Hunter and CEO of the Sora Botanical Garden Project
Celebrities Life & Business Nature- 132 plays
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Plant Hunter Seijun Nishihata If you're curious about what kind of unusual jobs exist around the world, especially in Japan, then this video is just right for you. Many people enjoy learning about unusual professions because of our interest in the unknown. We often find it inspiring to hear about people in unusual professions that are far removed from our norm. This video introduces plant hunting, an occupation that you may not have heard about before. This article will also talk about the famous plant hunter, Seijun Nishihata, and the beauty of plant hunting. Be sure to follow along with the video! Plant Hunting - Searching for Plants Across the Globe Source :YouTube screenshot Plant hunting is an unusual job that involves exploring and collecting valuable plants from around the world. In 18th century England, many products were made from plants, and they played an important role in the country's economy. This led adventurers and explorers that traveled the world in search of precious plants. The people who sought these plants, including ornamental plants and other rare plants requested by aristocrats and royalty, were known as "plant hunters." Although an unfamiliar occupation in Japan, it has quite a long history. Japanese Plant Hunter, Seijun Nishihata Seijun Nishihata is one of the most famous and accomplished plant hunters in Japan. Seijun is also the CEO of the Japanese horticultural studio, Sora Botanical Garden, where you can purchase garden plants. In the video, you can see Seijun answering questions in an interview about plant hunting and talking about his passion towards plants. Seijun hopes to bring a smile to everyone's faces through plants. Throughout his career, he has hunted a variety of plants and has brought smiles to the faces of many. He especially made many people smile at a Christmas event in Kobe. In particular, his project to bring the world's largest Christmas tree to Kobe drew a lot of attention. Be sure to check out the video to see what kind of person he is. What Plant Hunting Is All About Source :YouTube screenshot The beauty of plant hunting comes from the adventurous spirit to seek rare plants even though the environment can sometimes be very tough. In the video, you can see the passion of Seijun when he seeks plants. The appeal of plant hunting lies in the adventurous spirit of searching for rare plants, such as insectivorous plants and other rare plants, in a harsh environment that sometimes can prove to be quite a difficult task. You can feel the passion of Seijun through the video. Summary of Japanese Plant Hunter, Seijun Nishihata This video, created by "SUPER CEO," introduces Seijun Nishihata, the CEO of Sora Botanical Garden, and an honest man passionate about his job. If you are interested in learning more about Seijun after reading this article, be sure to check out the video! 【Official Website】Sora Botanical Garden https://from-sora.com/en/ -
Video article 2:30
Okashi no Machioka - A Popular Japanese Snack Shop With Over 1,000 Different Kinds of Sweets All at Unbelievably Low Prices!
Shopping Life & Business- 527 plays
- YouTube
An Introduction to Okashi no Machioka 「「おかしのまちおか」 Okashi no Machioka」, is a video created by 「IKEBUKURO GOURMET」. It introduces the sweets shop "Okashi no Machioka" which is a very popular destination for those visiting Japan. Over 1000 varieties of sweets are sold here at extremely low prices, making this the perfect place for sweet lovers, or those who are looking to buy Japanese souvenirs. This article will introduce the charm of Okashi no Machioka. What is Okashi no Machioka? Source of photo :YouTube screenshot Okashi no Machioka is a popular sweets shop in Japan managed by the Minoya Corporation (株式会社みのや, Kabushiki-gaisha Minoya), and there are over 150 Okashi no Machioka locations throughout Japan. A wide selection of snacks from various brands are sold here. As seen from 1:27 in the video, snacks such as candies and gum are sold at very reasonable prices. This shop is popular among people of all ages, from the young to the elderly. The Greatest Attraction of Okashi no Machioka: Unbelievably Low Prices Source of photo :YouTube screenshot Sometimes, up to a 90% discount is available for selected sweets. Information about limited-time campaigns or opening sales is available on online or on flyers, so do make sure to check those frequently. The secret behind the low prices of Okashi no Machioka is that products are displayed in bulk in cardboard boxes, thus reducing the need for additional fixtures and cutting operating costs. You can see the products lined up in the shop from 0:09 in the video. The Products of Okashi no Machioka Source of photo :YouTube screenshot Okashi no Machioka is also popular with foreigners. These visitors mostly purchase sweets as souvenirs. Matcha KitKats, Assorted Kit Kats, Chiroru Chocolate, Matcha Mochi, Kororo, Hi-Chew, and Matcha Oreo are some of the most popular items. Every year around the start of the new year, "lucky bags" are sold for 1,000 yen (~$9 USD). The bags are stuffed to the brim with sweets, making them well worth the price. These bags have received favorable reviews from many satisfied customers as well. Besides this, "dagashi," (駄菓子, Japanese penny candy), and sweets assortments, are also popular. Where is Okashi no Machioka? Photo:Highrises in Shinjuku There are Okashi no Machioka shops in cities all over Japan. Besides the inner Tokyo shops in Kichijoji, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and more, there are also shops in Kawasaki, Musashi-Kosugi, Kita-senju, Funabashi, as well as other locations in the prefectures of Chiba, Kyoto, Saitama, and Osaka. The opening hours vary by location, so we recommend double checking this information on the Okashi no Machioka official homepage. Okashi no Machioka summed up The video 「「おかしのまちおか」 Okashi no Machioka」, by 「IKEBUKURO GOURMET」, introduces Okashi no Machioka, a popular sweets shop in Japan. Sweets are sold at extremely low prices, and with over a thousand varieties of sweets available, just taking a stroll through the shop makes for an enjoyable experience. If you want to eat lots of sweets at reasonable prices, or buy sweets as souvenirs, then this shop is exactly what you're looking for. The producer of the video can also be seen purchasing sweets at 2:24 of the video. If this article has piqued your interest, definitely check out the video! -
Video article 1:26
Yanmar Tokyo (Tokyo) is a complex facility with the theme of "Rice" located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo! Watch the video to experience Yanmar's "HANASAKA" values at the facility!
News Things to Do Life & Business- 82 plays
- YouTube
Video Introduction of "Yanmar Tokyo" in Chuo-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "'Yanmar Tokyo' Opens in Yaesu, Tokyo – A Complex Directly Connected to the Station (January 12, 2023)" (「ヤンマー・トーキョー」東京・八重洲に開業 駅直結の複合施設(2023年1月12日)), was uploaded by "TV TOKYO BIZ" (テレ東BIZ). Yanmar, known as a major agricultural equipment manufacturer, has opened "Yanmar Tokyo," a complex of facilities in Tokyo with the theme of "rice." Yanmar Tokyo is a new type of facility that promotes rice and agriculture in the heart of the city near JR Tokyo Station. It features an interactive gallery by creative director Kashiwa Sato and a restaurant where visitors can enjoy delicious dishes made with rice. Be sure to check out the video introducing Yanmar Tokyo before reading on. What Is Yanmar Tokyo? A Look at the New Complex That Opened in January 2023 + Location Information and More Photo:Yanmar Tokyo Yanmar Tokyo is a new building complex which opened in January 2023 after the demolition and renovation of the previous Yanmar Tokyo Building that was built in 1977. Located in Yaesu, Tokyo, Yanmar Tokyo is a 14-story building with three basement levels and stands 69.88 meters tall. The total floor space is 22,000 m2, and includes commercial areas, restaurants, and gallery spaces on the basement, first, and second floors. The third to 14th floors house the Yanmar Group and other office tenants. A distinctive feature of the building is its focus on "rice" and "agriculture" as part of Yanmar's "HANASAKA" value initiative. In the heart of Tokyo's Yaesu district, the facility also plays a role as a base for supporting new farmers and disseminating information on food production. In addition, Yanmar Tokyo serves as a place where visitors can learn about rice and agriculture, including restaurants where they can enjoy rice and a hands-on gallery where they can learn about rice. Yanmar Kome Gallery – Fun for Kids and Adults Alike! Photo:Inside Yanmar Tokyo The Yanmar Kome Gallery (Yanmar Rice Gallery), a hands-on exhibit in Yanmar Tokyo, offers a variety of contents to enjoy. Visitors can discover the beauty of rice through various challenges. For example, the the "Rice Personality Test," in which participants answer "yes" or "no" to a set of questions and are told which variety of rice fits their personality, and the "Wisdom of Rice Cultivation," in which visitors learn how to solve problems that arise during rice cultivation through a game using dice. The direction of the gallery was overseen by creative director Kashiwa Sato. In addition to the aforementioned content, the gallery is also decorated with rice straw. The atrium, which features artwork composed of multiple layers of cherry blossom petals, is popular for its dynamic, photogenic sights. The rice sculpture, the symbol of the Yanmar Rice Gallery, and the tractors are also popular spots! Be sure to take some photos with your kids if you're visiting as a family. Italian Cuisine, Seaweed Bentos and More! Check Out the Tasty Restaurants at Yanmar Tokyo! Yanmar Tokyo offers more than just information on rice and agriculture; it also offers a wide variety of delicious foods that allow visitors to enjoy the delicious taste of rice. The restaurant on the second floor is ASTERISCO, an Italian restaurant supervised by Kundo Koyama, a broadcast writer and producer, and produced by Yoshiyuki Okuno, the chef of La Brianza in Roppongi. At ASTERISCO, with "rice" being the core of the menu, diners can enjoy small dishes prepared in the "Yum cha" style, using special ingredients from each of the four seasons in different regions. This is a new type of restaurant where a cart moves around the seating area, providing information about the ingredients while simultaneously serving food to guests, allowing them to enjoy their meal in an interactive format. The restaurant is open for lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and for dinner from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Next is Yaehachi, a take-out restaurant on the basement floor that specializes in nori bento (bento boxes utilizing dried seaweed). The restaurant uses rice cooked in a rice cooker and a special typed of seaweed made from a combination of two types of seaweed from Mikawa Bay in Aichi Prefecture. The nori bento, which is served with side dishes using koji (malted rice), is a must-try. The restaurant is open from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. From Carefully Grown Rice to Sake Ice Cream! Explore the Exciting Shops at Yanmar Tokyo Photo:Ice cream One of the tenants on the first floor of Yanmar Tokyo is KOME-SHIN, a store inspired by the concept of "enjoying rice like wine." Here, rice retailers offer a wide selection of different varieties of rice grown from all over Japan, allowing customers to buy the rice that suits their palate. The rice is bottled, so customers can purchase it as if they were selecting a bottle of wine, all while enjoying the fashionable atmosphere of the store. Alongside KOME-SHIN is SAKEICE Tokyo Shop, where patrons can enjoy sake ice cream. The ice cream sold at this store is mixed with sake, giving it a high alcohol content. Because of this, minors and patrons coming by car are advised to keep this in mind. Of course, non-alcoholic versions are also available. The store has developed products in collaboration with sake breweries from all over Japan, allowing visitors to experience Japan's rich sake culture through a treat that everyone is familiar with. Yanmar Tokyo's HANASAKA Campaign Is Underway! HANASAKA Ohanami Weekend (Hanasaka Cherry Blossom Viewing Weekend) was held for 3 days from January 13, the opening day of Yanmar Tokyo (Tokyo), at a special venue on the 8th floor where a real cherry tree with cherry blossoms was set up along with a photo spot for taking pictures. The event was very popular and visitors could take pictures at the photo spot and post them on social networking sites with a special hashtag to receive a vacuum-packed packet of rice. Currently, Yanmar is holding a campaign in which participants who follow Yanmar's official Twitter account and retweet campaign posts will be entered into a drawing to win a NIPLUX NECK RELAX, a neck stiffness relief product. Up to 10 people will win prizes. The campaign is currently underway, so be sure to join in! Yanmar Tokyo Summary Photo:Yanmar Tokyo Yanmar Tokyo is a hub where Yanmar, which has been involved in agriculture for many years through its efforts to reduce environmental impact and create an appealing food culture, communicates the joy of continuing to take on new challenges. Today, when a sustainable society is becoming more and more important, the Yanmar Tokyo Building can serve as an important base for promoting a sustainable society to a wider audience. The building is directly connected to Tokyo Station making it easy to access. Enjoy learning about Japan's food culture and the environment! -
Video article 1:13:55
Discover the Secrets of Japanese Horology With the Myriad Year Clock! The Inventor, Hisashige Tanaka, Is Know as the Edison of Japan!
History Celebrities Life & Business- 28 plays
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This video, titled "Tanaka Hisashige's Myriad Year Clock [Full & HD]" (田中久重の万年時計【Full & HD】), was released by "Kaoru GreenEmerald." This video introduces Hisashige Tanaka's "myriad year clock." Hisashige Tanaka was a Japanese engineer and inventor who lived from the late Edo period to the Meiji period, and later became one of the founders of Toshiba. He has been called the Edison of Japan, Karakuri Giemon, and other names. The myriad year clock shown in the video has seven functions: It features an armillary sphere, shows Japanese time, western time time, day of the week, months, moon phases, and zodiac signs, and is spring-operated. It has an amazing design that, when completely wound once, continues to work for a year without needing to be rewound, and it is said that almost all of its parts were made by Hisashige Tanaka using simple tools.