Video article 10:23
Shingu City in Wakayama Prefecture, Full of World Heritage and Historical Sites, Is One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Spots! Here's a Roundup of the Most Popular Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 101 plays
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和歌山県新宮市を堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「市役所新宮」が公開した「和歌山県新宮市観光プロモーション <Long>」です。 和歌山県新宮(しんぐう)市の絶景をたっぷり堪能出来る動画となっています。 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも有数の観光地であり「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい」をキャッチフレーズに、世界遺産の街として有名です。 こちらの記事ではそんな和歌山県新宮市について、おすすめの観光スポットや名所、グルメについて動画と共に紹介をしていきます。 和歌山県新宮市にはこんな良い場所がいっぱいある! 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも指折りの人気の観光スポットで、和歌山県の歴史にも縁のある名所や絶景が溢れるほどあります。 ここではそんな日本でも選りすぐりの和歌山県新宮市の観光スポットをいくつか紹介していきます。 ① 神倉神社(動画:1:33~) 世界文化遺産の『紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道』の一部で、熊野速玉大社の摂社の日本でも有名な神社です。 毎年2月6日には国指定無形民俗文化財にも指定されている勇壮な火祭りとして知られている『御燈祭り』も開催されています。 ② 浮島の森 住宅街に囲まれ、存在感を放つ面積約5,000㎡の沼の上に浮かんでいる不思議な森です。 約130種類の珍しい植物が自生し、天然記念物に指定されている貴重なスポットで、自然に溢れている景色はインスタ映え間違い無しです。 島内は遊歩道がしっかり整備されているので、ぜひその不思議な空間を楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 ③ 阿須賀神社 遡るとこと紀元前423年、考昭天皇の代に創建されたと伝えられている日本の歴史も深い繋がりがあり、世界遺産にも登録されている神社です。 国指定無形民俗文化財に登録をされている『熊野速玉例大祭』は毎年10月15日~16日に執り行われています。 他にも、和歌山県新宮市には綺麗な海の広がる王子ヶ浜、4月には満開の桜の絶景を堪能出来る新宮城跡、奇岩怪石が裏なる海岸線にある孔島・鈴島等、沢山の日本が誇る観光スポットがあります。 和歌山県新宮市のグルメと温泉も堪能しよう! 疲れた体を『高田グリーンランド(雲取温泉)』や『熊野川温泉"さつき"』にて癒し、和歌山県新宮市のグルメを堪能することをおすすめします。 三輪崎漁港の新鮮な海鮮、熊野の地酒、熊野牛など和歌山県新宮市で味わうことが出来る郷土料理はまさに絶品です。 自然を大切している和歌山県新宮市ならではの新鮮な食材を使った日本食・和食を、ぜひ和歌山県新宮市観光の際に味わってみて下さい。 和歌山県新宮市の観光紹介まとめ まさに「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい。」というキャッチフレーズに相応しい、日本の魅力が溢れた観光スポット和歌山県新宮市。 今回紹介させて頂いた名所の数々の他にも、佐藤春夫記念館や世界遺産である『熊野古道』の一部である高野坂、日本の滝百選の一つである『桑ノ木の滝』等の沢山の観光スポットや穴場で溢れています。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事で和歌山県新宮市に興味を持って頂けたら、日本の良さを十二分に堪能出来る和歌山県新宮市への観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 13:40
From the Historic Wakayama Castle to the Beautiful View of the Sea, Wakayama City Is Home to a Number of Popular Sightseeing Spots! Before You Go Sightseeing in Wakayama, Check Out What You Should Visit With This Video!
Local PR- 30 plays
- YouTube
Sightseeing in Wakayama! This video, titled "Wakayama Sightseeing PR Video," was uploaded by "Wakayama City Official Channel." It compiles the recommended sightseeing spots of Wakayama into one video. As you can see in the video, cherry blossoms can be enjoyed in spring, sunflowers at Shiki-no-sato Park (Food Hunter Park) can be enjoyed in summer, and autumn leaves can be enjoyed at Momijidani Teien Garden in the fall. There are other sightseeing spots in Wakayama as well, and it's definitely a place worth checking out. Highlights of Wakayama Castle Photo:Wakayama Castle Wakayama used to be the domain of the Kishu Tokugawa family, one of the three great families of the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). Wakayama Castle, the former residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family, measuring 555,000 koku (~125 acres), has many attractions, such as Ohashi Corridor and the castle town. It is designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and a Special Historic Site. You can also try on armor at Wakayama Castle, which is shown from 1:10 in the video. Historic Sightseeing Locations in Wakayama Photo:Itakiso Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture Itakiso Shrine and Tamatsushima Shrine, shown at 5:10 in the video, are places where you can feel the long history of Wakayama, and Kimiidera Temple, where a large statue of the Bodhisattva Kannon (eleven-faced Kannon) is enshrined, are must-visit places. At Awashima Shrine, shown from 9:12 in the video, you can see "Hina Nagashi," and event held every spring in which dolls are floated down the river to pray for good health. We also recommend checking out Furobashi Bridge, Sandankyo Bridge, Kankaikaku, Bandoko Garden and Yosuien as well. From observatory in Kada, you can see Tomogashima. (Jinoshima, Kajima, Okinoshima and Torajima) At Tomogashima, the former fortress shown from 11:59 in the video, there are ruins of the second weapon battery, the first weapon battery observation station, and the third weapon battery. Also, be sure to check out Tomogashima Lighthouse and Kosukematsu Coast for some beautiful views. Popular Spots and Delicious Food in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Wakayama Prefecture, Marina City Porto Europe Wakayama Marina City, shown from 3:37, is one of the best places in Wakayama to visit with children. The city features attractions that resemble a European port town. Kinokuni Fruit Village and the Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama are great places for families and couples to visit. You can stay around Kishu Kuroshio Onsen (hot spring) and at Marina City Hotel. We highly recommend trying some Wakayama Ramen, which can be seen from 1:47 in the video. You can also enjoy various types of seafood dishes, including sushi, and seafood bowls, and even enjoy some seaside BBQ. At Kuroshio Market, be sure to keep an eye out for the tuna cutting show and red sea bream ippon-zuri (pole and line fishing), which is shown at 9:34 in the video. Summary of Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Awashima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture As you can see in the video, there are many scenic spots to visit in Wakayama. Be sure to visit the Tourism Association in Wakayama for advice before visiting popular or out-of-the-way sightseeing spots in Wakayama. 【Official Website】Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture City Hall Website http://www.city.wakayama.wakayama.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298204-Wakayama_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki-Vacations.html -
Video article 15:22
An in-Depth Look at the Nachi Fire Festival Designated a Cultural Asset by Wakayama Prefecture. The Flames Blazing From the Torches Are So Powerful That It Is Truly Worthy of Being Called One of Japan's Top 3 Fire Festivals!
Festivals & Events- 58 plays
- YouTube
日本三大火祭りの那智の扇祭りを紹介 こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「NACHI-NO-OGI MATSURI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - 祭 (那智の扇祭り/和歌山)」です。 こちらでは和歌山県東牟婁郡那智勝浦町の熊野那智大社で執り行われる、那智の扇祭りを紹介します。 和歌山県の無形文化財にも指定されている、那智の扇祭りの歴史や魅力について説明します。 日本三大火祭りでもある那智の扇祭りの動画共にお楽しみください。 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りについて 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りは、那智の神さまを清め、もとにいた場所に戻って貰うための神事です。 松明や扇神輿を使った御火行事や、笛や腰太鼓で演奏する日本芸能の那智田楽などさまざまな行事を行います。 歴史のある伝統文化の那智の扇祭りですが、那智の火祭と呼ばれる御火行事は、とても迫力がありインスタ映えする風景。 インパクトのある光景が楽しめる那智の扇祭りを、一度見学してみてはいかがでしょうか? 重要無形民俗文化財にも指定されている、那智田楽も必見! 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りの歴史 熊野那智大社にいる那智の神さまは、もともと那智の滝にてお祀りされていました。 その那智の神さまを今から1700年前に那智山の中腹にお遷ししました。 大松明を炎で燃やすのは、那智の神さまが遷られている扇神輿を清めるため。 日本の伝統文化の那智の扇祭りで、迫力のある光景だけでなく、歴史を学んでみてはいかがですか。 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りの魅力とは 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りは、一度は見ておくべきインパクトのある例大祭です。 大きな松明から炎が燃え盛り、乱舞する炎に目を奪われるでしょう。 また、那智田楽は笛や腰太鼓など日本伝統の楽器で演奏し、それに合わせて踊る日本らしい民俗芸能。心地よいリズムや伸びやかな踊りに心が癒やさます。 魅力たっぷりの那智の扇祭りで、迫力ある風景や癒やされる文化を楽しみましょう! 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭り紹介まとめ こちらの動画は、那智の扇祭りの歴史や魅力を紹介しており、那智の扇祭りの概要を知ることができます。 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りは、とてもインパクトのあるお祭りなので興味を持った方は是非お祭り会場へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 5:04
Underwater Cauliflower? Visit the Diving Spot "Soshima Oki Ni no Ne" and "Glass World" in Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture!
Things to Do- 19 plays
- YouTube
This video is titled "[4K GoPro] Scuba Diving|Kushimoto(UnderWater in Kushimoto Wakayama)" (【4K GoPro】スキューバダイビング 串本(UnderWater in Kushimoto Wakayama)). It was released by DIVE ORANGE. The sea in Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture is home to a large population of table coral. Due to the influence of the Kuroshio Current, the water temperature never drops below 15 degrees Celsius, even in the middle of winter. More than 100 types of coral and tropical organisms live here, making it a popular dive site. Particularly popular are Soshima Oki Ni no Ne (双島沖二の根) and Glass World. Glass World, named for the variety of wrasse species, is famous for the discovery of rare creatures. The entire west side of the rock wall is steeply sloped, and the velvet spiny-headed sycamore grow in clusters, with a distinctive cauliflower appearance. -
Video article 1:06
The Tanenashi Persimmon – A Japanese Superfood to Help Combat Fall Fatigue! Learn About the Delicious Fruit From Wakayama That's Full of Vitamins and Nutrients!
Life & Business Food & Drink- 51 plays
- YouTube
The Tanenashi Persimmons of Wakayama, Japan: Video Introduction This video, titled "Preventing Fall Fatigue! Wakayama's Tanenashi Persimmon! The First Persimmon Recognized as a Japanese Superfood!" (秋バテ対策に!柿史上初のジャパニーズスーパーフード『和歌山のたねなし柿』とは?), was uploaded by "News TV." The persimmon, an ancient Japanese fruit, has long been a favorite of the Japanese people. Persimmons are said to have originated in East Asia, including China and Japan, and were introduced to the West from Japan, hence the scientific name "kaki," the Japanese word for persimmon. Experts have also noticed that the persimmon is great for combating fall fatigue! Highly nutritious, the persimmon is thought to be beneficial for beauty and health, and in particular, Wakayama's tanenashi persimmon has been certified as a Japanese Superfood. Check out this video to broaden your knowledge of persimmons! What is Fall Fatigue? Symptoms and Causes Photo:A woman feeling unwell The term fall fatigue refers to the feeling of sluggishness and inability to recover from fatigue despite the gradual easing of the summer heat and gradual improvement in overall comfort. The main symptoms are loss of appetite, fatigue, lack of sleep, stiff shoulders, and rough skin. It's said to be caused by a disturbance in the autonomic nervous system due to the repetitive changes in temperature from late summer to early autumn, including changes in outside temperatures and temperature changes between warm days and cold nights. [Video] 0:29 - What is Fall fatigue? Persimmons – The Best Medicine For Fall Fatigue Photo:Persimmons Persimmons are so rich in nutrients that there's even a Japanese proverb that goes "When the persimmons change color, the doctors turn blue." This is alluding to the fact that once persimmons are in season, doctors are no longer necessary because people stop getting sick thanks to eating them. The simple sugars contained in persimmons are quickly absorbed and easily converted into energy, and help the body recover from fall fatigue. [Video] 0:34 - Persimmons Are Effective for Recovering From Fall Fatigue Persimmons also contain high levels of vitamin C, vitamin A, and polyphenols. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, a protein that makes up the body's skin, and is the source of persimmon's beauty benefits. It also has antioxidant properties, is effective in preventing arteriosclerosis and aging, and boosts the immune system. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes, strengthens resistance, and has anti-aging effects. In addition, polyphenols called "persimmon tannins" play such an important role in beauty and health that they can be expected to thin the blood, lower blood pressure, reduce increases in blood sugar levels, and rejuvenate blood vessels. In addition to tannins, catechins and flavonoids also have detoxifying and antibacterial effects, improve sensitivity to cold, and eliminate prolonged fatigue and sluggishness. Persimmon Season in Japan & Popular Varieties Photo:Persimmons on display at a supermarket In general, persimmons are said to be in season from fall to winter, around September to December in Japan. Some persimmons grown in plastic greenhouses are available at markets from summer (July-August), but major stores in Japan start selling them around mid-September, when outdoor-grown persimmons begin to be harvested. In October, shipments from major production areas increase, and distribution peaks from October to November. There are early and late harvest varieties, so you can expect to find persimmons in many supermarkets in Japan until roughly December. The three most popular persimmon varieties in Japan are, first, the popular fuyu persimmon known for its perfect sweetness, which is the most popular and top-produced persimmon in Japan. Harvesting of fuyu persimmons begins around November in most production areas. While the distribution of persimmons as a whole is highest from October to November, the fuyu persimmon season is slightly later, from November to December. Also known as the "king of persimmons," the fuyu persimmon reaches peak flavor in late fall and winter, when the weather starts getting chilly. The second most popular persimmon in Japan is the Hira tanenashi persimmon. This persimmon is characterized by its lack of seeds. Harvesting begins around mid-October in Japan, and the best time to eat them is from late October to early December. The third variety is the Tonewase persimmon from Nara Prefecture, which is closely associated with persimmons, as exemplified by the haiku As I bite into a persimmon A bell rings Horyuji Temple - Masaoka Shiki ※Horyuji being a famous temple in Nara prefecture It is a mildly sweet variety, and is recommended to be shipped after removing the astringency with alcohol, etc., as it's not a sweet persimmon, but an astringent persimmon. A Delicious Way to Enjoy Persimmon, a Fruit Synonymous With Autumn in Japan Photo:Cutting persimmons Persimmons can be eaten as sweet persimmons or dried persimmons, and there are a variety of different ways to eat them. Persimmons have a strong image of being eaten as a dessert in Japan, but we would like to introduce a recipe for preparing persimmons in a dish to enjoy the flavors of autumn. You can enjoy persimmons as a snack or side dish. ■Stir-Fried Persimmon and Pork [Ingredients] Pear - 1 Pork belly - 250g Japanese mustard spinach - 1/2 a bag Sesame oil - 1 tbsp. Cooking sake - 2 tbsp. Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. Sliced cayenne pepper - A pinch [How to Make] 1. Peel and cut persimmons into small pieces. 2. Wash the komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) lightly and cut into 3 cm strips. 3. Cut the pork belly into bite-size pieces. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, add pork belly and fry. When the meat browns, add komatsuna and sauté lightly. 4. When the komatsuna becomes soft, add the cut persimmon and seasonings and stir-fry. When the seasonings are well mixed, serve on a plate. Summary of Tanenashi Persimmons, the Japanese Super Food Persimmons are full of nutrients and have great potential for beauty and health. When checking the efficacy of its ingredients, it was even deemed a superfood! You'll probably want to try some delicious persimmons after reading this article. Have a healthy and splendid autumn with the power of this ancient Japanese fruit! -
Video article 1:51
Koyasan, Wakayama Prefecture: A Sacred Place for Japanese Buddhism, With 1200 Years of History! One of Japan's Foremost Power Spots Is a Legendary Place Filled With Temples and Historical Buildings!
Art & Architecture Travel History- 186 plays
- Vimeo
Introducing Koyasan in Wakayama Prefecture This video, titled "聖地|和歌山県高野山 / Sacred place Koyasan, Wakayama" was created by "Hiraku KAWASHIMA." It introduces Koyasan a sacred place for Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, registered as a World Heritage Site. Koyasan is located in Wakayama, in Japan's Kansai region. It is a sacred place for Japanese Buddhism, opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai at the beginning of the Heian period 794 AD - 1185 AD), more than 1200 years ago. In this video, you'll see some of the highlights of Koyasan in just 2 minutes worth of footage. Please enjoy the video and be sure to take notes on whatever interests you as well! Koyasan Photo:Koyasan Danjo Garan Hasuike (Lotus Pond) Koyasan is a region in Koya, Ito District, in the northern part of Wakayama Prefecture. It is surrounded by 1,000 meter tall mountains at an altitude of about 800 meters. Koyasan as a place name is a flat basin-shaped area surrounded by eight peaks: Imagi peak, Hoju peak, Mt. Hachibuse, Mt. Benten, Mt. Koya, Mt. Tenjiku, Mt. Youriyu, Mt. Mani, and Mt. Tenjiku all make up Mt. Koyasan. Koyasan is a Zen Buddhist seminary opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai and is a sacred place for Japanese Buddhism. Today, it is a religious city centered around the fundamental dojo "Danjo Garan," the precinct for religious practices. Danjo Garan, one of the two most sacred places along with Okunoin, can be seen from 0:27 in the video. In 2004, twelve buildings along the Koyasan-cho Ishimichi and Kongo-buji Temple precincts (six districts), along with Kumano Hongu Taisha, Wakayama Prefecture, Yoshinoyama Nara Prefecture, and Ominesan Nara Prefecture, were registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In 2016, the Koya Pilgrimage Route, Kuroco Road, Nyonin Road, Kyouosakamichi Fudouzaka, and Mitanizaka were registered as World Heritage Sites. In 2015, the temple's 1200 year ceremony was held, attracting many visitors. In Koyasan, there are many events throughout the year, but the ritual that has been going on every day for 1200 years is "living in nature." This is a ceremony where meals are delivered twice a day to the mausoleum where the spirit of Kukai is enshrined. Koyasan is a sightseeing spot full of history. There are many places where you can enjoy Japanese sweets and food. There are also educational facilities such as elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities on the premises of Koyasan. Highlights of Koyasan Photo:Koyasan Kongobu-ji Temple The video introduces the facilities and temples located at Koyasan. All are within the precincts of Kongobuji Temple, the head temple of the Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism. The admission fee for Kongobu-ji Temple is 500 yen for general admission, and 200 yen for elementary school students (※As of Nov. 2019). Next up are some of the structures at Koyasan: ・Daimon (~0:03) The large front gate sitting at roughly 25 meters tall. Designated as an important cultural property. The video shows it lit up and very shiny. ・Danjo Garan (~0:27) The main temple used for general activities. Registered as a National Historic Site and World Heritage Site. ・Konpon Daito (~0:31) The first Tahoto (a form of Japanese pagoda) in Japan with a height of 48.5 meters. Built as a symbol of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. In the video, you can see the main tower shining under the night sky. ・Ichinohashi Bridge (~0:42) There is an approximately 2 km approach from here to Kobou Daishi Mausoleum. ・Shoujoshin-in (~0:46) Koyasan Bekkaku Honsan Shoujoushinin is a shukubo (accommodation facility) and temple that was built by Kukai and later rebuilt by Taira no Munemori. ・Kongobu-ji Temple (~0:50) Koyasan Shingon Buddhism is the headquarters of Koyasan. There are many attractions such as the largest rock garden "Banryu Garden," and fusuma paintings by the Kano School. ・Okunoin (~0:53) There are around 200,000 tombs belonging to the Imperial Family and Daimyo on the approach to the shrine. More than 60% of the graves belong to feudal lords of the warring states period. Miroku stone, which is called the Seven Wonders of Koyasan. It is said to be a stone that fulfills spiritual desire, and that there is benefit when touched. There is a tradition of paying a visit to this place to report on the completion of a pilgrimage to the 88 sacred places in Shikoku and to thank the pilgrims for their efforts. There is also a legend that Kukai, 1,200 years after being enshrined at the temple, is still practicing as a living Buddha. ・Mizumuke Jizo (~1:04) At the Jizo-son (the guardian deity of children), which stands along the banks of the Tamagawa River, sutra wood is offered to the god of Jizo to provide water for the ancestors of the deceased. ・Hasuike (~1:08) It is said that the Buddha is enshrined here. ・Gobyo-bashi (Mausoleum Bridge) (~1:22) The bridge closest to Kobou Daishi Mausoleum is a sanctuary, and photography is prohibited. Although it is not introduced in the video, there is also the "Okunoin approach," "Kondo," "Meaye dou," "Onsha," "Ajimi Jizou," "Sengoku samurai memorial tower," "Tokugawa Family Reidai," "Kongo Sanmaiin," "Koyasan Reihokan, Kurukayado, Ichijoin, Corporate memorial monument, and Hokiin which was built by Kangen. There are also spots where you can get your shuin. Summary of Koyasan Photo:Pilgrim So what'd you think about the holy place, Koyasan? The video introduces just some of the interesting things about Koyasan. Koyasan is also one of the most popular and powerful power spots in Japan. You might even get some power from the video! At Koyasan, you can stay in a shukubo, experience a devotional service, participate in religious events and meditation, and learn about sutras, poetry, and flower arranging, so you can feel the traditions of Koyasan. ◆ Koyasan overview information ◆ 【Address] Kongobu-ji Temple 132, Koyasan, Koyacho, Ito-gun, Wakayama 648-0294, Japan 【Access】 ・ Train: Get off at Gokurakubashi Station on the Nankai Koya Line and walk from Koyasan Station on the Nankai Koyasan Cable ・ By car: Approximately 2 hours from the center of Osaka, the nearest expressway exit “Hanwa Expressway Wakayama IC and Minamihanna Road Habikino IC 【Admission fee】Kongobu-ji Temple: General: ¥ 500 / Elementary school student: ¥ 200 (※as of December 2019) 【Hours】Kongobu-ji Temple 8: 30-17: 00 【Closures】Open daily 【Parking】There are many parking lots in the neighborhood, but please note that it is very crowded on the weekends. 【Phone number】Kongobu-ji Temple 0736-56-2011 【Official Website】Koyasan Shingon Sect Main Temple Kongobu-ji http://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Koyasan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 5:05
Wreck Diving Down to the Wreck of the Shirahama Shipwreck in Wakayama. The Ship Sitting at the Bottom of the Sea Home to a Variety of Marine Life
Things to Do- 22 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "WreckDiving~Shirahama Shipwreck~ -Spring 2020-" (WreckDiving~白浜沈船~ -2020春-), was released by published by "Pro Diver Cati's Sea Channel" (プロダイバーCatiの海チャンネル). The artifacts sunk to the sea become the perfect home for sea creatures. The Shirahama Shipwreck is one of them, and a variety of fish have come to live there. In the town of Shirahama, Wakayama, a 31-meter long ship sank at a depth of 18 meters. The Shirahama Shipwreck was originally intended as a wreck point, and the ship was artificially sunk. The video shows what the wreck looks like. Around the wreck, you can find scorpionfish, cardinalfish, white sea slugs, red Lionfish, flounders, groupers, moray, and a great variety of creatures living around the shipwreck. -
Video article 5:03
You Can Only See It Here! The Glowing Sea Anemone at the Shogase Dive Site in Tanabe, Wakayama!
Things to Do- 20 plays
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This video, titled "9.7.2019 Tanabe Diving Service|Wakayama Japan|Shogase Glowing Sea Anemone|Angelfish and More|Divinngu Saeki Photography" (2019.7.9田辺ダイビングサービスwakayama japanショウガセオオガワリイソキンチャク.キンチャクダイ他Divinngu Saeki撮影), was released by shogo saeki. Tanabe, located in the center of the Wakayama Prefecture coastline, is a rich sea with tropical fish and coral reefs that thrive thanks to the Kuroshio Current. This video shows Shogase, a dive site with a mixture of tropical and temperate zone creatures. The creature shining green is a colony of sea anemones. This glowing anemone is a rare species found only in these waters and can be seen throughout the year. In addition, tropical anemones and seahorses can also be seen here. Take a look at the rich nature of Wakayama! -
Video article 3:47
Wakanoura in Wakayama Prefecture Is One of the Most Beautiful Spots in Japan and Has Even Been Selected As a Japan Heritage! Be Amazed by the Natural Scenery That Even the Greatest Figures in Japanese History Have Written About!
Local PR Travel- 56 plays
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Introducing the Charm of Wakanoura in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture This video, titled "Wakayama City Japan Heritage PR Video 'Wakanoura, a Treasure Trove of Spectacular Views,'" was released by "Wakayama City Official Channel" (和歌山市公式チャンネル). Wakanoura is a place with magnificent views and is a general term for scenic places located in the southwestern part of Wakayama City in the northern part of Wakayama Prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. It is a nationally designated scenic spot known for its spectacular views, applied for jointly by Wakayama Prefecture and Kainan City. It was registered with the Agency for Cultural Affairs as a Japanese asset in 2017. The official name is Wakanoura, but since it can be read as "Wakaura" in Kanji, local residents sometimes call it "Wakaura." In this article, we'll introduce Wakanoura alongside the video. Origin of the Name of Wakanoura Photo:Tamatsushima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture Wakanoura (和歌の浦) was originally spelled "若の浦" (same pronunciation, but different kanji), and when Emperor Shomu came on an imperial visit, Yamabe no Akahito, who accompanied him, wrote in the 919th poem of the Manyoshu Vol.6, "When the tide rolls in at Wakanoura, the mud flats disappear, and the cranes cross to where the reeds grow, all the while singing." Also, according to the Shoku Nihongi, the area was called "Wakanohama" (弱浜), but it is also stated that Emperor Shomu changed it to "Akanoura" (明光浦) because of the beauty of the landscape in the sun. Spectacular Sightseeing Locations in Wakanoura Photo:Tamatsushima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture 1. Wakanoura Wakanoura, seen from 0:31 in the video, is a scenic spot surrounding Wakanoura Bay in Saikazaki, which centers around the tidal flats that spread out at the mouth of the Waka River and has Kumano Kodo's Fujishirozaka to its south, and the Kii Channel to its west. The beauty of the scenery has been recited in many poems since ancient times, and it has become a place where many cultural arts are nurtured. It was also loved by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and successive feudal lords of Kishu. During the Nara period (710-794 AD), Emperor Shomu was impressed by the scenery changing every moment due to the ebb and flow of the tide, and it's also a famous fact that he ordered the landscape to be preserved for a long time. The sandbar that stretches across the tidal flat of Wakanoura, separating it from the outside world, is called "Katao Nami" after a famous Waka poem. 2. Tamatsushima Shrine In the video from 1:37, you can see Tamatsushima Shrine on Tamatsushima, which sits facing the tidal flats of Waka. The god of Waka is enshrined here and is the object of people's worship. 3. Imoseyama Imoseyama is the first of the six rocky mountains that line Tamatsushima, and can be seen from 1:50 in the video. Yorinobu Tokugawa, the first feudal lord of the Kishu clan, built his legacy on it and built Sandankyo Bridge and Kankaikaku and opened them to the public Photo:Wakanoura Temmangu Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture 4. Wakanoura Tenmangu Shrine Wakanoura Temmangu Shrine, sits atop Mt. Tenjin, which is the innermost part of the cove, and can be seen from 2:12 in the video. Mbr< It enshrines the god of literature as the guardian of Wakanoura. 5. Kishu Toshogu Shrine Next to Temmangu sits Kishu Toshogu Shrine, which enshrines the warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu, the father of Tokugawa Yorinobu. This can be seen at 2:26 in the video. Kishu Toshogu Shrine holds a Waka festival every year on the second Sunday of May, which you can see from 2:46 in the video. It is a distinguished festival with a history dating back approximately 400 years. 6. Takanosu / Saikazaki You can see a view that displays both ruggedness and beauty. It changes with the ebb and flow of the tide, and you'll be able to enjoy a constantly changing view. Summary of Wakanoura in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Sunset at Wakanoura, Wakayama Prefecture Wakanoura has majestic and beautiful natural scenery that has also been selected as a Japan Heritage. Many Japanese people and foreign travelers come to visit this place, as it is also a well-known sightseeing location outside of Japan. be sure to book a hotel or ryokan (Japanese inn) when planning your sightseeing or trip. We recommend staying for 1 to 3 days and exploring the area at a leisurely pace. There are hot springs, cafes, and other facilities around the area where you can rest, and also spots where you can enjoy a variety of activities, so you can enjoy sightseeing in whichever way suits you best. 【Official Website】Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture City Hall Website http://www.city.wakayama.wakayama.com/shisetsu/simadoguchi/1005300.html 【Official Website】Wakayama City Tourist Association https://www.mysecretwakayama.com/ -
Video article 3:00
Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture - A Sightseeing Destination Embraced by the Calm Sea! Check Out Kumano Nachi Taisha and Many More Attractive Locations in Nachikatsuura, Where You Can Feel the History of Japan!
Local PR Travel- 80 plays
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About Nachikatsuura, Wakayama Prefecture This video is a promotional video titled "[Natchikatsuura Town Tourism Promotional Video] Wakayama Prefecture" (【那智勝浦町観光PR動画】和歌山県), produced by Nachikatsuura, Wakayama. Located in the warm Kansai region of Japan, the area around Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture is surrounded by some of the best tourist spots for enjoying a casual resort atmosphere on the main island of Japan. Tourists can enjoy satisfying trips to the beautiful sea, as well as to shrines and temples where you can get a taste of Japan's culture. Enjoy the beauty of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama through this article. Be sure to follow along with the video! The Rich Ocean Environment of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama Source :YouTube screenshot Located at the southern end of Honshu, Nachikatsuura, Wakayama has a mild climate throughout the year. A large amount of fish and shellfish are caught at the rich port facing the Pacific Ocean. This includes tuna as well. As Japan’s largest longline fishing port, the town has a lot of restaurants where tourists can eat fresh tuna for lunch, so we definitely recommend grabbing a bite to eat here. Tuna fishing at Katsuura Port is shown in the video at 0:10. The morning market, where visitors can taste fresh seafood, is also organized, and is usually crowded with locals and tourists alike. Another popular attraction is the market tour, where tourists can see tuna up close, guided by the staff of the fish market, in an area that is usually closed off from tourists. The Katsuura Port is five minutes walking from Nachikatsuura Station. Enjoy the Picturesque Ocean View of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama The more than 100 natural hot springs in the Nankikatsuura Onsen street are the best places to relieve yourself of fatigue! Wakayama has many Japanese ryokan where visitors can bathe in hot springs while admiring the ocean view. Bokido Cave (忘帰洞, Bokido) in Kanko Ryokan Hotel Katsuura is a rare spot where the hot spring is said to flow from a natural grotto. There's also hot springs that can be visited on a day pass, so if you're not looking to commit to an overnight stay, consider looking into this. Nankikatsuura Onsen can be seen at 0:57 in the video. Enjoying the scenic beauty of the ocean aboard the Kinomatsushima Sightseeing Boat is another great way to spend your time in Nachikatsuura. Temples and Shrines in Nachikatsuura, Wakayama Photo:Kumano Nachi Taisha Located in Kumano Kodo in Wakayama, Kumano Nachi Taisha is one of Three Shrines of Kumano, as well as a famous historical site, registered as a World Heritage Site, in Japan. You can also hike through Daimon-zaka from Kumano Nachi Taisha to Seigantoji Temple (青岸渡寺, Seigantoji) or Hiro Jinja Shrine (飛龍神社, Hiro Jinja). This can be seen in the video at 2:02. The most dangerous parts of the Kumano Kodo trail are Okumotorigoe and Kokumotorigoe at Nakahechi. The Okumotorigoe trail is an advanced course that will take up the entire day. At Hiro Jinja Shrine, an associated shrine of Kumano Nachi Taisha, tourists can visit the Nachi Falls (the largest falls in Japan) as shown in the video at 1:21. As the waterfalls themselves are worshipped as deities at this spot, the falls attract popularity as one of the most spiritual locations where visitors can be blessed by the rich natural environment. It's also a popular location for instagrammers. Another must-visit secret historical spot is Fudarakusan-ji Temple (補陀洛山寺, Fudarakusanji), on the beach facing Nachi Bay. Event Information for Nachikatsuura, Wakayama! Kumano Nachi Taisha is crowded during the Nachi Fire Festival (Nachi No Ogi Matsuri) held in July. There's also the Nachikatsuura Fireworks Festival held in August. Visiting traditional Japanese summer festivals in Wakayama will make for an unforgettable trip! Summary of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama ©T-KIMURA Modifying As shown in the video, the town of Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture has an amazing natural view of the sea and many historical temples and shrines. After watching the video I bet you're itching to book your tickets! Access to Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture is approximately 3.5 to 4 hours by train from both Osaka and Nagoya. Please visit Nachikatsuura in Wakayama – one of Japan's leading resort areas. If you haven't yet, be sure to watch the video to get a better idea of what Nachikatsuura is all about! 【Official Website]】Nachikatsuura Tourism Association https://www.nachikan.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:35
Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture, Called the "Aegean Sea of Japan," Is Just Like a Painting! Introducing the Charms and Activities of Shirasaki Coast!
Nature- 138 plays
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Introducing Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture! This video, titled "Shirasaki Coast (Wakayama) A Beautiful Scenic Location Called the Aegean Sea of Japan" (白崎海岸(和歌山)日本のエーゲ海と称される絶景スポット), was released by "K Japan Traveler." Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which has a magnificent view on Instagram, was selected as one of the Top 100 Beaches of Japan, and in 2009, it was also selected as one of the Top 100 Landscapes of the Yomiuri Shimbun. Many tourists visit the beach throughout the year, where the contrast between the blue of the sea and sky and the pure white of limestone and sandy beaches is attractive. The History and Highlights of Shirasaki Coast Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture Shirasaki Coast is the sea of the Shirasaki Coast Prefectural Natural Park in Yura, Hidaka District, Wakayama Prefecture, and, as you can see at 0:33 in the video, is characterized by the white limestone surrounding it. Geologically, limestone is said to have come from the Permian Period in the latter half of the Paleozoic Era, more than 200 million years ago. From spring to summer, a large group of black-tailed gulls fly to Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which is rich in nature, as you can see from 3:03 in the video. The marine park is also known for its daffodils. Things To Do at Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture We recommend enjoying swimming, fishing, and Shirasaki cruise activities around Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture. There are also diving spots and diving pools nearby. From Shirasaki Manyo Park, we recommend enjoying the view of the strange rocks "Tatego" and "Oobae," which are the symbols of Shirasaki Coast. Also, stop by Koukokuji Temple, the Shellfish Exhibition Hall, the Park Center, Shirasaki Marine Park Observatory, and Totsui Limestone Cave. Dining and Lodging at Shirasaki Coast Photo:The Starry Skies of Shirasaki Marine Park, Wakayama Prefecture Around Shirasaki Coast, there are many restaurants and cafes where you can eat seafood dishes such as Shirasu-don on a low budget as well as the famous Shirasaki curry. In addition, there's Roadside Station Shirasaki Ocean Park where you can buy souvenirs, and hotels that are ideal for accommodation, so plan your trip carefully! Summary of Wakayama Prefecture's Shirasaki Coast As you can see in the video, the charm of Shirasaki Coast is that you can enjoy the spectacular blue and white scenery. When the sun sets, you can see a soothing view that you won't find during the day. Be sure to check out the business information and regular holidays for the Shirasaki Marine Park campsite and the surrounding facilities before visiting for sightseeing. ◆ Introduction to Shirasaki Coast ◆ 【Address】Take a bus from JR Kii-Yura Station and get off at Shirasaki Nishi, and walk 1.5 km. 【Parking】Free Parking Available 【Tripadvisor】Shirasaki Marine Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121347-d1385202-Reviews-Shirasaki_Ocean_Park-Yura_cho_Hidaka_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:24
The Encounter of Waves, Brought Together by Two Islands, Is Reminiscent of Long Lost Lovers Being Reunited. Come Check Out the Amazing Scenery at Lover’s Cape in Wakayama Prefecture!
Nature Travel- 304 plays
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The Gorgeous "Lover’s Cape" in Wakayama Prefecture! This video, titled "Lover's Cape - Wakayama - 恋人岬," introduces Lover’s Cape, a famous tourist spot in Susami, Wakayama prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. Lover's cape is also included in the "8 Scenic Views of Susami." The fierce waves split after hitting Kuroshima, and the shape and action of the 2 waves hitting each other again is said to be similar to putting one’s hands together in pray, thus, the waves are called "Gassho Nami" (合掌, Gassho, "Putting one's hands together in prayer, 波, Nami "Wave"). You can see the waves coming together at 0:48 in the video. The mysterious waves are called "Meotonami" (夫婦波, Wedded Waves) and the towering rocks are called "Meoto Iwa" (夫婦岩, Wedded Rocks) and has been selected as one of the "66 Waterfront Areas to Be Cherished in Wakayama" for its beautiful view. Because of its romantic name and scenery, it is popular with couples, and as the name "Lover's Cape" implies, many couples visit here. Lover’s Cape, a Popular Tourist Spot in Wakayama Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Lover’s Cape, introduced in the video, has 2 main attractions. The first is a cave called "Gama," located on the west side of Kuroshima. Here, you can enjoy scuba diving from March to the end of April and from late June to the end of October. Historically, there is a legend that it contains hidden treasures of the Kumano navy, and many people visit during scuba diving season. The second attraction at Lover's Cape is that between October and January and between April and September, the slopes of Lover's Cape are covered with bougainvillea flowers. You can also enjoy fishing here as well. Lover’s Cape is A 15-minute walk from Mirozu Station or a 15-minute drive from the Susami Interchange on the Kisei Expressway. Free parking is also available, so be sure to take advantage of it if you're going by car. The Waves of Lover's Cape Photo:Wakayama prefecture・Meotonami Lover's Cape consists of two islands one with a large reef and the other with a small reef. The islands are called Oki-no-Kuroshima and Riku-no-Kuroshima respectively. The Karekinada coastline, which was formed by upheaval and erosion of the Kii Peninsula, is famous for the phenomenon known as "Tombolo," where a road is formed between the two islands, and you can enjoy the dynamic ocean with waves on both sides. The entire island of Esuzaki Island in Wakayama Prefecture, where Lover's Cape is located, is a sacred area, and Kuroshima Benzaiten (a Buddhist goddess) is located at the bottom of the cliff at Lover's Cape. The bright red torii gate can be seen at 1:48 in the video as well. The view from Lover’s Cape in Wakayama prefecture Photo:Susami・Sunset from Roadside Station Susami The sunset that can be seen from Lover’s Cape is so gorgeous that it was chosen as one of the Top 100 Sunrise / Sunset Views of Wakayama Prefecture, and many tourists travel to see it. Being that "Meotonami" was selected as one of the "8 Scenic Views of Susami," it's a great place to quietly spend time gazing at the sunset and waves. There is also a restaurant at Lover's Cape called Italian Café BUSH. The interior of the restaurant is modeled in a Mediterranean style and you can enjoy pastas or pizza made with local ingredients. Their business hours are 9:00-18:00 so you can appreciate Wakayama prefecture’s sunset while enjoying a delicious meal at the restaurant. Lover’s Capes Around the World Photo:Izu・Lover's Cape Bell In addition to Lover's Cape in Wakayama Prefecture, there are many other Lover's Capes around the world. At Lover's Cape in Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, there's a story about a man who rang a bell when he passed through the cape, and it is said that if you call out the name of your beloved while ringing the bell, your love will be fulfilled. Lover's Cape in Guam is a spot where you can enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of Tumon Bay, which is depicted on the national flag of Guam. It's called "Lover's Cape" because of a story about a couple who pledged their eternal love to each other and jumped into the sea. The Lover’s Cape in Kashiwazaki in Niigata prefecture, is located at the Nihonkai Fisherman’s Cape, and it is a place where you can ring a bell with a heart-shaped plate for good romantic fortune. Summary of Lover’s Cape Source :YouTube screenshot What did you think about Lover's Cape? Lover’s Peak is definitely a place to go to when sightseeing in Wakayama. It has incredible views of nature romantic sunsets as well. Be sure to bring your lover with you when you visit! 【Official Website】Lover’s Cape – Izu City Tourist Information dedicated website http://kanko.city.izu.shizuoka.jp/form1.html?pid=2528 【Trip Advisor】Lover’s Cape https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121354-d8538044-Reviews-Lover_s_Cape-Susami_cho_Nishimuro_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 5:06
Kongobuji Temple - Located on Mt. Koya in Wakayama Prefecture, This Temple, A Sacred Place For Japanese Buddhism, Was Built by the Monk Kobo Daishi Kukai. Discover the Breathtaking Beauty of the Largest Rock Garden in Japan!
Art & Architecture- 145 plays
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Introducing Kongobuji Temple on the Mystical Koyasan This video, titled "Kongobuji Temple - Wakayama - 金剛峯寺 - 4K Ultra HD," was created by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." The video shows the famous spiritual area, Kongobuji Temple. During the Heian period (794-1185), the monk Kobo Daishi (Kukai) founded a religious city on Koyasan (Mt. Koya) in Wakayama Prefecture. Kongobuji Temple, located in the city, is the head temple of the Shingon Buddhism sect, and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range. You can learn more about the temple through this video. The History of Kongobuji Temple Photo:Koyasan Kongobuji Temple From 0:15 in the video, you can see a stunning view of the temple bathed in autumn foliage. A view like this can hardly be done justice even in 4K resolution. The history of Kongobuji Temple goes all the way back to the year 835 during the Heian period, when the monk Kukai first entered Koyasan. After working hard to study Buddhism and receiving the posthumous name of "Kobo Daishi," he founded Kongobuji Temple on the mountain. Gradually, the area developed into a religious city. Visiting the temple now, you can view the Main Hall, as well as the main shrine housing the principal deity. Banryu Garden (蟠龍庭, banryu-tei), shown from 2:45 in the video, was created using beautifully shaped granite from the Shikoku region of Japan. This is one of the largest rock gardens in Japan. In addition, you can view the fusama paintings of the Nihonga painter Hiroshi Senju, and even get a shuin stamp in their likeness. Other Attractions on Koyasan Photo:Kongobuji Temple's Kondo Hall, Wakayama Prefecture Besides Kongobuji Temple, there are many other Buddhist temples and pagodas, such as the Konpon Daito Pagoda (根本大塔). Incidentally, the name "Head Temple Kongobuji Temple" refers to the entirety of Koyasan. The Main Hall of Mount Koya is known as "Kondo Hall" (金堂, lit. Golden Hall). There are also smaller temples scattered around the mountain, known as "Tachu" (塔頭). If you stay overnight in the temple lodgings, you'll be able to try some Buddhist vegetarian cuisine, known as shojin ryori (精進料理), experience morning prayer rituals, and take your time visiting the numerous Buddhist statues on the mountain. The admission fee for Kongobuji Temple is ¥1000 for junior high school students and above, and ¥300 for elementary school students. You can also purchase a set ticket for all the main areas on the mountain, namely Kongobuji Temple, Kondo Hall, Konpon Daito Pagoda, and the Tokugawa Clan Mausoleum. Access to Koyasan Photo:A cable car at Koyasan, Wakayama Prefecture By train, the most convenient route is to take the Nankai-Koya Line (南海高野線, nankai koya sen) from Namba Station (難波駅, nanba-eki) in Osaka to Gokurakuji Station (極楽寺駅, gokurakuji-eki). From there, take the cable car to Mount Koya. By car, the mountain is accessible via the highway. Parking is available at Koyasan, but due to the high possibility of crowds during holiday seasons, it's generally more convenient to use public transportation. Summary of Kongobuji Temple Photo:Danjo Temple Koyasan in Wakayama Prefecture is not only a World Heritage Site but also a world-famous tourist destination. After watching the video of Koyasan, don't you feel the urge to visit and see the sights in person? By the way, Koyasan is 800m above sea level, leading to cool temperatures in the evening even during summer. Because of this, we recommend wearing warmer clothing when visiting the mountain. 【Official Website】Koyasan Shingon Sect Kongobuji Temple https://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Kongobuji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d324935-Reviews-Kongobu_ji_Temple-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:05
Wakayama Castle - Experience History, Hospitality, and Culture
Travel Art & Architecture History- 51 plays
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Wakayama Castle - One of the Top 100 Japanese Castles This video, titled "[Wakayama - Japan's Top 100 Castles] Residence of the Kishu Tokugawa Family" (【和歌山/日本100名城】紀州和歌山城/紀州徳川家五十五万石の居城 - Wakayama Castle in WAKAYAMA, JAPAN -), was uploaded by "Channel WASABI," a channel that introduces beautiful scenery and famous travel destinations. The video introduces Wakayama Castle, located in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai Region. The history of Wakayama Castle dates back to 1619 when Tokugawa Yorinobu, the tenth son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, entered Wakayama Castle and established the Kishu Tokugawa family. The castle later became the residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family of the Kishu domain (present day Wakayama and southern Mie), one of the three Tokugawa families. In this video, you can enjoy the charm of Wakayama Castle and its long history. The Charm of the Wakayama Castle's Keep Structure! Photo:Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture Wakayama Castle is one of the rare castles in Japan that has what is called a "coalition type" castle tower that features a main keep, a smaller, secondary keep, and turrets lining its walls. In addition to Wakayama Castle, Himeji Castle and Matsuyama Castle are the only other surviving castle towers built in this style. You can see the castle tower at 2:37 in the video. Wakayama Castle was used for a long time as the residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family of former Kishu domain, but the castle tower and other buildings were destroyed by fire during the Wakayama Air Raid in 1945. After the war, the castle was rebuilt with a series of towers and other structures, and is now selected as one of the Top 100 Castles in Japan. Furthermore, from the Wakayama Castle tower on top of Mt. Torafusu, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of Wakayama City. The powerful earthen mounds and stone walls, and the majestic castle tower are a must-see. Nishinomaru Garden and Okaguchi Gate - Scenic Spots and Important Cultural Properties! Photo:Nishinomaru Garden, Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture Wakayama Castle's Nishinomaru Garden was created as a place for the feudal lords to enjoy the elegance of the past. In Nishinomaru Garden, you can see the historical scenery and feel the history of Wakayama Castle. The Nishinomaru site is also a large open space where you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing in spring. There is also an Important Cultural Property called Okaguchi Gate at Wakayama Castle. Originally, the large and small keeps were designated as Important Cultural Properties, but they were destroyed by fire in the 1945 Wakayama Air Raid. Today, only Okaguchi Gate remains as an Important Cultural Property. Relaxing in Wakayama Castle's Tea Room In Wakayama, the castle keep is called "Otenshu" or "Otensu." There are Otenshu teahouses around Wakayama Castle, where staff dressed as lords and princesses or as samurai offer hospitality to visitors. Enjoy an Exciting Time at Wakayama Castle! Photo:Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture It's one thing to immerse yourself in the historical sites and enjoy the atmosphere at Wakayama Castle. However, Wakayama Castle offers a variety of entertainment for all types of people to enjoy. From around late March to early April, the castle tower is lit up and many people come to see the beautifully illuminated Wakayama Castle. Then, there's "Omotenashi Ninja," another popular event. The Omotenashi Ninja lurk inside Wakayama Castle Park and guide tourists around and even take pictures for them. Visitors can also enjoy a costume experience by dressing up in historical clothing. Wakayama Castle - Entrance Fees and Access Photo:Wakayama Castle, Wakayama Prefecture The admission fee to the Wakayama Castle tower is 410 yen for adults and 200 yen for children (elementary and junior high school students), making it a great place for families to visit. Wakayama Castle is a 10-minute walk from Nankai Wakayama Station. It also about 15 minutes from the Wakayama Interchange on the Hanwa Expressway by car. There are many parking lots in the area, so you can enjoy Wakayama Castle in a relaxed atmosphere. Furthermore, there is space around the area to enjoy lunch or have a picnic in the park, making it an all-day destination. Furthermore, there is space around the area to enjoy lunch or have a picnic in the park, making it an all-day destination. The guidebook introducing the Kii area includes a map of the area, as well as the Kii Mirokuji San Castle Ruins, Ohashi Roka, and the Wakayama History Museum. In addition, there's Wakayama Castle Park Zoo and Wakayama Castle Hall, which are designed to keep even small children entertained. Summary of Wakayama Castle, One of Japan's Top 100 Castles Wakayama Castle is the symbol of Wakayama City in Wakayama Prefecture. Wakayama Castle has grown bigger and bigger since 1619 when Tokugawa Yorinobu became the lord of the castle. It has also become one of the most famous castles in Japan due to its rare "coalition type" castle tower. Experience the history of Wakayama and the grandeur of Wakayama Castle in this 6-minute video! 【TripAdvisor】Wakayama Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298204-d1385117-Reviews-Wakayama_Castle-Wakayama_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:35
The Beautiful Landscape of Kumano Kodo, A World Heritage Site in Wakayama Prefecture. This Historic Power Spot Is Full of Stone Steps and Sacred Waterfalls, Perfect for Your Instagram!
Travel- 1.14K plays
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The World Heritage Site, Kumano Kodo This video, titled "[4K] A World Heritage Site with Scenic Landscape: Kumano Kodo" ([4K] 世界遺産 絶景 熊野古道), is a sightseeing PR video that captures the breathtaking scenery of Kumano Kodo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Wakayama Prefecture (和歌山県, Wakayama-ken). Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range, a World Heritage Site, includes Yoshino Omine, Kumano Sanzan, and the Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes of Koyasan (Mt. Koya). Among them, the route from Kumano Sanzan's Daimonzaka (大門坂, Daimonzaka), to Nachi Falls (那智の滝, Nachinotaki) is one of the most popular tourist routes, where you can enjoy the cultural scenery. It takes about 15 minutes to get to Daimonzaka by car from Nachi Station on the JR Kii Main Line (紀伊本線, Kiihonsen). This video captures the route from Daimonzaka to Nachi Falls in beautiful 4K footage. Enjoy the natural beauty and sacred temples and shrines in the video. Kumano Kodo- A World Heritage Site Source :YouTube screenshot Kumano Pilgrimage Routes (熊野参詣道, Kumano Sankeido) is an umbrella term for Nakahechi Route (中辺路, Nakahechi) which runs from Tanabe to Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine (熊野本宮, Kumanohongu), Ohechi Route (大辺路, Ohechi) which runs along the coast to Nachi Shingu (那智新宮, Nachishingu) along the coastline, and Kohechi Route (小辺路, Kohechi) which runs from Koyasan to Kumano Hongu Taisha. In addition, the Kii Route (紀伊路, Kiiji), accessible from the Kii area, the Ise Route (伊勢路, Iseji), accessible from Ise, and the Omine Okugakemichi Route (大峯奥駈道, Omineokugakemichi), which leads from Yoshino Omine in Nara to Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine, are some of the historical hidden gems in the area. Kumano Kodo is known as a historical power spot that has been used by many people since ancient times. If you’re planning on visiting Kumano Kodo, we also recommend getting a Kumano Kodo Stamp Book (熊野古道押印帳, Kumano Kodo Oincho) to gather seals. A Pilgrimage to the Historical Kumano Kodo! ©T-KIMURA Modifying The natural trails of Kumano Kodo are paved with cobblestones. Make your way through the historical cobblestone trail and through the torii gates to make the pilgrimage to Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine and Kumano Nachi Shrine (熊野那智大社, Kumanonachitaisha), introduced at 1:23 in the video. At 2:00, you can see the breathtaking sight of Nachi Falls. Located at Hiro Shrine (飛瀧神社, Hirojinja), an associated shrine of Kumano Nachi Shrine, and is one of the three most famous waterfalls in Japan. The solemn waterfall, which is considered to be a sacred object of worship, is so beautiful that you can't help but lose track of time as you gaze at it. Other Sightseeing Spots Around Kumano Kodo Photo:Kamikura Shrine There are many more sightseeing spots around Kumano Kodo! There's the former site of Kumano Hongu-taisha, which was moved to its present location in 1889, called Oyu no hara Kumano Hayatama Shrine (熊野速玉大社, Kumanohayatamataisha), where Kumano Hayatama no Okami (熊野速玉大神, Kumanohayatamanookami) and Kumano Fusumi no Okami (熊野夫須美大神, Kumanofusuminookami) are enshrined, Kamikura Shrine (神倉神社, Kamikurajinja), a shrine with a huge rock called "Gotobiki Boulder" as its deity atop the 500 stone steps, Seiganto Temple (青岸渡寺, Seigantoji), Tamaki Shrine (玉置神社, Tamakijinja), Doro Gorge (瀞峡, Dorokyo), which is a huge valley inside Yoshino Kumano National Park (吉野熊野国立公園, Yoshinokumanokokuritsukoen), Tanise Suspension Bridge (谷瀬の吊り橋, Tanisenotsuribashi), Yunomine Hot Springs (湯の峰温泉, Yunomineonsen), Kawayu Hot Springs (川湯温泉, Kawayuonsen), and many others. You may want to consider visiting Kumano Kodo in conjunction with festivals and events such as the annual Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine Festival (熊野本宮大社例大祭, Kumanohongutaisha Reidaisai), Funatama Shrine Festival (船玉神社祭, Funatamajinjasai), the Yata Fire Festival (八咫の火祭り, Yatanohimatsuri), and more. There are also restaurants, cafes and eateries aroundKumano Kodo to help you relax after a long journey. Summary of Kumano Kodo Photo:Kumano Kodo in Fall We hope that this video and article has inspired you to visit Kumano Kodo, a historic and famous tourist attraction. There are many Instagrammable views, so take the time to take in the sights. The Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route includes steep slopes such as Koyazaka (高野坂, Koyazaka) and Tomitazaka (富田坂, Tomitazaka), so wear clothes that are easy to get around in. After the pilgrimage, we recommend that you take a refreshing dip in a hot spring, such as at "Boukido" in the Nachi Katsura area. Some travel agencies offer Kumano Kodo walking tour plans, so if it's your first time visiting, consider giving it a try. Be sure to watch the video to see the beautiful views of the Kumano Kodo! 【Official Website】Kumano Kodo|Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine Tourism Association https://www.hongu.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Kumano Kodo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023661-d7902795-Reviews-Kumano_Kodo_Pilgrimage_Routes-Tanabe_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:02
Yuihin, the Cute Giant Panda at Wakayama's Adventure World, Japan's Largest Breeder of Giant Pandas! A Look at the Endangered Giant Panda's Eating Habits and Little-Known Facts!
Living Things Travel Things to Do- 37 plays
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Giant Panda's at Adventure World – Check It Out in the Video! This video, titled "[Yuihin] Introducing a Panda at Adventure World (Saihin's Sister)" (【結浜(ゆいひん)】アドベンチャーワールドのパンダを紹介(彩浜のお姉さん)), was uploaded by "Orange Animal Channel" (オレンジ動物チャンネル). It introduces Yuihin, a giant panda at Adventure World in Wakayama Prefecture, as well as her eating habits and more. The giant panda is popular among visitors to the theme park for its cute appearance. In Japan, they can only be seen at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Adventure World, and Kobe Oji Zoo in Kobe. When the babies are exhibited for the first time to the public, many people gather to see the cute and cuddly not-yet-giant pandas. Photo:A giant panda Featured in the video is Yuihin, a giant panda at Adventure World. Yuihin is a female giant panda born at Adventure World on September 18, 2016, and her name (結浜: 結 (Yui), meaning "connect") reflects her wish to "connect" the past and future, and to create a future that "connects" the various values of people around the world. Hin (浜 (also read as "hama"), meaning "shores"/"beach"), on the other hand, is taken from Shirahama, where Adventure World is located, and all giant pandas born at Adventure World have "浜" (hin) in their names. Yuihin's mother is "Rauhin" (良浜) and her father is "Eimei" (永明). In the video, it's explained that there are 8 brothers and sisters with the same parents (9 total if you include Yuihin), but after the video was made in 2019, "Fuhin" (楓浜) was born on November 22, 2020, so there are now a total of 10 siblings. Of the siblings, the four twins and Yuhin (優浜) (not to be mistaken for Yuihin (結浜)) have returned to China, so the females currently living at Adventure World are Ouhin (桜浜), Tohin (桃浜), Saihin (彩浜), Fuhin (楓浜), and Yuihin (結浜). The distinctive characteristic of Yuihin is the cowlick on top of her head, which is one of the things that makes her so cute. She is also very curious and tomboyish. You can see the introduction of Yuihin from 0:23 in the video. Eating Habits of the Giant Panda Shown in the Video Photo:A bamboo forest Giant pandas are known to eat mainly bamboo and bamboo grass. Although they are thought to be herbivorous animals, they are actually "omnivores" in the Carnivora order and Ursidae family. However, even in the wild, they eat very little meat, if any, primarily consuming bamboo and bamboo leaves from bamboo forests. The length of the giant panda's intestines is not as long as those of herbivores, and is closer to that of carnivorous animals. The reason they eat so little meat is thought to be due to the living environment of the giant panda. It is believed that giant pandas, whose habitat is deep in the mountains of China to avoid competition from outside forces, have come to eat bamboo and bamboo grass, which can be obtained stably even in winter, regardless of weather conditions. For that reason, they do not hibernate in winter as they have food available. Giant pandas, also known as simply "pandas," have a head and body length of 120-150 centimeters, with males weighing 100 kilograms and females 90 kilograms. Standing, the giant panda is approximately 170 centimeters tall. Giant pandas eat an average of 15 kg of bamboo and bamboo grass per day, so it costs a lot of money to secure a stable supply of food. In addition, since they are on loan from China, there are also rental fees, making it very expensive to raise them. Giant Pandas Facing Becoming an Endangered Species Photo:Giant pandas The giant panda is a mammal that is facing possible endangerment. Although the Washington Convention and the Chinese government are working to protect them, the population of giant pandas in the wild is estimated to be only about 1,600 worldwide. Adventure World is conducting breeding research using a "breeding loan program" to breed giant pandas, which are on the brink of becoming an endangered species. Currently, there are seven pandas living at Adventure World, making it the zoo with the largest number of pandas in Japan. Summary of Giant Panda's at Adventure World Photo:Adventure World, Wakayama Prefecture In this article, we introduced the giant panda, an animal popular for its large head and cute appearance. The video captures Yuihin eating her tasty bamboo grass. We hope you enjoy the video of the very cute giant panda Yuihin at Adventure World. 【Official Website】Adventure World https://www.aws-s.com/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Adventure World https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121351-d1013894-Reviews-Adventure_World-Shirahama_cho_Nishimuro_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 13:17
A Friendship With Turkey, Started in Wakayama Prefecture! Even Now, 130 Years After the Ertuğrul Incident, Bonds Between Japan and Turkey Continue to Strengthen!
History- 149 plays
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The Distress of the Ottoman Frigate Ertuğrul This video was published by “WakayamaPref.” It shows the Turkish ship "Ertuğrul" connecting Japan and Turkey, which led to the creation of a strong bond between the two countries. The title of the video is "Japan and Turkey. A Bond Transcending Time ~ Stories of Friendship Connected by the Ertuğrul." (日本トルコ 時を越える絆 ~エルトゥールル号が繋ぐ友好の物語~). Turkey is located between East Europe and West Asia, and is known as a pro-Japanese country. The history between Japan and Turkey began when an incident between the Turkish battleship, Ertuğrul, occurred near Oshima in Kushimoto, Wakayama 130 years ago. A typhoon hit the ship whilst returning home from a visit to Japan in September 1890. The ship hit a reef and sank by the shore in Kashinozaki. The friendship between the two countries began when local residents rescued the Turkish sailors who were going down with the ship. Kushimoto Saved Ertuğrul Source :YouTube screenshot The local people who tried to save the Turkish crews on the ship were from the Kashino area of Kushimoto Town, Wakayama Prefecture. Upon hearing of the incident, they immediately decided to rescue and treat the Turkish crew members. You can learn more at 1:26 in the video. At a time when they were not rich, they provided clothing and food for the Turks, even though typhoons prevented them from going out to fish and their reserves were low. The "morobuta," a container in which rice balls were served at the time, has also been preserved. You can see one at 2:43 in the video, in an interview with the son of a resident who helped rescue the Ertuğrul. The History of the Iran and Iraq Wars During the Iraq war in 1985, Japanese residents in Tehran, Iraq were rescued. A Turkish airliner was sent by the Turkish government to rescue 215 Japanese stranded in Tehran, the capital of Iran. This incident was also a repayment of the debt of gratitude for the rescue of the Ertuğrul, which created long lasting bonds between the two countries and resulted in a pro-Japanese Turkey. The Memorial Service for the Ertuğrul Incident Photo:Turkish Memorial and Museum As you see from 5:33, a memorial service for the Ertuğrul incident was conducted by the local people every year. In recent years, the memorial service is held every 5 years to commemorate the friendship. Local people work together to prepare this service in Kushimoto, Wakayama. In 2015, the Kushimoto Turkish Memorial and Museum was reopened, as well as an exhibit of the newly discovered artifacts found from the ship (6:49). Because Ertuğrul was a wooden ship, all of the artifacts sank to the bottom of the ocean. Searches have been conducted to look for more artifacts since 2008. Through these diligent searches, there have been a total of 7 exhibition events in both Japan and Turkey. During the 2015 excavation, which can be seen at 9:04 in the video, they worked off Kashinosaki, where the ship had gone missing at the time, and found 311 artifacts in 51 dives. These items have been investigated at the Ertuğrul Research Center, and local children helping with the conservation work. Source :YouTube screenshot At the only elementary school in Oshima, students learn about the exchange between Japan and Turkey during cultural exchange classes. Please check the video from 7:34 to see what students learn in school. You can also see a Turkish lady working at Kushimoto town hall at 7:50. Kushimoto town also invented a new type of rose and named it “Ertuğrul” as a symbol of friendship between two countries (8:16). Turkey and Japan: A Bond That Transcends Time Photo:Turkish warship memorial As seen in the video, the Turkish Culture Association in Kushimoto, Wakayama has been creating different events for interacting with Turkish culture, such as learning the Turkish language and popular dances. There was a movie called “125 Years Memory” in memory of the 125th year of friendship between Japan and Turkey. There are also several books and novels about Turkey and Japan. Please visit Wakayama to learn more about the history of Japan and Turkey. Wakayama prefecture has beautiful scenery and some World Heritage spots as well! -
Video article 14:51
Koyasan Is a Holy Land for Japanese Buddhism Which Was Founded by Kukai. Come Purify Your Mind and Body at This Mysterious Power Spot in Wakayama Prefecture!
Art & Architecture- 81 plays
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Introducing Mt. Koya This video, titled "The Holy Land in the Sky – Mt. Koya (生きている天空の聖地 高野山) was created by "greentvjapan." It's an introductory video of the beautiful and mysterious Mt. Koya; one of the top holy cities in Japan. Mt. Koya is known as a holy place by those who follow Buddhism, folk religion, and mountain worship. The History of Mt. Koya Photo:Koyasan Daimon, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya, a sacred mountain located in Koya, Ito district (伊都郡高野町) in Wakayama prefecture, is a holy land for Buddhism, starting with Shuzenji Temple given to Kukai (also known as Kobo Daishi (弘法大師)) by Emperor Saga (嵯峨天皇) in the Heian Period (794 AD - 1185 AD). Mt. Koya, which is the site of the head temple for Shingon Buddhism (真言宗, shingonshuu), is designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site under "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range." The beautiful temples on Mt. Koya, created by talented carpenters and cypress bark roof craftsmen, are a must see for any tourist visiting the area! The Highlights of Mt. Koya Photo:Danjo Garan in Koya-san, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya's "Danjo-garan" (壇上伽藍) features many temples and shrines including Konpon Daito (根本大塔), Sanno-in (山王院), Kondo (金堂) and "Oku-no-In" (奥之院) of Kongobuji (金剛峯寺). There are many Jizo statues at Oku-no-in. You can take a look at these in the video from 4:14. If you are visiting Mt. Koya on foot, why not trek along some of the famous pilgrimage routes, such as Kurokomichi (黒子道), Nyoninmichi (女人道), Kyoosaka-michi Fudozaka (京大坂道不動坂), Mitanizaka (三谷坂) including Nyusakadonojinja (丹生酒殿神社). You can also receive a special seal stamp called a "Go-shuin" at Mt. Koya for good luck! Other items you can purchase at Mt. Koya include good luck fortunes known as "O-mamori," "zukou" (a powder-type incense/perfume), and good related to Mt. Koya's character, "Koya-kun" (こうやくん). You can also take part in meditation practice, sutra-copying and flower-arrangement experiences. The Temple Lodgings at Mt. Koya Photo:Koya in Wakayama Prefecture Every morning at 6 am when the temple bell rings, the monks begin their ascetic practices. Every morning, the monks take breakfast to Kukai in a ceremony called "Shojingu" (生身供). If you decide to stay the night in one of the Buddhist temples on Mt. Koya you can enjoy vegetarian Buddhist cuisine called "Shojinryori" (精進料理), which includes food, such as sesame tofu and traditional Japanese sweets, with the monks as well as take part in Buddhist prayers. Events on Mt. Koya Source :YouTube screenshot Many events take place on Mt. Koya throughout the year, such as the Aoba Festival (青葉祭り), Koya Fire Festival (高野の火祭り), Obon Lantern Festival and Candle Festival, and man other events that celebrate the changing of the seasons. During fall, there is a special Buddhist service known as "Kinshu Daigaran Oneri Ho'e" (錦秋大伽藍お練り法会) and in winter there is "Gohei Osame" (御幣納め), "Shushoe" (修正会) and "Joyanokane" (除夜の鐘, the ringing of the New Year's bells). Many tourists visit Mt. Koya in spring during cherry blossom season and in fall to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the autumn foliage. Mt. Koya Introductory Video Summary Photo:Danjo Garan As explained in the video, Mt. Koya has a long history dating back more than 1,200 years and is a sacred place worshipped by followers of Buddhism. The entire mountain is sacred meaning there are a lot of tourist spots for you to visit within short distances of one another. Before visiting, we highly recommend checking out the public transportation access to and from the mountain, as well as parking availability, hours, and walking courses to make the most of your trip to Mt. Koya. 【Official Website】Mt. Koya, Shingon Buddhism, Kongobuji temple http://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Koya https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:00
Senninburo – The Largest Hot Spring in Japan in Wakayama Prefecture! The Winter-Only Open-Air Baths, Loved by Hot Spring Enthusiasts, Are Extremely Rare!
Travel- 80 plays
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Senninburo Introductory Video This three-minute long video, titled "River Hot Spring, Senninburo【4K】Relax in the Outdoor Hot Spring as the Hanging Lanterns by the River Illuminate the Rising Steam" (川湯温泉 仙人風呂【4K】灯籠が湯煙を照らす川辺の大露天風呂), was released by "eo official" and introduces the river hot spring, Senninburo. Hot springs, known as "onsen" in Japanese, are an important part of Japanese culture. There are hot springs situated all over Japan which are visited by many tourists year after year. In this article, we'll introduce a river hot spring in Wakayama prefecture (和歌山県) located in the Kansai region (関西地方) of Japan. Senninnburo in Wakayama Prefecture - Japan's Largest Outdoor Hot Spring in Japan! Source :YouTube screenshot Voice actor Toshihiro Shigetsuka (重塚利弘) is the narrator of this video introducing the river hot spring, Senninburo. From 1:14 in the video, you can see the steam rise from the hot springs as the light from the hanging lanterns illuminates it, creating a magical scene. Every lantern is handmade and painted with different characters and pictures. At 0:20 in the video, you can catch a glimpse of the beautiful natural scenery of the hot spring, which is surrounded by mountains. What Kind of Hot Spring Is Senninburo? Photo:Wakayama Prefecture, Senninburo steam Senninburo is a river hot spring in Hongu, Tanabe, in Wakayama prefecture (和歌山県田辺市本宮町). It measures 40 meters in length, 15 meters in width, and is around 60 cm deep, making it the largest outdoor hot spring in Japan. You can view the hot spring in its entirety from 0:41 in the video. Hot water, which can reach more than 70℃, rises from the river bed mixing with the clear water of the Oto River (大塔川) which helps to control the temperature, making the river comfortable to bathe in. During the day you can enjoy the view of the surrounding mountains and at night you can relax while gazing at the starry sky. Every Saturday evening from 8 pm to 10 pm, the hanging lanterns that line the sides of the river illuminate the rising steam, making it a great time to visit the hot spring. The hot spring quality is classified as an "alkaline simple hot spring." Bathing in such a hot spring is thought to be beneficial for people suffering from gastroenteritis, diabetes, gout, and nerve pain. Please be aware that unlike other hot springs in Japan, you must wear a bathing suit and bring a towel with you. Recommended Spots Around Senninburo Photo:Kumano Kodo, mysterious light There are several tourist spots in the area surrounding Senninburo. The following are three of the most popular: ・Oyunohara (大斎原) ・Kumano Kodo (熊野古道) ・Wakayama World Heritage Center (和歌山県世界遺産センター) Oyunohara is a shrine located deep in the forests of Kumano. It's famous for being one of the top power spots in Japan. Kumano Kodo is a popular sightseeing spot which is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It features several hiking courses that are ideal for outdoors enthusiasts. Wakayama World Heritage Center is involved in the conservation and promotion of World Heritage Sites. It is a place where you can also learn more about the Kumano faith (熊野信仰). Senninburo Summary Source :YouTube screenshot Many people visit the river hot spring Senninburo in search of relaxation. We highly recommend visiting Senninburo on your trip to Wakayama prefecture! Opening times are 6 am to 11 pm and entry is free of charge. Entry is however limited to the winter season only, and the hot spring is closed from March to October. There are several hotels and ryokan in the surrounding area which you can book online prior to your visit. There are also many tourist spots nearby you can enjoy during your stay! We hope you make the most of your trip to Wakayama prefecture! 【Official Website】Senninburo – Kumano Hongu Tourist Association (熊野本宮観光協会) https://www.hongu.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Senninburo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023661-d5606177-Reviews-Senninburo-Tanabe_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:24
Behold! The Beautiful Scenery of Nachi Falls in Wakayama Prefecture! As One of Japan’s Three Famous Waterfalls, Nachi Falls Is So Beautiful and Powerful That Visitors Can't Take Their Eyes off of It!
Nature- 363 plays
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Wakayama Prefecture's Famous Waterfall This is the introductory video, "Japan’s Tallest Waterfall: Nachi no Otaki- A World Heritage Site" (直瀑落差日本一の滝 世界遺産 那智の大滝). Nachi Falls is one of Japan's many world-heritage sites, and this 4K video shows its beautiful scenery. Nachi Falls in Nachi-katsuura, Wakayama prefecture, is a famous waterfall in Japan's Kansai region. It is admired and believed to contain the spirit of the deity of Hirou Shrine, an associate shrine of the world heritage site, Kumano Nachi Taisha shrine. We will introduce various facts about Nachi Falls, one of the Three Great Waterfalls of Japan ranked together with Kegon Falls in Nikko, and Fukuroda Falls, in Okukuji. The Charms of Nachi Falls, Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Nachi Falls・Wakayama Prefecture Kumano Sanzan, the three Main Kumano Shrines which consist of Kumano Nachi Taisha shrine (Sacred object: Nachi Falls), Kumano Hayatama Taisha shrine (Sacred object : Gotobiki Iwa rock in Kamikura mountain) and Kumano Hongu Taisha shrine, are all registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the title "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes." Shown in the video, Nachi Falls is registered as a world-heritage site because of its superb view. Visitors can enjoy the 48 waterfalls of Nachi (那智四十八滝) and a lot of beautiful mountain streams in Nachi Primeval Forest and Nachi Falls, is "Ichi no Taki," the largest one among them. It is also called "Misuji Falls" (三筋の滝) in Japanese and has a stream that forks into 3 separate veins due to a rift in the bedrock of the waterfall's crest. The Beautiful Scenery of Nachi Falls Source :YouTube screenshot After walking through a Torii gate at Hiro Jinja shrine, visitors will see a superb view of Nachi Falls. (shown from 0:56 in the video) The breath of Choshiguchi is 13 meters (~42 ft.) and the height from the top of the waterfall to its basin extends 133 meters (~436 ft.). Compared to other waterfalls, Nachi Falls ranks 12th in Japan and is currently the tallest one-step waterfall in Japan. You can enjoy the beautifully clear waterfall basin (that is more than 10 meters deep) from the observation platform, which is a great spot for taking photos. (shown from 2:28 of the video) Enjoy Your Time and Take in Everything That Nachi Falls Has to Offer ©T-KIMURA Modifying Nachi Falls can be enjoyed in any season, and offers various kinds of scenery depending on the time of year. One of the best times to go is winter, when Mt. Nachi gets colder. There is an annual event called "Otaki Shimenawa Harikae-shiki" held every year on December 27th and many people visit to enjoy the scenery of the illuminated waterfall. You can also enjoy eating lunch at restaurants around Seigantoji temple after watching the waterfall. There are also some hotels near the station with hot spring facilities where you can enjoy a nice relaxing bath. Summary of Nachi Falls in Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Nachi Falls・Wakayama Prefecture The video provides viewers with the fascinating and eye-catching scenery of Nachi Falls' mysterious atmosphere. Mt. Nachi and Kumano Kodo are known as locations for Shugendo and Takiroshugyo (Buddhist training with waterfalls) and are now also tourist destinations for those who enjoy hiking. Take a map with you when you visit there to enjoy a day trip of walking around and seeing Sanju-no-To (the three story pagoda) of Nachi mountain Seigato-ji temple, Nachi-san Kyo-zuka, and Nachi Primeval Forest, as well as Nachi Falls at your leisure. ◆Tourist Information for Nachi Falls◆ 【Address】Nachi-san, Katsuura-cho Oaza, Higashimuro-gun, Wakayama, 649-5301 【Admission】300 yen/Adult 200yen/Child (as of March 2020) 【Hours】7:00-16:30 【Access】A Bus service is available from the nearby station, Kii-Katsuura Station (紀伊勝浦駅) off the Kisei Main Line (紀勢本線) to Nachi Falls Bus Stop (那智の滝前バス停) 【Parking】Available (payed) 【Official Website】Nachi Falls, Nachi-Katsuura Town Tourism Assocciation https://www.nachikan.jp/en/ 【Official Website】Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine Nachi Ontaki Hiro-jinja shrine https://kumanonachitaisha.or.jp/ -
Video article 3:06
A Christmas Event in Wakayama Marina City – Beautiful Illuminations and a Fantastic Atmosphere!
Festivals & Events Travel Things to Do- 55 plays
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Festa Luce 2022 – The Lighting Ceremony at Wakayama Marina City: Video Introduction This video, titled "Festa Luce in Wakayama Marina City 2022 Lighting Ceremony DIGEST" (フェスタ・ルーチェin和歌山マリーナシティ2022点灯式DIGEST), was uploaded by "festa luce." The video introduces the lighting ceremony and event venue for the illumination event "Festa Luce" held on November 3, 2022 at Wakayama Marina City. The venue is not only beautiful, but is host to a variety of illuminations, and there are plenty of attractions that families and couples can enjoy. Be sure to check out the video to see the venue and see the moment the lights at the illumination are turned on! [Video] 0:51 - Lights Being Turned On for the Illumination Wakayama Marina City – Information About the Venue Where the Illumination Is Held Photo:Wakayama Marina City Wakayama Marina City is an artificial island and city resort, that is located in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. It is conveniently located near an airport as well. It's a popular place for a night out in Japan's Kansai region, especially for those in Osaka. The area is home to Porto Europe, a European townscape, Kuroshio Market, a market popular among tourists, Kishu Kuroshio Onsen, a hot spring and spa, Wakayama Marina City Sea Fishing Park, as well as hotels and other attractions. Highlights of Festa Luce in Wakayama Marina City in 2023 Source :YouTube screenshot Festa Luce, in Wakayama Marina City, a festival of lights held for the first time in 2017, is a very popular event and attracts many visitors every year. During the event period, Wakayama Marina City will be gorgeously lit up with projection mapping and other illuminations. There are many things to see, such as the 16-meter-long Christmas tree towering over the fountain square and the illumination light parade of light and sound! The Castle Projection Mapping, which will be revived after four years, is a must-see. "In 2023, ""Festa Luche Gacha"" will be introduced, where you can make clattering with coins that you can receive with a dwarf admission ticket!"Please try not to forget the shiny goods without losing. There are also hands-on attractions, so visitors can enjoy more than just watching the illuminations. Parents and children, friends, and even couples can have a blast at this exciting event. [Video] 1:01 - A Photogenic Scene at the Illumination Event The illumination starts at 5:00 p.m. If you're sightseeing in the area, consider stopping by and enjoying the magical illuminations! Christmas Market and Sky Lantern, 2 Popular Attractions at Festa Luce A Christmas Market is also held on weekends in November and December. Visitors can enjoy all sorts of delicious food and shopping while watching the illuminations. Don't forget to grab yourself a warm drink while perusing Christmas goods! Events, such as music concerts and street performances, are also held on weekends and liven up the Christmas season. On November 18th, 25th and 9th, the Sky Lantern Festival will be held with 800 lanterns floating in the sky. The lanterns floating in the winter night sky at the European-style venue create a world of pure fantasy. Only 800 lanterns will be available for each date, so be sure to get your hands on one asap! The lanterns soar through the night sky lit up by the illuminations. Be sure to bring a camera, as this is an experience you won't want to forget! Summary of Festa Luce, an Illumination at Wakayama Marina City Photo:Festa Luce at Wakayama Marina City This video was an introduction to the highlights of the illumination lighting ceremony. Please check the following and the official website for information on admission fees, advance tickets, etc. If you have the chance, be sure to visit Wakayama Marina City this winter, where you can experience a magical Christmas event! ◆Festa Luchein Wakayama Marina City 2023◆ Period: November 3, 2023 - February 12, 2024 開催 However, January 1st is closed Saturday, Sunday and Holiday from January 9, 2024 to February 12, 2024 Opening hours: 17:00~21:00 (last admission 20:30) *Saturday of November and December 24 and 25 from 17:00 to 22:00 (last admission 21:30) Admission: Adults 1,800 yen (1,600 yen in advance) 1,000 yen for children (800 yen in advance) Attraction Night Pass: 1,800 yen for adults and children (1,600 yen in advance) 【TripAdvisor】Wakayama Marina City -
Video article 6:22
Wakayama Prefecture - A Heavenly World Surrounded by Mystical Healing Power Spots. Go On a Spectacular Sightseeing Trip to the World Heritage Site of Koyasan, A Sacred Site of Japanese Buddhism With 1,200 Years of History!
Travel- 83 plays
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Koyasan - A World Heritage Site in Wakayama Prefecture This video, titled "[4K]高野山 KOYASAN temple JAPAN (World heritage)高野山観光 voyage viaggio KOYASAN Goma fire ritual 密教 世界遺産," was released by "Discover Nippon." It's a promotional video of Koyasan, a world heritage site in Wakayama prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. Koyasan is an ascetic school for Shingon Esoteric Buddhism that was opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai in Wakayama prefecture approximately 1,200 years ago. Explore the charms of Koyasan a power spot in Wakayama prefecture said to bring good fortune. Koyasan - A Sightseeing Destination in Wakayama Prefecture With 1,200 Years of History Photo:Kongobuji Temple, Koyasan The area around Koyasan in Wakayama Prefecture is a famous place revered as a sacred place for Japanese Buddhism along with Hieizan Enryakuji Temple located in Shiga, Kyoto. Kobo Daishi, the founder of the Shingon sect, built Koyasan in Wakayama in 816, more than 1,200 years ago. Kongobuji Temple, the head temple of the Koyasan Shingon sect, is a historic religious city with more than 100 temples. You can see Kongobuji Temple illuminated by lights after sunset at 5:57 in the video. In 2015, a commemorative service celebrating the 1200th anniversary of the founding of Koyasan was held. Sightseeing On Koyasan Photo:Danjo Temple There are many scenic tourist spots in the Koyasan area surrounded by nature. At the entrance to Koyasan, there is a bright, red-painted gate called Daimon Gate. Danjo Garan, located just beyond Daimon Gate, is the main hall where the main Buddhist services of Koyasan are held. On the approach to the inner temple, there are graves of famous Sengoku warlords, such as Nobunaga Oda, Takeda Shingen, the father and son graves of Takeda Katsuyori, Akechi Mitsuhide, Ishida Mitsunari, and the Toyotomi clan. An Enjoyable Sightseeing Trip to Koyasan Photo:Kongobuji Temple, Koyasan We highly recommend visiting the temples and taking in the beautiful scenery. You can find beautiful views at the temples during spring when the cherry blossoms are in bloom, and in the fall when the autumn leaves have changed to brilliant shades of red and orange. The weather is good in both spring and autumn, so you can enjoy sightseeing around all of the lesser-known spots of Koyasan as well. The precincts are quite large, so we recommend sightseeing by car if possible. Many people visit the temples of Koyasan and receive shuin stamps to commemorate their visit. Be sure to purchase popular souvenirs, such as the incense of Koyasan Daishido (高野山大師堂) and Mirokuishi steamed buns from Kasakuni (みろく石本舗かさ國). Summary of Koyasan, a Sacred Place For Buddhism in Wakayama Prefecture Photo:The Lotus Pond at Danjo Garan, Koyasan Koyasan, which was an ascetic school of Buddhism with a long history, has several shukubo (temple lodgings). You can always book a hotel in Wakayama prefecture for sightseeing on Koyasan, but if you want to try the invaluable experience of staying at a temple, we definitely recommend staying at a shukubo. ◆Koyasan Overview Information ◆ 【Address】Kongobuji Temple|132 Koyasan, Koya, Ito District, Wakayama 648-0294 【Access】 ・Train:Nankai Koya Line: Get off at Gokurakubashi Station, take the Nankai Koyasan Cable and walk from Koyasan Station. ・Car:About 2 hours from central Osaka. Nearest highway exits: Wakayama IC (和歌山IC) on the Hanwa Expressway (阪和自動車道) and Habikino IC (羽曳野IC) on the Minami-Hanna Expressway (南阪奈道路) 【Admission Fee】Kongobuji Temple|General:¥500, Elementary School Students:¥200 (※As of December 2019) 【Hours】Kongobuji Temple|8:30 - 17:00 【Closures】No Holidays 【Parking】There are many parking lots nearby, however, it can be very busy on the weekends so please keep this in mind. 【Telephone】Kongobuji Temple|0736-56-2011 【Official Website】Koyasan Shingon Sect Sohonzan Kongobuji Temple https://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Koyasan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:45
The Spooky "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" of Tanabe, Wakayama. Enjoy the Ancient Japanese Festival Handed Down From Generation to Generation, With More Than 2,000 Years of History!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture History- 114 plays
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Taisha Reitaisai's Shinto Ritual: "Yunobori Shinji" This video, titled "Reitaisai Kumano Hongu Taisha -Official," shows aspects of "Yunobori Shinji," a shinto ritual that is part of the traditional "Reitaisai" rituals held at Kumano Hongu Grand Shrine, in Wakayama prefecture. "Kumano Hongu Taisha," a world heritage site in Wakayama prefecture, is one of three grand shrines configuring "Kumano Sanzan" along with "Kumano Nachi Taisha" and "Kumano Hayatama Taisha." Kumano Hongu Taisha was built more than 2050 years ago, and Yunobori Shinji, the largest annual shinto festival, has been designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Wakayama Prefecture. This video introduces the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" of Wakayama prefecture. If you ever wonder what kind of sacred rituals and events are held in the festival, take a look at the video and this article. Yunobori Shinji and Miyawatari Shinji - Two Shinto Rituals Source :YouTube screenshot The "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" is held for three days from April 13th to 15th every year. The festival starts with the events "Yunobori Shinji" and "Miyawatari Shinji." Starting at 0:07 in the video, it shows one aspect of the ritual where people invoke the spirit of the gods into children after they've purified themselves in the sacred water of Yunomine Onsen during "Yunobori Shinji." During the festival, the children are only allowed to put their feet on the ground while in the ritual so their fathers or brothers carry them on their shoulders and hike through 3.4 km of mountain trail called the "Kumano Kodo pilgrimage routes" to get to "Oyunohara." In the afternoon, there is the traditional performance by the children called the "Yasabaki Shinto Ritual" at Yunomine Ouji which is shown in the video around 0:44. After that, the children, a Kannushi (a person responsible for the maintenance of a Shinto shrine), and people with musical instruments line up and head to “Otabisho.” Rituals of the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" Source :YouTube screenshot The event called Funatama Taisai (船玉大祭) and the eve of the main festival are held at Kumano Hongu Taisha on April 14th. As shown in the video around 1:15, the most important event, the Hondensai (本殿祭), and the Togyo Festival (渡御祭) in which 400 people dressed in Heian style clothing for the performance participate in, are held on April 15th. A procession that recreates Kumano Gokou then heads to Oyunohara to perform sacred dances such as "Yamatomai" and "Mikomai." In the “Hondensai,” there is the "Togyosai" festival and the "Kangyo Sai" festival where you can see the Mikoshi (a portable shrine) with the flowers from "The deity of Kumanomusumi" (熊野牟須美神) (The god enshrined in Kumano Sanzan). It is said that the gods are pleased by the decorating of the Mikoshi with flowers and the swinging of the mikoshi. Starting at around 2:32, the video shows children praying for a good harvest. The festival is called "Ondasai" (御田祭, Ondasai). The video also shows the events "Gomadaki" (護摩焚き, Gomadaki) performed by monks, "Mochinage" (throwing rice cake), "Saitodaigoma" (採燈大護摩, saitodaigoma) and "Tamagushi Houten" (玉串奉奠, tamagushi Houten). which are also fun to see. Towards the end of the festival, when the sun starts to go down, people walk out of the Torii gate of "Ooyunohara" and make their way back to the shrine. After that, the last festival, "Kangyo-sai," is held (3:49). Summary of the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitai Festival" Photo:Kumano Hongu Taisha The video shows a lot about the traditional sacred festival at Kumano Hongu Taisha. Climb up the 158 stone steps and walk through the sacred gate, and you'll find Kumano Hongu Taisha. If you're looking to enjoy the atmosphere of Japan's shrines, Kumano Hongu Taisha is the perfect place to visit. Repair work was also undertaken in 2012 to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the shrine being transferred to its current location. There are many hotels and Ryokan (Japanese style inn) in Tanabe City in Wakayama, near Kumano Hongu Taisha. You can have a great time feasting on the local cuisine during your lunch break. You can also go shrine hopping with your Goshuin notebook when the weather is nice. ◆Kumano Hongu Taisha◆ 【Address】1110 Hongu, Hongu-sho, Tanabe-shi, Wakayama prefecture 【Access】140 minutes from Nanki-Shirahama Airport by bus 【Hours】6:00 – 17:00 【Parking】Available (Free) 【Phone】0735-42-0009 【Official Website】Kumano Hongu Taisha http://www.hongutaisha.jp/english/ -
Video article 1:36
Be the Last One Standing in a Fierce Battle To the Death at the Popular Event "Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-" Where You Can Become a Full-Fledged Ninja! You Might Be the Star of the Next Battle!
Things to Do- 36 plays
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An Event To Immerse Yourself in the World of Ninja in Japan This video, titled “Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- Official PV” (忍者合戦-SHINOBI-公式PV), was released by “IKUSA Inc.” The video was made to promote “Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-.” Watching the video is a great way to get a feel for the popular ninja experience event. Have you ever thought to yourself “How cool would it be to be a ninja”? In Japan, there is a long history of ninja. Ninja are also popular overseas, and many people outside of Japan associate the country with sushi and ninja. For every person whom Mt. Fuji comes to mind, there is also a person for whom ninjas come to mind. Ninja accumulate training and discipline to hone their skills and carry out missions and orders. And you can become one of those ninja by joining the event shown in this video, "Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-." In this article, we'll introduce "Ninja Lassen - SHINOBI" alongside the video. Be sure to check it out if you’re interested in ninja! Introducing the Popular Event “Ninja Kassen – SHINOBI” Source :YouTube screenshot The video is only about a minute and a half long, making it easy to watch even if you've only got a few minutes to spare. You can enjoy watching people of all ages, from adults to children, turning into ninjas and using ninja arts! At 0:27 in the video, you can see a team warcry as the ninja prepare for battle. At 1:02 in the video, it's explained that the event can be enjoyed by anyone. Old, young, male, female, anyone can participate and have fun! What Kind of Event is Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- Photo:Wakayama Castle Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- is an event held by IKUSA Inc. It's an event where participants become full-fledged ninja and fight enemies with painless foam swords by knocking loose the balls attached to their body that act as hit-points. But it isn't just about fighting the enemy, you also have to complete the missions that are given to your army. Schedules can vary depending on the number of participants and regulations. The footage for this battle was filmed at Wakayama Castle. However, Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- is held in many other areas besides Wakayama Prefecture as well. Having a Blast at Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- Source :YouTube screenshot In order to enjoy "Ninja Gassen -SHINOBI-" to the fullest, it's important to know what types of battles you'll be fighting in. The main types of battles are team deathmatch, chieftain battles, battle royale, and scroll battles. 【Team Deathmatch】 Team Deathmatch is a battle in which two teams battle it out. At the end of the time limit, the team left standing or whichever team has more survivors, wins. 【Chieftain Battles】 In chieftain battles, you win by defeating the other team's chieftain. The key to victory is having a better strategy for cornering the enemy. 【Battle Royale】 Battle Royale will have you fighting as the last one to stay alive. You'll be fighting against enemies and even those who were your allies until just recently. The last one standing will be crowned the victor. 【Scroll Battles】 Scroll Battles are battles where you try and take the scrolls placed in your opponent's camp while at the same time protecting your own (capture the flag). Having coordinated attacks and strategies are the key to victory in these battles. In order to not be defeated prematurely, you'll need to cooperate and strategize with your comrades. In some cases, you may even need to be a decoy in order to succeed in your mission. The Fun of Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- Source :YouTube screenshot Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI- is full of excitement. If you’re planning on participating in Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-, there’re a few things you’ll want to know. First, you can interact with people of all ages, genders, and nationalities who love ninja. It’s a great opportunity to talk to others who share your love of ninja! It’s also a good opportunity to make some ninja companions! Second, it gives you the opportunity to work in large groups of people. The best part of "Ninja Kassen-SHINOBI" is that you can enjoy coming up with tactics together and create memories by taking photos. Another attraction of "Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-" is that you can enjoy learning about the history, lore, and stories of ninja. If you're interested in learning more about the Iga and Koga ninja, you may be able to gain more insight into ninja through "Ninja Kassen - SHINOBI-." Summary of Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-|Become the Ninja You’ve Always Dreamed Of! Photo:Ninja Utilizing its expertise in regional revitalization, IKUSA Inc. has been involved in several events and training programs that utilize activities and outdoor play, such as "Ninja Kassen - SHINOBI-." Why not see how you’d fare as a ninja? In addition to the ninja show, there are many other options to make the event more exciting, such as ninja costume rental, a shuriken dojo, ninja workshop, original ninja suit rental, original armor rental, actual ninja employees, and more. If you want to experience Japanese history and culture, consider participating in the "Ninja Kassen - SHINOBI" event and making some great memories and companions! Be sure to follow the rules when participating in events such as "Ninja Kassen -SHINOBI-." Being considerate of one another is also very important in order to enjoy the event.