Video article 4:24
Breathe in the Fantastic Atmosphere at Kameiwa Cave in Kimitsu, Chiba! It's Like Being Lost in a Mystical World!
Nature- 289 plays
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千葉県君津市エリアの絶景である亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝が堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの「[ 4K Ultra HD ] 神秘の絶景 新緑の亀岩の洞窟(濃溝の滝) - Nomizo Falls in Spring - (shot on Samsung NX1)」は、日本の千葉県君津市の清水渓流公園内にある絶景『亀岩の洞窟(濃溝の滝)』についての紹介動画です。 日本の和の雰囲気をたっぷりと感じさせる新緑の景色が魅力の亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝、例えるなら、アニメ『ジブリ』の舞台のような場所といったところでしょうか。 新緑に囲まれた空間で、日々の喧騒から離れて疲れを癒せる亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝。 今回はそちらについて、動画と共に紹介をさせて頂きます。 インスタ映え間違い無し!絶好の写真スポット! 現実とは別世界のような雰囲気を醸し出している亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝。 フォトジェニックな奇岩風景と場所の数々、そしてパワースポットでもあるということから、SNSでも人気の千葉県の観光名所となっています。 特に有名なのが、動画の冒頭よりご覧になることの出来るハート型の光芒です。 自然が織り成す絶景は、千葉県に来たなら必見の絶景です。 しかし注意点があります。 この光景を見ることができるのは、3月、9月のお彼岸の時期の早朝だけ。 綺麗に写真を撮るには、限られた角度の場所(いわゆる穴場)出ないといけないので、事前のリサーチが必要です。 そしてもう一つが、ホタルの乱舞を見ることが出来る長い木道と幸福の鐘です。 その年によって時期に多少の違いはありますが、大体5月~8月にかけてホタルを見ることが出来るので、千葉県君津市への観光の際には、ぜひ検討してみてください。 木道の奥には『幸福の鐘』と呼ばれる小さな鐘があります。 そこが一連のルートのゴールとされていて、記念写真を撮影される観光客も多いそうです。 亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝の温泉とグルメ! 自然の中を見て回れば疲れは溜まってしまうもの。 そんなときはやはり温泉とグルメで体を癒すのが良いでしょう。 亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝のある周辺には様々な施設があり、『濃溝温泉千寿の湯』もまたその一つです。 渓谷を見下ろしながらの温泉は、まさに至福の時でしょう。 また味覚狩り、チーズ作り体験等のアクティビティがあるマザー牧場で、ご当地グルメを堪能するのも、千葉県君津市での観光の際にはおすすめの名所です。 千葉県君津市の亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝魅力紹介まとめ 幻想的な雰囲気いっぱいの亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝。 動画でその魅力を堪能することが出来るので、ぜひご覧下さい。 東京からもアクセスしやすく交通手段が豊富で、関東圏の方は手軽に観光できることでしょう。 千葉県への観光考えている方はぜひ立ち寄られてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 8:04
Itsukushima Shrine Travel Guide – Hiroshima, Japan
Travel- 190 plays
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厳島神社と宮島観光動画紹介 今回は『Discover Nippon』さん制作の『4K 宮島と厳島神社 ltsukushima Shrine Miyajima Hiroshima Trip Japan』という動画を紹介します。 日本三景のひとつ、瀬戸内海に浮かぶ広島県安芸の宮島。島全体が信仰の対象である宮島の北側の海辺にある厳島神社(いつくしまじんじゃ)は世界遺産に登録されています。潮の満干によって景観を変える大鳥居や朱色に塗られた鮮やかな廻廊など。まずは、厳かな姿を映した厳島神社・宮島観光動画をぜひお楽しみください。 厳島神社大鳥居の大改修工事が完了! 2019年6月から行われていた厳島神社の大鳥居の大改修工事が終わり、2022年12月に工事の囲いや足場が完全に撤去されました。 1875年(明治8年)に再建された現在の大鳥居は、大正、昭和の時代にも修繕されています。約70年ぶりの大改修工事では、シロアリによる被害や腐朽による破損の補修工事や耐震補強工事、屋根の葺き替え、塗装の塗り替えが施されました。印象的な朱色は3回以上も重ね塗りしているとか。 より強く美しくなった大鳥居の全景を見るために、厳島神社観光に訪れたいですね。 三柱の神様をまつる厳島神社の歴史や魅力 厳島神社の御祭神は宗像三女神といわれる三柱の神様です。神様が宮島に御鎮座されるにあたり、593年に社殿が建てられたと伝えられています。 厳島神社の魅力といえば、海の中に建つ鳥居と社殿。では、なぜ陸地ではなく海に建てられたのでしょうか。それは創建時、宮島の島自体が神として崇められていたことにあります。神が宿る島の木や土地を傷つけないために社殿を海に建てられたのだそう。 平安時代には平清盛が厳島神社を崇敬し、貴族の邸宅の様式であった寝殿造りを取り入れ社殿を造営。厳島神社の社殿は、災害により何度か立て直されていますが、当時のままの姿を残していると言われています。時を越え平安の文化をも伝える荘厳な姿に、きっと目を奪われることでしょう。 厳島神社は、1996年ユネスコの世界文化遺産に登録。厳島神社と前面の海、背景にある弥山(みせん)の原始林を含む広大な区域が対象になっています。海の中に立つ朱色の大鳥居や海の上の朱色の社殿など、国宝、重要文化財に指定されている建造物からなる景観は、唯一無二と言って過言ではないでしょう。 【動画】0:57~ 海から見る厳島神社 安芸の宮島・厳島神社の観光、見どころとモデルコースを紹介 日本三景のひとつ広島県安芸の宮島は、歴史ある観光名所です。安芸の宮島観光の見どころをモデルコースに沿ってご紹介します。 ●厳島神社 幻想的な朱塗りの廻廊、日本三大舞台のひとつ高舞台、200メートル沖合にそびえる大鳥居、海の上の能舞台など厳島神社の観光を満喫してください。 【動画】1:09~ 朱塗りが鮮やかな廻廊 ●大願寺(だいがんじ) 厳島神社の修造や造営を担っていた歴史ある真言宗の寺院です。神仏分離により厳島神社から遷された仏像が祀られています。厳島神社の観光とあわせて訪れたいですね。 ●大聖院(だいしょういん) 806年に開創された霊験あらたかな宮島最古の寺院です。かつては厳島神社の別当職として祭祀を司っていました。弥山の麓に位置し、自然に囲まれた広い境内からの眺望も見どころです。 【動画】4:25~ 大聖院仁王門 ●弥山山頂 時間と体力がある方は、弥山山頂への登山もおすすめです。宮島ロープウェーで紅葉谷駅から獅子岩駅へ。獅子岩展望台からは瀬戸内海のパノラマが見渡せます。山頂まで散策すると弘法大師が修行をしたといわれる弥山本堂などの史跡や弥山展望台、弥山の自然が作り出した奇岩など、見どころ満載です。 ●豊国神社(ほうこくじんじゃ) 厳島神社の末社で五重塔とともに世界遺産厳島神社の構成建築として登録されています。豊臣秀吉が建立した千畳閣は畳857枚の広さがある大経堂です。 安芸の宮島の見どころはまだまだたくさんあります。半日以上ゆっくりと滞在して、潮の満干によって変わる厳島神社や大鳥居の景色も楽しみたいですね。 安芸の宮島のおすすめグルメとお土産 広島県安芸の宮島、厳島神社観光のグルメの定番は、牡蠣とあなごめし。瀬戸内海で育まれたおいしい海の幸をぜひご賞味ください!牡蠣の入ったカレーパンや牡蠣のクラムチャウダーがいただけるお店もありますよ。 広島土産の定番のお菓子といえば「もみじ饅頭」。表参道商店街には、いろいろな味のもみじ饅頭のほか、もみじ饅頭を油で揚げたものもあります。現地でしか味わえないグルメを満喫してみてはいかがでしょうか。 宮島観光の歴史あるお土産物として知られる杓子は、「敵を召し取る」縁起物として人気。手書きの文字を入れてもらえる「杓子ストラップ」は、自分へのお土産として購入する人も多いようです。 安芸の宮島・厳島神社観光まとめ 安芸の宮島は見どころが満載です。厳島神社など史跡観光スポットや、眺望を楽しめるインスタ映えスポットもたくさんあります。町を散策して、おしゃれな古民家カフェで絶景を見ながらひと休みするのもいいですね。見どころ満載で時間が足りなくなりそうですが、帰りのフェリーを逃さないように気をつけてくださいね。 【公式ホームページ】厳島神社 【トリップアドバイザー】厳島神社 -
Video article 3:30
Japan Through the Eyes of a Foreigner! Rediscover Japan at a Temple in Wakayama, Surrounded by Nature and Neon Lights in the Heart of the City!
Travel- 51 plays
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This video, titled "Japan - Neons & Sakuras," was released by Oliver Astrologo. Japan is a country where old traditions and the latest technology are fused together. Tokyo is lit up like something out of a science fiction movie, with neon LED's twinkling in the background. People hurry to get where they need to be on crowded trains and at the scramble intersection in Shibuya. At the same time, the film shows women and priests in Wakayama, where temples are surrounded by nature and in harmony with mountains and forests. In contrast to the neat rows of bamboo groves and torii, there are alleyways in the center of the city, where artisans make dyed goods and costumes, and people work as aikido masters and geiko. -
Video article 6:28
Super beautiful 4K video of the spectacular spring scenery of "Oirase Keiryu" in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture! Super soothing and spectacular video of nature surrounded by fresh greenery with background music!
Travel Nature- 367 plays
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Video introduction of "Oirase Keiryuu in fresh green" in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture Located in Northern Japan in Towada city, Aomori, Oirase Gorge is a main attraction among Japanese tourist spots. Oirase stream, which has a total length of about 14 km, is blessed with beautiful weather throughout the year, and in the spring, the spray of the clear stream is reflected in the lush greenery. The riversides forest and streams are a paradise for plants and animals, such as wild birds, serows, chars, Tohoku salamanders and other precious flora and fauna. From the moment you step inside, you'll be overwhelmed by the mystique of these woods. This video introduces the beauty of Oirase Gorge’s fresh greenery with a wonderful BGM. It's in 4K, so be sure to enjoy the beautiful footage in full screen. So Many Places to See! Recommended Tourist Spots at Oirase Gorge! Photo:The Fresh Greenery of Oirase Mountain Stream The recommended route of the Oirase River is a trail from the mouth of the Oirase River, which leads from Nenokuchi to the Shimei Gorge and then to Yakeyama. There are mossy benches throughout the trail and you can take some beautiful pictures, perfect for Instagram, especially during spring. On the way from Ishikedo (石ヶ戸の瀬, Ishikedo no se) to Kumoi Falls (雲井の滝, Kumoi no taki), you'll come across a huge rock called Makado (馬門岩, Makadoiwa Rock). The highlight of Oirase stream is the Flow of Ashura(阿修羅の流れ, Ashura no nagare). According to local legends, Ishigedo resthouse, the only rest house along Oirase stream, operated as a base for female bandits long ago. This popular route is perfect for walking as it includes Choshi Falls (銚子大滝, Choshi Oodaki), Nenokuchi water gate (子ノ口の水門, Nenokuchi no suimon), Samidare stream (三乱の流れ, Samidare no nagare), and other amazing views. Oirase Gorge was designated as a place of scenic beauty and a natural monument in 1928, and in 1936, it was designated as Towada National Park. You can see the majestic greenery, waterfalls, and powerful river in the video as well. Food & Access Information for Oirase Gorge Photo:Grilled salted fish At hotels and ryokan around Oirase Gorge, you can enjoy natural hot springs and local dishes using locally grown vegetables and freshly caught trout. One of the most famous hotels is "Hoshino Resort Oirase Keikyu Hotel." At Oirase Gorge's neighborhood facility "Oirase Stream Museum," there's a diorama of Towada Hachimantai, and "Community Land," where you can learn about history and nature. To get to Oirase Gorge, you can take local bus from Aomori airport, Misawa airport, JR Aomori station, JR Misawa station or JR Towada station. You can get more details on the official page for Towada Lake National Park Association. There are different kinds of tours so pick your preference and enjoy your time at Oirase Gorge. Summary of Oirase Gorge Oirase Gorge's source is lake Towada. There are a number of waterfalls and rapids, and you can enjoy the abundant greenery of the surrounding area. The video shows a lot of scenic spots at Oirase Gorge. Feel the beauty of nature even more with the sound of the flowing river which doubles as a BGM. The video shows us the seasonal beauty of Oirase Gorge, so we can enjoy the beauty of spring. If you've watched the video already, I bet you're already packing your bags! 【Official website】Lake Towada National Park Association http://towadako.or.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:05
Kuronagi Onsen Ryokan is a hidden hot spring in Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture, which cannot be reached by car! Surrounded by nature that has been protected for 150 years, it was a famous hot spring known only to those in the know that everyone wanted to visit once!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 504 plays
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Video introduction of "Kuronagi Onsen Ryokan" in Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture, a famous hot spring in Japan. This video, titled is a promotional video for Kuronagi onsen called "[Official] A Hidden Hot Spring in Kurobe Canyon, Kurobe|Kuronagi Onsen, Drone 4k" ([公式]黒部峡谷の秘湯 黒薙温泉旅館 ドローン4K), was created by "[Official] Kuronagi Onsen Ryokan." It has been said that Kuronagi Onsen was discovered in 1645 by -
Video article 3:19
Gifu Castle Is Something You Have To Cover When Talking About the History of the Warring States Period! Discover the Secrets of the Historical Castle in Gifu Prefecture That Even the Famous Warlord Oda Nobunaga Became Lord Of!
Art & Architecture- 445 plays
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Gifu Castle" on Kinkazan in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture Video Introduction The video this time is titled "[Sword World] Gifu Castle|A Place to See Swords and Armor|Swords and Armor on Display in the Castle |YouTube Video" (【刀剣ワールド】「岐阜城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画). It was released by "Virtual Sword Museum [Sword World]." It introduces Gifu Castle, located on Mt. Kinka in Gifu City, Gifu prefecture in Japan's Tokai region. The ruins of Gifu Castle are also designated as a national historic site and is a tourist spot with a long history. There used to be a saying that went, "He who controls Mino controls Japan" (Mino is present day Gifu), as Gifu Castle was once known as an impregnable fortress. The History of Gifu Castle Photo:Gifu Castle Gifu Castle is a beautiful castle that stands on the summit of Mt. Kinka in the formerly known territory of Minokuni Inoguchi (present-day Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture). A full view of Gifu Castle can be seen at 0:12 in the video. The castle was built in 1201 by the Saito family, and is said to have been the residence of Saito Dosan, who was feared as a "mamushi" (pit viper) during the Warring States period. In 1567, Oda Nobunaga seized the territory of Inabayama Castle from Saito Tatsuokiand rebuilt it before becoming the lord of Gifu Castle. Oda Nobunaga began to use the red seal of "Tenka Fubu" from around this time. The successive lords of Gifu Castle were Nikaido, Iga, Mino Saito, Oda, and Toyotomi. In the Edo period (1603-1868), the castle was abandoned and rebuilt as Kano Castle. Eventually, in the Showa period (1926-1989), Gifu Castle was rebuilt and still stands to this day. What kind of place is the Gifu Castle Museum which is shown in the video? Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 1:27 in the video, Gifu Castle's castle tower is a museum with many swords and armor on display. Inside, you'll find items related to Oda Nobunaga and Saito Dosan, as well as other valuable historical documents. The top floor is an observation deck where you can enjoy a magnificent view from Gifu Castle at an altitude of about 320 meters. Gifu Castle Museum, which houses a collection of documents related to Gifu Castle, is shown at 2:23 in the video. The museum was originally an armory and food storage facility, but was restored with a Sumiyagura Jokaku-zukuri style architecture. Highlights of Gifu Castle! Photo:Autumn leaves at Gifu Park Gifu Castle also has a volunteer brigade called "The Gifu Castle Promotion Team," which organizes events such as stamp rallies. Of course, when you visit Gifu Castle, you'll definitely want to get a red seal and castle seal to commemorate your visit. There are also illumination events in the summer and fall seasons. Mt. Kinka, on which Gifu Castle is located, also has a ropeway; however, we recommend visiting on foot from the Nanamagari entrance of the hiking trail. Mt. Kinka is also home to branch castles, such as Maruyama Fort, Matsudao Fort, and Jozaiji Temple. If you're sightseeing Gifu, be sure to stop by Dosanzuka, Odazuka, Sagiyama Castle ruins and Sunomata Castle. Summary of Gifu Castle Photo:Gifu Castle As you can see from the video, Gifu Castle has many valuable swords and armor in its collection. If you're interested in the history of Japan or just a sword fanatic, be sure to stop by for a visit, there's plenty to see! If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the video as well! ◆Gifu Castle Facility Overview◆ 【Address】18 Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture 〒500-0000 【Directions】15 minutes by Gifu Bus from Meitetsu Gifu Station, 3 minutes to the top of the mountain by Kinkazan Ropeway 【Hours】9:30~17:30 【Admission Fee】Adults 200 yen, children (4 years and older) 100 yen 【Parking】Available 【Official Website】Gifu Castle/Tourism Convention Department/Gifu City Official Website https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&tab=wT&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.gifu.lg.jp%2F3537.htm 【Tripadvisor】Gifu Castle (Inabayama Castle) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298112-d1314203-Reviews-Gifu_Castle_Inabayama_Castle-Gifu_Gifu_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 20:09
Learn about the ecology of animals at the Asahiyama Zoo, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, with its behavioral exhibits! Watch a video about the most popular zoo in Japan!
Living Things Travel- 145 plays
- YouTube
Asahiyama Zoo, Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, Japan The video "JG 4K Asahiyama Zoo, Hokkaido" (JG 4K 北海道 旭山動物園 Asahiyama Zoo, Hokkaido), introduces Asahiyama Zoo, a popular tourist spot in Hokkaido. Asahiyama Zoo is 15 hectares. It's the size of about 3 Tokyo Domes. There are over 650 animals (100 species) bred in the park. The 20-minute video contains plenty of cute animals, so be sure to check it out! About Hokkaido Asahiyama Zoo Photo:Asahiyama Zoo Hokkaido Asahiyama Zoo, known as the northernmost zoo in Japan, is a historical zoo that opened in 1951. The special feature of Asahiyama Zoo is the "Behavior Exhibit" where you can see the behavior and life of the animals. The facility is designed to allow visitors to get up close and personal with animals that move around freely. To achieve this goal, penguins roam the park freely, and they hold an event to display meal time called "Munching Time." Another characteristic of Asahiyama Zoo's exhibition is the "mixed exhibition" in which different animals are raised in the same place. The Asahiyama Zoo was in danger of closing in 1994 (Heisei 6), but by incorporating these exhibits, the Asahiyama Zoo has recovered brilliantly. During its big boom, it became the nation's top zoo, attracting 3 million visitors annually. Currently, you can see behavior exhibits at zoos around the country. The Animals of Asahiyama Zoo Photo:Asahiyama Zoo From 0:25 in the video, you can see the popular penguins, and from 2:04, you can see the awesome appearance of the polar bears at the Polar Bear Hall. In the video, you can see the tiger at the "Fierce Animal House" (もうじゅう館) (15:29-), a snow leopard (15:38), an Ussuri brown bear (15:48), elephants, seals (9:41), red pandas (18:08), snowy owls (18:46), cranes (19:10), and eagles (19:27). The park is quite large, and visitors can enjoy a variety of facilities, such as the 360-degree underwater tunnel, a hippopotamus building, a wolf forest, flamingo house, monkey house, giraffe house, a suspension bridge, and a marine way. Although not shown in the video, you can see reindeer, hippos, giraffes, chimpanzees, ostriches, Japanese macaques, foxes, raccoons, capybaras and other animals as well. One of the attractions of the Asahiyama Zoo is its various events that are held throughout the year. During the Obon season, they extend their hours of operation to allow you to observe nocturnal animals in a different way than you do during the day. There is also a restaurant where you can enjoy lunch and a souvenir shop where you can purchase limited edition animal merchandise. Take your time and enjoy the sights along the tour. Summary of Hokkaido's Asahiyama Zoo Photo:A King Penguin Hokkaido has a variety of sightseeing spots, including Sapporo City, Furano, and Hakodate, so be sure to visit Asahiyama Zoo if you're headed that way. There are a number of sightseeing tours offered, but since your time at the zoo is limited to 2-3 hours, it may not be enough to enjoy all that the zoo has to offer. In winter, business hours are shorter, so please check the weather and other information before visiting. There are restaurants and hotels in the surrounding area, so it's a good idea to stay in Asahikawa and enjoy the sights and sounds of the city. As of March 31, 2018, the Asahiyama Zoo Live Camera was discontinued, so please take the time to enjoy the animals' ecology through this video. ◆Asahiyama Zoo◆ 【Address】 Kuranuma, Higashi Asahikawa Town, Asahikawa City, Hokkaido 【Director】Gen Bando 【Access】About 40 minutes by bus from Asahikawa Station (2 hours from Sapporo). There is also the "Asahiyama Zoo Train" that runs between Sapporo and Asahikawa. 【Hours】Summer 9: 30-17: 15, Winter 10: 30-15: 30 【Admission Fee】Free for junior high school students and younger, 820 yen for high school students and older (special discount coupon available for senior citizens) 【Parking】Available (free) 【Phone number】0166-36-1104 【Official Website】Home | Asahikawa City Asahiyama Zoo https://honyaku.j-server.com/LUCAKC/ns/tl.cgi/https://www.city.asahikawa.hokkaido.jp/asahiyamazoo/index.html?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XCHARSET=utf-8&XJSID=0 【Tripadvisor】 Asahiyama Zoo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g319103-d780529-Reviews-Asahiyama_Zoo-Asahikawa_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 3:30
Shigeru Tonomura Residence” in Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture is a recommended sightseeing spot where you can enjoy the beauty of traditional Japanese architecture! Learn about the life of Japanese people in those days in the beautiful old private house and Japanese garden nurtured by the long history!
Art & Architecture Travel- 106 plays
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Video Introduction of “Shigeru Tonomura Residence” in Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture This video, titled "Tonomura Shigeru House --Shigeru Tonomura House," was released by "Tokyo Street View --Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the historical Tonomura Shigeru House in Higashiomi, Shiga Prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. The Tonomura Shigeru House, which can be seen throughout the video, is the residence of a Gokasho merchant in Gokasho kondo, a Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings in Higashiomi. Watch the video to find out what you need to know when you visit the Tonomura Shigeru House, an old house filled with Japanese culture. Shigeru Tonomura - The Renowned Writer From Omi and His Residence Source :YouTube screenshot Shigeru Tonomura was an author from Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture. In the Showa period, he published many works of Japanese literature and "I-novels" on the subject of Omi merchants, such as "Kusa Ikada" and "Ikada." Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion (now a museum under the name Tonomura Shigeru House), shown in the video, is a residence built in the late Edo period in Higashiomi. The old house, which was a branch of the Tonomura Ubei family, is a large mansion with a total area of 2395 square meters. As shown from 0:08 in the video, when you pass through the gate in front of the old house, you'll come across a serene Japanese garden. Highlights of the Historical Tonomura Shigeru House Source :YouTube screenshot The most distinctive feature of the Tonomura Shigeru House is its white walls and ship-board fence, which give off a sense of the history of the old house. The ship-board fence is, as the name suggests, a fence made by reusing old ship planks, and it's the finishing touch to the old house, giving it an authentic Japanese atmosphere. The interior of the old Japanese house, which can be seen at 0:38 in the video, has an architectural style that allows visitors to feel the Japanese culture of the good old days. In addition to the small tatami room where Shigeru Tonomura wrote novels, there are many places to see, such as the storage house and the maid's room. Also of note is that every room has been devised to be overlooking the beautiful Japanese garden. As shown from 2:31, the old house, Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion, is also used as the Tonomura Shigeru Literature Museum, which displays materials from that time. Summary Of Shigeru Tonomura, The Writer From Omi Source :YouTube screenshot There are many beautiful old houses in Japan that are great for Instagram, but Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion stands head and shoulders above them rest. If you're planning on traveling near Higashiomi in Shiga Prefecture, be sure to visit the Tonomura Shigeru House, the house of an Omi merchant where you can feel the traditional history of Japan. ◆Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】631 Gokashokondo-cho, Higashiomi, Shiga Prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by bus from JR Notogawa Station, a 10 minute-walk from the Plaza Sanpo Yoshimae bus stop (ぷらざ三方よし前), a 25 minute drive from the Meishin Yokaichi Interchange (名神八日市IC) 【Hours】9:30 - 16:30 (Holidays include days after national holidays, Mondays, and New Year's Holidays) 【Admission Fee】Adults/¥300, Children/¥100 【Tripadvisor】 Gokasho Omi Merchant Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023580-d1424369-Reviews-Gokasho_Omi_Merchant_Shigeru_Tonomura_s_Mansion-Higashiomi_Shiga_Prefecture_Kink.html -
Video article 17:16
Introducing Japan's First Zoo, the Ueno Zoo! Take a Look at the Everyday Life of These Diverse Animals!
Travel- 56 plays
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This video, titled "[Ueno Zoo] A Zoo You Can Watch From Home! Be Healed by the Amazing Creatures!" (【上野動物園】お家で見る動物園!生き物を見て癒されよう♪), was released by "who_Me /MiwoMiho." In this video, you can see videos of animals at the "Ueno Zoo" in Taito-ku, Tokyo. Ueno Zoo is located in an easily accessible location, just 5-minute from the Park Exit of JR Ueno Station by foot. It was opened in 1882, and was the first zoo in Japan. The zoo keeps 3,000 animals of around 400 species. You can see popular animals such as monkeys and zebras, as well as rare animals like polar bears and American tapirs. There's even reptiles such as chameleons. The Giant Panda House is a particularly popular spot! -
Video article 1:08:24
Introducing Tennoji Zoo, a Popular Zoo in Osaka! How Do They Manage to Bring Out the Natural State of the Animals?
Travel- 85 plays
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This video, titled "天王寺動物園 Part1 (40 different soothing animals in the video) TENNOJI ZOO 2018.12.18" (天王寺動物園 Part1 (動画で見る癒し動物 約40種動画)TENNOJI ZOO 2018.12.18), was released by "Akiyoshi Morimura" (森村章義). In this video, you can see Tennoji Zoo in Osaka City. Osaka City's Tennoji Zoo has a long history dating back to 1915 when it first opened. The zoo is home to 1,000 animals of approximately 180 species, including the popular koala. The zoo is divided into three main sections: African Savannah Zone, Asian Rainforest Zone, Bird Paradise and Petting Square. To the furthest extent possible, the animal exhibition space is recreated in the landscape of the animal's habitat, allowing visitors to experience the animals in an environment that is as close to their actual surroundings as possible. In Tennoji Park, you can also enjoy the Japanese-style Keitakuen Garden and Chausuyama, one of the city's three major keyhole shaped tombs. -
Video article 2:25
Take a Dip in One of Japan's Most Popular Facilities! These Various Super Sento Will Rid You of Fatigue! Facilities Available at Super Sento and How to Enjoy Your Time!
Travel- 184 plays
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This video, titled "Gokurakyu "BATH STOMP" CM full version" (極楽湯 “お風呂STOMP”CM フルバージョン), was released by "Gokurakyu CHANNEL" (極楽湯CHANNEL). There are many super sento in Japan, and the Gokurakyu introduced in the video is one of them. Super sento are hot springs that are open to the public and have more facilities than public baths in town, so they attract a lot of visitors. Super sento have many more baths, and in some cases, saunas, massages, and barbershops are also available. You can also have a meal in the bathhouse, so some people spend the whole day in a super sento. The appeal of a super sento is that you can use it with your family, friends, or even by yourself, and enjoy a relaxing soak in a hot spring to relax and unwind. -
Video article 2:35
The Autumn Foliage of Bitchu Matsuyama Castle: A Spectacular View of the "Castle in the Sky" Floating on a Sea of Clouds!
Art & Architecture- 31 plays
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This video, titled "[Autumn Foliage in Reiwa] Bitchu Matsuyama Castle" (「令和の紅葉」 備中松山城), was released by Yomiuri Shimbun Online Videos" (読売新聞オンライン動画). Bitchu Matsuyama Castle is one of the twelve existing castle towers that stands at the top of a mountain 430 meters above sea level. It is the only existing castle with a castle tower and is designated as a National Important Cultural Property. In autumn, the castle is called "Castle in the Sky" for its fantastic appearance in a sea of clouds. The best time to see the autumn foliage is around the end of November. During the fall foliage season, taxis are available from Bicchu Takahashi Station off the JR Hakubi Line. Many people visit here every year. Enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and the authentic wooden castle tower. -
Video article 40:06
Go for an Elegant Cruise on the Floating Luxury Hotel, "Guntu"! An in-Depth Report on the Ship's Interior, Guest Rooms, and Meals!
Transportation- 35 plays
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This video, titled "Sea Log of the Floating Hotel, Guntû. An in-Depth Report on the Interior, Guest Rooms, and Meals" (海の上の旅館guntû(ガンツウ)乗船記?船内、客室、食事徹底レポート), was released by "おのだ/Onoda." Guntû is a luxury cruise ship operated by Setouchi Cruise Lines, based on the concept of "a small inn floating on the Seto Inland Sea." Guntû is the nickname for the small blue Asian paddle crab found in the Setouchi area. When you think of a luxury liner, most people tend to think of a large ship, but the Guntû is a small boa, at just 81.2 meters long and 13.75 meters wide. It has a total of 19 cabins with a capacity of 38 passengers. It's a tourist boat for the wealthy, with prices starting at ¥400,000 per night for two people. The video introduces the interior furnishings, which are carefully designed using products from the Seto Inland Sea coast, as well as the onboard facilities and amenities. The food is also very particular, with a focus on carefully selected local ingredients. You can enjoy Japanese and Western cuisine, sushi, and sweets. -
Video article 6:56
A Look at Saihoji Temple in Miyagi Prefecture, Known Locally as "Teigi San." Enjoy a Relaxing Time at an Ancient Temple in the Mountains of Sendai!
Art & Architecture- 35 plays
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This video, titled "[Cinematic] Joginyorai Saiho Temple - Miyagi - 定義如来 西方寺 - 4K Ultra HD" was produced by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Located in the city of Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Saihoji Temple is locally referred to as "Teigi San". The temple honors a hanging scroll of the Amitabha Buddha, which was brought to the temple at the end of the Heian period by Taira no Shigemori. Beyond the magnificent temple gate is the distinctive hexagonal main hall. Be sure to visit the imposing five-story pagoda at Saihoji Temple as well. You can also spend a leisurely day in the garden near the five-story pagoda while enjoying a cup of green tea. Situated in the mountains, far from the city center of Sendai, Saihoji Temple is an ideal spot for those who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and relax. -
Video article 3:50
Known for its huge, nearly 15-meter tall Buddha statue, the Great Buddha Hall at Todai-ji Temple is a popular spot to visit! The historic Todai-ji Temple is home to many other national treasures and Buddha statues!
Art & Architecture- 252 plays
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This video, titled "Todai-Ji - Nara - 東大寺 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Nara has been around for 1,300 years and has many tourist attractions, but the most popular ones are still Todai-ji Temple and Nara Park. Todai-ji Temple, which attracts thousands of visitors every year, was built in 743 and is the head temple of the Kegon sect of Buddhism. The Daibutsu-den (Great Buddha Hall) is a national treasure and was surrounded by a building called a "Kondo" (Golden Hall) after the nearly 15-meter-tall Buddha was built. There are many other national treasures on the temple grounds, including a standing statue of Kongorikishi. Todai-ji Temple is also a World Heritage Site. The temple has had a great influence on Japanese Buddhism and culture, making it a must-visit location! -
Video article 4:38
Aerial Views of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Daisen! Experience One of the Top Sightseeing Spots in Western Japan in Tottori Prefecture!
Travel Nature- 97 plays
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Aerial Views of Mt. Daisen in Tottori, Japan via Drone: Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Leaves of Mt.Daisen JAPAN【Scenery Of JAPAN 4K】," was uploaded by "SCENERY OF JAPAN." It introduces the breathtaking autumn leaves around Mt. Daisen in Tottori, Japan. Enjoy the beautiful panoramic scenery as far as the eye can see, in this magnificent 4.5-minute video of Mt. Daisen blanketed in autumn leaves. Daisenji Temple, a Must-See Tourist Attraction on Mt. Daisen Photo:Daisenji Temple, Tottori, Japan Mt. Daisen in Tottori Prefecture is located roughly in the center of Japan's San'in region. Its official name is "Hoki Daisen." The majestic mountain even appears in the Izumo Fudoki, a record of the history of Japan's former Izumo Region, which is said to have been written in 733 AD, making it one of the most historical mountains in the history of Japan. Daisenji Temple is one of the prominent tourist attractions on Mt. Daisen. To get there by car, take Prefectural Route 24 (commonly known as "Daisen Sightseeing Road" (大山観光道路, Daisen Kanko Douro)) from the Yonago Interchange on the Yonago Expressway to the Bakuroza parking lot (about 15 minutes), or by train or bus from JR Yonago Station to Daisenji Temple by Nikko Bus (about 50 minutes). Both routes offer a great view of the stunning autumn leaves. Daisenji Temple has a history of flourishing as a training center for Shugendo (mountain asceticism). At its peak, the temple had more than 100 temples and over 3,000 monks. Following the Heian period (794-1185 A.D.), the number of temples increased as mountain worship became increasingly Buddhist. It's said that at one time, the temple was as prosperous as Mt. Hiei, Mt. Yoshino, and Koyasan, 3 of the most prominent places for Buddhism in Japan. Beautiful Views, Autumn Leaves, and Mountain Climbing on Mt. Daisen Photo:Autumn leaves on Mt. Daisen The autumn leaves overlooking the rugged southern cliff of Mt. Daisen is truly a photogenic spot. Although there have been some changes over the past few years due to climate change, the leaves usually begin to change color in early October and are at their peak from late October to early November. The white snow on the top of the mountain and red autumn leaves blend harmoniously with each other, adding even more color to the already spectacular view. You can view this in the video. [Video] 0:11 - Spectacular Autumn Leaves on the South Face of Mt. Daisen in the Snow, Captured via Drone The forests are mainly broadleaf forests renowned for their beautiful autumn leaves, with beech, oak, maple, rowans, and mizunara oak being the main species. Mt. Daisen is the largest mountain in Japan's Chugoku and San'in regions and also one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains. It is popular among climbers, tourists, and travelers year-round. Although it sits at an elevation of 1,709 meters, its beautiful conical shape seen from the northwestern side has earned it the nickname "Mt. Fuji in the East." Mt. Daisen's 2022 Autumn Illumination Event – Autumn Leaves & Traditional Japanese Umbrellas Photo:Mt. Daisen's illumination event, Tottori, Japan The autumn illumination event started as part of the 1,300th anniversary of the founding of Mt. Daisen in 2018, and is now a tradition of Mt. Daisen. Only because Tottori Prefecture has a large number of craftsmen is it possible to organize the autumn illumination displaying more than 100 wagasa (traditional Japanese umbrellas). The festival is held during the Obon Festival every year, but in 2022, it was held in October for the first time in two years. The event welcomed visitors with 120 wagasa and a variety of lanterns. In addition, there was a system for taking beautiful photos with the use of a smartphone, and a commemorative photo spot as well. It's a remarkable event, great for taking photos. Tickets for the 2022 event were sold exclusively online. No tickets were sold on the day of the event. We recommend checking ticket and other information as soon as possible in advance if you're planning to attend the next event. [Video] 2:44 - The Beautiful 'Mt. Fuji in the East' Summary of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Daisen During autumn on Mt. Daisen, a famous mountain in Tottori, Japan, the entire area is covered in beautiful autumn leaves. One of the most popular driving courses is the tunnel of autumn leaves leading to Kagikake Pass (鍵掛峠, Kagikake Toge). [Video] 1:32 - A Tunnel of Beautiful Beech Trees Leading To Kagikake Pass On weekends and other occasions, you can expect traffic on Prefectural Route 24. Even still, Mt. Daisen's autumn leaves are worth the time and effort to see. The autumn colors paint a magnificent canvas of autumn on Mt. Daisen, and we hope that you will enjoy the unique autumn leaves of Mt. Daisen with your own eyes. 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Daisen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121369-d1373369-Reviews-Mt_Daisen-Daisen_cho_Saihaku_gun_Tottori_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 2:00
Eikando Temple - Beautiful Autumn Foliage at a Famous Japanese Temple in Kyoto
Art & Architecture- 280 plays
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Sightseeing Video Introduction of Eikando Zenrinji Temple, Kyoto, Japan This video, titled "Eikan-do Zenrin-ji" (もみじの永観堂(禅林寺)Eikan-do Zenrin-ji / 京都いいとこ動画), was released by "KyotoiitokoVideo." The popular Eikando Zenrinji Temple introduced in the video, located in Sakyo ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture in Japan's Kansai Region, is regarded as one of the top temples to visit in Kyoto. If you're visiting Kyoto during fall, Eikando is the perfect place to take some photos of the beautiful autumn foliage to share on Instagram! The Origins and History of Eikando Photo:Fall Colors at Eikando Zenrinji Temple, Kyoto Eikando is the head temple of the Seizanrinjiha branch of Jodo buddhism (浄土宗西山禅林寺派) and was founded in the early Heian Period (794 AD - 1185 AD) by the Japanese Buddhist monk Shinsho (真招), a disciple of the great Buddhist teacher Kukai (Kobo Daishi). The temple is formally known as "Zenrinji," with the honorific mountain name "Shojuraigosan" (聖衆来迎山), however, in the middle of the Heian Period it came to be known as Eikando after the head Buddhist monk "Yokan" (永観) who trained there. The statue of Amida (Amitabha) is said to have come to life, turned its head and called out to Yokan while he was practicing in Zenrinji temple. You can see the famous statue of Amida, known as Mikaeriamida, in the temple even to this day. Treasures of Eikando temple Photo:Eikando Zenrinji Temple, Kyoto Eikando Zenrinji Temple was once considered one of Kyoto's Kangakuin (Academic Halls) and has long been a center of learning. Many treasures and cultural assets can be found here, such as the "The Descent of Amida Over the Mountain" (絹本著色山越阿弥陀図); a colored silk painting, "Kondorengemonkei" (金銅蓮華文磬); a gilt bronze gong with lotus flower design, as well as the temple hall, stone garden, temple gates, bell, and mausoleum which have been designated Important Cultural Properties of Japan. Eikando Video Highlights Photo:Eikando Zenrinji Temple , Illuminated Autumn Leaves Eikando is one of the most popular spots for viewing the autumn foliage in Kyoto, with over 3,000 maple trees standing on its grounds. From 1:38 in the video, you can see Iwakaki Momiji (岩垣もみじ), a spot which is popular for its amazing scenery. In fall, the spiral staircase "Garyuro" (臥龍廊) takes on a different appearance as it's lit up at night. You can also enjoy the equally stunning scenery of the green-leaved maple trees in summer. Eikando Introductory Video Summary Photo:Eikando, Kyoto The colored leaves of the maple trees at Eikando Zenrinji are a must-see on your trip to Kyoto! After taking a look around the grounds, make sure to receive a "go-shuin" seal stamp from the temple! You can also for for a walk along the famous walking path "Tetsugaku no michi" (哲学の道, The Philosopher's Path) which is located near the temple. Other popular spots within walking distance from Eikando include Honenin Temple (法然院), Shinnyodo Temple (真如堂), Konkai-komyoji Temple (金戒光明寺), and Kawaramachi (河原町). ◆Eikando Zenrinji General Information◆ 【Address】48 Eikandocho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8445 【Access】A 3-minute walk from the Nanzenji Eikandomichi (南禅寺永観堂道) bus stop (bus departs from JR Kyoto station (JR京都駅) 【Admission Fee】Adults - 600 yen, Elementary/Junior-High/High school students - 400 yen 【Hours】9am - 5pm 【Closures】Open year round 【Parking】None 【Telephone】075-761-0007 【Official Website】Eikando Temple http://www.eikando.or.jp/English/index_eng.html 【Tripadvisor】Eikando Zenrinji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d479881-Reviews-Eikando_Zenrinji_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:16
I felt my heart being absorbed by the mysterious and beautiful scenery of the autumn leaves video of Norikura Kogen in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, a popular tourist destination, in the beautiful brocaded autumn!
Nature Travel- 120 plays
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Norikura Kogen" in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Autumn Foliage Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Colors in Japan|Autumn at Norikura Kogen" (日本の紅葉 Autumn Colors in Japan 乗鞍高原の秋), was uploaded by "beaphoto1. The video introduces the spiritual and ephemeral autumn scenery of Norikura Kogen (Norikura Highlands), a place visited by large numbers of people every year for its legendary autumnal colors. The beauty on display is such that you'll forget all about time for the entirety of the 1-minute video. We're sure that when you're done watching you'll be itching to visit Norikura Kogen! Where is Norikura Kogen? Basic Tips for Sightseers Photo:Autumn leaves at Norikura Kogen, Nagano Prefecture Located in Matsumoto, Nagano in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, and on the eastern side of the Northern Alps' southernmost area, the Norikura Kogen highlands are a popular sightseeing spot, and are lively in all seasons, with visitors making the trip for a variety of reasons. In the summer, you can escape the heat while camping or stay at one of the bed and breakfasts in the area. As summer gives way to fall, mountain climbing becomes a popular pastime, and in the winter, skiing and other winter sports can be enjoyed here. Also, the hot springs bursting forth from several locations in the area can be enjoyed no matter the season. Furthermore, if you're looking to get your fill of the great outdoors, no trip to Japan's Northern Alps would be complete without a visit to Norikura Kogen Holiday Village (休暇村乗鞍高原, Kyuka-mura Norikura Kogen). Situated 1600m above sea-level, it's perfect for stargazing and early morning walks, and there are even activities for enjoying nature with fellow travelers that anyone can participate in at their leisure. The views of the night sky here are truly unforgettable. Take your time and enjoy the boundless nature of Japan's Northern Alps at Norikura Kogen Holiday Village! When Is the Best Time to See the Autumn Foliage at Norikura Kogen? Photo:Ichinose Park, Norikura Kogen Autumn means autumn leaves, and the best time to see those at Norikura Kogen is from mid-late October. During this period, sightseers converge on the area for a glimpse of Norikura Kogen's autumn foliage. At one of the most famous spots, Ichinose Park (一の瀬園地, Ichinose-enchi), the reflection of Mt. Norikura (乗鞍岳, Norikura-dake) on the water's surface contrasts with the autumn leaves to create a spiritual atmosphere. [Video] 0:10 - Autumn Leaves and the Reflection of Mt. Norikura Even the more indoorsy people will find themselves enjoying hiking around Ichinose Park. Take a leisurely walk and admire the white birch forests, Zengoro Falls, Organ Bridge (オルガン橋, orugan-bashi) which spans the mountain stream, and the seasonal flowers that can be found in the area. The giant maple tree shown in the video is popular with photographers as a superb photo spot, so don't forget your camera! [Video] 0:31 - Giant Maple Tree Norikura Skyline/Echo Line aka Paradise in the Sky Photo:Norikura Skyline, Korikura Kogen You'll feel like you're coasting through the sky at Norikura Skyline/Echo Line. The word "Skyline" makes it sound like somewhere you'd go by car, but since this is a place to enjoy nature as well as gorgeous views while gliding through the sky, personal vehicles are prohibited in order to protect the environment and prevent traffic. If you're planning to visit by car, you'll need to switch to a bus at some point. For further details, check the Hida-Norikura Tourism Association's (飛騨乗鞍観光協会, Hida Norikura kanko kyokai) home page. Summary of Sightseeing at Norikura Kogen Norikura Kogen is brimming with fantastical views, including autumn leaves and giant maples, and has come to be known as a Paradise in the Sky. It's great for instagrammers and photographers alike, too. Why don't you add Norikura Highland to the candidate sites when you travel to Nagano? Norikura Kogen is also rife with facilities, including day-trip hot spring facilities, but there's so much to see and do that we encourage you to stay the night and take your time enjoying the superb views. So let go of some of that stress and charge your batteries with the help of Mother Nature. [TripAdvisor] Norikura Kogen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298118-d1372942-Reviews-Norikura_Kogen-Matsumoto_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:25
More than just the "Three Major Summer Festivals in Tohoku!The fun ways to enjoy summer in Tohoku are endless!
Travel- 140 plays
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Video Introducing Summer Festivals and Summer Tourist Attractions in Tohoku This video, titled "Summer Passion in Tohoku, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 東北の夏," was uploaded by "TOHOKU JAPAN." It introduces summer in Japan's Tohoku region, the perfect place for sightseeing while avoiding the summer heat, in beautiful 4K. There are many things to see and do in the Tohoku region during summer, including appreciating the spectacular natural scenery and enjoying festivals rooted in the culture of the region since ancient times that represent the Tohoku region itself. When are the three major summer festivals in Tohoku in 2024: Aomori Nebuta Festival, Sendai Tanabata Festival, and Akita Kanto Festival? The Tohoku region is known for its numerous summer festivals. Among them, Aomori Nebuta Festival, Sendai Tanabata Festival, and Akita Kanto Festival are known as the three major summer festivals in Tohoku. Here are the dates of each festival in 2024. ●Aomori Prefecture: Aomori Nebuta Festival [video: 1:09~]. Friday, August 2 - Wednesday, August 7, 2024 ●Miyagi Prefecture: Sendai Tanabata Festival [video: 1:37~]. Tuesday, August 6 - Thursday, August 8, 2024 ●Akita Prefecture: Akita Kanto Festival [video: 1:12-]. Saturday, August 3 - Tuesday, August 6, 2024 There's more! 2024 Dates of Summer Festivals and Other Events in Tohoku Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture Tohoku has been attracting more and more tourists from overseas every year, and there are many popular tourist spots where people and nature live in harmony. In the summer, Japan's Tohoku region is brimming with festivals. Here are the 2024 dates for the popular summer festivals and fireworks displays shown in the video. ●Fukushima Prefecture: Fukushima Waraji Festival [video: 0:40~]. Friday, August 2 - Sunday, August 4, 2024 ●Morioka Sansa Festival (Iwate Prefecture) [video: 1:15~]. Thursday, August 1 - Sunday, August 4, 2024 ●Yamagata Prefecture:Yamagata Hanagasa Festival [video: 1:40~]. August 5 (Mon) - 7 (Wed), 2024 ●Yamagata Prefecture:Shinjo Festival [video: 1:45~] August 24, 2024 (Mon) Saturday, August 24 - Monday, August 26, 2024 ●Akita Prefecture: Omagari Fireworks Festival [video: 3:00~]. August 31, 2024 If you are planning a summer trip to Tohoku, why not schedule your trip based on the festival dates listed above? Please check the detailed schedule of each festival and enjoy the highlights to the fullest. Spectacular natural scenery in summer! Tohoku [by Prefecture] Recommended Summer Tourist Attractions Photo:Bentennuma at Goshikinuma Here are some of the best places to visit in the Tohoku region, by prefecture, where you can enjoy spectacular summer scenery. Aomori: Jigokunuma [2:07-] Aomori: Tanesashi Coast [2:10-] Aomori: Ashigezaki Observatory [2:12-] Aomori: Oirase Gorge [2:32-] Iwate: Jodogahama Beach [0:17-] Iwate: Geibikei [0:34-] Iwate: Aragami Shrine [2:01-] Iwate: Motsuji Temple [2:39-] Akita: Omono River [1:03-] Akita: Mototakifukuryusui [2:29-] Akita: Kisakata [2:44-] and so on! Photo:A sea of clouds from Azuma Kofuji Fukushima: Goshikinuma Ponds [0:03-] Fukushima: Sannokura Sunflower Field [0:10-] Fukushima: Azuma-kofuji [2:15-] Miyagi: Izunuma [0:54-] Miyagi: Zuihoden Temple [1:34-] Miyagi: Katanuma [1:59-] Miyagi: Futakuchi Kyokoku [2:05-] Miyagi: Zao Okama [2:24-] Yamagata: Tamasudare Falls [0:46-] Yamagata: Maruike Pond [0:52-] Yamagata: Zao Katakainuma Pond [1:54-] Yamagata: Dokkonuma Swamp [1:57-] Unlike the snowy winters, the vivid fresh greenery in the sunshine is a must-see sightseeing spot in Tohoku. The beautiful sight only seen in summer is a must-see. Summary of Summer Festivals and Tourist Attractions in Tohoku Photo:Nebuta Festival, Aomori Prefecture Tohoku is also famous for delicious seafood from the seas and fresh ingredients from the mountains. There are many nationally famous hot springs and scenic spots as well, making it a great place to get away from the stress of daily life. If the sightseeing spot is in the mountains, you can avoid the heat as the temperature is much cooler at night. Walking in the woods, surrounded by rich nature, you can revitalize your mind and body. Japan's Tohoku region is a great place for solo travelers, couples, families and friends to travel. During Obon, many tourists come to visit the three major festival of Tohoku, so we recommend making reservations early, before the hotels are fully booked. This summer, how about a trip to Tohoku, where you can enjoy summer festivals, delicious food, and spectacular summer scenery? -
Video article 2:07
Things to Do in Ogimi, One of the Three Yanbaru Villages in Okinawa Prefecture! Experience Nature, Food, History, and Culture in the Village With the Longest Life Expectancy in Japan!
Travel Nature Things to Do- 209 plays
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■Table of Contents Overnight Tours in Ogimi, Okinawa: Video Introduction Ogimi Village – One of the Three Yanbaru Villages in Northern Okinawa Ogimi Village, Known as the "Village of Longevity" Ogimi Village, the "Village of Bashofu" Ogimi Village, the "Village of Shikuwasa" Ogimi Village, the "Village of Bunagaya" Enjoy an Overnight Tour and Experience the Lifestyle of Yanbaru in Ogimi Village! 1 Night/2 Day Overnight Plan Recommendations 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan – Schedule & Experience Details 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan – Tour Details The Best Experience Plans in Yanbaru, Starting From 2 Hours! Ta Waterfall Trekking E-Bike Tour E-Bike Tours & Sabani Boat Cruises Cycling Tour Plan Canoe Tour Yanbaru Forest Starry Sky Tour Popular Spots When Sightseeing in Ogimi Village, Okinawa Kijoka Seven Waterfalls Ishiyama Observatory Roadside Station Ogimi Yanbaru Forest Visitor Center Ogimi Village Tour Plan Summary Overnight Tours to Enjoy Ogimi, Okinawa: Video Introduction The video introduced in this article begins with lighthearted cycling footage that showcases the great nature of Ogimi Village in Okinawa, Japan. It shows how you can experience the food and activities of Ogimi Village with a local guide, and enjoy the sound of a sanshin while camping under a starry night sky, and more! The contents of this video are a condensed version showcasing only a handful of things to do in Ogimi Village. With a tour to Ogimi Village, you can experience the culture and lifestyle of the people of Ogimi Village in a relaxed and casual manner. We hope you'll experience the wonderful time that these exciting tours can provide! Photo:Ogimi Village In this article, we'll introduce things to do in Ogimi Village, as well as some stay plans. After reading this article, you'll be captivated by Ogimi Village and will want to experience what life is like in this village in Northern Okinawa! Ogimi Village – One of the Three Yanbaru Villages in Northern Okinawa Ogimi Village, located in the northern part of Okinawa's main island in Kunigami, consists of 17 villages with a total population of 3,034 and a total of 1,716 households (as of March 2023). The village is about 64 square kilometers (15,800 acres) in size. Ogimi is approximately 87 km (54 mi.) from Naha City and can be accessed in about 2 hours via National Route 58 or about 1 hour and 30 minutes via expressway. Ogimi Village and the neighboring villages of Kunigami and Higashi are called the three villages of Yanbaru (Yanbaru means "the forested northern area of Okinawa"), which was recognized as a World Natural Heritage site in 2021, and is home to many endemic species that can only be seen here, such as the Okinawa rail and Okinawa woodpecker. Photo:The Okinawa rail Ogimi Village is also called the "Village of Longevity," "Village of Bashofu," "Village of Shikuwasa," and "Village of Bunagaya." Ogimi Village, Known as the "Village of Longevity" Ogimi Village is known as the village with the highest longevity in Japan, with a very high percentage of the total population aged 65 years or older (32.5%) as well as people who are 90 years old or older (4.2%), according to the 2015 census. ※The percentage of people over 90 years old in Japan as a whole is 1.6%. Photo:An elderly man in Ogimi Village In 1987, the area was declared the "Village of Longevity" as the area with the highest percentage of elderly people in Japan, and in 1996, it was recognized as the "World's Longest Living Region" by the World Health Organization (WHO). The book "IKIGAI," published in Spain in 2016 and covering the secrets of longevity in Ogimi Village, became an international bestseller, selling more than 5 million copies. The text of the book introduces the ideal life as "the sight of a grandfather or grandmother living a vibrant and rewarding life in Ogimi Village." The book has led to an increase in the number of foreign tourists visiting Ogimi Village and in the number of foreigners who know about Ogimi Village even if they don't know much about Japan. Ogimi Village, the "Village of Bashofu" In Kijoka, an area in Ogimi Village, Kijoka Bashofu, a cloth woven from the fibers of the plantain plant, has long been popular as a fabric for kimono. It's considered a fantastic type of cloth because of how thin and light it is, almost like the wings of a dragonfly. In Okinawa, a place with high humidity, this breathable, light-as-air fabric has been very useful. It takes about three years to grow to a height taller than a person, and each stalk of plantain yields only about 20 grams of fiber, so 200 stalks are needed to weave one roll of Bashofu cloth. Photo:The plantain plant The history of Bashofu dates back to the 13th century, and during the Ryukyu Dynasty (approximately 450 years from the 1400s to the 1800s), there was a position called "Basho Toushoku" (芭蕉当職, lit. "Bashofu Manager") who managed a Basho garden exclusively for the nobility so that they could wear high-quality Bashofu. During the Meiji period (1868-1912), plain or striped Bashofu began to be decorated with kasuri patterns, and developed into a craft. Bashofu was designated an Intangible Cultural Property of the prefecture in 1972, the year Okinawa was returned to Japan, and two years later, in 1974, it was designated an Intangible Cultural Property by the Japanese government. Ogimi Village, the "Village of Shikuwasa" Most of the shikuwasa (flat lemons) distributed in Japan are produced in Okinawa, with Ogimi Village accounting for approximately 60% of the total. Photo:Shikuwasa Shikuwasa is a food rich in nutrients and is considered one of the foods for health and longevity in Okinawa. The nobiletin contained in shikuwasa is said to have the following effects: ・Helps prevent rheumatism, osteoporosis, and cancer ・Lowers blood sugar and blood pressure ・Burns fat, strengthens liver function, improves urination, and improves cognitive function ・Helps relieve complications from urinary disorders, such as frequent urination and enuresis. ・Helps prevent diabetes The secret to Ogimi Village's longevity may be its shikuwasa. Shikuwasa is one of the most popular Furusato Nozei tax return gifts as well. If you're a resident of Japan, be sure to visit the Ogimi Village Furusato Nozei website (※Japanese). Ogimi Village, the "Village of Bunagaya" It's said that Bunagaya, spirits of the forest, live in Yanbaru, a rich natural environment that has been registered as a World Natural Heritage site. Photo:A Bunagaya forest spirit These mysterious bunagaya are said to love peace and nature, and use nature's bounty to show us what they look like. Since World War II, due to the modernization of postwar reconstruction, it's said that they can only be seen in Ogimi Village. Bunagaya live amongst banyan trees and are said to have red hair and are covered with grass and trees. In 1998, Ogimi Village was declared the "Village of Bunagaya" to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Ogimi Village's establishment. Life in Ogimi Village is full of charms, from its longevity, traditional culture, and unique food, to its ancient legends. Overnight tours to Ogimi Village are growing in popularity as a way to experience the secrets of longevity while interacting with local people. Enjoy an Overnight Tour and Experience the Lifestyle of Yanbaru in Ogimi Village! Overnight tours to Ogimi Village are trips to enjoy the nature, food, culture, and history that Ogimi Village has been carefully cultivated throughout the years. This plan allows you to experience the history and culture of Ogimi Village and its people, who live a happy and joyful life in the great outdoors, and to enjoy activities such as cycling, canoeing, trekking, BBQ camping, and a home-stay accommodation, allowing you to choose how you experience Ogimi Village. A basic tour plan is provided, but customers can also consult with the tour guide in advance about a plan that suits them and what they would like to experience. You can choose between private accommodations or camping, and also choose from a variety of exciting activities. There are also experience plans that allow you to fully enjoy Ogimi Village in a short time (2 hours to half a day), so those who cannot stay overnight can also take advantage of these plans. Those who choose the overnight plan can choose to camp overnight at the Miyagi Community Center Plaza, or stay overnight in a home with elderly residents. Those who choose to stay at a private home can experience harvesting in the fields managed by the private home as a member of the family (depending on the season), and enjoy chatting over Okinawan dishes prepared together with the private home owner while learning from him or her. You can see what a meal is like at 0:56 in the video. ※Be sure to consult with the staff in advance if you are a vegan or allergic to any foods. Photo:Homestay Farm Life Experience Tour This Ogimi Village overnight plan is a popular tour among students from all over Japan who are on school trips. There are agricultural experiences to learn the challenges of farming, farm life experiences where you stay in a farmer's home and spend time as a member of the family, nature experiences that make the most of Ogimi Village's natural environment, and cultural experiences where you are taught how to make Okinawan cuisine and play the sanshin (an instrument similar to a banjo). The days spent experiencing the environment, customs, and culture of Ogimi Village and interacting with the elderly residents of the village are a great asset to the students. There are also school trips and educational trips that can accommodate up to 280 people at a time, which are also utilized by the general public. Families with children can enjoy learning during summer vacation, and friends can experience the traditions of Ogimi Village while camping under the starry skies! There are a million ways to enjoy Ogimi Village. One of the charms of the overnight tours is that they not only follow a fixed plan, but can also be tailored to fit your ideal plan through prior consultation. 1 Night/2 Day Overnight Plan Recommendations This plan lets you enjoy canoeing and trekking in the jungle-like subtropical forests and rivers of Yanbaru. You can also look for endemic species of creatures and plants that can only be found in Yanbaru. Outdoor activities will be accompanied by local guides, so you can also learn things that only the locals know about! ※Optional plans must be requested separately. Photo:Yanbaru In the evening, enjoy a barbecue using local ingredients with your host grandmother and grandfather. Enjoy singing and chatting around the campfire while listening to the sound of the sanshin with your host family. Before bedtime, enjoy the grandeur of nature while gazing up at the starry night sky over Yanbaru! 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan – Schedule & Experience Details Here is an example of the schedule and activities of the basic plan for the 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan in Ogimi Village. ※This is an introduction to the camping plan. ■Day 1: 1:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. (Tour base: Miyagi Community Center Plaza and Shioya Bay) [1:00 p.m.] ・Gather at Shioya Miyagi Community Center Plaza ・Self-introductions and explanation of the tour by the staff ・Camp preparations (tent setup, etc.) Photo:Setting up camp [2:00 p.m.] ・Tour around the villages by e-bike with staff guide (choose from Kijoka or Shioya villages) Photo:E-bike village tour [5:00 p.m.] ・Free time after returning to Miyagi Community Center Plaza [6:00 p.m.] ・Start preparing a BBQ dinner made with local ingredients - Enjoy the delicious flavors of Yanbaru with outdoor camping utensils and offal soup. ・Dinner with a view of the sunset ・Enjoy chatting with locals while listening to the sound of the sanshin and watching kachasi (traditional Okinawan dance) ・Stargazing with commentary by a starry sky sommelier who is well versed in the night sky above Yanbaru ※You can see what camping is like at 01:25 in the video. Photo:Camping at night [11:00 p.m.] ・Bedtime prep ■Day 2: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. [8:30 a.m.] ・Wake up ・Prepare breakfast ・Camp equipment clean up [10:00 a.m.] ・Miyagi Community Center beach cleanup (SDGs) [11:00 a.m.] ・End of tour In the afternoon, you can apply for various experience plans. ※The above is the schedule for the basic model plan, so you can choose the plan that best suits your preferences by consulting with the tour guide in advance. ※If you wish to stay overnight, please specify this in the inquiry details when you apply. Multiple night stays are available as well. For inquiries about tour plans, please contact the guide through the application and inquiry form on the official website. Yonna-Ogimi【Official Website】 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan – Tour Details Here, we'll provide you with the details of Ogimi Village's 2-Day/1-Night Overnight Plan tour price and duration. [Price] 2 persons・・・43,500 yen (tax included・per person) 3 persons・・・43,000 yen (tax included・per person) 4 persons・・・40,000 yen (tax included・per person) 5 persons・・・40,500 yen (tax included・per person) ※Transportation to the meeting place (airfare, rental car, bus, etc.), drinks, alcohol, etc. are charged separately. For those who choose to stay at a private residence, drinks and alcohol may be provided by the private residence. Optional experience plans require a separate application. Please refer to the bottom of this article for details regarding the experience plans. [Tour Period] February - November (※Tours are not available in December and January). [Group Sizes] 2-5 people Tents are limited to up to 5 tents, each of which accommodates 5 people (up to 25 people). ※The number of people who can stay in one house is limited, so large groups may be divided into several houses. [Meeting Place] Meeting place: Roadside Station Ogimi Yanbaru Forest Visitor Center Address: 95 Tsunami, Ogimi Village, Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture [Clothing] We recommend that you bring clothes and shoes that can get wet and are easy to move around in for the different activities you might take part in. [What to Bring] Drinks, towel, toiletries, sandals, overnight amenities The Best Experience Plans in Yanbaru, Starting From 2 Hours! These experience plans allow those who cannot stay overnight but want to enjoy Ogimi Village to fully enjoy Ogimi Village in a short time (2 hours to half a day), or they can be incorporated into a 2-day/1-night plan. Choose the activities that are right for you and experience Ogimi Village to the fullest! Ta Waterfall Trekking & Playing Around the Basin [Tour Outline] Enjoy trekking at Ta Waterfall, located in the upper reaches of the Heinan River where tropical and subtropical plants grow. You can also play in the waterfall basin of the mysterious 15-meter-tall waterfall. Enjoy the nature of Ogimi Village, experience the sounds and smell of the forest and the earth, and listen to the singing birds while the trees dance in the wind. You may even come across flora and fauna that can only be found in Yanbaru. ※Life jackets must be worn when playing in the waterfall basin. You can see the what trekking is like at 0:43 in the video. Photo:Ta Waterfall trekking [Price] 7,000 yen/person [Time Required] 2 hours [Group Sizes] 2-20 people [Tour Period] January, February, March, July, August, September [Relaxed Stay With a Local Guide] Ogimi Village/Kijoka Village: The Key to Longevity on an E-Bike Tour [Tour Outline] This is a cycling tour around the world's longest-lived region. A local guide will accompany you on the tour, so you will be guided to places of interest that only locals know about, which you wouldn't be able to see on a regular tour. Cyclists who aren't confident in their physical abilities will be able to use e-bikes (sports-type bicycles with electric power assistance) for the tour. Learn the secrets to longevity in Kijoka village! This plan is included in the basic plan of the 2-day/1-night tour. You can see the cycling from 0:12 in the video. Photo:E-bike tour [Price] 6,000 yen/person [Time Required] 3 hours [Group Sizes] 2-6 people [Tour Period] Year-round (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays from December 29 to January 4) Tour From a Local Guide and Shipbuilder! Shioya Bay E-Bike Tour to Discover the Traditional Event "Ungami" & Sabani Boat Cruises [Tour Outline] On the first day of the Boar after the Kyu-Bon (Old Bon) Festival (September 2, 2023), Shioya Bay will host "Ungami," a traditional event to pray for a good harvest and good health. The men of the village row a haarii boat (a traditional Okinawan dragon boat) to the goal in Shioya Bay. The women, waist-deep in the sea, cheer enthusiastically while beating drums and welcoming the competitors with songs and dances. Ungami, held in Shioya Bay, is designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property by the government of Japan, and is a festival that has continued for more than 400 years without change. Visitors can explore the spirituality and mystique of the festival by e-biking around the area where Ungami is held. You can also cruise the clear blue waters of Shioya Bay on a Sabani (a boat used in Okinawa and surrounding islands since ancient times). Photo:Ungami [Price] 9,000 yen/person (※Minimum of 2 people) [Time Required] 3 hours [Group Sizes] 2-6 People [Tour Period] Year-round (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays from December 29 to January 4) [Yanbaru World Natural Heritage Site] A Cycling Tour Around the Area Where the Traditional Event Ungami Is Held [Tour Outline] Cycling through the traditional area where Ungami is held, you can explore the spirituality and mystique of the area. Guided by local guides, the tour will take you along paths known only by the members of the community. Photo:Cycling around the village [Price] 6,000 yen/person [Time Required] 2 hours [Group Sizes] 2-20 people [Tour Period] January, February, March, July, August, September Canoe Trip Around Miyagi Island [Tour Outline] Travel around the small island in Ogimi Village's Shioya Bay by canoe. This is a rare experience with which to explore Ogimi Village, the Village of Longevity, from the open sea! A local guide will take you around, so first-timers need not worry. You can see the canoe tours at 01:10 in the video. Photo:A canoe tour [Price] 7,000 yen/person (Tax included) [Time Required] 2 hours [Group Sizes] 2-20 people [Tour Period] January, February, March, July, August, September The Best Place to See the Southern Cross! Yanbaru Forest Starry Sky Tour With a Local Guide [Tour Outline] Local guides, who are certified starry sky sommeliers, will provide commentary that will allow you to enjoy the starry sky of Yanbaru, which stretches as far as the eye can see. Binoculars and telescopes are provided, so you can enjoy a real starry sky tour without any equipment. Okinawa is the only place in Japan where the Southern Cross can be seen, and this beautiful starry sky keeps watch over the residents of Ogimi Village. ※This plan is included in the basic 2-day/1-night tour plan. You can see the starry skies of Yanbaru at 01:51 in the video. Photo:The starry sky above Yanbaru [Price] 6,000 yen/person [Time Required] 2 hours [Group Sizes] 2-6 People [Tour Period] Year-round (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays from December 29 to January 4) Guided tours to activities and sights not listed above are also available by consultation. For inquiries about tour plans, please inquire using the application and inquiry form on the official website of Yonna-Ogimi. Yonna-Ogimi【Official Website】 Popular Spots When Sightseeing in Ogimi Village, Okinawa There are a ton of places to check out when visiting Ogimi Village! From famous sightseeing spots to spots hidden gems, Ogimi Village is full of scenery that will make for lifelong memories. Kijoka Seven Waterfalls The Kijoka Seven Waterfalls is a popular power spot in the Kijoka area. It's called "Seven Waterfalls" because the water changes its course seven times before cascading down into the basin. Since it's an object of worship for the local people, there is a sacred torii gate at the entrance to the waterfall and a place of worship to view the waterfall from. The clear water is sold as the mineral water "Okinawa no Meisui, Nanataki no Mizu" (沖縄の命水 七滝の水, Life Water of Okinawa, Water of the Seven Falls). Photo:Kijoka Seven Waterfalls General Information 【Address】2234, Kinyuka, Ogimi-mura, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan 【Access】Approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes from the Kusuda IC on the Okinawa Expressway. 【Parking】Available Ishiyama Observatory The Ishiyama Observatory is located at the top of Mt. Ishiyama in Ogimi Village. The forests and villages of Yanbaru lie below, and the blue waters of the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean can be seen beyond. A large parking lot is available as well, so feel free to drop by with a rental car or other vehicles. Photo:Ishiyama Observatory General Information 【Address】2268-1 Nejime, Ogimi-mura, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture 【Access】Approximately 40 minutes from the Kusuda IC on the Okinawa Expressway 【Parking】30 cars Roadside Station Ogimi Yanbaru Forest Visitor Center Opened in 2020, Roadside Station Ogimi has a shop selling vegetables, meat, fish, and other specialties of Ogimi Village and northern Okinawa, as well as Restaurant Yanbaru Seaside, so you can enjoy lunch or a café and buy some souvenirs from Ogimi Village. At the 360° Dome Theater, visitors can learn about the flora and fauna of Yanbaru and life in Yanbaru through images. The top of the building is an observatory where you can view the beautiful sea. Photo:Roadside Station Ogimi Yanbaru Forest Visitor Center General Information 【Address】95 Aza-tsunami, Ogimi-mura, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture 【Access】Approximately 40 minutes from the Kusuda IC on the Okinawa Expressway 【Parking】Oversized vehicles: 9 cars, regular vehicles: 109 cars 【Business hours】 Direct sales counter: 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Restaurants: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. weekdays, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. weekends and holidays Tourist Information Center: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Ogimi Village Tour Plan Summary Ogimi Village has been recognized as the "World's Longest Living Region." What is the secret behind its longevity? What is the "Ikigai" that captivates people from around the world? The Ogimi Village tours introduced in this article offer experiences that you won't find when traveling in Okinawa normally. Sightseeing at major tourist attractions in Okinawa and staying at a resort hotel is sure to make for a great trip, but, if you're looking to get to know the people of Okinawa and the culture and history of Okinawa, then a stay in Ogimi Village is the best way to do so. Learning about the culture, history, and daily life of Ogimi Village through a tour, you might start to understand why Ogimi Village is known as the "Village of Longevity." It'd be no exaggeration to say that this trip could change your outlook on life. The local staff is looking forward to welcoming you! Photo:Ogimi Village, Okinawa For more information about the Ogimi Village tour plans introduced in this article, or if you have any questions, concerns, or would like to apply, be sure to inquire via the application and inquiry form on the Yonna-Ogimi official website. 【Official Website】Yonna-Ogimi The COOL JAPAN VIDEOS social media account for the Ogimi Marugoto Tourism Association, where you can apply for Ogimi Village tour plans is as follows: For the latest information on Ogimi Village, check out these posts. 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Video article 1:50
[HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT] Experience One of the Largest Ziplines in the World in Niseko.
Things to Do Travel Nature- 90 plays
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HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT, Niseko, Hokkaido: Video Introduction Photo:Mt. Yotei from the summit of Niseko Annupuri, Niseko, Hokkaido This video, titled "Hanazono Zip World Experience - Climax! Japan's longest Mega-zipline, Zip3 Black Diamond Superfly Ver." (Hanazono Zip Worldを体験 ~クライマックス! 日本最長のメガジップライン、Zip3 Black Diamond Superfly編 ~), was uploaded by "Niseko Hanazono Resort" (Hanazono Niseko Resort ニセコ HANAZONOリゾート). At HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT at the Niseko Hanazono Resort in Hokkaido, visitors can experience one of the longest ziplines in the world. Ziplining is an outdoor activity in which a belt or harness is attached to a cable that is suspended in the mountains, forests, or other natural areas, and a pulley is used to glide down the rope/cable. This video shows a thrilling zipline in Niseko, the 1,700-meter-long Black Diamond Superfly that runs from the heights of the mountain to the finish line on the ground with a top speed of 110 km/h. The zipline is one of the many exciting things to do in Niseko. While soaring through the skies, visitors can enjoy the spectacular views of Mt. Yotei. Summer & Winter at Niseko Hanazono Resort Photo:Snowshoes Located in the western part of central Hokkaido, approximately two hours by car from Sapporo and New Chitose Airport, Niseko is a resort area surrounded by Mt. Yotei, Niseko Annupuri, and other mountains. Known as a world-famous ski resort, it attracts many tourists and sports enthusiasts during ski season. Niseko Hanazono Resort boasts a wide range of winter activities that allow guests to enjoy the powdery snow of Niseko. ● Snow rafting tours ● Snowshoeing tours ● Horseback riding tours in the snow ● Tubing Park ● Indoor Kids Adventure Area - Galaxy of Kidz But winter season is not the only time to enjoy activities in Niseko. There are a variety of things to do at Niseko Hanazono Resort during the summer months. One of the most popular activities is HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT, the popular Niseko Zipline. The following is an introduction to the features and attractions of the famous Niseko Zipline, HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT. HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT – Experience 3 Different Ziplines at the Largest Zipline in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT, widely known as the Niseko Zipline, is most notable for its length: HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT is the longest zipline in Japan at 2,591 meters long. Not only is it the longest zipline in Japan, but it's also the longest zipline in Asia and one of the largest ziplines in the world. HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT, widely known as the Niseko Zipline, has three ziplines: MACH1, MACH2, and MACH3, all of which have different a different level of intensity. It's recommended that you start with MACH1, which is less intense and has a gentle gradient, and then aim for MACH3, which is the most intense of the three. MACH1, the least intense, reaches speeds of 50 km/h, while MACH2 reaches speeds of about 70 km/h. MACH3, known as the "Black Diamond Superfly," reaches speeds of up to 110 km/h over a 1,700-meter-long course. Flying through the mountains and trees of Niseko, suspended 50 meters in the air, is a truly exciting experience. One of the things that makes the zipline so fun is that two ziplines are strung side by side, allowing visitors to experience it together with their family or friends. HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT – Prices, Discounts, and Reservations Source :YouTube screenshot HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT, also known as the Niseko Zipline, offers the following prices, reservation methods, and various discounts (current as of June 2023). Online reservations are given priority, and a 10% discount is also applied, so it's recommended that you book online in advance to apply for the zip line. Admission Fee: From June 10 - Adults: 15,000 yen, Children: 12,000 yen (Adults: Junior high school students and older / weighing 105 kg or less, Children: Elementary school students / weighing 30-105 kg) April 29 - May 28 - Adults and Children: 9,800 yen Reservations: Online reservations have priority Discounts: ● Web Discount - Online reservations receive 10% off the regular price ● Repeater Discount - 20% off on any of your following visits during summer 2023. ● HOKKAIDO LOVE! Discount: 2000 yen off on weekdays and 1000 yen off on holidays with Hokkaido Support Coupon (ほっかいどう応援クーポン). Niseko Ziplines – What to Wear Photo:A woman wearing a rain coat The Niseko Zipline can be enjoyed in comfortable, everyday clothing, but skirts are not permitted. We recommend wearing clothes that are easy to move in and that you do not mind getting dirty. Since you will be walking on unpaved terrain, heels and sandals are not permitted, and sneakers or other comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Helmets are required on the Niseko Zipline, so if you have long hair, tie it up with a hair band in advance. If you're thinking about riding the Niseko Zipline on a rainy day, we recommend wearing a waterproof windbreaker or rain jacket. This will protect you from rainwater and provide a comfortable aerial experience. That being said, in the event of inclement weather, some activities may not take place or the number of active ziplines may change. Please check the weather forecast in advance. A Luxury Hotel in Hanazono Photo:Sunrise from Mt. Yotei, Hokkaido After a day of physical activities in the comfortable nature of Hokkaido and enjoying the Niseko Zipline, a hotel with a spa is the perfect place to relax and unwind. Park Hyatt Niseko Hanazono, located within Niseko Hanazono Resort, offers a superb view of Mt. Yotei, as well as exquisite cuisine, and a spacious, luxurious environment to relax after a long day of travel. With outstanding reviews Park Hyatt Niseko Hanazono is a recommended hotel for those looking for a luxurious resort for adults. Other Things to Do in Niseko Photo:Oyunuma Pond, Niseko, Hokkaido Niseko is a popular destination in Hokkaido full of exciting outdoor activities to enjoy. Onsen Niseko is quite popular for its onsen (hot springs), and there are a number of locations in the Niseko area where you can enjoy relaxing in onsen all year round. Cycling Thanks to the beautiful scenery of Hokkaido, cycling is another popular activity in Niseko. The area boasts an endless number of breathtaking views with which to cycle to, and there are even cycling events, such as the Niseko Classic, held in the area each year. Camping Another exciting outdoor activity to enjoy in Niseko is camping. Again, making great use of the natural beauty of Hokkaido, there are a countless campgrounds available to choose from. You can choose a campground where you bring your own tent, or even one where the accommodations are provided. There are also free campsites as well, if you're looking to go camping on a budget. How to Get to Niseko Photo:Niseko Station, Hokkaido Access to Niseko will depend on where in Japan you're coming from. With that said, assuming you're already in Hokkaido, here are 3 ways to get to Niseko. Sapporo to Niseko From Sapporo Station, you can either take a bus to Otaru and then transfer to a bus which will take you to Niseko, or take a bus straight to Niseko (~3 hours). Hakodate to Niseko From Hakodate you can take a limited express train to Oshamambe Station, and from there transfer to a local line to Niseko Station (~4 hours). New Chitose Airport to Niseko From New Chitose Airport you can take the train to Sapporo Station, and from there to Otaru Station. From Otaru Station you can then take a bus to Niseko Station (~3.5 hours). Alternatively, you could take a bus from Sapporo Station to Niseko Station. Keep in mind that, if you're coming by car, you can significantly cut your travel time. Additionally, because the Niseko area is so vast, there are two main stations in the area: Niseko Station and Kutchan Station. Depending on where in Niseko you'll be sightseeing, the station you travel to can vary as well. Be sure to keep this in mind, as you can end up saving a lot of time by going to the station closest to your destination. Summary of HANAZONO ZIP WORLD, Home to the Largest Zipline in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT, one of the world's largest mega-ziplines, is a must-try activity when visiting Hokkaido. The thrill and excitement conveyed in the video, as well as the beautiful scenery, is sure to make for an unforgettable experience. We hope you get a chance to enjoy this aerial adventure in Niseko. 【Official Website】HANAZONO ZIPFLIGHT 【TripAdvisor】Niseko Hanazono Resort -
Video article 15:26
A Sea of Azaleas on Mt. Tsurumi in Beppu, Oita! From the Summit of the Mountain to the Pilgrimage of the Seven Lucky Gods, There's Plenty to See and Do Here!
Travel Nature- 59 plays
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Introducing the Miyamikirishima of Mt. Tsurumi in Oita Beppu This video, titled "JG☆☆☆8K HDR Oita, Beppu Mt. Tsurumi Miyamakirishima Flower Season" (JG☆☆☆8K HDR 大分 別府 鶴見岳のミヤマキリシ Oita, Beppu Mt. Tsurumi Miyamakirishima Flower Season), was uploaded by "JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." The video introduces the ride up the Beppu Ropeway on Mt. Tsurumi, along with the beautiful flowers blooming atop the mountain and the breathtaking views that await you! The Flowers Blooming on Mt. Tsurumi Photo:Kyushu Azaleas of Mt. Tsurumi The flowers blooming atop Mt. Tsurumi are Kyushu azaleas. They are a semi-deciduous shrub of the azalea family and stand 0.3 to 1 meters tall. They produce purple-red flowers as well as peach-red and light-red flowers, and are at their best from late May to mid-June in Japan. A unique plant found only in the high mountains of Japan's Kyushu Region, it's distributed on Mt. Kirishima, Mt. Aso, Mt. Kokonoe, Mt. Unzen, etc. On Mt. Tsurumi in Beppu, Oita, in Japan's Kyushu region, approximately 5,000 Kyushu azaleas bloom all at once every spring. [Video] 0:45 - Kyushu Azaleas The contrast between the pink carpet of azaleas, the mountains in the distance, and the blue skies makes this a truly photogenic spot! You can see the birds chirping and butterflies fluttering about in the video as well. [Video] 10:49 - Azaleas and the Mountains of Kyushu The Seasonal Views of Mt. Tsurumi: Autumn Leaves, Rime, and More Photo:Frost-covered plants on Mt. Tsurumi Mt. Tsurumi is 1,375 meters above sea level, located in the east of Aso-Kuju National Park, and is designated as one of the Top 300 Mountains of Japan. In early summer, the azaleas are at their best, as shown in the video, but autumn is also a popular time of year as visitors can enjoy the lovely autumn foliage. From the top of the mountain, you can see Mt. Yufudake and Mt. Kuju. The best time to view the autumn leaves is from late October to mid-November. Furthermore, Mt. Tsurumi is famous for its rime in winter. Rime is a phenomenon that occurs when the temperature drops below freezing, covering the trees and other flora with frost. When this happens, the entire mountain is transformed into a silvery white world. Mt. Tsurumi is a mountain rich in nature where you can enjoy completely different views in each season. Mt. Tsurumi, a Popular Mountain for Climbing and Hiking Photo:Mt. Tsurumi and the Beppu Ropeway, Beppu, Oita Mt. Tsurumi is a popular mountain amongst hikers and climbers. It's said to be a relatively easy mountain to climb, even for beginners, due to its gentle gradient. Since it is a popular mountain, it's likely that there are many other climbers on the mountain. For safety reasons, beginners should always climb with another person. The summit of Mt. Tsurumi can also be reached via the Beppu Ropeway. The ropeway runs from Beppu Kogen Station, located halfway up the mountain at an elevation of 500 meters, to Tsurumi Sanjo Station at an elevation of 1,300 meters. [Video] 0:10 - Ascending Mt. Tsurumi via the Beppu Ropeway If you take the Beppu ropeway up to the summit station, it takes only 10 minutes to reach the top of the mountain. Some people ascend and descend the mountain without using the ropeway, but you can also hike up and take the ropeway down on the way back. Temples, Souvenirs, and Other Things to Do on Mt. Tsurumi Photo:A shrine on Mt. Tsurumi, Beppu, Oita Not far from Tsurumi Sanjo Station, there is an observatory from which you can enjoy a spectacular view of Beppu Bay. There are also walking paths that lead to several observation points. In addition to the scenery, Tsurumi Sanjo Gongen Shrine is located in front of the station, and you can see the shrine's red torii gate in the video. Furthermore, there are many attractions on Mt. Tsurumi, such as the Pilgrimage of the Seven Lucky Gods and other places of worship. [Video] 0:42 - Tsurumi Sanjo Gongen Shrine The summit of Mt. Tsurumi also has a variety of souvenir shops. In addition to the station store, there is also the Kyushu Shochu-kan (州焼酎館) in front of the main parking lot, which sells a variety of souvenirs, from wine and other alcoholic beverages to handicrafts. Staying Safe on Mt. Tsurumi Mt. Tsurumi is a popular mountain for hiking and climbing, but it is also an active volcano. In the case of an eruption, there are disaster prevention maps and a disaster prevention guidebook for climbers which are available online. It's recommended that you download them in advance to ensure safe climbing. Disaster prevention maps and guidebooks can be downloaded in PDF format from the Oita Prefecture official website. You can also view live disaster prevention cameras installed by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Things to Do Near the Beppu Ropeway Mt. Tsurumi and the Beppu Ropeway are located a ways from the city, but if you head back to Beppu, there are a number of things to see and do. Below is a short list of things to check out when visiting the area: Jigoku Meguri - A Tour of the Hells of Beppu The Jigoku Meguri tour takes you on a tour of eight of the most famous hot springs in Beppu. It's a tradition that is said to date back to the Edo Period, and takes about 2 hours to complete. All of the hot springs have something about them that is unique, so it makes for an exciting tour. Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Admission Fee: Adults (High school students and older): 2,200 yen, Children: 1,000 yen. ※Discounts available for groups of 30 or more Beppu Park Located in the center of Beppu, Beppu Park is a large park with many flower gardens. The park also has a variety of athletic facilities, and during the spring, cherry blossoms bloom beautifully throughout the park. Hours: Open 24 hours. (Parking available from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm) Admission Fee: Free (Parking is 100 yen/hr.) Rakutenchi Rakutenchi is an amusement park for children with a number of rides. Additionally, there are a variety of animals inside the park and even petting zoos where children can interact with them. It's a great place to check out if you're traveling with kids. Hours: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm Closures: Closed on most Tuesdays. Please check the official website for more information Admission Fee: Adults (Middle school students and older): 1,300 yen, Children (Ages 3 to elementary school): 600 yen, Infants (Ages 2 and under): Free Weather on Mt. Tsurumi and What to Wear During May and June, when the azaleas on Mt. Tsurumi are at their best, the weather is quite warm. As Japan is nearing the end of spring and transitioning to summer at this point, the average temperatures for May and June are 19° C (66° F) and 23° C (73° F) respectively. Because of this, it's recommended that you dress light, with t-shirts and shorts. If you're planning on hiking up the mountains, we also recommend wearing hiking shoes or at the very least, some good walking shoes. Summary of Mt. Tsurumi in Beppu, Oita Photo:Beppu Onsen, Oita That concludes our introduction to azaleas on Mt. Tsurumi. At the foot of the eastern side of Mt. Tsurumi is Beppu Onsen, one of the most famous hot spring resorts in Japan. You can relax after a hike up Mt. Tsurumi at Beppu Onsen and enjoy a delicious meal there as well! You can also enjoy a lovely view of the city of Beppu, so don't forget to bring a camera! ◆Beppu Ropeway◆ Address: 10-7 Aza-Kanbara, Oaza-Minami-Tateishi, Beppu-city, Oita, Japan 874-0000 Hours: Summer (March 15 - November 14): 9:00 am - 5:30 pm (Last ascent 5:00 pm, last descent 5:30 pm), Winter (November 15 - March 14): 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Last ascent 4:30 pm, last descent 5:00 pm). ※For nighttime hours please contact the Beppu Ropeway directly. Telephone: 0977-22-2278 Ropeway fees (round trip): Adults: 1,800 yen, Children (Ages 4 to elementary school): 900 yen. ※Discounts available for groups. Access: ・By train (bus): Take a bus from the West Exit of JR Beppu Station and get off at Beppu Ropeway ・By car: A 5-minute drive on Prefectural Road 11 from the Beppu IC of the Higashi-Kyushu Expressway toward Yufuin (parking available) 【Official Website】Beppu Ropeway 【TripAdvisor】Beppu Ropeway -
Video article 3:43
Nabegataki Falls - A Beautiful Travel Destination Surrounded by Nature in Kumamoto Prefecture
Nature Travel- 252 plays
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A Look at the Breathtaking Nabegataki Falls This video, titled "Nabegataki [8K]" (Nabegataki 鍋ケ滝 [8K]), was uploaded by "Japan Explorers." It introduces the beautiful waterfall, Nabegataki Falls, in Kumamoto Prefecture while showcasing the natural beauty of Japan. Nabegataki Falls, located in Oguni, Aso, Kumamoto in Japan's Kyushu region, was actually featured in a commercial for Soukenbicha Tea's Namacha, starring actress Nanako Matsushima, and quickly became well known for its beauty. Even within Aso Geopark, which is recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark, the spectacular view of Nabegataki Falls is full of natural beauty. Check out the beautiful scenery showcasing the waterfall in this quick. 4 minute video! Highlights of Nabegataki Falls in Kumamoto Photo:Nabegataki Falls, Kumamoto Nabegataki Falls, located in the town of Oguni, is about a 20-minute drive from Kurokawa Onsen, a hot spring resort in Kumamoto Prefecture, and is maintained as Nabegataki Park. The most unique feature of Nabegataki Falls is that visitors can view the waterfall from behind, and see its curtain-like appearance in all of its beauty (video 1:34). Because of this, it's a popular travel destination among tourists looking to explore the nature of Japan. It's said that the same pyroclastic flow from a huge eruption approximately 90,000 years ago, which created the Aso Caldera, created the unique features of Nabegataki Falls as well. Nabegataki Falls is a relatively small waterfall measuring 20 meters wide with a drop of about 10 meters, but the way the water cascades from the top of the waterfall creates a beautiful view that resembles a curtain of water. Another unique characteristic of Nabegataki Falls is how the surrounding greenery gives it a faint glow, making it popular amongst photographers and instagrammers alike. Photo:Nabigataki Falls illuminated, Aso, Kumamoto Furthermore, in the spring, Nabegataki Falls is lit up for a limited time, and visitors can enjoy fantastic views of the waterfall while it's illuminated. There are also stairs on the path leading to Nabegataki Falls, and heart-shaped stones are hidden in the stone pavement along the way, so be sure to keep an eye out for these as well. Enjoy Delicious Food, Sweets, and Sightseeing Spots Around Nabegataki Falls! In addition to Nabegataki Falls, there are a myriad of sightseeing spots around the area that visitors can enjoy. First, there's "Sora Iro no Tane," famously known as "the small bakery in the forest." The bread here is hot and fresh even in the cold, and the cream buns are popular for their hearty and satisfying texture. Next is a soba restaurant called "Waremokou" on the route to Nabegataki Falls. The restaurant is full of delicious dishes and features famous Kumamoto beef and soba. After enjoying the beautiful scenery of Nabegataki, visitors can enjoy beautiful paintings at the Sakamoto Zenzo Museum of Art, a museum covered entirely with tatami mats. Enjoy the abstract paintings of Zenzo Sakamoto a famous Japanese painter. Summary of Nabegataki Falls in Kumamoto Prefecture As you can see, Nabegataki Falls, located in Oguni, Aso, Kumamoto, is loved by many people as one of the most beautiful spots in Japan, and has now become very popular among young people, particularly instagrammers and photographers. This video, shot in 8K, shows the beautiful scenery of Nabegataki Falls in such detail that it's almost like looking at the real thing. Now that you've seen a video on it, consider checking out Nabegataki Falls, one of the most beautiful spots in Japan, and explore all of the natural beauty for yourself. 【Tripadvisor】Nabegataki Falls https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121535-d1960940-Reviews-Nabegataki_Falls-Oguni_machi_Aso_gun_Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 2:29
The Former Daijoin Temple Garden - Take a Stroll in the Beautiful Garden Near Nara Hotel... Highlights of the Scenic Garden, Loved by Court Nobles and Shoguns Since Japan's Heian Period!
Living Things- 47 plays
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Introducing the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, a Beautiful Garden in the Ancient Capital of Nara! This video, titled "[4K] Japanese Garden DAIJO-IN NARA" ([4K] 日本庭園 旧大乗院庭園 / 奈良 Japanese Garden DAIJO-IN NARA), was uploaded by "Yurara Sarara," a channel focused on Japanese culture. The Former Daijoin Temple Garden is a beautiful Japanese garden located next to Nara Hotel and has been designated as a Place of Scenic Beauty by the government of Japan. Enjoy the beauty of the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, which was praised as one of the most beautiful gardens in the southern capital, in this 2.5 minute-long, 4K video. The Former Daijoin Temple Garden - Learn the History of the Beautiful Garden! Photo:The Former Daijoin Temple Garden, Nara City, Nara Prefecture Located in the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, Daijoin is a temple with a long history, founded in 1087, the first year of Kanji, and flourished from the Heian period (794-1185 AD) to the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). It was famous as one of the sub-temples of Kofukuji Temple, but it was destroyed by fire in the Siege of Nara by the Taira clan in 1180, and moved to its present location. The Former Daijoin Temple Garden was devastated by a peasant uprising in the Muromachi Period (1336-1573 AD), but was remodeled by Zen'ami, a gardener famous for creating the garden of Ginkakuji Temple (The Silver Pavilion). The temple was abandoned due to the abolition of Buddhism in the early Meiji period (1868-1912), but Nara Hotel was built on the site, and now it has become a tourist known as "The Former Daijoin Temple Garden." Highlights of the Former Daijoin Temple Garden! Photo:The Former Daijoin Temple Garden in autumn, Nara City, Nara Prefecture The Former Daijoin Temple Garden is a garden featuring a path around a pond, with small east and west ponds at its center. In addition to the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, there are other gardens of in this style, including the Katsura Imperial Villa in Kyoto and Kenroku-en in Kanazawa. The Former Daijoin Temple Garden is a wonderful place to visit at any time of the year, from the deep green of spring to the changing leaves of autumn, but it's even more beautiful when visiting during seasonal events. In September, the Former Daijoin Temple Garden is open to the public at night for the "Full Moon Festival" (観月の夕べ). Visitors can enjoy a collaboration of the mid-autumn moon and the beauty of the Former Daijoin Temple Garden. At the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, there is a historical museum that displays a model of the original Daijoin Temple, as well as the Daijoin Garden Cultural Hall, which has meeting rooms and a tea ceremony room for various events. In addition, the earthen wall outside the building incorporates the design of of ancient structures, allowing visitors to enjoy the culture of not only the garden, but also the exterior of the building. Access to the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, a Tourist Attraction in Nara Prefecture To get to the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, take an 8-minute bus bound for Tenri or Shimoyama from JR Nara Station or Kintetsu Nara Station, get off at the "Nara Hotel" bus stop, and walk for 1 minute, or get off at the "Fukuchiin" (福智院町) bus stop, and walk for 1 minute. If you're visiting via car, be sure to use the nearby "Naramachi Center" parking lot. Summary of the Famous Former Daijoin Temple Garden in Nara, Japan Photo:Nara Hotel At the Former Daijoin Temple Garden, visitors can enjoy strolling through the garden while viewing the autumn leaves and the mid-autumn moon in autumn, as well as cherry blossoms in spring. Located in the ancient capital of Nara, the Former Daijoin Temple Garden is located next to Nara Hotel, which has a history of more than 100 years, so we definitely recommend staying there as an overnight when sightseeing in Nara. Come and see the beauty of the Former Daijoin Temple Garden with your own eyes! 【Official Website】The Former Daijoin Temple Garden, a Place of Scenic Beauty https://www.narahotel.co.jp/eng/ 【TripAdvisor】The Former Daijoin Temple Garden https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298198-d2049192-Reviews-Meisho_Daijoin_Garden-Nara_Nara_Prefecture_Kinki.html