Video article 2:13
Zao - Where Fantastic Ice Trees Stretch as Far as the Eye Can See. Referred to as "Ice Monsters" This Destination in Yamagata Prefecture Is Very Popular Among Foreign Tourists
Nature- 95 plays
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自然が生み出す絶景「蔵王の樹氷」をご紹介! 日本にはさまざまな名所があります。 その中でも幻想的な景色を楽しめる場所に旅行したいと思っている方は多いと思います。 そのような方々に、山形県の蔵王の樹氷をおすすめします。 この記事では、「Saha Entertainment TV」が公開した「[4K] 絶景蔵王の樹氷 Amazing Ice Monsters」をもとに、日本のおすすめの観光地である蔵王の樹氷の魅力や、おすすめのインスタ映えスポットの情報などを説明します。 「蔵王の樹氷」が生み出す自然の美しさ 蔵王の樹氷は、山形の蔵王連峰にある植物に雪が凍り付き、固まったものです。 東北地方の奥羽山脈(飯豊連峰、朝日連峰、月山、鳥海山など)でしか確認されておらず、とても珍しい自然美を堪能することができます。 見ごろは、1月の下旬から3月の上旬です。 この時期には樹氷のライトアップイベントも行われているので、夜の幻想的な蔵王の樹氷を楽しめます。 このように、蔵王の樹氷は他では見ることができない美しい絶景を楽しめるので、自然を楽しみたい方にはおすすめの観光地です。 「スノーモンスター」や「アイスモンスター」とよばれる蔵王の樹氷を思う存分、鑑賞しましょう。 日本の観光地である「蔵王の樹氷」は幻想的な景観を楽しめる 日本の観光地である蔵王の樹氷は、幻想的な景観を楽しむことができます。 昼の太陽の光によるデイライト樹氷は、自然の光と特徴的な形の樹氷が融合して、少し変わった美しい風景を楽しむことができます。 夜のライトアップでは、色彩が鮮やかな光によって樹氷が浮かびあがり、幻想的な景色を堪能できるでしょう。 蔵王の樹氷は、昼と夜で幻想的な景色を見ることができる素晴らしい場所です。 日本の観光地である「蔵王の樹氷」を見るのにおすすめのエリア 日本の観光地である蔵王の樹氷は、自然の景色を満喫できるスポットがたくさんあります。 温泉街からのれるロープウェイは、大きな窓から樹氷を見ることができるのでおすすめです。 ゆったり座りながら鑑賞できるのもポイントです。 ロープウェイの山頂駅も人気スポット。 駅から降りた瞬間に広大な樹氷が目の前に広がっています。 展望台では樹氷原を一望できるので、ぜひ訪ねてみてください! 絶景「蔵王の樹氷」のまとめ 他では見ることができない蔵王の樹氷。 ぜひ現地でアイスモンスターと呼ばれる絶景をご覧になってみてください。 その幻想的な景色と迫力を思う存分、楽しみましょう! -
Video article 13:42
Feel the Charm of Japan's Four Seasons in Inawashiro, Fukushima! Eat, Play, Learn... You'll Be Amazed at the Beautiful Scenes That Fukushima Has to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 39 plays
- YouTube
福島県猪苗代湖はどんなところ? こちらの動画は「公式チャンネル猪苗代町」が公開した「猪苗代観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 猪苗代湖は東北地方の南端を占める福島県のほぼ中央に位置し、日本では4番目の広さを誇る湖です。 夏は湖水浴や釣りや遊覧船観光・ボート遊びなど自然の中のマリンスポーツ、花火大会などで多くの旅行客を魅了する人気観光エリアです。 また猪苗代湖周辺には磐梯山や源泉が湧く温泉ホテルも多く、1年を通じて観光が楽しめます。 今回はそんな福島県猪苗代湖の絶景スポットを動画と共にお楽しみください。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスとイベント情報 猪苗代湖周辺には日本の自然豊かな磐梯山があり様々なイベントが楽しめます。 6月に山開きするとキャンプや7月には磐梯まつりが開催され、冬はスキーなどのウィンタースポーツを楽しむことができます。 夏になると湖畔のキャンプや釣り、ボート、遊覧船観光などのアクティビティ、花火大会や自然を楽しみながら走るハーフマラソンなどのイベントが目白押しです。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスはJR猪苗代湖駅からバスで約15分。自動車は磐越自動車道猪苗代磐越高原ICより約3分です。 日本有数の自然豊かな観光地福島県猪苗代湖周辺の花鳥風月 猪苗代湖観光では日本でも珍しい白鳥を始めとした貴重な野鳥の生態を観察することもできます。 湖畔のカフェやキャンプ場でもさまざまな野鳥や桜、紅葉などを楽しむことができますが、アクアマリンいなわしろカワセミ水族館ではカワセミを始めとした猪苗代湖周辺の生態系の資料を閲覧することができる穴場スポットです。 湖畔の自然の中をゆっくりと観光ウォーキングするのなら湘南エリアトレッキングルートがおすすめです。 猪苗代湖の名前の由来と歴史文化 猪苗代湖の名前の由来には諸説ありますが、稲作と深い関係があることは確かなようです。 磐梯山は活火山で大規模な噴火によって猪苗代湖が現出したとされています。 そして今から約1万2000年前頃にはすでに湖畔に先住民が住んでいた痕跡があり、磐梯山の厳しい自然や気候は日本の先住民に豊かな実りをもたらせていたことでしょう。 猪苗代湖は観光だけではなく学術的にも重要なエリアなのです。 科学者野口英世のふるさと 日本が誇る世界的な医学博士の一人が野口英世です。 彼は明治9年に猪苗代町で生まれました。小さい頃は清作と名付けられ、農家の跡取りとして大事に育てられましたが、重度のやけどを負い手が不自由になり医師の道を志します。 その後黄熱病をはじめとする数々の病原体を発見し、その功績を記録した野口英世記念館は日本の医学の歴史にとっても重要な資料館です。 日本の自然が満喫できる観光情報 猪苗代湖はインスタ映えする自然景勝地の宝庫です。 ・磐梯山 ・天鏡閣 ・南ヶ丘牧場 ・西久保彼岸獅子(舞の奉納は毎年春の彼岸頃) ・達沢不動滝 ・福島県迎賓館 ・中津川渓谷 ・世界のガラス館 などの代表的な人気スポットがあります。 猪苗代湖で満喫するグルメ情報 猪苗代湖を有する福島県はグルメの聖地でもあります。 福島産の名産品といえばお米、桃などの農作物、そば、そして日本酒です。 道の駅やカフェ、ホテルのレストラン、猪苗代駅周辺の居酒屋などでは美味しい福島の海と山の幸を堪能することができます。 福島観光のおすすめ景観地猪苗代湖の魅力紹介まとめ 福島県は東北と首都圏を結ぶ重要な地域です。 その福島県のほぼ中央に位置する猪苗代湖は一年を通じて四季折々の自然豊かな景色、そして美味しいグルメとイベントで多くの観光客を魅了します。 そんな風光明媚な猪苗代湖の魅力を高画質な動画でも御覧ください。 -
Video article 5:52
Enjoy the Pure White Snowy Landscape at the Traditional "Yokote Snow Festival" in Yokote, Akita Prefecture! Experience Warm Rice Cakes in a Giant Igloo and a Fantastical Silver World!
Festivals & Events- 124 plays
- YouTube
秋田県で行われる横手かまくら雪まつり こちらの動画は「Discover Nippon」が公開した「[4K]Snow scene Winter Japan 秋田県•横手かまくら祭り Yokote Kamakura Festival 秋田観光 雪まつり JAPAN 雪景色 日本の冬」です。 横手かまくらとは秋田県で毎年2月に開催される伝統の「横手の雪まつり」で作られる大きなかまくらのことです。 この祭りの特徴は、「はいってたんせ」と、高さ3mにもなる「かまくら」の中へと招く子どもたちに手を引かれ、甘酒やお餅などをごちそうになり、凍える冬の寒さを忘れるひとときを過ごすことができます。 秋田県の横手かまくらの歴史と伝統文化 秋田県横手市の横手かまくら祭りには450年もの歴史があります。 江戸時代には鎌倉大明神を祀り、門松を立てお神酒を奉り、しめ縄を燃やすことで無病息災を祈念していました。 商人の間では、小正月行事祭りとして水神様を祀り、繁栄祈願をしました。 今でも伝統としてかまくらの内部の神棚にはろうそくと水神様が祀られている様子が動画の1:33からご覧になることができます。 また、日本のかまくらの歴史や伝統文化について学習するには、秋田県の横手駅から徒歩10分の横手市ふれあいセンターかまくら館がおすすめです。 横手のかまくらが伝統として継承されてきた歴史を展示しているので、イベントをより深く楽しむことができます。 ここでは四季に関係なく、秋田に降った雪で作られたかまくらが展示されています。 横手かまくら体験以外にも多くのイベントが開催 横手かまくら祭りの100基のかまくらの中でろうそくが灯されている景色は幻想的かつインスタ映え間違いなしです。 また、秋田県横手市にはかまくらをモチーフにしたものがたくさんあり、地域の情報を報道するFMかまくらや、秋の横手を自転車で走るかまくらライドといったイベントまであります。 横手かまくらが伝統として地域に根付いている証拠でしょう。 秋田の日本伝統的祭り「横手かまくらの雪まつり」紹介まとめ 今回の動画は秋田の横手かまくらに関する日本伝統の雪祭りについて紹介しました。 日本の雪まつりの中でも歴史と伝統文化のある横手かまくら祭りをぜひ体験してみてください! -
Video article 3:11
Ani Ski Resort in Kita-Akita City Is Attractive for Its Powdery Snow and Ease With Which You Can Ski! Enjoy Skiing Between the Ice Monsters of Mt. Moriyoshi, One of Japan's Three Major Ice-Covered Mountains!
Things to Do- 30 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled " Mt. Moriyoshi , AKITA, JAPAN (Ani Ski Resort)" (Mt.Moriyoshi ,AKITA,JAPAN(阿仁スキー場)), was released by "akitavision." Ani Ski Resort, located on Mt. Moriyoshi in Kita-Akita City, is a popular ski area where you can experience high quality powder snow. On Mt. Moriyoshi, you can see one of Japan's three most beautiful ice tree locations. The ice trees of Mt. Moriyoshi, also called "Ice Monsters," are a fascinating sight. Enjoy an incredible experience skiing through the ice-covered trees created by mother nature. Mt. Moriyoshi has gondolas in operation during summer, mountain climbing, and autumn foliage sightseeing as well, so it's a great place to visit outside of ski season. -
Video article 2:58
Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture - A Town Full of Natural Beauty Nestled in Dewa Sanzan! Tourist Spots, Popular Festivals, and Local Dining; Enjoy the Charm of the Popular Sightseeing Spot Where You Can Get a Taste of Japanese Culture!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 92 plays
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Introducing Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture This video is a sightseeing PR video of Tsuruoka City, in Yamagata Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region, produced by the "Tsuruoka City Tourism Federation." Dewa Sanzan (The Three Mountains of Dewa) refers to the three mountains Mt. Haguro, Mt. Gassan and Mt. Yudono, and has a history of being a mountain for Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism) until the Edo period (1603 to 1868 AD). In the Tsuruoka City area, a town with superb views of Dewa Sanzan, there are many tourist attractions where you can get a taste of Japanese culture. This video introduces foreign tourists traveling around Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, as they explore Dewa Sanzan, Kamo Aquarium, Food Culture, Castle Town Culture, and Hot Springs. Please enjoy the video on the charms of Tsuruoka City. Things to Do Near Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture Photo:Daihokan Tsuruoka City, located on the Sea of Japan side of Yamagata Prefecture, flourished as a castle town of the Shonai Domain during the Edo period. The walking route of Tsuruoka Park (鶴岡公園, Tsuruoka koen), where lays the ruins of Tsurugaoka Castle (鶴ヶ岡城, Tsuruokajyo), and Daihoji Castle (大法寺城跡, Daihoujijo), allows you to experience the castle town culture of Toji. There are also famous places in the city such as Ideha Shrine (出羽神社, Ideha jinja), Yudonosan Shrine (湯殿山神社, Yudonosan jinja), Zenpo Temple (善寳寺, Zenpoji), and Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社, Itsukushima jinja). The Haguro Mountain (羽黒山, Hagurosan) five-storied Pagoda of Dewa Miyama Shrine (出羽三山神社, Dewa Miyama jinja) is a tourist attraction registered as a national treasure. You can see footage overflowing with ancient Japanese culture, at 0:58 in the video. Tsuruoka City Kamo Aquarium (加茂水族館, Kamo suizokukan), known as the world's largest jellyfish aquarium, is a popular hole in the wall spot. Tsuruoka City Kamo Aquarium is introduced at 0:40 in the video. Take a look at the beautiful jellyfish. In addition, the scenic Midagahara Marshland (弥陀ヶ原湿原, Midagahara shitsugen) and Atsumi Hot springs (あつみ温泉, Atsumi Onsen) are 2 more popular tourist attractions. Enjoy Traditional Japanese Culture in Tsuruoka City Source :YouTube screenshot If you're going to Tsuruoka City, then you're looking for a one of a kind experience. At the Togashi Candle Store, you can easily experience Japanese culture through the painting experience of Tsuruoka City's famous painted candles. This is shown at 0:31 of the video, so enjoy the painting experience. The Tsuruoka Tenjin Festival held in May and the Oiyasa Festival held in August are bustling with lively music. By participating in these events, you can enjoy traditional Japanese culture. Footage of one of the festivals can be seen at 1:06 in the video. Dining in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture Photo:Dadacha soybeans In Tsuruoka City, there are many locations where you can enjoy Japanese food culture to your hearts content. We recommend Tsuruoka Ramen, which fresh, local ingredients from the sea and mountains of Tsuruoka City. Speaking of Tsuruoka City's specialties, they also have delicious dadacha soybeans! Dadacha beans grown in the climate of Yamagata Prefecture can be purchased at sightseeing spots, such as a direct market or a roadside station. Summary of Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture The video introduced here is full of the charms of Tsuruoka City. Places like Dewa Sanzan, with its beautiful natural scenery, sightseeing spots around the city, and delicious local cuisine dotted throughout the city. There are a lot of places that we couldn't cover in this article, so be sure to check out the video for a more in depth look at what Tsuruoka City has to offer. We hope you enjoy your trip to Tsuruoka City! -
Video article 6:28
Super beautiful 4K video of the spectacular spring scenery of "Oirase Keiryu" in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture! Super soothing and spectacular video of nature surrounded by fresh greenery with background music!
Travel Nature- 367 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of "Oirase Keiryuu in fresh green" in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture Located in Northern Japan in Towada city, Aomori, Oirase Gorge is a main attraction among Japanese tourist spots. Oirase stream, which has a total length of about 14 km, is blessed with beautiful weather throughout the year, and in the spring, the spray of the clear stream is reflected in the lush greenery. The riversides forest and streams are a paradise for plants and animals, such as wild birds, serows, chars, Tohoku salamanders and other precious flora and fauna. From the moment you step inside, you'll be overwhelmed by the mystique of these woods. This video introduces the beauty of Oirase Gorge’s fresh greenery with a wonderful BGM. It's in 4K, so be sure to enjoy the beautiful footage in full screen. So Many Places to See! Recommended Tourist Spots at Oirase Gorge! Photo:The Fresh Greenery of Oirase Mountain Stream The recommended route of the Oirase River is a trail from the mouth of the Oirase River, which leads from Nenokuchi to the Shimei Gorge and then to Yakeyama. There are mossy benches throughout the trail and you can take some beautiful pictures, perfect for Instagram, especially during spring. On the way from Ishikedo (石ヶ戸の瀬, Ishikedo no se) to Kumoi Falls (雲井の滝, Kumoi no taki), you'll come across a huge rock called Makado (馬門岩, Makadoiwa Rock). The highlight of Oirase stream is the Flow of Ashura(阿修羅の流れ, Ashura no nagare). According to local legends, Ishigedo resthouse, the only rest house along Oirase stream, operated as a base for female bandits long ago. This popular route is perfect for walking as it includes Choshi Falls (銚子大滝, Choshi Oodaki), Nenokuchi water gate (子ノ口の水門, Nenokuchi no suimon), Samidare stream (三乱の流れ, Samidare no nagare), and other amazing views. Oirase Gorge was designated as a place of scenic beauty and a natural monument in 1928, and in 1936, it was designated as Towada National Park. You can see the majestic greenery, waterfalls, and powerful river in the video as well. Food & Access Information for Oirase Gorge Photo:Grilled salted fish At hotels and ryokan around Oirase Gorge, you can enjoy natural hot springs and local dishes using locally grown vegetables and freshly caught trout. One of the most famous hotels is "Hoshino Resort Oirase Keikyu Hotel." At Oirase Gorge's neighborhood facility "Oirase Stream Museum," there's a diorama of Towada Hachimantai, and "Community Land," where you can learn about history and nature. To get to Oirase Gorge, you can take local bus from Aomori airport, Misawa airport, JR Aomori station, JR Misawa station or JR Towada station. You can get more details on the official page for Towada Lake National Park Association. There are different kinds of tours so pick your preference and enjoy your time at Oirase Gorge. Summary of Oirase Gorge Oirase Gorge's source is lake Towada. There are a number of waterfalls and rapids, and you can enjoy the abundant greenery of the surrounding area. The video shows a lot of scenic spots at Oirase Gorge. Feel the beauty of nature even more with the sound of the flowing river which doubles as a BGM. The video shows us the seasonal beauty of Oirase Gorge, so we can enjoy the beauty of spring. If you've watched the video already, I bet you're already packing your bags! 【Official website】Lake Towada National Park Association http://towadako.or.jp/en/ -
Video article 5:45
Enjoy the Spectacular Scenery, Created by the Power of Nature That Can Only Be Found in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture! From Blue Impulse to Oysters, Higashi-Matsushima Has Something for Everyone!
Local PR Travel- 127 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Superb Landscapes and Experiences of Higashimatsushima YouTube screenshot, "The charm of Higashimatsushima!! A promotional video of tourism and products" (東松島の魅力をおとどけ!観光物産のPR動画), was created by “Higashimatsushima tourism and products association” (東松島観光物産協会). It shows the superb landscapes and experiences of Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, in Japan's Tohoku region. Higashimatsushima in Miyagi Prefecture is located to the east of “Matsushima,” which is known as one of the 3 most scenic spots in Japan. It offers a wide variety of sightseeing spots, experiences, and events that allow you to enjoy the powerful panoramic view. This article provides recommendations for places to see and things to do in the Higashimatsushima area of Miyagi Prefecture, as well as travel tips. We're sure you'll find something in Higashimatsushima that catches your eye! About Higashimatsushima Photo:Matsushima Higashimatsushima city is located to the north east of Sendai city in Miyagi Prefecture, between Matsushima city and Ishinomaki city. It is relatively warm for the Tohoku region, and the population is 39,950 (as of May, 2019). Access to Higashimatsushima City is available from Sendai Airport or JR East Sendai Station by car or train. The nearest station convenient for sightseeing is “Nobiru Station” on JR Sengoku line. The closest station to the site is the JR Sengoku Line Nobiru Station, and it is recommended that visitors take a taxi or rent a car. Where to Find the Beautiful Sunsets Shown in the Video Photo:Sagakei Otomegahama in Okumatsushima Higashimatsushima is home to one of Japan's famous "4 Amazing Views," where you can enjoy the spectacular view of the islands in Matsushima Bay. That is, "Otakamori" in Miyato island (宮戸島, Miyatojima), which is introduced at 0:45 in the video. It's an amazing sight, and because the islands are viewed from the mountain peak people say it resembles a miniature garden. The ever-changing evening view from the "Otakamori" is wonderful, and on a clear day, you can enjoy a panoramic view that will make you forget about time. Next, at 1:09 in the video, we're shown that you can take a fishing boat or a sightseeing boat to visit the small islands nearby. Saga Valley (嵯峨渓, Sagakei) is one of the three major valleys in Japan, along with Yaba Valley (耶馬渓, Yabakei) in Oita Prefecture and Geibi Valley (猊鼻渓, Geibikei) in Iwate Prefecture. There are several small islands such as Ashika island (アシカ島, Ashikajima), Megane cape (メガネ崎, Meganezaki), Misago island (みさご島, Misagojima), and Meoto island (夫婦島, Meotojima), which were created by the rough waves of the Pacific Ocean over a long period of time, and Byoubu rock (屏風岩, Byoubuiwa), which is a dynamic rock formation eroded by rough waves, wind, and rain. Enjoy the Cuisine of Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture Photo:Fresh oyster dishes There are seven fishing ports in Higashimatsushima city, so there's no shortage of quality seafood. Particularly well known is the nori (seaweed), which has been presented to the imperial family many times, and the oysters, which grow large and rich in flavor in just a year thanks to the abundance of food available. Nori is processed into a variety of products such as dried seaweed, grilled seaweed, seasoned seaweed, Udon noodles, dressings, and more. Oysters are shipped from Higashimatsushima to other fisheries across Japan as seed oysters. Therefore, it is called the hometown of oysters. There are many places where oysters are processed and seed oysters are grown. They are shown from 1:43 in the video. After sightseeing, enjoy fresh seafood and delicious gourmet dishes such as "Higashimatsushima Nori Udon," which is a type of udon noodles with a seaweed flavor. Enjoy the Sights and Experiences Unique to Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture! Photo:Blue Impulse There are about 70 shell-mounds along the coast of the rich Matsushima sea. Among them, “Satohama shell mound”(里浜貝塚, Satohamakaizuka) in Miyatojima in Higashimatsushima city is one of the biggest in Japan. “The Historical Museum of the Jomon Village Okumatsushima” displays excavated articles from “Satohamakaizuka”. We recommend that you try your hand at making a fire or other Jomon experiences when you visit. You can see this at 2:56 in the video. You can also experience popular activities utilizing the rich nature of Higashimatsushima. Board a fishing boat, try your hand at cage fishing or sea kayaking and enjoy the natural beauty of Higashimatsushima's marine activities. Higashi Matsushima is also home to the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force's Matsushima Base, which is home to Blue Impulse, the only squadron of the Air Self-Defense Force whose mission is to fly exhibitions. Exercises over the base are a familiar sight, and if you call in advance, you can tour the inside of the base. In August, the "Air Festival" (航空祭, Koukusai) event is held. It features the skilled acrobatics of Blue Impulse. The heart-shaped smoke art that colors the skies of Higashimatsushima City is definitely Instagram-worthy. Fans from all over Japan come to the event. Be sure not to miss it!. You can check it out at 3:49 in the video. The "Higashi-Matsushima City Naruseryuto Fireworks Festival," which has been held more than 90 times, the "Higashi-Matsushima Summer Festival," which includes a show by Blue Impulse, a drum and fife parade by children, and the "Yatsutaka Mikoshi (portable shrine)," which is crowded with people who want to experience local culture, all take place during the summer. These festivals are shown from 4:19 in the video. Other Things to See in Higashimatsushima There are still many more tourist spots in Higashimatsushima that weren't introduced in the video. They are: Otakamori observatory (大高森展望台, Otakamoritenboudai), KIBOCHA (a Disaster prevention facility), Higashimatsushima city 3.11 Disaster Recovery Memorial Museum, Yamoto Kaihin Ryokuchi (矢本海浜緑地), The Historical Museum of Jomon Village OkuMatsushima, Tsukihama coast (月浜海岸, Tsukihamakaigan), Nobiru coast (野蒜海岸, Nobirukaigan), Old Nobiru Station, and Rikuzen Otsuka Station. There are also a number of hot spring inns and hotels, so you don't have to worry about lodging for overnight trips. Summary of Sightseeing in Higashimatsushima YouTube screenshot, "The charm of Higashimatsushima!! A promotional video of tourism and products," introduces the unique appeal of Higashimatsushima. Watch this video to discover the good balance of scenery, experiences, and food, all packed inside Higashimatsuyama. In this article, we followed along with the video to show you how to get to Higashimatsushima, as well as its food, sights and activities. We hope that through this article, you'll be inspired to visit Higashimatsushima, a little-known tourist destination in Japan's Tohoku region. 【Official Website】Higashimatsushima City Hall website https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=ja&tl=en&u=//www.city.Higashimatsushima.miyagi.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】 Higashimatsushima city https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1023416-Higashimatsushima_Miyagi_Prefecture_Tohoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:35
Aizu Paper Mache Akabeko - With Its Impressive Bright Red Coloring, This 400-Year-Old Folk Art of Aizu, Fukushima Is a Craft That Clearly Shows the Craftsman's Attention To Detail
Traditional Crafts Celebrities- 538 plays
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Aizu Hariko: A Traditional Handicraft of Aizu, Fukushima This video (TOHOKU STANDARD 03 FUKUSHIMA PREFECTURE AIZU HARIKO) was created by “Tohoku STANDARD” and introduces the craftsmen of “Aizu hariko,” a traditional craft that the Aizu region of Fukushima, the birthplace of Akabeko, is proud of. Aizu paper mache is a traditional Japanese craft, local toy, and folk art. During the Warring States Period (1467 to 1573 AD), Gamo Ujisato, the lord of Aizu in the northeastern region of Japan, Fukushima Prefecture, who served Hideyoshi Toyotomi, invited puppeteers from Kyoto to learn the techniques of puppeteering, which he then used to help promote the industry among the common people. In front of Aizuwakamatsu station, there is a huge Akabeko, a traditional craft, local toy, and folk art that has taken root in the area. It is said that the reason why Akabeko is so popular in Aizu is because of the legend of "Akabeko," a herd of red-haired cows that helped rebuild the main building of Enzoji Temple (円蔵寺, Enzoji), home to one of the three major Ākāśagarbha (Bodhisattva of the void) statues in Japan, built approximately 1,200 years ago, which has been passed down through generations. In this video, two craftsmen of Aizu paper mache talk about the history, tradition, and their commitment to the craft. The beauty of the bright red Aizu paper mache is truly an art! Enjoy the beauty of Aizu paper mache! Aizu Paper Mache: Traditional Crafts, Folk Crafts, and Local Toys Source :YouTube screenshot Hariko (paper mache), is formed by attaching paper or other materials to a frame made of bamboo or wood, and is also known as "haribote" in Japanese. The floats of the famous "Nebuta Festival" are also made using this technique. The art of paper mache began in China in the 2nd century and was introduced to Asia and other countries thereafter. Folk art and local toys made of paper mache can be found all over Japan: "Rokuhara paper mache" in Iwate Prefecture, "Sendai paper mache" in Miyagi Prefecture, "Miharu paper mache" and "Inu paper mache" in Fukushima Prefecture, and "Yamagata paper mache" in Yamagata Prefecture. "Yohana" in Tochigi Prefecture, "Takasaki Maneki Neko" in Gunma Prefecture, "Kawagoe Daruma" in Saitama Prefecture, "Edo Inu paper mache" in Tokyo, " Hamamatsu paper mache" in Shizuoka Prefecture, "Paper Plastic Doll" in Toyama Prefecture, " Kobe Suma Macheko" in Hyogo Prefecture, "Dorakukan Kobo" in Okayama Prefecture, "Miyajima Macheko" in Hiroshima Prefecture, "Takamatsu Miyauchi paper mache" in Kagawa Prefecture, " Paper mache Whale Cars" in Kochi Prefecture, and "Tosa Washi" in Kochi Prefecture, “Plaster paper mache” in Okinawa Prefecture. Aizu Hariko is characterized by its bright red coloring, and is mainly made in prayer for child-rearing, good luck, thriving business, and to bring a good harvest. The two Aizu Hariko artisans in the interview in this video are the writer "Toyorin" of "Nozawa Folk Crafts" and his daughter "Minako Hayakawa." "There used to be about 30 Akabeko paper mache craftsmen, but they all had different shapes and made the same thing for 50 years," says Toyorin (0:33). However, from 1:48 of the video, Minako Hayakawa said, "Although it's necessary to inherit the parts that need to be inherited, but it is also important to innovate and make something that fits people's tastes if you want to survive. While certain things may change, the fundamentals remain the same." The interviews convey the struggle of the artisans to preserve tradition, but also their struggle to breathe new life into it due to practical issues such as the lack of successors and the decline of tradition. How Aizu Hariko Are Made Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, on top of the interview, we see the making of Akabeko at 0:31 in the video. In this article, we'll go over the steps of how to make a common Akabeko paper mache. Be sure to take a look at their delicate craftsmanship as you follow along. Materials: paper, soil, wood, straw, bamboo. 1. A wooden mold is shaped, and a number of sheets of Japanese paper are pasted to it with glue and dried. (Video: 0:31-) 2. When the glue dries, the back and belly are opened with a small knife and the wooden mold is removed. 3. After the wooden mold is removed, Japanese paper is pasted over the mold again and re-coated with a special paint. 4. A top coat of red dye or similar material is used to apply the color. (Video: 0:53-) 5. Patterns are then drawn on the surface with ink. (Video: 1:26-) 6. Finally, the head is attached and it's finished. (Video: 1:45-) The completed red Akabeko can be seen at 1:22. They're truly masterpieces! Aizu Paper Mache Source :YouTube screenshot Nozawa Folk Crafts introduced in this video, deals with various products. The new colorful folk craft, "wish balls," introduced at 0:02 in the video, were made to aid in the recovery from the 2011 triple disaster. There are various types of paper mache toys, "zodiac paper mache," which are paper mache tinctures shaped like the animals of the Chinese zodiac, such as rats and boars, and which bob their heads back and forth to bring good luck. Many different varieties are sold every year. In the year of the dog in 2018, the "Zarukaburi Dog" (A dog wearing a basket on its head) was very popular. There's "Matryoshka" toys reminiscent of babushka dolls, with eggs inside chicks, inside chickens, "Wedding Koboshi," "Okiagari-koboshi," "Aizu Tenjin," "Fukkomaru" and "Fukumasu," made to aid in the recovery of the 2011 triple disaster, as well as Akabeko, Fukubeko, Senryo-beko, Okame, and Hyottoko masks. These are just some of the different types of Aizu paper mache. These products can also be purchased via Amazon or Rakuten online shopping websites. In Yanaizu, the birthplace of Akabeko, you can see Akabeko everywhere in the city. At the "Rest House Hotto in Yanaizu," you can try your hand at painting in a special space inside the building. Why not try your hand at making your own original Akabeko? Summary of Aizu Paper Mache This traditional craft has been handed down in Japan for a long time, and the craftsmen are very particular about their work and their struggle to pass it on to the next generation. This article and video were just a small look into the world of Aizu Hariko Craftsmen. You can see from the video that the long-loved craft is made by the amazing skills of passionate craftsmen. We hope that this traditional Japanese craft will continue to be passed on for many years. 【Official Website】Nozawa Folk Crafts http://www.nozawa-mingei.com/index.html -
Video article 2:15
The Beautiful Shine of Tamamushi Lacquer Ware Is Sure to Captivate You! The Lacquer Ware, Born in Sendai, Miyagi, Was Made Into the Official Product of the Olympics and It's a Popular Choice for Tourists From Abroad. Come Check It Out!
Traditional Crafts- 97 plays
- YouTube
Sendai, Miyagi's Traditional Craft- "Tamamushi Lacquerware" This promotional video titled, "Tamamushi Lacquerware, a Traditional Craft of Miyagi Prefecture"(宮城県指定伝統的工芸品「玉虫塗」), introduces "Tamamushi Lacquerware" a traditional craft of Sendai. It was created by TohokuKogei Showroom. The video lasts for only about two-minutes, so it is perfect for those who want to quickly get to know the history and process of Tamamushi Lacquerware. This article will give you the detailed information on the history of, and facts about Tamamushi Lacquerware alongside the video. Tamamushi Lacquerware is produced in Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture which is located in Japan’s Tohoku Region; it has a wide range of contemporary products that are sure to please foreign visitors. A Tamamushi Lacquer keepsake box was introduced as an official product of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Appreciate the beauty and master craftsmanship behind Tamamushi Lacquerware, the renowned traditional artwork of Japanese culture, through the video. The History of Tamamushi Lacquerware Source :YouTube screenshot Tamamushi Lacquerware is produced in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region. It's very unique, and its stunning glazed finish resulted in it being named "Tamamushi (Jewel beetle)” since they reflect light in the same way a jeweled beetle’s wings do. Tamamushi Phoenix Maki-e (0:11) is another highly regarded type of art. The origin of Tamamushi Lacquerware dates back to a time when they were developed as “exports” at the National Tohoku Craftworks Institute in Sendai in 1932. “TohokuKogei” acquired the patent license in 1939 and has continued creation since. In 1985, Tamamushi lacquer ware was designated as a Miyagi Traditional Craft. Many products with modern designs, such as tumblers and wine glasses, are popular as Japanese souvenirs for visitors to Japan and have become part of Japanese life as a specialty of Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. The Production Process of Tamamushi Lacquerware Source :YouTube screenshot Just like other lacquerware, The production process of Sendai's Tamamushi Lacquerware begins with making the foundations; they apply lacquer, then polish the lacquerware over and over until the surface is incredibly smooth. Silver dust is spread on a base coating of lacquerware, followed by a coating of colorful red and green lacquer. This process of repeated polishing is what makes it possible for lacquerware to emit it's unique, beautiful gloss. When the lacquer dries, light reflects through the silver underneath. The video shows a craftman spreading silver powder on lacquerware and polishing them. You can also see burgundy-colored lacquer being sprayed on lacquerware at 1:07. The Price and Product Lines of Tamamushi Lacquerware Source :YouTube screenshot Their wide range of products includes trays, vases, teacups, and music boxes, and there are also small hand mirrors, bookmarks, chopsticks, ballpoint pens, and fountain pens. The finished products can be viewed at 1:57. A large metal vase costs at least 80,000 yen, but hand mirrors and chopsticks are quite affordable and make great gifts. They are 1,200 yen and 800 yen respectively. They also launched a collaboration item with the popular Pokemon, Lapras, in 2019. TohokuKogei, introduced in the video, has a showroom in Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. You can purchase regular items and new items such as processed glassware there. Summary- Attractions of Tamamushi Lacquerware- This video shows the production process and techniques of lacquerware, as well as the natural surroundings of Sendai. If you are interested in the world of Japanese traditional lacquerware, which shines like the wings of a jewel beetle, definitely don't miss this video! 【Official Website】The Head Office of “Tamamushi Lacquerware,” TohokuKogei http://www.t-kogei.co.jp/en/ -
Video article 1:51
Nanbu Tekki Ironware Has Over 400 Years History, Can Be Used for Life, and Is a Very Popular Item Among Foreigners! It Also Acts as an Iron Supplement and Is Good for Your Health. Let’s Take a Look at the Traditional Japanese Product from Morioka, Iwate Prefecture!
Traditional Crafts- 200 plays
- Vimeo
An Introduction to Nanbu Tekki ironware This video, made by Tohoku STANDARD (東北STANDARD), is titled "Tohoku STANDARD 05 Nanbu Tekki ironware" (東北STANDARD 05 岩手県 南部鉄器). In the video, we introduce you to Nanbu Tekki ironware through an interview with Hisao Iwashimizu, an ironworker from Kukan Chuzo Studio. Enjoy the historic, traditional Japanese craft shown in the video! What is Nanbu Tekki ironware? Source :YouTube screenshot Nanbu Tekki ironware is an ironware with more than 400 years of history. Both ironware from Mizusawa, Iwate Prefecture and ironware from Morioka, Iwate Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region are called Nanbu Tekki ironware. Each has its own history. What we call ‘Nanbu Tekki ironware’ nowadays, is actually the name used in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture. It is said that ironware started around the time Lord Nanbu of Morioka built Morioka Castle in the Keicho Period (around 1600). There are many Nanbu Tekki ironware products such as pots, cauldrons, wind chimes, candle stick holders, tea kettles, frying pans and kettles. The most famous ones are iron tea kettles used in tea ceremony. It is said that these iron kettles originated when the 28th lord of the Nanbu domain, Shigenao Nanbu , invited Nizaemon Kiyotaka Koizumi of Kyoto to make a chagama with high quality iron. As it was initially used as a tea cauldron, there was no spout nor handle at its conception. After many improvements, the current unique style of tea kettles with a spout and handle was born. It can be seen from 0:47 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot By using Nanbu Tekki ironware, you can supplement your iron intake which most people tend to be deficient in. Supplementing iron helps in recovery from stiff shoulders, and, as you probably guessed, prevents iron deficiencies. One benefit of boiling tap water in Nanbu Tekki ironware is that most of the chlorine is removed in the process. During World War II, development of arms was given the highest priority and Nanbu Tekki ironware faced a crisis as the production became prohibited in Iwate Prefecture. After the war, it made a comeback, and it was given the status of a "National Traditional Craft" in 1975. How to Make Nanbu Tekki Ironware Source :YouTube screenshot Be sure to follow along from the start of the video! Step 1. Mold cutting Create a wooden mold. Step 2. Pattern pressing Before the casting mold dries, use a tool such as a spatula to draw patterns such as hailstones, tortoiseshells, pine trees, cherry trees, flying dragons, or hills and water. Step 3. Heating the mold Bake the casting mold at 1,400°C with charcoal. Source :YouTube screenshot Step 4. Melting Increase the temperature of the blasting furnace from 1,400 degrees to 1,500 degrees. Pour the melted iron into the casting mold. Source :YouTube screenshot Step 5. Oven bake (~1:17) Take the ironware out of the casting mold and bake it in the oven with charcoal at 800 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Step 6. Coloring/Finishing Using sandpaper, make the surface of the iron kettle smooth. To finish, apply Ohaguro - an iron acetate solution mixed with tea to make it shiny. Summary of Nanbu Tekki Ironware Source :YouTube screenshot At 0:41 in the video, iron worker Hisao Iwashimizu says "I want to recreate the history of Nanbu Tekki ironware as a simple everyday tool." From 0:52 in the video, he also says, "I have launched a product called Yakihada Migaki, where I shave the ironware that has come out of the mold and make it into the form I have in mind." He explains in the interview that he is creating products that have never been made in the history of Nanbu Tekki ironware. If you're interested in Nanbu Tekki ironware after watching the video, be sure to check out Nanbu Tekki ironware online. You can purchase it at online shops such as Rakuten. Popular Nanbu Tekki ironware products are from the long-established Iwachu Nanbu ironware, Kamasada, Suzuki Morihisa Kobo and Oigen. Their products are priced from a few thousand Yen (Tens of dollars). Nowadays, they make new products such as IH compatible ironware, rice cookers using Nanbu Tekki ironware, and colored iron tea kettles (~1:42). You may wonder what happens if it gets rusty. With Nanbu Tekki ironware, you can still use it even if it rusts a little. As long as you look after it, you should be able to use it for life. Be sure to take a look at the video on Nanbu Tekki ironware. It's very popular among people both inside and outside of Japan. 【Official Website】IWACHU Nanbu ironware| Iwachu K.K. Iwachu Morioka, the home of Nanbu Tekki ironware https://iwachu.co.jp/ 【Official Website】Kamasada Nobuho Miya | designshop https://www.designshop-jp.com/japan-onlineshop/ -
Video article 4:35
The Sannai-Maruyama Site, a special historic site in Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture, is one of the largest Jomon Period ruins in Japan! Enjoy the historical romance in this video packed with highlights!
History- 159 plays
- YouTube
Special Historic Site "Sannai-Maruyama Ruins" in Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture Video Introduction "[Aomori's Charm] The Special Historic Site: Sannai Maruyama Site - Truth Underground- Romance Above Ground(【青森の魅力】特別史跡三内丸山遺跡 - 地下に真実 地上にロマン)" is a video produced by "marugotoaomori". Introduced here is a large-scale photograph of a settlement in Aomori Prefecture from Japan's Jomon period. It is a wonderful tourist attraction where you can learn about the history of the village, as well as various artifacts and events. This article introduces the charm of the special historical site Sannai Maruyama. What is Sannai Maruyama? Photo:Sannai Maruyama site The special historical site, Sannai Maruyama, is located in Aomori city, Aomori prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region, and is the largest site remaining from Japan's Jomon period (14000 BC to 400 BC). It is a large-scale settlement from the early to middle Jomon period, about 5,900 to 4,200 years ago. It is said that Jomon people had been settled here for about 1,000 years. You can also see the reconstructed buildings such as the large pit building and the large pillar building, which help picture life in the Jomon period. You can see these buildings from 0:41 in the video. In addition to the restored building, you can also see various excavated artifacts such as earthenware, clay figurines, as well as accessories that would have been indispensable to those living at that time. There are restaurants and shops too, so you can enjoy a variety of different things if you feel like taking a break. Access is about 20 minutes by car from JR Aomori Station, and about 30-40 minutes by municipal bus. The entrance fee is 410 yen for the general public, 200 yen for high school and university students, and free for junior high school students and younger (* as of April 2020). Sannai Maruyama's Reconstructed Pillar Building Source :YouTube screenshot The restored large-scale pillar building that can be seen from 1:08 in the video is a building with a height of about 15m, and features huge columns. It was built by burying a chestnut tree in a large hole roughly 2m in diameter. The distance between the pillars is carefully measured at 4.2m, and the unit of length is 35cm. The intended use is unknown and encased in mystery, but a volunteer guide says that it was used as a viewing tower, lighthouse, or temple. It is said that the height at the time of the Jomon period was higher than the restored building's 15m, and was probably closer to 20m. The Sannai Maruyama Site, a special historic site, has various remains in addition to the six pillar building. You can see the ruins of a pit-type dwelling, which is said to have been inhabited by ordinary residents, and the ruins of a stilt-pillar building that was likely to have been a stilt-type building (a stilt-type warehouse). You can also visit the inside of a large-sized pit building that was probably used as a joint workshop and gathering venue. This can be seen in the video from 1:00. One of the highlights of the site is the ring stone tomb, which is said to be that of the head of the village. Highlights of the Sannai Maruyama Archaeological Site Source :YouTube screenshot At the Sanmaru Museum, Jomon Amusement Park and Sannai Maruyama Archeological Site in the Jomon Hill Sannai Maruyama-Mahoroba Park that can be seen from 2:11, you can see about 1,700 relics excavated from the special historical site on display. You can see ornaments such as hooks, fish bones and earrings. We can imagine that the Jomon people had a developed culture, such as using various tools to cultivate and procure food, as well as cook and decorate themselves with accessories. Summary of Sannai Maruyama Source :YouTube screenshot "[Aomori's Charm] The Special Historic Site: Sannai Maruyama Site - Truth Underground- Romance Above Ground" produced by "marugotoaomori" is a video introducing the special historical site Sannai Maruyama in Aomori City. There are plenty of places to look out for, such as the 15-meter tall reconstructed building that was likely used as a lookout tower and a watching tower. It is a must-see spot for history buffs because you can see various archaeological sites and excavated treasures! ◆Sannai-Maruyama's facility outline◆ 【Address】305 Sannai Maruyama, Aomori, Aomori Prefecture, 038-0031 【Access】 About 20 minutes by car from JR Aomori Station 【Operating Hours】From 9:00 to 17:00 【Closed Day】4th Monday of every month 【Parking Facilities】500 spaces 【Telephone No】017-766-8282 【Entrance fee】410 yen, 200 yen for high school and college students, free for junior high school students and younger (as of April 2020) 【Official Website】Special Historic Site "Sannai Maruyama" https://sannaimaruyama.pref.aomori.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Sannai Maruyama Site https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298241-d324336-Reviews-Sannai_Maruyama_Site-Aomori_Aomori_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 1:03
Yonezawa Uesugi Festival" in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture is like stepping back in time to the battlefields of the Warring States Period. The powerful sound of real flintlock rifles being fired resonates in the core of the body!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 161 plays
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Yonezawa Uesugi Festival" in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture, Video Introduction The video we'll be introducing this time is "Demonstration of Real Matchlock Guns" (本物の火縄銃の発砲実演), which as it's title suggests, demonstrates the firing of matchlock guns. The matchlock is one of the firearms that was introduced to Japan during the age of civil wars (c. 1467 to 1615). The matchlock is a smoothbore muzzleloader. The ignition method is classified as a matchlock type due to firing mechanism. When fired, the fuse comes into contact with a black powder propellant, thus igniting it and causing the gun to fire. The history of guns in Japan begins with the matchlock gun invented in Europe in 1543 that first landed in Tanegashima of Kyushu's Kagoshima Prefecture. Because of this it was referred to as a Tanegashima Gun or just "Tanegashima." According to the "Teppoki" an Edo Period (1603 to 1868 AD) account of the history of guns in Japan, Sengoku military commander Tokitaka Tanegashima adopted matchlock guns immediately after seeing a demonstration of their power, and soon after, matchlock guns spread throughout the rest of Japan. After its introduction, the design was improved upon, becoming a flash type matchlock using a spring as a trigger to improve accuracy. The History and Characteristics of the Matchlock Photo:A matchlock ashigaru squad The firearm before the matchlock was a touch-hole typethat was manually ignited by touching a flame to the ignition port, but a serpentine lock type that was operated with an S-shaped metal fitting was devised. In addition to that, a stock was added, and a matchlock gun was completed. The match lock system that was invented after that improved upon its range and power, and transformed it into a flint lock system that ignites by striking a flint rock. Comparing a museum matchlock with modern rifles, one of the things that stands out the most is the shape around the grip, which is very different. Therefore, it is said that the firing method was to shoot with the elbow stretched out instead of firing with the butt of the gun in one's shoulder. Oda Nobunaga, who held influence over the entire country during the Azuchi-Momoyama era, used the matchlock on the battlefield, and defeated the Takeda army at the famous battle of battle of Nagashino. The firing speed, which is a weak point of the matchlock gun, was made practical by forming teams of firing squads which led to Nobunaga's victory. During the Edo period, the shogunate restricted the possession of matchlock guns. Technology was stagnant due the national isolation policy that had been implemented by Japan's government, and new guns weren't introduced until the end of the Edo period at which point matchlock guns had become obsolete. Types of Matchlocks Photo:A matchlock In Japan, matchlock guns are categorized according to the weight of the ball they use, the place of production, and the school. Depending on the weight of the bullet, a matchlock is placed in either the small cylinder, medium cylinder, large cylinder, or large gun category. The production areas include Kunitomo Tsutsu, Sakai Tsutsu, Hino Tsutsu, Tosa Tsutsu, Satsuma Tsutsu, and more. Replicas made by safe gun makers are used in marksman competitions. Even in many Western countries, Japanese-style matchlock guns are used in quite a few tournaments. They are also sold to individuals, but they usually do not disclose prices and require you to contact them regarding any inquiries. In addition, even if you do not compete in competitions, you will need to register possession of one because it is subject to the regulations regarding possession of guns and swords. A Firing Demonstration at the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival held in Yamagata Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region is one of the events where a matchlock demonstration is performed. The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival is a historic festival that has been held since 1965, and it is an annual festival held at the Uesugi Shrine, which enshrines the Uesugi family's ancestor, Uesugi Kenshin, as well as at Matsugasaki Shrine that enshrines Uesugi Yozan, Uesugi Kagekatsu, and Naoe Kanetsugu. On the final day of this event, you will be able to see a matchlock gun demonstration performed by 700 performers wearing armor, divided into the Uesugi and Takeda armies, and imitating the battle of Kawanakajima. A standing performer fires from 0:43 in the video, followed by crouching performers from 0:48, and finally from 0:56 we see a performer firing from the prone position. Summary of the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Source :YouTube screenshot In this article we introduced the history and evolution of the matchlock gun. Did you like it? In the video, you can see a rare demonstration of the powerful matchlocks, so if you still haven't checked it out yet, we recommend giving it a watch! If you're interested in this kind of Japanese history, consider a trip to see the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival! -
Video article 3:47
Enjoy a luxurious moment with a view of Matsushima, one of the three most scenic spots in Japan, from the open-air bath at the "Matsushima Ichinobo" resort hot spring hotel in Matsushima-cho, Miyagi Prefecture.
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 55 plays
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松島の絶景を満喫できる「松島一の坊」紹介動画 こちらの動画は「【公式】松島温泉湯元松島一の坊」が公開した「【公式】松島一の坊ロングムービー」です。 日本三景のひとつである宮城県松島のリゾートホテル・松島一の坊を紹介しています。 宮城県松島町にある松島一の坊は、夫婦の記念日・家族での旅行・気軽な女子旅などに合わせた豊富なプラン、最寄りの松嶋駅からの無料送迎バス、見所満載の館内施設など、おもてなしの魅力が詰まったリゾート温泉施設。 くつろぎの和室や和ツインのほか、ワンランク上の旅を楽しめるリゾートツインや半露天風呂付の温泉を満喫できるお部屋もご用意されています。 宮城県松島町にある「松島一の坊」の温泉 展望露天風呂「八百八島」「五大観」からは宮城県が誇る松島を一望でき、特に日の出を眺めながらの入浴がおすすめ。 アルカリ性泉質の松島温泉は、美肌や冷え性改善の効能があります。 日帰り温泉としての利用も可能で、気軽にリゾートを体験できます。 宮城県松島町にある「松島一の坊」でいただく食事 1:02から紹介している松島一の坊のレストラン「料理長厨房ビュッフェ青海波」では、目の前で調理の様子を見ることができるライブ感あるビュッフェを提供。 主に宮城県内の地産地消の食材を利用し、前菜やメインディッシュ、スイーツまでを、ワインセラーに保管された豊富な種類のワインと共にいただけます。 温泉やディナーの後は毎日開催されている無料イベント「月夜のラウンジコンサート」で、動画2:24のような夜のリゾートタイムを楽しんでくださいね。 宮城県松島町にある「松島一の坊」のアクティビティとリラクゼーション 宮城県松島湾を借景とした水上庭園、併設された藤田喬平ガラス美術館、夏季限定のガーデンプール、ショッピングを楽しめるガラスミュージアムショップやセレクトショップ「海の色」などの豊富なアクティビティも魅力の宮城県・松島一の坊。 また、松島一の坊は庭がSPAになっており、温泉の大浴場、岩塩岩盤浴、サウナ、マッサージエステ(もみほぐし処、あしもみ屋)など、リラクゼーションを満喫できます。 宮城県松島町にある「松島一の坊」紹介動画まとめ 国内屈指の絶景を眺めながらくつろぎのリゾートタイムを過ごせる宮城県・松島一の坊。 内湯や露天風呂などの温泉、スパやアクティビティなど、大事な人との思い出に残る過ごし方ができるホテルです。 オールインクルーシブアクティビティを満喫できる宮城県・松島一の坊にぜひ足を運んでみてくださいね。 -
Video article 8:15
Enjoy Autumn Leaves and Hot Springs at Popular Sightseeing Spots in Japan's Tohoku Region! Heal in the Scenic Hot Springs of Hachimantai, a Place in Akita and Iwate Prefectures Loved by Many!
Travel Nature- 56 plays
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秋田・岩手の観光スポット「八幡平の紅葉」の動画について/h2> 「JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC」が公開した「JG 4K 秋田/岩手 八幡平の紅葉 Akita/Iwate Hachimantai」は、秋田・岩手の自然の景色を見られる八幡平を紹介している動画です。 八幡平の雄大な自然の中で楽しめる温泉や紅葉が紹介されています。 秋田・岩手の観光スポットの八幡平とは? 秋田・岩手の観光スポットの八幡平は、奥羽山脈北部にある山郡です。 日本百名山に選ばれている八幡平は、手軽な登山・ハイキング・トレッキングコースを楽しめる名所。 1956年には十和田八幡平国立公園に指定され、多くの観光客が訪れる人気のスポットです。 八幡平は、広い高原に火山起源の小さなピークや無数の沼、湿原が点在します。 9千~5千年前に発生した水蒸気爆発によって出来た火口に水がたまり、「めがね沼」「八幡沼」「ガマ沼」といった火山沼が形成されました。 また、八幡平は素晴らしい宿泊施設が充実しています。 「マウンテンホテル」「八幡平ハイツ」「ロイヤルホテル」などがおすすめ。 ホテルで温泉やグルメを楽しみ、充実した旅行にしましょう。 秋田・岩手の観光エリアである八幡平の人気スポット 数多くの見どころがある八幡平ですが、アスピーテラインの紅葉は外せません。 全国でも有数の美しさを誇る紅葉を堪能できます。 ゴルフを楽しみたい人には「八幡平カントリークラブ」。 日帰り登山を楽しみたい人は「八幡平山」。 鏡沼の雪解けの変わった風景を見られる「八幡平ドラゴンアイ」。 美しい花々を鑑賞したい人は「お花畑」がおすすめ。 ほかにも、「藤助森」「源太森」「見返り峠」「安比高原」「八幡平樹海ライン」「岩手山焼走り溶岩流」など見どころがたくさんあります。 秋田・岩手の観光スポット「八幡平の紅葉」の記事のまとめ 温泉、紅葉、登山とさまざまな魅力がある八幡平。 温泉や紅葉を楽しむのはもちろん、気軽に登れる登山はおすすめ。 八幡平登山口ルートや茶臼岳登山口ルートは初心者におすすめのルートなので、ぜひ挑戦してみてください! -
Video article 1:53
A Comfortable Skiing Experience Down the Powdery Slopes of Minowa Ski Resort in Fukushima Prefecture! After a Day of Skiing, Enjoy Bathing in the Hot Springs and Dinner at a Resort Hotel!
Things to Do- 23 plays
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This video, titled "[Production Results] Minowa ski resort PR video" (【制作実績】箕輪スキー場 PR映像), was produced by "CLAYSYSYS Inc." (株式会社CLAYSYS). Minowa ski resort in Inawashiro, Fukushima Prefecture, is a popular spot where you can enjoy the finest powdery slopes. The appeal of the Minowa ski resort is that its base area is over 1,000 meters above sea level and it gets a ton of snowfall. It's hard to find a ski resort that's open from November to Golden Week (in May) in Japan. Hotel Premiere Minowa, located next to the Minowa ski resort, is a resort for skiers in winter and a summer retreat in summer. After a day of skiing, you can spend a relaxing time in the Minowa soft water baths and try ion therapy to relax your body. -
Video article 3:13
Autumn Leaves in Hakkoda, Aomori - The Reflection of This Beautiful Red Foliage Is Poetic
Nature- 597 plays
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Tourist Information for Viewing the Autumn Colors in Hakkoda and the Tsugaru Plains in Aomori This tourism promotional video (made by JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC) highlights the renowned autumn foliage in Hakkoda. Although Japan boasts many scenic sites to practice the traditional autumn foliage viewing, one of the 100 most beautiful Japanese mountains, Mt.Hakkoda has been very popular for the viewing of autumn colors in the countryside. The breathtaking view of autumn foliage reflected on the lake surface attracts a great number of visitors. The video navigates us through the beauty of autumn-colored Hakkoda which often appears on well-known travel sites or TV programs, and also has been a regular winner of the ranking of places in Japan to see autumn colors. Autumn leaves are best seen on a sunny day. The sunlight makes the red and yellow leaves shine. Winter comes early up in the north in Aomori. Such meteorological conditions give leaves vibrant colors. The video captures the spectacular color display in Hakkoda. Hakkoda: From Hot Springs to Beautiful Autumn Foliage Photo:Kenashitai Wetlands dyed in autumn colors Some hiking trails are maintained in Hakkoda so that hikers can take in the splendid autumn color display in the clear air, or enjoy the sounds of walking through the deciduous forests on a carpet of fallen leaves. Aomori Prefecture features many renowned hot springs. Staying at an Onsen Ryokan located in the area such as Sugayu Onsen (a very charming old-fashioned onsen hotel), Jogakura Onsen, or Tsuta Onsen will make your trip even more special. The recommended hiking route is an excellent 5-hour circular walking trail that starts and ends at Sugayu Onsen. The route takes you up to Mt. Otake and leads to the vast marshlands of Kenashitai. As plenty of visitors are expected during the peak of the autumn colors, it is better to book your room in advance. The Best Sightseeing Spots in Hakkoda Source :YouTube screenshot Aomori is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. When it gets a color makeover from the autumn foliage, places like Mt. Hakkoda, Oirase Gorge, Zenkojidaira, Mutsu Bay or Jyogakura Oohashi are filled with tourists hunting for vibrant colors. Look at the breathtaking autumn vistas at Jigokunuma starting at 0:50! The red tinge with yellow, and vivid orange hues.... The stunningly beautiful color display is made mainly of Beech, Japanese rowan trees (nanakamado) and maple trees. "Tsutanuma Lake" (from 1:20 -) laying at the foot of Mt. Hakkoda is a hidden gem of the area. With the red leaves floating on the water, the lake has a mysterious beauty. The image of Lake Towada reflecting the mountains of autumn colors on its surface (from 1:42) is something you never get tired of looking at it. This explains why it is a photographers' dream destination. The symbolic scenery of the turning of autumn leaves contrasted with the water's surface is a magnet that pulls tourists back to this location. A Walk in the Sky With Hakkoda Ropeway Photo:Mt. Hakkoda, Ropeway The nighttime illumination during the autumn season allows visitors to admire the colors of autumn foliage from the sky until late hours. The approximately 10-minute sky walk in a gondola takes you up to the summit of Mt. Tamoyashidake offering you a look out of the colorful autumn mountains. Road Trip Information to Hakkoda in Autumn Photo:Autumn Leaves at Hakkoda Mountain Autumn foliage in the Tohoku region typically peaks from the beginning to the end of October. The route twisting through the mountains gives travelers a diverse views of the autumn leaves. From JR Aomori station, it takes about an hour to drive to Hakkoda. There is some parking in the area. Summary : 360° Panorama View From the Summit of Hakkoda - 4k Video of Autumn Colors Hakkoda is crowded with both domestic and international tourists in the autumn season, so we recommend checking traffic information and accommodation availability provided by the tourist information websites. Enjoy the video of the majestic autumn colors in Hakkoda! 【Tripadvisor】Hakkoda Mountains https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298240-d556800-Reviews-Hakkoda_Mountains-Aomori_Prefecture_Tohoku.html 【Official Website】Aomori Prefecture Tourist Information SIte - Aptinet https://www.en-aomori.com/ -
Video article 5:35
The flower garden spreading all over "Yakurai Garden" in Kami County, Miyagi Prefecture, is astonishingly beautiful! We introduce the whole picture of this popular tourist spot on Instagram!
Travel- 115 plays
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Video introduction of "Yakurai Garden," a famous flower spot in Kami County, Miyagi Prefecture This video, titled “Rainbow Flower Garden|A Beautiful View of Rainbow-Colored Flowers at Yakurai Garden, a Famous Spot for Flowers in Miyagi Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku Region|Travel To Miyagi Japan|BMPCC6K” (Rainbow Flower Garden 虹色の花が美しい やくらいガーデンの絶景 東北・宮城の花の名所 | Travel to Miyagi Japan | BMPCC6K), was released by “Japan Videography.” It introduces Yakurai Garden (やくらいガーデン) in Kami, Miyagi Prefecture, a place famous for its flowers. It was Halloween season when the video was shot, and Yakurai Garden's park was decorated with many cute jack-o-lanterns to celebrate the occasion. During spring and fall, when the weather is particularly nice, the park offers a variety of events that allow visitors to see a myriad of colorful flowers in full bloom. The LED lights and seasonal decorations add to the atmosphere of the park, creating an exciting space. Yakurai Garden has more than 400 varieties of plants in full bloom from season to season. There are several flower fields at Yakurai Garden, and at the far end of the garden there's a small hill called "Rainbow Garden Fululu no Oka" (虹色ガーデン ふるるの丘) where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the flowers in full bloom. The beautiful flower garden at Rainbow Garden Fululu no Oka can be seen from 2:57 in the video. Red, purple, yellow, white, orange, and other colors are spread out creating a carpet of rainbow colors. If you're ever in Miyagi Prefecture, be sure to check out Yakurai Garden. The beauty of the flowers in full bloom is sure to captivate you! What are the features of Yakurai Garden, Miyagi Prefecture's flower garden? Photo:Yakurai Garden, Miyagi Prefecture Yakurai Garden is a vast area of 150,000 square meters with eight themed gardens, including a rose garden, herb garden, and more. The park is open from mid-April to late November when the colorful flowers are at their best. Admission is 800 yen for adults and 200 yen for elementary and junior high school students. Yakurai Garden, which has many limited-time fairs and seasonal events, as the types of flowers you can see change with the seasons, also has a chapel which can be seen from 2:38. It’s a very popular place for weddings. Pledging eternal love while surrounded by candles under the starlight makes for one of the most romantic weddings imaginable. There's also an herb store popular among women, a beer hall with local beer popular among men, and a family-friendly restaurant where you can enjoy lunch at a reasonable price. The herb store at Yakurai Garden also offers aromatherapy, garden interior design, and arts and crafts classes for both parents and children. When is the best time to see the rape blossoms at Yakurai Garden? Introducing seasonal flowers The 2024 "Yakurai Garden" is scheduled to open on April 20. According to the official Instagram postings, in 2023, rape blossoms and tulips will be at their best around the time of the opening; nemophila in mid to late May; and tulips and rape blossoms in early May. The rape blossoms at Fururu no Oka will be at their best from the end of May to early June, so why not take pictures of the spectacular view of the rape blossoms from the green benches or in front of the pink doors? In 2023, roses bloom in mid-June, and a "Rose & Herb Fair" was also held from June to July. Summary of Yakurai Garden, a Famous Spot for Flowers in Miyagi Prefecture Photo:Yakurai Garden, Miyagi Prefecture The Yakurai Garden area has been redeveloped as Yakurai Resort. As a result, the area around Yakurai Garden is full of lodging facilities, such as pet friendly cottages and hot springs, and affiliated hotels for you to stay at. The resort is a popular picnic area in the summer and in the winter it's popular as a ski resort, with ski slopes for children as well, so families can enjoy the resort all year round. For the dads out there, we recommend the restaurant Bunarin, which has an all-you-can-drink local beer plan! Enjoy the beautiful, out-of-this-world scenery at Yakurai Garden! ◆Yakurai Garden|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】1 Ajigafukuro Yakuraihara, Kami, Kami, Miyagi Prefecture 【Access】Approximately 40 minutes by car from JR Furukawa Station and 40 minutes by car from the Furukawa I.C. on the Tohoku Expressway 【Hours】10:00 - 17:00 【Admission】Adults 800 yen, children 200 yen (elementary and junior high school students) 【Closures】Open from early April to late November; open irregularly in April, July, August, November, and December; open May, June, September, and October without holidays 【Parking】Available, 800 spaces 【Telephone】0120-677-273 【Tripadvisor】Yakurai Garden https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120951-d1386236-Reviews-Yakurai_Garden-Kami_machi_Kami_gun_Miyagi_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 2:56
Hanitsu Shrine - See the Beautiful Pure White Torii Gate Surrounded by Snowy Scenery! From Cherry Blossoms in the Spring to Autumn Leaves in the Fall, This Popular Tourist Spot in Fukushima Is Full of Attractions!
Travel- 54 plays
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Introducing Hanitsu Shrine in the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture! This video, titled "Hanitsu Jinja – Fukushima – Hanitsu Shrine 8K" (Hanitsu Jinja - Fukushima - 土津神社 - 8K), was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It introduces Hanitsu Shrine in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, in Japan's Kyushu Region. In the video, you can see the dignified appearance of the mysterious pure white torii gate as it stands in the snowy landscape. Hanitsu Shrine is not only famous for its snowy scenery during winter, but also for its beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. During the autumn foliage season from late October to late November, the shrine is illuminated at night and an autumn leaf festival is held. During the festival, dumpling shops and other stalls are set up in the precincts of the shrine. The fantastic scenery of the colorful maple leaves and other foliage is fantastic! Hanitsu Shrine is also known for its flowers. In spring, cherry trees donated by the town of Takato in Shinshu, and someiyoshino cherries can be seen in full bloom. From late April to early May, when the cherry blossoms are at their best, the shrine is crowded with people enjoying cherry blossom viewing. The cherry blossoms in spring, the colored leaves in autumn, and the pure white torii gate are all beautiful sights throughout the year, making Hanitsu Shrine an Instagrammable destination for many tourists. The History of Hanitsu Shrine and Its Deities Photo:Spring at Hanitsu Shrine, Inowashira, Fukushima Hanitsu Shrine is a historic shrine in the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture. The shrine was founded in 1675. When the Aizu clan was defeated in the Boshin War, Hanitsu Shrine was set on fire at the order of Takahashi Gondayu, the lord of Inawashiro Castle, and it burned down, but it was later rebuilt. Hoshina Masayuki, the first lord of the Aizu domain, is enshrined as the deity of Hanitsu Shrine. Hoshina Masayuki is known as the kami of children's success and is believed to be blessed with good fortune, good harvest, and traffic safety. About 500 meters north of the main shrine, there is an inner shrine where the grave of Hoshina Masayuki is located. This tomb has been designated as a historic site by the government of Japan. In addition, the sword "Mei Yoshifusa" owned by Hanitsu Shrine is designated as an Important Cultural Property. There are also silk paintings and monuments, the inner sanctuary, swords and more that have been designated as Cultural Properties of Fukushima Prefecture. In the precincts of Hanitsu Shrine, visitors can buy good luck charms, Japanese mythical fortunes, Akabeko talismans, and shuin stamps, and from 0:50 in the video, you can see the fortunes tied up in the precincts. Summary of Hanitsu Shrine in the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture Photo:Autumn at Hanitsu Shrine, Inowashira, Fukushima This article introduced Hanitsu Shrine located in Inawashiro in the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture. In the video, you can see the beautiful shrine grounds covered with snow, giving off a tranquil and spiritual atmosphere. The video also conveys the beauty of the uniquely Japanese wabi sabi landscape. The shrine in winter, as shown in the video, is wonderful, but the illuminated autumn foliage and spring cherry blossoms are also a must-see. If you're interested in Hanitsu Shrine, which is also a popular power spot, be sure to check it out! ◆Hanitsu Shrine – Access and General Information◆ 【Address】Aza Mineyama 1, Inawashiro-machi, Yama-gun, Fukushima Pref. 【Hours】:Mon. – Sun. 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 【Telephone】0242-62-2160 【Access】10 minutes by taxi from Inawashiro Station on the JR Banetsu West Line Access by car is a 10-minute drive from the Ban-Etsu Expressway's Inawashiro Bandai Kogen IC towards the Inawashiro Ski Resort. 【Parking】There is a free parking lot in the south of the precincts 【Fees (Offerings)】Formal prayers from 5,000 yen, individual prayers from 5,000 yen, shuin stamps from 300 yen 【Pets】Dogs and other pets are allowed at the shrine, but please be aware that they are not allowed to "mark their territory" or disturb worshippers to the shrine. 【TripAdvisor】Hanitsu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120997-d5970665-Reviews-Hanitsu_Shrine-Inawashiro_machi_Yama_gun_Fukushima_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 2:02
Fishing and Snowshoeing in Fukushima Prefecture! Enjoy a Fun-Filled Adventure in the Snowy Landscapes of Mt. Bandai in Winter!
Things to Do- 50 plays
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Winter Activities at Mt. Bandai in Fukushima Prefecture! This video, titled "[Learning About Mt. Bandai] Travel Education: Winter Activities Edition" (【学べる磐梯山】旅育(タビイク)冬のアクティビティ編), was produced by "ponycanyon." In recent years, winter activities in Japan have gained huge popularity among foreign tourists. At Mt. Bandai in winter, introduced in the video, along with skiing and snowboarding, there's a ton of activities to enjoy! Let's take a look at what's in store for you! About Mt. Bandai ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying Let's take a look at Mt. Bandai itself. The Aizu-Mt. Bandai area of Fukushima Prefecture is a popular spot visited by many tourists each year. Mt. Bandai is designated as one of the "100 Famous Japanese Mountains" and is located in Fukushima Prefecture where three towns and villages meet. They are: Kita Shiobara (北塩原村, Kita Shiobara-Mura), Bandai (磐梯町, Bandai-Machi), and Inawashiro (猪苗代町, Inawashiro-Machi). Lake Inawashiro (猪苗代湖, Inawashiro-Ko), the fourth largest lake in Japan, is located south of Mt. Bandai. On the north side, there is a place called "Urabandai," which is famous for its group of ponds, which includes Goshiki-Numa (五色沼, Goshiki-Numa), which was formed by a large eruption. The Aizu-Mt. Bandai area is also known as the area where Hideyo Noguchi, the man on the 1,000 yen bill, was born and raised. You can enjoy the superb views of Japan's natural scenery, including the crater of Mt. Bandai, the Lake Inawashiro, pond group, the wetlands of the Mt. Bandai Gold Line, and the Bandai Azuma Skyline that runs along Mt. Bandai. Activities to Enjoy at Mt. Bandai Source :YouTube screenshot At 0:10 in the video, you can see the smelt fishing experience at Gold House Meguro. Smelt fishing under the ice of Lake Hibara (桧原湖, Hibara-Ko) is a ton of fun, and you can even cook your own catch and eating them as tempura! This activity allows you to feel nature's bounty with all five senses, and the video recommends learning the importance of creativity and life by feeling the life at the bottom of the lake. The next activity, introduced at 0:45 in the video, is the snowshoe experience! This wonderful snowshoe trekking experience, provided by Urabandai Mokumoku Nature School, provides a valuable experience of walking through the silver world of Goshiki-Numa. In the video, you can see kids having a blast as they roll around in the snow and play on the snow slide! At 1:18, you can see the farming experience which involves picking cabbage from underneath the snow! Cabbage underneath the snow ripens quickly and can be eaten like a fruit! You can feel the life in the snow country and the wisdom of our ancestors at the same time. More Activities in Winter at Mt. Bandai! Source :YouTube screenshot At the nature-rich Mt. Bandai, you can enjoy activities such as snowmobiling and snow rafting on the ski slopes, as well as trekking along the mountain route. Depending on the weather, you may be able to see ice covered trees at the Aizu-Mt. Bandai area in winter. Canoeing on the lake in winter also makes for a great experience. Even beginners can safely enjoy the activities, as their are guides and instructors to help you learn. There's also Mt. Bandai Onsen Hotel and Hoshino Resort nearby, so we recommend making a reservation for your stay. Summary of Winter Activities at Mt. Bandai Source :YouTube screenshot The video describes itself as "Learning About a Snowy Paradise" and introduces the splendor of using all 5 senses in the beautiful natural landscapes of Japan. If you're interested in winter activities in Japan, be sure to check out the video and visit Mt. Bandai when you have the chance! 【Official Website】Mt. Bandai – Urabandai Tourist Association https://www.urabandai-inf.com/en/ 【Tripadovisor】Mt. Bandai https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120477-d555801-Reviews-Mount_Bandaisan-Yama_gun_Fukushima_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 3:35
Namahage Sedo Festival – A Unique Festival in Akita Prefecture! These Namahage, Messengers of the Mountain Gods, Pray for Bountiful Harvests and Health!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events Travel- 203 plays
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Video Introduction of "Namahage Shibatou Festival" in Oga City, Akita Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "50 Incredible Namahage! Namahage Sedo Festival in Oga" (50匹のなまはげに圧巻!!男鹿の「なまはげ柴灯まつり」), was uploaded by "JAPAN CALENDAR." Every Japanese person has seen the frightening faces and heard the terrifying cries of these mask-wearing figures. Namahage are part of a traditional event that takes place in Oga, Akita in Japan's Tohoku region, and is very popular among tourists. The video shows footage from the Namahage Sedo Festival. You can enjoy the traditions of Akita, including solemn scenes and local folk performances. Check out the video to see what the event is like! Namahage, a Unique Japanese Folklore – Demons or Gods? Photo:Namahage Are you familiar with Japan's namahage culture? Namahage are creatures that go from house to house with scary masks and knives looking for bad children, and are often mistaken as yokai. The word "namahage" comes from the phrase "namomi wo hagu" (ナモミを剥ぐ, to tear off "namomi") which comes from the Akita dialect. Namomi are red scab-like sores caused by low-temperature burns from sitting next to a fire for too long. In other words, namomi represent a lazy person who spends too much time sitting by the fire. Thus, the word "namahage" is derived from the existence of a being who comes to "tear off a lazy person's sores" (namomi hagi) and warn them not to be lazy. Although namahage look like evil ogre demons, they are in fact messengers of the gods and are responsible for exorcising evil spirits. So then, why do Namahage act in such a terrifying manner? Namahage, as messengers of the gods, go into villages and are invited into homes where they are treated hospitably. The namahage not only warn children and lazy people, but also bring blessings of good health, bountiful harvests, and a safe year for people. The straw that falls from the namahage's garments is sacred, and is said to bring blessings such as protection from evil and good health. Children Scared to Death at this Traditional Japanese New Year's Eve Event Namahage are part of a traditional event held on New Year's Eve around the Oga Peninsula in Akita Prefecture. Young men in the village wear oni masks and go from house to house dressed in straw costumes, holding large knives or machetes in their hands. They come into houses shouting and asking if there are any bad children or lazy people inside. The sight of the namahage banging on doors and swinging around knives and other objects in their hands frightens the children and makes them cry. On TV each year in Japan, you can see children vowing to be good while simultaneously crying. This custom, which has a long history as a folk tradition in Akita Prefecture, was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Japan by UNESCO in 2018. Learn About Namahage at the Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum's Namahage Museum! Photo:Namahage Museum For those unable to watch the actual New Year's Eve event, we recommend checking out the Namahage Museum and Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum located in Mayama, Oga. At the Namahage Museum, visitors are greeted by namahage masks from various villages in Akita, as well as namahage costumes, and other materials on display that will help you learn about the culture and history of Oga. At the Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum, visitors can watch a short movie called "Namahage no Ichiya" (なまはげの一夜, The Night of the Namahage) to learn about the traditions, and experience namahage in an old private Japanese house. This rare experience of seeing a conversation between a namahage and the homeowner and watching the namahage search for children is quite interesting. If you're interested in learning about traditional Japanese culture and enjoying some beautiful scenery, we highly recommend visiting Akita Prefecture! Namahage Sedo Festival – A Fusion of Traditional Events and Namahage at Shinzan Shrine Photo:Namahage Sedo Festival The Namahage Sedo Festival is a combination of namahage, a traditional culture of Akita, and the Sedo Festival, a Shinto ritual held annually on January 3 at Shinzan Shrine in Oga, Akita. The event started in 1964 as a winter event in Oga, Akita. The festival is usually held over three days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), including the second Saturday in February. Namahage Taiko is a sightseeing event that involves namahage drumming loudly and dancing and is quite popular among tourists. [Video] 1:06 - Namahage Taiko The fantastic sight of Namahage coming down the snowy mountain path with torches in their hands as messengers of the mountain gods is truly a captivating experience. It's like stepping back in time. [Video] 1:20 - Namahage Descending From the Mountain As shown in the video, this Namahage Festival marked the 50th anniversary since the event began, and 50 namahage made an appearance! They prayed for the safety of tourists and locals alike. [Video] 1:55 - Children Frightened at the Sight of Namahage The festival will be held for three days from Friday, including the second Saturday in February, as in 2022, with advance registration and infection control measures, etc. Since 2023 marks the 60th anniversary of the festival, various gifts will be given to visitors. For more information, please visit the official website. Summary of Akita's Namahage Did you watch the video of the Namahage Sedo Festival? Despite their scary faces, namahage are loved by the local people of Akita as messengers of the gods. The voice of the namahage as they search for children, while of course scary, has a kindness to it as well, reminding us that they are not evil, but rather messengers of the gods that prevent people from being bad or lazy. There's even an application where parents can apply for a special phone call from an oni when a child does something bad. Experience the charm of namahage in Oga, Akita! The spectacular sight of the namahage holding torches is sure to make for some memorable Instagram photos as well! -
Video article 3:30
Miyagi Kokeshi Dolls - Learn About the Skills of Traditional Kokeshi Doll Makers From Miyagi Prefecture and their Craft That Has Been Delivering Smiles to Children for Years!
Traditional Crafts- 193 plays
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Traditional Japanese Craft - Miyagi Kokeshi Dolls This video, titled "Tewaza 'Traditional Miyagi Kokeshi Dolls'/ Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square" (手技TEWAZA「宮城伝統こけし」miyagi traditional wooden doll/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square) was uploaded by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square." This video introduces the production process of Kokeshi dolls, a traditional craft of Miyagi Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region. There are 11 types of traditional Japanese Kokeshi, and the one shown in the video is called "Naruko Kokeshi." As you can see in the video, an expert craftsmen works in his studio carefully crafting Kokeshi dolls by hand. Surprisingly, Miyagi's traditional Kokeshi Dolls are made by a single craftsman at his Kokeshi studio, and he does every process by himself, from making the wooden base to painting. There is no hesitation in the craftsman's skills and it gives off a relaxing aura. These days, Kokeshi dolls have become a popular souvenir for tourists visiting Japan, so be sure to check them out in this video. The History and Culture of Kokeshi Dolls Source :YouTube screenshot The name "Naruko Kokeshi" comes from the cute Japanese onomatopoeic sound it makes when you turn its head. In the past, every family had at least one Kokeshi doll, but let's take a quick look at the history and culture of Miyagi's Kokeshi dolls. Kokeshi dolls are ancient, dating back approximately 1,300 years ago, during the reign of Emperor Shotoku, when they were used to hold Dharani sutras for buddhists. Since there were one million of these sutras, the Kokeshi Dolls were called Hyakumanto Darani (One Million Pagodas and Dharani Prayers). Later, during the reign of Emperor Seiwa, the first prince, Prince Koretaka Shinnou learned how to use a potter’s wheel in Omi, and taught it to woodworkers. It is said that the crafts made by the woodworkers which spread from Japan's Kanto region to the Tohoku region were the origin of today's traditional Kokeshi dolls. Although it has a strong image as a toy for girls to play with, it is a traditional culture that has developed along with the history of Japan. Kokeshi Dolls - A Traditional Craft that Symbolizes Miyagi's Folk Art Culture Source :YouTube screenshot It's said that this culture was created to provide souvenirs for people visiting the region for hot-spring therapy or vacation, as the Tohoku region is known for its poor winter industries due to deep snow and difficulty growing crops. Kokeshi Dolls took their present form 283 years ago, during the Edo period (1603 to 1868 A.D.). There are eleven types of Kokeshi in Japan, and the five types of Kokeshi, shown below, are widely produced in Miyagi. Miyagi's traditional Kokeshi dolls are a traditional craft that has supported the development of Miyagi. Kokeshi Dolls - Five Types of Miyagi Prefecture's Traditional Craft Source :YouTube screenshot Below are five types of Kokeshi dolls: -Naruko Kokeshi -Sakunami Kokeshi -Togatsuta Kokeshi -Yajiro Kokeshi -Hijiori Kokeshi The characteristic of the Naruko Kokeshi dolls introduced in the video is that they "give the image of old-fashioned Japanese beauty." One Miyagi's famous hot spring resorts is called Naruko, and surprisingly, it'is said that the name originates from Naruko Kokeshi dolls. This shows how important a traditional craft Kokeshi dolls were for the Tohoku and its harsh climate. Traditional Kokeshi Dolls - How the Traditional Craft of Miyagi Is Made Source :YouTube screenshot Each of these processes can be seen in the video. 1. Dry the wood (peel off the bark of the wood and let it dry naturally for six months to a year) (video: 0:18~) 2. Cutting the wood to size (video: 0:27~) 3. Remove any remaining bark (Video: 0:35~) 4. Rough carving, head carving, body carving and lathe carving (Video: 0:51~) 5. Polish using sandpaper, horsetail (Video: 1:16~) 6. Kubi Ire - Neck insertion (Video: 2:06~) 7. Byousai - Painting and drawing the face and body (Video: 2:28~) 8. Finish by applying wax Summary of Miyagi's Traditional Kokeshi Dolls Source :YouTube screenshot Experience the romance of Japanese history through the traditional Kokeshi dolls of Miyagi, which are deeply rooted in the culture and history of Japan. You'll be fascinated by the beauty and charm of these traditional Japanese toys. -
Video article 3:18
Introducing the charm of Aizu Hongo Pottery, the oldest and most beautiful traditional craft in Tohoku. A work of art created by artisans at the kiln in the town of Aizu Misato, Fukushima Prefecture!
Traditional Crafts- 411 plays
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Aizu Misato-cho, Onuma-gun, Fukushima Prefecture "Production of Aizu Hongo Pottery" Video Introduction This video, titled "【会津本郷焼】継承されていく伝統と歴史 /【Aizu Hongouyaki】The tradition and history that are passed down for generations," was created by "Aizu-Hongo Ware Association" (会津本郷焼組合). The video introduces the history and crafting process of the Aizu area's traditional craft, Aizu-hongo Ware. The video is only 3 minutes long, so for those interested in Japanese traditional culture, how pottery is made, or just want to admire some beautiful works of art, definitely check it out! The History of Aizu-Hongo Ware Source :YouTube screenshot Aizu-Hongo Ware originates from the town Aizumisato, near Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle in Fukushima Prefecture in the Tohoku region of Japan. Aizu-Hongo Ware was already being created by the 16th century, leading to it being known as the oldest pottery tradition in Japan's Tohoku region. The pottery pieces are made using high-quality Okubo clay. The clay used for decorating the pieces is also made from materials gathered in the region. This is one of the special characteristics of Aizu-Hongo Ware. Aizu-Hongo Ware is created through traditional methods involving the use of a potter’s wheel, as shown from 1:19 in the video. The high quality and exquisite beauty of the pieces has led to Aizu-Hongo Ware being designated a Traditional Craft of Japan. How To Create Aizu-Hongo Ware Source :YouTube screenshot There are many kilns for making Aizu-Hongo Ware in the Aizu region. The pieces created by the Kamomoto craftsmen are beautiful enough to be called works of art. In the Aizu region, there are many pottery classes and pottery-making experiences available. Through creating Aizu-Hongo Ware, you'll gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. Besides visiting the Aizu region itself, you can also purchase pottery pieces online. As shown from 2:26 in the video, there are various types of products that can be used in daily life, such as mugs, bowls, coffee cups, Japanese teacups and more. Be sure to check them out if you're interested. Summary of Aizu-Hongo Ware Source :YouTube screenshot Aizu-Hongo Ware is a deep-rooted tradition of the Aizu region, with a long, rich history. If you have the chance to visit Aizumisato, not only can you learn more about this traditional craft, but you can also view the beautiful Japanese landscapes of the region. Immerse yourself in Japanese culture through Aizu-Hongo Ware! -
Video article 3:00
The Internationally Recognized, Two Michelin-Starred Temple in Tsuruoka, Yamagata – Churenji Temple, Built by Koubou Daishi/Kukai, Is a Sacred Spot Dedicated to "Sokushinbutsu," aka Living Buddhas!
Art & Architecture- 359 plays
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What is the Michelin-starred "Shigenji Temple" in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture? This is a video titled "Michelin Churenji" produced by yamagatakoho to promote Churenji Temple. Michelin Green Guide is a guidebook which introduces various tourist spots in Japan. Michelin is also well-known for its "star ranking" system. Source :YouTube screenshot This article introduces Churenji Temple in Yamagata, Japan. The old temple was built by Kukai. The premises are filled with many attractive spots and the temple serves as a popular tourist destination. Having a two-star rating on Michelin Green Guide, Churenji Temple is a must-visit spot if you're taking a trip to Yamagata. Enjoy the video showcasing the attractions of Churenji Temple recommended by Michelin. Instagrammable Spots at Churenji Temple, Yamagata Source :YouTube screenshot Churenji Temple in Yamagata was founded by Kukai in 825 AD and his apprentice Shinzen constructed Gongendo in 835 AD. The surrounding area has a lot of shrines and temples such as Dainichibou, Enryuji Temple (円立寺, Enryuji), and Kaikouji Temple (海向寺, Kaijouji), and there are many instagrammable places on the premises, such as the Shimekake Cherry Blossoms, and Waniguchi, Japan's largest metal Buddhist altar. Check out the video at 0:27 to see some of these locations. The elegant Mt. Yudono is filled with a rich natural landscape throughout all seasons and is the tourist spot that represents Yamagata. Many people gather here to collect the sacred red stamps and pray. Attractions at Churenji Temple in Yamagata – Sokushinbutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Churenji Temple in Mt. Yudono has many attractions. Rated two stars in the Michelin Green Guide, Sokushinbutsu is a must-see. Sokushinbutsu (living buddhas) refers to Buddhist priests mummified alive after 3,000 days of fasting. Churenji Temple is dedicated to Tetsumonkai Shonin who was mummified at the age of 62. In addition, six immortalized Buddha statues of former Shurenji priests are enshrined in Yamagata Prefecture, including Tetsuryukai Shonin in Nangakuji Temple (南岳寺, Nangakuji). This is one of the highest numbers in Japan, and the amulets that contain the blessings of the sokushinbutsu are very popular due to being blessed with spiritual power. Sokushinbutsu in Churenji Temple appears in the video at 1:38. Recommended Attractions at Churenji Temple, Yamagata – The Painted Ceiling Source :YouTube screenshot The ceiling of the main temple at Churenji is covered with paintings by notable artists, old and new, famous and unknown. The most renowned ones include "Hiten No Zu" (a drawing of heavenly beings in the skies) painted by Sekisai Murai, "Tenku No Tobira" (Heaven's Gate) and a drawing of dragons by an unknown artist. This is shown in the video at 0:39, and the paintings spread all over the ceiling are a masterpiece. You can see the impressive painting of dragons at 1:25. Summary of Churenji Temple in Yamagata The ancient Japanese temple has another face as the temple where the story of Gassan, a novel written by an Akutagawa-Prize winner Atsushi Mori, takes places. The novel was made into a film and awarded the grand prix at the Salerno International Film Festival. Thanks to the achievement, Churenji Temple and the Mt. Yudono area garnered international attention as tourist spots. You can see a huge rock with “Gassan” carved on it in the video at 0:18. This article introduces the amazing Churenji Temple which represents Japan and is also recognized by Michelin. You can also see the attractions mentioned in the article in the video. Please enjoy the attractive locations, full of Japanese history. Mt. Yudono Churenji Temple Information 【Address】92-1, Ooaminakadai, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata 997-0531 【Public transportation】45 minutes from Uetsu Main Line Tsuruoka Station by bus 【Entrance fee】Adult: 500 yen, under age 15: 400 yen, under age 12: 300 yen (*as of December 2019) 【Opening hour】May-October: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. November-April: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 【Regular holiday】Open throughout the year 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】(+81) 0235-54-6536 【Tripadvisor】Churenji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1023682-d1397255-r205050717-Churenji_Temple-Tsuruoka_Yamagata_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 14:38
Aomori Nebuta Festival" Nebuta production video in Aomori Prefecture, Japan! The hot passion of the "Nebuta-makers" who carry on the traditional festival is inspiring!
Traditional Crafts- 97 plays
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Aomori Nebuta Festival" Nebuta Production Video Introduction This video, titled “#003 Kenta Tatsuta, Nebuta-shi|Door to Tomorrow by At Home” (#003 ねぶた師 立田 健太 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by “Door to Tomorrow by At Home” (明日への扉 by アットホーム). This video introduces the artisans who make the huge floats, "Nebuta," that parade through the city and are the main attraction at the famous Nebuta Festival in Aomori Prefecture. Since ancient times, the Tanabata Festival has been an annual event held in Japan to celebrate the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. The "Nebuta Festival" and "Neputa Festival" held in Aomori Prefecture have also been held as part of this Tanabata event. At this point you’re probably wondering what the differences between the Nebuta and Neputa Festivals are. The biggest difference is that the Nebuta Festival features three-dimensional, dynamic, human-shaped floats with samurai artwork on them, while the Neputa Festival features flat floats. Another difference is that the Nebuta Festival is held in Aomori City, while the Neputa Festival is held in the Tsugaru region, in places like Hirosaki. The artisans who create Nebuta are now considered specialists and are called “Nebuta-shi” (ねぶた師, “Nebuta Artist/Craftsman”) in Japanese. The History of the Nebuta Festival Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Today, the Nebuta festival is recognized as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. The meaning of Nebuta/Neputa is "sleepy" and actually written using the same kanji (眠た). In the Edo Period, a festival called "Nemuri-nagashi" (眠り流し) was held in many places to lull people to sleep during the summer. The Nebuta Festival has the same origins as Sendai's Tanabata Festival, Akita's Kanto Festival, and Fukushima's Nemuri Nagashi. During the Edo period, Aomori Prefecture was divided into the Nanbu Domain and the Hirosaki Domain (Tsugaru domain). In the Nanbu Domain, the word "Nebutai" was used to describe sleepiness, and in Hirosaki, the word "Neputai" was used, which led to the distinction between the Nebuta and Neputa Festivals. How Nebuta Are Made Photo:How nebuta are made - pitching a tent, Aomori Prefecture Nebuta feature samurai paintings based on traditional Japanese myths and folk tales. They are characterized by the use of poetic justice to defeat demons and evil spirits at decisive moments. In the video, starting at 5:16, you can see how Nebuta are made by the young Nebuta craftsman "Kenta Tatsuta" who apprenticed himself to Nebuta master "Ryusei Uchiyama" at the age of 14. Here, we’ll give a brief introduction of the work of a Nebuta craftsman. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 1 - Materials and Rough Sketching The rough sketches are the blueprints for the Nebuta. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 2 - Pitching a Tent A tent is built for the production of Nebuta. The purpose of this is to prepare the details using wood, frame it using wire, color it, and then store the finished Nebuta. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 3 - Electrical Wiring Since the Nebuta Festival is a nighttime festival, light bulbs are installed inside the floats so that the samurai stand out against the night sky. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 4 – Kamihari (紙はり) Washi paper is pasted onto the completed framework. At this point, the whole picture becomes a little clearer. Source :YouTube screenshot ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 5 – Kakiwari (書割) The outline of the samurai is drawn on the paper pasted with ink. This is a very important process and has long been considered a task that only Nebuta craftsmen can perform. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 6 – Rokaki (ろう書き) A special material made of melted paraffin is used. Where paraffin is applied, the paper becomes translucent and bright. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 7 - Coloring The remaining paper is colored. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 8 – Daiage (台上げ) The completed Nebuta is placed on a platform with wheels. A large group of people (around 50) carefully take the work outside. At 8:00 in the video, you can see an incident where a mistake is made and the work has to be repaired. Training Nebuta Craftsman Successors Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Originally, the production of Nebuta was carried out by neighborhood associations and other such groups. However, the skilled workers in the neighborhood associations were so enthusiastic about making Nebuta that they neglected their own work. However, as the Nebuta Festival became a Japanese festival known on a global scale, and as Nebuta production techniques gradually became more sophisticated, the number of Nebuta craftsmen became fixed and professional Nebuta craftsmen were born. The Nebuta Festival is a festival where gallant Nebuta performances parade through the streets, jumping up and down to the musical accompaniment, but it's also a competition to determine the best Nebuta. Nebuta craftsmen who create outstanding Nebuta works are honored as "Masters." Summary of the Nebuta Festival – A Popular Event in Aomori Prefecture Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Being a Nebuta craftsman is not an easy job. Kenta Tatsuta, the Nebuta craftsman featured in the video, even struggles to make ends meet. It is a job that requires a passion for Nebuta. We want people to know that it's only with the help of the people behind the scenes, such as the Nebuta craftsmen, that the magnificent and gorgeous Nebuta Festival can be held. At the same time, the Nebuta Festival holds a beauty contest to select Miss Nebuta. The woman who wins the Miss Nebuta award will lead the Nebuta during the festival, adding to the festivities!