Video article 22:53
Handling a Huge Flatfish That's 90 cm Long and Weighs Over 10 kg! From Brilliant Artisanal Knife Work to Exquisite Cuisine!
Food & Drink- 36 plays
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This video, titled "Catching Flatfish for 50 Years, Zabuton for 15, but There's Still More to Come! Zabuton Flounder Ebisutei, Hirado" (ヒラメをさばいて50年。ざぶとんは15年。まだまだです。 ざぶとんヒラメ<さばき編> 平戸・エビス亭), was released by "99チャンネル 99chtv." Flounder, with its mild flavor, is a top-quality ingredient when used for sashimi. In this video they clean a huge flounder, which is big even compared to other large flounder. "Zabuton" flounder as they're called in Japanese refer to flounder between 70 and 90 cm in length and that weigh over 4 kg. Its size and weight make it a difficult fish to process fresh. The owner of Ebisutei in Hirado, Nagasaki, is the one processesing the fish. Japan's techniques for handling fish are among the best in the world in terms of speed and maintaining freshness. Look at the skill of the owner as he handles the flounder! -
Video article 7:41
Former Morning Musume Member AI Takahashi Introduces Her Hometown, Fukui Prefecture! You'll Love This City Where You'll Meet Lots of People and Have Lots of Smiles!
Local PR Travel- 87 plays
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元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県の観光動画について 「福井県観光連盟」が公開した「福の便り ~しあわせが届く故郷 福井~」は福井県出身の高橋愛が福井県の魅力を紹介している動画です。 福井県は福井県立恐竜博物館、ソースカツ丼、メガネ、越前和紙などさまざまな魅力があり、観光地としておすすめのスポットです。 美しい景観が見られる自然スポットも充実しているので、心をリフレッシュしたい人にもおすすめですよ。 こちらの記事では、高橋愛の故郷である福井県の観光名所や穴場スポットなどを動画と共に紹介します。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県で人気の歴史スポット 福井県で人気の歴史スポットといえば、曹洞宗の大本山永平寺です。 とても厳しい禅修行をする場所として有名です。 一般人でも短期間の修行体験ができ、座禅などで心身を鍛えることができます。 とても神聖なお寺なので参拝するだけでも気が引き締まり、リフレッシュできますよ。 こちらの動画の1:38より見ることができます。 一乗谷朝倉氏遺跡も福井を代表する歴史スポットのひとつ。 戦国時代に朝倉氏五代が越前の国を支配した城下町で、国の重要文化財に指定されている場所です。 当時の城下町の様子をほぼ完全な姿で再現されており、戦国時代にタイムスリップしたような感覚を味わえます。 他にも、平泉寺白山神社、旧松平家別邸「養浩館庭園」、百名城、丸岡城、羽賀城、国宝明通寺、鯖街道熊川宿、小浜三丁目など人気の歴史スポットがたくさんあります。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県でおすすめの絶景エリア 高橋愛の地元の福井を観光するなら美しい景色を見られるエリアもおすすめです。 龍双ヶ滝は「日本の滝100選」に選ばれている絶景スポットです。 落差60メートルある龍双ヶ滝の姿はとても美しく、マイナスイオンが充実した滝壺の周りにいると心が癒やされるはずです。 お花が好きな人は、足羽神社しだれ桜でゆっくり桜鑑賞するのもおすすめです。 桜の枝が綺麗なドーム型になっており、他ではなかなか見ることができません。 夜はライトアップされ幻想的な景勝を楽しめます。 他にも、金ヶ崎赤レンガ倉庫、足羽川桜並木、西山公園、花はす公園、名水百選瓜割の滝、水晶浜、水島、明鏡洞、九頭竜湖、世界三大奇勝東尋坊、百名山荒島竹、刈込池、もみじ百選萬徳寺などが福井県の見どころです。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県で人気のグルメ 福井県でおすすめのグルメはカニの王様である越前がにです。 日本海で育った立派な越前ガニは、他の産地のカニと比べて身がしっかりしていて美味しいと評判でとても人気があります。 また、高級な若狭ふぐもおすすめです。 身が締まってプリプリで刺し身やしゃぶしゃぶで食べると絶品です。 浜焼き鯖、葛まんじゅう、コシヒカリ、越前・若狭の地酒、越前おろしそばなどが福井県を代表するグルメです。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井観光の記事のまとめ 高橋愛の地元である福井県には、さまざまな観光スポットやグルメが充実しています。 三国祭、三国水中花火、スーパー大火勢、いけだエコキャンドル、永平寺大燈籠流し、今庄羽曽踊りなどがあり、季節ごとにさまざまなイベントを楽しめます。 インスタ映えする景色を楽しみたい方、日本の歴史や文化を感じたい方には福井観光はおすすめですよ。 -
Video article 3:00
In Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture, You Can Enjoy Powerful Motor Sports and Traditional Japanese Crafts! Enjoy a Beautiful View of the Four Seasons You Won't Find Anywhere Else!
Local PR Travel- 26 plays
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日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」のプロモーション動画について 「CitySuzuka」が制作した「鈴鹿市PR動画」では、世界中から注目を浴びるモータースポーツを中心に日本の伝統工芸品や特産物など三重県鈴鹿市の魅力をたっぷりと紹介している動画です。 こちら記事では、日本の観光地である三重県鈴鹿市の魅力を動画とともに紹介します。 日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」はモータースポーツの聖地 三重県の鈴鹿市と言えば、モータースポーツが浮かぶ人が多いのではないでしょうか? 世界の頂点と言われる「F1日本グランプリ」や、真夏の祭典「鈴鹿8時間耐久ロードレース」など世界中から注目を浴びる大会が開催されています。 動画では0:24から紹介されています。 これらのレースが開催されているモータースポーツの聖地が鈴鹿サーキット。 迫力あるバイクレースを目当てに国内外から多くの観戦客が訪れます。 プロのバイクレーサーによる圧倒的な迫力に目を奪われるでしょう。 三重県鈴鹿市を観光するときにモータースポーツは必見ですよ! 日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」は伝統工芸も盛ん 外国人の方々が日本を観光するときは日本の文化に触れたいですよね。 三重県鈴鹿市の周辺は日本の伝統工芸が盛んな場所でもあります。 動画の1:00から紹介されている文様が美しい伊勢型紙は、職人の匠の技によって作られる伝統工芸。 彫刻刀で綺麗に彫られた作品は芸術品のようです。 また、動画の1:18から紹介されている鈴鹿墨は墨の発色は良く、上品で深みのある墨。 鈴鹿市の気候風土により、滑らかな墨が出来上がります。 もの作りの町である三重県鈴鹿市。 自分のお気に入りの工芸品を見つけるために、お店を巡るのも旅行の楽しみのひとつです。 日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」は自然やグルメなどの魅力も 三重県鈴鹿市は他にもさまざまな魅力があふれています。 「かぶせ茶」「鈴鹿抹茶」「日本酒」「地酒」といった鈴鹿市の特産物。 また「鈴鹿バルーンフェスティバル」「鈴鹿シティマラソン」「すずフェス」「鈴鹿げんき花火大会」といったみんなで楽しめるイベントも充実しています。 また、鈴鹿市は四季折々の自然の絶景を見ることができます。 春は桜が咲きほこり、夏は青々とした海の景色、秋の紅葉のしんみりした景観、冬の山に積もった雪の景勝など季節によって感じが変わる風景を楽しめますよ。 他にも椿大神社や勝速日神社、鈴鹿の森庭園、鈴鹿フラワーパーク、石垣池公園などインスタ映えスポットがたくさんあります。 日本の観光地「三重県鈴鹿市」の記事のまとめ 三重県鈴鹿市はモータースポーツや日本の伝統工芸、美しい景色を楽しめる人気の観光地。 動画をご覧になればきっとお気に入りのスポットが見つかりますよ。 -
Video article 1:49
A Quick Look at Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture! Dogo Hot Springs, Matsuyama Castle, Local Delicacies, Natural Scenery, and Other Attractive Things to See!
Local PR- 57 plays
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愛媛県松山市の観光スポット紹介動画について こちらの動画は「「四国瀬戸内松山」松山市オフィシャル観光WEBサイト」が公開した「【松山市公式】観光PRチャンネル - matsuyama-sightseeing」です。 こちらで紹介するのは四国地方に存在する愛媛県。 人気の観光スポットを美しい映像で紹介します。 愛媛県松山市を紹介 こちらで紹介するのは、愛媛県松山市のポイントを1分49分にまとめた動画。 道後温泉の風景から始まり、松山城、愛媛県のご当地グルメである一六タルトや坊っちゃん団子が紹介されています。 その他にも大観覧車くるりん、松山空港などがご覧になれます。 愛媛県を訪れる際に知っておきたい観光地 動画で紹介されている道後温泉は日本三古湯とも呼ばれ、日本を代表する温泉として知られています。 松山市内を訪れた際は道後温泉で四国での旅の疲れを癒し、その後の観光プランを満喫できるよう英気を養ってみてはいかがですか。 日本を代表する小説家、司馬遼太郎が書いた坂の上の雲をテーマにした坂の上の雲ミュージアムも愛媛県で定番の観光地。 日本の文学や文化に慣れ親しみたい方は観光ルートに入れると良いかもしれません。 その他にも石手寺と呼ばれる寺も愛媛県松山市内で有名な観光地。 四国遍路で訪れる寺の1つで日本の寺や神社に興味ある方は一度訪れてはいかがでしょうか? 愛媛県松山市を紹介まとめ 愛媛県松山市は「いで湯と城と文学のまち」というキャッチコピーを掲げています。 四国地方には魅力的な観光スポットがたくさんあるので、是非一度日本のグルメや文化、景色などを堪能しに訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:13
Nishiki, Yamaguchi Is a Museum of Nature! Spend a Relaxing Time in a Town Where You Can Enjoy the Essence of Nature...
Local PR Travel- 68 plays
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山口県岩国市錦町紹介動画について こちらの動画は「錦川観光協会」が公開した「岩国市錦町(にしきまち)観光PR動画」です。 山口県岩国市は瀬戸内海に面し、錦帯橋を始めとするおすすめスポットが多数点在するエリアです。 その中で今回の動画では山あいにある錦町を紹介します。 皆さんもこの動画をご覧になれば山口県岩国市錦町のファンになるでしょう。 山口県の錦町は滝の宝庫!日本を実感できる観光ができる! 今回の舞台は山口県岩国市にある錦川の上流にある錦町。 この山口県岩国市錦町には五竜の滝があり多くの観光客が訪れています。 竜頭の滝、龍門の滝、白竜の滝、登竜の滝、竜尾の滝と五竜の滝が山口県岩国市錦町訪れた観光客を楽しませてくれます。 滝の下流にある宇佐川は山口県を代表する清流としても有名。 宇佐川に住む鮎は全国の鮎の中でも最上級とされています。 また、錦川には日本の特別天然記念物オオサンショウウオも生息。 オオサンショウウオ目当てに山口県岩国市錦町へ観光で訪れる人も多くいます。 山口県岩国市錦町の中心観光地が昔ながらの日本の街並み!錦町駅前を歩いてみよう! 山口県岩国市錦町へ訪れたら錦川清流線の終点、錦町駅周辺を観光してみてはいかがですか。 駅前には広瀬映画館資料館やお菓子の館といった日本の昔ながらの風景が多数あります。 また、山口県を代表する温泉地雙津峡(そうづきょう)温泉にも足を運んでみてはどうでしょうか。 雙津峡温泉までは「とことこトレイン」が走り、温泉までの道のりには絶景の数々。 特にきらら夢トンネルは観光客を魅了します。 紅葉の時期は木谷峡も穴場スポットして有名です。 錦川清流線の車窓は日本の絶景!電車に乗って山口県の錦町を観光へ! 山口県岩国市錦町への観光は、JR山陽本線の岩国駅から錦川清流線で訪れることができます。 錦川清流線の車窓からは多くの絶景を楽しめます。 錦川沿いを走り景色を眺めながら錦町へ。 のんびりした電車旅も日本観光の思い出となることでしょう。 山口県岩国市錦町紹介まとめ こちらの動画では山口県岩国市錦町を紹介いたしました。 皆さんも山口県岩国市錦町の美しさへ魅了されたのではないでしょうか。 山口県は日本でも自然豊かな人気の観光スポットが豊富です。 皆さんも山口県の岩国市錦町へ訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:41
Dive Into Some Old-Fashioned Ramen Made at Wakaba at Tsukiji's Outer Market! The Chinese Noodles Tasted at This Long-Established Restaurant in Tokyo's Kitchen Are a Special Treat for Anyone!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "「若葉」築地場外市場 中華そば / WAKABA Japan Tsukiji Outer Market Ramen," was released by "TomTomJp01." This video introduces the ramen restaurant "WAKABA" in Tsukiji's outer market. In Tsukiji, where many ramen shops are located, WAKABA stands tall, serving traditional Chinese soba. The noodles are characterized by their ultra thin and curly shape, and when combined with the chicken broth, the flavor of the noodles is truly exquisite, making it a favorite among tourists. In this video, you can see the whole process Chinese soba being made at WAKABA, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 10:57
A Rare Look Behind the Scenes of a Ramen Resurant! A Lot of Passion Goes Into the Perfect Bowl of Noodles Made by Mengokoro Kunimoto...
Food & Drink- 45 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Becoming a Ramen Shop in Japan" (日本でラーメン屋さんになるということ), was released by "Life Where I'm From." In this video, you'll learn what it's like to run a ramen shop in Japan. Depending on the shop, ramen restaurants have almost no free time, as it takes up a lot of time outside of business hours to stock up and prepare the food. The work that goes into making delicious bowls of ramen for customers is not just because it's their job, but because the ramen shop owner wants to make his customers happy. In other words, it's a passion. In this video, the owner of a ramen shop who left his job at a ramen shop to start his own business talks about his passion for ramen. -
Video article 6:42
The Chef at Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya Makes Some of the Best Bowls of Ramen Around! From a Chef Who's Been Making Ramen for More Than 30 Years!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
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This video titled "Kazumoto Ochiai is One of Tokyo's Ramen Masters — First Person," was released by "Eater." In this video, Kazumoto Ochiai introduces himself as the owner of Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya. Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya is a long-established ramen shop that was established in 1983 and has been open for 37 years in Nishi-Azabu. Not only do they focus on the taste of the food, but they also focus on customer service, and they always try to match each customer's bowl of ramen to their own palette. In this video, Kazumoto Ochiai, the owner of a restaurant where you can enjoy both the taste and the interaction with staff, talks about his journey and what his ideas behind his ramen. Be sure to check it out. -
Video article 10:00
Mysterious shop Ponta open only in the middle of the night! What is the history and taste of this legendary street-side ramen?
Food & Drink- 18 plays
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This video, titled "伝説の屋台ラーメン 深夜限定グルメ 京都 ぽん太 日本拉麺 A Legendary Street Ramen in Kyoto Japan! Dramatic "Ponta"," was released by "DELI BALI." In this video, they introduce "Ramen Ponta" which is a street ramen that only a handful of people know about. Nowadays, there aren't many street truck ramen shops in Japan, but Ponta is still open from 9:30 PM to 2:30 AM. It is hard to go to this shop because it is late at night, but it tastes great and it's one of the best shops for after going to an Izakaya. Check out the delicious ramen from Ponta shown in the video! -
Video article 3:46
If You Like Ramen, Tenka Ippin Is a Name You Better Know! Recreate the Delicious Flavor's of a Ramen Restaurant From the Comfort of Your Own Home!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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This video, titled "Eat at Home! Enjoy the Best Ramen in the World at Home With "Iemen" (Home Noodles)" (家で食べよう。天下一品のラーメンがご家庭で楽しめる「家麺」), was released by "Tenka Ippin Official Channel" (天下一品公式チャンネル). This video introduces how to make Tenka Ippin Ramen at home. All you need is a pot, bowl, measuring cup, kitchen timer, ladle, and cooking chopsticks (a fork should work fine too). There are two flavors, rich and light, so you can purchase whichever one you like best. Try the home cooked noodles and enjoy the best in home-made noodles. This video explains how to make home made noodles from scratch, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 9:58
Tanpopo Ramen - A Famous Restaurant in Arakawa, Tokyo! A Look at The Hidden Gem of a Ramen Shop With No Media Coverage!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, released by "ramenwalker," is titled "Machiya [Tanpopo Ramen] Cooking Highlights! A Bowl of Delicious Chicken Flavor Made With an Original Method [Ramen Walker TV Episode #228]" (町屋『らーめん タンポポ』調理シーンから見どころ満載!オリジナル製法で作られる、鶏の旨味溢れる一杯【ラーメンWalkerTV #228】). This video introduces "Tanpopo Ramen," a hidden gem of a ramen shop that has no media exposure. Their popular menu item is "Tori Mamire," which is a combination of chicken skin soup, whole chicken soup, and chicken paste, which gives it a refreshing, clean taste. The menma (bamboo shoots) are also very distinctive, and the ramen shop offers a new taste that you won't find at any other shop. In this video, the chef talks about the menu at Tanpopo Ramen, so if you're interested, please check it out. -
Video article 12:12
The Best Looking and Most Impressive of All Is the Amazing Niboshi Ramen Nagi! Making Ramen With Tons of Niboshi on It!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[With Cooking Scenes] Super Golden and a Massive Portion of Niboshi Ramen at Niboshi Ramen Nagi [IKKO'S FILMS] [Shinagawa Ikko]" (【調理風景あり】すごい煮干しラーメン凪でスーパーゴールデン+煮干し激盛りにしたらとんでもない事になった・・・【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】), was released by "IKKO'S FILMS." This video introduces the famous ramen shop "Niboshi Ramen Nagi," which is famous for its large amount of niboshi (dried sardines) on top of its noodles. The shop opened in 2004, and it's no exaggeration to say that they love niboshi more than any other ramen shop in Japan, stocking over 5 tons of niboshi every month. One of the features of this ramen shop is that they have a special type of ramen called "niboshi-mashi," which adds even more niboshi, just like other ramen shops have extra onions or chashu. In this video, you can see the ramen with niboshi-mashi Niboshi Ramen Nagi, a delicious niboshi ramen shop that appeals to those who like niboshi, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 10:33
What Does "Red Sea Urchin" Taste Like? At This Japanese Restaurant, You Can Savor Sea Urchin and a Variety of Other Seafood to Your Heart's Content!
Food & Drink- 34 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[RARE RED SEA URCHIN] Sushi Making! Can only get about 10 in a day.," was released by "きまぐれクックKimagure Cook." Sushi and other types of seafood are popular in Japan, but at a typical sushi bar or Japanese restaurant, you'll find mostly seafood such as tuna, bonito, and salmon roe. In this video, you can see how the rare red sea urchin is prepared and eaten as sushi or cooked over a flame. The red sea urchin is so rare that you can dive for a day and find only about 10 of them. There are only a few Japanese restaurants that serve red sea urchin. If you have the opportunity to try it, we highly recommend it! -
Video article 10:57
Take a Look at the Amazing Skills of This Chef as He Flays and Grills Eel Effortlessly! An Introduction to the Process of Making Kabayaki at Kawatoyo, a 100-Year-Old Eel Restaurant in Narita, Chiba
Food & Drink- 25 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Turning Live Eel Into Kabayaki! The Impressive Skills of a 100 Year Old Establishment" (活きたうなぎが蒲焼きになるまで。創業100年の早業がお見事), was released by "Ante." This video introduces the chefs of Kawatoyo, a 100 year old restaurant in Narita, Chiba Prefecture. First, the slippery, live eel is beaten on a large ginkgo tree cutting board and opened in a flash. It is then grilled unseasoned and dipped in a secret sauce infused with eel extract and grilled slowly. You can almost smell the aroma from the screen. The grilled eel kabayaki is soft and fluffy and can be easily cut with chopsticks. Check out the delicious kabayaki at the end of the video! -
Video article 8:59
These Noodles Go Down Smooth! Inaniwa Udon - How One of Japan's Top 3 Udons Is Made!
Food & Drink- 45 plays
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Making Inaniwa Udon This video shows how "Inaniwa Udon," a specialty of Akita Prefecture, said to be one of Japan's top 3 udon noodles, is made. As you can see in the video, Inaniwa Udon is made through several steps: 1. Neri (練り): Kneading 2. Komaki (小巻): The noodles are cut into pieces, stretched out to about 1.5 cm in thickness, and coiled inside a tub. 3. Nai (綯い): This involves wrapping the noodles around two small bars that resemble a sort of "noodle loom." 4. Tsubushi (つぶし): Using a special rolling pin to flatten the noodles that have been wrapped around the bars. 5. Nobashi (延ばし): Lengthening the noodles by hanging, etc. 6. Kansou (乾燥): Drying the noodles. 7. Saidan (裁断): Cutting the noodles to length. 8. Senbetsu (選別): Separating and removing any imperfect noodles. Inaniwa udon has a long history of being served to lords since the Edo period, and it was not allowed to be eaten by ordinary people. It is characterized by its translucent milky white color, smooth, slippery texture, and firm noodles. Be sure to try a bowl if you get the chance! -
Video article 4:25
Smooth, Firm, and Springy! A Look at Osawaya, an Udon Shop That Specializes in "Mizusawa Udon," One of the Three Great Udon of Japan!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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Mizusawa Udon, One of Japan's Three Great Udon, at the Famous Udon Shop, Osawaya This video shows Mizusawa Udon, one of the top three udon's of Japan, at the famous udon restaurant, Osawaya. Along with Sanuki Udon and Inaniwa Udon, Mizusawa Udon is considered one of the three major udon noodles in Japan, and is considered a specialty of Mizusawa, Ikaho, Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture. The noodles have a slippery texture and have a nice, firm texture. Osawaya, introduced in the video, is an long-established udon shop with 4 shops in Ikaho, and you can also buy their noodles online. In the video, you can see the udon noodles and the magnificent maitake mushroom tempura and more, so be sure to check it out. ◆Osawaya Store Information◆ 【Address】125-1, Mizusawa, Ikaho-cho, Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture 【Access】20 minutes by bus from JR Shibukawa Station. 【Price Range】¥770+ 【Hours】10:00-16:00 (L.O.) 【Closures】The 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month※Subject to change (August・November no closures) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0279-72-3295 【Official Homepage】Osawaya http://www.osawaya.co.jp/index2.html 【Tabelog】Osawaya https://tabelog.com/en/gunma/A1004/A100401/10001525/ -
Video article 4:29
Fujiya Honten - A Long-Established Shop That's Been in Business Since the Meiji Period. "Himokawa Udon," the Famous Udon of Kiryu, Gunma, Is More Than 5 cm Wide!
Food & Drink- 29 plays
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Fujiya Honten's Himokawa Udon This video shows the famous Gunma specialty, "Himokawa Udon" at Fujiya Honten in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture. As you can see in the video, the noodles are wide, chewy, smooth, and firm. Fujiya Honten, introduced in the video, is one of the oldest shops in Gunma, and has been in business since 1887. The udon noodles at Fujiya Honten are about 5 cm wide, but there are shops that make them more than 10 cm, and nowadays people outside the prefecture know about the noodles and love the wide, flat style that's similar to kishimen. Be sure to give it a try! ◆Fujiya Honten Store Information◆ 【Address】1-6-35, Honmachi, Kiryu-shi, Gunma 【Access】A 20-minute walk from JR Kiryu Station / A 20-minute walk from Nishikiryu Station 【Price Range】¥500+ 【Hours】11:30-14:30 (L.O.) / 【Fri・Sat・Sun】17:30-20:30 (L.O.) 【Closures】Mondays・The 4th Tuesday of every month (If Monday is a holiday, the store is only open until noon and the following Tuesday is closed) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0277-44-3791 【Official Homepage】Fujiya Honten https://fujiya-honten.net/ 【Tabelog】Fujiya Honten (藤屋本店) https://tabelog.com/en/gunma/A1002/A100201/10001147/ -
Video article 9:46
Try Nagoya's Local Gourmet Noodle Dish, Miso Nikomi Udon, at Home! Recreate the Taste of the Long-Established and Popular "Yamamotoya Honten"!
Food & Drink- 29 plays
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This video, titled "Miso Nikomi Udon - A Taste of Yamamotoya Honten's Long-Established Udon Noodles" (味噌煮込みうどん♪ ~老舗の山本屋総本店の味を再現~), was released by "papadesuyo777." In this video, they recreate the flavors of Yamamotoya Honten, a long established restaurant that makes Miso Nikomi Udon, a Nagoya specialty. Yamamotoya Honten has been famous in Nagoya since the Taisho era (1912-1926) for its Miso Nikomi Udon noodles. In this video, in order to recreate the taste of Yamamotoya Honten, the noodles are made by hand from medium strength cake flour. Not only does it show how to reproduce the flavor of Yamamotoya Honten's noodles, but it also shows the cooking in detail. At the end of the video, you can see the details of the recipe. Check out the video to see how it is made! -
Video article 2:30
Japan's most un-stiff noodle! What is Ise Udon, a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture, with thick, soft noodles covered with pitch-black sauce?
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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Video introduction of Ise Udon, a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture This video introduces the famous "Ise Udon" from Ise City, Mie Prefecture. Ise Udon is a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture, where the noodles are thick and soft and covered with thick, black sauce. Ise Udon is said to be the least chewy udon in Japan, but it is fluffy and soft and has an addictive texture. From 0:00, you can see Ise Udon Yamaguchiya, and from 1:08 you can see Ise Udon from Komadori Shokudo. If you're planning a visit to Ise Jingu Shrine, be sure to stop by! ◆Komadori Shokudo Store Information◆ 【Address】Mie Pref. Iseshi Ichinoki 2-5-12 【Access】A 6-minute walk from Iseichi Station / A 12-minute walk from Miyamachi Station / A 13-minute walk from Uji Yamada Station 【Price Range】¥480+ 【Hours】9:30-18:00 (L.O.) 【Closures】Mondays, the 3rd Tuesday of every month 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0596-24-3792 【Tabelog】Komadori Shokudo (駒鳥食堂) https://tabelog.com/en/mie/A2403/A240301/24004675/ ◆Yamaguchiya Store Information◆ 【Address】1 Chome-1-18 Miyajiri, Ise, Mie 516-0072 【Access】211 meters from Iseshi Station 【Price Range】¥530+ 【Hours】10:00-18:45 (L.O.) 【Closures】Thursday (Excluding national holidays) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0596-28-3856 【Official Homepage】Yamaguchiya http://www.iseudon.jp/shop/index.html 【Tabelog】Yamaguchiya (名代伊勢うどん 山口屋) https://tabelog.com/en/mie/A2403/A240301/24000930/ -
Video article 3:34
The See-Through Pattern Is Beautiful! Artistic Koi Sushi With Squid!
Food & Drink- 31 plays
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Amazing See-Through Koi Made With Squid! This video shows how to make artistic koi fish sushi with squid. In the video, the squid is cut into thin slices to recreate the swimming imagery. Also, tamagoyaki and salmon are sandwiched between the rice and squid to create a wonderful see-through pattern. Artistic sushi that's both a feast for the eyes and mouth! Check it out! -
Video article 1:57
Beautiful artistic cross-sections! Video of how to make a decorative sushi roll, the Shikai Maki, in this video! Want to add a gorgeous dish to your celebration or party?
Food & Drink- 29 plays
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This video was published by Bidelicious - Delicious Videos - and it's perfect for celebrating! This is the video of "Shikai Maki Sushi", a decorative sushi roll that is artistic and gorgeous. This video shows how to make "Shikai Maki", a decorative sushi roll. A decorative roll creates a beautiful pattern on the cross-section of the sushi roll. In addition to patterns called "crafted sushi" such as the "Shiomi Maki" shown in this video, animals and characters can also be created on the cross-section. This popular sushi dish is enjoyed by both adults and children, and is often presented at seasonal events. If you prepare the ingredients and watch the video to confirm the instructions, you can make the "Shiomi-roll", so why not give it a try? -
Video article 13:13
Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta Is the World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded a Michelin Star! Neither the Amount nor Price Are a Laughing Matter!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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This video, titled "The World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded One Michelin Star|Eating High-Class Ramen at Tsuta for Around 3,000 Yen [IKKO'S FILMS] [Shinagawa Ikko]" (世界初のミシュラン一つ星を獲得したラーメン店「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦」で約3,000円の高級ラーメンを食してきた【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】), was released by "IKKO'S FILMS." This video introduces Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta, the world's first ramen restaurant to be awarded a Michelin star. Until now, numerous ramen restaurants have only been able to achieve "bib gourmand," but in 2014, Tsuta was the first ramen restaurant in the world to earn a star. The ramen, which is lavishly flavored with black truffles, is known as a high-class ramen that is stunning in both appearance and price, as it costs about 3,000 yen per bowl. Check out the video to get a feel for the atmosphere at Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta! -
Video article 12:01
Three Michelin Stars in the Michelin Guide! The Charcoal-Grilled Sweetfish, Prepared by the Japanese Restaurant "RyuGin" in Tokyo
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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RyuGin - Three Stars in the Michelin Guide This video introduces the amazing "Oyogashi Ayu" (Swimming Sweetfish), at the Japanese restaurant "RyuGin" in Roppongi, Tokyo. In the video you can see the fish swimming around in salt water before being turned into amazing cuisine. This gives them a somewhat salty taste as they absorb the salt through their gills. Also, when they skewer the sweetfish, they stick the gall bladder with the skewer to release the bile and reduce the bitterness of the sweetfish, giving it an elegant aroma. Every process is at RyuGin has a purpose and brings out the most flavor possible. Be sure to check out the video to see their superb river fish dishes. ◆RyuGin Store Information◆ 【Address】7F Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, 1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0006 【Access】Directly connected to Hibiya Station off the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, Hibiya Line, and Toei Subway Mita Line / Directly connected to Yurakucho Station off the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line (4-minute walk) / Directly connected to Ginza Station off the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line, Hibiya Line and Ginza Line (5 minutes walk) / Yurakucho Station off the JR Yamanote and Keihin Tohoku lines (5-minute walk) 【Price Range】¥50,000+ 【Hours】17:30-23:00 (L.O. 20:00) 【Closures】Irregular ※Please check on their website 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6630-0007 【Official Homepage】日本料理 龍吟 | Nihonryori RyuGin http://www.nihonryori-ryugin.com/ 【Tabelog】RyuGin (龍吟) https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1301/A130102/13001457/ -
Video article 4:29
Nanpu - A Teppanyaki Restaurant in Nagoya City. They Make Dashi-Maki Tamago" and Fluffy Omelettes on a Teppan Grill?!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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Cooking Eggs on a Teppan Grill?! This video shows how to make dashi-maki tamago (Japanese rolled omelets) using a teppan grill at Nanpu, a teppanyaki restaurant in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. Nanpu is a chain of izakaya (Japanese style pubs) established in 1996 with 13 locations in Aichi, Gifu, and Okinawa. In this video, they make dashi-maki tamago and fluffy omelets at Nanpu's main branch in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. You probably don't imagine cooking eggs when you see a teppan grill, but in the video, the use a spatula to expertly cook the eggs. The highlight of the video is the final twirl of the dashi-maki tamago, which can be seen at 1:13. Be sure to check it out! ◆南風 -NANPU- Store Information◆ 【Address】〒462-0056 Aichi, Nagoya, Kita Ward, Chumarucho, 1−4-4 【Access】A 10-minute walk from Shonaidori Station on the Chickamae Subway Line. 【Price Range】¥3,000+ 【Hours】17:00-24:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Parking】Available. 6 spaces 【Phone】052-910-3654 【Official Homepage】南風 -NANPU- https://nanpu.co.jp/ 【Tabelog】Nanpu https://tabelog.com/en/aichi/A2301/A230113/23033046/