Art & Architecture
Video article 0:44
A Bizarrely Designed Building in the Middle of Ginza! The Design That Makes Everyone Stop and Look up Was Inspired by Traditional Japanese Crafts
Art & Architecture- 27 plays
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This video, titled "A Unique Building in Ginza: Based on the Theme of 'Sukashibori' (16/06/15)" (銀座にユニークなビル出現・・・「透かし彫り」がテーマ(16/06/15)), was released by "ANNnewsCH." The Ginza Place building, which opened in 2016 at the Ginza 4-Chome intersection, has 11 floors above ground and two basement levels, and is based on a traditional craft called "Sukashibori" (openwork/pierced work/fretwork) that involves creating patterns on thin sheets of wood. It contains a Sony showroom, an event space, restaurants, and many other areas, and as a "landmark for creating the Ginza of tomorrow," it serves as a base for contributing to the creation of a district in Ginza that communicates new values and a future for the world from Japan. The architect in charge of the exterior design was Klein Dytham Architecture, an internationally acclaimed firm with a deep knowledge of Japan. -
Video article 4:30
Former popular AKB48 member introduces Tokyo Tower, the symbol of Tokyo, located in Minato-ku, Tokyo! Loved by the people of Japan for 60 years! What are the highlights of this popular tourist spot?
Art & Architecture- 35 plays
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Tokyo Tower" in Minato-ku, Tokyo Video Introduction こちらの動画は「東京タワー」が公開した「東京タワー ビジョンムービー」だ。 東京のシンボルとして日本国民に愛されてきた「東京タワー」。 2018年12月には開業60周年を迎えた東京タワーは、2012年5月に「東京スカイツリー」が建設されるまで、日本で最も高い電波塔であり観光地だった。 そんな東京タワーは、現在でも人気の観光スポットとして日本国内の旅行者のみならず、海外からの観光客からも親しまれている。 動画では東京タワーの展望台での楽しみ方や施設情報の案内を元AKB48の人気メンバー梅田彩佳が行っている。 東京タワー観光に行く予定のある方は、動画で予習してみてはいかがだろうか。 日本一高い建物だった「東京タワー」の現在の役割 東京タワーは、1958年12月に建設完了した東京都港区芝公園にある高さ333メートルの電波塔であり、日本一高い建物だった。 日本の歴史において東京タワーが果たした役割は大きく、テレビ局などの電波を日本の多くの世帯に発信していた。 東京タワーは、現在東京スカイツリーが完成したことで、電波塔としての役割は無く、予備電波塔と位置づけられている。 しかしながら、日本国内でも有数の観光地として訪れる方は多く、観光客は年間で360万人にも登り、日本のランドマークとしての役割を担っている。 近年においては東京タワーが日本の観光地として更に親しまれるために、バリアフリー化やイルミネーションによる企画などさまざまな取組みを行っている。 エレベーターの先は別世界!絶景の360度パノラマ 東京タワーで観光客が訪れることが出来るスポットは、150メートル地点にある「メインデッキ(大展望台)」と250メートル地点にある「トップデッキ(特別展望台)」だ。 メインデッキは動画の0:36から紹介されている。 ここは「360度パノラマ展望台」となっており、貸し出しの双眼鏡「レンタルスコープ」で東京中を見渡すことが出来る。 また、ガラス張りの床がスリル満点の「ルックダウンウィンドウ」はまるで空中を歩いているような感覚になる。 メインデッキにある「タワー大明神」は東京都内で最も高い位置にある神社として知られている。 受験シーズンになると「一番高い」成績を祈願して多くの学生が訪れる。 その他にも、イメージキャラクターとして有名な「ノッポン」のオリジナルグッズを購入できるショップやおしゃれなイベント会場「Club333」、東京タワーの周辺情報をまとめた「展望解説ボード」などがある。 さらに高いトップデッキから東京を見渡す! トップデッキ(特別展望台)は、予約制の「トップデッキツアー」に申し込んだ方のみが入れる特別な空間だ。 動画の3:33でトップデッキから見た景色を紹介している。 ここはメインデッキのような広い展望台ではないものの、メインデッキよりさらに100メートル高い250メートルから東京を見渡すことが出来る。 その景色は、まさに絶景だ。 設置された「ジオメトリックミラー」というオブジェは、風景が鏡に乱反射するよう設計されたもので、ロマンチックな雰囲気を演出する。 東京で人気のデートスポットだ。 「東京タワー」紹介動画まとめ 東京のシンボル「東京タワー」の魅力や施設情報を紹介した。 東京タワーは、東京都港区芝公園にあり非常にアクセスのしやすい観光施設だ。 電車で向かう場合、最寄り駅は大江戸線赤羽橋駅だ。 徒歩で10分以内で到着することができる。 バスで向かう場合は、目黒駅や品川駅などの主要な駅からバスが出ている。 また東京タワーには合計300台以上の車が収容可能な駐車場が併設されているので、車で来る観光者の方も安心だ。 建設から60年経ったが、魅力的な施設であることは変わりなく、満足できる観光地となっている。 動画を見て気になった方は、ぜひ足を運んで見てはいかがだろうか。 -
Video article 5:32
The Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya - Paintings, Sculptures, and Other Exhibitions in a Museum Where Even the Building Is a Work of Art!
Art & Architecture- 131 plays
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Video introduction of "Shoto Museum of Art" in Shibuya, Tokyo The video "Shoto Museum of Art, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo" (渋谷区立松濤美術館) was uploaded by "Shibuya Official Channel." It introduces the Shoto Museum of Art Unlike most art museums, the Shoto Museum of Art is in itself a work of art, with the building incorporating many different ideas. This video gives you a glimpse of the exterior and interior of the museum, as well as some of the exhibits, and gives you a good idea of what the Shoto Museum of Art is like. About the Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya Source :YouTube screenshot The Shoto Museum of Art is located in Shoto, Shibuya, Tokyo, which is a high-end residential area. It was built in 1981 as a place for Shibuya residents to deepen their knowledge of art and interact with the pieces. The interior and exterior of the museum, designed by Seiichi Shirai, are different from ordinary museums. Despite the constraints of being a "place of relaxation for the residents of the city" and "an art museum in a residential area," he has created an art museum with an original design and a distinctive landscape. As shown at 1:46 in the video, the Shoto Museum of Art periodically holds the "Shoto Museum of Art Exhibition of Works by the General Public." All of the artworks, including both Japanese and Western paintings, are by Shibuya residents. In 2020, there were 126 entries, 60 of which were accepted, and 13 receiving awards. Highlights of the Shoto Museum of Art Source :YouTube screenshot There are many things to see at the Shoto Museum of Art, including its beautiful interior and exhibits. The exterior wall, introduced at 0:32 in the video, is made of a type of red granite, a material that Seiichi Shirai himself procured in Korea. The museum's exterior walls are uniquely designed with hand washing facilities and peepholes. The lighting at the entrance ceiling is also unique and offers a magical view. A double-sided glass is also used, which gives a glossy effect and creates a beautiful scenery. The central atrium, introduced at 1:15 in the video, is a spot where you can relax and enjoy the fountain and the view of the sky while looking up at the sky. There is also a bridge at the top of the central atrium. Another highlight is "Relief," which consists of a design combining various musical instruments. It can be seen at 1:38 in the video. On the second floor, in the elevator hall, visitors can see sofas and mirrors coordinated by Seiichi Shirai. Other highlights of the museum include Salon Musee, the "Special Show-Room," where visitors can view beautiful exhibits, the Elevator Hall on the second basement floor where models of the museum are displayed, and the Multi-Purpose Hall, where lectures, art classes, and mini concerts are held. The video introduces several of the exhibits of the Shoto Museum of Art, and starting at 4:45, you can see Murata Katsushiro's "Brothers with Green Pheasants." Admission Fee and Access Source :YouTube screenshot The admission fee varies by exhibition, so be sure to check out the official website for the Shoto Museum of Art. Opening hours are from 10 am to 6 pm. (8 pm on Fridays) The museum is closed on Mondays, national holidays, the day after a national holiday, and New Year's holidays. To access the museum by train, get off at Shinsen Station on the Keio Inokashira Line and walk 5 minutes, or by bus, get off at the Shoto Museum entrance of the Hachiko Bus and walk 2 minutes. Summary of the Shoto Museum of Art Source :YouTube screenshot "Shoto Museum of Art, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo," uploaded by "Shibuya Official Channel," introduces the attractions of the Shoto Museum of Art designed by Seiichi Shirai. The Shoto Museum of Art is a luxurious facility that holds exhibitions and events. It also offers museum training for those looking to become curators. If this article piqued your interest, go visit the Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya and see the beauty of the building as well as the artworks on display! There are several museums near the Shoto Art Museum in Shibuya Ward, including the Toguri Museum of Art and Nihon Mingeikan, so be sure to check them out as well! ◆Information◆ 【Address】2-14-14 Shoto, Shibuya. Tokyo 150-0046 【Access】Get off at Shinsen Station on the Keio Inokashira Line and walk 5 minutes, or by bus, get off at the Shoto Museum entrance of the Hachiko Bus and walk 2 minutes. 【Admission fee】Varies by exhibition 【Hours】10 am to 6 pm 【Closures】Mondays, national holidays and year end and New Year’s holidays 【Parking】None, but there is a parking for bikes 【Telephone】03-3465-9421 【Official Website】Shoto Museum of Art https://shoto-museum.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Shoto Museum of Art https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066456-d1425378-Reviews-Shoto_Museum_of_Art-Shibuya_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:44
The streets of Tachikawa, Tokyo are surrounded by artworks of art. Enjoy the stylish "Fare Tachikawa Art" which makes you feel like you are visiting a foreign country!
Art & Architecture- 28 plays
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This video, titled "FARET TACHIKAWA PR(ファーレ立川アートプロモーション)," was released by "Tachikawa City Video Channel" (立川市動画チャンネル). Faret Tachikawa, as introduced in this video, is known as the "City of Art" where many public art installations by artists from around the world have been installed. The area was built in 1994 as part of a redevelopment project on the site of a former U.S. military base at JR Tachikawa Station, and it has become a tourist spot where people from many countries stop by to take a look at the 109 pieces of public art that have been installed. This video introduces Faret Tachikawa in a very stylish way, so if you are interested in art, be sure to check it out! -
Video article 6:22
Amazing Aerial Footage of "Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo," Taken by Drone! A Look at the Beautiful Church in Bunkyo City, Tokyo Designed by Kenzo Tange!
Art & Architecture- 790 plays
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Tokyo Cathedral St. Mary's Cathedral" Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan Video Introduction The aerial video, "St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo" (空撮 東京カテドラル聖マリア大聖堂), was created by "FUJISAN DRONE BASE - (富士山ドローンベース)," using mainly a drone to gather amazing footage of St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo. St. Mary's Cathedral is a Catholic church in Tokyo designed by Kenzo Tange, one of the masters of modern Japanese architecture, also known as the "World's Tange." In this article, we'll introduce St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo. In the video we see an awesome aerial view of St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo, which is normally on seen from ground level. You'll be impressed by the beautiful reflection of the church in the evening and at night. What is St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo? Photo:St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo is a church located in the Bunkyo-ku area of Tokyo, a 15-minute walk from Edogawabashi Station on the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line, across from the Chinzan-sō” building. It has the largest number of adherents in Japan in the Catholic Church's bishopric, which covers Tokyo and Chiba Prefecture. It is also accessible by bus from Mejiro Station on the JR Yamanote Line. It was originally built in a wooden Gothic style in 1899 as an auxiliary temple of "Maikai Juku" (玫瑰塾) but the building was destroyed by fire during the air raids of World War II in Tokyo. The present building being constructed in 1963. Outside the building is Lourdes Grotto, where you can see a magnificent statue of the Virgin Mary. You can see Lourdes Grotto at 2:09 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot There is also a bust of St. Francis Xavier and a replica of Michelangelo's Pieta found in the Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican. Michelangelo's Pieta can be seen at 2:58 in the video. English Masses and lectures by a priest are also held at St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo and you don't need to be a follower to attend. Other events, such as a pipe organ concert, which can be seen at 3:16 in the video, are also held, and weddings and ceremonies can be held there as well. You can also tour the facility during public hours. Also in 2019, the Pope attended "World Youth Day" at St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo. St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo - Modern Japanese Architecture Source :YouTube screenshot St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo is a very popular building designed by Kenzo Tange. The building has a thin, curved, hyperbolic-parabolic shell structure, and the exterior walls are made of stainless steel. As you can see from 4:30, when viewed from the sky it's shaped like a cross. There are no pillars in the bare concrete interior, which gives it a solemn and sacred atmosphere. The inside of the building is shown at 2:27 in the video. The building was designed without the use of CG and 3D techniques, and was entirely hand drawn. Summary of St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot This video "St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo" introduces the beautiful catholic church in Tokyo, through aerial footage. In 1978, singer Doji Morita (森田童子) performed live at the Cathedral and the CD "St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo Recording" was released, allowing listeners to feel the atmosphere of the cathedral. Enjoy the video showing St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo glistening in the sunshine and its amazing structure in the nightscape of Tokyo. 【Tripadvisor】St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066442-d1373757-Reviews-St_Mary_s_Cathedral_Tokyo-Bunkyo_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 4:16
Tokyo Kaikan - The 100-Year-Old World-Class Venue for Social Gatherings Has Been Renovated! The Newly-Reborn Tokyo Kaikan Welcomes Guests From Around the World With the Finest Hospitality!
Art & Architecture- 79 plays
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Introducing the Newly Renovated Tokyo Kaikan This video, titled "To the New Tokyo Kaikan" (新生東京會舘へ), is a PR video released by "Tokyo Kaikan" to announce the reopening of "Tokyo Kaikan" on January 8, 2019. In this article, we'll introduce the charms of the newly renovated Tokyo Kaikan in Chiyoda, Tokyo alongside the video. The video shows the charm of the new Tokyo Kaikan, which combines traditional tastes and hospitality with newness and modernity, in line with the renewal concept of "NEWCLASSICS" = "new and traditional." The Newly Renovated Tokyo Kaikan Source :YouTube screenshot Tokyo Kaikan, which opened its first building in 1922 as a world-class location for social gatherings has underwent massive renovations to prepare to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2022. The newly renovated Tokyo Kaikan opened in January 2019 as a commercial complex facility with banquet halls, restaurants, cafes, and a wedding venue. Tokyo Kaikan is within walking distance from Tokyo Station, Yurakucho Station, Nijubashimae Station, and Hibiya Station, and has very convenient transportation access. Restaurants and Dining at the Newly Renovated Tokyo Kaikan Source :YouTube screenshot The new Tokyo Kaikan has eight restaurants, as well as shops and cafes. The French restaurant "Prunier", which has been loved since the founding of Tokyo Kaikan, welcomes Chef Hiroyuki Matsumoto, who has worked at three-star restaurants in France and who will breathe new life into the establishment while maintaining the traditional flavors. The French restaurant "Prunier" can be seen at 1:15 in the video. The newly opened restaurants are the all-day dining "Rossini Terrace" and the Teppanyaki restaurant "kai". Also, at "Sweets Boutique," you can find beautiful cakes made with seasonal fruits and "Hyotan cream puff." Facilities at the Newly Renovated Tokyo Kaikan" Source :YouTube screenshot The large banquet hall "Rose" that can accommodate up to 2000 people, which can be seen from 1:06 in the video, has been luxuriously renewed and upgraded with the latest equipment. There are also up to 10 small and medium-sized banquet halls that can be used for parties and meetings. Stories of Celebrities Who Love Tokyo Kaikan From 2:50in the video, one celebrity talks about his feelings for the new Tokyo Kaikan. Second generation kabuki actor Matsumoto Hakuo mentions "I would like them to retain the good aspects of the old Tokyo Kaikan where you were able to relax." Author Mizuki Tsujimura says, "I want the new building to be my favorite place, second only to my home in Tokyo." Summary of the Newly Renovated Tokyo Kaikan Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, the charm of the new Tokyo Kaikan is that it has been renovated while preserving the traditions that made it a beloved place for social gatherings. In addition to the restaurants and banquet facilities mentioned above, weddings and wedding ceremonies are also popular, as well as cooking schools that teach the flavors of Tokyo Kaikan from beginner to advanced level. If you're looking to enjoy dinner, lunch, parties, or a wedding in a luxurious space, be sure to check out this video and experience the splendor of the new Tokyo Kaikan. Also, don't forget to visit the official website for prices and reservations. ◆Tokyo Kaikan◆ 【Address】3-2-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005 Japan 【Hours】8:30 - 17:00 (November 16 - March: 9:00 - 16:00) 【Access】A 10-minute walk from the Marunouchi South Exit of Tokyo Station 【Official Website】Tokyo Kaikan https://www.kaikan.co.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Tokyo Kaikan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14129528-d15745859-Reviews-Tokyo_Kaikan-Marunouchi_Chiyoda_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 6:00
There Are an Infinite Number of Ways To Enjoy Yourself at the Ancient Jindaiji Temple in Chofu, Tokyo! In This Relaxing Environment, You May Even Be Greeted by Gegege no Kitaro!
Art & Architecture- 103 plays
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Video introduction of "Jindaiji" in Chofu City, Tokyo This video, titled "Tokyo Jindai-Ji - 深大寺 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Jindaiji Temple in Chofu, Tokyo is one of the oldest temples in Tokyo, second only to Sensoji Temple. Stroll around the elegant grounds as you search for goshuin stamps and try out the local delicacies. Enjoy the soothing atmosphere of Jindaiji Temple through the video! What Is the Jindaiji Temple? A Look at the Temple's History Photo:Jindaiji, Chofu, Tokyo The temple’s name is derived from Jinja-Daio (深沙大王), the Buddhist water god who protected the Chinese monk Xuanzang (玄奘三蔵) as he travelled to Tianzhu (天竺) in search of Buddhist scriptures. During the year 733, (the Nara Period), Jindaiji Temple was founded by Manku Shonin (満功上人) as a temple of the Hosso sect. In 859, during the Heian Period (794-1185), the temple was converted to the Tendai sect. Following that, 800 years later in 1646 and again in 1865 during Edo Period, the temple was twice devastated by fires. The current main hall was reconstructed during the Taisho Period (1912-1926). Next to Jindaiji Temple, you'll find the Jindai Botanical Gardens. The gardens were once formally part of the temple grounds. The temple's principal object of worship is the figure of the Amida Buddha (Amitabha) placed in the main hall. Other sacred items are enshrined in the temple as well. These include the copper seated statue of the Gautama Buddha (銅造釈迦如来倚像) designated a National Treasure, the Bonsho (梵鐘, temple bell) designated an Important Cultural Property, and the 12-armed Goddess of Mercy, Kannon (Avalokiteshvara) (十二支観世音). Must-See Events at Jindaiji Temple! Photo:Daruma Doll Market The Jindaiji Daruma Doll Market is one of Japan’s three large daruma doll markets. There is a "Booth of Enlightenment" (開眼所) where you can have special Sanskrit characters painted on your daruma's eyes. Other festivals include the Ganzan Daishi Festival (厄除元三大師大祭), the Jindaiji Hozuki Festival (深大寺鬼燈まつり), the Jindaiji Soba Festival (そば守観音供養祭), and the Pet Memorial Service (動物大法要). Recommended Tourist Spots and Food Near Jindaiji Temple Photo:Jindaiji and Kitaro Chaya, Chofu, Tokyo Chofu, where Jindaiji Temple is located, is where the manga artist Shigeru Mizuki lived more than half of his life. At Jindaiji Temple, you can find Yokai Café Kitaro Chaya (鬼太郎茶屋), a yokai map of Japan, and even a yokai gallery. As seen from 0:13 in the video, the front of the café features Kitaro and Mouse Man, two characters who appear in the anime and manga "GeGeGe no Kitaro." As seen from 2:16 in the video, Jindaiji Temple is famous for its soba, with many soba shops on the temple grounds. Besides that, visitors can also try their hand at making pottery at the Jindaiji Kiln (深大寺窯). You can also visit the beautiful Fudo Falls (不動の滝) and walk along the deck. Nearby are more areas that are fun to explore, such as the Jindai Botanical Gardens, Yumori no Sato Onsen (湯守の里), the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (国立天文台), as well as Chofu Airport (調布飛行場). Summary of Jindaiji Temple Photo:Cherry blossoms and the cityscape of Chofu, Jindaiji Jindaiji Temple is an area full of greenery, where you can relax even in the heart of the city. If you've fallen in love with the atmosphere through the video, definitely make a trip down to Jindaiji Temple! ◆Jindaiji Temple Facilities Overview◆ 【Address】5-15-1 Jindaiji-moto-machi, Chofu, Tokyo 【Access】A 25-minute walk from Chofu Station on the Keio Line (京王線調布駅), or a 1-minute walk from the Jindaiji bus-stop 【Hours】9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 【Parking】Available in the Jindai Botanical Gardens 【Telephone No】042-486-5511 【Official Website】Jindaiji Temple Homepage【Ganzan Daishi Festival】Chofu, Tokyo https://www.jindaiji.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Jindaiji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1060905-d1373812-Reviews-Jindai_ji_Temple-Chofu_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:20
Zojoji Temple, a temple associated with the Tokugawa family located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, and the image of the child-rearing Jizoson with colorful windmills swaying is too beautiful to be true.
Art & Architecture Travel- 70 plays
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Zojoji Temple, Minato, Tokyo: Video Introduction This video, titled "Zojo-ji temple Jizo Statues Part II - Tokyo - 4K Ultra HD," was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Have you ever heard of Tokyo's Zojoji Temple? It actually attracted a lot of attention when it hosted the funeral of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Zojoji Temple is one of the seven head temples of the Jodo sect of Buddhism and is located in Minato, Tokyo. Its official name is Sanenzan Kodoin Zojoji (三縁山広度院 増上寺). The video opens with a shot of a gate, showing a large number of ema plaques with the image of Avalokitesvara (a Boddhisatva) on them. In one area of the temple is the Garden of Unborn Children where Jizo statues stand holding windmills, inviting visitors to an otherworldly place. Be sure to take a look at it in the video. It's not often you find a place like this in a big city like Tokyo. History and Highlights of Zojoji Temple Photo:Zojoji Temple, Minato, Tokyo Zojoji Temple is a Buddhist temple of the Jodo sect of Buddhism, that was founded in 1393 by Yuyo Shoso, the eighth head priest of the Jodo sect. It was chosen as a family temple of the Tokugawa family and developed dramatically during the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.) with deep ties to the Tokugawa Shoguns. There are gravesites of six Tokugawa shoguns within the precincts of the temple, showing the depth of the temple's connection with the Tokugawa family. The Black Image of Amida Buddha, which Ieyasu is said to have taken with him when he went into battle and prayed for victory, is known as the Buddha of victory and luck. The black-colored amulet of victory (勝運のお守り, Shoun no O-Mamori), derived from the Black Image of Amida Buddha, has a powerful aura. Be sure to keep an eye out for them when visiting the temple. There are many Important Cultural Properties to see on the temple grounds, including the Daiden (大殿, Main Hall), Enko-Daishi Hall (圓光大師堂, Enkodaishi-den, a hall dedicated to the Buddhist monk Honen Shonin), and Ankokuden Hall (安国殿, Ankokuden), which houses the Black Image of Amida Buddha. The temple is also popular for its photogenic nature, where visitors can photograph both historic buildings and the modern Tokyo Tower in one shot. The Jizo of Child Rearing at Zojoji Temple Photo:The Jizo of Child Rearing at Zojoji Temple, Minato, Tokyo Located on the north side of the temple grounds, there are many Jizo of Child Rearing standing with pinwheels and wearing distinctive red knit hats and red bibs. The temple was built to pray for the safe and sound growth, and for the repose of the souls of children. On the third Sunday of April every year, a grand Buddhist service dedicated to the Jizo of Child Rearing is held. Access to Zojoji Temple Photo:JR Hamamatsucho Station Located in Shiba Park, Zojoji Temple is easily accessible from Odaiba and other tourist attractions in the Tokyo waterfront area. The nearest station, Hamamatsucho Station, is easily accessible from Haneda Airport, so many tourists from far away visit the temple. Zojoji Temple does not have a parking lot, so if you're coming by car, we recommend using public transportation as you will have to find a nearby parking lot. ◆Zojoji Temple◆ 【Address】4 Chome-7-35 Shibakoen, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0011 【Telephone】03-3432-1431 【Access】 Train: ・A 10-minute walk from Hamamatsucho Station via JR Lines and the Tokyo Monorail ・A 3-minute walk from Onarimon Station on the Toei Subway Mita Line, and a 3-minute walk from Shiba Park ・A 5-minute walk from Daimon Station on the Toei Subway Asakusa Line and Oedo Line ・A 7-minute walk from Akabanebashi Station on the Toei Subway Oedo Line ・A 10-minute walk from Kamiyacho Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line Summary of Zojoji Temple In this article, we introduced a video of the lovely Zojoji Temple. Watching the video, you will find it hard to believe that the temple is located amongst the skyscrapers central Tokyo. Zojoji Temple attracts many worshippers, making it a popular place for New Year's shrine visits in Tokyo. If you're sightseeing in Tokyo, be sure to check out Zojoji Temple as it's not far from Tokyo Tower! 【Official Website】Zojoji Temple 【TripAdvisor】Zojoji Temple -
Video article 4:41
The inner garden of Meiji Jingu Shrine in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, is one of the most famous power spots in Tokyo, while the outer garden is a place of sports and culture! Popular events such as "Jingu Gaien Fireworks Festival" and "Jingu Gaien Icho Festival" are also held!
Art & Architecture Travel- 112 plays
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Video introduction of "Meiji Jingu Shrine" in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, a popular sightseeing spot This 4-minute long video, titled "Meiji-Jingu – Tokyo - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "Tokyo Street View – Japan The Beautiful." It is an introductory video of Meiji Jingu and introduces the highlights of the magnificent shrine. Meiji Jingu (Meiji Shrine) is a shrine located in the Yoyogi area of Tokyo's Shibuya ward (渋谷区代々木), which attracts many tourists from both inside and outside of Japan and is a spot you should definitely add to your itinerary when traveling in Tokyo. It is the most popular shrine in Japan for "hatsumode" (初詣, the first shrine visit of the year), with more visitors each year than any other shrine in Japan. It is also a popular spot for weddings and other celebrations, such as "Shichi-Go-San" (七五三). In the opening of the video, you can see the giant torii gate made from a 1,500 year old Japanese cypress tree. If you take a look at the view from beyond the torii gate, you'll see why this shrine was selected as one of the top 20 sightseeing spots in Japan by the Michelin Guide. Passing Through Meiji Jingu's Torii Gate Photo:Meiji Jingu, Tokyo The giant torii gate found at Meiji Jingu is the largest of its kind in Japan. Beyond the gate there is a small bridge and on the left hand side you can see many decorative sake barrels. Different brands have been gathered from all over Japan, and it makes for a very impressive display. Emperor Meiji was also known to enjoy drinking wine, and interestingly, many French wine barrels can also be found at the entrance to the shrine. Be sure to stay on the lookout for them when you visit. They can be seen at 0:33 in the video. After passing through the south gate (Minami Shinmon (南神門)) the main shrine will come into sight. From 2:21 in the video, you can see the famous tree known as Meoto Kusu (夫婦楠) which is believed to bring good luck in marriage, as well as many Ema boards. If you look at the wall, you will see many beautiful "kakizome" (書初め, the first calligraphy of the year). A Cafe in a Power Spot?! The History of Meiji Jingu's Inner Garden and Recommended Spots Photo:Irises in the Garden Meiji Jingu consists of the inner garden in Shibuya, which has a shrine and the shrine's grounds, and the outer garden in Shinjuku Ward, which has sports and cultural facilities. Meiji Jingu, was built on November 1st, 1920 in honor of the 122nd emperor of Japan, Emperor Meiji (明治天皇) and his wife Empress Shoken (昭憲皇太后). With a surface area equivalent to 15 Tokyo Domes, Inori no Mori (祈りの社) has been donated 100,000 trees from all over the country in an effort to increase the beautiful natural surroundings of the area. The area is scattered with spots you'll want to snap a picture of to post and share on social media! Another highlight of Meiji Jingu is its Imperial Garden (明治神宮御苑) which in June is covered with blossoming Japanese Irises. "Kiyomasa's Well" (清正の井戸) is a famous power spot inside the garden, and in recent years an increasing number of people are using the image as a wallpaper on their phones in the hope that it will bring them good luck. Other famous spots around Meiji Jingu include the turtle-shaped rock "Kameishi" (亀石) and the martial arts building "Shiseikan" (至誠館). If you're interested in learning more about the history of Meiji Jingu, we highly recommend visiting the adjacent Meiji Shrine Museum (明治神宮ミュージアム). For lunch, we recommend the delicious sandwiches served at Cafe Mori no Terrace (CAFÉ 杜のテラス). Meiji Jingu is open from sunrise to sunset, therefore the opening times vary depending on the time of year. Please check the official website for more information regarding hours. You can also find information on shrine etiquette and "Go-shuin" (御朱印) on the same website. Gingko Trees in Fall - Meiji Jingu's Outer Garden Photo:Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Avenue Meiji Jingu's outer garden features a variety of sports facilities, including a driving range, tennis court, and baseball field. Access to the area is great, and there's also a hotel parking lot in the vicinity. Many baseball competitions are held at Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium, which is home to the Yakult Swallows, as well as the annual Jingu Gaien Fireworks Festival (神宮外苑花火大会). A spot we highly recommend in the outer garden area is the row of Gingko trees leading up to the Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery (聖徳記念絵画館). In November, just as the leaves are turning red, the whole area is lit up making it a great place to take a photo. Every year, more than 1.8 million people take part in the Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Festival (神宮外苑 いちょう祭り). Meiji Jingu Summary Photo:Meiji Jingu We hope you enjoyed this introductory video featuring the highlights of Meiji Jingu's inner and outer gardens. At 3:00 in the video, you can hear the sound of people visiting the shrine. Enjoy the sights, sounds, spiritual atmosphere of Meiji Jingu! 【Official Website】Meiji Jingu https://www.meijijingu.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Meiji Jingu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066456-d1373780-Reviews-Meiji_Jingu_Shrine-Shibuya_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:33
Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo, the first upscale Starbucks in Japan, opens in Meguro-ku, Tokyo! Spend a moment of elegance and celebrity at the perfect location along the Meguro River!
Art & Architecture Shopping- 56 plays
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Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo, an upscale Starbucks store in Meguro-ku, Tokyo - Opening Video Introduction Here's a video from SankeiNews showing the press the opening of the Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo in Nakameguro in February 2019. This video was published by “SankeiNews.” The title of the video is "Only the 5th Store of its Kind in the World|An In-Store Roasting Machine|Starbucks Reserve Roastery Makes Landfall in Japan" (世界で五番目 店内に焙煎機 「高級スタバ」日本初上陸). Starbucks is a popular coffee chain with around 1,500 stores in Japan (as of September, 2019). The Starbucks introduced in the video is called a “Starbucks Reserve Roastery.” It is very different from regular Starbucks stores. Starbucks Reserve Roastery is a new type of coffee shops offering a high-quality, luxurious coffee experience by roasting coffee beans inside the store. This article will talk about the appeals of “Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo.” Be sure to watch the video as you read on! Before we go any further, we recommend checking out the interior of Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo shown in the video. This Starbucks offers “a unique, signature experience from roasting the beans to pouring the perfect coffee.” The Luxury Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo was launched in February, 2019 in Meguro, Tokyo. It's a 14 minute walk from Nakameguro station, located by the Meguro river. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Meguro river from the terrace- a famous place for cherry blossom viewing. The first thing that catches your eye upon entering the store is the huge cask in which the roasted coffee beans are matured. This can be seen at 0:24 in the video. The casks also feature a metal exterior design with cherry blossom petals. The other Starbucks Reserve Roastery are located in Seattle, Shanghai, Milan, and New York. This is the very first Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Japan. The CEO of Starbucks Coffee Japan, Takafumi Mizuguchi, made a speech, stating, “I want to make Japan a coffee wonderland” (0:36). After Mizuguchi’s speech, the architect, Kengo Kuma (a well-known designer who designed the new National Stadium) talked about the exterior design of this Starbucks. Introducing the Floors of Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot On the first floor, there is a main bar where you can order coffee, and an Italian bakery called “Princi” that offers freshly baked pastries. You can also purchase limited merchandise on the first floor (1:05). TEAVANA is located on the second floor. Here, you can enjoy different teas such as black tea and Japanese tea (1:52). The ARRIVIAMO BAR counter is located on the third floor. On this floor, you can enjoy special alcohol, including wine, beer, and cocktails, that use coffee (2:28). The fourth floor is also used for local events, as well as for tours to see the process of packaging coffee. Summary of Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, you can see the inside of the luxury Starbucks. This is the first store of its kind to launch in Japan. When it first opened, there was a long line to get in and tickets were distributed to prevent overcrowding. For now, you can check out this Starbucks in this video. The menu is very different from a regular Starbucks. A cup of coffee costs around 1,000 yen, but the taste of the coffee is very different from what you can get at other coffee shops. The atmosphere of the store is also outstanding. If you have a chance, be sure to visit this luxury Starbucks! 【Official Website】STARBUCKS RESERVE® ROASTERY TOKYO https://www.starbucks.co.jp/reserve/roastery/ 【Tripadvisor】STARBUCKS RESERVE(R) ROASTERY TOKYO https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g1066450-d16714835-Reviews-Starbucks_Reserve_R_Roastery_Tokyo-Meguro_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:54
The National Museum of Western Art in Ueno, Tokyo. A World Heritage Site Since 2016, Le Corbusier's World-Famous Architecture in Taito City Is Home to Many Famous Works of Art!
Art & Architecture- 61 plays
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News Video Introduction of the World Heritage Registration of "The National Museum of Western Art" in Taito-ku, Tokyo This is a breaking news video from July 2016, published by "ANNnewsCH", titled "The Ueno-National Museum of Western Art is a World Heritage Site; The 20th in Japan(上野・国立西洋美術館が世界遺産に 日本で20件目)". The UNESCO World Heritage Committee held in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2016, was on the 17 buildings around the world designed by French architect Le Corbusier. Le Corbusier's architectural works are "a remarkable contribution to the modern architectural movement", and as such, it was registered as a World Heritage site. The National Museum of Western Art, located in Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo, is one of the World Heritage sites that span multiple regions, including Europe, South America and Asia. What's So Amazing About Being Registered as a World Heritage Site, and What Are They? Source :This article Video Japan has many historic cultural and natural sites that have become world heritage sites such as Mt. Fuji, Himeji Castle, Yakushima, Shirakawa-go and Gokayama Gassho-zukuri Villages, the Atomic Bomb Dome, Itsukushima Shrine, and Shurijo Castle. The National Museum of Western Art, introduced in this video, has been registered as Japan's 20th World Heritage Site. The National Museum of Western Art, completed in 1959, is the only Corbusier building in Japan. One of the highlights of the building is its unique construction method which supports the first floor only using columns. This can be seen in the video at 0:35. This construction method had a great influence on modern Japanese architecture. The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo has been registered by the World Heritage Convention as a World Heritage Site in recognition of its "prominent universal value". What Kind of Place Is the National Museum of Western Art? Source :This article Video The National Museum of Western Art, now registered as a World Heritage site, specializes in displaying modern Western art works. Originally, it started with a collection exhibition called the "Matsukata collection" (Koujiro Matsukata), but now there are many paintings and sculptures by European artists such as Monet and Van Gogh as well. In addition to the permanent exhibition at the main building, popular exhibition events such as the Habsburg exhibition also attract a lot of attention. A Summary of the National Museum of Western Art Photo : The National Museum of Western Art At 1:00 in the video, you can see the delight on their faces as the museums curators hear it will be registered as a World Heritage Site. When visiting Tokyo, consider taking a trip to the National Museum of Western Art, a beautiful architectural display housing many other works of art. ◆National Museum of Western Art, facility overview◆ 【Address】7-7 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 【Access】1 minute walk from JR Ueno Station 【Admission fee / ticket fee】500 yen for general, 250 yen for university students (* as of April 2020) 【Hours of Operation】 9:30 to 17:30, and 9:30 to 21:00 on Fridays and Saturdays 【Closures】Monday 【Average time spent here】About 90 minutes 【Official website】 The National Museum of Western Art https://www.nmwa.go.jp/en/ -
Video article 5:00
Miwa Komatsu - A Look at the Japanese Artist's Passionate Performances!
Art & Architecture Festivals & Events- 385 plays
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Miwa Komatsu’s Performance at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi This video, titled "Miwa Komatsu, Live Performance Event in Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store" (「小松美羽_ライブペイントin日本橋三越本店」), introduces the young artist Miwa Komatsu. This live performance event was held at Nihombashi Mitsukoshi from December 5th, 2018 to December 16th, 2018. In this video, we'll introduce the work of the young and talented artist Miwa Komatsu’s, including her Shinju (Shinto creatures) series, and the "Miwa Komatsu exhibition," where more than 100 pieces of her work, including new pieces, were on display. The exhibition had works such as, "The 22 pillars of Shinju," with the theme "Yamato Power to the World" (大和力を世界へ, Yamatoryoku wo sekai e), her wolf series, which are a vivid reminder of life and death, as well as the "10 3-dimensional Komainu" (Guardian dogs). At 3:52 in the video, you can see some of her works displayed at the exhibition. About the Aspiring Artist Miwa Komatsu Source :YouTube screenshot Miwa Komatsu, featured in the video, is a Japanese woodblock and contemporary artist. Born in 1984 in Nagano Prefecture, she entered Joshibi College of Art and Design in 2003 and began making copperplate prints. In 2005, she became famous for her work "49 Days" (四十九日, sijuukunichi), and in 2010, she published a book of original poetry and drawings, titled "Encounters are Everything in Life" (出会いこそ人生のすべて). In 2012, she held her first solo exhibition "Furusato Sakajo wo Egaku -Kaminezumi to Karanekosama-" at the Tetsu Museum in her hometown Nagano. She dedicated her work "Shin-Fudoki" (新・風土木) to Izumo Taisha Shrine. She also collaborated with horticultural designer Kazuyuki Ishihara to exhibit Arita-ware komainu at the Chelsea Flower Show, the world's largest gardening event organized by the Royal Horticultural Society. The work entered into the permanent collection at the British Museum. In 2017, Komatsu held a Solo Exhibition at Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioi Conference (Tokyo, Japan), which drew 30,000 visitors. In 2018, at the age of 33, she held a retrospective exhibition in Karuizawa New Art Museum. In 2019, she held her solo exhibition "Prayer" at Whitestone Gallery in Taipei (Taiwan), she also held a collaboration exhibition with the world-class artist Yayoi Kusama the same year. The Style of Miwa Komatsu Source :YouTube screenshot As you can tell from her paintings, such as "All May Become Dragons" (だれしも龍となる), "Earth Birthing Qilin" (麒麟を産む木), or "Shishi Alpha Final Form" (阿獅子 最終形態), many of Komatsu's works are designed under the theme of mythical creatures. Her way of painting is unique as she prays both before and after drawing. This is a way of expressing her hope that the "paintings will become a place of prayer for many people." You can see her praying at 0:14 in the video. In the live painting performance, she put paints directly onto her drawing brush, her fingers and palms, and then she paints with a delicate yet bold touch. The audience hold their breaths and watch as she paints up and down. Check out the video around 0:28 to see Komatsu’s live performance. Miwa Komatsu on the TV Show "Jonetsu Tairiku" Source :YouTube screenshot Komatsu appeared on the popular TV show "Jounestu Tairiku" presented by MBS/TBS in November of 2015. She drew global attention being an exceptionally young artist to have her worked inducted at the British Museum. Even so, she unconfidently smiled and said "I'm not good enough to compete at a worldwide level," showing her aspirations to aim further. In addition, she exhibited her work at Christie's, the world's longest-running art auction house, showing the gap between the world's top aesthetic collectors and the timid Komatsu, who watched with bated breath as she waited to see if her work would be evaluated by them. Miwa Komatsu’s Passionate Performance Source :YouTube screenshot What did you think of Miwa Komatsu, the young up-and-coming artist? If you're interested in checking out her work, be sure to take a look at her website and follow her on Instagram. You can also check the latest information about her exhibitions and live events. You'll be captivated by her passionate performances. 【Official Website】Miwa Komatsu Official site https://miwa-komatsu.jp/en/ -
Video article 1:37
Harajuku Station in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, a town for young people, has been renovated for the first time in about 100 years. Visitors are welcomed with a new look from the old wooden station building!
Art & Architecture- 32 plays
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This video, titled "Harajuku Station on the Yamanote Line Gets a Facelift, Saying Goodbye to the Wooden Station Building" (山手線原宿駅が装い一新 木造駅舎とはお別れ), was released by "KyodoNews." Harajuku Station on the JR Yamanote Line, along with Shibuya Station, is used by many people every day as the gateway to the "town of youth." The Harajuku Station building was built in the Taisho Period in a western style and was popular as a landmark building that was great for taking Instagram pictures. However, due to fire safety concerns, Harajuku Station was renovated for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. The new station building, which will open in March 2020, will have a stylish look and will be easy to use with barrier-free facilities. From now on, passengers on the Yamanote Line will be able to use the new Harajuku Station to visit tourist attractions, such as Meiji Shrine and Omotesando! -
Video article 3:30
Experience the Large Weeping Cherry Blossoms at Joenji Temple in All Their Beauty in the Metropolis of Shinjuku, Tokyo! Enjoy Beautiful Cherry Blossoms Lit up to "Sakura Sakura," a Japanese Folk Song!
Art & Architecture Travel Traditional Culture History Nature- 87 plays
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Video introduction of Jouenji Temple, a hanami spot in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "[Sakura] Joenji Temple - Tokyo - 常圓寺 - 4K Ultra HD," was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." There are places to view cherry blossoms in Tokyo, and Joenji Temple, located in Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo, in Japan's Kanto region, is one of them. The area around the cherry blossoms is lined with high-rise office buildings and luxury hotels, and the weeping cherry blossom standing majestically in the midst of the metropolitan skyscrapers is a hidden gem for viewing cherry blossoms. From 0:08 in the video, the cherry blossoms can be seen lit up at night, a sight that will make you forget that you're in the middle of a city. Surprisingly, there are many temples and shrines in the Shinjuku area, and once you begin to look for them, you'll find many power spots where the hustle and bustle of the city seems to disappear. The temple shown in the video, Joenji Temple, is located along the busy Ome-Kaido (Ome Highway), but once you set foot on the approach, you'll feel as though you've stepped into another world. Joenji Temple – The History of Shinjuku’s Hidden Gem for Cherry Blossom Viewing Photo:Weeping cherry blossoms at Joenji Temple, Shinjuku, Tokyo Joenji Temple is located just six minutes from Shinjuku Station on foot, and is said to have a history dating back 600 years. The temple was moved from Hatagaya, Shibuya, to its current location in Nishi-Shinjuku on September 13, 1585. The precincts of the temple are approximately 1,100 tsubo (~3,600 Sq. m) in size, and include the main hall, the soshi-do (founder's hall), a large study, Naka-mon Gate, the bell tower hall, the storehouse, and other halls. The large weeping cherry tree that appears in the video is planted near the temple gate, and when it is in full bloom, the cherry blossoms can be seen from the Ome Kaido that runs beside Joenji Temple, attracting many visitors every year. The large weeping cherry tree has been called one of the "Three Trees of Edo" and "One Hundred Cherry Trees of Edo" since the Edo period (1603-1868). Unfortunately, during WW2, most of the temple was destroyed by air raids, but in 1952, thanks to the contributions of the temple's parishioners, the temple was rebuilt after the war. Since Joenji is a Nichiren-Shu temple and its scripture is the Lotus Sutra, the Shoin (temple office) also serves as the Joenji Institute of Nichiren Buddhism, and there are gravesites of historical figures such as Tsutsui Masanori (a historical site designated by Shinjuku Ward) on the temple grounds. The current head priest is Genichi Oikawa, who inherited the Triratna from the 40th head priest of Joenji. Sakura, Sakura – A Traditional Japanese Folk Song Photo:Someiyoshino cherry blossoms The background music used in the video is the folk song "Sakura, Sakura," which any Japanese person knows. (It is commonly known in Japanese as simply "Sakura"). There is a theory that this song was originally written as a Koto exercise, but the author is unknown. It was not until the Meiji Period (1868-1912 A.D.) that the song was popularized as "Sakura Sakura," and in the Showa Period (1926-1989) it was selected as a song for elementary school music lessons. In addition, there are two versions of the lyrics, one written in the Meiji Period (the lyrics used in this video) and the other revised in 1941. The 1941 version seems to be the one adopted in most school education today. The lyrics can be translated as follows: Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, In fields, mountains and villages As far as the eye can see. Is it mist, or clouds? Fragrant in the rising sun. Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, Flowers in full bloom. Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, Across the spring sky, As far as the eye can see. Is it mist, or clouds? Fragrant in the air. Come now, come now, Let's go and see them. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakura_Sakura#Lyrics) The best time to see and see the weeping cherry blossoms at Joenji Temple in Shinjuku The highlight of Joenji's cherry blossoms is "Daishidare-zakura," which usually reaches its peak from late March, but in 2023, it bloomed earlier than usual on March 19th for 4 minutes and was in full bloom on March 19th. The lights will also be lit up according to the best season.The towering buildings and weeping cherry blossoms behind you are a great photo spot.It entertains many people's eyes. Tokyo's cherry blossom forecast for 2014 is March 23.On the official website of Sangwonsa Temple, the blooming status and lighting period of the cherry blossoms are updated from time to time, so please check them out. Summary of Joenji Temple, a Hidden Gem for Cherry Blossoms in Shinjuku, Tokyo Photo:Joenji Temple, Shinjuku, Tokyo Joenji Temple is about a 6-minute walk from Shinjuku Station on the JR and private railway lines. The temple is located along the Ome Kaido, a main highway, making it very accessible. The large weeping cherry trees on the temple grounds are a must-see! Please note that the bloom season is short and there is a slight time lag in updating bloom information on bloom tracking websites. There are many other shrines and temples in the area between Nishi-Shinjuku and Higashi-Shinjuku where Joenji Temple is located, so be sure to check them out when visiting Tokyo, and collect your goshuin stamps! 【TripAdvisor】Joenji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14133673-d8036422-Reviews-Joenji_Temple-Nishishinjuku_Shinjuku_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:55
Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens: The Beautiful Building in Taito City, Tokyo That Left Its Mark on the Architectural History of Japan. This Is Where Japan's Modern Architectural Culture Began!
Art & Architecture Travel- 131 plays
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What is the "Former Iwasaki Residence Garden" in Taito-ku, Tokyo? This video, titled "Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens – Area Information|Video Website|Machi Log," introduces Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens, a wooden, European-style building that was built more than 120 years ago in 1896 (year 29 of Meiji), for the founder of Mitsubishi, Hisaya Iwasaki. Due to the dissolution of the zaibatsu, as directed by SCAP after the war, the Iwasaki Family residence was requisitioned and they lost much of the buildings and garden; however it was later returned to the Japanese government. Presently, there are 3 buildings left, the Western-style building (main building), the billiard room, and the Japanese-style building. They are designated as important cultural properties. The building itself was designed by the Englishman, Josiah Conder. An authentic, wooden, Western-style 2 story building with a basement was very rare at the time and it is said to have eventually had a large influence on modern day Japanese housing. All of the Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens is open to the public as a metropolitan garden, and there is also a café there so it's teeming with people during lunchtime or seasons in which you can see the cherry blossoms and autumn foliage. The elegant Western-style building is also used for filming many TV dramas and movies thanks to its beautiful appearance. The Highlights of Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens Source :YouTube screenshot There are so many points of interest at Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens that we couldn't possibly cover them in one go. The architecture of the semi-Western mansion representing the wealthy of the Meiji era (1868-1912) immediately after the opening of the country, is considered to be a very modern style even by present-day standards. When you enter the house, the decorations, including vines wrapping around the wooden columns, catch one's eyes immediately. This particular design is called Jacobian-style architecture and was very popular in 19th century England. This can be seen from 1:10 in the video. The wooden billiards room is designed in the style of a Swiss mountain hut, which was rare in Japan at that time. The Japanese-style building, which was used by Hisaya Iwasaki, was decorated with screen paintings by the great Japanese artist, Masakuni Hashimoto. The billiards room can be seen at 1:58, and the Japanese-style building can be seen at 2:33 in the video. Finally, the greatest highlight of Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens is the rose garden that colors the entire lawn. In autumn, the Autumn Festival is held, and the scent of its roses fill the entire Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens, captivating the many visitors. On the other hand, the serene Japanese-style garden has the look of a traditional Japanese garden, with garden stones, lanterns, and artificial miniature hills. At tea ceremonies, you can enjoy tea and Japanese confectioneries while enjoying the scenic nature of the seasons at the beautiful Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens. The Tumultuous History of Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens Source :YouTube screenshot Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens is located at Ikenohata 1-chome, Taito-ku, Tokyo, where the residence of the Takada Domain was located in the Edo period (1603-1868). After the Meiji Restoration, due to the abolition of feudal domains and the establishment of prefectures in 1871, the Takada Domain was dissolved and it became the property of the former Maizuru clan governor, Sukeshige Makino. However, it was bought by Yataro Iwasaki who was part of a zaibatsu, and the 3rd generation head of that family, Hisaya Iwasaki, built Kyu-Iwasaki-tei. After the war, the zaibatsu were dissolved by SCAP, the building became government controlled, and was managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It is indeed a monument that has survived a tumultuous history to the present day. Summary of Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens Photo:Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens, the foundation of Japan's modern architecture, is currently undergoing restoration work on the lawn and is partly off-limits as of April 2020. Tours are still taking place; however, so why not visit Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens and get a taste of Japanese history? Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Garden, a pillar of Japanese architectural history, is where Japan's modern architectural culture began. ◆Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens|Facility Overview ◆ 【Address】1-3-45 Ikenohata, Taito Ward, Tokyo 110-0008 【Access】A 3-minute walk from Yushima Station on the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line (~10-minute walk from Shinobazu lake) walk from Shinobazu Pond) 【Admission Fee】General ¥400, Seniors over 65 ¥200, free for elementary school students and below and junior high school students who reside or attend school in Tokyo, and various discount rates such as group discounts 【Hours】9:00~16:30 【Closures】End of the Year, New Year’s Holiday 【Parking】Not available 【Telephone Number】03-3823-8340 【Official Website】Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens|Let’s go to the park! https://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/park/format/index035.html 【Tripadvisor】Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066461-d321036-Reviews-Kyu_Iwasakitei_Teien-Taito_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 5:24
Simply Gorgeous! The Breathtaking Architecture of Akasaka Palace – Enjoy Perusing the Guesthouse in Minato, Tokyo That Provides Service to Key Figures From Around the World!
Art & Architecture- 174 plays
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Video Introduction of "Akasaka Rikyu, the State Guest House" in Minato-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "Akasaka Palace: 108 Years After Its Foundation - A Walk Through the Main Building" (迎賓館赤坂離宮: 今年で創建108年 本館内を歩く), was produced by the Mainichi Shimbun in 2017. It shows footage of the interior of Akasaka Palace's main building, and the summit meetings of major countries that have been held at it. Akasaka Palace is a breathtaking, modern, western-style building, designated as a national treasure and a facility of the Cabinet Office. This article will introduce the facilities of Akasaka Palace, an official guest house of the Japanese government. The video shows the unique architecture of Akasaka Palace, which is a mixture of Western palace architecture and Japanese architecture. When you will see the real thing in a beautiful and solemn atmosphere, you'll be amazed. About Akasaka Palace Source :YouTube screenshot Akasaka Palace is Japan's only neo-baroque palace building, built in 1909 as the Crown Prince's Palace. It was built to promote civilization and national prestige during the Meiji period. After the war, it underwent major renovations and reopened as a state guesthouse in 1974. Akasaka Palace is located in Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo, and is a 7-minute walk from Yotsuya Station on the JR Chuo Line and Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line. There is a paid parking lot in the vicinity. Akasaka Palace's Main Building is open to the public and can be visited without reservation (admission fee charged). You can also enjoy "afternoon tea" at the garden café in the front garden of Akasaka Palace, which consists of a three-tiered tray of sandwiches, scones, sweets, and tea. Those wishing to have afternoon tea, lunch, or tea at the garden café will need to pay a separate fee to visit the garden. Akasaka Palace's Main Building Source :YouTube screenshot At the beginning of the video, you can see the main building of Akasaka Palace. At 0:13 in the video, we enter the building from the front entrance and go up the central stairs. The main hall on the second floor is a gorgeous, gilded arched ceiling decorated with gold leaf and chandeliers. At 0:55 in the video, we see "Hagoromo no Ma," a room with a large mural on the ceiling depicting a passage from the Noh play "Hagoromo" (Robe of Heaven). The last general meeting of the 12th Summit of Developed Nations (Tokyo Summit) in 1986, was held in Hagoromo. This is shown at 1:19 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot In 1993, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa held a summit meeting in "Sairan no Ma," which can be seen at 1:31 in the video, with its impressive reliefs of Japanese elements, including traditional armored warriors painted with gold leaf. In "Hanatori no Ma," there are cloisonne frames depicting flowers and birds. There's also "Higashi no Ma," "Nishi no Ma, "Asahi no Ma" as well; all of which are worth checking out. You will be amazed by the splendor of the museum, which is decorated with national treasures, including artifacts and paintings that will take your breath away. It takes about an hour to tour the main building, the main garden, and the front garden. Special exhibitions are occasionally held at the Akasaka Palace's gardens as well. Since the secretariat of the organizing committee for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was established at Akasaka Palace, the Akasaka Palace Special Exhibition (History and Photographs) was also held at Akasaka Palace. Summary of Akasaka Palace Photo:Akasaka Palace "Akasaka Palace: 108 Years After Its Foundation - A Walk Through the Main Building," introduces the beautiful halls of Akasaka Palace. In addition to the main building of Akasaka Palace, there's also a Japanese style annex which requires an advance reservation to visit. For opening days and admission fees, please visit the official website. If you want to experience the glamorous stage of Japanese diplomacy, where kings and presidents from all over the world are welcomed, be sure to check out the video! Taking wedding photos in front of the Akasaka Palace is also quite popular. Some travel agencies offer tours to Akasaka Palace's gardens, so consider joining one if you're interested! ◆Guesthouse Akasaka Imperial Villa Facility Overview◆ 【Address】2-1-1 Moto-Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0051, Japan 【Access】A 7-minute walk from the Akasaka exit of Yotsuya Station on the Chuo and Sobu Lines 【Admission fee】Adults 1,500 yen, junior and senior high school students 700 yen (as of April 2020) 【Hours】10:00~17:00 【Closures】Wednesdays 【Parking】There is a paid parking lot in the vicinity 【Phone number】03-3478-1111 【Official Website】Guest House Akasaka Palace | Cabinet Office https://www.geihinkan.go.jp/en/akasaka/ -
Video article 3:42
The Realistic “Octopus” by a Japanese Kirie Artist: A Detailed Cutout Using Only a Single Sheet of Paper! Enjoy This Four-Minute Video Introducing the Amazing Skills of One Artist.
Art & Architecture- 328 plays
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The Paper Cutout “Octopus”: Amazing Art Made With a Single Sheet of Paper! Before we begin, take a look at the video "([Kirie] Fast forwarding from the beginning to the completion of "Octopus" / Octopus Production Video)!" ((【切り絵】早送りで切り始めから完成まで『海蛸子』制作動画/Octopus Production Video))! This artwork “Octopus” looks just like the real thing, but actually, it was created through the Japanese paper cutting technique “Kirie (切り絵).” The title of this artwork is “Octopus.” Paper cutting artists never use multiple sheets of paper; They only use one sheet of paper to cut out their designs. In this article, we'll explore the secrets of kirie techniques, and the handiwork of its artisans to find out how these delicate and artistic works of art are created. This video fast-forwards through the process of making kirie in just under 4 minutes. Not a single second of the amazing craftsmanship in the video is to be missed! What Is Kirie? How Was That Octopus Made? Source :YouTube screenshot It was KIRIKEN (Masayo Fukuda), a Japanese Kirie artist, who released the artwork “Octopus” in 2018. The main characteristic of her artwork is that she can create a beautiful see-through designs of animals, as well as dynamic movement and even shading using only one sheet of paper. It takes about two months to create artistic paper cutouts like "Octopus." Drawing a detailed design of an octopus and continuously cutting paper is a daunting task. You can see KIRIKEN working on some paper cutting at 0:30 in this video. Once a wide variety of her paper cutouts were introduced on social media, including “Octopus,” she received a multitude of comments from people amazed at the quality of her paper cutting, describing her work as “Beautiful,” with compliments like “I'm at a loss for words.” This paper cutout is so realistic, it's as if the octopus could start moving at any moment. Even it's eyes at 1:18 and suckers from 2:21 are amazing. Let’s Give Paper Cutting a Try! Photo:A Kirie Cutout Some people might think that paper cutting is difficult, but it's actually quite a simple concept. Beginners can try it out very easily. Once you get a sheet of origami paper, scissors, and a paper knife, start by drawing your design on the paper and cut that out. The trick to making good paper cutouts is to cut the design very slowly and carefully. If you want to know how to make paper cutouts in more detail, you can also look into trial classes. Overview: The Deep World of Paper Cutting Paper cutting has a long history; In China, people have created paper cutouts since the Period of the North and South Dynasties. Paper cutting is an easy art at its core; All one has to do is cut one shape out of paper. But as you can see from this video of the octopus paper cutout, the world of paper cutting is very deep. Can you believe that this artwork is made from just one sheet of paper? If you haven't watched the video yet, be sure to check it out. You'll be amazed. It's easy to get started because all you need is paper and a knife. These days, paper cutting has been getting more and more popular as a new kind of hobby. Please check out how to make paper cutouts and enjoy the world of paper cutting! Kirie is a world-class technique for contemporary art and modern Japanese craftsmanship. 【Official Website】KIRIKEN Masayo: Japanese Paper Cutting Artist https://kiriken.thebecos.com/en/ -
Video article 5:06
The Popular Artist Takashi Murakami’s Works Are Impressive Pop-Art Pieces That Captivate the Hearts of People Around the World! Who Is Takashi Murakami? A Look at His Famous Works and Awards!
Art & Architecture Celebrities- 137 plays
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The 500 Arhats This video in this article will introduce “Takashi Murakami’s The 500 Arhats”. The special footage is produced by the official Mori Art Museum. The 500 Arhats exhibition was an event gallery held at the Roppongi Hills Mori Art Museum between 2015 and 2016. Let’s explore the magnetism of The 500 Arhats exhibition, a modern art exhibition which received the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts. Who is Takashi Murakami? Source :村上隆 | Kaikai Kiki Gallery Takashi Murakami, is a contemporary artist who has made many pop art pieces. Along with his accomplishments as a pop artist, he is also the CEO of Kaikai Kiki Co. Ltd., and acts as a curator, and collector, as well as a film director. He is also the chairman of the contemporary art fair “Geisai”. In recent years, having had a cameo in the movie “Star Wars” also created a small buzz. His younger brother, Yuji Murakami, has also produced works as a pop artist. Takashi Murakami's Representative Works Source :Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. Takashi Murakami’s famous artwork is “Flower”, known for its cute smile. The flower motif has been turned into products such as pillows (the flower pillow), key-chains, posters, and sticker packs and sold in shops. Also, his collaboration with the world-famous brand Louis Vuitton is another hot topic of discussion. His widely known work, the life-sized figurine “My Lonesome Cowboy” was auctioned abroad for 1.6 billion yen. Takashi Murakami is also largely influencing the anime subculture, also referred to as "Otaku" culture. Over the recent years, he has been doing exhibitions, such as the Doraemon poster exhibitions, and also creating works as a “Superflat” artist influenced by manga, anime, and media that is representative of modern culture. What Is the 500 Arhats Exhibit Source :YouTube screenshot In the above footage you can see the large-scale exhibition of Takashi Murakami that was held at the Roppongi Hills Mori Art Museum. What we can see around 1:23 and 2:02 in the video is a massive one-hundred-meter-long painting. It is a powerful piece that revived rakanzu, by Nagasawa Rosetsu and Kano Kazunobu, artists from the Edo period (1603-1868), as modern art. Summary of Takashi Murakami’s “The 500 Arhats” Source :YouTube screenshot Takashi Murakami’s exhibitions have been held in Tokyo and Kyoto as well as cities such as New York and Qatar. If this article has made you interested in Takashi Murakami, we recommend checking out his Instagram or visiting one of his exhibitions yourself. If you haven't watched it yet, don't forget to check out the video introducing The 500 Arhats exhibition as well! 【Official Website】Takashi Murakami - Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. https://www.kaikaikiki.co.jp/artist/murakami/ -
Video article 4:08
Senso-ji Temple, located in Taito-ku, Tokyo, is exceptionally beautiful at night! Visit the mysterious Senso-ji Temple at night in Tokyo, which is different from the crowded temple during the daytime with many tourists.
Art & Architecture- 204 plays
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Night view video introduction of Sensoji Temple in Taito Ward, Tokyo This video, titled "Asakusa Sensoji Temple at Night" (浅草雷門 昼間とは別世界 浅草寺の夜景 - Asakusa Sensoji Temple at Night), was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The video shows scenes of Sensoji Temple at night. Sensoji Temple is located in Tokyo's Taito Ward (台東区, taito-ku). Every day from sunset to around 11:00 in the evening, the Kaminarimon Gate (雷門, kaminarimon), Nakamise Shopping Street (仲見世, nakamise), and the main hall of Sensoji Temple are lit up beautifully. Even at night, visitors are allowed to worship at the brilliant red Kaminarimon Gate and the temple itself. Many people pop in to visit after checking in at a hotel, or while waiting for the bullet train. Nighttime Events at Sensoji Temple Photo:Nakamise Street at night, Tokyo Sensoji Temple is hosting a light-up event to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Edo Period, aiming to promote the image of Asakusa as an international city under the slogan "Asakusa - Shining in the 21st Century" (輝く21世紀の浅草). The main hall, Hozomon Gate, and the five-storied pagoda of Sensoji Temple are lit up, creating a mystical, breathtaking night view. As seen from 2:13 in the video, on Nakamise Shopping Street, there are also painted shutter murals known as "asakusa emaki (浅草絵巻)" painted on the gates to the shops. The night view of Sensoji Temple, with Tokyo Skytree soaring into the sky opposite Nakamise Shopping Street, coupled with beautiful weeping cherry blossoms, is great for taking Instagram photos, so be sure to bring along your camera when exploring the area. More About Sensoji Temple Photo:Sensoji Temple Kaminaramon, Asakusa, Tokyo Sensoji Temple is known for being the oldest temple in Tokyo, on top of having huge numbers of visitors (ranked within the top 10 temples in all of Japan). The temple belongs to the Sho-Kannon Sect and is dedicated to Kannon Bosatsu (the Bodhisattva of compassion), with a statue of the deity enshrined within Kannon Hall. Sensoji Temple is the only temple in Tokyo to be part of the "Bando Sanjusankasho" (The Bando 33 Kannon Pilgrimage) (#13), a series of 33 Buddhist temples in Eastern Japan sacred to Goddess Kannon. Additionally, Sensoji Temple is also the only Temple in Tokyo to be part of the "Sites of Edo Sacred to Kannon Bosatsu" (江戸三十三箇所観音霊場の札所) (#1). Sensoji Temple's omikuji are known to contain many bad luck fortunes, but why not test your luck?! We also recommend purchasing an omamori, a protective charm. Summary of Sensoji Temple at Night Photo:Sensoji Temple, Asakusa, Tokyo As you can see, Sensoji Temple is a must-visit spot not only during the day, but also at night! As times vary by season, be sure to check out times for the light-up event before visiting. There are also many restaurants near Sensoji that serve delicious food! Kamiya Bar (神谷バー), Asakusa ROX (浅草ROXまつり湯), and Hoppy Street (ホッピー通り), are a few popular spots. In the video, you can also see Tokyo Skytree, another popular tourist attraction in Tokyo. The beauty of the crossover between "new" and "old" in Tokyo is one of the highlights of the video! ◆Sensoji Temple|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】2-3-1 Asakusa, Taito Ward, Tokyo 【Access】A 5-minutes walk from Asakusa Station off Toei Asakusa Subway Line' Tobu Skytree Line, Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, and Tsukuba Express. 【Hours】Open 24 hours (The Main Hall is open from 6:00 - 17:00) 【Parking】None 【Telephone】03-3842-0181 【Official Website】Sho-Kannon Sect Asakusa Kannon Sensoji Temple Official Site https://www.senso-ji.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Sensoji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134311-d320447-Reviews-Senso_ji_Temple-Asakusa_Taito_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 4:51
Foreign tourists are surprised! Haneda Airport" in Ota-ku, Tokyo, was voted the cleanest airport in the world. The video and article introduce the particulars of Haneda Airport, which connects Tokyo to the rest of the world!
News Art & Architecture- 149 plays
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Haneda Airport" Video Introduction of Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo, Connecting Tokyo Metropolis to the World This video, produced by "Tokyo MX" focuses on the uncompromising facilities and services of Haneda Airport which has been named "the World's Cleanest Airport" by the British air transportation rating organization. Haneda Airport was ranked first among almost 550 airports across the world. It's been awarded first place for the 5th time, and 3 years in a row as of 2018. This article describes the airport's uncompromising commitments to the cleanliness alongside the video. The airport cleaning staff's interview reveals their passion to keep a clean establishment, which explains why Haneda Airport has been named the World's Cleanest Airport. There are also interviews with visitors to Japan praising the cleanliness of Haneda Airport as well. About Haneda Airport Photo:Haneda Airport-International Passenger Terminal-View from the Observation Deck Located in Tokyo, Haneda Airport is one of Japan's most popular airports, connecting flights to Tokyo and the rest of the world, and it is used by many travelers. It has been awarded the World's Cleanest Airport title for 3 consecutive years by the British air transportation rating organization. Chubu Centrair Airport (Nagoya, Japan) was ranked second, and then Incheon Airport (South Korea), Taiwan's Taoyuan Airport and Singapore's Changi Airport followed. Every facility in Haneda Airport is kept clean to provide maximum comfort to travelers, as is shown in the video from 1:12. Haneda Airport has seen an increase in foreign passengers in recent years, with the number of passengers nearly tripling between 2012 and 2017. It is being prepared for an increase in passengers expected at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. The cleanliness of the airport reflects the Japanese concept of "hospitality". Haneda Airport features Terminal 1 & 2 exclusively used for domestic flights and International Terminal (Terminal 3). Haneda Airport has three domestic terminals, Haneda Airport Terminal 1 and 2, and Haneda Airport International Terminal, each of which is used respectively by the airlines JAL, ANA and SKY. It has an observation deck where you can enjoy watching planes taking off and landing, as well as restaurants and shops. Haneda Airport can be reached by train from JR Shinagawa or Hamamatsucho stations, or by limousine buses in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. The hotel and parking garage make it very convenient. The Incredible Hospitabitlity of Haneda Airport Photo:Haneda Airport Terminal 2 The airport is kept clean by the cleaning staff who never cut corners. They fully commit themselves - After washing off the stains on the polished floor, they measure the glossiness of the surface with a gloss meter to keep it at a certain level. This can be seen at 1:38. From 3:11, the video captures the toilet cleaning scene using a hand-mirror as not to miss any dirt. The International Terminal Senior Manager speaks about why they keep the airport so clean from 4:17. The efforts are made not only to offer the hospitality, but also for security and safety reasons as well. If the establishment is clean and in order, suspicious objects stand out and can be spotted immediately. Owing to the efforts made by the airport staff, Haneda Airport has become an airport praised by international travelers. The video contains interviews of the cleaning staff as well as of foreign passengers. Summary of Haneda Airport Tokyo MX's video focuses on the commitment of the Haneda Airport staff that has led to it being crowned the World's Cleanest Airport. The cleanliness of Haneda Airport represents Japanese hospitality. If you watch the video, you'll be able to appreciate the fact that the cleaning staff has received rave reviews from foreigners for the great work they do. Haneda Airport Information 【Address】Hanedakuko, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0041, Japan 【Access】15 minutes from Shinagawa Station by way of the Keikyu Airport Line. 20 minutes from Hamamatsucho Station, by way of the Tokyo Monorail. 【Parking】A toll car park 【Telephone No】03-5757-8111 【Official Website】 Haneda Airport Terminal https://tokyo-haneda.com/en/ -
Video article 3:16
Ikegami-Honmonji Temple - Highlights and History of the Popular Cherry Blossom Temple in Ota, Tokyo!
Travel Art & Architecture- 72 plays
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A Video Introducing Ikegami-Honmonji Temple in Ota, Tokyo This video, titled "The Sakura of Ikegami Honmon-ji - Tokyo - 池上本門寺 - 8K," was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It introduces Ikegami-Honmonji Temple during spring with beautiful cherry blossoms in vivid 8K. Ikegami-Honmonji Temple has a history dating back 700 years as the sacred grounds where the Buddhist priest Nichiren passed away, and is considered one of the 14 sacred temples of Nichiren Shoshu and one of the seven major head temples of the Nichiren sect. There is a building on the temple grounds that is registered as an Important Cultural Property, and in the spring, visitors can enjoy a spectacular tunnel of cherry blossoms. Many people visit the shrine for Oeshiki, a ceremony/festival with many food stalls. In this article, we'll introduce the history of Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, its events, and tourist information, including transportation access. Be sure to check out the video to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms and the five-story pagoda on the temple's precincts. More About Ikegami-Honmonji Temple Photo:Cherry blossoms at Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, Tokyo, Japan Nichiren Shoshu's main temple, Choueizan Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, is said to be the sacred place where Nichiren, a Buddhist priest of the Kamakura period (1185-1333 A.D.), died in 1282 at the age of 61. Every year on October 11, 12, and 13, the "Oeshiki Memorial Service" is held to remember the legacy of Buddhist priest Nichiren. On the night of the 12th, around 300,000 people visit the temple and making it a popular event. Every year from the end of October to the end of November, prayers are held to pray for the growth and development of children during Shichi-Go-San. From the main gate, enter the main approach and climb the 96-step stone steps and you'll find Choueido Hall. Further along, after passing Niomon gate, you'll come across the five-story pagoda to your right. The five-story pagoda, which can be seen from 0:25 in the video, is the oldest five-story pagoda in Japan's Kanto region that was built before the end of the Edo period. The pagoda is 31.8 meters tall, and features beautiful architecture characterized by its "setchuyo style," with only the first layer in Japanese style and the second and higher layers in Chinese style. It has been designated as an Important Cultural Property. Beyond the five-story pagoda is the main hall followed by the inner shrine. In the foreground on the left is a tahoto, a unique pagoda with an even number of layers. The pagoda is the burial place of Nichiren, and is surrounded by a sacred atmosphere. When is the best time to see cherry blossoms at Ikegami Honmonji?What's the highlight? About 100 cherry trees are planted in the precincts of Ikegami Honmonji.Although there are not many, many people visit in spring because they can enjoy the collaboration between cherry blossoms and Inwangmun Gate, cherry blossoms and five-story pagoda that bloom on the approach. The best time to see cherry blossoms is from late March to early April.Tokyo is expected to bloom around March 27th and April 5th in full bloom in 2024. Also, Ikegami Honmonji holds the Spring Festival on April 6th and 7th every year.In addition to the special opening of the five-story pagoda, mock shops and events will also be held.The five-storied pagoda, which did not collapse in the Great Kanto Earthquake, and the five-storied pagoda amulet, which can be awarded for a limited time, are also popular among examinees. Tourist Information for Ikegami-Honmonji Temple in Ota, Tokyo Photo:Ikegami Station, Tokyu Ikegami Line To get to Ikegami-Honmonji Temple it's a 10-minute walk from Ikegami Station on the Tokyu Ikegami Line, a 12-minute walk from Nishimagome Station on the Toei Asakusa Line, or a 20-minute bus ride from the Omori Station bus headed towards Ikegami station. Get off at Honmonji-mae, and then it's a 5-minute walk. There is also a parking lot for those visiting by car. The grounds of the temple are large and include the grave of Rikidozan, a popular professional wrestler from Japan's Showa Period, and locals use it as a walking course. Summary of Ikegami-Honmonji Temple Photo:Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, Tokyo, Japan This video introducing Ikegami-Honmonji Temple features beautiful footage of a historic temple in Tokyo. The blessings provided by Ikegami Honmonji Temple are said to fulfill one's heart's desire, ward off bad luck, and protect against eye diseases. Consider picking up a charm from the temple when visiting and also getting a shuin stamp if you're collecting them! There are also many temples and shrines around Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, and the Seven Lucky Gods tour, which takes visitors on a roughly two-hour-long tour of the surrounding temples, is very popular. The Ikegami Plum Garden and Honmonji Park in the area are nice places to relax as well. This article introduced the history of and tourist information for Ikegami-Honmonji Temple. The video was shot right at the start of spring, during the cherry blossom season. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of cherry blossoms dancing in the background with the breathtaking pagoda of Ikegami-Honmonji Temple. 【Official Website】Ikegami-Honmonji Temple https://honmonji.jp/foreign/en.html 【TripAdvisor】Ikegami-Honmonji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066454-d1237077-Reviews-Ikegami_Hommon_ji_Temple-Ota_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:39
A CT Scan of a Buddhist Statue Reveals It to Be the Work of Genius Buddhist Sculptor Unkei?! This Massive Work of Art Has the Potential to Change What We Know About History!
History Art & Architecture- 188 plays
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CT Scanning Research of the Four Heavenly Kings Statues of Nan'en-do at Kofukuji Temple in Nara! This video, titled "Unkei’s ‘mark’ found on Four Heavenly Kings standing statues," is about the Four Heavenly Kings statues at Nan'en-do in Nara Prefecture. It was published by "Asahi Shimbun." In 2017, the Tokyo National Museum conducted CT scans on the Buddhist statues of Kofukuji Temple in Nara Prefecture (奈良県, Nara-ken) to coincide with a special exhibit called "Unkei—The Great Master of Buddhist Sculpture." It opened up the possibility that the creator of the Mujaku and Seshin standing statues (無著世親菩薩立像, Mujaku Seshin Bosatsu Ryuzo), known as the most highly acclaimed Japanese sculptures, was none other than genius Buddhist sculptor Unkei. Presently in Japan, it is said that there are 31 other statues created by Unkei, but there is a likelihood that the number will rise as surveys continue. The CT Scan Research of the Four Heavenly Kings Statues Source :YouTube screenshot According to the video, by CT scanning the Four Heavenly Kings statues of Nan'en-do, and the Mujaku and Seshin standing statues of the North Round Hall (北円堂, Hokuendo), it was discovered that wooden parts containing tree cores had been combined to make both groups of statues. It is therefore said that the Four Heavenly Kings statues at Kofukuji Temple were created by Unkei. The commonality in technique used in the Mujaku and Seshin statues is an important factor to back the claim that the creator of both groups of statues is Unkei. In the video, the statue, over 2 meters tall, is neatly wrapped, and from 0:49 in the video, the x-ray CT scanning begins. From 0:10 in the video, Ryusuke Asami, section chief of the planning division at the Tokyo National Museum, says in interview, "the Four Heavenly Kings statues have never been photographed using x-rays before and the structures of the insides of the statues has also not been understood." What are the Four Heavenly Kings? Source :YouTube screenshot The Four Heavenly Kings are the four gods of Buddhism that protect the four directions and consist of the Jikokuten statue (持国天像, Jikokuten-zo) of the east, the Zojoten statue (増長天像, Zojoten-zo) of the south, the Komokuten (広目天像, Komokuten-zo) statue of the west, and the Tamokuten statue (多聞天像, Tamonten-zo) of the North. The Four Heavenly Kings statues at Kofukuji Temple were thought to be the works of Unkei’s father, Kokei, but from this research and researches on their styles, it has become increasingly believable that these were created by the hands of Unkei himself. The National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties of Kofukuji Temple Photo:Nara Prefecture・Kofukuji Kofukuji Temple, located in Nara Prefecture, consists of historical buildings, such as the East Golden Hall (東金堂, Tokondo), the West Golden Hall (西金堂, Saikondo), the North Round Hall, and the South Round Hall (Nan'en-do). The wooden statues of the Four Heavenly Kings at Kofukuji were moved from the Old Golden Hall (旧金堂, Kyukondo) to the South Round Hall replacing the Four Heavenly Kings statues in the South Round Hall, which are introduced in the video. Other than these, there are many temple treasures at Kofukuji Temple which were created during the Heian period (794-1185) and the Kamakura period (1185-1333), including the Asura statue, the wooden Medicine King (Bhaishajyaraja) and Medicine Superior standing statues (薬王菩薩・薬上菩薩立像, Mokuzo Yakuobosatsu・Yakujobosatsu Ryuzo), the bronze Medicine Master sitting statue (薬師如来坐像, Yakushinyorai Zazo), Ryowakiji statue, the wooden Manjushri standing statue (文殊菩薩立像, Monjubosatsu Ryuzo), the wooden Vimalakirti sitting statue (維摩居士坐像, Yuimakoji Zazo), the wooden Twelve Heavenly Generals standing statues (十二神将立像, Junishinsho Ryuzo), and the bronze Buddha head. Summary of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kofukuji Source :YouTube screenshot This article introduced the massive discovery of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kofukuji possibly being created by the genius Buddhist sculptor, Unkei. The research by the Tokyo National Museum may lead to an important discovery that unravels the mysteries of history. Nara Prefecture has flourished for more than a thousand years, back when it was called Heijokyo (平城京, Heijo-kyo), and it still has many sightseeing locations, such as Todaiji Temple, Kasuga Shrine (春日大社, Kasuga-taisha), Yakushiji Temple, Taima Temple (当麻寺, Taimadera), and more. If you’re interested in Buddhist statues or Japanese history in general, we urge you to visit! 【Official Website】The Head Temple of the Hosso School (法相宗, Hosso-shu) Kofukuji Temple https://www.kohfukuji.com/english/ -
Video article 3:14
3,000 azaleas bloom at Nezu Shrine in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo! You can also enjoy rare varieties! Video of the beautiful garden!
Travel Art & Architecture- 64 plays
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The Azalea Festival at Nezu Shrine in Tokyo This video, titled "Nezu Shrine Azalea Garden - Tokyo - 根津神社 - 8K," was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the beautiful azaleas blooming in spring in the garden of Nezu Shrine in Tokyo, Japan. Nezu Shrine is a shrine with a long history, appearing as "Nezu Gongen" in the works of Mori Ogai and Natsume Soseki, two of Japan's most famous writers. It is also widely known for its azaleas. In this article, we'll introduce tourist information and highlights of Nezu Shrine. In the video, viewers can enjoy red, pink, and orange azaleas all spread throughout the garden. The beauty of it is enough to leave you awe-struck, so be sure to check it out. More About Nezu Shrine, a Beautiful Shrine in Tokyo Photo:The hall of worship at Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo, Tokyo Nezu Shrine is one of the Tokyo Jissha, a group of ten shrines in Tokyo, and is an ancient shrine that is said to have been established in Sendagi more 1,900 years ago by Yamato Takeru, the 12th emperor of Japan. The deities worshipped at the shrine are Susanoo-no-Mikoto, Oyamakui no kami, and Emperor Ojin. Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, the fifth shogun of the Edo Shogunate, dedicated the main shrine to Nezu Shrine. The honden (main shrine), heiden (hall of offerings), haiden (hall of worship), Karamon gate, west gate, transparent fences, and tower gate are all still intact, and these structures, which have survived from the Edo Period (1603-1868), have been designated as Important Cultural Properties by the government of Japan. The area around Nezu Shrine was also known for its brothels in the past. It's said that the brothels were very prosperous, and began popping up when women began to entertain the craftsmen at the taverns where they gathered to build the shrine, but were abolished in the Meiji Period (1868-1912). In addition, although Nezu Shrine is located in the center of Tokyo, the garden covers an area of about 7,000 tsubo (~5.7 acres), with 3,000 azaleas of 100 different varieties planted in the large garden. In the spring when the azaleas are in bloom, the "Azalea Festival" is held and many people come to see the beautiful azaleas. When are azalea viewing times and the azalea festival schedule at Nezu Shrine? Photo:Azaleas at Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo, Tokyo "The azalea garden at Nezu Shrine features early, mid, and late blooming varieties, so you can enjoy them for a long time. early April is a beautiful contrast of fresh greenery and red and pink flowers, and mid-April is the best time for azaleas to be in full bloom. If you would like to visit during the azalea blooming season, please check the official Instagram of Nezu Shrine for the blooming status in advance. The "Azalea Festival" is held in conjunction with the azalea season, and will be held from March 30 to April 30 in 2024. An entrance donation fee of 500 yen is required to enter the garden." Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Otome Inari Shrine and Komagome Inari Shrine, Located Inside Nezu Shrine Photo:The senbon torii of Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo, Tokyo The first thing shown in the video is Otome Inari Shrine located near the moat of Nezu Shrine. At 0:38, viewers can see the "Senbon Torii" a series of vermilion torii gates. Further into the shrine grounds is Komagome Inari Shrine, a massive shrine made of stone. As you can see, Nezu Shrine is a shrine with a variety of atmospheres and many things to see. Sightseeing Information for Nezu Shrine Photo:Nezu Station Access to Nezu Shrine is a 5-minute walk from Nezu Station and Sendagi Station via the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, a 5-minute walk from Todai-mae Station via the Tokyo Metro Nanboku Line, and a 10-minute walk from Hakusan Station via the Toei Mita Line. A parking lot is also available. Many people come to the shrine for the Shichi-Go-San Festival and to purify their cars, and visitors can receive shuin stamps and charms at the shrine office. Summary of Sightseeing at Nezu Shrine This video, "Nezu Shrine Azalea Garden - Tokyo - 根津神社 - 8K," introduces the beautiful grounds of Nezu Shrine. It shows a garden of azaleas in full bloom at a lovely shrine in Tokyo. Hopefully this article has provided you with some useful tourist information about Nezu Shrine. Consider visiting the shrine to enjoy the beautiful azaleas and the historical shrine buildings that have existed since the Edo Period! 【TripAdvisor】Nezu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134303-d1373750-Reviews-Nezu_Shrine-Nezu_Bunkyo_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html