Video article 6:34
Unkai Terrace - Experience a Sea of Clouds Flowing Like the Ocean! Powerful Views You Won't Find in Everyday Life. It's Truly a Sight to Behold!
Nature- 74 plays
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This video, titled "[Hoshino Resort Tomamu] Unkai Terrace - Sea of clouds flowing into the sea of clouds (Unkai Terrace)" (【星野リゾート トマム】雲海テラス 流れ込む雲海<絶景> Unkai Terrace), was released by Hoshino Resort Tomamu (official). This video introduces Unkai Terrace at the luxury resort "Hoshino Resort Tomamu" in Hokkaido. Unkai Terrace is a superb spot at the Hoshino Resort Tomamu in Hokkaido where you can see the sea of clouds from above, and the overwhelming view of the grandeur of nature is nothing short of breathtaking. The probability of seeing the sea of clouds itself is low, but it is a view that makes you want to see it at least once in person. This video shows the actual view of the sea of clouds from Unkai Terrace, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 4:07
The Pristine Sandy White Beaches and Emerald Green Waters of Yoron Island in Kagoshima Prefecture... Beautiful Natural Scenery, History, Culture, and Local Food Come Together to Create Something Amazing!
Travel- 71 plays
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美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yoron Island Japan」が公開した「Yoron Island Japan in 8K HDR - 与論島」です。 突如出現する、幻の白い浜。 南国のどこかを想像させるハイビスカスは、潮風に揺らされ、大自然のなかで鮮やかに咲き誇ります。 8K動画でご覧になれるのは、鹿児島県にある「与論島」。 日本にいることを忘れてしまうほどの景観を持つ、日本でも有数の癒しスポットです。 与論島ってどんな観光スポット? 与論島とは、奄美諸島最南端にある、自然豊かな島です。 亜熱帯気候で、ダイビングや海水浴などの海のレジャーが盛んです。 サンゴ礁が隆起してできた与論島は砂浜が白く、条件が揃ったときのみ現れる「百合ヶ浜」は、日本内外の観光客に人気があります。 サンゴは他にも、コーラルウェイとういう白い一本道を作り、地下では景勝地の赤崎鍾乳洞を作り上げました。 豊かな自然には多くの生き物たちが暮らし、トゥイシ海岸はウミガメの産卵地にもなっています。 与論島は、特産物のもずくの他、マンゴー、伊勢エビなどグルメも充実。 茶花漁港の魚市場では、伊勢エビを筆頭に、南国の新鮮な魚介類をご覧になることができます。 自然の恵みを思う存分堪能しましょう。 日本でも珍しい文化を持つ与論島 与論島は沖縄県に近いため、琉球と薩摩の文化が融合され、日本のなかでも独自の文化が発展しました。 かつて琉球国王に仕えた武術の達人、按司根津栄(アジニッチェー)を祀る按司根津栄神社は、沖縄との文化交流の歴史を裏打ちします。 また、与論島の伝統芸能である「与論十五夜踊り」は、琉球と薩摩の文化の特色があり、国の重要無形民俗文化財に指定されています。 観光名所である「与論民族村」では、芭蕉布織りの体験を通して、与論島の暮らしや文化に触れることができます。 与論島には、海岸ごとに異なった魅力がある 与論島の海岸は、ひとつひとつに異なった景色があり、楽しみ方もそれぞれです。 例えば、与論島最大のビーチである大金久海岸は、キャンプ場を併設。家族や連れや団体客で賑わうビーチです。 潮干狩りができる前浜海岸からは、沖縄本島を望むことができます。 プライベート感を味わいたいなら寺埼海岸や宇勝海岸へ。 さざなみに自然と心癒される、旅行の穴場です。 カップルにおすすめなのは兼母海岸。 周辺のホテルのプリシアリゾートでは、マジックアワーとともにバーベキューを楽しむことができます。 イチャジキ浜も訪れてみましょう。 満点の星空が絶景で、ここは日本ではない、楽園のようです。 美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介まとめ 与論島には、竜宮岩、ビーチリングなどのインスタ映えスポットも多数点在! 豊かな自然と文化、日本が誇るリゾートの情報は、この動画でチェックです! -
Video article 3:22
Isshiki Beach in Miura-gun, Zushi and Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture, from the sky! Selected as one of the world's top 100 beaches, Isshiki Beach is a spectacular beach that can be reached in a day trip from central Tokyo.
Nature- 140 plays
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Isshiki Beach, Miura-gun, Zushi, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan This video, titled "Zushi, Hayama [Isshiki Beach] Drone Footage, 4K, Drone, Japan|HAYAMA ZUSHI" (逗子・葉山【一色海水浴場】ドローン空撮 4K Drone Japan HAYAMA ZUSHI), was uploaded by "Drone Man sky creative" (ドローン男子 sky creative). It introduces Isshiki Beach in the Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa Prefecture, located in Japan's Kanto Region, via drone footage. The video gives a unique view of Isshiki Beach that you wouldn't normally see, that is, from the sky. We hope you enjoy it! More About Isshiki Beach in Zushi-Hayama, Kanagawa! Photo:Isshiki Beach, Zushi-Hayama Isshiki Beach is a serene beach measuring 500m long and 30m wide facing Sagami Bay in Hayama, a resort area on the Miura Peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture. It's a beautiful beach that extends to the backside of the Hayama Imperial Villa, a villa of the Imperial Family, and was selected as one of the "100 Best Beaches Around the World" by CNN in 2013. It's also a popular spot for surfing and SUP, and you can see many people enjoying marine activities, water sports, swimming, and sunbathing in the video. In the vicinity of Isshiki Beach is Arasaki Park, the #1 scenic spot on the Miura Peninsula, where you can get a great view of Mt. Fuji and beautiful sunsets! Isshiki Beach is a must-visit tourist spot when visiting the Isshiki area. The beach is easily accessible on a day trip from Tokyo, and is crowded with families swimming and sunbathing on sunny days. There are rocks on both sides of the beach where visitors can enjoy playing on the rocks. You can see the rocky beach from 1:42 in the video. During beach season, lifeguards are stationed at beach houses, so there's no need to worry about safety. The beach houses are rated highly on review sites for being very stylish and having great atmospheres. Lunch and showers are available at the beach houses as well. Unfortunately, the beach has been temporarily closed due to the novel coronavirus, so be sure to check in advance when visiting. Speaking of beaches and swimming, one of the things you might be wondering about is whether or not barbecues are allowed. Unfortunately, Isshiki Beach prohibits barbecues within the summer beach area. That being said, it is possible to have a barbecue a short distance away from the beach, but it is not permitted near residences. Information on Events and Activities Held at Isshiki Beach Photo:Beach yoga A variety of events are held at Isshiki Beach in the Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa. One such event is Feel SHONAN during Beach Yoga Week, where participants can experience authentic, relaxing beach yoga. Participants say that beach yoga at Isshiki Beach makes them feel like they are one with nature. In summer, the Hayama Kaigan Fireworks Festival is held, attracting many visitors annually. The Hayama Kaigan Fireworks Festival is held every year from late July to early August at Morito Beach and the Isshiki Beach Breakwater. At Isshiki Beach, sea kayaking, a type of canoeing, is a popular activity. Fishing is also popular, and anglers can catch flatheads and Japanese whiting. Sightseeing Information and Instagram Photo Tips for Isshiki Beach Photo:Morito Daimyojin Shrine, Hayama, Kanagawa The Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa is home to many tourist attractions. If you like visiting shrines and learning about the history of places you visit, we recommend checking out Morito Daimyojin, a shrine founded by Minamoto no Yoritomo that's visited by many people each year to pray for successful pregnancy and safe childbirth. If you're looking to enjoy a Japanese garden or a tea house, there's also Hayama Shiosai Park. We also recommend Hayama Ajisai Park, where visitors can see 3,000 colorful hydrangeas, and Hayama Sangaokayama Ryokuchi, where visitors can enjoy hiking. Hayama Marina, where visitors can enjoy cruising around Enoshima and Yujiro Lighthouse, is also popular. Summary of Isshiki Beach in Zushi-Hayama In this article, we introduced Isshiki Beach, one of the best beaches in Japan. The beach is just an hour and a half from Tokyo, and as you can see in the video, it features beautiful cobalt blue waters. Enjoy a relaxing time at Isshiki Beach in the Zushi-Hayama area of Kanagawa this summer! ◆Isshiki Beach◆ 【Address】Isshiki, Hayama, Miura, Kanagawa 【Access】From Zushi Station (JR Yokosuka Line) or Hayama Station (Keihin Kyuko Line), take the Keikyu Bus bound for Kaigan-mawari Hayama, and get off at the Isshiki Kaigan bus stop (20 minutes) By car, it's about 20 minutes from the Zushi Interchange on the Yokohama–Yokosuka Road via the Zushi Shindo toll booth (逗葉新道料金所). 【Parking】Parking available for 30 cars. Weekdays: 1,500 yen, Weekends: 2,000 yen 【TripAdvisor】Isshiki Beach https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121132-d7652968-Reviews-Isshiki_Beach-Hayama_machi_Miura_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 15:36
The Abukuma Caves in Fukushima Prefecture's Tamura District Are a Natural Work of Art! You'll Be Mesmerized by This Beautiful, Mystical Space!
Travel- 39 plays
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人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」の紹介動画について 「Japan Videography」が公開した「[4K]Abukumado Cave 福島県・あぶくま洞~神秘と大自然の造形美を誇る鍾乳洞 amazing nature of limestone cave in Fukushima Japan」では、福島県にある美しい鍾乳洞を紹介しています。 目を疑うほど美しい「あぶくま洞」の景観に、きっと心を奪われるでしょう。 動画の中で紹介されている、「あぶくま洞」の大自然の造形美やイルミネーションは必見となっています。 こちらの記事では、人気観光スポット「福島県のあぶくま洞」の魅力を動画と共に解説していきます。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」とは? 日本観光で訪れたい「あぶくま洞」は、福島県田村郡にある歴史ある鍾乳洞です。 美しい大自然の造形美や神秘的な景色が特徴で、多くの観光客を魅了します。 鍾乳石の種類と数は東洋一と言われ、「あぶくま洞」の美しい風景を作り上げています。 こちらの動画の1:11からあぶくま洞の風景を見ることができますよ。 「あぶくま洞」の洞内は、総延長が約3,300mあります。 そのうち一般見学用として600m、一般見学用から分岐する全長120mの探検コースを観光用で一般公開しています。 また、「あぶくま洞」ではイルミネーションイベントの「緋桜物語」が開催。 鍾乳洞の中がイルミネーションの光で彩られ、圧巻の美しさを楽しめます。 「あぶくま洞」観光では必ず見ておきたいイベントです。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」の必見エリア 日本の人気の観光スポット「あぶくま洞」は、必見の絶景エリアがたくさんあります! 「滝根御殿」「月の世界」「クリスタルカーテン」「ボックスワーク」「シールド」「洞穴サンゴ」などがおすすめ。 変わった形をした鍾乳石を見られるエリア、神秘的な景色を楽しめるエリア、たけのこ状に伸びた石筍が見られるエリアなど、それぞれで特徴のある景色を楽しめます。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」情報 福島県の観光スポットである「あぶくま洞」の料金やアクセス方法などを紹介します。 福島県田村市にある「あぶくま洞」の料金は、高校生以上が1,200円、中学生800円、小学生600円。 公式ホームページでプリントアウトできる割引券を使うと100円~200円安くなります。 あぶくま洞を見学する所要時間は一般コースが約40分で探検コースが約50分。 洞窟内の気温は平均で15℃前後。 下層部では0~10℃くらいまで下がることもあるので、上着を1枚持っていくなど服装には気をつけましょう。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」紹介記事のまとめ 「Japan Videography」が公開した「[4K]Abukumado Cave 福島県・あぶくま洞~神秘と大自然の造形美を誇る鍾乳洞 amazing nature of limestone cave in Fukushima Japan」は、日本観光におすすめの「あぶくま洞」を紹介しています。 圧倒的な美を堪能できる福島県の「あぶくま洞」。 大自然の造形美を堪能しましょう! -
Video article 4:52
Introducing the Popular Family-Friendly Takenohama Beach! Enjoy the Crystal Clear Waters of Toyooka, and Spectaculars Views of the Ocean and Mountains!
Nature- 60 plays
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This video, titled "Japan - Aerial Shot - Takeno Beach ・ 日本 - 竹野浜ビーチ," was released by "Taru Farias - Japan Travel." In the video, you can see Takenohama Beach at the sea in Toyooka in Hyogo Prefecture. The sea at Toyooka is clear and blue even from the sky, and it is crowded with many swimmers. The view from the nearby mountains is also superb. Be sure to check it out in the video! -
Video article 7:41
Isonokami Shrine – The Oldest Shrine in Japan. Discover Sacred Swords, and Ancient Amulets at This Shrine Surrounded by a Divine Forest in Kanagawa Prefecture
Travel History- 106 plays
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Isonokami Shrine – The Oldest Shrine in Japan: Video Introduction This video, titled "[Nara / National Treasure] Rainy Scenery at Isonokami Shrine in NARA, JAPAN -" (【奈良/国宝】石上神宮 - Rainy scenery of the Isonokami Jingu Shrine in NARA, JAPAN -), was uploaded by "channel WASABI." This video, shot during autumn, shows both the beauty of nature and the divinity of the area. Be sure to check out the video before reading along. Isonokami Shrine – A Brief History of the Shrine Photo:Isonokami Shrine, Tenri, Nara Isonokami Shrine is located in Tenri, Nara, in Japan's Kansai Region, at the western foot of Mt. Ryuo. The haiden (拝殿, hall of worship) is the oldest existing hall of worship in Japan and is designated as a National Treasure. Isonokami Shrine has been worshipped as the ancestral deity of the Mononobe Clan, a powerful clan in the Asuka Period (circa 592-710 A.D.). The shrine is also known for its blessings of health and longevity, its power to heal illnesses, protect from disaster, and fulfill wishes, and is designated as the 19th site on the Shinbutsu Reijo Junpai no Michi, a pilgrimage route to sacred Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. The pilgrimage route is made up of 152 sacred sites in Japan's Kinki region, including Ise Jingu Shrine. The Gods Worshipped at Isonokami Shrine Isonokami Shrine worships three main deities. Here we'll introduce them briefly. Futsunomitama no Okami – A sword that appears in Japanese mythology. The deity is said to have been inspired by the sword held by Takemikazuchi no Kami, a god of thunder. Furunomitama no Okami – Said to refer to one of the sacred treasures given to Nigihayahi no Mikoto (a god and ancestor of the Mononobe Clan) by Amatsukami Mioya, as well as its mysterious powers. Futsushimitama no Okami – A divine sword used by Susanoo no Mikoto when he defeated Yamata no Orochi, a legendary 8-headed dragon serpent, and the spiritual power of the sword itself. Chickens: Messengers of the Gods at Isonokami Shrine Photo:The sacred chickens of Isonokami Shrine, Tenri, Nara The 30 to 40 chickens at Isonokami Shrine are called goshinkei (御神鶏, lit "sacred chickens") and are designated as a protected species by the Japanese government. They are free-range chickens at Isonokami Shrine and welcome visitors to the shrine. Chickens, which appear in the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) and the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), are believed to be messengers of the gods, and their crowing is thought to ward off evil. On the temple grounds, Goshinkei Mikuji (御神鶏みくじ, sacred chicken mikuji), which come in containers shaped like chickens, and ema (wooden prayer plaques) depicting a chicken crowing at dawn, are also popular. [Video] 2:05 - Chickens at Isonokami Shrine Highlights of Isonokami Shrine Photo:Izumo Takeo Shrine at Isonokami Shrine, Tenri, Nara The tower gate, designated as an Important Cultural Property, was built in 1318 in the late Kamakura Period (1185-1333), and in the past, a bell was hung on the upper level of the gate. The space behind the hall of worship, which is the oldest in Japan and is designated as a National Treasure, is a consecrated ground, and serves as a sacred space where the shrine's deities reside. The worship hall of Izumo Takeo Shrine, an auxiliary shrine to Isonokami Shrine, has also been designated as a National Treasure. The historic and solemn atmosphere of the shrine as well as its divine appearance can be seen in the video. [Video] 3:25 - Izumo Takeo Shrine's Worship Hall Seven-Branched Swords, Divine Amulets & More Photo:Isonokami Shrine, Tenri, Nara The seven-branched sword of Isonokami Shrine is an ancient relic that has been handed down within the treasury of Isonokami Shrine. It's assumed to be the same as a sword which was presented by the Baekje people (an ancient Korean kingdom) many years ago. The uniquely shaped sword, measuring 74.8 cm in length, is made of iron and has three "branch" swords on each side. The amulet called Go-shinken Mamori, which represents this seven-branched sword, is said to be a lucky charm with the power to rescue someone on the brink of death. The shrine's shuin stamp also depicts a seven-branched sword. Summary of Isonokami Shrine Isonokami Shrine is known as a power spot and is visited by many people seeking blessings. In addition to Isonokami Shrine, there are many other interesting historical sightseeing spots in Nara Prefecture. If you're planning a visit to Nara, consider visiting Isonokami Shrine as well! 【Official Website】Isonokami Shrine Official Website|Tenri, Nara 【TripAdvisor】Isonokami Shrine -
Video article 1:19
Flowers, Playgrounds and the Sea – Discover the Charms of Uminonakamichi Seaside Park via Video! This State-Run Park in Fukuoka is Fun for All the Family!
Travel Things to Do Nature- 59 plays
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Uminonakamichi Seaside Park: Video Introduction This video, titled "Uminonakamichi Seaside Park -Fukuoka- PRvideo 2018 'English version'," was uploaded by "Uminonakamichi Seaside Park." Spanning 6 kilometers from east to west and covering an area of 750 acres, Uminonakamichi Seaside Park (海の中道海浜公園, Uminonaka kaihin koen) is a nature-rich national park surrounded by the sea in Higashi, Fukuoka and is nicknamed "Uminaka." This video shows everything to enjoy at the park; from magnificent aerial views and children playing gleefully on the various playground equipment, to flower fields filled to the brim with blooms. Uminonakamichi Seaside Park: Entrance Fees Photo:Uminonakamichi Seaside Park, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture Located in Fukuoka City's Higashi Ward, and bursting with natural beauty, there are many ways to enjoy Uminonakamichi Seaside Park. There is a host of playground equipment, including an adventure course, and the park has received rave reviews not only from locals as a place to go with the kids, but from people living in the surrounding area and visitors to Fukuoka as a superb location for leisure activities. [Video] 0:17 - Various playground equipment Entrance fees are 450 yen per adult (ages 15+), or 290 yen per adult for larger group bookings. A silver ticket (ages 65+) costs 210 yen regardless of group size, and children of middle school age or below can visit for free. The group price applies for groups of 20 or more members for elementary school students and above. There are also tickets available that can be used over two consecutive days. (Prices as of September 2022) Nemophila, Lupinus, Roses – Different Colors in Every Season! When to See the Different Flowers at Uminonakamichi Seaside Park Photo:Baby blue eyes at Uminonakamichi Seaside Park, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture There are a plethora of places to view flowers around the park, most notably "Flower Hill" (花の丘, Hana no Oka), Hanasajiki (花桟敷), and the Rose Garden (バラ園, Bara-en), and you can enjoy flowers during all four seasons. The vast 12,000 sqm. flower garden encompassing Flower Hill and the surrounding lawns plays host to nemophila (baby blue eyes) in the spring (best viewing time: April), and in autumn, cosmos (best viewing time: October) cover the area. [Video] 0:41 - Flower Hill: Nemophila in Spring | Cosmos in Autumn The area is full of places to take photos, with Hanasajiki playing host to lupin (which flower in May) and the Rose Garden to autumn roses (best enjoyed in October). If you're an instagrammer or photographer, this is definitely a place to check out! [Video] 0:27 - Seasonal Flwoers at Uminonakamichi Seaside Park|Flower Museum Enjoy a walk through the park and allow the delightful flowers to soothe your soul. You can check the bloom forecast for each of the seasonal flowers on the official homepage as well. A Place Full of Fun and Children's Smiles! Enjoy Cycling and Other Athletic Activities as Well! Photo:The Shiomidai observation deck at Uminonakamichi Seaside Park With go-karts, a mini steam train, F1 battery cars and even a maze, "Wonder World" will keep the kids smiling all day long. The adventure playground, which opened in March 2022, is the first of its kind in Kyushu and ranks amongst the largest in the country. There's a host of exciting activities for people of all ages to enjoy at the gigantic Sea Dragoon tower. If you're an animal lover, Animal Forest (動物の森, dobutsu no mori) natural zoo is a must visit, as it's home to around 50 different species of animals, including capybaras, kangaroos, flamingos, black-capped squirrel monkeys and more, and you can interact with tortoises, goats, and other cute animals at the petting events. [Video] 0:49 - Interact With Cute Animals at the Natural Zoo The park is full of things to see and do, but one of the things we recommend trying is the bicycle service. You can take a bike and ride around the park while enjoying some fresh air. You can rent a mountain bike for 2,500 yen per 3 hours, a city bike for 1,000 yen per 3 hours, or an E-BIKE (electric-assist sports bicycle) for 3,500 yen per 3 hours. (Prices as of September 2022) [Video] 0:57 - Feel the Breeze With Some Cycling Back for 2023 – Summer Fun for Everyone! Marine World's 'Night Aquarium' Photo:Marine World at Uminonakamichi, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture Also within the boundaries of Uminonakamichi Seaside Park is "Marine World Uminonakamichi." Following the theme of "Kyushu's Ocean," a variety of sea creatures, including dolphins, sea lions, sea otters, sardines, sea turtles, spotted garden eels, sharks (sand tiger sharks and sandbar sharks) and more are waiting to delight guests. In summer, the "Night Aquarium" opens, and its "Light and Sound Sardine Show" and "Nighttime Dolphin Show," which take place only after dark, allow visitors to enjoy a different atmosphere at the aquarium. The dates for the Night Aquarium are July 15 to July 17 and July 22 to August 31, 2023. It will also take place on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from September 1 to September 24. Uminonakamichi Seaside Park: Roundup So much to see! So much to do! Uminoinakamichi Seaside Park has more to offer than can be explored in just one day. It's no surprise that there's a two-day pass available either, as this is a park you'll want to visit time and time again. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy nature's bounty, with beautiful views of the Genkai Sea from the observatory and much more. The kids will love it and it's a great chance for adults to relax and relieve themselves of their day-to-day stress, meaning smiles all around! You can enjoy a picnic or barbecue with a nice sea breeze at the popular day-camping spot nearby, and depending on which plan you choose, everything from the stove to utensils, ingredients, cleanup, and trash collection can be included as part of your stay. The park is easily accessible by train, and there is a toll parking lot for those visiting by car. We highly recommend spending the day here and enjoying a wonderful time out with your family or friends! ◆Uminonakamichi National Government Seaside Park 【Official Website】https://uminaka-park.jp/ 【Address】18-25 Saitozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 811-0321 【Telephone】092-603-1111 【Admission fee】Adult (15 years and over) \450 | Silver (65 years and over) \210 | Middle-school age and below: Free 【Access】 [By train] For access to Wonder World, Sunshine Pool and Marine World, use JR Uminonakamichi Station (JR海の中道駅, JR Uminonakamichi-eki) (Closest park entrance: Uminonakamichi Station entrance – immediately outside the station). For access to the lawn plaza and Flower Hill, use JR Saitozaki Station (JR西戸崎駅, JR Saitozaki-eki) (Closest park entrance: West Entrance – 10 minutes walking). [By car] Toll parking lots are available (check the official website for further details). 【Official Website】Uminonakamichi Seaside Park | National Government Park Filled With Natural Beauty in Higashi, Fukuoka https://uminaka-park.jp/ 【TripAdvisor】Uminonakamichi National Government Seaside Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298207-d1423810-Reviews-Uminonakamichi_Seaside_Park-Fukuoka_Fukuoka_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 4:38
Aerial Views of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Daisen! Experience One of the Top Sightseeing Spots in Western Japan in Tottori Prefecture!
Travel Nature- 71 plays
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Aerial Views of Mt. Daisen in Tottori, Japan via Drone: Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Leaves of Mt.Daisen JAPAN【Scenery Of JAPAN 4K】," was uploaded by "SCENERY OF JAPAN." It introduces the breathtaking autumn leaves around Mt. Daisen in Tottori, Japan. Enjoy the beautiful panoramic scenery as far as the eye can see, in this magnificent 4.5-minute video of Mt. Daisen blanketed in autumn leaves. Daisenji Temple, a Must-See Tourist Attraction on Mt. Daisen Photo:Daisenji Temple, Tottori, Japan Mt. Daisen in Tottori Prefecture is located roughly in the center of Japan's San'in region. Its official name is "Hoki Daisen." The majestic mountain even appears in the Izumo Fudoki, a record of the history of Japan's former Izumo Region, which is said to have been written in 733 AD, making it one of the most historical mountains in the history of Japan. Daisenji Temple is one of the prominent tourist attractions on Mt. Daisen. To get there by car, take Prefectural Route 24 (commonly known as "Daisen Sightseeing Road" (大山観光道路, Daisen Kanko Douro)) from the Yonago Interchange on the Yonago Expressway to the Bakuroza parking lot (about 15 minutes), or by train or bus from JR Yonago Station to Daisenji Temple by Nikko Bus (about 50 minutes). Both routes offer a great view of the stunning autumn leaves. Daisenji Temple has a history of flourishing as a training center for Shugendo (mountain asceticism). At its peak, the temple had more than 100 temples and over 3,000 monks. Following the Heian period (794-1185 A.D.), the number of temples increased as mountain worship became increasingly Buddhist. It's said that at one time, the temple was as prosperous as Mt. Hiei, Mt. Yoshino, and Koyasan, 3 of the most prominent places for Buddhism in Japan. Beautiful Views, Autumn Leaves, and Mountain Climbing on Mt. Daisen Photo:Autumn leaves on Mt. Daisen The autumn leaves overlooking the rugged southern cliff of Mt. Daisen is truly a photogenic spot. Although there have been some changes over the past few years due to climate change, the leaves usually begin to change color in early October and are at their peak from late October to early November. The white snow on the top of the mountain and red autumn leaves blend harmoniously with each other, adding even more color to the already spectacular view. You can view this in the video. [Video] 0:11 - Spectacular Autumn Leaves on the South Face of Mt. Daisen in the Snow, Captured via Drone The forests are mainly broadleaf forests renowned for their beautiful autumn leaves, with beech, oak, maple, rowans, and mizunara oak being the main species. Mt. Daisen is the largest mountain in Japan's Chugoku and San'in regions and also one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains. It is popular among climbers, tourists, and travelers year-round. Although it sits at an elevation of 1,709 meters, its beautiful conical shape seen from the northwestern side has earned it the nickname "Mt. Fuji in the East." Mt. Daisen's 2022 Autumn Illumination Event – Autumn Leaves & Traditional Japanese Umbrellas Photo:Mt. Daisen's illumination event, Tottori, Japan The autumn illumination event started as part of the 1,300th anniversary of the founding of Mt. Daisen in 2018, and is now a tradition of Mt. Daisen. Only because Tottori Prefecture has a large number of craftsmen is it possible to organize the autumn illumination displaying more than 100 wagasa (traditional Japanese umbrellas). The festival is held during the Obon Festival every year, but in 2022, it was held in October for the first time in two years. The event welcomed visitors with 120 wagasa and a variety of lanterns. In addition, there was a system for taking beautiful photos with the use of a smartphone, and a commemorative photo spot as well. It's a remarkable event, great for taking photos. Tickets for the 2022 event were sold exclusively online. No tickets were sold on the day of the event. We recommend checking ticket and other information as soon as possible in advance if you're planning to attend the next event. [Video] 2:44 - The Beautiful 'Mt. Fuji in the East' Summary of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Daisen During autumn on Mt. Daisen, a famous mountain in Tottori, Japan, the entire area is covered in beautiful autumn leaves. One of the most popular driving courses is the tunnel of autumn leaves leading to Kagikake Pass (鍵掛峠, Kagikake Toge). [Video] 1:32 - A Tunnel of Beautiful Beech Trees Leading To Kagikake Pass On weekends and other occasions, you can expect traffic on Prefectural Route 24. Even still, Mt. Daisen's autumn leaves are worth the time and effort to see. The autumn colors paint a magnificent canvas of autumn on Mt. Daisen, and we hope that you will enjoy the unique autumn leaves of Mt. Daisen with your own eyes. 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Daisen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121369-d1373369-Reviews-Mt_Daisen-Daisen_cho_Saihaku_gun_Tottori_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
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Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture!
Travel Nature- 370 views
capture the grandeur of Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost prefecture. We'll introduce photos that capture popular sightseeing spots, the unique wildlife of Hokkaido, and more. We hope this will help you get an idea of what Hokkaido is all about! COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Hokkaido in Past Photo Contests Shirogane Blue Pond Hill of the Buddha Lake Nukabira Daisetsuzan National Park Abashiri Prison Museum Flowerland Kamifurano Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival The Ezo Red Fox of Hokkaido Mt. Asahi Notsuke Peninsula - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Hokkaido in Past Photo Contests We have picked out some amazing photos of Hokkaido from among the many wonderful entries that convey the charms of Japan. We'll also introduce some popular photo spots as well! COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 林 優 Location: Shirogane Blue Pond (Hokkaido) Sightseeing at Shirogane Blue Pond Shirogane Blue Pond is a popular sightseeing spot where the surface of the water appears various shades of blue during different seasons, at different times of the day, and in different weather conditions. The surface of the water appears blue when light reflects off the aluminum and sulfur in the water flowing into the pond from the Biei River. The blue water and withered larch trees create a fantastic scene. At night in fall and winter, the area is lit up and visitors can enjoy a very different scenery from that during the daytime. A Video Article About Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Video article 2:10 This Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Is a Natural Miracle Created by Nature. The Beautiful Scenery of This Popular Sightseeing Spot Fascinates All Who See It! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: umestagram Location: Hill of the Buddha (Hokkaido) Highlights of the Hill of the Buddha, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Sapporo, Hokkaido From the outside of the Hill of the Buddha, only the head of the Great Buddha can be seen poking out from the top of the lavender-covered hill. Designed by world-renowned architect Tadao Ando, the Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall) was built so that a concrete approach leads to the basement of the lavender hill. Looking up through the dimly lit space, visitors can see the Great Buddha surrounded by natural light filtering in through the open ceiling. A Video Article About the Hill of the Buddha in Sapporo, Hokkaido Video article 5:58 Hill of the Buddha - A New Attraction in Sapporo, Hokkaido Designed by a World-Famous Architect. Come Check Out the Buddha as He Pokes His Head Out From a Hill Surrounded by Lavenders! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 三浦奈津美 Location: Lake Nukabira (Kato, Hokkaido) Highlights of Lake Nukabira, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Kato, Hokkaido Lake Nukabira is a man-made lake surrounded by dense virgin forests. At the bottom of the lake is a large human-shaped rock called 'Nukabira.' Taushubetsu Bridge on the east bank of the dam is a concrete arch bridge of the former Japan National Railways' Shihoro Line. It is also called the "phantom bridge" because it appears in winter when the water level is low and sinks to the bottom of the lake and disappears when the water level increases. A Video Article About Lake Nukabira in Kato, Hokkaido Video article 2:40 Discover the Amazing Ice Bubbles at Lake Nukabira! Sightseeing Information for the Fantastical Lake in Hokkaido, Japan! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 古谷久樹 Location: Daisetsuzan National Park (Hokkaido) The Cute Northern Pika of Japan The northern pika is found only in some high-altitude areas of Hokkaido. It can fit in the palm of your hand, is 10 to 20 centimeters long, and weighs 60 to 160 grams. Its ears are round and small, and it's characterized by its frequent squeaking. In 2012, it was listed as a near-threatened species on the Red List of endangered species by the Ministry of the Environment. A Video Article About the Northern Pika Video article 3:01 The Northern Pika of Japan: Learn About the Cute Critter Known as the "God of Rocky Lands" and Found in the Outdoors of Hokkaido. Also See Its Characteristic High-Pitched Cry! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: HAYATO/日本の風景写真・絶景スポット Location: Abashiri Prison Museum (Abashiri, Hokkaido) Highlights of the Abashiri Prison Museum, a Popular Sightseeing Attraction in Abashiri, Hokkaido The Abashiri Prison Museum is an open-air history museum that preserves and exhibits the former buildings of Abashiri Prison. The wooden prison buildings that were used during the Meiji Era (1868-1912) have been relocated and reconstructed on a vast site. Eight of the buildings have been designated as Important Cultural Properties of Japan. There are also six registered Tangible Cultural Properties at the museum, including a building made of bricks made in the prison. Visitors can learn about the history of Abashiri Prison, which was instrumental in the development of Hokkaido, from the many exhibits. A Video Article About Tourist Attractions in Hokkaido Video article 3:30 Hokkaido - Endlessly Sweeping Horizons and Magnificent Scenery! Set off on a Trip to Hokkaido's Scenic Locations to Enjoy Spectacular Views of Japan's Natural Landscape! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 長野恵莉佳 Location: Flowerland Kamifurano Highlights of Flowerland Kamifurano, a Popular Tourist Attraction in Kamifurano, Hokkaido Flowerland Kamifurano is a vast flower garden where colorful flowers bloom from June to the end of September. It's a popular tourist attraction with magnificent views of the Tokachi Mountain range and Mt. Asahi. Admission is free, and visitors can ride a tractor bus that circles the 100,000-square-meter flower garden and enjoy the fresh Hokkaido breeze and the fragrance of the flowers in a relaxing atmosphere. A Video Article About Sightseeing in Biei and Furano, Hokkaido Video article 3:18 Outstanding Views of Flowers and Nature in Biei and Furano, Hokkaido. The Scenic View of Lavenders and Poppies, Together With the Natural Scenery of the Surrounding Area, Will Make Your Trip Unforgettable! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: koichi hakuchuu Location: Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival (Chitose, Hokkaido) The Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival of Chitose, Hokkaido One of the top winter festivals in Hokkaido. The Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival, started by local volunteers, has a history of more than 40 years. Ice sculptures of various sizes are made by pumping up water from Lake Shikotsu and spraying it onto structures. The ice sculptures line the shores of Lake Shikotsu in the extreme cold, glowing with the blue color of Lake Shikotsu during the day and illuminated with colorful lights at night, creating a fantastic atmosphere. A Video Article About the Sapporo Snow Festival Video article 2:12 The Sapporo Snow Festival Popular Among Overseas Tourists! The Pure White Snow of Nature and Colorful Projection Mapping in the City of Sapporo, Hokkaido, in a Brilliant Competition! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: ぬこであります(´ー`) Location: Kushiro, Hokkaido The Ezo Red Fox of Hokkaido, Japan The Ezo red fox is a widespread inhabitant of the plains and alpine zones of Hokkaido. In recent years, there have been reports of sightings in Aomori Prefecture as well. The Ezo red fox is slightly larger than the Japanese red foxes that inhabit Honshu (Japan's main island), measuring 60 to 80 centimeters in length. The backs of its ears and ankles are black, and their lifespan in the wild is about 6 to 7 years. A Video Article About the Ezo Red Fox Video article 3:15 Cute Ezo Red Foxes Playing in Hokkaido. Learn About the Wildlife of Japan! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: しま Location: Mt. Asahi (Kamikawa, Hokkaido) Highlights of Mt. Asahi, the Tallest Peak in Hokkaido Mt. Asahi, one of the One Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan, is the tallest peak in Hokkaido, located in the northern part of Daisetsuzan National Park. It is a 2,291-meter-high volcano, and the ropeway takes you to the fifth station at an altitude of 1,600 meters. Various alpine plants and magnificent mountain scenery can be enjoyed on Mt. Asahi. Trekking and cross-country skiing courses are available, so visitors can enjoy activities in all four seasons in the great outdoors of Hokkaido. A Video Article About Sightseeing in Hokkaido Video article 3:00 The Town of Wassamu, Hokkaido Is a Place Where You Can Enjoy All Four Seasons of Japan! Check Out the Attractions of Wassamu Town in Hokkaido, a Place You Won't Want to Miss! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: HAYATO/日本の風景写真・絶景スポット Location: Notsuke Peninsula (Hokkaido) Highlights of the Notsuke Peninsula The Notsuke Peninsula is a spit in the eastern part of Hokkaido, between the Shiretoko and Nemuro Peninsulas. The spit is approximately 26 kilometers long, and was created by sediment carried by ocean currents and deposited over many years. From spring to fall, the spit is covered with fields of Kamchatka lilies, zenteika, and beach roses. In winter, the entire area freezes over, creating ice as far as the eyes can see. The scenery of dead forests caused by the erosion from seawater is also very popular. A Video Article About the Yezo Sika Deer Inhabiting Hokkaido Video article 2:06 Yezo Sika Deer: Learn About the Magnificent Deer of Hokkaido's Snowy Notsuke Peninsula! All About Yezo Sika Deer and Their Problem as a Disruptive Species YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that showcases the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS Anyone can enter COOL JAPAN VIDEOS' photo contests! Below are some of the features of our contests. ・On top of single-lens reflex cameras and digital cameras, photos taken with smartphones and other devices can also be submitted. ・Each person can submit as many photos as they like during the contest period. ・Editing of images, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From March2024] The 22th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: Spring in Japan Submission period: March 1, 2024 12:00 AM – April 30, 2024 11:59 PM (JST) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) Spring in Japan Photo Contest Landscape Photography Summary Did you enjoy these landscape photos from past photo contest entries? Some of these landscapes can only be seen in specific conditions. Japan is full of rich nature, historical locations, and seasonal events! Share your photos with the world and help showcase the beauty of Japan through COOL JAPAN VIDEOS! Related Articles Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! Text only Tohoku in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: Hot Springs, Festivals, Snowscapes, and More – 10 Beautiful Photos of Japan's Tohoku Region! Text only Kyoto in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Kyoto, the Ancient Capital of Japan, and Its Most Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Tokyo in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Featuring the Charms of Tokyo, the Capital of Japan + Popular Tourist Attractions! Text only Winter in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Capturing the Beauty of Winter in Japan. Snowy Landscapes, Glittering Illuminations + More! Text only Kansai in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Spectacular Views of Japan's Kansai Region. From Night Views to Traditional Events, Discover the Best Photo Spots in Kansai! Text only Cherry Blossoms in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Amazing Views of Cherry Blossoms, from Castles and Temples to Rows of Cherry Blossom! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
Video article 2:12
Video of "Wokuzure Suisenkyo" in Kyonan Town, Chiba Prefecture, including the best time to see the pretty daffodils blooming by the lake and the "Suisen Festival" on the Ezuki Suisen Road in Chiba Prefecture.
Nature Travel- 37 plays
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Video Introduction of "Wokuzure Suisenkyo" in Kyonan Town, Chiba Prefecture This video, titled [HD] Chiba Prefecture, Kyonan 'Okuzure Suisenkyo' Daffodil Garden | Famous Flower Spot in Peak Season" ([HD]千葉県・鋸南町「をくづれ水仙郷」Daffodil Garden 花の名所 花見頃), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." Kyonan, located on the Boso Peninsula in Chiba prefecture, is home to two famous daffodil spots - Okuzure Suisenkyo, (lit. Okuzure Narcissus Township) and Ezuki Narcissus Road, (江月水仙ロード), earning it a place as one of the "Top 3 Daffodil Colonies in Japan." The name "Okuzure" (をくずれ, sometimes romanized as "wokuzure") uses an unconventional spelling and is said to come from a dialectical pronunciation of local place name "Okuzure" (大崩, おくずれ, romanized as "okuzure"). Okuzure Suisenkyo, is a colony of daffodils stretching from Sakuma Dam's lakeside to the Okuzure area. Nurtured by an abundance of natural light, the gorgeous sight of the pretty, white daffodils blooming along the river makes this a superb sightseeing location. Between late December and late January (the peak of the daffodil season) a yearly "Daffodil Festival" (水仙まつり, suisen matsuri) is held at Okuzure Suisenkyo, At night there are illuminations, giving the festival a different atmosphere compared to daytime. Be sure to take a look at the mystical scenes produced by the daffodils blooming along the lakeside in the video. [Video] 0:00 - Sakuma Dam Lakeside Area Daffodils What Makes Okuzure Suisenkyo, Special? When to Visit? Photo:Daffodils at Okuzure Suisenkyo The town of Kyonan in Chiba Prefecture is listed alongside Awaji Island (淡路島, awaji-shima) of Hyogo and Fukui's Echizen Coast (越前海岸, echizen kaigan) as one of the "Top 3 Daffodil Colonies in Japan." Encompassing around 2.2 kilometers of land, the space between Sakuma Dam and the Okuzure area is known as Okuzure Suisenkyo, and is best visited between late December and late January, when the area is covered in daffodils as far as the eye can see. With every rice paddy in the area being of the terraced variety, the embankments that make up this beautiful scenery and the slopes at the mountain's foot provide rich soil for some 60 million daffodils over a vast area of approximately 12 acres. During the peak season at Okuzure Suisenkyo, from mid-December to mid-January, a direct delivery service is offered to ship daffodils nationwide so that people can enjoy the elegant flowers and fragrance of daffodils at home. In January of each year, when the daffodils are at their best, Okuzure Suisenkyo, and Ezuki Narcissus Road play host to the Daffodil Festival, complete with illuminations. [Video] 0:00 - Sakuma Dam Lakeside Area Daffodils [Video] 2:07 - Sakuma Dam Lakeside Ezuki Narcissus Road, a Popular Hiking Trail + Daffodil Festival Illuminations, Events, and More! Source :YouTube screenshot Minamiboso is known for its warm climate, as expressed by an old saying "You don't need a single piece of underwear once you crest Mt. Nokogiri." Even during fierce winters with their westerly winds (westerlies in Japan bring cold air from Siberia over the country), thanks to a distribution of high pressures in the west and low pressure to the east inland, temperatures in the area remain relatively mild. Thanks to these weather conditions, daffodils from Kyonan are deeply scented and grow very tall. Okuzure Suisenkyo, and Ezuki Narcissus Road are popular daffodil spots in Kyonan. Okuzure Suisenkyo is a 2.2-km area stretching from the Sakuma Dam area to the Okuzure area. Ezuki Narcissus Road refers to a road in the Ezuki area fringed for 3 kilometers on both sides by daffodils. A 30–40 minute walk each direction, the road is a popular hiking trail. Enjoy a stroll accompanied by a lovely view and the welcoming scent of the daffodils blooming along the road. Each year in January, just as the daffodils begin to bloom, the Daffodil Festival is held at Okuzure Suisenkyo, and Ezuki Narcissus Road, attracting large numbers of tourists. During the daffodil festival a variety of activities are available, including "mochitsuki" (a Japanese tradition of pounding rice into a stretchy, sticky confection known as "mochi"), vegetable stores open, and events, such as stamp rallies, take place as well. At the shops lining the road, visitors can purchase daffodils in addition to the vegetables for sale. Sakuma Dam Park located on Ezuki Narcissus Road is the stage for a light show at night-time, and the daffodils appear to rise up out of the night, making for an ethereal spectacle. [Video] 1:47 - Daffodils and Illuminations Enjoy Cherry Blossoms in Spring at Sakuma Dam Lake Park Photo:Kawazu cherry blossoms at Sakuma Dam Lake Park Located on the shores of Sakuma Dam's reservoir lake, Sakuma Dam Lake Park (佐久間ダム湖親水公園, sakuma damuko shinsui koen) is known not only for its daffodils, but for its cherry blossoms too. Between early February and early March the Yoritomo cherry blossoms (also known as Kawazu sakura) bloom, followed by Yoshino cherries from late March to early April, and multi-layered cherry blossoms (八重桜, yae-zakura) from mid to late April, with a "Yoritomo Cherry Blossom Festival" (頼朝桜まつり, Yoritomo Sakura Matsuri) and "Cherry Blossom Festival" (桜まつり, Sakura Matsuri) being held accordingly. Be sure to enjoy mountain dyed pink by the beautiful cherry blossoms in spring. In the vicinity of Sakuma Dam, the daffodils start to bloom as early as December, and as the season comes to an end in February the early-blooming Yoritomo cherry blossoms begin to flower, making it possible to experience a rare duet of daffodils and cherry blossoms. You can enjoy flowers at Sakuma Dam Lake Park at their best from winter, when the daffodils bloom, right through the cherry blossom season in the spring. Okuzure Suisenkyo, Chiba Prefecture: Roundup The "Daffodil Festival," held at one of the "Top 3 Daffodil Colonies in Japan," Okuzure Suisenkyo, and Ezuki Narcissus Road, have highlights aplenty, offering not only gorgeous views of daffodils, but also illuminations, and a variety of other events. A field of daffodils stretching as far as the eye can see would make a pretty good phone background to keep as a reminder of this year's winter. Don't you think? 【TripAdvisor】Narcissus Road -
Video article 5:07
A hidden spot with a spectacular view! 4K video of “Kinzo-ji Temple” in Kyoto, Japan! Don't miss the beauty of this mountain temple known for its autumn foliage!
Travel Art & Architecture Nature- 38 plays
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Autumn Foliage Video Introduction of “Kinzo-ji Temple” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "[4K] Concept of OKU, KONZO-JI Temple of Kyoto" ([4K] Concept of OKU, KONZO-JI Temple of Kyoto ”奥” 金蔵寺 京都の寺), was uploaded by "Yurara Sarara," a channel that introduces Japanese culture through video. It introduces Konzoji Temple located in Oshioyama, Kyoto. Kyoto's Konzoji Temple, shown in the video, was built during Japan's Nara period (710-794 AD) as a temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism. Later, it was destroyed by fire during the Onin War, but was rebuilt by Keishoin, the mother of the 5th Tokugawa shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, during the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). Enjoy the beautiful appearance of the temple in this short, 4K video. Konzoji – A Mountain Temple Full of Beauty Photo:Beautiful greenery at Konzoji Temple, Kyoto Konzoji Temple is located in the Rakusai area of Kyoto, on the hillside of Mt. Oshio, a mountain with an elevation of 642m. During the Heian period (794-1185 AD), it was called "Iwakura of the West" and is said to have been revered by people. One of the best places to visit in Konzoji Temple is the 12-meter-tall "San no Taki" (産の滝), a waterfall that can be seen at 1:13 in the video. The name "San no Taki" (産の滝: lit. "waterfall of birth") comes from the fact that Mukojin, the deity of Muko Shrine, was born near this waterfall. The next thing to see at Konzoji Temple is the many halls on the temple grounds. The main hall of Konzoji Temple was reconstructed during the Edo period (1603-1868) by Keishoin and houses the eleven-faced thousand-armed Kannon statue, the principal deity of the temple. The Kaizando Hall is a magnificent hall made of all-cypress and enshrines successive generations of priests including Zen Master Takatoyo, the founder of Konzoji Temple. Behind the main hall of Konzoji Temple, there's the Atago Gongen Hall, which enshrines Atago Gongen, and houses a statue of the Jogun Jizo (勝軍地蔵), a jizo said to be able to defeat an army. The statue of the Jogun Jizo is enshrined in this hall, which is open only during the Buddhist memorial service held on April 23 every year. Furthermore, Konzoji Temple has an observatory, and if you head east from Shimonogawa Benzaiten (下の川弁財天, a small shrine), you can enjoy an observatory with a panoramic view of Kyoto City. We recommend checking out the view when visiting the temple. Konzoji Temple - A Hidden Gem for Enjoying Autumn Leaves! Photo:Autumn leaves at Konzoji Temple, Kyoto Konzoji Temple is rarely visited by people, and the people you do see there are usually those who enjoy hiking. However, in early summer, there is a lot of greenery and it is a very pleasant spot to take a leisurely tour of the temple grounds. Konzoji is also known for the beauty of the green maple leaves, and it is the perfect place to experience the nature of Japan. Konzoji Temple also takes on a new appearance during the autumn months. The beautiful autumn colors that can be seen here have turned the temple into a hidden gem for viewing the breathtaking foliage of the season. Because it's located on the mountainside, the temperature varies greatly between morning and evening, and it's a great place to enjoy the spectacular autumn leaves. In particular, the path from Nio-mon Gate to the main hall is surrounded by autumn leaves creating a sort of tunnel of foliage, and is famous locally for its eye-catching beauty. Konzoji Temple is a tourist spot where you can enjoy beautiful greenery in the summer and orange and red autumn leaves in the fall. There is a parking lot you can use when accessing Konzoji Temple via car, but please note that there are some steep roads. When coming by bus, it's about an hour on foot as the nearest bus stop is quite far. That being said, if you're looking to get some hiking or exercise in, or just want to explore something new, this is definitely a place to check out. Summary of Kyoto's Beautiful Konzoji Temple As introduced in this article, Konzoji Temple is a place where you can enjoy the beautiful nature of Japan. In addition, many Shigaraki ware tanuki (raccoon dogs) figures can be found in the area, and the figure of a tanuki enjoying sake is becoming popular as an Instagram icon. The quaint appearance of the halls standing amongst the green maples expresses the beauty of Japan. In autumn, these trees turn breathtaking shades of red and orange, and visitors can enjoy the natural beauty created by the autumn leaves. Consider visiting Konzoji Temple, a place where you can enjoy the beauty of Japan in each of the four seasons! 【Tripadvisor】Konzoji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d1386185-Reviews-Konzoji_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 9:30
10 Camping Manners to Be Careful of When Camping in Japan! Time, Sound, Shared Spaces, Etc. Avoid Trouble When Camping!
Things to Do Nature- 19 plays
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Are Camping Manners Universal? Photo:A family enjoying camping Japan is often praised in foreign media and news for its manners. It shows Japanese people's unique attentiveness to others. Today, camping is becoming popular all across Japan due to the novel coronavirus. But are camping manners in Japan and camping manners in other parts of the world the same? Let's take a look at some camping manners to be careful of when camping in Japan. Video Introduction: Basic Camping Manners for Beginners Photo:A campground's cooking area This video, titled "10 Camping Manners Camping Beginners Should Know" (キャンプ初心者の方が知っておきたいキャンプマナー10選), was uploaded by "Taro Camp" (たろーキャンプ). It features camping gear and shows what camping is like in Japan. In Japan, many people are getting into nature and outdoor activities! Camping gear and items for beginner-level campers are now available as well, making it easier to start enjoy camping. However, although camping is done in nature, campgrounds are still public places and there are rules and manners to follow. Below, we'll introduce an easy-to-understand explanation of rules regarding time and use of public spaces when camping in Japan. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced camper, be sure to check out this article to avoid any misunderstandings and learn proper etiquette for camping in Japan. Rules and Manners Regarding Time Photo:A campground ・Be Quiet Late at Night It's good manners to be quiet after 10:00 p.m. Many campgrounds are often quiet, and even normal conversation can echo into other campsites. Thus, it's important to be careful about the volume of your voice and music, especially at night. Furthermore, some campgrounds have their own set times for lights-out hours, etc. Be sure to follow the etiquette of the campground you're using. ・Lights-Out Means Lights-Out As we just mentioned, lights-out hours are often set by the campground. In campgrounds where there are no streetlights or residential lights, lanterns and other lights can be intrusive. If you still want to stay awake when the lights go out, consider using a smaller light inside your tent. ・Check-in and Check-Out Hours Of particular importance are check-out times. Check-out times vary from campground to campground, but most campgrounds in Japan set their check-out time to be 10:00 a.m. It's important to respect check-out times for the sake of other campers using the campground. Use of Common Space and Garbage Photo:Campground manners ・Keeping Shared Spaces Clean Cooking areas, toilets, and shower rooms are shared spaces. It's a fact that some people pour leftover food, such as vegetable scraps and leftovers, into cooking areas. However, if the sinks become clogged, it causes problems not only for other campers but also for the campground. Furthermore, when using shower rooms and other facilities, keep in mind that other campers want to use them as well. Shared spaces are used by other campers, and it's imperative that they be used properly as to keep them clean. [Video] 2:37 - Manners in Shared Spaces ・Proper Clean-Up of Garbage Beginner-level campers should be especially cautious of this. Leave your campsite cleaner than it was when you got there. Clean up when you've finished using a site. It's very important for each and every one of us to be aware of this so that we can enjoy the refreshing air of the outdoors and camp in a pleasant environment. Be sure to take care of any charcoal and garbage you've used. Furthermore, be careful to properly separate garbage. Things like plastic bottles and food scraps should not be disposed of together. Please note that some campgrounds require campers to take their garbage home with them. Greetings and Respect for Other Campers Photo:Lake Tanuki Camp Ground ・Be Considerate of Other Campers A good campsite means being considerate of other campers at the campground. It is more enjoyable to camp in a pleasant atmosphere of mutual respect rather than hostility. Of course, don't forget to greet the campers next to you! Especially if there are small children, pets, or animals, it is a good idea to greet any fellow campers. ・Set Up Your Camp at a Reasonable Distance From Other Campers If other people have already set up their tents, keep a certain distance from them. As a rule of thumb, set up your tent at least 3 meters away from other campers. Of course, it is possible to be closer than this, depending on how crowded the site is, but you should keep this 3-meter rule in mind when camping in Japan. ・Be Mindful of Other People's Scenery If your campsite is a scenic campground, make sure that you're not obstructing other people's views. Remember that other campers go camping to enjoy the scenery too. ・Keep Music at a Volume That Does Not Disturb Others When camping, it's normal to want to listen to music, but try to play it at a volume that does not disturb other campers. There are various types of campers, some who want to enjoy the sounds of nature or listen to their music while enjoying nature. It's proper camp etiquette to enjoy music at a volume that does not disturb those around you. Nature Goes Hand in Hand With Camping ・Preserve the Natural Environment Avoid breaking tree branches, digging up plants, etc. Enjoying nature is what makes camping camping. If we destroy it then the next people to camp in the area won't be able to enjoy it. Also, if you want to use tree branches as kindling, be sure to check with the campground before doing so. Also, we recommend that you check with the campground beforehand if you plan to make an open fire directly on the ground, as many campgrounds prohibit this. Precautions to Avoid Trouble When Camping in Japan! Photo:A woman enjoying solo camping It's important to follow the rules carefully to avoid getting into trouble at the campground. Things such as leaving trash behind or playing loud music can cause a lot of trouble not only for other campers, but for the campground as well. Also, if you're planning on bringing a pet, keep it on a leash! Not everyone is comfortable with animals. Violations of manners and rules can lead to quarrels and other problems that, if serious enough, can end up with the police getting involved. If this happens, your camping experience and the camping experience of others will be ruined. To avoid trouble, be sure to respect camp etiquette! Summary of Camping Manners in Japan A campsite is a place to enjoy nature in a space shared with others. Some people want to go to bed early to feel the refreshing morning air of the great outdoors, and others just want to enjoy a fun time with everyone. Everyone has their own way of enjoying themselves, which is exactly why it's important to be mindful of others. Even experienced campers have been warned by other campers that they are too noisy. Because it's a quieter environment than the city, you may need to be more careful than usual. Please be sure to follow the rules set by the campground as well as the camping manners we listed above so that all campers can have a pleasant time when camping. The video shows examples of poorly used cooking areas and a fire pit that wasn't properly cleaned after being used. Be sure to check it out whether you're a beginner or an experienced camper! -
Video article 2:06
Yezo Sika Deer: Learn About the Magnificent Deer of Hokkaido's Snowy Notsuke Peninsula! All About Yezo Sika Deer and Their Problem as a Disruptive Species
Living Things Nature- 958 plays
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Wild Yezo Sika Deer on the Notsuke Peninsula! In this video “Yezo Sika Deer on the Notsuke Peninsula(野付半島のエゾシカ)”, created by Shinji Kawamura, you can watch the wild Yezo sika deer, living in herds in the snow of the Notsuke Peninsula (野付半島, Notsuke Hanto), Hokkaido. The Yezo sika deer, which belong to the Cervidae family, is one of many subspecies of the sika deer (the Japanese deer), mainly living in the grasslands of Hokkaido. Its body is bigger than that of the Japanese deer; It is approximately 1.5 meters long and 1.1 meters high. As you can see in this video, the Yezo sika deer has large antlers, which are shed between April and May every year. Yezo sika deer are herbivorous animals, and they have unique high-pitched calls. The wild Yezo sika deer shown in this video are from herds living on the Notsuke Peninsula, Hokkaido. The Notsuke Peninsula is the biggest sand peninsula/sand spit in Japan; It is approximately 26 kilometers long, and located between Shiretoko Peninsula (知床半島, Shiretoko Hanto) and Nemuro Peninsula (根室半島, Nemuro Hanto). Many wild birds, animals, and insects live there. In December, when the grass dies, herds of Yezo sika deer move to their winter homes,- forests with more coniferous trees and less accumulated snow. From 0:55 in the video, you can see the Yezo sika deer living in herds in the snow. The Population of Wild Yezo Sika Deer Photo:Yezo Sika Deer The population of the Yezo sika deer once decreased dramatically due to hunting and deforestation in the early Meiji Period around 1868. However, after implementing measures to prohibit overhunting, the population has been increasing. Each deer eats a large amount of grass every day, so currently there are some problems regarding the damage of crops and forests, and the destruction of the environment. In addition, as its population has increased, more Yezo sika deer have been appearing in urban areas, which leads to problems of disruptive animals. From 1:33 in the video, you can hear sounds of cars driving in the background near a herd of Yezo sika deer. From the video, you can see that the Yezo sika deer lives very closely to humans. The "Yezo Deer Association" was founded in order to maintain a symbiotic relationship with the Yezo sika deer. Currently people take some measures to control the population of the Yezo sika deer, such as controlled hunting. The captured Yezo sika deer are used in venison dishes, for leather-working, deer fur products, antler products, and so on. Wild game meat dishes are very expensive in Europe, and venison is said to be healthy and has a unique flavor, so venison dishes are very popular. Venison is heated thoroughly and cooked into roasted meat or steak to avoid zoonotic diseases and food intoxication. Where to See the Wild Yezo Sika Deer Photo:Yezo Sika Deer on the Notsuke Peninsula The Notsuke Peninsula is an area where many wild animals have lived for a long time, even since the era of the Ainu (the native tribes of Hokkaido). It has multiple national forests and the Nationally Designated Special Wildlife Reserve. On the Notsuke Peninsula Nature Center, a hub for sightseeing, you can learn about the natural surroundings and the history of the Notsuke Peninsula. It also provides a wide range of tours, so you can join one of them and go around the Notsuke Peninsula. (The tours are a paid attraction and you must book ahead of time). We cannot guarantee that you can always see the Yezo sika deer as they are wild, but even if you cannot see the deer during the tour, you can still enjoy the wild of Hokkaido to your hearts content. Overview of the Yezo Sika Deer Introductory Video Source :YouTube screenshot The video we introduced this time showed Yezo sika deer living in herds in Hokkaido's wilderness. The video has many fun facts about the Yezo sika deer, such as characteristics of its antlers, the white furs of their hips, and its general habits, so be sure to take a look if you haven't yet! If you're looking to enjoy Japan's wilderness, look no further than Hokkaido! 【Official Website】Notsuke Peninsula Nature Center Hokkaido Betsukai http://notsuke.jp/ 【Official Website】Yezo Deer Association http://yezodeer.org/ -
Video article 3:26
Autumn leaves and dynamic giant stones and strange rocks in Hatonosu Valley, Nishitama-gun, Tokyo! Sightseeing in Okutama in video and autumn foliage spots.
Nature Travel- 155 plays
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Autumn Foliage Video Introduction of "Hatonosu Valley" in Okutama, Nishitama-gun, Tokyo This video, titled "[4K Ultra HD] Okutama|Autumn leaves in Hatonosu Valley, Tokyo (3-axis gimbal stabilizer)" ([ 4K Ultra HD ]奥多摩 鳩ノ巣渓谷の紅葉 Hatonosu Valley,Okutama,Tokyo (3-axis gimbal stabilizer)), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Hatonosu Valley, upstream of the Tama River, is located in Okutama, Tokyo. Despite its location in Tokyo, this sightseeing spot is rich in nature. The video, which captures the autumn leaves, dynamic boulders, and oddly shaped rocks in Hatonosu Valley, Okutama, along with the sound of the mountain stream, is sure to provide a relaxing experience. It's 3 minutes and 25 seconds long, and is full of beautiful natural scenery. Recommended Things to Do in Okutama Photo:Okutama, Tokyo Located on the western edge of Tokyo, Okutama is a tourist destination with easy access from central Tokyo, despite the fact that 94% of the town is covered by forest, leaving plenty of nature for visitors to enjoy. In addition to its natural scenery, the town offers a wide range of outdoor activities, such as camping, fishing, mountain climbing, and hiking. Because of Okutama's rich natural environment, beautiful autumn foliage can be seen in the fall, as shown in the video. Visitors can enjoy mountain climbing and hiking while viewing the autumn leaves in the rich valleys and giant boulders of the upper reaches of the Tama River. You can also enjoy camping and fishing while listening to the murmuring water of the valley. The paved mountain pass is also popular for scenic drives, offering beautiful scenery throughout Japan's four seasons. When to See the Autumn Leaves in Okutama The autumn leaves can be seen in Okutama every year from late October to mid-November. We recommend checking out the live cameras if you're looking to take photos of autumn leaves. Live video footage of Okutama is available on YouTube 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you want to visit during autumn to see the leaves, be sure to check these out. The Best Places to View the Autumn Leaves in Okutama Photo:Autumn leaves in Akigawa Valley, Tokyo The most recommended places for viewing the autumn leaves in Okutama are Lake Okutama and the valleys in the upper reaches of the Tama River. Here we'll introduce so of the recommended spots in Akigawa Valley, Mitake Gorge, Hikawa Gorge, Hatonosu Valley, and Lake Okutama. ・Akigawa Valley The Akigawa Valley is full of natural attractions, such as waterfalls and large boulders. When the autumn leaves are in season, the contrast between the large river and the brightly colored autumn leaves is simply exquisite. In addition, the view of the valley from Ishibune Bridge, a red suspension bridge for pedestrians, which is located near a hot spring facility called Seoto no Yu (瀬音の湯), is superb. Photo:Mitake Gorge ・Mitake Gorge Mitake Gorge is said to be the most beautiful valley in Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park. A promenade has been well maintained, and the upper reaches of the Tama River valley can be viewed from this spot alongside the autumn leaves. ・Hikawa Gorge Like Mitake Gorge, Hikawa Gorge is another easy-to-visit destination that you don't want to miss. Located just 3 minutes from Okutama Station, Hikawa Gorge has well-maintained walking trails and a hiking course that can be completed in about 2 hours, even without full-fledged hiking equipment. Visitors can enjoy the autumn leaves in a relaxed atmosphere here. Photo:Hatonosu Valley, Okutama, Tokyo ・Hatonosu Valley Hatonosu Valley, introduced in the video, boasts the largest number of boulders among the valleys in the Okutama area. The powerful view of the autumn leaves and giant rocks seen from Hatonosu Kobashi Bridge, a suspension bridge over the valley, is especially breathtaking, and makes for great photos. [Video] 1:55 - Hatonosu Kobashi Bridge ・Lake Okutama Lake Okutama is the most famous lake in Okutama. This beautiful lake was artificially created as a result of the construction of the Ogouchi Dam and has been selected as one of the 100 most beautiful dammed lakes in Japan. The sight of the mountains with autumn leaves on the shores of the beautiful blue lake is exceptional! If you want to enjoy the autumn leaves in Okutama, this is a must-visit spot. Summary of Autumn Sightseeing in Okutama Although this article focuses on sightseeing and viewing the autumn leaves of Okutama, Okutama has a wide range of attractions. The Nippara Limestone Caves on the way to Lake Okutama are cool and refreshing with a year-round temperature of 11°C. It's a tourist attraction that can be visited even on rainy days. Okutama Shuyu Road around Lake Okutama is beautifully maintained and is ideal for going on drives, as there are parking lots throughout the area. There are also many delicious restaurants in the area, where visitors can enjoy lunch while viewing the natural scenery, or try exquisite Kurobuta pork dishes. Furthermore, there are many inns and hotels around Lake Okutama, making it a recommended tourist destination for those looking to enjoy a relaxing overnight stay instead of just a day trip. Come and experience the charms of Okutama! 【TripAdvisor】Hatonosu Valley https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121131-d3667798-Reviews-Hatonosu_Valley-Okutama_machi_Nishitama_gun_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html 【TripAdvisor】Okutama https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121131-Okutama_machi_Nishitama_gun_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:16
The Yamane (Japanese Dormouse) – A Look at One of Japan's Cutest Protected Species Running Around and Playing!
Living Things- 4.81K plays
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The Japanese Dormouse This video, titled "Chino Legacy - A Chino Legacy to Leave to the Future - #16 'Japanese Dormouse'" (茅野レガシー~未来に残したい茅野遺産~#16「ヤマネ」), introduces the cute Japanese dormouse, an endemic species of Japan designated a nationally protected species. The Japanese dormouse is a rodent found in Yatsugatake, which straddle Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures, as well as in low mountains and subalpine areas throughout Japan. During hibernation, the Japanese dormouse crawls into private warehouses and cottages to curl up and take shelter. so there is a possibility of encountering them unexpectedly. About the Japanese Dormouse Source :YouTube screenshot The Japanese dormouse is a small mammal that belongs to the order Rodentia along with squirrels and other rodents, and is of the family Gliridae, and Glirinae genus. As you can see from 0:10 in the video, it has a cute appearance with its round eyes and soft fur. Because it's designated as a nationally protected species, it is forbidden to catch them or keep them as pets. They are 6 to 8 centimeters long, with black vertical stripes along their backs and a bushy tail. They are omnivorous, feeding on insects and fruits. They are often found running around the forest in preparation for winter. As you can see from 1:19 in the video, they nest in tree trunks and cracks in rocks and can race up trees using their sharp claws. It is a very agile animal that can hang on thin branches and jump from branch to branch. They are nocturnal creatures that live in trees, so you won’t encounter them often; however, during winter, you may see them curled up on the ground hibernating. They are also called "Ball Mice" or "Ice Mice" based on their curled up appearance. A hibernating Japanese dormouse sleeps so peacefully that even if you rolled them around, they would not wake up. You can see a curled-up Japanese dormouse hibernating at 2:07 in the video. In spring, they return to their natural habitat in the mountains. The Japanese Dormouse - A "Living Fossil" Photo:Excavating fossils Fossils of Japanese dormice have been excavated from the strata of Europe and Japan from 50 million and 20 million years ago, respectively. In other words, it is believed that the Japanese dormouse has existed on Earth since about 50 million years ago, after the extinction of the dinosaurs. This would have been during the Cenozoic Era, a time when ammonites and marine reptiles became extinct, and mammals and birds prospered. This of course means that they existed long before humans came to be. Because the Japanese dormouse has not changed in ecology or form since these ancient times, it is referred to as a living fossil. After the advent of mankind, the Japanese dormouse was recorded as a delicacy eaten by noblemen in Roman times. They would put Japanese dormice in vases and fatten them up with nuts and then cook them. They were eaten on a daily basis as appetizers or desserts. The Japanese Dormouse as a Pet Photo:Japanese Dormouse Due to the Japanese dormouse being designated as a nationally protected species, it is not allowed to have them as pets in Japan. However, you will see types of dormice from Europe or Asia in pet shops. When keeping them as pets, having a nesting box, drinking water, bedding materials, and a running wheel should suffice. When they begin hibernation, they sleep for half of the year, earning them the name "Sleeping Mice"; be sure to arrange their living quarters so you can see them sleeping! When they wake up from hibernation, it's mating season and they attract females with high-pitched calls. If you keep them as a pair, be aware that breeding occurs during this period. Summary of the Living Fossil - The Japanese Dormouse Source :YouTube screenshot Did you enjoy learning about the cute Japanese dormouse? We hope you were able to learn more about the biology of the Japanese dormouse, a once semi-endangered species and protected species in Japan. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the video to see footage of this cute critter! -
Video article 4:42
Ashino Park – Osamu Dazai and Cherry Blossoms in Aomori
Nature Transportation Travel- 70 plays
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Video article 6:09
Todoroki Valley Is an Urban Oasis in Setagaya City Where You Can Take a Leisurely Stroll Along a Murmuring Promenade. Take a Trip to This Relaxing Destination in the Big City Where You Can Enjoy Waterfalls, Ancient Tombs, Temples, and More!
Nature- 112 plays
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Video introduction of "Todoroki Gorge" in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "Todoroki Valley – Tokyo - 4K Ultra HD (Todoroki Valley - Tokyo - 等々力渓谷 - 4K Ultra HD)," was filmed in Todoroki Valley, Setagaya city, Tokyo (東京都世田谷区, toukyousetagayaku). Todoroki Keikoku Park (等々力渓谷公園, todorokikeikokukouen) is a beautiful green park located in the center of Setagaya city that stretches over 1km, and is a 20-minute train ride from Shibuya station (渋谷駅, shibuyaeki). The picturesque promenade follows the Yazawa river (谷沢川, yazawagawa) which is part of the Tama River (多摩川, tamagawa) water system. Todoroki valley, a place in the city where you can enjoy taking a walk surrounded by nature, is also known for being a "power spot." From 1:24 in the video, you can see the entrance to the oasis that is Todoroki valley, under Golf-bashi Bridge (ゴルフ橋, gorufubashi). You can enjoy the scenery here year round, with cherry blossoms in spring, fresh greenery in summer, autumn colors in fall, and a snowy landscape in winter. Todoroki valley doesn't tend to get crowded as it isn't as well known as other spots in the city, making it a great place to casually visit in your free time. Sightseeing in Todoroki Valley Photo:Todoroki Valley・Setagaya, Tokyo Todoroki valley is situated on the Musashino Plateau (武蔵野台地, musashinodaichi), making it an ideal place to observe various plants and terrain. Walking along the path you can see green parks, stone paved areas, Japanese gardens and buildings, waterfalls, and more. From 2:43 in the video, you can see the bridge "Riken no hashi" (利剣の橋), and from 2:56 we get a glimpse at the shrine "Inari Daimyoujin" (稲荷大明神). There is also an ancient burial mound built during the Kofun period (古墳時代, kofunjidai) (~250-538 AD) called Todoroki Keikoku Sangoouketu (等々力渓谷三号横穴) situated along the path. The Shrines and Temples of Todoroki Valley Photo:Todoroki Fudoson・Setagaya, Tokyo From 4:10 in the video, you can see Manganji temple (満願寺, manganji), Todoroki Fudoson temple (等々力不動尊), and Ryugosan Myououin temple (滝轟山明王院). You can visit the main temple buildings, bells, and enjoy the view from the observation deck. Many people visit these temples in search of luck in marriage and in studying. Another great place to visit while you're in Todoroki valley is the Japanese-style cafe, Setsugekka (雪月花) which can be seen in the video at 3:24. Summary of Todoroki Valley Photo:Inari Daimyojin・Todoroki Valley, Setagaya, Tokyo Todoroki valley is a wonderful spot to have a picnic, take a walk, or play by the river. There isn't a lot of lighting so please take care when visiting during poor weather or at night. Many people visit Todoroki valley on dates or to enjoy lunch at the cafe. For those sightseeing in Tokyo, we recommend booking a hotel and making the most of your trip by visiting the Todoroki valley area and enjoying a relaxing break from the city! ◆Todoroki Valley General Information◆ 【Address】Todoroki 1-22-2-37, Setagaya city, Tokyo 【Access】A 3-minute walk from the Tokyu Oimachi Line Todoroki Station, or a 5-minute walk from the Tokyu Bus or Toei Bus Todoroki Bus Stop. 【Admission fee】Free 【Hours】24 hours a day 【Closures】Open all year round 【Parking】Fudoson Parking Area (free) (不動尊駐車場, fudousonchuushajou) 【Toilets】Available 【Official Website】Todoroki Valley Park, Setagaya City Official Home Page https://www.city.setagaya.lg.jp/mokuji/kusei/012/015/001/004/d00004247.html 【Tripadvisor】Todoroki Valley https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066455-d1373670-Reviews-Todoroki_Valley-Setagaya_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:03
Come Visit Kutchan, Hokkaido and Enjoy the Beauty of Its Vast Wilds. Spend Some Quality Time in the Luxury Ryokan "Zaborin," and Relax in the Private Hot Springs Fit for a King
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 101 plays
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Kutchan, Hokkaido's "Zaborin" The video this time is a promotional video for the Hotel/Hot Springs ryokan "Zaborin," created by "Teiku Hiko HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR" (北海道 倶知安町 坐忘林 | Hokkaido Kutchan ZABORIN). In this article, we'll introduce you to the 100% pure hot springs in the great outdoors of Hokkaido, and the attracting "Zaborin" where you can spend a most relaxing and quiet time. "Zaborin" has many good reviews on different websites, such as hotel/ryokan websites and price comparison sites. In the video, it briefly explains the facilities of the ryokan as well as the rooms and hot springs. Enjoy the quaint space of the hot springs in Kutchan, a popular tourist spot with bountiful nature. The Zaborin Hot Springs in Kutchan, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot Zaborin is a luxury ryokan located in the popular tourist spot, Kutchan, Hokkaido. It takes about 2 hours by car from New Chitose Airport. It was designed by a British couple who loved Japan and were fascinated by the nature of Niseko. It is a must-see ryokan if you're interested in Japanese modernity. Enjoy the view of Mt. Yoteizan, the outstanding nature of Hokkaido, and its native Japanese white birch trees. All 15 rooms contain a private 100% pure hot spring, with both inside and open-air baths. Please refer to the video at 0:35. This pure hot spring gushes out into the property of Zaborin. The hot springs contains sodium, hydrogen carbonate, and chloride which helps to maintain beautiful skin and health. Other ailments these hot springs treat are neuralgia, soreness, joint pain, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, stiff joints, bruises, sprains, fatigue, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids, cold sensitivity, cuts, burns, chronic skin disease, and more. Please note that Zaborin does not have a large community bath. Amenities are provided in the room, so there's no need to bring your own. Wouldn't you like to wake up early in the morning, take a fresh bath in the hot springs, and see the sun rise from Mt. Muine? Rooms at Kutchan, Hokkaido's Zaborin Source :Zaborin Official Website Hotel Zaborin offers western-style rooms, Japanese-style rooms, and suite rooms as well. All of the rooms are very spacious as well, and come with a living room attached to them. During the winter, time seems to freeze, as the outside world is covered with snow. You can try some winter sports at "Niseko Mountain Resort Grand HIRAFU," "Niseko HANAZONO Resort," "White Isle Niseko," and "Asahigaoka Ski Resort. Or you could stay in your room all day and enjoy the view in the hot springs. We're not here to judge you... Gourmet Dining at Zaborin Source : Zaborin Official Website Try a Japanese traditional course-meal with plenty of Hokkaido seasonal grace at Zaborin. You can also try the different kinds of fresh local food at the restaurant inside the ryokan. You can also enjoy duck and deer game dishes depending on the season. In the morning, they serve creative cuisine using fresh Hokkaidan ingredients. They have a counter bar where you can enjoy the view of Mt. Yoteizan while warming up with some spirits as well. Tourist Spots Around Zaborin Photo:Shirogane Blue Pond There are several tourist spots near Zaborin Kutchan, Hokkaido. Other tourist spots you can try when you visit Zaborin are, - The private garden "Mishima’s Shibazakura Garden" with Mt. Yoteizan in the backdrop - "Hangetsuko Nature Park," a quiet lake at the base of Mt. Yoteizan - "Kagaminuma," where you can enjoy trekking - "The Shu Ogawara Museum of art " containing art from the local artist Shu Ogawara - "Kuchan Hudokan" which displays unique exhibits - "NOASC" where you can experience rafting Summary of Kutchan, Hokkaido's Zaborin Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, Zaborin offers a relaxing atmosphere with luxurious private hot springs. At Zaborin, there are Irori fireplaces, "Cha no Za," where you can have tea, a library, a smoking area, a massage room, foot bath, a boutique store where they sell popular butter cases, and lockers for skiing and golfing. If you're thinking about going to Japan to enjoy its hidden gems and secret getaways in its beautiful outdoors, don't overlook Zaborin. Be sure to watch the video and see just how fascinating it is. Be sure to check the official homepage and travel websites for tour pricing, plans, and rooms. Prices often vary by season. ◆Zaborin◆ 【Address】76-4 Hanazono, Kutchan, Abuta district, Hokkaido 044-0084 【Access】2 hours by car from Shin Chitose Airport 【Parking】Available 【Telephone No】0136-23-0003 【Official Website】Ryokan Zaborin | Hokkaido https://zaborin.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Zaborin https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1025639-d7745400-Reviews-Zaborin-Kutchan_cho_Abuta_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 18:20
Admire the Breathtaking View of the Venus Line at Kirigamine Plateau in Early Summer in Nagano Prefecture From the Sky!
Travel Nature- 171 plays
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ドローンで撮影された絶景の長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインとは こちらの動画は「Yatsugatake21_4K_Japan」が公開した「4K 絶景ドローン「初夏のビーナスライン 霧ヶ峰高原」癒し空撮自然映像 Drone Japan Nature Relaxation Venus line」です。 長野県の霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインをドローンの空撮で捉えた映像になっています。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインとは、八ヶ岳中信高原国定公園 の高原地帯を走るツーリングにはもってこいのドライブルート。 全長76kmにも及び、蓼科高原・白樺湖・車山高原・霧ヶ峰高原・八島高原・美ヶ原高原といった森林地帯や高原地帯の四季を望むことのできる絶景スポットです。 平均の標高は1,400mで最高では1,920mにもなります。 野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインのおすすめルート 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの中でおすすめのルートは白樺高原から霧ヶ峰のルートです。 これは白樺湖から出発し、車山展望リフトで車山山頂へ。 こちらでは、天気が良ければ八ヶ岳連峰や富士山まで望むことができます。 また紅葉やニッコウキスゲなどの草花も楽しむことができます。 その先には霧ヶ峰富士見台があります。 こちらでは食事処やお土産屋などの売店も充実しています。 最後にはレストラン「チャップリン」でソースカツ丼やカツカレーを楽しめます。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインには人気のドライブインも 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの中心には人気のドライブインである霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインドライブイン霧の駅があります。 ここでは長野県の様々なお土産を買うことができ、駐車場のそばには八島湿原や三峰大展望台・霧ヶ峰自然保護センターもあります。 動画では3:31より美しい自然の景色を見ることができます。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインから諏訪湖へ 新日本三大夜景やサンセットをご覧になることのできる立石公園も霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの見どころです。 映画「君の名は。」のモデルになったと言われるスポットとしても有名です。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインでもお参りを 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインのなかには諏訪大社上社本宮・諏訪大社下社秋宮といった神社にも触れるができます。 諏訪大社上社本宮は国内最古の神社の一つで、八ヶ岳や諏訪平などを望むことができます。 また画家の岡本太郎さんが絶賛した万治の石仏という石像もあります。 こちらは諏訪大社下社春宮から徒歩5分ほどの場所にあるので、諏訪大社下社春宮のお参りを終えたら是非訪れてみましょう。 その他長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの旅行スポット 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインではこれら以外にも様々な施設に楽しむことができます。 国指定重要文化財である片倉館、県下最大級のガラスミュージアムであるSUWAガラスの里、400年の歴史がある高島城、無料で足湯につかれる湖畔公園足湯と豊富な温泉があります。 自然と観光を楽しめる長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスライン紹介まとめ 大自然の景色を楽しみながらドライブできる長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインをみなさまも楽しんでください! -
Video article 3:27
The World of the Ghibli Film "Castle in the Sky" Has Spread To Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture! With Its Rich, Unexplored Landscape and Spectacular Scenery, Aso Is a Popular Spot for Drives!
Nature- 162 plays
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Introducing Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture! This video, titled “Best Views of Japan – Unexplored|Searching for Laputa in Aso, Only To Find That Aso Is Laputa!” (日本一の絶景 秘境 ラピュタの道を阿蘇に探しに行ったら、阿蘇の全てがラピュタだった), was released by “Drone RangerMiura.” It introduces the beautiful summer scenery of Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture, in Japan’s Kyushu region. The scenery of Aso Gogaku (阿蘇五岳, The Five Peaks of Mt. Aso), shot via drone, looks just like the world of the Studio Ghibli movie "Laputa: Castle in the Sky." In the Aso area, there are sightseeing spots called "Laputa Road" (ラピュタの道) and "Laputa Modoki" (ラピュタもどき), which have been attracting attention from people who enjoy going on casual drives to enjoy scenic locations. A Look at Laputa Road, Shown in the Video Photo:Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture The official name of “Laputa Road” is “Aso City Road Kario Main Line” (阿蘇市道狩尾幹線). From Prefectural Road 149 to Prefectural Road 339 (a.k.a. Milk Road), which runs over the outer rim of the mountain, a mysterious phenomenon creates a sea of clouds, allowing for breathtaking views. At 0:33 in the video, cows and horses are shown, and at 1:05, a beautiful waterfall can be seen. In the Aso area, you can go for a walk and discover the unexplored natural scenery, as well as enjoy activities, such as horseback riding and stargazing. Popular Spots in the Aso Area Introduced in the Video Photo:Daikanbo Lookout on Mt. Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture There are many spots in the Aso area where you can enjoy superb scenery, such as the Laputa Road Observatory and the Daikanbo Lookout (大観峰展望台) on Daikanbo, one of the peaks of the Northern Outer Rim of Mt. Aso. If you visit the Aso area to view the scenery, be sure to stop by the observatory! There are also many park facilities, such as the Oku-Aso Fruit Garden (奥あそフルーツガーデン), Rakunoh Mother's Aso Milk Ranch (阿蘇ミルク牧場), and Aso Farmland (阿蘇ファームランド). Be sure to check out Aso Shrine (阿蘇神社) as well! Points To Note When Sightseeing in the Aso Area Photo:The Nanatsugama Caves, Kumamoto Prefecture In the Aso area, there are many places of interest, such as the Nanatsugama Caves in Saga Prefecture's Karatsu, which is designated as a national natural monument, and Kusasenrigahama. However, due to risk of eruption, the area around the crater has been placed on alert and entry is now restricted. The 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes also caused some road closures in the Aso area. When visiting Aso, be sure to pay attention to observation information and alerts/warnings. Summary of the Aso Area Photo:Mt. Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture Aso is one of the most popular tourist spots in the Kyushu area thanks to the natural beauty of the mountains and sea. If you're looking to experience what it's like to be in the world of "Castle in the Sky," then you should definitely drop by Aso for a visit! 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Aso https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g298212-d320703-r710938456-Mt_Aso-Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 2:47
Arashiyama Is One of the Most Beautiful Spots in Kyoto, and a Place to Experience the Natural Beauty of Japan. Take a Trip to the "Arashiyama Bamboo Forest," a 400-Meter-Long Natural Bamboo Forest, to Soothe Your Body and Mind!
Nature Travel- 369 plays
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The Arashiyama Bamboo Forest in Arashiyama, Kyoto! This video is titled "Arashiyama Bamboo Forest|the Voices of the Wind and Fresh Greenery Dancing Towards the Heavens|Kyoto・Arashiyama. (Arashiyama Bamboo Forest Kyoto Japan) Sagano|Healing Landscape, Healing, a Sketch of Sounds #16 / Ryuju." It introduces the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest in Sagano (嵯峨野, Sagano), Arashiyama, in Kyoto City (京都市, Kyoto-Shi), Kyoto (京都府,Kyoto-Fu), in the Kansai region (関西地方, Kansai-Chiho) of Japan. The Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is a path from Okochi Sanso Villa in Sagano (嵯峨野, Sagano), in the Ukyo-Ward (右京区, Ukyo-Ku) of Kyoto, to Nonomiya Shrine. As you can see from 0:18 in the video, the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is roughly 400 meters long, and this refined site is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Arashiyama, Kyoto. You can see the fresh greenery of the bamboo forest, along with soothing music. It's also called "Bamboo Grove." Togetsukyo-Bridge and Katsura River (桂川, Katsura-Gawa) are also within walking distance of the forest. Events at the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest Photo:Kyoto・Arashiyama Hanatouro Every winter at the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, a special night-time illumination event called "Kyoto Arashiyama Hanatouro" is held. Here, you can enjoy a beautiful night view of the Bamboo Forest lit up at night. For access to the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, we recommend the route from Tenryuji Temple to the North Gate where Nomiya Shrine is located. Since there is no parking, we recommend going by train. The Sagano Romantic Train Photo:Sagano Romantic Train The Sagano Romantic Train is a sightseeing train in Arashiyama, which was reconstructed from a defunct railroad and was reborn as a new tourist attraction in the area. It runs along the Hozu River (保津川, Hozu-Gawa) from "Torokko Kameoka Station," which is close to Umahori Station on the JR West San'in Main Line, to "Torokko Saga Station via Torokko Arashiyama Station where the bamboo forest is located. The train operates from 9:00 A.M. Check the official Sagano Scenic Railway website for a detailed schedule. Dining in Arashiyama, Kyoto Photo:Arashiyama, Kyoto・Croquette There are many restaurants and places to grab lunch in Arashiyama. We'll introduce a few below. The most popular and classic food are the croquettes from Nakamuraya Shop. The croquettes from Shop Arashiyama Tanaka are also reasonably priced and we recommend them as well. Yuba-suki croquettes are also available at Yoshiya Arashiyama Honten. You won't be able to find them anywhere else. Saga Tofu Ine is a restaurant offering tofu dishes, yuba soup, and yuba donuts. As for dessert, Shinpachi Chaya sells authentic gelato, which won third place in the Gelato World Tour. Besides these, there are a number of delicious treats perfect for your Instagram, and as gifts. For example, the upside-down soft serve ice cream from Kyozuan! Sightseeing in the Arashiyama Area Photo:Rickshaw In addition to the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, there are many more sightseeing spots in Arashiyama as well. The most famous is Arashiyama Onsen (Hot spring). There is also a footbath near Arashiyama Station, so you can soak your legs and feet in a shallow hot spring bath to rid yourself of the fatigue from your travels. Another activity you can enjoy in Arashiyama is dressing up as a maiko in kimono and going sightseeing! You can dress up as a maiko for 2 hours and experience what Arashiyama was like in the Heian Period (794-1185 AD). The rickshawsin Arashiyama can also take you around the surrounding area, to places such as Togetsukyo-Bridge and Okochi Sanso Villa. The god of marriage and childbirth is enshrined at Nomiya Shrine, and there is also a power spot called Okameishi (Turtle Rock). It is said that if you rub this turtle-shaped stone while praying, your wish will be granted within a year. We also recommend checking out other tourist sites, such as the Kimono Forest, Daikakuji Temple, the "Rinsen Style Garden" (a strolling garden incorporating ponds and hills), Jojakkoji Temple, and Hozugawa River Boat Ride. Summary of the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove Photo:Arashiyama, Kyoto・Bamboo Grove Did you enjoy reading about the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove and other surround points of interest? Aside from the beautiful scenery of the bamboo grove, there are many other sightseeing spots in Arashiyama. Be sure to bring a map when you come and visit the beautiful bamboo groves of Kyoto and experience the history of Japan! 【Tripadvisor】Arashiyama Bamboo Forest https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g298564-d1497822-Reviews-Bamboo_Forest_Street-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:44
Enjoy the Wilderness of Tokyo’s Akiruno City! Healing Scenery, Full of Greenery and Plenty of Negative Ions!
Local PR- 376 plays
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An Oasis in Tokyo "Akiruno City Tourism PR Video" The video “[4K] Akiruno city-the unknown Tokyo / JAPAN / Akiruno City Sightseeing PR Video([4K] Akiruno city - the unknown Tokyo/ JAPAN / あきる野市観光PR動画)" released by "NAKAJI" mainly focuses on recommended sightseeing spots such as the natural scenery of the Kanto region and the city of Akiruno in Tokyo. If you watch the video, you'll be surprised by the natural beauty of greenery that you couldn't possibly attribute to Tokyo. Akiruno is recommended as a place to relax and get away from the crowds. This article introduces sightseeing spots in Akiruno where you can enjoy nature, history, culture and delicious food. More About Akiruno, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot Akiruno, Tokyo is a place rich with nature, about 40 to 50 km west of central Tokyo. With a population of about 80,600 (March, 2020), the climate is colder than in central Tokyo, and the altitude is high, so the area is not so hot in the summer. Akigawa and Itsukaichi merged in 1995 to form Akiruno. The name of the city is derived from the fact that "Akiru Shrine" was located in the former town of Itsukaichi. It is a recommended travel destination for those who are tired of urban life, and has places such as instagram spots and stylish cafes that can be seen in the video. Photo:Yozawa River Speaking of Akiruno's symbol, the clear stream Akigawa, the largest tributary of the Tama River, definitely comes to mind. It flows about 20 km from Hinohara Village to Akiruno, and the surrounding scenery is superb. You can see various landscapes depending on the season, such as fresh greenery in the spring and autumn leaves in the fall. In addition, Ishibune Bridge in the Akigawa Valley is one of the places to see when you go to Akiruno. It is a must-go-to location for checking out the scenery of the river and the autumn leaves that you can see from the top of Ishibune Bridge. The lush nature of Akigawa and the surrounding area can be seen at 0:12 in this video. Akiruno is also famous for Shiroyama. Shiroyama in the Togura district, is a mountain that used to be called "Togura Castle". From the top of Shiroyama, if the weather is nice, you can see the city center, and you will be impressed by the superb view. Since the altitude is not high and it is a gentle mountain trail, it is also a recommended route for beginners climbing and hiking. In addition, "Yamasaki no Oukashi," "Itsukaichi Basin," "Otake Limestone Cave," and "Akirudai Park" are other recommended scenic spots. Information About Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Akiruno, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot One of the recommended spots when visiting Akiruno is Seotonoyu. Seotonoyu, located near the Akigawa Valley, is a popular hot spring facility surrounded by greenery. The quality of the hot spring is highly talked about, and its modern interior is also very popular. It is a must-visit place when visiting Akiruno. Other recommended sightseeing spots include Kotoku Temple, Daihigan Temple, Ryushuin Temple, Fukazawa Small Art Museum, Akigawabashi River Park Barbecue Land, and Tokyo Summerland. Also, if you want to enjoy gourmet food in Akiruno, we recommend Kurochaya, where you can eat exquisite Japanese food. Cuisine using river fish such as sweetfish and the famous Tama Yuzu cider are popular. You can also enjoy the atmosphere at an old house. There is also a place in the garden where you can view the bamboo forest. The video also introduces plenty of these local gourmets from 1:37. Akigawa corn, norabou greens and Akigawa pears are also popular foods in Akiruno. Summary of Akiruno Photo:Akiruno・Autumn Colors at Ishibune Bridge "[4K] Akiruno city-the unknown Tokyo / JAPAN / Akiruno sightseeing PR video" is a video introducing recommended sightseeing spots in Akiruno, Tokyo. In addition to the ones introduced in this article, there are also traditional events such as Ninomiya Shrine Fall Festival (Ginger Festival), Shoichiiiwabashiri Shrine Festival (Ina Festival), and Akiru Shrine Festival (Itsukaichi Festival). Akiruno is full of nature. It has access from the city center, and it is a hidden healing location. Why not give it a visit? 【Official Website】Akiruno-shi, Tokyo https://www.city.akiruno.tokyo.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Akiruno-shi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1060923-Akiruno_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:14
Kamiike Pond Is a Mysterious Pond Surrounded by the Sea, Yet Filled With Freshwater Carp. Enjoy the Beauty of This Tourist Destination in Shizuoka, One of the Seven Wonders of Izu, Whose Mysteries Have Yet to Be Solved!
Nature- 231 plays
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Aerial video introduction of "Ose Myojin no Kamiike" in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture This video, “絶景空撮 大瀬崎 神秘の自然と信仰の岬 - Aerial view of Cape Osezaki - Secret nature and religious cape -」,” is an aerial video of Cape Osezaki’s Kamiike Pond, located in the bayside of Numazu city, Shizuoka prefecture, produced by “FUJISAN DRONE BASE.” Osezaki is a cape in Numazu city, Shizuoka prefecture, extending into Suruga Bay, and is also called the Ose no Kami Pond of Ose Myojin, or Biwa Island. As shown at 0:50 in the video, you can see the great view of Mt. Fuji over the sea from Osezaki Kamiike Pond. What Kind of Sightseeing Spot Is Osezaki Kamiike Pond? Photo:Osezaki Kamiike, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture As seen in the video at 0:15, Osezaki features the beautiful Kamiike Pond, with the longest part of the pond being about 100 meters wide. Osezaki’s Kamiike Pond is called an "unexplored area," "mysterious spring," and is a mysterious spot considered one of the seven wonders of Izu. Although Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond is located at the tip of a cape, it's a fresh water pond, and fresh water fish, such as carp, call this pond home. It is said that Mt. Fuji’s underground water pours into Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond, but the mystery of Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond has yet to be solved. The water quality and depth are also unknown. Let’s Visit Ose Shrine in Osezaki! Photo:Osezaki and Ose Shrine Around the Osezaki Kamiike Pond are many large juniper trees with thick foliage. Osezaki’s juniper forest has been designated a Natural Monument. Hikitechikara no Mikoto (Ose Shrine) seen in the video at 1:14, is located at the peak of Osezaki, with an elevation of approximately 10m, and is called the protectorate god of the sea. Other highlights include a sacred tree said to be 1,500 years old, a pair of iron geta (sandals) dedicated near the torii gate, and a strange fan made of tengu leaves derived from the legend of tengu. Sightseeing Around Osezaki’s Kamiike Pond Photo:Clownfish Around the scenic Osezaki is the Ose beach, which is one of Japan’s “Top 100 Beaches.” Spending time listening to the waves and taking in the sunset is very relaxing. Osezaki is also popular as a diving spot, and many divers visit here during the on season. Osezaki is also known as a fishing spot, but collecting animals and plants around Kamiike Pond is prohibited by the Cultural Assets Preservation Act, so be careful not to break any laws. Summary of Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond Source :YouTube screenshot Shizuoka prefecture’s Osezaki Kamiike Pond area, introduced in the video, is a nice Instagram spot where you can see the beautiful sea and Mt. Fuji. There are many sightseeing spots in Izu, book a hotel nearby and visit Osezaki. In the spring time, cherry blossoms bloom nearby as well. We also recommend participating in a tour visiting Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond and the nearby area. ◆Hikitechikaranomikoto Shrine (Ose Shrine) General Information◆ 【Address】329, Nishiura Enashi, Numazu city, Shizuoka, ZIP 410-0244 【Access】80 minutes by bus from JR Numazu Station 【Admission fee】100 JPY 【Hours】8:30-17:00 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】055-942-2603 【Tripadvisor】Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019668-d1313552-Reviews-Ose_no_Kami_Pond-Numazu_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:16
Iki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture: An Island With a Spectacular View, Surrounded by Beautiful, Natural Scenery! Sacred Shrines, Little-Known Swimming Holes, Delicious Food, and More, All in Beautiful 4K Footage!
Local PR Travel- 183 plays
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Iki Island, Nagasaki This video, created by “Iki Island Japan,” is a tour promotional video of Iki Island, Nagasaki. The name of the video is "Iki Island, Japan 4K (Ultra HD)(Iki Island, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 壱岐)." There are total of 971 islands in Nagasaki with Iki Island being one of the most popular among tourists. In this article, we'll talk about popular tourist spots, such as the clear blue ocean, spiritual shrines, and delicious gourmet food you can enjoy on Iki Island. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Iki Island, Nagasaki in clear 4K footage! Be sure to follow along with the video as you read this article. Enjoy the Beach at Iki Island, Nagasaki Photo:Iki island beach Iki Island, Nagasaki, is located at the Northern end of Kyushu in the Genkai Sea. You can take a ferry to Gonoura Port, known as “The entrance of Iki Island,” to get there. There are many beautiful beaches that you can visit to enjoy the scenery of Iki Island. Tatsuno Island is a deserted island located in the Northernmost area of Iki Island, and is about a 10 minute ferry ride from Katsumoto Port. Enjoy the beach while fishing at the beautiful Tatsuno Island. Ase Island is another deserted island where you can experience sea kayaking and snorkeling. The video introduces you to the beautiful oceans listed in the article. Which one looks the best? Visiting the Historical Shrines on Iki Island, Nagasaki Photo:The Kojima Shrine approach There are many historical shrines where you can enjoy the scenic beauty of Iki Island, Nagasaki. Kojima shrine is located on a small island in the sea, and only at low tide does the pathway to the shrine appear, making it a magical location. Other popular shrines include Shomogu, Yorihachiman Shrine, and Hakusa Hachiman Shrine. At 0:29 and 0:39 you can see the Shomogu grand festival held at Shomogue. It's a historical event with 700 years of tradition. Iki Kagura was also selected as as Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset. So Much to See on Iki Island! The area around Rokujizo is a perfect spot for taking pictures. Take a look at the video at 1:32 to see the 6 “Harahoge Jizo” enshrined on the beach, gazing at the sunset. Don't miss the dynamic Sakyobana that face the Genkai Sea and the 45-meter-high Saru-iwa (monkey rock). We also recommend visiting the Haru no Tsuji Ruins, Soroku Kofun, and saying hi to the cute dolphins at the Iki Dolphin park. Gourmet Food on Iki Island, Nagasaki Photo:Sea urchin bowl After sightseeing around the city, enjoy the delicious gourmet food of Iki Island. The local specialty of Iki Island is definitely the seafood! Try the special Kaisen Bowl filled with Iki Urchins! At 1:42 in the video, you can see the seafood bidding at the Katsumoto fishing port. Check out the wide variety seafood available on Iki Island. Some other specialties of Iki Island are Iki special sake, and the popular hot pot “Hikiotoshi.” Summary of Iki Island, Nagasaki There's so much more to see on Iki Island! Be sure to check out the video as it shows a lot more places that you can visit. The beautiful scenery in the video is something to be marveled. If you're headed out to Nagasaki, consider stopping by Iki Island and enjoying all of the beautiful scenery and delicious seafood that it has to offer! 【Official Website】Iki Island, Nagasaki, City Hall Homepage https://www.city.iki.nagasaki.jp/