Video article 5:10
The contrast between cherry blossoms and rape blossoms at Gongendo Tsutsumi in Satte City, Saitama Prefecture was too beautiful! The pink tunnel of 1 kilometer-long senbonzakura cherry blossoms is a spectacular sight!
Travel- 437 plays
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Cherry Blossoms, Rape Blossoms, and Blue Skies at Gongendo Park in Beautiful 8k! This video, titled "8K - Gongendo Park - Saitama - 権現堂堤," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." The video shows the contrast between the pink of the cherry blossoms and the yellow of the rape blossoms in 8K video. With the addition of the clear blue skies, you can enjoy a beautiful tri-color cherry blossom viewing experience! Gongendo Park, located in Satte, Saitama Prefecture (埼玉県幸手市, Saitama-ken Satte-shi) in Japan's Kanto region, is one of the most popular and Instagram-worthy cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan's Kanto region. According to documents from the late Edo Period (~1750-1860 A.D.), the name of Gongendo Park comes from the fact that there were three "Gongen" in the village. Located within Gongendo Park in Uchigouma, Satte, Saitama Prefecture, a field of rape blossoms spreads out beneath a 1km long embankment of blooming cherry blossoms. The Satte Cherry Blossom Festival at Gongendo Park, Satte, Saitama Prefecture - One of the Best Cherry Blossom Viewing Spots in Japan’s Kanto Region! Photo:Gongendo Park, Saitama Prefecture At Gonjendo Tsutsumi in Kote City, Saitama Prefecture, Kote Sakura Festival is usually held during the cherry blossom season from late March to early April.The schedule for 2024 is from March 20 to April 7. You can view the cherry blossoms in full bloom from the beginning of the video. During the Satte Cherry Blossom Festival, there are around 100 booths, as well as marathon races, haiku contests, and many other fun events. The rows of cherry blossoms and Sotono Bridge over the Nakagawa River are lit up beautifully at night. As a famous place for all-day cherry blossom viewing, it attracts local, domestic, and even foreign tourists. The scenery of the cherry blossom tunnel made up of approximately 1,000 Someiyoshino cherry trees, coupled with the field of rape blossoms is highly regarded, and has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Hometown Prides of Saitama for the 21st Century." The prefectural park where Gongendo Park is located has a large parking lot, so if you're planning on coming by car you can rest assured there will more than likely be parking available. During the Satte Cherry Blossom Festival, there is a fee for parking, so coming via public transportation is also fine. If you don't like crowds and want to enjoy the cherry blossoms at your own pace, we recommend checking out the Nakagawa Miyuki Observation Live Cameras. Information on bloom conditions is also available on the Gongendo Park official website, so be sure to check it out. There's More Than Cherry Blossoms! Gongendo Park Is a Famous Place in Satte, Saitama Prefecture, with Flowers That Bloom All Year Round! Photo:Hydrangeas Gongendo Park is famous for its cherry blossoms, but it's like a completely new wonderland of flowers in every season. After the cherry blossom and rape blossom seasons introduced in the video, the hydrangeas are quick to follow! Around 15,000 hydrangeas of 100 different varieties bring life to Gongendo Park, making them the main attraction during the rainy season. On the last day of the Satte Hydrangea Festival, pruned hydrangeas are given away to visitors as gifts. In the fall, millions of red spider lilies begin to bloom. The "Red Spider Lily Festival" is also held here. In 2014, there were around 1 million red spider lilies, but now there are approximately 5 million! In winter, there's a Daffodil Festival at Gongendo Park as well. In 2020 there were sunflowers planted in the rape blossom fields and it became a widely talked about event. Gongendo Park is also very popular with the media! In 2007, Gongendo Park won the Flower Tourism Award in the "Flower Tourism Development Awards" (花の観光地づくり大賞, Hana no kankouchi-zukuri Taisho) sponsored by the Japan Tourism Association. The Secrets of Gongendo Park in Satte City, Saitama Prefecture! A Tidbit on Gongendo’s Hidden Gem! Photo:Goats at Gongendo Park, Saitama Prefecture Flowers are not the only attraction of Gongendo Park. Gongendo Park was developed to be a "recreational center and a place to enjoy playing in water," and is made up of four different zones. In addition to the Satte Gongendo Cherry Blossom Embankment (幸手権現堂堤) (Park No. 4), which is famous for its cherry blossoms and beautiful waterfront, there's also the Multipurpose Athletic Grounds (多目的運動広場) (Park No. 1) with a full range of playground equipment, and Gongendo Park (権現堂公園) (Park No. 3), which is a popular place for relaxation and enjoying a beautiful field of grass and nature. There's also a goat pen somewhere in these three parks, so keep your eyes peeled for it! After relaxing with the playful goats, we recommend taking a break at "Toge-no-Chaya," a teahouse located in the center of the Gongendo Park. Their homemade bread is a hit! Gongendo Park Is Full of Attractions, but as You Might Expect, the Cherry Blossoms Are the Main Event! Summary of Gongendo Park Photo:Cherry blossoms at Gongendo Park, Saitama Prefecture Gongendo Park shows a different face in each season, with each having its own unique charm. All of the flowers at Gongendo Park are beautiful, but the contrast between the cherry blossoms and rape blossoms is truly something else. In the Meiji Period (1868-1912 A.D.), there were around 3,000 cherry trees in the area, but during the war years they were cut down to be used for fuel. Enjoy the peace of spring as you view the beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom in the video! 【Tripadvisor】Gongendo Cherry Blossom Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021406-d1722859-Reviews-Gongendo_Sakura_Tsutsumi-Satte_Saitama_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:29
Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms of Hyogo Prefecture at Himeji Castle, Japan's First World Cultural Heritage Site! The Contrast Between the White Himeji Castle and the Pink Cherry Blossoms Will Leave You Speechless!
Travel- 85 plays
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世界遺産「姫路城」をご紹介! 今回は、日本初の世界文化遺産にも登録をされた姫路城について『姫路城の桜 兵庫 Himeji-jyo Castle Hyogo Japan 【4K UHD】美しい日本の風景 The Beautiful Scenery of Japan』という動画と共に紹介をいたします。 姫路城とは 姫路城とは、別名"白鷺城"とも呼ばれています。 14世紀中ごろに"赤松貞範"という初代城主の武将が兵庫県姫路市に建てた山城が始まりとされ、日本初の世界文化遺産に登録された歴史的建築物です。 財団法人日本城郭協会が定める"日本100名城"の一つとしても数えられており、特に桜の見頃である4月上旬は満開の桜と共に姫路城を堪能することができます。 その美しさをぜひ動画を通してご覧になって下さい。 姫路城観光は桜が綺麗な春がおすすめ 姫路城は、日本でも有数の花見スポットとしても有名で、毎年春になると多くの花見客が訪れます。 桜の種類も場所によって様々で、内堀には約1000本のソメイヨシノ、すぐ近くの三の丸広場や西の丸庭園では、姫路城を背景にシダレサクラ等の綺麗な桜を見ることが出来ます。 姫路城へのアクセス 最寄り駅は、兵庫県姫路市駅前町にある"姫路駅"となっています。 そのまま北口へ出れば姫路城を確認出来るので、それを目印に徒歩で進むと大体20分で着くことが出来ます。 姫路駅内で観光バスがありますが、市内を観光するという意味でも、ゆっくり徒歩で行くのがおすすめです。 世界遺産「姫路城」のまとめ 世界的文化遺産である姫路城について紹介をさせて頂きました。 もっと詳しく知りたい!という方は、姫路城の近くにある"兵庫県立歴史博物館"に行くことも検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? 日本の宝、姫路城へ皆さんもぜひ足を運んでみてください。 -
Video article 1:40
Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms at Goryokaku, a Popular Sightseeing Spot in Hakodate, Hokkaido! The Cherry Blossoms at This Historical Spot Are Exceptionally Beautiful!
Travel- 40 plays
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北海道函館市の人気観光スポット「五稜郭」の桜紹介まとめ こちらの動画は「nippon.com」が公開した「Hakodate’s Cherry Blossoms Spring 2018 | nippon.com」です。 こちらの記事では、北海道函館市にある五稜郭の桜や箱館山からの夜景を紹介致します。 歴史ある日本の桜の名所と、古くから美しいと評価される夜景を、是非動画をご覧ください。 北海道函館市の人気観光スポット・五稜郭の歴史 五稜郭は、江戸時代末期に現在の函館市の中心地に建造されました。 もともとは外国船から箱館港を守るために建造されたようですが、戊辰戦争最後の戦場「箱館戦争」で旧幕府軍に占領され、木材不足のために一部が解体されて陸軍の訓練所として利用されるなどの紆余曲折がありました。 その後、1914年に五稜郭公園として一般開放され、現在は函館を代表する観光スポットとなっています。 1952年には北海道唯一の国指定特別史跡となりました。 「五稜郭」の桜の見頃や見どころ 五稜郭は函館市の桜の名所としても非常に有名で、ソメイヨシノを中心に1,600本もの桜があり、毎年桜の季節になると函館市民や観光客で大いに賑わいます。 五稜郭公園の桜の見どころは、お堀の外周の遊歩道。桜を見上げながらゆっくりと散策を楽しめます。桜を見ながらゆっくりと休憩ができるカフェ「自家焙煎コーヒー ピーベリー」もおすすめです。 また、五稜郭タワーの高さ約90mにあるガラス張りの展望台から見下ろす桜も人気で、五稜郭の星型を桜が彩る風景は一見の価値あり。 五稜郭の桜の見頃は、例年4月下旬から5月上旬にかけて。2024年の函館市の桜開花予想によると、2024年は例年よりも早く4月27日頃に見頃を迎えるようです。 隣接する五稜郭タワーの展望台からその景色を見下ろすと、星形の城郭に沿って綺麗な桜のピンク色を見ることが出来ます。 是非、地上と展望台の両方から五稜郭の桜を楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 北海道函館市で夜景を楽しむ 昼間に桜を楽しんだ後は、箱館山で美しい函館市街の夜景を楽しむことが出来ます。 箱館山の山頂からは、海に挟まれた函館の街が光のアーチを作り、海岸線を縁取っています。 函館の夜景は古くから世界三大夜景と言われ、最近でも旅行ガイド「ミシュラン・グリーンガイド・ジャポン」で三ツ星を獲得する美しい景色です。 何度見てもまた行きたくなるような特別な魅力があります。 北海道函館市の人気観光スポット五稜郭紹介まとめ 北海道函館市にある五稜郭公園の桜と箱館山からの夜景について紹介させて頂きました。 どちらも日本が誇る非常に美しく素晴らしい景色です。 是非動画をご覧になって頂き、北海道旅行の際は実際に足を運んでいただければと思います。 -
Video article 6:16
The “Keage Incline” in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan: intoxicated by the nostalgic sight of cherry blossoms. Introducing power spots from the Nanzenji Suijikaku (waterway pavilion), which is sure to be instagram-worthy.
Nature Travel- 144 plays
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Video introduction of the “Keage Incline” cherry blossoms in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "[A Famous Cherry Blossom Spot in Kyoto] The Keage Incline and Cherry Blossoms (Kyoto, Japan)" (【京都 桜の名所】蹴上インクラインの桜: The Keage Incline and Cherry Blossom(Kyoto, Japan)), was created by "Anna Film Production." The Keage Incline is a popular spot where visitors can walk along an abandoned railroad and take dramatic photos that resemble something you'd see in a movie. When the cherry blossom season arrives in Japan, you can enjoy viewing the quaint pink blossoms while walking along the railroad. In this video you can get an idea of what a calm and quiet Kyoto spring is like… It's almost as if time seems to slow down. [Video] 1:41 - Walking Along the Abandoned Railroad What is Keage Incline? Photo:Keage Incline, Higashiyama, Kyoto Keage Incline is a 582-meter-long inclined railroad connecting Keage Port (蹴上船溜, Keage Funadamari), the upper section of the canal, and Nanzenji Port (南禅寺船溜, Nanzenji Funadamari), the lower section of the canal. In 1891, when it was built, it was the longest railroad in the world. To overcome the nearly 36-meter-difference in height, boats were placed on the track so that they could carry cargo without unloading it, using the same principle as a cable car. Today, only the tracks are preserved in their original condition. Keage Incline is known as a famous spot for sakura (cherry blossoms). We recommend take your time to walk along them when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. You can also enjoy them at night when they're lit up. [Video] 1:20 - Cherry Blossoms Blooming on Both Sides of the Railroad When is the best time to see the cherry blossoms on the Keage Incline? What are the highlights? The cherry blossoms on the Keage Incline usually bloom from late March to early April, but in 2023 they will start blooming earlier than usual and be in full bloom around March 27. The expected bloom date for 2024 in Kyoto is around March 23, and the expected full bloom date is around April 1.There are approximately 90 Someiyoshino cherry trees on both sides of the slope at Keage Incline. Consider visiting "Rails and Sakura" (レールと桜) as well. This place is unique as it allows visitors to take photos with cherry blossoms the railroad at the same time. Couples and girls wearing kimono can often be seen posing for Instagram photos here. The area around the rail is still paved with stones from when it was originally used as a railroad, so it may be a bit difficult to walk around. Be sure to watch your step when enjoy the lovely views! Suirokaku, an Ancient Aqueduct and Popular Instagram Spot Near Nanzenji Temple Photo:Surokaku Aqueduct, Nanzenji Temple, Kyoto Besides Keage Incline, Nanzenji Temple's Suirokaku is a popular spot for taking Instagram photos. Suirokaku is a 93.2-meter-long aqueduct bridge. It's located 1 minute from Nanzenji Temple's Lecture Hall. The bridge is made of bricks which give it a historical atmosphere. We recommend taking pictures below the bridge, as the series of arches make it incredibly photogenic. Because it matches the historic scenery, many women in kimonos can be seen taking pictures here. People also pose for pictures, as it is possible to take magazine- and poster-like photos below the bridge. Since this is a popular spot not only for domestic tourists but also for tourists from overseas, it can be crowded with many people during fall when the autumn leaves are in season. If you want to take pictures undisturbed, early morning is your best bet. Things To Do Around Keage Incline – Nanzenji Temple, Himukai Daijingu Shrine, etc. Photo:Nanzenji Temple, Kyoto After taking in the views at Keage Incline, there's also plenty of things to do in the area. Here are some recommended sightseeing spots: ◆Nanzenji Temple This temple is one of the most prestigious Zen temples in Japan. Among the Kyoto Gozan (Five Great Zen Temples of Kyoto), Nanzenji Temple is special. The temple is lined with pagodas and buildings famous from "Sanmon," a legend of Ishikawa Goemon, a legendary Kabuki character. The Hojo Garden by Enshu Kobori, is one of the best-known dry landscape gardens of the early Edo period and is as National Place of Scenic Beauty. You can also experience Zen meditation here, but be sure to make reservations in advance. In addition, the autumn leaves here are breathtaking in the fall! ◆Himukai Daijingu Shrine Like Ise Jingu Shrine, Himukai Daijingu Shrine enshrines the deity Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess) and has an inner shrine and an outer shrine. The main attractions include the Shinmei-zukuri shrine pavilions and "Amano-Iwato" (Cave of Heaven), which is known as a power spot. Passing through the shrine is said to bring good luck and ward off bad luck. The shrine is also known as a place where travelers on the Tokaido Highway prayed for safety on their way to and from the shrine, and is therefore blessed with good luck in transportation. The autumn foliage is beautiful here as well, making it another recommended spot to visit during the fall. Photo:Otenmon Gate, Heian Jingu Shrine, Kyoto ◆Heian Jingu Shrine At 24.4 meters tall, the Otorii Gate on Jingu-do Street at Heian Jingu Shrine is one of the tallest in Japan. On a clear day, the contrast between the blue sky and the vivid vermilion color makes for beautiful photographs. Otenmon Gate, located straight ahead from Otorii Gate, is designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan for its beautifully vivid vermillion lacquer. ◆Philosopher's Path Philosopher's Path is a 2km-long-walkway connecting Ginkakuji Temple (The Silver Pavilion) and Nanzenji Temple. The name is derived from Kitaro Nishida, a professor of Kyoto University and early-20th century Japanese philosopher. He used to walk along this path contemplating a myriad of things every day, thus the path came to be known as "Philosopher's Path." The canal along the path is the Lake Biwa Canal, which is drawn from the largest lake in Japan, Lake Biwa. The river near this path, Shirakawa River, flows from north to south according to its elevation, but the man-made Lake Biwa Canal flows from south to north. Beautiful cherry blossoms in spring, gorgeous autumn leaves in autumn…Visitors can a nice walk while enjoying the beautiful cherry blossoms in the spring and autumn leaves in the fall, and there are many temples and shrines to explore in the area, such as Honen-in Temple, Anraku-ji Temple, and Otoyo Shrine, all of which are worth seeing. Summary of Keage Incline Currently, Keage Incline is opened as a tourist attraction. Its disused railroad tracks are very photogenic! If you're sightseeing in Kyoto, especially during cherry blossom season, be sure to check it out. Enjoy the cherry blossoms, but be sure to mind your step! Also, if you get tired, consider taking a rest at one of the many restaurants or cafes in the area. The udon and boiled tofu is quite delicious. Enjoy spring in Kyoto, Japan to your heart's content! 【TripAdvisor】Keage Incline -
Video article 4:14
For beautiful cherry blossoms in Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture, visit Hachimanbori Tour!Nighttime cherry blossoms in the town of historical drama are full of emotion!
Travel Art & Architecture Nature- 82 plays
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Video introduction of “Hachimanbori” in Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture, with beautiful nighttime cherry blossoms This video, titled "Hachiman-bori Canal in SHIGA, JAPAN / Viewing Cherry Blossoms at Night" (【滋賀/観光地】八幡堀夜桜/近江八幡幻想の夜 - Hachiman-bori Canal in SHIGA, JAPAN / Viewing cherry blossoms at night -), was uploaded by "channel WASABI." Enjoy the beautiful nighttime cherry blossoms of Hachiman-bori Canal, a cherry blossom spot in Omihachiman, one of the leading tourist attractions in Shiga Prefecture, in the video. Hachiman-bori Canal, a Tourist Attraction in Omihachiman Photo:Omihachiman, Shiga Omihachiman is one of the most famous tourist spots in Japan's Kansai region and Shiga Prefecture, and one of the most popular attractions in Omihachiman is the famous Hachiman-bori Canal. The Hachiman-bori Canal dates back to Japan's Warring States Period (1467-1615 AD) and the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1598 AD), when Toyotomi Hideyoshi's nephew, Toyotomi Hidetsugu, built a castle and established a town on Mt. Hachiman. The Hachiman-bori Canal is connected to Lake Biwa, and a "rakuichi-rakuza" (free markets and open guilds) system was established to accommodate the merchants who passed through the canal. The castle town was the birthplace of the Omi merchants and played a role in the development of the town as a result of their efforts to make it prosperous. When is the best time to see the cherry blossoms in Hachimabori?What are the highlights of the tour of Hachimantori? "Hachimanbori Tour" takes you on a Japanese boat, looking up at the emotional white-walled storehouse and cherry blossoms, showing different views from willow in summer, autumn leaves in autumn, and snow in winter.It takes about 30 minutes to tour Hachimantori. Cherry blossoms in Hachimanbori in Omi Hachiman are usually at their best in early April.2024 is expected to bloom on March 31st and be in full bloom around April 8th. When you visit Omi Hachiman City in spring, please check the cherry blossom status before going out. Hachiman-bori Canal and Beautiful Cherry Blossoms: A Spectacular Sightseeing Location! Photo:The Hachiman-bori Canal, spring, Shiga Omihachiman is famous as a village of water, selected as one of the Eight Views of Lake Biwa. One of the most popular sightseeing tours in Omihachiman is the Hachiman-bori Canal Tour. The Hachiman-bori Canal Tour is a popular way to view the cherry blossoms while enjoying a leisurely ride on a traditional Japanese houseboat. Visitors can also enjoy the seasonal scenery of willows in summer, autumn leaves in fall, and gentle snow in winter, while viewing merchants' mansions reminiscent of days past. In addition to touring around Hachiman-bori Canal, we also recommend taking a leisurely stroll through the historical streets. Omihachiman - A Town of Historic Merchant Houses and Historical Dramas Photo:The townscape of Omihachiman Omihachiman is not only famous as a sightseeing spot, but it's also known as one of Japan's most famous locations for filming historical dramas. The merchants' houses and elegant townscape, which still retain their historical atmosphere, are the perfect locations for historical dramas. In particular, it became famous as a location for the Rurouni Kenshin movie, and the Hachiman-bori Canal has become popular not only among fans, but also among many others as a place for pilgrimages. Sightseeing and Recommendations Around Hachiman-bori Canal Photo:The Kawara Museum In the vicinity of the Hachiman-bori Canal, there's the Kawara Museum, a unique exhibition hall in Japan specializing in roof tiles, and the Honganji Hachiman Betsuin Temple (本願寺八幡別院), the largest temple in the city, where visitors can experience the history of Omihachiman. There are also cafes and restaurants where you can stop by during a stroll and enjoy lunch. For example, there's a restaurant called "Tiffany" where you can enjoy famous Omi Beef dishes, or "Kihei" where you can sample the local cuisine of Omihachiman. When it comes to cafes in Omihachiman, Taneya/Club Harie is a place you have to check out. Its most popular items are Japanese sweets and baumkuchen. When visiting the Hachiman-bori Canal area for sightseeing, we recommend that you pick out the spots you want to visit in advance, and if you're coming by car, look up the location of parking lots in advance to ensure a smooth visit. Summary of Beautiful Cherry Blossoms at Hachiman-bori Canal Omihachiman is so beautiful that it has been selected as one of the Eight Views of Lake Biwa, delighting the eyes of many people. The Hachiman-bori Canal tour introduced in the video can be enjoyed together with a canal tour of the town. Both are incredibly attractive. Since there's a difference in the time required, if you have time to relax, the canal tour is definitely something to try. During Hachimanbori Matsuri (Hachiman-bori Canal Festival), the streets, as well as bamboo floats along the Hachiman-bori Canal are filled with lights. The lights create a more elegant and emotional atmosphere, making it great for taking Instagram photos. From the top of Mt. Hachiman, visitors can enjoy a breathtaking night view of Omihachiman combined with the lights along the walking path. The Hachiman-bori Canal is a place with an amazing historical atmosphere that has been used as a location for historical dramas. Be sure to stop by when you visit Shiga Prefecture. 【TripAdvisor】Hachiman-bori Canal https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1023564-d1424429-Reviews-Hachiman_bori-Omihachiman_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:16
Ikegami-Honmonji Temple - Highlights and History of the Popular Cherry Blossom Temple in Ota, Tokyo!
Travel Art & Architecture- 64 plays
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A Video Introducing Ikegami-Honmonji Temple in Ota, Tokyo This video, titled "The Sakura of Ikegami Honmon-ji - Tokyo - 池上本門寺 - 8K," was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It introduces Ikegami-Honmonji Temple during spring with beautiful cherry blossoms in vivid 8K. Ikegami-Honmonji Temple has a history dating back 700 years as the sacred grounds where the Buddhist priest Nichiren passed away, and is considered one of the 14 sacred temples of Nichiren Shoshu and one of the seven major head temples of the Nichiren sect. There is a building on the temple grounds that is registered as an Important Cultural Property, and in the spring, visitors can enjoy a spectacular tunnel of cherry blossoms. Many people visit the shrine for Oeshiki, a ceremony/festival with many food stalls. In this article, we'll introduce the history of Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, its events, and tourist information, including transportation access. Be sure to check out the video to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms and the five-story pagoda on the temple's precincts. More About Ikegami-Honmonji Temple Photo:Cherry blossoms at Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, Tokyo, Japan Nichiren Shoshu's main temple, Choueizan Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, is said to be the sacred place where Nichiren, a Buddhist priest of the Kamakura period (1185-1333 A.D.), died in 1282 at the age of 61. Every year on October 11, 12, and 13, the "Oeshiki Memorial Service" is held to remember the legacy of Buddhist priest Nichiren. On the night of the 12th, around 300,000 people visit the temple and making it a popular event. Every year from the end of October to the end of November, prayers are held to pray for the growth and development of children during Shichi-Go-San. From the main gate, enter the main approach and climb the 96-step stone steps and you'll find Choueido Hall. Further along, after passing Niomon gate, you'll come across the five-story pagoda to your right. The five-story pagoda, which can be seen from 0:25 in the video, is the oldest five-story pagoda in Japan's Kanto region that was built before the end of the Edo period. The pagoda is 31.8 meters tall, and features beautiful architecture characterized by its "setchuyo style," with only the first layer in Japanese style and the second and higher layers in Chinese style. It has been designated as an Important Cultural Property. Beyond the five-story pagoda is the main hall followed by the inner shrine. In the foreground on the left is a tahoto, a unique pagoda with an even number of layers. The pagoda is the burial place of Nichiren, and is surrounded by a sacred atmosphere. When is the best time to see cherry blossoms at Ikegami Honmonji?What's the highlight? About 100 cherry trees are planted in the precincts of Ikegami Honmonji.Although there are not many, many people visit in spring because they can enjoy the collaboration between cherry blossoms and Inwangmun Gate, cherry blossoms and five-story pagoda that bloom on the approach. The best time to see cherry blossoms is from late March to early April.Tokyo is expected to bloom around March 27th and April 5th in full bloom in 2024. Also, Ikegami Honmonji holds the Spring Festival on April 6th and 7th every year.In addition to the special opening of the five-story pagoda, mock shops and events will also be held.The five-storied pagoda, which did not collapse in the Great Kanto Earthquake, and the five-storied pagoda amulet, which can be awarded for a limited time, are also popular among examinees. Tourist Information for Ikegami-Honmonji Temple in Ota, Tokyo Photo:Ikegami Station, Tokyu Ikegami Line To get to Ikegami-Honmonji Temple it's a 10-minute walk from Ikegami Station on the Tokyu Ikegami Line, a 12-minute walk from Nishimagome Station on the Toei Asakusa Line, or a 20-minute bus ride from the Omori Station bus headed towards Ikegami station. Get off at Honmonji-mae, and then it's a 5-minute walk. There is also a parking lot for those visiting by car. The grounds of the temple are large and include the grave of Rikidozan, a popular professional wrestler from Japan's Showa Period, and locals use it as a walking course. Summary of Ikegami-Honmonji Temple Photo:Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, Tokyo, Japan This video introducing Ikegami-Honmonji Temple features beautiful footage of a historic temple in Tokyo. The blessings provided by Ikegami Honmonji Temple are said to fulfill one's heart's desire, ward off bad luck, and protect against eye diseases. Consider picking up a charm from the temple when visiting and also getting a shuin stamp if you're collecting them! There are also many temples and shrines around Ikegami-Honmonji Temple, and the Seven Lucky Gods tour, which takes visitors on a roughly two-hour-long tour of the surrounding temples, is very popular. The Ikegami Plum Garden and Honmonji Park in the area are nice places to relax as well. This article introduced the history of and tourist information for Ikegami-Honmonji Temple. The video was shot right at the start of spring, during the cherry blossom season. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of cherry blossoms dancing in the background with the breathtaking pagoda of Ikegami-Honmonji Temple. 【Official Website】Ikegami-Honmonji Temple https://honmonji.jp/foreign/en.html 【TripAdvisor】Ikegami-Honmonji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066454-d1237077-Reviews-Ikegami_Hommon_ji_Temple-Ota_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 6:47
Gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) performance during the Sakura Festival (Cherry Blossom Festival) at the Fujiyama Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture! Watch a video of the elegant Kagura "Hoei no Mai" (Dance of Prosperity)!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 331 plays
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Toyosaka no Mai (Toyosaka Dance)" at the Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival) Gagaku Concert! The video, titled "Toyosaka no Mai Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert 2018" (豊栄の舞 さくらまつり雅楽演奏会2018), was released by "YAKISOBA1BAN." It shows a performance of Gagaku, a traditional Japanese performing art. The performance featured in the video is "Toyosaka no Mai" at the 2018 Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai region. The musical performance by the Ohito Gagaku Ensemble (大仁雅楽会) at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine's main shrine is very elegant. Gagaku and Other Traditional Japanese Cultures Photo:Noh Japan has a variety of traditional music and dance cultures, including the well known Noh and Kyogen. Some of the notable traditions are the dedication of Bugaku and Kagura (Shinto music) performed with an accompaniment of Gagaku music at traditional festivals held in various regions of Japan. Gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) and Kagura are traditional cultures that have been handed down in Japan since ancient times as traditional music of the court. For those who are interested in Japan's beautiful Gagaku and Bugaku performances, we recommend visiting shrines and temples during traditional Japanese events, such as Hatsumode (New Year's visit), Setsubun, Ouka-Sai (桜花祭, Cherry blossom Festival), Nodate (an open‐air tea ceremony), and more. Toyosaka no Mai, the Gagaku Performance Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai, the performance shown in the video, is a very joyful performance held in the spring. Women wearing red and white clothing, holding a sakaki or a flower of each of the four seasons, perform a dance to the accompaniment of a sho (a Japanese free reed flute), Hichiriki (a double reed Japanese flute), gaku biwa, Koto and other instruments. Miko (the shrine maidens) who perform Toyosaka no Mai, as shown at 0:44 in the video, spend countless hours practicing and mastering the dance before the actual performance. Let's go to the Sakura Festival Gagaku concert at Mt. Fuji Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine! Photo:Yabusame Mt. Fuji Honmiya Asama Taisha ShrineThe cherry blossoms in are sacred trees.The cherry blossoms of Mt. Fuji Honmiya Asama Taisha are sacred trees.Since the god of the festival is "Konohana no Sakuyabishime," about 500 cherry blossoms in the precincts are considered sacred and celebratory events are held. The cherry blossom festival starts at 9 a.m. on April 1.The Gagaku Concert, in which the kagura "Toyoei Mai" is dedicated, will also be held in front of the shrine from 17:30 on the same day.In addition, Noh (Kyogen) is dedicated, so there are many things to see. Cherry blossom lighting is usually done from late March to early April, when cherry blossoms are at their best.The expected cherry blossom day in Shizuoka prefecture in 2024 is March 22nd, so it seems a little earlier than usual. Summary of "Toyosaka no Mai" at the Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai is a traditional performance that has been handed down in Japan since ancient times. The fantastic Bugaku performance under the cherry blossoms at night is so beautiful that you'll never get tired of watching it. If you'd like to learn more about traditional Japanese performing arts, be sure to check out the video to see all of the intricacies of the performance! -
Video article 2:00
Video of cherry blossoms at their best at the "Golden Cherry Blossom Shrine" located in the Shosenkyo Gorge in Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan's largest valley, and the golden cherry tree and crystal amulet to increase your luck for money!
Art & Architecture- 137 plays
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日本一の渓谷・山梨県の「昇仙峡」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「FUJISAN DRONE BASE - 富士山ドローンベース」が公開した「絶景 空撮 昇仙峡 金櫻神社 | Kanazakura-jinja Shrine, Shosenkyo Gorge, Kofu, Yanamashi」です。 こちらの動画は日本の桜の名所・昇仙峡の金櫻神社を空撮した映像です。 2分ほどでご覧になれる映像なので、 ・日本の桜の人気スポットを知りたい ・日本の寺院や鳥居と一緒に桜を観たい という方にオススメです。 日本が誇る観光名所、昇仙峡の金櫻神社の魅力について紹介していきます。 昇仙峡とは?日本一の渓谷周辺の豊かな自然を紹介 昇仙峡は山梨県甲府市にある渓谷です。 渓谷とは谷間や山に挟まれた川のある場所のこと。 国の特別名勝に指定されています。 昇仙峡は「全国観光地百選」渓谷の部では第1位、平成百景では第2位と日本でも有数の観光地です。 新緑に色づく山々と澄んだ水のコントラストは筆舌に尽くしがたい美しさ。 動画では上空からドローン撮影した金櫻神社や昇仙峡を囲む自然の美しさを体感できます。 パワースポットとしても有名な金櫻神社 寺院の魅力に迫る 昇仙峡の上に鎮座するパワースポット「金櫻神社」。 2000年前に建立されたとされる由緒ある寺院です。 金峰山の頂点に位置しています。 本殿や元の昇り龍・降り龍は残念ながら焼失してしまいましたが、現在では復元されたものを拝むことができます。 御神宝はこの地で発掘された水晶「火の玉・水の玉」。 動画でご覧になれるような桜と本殿をどちらも眺めることができるのは春のわずかな時期。 金櫻神社の周辺のおすすめは? 日本屈指の美しい桜の開花を眺めることができる金櫻神社。 近くには夫婦木神社や水晶峠のヒカリゴケ洞穴などの観光スポットも。 夫婦木神社で神木に夫婦仲円満を祈るのもおすすめです。 御朱印帳の受付もしています。 動画ではドローンによる撮影のため、普段なかなかご覧になることの出来ない絶景を見ることができます。 穴場の観光スポット昇仙峡 金櫻神社へのアクセス方法 昇仙峡は山梨県甲府市にあります。 甲府駅からバスで30分の「昇仙峡口」で下車。 成田駅からは特急を利用して3時間ほど。 金櫻神社の美しい桜が観られる!日本一の渓谷昇仙峡紹介まとめ 日本一の渓谷と呼ばれる昇仙峡の金櫻神社。 参拝国の特別名勝としても知られ、お花見の季節には多くの観光客が訪れます。 「まずはどんな観光スポットか知りたい!」という方は、こちらの動画で桜の季節の金櫻神社のお花見を楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 7:04
The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Is a Popular Event in Izu, Shizuoka Where the Entire Town Is Dyed Pink With Cherry Blossoms. A Look at Izu's Beautiful Spring Scenery and Recommend Tourist Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 552 plays
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About the Video of Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival If you're looking for a place where you can enjoy viewing cherry blossoms and feeling Japan's unique spring atmosphere, then look no further! There are many others just like yourself looking to relax among the cherry blossoms and enjoy the fresh spring breeze. Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival, held in Kawazu, Shizuoka Prefecture is a festival where you can do just that. The beautiful 4K footage allows you enjoy the blissful atmosphere of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. Be sure to follow along as you read this article! Izu's Popular Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Photo:Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival, held in Kawazu, Izu, is a beautiful festival where you can see the town of Kawazu covered with pink cherry blossoms. Kawazu Sakura is a type of cherry blossom tree that starts blooming earlier than most other cherry blossom trees, starting from around early February to early March. The origin of Kawazu cherry blossoms dates back to 1955, when one of the local townspeople found a tree growing amongst the weeds in his back yard. Back then the trees were called "Komine Sakura," but were renamed to ‘Kawazu Sakura’ in 1974. The Kawazu Sakura is characterized by its large petals and pink color, and when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, a flurry of falling cherry blossoms creates the most beautiful scenery. The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival is a popular festival that approximately one million tourists visit every year. People enjoy the festival by taking a walk along the river, or having a picnic in the park while drinking and enjoying food from food stands. It's often crowded so you might have to save a spot for a picnic beforehand. There are outhouses at the festival, along with regular restrooms throughout the park. Come experience the beautiful cherry blossoms at the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival! Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Schedule and Attractions to Enjoy Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Izu Source :YouTube screenshot The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Kawazu, Izu is a must-see festival for anyone interested in cherry blossoms or Japan's beautiful scenery. The cherry blossoms can be enjoyed in various ways depending on the location and time. There are approximately 8,000 cherry trees in Kawazu and about 850 along the Kawazu River. During full-bloom, these trees showcase the beauty of Kawazu. The one along the the Kawazu river are especially beautiful. You can enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms at full bloom along the river for more than 4 kilometers! We recommend that you try to find your own little secret spot to avoid the crowds. This video shows you the cherry blossoms in full bloom at various spots along the Kawazu River at 0:28. Was there anything that caught your eye? There are also places where the cherry blossoms are lit up at night as well. It's an impressive sight that you can only experience at night time. Be sure to check it out if you have the chance, as it's one of the best parts of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. There are also other cherry blossom festivals in the Kawazu area where you can see the cherry blossoms and rape blossoms in harmony with one another. The 2024 Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival will be held from February 1 to 29, 2024. Please check the official website for a map of stalls that will be available in late January 2024. Enjoy Authentic Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Kawazu Source :YouTube screenshot During the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Izu, there are several spots we recommend visiting to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms. As we mentioned above, one of the ways you can enjoy the cherry blossoms is with the illumination at night, shown at 5:02 in the video. Access to the cherry blossoms illumination is 20 minutes walking from Kawazu Station on the Izu Kyuko Line. It's an incredible scenec location, so don't forget to bring your camera! We also recommend going around and collecting your shuin stamp when visiting the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. There's a red stamp that's only available during the festival at Seisoku Temple nearby, so be sure not to miss it! Enjoying both the cherry blossoms and collecting your red seal stamps will make for an unforgettable trip. Summary of Izu's Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival The video, created by "Discover Nippon," is a beautiful 4K video that introduces the charm of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Izu. If you're curious about the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival after reading this article, be sure to check out the video! If you love cherry blossoms or spring in Japan, then you'll love this festival! Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Kawazu! 【Official Website】Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Info|Official Website https://www.kawazuzakura.net/ 【Official Website】Kawazu, Kamogun, Shizuoka, Japan Town Official Website http://www.town.kawazu.shizuoka.jp/ -
Video article 3:19
Chidorigafuchi's “Cherry Blossom Festival in Chiyoda” is a cherry blossom viewing spot in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward that attracts 1.3 million visitors! The beautiful cherry blossoms illuminated by lights are a spectacular spot to visit at least once!
Travel- 320 plays
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Tokyo's Famous Cherry Blossom Spot, Chidorigafuchi If you're wondering where you can enjoy the beauty of Japan's 4 seasons, then look no further than Chidorigafuchi! When people think about visiting Tokyo, they probably think of gourmet food, shopping, and theme parks. But they're missing out, because while Tokyo may be the big city, there's still plenty of nature to be seen there. This video was created by “Japan Explorers.” It introduces cherry blossom viewing at night in Chidorigafuchi, Tokyo. The video is called “Chidorigafuchi Cherry Blossom [8k](千鳥ヶ淵の夜桜 ライトアップ Chidorigafuchi Cherry Blossom [8K]).” This article provides historical information about Chidorigafuchi, located in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward, as well as information on the lit up cherry blossoms during the "Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival." It also explains the history of the cherry blossoms. The video demonstrates the beauty of the cherry blossoms as they light up under the night sky with high resolution 8K quality. It's amazing that you can find such a beautiful place in the middle of Tokyo. Please enjoy article and be sure to follow along with the video showcasing beautiful cherry blossoms. Chidorigafuchi, a famous sightseeing spot in Tokyo Photo:Cherry blossoms at the Imperial Palace, Chidorigafuchi Chidorigafuchi in Chiyoda, Tokyo is a moat northwest of the Imperial Palace. There is an event called the “Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival” where the cherry blossoms are lit up at night in the spring. We recommend taking a look at the breathtaking cherry blossoms reflecting off the surface of the water. Chidorigafuchi is a moat made after the opening of Edo in 1603. The moat was constructed as an expansion of the former Edo Castle. To create it, they blocked the river using earthen bridges at Hanzomon gate and Tayasumon gate. It used to be connected to the moat bordering Daikancho street, but it was reclaimed for road construction in 1900, and it became a separate moat. Hanzo moat is next to Chidorigafuchi park. There is a boat dock in the Chidorigafuchi green way, and you can enjoy the view of cherry blossoms from the boat. We recommend taking a boat ride to avoid the crowds. The nearest stations are Hanzomon station and Kudange subway station. It is only a 5-minute walk from both stations. There are no parking spots near Chidorigafuchi green way, so we recommend taking public transportation to Chidorigafuchi. Most poeple probably think of Tokyo tower and Tokyo Sky Tree when they think of tourist spots in Tokyo, but Chidorigafuchi is an amazing place for sightseeing. There's also Nippon Budokan and the British Embassy in the area as well. What is the best time and place to see cherry blossoms at Chidorigafuchi? Photo:Cherry blossoms lit up in Chidorigafuchi Yasukuni-dori Street and Chidorigabuchi are known as the most popular cherry blossom spots in Tokyo, attracting about 1.3 million visitors from home and abroad every year. Cherry blossoms in Chidorigabuchi are at their best from late March to early April.You can see beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom in white and pink, and by the time they are past their full bloom, the "zero cherry blossoms" that have fallen on the water surface create another tasteful scene. On the Chidorigabuchi Green Road in spring, where 260 cherry trees bloom beautifully, you will be able to see plenty of cherry blossoms that you can see. There are about 330 cherry trees on the Kitanomaru side of the park and about 260 Someiyoshino and Yamazakura cherry trees along the Chidorigafuchi Greenway avenue. All these cherry blossoms turn the area around the moat pink. The Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival is held every year according to the bloom conditions. The night light up as “Chiyoda Cherry Blossom” entertains you with the fantastic view of cherry blossoms. Parties and securing spaces is banned at Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival. There are also no street markets and the number of bathrooms is limited. We recommend viewing the beautiful, illuminated cherry blossoms from the Chidorigafuchi greenway in the spring. In the video at 0:42, you can see an amazing view of the cherry blossoms lit up. It's truly a sight unlike any other. Be sure to take some pictures to commemorate your trip and to post on Instagram! Information about the cherry blossoms in Chidorigafuchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo. The best time to see cherry blossoms is from late March to early April. The types of cherry blossoms are Someiyoshino, Oshima-zakura, and Shidare-zakura. The Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festival is held based on the bloom forecast, so be sure to check the official website if you're planning to come to the festival. Summary of Cherry Blossoms at Chidorigafuchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo ©r_abe01 Modifying Be sure to check out the video if you're curious about the cherry blossoms in Chidorigafuchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo. As you can see in the video, Chidorigafuchi's cherry blossoms are quite the spectacle. Enjoy the beautiful night light up of the cherry blossoms at Chidorigafuchi. If you want to relax in an oasis in the city or enjoy the Japanese springtime tradition of hanami, this is the place to be! Be sure to watch the video to see the beautiful cherry blossoms! -
Video article 1:01
The Cherry Blossom Blizzard at Ueno Park - One of the Most Famous Hanami Spots in Tokyo! The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Taito City Boasts Approximately 1,200 Cherry Trees in Full Bloom!
Travel Festivals & Events- 349 plays
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Cherry Blossom Blizzard at Ueno Park! This video is titled "Beautiful Japanese scenery,Cherry blossoms blizzard in Ueno Park." It introduces the cherry blossom blizzard at Ueno Park in Taito, Tokyo. It's produced by sandabee. In this video, we see the cherry trees standing in rows at Ueno Park along Sakura Dori, a street famous for the statue of Saigo Takamori, in full bloom. The cherry blossom petals fall like a snowstorm, dyeing the surrounding area pink. The beautiful video of Japan in the spring is filled with the applause and cheers of many tourists. It's a must-see! Photo:Ueno Station Ueno Park is one of the most popular hanami sites in Japan and is just a two-minute walk from Ueno Station on foot. The park has a long history and was designated the first public park in Japan in 1873. Officially called "Ueno Onshi Park," Ueno Park has many popular attractions including Tokyo National Museum, Ueno Zoo, where pandas attract many tourists, The National Museum of Western Art, which was designated a World Heritage Site for its Le Corbusier architecture, and more. The park is popular among people for its historical, cultural, artistic, and natural views. The verdant park has around 1,200 cherry trees and many people visit every spring, when the cherry blossoms come into bloom. Recently, the park has attracted increasing numbers of overseas tourists as well. Ueno Park's cherry blossom viewing season and event "Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival" dates and attractions ©r_abe01 Modifying Since about 40 species of both early and late blooming cherry trees, including Yoshino cherries, are planted in Ueno Park, you can enjoy hanami for around two months, from March until the end of April. The Annual Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival is organized when the Yoshino cherries are at their best and the park makes for one of the best hanami spots in Tokyo. The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival is usually held between late March and early April.The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in 2024 is scheduled from March 16th to April 7th. During the festival, you can enjoy the scenery of illuminated cherry blossoms at night, stage events, stalls, and sales of hanami bento are held, which is crowded with many people. Ueno Park is of course lined with many stalls and a large number of tourists enjoy hanami parties while sitting on picnic blankets. You can enjoy viewing the beautiful cherry blossoms while eating delicious food at a hanami party with friends! Information on the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival Photo:Shinobazu and Cherry Blossoms at Ueno Park The best place to see the cherry blossoms in Ueno Park is from the Sakura Dori (さくら通り, Sakura-dori) Street and the Shinobazu Pond boat ramp to the Ueno Park Open-Air Stage. You can also enjoy the wonderful view of cherry blossoms reflecting off the pond's surface while on a boat ride. During the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival, events including the antique market are also held. Beside the stalls, Ueno Park has many restaurants and cafes to enjoy delicious food while viewing cherry blossoms as well. As the area around Ueno Station has many restaurants where takeout options are available, you can spend a whole day here enjoying tourist spots in the area and the view of the cherry blossoms. Although Ueno Park has parking lots, they are often full by early morning during the cherry blossom season. That being said, the best way to visit the park is by public transportation. Summary of the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Ueno Park is a festival in Japan's spring that everyone should visit at least once. Since Ueno Park is one of the most popular hanami spots, you may need to save a place to have a hanami party during the flowering season when many tourists are gathering. You don't need to worry about restrooms since there are plenty throughout the park. If you're lucky, you can see the instagrammable, mystic view of the surrounding landscape dyed pink by the falling cherry blossoms. Experience the beauty of Japan's cherry blossoms with the video! ◆Ueno Park◆ 【Address】3-chome Ikenohata, Taito-ku, Tokyo. 【Access】A two-minute walk from JR/Tokyo Metro Ginza Line/Hibiya Line Ueno Station, and a one-minute walk from Keisei Ueno Station on the Keisei Line 【Hours】5 a.m. – 11 p.m. 【Telephone】(+081) 03-3828-5644 -
Video article 3:30
The Cherry Blossoms at the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival in Hirosaki, Aomori, Said to Be the Best in Japan, Are Sure to Look Great on Instagram! Enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival With 3 Million Visitors, Where 'Hatsune Miku' Was Appointed as the Official Supporting Character!
Nature- 417 plays
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青森県の日本一の桜まつり「弘前さくらまつり」を紹介 こちらの動画は「shota odagiri」さんが公開した「SAKURA 日本一の桜まつり青森県弘前市【HD】」です。 日本の春を代表する桜! 青森県弘前市にある弘前城周辺でおこなわれる弘前さくらまつりはソメイヨシノを始めとして数々の桜が百花繚乱のごとく咲き乱れ、毎年弘前公園には全国から訪れる数多くのお花見目当ての観光客で賑わいます。 本州最北端の地、青森県で咲く桜 桜前線の北上に伴い青森県弘前城周辺では4月下旬頃に開花予想が出されます。 弘前公園内には、ソメイヨシノを中心に、シダレザクラ、八重桜など、約50種類2,600本の桜が咲き誇ります。 日本一と言われる弘前さくらまつりの桜たちは一つの花芽からいくつもの花が咲き、もこもこの迫力のある花付きが特徴と言われています。 弘前さくらまつりの終盤になると弘前城周辺のお堀にはたくさんの桜の花びらが浮かび、この光景を「花筏(はないかだ)」「桜の絨毯」と呼び、壮大な景観の花筏が楽しめます。 2019年から2年間は弘前さくらまつり公式応援キャラクターにボーカロイドの「桜ミク(初音ミク)」が選ばれ、祭りをより一層盛り上げています。 弘前さくらまつり情報紹介 弘前市は青森県最大の都市で四季折々の自然が楽しめる観光地です。 春は桜、夏のねぷた祭り、秋は菊と紅葉が特に有名で、この弘前さくらまつりの日程は毎年4月23日〜5月5日の期間に開催されています。 弘前さくらまつりは非常に長い歴史があり1889年から続く伝統のお祭りです。 期間中は日没から23時までライトアップされ夜桜見物を楽しむ観光客であふれます。 弘前さくらまつりには出店や屋台もたくさん並びますので絶景とグルメを一緒に楽しむことができます。 弘前さくらまつりが開かれている弘前公園までのアクセスは以下のとおりです。 ・東京からお越しの方:東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・大阪からお越しの方:大阪→のぞみ(2時間30分)→新青森→東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・羽田空港から飛行機でお越しの方:羽田空港(1時間15分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・伊丹空港から飛行機でお越しの方:伊丹空港(1時間30分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 なお駐車場は完備されていますが、大変混雑いたしますので弘前駅からバスをご利用ください。 弘前さくらまつり期間中は20:00まで特別便を増発して運行します。 弘前さくらまつり紹介まとめ JR弘前駅ではおすすめ情報満載の観光ガイドを無料配布していますのでご活用ください。 また全国の旅行代理店で弘前さくらまつりツアーが催行されますのでホテルと交通がパックになったお得な観光ツアーをご利用ください。 是非日本一の桜を弘前さくらまつりでお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:45
Enjoy the spring season at Chikumagawa River Park in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, where 600 double-flowered cherry trees bloom! The colorful pink, yellow, and red flowers blooming all over the park will surely captivate you.
Nature- 145 plays
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This video, titled "Chikumagawa Fureai Park, Where Double-Flowered Cherry Trees and Peaches Are in Full Bloom - 4K Footage" (八重桜や花桃が咲き誇る千曲川河川公園・4K撮影), was released by "haruyuki onoue." Chikumagawa Fureai Park in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture is a popular spot where beautiful flowers bloom in spring. Due to the high altitude of Nagano Prefecture, the temperature is cooler, and the blossoming of the double-flowered cherry trees takes place from late April to around Golden Week (the first week of May). At this time of year, the bright pink peaches and the eye-catching yellow rape blossoms also bloom, creating a spectacular view. The many petals of the double-flowered cherry trees and peaches are gorgeous and make for great Instagram photos. Many visitors come to Chikumagawa Fureai Park to enjoy the late spring. -
Video article 4:42
Animation of Tsugaru Railway and Cherry Tunnel in Ashino Park, Goshogawara, Aomori! The place associated with Osamu Dazai of “Running Meros! When is the best time to see cherry blossoms?
Nature Transportation Travel- 78 plays
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Video article 2:57
Ryokusuien in Fukushima Prefecture Is Home to Many Beautiful Flowers. Like a Scene From a Fairytale; Don’t Miss the Splendid Scenery of Cherry Blossoms Blooming All Around You!
Travel- 354 plays
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Video introduction of “Shikinosato Ryokusuien” in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture This video「四季の里 緑水苑の春(福島県 郡山市・本宮市)」is about a beautiful Japanese garden located in Ryokusuien (Koriyama city/Motomiya city Fukushima). You can see beautiful weeping cherry blossoms during this 3-minute video clip. You can see the majestic figure of Mount Adatara which has a bit of snow left on it at 0:03 in the video. Please enjoy watching the beautiful spring scenery in Japan in the video. What Can You Explore at Ryokusuien in Fukushima? Photo:Spring at Ryokusuien Ryokusuien is a popular Japanese garden that is built along Gohyaku river between Kikutamachi Horiuchi in Koriyama city and Iwane in Motomiya city. One of the most attractive things to enjoy is walking around and seeing the beautiful seasonal flowers and hearing the calm rivers flowing. Especially in spring, when cherry blossoms bloom, tourists are enchanted by breathtaking scenery all around. When are the cherry blossoms and autumn leaves at Shikinosato Ryokusuien? Photo:Spring at Ryokusuien About 2.500 cherry trees bloom in early spring at Shikinosato Ryokusuien, and the best time to view the cherry blossoms is usually from mid to late April. There are also many kinds of flowers blooming such as plums, peach trees, forsythias, rose bays, moss pinks, daffodils, skunk cabbages and irises, and more. The best time to view the autumn foliage of about 200 trees in Shikinosato Ryokusuien is from early to mid-November; in 2023, the best time to view the foliage was in mid-November, later than usual. Stroll through the cherry blossom viewing spots where you can enjoy scenery of all four seasons. It really calms the spirits. Take a Trip to Ryokusuien! Source :YouTube screenshot We recommend taking a walk around Hana no Teien (the flower garden). On the way, you can see various kinds of trees and stones such as Suikinkutsu(stone pot), Keikaboku (fossil tree trunks), Ushi no Ki (a tree shaped like a cow), Kame no Ishi (a stone shaped like a turtle) and Azumaya(Chickee). When Fall comes, Imoni (outdoor food festival) is held in the barbecue area. Don't worry about bringing meat, vegetables, rice balls, etc. You can buy them there. It's also a great location for those who have pets to bring with them to the dog park. Summary of Ryokusuien in Fukushima Source :YouTube screenshot We introduced you to a video of the spring scenery at Ryokusuien in Fukushima. As you can see, it is surrounded by cherry blossoms which makes it a great place to take Instagram photos. We would recommend checking when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom before visiting to get the best experience. ◆Ryokusuien - A Village of Four Seasons◆ 【Address】Koriyama city Kikuta MachiHorinouchi Akatumae 71 to Motomiya Iwane Kawahara 208-1 【Access】About a 15-minute by car from Tohoku Expressway/Koriyama IC ・Hongu 【Admission fee】 Adults 500 yen Students(elementary/junior high) 300 yen (May 1st to July 20th) Adults 300 yen Students (elementary/junior high) 200 yen (April 1st to April 30th, July 21st to December 31st) 【Visiting hours】Spring/Summer: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Fall/Winter:8:30 am to 4 pm 【Parking】ordinary vehicles 200, fully equipped accomodations, and 10 large buses (free) 【 Phone】024-959-6764 【Official Website】Shiki no Sato Ryokusuien Kikutamachi Koriyama, Fukushima http://ryokusuien.com/ -
Video article 4:16
Sakura - Enjoy Japanese Folk Music on a Koto Beneath the Cherry Blossoms
Traditional Culture Entertainment & Music- 883 plays
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A Koto Performance Beneath the Cherry Blossoms This video, titled "Sakura – 25 strings koto (さくら(Sakura) 25絃箏 (25 strings koto))," contains footage of a koto performance under the cherry blossom. It was created by "Kasumi Watanabe." The video features 17 and 25 string koto musician Kasumi Watanabe (渡邉香澄). The koto is a traditional Japanese musical instrument with a soft, beautiful tone that is very relaxing to listen to. You can take a look at Kasumi Watanabe's performance from 0:09 in the video. The Koto - A Traditional Japanese Instrument Photo:A koto The koto was introduced to Japan from China over 1,300 years ago during the Nara period (794 AD-1185 AD). It quickly became popular among the wealthy. During the Edo period (1603 AD-1868 AD) the musician Yatsuhashi Kengyo (八橋検校) created the foundation of koto music that continues to be used to this day. A tool called a "Ji" (柱) is used to tune the koto. There are two main styles of koto, referred to as "Ikuta-ryu" (生田流) and "Yamada-ryu." Differences between the styles include the shape of the instrument, the picks used, and playing method among others. Listen To the Beautiful Melody of "Sakura"! Photo:Playing the koto The well-known song "Sakura" featured in the video, is performed by Koto musician Kasumi Watanabe. In Japan, when the cherry trees blossom in spring, people travel all over the country to enjoy cherry blossom viewing. Traditional koto and gagaku (雅楽) performances can be heard at famous cherry blossom viewing spots around the country. It's a great way to celebrate the coming of spring! Learn to Play Traditional Japanese Musical Instruments! Photo:A woman playing a koto There are many schools around Japan where you can learn to play traditional Japanese musical instruments. The koto, in particular, is popular for its beautiful and elegant image. The special kind of sheet music used takes a little getting used to, but once you start playing you're guaranteed to fall in love with it. You can also learn other traditional Japanese musical instruments, such as the Shamisen (三味線), or take part in a traditional Japanese music performance experience. If you're interested in learning more about traditional Japanese performing arts, we highly recommend joining one of these classes! Summary of the Koto - A Traditional Japanese Instrument Source :YouTube screenshot The koto is a traditional musical instrument that has been played in Japan for hundreds of years. In the video, you can listen to the song "Sakura" played by a professional musician. The peaceful melody is sure to leave you feeling at peace. We highly recommend trying out one of Japan's traditional musical instrument experiences on your next sightseeing trip to Japan. You can pick out your favorite instrument and enjoy playing the music of your choice! -
Video article 3:00
Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms of Hozukyo on the Sagano Romantic Train- "Sagano Rich"! On the Classically Designed Sightseeing Train, You Can Experience All Four Seasons While Enjoying the Natural Breeze in Kyoto!
Transportation- 350 plays
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The Sagano Romantic Train Running Between Sagano, Kyoto and Kameoka This video, titled "Sagano Romantic Train [4K] Feel the Pale Pink of Spring on the Sagano Romantic Train" (嵯峨野観光鉄道【4K】薄桃色の春を散らしながら走るトロッコ列車), was created by "eo official." It introduces the Sagano Romantic Train that runs through the beautiful cherry blossom of Hozukyo, Kyoto. The Sagano Romantic Train is a small, simple, red and black sightseeing train that runs at a speed of about 25 km/h. Because it moves slow, you can enjoy the seasonal views along the Hozu River (保津川, Hozugawa) making it one of the most popular tourist spots in Kyoto. In this article, we'll introduce the history of the Sagano Romantic Train, as well as tourist information, alongside the video. Before reading on, we recommend taking a look at the beautiful, windowless, open carriage Sagano Romantic Train "Sagano Rich" that runs through Hozukyo Gorge in spring. What is the Sagano Romantic Train? Photo:The Sagano Romantic Train, Arashiyama, Kyoto The Sagano Romantic Train was opened in 1991 after the JR Sanin Line, which was no longer in use, was converted to a double track. Since then, it has been a popular sightseeing train in Kyoto, where you can enjoy the magnificent views of the Hozu River valley in all four seasons, including cherry blossoms, fresh greenery, autumn leaves, and winter scenery, as well as the unusual rocks of the Hozu River, such as Magoroku Rock, Lion Rock and Frog Rock. Sagano Romantic Train "Sagano Rich," an open carriage with no windows, is especially popular because the seats are made of wooden chairs, and you can enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere of the train car and the surrounding scenery while feeling the breeze. You can see the inside of the train at 1:00 in the video. Recommended sightseeing course of Sagano Torokko train Photo:Togetsukyo Bridge, Arashiyama, Kyoto The Sagano Romantic Train runs from Saga Torokko Station to Kameoka Torokko Station, with Hozukyo Torokko Station and Arashiyama Torokko Station along the way. JR Sugano Station and Saga Torokko Station are next to one other, so we recommend getting on a train to Kameoka Torokko Station and going back on the Hozu River boat ride and enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Oi River, Togetsukyo Bridge, and Arashiyama. The standard fare for the Sagano Romantic Train is ¥630 for adults, regardless of route. The trains are closed during the winter season from December 30 to the end of February and on Wednesdays. You can book a ticket online, at stations, and at travel agencies. Reservations can be checked online, and same-day tickets are also available. For the latest information and timetables, please check the official website. A railway diorama and steam locomotive D51 are exhibited at SL square at Saga Torokko Station. In addition, original goods of the trains, etc. are sold at the station shop. These make the perfect souvenirs. What is the best time to see and see cherry blossoms in Hozukyo from Sagano Torokko train? "There are about 700 cherry blossoms along the Sagano Torokko train line, and you can enjoy fireworks for about 25 minutes along with the view of Hozugawa River from the train." I recommend Sakura Tunnel from the first car, and you can also feel like a driver.Especially, you must see the Sakura Tunnel in front of Torokko Kameoka Station. The best time to see cherry blossoms in Hozukyo from the Sagano Torokko train is usually from late March to early April.It seems that it was in full bloom around March 25th in 2023. On the official website of Sagano Torokko train, there is also a "Sakura Map" with highlights written on it, and on SNS, there are announcements such as blooming conditions and special trains running through the illuminated Sakura Tunnel." Summary of the Sagano Romantic Train Photo:A heritage railway "Sagano Romantic Train [4K] Feel the Pale Pink of Spring on the Sagano Romantic Train," introduces the Sagano Romantic Train that runs through the beautiful cherry blossoms of Hozukyo, Kyoto. If you're in the area, be sure to visit Kyoto and take a ride on the amazing sightseeing locomotives! 【Official Website】Sagano Romantic Train https://www.sagano-kanko.co.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Hozukyo Gorge https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g325585-d548232-Reviews-Hozukyo_Gorge-Kameoka_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:34
Video of "Isumi Railway" & "Kominato Railway" in spring crossing Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture! A must-see for photographers! Includes photo spots where you can take pictures of cherry blossoms and rape blossoms at the same time!
Transportation Nature Travel- 252 plays
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Video introduction of "Isumi Railway" & "Kominato Railway" rape blossoms and cherry blossoms in Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture This video, titled "[4K UHD] Kominato and Isumi Railways in Spring (shot on Samsung NX1)" ([ 4K UHD ] 春の小湊鉄道といすみ鉄道 - Kominato railway and Isumi railway in Spring - (shot on Samsung NX1), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The video shows the Kominato Railway (小湊鉄道, kominato tetsudo) and Isumi Railway (いすみ鉄道)—which run across Chiba prefecture's Boso Peninsula—in spring. No matter your age or where you come from, this is definitely a place you'll want to check out, especially if you’re a train enthusiast. Visible in the window across from the train driver are the figures of excited children. Check out this uplifting three-and-a-half-minute video, filled with pink cherry blossoms and vibrant yellow rapeseed blossoms. [Video] 1:28 - Cherry Blossoms, Rapeseed, and the Smiling Faces of Children The Difference Between the Isumi and Kominato Railways Photo:Kominato Railway The Isumi Railway covers around 27 kilometers on the JR Boso line (JR房総線, JR Bososen), stretching from Ohara station (大原駅, ohara-eki) to Kazusa-Nakano station (上総中野駅, kazusanakano-eki). The Kominato Railway makes up around 39 kilometers of the JR Uchibo line (JR内房線, JR uchibo sen) between Goi station (五井駅, goi-eki) and Kazusa-Nakano Station. The two railways meet at Kazusa-Nakano station, and if you switch trains there, it's possible to ride across the entire Boso peninsula—just the right distance for a railway day trip. There's even a "Boso Coast to Coast Commemorative Ticket" (房総横断記念乗車券, boso odan kinen joshaken) available as a souvenir via a collaboration between the two companies. If you're visiting from Tokyo, it should take a little under an hour via the JR Sobu Rapid (JR総武快速線) and Uchibo lines. Arriving at Chiba's Goi station, a walk across the bridge will take you to the local line (the Kominato railway) and the start of your journey. In a location that can be enjoyed as a day trip from downtown Tokyo, those with train-loving kids can have an enjoyable day out as well. Cherry Blossoms & the Nanohana Ressha on the Isumi Railway Most famous amongst the Isumi railways trains is the "Nanohana Ressha," (菜の花列車, lit. 'Rapeseed Train'), whose rolling stock is yellow, just like the rapeseed blossoms. The best time to see the rapeseed that lines the railway and is famous for its incredible views is between early March and early April of each year. From late March, the cherry blossoms are in season, and by early April you can see beautiful scenes of cherry blossom in full bloom. Keep an eye on the cherry blossom bloom maps and enjoy both cherry blossoms and rapeseed blossoms from the window of a train. The Best Spots to Photograph the Isumi Railway's Rape Blossoms & Cherry Blossoms! Photo:Isumi Railway On the Isumi Railway between Kazusa-Azuma Station (上総東駅, kazusa azusa-eki) and Nittano Station (新田野駅, nittano-eki), Shiromiaoka Station (城見ヶ丘駅, shiromigaoka-eki) and Otaki Station (大多喜駅, otaki-eki), as well between as Fusamoto station (総元駅, fusamoto-eki) and Nishihata Station (西畑駅, nishihata-eki), you can see rapeseed blossoms and cherry blossoms competing for the spotlight. See if you can't capture a shot of the pinks and yellows under the blue skies of spring. Rapeseed blossoms bloom along 15 kilometers of the Isumi Railway's 27-kilometer span, meaning you can enjoy them along almost the entire length of the track. If you're a train enthusiast, finding the best photo spot is part of the fun! The Isumi Railway is often compared to Moomin Valley in Japan. The comparison originates from the Moomin Train (ムーミン列車, mumin ressha) which operated on the line until March 2019. Apparently at the time there was a Snufkin Lake, and statues of popular characters such as the Moomins, Little My, and Snufkin, in addition to the Moomin-themed trains. There's no doubt that the lush scenery was a good match for the world of the Moomins as well. The Best Spots to Photograph the Kominato Railway Photo:Kominato Railway's Satoyama Romantic Train Kominato Railway's Satoyama Romantic Train (里山トロッコ, satoyama torokko) is hugely popular with tourists. Rail enthusiasts gather from across Japan to get a photo of the sightseeing train against the backdrop of the rapeseed blossom fields. A particularly notable photo spot is the Ishigami Rapeseed Blossom Field (石神菜の花畑, ishigami nanohana-batake), which allows visitors to take some really incredible photos. ■ Ishigami Rapeseed Blossom Field | Chiba, Ichihara, Ishigami, 225 If you get off part way along the Kominato Railway, you'll find Yorokeikoku Station (養老渓谷駅, yoro keikoku eki), where there is a footbath that is available free of charge when using the railroad. It's a 15-minute walk from the station. People visiting by car can use the parking lot by the road—from which there are several superb photo spots within a few minutes' walk—and wait for the sightseeing train. Incredibly, the sightseeing train actually slows down as it passes through the middle of the rapeseed blossom fields—a show of consideration for railway enthusiasts. [Video] 2:18 - The Sightseeing Train Passing Through Rapeseed Blossom Fields Additionally, within the wooden station building of Tsukizaki Station (月崎駅, tsukizaki-eki) is Mori Radio Station (森ラジオステーション, mori rajio suteshon), a popular tourist attraction also known as "Mori Radio" (森ラジオ, mori rajio). The building, which was originally a filling station for railroad maintenance workers of the Kominato Railway, was exhibited as an art installation covered with moss and wildflowers during the Naka-boso International Art Festival's (中房総国際芸術祭, nakaboso kokusai geijutusai) Ichihara Art x Mix (いちはらアートxミックス, ichihara ato x mikkusu) event in 2014. Its atmospheric appearance makes it a popular spot for tourists even now. [Video] 2:53 - Mori Radio Station, Covered in Moss and Wild Grasses Another recommended stop on the Kominato Railway is Itabu Station (飯給駅, itabu-eki). Known as the "world's largest toilet," the spot is quite popular during the daytime. It's a single toilet, surrounded by glass walls that was created as an art installation. At night, the station is popular as a place to take photos of the illuminated cherry blossoms along with the trains. Sightseeing Along the Kominato and Isumi Railways While the cherry blossoms and rapeseed are of course beautiful, they're best enjoyed between visits to various tourist attractions along the railway lines. Below is a list of several tourist attractions you can consider visiting along the railways. Yoro Valley (Yorokeikoku Station) Yoro Valley (Yoro Gorge) is one of the most famous hot spring areas in Chiba Prefecture, and is located roughly in the middle of the Boso Peninsula. The valley is home to numerous waterfalls with popular hiking courses and during the fall, it's a great place to enjoy the autumn leaves. Kasamori Temple (Kazusa-Ushiku Station) This temple sits atop a large boulder and features a unique architectural style. Founded in 784 AD, the temple has been dubbed the "Temple of Prayer and Fragrance" thanks to the lovely scent of the flowers that cover the temple grounds. Hours: April - September: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, October - March: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Admission Fee: Adults: 300 yen, Children: 100 yen Otaki Castle (Otaki Station) Otaki Castle is said to have been built in 1521 by Honda Tadakatsu, one of the "Four Heavenly Kings of the Tokugawa." Although the castle was demolished in 1871, the ruins of the castle were designated as a historical site in 1966 and the castle tower was rebuilt in 1975. Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Closures: Irregular (Please check the official website) Admission Fee: Adults: 200 yen, High school and university students: 100yen, Elementary and middle school students, seniors (65+), and those with disabilities: Free There are many other spots along the railway lines to check out, so if you see something that looks interesting, don't be afraid to hop off the train and explore! Summary of the Kominata and Isumi Railways in Spring The sight of trains reflected in rice paddys and the spring rapeseed and cherry blossoms featured in the video are enough to capture anyone's heart, railway fan or not. There are plenty of wonderful hotels and ryokan (Japanese style inns) in the surrounding area. Even if you usually travel by car, consider booking a trip across the Boso peninsula by train! Take in the fresh spring air and relaxing scenery from the window of your carriage. -
Video article 0:30
Chofu - A City Full of Tourist Attractions - Experience Fireworks, Cherry Blossoms, Rose Gardens and More at a Town in Tokyo Where Japan's Four Seasons Shine!
Travel Things to Do Festivals & Events Nature Local PR- 42 plays
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Introducing a beautiful video packed with the charms of Chofu City, Tokyo. This video, titled "「Feel Short Ver.」The Promotion Video of Chofu City, Tokyo" (「Feel short ver.」東京都調布市のプロモーション映像 The promotion video of Chofu City, Tokyo), was uploaded by "Chofu City Video Library - ChofuCity" (調布市動画ライブラリーChofuCity). Chofu is conveniently located about 15 minutes by train from Shinjuku, a popular shopping and entertainment district, yet it is known as a city rich in nature. There are many spots where visitors can enjoy natural beauty, such as rows of cherry blossom trees, autumn foliage, and rose gardens. This promotional video is packed with popular attractions and photo spots in Chofu. Chofu - Rows of Cherry Trees, Dazzling Fireworks, and Many More Attractive Events Photo:Cherry blossoms along the Nogawa River, Chofu, Tokyo Chofu has beautiful seasonal scenery and popular events that attract many visitors from both inside and outside the city. Along both banks of the Nogawa River, which runs from the northwest to the southeast of the city, there is a bicycle path where visitors can see beautiful rows of cherry trees in spring; although cancelled from 2020 to 2022, there is an annual one-night-only event where the cherry trees are lit up at night, creating a magical scene. The city is also known as "Eiga no Machi Chofu" (映画のまち調布, 'Chofu, the City of Movies'), as there are two major film studios and more than 40 film production companies gathered in Chofu. The Chofu City Fireworks Festival held on the banks of the Tama River is a popular summer event. [Video] 0:12 - Chofu City Fireworks Festival Autumn Leaves and a Daruma Market at Jindaiji Temple. Enjoy Sightseeing Around Chofu Photo:Cherry blossoms at Jindaiji Temple, Chofu, Tokyo The "Yakuyoke Ganzan Daishi Festival" (厄除元三大師大祭) is the biggest event at Jindaiji Temple, and is held on March 3 and 4 every year. [Video] 0:12 - Scenes from the Yakuyoke Ganzan Daishi Festival The Jindaiji Temple Daruma Doll Market, held in conjunction with the Daishi Festival, is one of the three major daruma markets in Japan. About 300 Daruma stores, with dolls of all sizes, are displayed in various locations. The Jindaiji Summer Evening Party (深大寺夕涼みの会, Jindaiji Yusuzumi no Kai ) is a summer event where visitors can stroll around Jindaiji Temple in yukata (light cotton kimono), play traditional games, experience zazen (zen meditation), and enjoy a variety of stalls (canceled in 2020 and 2021). [Video] 0:09 - Jindaiji Summer Evening Party The famous "Jindaiji Soba" is a popular food in this area with 400-years of history. It's said that the name "Jindaiji Soba" originated when soba noodles made from the rich spring water were served at the temple, and many soba restaurants line the streets around the temple. In the fall, beautiful autumn leaves can be seen at Jindaiji Temple and the adjacent Jindai Botanical Gardens, and many people come to enjoy the autumn foliage in Tokyo. [Video] 0:16 - Autumn Foliage at Jindai Botanical Gardens Enjoy the Beauty of Nature at Jindai Botanical Gardens and Saneatsu Park Photo:A rose garden at Jindai Botanical Gardens, Chofu, Tokyo The Rose Garden at the Jindai Botanical Gardens was awarded the World Rose Convention's "Award of Garden Excellence" in 2009. The best time to see the roses is in spring and fall. It is one of the largest botanical parks in Tokyo, covering an area of about 480,000m2. The spacious park is home to 100,000 plants of approximately 4,800 species, allowing visitors to enjoy a variety of plants, trees, and flowers throughout Japan's four seasons. [Video] 0:06 - The Rose Garden at Jindai Botanical Gardens Saneatsu Park is a park on the site of Saneatsu Mushanokoji's house. The 5,000m2 park is filled with lush greenery, and carp and wild birds can be viewed in the pond. [Video] 0:24 - Saneatsu Park In addition, there's Fudatenjin Shrine, which has the oldest koma-inu (guardian lion-dogs) in Chofu and a 500-year-old sacred tree, and Kokuryo Shrine, which has a large 400~500-year-old wisteria tree. The area offers picturesque views of nature for visitors to enjoy. Unique Spots for Tours and Hands-on Experiences At the Chofu Aerospace Center, where JAXA's research and development facilities are located, visitors can tour exhibition rooms in the three zones: aviation, space, and fundamental technology, and experience a simulated flight in a futuristic spaceplane. Also, at Mayo Terrace, a Kewpie Mayonnaise facility where visitors can enjoy learning about various information and topics related to mayonnaise, and even try making mayonnaise by hand. There are also a variety of sports-related facilities in the area. The Musashino Forest Sport Plaza, adjacent to Tokyo Stadium, has a gymnasium that can accommodate up to 10,000 people. Top-level competitions, concerts, and other events are held here. Summary of the Attractions of Chofu, a City Where You Can Also Meet the Characters From GeGeGe no Kitaro Photo:Kitaro Teahouse, Jindaiji Temple, Chofu, Tokyo Shigeru Mizuki, the creator of "GeGeGe no Kitaro" is an honorary citizen of Chofu. Kitaro's characters can be seen throughout the city and are popular among instagrammers. Kitaro Square, located between Chofu Station and Nishi-Chofu Station, and the Tenjin-dori shopping street near Chofu Station, known as Kitaro Road, are also lined with monuments of the various characters. In addition, visitors can enjoy the world of "GeGeGe no Kitaro" at the Kitaro Teahouse in front of the Jindaiji Temple gate, where there is a cafe and store. Chofu is only a 15-minute train ride from Shinjuku, and despite its proximity to the city center, it's rich in nature, making it a comfortable place to live. The city offers a wide variety of sightseeing attractions and unique facilities where you can casually stop by to enjoy the seasonal expressions, tasteful temples and shrines, and characters of GeGeGe no Kitaro that can be seen throughout the city. The beauty of Chofu, including its atmospheric scenery, events, and various other attractions, can be viewed in this short video. Be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Chofu, Tokyo - City Hall Website https://www.city.chofu.tokyo.jp/ 【TripAdvisor】Chofu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1060905-Chofu_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:59
Aomori in the long-awaited spring after a harsh winter! Don't miss this beautiful 3-minute video that condenses the best spots in popular sightseeing spots!
Local PR- 85 plays
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春の青森県おすすめ観光スポットの紹介動画 こちらの動画は「AOMORI JAPAN」が公開した「Aomori Scenery of Spring Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 青森」です。 青森県といえばりんごが思い浮かべるかもしれませんが、山も海など絶景の人気スポットが多くあります。 春の青森県に焦点を当てた動画をメインに、青森の観光スポットを動画と共にご紹介します。 青森県の歴史観光スポットは? 青森県の歴史スポットといえば、動画の2:04からご覧になれる三内丸山遺跡が有名。 また、弘前城は観光ランキングでも上位に入る名所。 以前は津軽海峡を青函連絡船が行き来して北海道と本州を繋ぎ、人やモノを運んだ経緯がありましたが、現在は青函トンネルがとって代わりました。 春の青森県、桜の名所はココ! 本州最北に位置する青森県で桜が開花するのは、およそ4月中旬に入ってから。 青森県の桜の名所といえば、まず弘前城が人気です。 そして日本の道百選にも選ばれている十和田市官公庁街は、動画の1:01から紹介されています。 幼い太宰治が遊んだ芦野公園。 動画では0:18から芦野公園駅で満開の桜の下を走る「走れメロス号」がご覧になれます。他にも、0:47から紹介される岩木川河川公園も桜スポットのひとつ。 町の中心部から5分の場所にあり、イベント時には市民が集まります。 厳しい気候が生み出した青森県のおすすめ自然風景 青森県といえば八甲田山。 日本百名山の八甲田山は動画では0:05と0:56からご覧になれます。 また、温泉水が溜まってできた地獄沼の紹介は0:54と1:11からです。 1:54からご覧になれるのは世界遺産・白神山地。 白神山地には青池という景勝地があり、インスタ映えすること必至。 また一風変わった観光名所に、田んぼアートの田舎館村があります。 景勝地の宝庫、青森県の海岸の魅力 青森県の海岸には美しい景観が広がります。 2:11から紹介されるのは森山海岸。 2:27からは日本の二大名岬のひとつ権現崎(ごんげんざき)、2:35からは黄金崎の棚田がご覧になれます。 他にも本州最北端の岬である龍飛崎など青森県には多くの自然が楽しめる観光名所があります。 青森県の伝統工芸と食文化 地域の工芸品や文化に触れられるのも青森観光の醍醐味。 動画では津軽びいどろの工房、津軽打刃物が紹介されています。 また、青森は津軽三味線でも有名ですね。 食文化も豊かで、郷土料理には古くから津軽地方に伝わる津軽そば、八戸市エリア周辺に伝わるせんべい汁、いちご煮、マグロ丼が有名です。 春の青森県紹介まとめ 美しい景色と伝統文化が盛りだくさんの青森県。 動画でも青森県の外せない観光地が多く紹介されているので、ぜひご覧になってみてください。 -
Video article 4:03
You've Never Seen a View Quite Like This! The Beautiful Tulip Fields Covering Alps Azumino National Government Park in Azumino, Nagano Prefecture, Are a Sight You’ve Got to See to Believe!
Travel Local PR- 635 plays
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National Alps Azumino Park, Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This introductory video of the tulip fields in Alps Azumino National Government Park was created by AQUA Geo Graphic. It's titled "[ 4K UltraHD ] 国営アルプスあづみの公園 - Alps Azumino National Government Park in Spring - (shot on Samsung NX1)." The beautiful 4k images of the brilliantly colored tulips that cover the fields of Alps Azumino National Government Park are a sight quite like no other! Did you know Japan had such picturesque scenery? The beauty caught on camera is a sight you can't afford to miss! What is Alps Azumino National Government Park? Photo:The countryside culture zone at Alps Azumino National Government Park, Azumino, Nagano Alps Azumino National Government Park is a park located in the Koshinetsu region that covers an area from Azumino plateau (安曇野高原, Azumino kougen) in Azumino city (安曇野市, Azuminoshi) to Mount Jonen (常念岳, Jounendake). The park covers a vast area of land, approximately 353 hectares, with superb views that change from season to season as a variety of flowers such as tulips and rhododendron bloom. The park is divided into two areas: Horigane, Hotaka district, and Omachi, Matsukawa district. You can access Horigane, Hotaka district by taking a tour bus from JR Hotaka station (穂高駅, Hotakaeki) which takes around 13 minutes. The Omachi, Matsukawa district, is accessible by the Gururin-go bus from Shinano Omachi station (信濃大町駅, Shinano oomachi eki) and takes around 15 minutes to arrive. Alternatively, you can take the Fureai-go bus which should arrive in around 25 minutes. There is also free parking available at the park for those who are travelling by car. As you can see in the video, in spring the fields are covered by approximately 240,000 tulips of 95 different varieties, along with approximately 5,000,000 rapeseed flowers. The Flowers of Alps Azumino National Government Park Photo:Tulips at Alps Azumino National Government Park, Azumino, Nagano Making use of the high and low grounds of the plateau, from early spring to summer you can enjoy viewing flowers such as cherry blossoms, tulips, rhododendron, and more. Alps Azumino National Government Park is one of the leading flower viewing spots in Japan, and the magnificent scenery is something that's sure to look great on Instagram! There are lots of activities and experiences at Alps Azumino National Government Park to keep you entertained; Please make the most of the beautiful landscape and climate of the Shinshu region. Throughout the video, you can see various flowers blossoming with the with the snow-capped Alps (アルプス山脈, Arupusu sanmyaku) in the background. Red, pink, yellow, white, purple, blue... Here you can find a park covered in what looks like a carpet of colorful flowers. When are the "cherry blossoms" and "tulips" in the National Alps Azumino Park at their best? Cherry blossoms in the National Alps Azumino Park are usually at their best from early April to mid-April. Tulips are usually at their best from late April to mid-May. If you want to enjoy the collaboration of cherry blossoms and tulips, why not visit in April? According to the cherry blossom forecast for 2024, Nagano Prefecture will be in bloom six days earlier than usual, and the full bloom is expected five days earlier than usual. Looking at the official Instagram, we saw a post of cherry blossoms and tulips in full bloom on April 7, 2023. Please check out our Instagram before you go. Sightseeing Spots at Alps Azumino National Government Park Photo:The countryside culture zone at Alps Azumino National Government Park, Azumino, Nagano Horigane, Hotaka district is divided into two separate zones: a countryside culture zone (田園文化ゾーン, Denenbunka zoon) and a woodland culture zone (里山文化ゾーン, Satoyamabunka zoon). Horigane, Hotaka district was an area designed to conserve and restore the beautiful Azumino countryside so that we may continue to enjoy the scenery for many more years to come. The Countryside Culture Zone recreates the bountiful nature of the Japanese Alps and there are facilities and parks where you can take part in various cultural and nature experiences. On the other hand, the Woodland Culture Zone recreates the traditional woodland scenery of Japan. The area is equipped with facilities where you can experience traditional woodland culture and learn of the natural Azumino environment. The Omachi, Matsukawa district is also divided into several zones: the Center Zone, Conservation Zone (保全ゾーン, Hozen zoon), Forest Recreation Zone (林間レクレーションゾーン, rinkan rekureeshon zoon), Mountain Stream Recreation Zone (渓流レクレーションゾーン, keiryuu rekureeshon zoon) and lastly the Nature Experience Zone (自然体験ゾーン, shizen taiken zoon). Through various hands on experiences you can learn more about the stunning landscape and environment of the area. Alps Azumino National Government Park Area Dining Guide Photo:Kurobe Damn curry Azumino soba and mountain vegetables are foods associated with the Azumino National Park area, and the local delicacy Kurobe Dam curry (黒部ダムカレー, Kurobe damu karee) is especially popular at the moment. In hotel restaurants around the nearby JR Hotaka station (穂高駅, Hotaka eki) and Shinano Omachi station (信濃大町駅, Shinano oomachi eki), you can enjoy regional cuisine packed with locally grown produce typical of the rural Shinshu area. We hope you enjoy the local cuisine on your next trip to Shinshu! Alps Azumino National Government Park Event Information Various events are held throughout the year in the Alps Azumino National Government Park area. The most special of these events is the Summer Alps Adventure (夏のアルプス大冒険, natsunoarupusu daibouken)! There are many family-friendly events and fun experiences planned every year that you can take part in! In the winter months you can enjoy the illuminations at night! For more information, please check the official home page. Alps Azumino National Government Park Summary We highly recommend visiting Alps Azumino National Government Park during spring on your next trip to Shinshu. The traditional Japanese scenery in this vast national park is ever changing due to the different variety of flowers that bloom in each season and with the dramatic Japanese Alps in the background it's a destination you're sure to want to visit again and again. The beautiful tulip fields of Alps Azumino National Government Park are a sight you have to see to believe! Please enjoy the beautiful scenery brought to you in the video. ◆Alps Azumino National Government Park◆ 【Address】33-4 Horiganekarasugawa, Azumino-shi, Nagano Prefecture 399-8295 【Access】20 minutes drive from Nagano Motorway Toyoshina Interchange (長野自動車道豊科IC, Naganojidoushadou toyoshina IC) 【Hours】9.30am - 5pm (Mar 1st – Jun 30th, Sep 1st – October 31st), 9.30am - 6pm (July 1st – Aug 31st), 9.30am - 4pm (Nov 1st – last day in Feb) 【Holidays】Dec 31st, Jan 1st, every Monday (or Tuesday when Monday is a public holiday) 【Parking】Available 【Official Website】Alps Azumino National Government Park http://www.azumino-koen.jp/en/ 【Official Website】Azumino City Hall https://www.city.azumino.nagano.jp/site/userguide/foreign.html -
Video article 9:03
Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture's Shimoina District Is a Spectacular Location Dyed in Shades of Pink! Feel the Arrival of Spring at This Paradise on Earth in Japan!
Nature- 227 plays
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Video introduction of "Hanamomo no Sato" in Shimoina-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "JG☆☆☆4K 長野 花桃の里 Nagano,Peach Flowers at Hanamomo no Sato," was released by "JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." It showcases Hanamomo no Sato, an attractive place for sightseeing due to its beautiful peach and cherry blossoms. In this article, we'll introduce Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture! What are the best times to see and highlights of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture, which can be enjoyed from the train window? Hanamomo no Sato has a drive course that you can enjoy through the window of a cart and is called "Hanamomo Kaido" (はなもも街道, lit. "Peach Blossom Highway").The best time to see Hanamomo no Sato, which is said to be Japan's best Momogen-go, is usually from mid-April to late April.The scenery woven with gradations of red, white, and pink flowers over about 40 kilometers is worth seeing. A "Flower Peach Festival" will also be held to coincide with the flowering.Please check the details of the blooming conditions and the flower peach festival as they are updated from time to time on the official website of Nisshin Onsen. Enjoy Hot Springs and the Charm of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture! On Hanamomo Kaido, there are two places to stay, Gessen and Hirugami Hot Springs, where you can take your time admiring the beautiful cherry blossoms in the surrounding area. There are hot spring accommodations where you can take a day bath in the hot spring village, which is also the venue of the "Hanamomo Festival" (花桃まつり, Peach Blossom Festival), so why don't you stop by after enjoying the flowers? In addition to Gohei-mochi, seasonal curry bun, wheat bun, thick shiitake mushrooms, and so on can be purchased at the roadside station "Hanamomo-no-sato" as well as lunch such as wild vegetable soba. There are also a variety of souvenirs you can purchase, such as goheimochi (rice cakes), so be sure to give them a try as well. Summary of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture In this article we introduced Hanamomo no Sato, one of the best places in Japan for viewing peach and cherry blossoms! Achi Village, known more commonly as "Hanamomo no Sato" (花桃の里, Peach Blossom Village) has one of the best nighttime views in Japan. There are also night tours available at Hanamomo no Sato, so be sure to take in the sights at night! -
Video article 3:07
Amanohashidate - One of the Three Most Scenic Spots in Japan. Power Spots and Popular Tourist Attractions Around Amanohashidate to Make Your Trip to Kyoto 110% Fun!
Travel- 548 plays
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Amanohashidate - One of the Three Most Scenic Spots in Japan This video, titled JG☆☆☆☆☆4K HDR Kyoto, Amanohashidate (Special Scenic Beauty)" (JG☆☆☆☆☆4K HDR 京都 天橋立(特別名勝)), created by “JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC” is a promotional video that introduces “Amanohashidate,” a sandbar in Miyazu Bay (宮津湾, Miyazuwan), Tango, on the Sea of Japan, in northern Kyoto, as well as nearby sightseeing spots. Along with “Mutsunomatsushima” in Miyagi and “Akinomiyajima” in Hiroshima, “Amanohashidate” located in Miyazu, Kyoto is listed as one of the "Three Views of Japan," attracting many tourists with its mystical scenery. Located about two hours from Kyoto Station by train, Amanohashidate is an area where you can enjoy spectacular natural landscapes, historical sites, and mysterious power spots, which are quite different from sightseeing in downtown Kyoto. It is said that from about 7 to 8,000 years ago, the sand from rivers was deposited in an almost straight line due to collisions of ocean currents, and then an earthquake 2-3,000 years ago caused the accumulated sand to appear on the sea, and has continued to grow even to this day. It took thousands of years to create Amanohashidate as we know it today. You can see the mysterious and beautiful scenery that nature has created in 4K. Other sightseeing spots around it are introduced as well. There are so many spots to see around Amanohashidate! Two Observatories Where You Can Try “Matanozoki” at Amanohashidate Photo: Matanozoki at Amanohashidate Amanohashidate, with its sandy pine tree and spit beaches, is 20-170m wide and 3.6 km long, and is called "Amanohashidate" because of its slender, bridge-like appearance from the sky (The kanji roughly translates to "heavenly bridge"). Amanohashidate can be seen from the observatories at Amanohashidate View Land and Amanohashidate Kasamatsu Park. If you try “Matanozoki” (looking at Amanohashidate from between your legs upside down), you'll have to face away from Amanohashidate to see it. This makes the sky and the ground upside down and it looks like a bridge in the sky when viewed from “Kasamatsu Park” in the north, and it looks like a dragon flying in the sky when you look at it from “Amanohashidate View Land” in the south. At Kasamatsu Park, you can climb up to the observatory using a lift or cable car while looking at the beautiful scenery of cherry blossoms in spring. You can also enjoy seasonal flowers, such as hydrangea and beautiful autumn leaves. The top of the mountain where Amanohashidate View Land is located, can be reached by a lift, a ropeway and a cable car. On top of the mountain, there is a facility that even children can enjoy, with a ferris wheel and go-carts. You can see the ride to the top and a view of Amanohashidate at 0:28 in the video. Don't forget to bring your camera if you go! Historical Locations and Sightseeing Around Amanohashidate Photo:Three Views of Japan, Amanohashidate, Rotating bridge Chionji Temple is known for the wiseman Monju-san, and is visited by many students before taking their entrance exams. Monjudo Hall (the main hall) and Amanohashidate are depicted in the national treasure "Amanohashidatezu" by Sesshu. Also, Manai Shrine, located in the inner shrine of the prestigious Kano Shrine, called Moto Ise, is a famous power spot. Shishizaki Inari Shrine, with its red torii gate and approximately 1,000 "Mitsuba Azaleas" that turn the surface of the mountain pink in spring, and Seisouji Temple, with its magnificent five-story pagoda, are popular tourist spots. The temples and shrines around Amanohashidate are introduced at 1:52 in the video. Another popular tourist spot is Kaisen Bridge. It's a bridge that rotates to let ships pass, and connects “Amanohashidate” and “Monjudo.” It's a very popular place for taking photos. You can watch the bridge rotating at 2:05 in the video. Next to Kaisen Bridge is Amanohashidate Hot Spring Street. Chie-no-yu is a facility with an outdoor hot spring and an open-air bath, and there are other hot spring facilities where you can take a day trip to relax and recover from the fatigue of your travels as well. Amanohashidate is lined with 5,000 pine trees and has a sandy shore, making it a popular destination that many people visit every summer. The bridge can be crossed on foot or by bike. Isomizu is popular among tourists because of its mysterious fresh water gushing up from the sand surrounded by the sea. Many of Japan’s top 100! Famous place in “Amanohashidate” Kyoto “Amanohashidate” is home to many "top 100's." Amanohashidate is listed as on of the “100 Best Pines in Japan,” and “Isomizu” is listed on “Japan's 100 remarkable waters,” “Top 100 Roads of Japan”, “100 Best White Sands and Clear Pines in Japan,” “100 Best Historical Sites of Beautiful Japan,” “100 Best Historical Parks in Japan,” and “Top 100 Geological Sites in Japan.” Summary of Amanohashidate Photo:Amanohashidate, Lift and cable car This article introduced the history and sights of Amanohashidate alongside the video. We hope this article has shown you the beauty of Amanohashidate. There is a lot more information about sightseeing that we couldn't include in this article in the video. It's a beautiful 4K video, so be sure to take a look and see the sights we introduced in this article! Amanohashidate is a must visit spot where you can fully enjoy the beautiful sea and natural scenery. Consider putting it on your itinerary for your next trip to Japan! ◆Amanohashidate◆ 【Address】314-2 Monju, Miyazu, Kyoto 626-0001 【Access】A short distance from Tantetsu Amanohashidate Station 【Parking】Payed parking lot available 【Telephone】0772-22-8030 【Tripadvisor】Amanohashidate https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023393-d1164917-Reviews-Amanohashidate-Miyazu_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:57
The History of Shinshu's Matsumoto Castle, One of the Most Beloved Castles in Japan. The Keep is One of Only Five Keeps Registered as a National Treasure in Japan, and the Castle Even Has a Rare Moon Viewing Tower as Well!
Travel- 96 plays
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This video, titled "Matsumoto Castle - 松本城 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Unlike other castles in Japan, Matsumoto Castle is not built on a hill or mountain plateau, but on flat ground. Originally built as Fukashi Castle in the Warring States period (1467-1568) by the Shinano Protectorate of Ogasawara City, Matsumoto Castle once fell during the invasion of Takeda City in Kai Province. However, it was later rebuilt and is now one of the most beloved castles in Japan. The castle tower was built by Naomasa Matsudaira, the feudal lord at that time, and it is the only existing national treasure with a moon viewing tower in Japan. Many events are held in the nearby Matsumoto Castle Park throughout the year, so we recommend visiting during these events.