Video article 3:04
Unnan City in Shimane Prefecture Is Full of History and Nature! A Legendary Place of Lore, Power Spots, and Nature.... You'll Fall in Love With This Place!
Local PR Travel- 40 plays
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日本の歴史と自然が詰まった「島根県雲南市」の動画について 「島根県雲南市公式YouTube」が公開した「雲南市観光PV」は、島根県雲南市の観光スポットを紹介している動画です。 日本の歴史文化を中心に、紅葉などの美しい自然や温泉など魅力的なスポットが充実している雲南市。 インスタ映え間違いなしの景色を撮影できる場所もたくさんあるので、SNSで発信したい人にもおすすめの旅行地ですよ。 こちらの記事では、日本の歴史や自然を楽しめる島根県雲南市の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の伝統的な歴史を感じられる「島根県雲南市」 島根県雲南市といえば、ヤマタノオロチ伝説が有名。 ヤマタノオロチ伝説とは、巨大な体をした大蛇(ヤマタノオロチ)が毎年人を食べに来ていたが、スサノオノミコトが酒で酔わせてからその大蛇をやっつけたという伝説です。 雲南市にはこのヤマタノオロチ伝説の伝承地となっているスポットが数多く存在します。 その中のひとつである須我神社は、スサノオノミコトとヤマタノオロチに食べられそうになっていたクシナダヒメが造ったとされている神社です。 由緒のある日本初之宮として、多くの人が参拝しています。 スサノオノミコトが詠んだ歌の歌碑も見ることができ、古事記や歴史が好きな人には必見のスポット。 また、本殿東にある奥宮は、人気のパワースポットになっており多くの人が参拝します。 こちらの動画の0:34より見ることができます。 八口神社には、印瀬の壺神と呼ばれるヤマタノオロチを退治したときに使われた「八塩折の酒」の壷が祀られています。 ヤマタノオロチが棲んでいたといわれている天が淵という場所も穴場の歴史スポットです。 こちらの動画の1:07より見ることができます。 「島根県雲南市」で自然を楽しめる絶景スポット 島根県雲南市には四季折々の自然を鑑賞できる場所もたくさんあります。 斐伊川堤防桜並木は、さくら名所百選に選ばれている日本の景勝スポット。 川沿いに全長2kmにわたり桜並木が続いており、美しい自然を見ることができます。 また日本棚が百選にも選ばれている山王寺棚田も必見。 古き良き日本の風景や自然を堪能できます。 紅葉時に絶景を見ることができる秋の八重滝も人気の観光エリアです。 ほかには、菅谷たたら高殿、鉄の歴史博物館、近代たたら操業といった文化を楽しめるスポットも充実しています。 日本の歴史と自然が詰まった「島根県雲南市」の記事のまとめ 「島根県雲南市公式YouTube」が公開した「雲南市観光PV」では、伝統的な日本の歴史や美しい自然を楽しめる島根県雲南市を紹介している動画です。 神秘的な雰囲気のある須我神社は古事記の物語を知っているとよりいっそう楽しめる場所になっていますよ。 田舎の風景や自然に癒やされたい人にもおすすめの場所です。 -
Video article 6:42
The Chef at Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya Makes Some of the Best Bowls of Ramen Around! From a Chef Who's Been Making Ramen for More Than 30 Years!
Food & Drink- 21 plays
- YouTube
This video titled "Kazumoto Ochiai is One of Tokyo's Ramen Masters — First Person," was released by "Eater." In this video, Kazumoto Ochiai introduces himself as the owner of Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya. Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya is a long-established ramen shop that was established in 1983 and has been open for 37 years in Nishi-Azabu. Not only do they focus on the taste of the food, but they also focus on customer service, and they always try to match each customer's bowl of ramen to their own palette. In this video, Kazumoto Ochiai, the owner of a restaurant where you can enjoy both the taste and the interaction with staff, talks about his journey and what his ideas behind his ramen. Be sure to check it out. -
Video article 5:39
The USA of Kyushu! Usa City, Oita Prefecture, Is Full of Fascinating Places to Visit! Enjoy Food, Nature, History and More!
Local PR Travel- 45 plays
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大分県宇佐市の魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では「宇佐市インターネット作成局」が公開した動画「宇佐市2016観光プロモーション動画」を紹介します。 今回紹介するのは大分県宇佐市。九州の中でも、昔ながらの日本の街並みが残り、ゆったり日本を観光できると人気です。 九州の空の玄関口である福岡空港からも近く、訪日観光客にも観光ルートとして、訪れやすいエリアです。 では、大分県宇佐市の素晴らしさを動画と共にご覧ください! 大分県宇佐市でゆったり日本の自然を満喫! 動画の冒頭でダイナミックに「USA」と書道で書く彼女たち。 大分県宇佐市には日本の自然を満喫できる観光スポットがたくさんあります。 日豊本線宇佐駅周辺の観光スポットから一緒に見ていきましょう。 まず、最初に訪れた観光スポットは千財農園フジ園とバラ園。 ここはインスタ映えスポットです。 宇佐神宮は大分県でも有名な神宮。 参道を歩くだけで日本らしさを感じることができるでしょう。 日本のグルメを大分県宇佐でいただく! 大分県宇佐市に訪れたら、ご当地グルメを味わいたいですね。 まず訪れたのは長洲港。 ここでは浜の市が楽しめます。 宇佐から揚げを楽しみ、海を見ながら浜焼きをするのも良いでしょう。 また、すっぽん料理やどぜう料理も宇佐市を代表する名物。 ブドウ狩りやワイン・麦焼酎も宇佐市の観光には欠かせないものです。 大分県宇佐市の大自然を感じるパワースポットへ! 海の次は山へ訪れてみませんか。 「宇佐のマチュピチュ」と言われる西椎屋の景(にししいやのけい)は絶景です。 院内石橋(いんないいしばし)は景勝地としても有名。 東椎屋の滝(ひがししいやのたき)や岳切渓谷(たっきりけいこく)ではマイナスイオンいっぱい。 安心院盆地(あじむぼんち)は雄大な山々に田んぼと日本らしい風景です。 大分県宇佐市の日本家屋にはカラフルな鏝絵(こてえ)があり、散策も楽しめます。 お子様と一緒の観光では九州自然公園アフリカンサファリへ行ってみるのもいいでしょう。 はちまんの郷、双葉の里もおすすめ。 宿泊はホテルではなく農村民宿で日本文化を体験することもできます。 宇佐市には日本を代表する祭りがいっぱい 日本へ観光に来たら祭りにも参加したいと思いませんか。 大分県宇佐市は祭り・イベントが豊富です。 市民にも人気なのが七夕夏祭り。 漁港ではみなと祭りも行われ、花火大会も。 夏越祭りでは日本の伝統的な祭りを体感できます。 大分県宇佐市の魅力紹介まとめ 今回は動画で大分県宇佐市の素晴らしい観光名所を紹介しました。 こちらの記事で紹介しきれなかった素晴らしい情報や、大分県宇佐市の魅力はまだまだたくさん動画で紹介されています。 訪日外国人にもおすすめの大分県宇佐市へ遊びに来てみませんか? -
Video article 9:58
Tanpopo Ramen - A Famous Restaurant in Arakawa, Tokyo! A Look at The Hidden Gem of a Ramen Shop With No Media Coverage!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
- YouTube
This video, released by "ramenwalker," is titled "Machiya [Tanpopo Ramen] Cooking Highlights! A Bowl of Delicious Chicken Flavor Made With an Original Method [Ramen Walker TV Episode #228]" (町屋『らーめん タンポポ』調理シーンから見どころ満載!オリジナル製法で作られる、鶏の旨味溢れる一杯【ラーメンWalkerTV #228】). This video introduces "Tanpopo Ramen," a hidden gem of a ramen shop that has no media exposure. Their popular menu item is "Tori Mamire," which is a combination of chicken skin soup, whole chicken soup, and chicken paste, which gives it a refreshing, clean taste. The menma (bamboo shoots) are also very distinctive, and the ramen shop offers a new taste that you won't find at any other shop. In this video, the chef talks about the menu at Tanpopo Ramen, so if you're interested, please check it out. -
Video article 12:12
The Best Looking and Most Impressive of All Is the Amazing Niboshi Ramen Nagi! Making Ramen With Tons of Niboshi on It!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[With Cooking Scenes] Super Golden and a Massive Portion of Niboshi Ramen at Niboshi Ramen Nagi [IKKO'S FILMS] [Shinagawa Ikko]" (【調理風景あり】すごい煮干しラーメン凪でスーパーゴールデン+煮干し激盛りにしたらとんでもない事になった・・・【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】), was released by "IKKO'S FILMS." This video introduces the famous ramen shop "Niboshi Ramen Nagi," which is famous for its large amount of niboshi (dried sardines) on top of its noodles. The shop opened in 2004, and it's no exaggeration to say that they love niboshi more than any other ramen shop in Japan, stocking over 5 tons of niboshi every month. One of the features of this ramen shop is that they have a special type of ramen called "niboshi-mashi," which adds even more niboshi, just like other ramen shops have extra onions or chashu. In this video, you can see the ramen with niboshi-mashi Niboshi Ramen Nagi, a delicious niboshi ramen shop that appeals to those who like niboshi, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 9:29
The Ramen Produced by Chef Tenshu, Who Was Trained in Japanese and Italian Restaurants, Is Truly an Exquisite Dish! What Kind of Toppings Are Used to Make This Delicious Ramen?
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, titled "Asakusabashi [Motenashi Kuroki] High quality ramen made by a master of Japanese and Italian cuisine! [Ramen Walker TV #211]" (浅草橋『饗 くろ㐂』和食やイタリアンで腕を振るってきた店主が手掛けるハイクオリティーなラーメン!【ラーメンWalkerTV #211】), was released by "ramenwalker." Motenashi Kuroki in Asakusabashi is one of the most popular ramen shops in Tokyo. The owner of Motenashi Kuroki was trained in Japanese and Italian restaurants, and his special soy sauce soba noodles have a concentrated flavor of seafood, Japanese soup stock, and back fat. This ramen is served with toppings such as black pork chashu simmered in mellow red wine and Fuji Genton pork grilled in sauce. If you're looking for supreme ramen, which the culinary professional considers to be a culmination of his work, be sure to visit Motenashi Kuroki. -
Video article 5:00
Noh - A Popular Traditional Performing Art That Has Been Handed Down in Japan Since Ancient Times. Learn More About Noh With the Head of the Kanze School of Noh Theater!
Traditional Culture- 190 plays
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Learn About Noh Theatre With the Kanze School of Noh! This video, titled "Manners and Etiquette Handed Down Through Generations of the Kanze School of Noh|nippon.com" was created by "nippon.com." Noh is a traditional performing art of Japan. It has a long history in Japan, much like Kabuki, tea ceremony, and Buyo. There are many schools of Noh, including the Kanze school of Noh featured in the video. Style and performance can vary greatly depending on the school that an actor belongs to. In this video, we'll introduce the Kanze school of Noh. If you're interested in traditional Japanese performing arts, we highly recommend checking out this article and video! The Ever Popular World of Noh Theatre Photo:Noh stage In this video, the 26th head of the Kanze School of Noh, Kiyokazu Kanze (観世清和), talks about Noh and the importance of passing on the art to next generation. At 2:38 in the video we see Saburouta Kanze (観世三郎太) performing as a heron, one of the highlights of the video! From 1:00 in the video, Kiyokazu Kanze talks about teaching his son Saburouta. Then, at 2:20, he goes on to say that "to learn Noh, it is not enough to simply imitate a performance, one must make the performance their own and elevate it to another level." From 3:53, he explains how constantly improving one's performance until their full potential is reached is the most important aspect of Noh. You can hear Kiyokazu Kanze talk about his feelings towards his son throughout the entirety of this 5 minute long video. A Closer Look at the Traditional Performing Art, Noh Photo:Noh "Nougaku" (能楽) is the general name given to the performing arts Noh and Kyogen (狂言). It is one of Japan's oldest traditional performing arts and is registered as an Intangible Cultural Asset. There are six important features of any Noh play: ・Shosa (所作): Performance ・Utai (謡): Chanting ・Hayashi (囃子): Musical accompaniment ・Men (面): Masks ・Shozoku (装束): Costumes ・Kodogu (小道具): Props Movements in Noh involve standing up straight with ones chin tucked in in a posture called "Kamae" (カマエ). Walking without lifting one's heels off the ground, called "Hakobi" (ハコビ), is another characteristic feature of Noh plays. Back when Noh was first being performed by Kan'ami (観阿弥) and Zeami (世阿弥) in the Muromachi period (1336 AD - 1573 AD), "Kamae" had yet to even be established. "Utai" refers to the lines or speech in a Noh play performed by the lead role called the "Shitekata" (シテ方). This is important in correctly portraying the feelings of the characters in the play. "Hayashi" refers to the musical accompaniment, which usually include a flute, small and large hand drums, and taiko drums (太鼓). In some cases, the taiko drum may not be used. The music is often played at a low volume as not to interfere with the performance. "Men" refers to the masks worn during a Noh play. There may be times when masks are not worn as well. "Shozoku" is the term used for Noh costumes. White is often worn by nobles, whereas young women are often dressed in red. Many props are used on stage during Noh performances. In contrast to the larger props which must be prepared well in advance of the performance, many small, simple props are often repurposed for each performance. More About the Kanze School of Noh Source :YouTube screenshot The Kanze school is but one of many different schools of Noh Theatre. Its name originates from the Yuzaki guild (結崎座) of Yamato Sarugaku (大和猿楽). "Kanze" was the childhood nickname of Kan'ami, the founder of Noh. The Sarugaku performances of Kan'ami Kiyotsugu were what led to the creation of the Kanze School. The Kanze School of Noh's traditions and performances continue even today. Summary of Japan's Noh Theatre Performers of the Kanze school of Noh are continually working hard to perfect their performances in the hope that the traditional art continues for generations to come. If you're interested in watching a Kanze school performance, we highly recommend watching the video to get a taste of Noh theatre! There more you learn about the family trees and schools of Noh, the more interesting it becomes! 【Official Website】Kanze School of Noh https://kanze.net/en/publics/index/ -
Video article 8:07
Unaju From the "Michelin Tokyo Bib Gourmand" Restaurant, Unagi Irokawa in Asakusa!
Food & Drink- 33 plays
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The Unaju of Unagi Irokawa, Listed as a Michelin Tokyo Bib Gourmand This video, titled "浅草雷門【うなぎ色川】のうな重と肝焼きGrilled Eel and Rice of Irokawa in Asakusa.【飯動画】【Unagi】," introduces Unagi Irokawa in Asakusa. Unagi Irokawa is an eel restaurant with a long history, established in 1861. The eel here is baked with a secret savory sauce that has been handed down for more than 150 years, and are soft and fluffy. The restaurant was listed as a Michelin Bib Gourmand and there is a long line of people waiting to get in every day. If you're seated at the counter, you can watch the chefs grill the eels right before your eyes! If you're visiting Tokyo's Asakusa, be sure to stop by. ◆Unagi Irokawa Store Information◆ 【Address】2-6-11 Kaminarimon, Taito, Tokyo 【Access】A 1-minute walk from Asakusa Station (Exit A1) off the Toei Subway Asakusa Line / A 3-minute walk from Asakusa Station off the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line and Tobu Isesaki Line / A 5-minute walk from Tawaramachi Station off the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line 【Avg. Cost】¥3500+ 【Hours】11:30-14:00 or until sold out 【Closures】Sundays, holidays, etc. 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3844-1187 【Tabelog】Unagi Irokawa https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1311/A131102/13003697/ -
Video article 6:47
From Two Stars to Three Stars in the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2020! Introducing Some of the Amazing Dishes From the Japanese Fine Dining Restaurant, Azabu Kadowaki!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Tokyo Gourmet] Japanese Restaurant "Azabu Kadowaki," Which Was Upgraded to Three Stars in the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2020 for Its Original Truffle Rice|3 Michelin Stars Tokyo Kadowaki|ウニ王子チャンネル#49" (【東京グルメ】ミシュランガイド東京2020三つ星へ昇格した『元祖トリュフご飯」の日本料理店【麻布かどわき】Michelin 3 Stars Tokyo Kadowaki ウニ王子チャンネル#49), was released by "Uni Prince Channel" (ウニ王子チャンネル). This video introduces Kadowaki, a Japanese fine dining restaurant that was upgraded from two to three stars in Michelin Tokyo 2020. Famous for its use of seasonal ingredients, Azabu Kadowaki's menu changes with the seasons, leaving diners coming back for more. One of the most famous menu items at Azabu Kadowaki is the original truffle rice, which was created at the restaurant and is one of the most addictive dishes you'll ever try. This video features a full course meal at Azabu Kadowaki, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out! -
Video article 8:55
Nikunotakumi Miyoshi - Japan's Finest Kappo Restaurant! A Glimpse at Some of the Finest Dishes Japan Has to Offer!
Food & Drink- 30 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Kyoto Gourmet] Nikunotakumi Miyoshi - Japan's Top Restaurant! a Michelin-Starred, Top-Quality Meat Experience in Gion Shijo, Kyoto! Niku Kappo Nikunotakumi Miyoshi ウニ王子チャンネル#57" (【京都グルメ】肉割烹の日本最高峰「にくの匠三芳」京都祇園四条でミシュラン1つ星の極上の肉体験!Niku Kappo Nikunotakumi miyoshi ウニ王子チャンネル#57). It was released by "Uni Prince Channel" ( ウニ王子チャンネル). This video introduces Nikunotakumi Miyoshi, a famous restaurant in Kyoto which was awarded a Michelin star in the Kyoto Guide. They use only the finest quality meat and best cuts, making it a place worthy of its stars. You can taste some of the most delicious meat dishes you can imagine here, so we recommend checking it out at least once! In this video, you'll see Nikunotakumi Miyoshi, one of Japan's best restaurants. -
Video article 13:17
A Friendship With Turkey, Started in Wakayama Prefecture! Even Now, 130 Years After the Ertuğrul Incident, Bonds Between Japan and Turkey Continue to Strengthen!
History- 153 plays
- YouTube
The Distress of the Ottoman Frigate Ertuğrul This video was published by “WakayamaPref.” It shows the Turkish ship "Ertuğrul" connecting Japan and Turkey, which led to the creation of a strong bond between the two countries. The title of the video is "Japan and Turkey. A Bond Transcending Time ~ Stories of Friendship Connected by the Ertuğrul." (日本トルコ 時を越える絆 ~エルトゥールル号が繋ぐ友好の物語~). Turkey is located between East Europe and West Asia, and is known as a pro-Japanese country. The history between Japan and Turkey began when an incident between the Turkish battleship, Ertuğrul, occurred near Oshima in Kushimoto, Wakayama 130 years ago. A typhoon hit the ship whilst returning home from a visit to Japan in September 1890. The ship hit a reef and sank by the shore in Kashinozaki. The friendship between the two countries began when local residents rescued the Turkish sailors who were going down with the ship. Kushimoto Saved Ertuğrul Source :YouTube screenshot The local people who tried to save the Turkish crews on the ship were from the Kashino area of Kushimoto Town, Wakayama Prefecture. Upon hearing of the incident, they immediately decided to rescue and treat the Turkish crew members. You can learn more at 1:26 in the video. At a time when they were not rich, they provided clothing and food for the Turks, even though typhoons prevented them from going out to fish and their reserves were low. The "morobuta," a container in which rice balls were served at the time, has also been preserved. You can see one at 2:43 in the video, in an interview with the son of a resident who helped rescue the Ertuğrul. The History of the Iran and Iraq Wars During the Iraq war in 1985, Japanese residents in Tehran, Iraq were rescued. A Turkish airliner was sent by the Turkish government to rescue 215 Japanese stranded in Tehran, the capital of Iran. This incident was also a repayment of the debt of gratitude for the rescue of the Ertuğrul, which created long lasting bonds between the two countries and resulted in a pro-Japanese Turkey. The Memorial Service for the Ertuğrul Incident Photo:Turkish Memorial and Museum As you see from 5:33, a memorial service for the Ertuğrul incident was conducted by the local people every year. In recent years, the memorial service is held every 5 years to commemorate the friendship. Local people work together to prepare this service in Kushimoto, Wakayama. In 2015, the Kushimoto Turkish Memorial and Museum was reopened, as well as an exhibit of the newly discovered artifacts found from the ship (6:49). Because Ertuğrul was a wooden ship, all of the artifacts sank to the bottom of the ocean. Searches have been conducted to look for more artifacts since 2008. Through these diligent searches, there have been a total of 7 exhibition events in both Japan and Turkey. During the 2015 excavation, which can be seen at 9:04 in the video, they worked off Kashinosaki, where the ship had gone missing at the time, and found 311 artifacts in 51 dives. These items have been investigated at the Ertuğrul Research Center, and local children helping with the conservation work. Source :YouTube screenshot At the only elementary school in Oshima, students learn about the exchange between Japan and Turkey during cultural exchange classes. Please check the video from 7:34 to see what students learn in school. You can also see a Turkish lady working at Kushimoto town hall at 7:50. Kushimoto town also invented a new type of rose and named it “Ertuğrul” as a symbol of friendship between two countries (8:16). Turkey and Japan: A Bond That Transcends Time Photo:Turkish warship memorial As seen in the video, the Turkish Culture Association in Kushimoto, Wakayama has been creating different events for interacting with Turkish culture, such as learning the Turkish language and popular dances. There was a movie called “125 Years Memory” in memory of the 125th year of friendship between Japan and Turkey. There are also several books and novels about Turkey and Japan. Please visit Wakayama to learn more about the history of Japan and Turkey. Wakayama prefecture has beautiful scenery and some World Heritage spots as well! -
Video article 4:58
Here Are Some of the Most Popular Places to Experience the Princess Experience That All Girls Dream off! She's Wearing a Beautiful Dress That Makes Her Look Like a Disney Princess!
Things to Do Modern Culture- 34 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "An Eternal Longing ☆ The Princess Experience Is Really Popular!" (永遠の憧れ☆プリンセス お姫様体験が大人気), was released by "KyodoNews." This video is a news video released by Kyodo News that gives shows you princess experiences in Japan. The Disney Store, which sells Disney princess costumes, is the driving force behind the experience of becoming a princess, every girl's dream. The Snow Crystal Museum in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, is a popular place where you can feel like a princess, as it looks just like the castle from Disney's "Frozen." Lockhart Castle in Takayama Village, Gunma Prefecture, is a popular destination for couples and women, with more than 250 costumes available in the exotic mountain castle. These princess experiences have also increased tourism. It's been observed that Disney characters have become more popular due to their increased diversity. -
Video article 10:46
Follow a Day in the Life of a Michelin-Starred Sushi Chef at This Top-Notch New York City Restaurant! American Connoisseurs Will Be Delighted With the Delicious "Sushi Noz"
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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Here's the Daily Schedule of Sushi Noz, a Michelin-Starred Restaurant! This chef has been studying the art of sushi for more than 20 years. This is a video of a day in the life of Nozomu Abe, the owner of "Sushi Noz." Sushi Noz opened its doors in New York City, USA in 2018. It's not an overstatement to say that New York is a fierce battleground for Edo-mae sushi, but it's so good that it has been awarded one Michelin star in New York City. Ninety percent of the fish they handle is transported by their expert buyers in Toyosu, and you can enjoy the fresh catch of the day with the restaurant's omakase course. Mr. Abe puts so much effort into his preparation that 90% of his work is completed before operations commence. In the video, he talks about the preparation process, his attitude as an artisan, and the ingredients he uses, so be sure to check it out. ◆Sushi Noz Store Information◆ 【Address】181 E 78th St, New York, NY 10075, United States 【Cost】Omakase Course- $300/person 【Hours】18:00~23:30 【Closures】Wednesday 【Phone】917 338 1792 【Official Homepage】Sushi Noz https://www.sushinoz.com/ 【Yelp】Sushi Noz https://www.yelp.com/biz/sushi-noz-new-york -
Video article 14:28
Making Yomogi Mochi to Celebrate the Arrival of Spring! Learn the Cooking Process With Beautiful Images and Wonderful Cooking Sounds!
Food & Drink- 33 plays
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Yomogi mochi to Welcome Spring. But How Is It Made? This video shows you how to make Yomogi mochi, a traditional snack to welcome spring in Japan. Mugwort is a member of the daisy family and is an herb used all over the world, although its aroma and taste varies depending on where it is grown. Since ancient times, mugwort has been used to repel insects, as dye, and as a remedy for bronchitis and colds. Yomogi mochi can be found in wagashi (Japanese candy) shops in spring. Mugwort has also been used for a long time, but there are actually poisonous plants that are very similar to mugwort that you need to be careful not to pick. Some of them can be life-threatening in small doses, so be careful. Below is how you can make yomogi mochi, as shown in the video. 1. Add salt to boiling water and boil the mugwort for 30 seconds then soak in cold water. 2. Squeeze out the water and chop into small pieces. 3. Add 200g of adzuki beans and 600ml of water to a pot and put on high heat. 4. Once the water comes to a boil, strains the beans and return them to the pot. 5. Add another 600ml of water and put on high heat. 6. Once it comes to a boil, reduce the heat and boil it for 40 to 60 minutes, keeping it fluffy. 7. When you can squish the beans effortlessly, add 120g of beet sugar and a pinch of salt and stir. 8. If you're using brown rice, make sure it's polished. 9. Soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 8 hours. 10. Drain the water from the glutinous rice and steam it in a steamer for around 30 minutes. 11. Mix the glutinous rice and mugwort leaves and put it in a stand mixer for 10 minutes. 12. Flour and cut into 50g pieces. 13. Cut up the rice cake, roll it out flat, wrap it in anko, shape it and you're done! You need time to soak the glutinous rice in water, so you'll need to prepare it the day before. Nothing beats fresh, homemade yomogi mochi! Be sure to check out how it's made in the video! -
Video article 2:06
The Beautiful Ruined Island, Gunkanjima, Now a World Heritage Site. The Amazing Island in Nagasaki Prefecture That Supported Japan’s Industrial Revolution, Attracts People From All Over the World!
Travel- 386 plays
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Gunkanjima's Instagrammable Scenery This video is "Gunkanjima (Hashima) 4K vide (軍艦島(端島)4K映像)" produced by "Nagasaki Travel" (長崎観光). There are many famous sightseeing spots and scenic spots in Nagasaki, but one tourist attraction that has been attracting more and more attention in recent years is Gunkanjima, a Heritage Site of Nagasaki's Industrial Revolutionary. In this video, we'll introduce the role played by Gunkanjima in Japan's industrial revolution, and the current situation of the island in beautiful 4K images. Nagasaki was only open to the west during the isolation period (around 1185 AD to 1333 AD). Traders who moved to Nagasaki at the end of the Edo period brought with them the latest technology to modernize Japan. One such shipbuilding technique led to great advancements in Nagasaki. One of the assets that contributed to Japan's industrial revolution is the World Cultural Heritage site Gunkanjima. As the powerful name “Gunkanjima” indicates (軍艦- Gunkan "Warship," 島- jima "Island"), the gorgeous scenery that shines on the ocean is so powerful that it overwhelms onlookers. It is extremely popular with young people as a sightseeing spot for taking Instagram photos. You can see its powerful appearance in the video. Please enjoy the beautiful, historical "Gunkanjima." Mistakenly Bombed as an Actual Warship? Photo:View of Gunkanjima Hashima, the official name of Gunkanjima, is an uninhabited island floating in the southwest sea of Nagasaki Port. From the Meiji era (1868 to 1912 AD) to the Showa era (1926 to 1989 AD), it became the base island of the "Mitsubishi Hashima Coal Mine," that did undersea mining in the area. One isolated island off the coast of Nagasaki was transformed into an island that symbolized the industrial revolution of modern Japan. Eventually, a series of large coal-drilling plants began popping up, and housing and related facilities were built to house the miners and their families. Because these structures look like warships from a distance, it came to be called "Gunkanjima." Atstands out from 1:00 in the video, you can see the island's awesome appearnce. There is a story about the U.S. military mistakenly bombing Gunkanjima Island during the Pacific War because they thought it was a warship. Also, those facilities, show at 0:30 in the video, now remnants of the Meiji Industrial Revolution, symbolize the Japanese coal industry and culture from the Meiji period to the early Showa period, that took place on Gunkanjima. The Forgotten, Ruined Island Remembered as a World Heritage Site Photo:Gunkanjima During the coal industry's peak, Gunkanjima exceeded the population density of Tokyo. However, the mines were hollowed out and abandoned after the war. Gunkanjima was closed later, in 1974. It turned into a ruined island with no population and a cluster of dilapidated buildings with exposed rebar, and it became a no-go zone due to danger of collapse. Gunkanjima, which had been forgotten for a while, has come into the spotlight in the last few years. The robust image of "warships" that gave it its name, and the recent "ruin boom" that made it the setting for films such as 007, attracted a lot of attention. In 2015, Takashima Coal Mine and other surrounding facilities were registered as world cultural heritage sites, and the public's interest in Gunkanjima increased dramatically. It is now popular as a famous tourist attraction in Nagasaki where you can experience the history of modern Japan. The only way to get to Gunkanjima is boat. Many Gunkanjima cruise tours are organized by Gunkanjima Concierge, and you can also land on Gunkanjima if the weather is nice. In 2019, landings were temporarily banned due to the detection of fiber materials suspected of asbestos, but it has now been reopened. Japanese Landscape Culture Tours Photo:Flower garden at Huis Ten Bosch Among the historic tourist destinations of Nagasaki, Gunkanjima has become one of the top sightseeing spots in Japan's landscape culture tours due to its newfound scenic beauty and its rarity of being inaccessible in certain weather conditions. The area around Nagasaki's Gunkanjima has some fascinating hidden gems that attract tourists not only for the scenery but also for the food. We recommend gathering information in advance and planning your trip carefully, including hotels, accommodations, and accessibility. The sightseeing spots you'll want to visit once you arrive in Nagasaki are "Mt. Inasa," "Huis Ten Bosch," "Nagasaki Electric Railway (tram)," "Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum," "Nagasaki Biopark," "Glover Garden," "Unzen Jigoku," "Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium," “Nagasaki Ropeway," "Kujuukushima Pearl Sea Resort," "Peace Memorial Statue," "Dejima," "Unzen Hot Spring," "Megane Bridge," "Ōura Church," "Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown," and more. Also, when you visit Nagasaki, you will find local gourmet dishes such as "Nagasaki Castella," "Champon," "Turkish Rice," "Sara Udon," "Shippoku," "Milkshakes," "Chirin Chirin Ice," "Sasebo Burger," "Lemon Steak," and "Kanzarashi". Summary of Gunkanjima We hope that the video has helped you understand why Gunkanjima was selected as a World Cultural Heritage Site, and the appeal of Gunkanjima as a tourist attraction. Hopefully there are many people who were fascinated by this video and want to visit the island and see it's beauty! Actually visiting the island is unlike anything you can experience through a video. Gunkanjima is the hottest tourist spot in Kyushu and Nagasaki right now! ◆Overview of Gunkanjima (Hashima) ◆ 【Address】Takashima-cho, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture 851-1315 【Official Website】Nagasaki sightseeing / travel portal site Nagasaki trip net https://www.discover-nagasaki.com/ 【Official Website】Gunkanjima landing cruise http://www.gunkanjima-cruise.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Gunkanjima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298568-d1384788-Reviews-Hashima_Island-Nagasaki_Nagasaki_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 1:03
Come Visit Kutchan, Hokkaido and Enjoy the Beauty of Its Vast Wilds. Spend Some Quality Time in the Luxury Ryokan "Zaborin," and Relax in the Private Hot Springs Fit for a King
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 121 plays
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Kutchan, Hokkaido's "Zaborin" The video this time is a promotional video for the Hotel/Hot Springs ryokan "Zaborin," created by "Teiku Hiko HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR" (北海道 倶知安町 坐忘林 | Hokkaido Kutchan ZABORIN). In this article, we'll introduce you to the 100% pure hot springs in the great outdoors of Hokkaido, and the attracting "Zaborin" where you can spend a most relaxing and quiet time. "Zaborin" has many good reviews on different websites, such as hotel/ryokan websites and price comparison sites. In the video, it briefly explains the facilities of the ryokan as well as the rooms and hot springs. Enjoy the quaint space of the hot springs in Kutchan, a popular tourist spot with bountiful nature. The Zaborin Hot Springs in Kutchan, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot Zaborin is a luxury ryokan located in the popular tourist spot, Kutchan, Hokkaido. It takes about 2 hours by car from New Chitose Airport. It was designed by a British couple who loved Japan and were fascinated by the nature of Niseko. It is a must-see ryokan if you're interested in Japanese modernity. Enjoy the view of Mt. Yoteizan, the outstanding nature of Hokkaido, and its native Japanese white birch trees. All 15 rooms contain a private 100% pure hot spring, with both inside and open-air baths. Please refer to the video at 0:35. This pure hot spring gushes out into the property of Zaborin. The hot springs contains sodium, hydrogen carbonate, and chloride which helps to maintain beautiful skin and health. Other ailments these hot springs treat are neuralgia, soreness, joint pain, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, stiff joints, bruises, sprains, fatigue, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids, cold sensitivity, cuts, burns, chronic skin disease, and more. Please note that Zaborin does not have a large community bath. Amenities are provided in the room, so there's no need to bring your own. Wouldn't you like to wake up early in the morning, take a fresh bath in the hot springs, and see the sun rise from Mt. Muine? Rooms at Kutchan, Hokkaido's Zaborin Source :Zaborin Official Website Hotel Zaborin offers western-style rooms, Japanese-style rooms, and suite rooms as well. All of the rooms are very spacious as well, and come with a living room attached to them. During the winter, time seems to freeze, as the outside world is covered with snow. You can try some winter sports at "Niseko Mountain Resort Grand HIRAFU," "Niseko HANAZONO Resort," "White Isle Niseko," and "Asahigaoka Ski Resort. Or you could stay in your room all day and enjoy the view in the hot springs. We're not here to judge you... Gourmet Dining at Zaborin Source : Zaborin Official Website Try a Japanese traditional course-meal with plenty of Hokkaido seasonal grace at Zaborin. You can also try the different kinds of fresh local food at the restaurant inside the ryokan. You can also enjoy duck and deer game dishes depending on the season. In the morning, they serve creative cuisine using fresh Hokkaidan ingredients. They have a counter bar where you can enjoy the view of Mt. Yoteizan while warming up with some spirits as well. Tourist Spots Around Zaborin Photo:Shirogane Blue Pond There are several tourist spots near Zaborin Kutchan, Hokkaido. Other tourist spots you can try when you visit Zaborin are, - The private garden "Mishima’s Shibazakura Garden" with Mt. Yoteizan in the backdrop - "Hangetsuko Nature Park," a quiet lake at the base of Mt. Yoteizan - "Kagaminuma," where you can enjoy trekking - "The Shu Ogawara Museum of art " containing art from the local artist Shu Ogawara - "Kuchan Hudokan" which displays unique exhibits - "NOASC" where you can experience rafting Summary of Kutchan, Hokkaido's Zaborin Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, Zaborin offers a relaxing atmosphere with luxurious private hot springs. At Zaborin, there are Irori fireplaces, "Cha no Za," where you can have tea, a library, a smoking area, a massage room, foot bath, a boutique store where they sell popular butter cases, and lockers for skiing and golfing. If you're thinking about going to Japan to enjoy its hidden gems and secret getaways in its beautiful outdoors, don't overlook Zaborin. Be sure to watch the video and see just how fascinating it is. Be sure to check the official homepage and travel websites for tour pricing, plans, and rooms. Prices often vary by season. ◆Zaborin◆ 【Address】76-4 Hanazono, Kutchan, Abuta district, Hokkaido 044-0084 【Access】2 hours by car from Shin Chitose Airport 【Parking】Available 【Telephone No】0136-23-0003 【Official Website】Ryokan Zaborin | Hokkaido https://zaborin.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Zaborin https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1025639-d7745400-Reviews-Zaborin-Kutchan_cho_Abuta_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 3:32
Mt. Odaigahara – Hiking the Beautiful Mountain in Nara, Japan
Nature Travel- 101 plays
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A Paradise of Precious Plants, Mt. Odaigahara, Nara: Video Introduction Photo:Autumn at Mt. Odaigahara, Nara Prefecture This video, titled "[Official] Higashi Odaigahara, Kamikitayama, Nara|Promotional Video (Short Ver.)" (【公式】奈良県上北山村・東大台ヶ原(HIGASHI ODAIGAHARA)プロモーション映像(短編)), was uploaded by "kamikitayama." Mt. Odaigahara is one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains and the entire mountain is designated as Yoshino-Kumano National Park. It's divided into Higashi-Odaigahara, which anyone can visit, and Nishi-Odaigahara, which requires advance permission to enter in order to protect the natural environment. Enjoy the beauty of Higashi-Odaigahara, a charming place for hiking, mountain climbing, and even just a walk, in the video below. Higashi-Odaigahara – A Popular Hiking and Trekking Spot With Beginner Courses Photo:A suspension bridge at Mt. Odaigahara, Nara Prefecture Mt. Odaigahara is a sightseeing spot selected as one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains and 100 Unexplored Regions of Japan. The mountain is located in Kamikitayama, Nara, in Japan's Kansai region. Mt. Odaigahara is popular among climbers and hikers because of its unrestricted access. Mt. Odaigahara has four trekking trails that can be climbed and hiked, ranging from beginner to advanced courses. The A trail (middle trail) for beginners starts from the Mt. Odaigahara parking lot and passes Hinodegatake, Masakigahara, Owashi Tsuji, Ushiigahara, Ojigura, and Owashi Tsuji before returning to the parking lot again. From the observatory on Mt. Hinodegatake, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Omine Mountain Range and other mountains, and if the weather is nice early in the morning, you may even be able to see Mt. Fuji. As the name "Hinodegatake" (lit. "Sunrise Mountain") suggests, the summit is known as a sunrise viewing spot where visitors can watch the sunrise from the top of the mountain. Masaki Pass, located just before Masakigahara, offers a mysterious view of dead and fallen trees on a wide hill, and a spectacular view of the Kumano-nada Sea beyond. Masakigahara is a vast grassy area with trees and a view of Masaki Pass in front of it, where wild deer are frequently seen. The highlight of the beginner course in Higashi-Odaigahara is Daijagura, an 800-meter precipice that offers visitors a panoramic view of the Omine Mountains. Trail A for beginners is about 9 km long and takes about 4 hours to complete. Trail B, for intermediate-level climbers, is the same as Trail A with the addition of Shiokara Valley. This popular course has a slope called "Shakunage Slope" (Rhododendron Slope) where rhododendrons bloom for about a week every year from May 20, leading up to Shiokara Valley. Shiokara Valley has a suspension bridge, and visitors can also enjoy a walk along it downstream. Nishi-Odaigahara, a Treasure Trove of Nature That Requires a Permit to Enter Photo:The outdoors of Nishi-Odaigahara Mt. Odaigahara can be divided into two main areas. One is the Higashi-Odaigahara area, where anyone can enjoy climbing and hiking, and the other is the Nishi-Odaigahara area, where advance permission is required to enter the mountain. The Nishi-Odaigahara area is designated as a special protection area to preserve the natural environment, and the number of people entering the mountain is restricted. Nishi Odaigahara receives approximately 5,000 millimeters of annual rainfall, as much as that of Yakushima Island, and features virgin forests nurtured by the rain, allowing visitors to enjoy the landscape with its pristine vegetation. Wildlife and the Four Seasons on Mt. Odaigahara Photo:The Milky Way from Mt. Odaigahara, Nara Prefecture Mt. Odaigahara is home to a large number of wild animals. In addition to the deer of Masakigahara, there are Japanese serows, foxes, tanuki (Japanese raccoon dogs), marten, and Japanese squirrels, as well as many wild birds, such as Eurasian jays and wrens, and great spotted woodpeckers. Mt. Odaigahara is also a popular photo spot because of its lush greenery, seas of clouds, and beautiful starry skies. If you're looking to take some Instagram photos, this is definitely a place to visit! In autumn, you can see the leaves turned beautiful shades of red and orange, and in the cold winter months, if you're lucky, you can see the local flora covered in rime. A Hiking Trip for Advanced Hikers Photo:Dogura Falls, Osugidani Valley, Mie Prefecture For advanced hikers looking for an adventure to discover the beauty that is Japan's nature, there's a course that will take you on a 10-mile hike from Osugidani Valley, an idyllic place of interest, to the breathtaking Mt. Odaigahara. This hike will take even the most advanced hikers at least 2 days to complete due to the terrain, but if you're up to the challenge and have the experience, it's well worth your time. During the hike, you'll pass Dogura Falls (堂倉滝), a waterfall with a 20-meter drop and a beautiful basin where you can relax and take a break while hiking, Nanatsugama Falls (七ツ釜滝), a unique, 7-tiered waterfall, and Shishi-buchi (シシ淵), a breathtaking canyon with a waterfall hidden at the back of sheer cliffs, and a myriad of other points of interest. As the hike will take 2-3 days to complete, you'll need to stay overnight at the rest stop Momonoki Yamanoie (桃の木山の家). The Ohsugidani Tozan Center has maps with detailed courses as well (including this one and other shorter tours), which we highly recommend checking out. ※For information on reservations, routes, and hiking conditions/seasons, please contact the Ohsugidani Tozan Center (大杉谷登山センター). ※Camping and campfires are strictly prohibited in the Mt. Odaigahara and Osugidani Valley area. ※Because weather in the area can change quickly, it's necessary to bring sufficient equipment for rainy conditions. ※If you have any doubts in your hiking abilities or you are unable to acquire the necessary information for a safe hike, we strongly suggest waiting until you are fully prepared. ※It's recommended that you bring a helmet, as there is a danger of falling rocks along the hiking trail. Summary of Mt. Odaigahara, Nara Photo:Osugidani Valley, Mt. Odaigahara, Nara Prefecture Mt. Odaigahara is also a registered UNESCO Eco Park, and efforts are also being made to promote symbiosis between nature and people. When visiting Mt. Odaigahara, it's recommended that you use public transportation. If you take a bus departing from Yamato-Kamiichi Station, you can reach Mt. Odaigahara in about 2 hours. If you're driving, please note that the parking lot may be full during high seasons, such as autumn, when the leaves change color. Mt. Odaigahara, also known as the "Roof of the Kinki Region," is also famous as a summer retreat. A walking map of Higashi-Odaigahara is available for climbers and hikers as well. If you're looking to explore the beautiful outdoors of Japan, then consider a trip to Mt. Odaigahara. 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Odaigahara -
Video article 2:00
Eikando Temple - Beautiful Autumn Foliage at a Famous Japanese Temple in Kyoto
Art & Architecture- 305 plays
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Sightseeing Video Introduction of Eikando Zenrinji Temple, Kyoto, Japan This video, titled "Eikan-do Zenrin-ji" (もみじの永観堂(禅林寺)Eikan-do Zenrin-ji / 京都いいとこ動画), was released by "KyotoiitokoVideo." The popular Eikando Zenrinji Temple introduced in the video, located in Sakyo ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture in Japan's Kansai Region, is regarded as one of the top temples to visit in Kyoto. If you're visiting Kyoto during fall, Eikando is the perfect place to take some photos of the beautiful autumn foliage to share on Instagram! The Origins and History of Eikando Photo:Fall Colors at Eikando Zenrinji Temple, Kyoto Eikando is the head temple of the Seizanrinjiha branch of Jodo buddhism (浄土宗西山禅林寺派) and was founded in the early Heian Period (794 AD - 1185 AD) by the Japanese Buddhist monk Shinsho (真招), a disciple of the great Buddhist teacher Kukai (Kobo Daishi). The temple is formally known as "Zenrinji," with the honorific mountain name "Shojuraigosan" (聖衆来迎山), however, in the middle of the Heian Period it came to be known as Eikando after the head Buddhist monk "Yokan" (永観) who trained there. The statue of Amida (Amitabha) is said to have come to life, turned its head and called out to Yokan while he was practicing in Zenrinji temple. You can see the famous statue of Amida, known as Mikaeriamida, in the temple even to this day. Treasures of Eikando temple Photo:Eikando Zenrinji Temple, Kyoto Eikando Zenrinji Temple was once considered one of Kyoto's Kangakuin (Academic Halls) and has long been a center of learning. Many treasures and cultural assets can be found here, such as the "The Descent of Amida Over the Mountain" (絹本著色山越阿弥陀図); a colored silk painting, "Kondorengemonkei" (金銅蓮華文磬); a gilt bronze gong with lotus flower design, as well as the temple hall, stone garden, temple gates, bell, and mausoleum which have been designated Important Cultural Properties of Japan. Eikando Video Highlights Photo:Eikando Zenrinji Temple , Illuminated Autumn Leaves Eikando is one of the most popular spots for viewing the autumn foliage in Kyoto, with over 3,000 maple trees standing on its grounds. From 1:38 in the video, you can see Iwakaki Momiji (岩垣もみじ), a spot which is popular for its amazing scenery. In fall, the spiral staircase "Garyuro" (臥龍廊) takes on a different appearance as it's lit up at night. You can also enjoy the equally stunning scenery of the green-leaved maple trees in summer. Eikando Introductory Video Summary Photo:Eikando, Kyoto The colored leaves of the maple trees at Eikando Zenrinji are a must-see on your trip to Kyoto! After taking a look around the grounds, make sure to receive a "go-shuin" seal stamp from the temple! You can also for for a walk along the famous walking path "Tetsugaku no michi" (哲学の道, The Philosopher's Path) which is located near the temple. Other popular spots within walking distance from Eikando include Honenin Temple (法然院), Shinnyodo Temple (真如堂), Konkai-komyoji Temple (金戒光明寺), and Kawaramachi (河原町). ◆Eikando Zenrinji General Information◆ 【Address】48 Eikandocho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8445 【Access】A 3-minute walk from the Nanzenji Eikandomichi (南禅寺永観堂道) bus stop (bus departs from JR Kyoto station (JR京都駅) 【Admission Fee】Adults - 600 yen, Elementary/Junior-High/High school students - 400 yen 【Hours】9am - 5pm 【Closures】Open year round 【Parking】None 【Telephone】075-761-0007 【Official Website】Eikando Temple http://www.eikando.or.jp/English/index_eng.html 【Tripadvisor】Eikando Zenrinji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d479881-Reviews-Eikando_Zenrinji_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:16
I felt my heart being absorbed by the mysterious and beautiful scenery of the autumn leaves video of Norikura Kogen in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, a popular tourist destination, in the beautiful brocaded autumn!
Nature Travel- 135 plays
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Norikura Kogen" in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Autumn Foliage Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Colors in Japan|Autumn at Norikura Kogen" (日本の紅葉 Autumn Colors in Japan 乗鞍高原の秋), was uploaded by "beaphoto1. The video introduces the spiritual and ephemeral autumn scenery of Norikura Kogen (Norikura Highlands), a place visited by large numbers of people every year for its legendary autumnal colors. The beauty on display is such that you'll forget all about time for the entirety of the 1-minute video. We're sure that when you're done watching you'll be itching to visit Norikura Kogen! Where is Norikura Kogen? Basic Tips for Sightseers Photo:Autumn leaves at Norikura Kogen, Nagano Prefecture Located in Matsumoto, Nagano in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, and on the eastern side of the Northern Alps' southernmost area, the Norikura Kogen highlands are a popular sightseeing spot, and are lively in all seasons, with visitors making the trip for a variety of reasons. In the summer, you can escape the heat while camping or stay at one of the bed and breakfasts in the area. As summer gives way to fall, mountain climbing becomes a popular pastime, and in the winter, skiing and other winter sports can be enjoyed here. Also, the hot springs bursting forth from several locations in the area can be enjoyed no matter the season. Furthermore, if you're looking to get your fill of the great outdoors, no trip to Japan's Northern Alps would be complete without a visit to Norikura Kogen Holiday Village (休暇村乗鞍高原, Kyuka-mura Norikura Kogen). Situated 1600m above sea-level, it's perfect for stargazing and early morning walks, and there are even activities for enjoying nature with fellow travelers that anyone can participate in at their leisure. The views of the night sky here are truly unforgettable. Take your time and enjoy the boundless nature of Japan's Northern Alps at Norikura Kogen Holiday Village! When Is the Best Time to See the Autumn Foliage at Norikura Kogen? Photo:Ichinose Park, Norikura Kogen Autumn means autumn leaves, and the best time to see those at Norikura Kogen is from mid-late October. During this period, sightseers converge on the area for a glimpse of Norikura Kogen's autumn foliage. At one of the most famous spots, Ichinose Park (一の瀬園地, Ichinose-enchi), the reflection of Mt. Norikura (乗鞍岳, Norikura-dake) on the water's surface contrasts with the autumn leaves to create a spiritual atmosphere. [Video] 0:10 - Autumn Leaves and the Reflection of Mt. Norikura Even the more indoorsy people will find themselves enjoying hiking around Ichinose Park. Take a leisurely walk and admire the white birch forests, Zengoro Falls, Organ Bridge (オルガン橋, orugan-bashi) which spans the mountain stream, and the seasonal flowers that can be found in the area. The giant maple tree shown in the video is popular with photographers as a superb photo spot, so don't forget your camera! [Video] 0:31 - Giant Maple Tree Norikura Skyline/Echo Line aka Paradise in the Sky Photo:Norikura Skyline, Korikura Kogen You'll feel like you're coasting through the sky at Norikura Skyline/Echo Line. The word "Skyline" makes it sound like somewhere you'd go by car, but since this is a place to enjoy nature as well as gorgeous views while gliding through the sky, personal vehicles are prohibited in order to protect the environment and prevent traffic. If you're planning to visit by car, you'll need to switch to a bus at some point. For further details, check the Hida-Norikura Tourism Association's (飛騨乗鞍観光協会, Hida Norikura kanko kyokai) home page. Summary of Sightseeing at Norikura Kogen Norikura Kogen is brimming with fantastical views, including autumn leaves and giant maples, and has come to be known as a Paradise in the Sky. It's great for instagrammers and photographers alike, too. Why don't you add Norikura Highland to the candidate sites when you travel to Nagano? Norikura Kogen is also rife with facilities, including day-trip hot spring facilities, but there's so much to see and do that we encourage you to stay the night and take your time enjoying the superb views. So let go of some of that stress and charge your batteries with the help of Mother Nature. [TripAdvisor] Norikura Kogen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298118-d1372942-Reviews-Norikura_Kogen-Matsumoto_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 22:24
What is the Hachioji Festival? A complete schedule of events to be held on August 2, 3, and 4, 2024!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Things to Do- 247 plays
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■Table of Contents Hachioji Festival: Video Introduction A Brief Introduction to Hachioji An Introduction to the Hachioji Festival How to Get to the Hachioji Festival Venue + Event Dates The History of the Hachioji Festival Dashi no Buttsuke The 19 Floats of the Hachioji Festival Sengan Mikoshi Taiko Drums and Ice Sculptures Min'yo Nagashi Food Stalls and Vendors at the Hachioji Festival The Hachioji Fireworks Festival Hachioji Festival 2023 Event Information August 4, 2023 (Friday) August 5, 2023 (Saturday) August 6, 2023 (Sunday) Other Things to Do in Hachioji How to Get to Hachioji Hachioji Festival Summary Hachioji Festival: Video Introduction This video, titled "Hachioji Festival Video Introduction" (八王子まつり紹介動画), was uploaded by "Hachioji Festival" (八王子まつり). The video introduces the Hachioji Festival, a famous summer festival in Hachioji, Tokyo, featuring 19 floats with elaborate carvings and gorgeous decorations parading along the Koshu Kaido, as well as an introduction to the floats and other attractions during the event in Japan's Kanto Region. Be sure to check out the video to see what the Hachioji Festival is like! A Brief Introduction to Hachioji Hachioji, located in western Tokyo, is the second largest city in the Tokyo Metropolis, with a population of approximately 580,000. The name of the city comes from the eight princes that are enshrined at Hachioji Temple, located at Hachioji Castle ('hachi' meaning 'eight,' and 'oji' meaning 'princes'). Hachioji was an important post town during the Edo Period (1603-1868 A.D.) and as such, the historic Koshu Kaido (a highway used by merchants during the Edo Period) can befound running through the town. Hachioji is famous for its delicious Hachioji Ramen and the beautiful Mt. Takao, which is a popular destination for hiking enthusiasts from all over Japan and even abroad. An Introduction to the Hachioji Festival Photo:Hachioji Festival, Hachioji, Tokyo How to Get to the Hachioji Festival Venue + Event Dates The Hachioji Festival is usually held around Koshu Kaido Road and on Nishihoshasen You Road (西放射線ユーロード). The main venue is the stretch from JR Hachioji Station Intersection to Oiwake Intersection (追分交差点) on the Koshu Kaido. Hachioji Station is located in the center of Hachioji, making it a convenient place to visit for sightseeing. The Hachioji Festival is held annually around early August. The exact dates and times vary from year to year, so it's recommended that you check the official Hachioji Festival website or tourist information when you visit. The dates for the 2024 event are Friday, August 2, Saturday, August 3, and Sunday, August 4. It can be difficult to find a parking spot during the Hachioji Festival, so we recommend using public transportation. The History of the Hachioji Festival The Hachioji Festival is a famous festival of Hachioji, Tokyo. Formerly known as the Hachioji Citizens' Festival, Hachioji Festival is famous as a traditional event that preserves the history of Hachioji and as one of the best dashi (float) festivals in Japan's Kanto Region. The origins of the Hachioji Festival can be traced back to the Hachioji Citizens' Festival that began in 1961. At the time, the festival was held in Fujimori Park as a way for the citizens of Hachioji to cool off during the hot summer. Today, the festival is held on the Koshu Kaido, a historic highway, and has become a major summer event that attracts many people from both inside and outside of the city. The dashi (float) festival, which has been held since the Edo Period (1603-1868), is especially popular among people from downtown Hachioji. The festival at Taga Shrine is called Kami no Matsuri (upper festival), and the festival at Hachiman-Hachioji Shrine is called Shimo no Matsuri (lower festival). Photo:A lion dance and ibayashi, Hachioji Festival In addition to the parade of gorgeous floats, the Hachioji Festival is characterized by a variety of events, including a folk song parade, lion dances, and ibayashi (a type of noh performance accompanied by hayashi), an ice sculpture exhibition, the Great Kanto Taiko Drumming Battle, and a children's ondo performance. [Video] 5:55 - The Children's Ondo Performance [Video] 7:06 - Min'yo Nagashi [Video] 8:41 - A Lion Dance and Ibayashi Miyamikoshi Togyo is a portable shrine procession that takes place during the festival in which a huge portable shrine called Sengan Mikoshi is carried throughout the city. The shrine weighs approximately 3 tons and its an exciting event to watch. During the evening there are also dance performances by geisha and maiko from Hachioji. [Video] 6:22 - A Dance Performance by Geisha and Maiko [Video] 8:03 - The 3-ton Mikoshi (Portable Shrine) Dashi no Buttsuke – A Musical Showdown During the Hachioji Festival Photo:Dashi no Buttsuke, Hachioji Festival Among the many highlights of the Hachioji Festival, one of the most popular is the Dashi no Buttsuke, a competition of beautiful floats. Dashi (Japanese festival floats) are huge, decorated carts that are pulled or carried by hand during festivals. The floats, which survived even the fires of wat, have been designated as Tangible Cultural Properties by the city of Hachioji and are a reminder of the history and traditions of the festival. Dashi no Buttsuke, one of the most popular events during the festival, is a musical showdown between floats. Each float is from a different area, and when they pass by each other, they pull over to show their local pride through a musical duel. Each float plays their own hayashi (a type of Japanese festival music), but if they end up playing to the other's music, they lose the battle. When the floats appear on the streets of Hachioji, they are illuminated to create a fantastic atmosphere. The 19 floats parading through the streets are a sight you don't want to miss! The power of the floats and the traditional musical showdown between each of them is great for taking photos and videos to share on Instagram and other social networking sites. [Video] 8:51 - The Parade Floats [Video] 9:21 - A Musical Battle Between Floats Photo:Yokoyama 3-chome float, Hachioji Festival The 19 Floats of the Hachioji Festival Here, we'll introduce the floats of 19 towns that participate in the Hachioji Festival. ●Motohongo's Float This is a style of float built based on carts used before 1978. [Video] 10:21 - Motohongo's Float Source :Hachioji Festival, Hachinavi ●Yagi's Float This float features an eye-catching carving of a giant eagle and a karahafu, a unique type of architecture often seen in Japanese castles, temples, and shrines. It's designated as a Tangible Cultural Property by the city. [Video] 10:55 - Yagi's Float Source :Hachioji Festival, Hachinavi ●Hiyoshi's Float This is the first float of its kind in Hachioji. Note the male and female peacock carvings on the front karahafu. It's designated as a Tangible Cultural Property by the city. [Video] 11:28 - Hiyoshimachi's float Source :Hachioji Festival, Hachinavi ●Oiwake's Float A two-tiered float built in 1914. What makes this float unique is the carvings of dragons on the panels. It's designated as a Tangible Cultural Property by the city. [Video] 13:08 - Oiwake-machi float ●Hachimankami's Float This float was built in the Meiji Period (1868-1912). It's also called "Kurama no Dashi" (Float of Kurama) because it used to carry dolls of Kurama Tengu and Minamoto no Yoshitsune. It was extensively renovated in 1915, and has been designated as a Tangible Cultural Property by the city. [Video] 13:40 - Hachimankami's Float The video introduces the features and highlights of all the floats in an easy-to-understand manner, so please be sure to check it out. [Video] 12:01 - Okadomachi's Float [Video] 12:34 - Sennincho 1-chome's Float [Video] 14:15 - Hiraoka's Float [Video] 14:47 - Hachimancho 1, 2-chome's Float [Video] 15:53 - Oyokocho's Float [Video] 16:26 - Yokamachi 1, 2-chome's Float [Video] 17:00 - Honmachi's Float [Video] 17:34 - Kamiyokamachi's Float [Video] 18:06 - Minamishincho's Float [Video] 18:39 - Yokoyama 3-chome's Float [Video] 19:12 - Nakacho's Float [Video] 19:44 - Misaki's Float [Video] 20:19 - Moto-Yokoyama's Float [Video] 20:51 - Minamicho's Float In 2017, a total of 19 floats from different town councils lined up to celebrate the city's 100th anniversary. The sight of the illuminated floats all lined up in a row was incredible! Photo:Hachioji Festival floats 'Sengan Mikoshi' – A Powerful Event During the Hachioji Festival Photo:Sengan Mikoshi, Hachioji Festival Sengan Mikoshi refers to a massive portable shrine. The name "Sengan Mikoshi" comes from the fact that the shrine is said to weighs as much as 1,000 kan (1 kan = 3.75 kg) or 3.75 tons. ※"Sen" means "one thousand" in Japanese. The sight of everyone working together to carry the Sengan Mikoshi, said to be one of the heaviest portable shrines in Japan's Kanto region, along the historic Koshu Kaido, is a spectacle in itself. The Sengan Mikoshi procession is held on the last day of the Hachioji Festival. Many portable shrines, led by the Sengan Mikoshi, parade through the streets of Hachioji. The mikoshi carriers wear matching costumes and shout loudly to liven up the festival. The solemn appearance of the mikoshi, the vigorous bearers, and the crowds of spectators that fill the streets are overwhelming. The Sengan Mikoshi is one of the largest and heaviest portable shrines in Japan, and many people work together to carry it. When you visit the Hachioji Festival, try to get a close look at it! [Video] 7:44 - The Portable Shrine Procession Taiko Drums and Ice Sculptures – Popular Events at the Hachioji Festival Photo:Taiko drums, Hachioji Festival Two of the most popular and noteworthy events of the Hachioji Festival are the Great Kanto Taiko Drumming Battle and the Ice Sculpture Exhibition. The Great Kanto Taiko Drumming Battle is an event in which taiko teams from Japan's Kanto region compete against one another. The teams compete to see who has the best taiko playing technique and performances. Visitors can enjoy listening to Japanese drum performances of various styles and genres. The sound of the taiko drums echoes across the land, resembling the beating heart of the festival. The audience is intoxicated by the roaring sound of the taiko drums, the excitement of the festival, and the brilliant baton work of the drummers. Source :Hachioji Matsuri, Hachinavi The Ice Sculpture Exhibition displays beautiful sculptures made of ice, and ice sculpting demonstrations are also popular. Visitors are sure to be captivated by the intricate techniques and fantastic creations of the ice sculptors, who skillfully carve the ice into a variety of shapes and designs. The cool, sparkling ice sculptures are a work of art that can only be seen for a limited time during the hot summer months. The Great Kanto Taiko Drumming Battle and the Ice Sculpture Exhibition have become popular elements that add to the charm of the Hachioji Festival. Visitors enjoy the festival even more as they lose themselves in the power and rhythm of the taiko drums and are captivated by the beauty of the ice sculptures. [Video] 6:08 - Ice Sculpture Exhibition [Video] 6:44 - Great Kanto Taiko Drumming Battle Min'yo Nagashi – The Hachioji Festival's Guinness World Record Bon Dance Photo:Min'yo Nagashi, Hachioji Festival Min'yo Nagashi, which has been certified as a Guinness World Record, is one of the many attractions of the Hachioji Festival. During the event, some 4,000 dancers in yukata gather along the 1.8-km-long Koshu Kaido and dance in unison. In August 2016, this annual event of the Hachioji Festival challenged the Guinness World Records for the largest number of people performing a bon dance. In the intense heat, 2,013 people formed a line and danced without missing a beat, and the event was successfully certified as a Guinness World Record. Food Stalls, Night Stalls, and Streets Vendors at the Hachioji Festival Approximately 230 stalls will be set up along the 2 km stretch of the Koshu Kaido from the north exit of Hachioji Station to Oiwake Intersection. Please note that the main event will be held on Friday, August 2 and Saturday, August 3, and no stalls will be set up around the north exit of Hachioji Station on Sunday, August 4. Stalls will be open from 12:00 to 21:00. The Hachioji Fireworks Festival, Another Popular Summer Event in Hachioji Photo:Hachioji Fireworks Festival Another popular summer event in Hachioji is the Hachioji Fireworks Festival. Every year, many spectators gather to enjoy the beautiful fireworks display that colors the summer night sky. The Hachioji Fireworks Festival will be held on July 27 (Sat.) in 2024. The venue is Fujimori Park. The night sky of Hachioji will be beautifully colored by approximately 3,500 fireworks of various types, including a rapid-firing series of starmines. What is the schedule for the three days of the Hachioji Festival in 2024? [Event Dates] August 2 (Fri.), 3 (Sat.) and 4 (Sun.), 2024 [Event Information] ■Every day during the event Period Photo:Ibayashi, Hachioji Festival ・Ibayashi performances Schedule: (Fri.) 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, (Sat. & Sun.) 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm Location: Park Ichibangai Dori(パーク壱番街通り), Ekimae Ginza Dori, opposite Textile Association(織物組合向い), Joy 5th Avenue Dori, Kuwadou Terrace(桑都テラス), Ekimae Terrace, opposite View Tower Hachioji ・Night stall Time: 12:00 - 21:00 Location:(Fri. and Sat.) Lower and Upper areas, (Sun.) Upper area only Photo:Hachioji Festival stall ・Night stalls Schedule: 12:00 pm - 9:00 pm ■August 2, 2024 (Friday) Source :Hachioji Festival, Hachinavi Source :まえたけ's blog, Hachinavi ・Ice Sculpture Exhibition Schedule: 1:30 pm - 4:10 pm Location: Nishihoshasen You Road Source :Hachioji Festival, Hachinavi ・Festival Eve Dance (Hachioji Geisha/Maiko) Schedule: 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Nakamachi Park, Nishihoshasen You Road ■August 3, 2024 (Saturday) Source :Hachioji Festival, Hachinavi Photo:The Children's Ondo Performance, Hachioji Festival ・Children's Ondo Performance Schedule: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Location: South side of Yokamachi Intersection Photo:Great Kanto Taiko Drumming Battle, Hachioji Festival ・Great Kanto Taiko Drumming Battle Schedule: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Location: Koshu Kaido Photo:Min'yo Nagashi, Hachioji Festival ・Min'yo Nagashi Schedule: 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm Location: Koshu Kaido ・Kaohsiung, Taiwan Performance Schedule: 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm, 6:00 pm - 6:20 pm Location: South side of Yokamachi Intersection Photo:A festival float procession, Hachioji Festival ・Float and portable shrine parade Schedule: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Location: Koshu Kaido ■August 4, 2024 (Sunday) Source :Hachioji Festival, Hachinavi Source :Hachioji Festival, Hachinavi ・Lion Dance Schedule: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Location: Nishihoshasen You Road Source :Hachinavi's 'Enjoy the last day of the 2018 Hachioji Festival! Introducing numerous photos of the festival!' ・Kaohsiung, Taiwan Performance Schedule: 3:30 pm - 3:50 pm, 6:00 pm - 6:20 pm Location: South side of Yokamachi Intersection Photo:Taga Shrine's portable shrine 'Sengan Mikoshi', Hachioji Festival ・Taga Shrine Sengan Mikoshi portable shrine parade Schedule: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Location: Koshu Kaido ・Hachiman Yakumo Shrine portable shrine parade Schedule: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Location: Koshu Kaido ・Upper ward area portable shrine parades Schedule: 6:10 pm - 9:00 pm Location: Koshu Kaido Photo:Festival float gathering, Hachioji Festival ・Upper ward area festival float gathering Schedule: 6:40 pm - Location: Koshu Kaido ・Lower ward area festival float parades Schedule: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Location: Koshu Kaido ・Lower ward area festival float gathering Schedule: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Location: Koshu Kaido Other Things to Do in Hachioji There are a number of things to do in Hachioji besides the Hachioji Festival, and here we'll introduce a few. Enjoy the View From Mt. Takao Mt. Takao is a beautiful mountain located in Hachioji, Tokyo. The mountain features 7 hiking trails, all of which offer different views of the mountain and the surrounding area. The night view from Mt. Takao is also superb, and from the southeast side of the mountain you can enjoy a view of Sagami Bay and Enoshima. Additionally, there is a cable car on the mountain as well, so less experienced hikers can enjoy the mountain without having to strain themselves. You can hike up or down and take the cable car for the other half of the trip, or if you don't feel like hiking at all, you can take it both ways. Takao Beer Mount Takao Beer Mount is a popular summer event in Hachioji that also takes place on Mt. Takao. The event features an all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink buffet. There are Japanese, Chinese, and Western dishes served at the buffet, as well as craft beer from four different breweries in Hachioji. If you're planning on hiking up Mt. Takao and want to check out Takao Beer Mount as well, we recommend taking Trail 1, as most of the course is paved and it has rest areas as well. Try the Famous Hachioji Ramen Hachioji Ramen is a light, gentle, soy sauce-based ramen with chopped onions and fat floating in the soup. Although it's simple to make, it has been featured on many TV stations in Japan and is now a popular ramen from Hachioji, Tokyo. What makes Hachioji Ramen different from other ramen is the way the fat in the soup perfectly balances out the unique spiciness of the onions and enhances their flavor. The most common toppings for Hachioji Ramen are chashu (char siu, braised pork), nori (dried seaweed), and menma (bamboo shoots). There is an endless number of things to do in Hachioji besides the attractions listed above. You can enjoy Setsubun festivals in the spring or in the fall you can visit and view the beautiful autumn leaves. If you're looking for places to go in Tokyo, be sure to add Hachioji to your itinerary. How to Get to Hachioji If you're visiting Hachioji from Tokyo, it's incredibly simple. From Tokyo Station it's a straight shot to Hachioji Station via train. Take the JR Chuo Line rapid train bound for Otsuki and get off at Hachioji Station (1 hr.). Hachioji Festival Summary The Hachioji Festival is the largest festival in Hachioji. It's a festival that both children and adults can enjoy, with floats, dancing, musical performances, ice sculptures, and more. The Hachioji Festival is steeped in history and tradition, and in 2003 it was awarded the Grand Prize for Regional Traditional Performing Arts. The Hachioji Festival is so lively that it will help you forget the summer heat! Be sure to make your way over this summer! 【TripAdvisor】Hachioji Festival .caption-heading-2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.7rem; margin-bottom: 15px; max-width: 800px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 60px; } .mod-article-caption .caption-text { margin-bottom: 40px; } .caption-information-table { background-color: #efefef; margin-top: -20px; margin-bottom: 50px; padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; width: 90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { .caption-information-table { width: 95%; padding: 30px 15px 30px 15px; } } .caption-heading-table .caption-text li { line-height: 2.5rem; margin-top: 1.3rem; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { position: relative; border-left: 5px solid #ff1300; padding-left: 10px; margin-top: 60px; } .mod-article-caption .caption-text { margin-bottom: 50px; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading-table { width: 95%; padding: 30px 15px 1px 15px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .caption-heading-table ul{ counter-reset: listnum; /* カウンターをリセット */ list-style: none; /* 標準のスタイルは消す */ } .caption-heading-table ul.list-style-number-jp>li{ margin-left: 1.1em; text-indent: -1.1em; font-weight: bold; } .caption-heading-table ul.list-style-number-jp>li::before{ counter-increment: listnum; /* counter-resetと同じ文字列 */ content: counter(listnum); /* カウントした数に応じて番号を表示 */ content: counter(listnum) ". 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Video article 3:43
Saiho-ji Temple (Koke-ji Temple) in Kyoto in autumn is beautiful with moss and autumn leaves! Visiting this famous temple with its wonderful buildings is by appointment only!
Nature Travel Traditional Culture- 262 plays
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Video introduction to Saiho-ji Temple (Koke-ji Temple) in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan Photo:The garden at Saiho-ji, a moss temple in Kyoto This video, titled "[8K] Autumn Leaves at Saiho-ji (Moss Temple)" ([8K] 西芳寺(苔寺)と紅葉 Saihoji Temple (moss temple) and autumn leaves), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Be sure to enjoy the beauty of Saiho-ji, a kokedera (moss temple) in Kyoto, and the breathtaking scenery of the temple in autumn. Saiho-ji Temple History Photo:The garden at Saiho-ji, a moss temple in Kyoto Saiho-ji Temple, also known as a "kokedera" (moss temple), is located in Nishikyo, Kyoto, in Japan's Kansai region. The temple was built by the Japanese Buddhist priest Gyoki at the order of Emperor Shomu during the Nara Period (710-794 A.D.), and is a famous temple with more than 1,300 years of history, whose grounds are covered with more than 120 varieties of moss. Throughout its long history, and changes in religious denominations, people throughout the ages have been captivated by the temple's beauty. During the Kamakura period (1185-1333 A.D.), it was a temple of the Jodo sect of Buddhism, but was destroyed by warfare. However, in 1339, the temple was restored as a Zen Buddhist temple by the famous Buddhist monk, calligrapher, poet, and master gardener Muso Kokushi. The garden at Saiho-ji Temple has served as a model for the gardens at Kinkakuji (the Golden Pavilin) and Ginkakuji (the Silver Pavilion) in Kyoto. The Beautiful Garden of Saiho-ji Temple, a Moss Temple and World Cultural Heritage Photo:The garden at Saiho-ji, a moss temple in Kyoto The main attraction of Saiho-ji Temple is, as the name "moss temple" implies, the moss that covers the temple grounds, and the garden created by the master gardener Muso Kokushi. The upper section is a dry landscape garden, while the lower section is a strolling pond garden. The upper level, however, is currently closed to the public. Visitors often pray at the temple after reciting sutras and then stroll around the garden. The main attraction of the lower section of the garden at Saiho-ji Temple is Golden Pond (黄金池, Ogonchi), also called "Shinji-ike" (心字池, Heart-shaped Pond) because it's shaped like the Japanese character for "heart" (心). When the autumn leaves are at their best, the contrast between the temple's green moss and the autumn leaves dancing over the pond creates a beautiful scene. The teahouse Shonan-tei (湘南亭) is one of the highlights of the lower section, and is said to have been rebuilt by Sen no Shoan, the second son of Sen no Rikyu, a renowned Japanese tea master. The view of Golden Pond from the tsukimidai (月見台, moon-viewing platform) overhanging the north side of the teahouse is truly spectacular. Shonan-tei is also designated as an Important Cultural Property by the government of Japan. The upper section of the garden is not open to the public, but in Shitoan, a hall dedicated to the temple's founder, are enshrined the tablets of the founder Gyoki, Takaoka Shinno (a Japanese prince), and Muso Kokushi, as well as wooden statues of various prominent Japanese figures. On the upper level, there is a dry landscape garden. The dry landscape garden is a place where visitors can experience the history of the garden, as the masonry remains unchanged the temple was created by Muso Kokushi in 1339. The best time to see the lush moss at Saiho-ji Temple is during the rainy season, and the best time to see the autumn leaves is in November. Photo:The garden at Saiho-ji, a moss temple in Kyoto The best time to enjoy the contrast of moss and autumn leaves is from mid to late November, and the best time to see the 120-plus species of moss turn lush shades of green is typically from June to July, during Japan's rainy season. Saiho-ji Temple's Instagram page provides daily updates on the changing beauty of the garden. Be sure to check it out at @saihoji_daily before visiting! Saiho-ji Temple: Reservations, Admission Fees, Etc. Photo:The garden of Saiho-ji, a moss temple in Kyoto Saiho-ji Temple used to be open to visitors at any time, but as the number of visitors increased, so did the littering, noise, etc. As a result, the temple adopted reservation system in 1977 that allowed only a small number of visitors to visit the temple. Those who wish to visit when sightseeing in Kyoto should first decide on the day of their visit in advance and then apply for a reservation. There are two ways to make reservations to visit Saiho-ji Temple: by return postcard or online application. Application by return postcard Acceptance period: 2 months to 1 month prior to the date of application (postmarked) Number of people: Up to 2 people per couple Entrance fee: 4,000 yen or more per person Online application Application period: 2 months prior to the date of application - 23:59 the day before the date of application Number of people: Up to 2 people per couple Entrance fee: 4,000 yen or more per person The application period differs depending on the application method. The above information is current as of March 2024. Please check the official website for the latest information and apply in advance. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) If you're planning on making a reservation to see the autumn leaves at the temple, keep in mind that the reservation for this period is currently only available in Japanese. If using Google Chrome, we recommend using the browser's automatic translation feature by right clicking the page and click the "translate to …" button. If you're using a different browser, such as Firefox, you'll need to first download an addon from the Firefox browser addons page to do this. If you're looking to make a reservation from November and beyond, there is an English reservation page where you can sign up. Signing up also requires that you create an account, regardless of which season you choose. As the above-mentioned fees and application periods differ, be sure to check the official website and apply in advance. ※Please note that all visitors must be 13 years of age or older at the time of the visit. Winter at Saiho-ji Temple Photo:Saihoji Temple, Kyoto The garden is closed to the public during the winter to allow the garden to recuperate, but visitors can still enjoy a different view of Saiho-ji Temple during the winter months. Visitors can enter the temple through the main gate, which is normally closed to the public, and view the fusuma paintings surrounding the Amitabha Buddha, the temple's principal object of worship, in full view in the main hall. Enjoy the unique charm of this Zen temple in the dignified winter air. Summary of Saiho-ji, a Moss Temple in Kyoto Photo:The garden at Saiho-ji, a moss temple in Kyoto Kyoto's Saiho-ji Temple is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a "Historic Monument of Ancient Kyoto". Saiho-ji Temple is unique not only for its spectacular views but also for its shuin stamps. Visitors are asked to present their shuin stamp book before paying the entrance fee, and they will receive a magnificent two-page spread of shuin stamps. Access to Saiho-ji Temple is best accessed by bus rather than train. By train, the temple is a short distance from Matsuo Station. If visiting the temple by bus, it's a short 3-minute walk from the bus stop "Koke-dera/Suzumushidera" (苔寺・すず虫寺). From Kyoto Station, you can get to Saiho-ji Temple in about 45 minutes. First, take the Tokaido-Sanyo Line towards Aboshi and get off at Katsuragawa Station. From there, take the bus to the Matsuo Dairicho (松尾大利町) bus stop, and then walk to the temple. You'll also find Suzumushidera Temple, which is a popular temple said to grant visitors one wish. Saiho-ji Temple is a place where you can enjoy the unique culture and nature of Kyoto in a tranquil setting. It's an opportunity to discover both Kyoto and a new side of yourself. 【Official Website】Saiho-ji Temple 【TripAdvisor】Saiho-ji Temple -
Video article 1:18
The Nagashi Hina (floating Girls' Festival), a Shinto ritual at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, is also a highlight of the elegant Heian costume! Learn about the history of Nagashi Hina, as well as other Nagashi Hina festivals around Japan!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Life & Business- 127 plays
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Video introduction of “Nagashi Hina” at Shimogamo-jinja Shrine in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "[Past Video] Kyoto Nagashibina at Shimogamo Shrine (Filmed in Sakyo, Kyoto, March 3, 2017)" (【過去動画】下鴨神社「京の流しびな」(2017年3月3日撮影 京都市左京区)), was uploaded by "Kyoto Shimbun" (京都新聞). About Hinamatsuri & Shimogamo Shrine Hinamatsuri, also known as Girl's Day, is an annual event in Japan to pray for the healthy growth of girls. It's a seasonal festival/event in which special dolls called "hina" are decorated with cherry blossoms, oranges, peach blossoms, and other decorations. The History of Hinamatsuri dates back approximately 1,000 years to Japan's Heian Period, and references to hina dolls can even be found in famous Japanese texts, such as the Tale of Genji. In the past mainly paper dolls would have been used, and while they are still used for some ceremonies, eventually the more luxurious dolls we see today became the norm for celebrations. Kyoto is home to an endless number of historical shrines and temples and Shimogamo Shrine is no exception. Shimogamo Shrine is a famous shrine and UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. It's a must-visit tourist attraction in Kyoto and there are many different restaurants and cafes serving traditional sweets in the area around it. Nagashibina (Floating Hina Doll Festival), is a Hinamatsuri Festival that's held every year on March 3 at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto. In early spring, when the weather is still cold, the tranquil air above the Mitarashi River and the buds on the plum trees remind us of the arrival of spring. This Hinamatsuri festival features hina dolls dressed in Junihitoe, a unique twelve-layered kimono worn during the Heian period by noble women, and a variety of other dolls wearing kimono and crowns. There are even town mascots participating in the event. Check out the video of the Hinamatsuri Festival at Shimogamo Shrine to see the unique Nagashibina event where hina dolls made of Japanese paper are placed on woven straw vessels and sent floating down the Mitarashi River. The History of Nagashibina, the Roots of Hinamatsuri Photo: Nagashibina at Shimogamo Shrine (Kamo Mioya Shrine), Kyoto Shimogamo Shrine is A World Heritage Site in Kyoto, Japan and is formally known as Kamo Mioya Shrine. The Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival, held every March, is a traditional event that is said to be the origin of Hinamatsuri. According to the history of the festival, it originated from "Joshi no Sekku," one of the five seasonal festivals of Japan, which was introduced from China. March 3 falls on the second of the five festivals, "Joshi no Sekku." On this day, there was a Chinese custom of purifying the body by the waterside and holding a banquet to drive away misfortune. It's believed that these ancient Chinese Sekku events mixed with the Japanese beliefs of misogiharai (purification via water ablutions) and the custom of praying for good health by floating purified dolls (hitogata) down the river, resulting in the modern Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival we have today. The "hitogata" are also said to be the origins of modern Hina Dolls. The story of purifying the human form and putting it on a boat and floating it into the sea in Suma is mentioned in "The Tale of Genji" an epic written in the mid-Heian period (794-1185 A.D.) that's widely considered the first novel ever written. When to See the Hinamatsuri Event at Shimogamo Shrine Photo:A Nagashibina doll at Shimogamo Shrine (Kamo Mioya Shrine), Kyoto Here we'll introduce the Nagashibina Hinamatsuri Festival held at Shimogamo Shrine. The hina dolls dressed in Heian period costumes, are chosen by couples from the general public who are planning to get married. [Video] 0:25 - Hina Dolls Being Chosen by the Public The event is usually held on March 3rd, but please check the official website for details. The Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festival takes place along the Mitarashi River, which flows in front of the Mitarashi Shrine (御手洗社, Mitarashi-sha) and Inoue Shrine (井上社, Inoue-sha), which are located at the end of the shrine's precincts. Hina dolls made of Japanese paper are placed in straw vessels and floated down the river to pray for the health and safety of the children. The highlight of the festival is the junihitoe, a 12-layered kimono worn during the Heian period, as well as seeing the hina dolls portrayed in human form. Seeing the festival being held will give you a sense of the historical atmosphere typical of the ancient capital of Kyoto. The festival is free of charge, and the Nagashibina dolls used for the Hinamatsuri festival are available for a fee (small: 500 yen, large: 1,000 yen). [Video] 1:02 - Hina Dolls Floating Down the River On the day of the Hinamatsuri event, amazake (a sweet, low-alcohol or non-alcohol type of sake) will be served, which is a welcome treat during the colder months of the year. Other Nagashibina Hinamatsuri Events Across Japan Photo:Nagashibina Hinamatsuri In addition to Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto, there are many Nagashibina Hinamatsuri festivals and events held throughout Japan. Below is a list of some of them: ●Hina Nagashi at Awashima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture The Hinamatsuri event at Awashima Shrine is known as Hina Nagashi, and features three small white wooden boats that are used to carry the dolls, with wishes written on them, out to sea after a purification ceremony by a shrine priest. The festival is usually held on March 3. ●Edo Nagashibina, Tokyo Edo Nagashibina is held to pass on traditional events to children and to wish for their bright futures. Please check the official website for more details. ●Yose Nagashibina, Yose, Tottori The Yose Nagashibina Hinamatsuri event is held on March 3 of the lunar calendar to pray for good health and safety, and was designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Tottori Prefecture in 1985. ●Hina Nagashi at Akama Shrine, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi The Hina Nagashi event at Akama Shrine is held every March to comfort the spirits of Emperor Antoku and the Heike clansmen who died in the Battle of Dan-no-Ura at an early age. Summary of Hinamatsuri at Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Regardless of the time period or region, Nagashibina is always a time to wish for good health and a bright future for children. The dolls are modeled after purification dolls from various parts of Japan to purify themselves by allowing their impurities to be washed away in the water. This event is held in March, when the aroma of the Japanese plum blossoms is in the air. The Shinto rituals and customs in each region have changed little by little, but the concept behind them has remained unchanged since ancient times. Experience Hinamatsuri and Japanese culture while enjoying tourism and spring in Kyoto! 【Official Website】Shimogamo Shrine|Kamo Mioya Shrine 【TripAdvisor】Shimogamo Shrine -
Video article 5:56
Cherry blossoms in full bloom in winter at Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture? Video of the "Winter Blooming Cherry Blossoms Light-up" with beautiful shimmering pink. Seasonal light-up information is also introduced.
Festivals & Events Nature Travel- 372 plays
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Hirosaki Park, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture "Winter Blooming Sakura Light-up" Video Introduction This video, titled "【4K】2022 Hirosaki Park 'Sakura Illumination Blooming in Winter'" (2022年 弘前公園「冬に咲くさくらライトアップ」【4K】 2022 Hirosaki Park 'Sakura Illumination Blooming in Winter), was uploaded by "TheEAGLEBOM." Did you know that you can see cherry blossoms blooming in the snow? We hope you'll enjoy these winter cherry blossoms filmed at night at Hirosaki Park, located in Hirosaki, Aomori, in Japan's Tohoku region. Snow piles up on the cherry blossoms, which are imbued with a light pink hue. It truly looks as though these cherry blossoms are actually in full bloom. The snow gathering on the river's surface is reminiscent of cherry blossoms floating on the surface of the water, and stretches out like a carpet of petals. Keep thoughts of spring in your mind as you enjoy this supremely breathtaking scenery, dyed in a heart-warming pink. [Video] 2:39 – Snow Floating on the Water Like Cherry Blossoms Hirosaki Park and Its Popular Winter Cherry Blossom Illumination Photo:The winter cherry blossoms illumination at Hirosaki Park What exactly are these season-defying winter cherry blossoms? Well, in reality, this winter cherry blossom illumination makes use of the fact that snow accumulated on the branches of cherry trees makes it look like the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. This illumination event takes place during winter at Hirosaki Park, in Hirosaki, Aomori. The inspiration for the event came from a single photo taken by a member of the regional development team. The photo caused a stir on social media, with commenters unable to tell whether it was taken in spring or winter. The event carries with it the feelings of Hirosaki citizens who long to see the warming views of cherry blossoms in the cold of winter. Illuminated in pink in the moat surrounding Hirosaki Park, the subtle coloring almost makes it look as if the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and help onlookers to forget about the cold weather. To see the cherry blossoms, you'll need to arrive the same day the snow settles on the branches. The best days to see the cherry blossoms are on days when it snows heavily and it's not too cold or windy. [Video] 0:53 – What Inspired the Illuminations? What are the duration and hours of the Winter 2023-2024 "Winter Blooming Sakura Light-up"? Photo:Weeping cherry blossoms of snow at Hirosaki Park Winter 2023 will be held as follows.I hope you have a heartwarming time with your lover, family, and loved ones. The recommended time to visit the cherry blossom light-up in winter is from late December to mid-February. [Period] December 1, 2023 - February 29, 2024 *The lights may be turned off from December 1st to 7th due to equipment adjustment. [Lighting time] Sunset to 21:00 *Extended from December 22nd to January 3rd, and from February 9th to 14th until 23:00 [Parking] Hirosaki City Tourist Hall/Underground Parking Lot (24 hours in and out) 2-1 Shimo-Shirogane-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (Otemon/Hirosaki City Hall Headquarters Soba) *Parking is free for one hour [Parking] Hirosaki City Tourist Hall/Underground Parking Lot (24 hours in and out) 2-1 Shimo-Shirogane-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (Otemon, near Hirosaki City Hall headquarters building) *1 hour free parking Hirosaki City Hall (7:00~21:30) 1-1 Kamishiroganmachi, Hirosaki City (Otemon soba) *1 hour free parking *Please note that you cannot leave the warehouse after 21:30 just before lighting up ends Outair Motoko-cho (24-hour entry and exit allowed) 2 Motoko-cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture (near the main building of Hirosaki City Hall, Otemon) Springtime at Hirosaki Park – Spectacular Cherry Blossom Illuminations! Photo:Hirosaki Park cherry blossom illumination, Aomori Prefecture From the end of April and throughout Golden Week (a period of around one week at the end of April/beginning of May containing a number of Japanese national holidays), Hirosaki Park hosts the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival" (弘前さくらまつり, hirosaki sakura matsuri), timed to coincide with the cherry blossom season. This cherry blossoms festival at Hirosaki Castle has been touted by some as the best in Japan. The rooftop of Hirosaki City Hall - usually inaccessible to the public - is opened up, and the festival receives over 2 million visitors each year. While the location of the "cherry blossoms heart" popular on Japanese social media is sadly not in the public domain, we hear that there will be heart shaped tree stumps placed to lead you in the right direction. Be sure to keep an eye out for it as you explore the park! What's more, during the cherry blossoms festival there's a special train linking Hirosaki to other famous cherry blossoms spots around Japan's northern Tohoku region. Why not take a ride and go on a tour to view the cherry blossoms? [Cherry blossoms Festival Opening Dates] Late March–Early May (Generally held to coincide with the blooming of the cherry blossoms) [Hours] Special nighttime lighting (illuminations): Sundown – 8:30 p.m. ※Subject to change depending on cherry blossom blooming conditions. The Colorful Autumn Illuminations of Hirosaki Park Are a Must-See as Well! Photo:Hirosaki Park's autumn illumination In the fall, the autumn leaves that have for so long added a touch of color to Hirosaki Castle, the symbol of this ancient Japanese city, are brightly illuminated. The elegant lights, which are as beautiful as any other seasonal light up, are sure to impress. While enjoying the various events and stalls, visitors can catch a glimpse of Hirosaki's history by viewing the old castle in its colorful autumn attire and the autumn leaves adorning the castle walls. [Hirosaki Castle Chrysanthemum and Autumn Leaves Festival Dates] Late October–Early November [Hours] Sundown – 8:00 p.m. And as the 1000 Japanese maples and 2600 cherry blossom trees take on the colors of fall, make sure you don't forget to check out the giant 300-year-old ginkgo tree, "Neagari Icho" (lit. lifted-root ginkgo, so named for its exposed roots). Hirosaki Park Illuminations: Roundup With illumination events in each season, Hirosaki Park, located at Hirosaki Castle, a symbol of the historical Japanese city, adds a layer of excitement to the beauty of its bountiful nature. This place deserves a spot in any travel itinerary, no matter the season, as it's one of the most popular places to visit in Japan's Tohoku region. Take your family, friends, or loved one with you, and breathe in the history in this vast park! ◆Hirosaki Park◆ 【Address】1 Shimoshirogane-cho, Hirosaki, Aomori 【Admission Fee (for paid areas)】 [Hirosaki Castle center/northern section] Adults: ¥320 | Children: ¥100 [Hirosaki Castle Botanical Garden] Adults: ¥320 | Children: ¥100 [Discount bundle tickets for the above areas] Adults: ¥520 | Children: ¥160 【Hours】Please check the official website for opening times for paid areas. 【Access】 On foot from Hirosaki Station (弘前駅, hirosaki-eki): Around 30 minutes Taxi from Hirosaki Station: Around 10 minutes From Hirosaki Station by bus: 4 minutes on foot when disembarking from the City Hall (市役所前, shiyakushomae) 【TripAdvisor】Hirosaki Park -
Video article 6:44
How long will it be open for business in 2024? One hour from central Tokyo! Cheers to beer with delicious food while enjoying the best view at "Mt. Takao Beer Mount" in Hachioji City, Tokyo!
Food & Drink Nature Travel- 96 plays
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Video introduction of "Mt. Takao Beer Mount" in Hachioji City, Tokyo This video, titled "Solo Drinks at a Beer Garden - Mt. Takao Beer Mount" (おひとりさまでもビアガーデン・高尾山「ビアマウント」で呑む), was uploaded by "furo1010." In the video, furo1010 is shown heading to Mt. Takao Beer Mount. With its beautiful scenery, delicious food, and tasty beer, Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a place you'd want to visit even if you are not a mountaineer or a hiking enthusiast. Be sure to check out the video to see how the buffet-style food and beer, as well as local sake and other beverages, are enjoyed. Mt. Takao Beer Mount – Experience Hospitality at 488 Meters Above Sea Level! A Look at the Event's Nearly 70 Years of History Photo:Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden), Mt. Takao Located in Hachioji, Tokyo, in Japan's Kanto region, Mt. Takao boasts the largest number of climbers in the world. In the summer, the observation deck restaurant, which is adjacent to the Mt. Takao cable car, transforms into Mt. Takao Beer Mount and hosts a beer garden. Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a beer garden that began in 1954 as a film festival and summer evening karaoke contest held to encourage the use of the Mt. Takao cable car and has been ongoing for nearly 70 years. The view from the top terrace of the observation deck restaurant—located 488 meters above sea level—is spectacular, offering a panoramic view from the Tokyo cityscape to the Boso Peninsula during the day. It's also a popular spot on Japanese Instagram for its beautiful night views. Being just an hour away from central Tokyo, you can enjoy delicious food and beverages while surrounded by nature at Mt. Takao Beer Mount. When does the 2024 Beermount start? Learn about the duration and fees! Photo:Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden), Hachioji, Tokyo The Mt. Takao Beer Mount has been held as usual since 2022. In 2024, it will be open from Saturday, June 15 to Tuesday, October 15, from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The price for all-you-can-eat and drink is 5,000 yen for adults, 4,700 yen for seniors (65 and older), 2,800 yen for junior high school students, 1,800 yen for elementary school students, and 500 yen for infants (3 years old to under elementary school students). It is a great opportunity to enjoy delicious gourmet food and a wide variety of beverages at this price with all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink options. Please enjoy it with your family and friends. Food at Mt. Takao Beer Mount – The Perfect Dishes to Go With Your Beer! Photo:The buffet at Mt. Takao Beer Mount (beer garden) Dishes served buffet style will include Japanese, Western, and Chinese menu items. [Video] 2:55 - Buffet-Style Dishes Among the dishes we recommend are local specialties of Hachioj, including salads using vegetables grown in Hachioji and Hachioji Ramen. [Video] 4:00 - Local Specialties of Hachioji, Tokyo The beer goes perfect with the delicious food, and there's beers being served from four major breweries, allowing you to sample a variety of flavors. [Video] 4:13 - Beers From 4 Major Breweries In addition to beer, there's a wide range of beverages, including sake, sours, highballs, etc. Of course, non-alcoholic drinks for children are also available. [Video] 4:52 - A Wide Selection of Alcoholic Beverages Mt. Takao Beer Mount is a great place to enjoy delicious food and drinks, and is recommended for both families and solo guests alike. Information About Wait Times, Crowding, Recommended Seats, Reservations, and More! Mt. Takao Beer Mount has approximately 500 seats and all guests can enjoy the buffet for up to 2 hours. Although there are many seats, the beer garden can be quite crowded on weekends and during the Bon Festival, so be sure to keep this in mind if you're planning on visiting. If you want to enjoy the restaurant without any hassle, we recommend making reservations in advance. Reservations can be made for a minimum of 4 people on weekdays, and for 10 or more people on weekends and holidays. The best seats at Mt. Takao Beer Mount are on the top floor, called the slab. The night views from here are incredible. For those who want to enjoy nature, we recommend the garden surrounded by the forest. You can dine while relaxing in nature. The indoor hall is perfect for rainy or windy days. For rainy days, there's no need to worry, as there is also tent seating set up in the outdoor area. Use the Cable Car for Easy Access to the Mt. Takao Beer Mount Photo:Mt. Takao cable car To get to Mt. Takao, where the beer garden is located, first take the Keio Line from Shinjuku for 53 minutes to Takaosanguchi Station. From Takaosanguchi Station, head to the Kiyotaki Station cable car, a 5-minute walk away. Take the cable car (a 6-minute ride) and get off at Mt. Takao Station to reach the venue. Mt. Takao Beer Mount can also be reached on foot without using the cable car. The food and drinks will taste even better after a nice hike up the mountain! Trail 1 – Hiking Mt. Takao as an Inexperienced Climber/Hiker Source :Hachinavi Mt. Takao Feature Mt. Takao is so famous among mountaineering enthusiasts that around 3 million climbers visit the mountain each year. For those who wish to hike up to the beer garden, here are some recommendations. To get to Takao Beer Mount on foot, we recommend Trail 1. There are seven trails on Mt. Takao: Trails 1-6 and the Inariyama Course. Trail 1 is easy for beginners to climb as most of the course is paved and there are rest areas. It takes approximately 100 minutes to reach the summit and around 60 minutes to reach the beer garden. After a nice workout, why not enjoy the beer garden with some friends in the outdoors? Things to Do Near Mt. Takao There are a number of things to do near Mt. Takao. Below we'll introduce some places we recommend checking out when visiting the area. Takaosan Yakuoin Temple Takaosan Yakuoin Temple is a temple located on Mt. Takao. They have many seasonal events, such as New Years events and Setsubun, and they even have a fire walking event that's held during March each year. The temple is a 20-minute walk from the same cable car used to access the beer garden. Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Admission Fee: Free Takao 599 Museum A museum with a relax atmosphere that features exhibits relating to the unique ecosystem on Mt. Takao. The museum is located just 4 minutes from Takaosanguchi Station by foot. Hours: April to November: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Last admission 4:30 pm), December to March: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Last admission 3:30). ※Hours are subject to change due to events. Admission Fee: Free ※Some events/exhibits may have an admission fee Keio Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu Keio Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu is a natural hot spring located at the foot of Mt. Takao. The facility offers hot springs and massages, as well as restaurants where you can enjoy delicious soba and sashimi after relaxing in the hot springs. The facility is a quick 2-minute walk from Takaosanguchi Station. Hours: 8:00 am - 10:45 pm (Last admission 10:00 pm) Admission Fee (Weekdays): Adults: 1,100 yen, Children: 550 yen (Weekends/Public holidays/Peak season): Adults: 1,300 yen, Children: 650 yen ※Peak season fees apply during the following periods: December 29 - January 3, Golden Week, mid-August, November 1 - November 30, and other dates ※Free admission for children under 3 Mt. Takao Monkey Park & Wild Plant Garden A monkey park on Mt. Takao home to some 70 monkeys. The park also features a garden with walkways made from tree cookies and beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. The park is a 3-minute walk along Trail 1 after taking the cable car to Takaosan Station. Hours: December - February: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm, March - April: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm, May - November: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Admission Fee: Adults (Junior high school students and older): 430 yen, Children (Ages 3 and older): 210 yen Takao Trick Art Museum A museum full of mind-bending, Egyptian-themed optical illusion art where you can enjoy taking funny photos. The museum receives support from the Egyptian Embassy, and so the souvenir store has popular souvenirs imported directly from Egypt. The museum is a 2-minute walk from Takaosanguchi Station. Hours: April - November: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, December - March: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Closed: Thursdays Admission Fee (General): Adults: 1,300 yen, Junior high and high school students: 1,000 yen, Elementary school students: 700 yen, Young children (ages 4 and under): 500 yen (People with disabilities): Adults: 1,100 yen, Junior high and high school students: 800 yen, Elementary school students: 500 yen, Young children (ages 4 and under): 300 yen ※Discounts available for groups. Please see the official website for more information Summary of Mt. Takao Beer Mount Mt. Takao Beer Mount is held both in the summer and in the fall. Last year, it was held from October 19. The atmosphere is quite different during autumn, but just as enjoyable! Also, until the summer beer garden begins, the Mt. Takao Beer Buffet event is held, where visitors can enjoy barbecue cooked on an eco-friendly craft grill imported specially from Denmark. Mt. Takao, is a great place where visitors can enjoy both mountain climbing and gourmet food. Mt. Takao Beer Mount is the perfect for those looking to enjoy a cold beer to beat the summer heat! Relax and take a break from the daily grind and head to Mt. Takao Beer Mount, where you can enjoy nature, tasty food, and satisfying drinks! 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Takao Beer Mount