Video article 24:56
Blue Impulse's Impressive Acrobatics Are Sure to Impress! Japan's Aerobatic Team, Which Draws Loud Cheers From the Crowd, Is a World-Class Entertainment of Japan!
Festivals & Events- 50 plays
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国内外問わず注目を集めている日本のブルーインパルス ブルーインパルスとは、日本の航空自衛隊に所属をしている曲技飛行隊(アクロバット飛行チーム)を指す愛称です。 統率の取れた飛行機が織りなすアクロバット飛行の数々は、人々の目を惹きつけ、今では日本でも屈指のイベントとして人気を集めています。 今回紹介をさせて頂いている動画は、日本の入間基地で行われた『入間基地航空祭』でのブルーインパルスの演技です。 ブルーインパルスの主なプログラム 動画の5:00のアクロバットはダイヤモンド・テイクオフと呼ばれるもので、ダイヤモンドの形のまま4機の飛行機が離陸をします。 そして、動画の9:08は、レインフォールと呼ばれるもので、垂直に降下した5機の飛行機がそれぞれの方向へと開花するアクロバット飛行となります。 次に、動画の13:10からご覧になれるのがフォー・シップ・インバートと呼ばれる、4機の飛行機全機が180度回転してからの、背面飛行を行う飛行です。 そして13:38からはブルーインパルスから出されているスモークによって空に描かれる絵の数々を見ることができます。 空に描かれる大きなハートとスターは、それだけでロマンがあります。 最後は、動画の22:12でご覧になれる、2機の飛行機がすれすれで交差する、スリル満点のタッククロスとなっています。 入間基地航空祭とブルーインパルスまとめ 入間基地航空祭ではブルーインパルス以外にも、多くの展示機を見ることが出来ます。 基本的には11月3日、日本では文化の日となっているので、多くの人が参加しやすい日取りとなっています。 航空ショーでは、オープニングフライトでの曲技飛行は勿論のこと、降下展示での落下傘降下も見ごたえがあるものとなっており、一度見れば思い出になること間違い無しでしょう。 日本のみならず、世界でも高い評価を受けているブルーインパルスの展示飛行を見ることが出来る機会の一つである入間基地航空祭。 ブルーインパルスに興味を持たれた方は、ぜひ展示飛行のスケジュールを確認して、足を運んで見てはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 7:21
Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Is Steeped in History and Culture. Enjoy Kusatsu City as Introduced by Local Idols and Mascots!
Local PR Travel- 54 plays
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滋賀県草津市の魅力を満載した動画の見どころ こちらで紹介する動画は「滋賀県草津市役所」が公開した「草津ストーリー」です。 今回は「草津ストーリー」と題した7:21秒の動画をご紹介! 案内役は今滋賀県で売り出し中のご当地アイドル「フルーレット」と「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」です。 滋賀県草津市のご当地ゆるキャラのたび丸も出てくるのでちびっこも楽しめますよ。 みんなが楽しめる観光名所がいっぱいある草津! 動画の冒頭は草津のフルーレットと草津市公認マスコットキャラクターのたび丸君が滋賀県草津の魅力と観光名所を案内してくれます。 豊かな自然が残る景勝地、そして日本の歴史文化を今に伝える街、近畿圏住みやすさナンバーワンの街など様々な魅力溢れる草津にあなたも一度観光で訪れてみてはいかがでしょう? 草津の絶景ポイントでインスタ映えする記念写真を撮ろう! 日本最大級の本陣と言われる草津宿本陣は400年の歴史を持ち、当時の日用品や資料を見学することができます。 さらに江戸時代を再現した衣装体験ができるので、殿様や姫君気分の仮装でタイムスリップ!インスタ映えする記念写真を撮ることができますよ。 滋賀県草津で歴史文化を体験しよう 街道の宿場町として400年の歴史を持つ草津には伝統工芸を体験するイベントやお土産もいっぱい! お土産として有名な瓢箪専門店の加工品や銀峰工房、吾亦紅を使った草木染め工房ではオリジナルストール作りが体験できます。 滋賀県草津のグルメをご紹介! 草津はご当地グルメの宝庫!その一部をご紹介しましょう。 一つ目は近江草津産コシヒカリ「匠の夢」というブランド米!琵琶湖は淡水と海水が交わる湖。琵琶湖から引かれた水には豊富なミネラルが含まれ、伝統的な製法で栽培されたブランド米は甘みと歯ごたえが絶妙のおいしいお米です。 動画の5:30頃から登場する「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」が紹介するのは江戸城改築にも携わった太田道灌を先祖に持つ太田酒造という日本酒の酒蔵。 滋賀県産の原料にこだわった日本酒やワインを製造しています。 まだまだあるよ!滋賀県草津の穴場的おすすめ観光スポット 滋賀県草津の穴場的なおすすめ観光スポットはまだまだあります。 例えば東海道と中山道が通っていたことを示す道標や、1200年の歴史を持つ立木神社をはじめとした弁天池や印岐志呂神社、荻の玉川、宿場町裏路地など街のあちこちに歴史と文化、そして人々の信仰を感じる穴場スポットがたくさんあるのです。 これらのエリアは草津観光の散策ルートとしてもおすすめです。 滋賀県草津市の魅力紹介まとめ 滋賀県草津では宿場まつり、熱気球フライト、草津街あかりなどの人気イベントも行われます。 是非あなたもこの歴史ある滋賀県草津市に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 2:57
A Paradise Where You Can Enjoy All Four Seasons in Miyazaki! Introducing Popular Sightseeing Spots in Nishimera, Where the Wonders of Japan Can Be Found!
Local PR- 49 plays
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宮崎西米良村紹介動画 こちらの動画は「宮崎県町村会」が公開した「西米良村」です。 今回はカリコボーズの宿(双子キャンプ場)、川床など日本の素晴らしい自然が思う存分楽しめる観光スポットがたくさんある宮崎県児湯郡西米良村について紹介していきます。 日本の素晴らしさが凝縮された宮崎県児湯郡西米良村。 是非、動画をご覧になって宮崎西米良村の魅力を味わって下さい。 宮崎県児湯郡西米良村ってどんなところ? 西米良村は宮崎県の西部に位置する人口1,134人ほどの小さな村です。 小さな村でありながらも、「1,000人が笑う村」というキャッチフレーズを掲げており、大人も子供も関係なく楽しむイベント「メラリンピック」や村人達と触れ合える村所神楽など人々の交流が盛んです。 また、日本の美しい景観や絶景を楽しめる「蛇渕」や「布水の滝」。 神のふるさとである宮崎を象徴している「児原稲荷神社」に「狭上稲荷神社」など日本の歴史を感じることができる観光スポットなどたくさんあります。 また、村のシンボルである「かりこぼうず大橋」はインスタ映え間違いなしのスポット。 西米良村のおすすめ観光スポット ここからは、宮崎県児湯郡西米良村に観光で訪れた際におすすめしたい観光スポットを2つ紹介します。 日本の、そして宮崎の美しい自然を体感出来る場所ばかりですので、是非訪れてみてください。 ・日本といえば温泉!西米良村「ゆた~と」 日本の代表的な観光スポットである温泉。西米良村には、「ゆた~と」と呼ばれる温泉があります。 この温泉の特徴は、なんといっても大自然を五感で感じることが出来るお風呂の数々。 岩風呂やヒノキ風呂、露天風呂などがあります。 また、1人3,900円から宿泊出来る宿泊プランもあり、宿泊旅行には最適の場所です。 ・川のせせらぎを聞きながら食事を楽しめる!「川床」 動画では、0:12からご覧なれる「川床」。 毎年夏に作られる屋外型のお座敷で、川のせせらぎを聞きながら食事を楽しむことが出来ます。 日本が誇る美しい川を眺めつつ、西米良村の食材を使った食事を食べられるのは最高の贅沢です。 日本の素晴らしさを感じたいなら宮崎県児湯郡西米良村へ 今回、宮崎県児湯郡西米良村についての情報を紹介しました。 紹介した観光スポット以外にもおがわ作小屋村や菊池記念館、双子キャンプ場など魅力溢れる観光スポットがたくさんあります。 日本、そして宮崎が誇る自然の素晴らしさを西米良村で是非、体感してみてください。 -
Video article 3:09
The Two-Michelin-Starred Restaurant "Masago Saryo" in Yokohama! You'll Definitely Be Impressed by the Thought That Goes Into Their Food!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Two Stars in the Michelin Guide Yokohama] Enjoy Kaiseki Cuisine in a 50-Year-Old Sukiya-Zukuri Building|The Essence of Japanese Cuisine ~ Masago Saryo" ([ミシュランガイド横浜二つ星]・築50年の数奇屋造りの一軒家で楽しむ懐石料理 和食の真髄を堪能~ 真砂茶寮 ~), was released by Restaurant ShortShort Films. This video introduces "Masago Saryo," a 50-year-old restaurant in Yokohama that has been awarded two Michelin stars. The restaurant has the appearance of a quiet hideaway, serving kaiseki cuisine that allows diners to relax and just enjoy the flavors. It's not so much about the deliciousness of the food as it is about the quiet enjoyment of Japanese cuisine. In this video, the owner of Masago Saryo talks about his passion for his restaurant and his cuisine. -
Video article 25:03
Quintessence, a Very Famous Japanese Restaurant That Was Awarded Three Stars by Michelin Tokyo 2020! A Look at Chef Shuzo Kishida's Passion for Cooking!
Food & Drink Celebrities- 19 plays
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This video, titled "#15 Shuzo Kishida (Quintessence)" (#15_岸田周三(Quintessence)), was released by "Palais de Z - The Future of Deliciousness" (パレ・ド・Z〜おいしさの未来〜). This video introduces Shuzo Kishida, the owner-chef of Quintessence, a restaurant that was awarded 1st place among the three Michelin stars restaurants of Tokyo in 2020. One of the characteristics of Chef Shuzo Kishida is that he does not create recipes, and he believes in continuous growth. He has a belief in his ingredients, and in the way he goes to the market to find what he is satisfied with, you can sense the splendor of his sincere approach to cooking. In this video, you'll learn about Chef Shuzo Kishida's career and his passion for cooking! -
Video article 4:55
Introducing the Now Handicap Accessible Tourist Attractions of Japan. What Is the Handicap Accessible Situation in Japan, That Many Foreign Tourists Are Benefiting From?
Modern Culture News- 78 plays
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Handicap Accessible Japan! The video, “Handicap-Accessible Information of Tourist Sites by Barry-Joshua Grisdale(観光地のバリアフリー情報発信 グリズデイル・バリージョシュアさん)”, introduces Barry-Joshua Grisdale of Canada, who promotes information on handicap accessible information on Japan’s tourist websites. Barry-Joshua Grisdale created an English travel information website for people with disabilities called “Accessible Japan”, and promotes information concerning accessibility to Japan’s tourist attractions for the rest of the world. The website name, "Accessible Japan", comes from (as you probably guessed) the word accessibility (able to access easily or use easily). In recent years, the word accessibility, along with the phrase barrier-free, have been popularized globally. In this article, we will be introducing Barry-Joshua Grisdale and Japan’s handicap accessible situation. The Different Types of "Handicap Accessible." Photo:A wheelchair accessible ramp Handicap accessible means that people with disabilities, elderly people with impaired movement, and a wide range of other people, can use facilities and get around with ease. This also refers to the modifications that help make their lives easier. Recently, a barrier-free law has been put into place in Japan, and there have been many changes happening such as: reducing uneven transitions between streets and sidewalks,installing tactile paving on the streets (braille blocks), handicap toilets, as well as elevators. Handrails on trains, extensive wheelchair accessible routes, “Non-step” buses, and handicap accessible hotels are some of the other efforts being made. Japan’s Efforts to Become “Barrier-Free” Source :YouTube screenshot It has been 4 years since Barry-Joshua Grisdale created “Accessible Japan”, the English travel information website for people with disabilities that is accessed over 70,000 times annually. Barry-Joshua Grisdale now works at a welfare facility in Tokyo. He fondly remembers when he came to Japan on a trip when he was 19 years old, and 6 train station attendants carried him down the stairs. Since then he has been spreading the word on how wonderful Japan is to its visitors. Source :YouTube screenshot The English travel information website for people with disabilities “Accessible Japan”, created by Barry-Joshua Grisdale, recommend a pathway leading up to the popular sightseeing attractionSensoji Temple, as shown from 1:05 in the video. It's very useful for people visiting Japan for the first time. The pathway is very flat and easy to access. Also, there is a service in which wheelchair users can use a slope to get on, and take a ride on a rickshaw! Historically famous tourist sites such as Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, as introduced in the footage at 3:31, have become more handicap accessible by installing elevators. Summary of Japan’s Handicap Accessible Tourist Sites Source :YouTube screenshot With the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, Japan will have many visitors coming from overseas, and those with disabilities, using wheelchairs, and those with service dogs will also be able to enjoy Japan’s tourist attractions. The video in this article, summarizes the efforts of Japan’s tourist sites to becoming handicap accessible. If you're interested in handicap accessibility at Japan’s tourist sites, give "Accessible Japan" a try. It's full of useful content. 【Official Website】Accessible Japan https://www.accessible-japan.com/ -
Video article 8:17
Miona Hori From Nogizaka 46 Visits the Famous Restaurant "Rokurinsha Osaki" in Shinagawa! The Popular Idol's Thoughts on the Thick Dipping Noodles That Have Been Trending Lately!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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Legends of Tsukemen! Rokurinsha Osaki, a Famous Ramen Restaurant In this episode from "ramenwalker," Miona Hori from Nogizaka 46 is the guest as they introduce the super popular ramen restaurant "Rokurinsha Osaki." Rokurinsha is a legend of tsukemen (dipping noodles) and one of the leaders in the thick tsukemen boom! Ryosai Mita opened Rokurinsha in Osaki in 2005, and it quickly made its name known. However, it was so popular that people kept waiting in line and in 2009, the restaurant was forced to temporarily close its doors out of consideration for other establishments. In April 2014, Rokurinsha returned to Osaki after an even bigger expansion. This video talks a lot about the charm of the long-time favorite Rokurinsha, so be sure to check it out. ◆Rokurinsha Osaki Branch Store Information◆ 【Address】Osaki Wiz City 1F, 2-11 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 【Access】A 6-minute walk from JR Osaki Station, New West Exit 【Avg. Cost】830円〜 【Hours】Mon-Fri 11:00-23:00 (L.O. 22:30) Sat・Sun・Holidays 11:00-22:30 (L.O. 22:00) 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6417-3566 【Official Homepage】Rokurinsha http://www.rokurinsha.com/ 【Tabelog】Rokurinsha (六厘舎) Osaki Branch https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1316/A131604/13167354/ -
Video article 36:53
RyuGin, a Three-Michelin-Starred Japanese Restaurant in Roppongi, Serves up a Variety of Pufferfish Dishes! The Wild Tiger Pufferfish From Shimonoseki Is a Masterpiece That Will Impress Even the Most Discerning Gourmand!
Food & Drink- 34 plays
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Natural Tiger Pufferfish From Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture! RyuGin's Delectable Puffer Fish Cuisine! This video shows the pufferfish cuisine of the 3 Michelin star restaurant "RyuGin" in Roppongi. The pufferfish used is natural tiger pufferfish from Shimonoseki, and they introduce a number of pufferfish dishes, starting from scratch. 2:55〜Preparing the pufferfish 5:39〜Fugu Shabu 8:00〜Shirako 10:34〜Yaki Shirako 15:20〜Hirezake 16:34〜Black truffle & milt soup 18:07〜Mikagedama 21:00〜Haruka Hanasansho 24:29〜On-to-Rei 27:05〜Shiju-so 30:56〜Kisho Gokujo 33:36〜Irokaho Be sure to check out the dishes of RyuGin shown in the video, as there's plenty of highlights! ◆RyuGin Store Information◆ 【Address】7F Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, 1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0006 【Access】Directly connected to Hibiya Station on the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, Hibiya Line, and, Toei Subway Mita Line / Directly connected to Yurakucho Station on the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line (a 4-minute walk) / Directly connected to Ginza Station on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line, Hibiya Line and Ginza Line (a 5 minutes walk) / Yurakucho Station on the JR Yamanote and Keihin Tohoku lines (a 5-minute walk) Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) 【Avg. Cost】¥44,000+ 【Hours】17:30-23:00 (L.O. 20:00) 【Closures】Irregular ※Please check the official website 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6630-0007 【Official Homepage】RyuGin http://www.nihonryori-ryugin.com/en/about/ 【Yelp】RyuGin (龍吟) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E9%BE%8D%E5%90%9F-%E6%B8%AF%E5%8C%BA?osq=ryugin -
Video article 3:00
Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms of Hozukyo on the Sagano Romantic Train- "Sagano Rich"! On the Classically Designed Sightseeing Train, You Can Experience All Four Seasons While Enjoying the Natural Breeze in Kyoto!
Transportation- 346 plays
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The Sagano Romantic Train Running Between Sagano, Kyoto and Kameoka This video, titled "Sagano Romantic Train [4K] Feel the Pale Pink of Spring on the Sagano Romantic Train" (嵯峨野観光鉄道【4K】薄桃色の春を散らしながら走るトロッコ列車), was created by "eo official." It introduces the Sagano Romantic Train that runs through the beautiful cherry blossom of Hozukyo, Kyoto. The Sagano Romantic Train is a small, simple, red and black sightseeing train that runs at a speed of about 25 km/h. Because it moves slow, you can enjoy the seasonal views along the Hozu River (保津川, Hozugawa) making it one of the most popular tourist spots in Kyoto. In this article, we'll introduce the history of the Sagano Romantic Train, as well as tourist information, alongside the video. Before reading on, we recommend taking a look at the beautiful, windowless, open carriage Sagano Romantic Train "Sagano Rich" that runs through Hozukyo Gorge in spring. What is the Sagano Romantic Train? Photo:The Sagano Romantic Train, Arashiyama, Kyoto The Sagano Romantic Train was opened in 1991 after the JR Sanin Line, which was no longer in use, was converted to a double track. Since then, it has been a popular sightseeing train in Kyoto, where you can enjoy the magnificent views of the Hozu River valley in all four seasons, including cherry blossoms, fresh greenery, autumn leaves, and winter scenery, as well as the unusual rocks of the Hozu River, such as Magoroku Rock, Lion Rock and Frog Rock. Sagano Romantic Train "Sagano Rich," an open carriage with no windows, is especially popular because the seats are made of wooden chairs, and you can enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere of the train car and the surrounding scenery while feeling the breeze. You can see the inside of the train at 1:00 in the video. Recommended sightseeing course of Sagano Torokko train Photo:Togetsukyo Bridge, Arashiyama, Kyoto The Sagano Romantic Train runs from Saga Torokko Station to Kameoka Torokko Station, with Hozukyo Torokko Station and Arashiyama Torokko Station along the way. JR Sugano Station and Saga Torokko Station are next to one other, so we recommend getting on a train to Kameoka Torokko Station and going back on the Hozu River boat ride and enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Oi River, Togetsukyo Bridge, and Arashiyama. The standard fare for the Sagano Romantic Train is ¥630 for adults, regardless of route. The trains are closed during the winter season from December 30 to the end of February and on Wednesdays. You can book a ticket online, at stations, and at travel agencies. Reservations can be checked online, and same-day tickets are also available. For the latest information and timetables, please check the official website. A railway diorama and steam locomotive D51 are exhibited at SL square at Saga Torokko Station. In addition, original goods of the trains, etc. are sold at the station shop. These make the perfect souvenirs. What is the best time to see and see cherry blossoms in Hozukyo from Sagano Torokko train? "There are about 700 cherry blossoms along the Sagano Torokko train line, and you can enjoy fireworks for about 25 minutes along with the view of Hozugawa River from the train." I recommend Sakura Tunnel from the first car, and you can also feel like a driver.Especially, you must see the Sakura Tunnel in front of Torokko Kameoka Station. The best time to see cherry blossoms in Hozukyo from the Sagano Torokko train is usually from late March to early April.It seems that it was in full bloom around March 25th in 2023. On the official website of Sagano Torokko train, there is also a "Sakura Map" with highlights written on it, and on SNS, there are announcements such as blooming conditions and special trains running through the illuminated Sakura Tunnel." Summary of the Sagano Romantic Train Photo:A heritage railway "Sagano Romantic Train [4K] Feel the Pale Pink of Spring on the Sagano Romantic Train," introduces the Sagano Romantic Train that runs through the beautiful cherry blossoms of Hozukyo, Kyoto. If you're in the area, be sure to visit Kyoto and take a ride on the amazing sightseeing locomotives! 【Official Website】Sagano Romantic Train https://www.sagano-kanko.co.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Hozukyo Gorge https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g325585-d548232-Reviews-Hozukyo_Gorge-Kameoka_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:25
A New Symbol is Born in Shinjuku, Tokyo! Enjoy deep Shinjuku at Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, a flamboyant entertainment complex!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Things to Do Travel- 46 plays
- YouTube
Tokyu Kabukicho Tower" in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Video Introduction Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku This video, titled "Tokyu Kabukicho Tower: A Hotel and Entertainment Complex Aimed at International Tourists" (【東急歌舞伎町タワー】インバウンド需要狙い ホテルとエンタメの複合施設), was uploaded by "NTV News24" (日テレNEWS). The video introduces the entertainment facilities of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, which opened in April 2023. The video is full of exciting images, such as the flashy food hall Shinjuku Kabukicho Hall, where guests can enjoy sampling cuisine from different regions of Japan, and the movie theater, where every seat is a premium seat. [Video] 0:48 - All Premium Seats [Video] 0:57 - The Flashy Food Hall What is Tokyu Kabukicho Tower in Shinjuku, Tokyo Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku On April 14, 2023, an entertainment complex tower that allows visitors to play, watch, eat, and stay opened in Kabukicho in Shinjuku, Tokyo. The 225-meter-tall skyscraper complex stands majestically on the former site of the sadly closed Shinjuku Milano-za Theater. Its name is Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. The exterior of the tower is extremely stylish, and the skyscraper, designed in the image of a fountain, has a strong presence in Shinjuku's Kabukicho district. The concept of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is to "pursue your passions." Admission to Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is free, and anyone can enter. The tower houses restaurants, cafes, an evolutionary food court in the style of an alleyway you'd find in Tokyo, live music clubs, cinemas, theaters, and accommodations, offering a variety of experiences within a single building. In addition, reflecting the diversifying society, gender-less restrooms have been introduced on the 2nd floor. The revolutionary restrooms, which can be used by both men and women, have been quite the controversy on social media. Experience Japanese Festival Culture and Delicious Food on the 2nd Floor at Shinjuku Kabuki Hall Photo:Shinjuku Kabuki Hall, Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku Shinjuku Kabuki Hall is a flashy food hall with a Japanese festival theme. Located on the 2nd floor of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, the interior combines the glitz and glamour of Kabukicho with authentic alley-way-style areas that Tokyo is known for. Delicious foods from all over Japan and cuisine from the neighboring country of Korea can be enjoyed here as well. Hours for Shinjuku Kabuki Hall are from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day. Events are held every night on the stage set up inside the food hall, adding to the festive nighttime atmosphere of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. [Shop Information for the Food Hall] ●Hokkaido Food Festival (北海道食祭) Visitors can enjoy local delicacies of Hokkaido, such as ramen, zangi (a special type of fried chicken), Tokachi pork bowls, Muroran yakitori (pork and onions skewers), and various seafood products. ●Tohoku Food Festival (東北食祭) A restaurant where you can try beef tongue from Sendai, a major city in Japan's Tohoku region, Morioka reimen (cold noodles), Hinai Jidori chicken characterized by its firm texture and umami flavor, and Fukushima enban gyoza (disc dumplings) beautifully arranged in the shape of a frying pan. ●Kanto Food Festival (関東食祭) Kanto Food Festival is popular for its sushi platters and Edo tempura rice bowls, which allow visitors to enjoy Edomae techniques, motsuyaki (grilled beef offal) from Shibaura, Sano ramen from Tochigi, and Tochigi gyoza (dumplings). ●Yokohama Chinese Food Festival (横浜中華食祭) A restaurant where you can enjoy popular dishes from Yokohama Chinatown in a casual atmosphere. ●Chubu Food Festival (中部食祭) Here, visitors can enjoy dishes such as Nagoya's classic miso pork cutlet and chicken wings, dishes made with Japanese glass shrimp, the jewels of Toyama Bay, and Hanton Rice from Kanazawa, which has become a popular tourist destination since the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet train. ●Kinki Food Festival (近畿食祭) Visitors can enjoy "B-class gourmet" foods such as Osaka's okonomiyaki and kushikatsu, as well as Kyoto's udon noodles and obanzai (traditional Kyoto-style cuisine), famous for their elegant soup stock. The lineup also includes first-class Japanese beef dishes, such as Kobe Beef and Omi Beef! ●Chugoku-Shikoku Food Festival (中四国食祭) This restaurant focuses on fresh ingredients sent from the regions that produce them, such as bonito (dried skipjack tuna flakes) shipped directly from the remote Okinoshima island in Kochi, oysters shipped directly from Hiroshima, and noodles from a long-established Sanuki Udon noodle store in Kagawa that attracts large crowds of customers. ●Kyushu-Okinawa Food Festival (九州沖縄食祭) A restaurant where you can try Hakata's yakitori ramen, torikawa (chicken skin) skewers, and tetsunabe gyoza (a special type of dumpling). You can also try chicken dishes made with Miyazaki jidori chicken, goya chanpuru (Okinawan bitter gourd stir-fry), rafute, and more. Enjoy a combination of foods together with shochu and awamori. ●Korean Food Festival (韓国食祭) From Korean dishes like cheese dakgalbi, sundubu, and samgyeopsal, which are very popular in Japan, to sweets from Korean food stalls, you can enjoy a wide variety of Korean food here. ●KABUKI CAFÉ A casual Italian restaurant that can be enjoyed as a café or a bar. The Arts at Tokyu Kabukicho Tower! Theater, Cinema, a Live Music Club and More! Source :YouTube screenshot No matter how rewarding the tourist attraction or wonderful the live performance is, if your accommodations are far away or if you have to travel by crowded train, you won't be able to enjoy it as much as you'd like... With that said, we recommend utilizing the accommodations inside Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. Tokyu Kabukicho Tower has two hotels opening on May 19, 2023. They are "BELLUSTAR TOKYO, A Pan Pacific Hotel," a facility that offers one of the most luxurious lodging experiences in Japan, and "HOTEL GROOVE SHINJUKU, A PARKROYAL Hotel," which features pop-style guest rooms with art and music inspired by Shinjuku. After a long day of fun at Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, an entertainment complex tower, you can return to your hotel room at the press of a button! You're sure to have an enjoyable time if you do so! Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is also connected to airports via a direct limousine bus service. If you're looking for a base to explore tourist attractions around Tokyo, this is it! Tokyu Kabukicho Tower: An Entertainment Facility & Hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower at night, Shinjuku Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, an entertainment complex and tower, combines a state-of-the-art theater, movie theater, and a live music hall. Located on the 6th, 7th, and 8th floors of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, THEATER MILANO-Za has been opened, taking the name of Shinjuku Milano-za, a beloved movie theater that was open in Shinjuku for 58 years, as a live entertainment theater. It offers a top-notch stage for artists, not only for plays, but also for seated live music performances and visual events. 109 Cinemas Premium is located on the 9th and 10th floors. The viewers-only lounge, which can be used one hour before a movie starts, has a relaxing atmosphere and is decorated with artwork inspired by Shinjuku's Kabukicho district. All seats are premium seats, and the design of the sound system was overseen by Ryuichi Sakamoto. Zepp Shinjyuku (TOKYO), located in the basement of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower from B1F to B4F, can accommodate 1,500 people standing, making it one of the largest live music halls in Shinjuku. Equipped with the latest video equipment, it offers a special live performance experience in a luxury venue where music and video are fused together. Tokyu Kabukicho Tower Floor Guide Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku Tokyu Kabukicho Tower has 48 floors above ground and 5 floors below ground for a total of 53 floors. Of the 53 floors, 45 floors are accessible by the public. Below is a floor guide for Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. BELLUSTAR TOKYO, A Pan Pacific Hotel (39-47F) A luxury hotel at the top of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower with a panoramic view of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. The hotel has 97 rooms and 5 penthouse suites where you can enjoy an unforgettable stay. Floors 45-47 feature a bar and restaurant that can be used by all visitors to the hotel. HOTEL GROOVE SHINJUKU, A PARKROYAL Hotel (18-38F) A hotel with a view of Tokyo with fancy furnishings and unique art installations. The hotel has 538 rooms that come in a variety of styles. From suites, to rooms with tatami flooring, and rooms designed by artists, there's something for everyone here. JAM 17 DINING & BAR (17F) JAM 17 DINING & BAR features an Italian restaurant with an open kitchen and fresh vegetables from Japan's Kanto region. The restaurant also features a rooftop terrace where you can enjoy dinner with friends or a romantic night out with your special someone. The bar is a great place to relax after enjoying other facilities in the tower, and features guest bartenders, original cocktails, and a tasteful ambience. 109 Cinemas Premium (9-10F) A movie theater with completely premium seating inside Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. THEATER MILANO-Za (6-8F) Carrying on the name of the former Shinjuku Milano-za, this theater is used for plays, live performances, etc., and seats up to 907 guests in relatively spacious seating. EXSTION (5F) EXSTION is a members-only wellness club located inside of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower with a relaxing atmosphere. It features a lounge, sauna, gym, pool, restaurant, art gallery, and other facilities. THE TOKYO MATRIX (4F) A real-life dungeon based on the story of Sword Art Online. Players will have to use sword skills, and critical thinking to solve puzzles and collect items for a chance to face off against Kirito and Asuna. namco TOKYO (3F) Namco TOKYO is an arcade located inside of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. The arcade features 250 gachapon machines, a variety of games, as well as food and drinks with which to enjoy a break between fun. Shinjuku Kabuki Hall (2F) Shinjuku Kabuki Hall is a café inside of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower with 10 restaurants all offering a different style of cuisine from somewhere in Japan, and even with Korean food. Tourist Information Center (1F) The first floor is where you can get father tourist information if you're visiting the area, but also houses a Starbucks, a burger and taco restaurants, and a variety of other facilities. Zepp Shinjuku/ZEROTOKYO (B1-B4) The basement floors are home to Zepp Shinjuku, a live music hall with state-of-the-art video equipment for live performances that can accommodate up to 1,500 guests, and ZEROTOKYO, a club where you can enjoy music, DJs, scenography, and all kinds of awesome performances. Summary of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, a Flashy New Tourist Attraction in Shinjuku Photo:Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Shinjuku Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is a new type of entertainment complex that is raising the bar for quality entertainment in Japan. You can experience the Japanese spirit of hospitality, which is to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable, together with endless entertainment and state-of-the-art facilities. 【Official Website】TOKYU KABUKICHO TOWER -
Video article 2:08
Haneda Airport Garden" at Haneda Airport in Ota-ku, Tokyo, is full of stores where you can experience Japanese culture! The commercial complex, which is also popular for its luxurious hot spring baths, is finally fully open for business!
News Travel Shopping- 68 plays
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Haneda Airport Garden, Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "[Haneda Airport Garden] Fully Opened and Ready Promote Japanese Culture" (【羽田エアポートガーデン】全面開業 日本文化を発信), was uploaded by "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" (日本経済新聞). Haneda Airport Garden, a commercial complex directly connected to Haneda Airport's international flights and Terminal 3 had its grand opening on January 31, 2023. Stores with noren curtains and other elements of Japanese culture line the aisles. Haneda Sando is store designed to resemble the approach to a Shinto shrine, with stores on both sides of the aisle, which gives visitors a fun experience similar to that of a typical Japanese shrine festival. The Handa Airport Garden was created with the hope that visitors to Japan can experience Japan from the moment they step off the plane. Be sure to check out the video of Haneda Airport Garden as you read along. What is Haneda Airport Garden? Photo:Haneda Airport, Terminal 3 The Haneda Airport Garden, by Sumitomo Realty & Development, was originally scheduled to open in April 2020, following an increase in the number of international flights, but was postponed due to the impact of the novel coronavirus. The full opening of the new building has been planned in anticipation of a recovery in tourism to Japan. Directly connected to Haneda Airport Terminal 3, Haneda Airport Garden boasts 12 floors and a total area of 43,000 square meters. The first floor features restaurants, a food court, and other establishments for food and drinks, while the second floor is lined with shops selling local specialties, souvenirs, and sundries, making it a large-scale facility with approximately 70 tenants. In addition, there's a bus terminal on the first floor, which serves as a direct connection between tourist attractions and Haneda Airport, while the second through twelfth floors include a hotel and hot spring facilities. Haneda Airport Garden is a new commercial complex being called the "new face" of Japan. Haneda Airport Garden – Hours, Recommended Souvenir Shops, and Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot Here we'll introduce the stores featured in the video as wel las their business hours. ●Hakuchikudo, a Fan Specialty Shop in Kyoto Hakuchikudo is a store with more than 300 years of history, founded in 1718. The store is popular for making beautiful and fashionable traditional Kyo-sen (Kyoto-style folding fans) created by techniques passed down from one generation to the next. [Video] 0:28 - Hakuchikudo ●Kurazukuri Honpo, a Shop Selling Traditional Japanese Sweets Established in Kawagoe in 1887, this Japanese confectionery store values "ingredients" and "technique" and sells exquisite wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) that are made with the care and passion of its craftsmen. The "Fukuzo" (福蔵, homemade red bean paste wrapped in baked rice cake skin) and "Beniaka kun" (べにあかくん, a biscuit made with butter, whipped cream, and Japanese sweet potatoes) are especially popular. [Video] 0:38 - Kurazukuri Honpo ●Yamakoshi Honpo, a Shop Selling Local Specialties From Niigata, Japan This shop sells local specialties from Nagaoka, Niigata. You can purchase special types of rice, processed rice products, miso, sake, and more. [Video] 1:02 - Yamakoshi Honpo ●Rokkakukan Sakurado is a shop specializing in cosmetic brushes. Visitors can purchase cosmetic brushes and miscellaneous cosmetic goods only available at Haneda Airport Garden here, as well as products from Chikuhodo, a famous cosmetic brush manufacturer in Kumano, Japan. [Video] 1:12 - Rokkakukan Sakurado From Kyoto ●Hakuchikudo and Kurazukuri Honpo are located in the "Japan Promenade" area, while Yamakoshi Honpo and Rokkakukan Sakurado are located in the "Haneda Sando" area. Both shops are making their first appearance in Tokyo. Business hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Recommended Restaurants at Haneda Airport Garden + Business Hours Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to shopping, visitors to the Haneda Airport Garden can also enjoy a variety of dining experiences. ●OEDO FOOD HALL Food Court (大江戸フードホール) (Hours - 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) The interior design is a modern interpretation of Edo-period Japan, and the walls are decorated with ukiyoe-style paintings, a type of woodblock print painting popular at the time. The food court serves a wide variety of dishes, including steak cooked on lava rock, juwari soba noodles made from 100% buckwheat flour, and tekkaju, a dish that uses natural tuna directly shipped from Misaki Port. The restaurant also features ingredients from Tokyo and neighboring prefectures. ●The Izakaya Umaiyo Sakana Umaiyo Sakana (うまいよ魚旨いよ魚) (Hours - 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) A wide variety of fish dishes can be enjoyed here, and customers can enjoy 27 kinds of sake carefully selected from all over Japan. The interior design, reminiscent of a shrine, is also worth noting. ●Hanayama Udon (五代目 花山うどん) (Lunch Hours - 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Dinner Hours 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) The popular "Hishikawa Udon" here has a chewy texture that could be mistaken for rice cakes, with their signature large noodles. Heijoen, a Japanese BBQ Restaurant (Hours 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) Heijoen is a restaurant where patrons can enjoy Japan's world-famous Wagyu beef. The menu includes delicious platters and Kobe Beef Tokusen Gozen, a set meal that includes an assortment of the finest cuts of Kobe beef, and the restaurant is proud of the high quality of its beef, which is mainly Kobe Beef. Haneda Airport Garden – Hotels & Natural Hot Springs Source :YouTube screenshot The Haneda Airport Garden is home to Villa Fontaine, the largest hotel directly connected to an airport, with a total of 1,717 guest rooms. Villa Fontaine is divided into two types: Villa Fontaine Premier Haneda Airport and Villa Fontaine Grand Haneda Airport. Villa Fontaine Premier has parking available for one car per room (reservation required), and is recommended for those who not only want to use the airport, but also those purely interested in staying at the hotel. The hot spring facility "Izumi Tenku no Yu" located on the 12th floor of the hotel is drawing a lot of attention as a hot spring where you can enjoy airplane spotting and views of Mt. Fuji. There are four areas to enjoy, from relaxing hot springs to bedrock baths and saunas. Non-hotel guests can also use the facilities by paying a fee, and it's open 24 hours a day! Summary of Haneda Airport Garden Haneda Airport is aiming to become the new gateway to Japan. Haneda Airport Garden, which has just fully opened at Haneda Airport, is a commercial complex where visitors can fully enjoy Japanese culture. It's a great place for both Japanese citizens and foreign visitors to Japan alike to enjoy the delicious dining experiences, shopping, saunas, and more. The interior design is also really photogenic for any instagrammers looking for a new place to check out! Discover the new face of Japan at Haneda Airport Garden! 【Official Website】Haneda Airport Garden 【TripAdvisor】Tokyo International Airport, Haneda Airport -
Video article 1:30
Extend Your Journey to the Yamashiro Hotspring in Kaga and Enjoy the Beautiful Japanese Scenery! A Look at Recommended Spots, Food, and Ryokan in the Onsen Village!
Travel Things to Do- 128 plays
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About the PR Movie for Yamashiro Onsen in Kaga, Ishikawa "山代温泉 PRmovie 【short ver.】" made by the Yamashiro Onsen Tourist Association is a promotional video of popular tourist spots in Kaga city, Ishikawa prefecture. Yamashiro Onsen in Kaga is located in the Hokuriku region of Honshu. It is known as the only Onsen town in the region and referred to as "Ideyu no machi" (The Town of Onsen) with its 1300 years of history. It has been loved by a number of Japanese writers and artists, with a heart of hospitality times past. It's one of the most popular Onsen places on Japanese travel review & comparison sites. many of the charms of old Japan are captured in this one and a half minute video, so be sure to take a look! Attractive Spots Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot If you want to have a relaxing time, Rosanjin's Hut "Iroha" introduced from 0:24 is a highly recommended tourist spot. Other sightseeing places, such as the foot baths, Kutani Kamaato Museum and the steps of the Japanese alphabet to the Hattori Shrine are shown as well. The unique observatory of Sazaedo at 1:00 in the video is also a very attractive place to visit. Presented at 0:13 in the video is Sohachi's Roppo Yaki, which is great for having a snack while you walk or lunch as well. Kaga parfait presented at 0:47, with it's delectable sweets, is also something you don't want to miss. Onsen and Ryokan in the Area Photo:Yamashiro Onsen Soyu and Kosoyu introduced from 1:09 are Yamashiro's representative traditional Japanese public baths. Enjoy good old Japanese baths tiled with Kutaniyaki ceramics. In Yamashiro Onsen there are various select onsen ryokans such as Rurikoh, Yuzankaku, Housyoutei, Yamashitaya and Yoshidaya Sannoukaku. We also recommend lodging such as Araya Totoan, Yayunokuni Tensho, Tachibana Shikitei, Hatori, Beniya Mukayu, Morinosumika Resorts & Spa, Yukai Resort Saichoraku and Hoshino resorts. Of course there are places you can enjoy without staying the night at a hotel as well. The natural minerals in Yamashiro Onsen's spring water are: sodium, calcium, monosulfate, and chloride. The health benefits include: the easing of chronic pains, such as muscle pain, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, neuralgia, frozen shoulder, bruises, sprains. On top of that, it is also effective in easing muscle stiffness caused by motor paralysis, poor circulation, peripheral circulatory disturbance, intestinal disorders, mild cases of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, pulmonary emphysema, hemorrhoids, autonomic instability, sleep disorders, depression and aids in recovery from fatigue and promotes health. Things to do When Visiting Yamashiro Onsen There are a variety of things to do when staying at the Yamashiro Onsen. There is "Hazuchio Gakudo" which is a supporting institution for local communication, "Gallery PANNONICA" where unique exhibitions of all genres are held, "Izukuraya Buzangama" where you can see ceramic artworks, "Utsuwazo" where local Kutani ceramic artists' works and other great artworks of Yamanaka's lacquer ware are exhibited, and "Kamamoto Kutani Bitouen" where you can enjoy original ceramic wares. There are a lot of places where you can actually experience the traditional craft Kutaniyaki (A type of Japanese porcelain). If you have a chance to visit Yamashiro Onsen, why not give some of these places a visit as well. Summary of Yamashiro Onsen Photo:Onsen After staying at one of Japan's ryokan, visiting Yamashiro Onsen, spending a wonderful time in the large public baths and open-air baths, you may want to put on your yukata, relax and enjoy some private time exploring the Ryokan. If the weather is nice, you can have a nice time walking around the Onsen village just like in the video. Access is about 30 minutes by car from Komatsu Airport and the closest station is Kaga Onsen Station of Hokuriku-honsen, West Japan Railway. Spend time at Shiroyama Onsen, the popular Onsen area of Kanazawa and Kaga of Ishikawa prefecture will definitely make for an unforgettable experience. 【Official website】Yamashiro Onsen Tourist Organization Kanazawa & Kaga|27 minutes from Kanazawa station of Hokuriku Shinkansen http://www.yamashiro-spa.or.jp/foreign/en 【Tripadvisor】Yamashiro Onsen Kosouyu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g651648-d3782601-Reviews-Yamashiro_Onsen_Kosouyu-Kaga_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:01
Introducing the Southern Area of Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, With a Lighthearted Rap! The Yamaguchi Dialect Goes Great With Rap! Which Popular Spot in Southern Yamaguchi Do You Want to Visit?
Travel Local PR- 46 plays
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Introducing Southern Yamaguchi With a Lighthearted Rap! This is a unique promotion video by "Yamaguchi Channel" titled "[Nambu Area RAP] A PR Video for the Southern Area of Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture" (山口県山口市南部地域のPR動画「ナンブエリアRAP」). It introduces attractive local products, crafts, events and scenery through rap music. A Brief Look at the History of Yamaguchi Photo: Rurikoji Temple, Yamaguchi Yamaguchi City is the capital of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It's a warm area, with little rain and snow each year. It has the second largest population in the prefecture after Shimonoseki. In 2005, Ajisu and other areas were merged to form the current Yamaguchi. It is said to be one of the smallest prefectural capitals in Japan, but it has a long history that includes historical sites associated with the Choshu Domain which helped lead the Meiji Restoration, as well as a coin factory that has been in operation since the Heian period, and Seto-mono-no-Sato (瀬戸物の里). Also, a number of prime ministers have been born in Yamaguchi. In the southern part of the city, there are Kagawa and Sayama where there are many scenic spots. Setouchi gourmet is also popular, attracting many tourists every year. Popular Sightseeing Locations in Yamaguchi Photo:The SL Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi The following are popular sightseeing sights shown in the video. - Natajima (0:38) This is a beautiful countryside scene featuring the young MC. It is a straight line stretching about 2km and is a part of the course for the international cycling event "Tour de Yamaguchi Bay." - Suegatake This mountain stretches across Aiofutajima, Sue, and Suzenji, and is called the "Mini-Fuji of Yamaguchi" because it looks like Mt. Fuji. It is also famous as a place to practice and experience climbing, and is a great place for beginners to climb as it's located 230 meters above sea level. This can be seen from 0:26 in the video. - Sand Art Large-scale sand art that can be seen around September and October, when the water in Nagasawa Pond recedes. You can see it from 0:34 in the video. - Natajima Shingaisaku Nambanhi This is the site where large-scale land reclamation work was conducted during the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). It was called "Nanbanhi" and used the latest technology at the time. It has since been designated as a National Historic Site as an Important Historical Resource. - The Former Katsuragatani Storage Dam The oldest dam in Yamaguchi that was completed in 1923. - Minogahama A warm and calm beach along the Seto Inland Sea. It has been crowded with SUP and swimming since it was opened in 2019. You can barbecue and camp in the specific area. - Japanese Tiger Prawns Aio, Yamaguchi is the birthplace of tiger prawn farming. Every year when the shrimp are in season, the "World Shrimp Hunting Competition" is held. - Setouchi Hot Spring Southern Yamaguchi is famous for its hot springs. "Aio-sou," a hotel with a view of the sea, is shown from 0:49 in the video. - Iwayasan Jizo-in You can visit pilgrimage sites in the southern area of Yamaguchi. It is the 83rd temple of the 88 sacred places of Aio. - Mejima A unique island referred to as the Mont-Saint-Michel of Yamaguchi. At low tide, the island is connected to other islands and can be crossed on foot. - Aio Fruit Tomatoes (秋穂フルーツトマト) There's a lot of delicious food to try in southern Yamaguchi. Aio Fruit Tomatoes are so sweet and delicious that they're called the king of tomatoes. There are local sake and pumpkins too. - SL Yamaguchi The SL Yamaguchi is a very exciting train. In the southern part of Yamaguchi, you can still see the steam locomotive in action. Photo:Suo Bridge, Yamaguchi Prefecture - Suo Bridge It connects the cities Ube and Hofu and has been selected as one of the Top 100 Bridges in Japan. At the foot of the mountain is the Fujio Mountain Slide, where you can experience the thrill of the slide while enjoying a spectacular view. - Yamaguchi Kirara Expo Memorial Park The remains of the site of the 2001 Yamaguchi Kirara Expo, the 21st Century Future Exposition, have been developed into a park and is loved by many locals of Yamaguchi. - The Izeki River The southern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture used to experience a lot of damage from storm surges, but with the completion of the Izeki River Tide Gate in 1991, storm surge damage has been reduced. - The Statue of Omura Masujiro He was one of the ten leading people of the Choshu clan who were active at the end of the Edo period. He contributed greatly to the Meiji Restoration and is said to have been well educated in Dutch studies, Western medicine, and military science. - Sue-no-Sue Kamaato Said to be a kiln using in the Heian period (794-1185 A.D.) to fire Seto Ware pottery. High- quality pottery has been produced in the Setouchi region since ancient times. - Fireworks Festival In Ogori, Yamaguchi, fireworks festivals have been held since the Meiji period (1868-1912 AD). Nowadays, a large-scale fireworks festival is held at Fushinogawahigashitsu Kasen Park in southern Yamaguchi. Summary of Southern Yamaguchi Photo:Osaba Hachiman, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture Access to Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, is convenient from Yamaguchi Station on the JR West Line and Shin-Yamaguchi Station on the Sanyo Shinkansen. Many places and events are introduced in the video. There are some seasonal events as well, so please check the brochure or the official website of Yamaguchi City for details. 【Official Website】Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.yamaguchi.lg.jp/site/userguide/11129.html 【Tripadvisor】Yamaguchi City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298142-Yamaguchi_Yamaguchi_Prefecture_Chugoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:19
Video introduction of "Toyokawa Inari Yolmode 2022" in Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture! The fantastic beauty of the event attracts viewers and brings vitality and liveliness to the community! Ticket information and highlights!
News Festivals & Events Travel Traditional Culture Things to Do History- 64 plays
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Toyokawa Inari Yolmowde" Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "A Temple Visit at Night With a Fantastical Atmosphere|Using Technology to Prevent Infection|Toyokawa Inari, Aichi (2022/7/25)" (幻想的な雰囲気の中で「夜の参拝」を 感染対策には驚きの演出も 愛知・豊川稲荷(2022/7/25)), was uploaded by "CBC News [CBC TV Official]" (CBCニュース【CBCテレビ公式】). Toyokawa Inari x NAKED YORU MO-DE, which began last July, is a safe and secure, new-style nighttime worship event that focuses on preventing infection. Be sure to check out the video as it shows Toyokawa Inari and the photogenic light art, illuminated approach, and many other attractions that can be seen at YORU MO-DE. Toyokawa Inari - Is It a Temple or Shrine? Photo:Reiko-Zuka, the Hill of Foxes at Toyokawa Inari, Aichi Prefecture Toyokawa Inari, located in Toyokawa, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai region, is a temple officially called Enpukuzan Myogonji Temple and is one of the three major Inari shrines in Japan. The reason it is called Toyokawa Inari is that it enshrines a deity called "Toyokawa Dakini Shinten," a god astride a white fox (Inari shrines are dedicated to foxes), who is believed to bring prosperity to business and safety to one's family. It is said that this may be due to the fact that the shrine is also associated with the Inari faith. Toyokawa Inari is famous for offering four types of shuin stamps. The summer-only shuin stamps with cool designs are quite popular. In addition, a variety of good luck charms are available, including some with cute foxes on them. Toyokawa Inari has branch temples throughout Japan. Toyokawa Kaku Myogonji Temple in Akasaka, Tokyo, also known as Toyokawa Inari Betsuin, is a popular urban power spot. The fortune-telling service at Toyokawa Inari Betsuin is particularly popular due to its accuracy, causing there to often be a queue of people waiting to receive their fortunes. Ticket and Event Information for Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE 2022 Source :YouTube screenshot Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE 2022 is from July 22 to August 6. This is a limited-time event to enjoy a nighttime temple visit, and tickets must be purchased in order to participate. Tickets can be purchased at the on-site reception during the event period, or in advance on ticket websites. Admission is 1,500 yen for adults. Elementary school students and younger can enter free of charge. During YORU MO-DE, visitors can enjoy a variety of illuminated artworks in the precincts of Toyokawa Inari, which attract a lot of attention due to how photogenic they are. In addition to the approach to the temple being lit up, this year the light-up area has been expanded even further! Reiko-Zuka, the Hill of Foxes, where approximately 1,000 fox statues are enshrined, will be illuminated with light and sound effects, creating an even more beautiful and mysterious atmosphere. In addition, the colorful flower-shaped mikuji that have become popular on Japanese social media will add color and delight visitors. Summer is also the best time for yukata! The FOX MASK, available in limited quantities, goes perfectly with yukata, and allows visitors to take memorable photos! Also, the "Tsukubai," a stone wash basin used to purify oneself, emits disinfectant when hands are held near it and projects motifs of goldfish and fireworks. In addition, the light patterns on the lanterns allow visitors to maintain safe social distancing while enjoying the attractions. How Crowded is Toyokawa Inari YORU-MODE 2022? Source :YouTube screenshot With the number of people infected with the new coronavirus on the rise, one concern people have inevitably expressed is how crowded the event will be. At this year's YORU MO-DE, in addition to infection prevention measures, such as alcohol disinfection and lanterns that allow people to naturally maintain distance from other visitors, as mentioned above, a new system has also been introduced. On the day of the event, visitors will obtain a digital numbered ticket by scanning a QR code before entering, and will receive a message on via LINE when it's time to enter. Through this system, the number of visitors allowed into the temple grounds per hour is limited to 1,500 to prevent crowding and to prevent the spread of the virus. Until you can enter with a digital numbered ticket, you can fill your stomach at the food stalls and stores in the shopping area. This system allows visitors to make good use of their time while waiting instead of just standing in line until they can enter. Delicious Food to Try at Toyokawa Inari! When you visit Toyokawa Inari, be it for sightseeing or to pray, there's one food that you've got to try. That is, Toyokawa Inari Sushi! Named after Inari Okami's favorite abura-age, this sushi is a must-try. We recommend Okitsune Honpo (おきつね本舗) if you want to try it! They also offer take-out, so it is perfect for eating while you walk around. The "Okitsune Burger," which uses fried tofu instead of buns, is also popular according to reviews. Consider giving it a try! Summary of YORU MO-DE at Toyokawa Inari If you haven't already seen the video introducing the precincts of the temple and other areas decorated with light effects, be sure to check it out. When visiting the event, although a large parking lot is available, we recommend using public transportation instead of a car, as parking is expected to be crowded during the event. Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE is a festival where visitors can enjoy beautiful art with the aim of revitalizing the local community. There are many hotels and other lodging facilities in the area. If you're visiting Aichi for sightseeing, definitely give YORU MO-DE a thought, it's a fantastic summer-only event! -
Video article 4:19
Koi Are Often Called "Swimming Jewels" and "Swimming Art" in Japan... A Look at the Secrets of These Beautiful Aquarium Fish, Including the Different Varieties and Their Characteristics!
Living Things Life & Business- 996 plays
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Koi Carp: Loved by the Japanese Since Long Ago This video is called ‘Koi Carp 〜Swimming Art〜 (錦鯉 〜泳ぐ芸術〜)’ and made by JVT Channel (JVTチャンネル). The video shows you colorful koi swimming elegantly. Koi are aquarium fish with a long history. Historical records show koi being used as the inspiration for painting patterns of items exhibited at expos during the Taisho Period (1912~1926). They are actually an invasive species to Japan. The specially bred fish have been bred into many different varieties. Koi are kept as aquarium fish in aquariums and ponds within Japanese gardens. Their characteristics are their beautiful patterns and striking colors. The average size of these fish is between 30 and 60 cm and their life span is around 30 years. Let’s take a look at why these fish are so attractive. The video shows you a koi farm and a competition that you don’t get an opportunity to see often. Be sure to check it out while reading this article. What Are Koi? Photo:Koi Koi were originally called "irogoi" (色鯉, colored carp), hanagoi (花鯉, flower carp), and "moyougoi" (模様鯉, patterned carp) in Japanese. They started to be called Nishikigoi (錦鯉, brocade carp) because of their luxurious designs reminiscent of a brocade. The Japanese brocade shown at 0:14 in the documentary video is a Japanese traditional silk fabric made by weaving variously colored threads. Koi were originally eaten as a food, then, one day, a unique fish with beautiful patterns appeared. There are many kinds of koi, such as red and white and tri-colored koi with red, white, and black. In addition to the Taisho Sanshoku (tri-color) and the Showa Sanshoku, there are some unusually colored ones, such as light yellow, autumn Green, tortoise shell patterned koi, reflective koi, five Colored koi, and gold and Peacock koi as well. How Are Koi Looked After? Source :YouTube screenshot It takes a lot of work to raise beautiful Nishikigoi. The Dainichi Koi Farm in Niigata Prefecture in Japan's Koshinetsu region, farms koi. At the farm, they strictly control water temperature and quality, as well as feeding schedules. They put great care into raising beautiful koi. They are also very particular about the feed given to their koi. This can be seen from 1:13 in the video. From 1:37, you can see many baby koi as well. Hiroshi Mano from Dainichi Koi Farm says in the interview, "The most important things are maintaining proper water temperature and quality. Beautiful koi are strong, healthy koi. From 3:27 in the video, you can see the annual National Koi Competition. Koi from the Dainichi Koi Farm were the winners of this competition. How to Get Your Very Own Japanese Koi There are many kinds of koi. In Japan, many people love koi. Koi with patterns or beautiful colors are sold at auctions for sometimes astronomically high prices. Furthermore, you can buy specially bred varieties of koi at online shops and Yahoo Japan Auctions, but they usually go for quite a bit of money. Some orders for Japanese koi come from overseas. The number of koi exported overseas is increasing year by year. Popular koi have been used as a motifs in traditional Japanese crafts as well. We recommend buying plates and chopstick holders with koi pattern designs. Summary of Japan's "Swimming Jewels" Photo:Koi In Japan, there are many kinds of aquarium fish, such as goldfish and Japanese rice fish. Among them, koi are loved by many people for their jewel-like beauty. Koi are born around Niigata Prefecture area. You can learn the history and the characteristics of koi at Nishikigoi no Sato in Niigata, the birthplace of koi, and at Fukuoka Koinosato Park in Fukuoka-machi, Toyama Prefecture in Japan's Hokuriku region, which is one of Japan’s most famous koi production towns. If you have a large landscape garden or a large aquarium and would like some koi of your own, try searching online or try out some auction sites to see if they have what you're looking for. You can see many koi with beautiful patterns in the video. Be sure to check out the video to enjoy the beauty of Japan's "swimming jewels." -
Video article 2:26
Cute Capybaras Enjoying Hot Springs With Fruit on Their Heads at Izu Shaboten Zoo!
Living Things Things to Do Travel- 3.38K plays
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Video introduction of the original capybara open-air bath at Izu Shaboten Zoological Park in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture. This video, titled "Capybara with mandarin orange on head in the open-air bath☆みかんを頭にのせるカピバラ 伊豆シャボテン動物公園【元祖カピバラの露天風呂】," was released by "HIRO@sea." The video shows capybaras enjoying a relaxing soak in an open-air bath. The capybaras can be found at the Izu Shaboten Zoo, in Futo, Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan's Tokai Region. Just like humans, the capybara enjoy a warm bath. The water is filled with yuzu, a type of citrus fruit. You can see the capybara with a yuzu on its head at 1:46 in the video! In this article, we'll introduce the Izu Shaboten Zoo and its open-air capybara bath. The Izu Shaboten Zoo Photo:Izu Shaboten Zoo The Izu Shaboten Zoo is a theme park in Futo, Ito City, Shizuoka. The Zoo is known for animals and cacti. The zoo was opened around 60 years ago, in October of 1959. The 200,000-square-meter park, which opened around 60 years ago in October 1959, has a greenhouse with cacti and succulents from all over the world. There's also kangaroos, capybaras, anteaters, squirrel monkeys, red pandas, chimpanzees, ponies, wild birds, the ever-popular motionless bobwhite stork, and a variety of other animals. The zoo is home to around 800 animals and birds, including flamingos, peacocks, and fennec foxes. The cacti are divided into five sections: the South American Pavilion, the African Pavilion, the Madagascar Pavilion, the Mexico Pavilion, and the Forest Cactus Pavilion. There are edible cacti available for tasting as well. In 2016, the official Japanese name of the zoo was changed from the former "Izu Shaboten Park" (伊豆シャボテン公園) to the current "Izu Shaboten Zoological Park" (伊豆シャボテン動物公園). A little to the east of Izu Shaboten Zoo, there's Izu Granpal Park, Izu Kogen Tabi no Eki Granpal Port, New York Lamp Museum & Flower Garden, and the Izu Oceanic Park Diving Center as part of the Izu Shaboten Zoological Park Group. Izu Shaboten Animal Park also has life-size replicas of a sculpture of ancient American civilization, and the entire Izu Shaboten Zoological Park Group has a wide range of attractions, from animals and plants to artifacts, park golf, the "Ship-shaped 3D Maze KAiZOKU," "Zip Line 風KAZE," "Water Balloons," and more. There's also "Wan Wan Park," a dog run where you can enjoy taking your dog, and the "Izu Kogen Grand Illumination," a hands-on style illumination. Nearby, the official hotels "Izu Shaboten Village" and "Izu Shaboten Village GLAMPING" can be found. You can fully enjoy your Izu Shaboten experience with an overnight stay at either one of these locations. The Open Air Capybara Bath Photo:Open-air capybara bath Firstly, what exactly are capybaras? Capybaras are members of the caviidae family of rodents, native to South America. They can be found from Panama to the northeast of Argentina. They are large (106-134 centimeters in length), have a gentle nature and are known to be very friendly towards humans. They tend to be found in groups of 10 to 20. A group of capybaras can be seen soaking in the bath together from 0:07 in the video. The open-air capybara bath shown in the video has been a tradition of the Izu Shaboten Zoo since 1982. At that time, the zookeepers were washing the exhibit with warm water when the capybaras began to soak in the puddles. Thereafter, the zookeepers came up with the idea of preparing warm baths for the capybaras. Now, the capybara bath has become a winter tradition. Nowadays, many zoos in Japan have introduced their own capybara baths, but the originator is none other than the Izu Shaboten Zoo. The zoo even has a capybara mascot known as "Capyba." Summary of the Izu Shaboten Zoo Source :【Official Website】Izu Shaboten Zoo Due to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, to uphold social distancing rules, capybara and red panda plush toys are placed between seats at the zoo as well as the restaurant "Forest Animal Restaurant GIBBONTEI." The adorable image of the plush toys seated in the restaurant has generated buzz online, and has even been shown on the news. The plush toy and calendar can be purchased at the gift shop within the zoo. Many goods are also available on the official online shop "IZU SHABOTEN HONPO," so do take a look! Take a moment to relax and check out this heartwarming video. ◆Izu Shaboten Zoo Facilities Overview◆ 【Address】1317-13 Tomido, Itou City, Shizuoka Prefecture 【Access】From JR Atami Station, get off at JR Ito Station on the Ito Line, and take the Tokai Bus for Shaboten Zoo (~35 minutes). 【Admission Fee】Adults: 2,400 yen Elementary School Students: 1,200 yen Children (over the age of 4): 400 yen Discounts for groups, seniors, and persons with disabilities, as well as coupon deals, are also available. 【Hours】9:00-17:00 【Closures】None 【Avg. Time Spent Here】2+ Hours 【Parking】400 regular spaces, 500 yen|Buses: 18 spaces, 1,000 yen 【Official Website】Izu Shaboten Zoo https://izushaboten.com/lang/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Izu Shaboten Zoo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298123-d1196864-Reviews-Izu_Shaboten_Zoo-Ito_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:39
A CT Scan of a Buddhist Statue Reveals It to Be the Work of Genius Buddhist Sculptor Unkei?! This Massive Work of Art Has the Potential to Change What We Know About History!
History Art & Architecture- 174 plays
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CT Scanning Research of the Four Heavenly Kings Statues of Nan'en-do at Kofukuji Temple in Nara! This video, titled "Unkei’s ‘mark’ found on Four Heavenly Kings standing statues," is about the Four Heavenly Kings statues at Nan'en-do in Nara Prefecture. It was published by "Asahi Shimbun." In 2017, the Tokyo National Museum conducted CT scans on the Buddhist statues of Kofukuji Temple in Nara Prefecture (奈良県, Nara-ken) to coincide with a special exhibit called "Unkei—The Great Master of Buddhist Sculpture." It opened up the possibility that the creator of the Mujaku and Seshin standing statues (無著世親菩薩立像, Mujaku Seshin Bosatsu Ryuzo), known as the most highly acclaimed Japanese sculptures, was none other than genius Buddhist sculptor Unkei. Presently in Japan, it is said that there are 31 other statues created by Unkei, but there is a likelihood that the number will rise as surveys continue. The CT Scan Research of the Four Heavenly Kings Statues Source :YouTube screenshot According to the video, by CT scanning the Four Heavenly Kings statues of Nan'en-do, and the Mujaku and Seshin standing statues of the North Round Hall (北円堂, Hokuendo), it was discovered that wooden parts containing tree cores had been combined to make both groups of statues. It is therefore said that the Four Heavenly Kings statues at Kofukuji Temple were created by Unkei. The commonality in technique used in the Mujaku and Seshin statues is an important factor to back the claim that the creator of both groups of statues is Unkei. In the video, the statue, over 2 meters tall, is neatly wrapped, and from 0:49 in the video, the x-ray CT scanning begins. From 0:10 in the video, Ryusuke Asami, section chief of the planning division at the Tokyo National Museum, says in interview, "the Four Heavenly Kings statues have never been photographed using x-rays before and the structures of the insides of the statues has also not been understood." What are the Four Heavenly Kings? Source :YouTube screenshot The Four Heavenly Kings are the four gods of Buddhism that protect the four directions and consist of the Jikokuten statue (持国天像, Jikokuten-zo) of the east, the Zojoten statue (増長天像, Zojoten-zo) of the south, the Komokuten (広目天像, Komokuten-zo) statue of the west, and the Tamokuten statue (多聞天像, Tamonten-zo) of the North. The Four Heavenly Kings statues at Kofukuji Temple were thought to be the works of Unkei’s father, Kokei, but from this research and researches on their styles, it has become increasingly believable that these were created by the hands of Unkei himself. The National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties of Kofukuji Temple Photo:Nara Prefecture・Kofukuji Kofukuji Temple, located in Nara Prefecture, consists of historical buildings, such as the East Golden Hall (東金堂, Tokondo), the West Golden Hall (西金堂, Saikondo), the North Round Hall, and the South Round Hall (Nan'en-do). The wooden statues of the Four Heavenly Kings at Kofukuji were moved from the Old Golden Hall (旧金堂, Kyukondo) to the South Round Hall replacing the Four Heavenly Kings statues in the South Round Hall, which are introduced in the video. Other than these, there are many temple treasures at Kofukuji Temple which were created during the Heian period (794-1185) and the Kamakura period (1185-1333), including the Asura statue, the wooden Medicine King (Bhaishajyaraja) and Medicine Superior standing statues (薬王菩薩・薬上菩薩立像, Mokuzo Yakuobosatsu・Yakujobosatsu Ryuzo), the bronze Medicine Master sitting statue (薬師如来坐像, Yakushinyorai Zazo), Ryowakiji statue, the wooden Manjushri standing statue (文殊菩薩立像, Monjubosatsu Ryuzo), the wooden Vimalakirti sitting statue (維摩居士坐像, Yuimakoji Zazo), the wooden Twelve Heavenly Generals standing statues (十二神将立像, Junishinsho Ryuzo), and the bronze Buddha head. Summary of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kofukuji Source :YouTube screenshot This article introduced the massive discovery of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kofukuji possibly being created by the genius Buddhist sculptor, Unkei. The research by the Tokyo National Museum may lead to an important discovery that unravels the mysteries of history. Nara Prefecture has flourished for more than a thousand years, back when it was called Heijokyo (平城京, Heijo-kyo), and it still has many sightseeing locations, such as Todaiji Temple, Kasuga Shrine (春日大社, Kasuga-taisha), Yakushiji Temple, Taima Temple (当麻寺, Taimadera), and more. If you’re interested in Buddhist statues or Japanese history in general, we urge you to visit! 【Official Website】The Head Temple of the Hosso School (法相宗, Hosso-shu) Kofukuji Temple https://www.kohfukuji.com/english/ -
Video article 8:43
Mahiro Kawamura From Nogizaka 46 Visits the Famous Shop "Menya Itto" in Shinkoiwa! The "Special Ise Lobster Tsukemen" Has Even the Most Popular Idols Stopping by for a Bowl!
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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The "Special Ise Lobster Tsukemen" With Plenty of Ise Lobster! a Look at the Famous Ramen Shop, Tsukemen Itto! In this video, "ramenwalker" introduces the ramen shop Menya Itto, with the help of guest appearance Mahiro Kawamura from the famous idol group Nogizaka 46! Tsukemen Itton is located diagonally across from the famous Menya Itton in Shin Koiwa, and opened in 2015 as the fourth brand of Menya Itton. Unfortunately, the Koiwa branch is now closed, but there is a shop in Shinjuku as well, so be sure to check it out. The menu includes a wide range of items such as thick niboshi (dried sardines), tsukemen (dipping noodles), mackerel curry, and more, but this video introduces the "special lobster tsukemen." The soup, which is made by combining a large amount of lobster with chicken broth made from brand-name chicken, is characterized by its rich and elegant taste. Check out the video where they talk more about the taste! ◆Tsukemen Itto Store Information◆ 【Address】9-13, Nishishinjuku 7-Chome, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, Japan 160-0023 【Access】A 5-minute walk from the West Exit of JR Shinjuku Station / A 1-minute walk from the D5 Exit of Shinjuku Nishiguchi Subway Station 【Avg. Cost】¥830+ 【Hours】11:00-15:00, 17:00-22:30 (L.O. 22:00) or until the soup runs out 【Closures】Sundays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-5348-5622 【Official Homepage】Tsukemen Itto http://tukemen-itto.com/ 【Tabelog】Tsukemen Itto Shinjuku (つけ麺 一燈 新宿) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1304/A130401/13240964/ -
Video article 19:15
The Grandeur of Nature on Tokunoshima in the Amami Islands! Kagoshima Prefecture's World-Class Tourist Attractions Are a Tropical Paradise That Should Be on Your List of Places to See!
Local PR- 73 plays
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鹿児島県奄美市エリアの絶景をご紹介! こちらの「徳之島観光「島たび」(ロングバージョン)」は、鹿児島県の南に位置する奄美群島の一つである徳之島の絶景が堪能出来る動画となっています。 雄大な自然の景色が特徴の徳之島。 日本の自然を思う存分に堪能できる絶景観光スポットとなっています。 また、日本の歴史や文化を知ることが出来る建造物も数多くあり、島唄、美味しいご当地グルメ等、見どころが目白押しです。 今回はそんな日本の鹿児島県奄美群島の一つである徳之島について、詳しく紹介をしていきます。 徳之島には珍しい動植物が沢山! 奄美群島の中でも二番目に大きいとされる徳之島は、『東洋のガラパゴス』と言われるほどに数多くの貴重な動植物を有しています。 森の中には、徳之島固有種でもあるアマミノクロウサギが、海には最大の野生動物とされるザトウクジラや日本一と言えるくらい多くのウミガメが生息していたりと、本州では中々お目にかかれないような動物が多く生息しており、中には絶滅危惧種の生物もいます。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の観光名所! 奄美群島・徳之島周辺の観光スポットは、いずれも自然が織りなす美しい絶景が魅力。 インスタ映えする景色には事欠きません。 現在の天皇陛下が皇太子時代に訪れたことが由来で、動画2:48に紹介されている畦プリンスビーチ、動画4:25で紹介されている樹齢300年以上のソテツで構成された金見崎ソテツトンネル、動画5:03で紹介されている釣りやダイビングの地として有名なトンバラ岩、徳之島の魅力溢れる断崖絶壁の地である犬の門蓋など、多くの観光スポットが存在します。 特に動画6:23で紹介をされているメガネ岩や動画14:13で紹介されている樹齢300年にもなるガジュマルは、その特徴的な見た目からインスタ映えスポットとして注目を集めています。 見るだけでは終わらない鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力! 日本でも屈指の観光名所である鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島ですが、勿論見るだけでは終わりません。 まずは動画10:55で紹介されている島レストラン「ヤドゥリ」で徳之島のご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つのも悪く無いでしょう。 その後は、夜行貝のペンダントを実際に作ることが出来る「夜行貝ブルーシェル」で伝統工芸を、三味線教室で伝統文化を体験するのもおすすめです。 これらの他にも、時期によってはトライアスロンやサーフィン等のマリンスポーツ、キャンプも楽しむことが出来るので、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島を余すところなく堪能しましょう。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力紹介まとめ 貴重な動植物を多く残す、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島について紹介をさせて頂きました。 綺麗な自然ならではの景色と生物、そして全国でも希少な闘牛など、動画でたっぷりと堪能出来るので、ぜひご覧下さい。 見るだけでなく体験もして楽しむことが出来る鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島。 ぜひ動画とこの記事を参考に、観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 14:29
New information on "Mononoke no Sato" and "Witches' Valley" at Ghibli Park in Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture! The long-awaited theme park for Ghibli fans will finally open in Aichi Prefecture in the fall of 2022!
News Things to Do Travel- 171 plays
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Ghibli Park "Mononoke no Sato" and "Witches' Valley" in Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture Video Introduction This video, titled "[Ghibli] Latest Information "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches" – An Interview with Director Goro Miyazaki! A Perfect Recreation of Whisper of the Heart's Antique Shop?!" (【ジブリ】新情報「もののけの里」「魔女の谷」を宮崎吾朗監督に直撃! 「耳をすませば」の地球屋をプロの仕事で完全再現!?), was uploaded by "CHUKYO TV NEWS" (中京テレビNEWS). The theme park "Ghibli Park," scheduled to open on November 1, 2022, is drawing a lot of attention right now. The latest information on the Mononoke Village and Valley of Witches areas within the park is presented in the form of an interview with director Goro Miyazaki, the son of Hayao Miyazaki. Information on Ghibli Park - Opening Dates, Location, Etc. Photo:An aerial view of Aichi Earth Expo Memorial Park in Aichi, Japan, taken via drone Ghibli Park is a park that recreates the world of Studio Ghibli. The park is located in Aichi Expo Memorial Park in Nagakute, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai Region. There are no big attractions or rides at the park, and it's a place where visitors can explore forests and paths while feeling the wind on their skin and discovering hidden secrets. The fact that the park is built together with the forest shows how much importance is placed on the Ghibli worldview. Ghibli Park is divided into five areas, which will be opened sequentially by completion date. The first phase of the park will open on November 1, 2022 and will include the "Hill of Youth," "Dondoko Forest," where Satsuki and Mei's house from "My Neighbor Totoro" is located, and "Ghibli's Grand Warehouse," which will house various exhibits of Studio Ghibli works. The second phase is scheduled to open in the fall of 2023 with "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches." Check out the official website for detailed opening dates and a map of the park. Mononoke Village – Scheduled to Launch in 2023 Source :YouTube screenshot The Mononoke Village area is scheduled to open approximately one year after the November 2022 opening. In Mononoke Village, visitors will be able to see facilities that appeared in the movie "Princess Mononoke" as well as objects made based on the characters in the movie. During the interview, director Goro Miyazaki says that objects (playground equipment) will be made in the likeness of the demons/cursed gods in Princess Mononoke, and that they will also be climbable. In addition, visitors can enjoy a hands-on learning experience at "Irontown," where iron is extracted from iron sand, and a charcoal-making hut is also under construction. Valley of Witches – Scheduled to Launch in 2024 Source :YouTube screenshot Following Mononoke Village, Valley of Witches is scheduled to open. It has been announced that the Okino residence where Kiki, the main character in the movie "Kiki's Delivery Service," was born and raised will be constructed, and the room where Kiki packed her bags will be faithfully reproduced as well. The "Gütiokipänjä Bakery," where Kiki and her black cat Jiji lived, will have a store as well as an attic. According to an interview with director Goro Miyazaki, the "Gütiokipänjä Bakery" will actually sell bread baked in a stone oven. The opening of Valley of the Witches is surely something to look forward to! The 'Hill of Youth' – A Faithful Recreation of the Antique Shop Featured in 'Whisper of the Heart' Source :YouTube screenshot The "Hill of Youth" will open prior to "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches." There, the antique shop from the movie Whisper of the Heart will be recreated. The shop is built by Tatsuya Yamada, an architect specializing in wooden structures, and Takeshi Nakamura, a carpenter, who reviewed the work dozens of times, paying close attention to the smallest details. One example of the attention to detail was shared in the interview as well. It's mentioned that, in order to reproduce every detail, they asked an abacus craftsman to decorate a part of the balcony railing fence for the antique shop. This shows the attention to detail that went into recreating the structure to immerse visitors in the world of Ghibli. Now that you have this knowledge, you can be sure to look for small details like this when visiting! [Video] 8:00 - Interview with Yamada and Nakamura Admission Fees, Tickets, and Free Areas at Ghibli Park Ghibli Park requires a reservation for each area with specific dates and times. Please check the official Ghibli Park website for up-to-date admission fees and pricing for each area. Tickets are scheduled to go on sale in August, and will be available for purchase through Boo-Woo Tickets (Boo-Wooチケット) and other means. In addition, Ghibli Park will also have a free area with playground equipment inspired by "The Cat Returns." This is great information for those who live nearby with young children or those planning on visiting the area with kids. 【Official Website】Ghibli Park https://ghibli-park.jp/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Aichi Expo Memorial Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121224-d1309786-Reviews-Expo_2005_Aichi_Commemorative_Park-Nagakute_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:11
Kirakira Donki - An Amusement Park of Candy in Tokyo's DiverCity! Check Out All of the Trendy Goods for Sale at This Shop in Odaiba!
News Food & Drink Shopping- 237 plays
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『Kirakira Donki Video Introduction Sweets and other types of cute goods are very popular on Japanese Twitter and TikTok. Many people are tempted to check out these popular goods, but don't actually know where to buy them. In this article, we'll introduce Kirakira Donki, a trendy shop that recently opened in Odaiba. The video, titled "Kirakira Donki Opens in Odaiba! What's There to See? TBS NEWS DIG" (「キラキラドンキ」お台場にオープン!見所は?【Nスタ】|TBS NEWS DIG), was uploaded by "TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN." Be sure to give it a watch! Kirakira Donki in Odaiba, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot Kirakira Donki opened in Tokyo's DiverCity, a shopping mall in Odaiba, in May 2022. Don Quijote has developed stores specializing in different concepts, such as "Okashi Donki" specializing in sweets, "Sake Donki" specializing in sake, "Cosme Donki" specializing in cosmetics, and even "Konkara Donki" which specializes in spicy foods. Their newest store, Kirakira Donki, which targets "Generation Z," has now popped up in Odaiba with trendy items, such as cosmetics and sweets that are popular on Japanese social media! About 60% of the staff working there are Generation Z, in their teens and 20s, and they select products that are popular on social media, as well as cutely-colored goods. In the video, you can see the inside of the newly opened Kirakira Donki. When you enter "Kirakira Donki," you'll see Don Quijote's official character "Don Pen" painted everywhere, and the ceiling is decorated in a playful style, reminiscent of an amusement park. In addition, large, cute pop-ups and handwritten product descriptions are meant to make the store catch the customer's eyes. These are just a few of the many creative details that draw customers to the store. Goods Sold at Kirakira Donki Source :YouTube screenshot The store has a wide variety of Korean food products, such as Planet Gummi, that became popular on Japanese TikTok, photogenic candies shaped like stars and hearts, as well as juices and even popular Korean and Chinese cosmetics that can be purchased for 500 yen or less! The store features a whopping 10,000 products that appeal to Japan's Gen Z. In addition, they have "Mobile Foods," like waffles and "Beauty Vinegar" drinks for take-out. 4,000 Kinds of Cute Cosmetics and Nearly 2,000 Varieties of Candy! There are about 4,000 reasonably-priced cosmetics sold at the store. This summer's hot sellers include stick-type A'pieu sunscreen in cute colors and bang styling sticks. The bang styling sticks are a popular product among teenagers that helps neatly tuck away frizzy hair during Japan's rainy season. In addition, there's a selection of around 1,800 kinds of sweets popular on Japanese social media, including cookies, gummies, and all sorts of candies. There's sure to be a candy that you'll like! Gummies Galore! Source :YouTube screenshot The Planet Gummi gummies became a hot topic on Japanese social media because of the sound they make when opened. The video even shows an elementary school girl that came to the store with her parents saying, "I'm happy I got to try the Planet Gummi gummies that I'd seen YouTubers eating! The girl's mom, who came with her to the store, also seemed to enjoy herself. Planet Gummi is a favorite in Japan, and now they're also available in a transparent blue color called "Planet Candy." This product was created by a long-established company founded in 1975. This candy is also slowly gaining popularity and is sure to be popping up on Japanese Instagram in the near future. In an interview with a customer to the store, she says "I was able buy some Korean snacks like Planet Gummi and Ozzy Strawberry so I'm happy!" Some of the items are available on the Internet, but being able to buy them in person is a totally different experience. In addition to the "Planet Gummi," new snacks such as "Pop Eye" and "Monster Gummies" that resemble poke balls are also popular on Japanese social media. Kirakira Donki has tons of products that fulfill the desires of Generation Z. It might even become a new tourist attraction in Tokyo! ◆Kirakira Donki DiverCity Tokyo Plaza Store◆ Hours: 10 AM – 9 PM Address: Tokyo Plaza 2F, 1-1-10 DiverCity Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN, 135-0064 Access: Public Transportation - A 5 minute walk from Daiba Station via the Yurikamome Line, a 3 minute walk from Tokyo Teleport Station via the JR Rinkai Line 【Official Website】Odaiba DiverCity Tokyo Plaza - Mitsui Shopping Park https://mitsui-shopping-park.com/divercity-tokyo/ 【TripAdvisor】DiverCity Tokyo Plaza https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1066449-d2696968-Reviews-Diver_City_Tokyo_Plaza-Koto_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 6:27
Nagoya Castle - Discover the Secrets of Japan's First National Treasure Symbolized by Golden Shachihoko Ornaments in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture! The Castle, Built on the Site Where the Warring States Period Took a Remarkable Turn, Is Reborn!
Art & Architecture History Travel- 214 plays
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Video introduction of Nagoya Castle, a sightseeing spot in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture This video, titled "Nagoya Castle Main Tower Keep Promotional Video," was released by "2010Network." Nagoya Castle is a huge castle built in Aichi District (愛知郡), Owari (尾張国), formerly known as "Owari no Kuni," during the Warring States Period (1467-1615 AD). There are many castles in Japan, but the magnificent Nagoya Castle is by far one of the most popular among tourists. Nagoya Castle is a famous landmark housing many national treasures, including the superb castle tower. In 2018, the number of visitors to the castle exceeded 2.2 million. The History of Nagoya Castle Since the Warring States Period Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture Nagoya Castle was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, who emerged victorious from the decisive Battle of Sekigahara, and was built in nearby the ruins of Nagoya Castle (那古野城, Nagoya-Jo), said to be the birthplace of Oda Nobunaga. Tension was increasing with the forces of Toyotomi Hideyoshi during this period, and Ieyasu built Nagoya Castle as a key military location. Nagoya Castle served as the residence of the lords of the Owari domain for generations during the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.) after Yoshinao Tokugawa, the founder of the Owari Tokugawa family. It became the Nagoya Detached Imperial Palace for the use of the imperial family after the Meiji period (1868-1912 A.D.). In the Showa period (1926-1989 A.D.), it was designated as Japan's first National Treasure as a castle building. Since then, it has continued to be open to the public as a highly popular tourist attraction. The Must-See Features of Nagoya Castle Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture Nagoya Castle is also known as "Kinshachi Castle" (金 "kin" meaning gold) after the golden Shachihoko that decorate the castle tower, which has become a symbol of Nagoya. Besides the main tower keep, the magnificent honmaru (inner citadel) and Shoin Hall are must-see features. The outstanding Stone Walls of Nagoya Castle were built via stonewall construction in various areas, including the Mikawa Bay (三河湾, Mikawa-Wan) area. Kiyomasa Kato played an active role in the construction of the stone walls, and the huge stone said to be the largest stonewall in Nagoya Castle is called "Kiyomasa Stone." Enshu Kobori and Masakiyo Nakai were in charge of the construction of the castle tower. This is detailed at 1:10 in the video. When you visit the Sarumenbogaku Tea House, Yuin Tea House, and shops, you may also want to visit the Oribe-Do, which was built to honor Oribe Furuta. Nagoya Castle's Castle Tower Under Reconstruction! Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture Since May 2018, the demolition and renovation of Nagoya Castle's castle tower has been carried out as the "War Damaged Wood Restoration Project" (戦災木造復元プロジェクト). The restoration of the wooden castle tower is scheduled to last until December 2022. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the restored castle tower once the restoration is finished. Summary of the Historical Nagoya Castle Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture As shown in the video, Nagoya Castle is a building of great historical value built during Japan's Warring States Period. The castle is large, but you can enjoy exploring it as there are elevators available and many historical materials are on display. ◆Nagoya Castle Facility Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Honmaru, Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi 460-0031 【Access】Train: 5-minute walk from the "Shiyakusho (City Hall)" Station of the Meijo Line. Bus: 1-minute walk from the "Nagoyajo Seimon-Mae" stop 【Admission fee】500 Yen for adults, Free for junior high school students and younger 【Parking】Payed Parking Lot available 【Official Website】Nagoya Castle Official Website https://www.nagoyajo.city.nagoya.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Nagoya Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14127381-d320128-Reviews-Nagoya_Castle-Naka_Nagoya_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 6:22
Koyado Enn, Kinosaki Onsen: With Its Amazing Service and Hospitality There's a Reason This Ryokan Is So Popular. Be Sure to Try the Delectable "Tanba-gyu" and Relax at Its Soothing Springs.
Hotel & Japanese Inn Food & Drink Travel- 138 plays
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A PR Video for Koyado Enn, Where You Can Enjoy the Kinosaki Hot Springs This video, titled "城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn," produced by "First Tone Inc.," features the attractive points of "Koyado Enn" in Kinosaki Onsen in Hyogo. Koyado Enn is one of the most popular accommodations on travel comparison sites. This video clip includes various information of Kinosaki onsen such as food, hot springs, atmosphere of the town, and the hospitality of the Koyadoen staff, as well as interviews with guests who have stayed at Koyado Enn. If you see this video, you would probably think that you want stay there. Enjoy the sights of Kinosaki Onsen's "Koyado Enn." What Kind of Ryokan Is Koyado Enn? Source :YouTube screenshot It takes 3 minutes to reach Koyado Enn from Kinosaki Onsen Station by foot. This historical ryokan was renovated and reopened in 2013. A sophisticated atmosphere is created by a modern-style, plastered building. There are three types of guest rooms, including Japanese style, Western style, and Japanese-Western style guest rooms. All rooms provide a relaxing experience. There are various options available as well, such as stays without meals, breakfast packages, and the "Tanba-gyu" Dinner plan. Prices start from ¥7700 (~$72 USD). We recommend making a reservation as soon as possible due to the inn's popularity. There is also a business package that isn't offered at most Ryokan. Every guest room has various amenities. According to Seiji Taoka, one of the staff at Koyado Enn, Hyogo's Kinosaki was traditionally likened to a Ryokan (Japanese style inn). It's said that the station is an entrance, the streets are passages, the inn is the guest rooms and outdoor hot spring is a large public bath. Kinosaki consists of a culture centering on hot springs and is a very famous hot spring town where every visitor can feel the Japanese atmosphere. Kinosaki is also promoted as a "Yukata village" because tourists can walk around wearing them. Food Hunting at Koyado Enn Source :YouTube screenshot Guests at Koyado Enn can enjoy delicious Japanese foods including "Tanba-gyu." Koyado Enn has a restaurant, called "Tanba-gyu Irori Dining Mikuni," which specializes in Tanba-gyu and is famous for its high quality meat. All beef served in this restaurant is raised on the contracted farm. You can hear the real voices of guests who ate the delicious Tanba-gyu at Koyado Enn, in this video (1:57). The staff at Koyado Enn strive to maintain the title of Tanba-gyu as the second best food brand in Kinosaki. Second only to crab. Visitors can relax at the café & bar "3rd" on the first floor (4:07). This café/bar serves breakfast, including omelets and salad, as well as beverages like coffee, tea and wine. Kinosaki Onsen's Koyado Enn: Experience Japan Source :YouTube screenshot The most attractive point of Koyado Enn is the hot springs. There are two chartered baths for family such as "Tsukino-yu" and "Hoshino-yu." Every guest can relax in these baths. The minerals in the spring are are natrium, calcium and chloride. It is said that this spring is very effective against various diseases and symptoms Neuralgia rheumatism, gynecological disease, post-sickness recovery stress relief, motor dysfunction, joint pain, muscle pain, stiff shoulders, digestive trouble, neuralgia, bruises, cold sensitivity, etc. Also, we recommend going to the outdoor hot springs such as "Satono-yu," "Jizo-yu," "Yanagi-yu," "Ichino-yu," "Goshono-yu," "Mandarano-yu," and "Kono yu." Wearing a yukata and walking around a town is sure to be an enjoyable time. These outdoor hot springs are also available as one-day spots. Tourist Spots Around Koyado Enn Photo:Kinosaki onsen There are many sightseeing spots around Koyado Enn in Toyooka city, Hyogo. For example, "Kinosaki Onsen Ropeway," "Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork," "Kinosaki Marine World," "Uemura Satomi Boken-kan" are popular facilities. There are natural instagrammable sceneries including "Genbudo Park," "Takeno Coast," "Michi-no-Eki Kannabe Kogen," the "Sea of clouds of Cruhi-dake.” Also there are historical spots such as "Izushi Castle Town," "Town of Kinosaki Onsen," "Izushi Eirakukan." If you visit Koyado Enn, be sure to check out some of these popular spots. Summary of Koyado Enn This video titled "Kinosaki Onsen Koyado Enn" (城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn), produced by "First Tone Inc." features the attractive points of "Koyado En" in Kinosaki onsen, Hyogo. Guests at the inn will experience the finest hospitality and services and can enjoy their time as they please. Enjoy spending a wonderful time at the popular ryokan! ◆Information for Koyado Enn◆ 【Address】219 Yushima Kinosaki-cho Toyooka shi Hyogo 669-6101 【Access】20 minutes from Tanba airport by bus 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0796-32-4870 【Official Website】Koyado Enn, Kinosaki onsen http://www.koyado.net/english// 【Tripadvisor】Koyado Enn https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1022822-d6530942-Reviews-Koyado_En-Toyooka_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 8:33
The Most Famous Restaurant in Japan on Tabelog Talks About Its Commitment to Cuisine! Located Deep in the Mountains of Minami, Gifu Prefecture, Yanagiya Is a Famous Michelin-Starred Restaurant With a Reputation for Excellence!
Food & Drink- 168 plays
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Video introduction of Japanese food at Irori, a famous restaurant in Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. This video, titled "Chef Masashi Yamada Serves Wild Game Hunted in the Mountains of Japan — Omakase Japan," was released by "Eater." It introduces the Japanese restaurant Yanagiya in Mizunami, hidden deep in the mountains of Gifu prefecture. Yanagiya is a famous Japanese restaurant and has been highly rated as the number one restaurant on Tabelog (a popular review sites for restaurants, hotels, etc. in Japan). It was ranked among the world's top 10 out of more than 16,000 restaurants in 2019 by La Liste, a French restaurant guide that showcases outstanding gastronomic establishments from around the world, and also received an award for outstanding regional cuisine. Many customers from all over the world come to Yanagiya to eat the local cuisine prepared by Chef Masashi. A Closer Look at Yanagiya, One of the Finest Restaurants in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot Yanagiya is a famous restaurant in Mizunami, Gifu, that serves exquisite regional cuisine using fresh, local ingredients. The restaurant is popular for its Japanese cuisine prepared on an irori. At 3:13 in the video, you can see the food being cooked on the restaurant's irori. An irori is a sunken hearth in the center of a room in older Japanese houses. The irori is blanketed with charcoal, and wood or charcoal is burned in it for heating or cooking purposes. The irori reflects the historical wisdom of Japan to create a space where people can gather in a circle to enjoy local cuisine in a heated room. Seasonal Japanese Food at Yanagiya – Taste the Four Seasons of Japan Source :YouTube screenshot A Variety of gourmet Japanese dishes, including popular game dishes, are prepared over Yanagiya's irori. The menu at Yanagiya features a variety of local ingredients, such as wild vegetables, river fish, (including sweetfish), eel, grilled duck skewers, and mushrooms, such as matsutake mushrooms, which give guests a taste of Japan's four seasons. Another popular dish on the menu is the delicious duck hot pot featured at 6:51 in the video. If you're not sure what kind of Japanese food to order, we recommend the Japanese course meal (和食コース料理) as it’s a great way to sample a variety of local cuisine. Summary of Yanagiya, a Restaurant Where You Can Enjoy Delicious Local Cuisine Over an Irori Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, one of the unique characteristics about the way the chefs at Yanagiya prepare their dishes is the fluid handling of ingredients and instruments. The quick and experienced knife skills of the chefs will even provide entertainment for your meal. The cuisine cooked on the irori of Yanagiya is sure to create a lasting impression. Yanagiya is a famous restaurant, so be sure to make reservations in advance. ◆Yanagiya|General Information◆ 【Address】573-27, Mashizume, Sue, Mizunami, Gifu Prefecture (〒509-6361 Gifu, Mizunami, 陶町猿爪573-27) 【Access】20 minutes by taxi from Mizunami Station on the Chuo Line 【Hours】[Mon. – Sat.] 12:00 - 15:00, 17:00 - 22:00, [Sun.] 12:00 - 15:00, 17:00 - 21:00 【Closures】Irregular holidays 【Telephone】0572-65-2102 【Remarks】Yanagiya uses a 100% reservation system. You will be unable to dine without one. 【Yelp】Yanagiya (柳家) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E6%9F%B3%E5%AE%B6-%E7%91%9E%E6%B5%AA%E5%B8%82-2