Video article 4:24
Breathe in the Fantastic Atmosphere at Kameiwa Cave in Kimitsu, Chiba! It's Like Being Lost in a Mystical World!
Nature- 289 plays
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千葉県君津市エリアの絶景である亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝が堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの「[ 4K Ultra HD ] 神秘の絶景 新緑の亀岩の洞窟(濃溝の滝) - Nomizo Falls in Spring - (shot on Samsung NX1)」は、日本の千葉県君津市の清水渓流公園内にある絶景『亀岩の洞窟(濃溝の滝)』についての紹介動画です。 日本の和の雰囲気をたっぷりと感じさせる新緑の景色が魅力の亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝、例えるなら、アニメ『ジブリ』の舞台のような場所といったところでしょうか。 新緑に囲まれた空間で、日々の喧騒から離れて疲れを癒せる亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝。 今回はそちらについて、動画と共に紹介をさせて頂きます。 インスタ映え間違い無し!絶好の写真スポット! 現実とは別世界のような雰囲気を醸し出している亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝。 フォトジェニックな奇岩風景と場所の数々、そしてパワースポットでもあるということから、SNSでも人気の千葉県の観光名所となっています。 特に有名なのが、動画の冒頭よりご覧になることの出来るハート型の光芒です。 自然が織り成す絶景は、千葉県に来たなら必見の絶景です。 しかし注意点があります。 この光景を見ることができるのは、3月、9月のお彼岸の時期の早朝だけ。 綺麗に写真を撮るには、限られた角度の場所(いわゆる穴場)出ないといけないので、事前のリサーチが必要です。 そしてもう一つが、ホタルの乱舞を見ることが出来る長い木道と幸福の鐘です。 その年によって時期に多少の違いはありますが、大体5月~8月にかけてホタルを見ることが出来るので、千葉県君津市への観光の際には、ぜひ検討してみてください。 木道の奥には『幸福の鐘』と呼ばれる小さな鐘があります。 そこが一連のルートのゴールとされていて、記念写真を撮影される観光客も多いそうです。 亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝の温泉とグルメ! 自然の中を見て回れば疲れは溜まってしまうもの。 そんなときはやはり温泉とグルメで体を癒すのが良いでしょう。 亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝のある周辺には様々な施設があり、『濃溝温泉千寿の湯』もまたその一つです。 渓谷を見下ろしながらの温泉は、まさに至福の時でしょう。 また味覚狩り、チーズ作り体験等のアクティビティがあるマザー牧場で、ご当地グルメを堪能するのも、千葉県君津市での観光の際にはおすすめの名所です。 千葉県君津市の亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝魅力紹介まとめ 幻想的な雰囲気いっぱいの亀岩の洞窟・濃溝の滝。 動画でその魅力を堪能することが出来るので、ぜひご覧下さい。 東京からもアクセスしやすく交通手段が豊富で、関東圏の方は手軽に観光できることでしょう。 千葉県への観光考えている方はぜひ立ち寄られてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 3:34
Spend a Blissful Time in Atera Valley in Nagano Prefecture's Kiso District, a Place of Fresh, Greenery! The Murmuring of the River, Full of Negative Ions, Will Soothe Your Soul!
Nature- 137 plays
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長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「haruyuki onoue」が公開した「新緑とエメラルドグリーンの阿寺渓谷・4K」です。 長野県木曽郡大桑村には現代日本で失われつつある雄大な景色・自然が楽しめる地があります。 こちらの動画で紹介する阿寺渓谷です。 こちらの記事では阿寺渓谷の魅力からその周辺情報に至るまでチェックしておくべき情報をまとめました。 長野県木曽郡大桑村の阿寺渓谷とは 阿寺渓谷は厳密に言うと、長野県と岐阜県にまたがっている阿寺山地を源流とし それを皮切りに支流の阿寺川は長野県が誇る一級河川の木曽川に流れ着くまでのほぼ全域を指します。 源流から木曽川に流れ着く過程で吉報の滝や犬帰りの淵などの名所・絶景スポットが点在しています。 またこの流域には学術面から文化的な一面を覗かせており、日本でもココ一帯だけにしか存在しないような希少種の生物や植物があるのです。 全長約20kmの阿寺渓谷のうち管理区間が約2/3となっています。 管理区間のうち阿寺渓谷入口からキャンプ場までをウォーキングで景色を見ながら散策することが一般的となっています。 さらに釣りの名所として阿寺渓谷は知られています。 阿寺渓谷へのアクセスおよび周辺情報 マイカーで向かう場合は阿寺渓谷入口付近に駐車場があります。 阿寺渓谷入口からすでにヒノキや岩などが見え、そこからでも雄大な自然を感じ取ることができます。 特に夏季は観光客が増加するシーズンですので、交通規制がかかってしまい不便な思いをしてしまうかもしれません。 鉄道を利用する人はJR野尻駅で降りて、そこからシャトルバスを利用しましょう。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」の楽しみ方 阿寺渓谷と言えばやっぱりエメラルドグリーンの清流とその周りにある新緑のヒノキ美林でしょう。 川のせせらぎと水しぶきがマイナスイオンを与え、癒されますね。 さすが長野県の信州が誇る人気スポット! さらに上流へ行くと『美顔水』という湧き水が流れていてそこで顔を洗うと色白美人になると噂されているので、それを求めてやってくる人もいます。 また自然を満喫する目的と合わせハイキングにもなります。 気候が変わる秋に訪れるとエメラルドグリーンの清流はそのままに周りの美林が紅葉へ姿を変えているので、夏とは違う景色が楽しめます。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介まとめ 長野県が全国に誇る新緑とエメラルドグリーンが特徴的な阿寺渓谷について紹介しました。 長野県に訪れるなら阿寺渓谷は外せません! 美しい絶景を写真に収めてあなたの歴史の1ページに! -
Video article 2:38
Kujukushima in Nagasaki Has a Total of 208 Islands, and It Contains the Highest Density of Islands in Japan! Check Out the Superb View at the Tenkaiho Observatory!
Nature- 189 plays
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Introducing Nagasaki Kujukushima Tenkaiho The video “Kujukushima Tenkaiho 8KHDR(Kujukushima Tenkaiho 九十九島 展海峰 8KHDR),” created by “Japan Explorers,” is a promotional video introducing the popular tourist spot “Kujukushima Tenkaiho,” part of the Saikai National Park in Sasebo, Nagasaki. Kujukushima is easily accessed from Sasebo station, (home to the popular tourist spot “Nagasaki Huis Ten Bosch”) taking only about 30 minutes to reach by car. It's an area of ocean 25 km north of Sasebo Port, dotted with islands. Many people visiting Kujukushima visit Nagasaki's Huis Ten Bosch and vice versa. The scenic view from the Tenkaiho observatory in Kujukushima, is introduced in the video with a famous Japanese song called “Jupiter.” Enjoy the contrast of the green islands and blue ocean as far as the eye can see. The Top 100 Landscapes of Japan - Kujukushima Photo:Tenkaiho rapeseed field Kujukushima is an archipelago located in the north of Nagasaki, 25 km from the west coast of the Kita-Matsuura Peninsula. It contains the highest density of islands in Japan. The word “Kujuku” means 99, but there are actually a total of 208 islands. There are only 4 inhibited islands, and they are: Kuroshima, Takashima, Maejima, and Toudomari. The rest are uninhabited. There are 4 observatories as well. Tenkaiho, Yumiharidake Observatory, Ishidake Observatory, and Kujukushima Hakkei. Tenkaiho is the one introduced in the video. From Tenkaiho, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Kujukushima which is included in the "100 Landscapes of Japan." The most popular view among photographers is of the cruise ship weaving through Kujukushima. It's also great for taking Instagram pictures, and many young adults come here to take photos. You can see the full view of Kujukushima from Tenkaiho in the video. Tenkaiho is also a popular spot for tourists who come to see the flowers. In the spring, rape blossoms are in full bloom and more than 150,000 cosmos bloom in the fall. There are also cherry blossoms and a night view as well. Sightseeing Around Kujukushima's Tenkaiho Photo:Scenery from Ishidake Observatory Among the observation decks, the most popular one for viewing the sunset is the Ishidake Observatory, where the silhouettes of islands floating in the sunset are as beautiful as an ink painting. You can also experience the view from the ocean by cruise ship or on a sailboat. The Kujukushima Pleasure Boat "Pearl Queen" is popular among tourists as you can see the southern islands of Kujukushima up close on a 50 minute cruise. While listening to the explanations of the legends and lore that remain on the island of Kujukushima, you begin to imagine its rocks turning into lions and turtles. On top of that, you can also experience the sunset cruise, where you can see the beautiful sun setting between the islands. There's also Kujukushima Aquarium Umikirara, and the Kujukushima Zoological and Botanical Garden Morikirara at Pearl Sea Resort. At 0:24 in the video, you can see the 2 ships floating in the distance. Sea kayaking, yachting, swimming and other marine sports that take advantage of Kujukushima Island's topography are also popular. From Sasebo Port, where Kujukushima is located, you can also take a ferry to enjoy sightseeing at the Goto Islands. Dining in Kujukushima Photo:Grilled oysters If you're going to Sasebo, you've got to try the Sasebo Burgers and fresh seafood. Kujukushima oysters are a famous winter food as well. In November and February, they hold the Kujukushima Oyster Festival. It's a fun event with 400 grills and endless oysters! Visitors can experience grilling their very own oysters too. Kujukushima rice crackers (from Kujukushima Group CO.,LTD.), Kujukushima Iriko Somen (a type of thin noodles), and Kujukushima puffer-fish, are some of the other popular foods in Kujukushima. A little-known souvenir spot on Kujuku Islands is "Kujukushima Namino Michi," a direct sales outlet on the westernmost tip of the Japanese mainland. It is a very small roadside station, but there are variety of fresh vegetables and sea food. It is a very small roadside station, but you can buy local vegetables and seafood here, as well as enjoy the local gourmet food of Kujukushima. Summary of Kujukushima With it's vast blue seas and incredible islands, it has to be one of the best natural landscapes in the world. The video shows some amazing views, so be sure to check it out if you still haven't yet. If you're looking for a vacation why not stop by Kujukushima? You definitely won't regret it. Sightseeing is also very convenient as there are several hotels around Kujukushima. There's also the Sasebo Convention & Visitors Association which is very useful for travelers. Gather your information beforehand and enjoy your trip to Kujukushima! 【Tripadvisor】Tenkaiho https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298217-d1820255-Reviews-Tenkaiho-Sasebo_Nagasaki_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 2:15
Hiking at Yoshino Kumano National Park at Higashi-Odaigahara! There Are Many Highlights, Including Beautiful Scenery Woven by Nature and Powerful Cliffs!
Nature- 52 plays
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奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」紹介動画の見どころ この動画は「atsushi matsumoto」が公開した奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」を紹介した公式プロモーション動画「奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ケ原」公式プロモーション(春夏編)」であり、東大台ヶ原における綺麗な自然の変化を高画質で楽しむことが出来る。 「東大寺」や「奈良公園」など日本屈指の観光地である奈良県。 ここには日本の国立公園に指定されている「吉野熊野国立公園」が存在する。 この記事では吉野熊野国立公園の中でも「東大台ヶ原(ひがしおおだいがはら)」エリアのハイキングコースやおすすめの楽しみ方などを紹介する。 奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」とは? 吉野熊野国立公園は、1936年に日本の国立公園に指定された自然豊かな公園であり、総面積61,406haという広大な地域は、奈良県・三重県・和歌山県にまたがっている。 また公園のほとんどは奈良県に属しており、大きく分けて山岳部・河谷部・海岸部に分類される。 吉野熊野国立公園の山岳部に属している「大台ヶ原山」は、奈良県と三重県の県境にある山で、「日本百名山」「日本百景」「日本の秘境100選」に選ばれるほど、日本でも有数の景勝地として観光客が訪れる。 大台ヶ原山に建設されている「大台ヶ原ビジターセンター」では大台ヶ原山の歴史や文化を学ぶことができる観光施設だ。 また、ビジターセンターより東側の「東大台ヶ原」では一般開放されたハイキングコースがあり、日本の四季を楽しむ事ができるため、観光客に人気だ。 充実したハイキングコースは初心者でも楽しめる! 東大台ヶ原では日本の四季を楽しむ事ができるハイキングコースが観光客に人気である。 ハイキングコースのスタート地点となる大台ヶ原ビジターセンターには駐車場があるため、気軽に観光で来ることが出来る。 ハイキング初心者の方にもおすすめだ。 東大台ヶ原のハイキングコースには様々な見どころが存在し、コースのほとんどは遊歩道により整備されている。 「苔探勝路(こけさがしかつみち)」ルートは、かつて苔が生い茂るほどの自然だったが、現在は苔を再生させるため生物の侵入を妨げる柵が設けられている。今は、ササを多く見ることが出来る。 「中道」ルートは、自然の変化と鳥たちのさえずりを感じることができる場所だ。 東回りのルートにある展望台「日出ヶ岳」は、大台ヶ原山の山頂であり、遠くに富士山が見えることもある。また、倒木が広がる「正木峠」やシロヤシオの自生地である「シロヤシオのトンネル」も見どころだ。 西回りのルートでは、「シオカラ谷」の吊橋を越えると「シャクナゲ群落」があり、5月から6月にかけて綺麗なシャクナゲがトンネルを作る。 また、約800メートルの断崖絶壁の絶景を楽しめる「大蛇嵓(だいじゃぐら)」は、インスタ映えするスポットだ。 日本の四季を楽しみたいという方におすすめの季節は、シャクナゲの咲く5月から6月ごろや紅葉の季節である11月ごろだ。 姿を変えた東大台ヶ原を見ることが出来るだろう。 奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」紹介動画まとめ 奈良県・吉野熊野国立公園「東大台ヶ原」の魅力を紹介した。 東大台ヶ原は、自然を肌身で感じることができるハイキングにおすすめの観光地だ。 動画をご覧になって東大台ヶ原が気になった方は、ぜひ観光に行ってみてはいかがだろうか。 東大台ヶ原のハイキングコースへのアクセスは、車で大台ヶ原山の麓から国道169号線を抜け、大台ヶ原ドライブウェイを通ることで到着できる。 この道は自然環境の変化によりたびたび通行止めになるため、東大台ヶ原を観光に訪れる際は、事前に気候を調べて行くと良いだろう。 -
Video article 2:09
Spectacular view of lush tea fields and Mt! Fuji, Shizuoka Prefecture, a popular photo spot for foreign tourists!
Nature Travel- 502 plays
- YouTube
Fuji, Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan: Tea Fields at the Foot of Mount Fuji, "Obuchi Sasaba" Video Introduction This video, titled “Drone Shot Tea Plantation and Mt. Fuji Obuchi Sasaba(空撮 茶畑と富士山 静岡 大淵笹場 | Tea Plantation and Mt. Fuji),” is a video using drone footage of a tea plantation around Mt. Fuji in Shizuoka in the Tokai region of Japan. It was produced by "crescendo L DESIGN." The Mt.Fuji area in Shizuoka has two famous tea growing locations called Obuchi Sasaba and Imamiya. Early summer, when the lush tea plantation spreads across the slope on the outskirts of Mt. Fuji and shows natural scenic beauty unique to the famous tea growing locations, is the best time to visit. You can watch drone footage of the tea plantation at Obuchi Sasaba in the video. With Mt. Fuji faintly covered in snow in the background, the vast, solid green tea plantation creates a beautiful landscape unique to Japan. Please watch the video and enjoy the scenic beauty that can only be seen in Japan. How Japanese Tea Is Grown Photo:A Tea Plantation Tea plants grow well in warm weather. In Japan, the largest producers of tea are the Mt. Fuji area in Shizuoka, Uji in Kyoto, and Sayama in Saitama, and teas from these area are called the "Three Famous Teas of Japan." An evergreen tree called camellia sinensis is grown in tea farms nationwide and tea picking is held during May when fresh tea leaves are harvested. The tea is harvested and sold as new tea, so be sure to taste the freshly harvested, elegant flavors. In Shizuoka tea plantations, windmill-like structures are installed to protect the new tea from frost damage in the early spring. Obuchi Sasaba in this video is in Shizuoka Prefecture, which boasts the largest tea cultivation and production area in Japan. Experience Tea Picking on the Outskirts of Mt. Fuji! Photo:Tea picking A popular attraction in tea producing areas, including Obuchi Sasaba in the Shizuoka area, is tea picking. There are also spots where you can borrow a tea-girl costume to pick tea and enjoy a memorable experience. Picking tea in the sprawling tea fields of Obuchi Sasaba, is a great way to remember your trip. We recommend that you buy some delicious tea as a souvenir after a leisurely tour of the tea plantations around Mt. Fuji. When is the best time to visit "Oobuchi Sasaba", a tea plantation and Mt. Don't miss the Oobuchi Tea Festival! Photo:The tea plantation of Obuchi Sasaba Shizuoka Prefecture is known as one of Japan's leading tea-producing regions and there are many tea plantations in the prefecture. In spring, you can see the verdant landscape of tea fields at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The scenery has become so popular among foreign tourists in recent years that you can take a tour of the tea plantations by minibus. The best time to photograph the lush tea fields and Mt. Fuji at Oobuchi Sasaba is from late April to May. We recommend the "Oobuchi Tea Festival," which is held during the best time to view the tea fields. The festival is usually held on May 3, and visitors can enjoy a variety of gourmet foods and events, including a photo session where they can take pictures of tea girls picking tea along with Mt. You're sure to get some great Instagram pics! Summary of Obuchi Sasaba In this video, you can see a spectacular view of the greenery of young tea leaves against the backdrop of Mt. Fuji. After viewing the scenic beauty of Obuchi Sasaba, your everyday tea may be more flavorful. We hope you enjoy your early summer sightseeing trip in the scenic beauty of Shizuoka, where you can experience tea picking, buy delicious tea, and enjoy Japanese tea culture! ◆Obuchi Sasaba◆ 【Address】Near 1516, Obuchi, Fuji City, Shizuoka 【Access】About 35 minutes from JR Fuji Station by bus or about 20 minutes from Tomei Fuji IC/New Tomei New Fuji IC by car 【Parking】Toll parking is available near the tea plantation 【Tripadvisor】Obuchi Sasaba https://www.tripadvisor.en/ShowUserReviews-g303147-d10282623-r377490474-Obuchi_Sasaba-Fuji_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:40
The Kawachi Wisteria Garden - One of the Most Popular Tourist Attractions in the World, This Garden Is Decorated With an Overwhelming Amount of Wisteria! Passing Through the Long Wisteria Tunnel Is Sure To Leave You Feeling Refreshed!
Nature- 99 plays
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This video is called "Kawachi Wisteria Garden [8KHDR]" by "Japan Explorers." This video introduces the Kawachi Wisteria Garden, which was selected as one of the 31 most beautiful places in Japan by the American CNN. The Kawauchi Wisteria Garden, a tourist attraction that Fukuoka Prefecture is proud of, is decorated with wisteria, and its beauty is recognized by the world. The wisteria trellises and the 110-meter-long wisteria tunnel, as well as the colored leaves in November and December, make this a place with countless breathtaking views. In this video, you can see a lot of beautiful wisteria at the Kawachi Wisteria Garden. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 9:58
One of the Largest in Japan! The Tulip Fields at Sera Kogen Farm in Hiroshima Are Beautiful Beyond Belief! This Brightly Colored Scene Is Something You Won't Want to Miss!
Nature- 261 plays
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A Popular Sightseeing Spot, Sera Kogen Farm, Boasts a Vast 65,000㎡ Tulip Field This video is "[4K] Tulips in full bloom Hiroshima • Sera Kogen Farm Tulips Hiroshima Japan Sightseeing" produced by "Discover Nippon([4K]Tulips in full bloom広島•世羅高原農場のチューリップ Sera Kogen Farm 広島観光 JAPAN Hiroshima)." "Sera Kogen Farm" located in the Japan's Chugoku region, in Hiroshima Prefecture, is a hidden sightseeing spot with the largest flower garden in west Japan. It is a tourist farm where you can enjoy different flowery scenery in each season, but was originally opened in 1978 as a leaf tobacco farm. In the vast garden, there are facilities such as an observatory and the Sera Kogen Flower Forest, as well as tulip fields, sunflower fields, English roses, dahlia, and moss phlox. They also cultivate radish, corn, and more. There's also an event where you can experience harvesting and sowing. In this video, you'll see a beautiful 4K image of "Sera Kogen Farm," where colorful tulips are in full bloom. After watching this video, you're sure to want to visit the beautiful scenery of "Sera Kogen Farm." Seasonal Flowers at Sera Kogen Farm Photo:Tulip Field As you can see from 0:58, the Sera Kogen Farm grows more than 750,000 tulips of 300 varieties on its 65,000 square meter tulip farm. We recommend going to see "Hanae," which occurs when the tulips bloom. It's a superb view created by planting different varieties of plants in certain areas to create images in the fields. This can be seen at 1:19 in the video. The sunflower field, which is as large as the tulip field, is planted with 1.1 million sunflowers of 50 varieties, and the Sunflower Festival is held every summer during the blooming season. There are also dahlia in autumn. There are 550 varieties of dahlias of all shapes and sizes, but the most spectacular are the gigantic flowers, which are over 30 cm in diameter. In addition, they cultivate different seasonal flowers such as cherry blossoms, moss phlox, roses, nemophilia, and poppies. Tulips at Sera Kogen Farm, the highlight is "Hanae" (flower painting)! Source :YouTube screenshot Before we move further, be sure to check out the "Hanae" which can be seen at 1:19 in the video. Red, white, yellow, pink, and purple tulips paint large, beautiful pictures in the fields. From 4:44 you can see not only the tulips, but also the Sera Kogen Farm surrounded by beautiful greenery. At 6:20 you can see the tulips that are dyed in the setting sun. It is a fantastic landscape, with the nighttime view being different from the daytime view. If the weather is nice you can take some great pictures as well. Sera Plateau "Tulip Festival" and other flower viewing times and events Photo:Sera Kogen Farm's Sunflower Field The following is the schedule of events that will be held in the spring and summer of 2024. Cherry Blossom Festival In spring, visitors can enjoy the contrast of weeping cherry blossoms and rape blossoms. The illuminated nighttime cherry blossoms are also popular. Schedule: April 23 - April 7, 2024 Venue:Sera Kogen Farm Shiba-zakura and nemophila hill 450,000 shiba-zakura and 1 million nemophilas spread over the entire hill. The beautiful sight of pink and blue flowers covering the entire hill is a highlight of the festival. Schedule: March 30 - May 12, 2024 Venue: Flower Village Hanamumu no Sato Tulip Festival The flower paintings of 750,000 tulips of 200 varieties in white, pink, yellow and other vivid colors are a must-see. Schedule: April 6 - May 8, 2024 Venue: Sera Kogen Farm Wisteria Festival The flower garden with approximately 1,000 wisteria and 12,000 lupines called ascending wisteria is a truly photogenic sight. Schedule: April 27 - May 19, 2024 Venue: Serafuji Garden Rose Festa Located at an elevation of 540 m, the English Rose Garden will be in full bloom with 7,200 roses and 2,000 native grasses. Schedule: May 11 - June 30, 2024 Venue: Sora no Hanabatake Sera Kogen Hananomori Hill of hydrangeas and hollyhocks Enjoy 4,500 hydrangeas and 3,500 hollyhocks in pink, blue, and white. Schedule: June 1 - July 7, 2024 Venue: Flower Village Hanamumu no Sato Sunflower Festival There are various kinds of sunflowers, including common sunflowers as well as rare varieties of sunflowers. Visitors will be able to enjoy summer to the fullest with fields of sunflowers blooming all over the area. Schedule: July 27 - August 25, 2024 Venue: Sera Kogen Farm Dining at Sera Kogen Farm The park has a restaurant and a flower café where you can enjoy herbal tea. At the stall you can buy harvested corn and flower bulbs as souvenirs. The menus using freshly grilled corn and vegetables harvested in the garden are all excellent, so if you're hungry, we recommend grabbing a bite to eat here. The Surrounding Area of Sera Kogen Farm Please use a car or a local bus to access the Sera Kogen Farm, the largest flower field in west Japan. There is a free parking lot at the farm that can hold up to 1,000 vehicles. It takes about 15 minutes from the Sera Interchange on the Onomichi Matsue Line, about 40 minutes from the Kawachi Interchange on the Sanyo Expressway, and about 40 minutes from the Miyoshi Interchange on the Chugoku Expressway. Please note that nearby roads are crowded when the flowers are in bloom. Summary of Sera Kogen Farm Source :YouTube screenshot At the Sera Kogen Farm, you can enjoy seasonal flowers and plants at one of the largest flower fields in Japan. It also has hands-on activities that families, and couples can enjoy. Admission is 800 yen for adults and 400 yen for children (as of November 2019). If you still haven't yet, be sure to watch the video to see the amazing views of Sera Kogen Farm! It's truly something you don't want to miss. ◆Sera Kogen Farm◆ 【Address】1124-11 Besako, Sera-cho, Sera-gun, Hiroshima 【Access】15 minutes from the Sera Interchange on the Onomichi Matsue Line, about 40 minutes from the Kawachi Interchange on the Sanyo Expressway, and about 40 minutes from the Miyoshi Interchange on the Chugoku Expressway 【Entrance fee】800 yen for adults, 400 yen for children (as of November 2019) 【Opening Days】Outside of the event period, the park is closed for maintenance and flower growth. 【Parking】Available (1,000 cars) Free 【Phone number】0847-24-0014 【Official Website】Flowers Make Everyone Happy | Sera Kogen Farm 2019 https://sera.ne.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sera Kogen Farm https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121400-d1424066-Reviews-Sera_Kogen_Farm-Sera_cho_Sera_gun_Hiroshima_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 7:32
The Graceful Sight of the World-Famous Mount Fuji Can Be Enjoyed From All Over Japan. This Article Will Help You Find a Spot to View Mt. Fuji That’s Just Right for You!
Nature Travel- 192 plays
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Introducing the Places to View Mt. Fuji This video, titled "JG☆☆☆☆☆4K Mt.Fuji View Spots You can’t afford to miss" (JG☆☆☆☆☆4K 一度は訪れたい 富士山の絶景ポイント Mt.Fuji View Spots You can't miss) introduces many view spots and tourism spots where you can enjoy the magical scenery of Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan with a height of 3,776 meters above sea level and has been recognized as a World Cultural Heritage site, one of Japan’s Three Great Mountains, and one of Japan’s 100 Finest Soils. As is introduced in the video, you can also observe its grandeur from faraway in the Tokai Region (東海地方,Tokai-chiho) and Kanto Region (関東地方,Kanto Chiho), so why not go out and enjoy the scenery? If you can't go out though, don't worry. We've got you covered with this article. Enjoy the sight of Mount Fuji from various places in Japan through this video. Check out the Best Places to View Mt. Fuji! ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying The view of Mount Fuji from Osatsu (相差), Toba City, Mie Prefecture is one location introduced at the beginning of the video. The contrast between the five-storied pagoda of Arakura Fujisengen Shrine and Mount Fuji, which can be seen at 0:22 in the video, is exquisite. This magnificent view is currently the most famous Japanese scenery among foreigners. Many foreign tourists come to Japan to enjoy this view. It truly is the apex of nature. As you can see in the video, there are many popular viewing locations around Mount Fuji such as Lake Kawaguchi (Video 0:49〜), Lake Shoji (Video 1:15〜), Lake Yamanaka (Video 1:23〜), and Oshino Hakkai (Video 1:55〜). The views of Mount Fuji from the Kariyado-Geba Cherry Blossom Tree and Lake Tanuki in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, are also breathtaking. You can see Mount Fuji up close from Satta Pass (薩埵峠,Satta-toge) in Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture and from Miho no Matsubara (三保の松原,Mihonomatsubara), one of Japan’s Three Great Sceneries, as you can see from 3:05 in the video. Fujieda Takizawa: Mount Fuji Over Shizuoka’s Famous Tea Fields! Photo:Night view from Otome Pass Gotenba (Video 3:40〜), Numazu Area (Video 3:54〜), Yamanaka Castle(Video 4:45〜) and Nagahama Castle (Video 4:58〜) are historic places where you can enjoy the beautiful view of Mount Fuji. As you can see in the video, the night view around the foot of Mount Fuji and the view of Mount Fuji from across the sea are nothing less than breathtaking. Ose (Video 5:12〜), Heda Sea (Video 6:04〜), the canola flower fields of Ida (Video 5:58〜), Mount Daruma in Izu City, and Mount Takichi which you can observe from 6:23 in the video are also places where you can view Mount Fuji. At 6:34 in the video, you can see the sight of Mount Fuji from Kyonan Town, Chiba Prefecture, a faraway place. Mount Fuji, which stands in the endless sea with a hat of snow, is said to be the winter scenery that represents Japan. It’s exciting when you can see Mount Fuji from the window of your car or when riding a bus. From 7:08, you can see Mount Fuji from the window of a car on the express lane, a bullet train, and an airplane. At the end of the video at 7:28, you can see a gorgeous view of the contrast between the bright yellow canola flowers and Mount Fuji. The snow around the peak of Mount Fuji is beginning to melt, signaling the arrival of spring. Climbing and Tourist Information About Mount Fuji! Photo:Mount Fuji Many people visit Yamanashi prefecture and Shizuoka prefecture once mountaineering season has started in order to enjoy mountain climbing/hiking or walking around the crater. Please thoroughly check the route and distance to the mountain hut and the camping area, the weather forecast, the time it will take, and information about eruptions before mountaineering. It is also crucial that you check the live camera at the fifth station of Mount Fuji, carry a map, and wear clothes that you can move easily in. You can arrive at the fifth station of Mount Fuji by car, using the Fuji Subaru Line or the Mount Fuji Sky Line. A parking lot is also provided. The mountain paths are Yoshida, Gotenba, Fujinomiya, and the Subashiri Route, but be careful because some of them are closed depending on the season. If you’re going to visit Mount Fuji, be sure to visit the Mount Fuji World Cultural Heritage Center and Kodomo no Kuni! Summary Photo:Mount Fuji and cherry blossoms As is introduced in the video, there are countless spots around Mount Fuji where you can enjoy the graceful scenery of the mountain that it has been revered for. When you visit Mount Fuji, it is important to follow rules, behave respectfully, and avoid trouble. Set out on an adventure to these viewing locations in Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefecture after careful and deliberate preparation. Please enjoy the sight of Mount Fuji, the mountain that shows us different faces depending on the location and season. It is the pride of Japan. 【Official Website】Mount Fuji NET | Information about Mount Fuji https://www.fujisan-net.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Mount Fuji https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298102-d321024-Reviews-Mount_Fuji-Chubu.html -
Video article 3:45
Enjoy the spring season at Chikumagawa River Park in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, where 600 double-flowered cherry trees bloom! The colorful pink, yellow, and red flowers blooming all over the park will surely captivate you.
Nature- 137 plays
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This video, titled "Chikumagawa Fureai Park, Where Double-Flowered Cherry Trees and Peaches Are in Full Bloom - 4K Footage" (八重桜や花桃が咲き誇る千曲川河川公園・4K撮影), was released by "haruyuki onoue." Chikumagawa Fureai Park in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture is a popular spot where beautiful flowers bloom in spring. Due to the high altitude of Nagano Prefecture, the temperature is cooler, and the blossoming of the double-flowered cherry trees takes place from late April to around Golden Week (the first week of May). At this time of year, the bright pink peaches and the eye-catching yellow rape blossoms also bloom, creating a spectacular view. The many petals of the double-flowered cherry trees and peaches are gorgeous and make for great Instagram photos. Many visitors come to Chikumagawa Fureai Park to enjoy the late spring. -
Video article 6:56
A video full of highlights of the beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom at Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden! A spot to enjoy nature in Shinjuku, Tokyo, a metropolis lined with skyscrapers
Nature- 71 plays
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新宿御苑の桜をご紹介 「日本の都会のなかで桜を楽しみたい」 高層ビルが立ち並ぶ都会のなかにある自然は、なんとも言えない魅力がありますよね。 都会のなかの桜もきれいなピンク色と高層ビルのコントラストがとても美しいです。 そのような都会のなかで桜を楽しみたい人に今回は、日本の有名な観光地である新宿御苑の桜を紹介したいと思います。 この記事では、日本の観光地である新宿御苑の桜の特徴や魅力を解説しています。 新宿御苑の桜を撮った、美しい4K動画も紹介しているので、気になる方はご覧ください! 日本の観光地である新宿御苑の桜の特徴 日本の観光地である新宿御苑の桜の特徴は、広大な敷地のなかでさまざまな品種の桜が楽しめることです。 有名なソメイヨシノは3月下旬ごろから開花し、4月上旬まで咲いています。 薄ピンク色のソメイヨシノの花びらはとてもきれいで、満開になると絶景を楽しめます。 新宿御苑の桜は他にも、河津桜や陽光、大島桜や枝垂れ桜など、白色の桜や濃いピンク色の桜を鑑賞することができる桜好きにはおすすめのスポット。 桜が見頃のシーズンには国内外から観光客がきてお花見するので少し混雑しますが、とても美しい景観を楽しめる名所なのでぜひ見てください。 日本の観光地である新宿御苑の桜の魅力とは 日本の観光地である新宿御苑の桜の魅力は、きれいな桜と高層ビルのコントラストを、広大な敷地のなかで思う存分楽しむことができるところ。 新宿御苑は日本庭園やひろい芝生など、ゆったり桜を鑑賞できるポイントがたくさんあります。 新宿御苑のなかの大きな芝生の広場では、シートをひいて桜を鑑賞したり、お弁当を食べたり、友達とお話したりと、ゆったり楽しんでいます。 新宿御苑はお酒がNGなので、大騒ぎしている人が少なく、ゆったり桜を鑑賞できるところもいいところ。 2019年からは桜のライトアップのイベントも行っているので気になる方は要チェック。 ライトで照らされた桜は幻想的できっと一生に残る思い出になるはずです。 新宿御苑のなかには、さまざまな桜を楽しめるスポットがあるので、桜好きの方はぜひ行ってみてください! 日本の観光地である新宿御苑の桜をうつした動画はこちら 「Discover Nippon」が制作する新宿御苑の桜を紹介している動画がおすすめです。 こちらの動画は日本の観光地である新宿御苑の桜を美しい4K動画で見ることができます。 この記事を読んで気になった方は、見てみましょう! 日本の美しい桜を都会のなかで楽しめる春の新宿御苑。 日本の他の場所では見ることができない景色をご覧になれる、おすすめのスポットです。 桜がすきな方はぜひ春の新宿御苑を観光してみてください! -
Video article 3:04
Cherry blossoms in full bloom covering the entire area are truly spectacular! Rokudo no Tsutsumi" in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture, was a hidden cherry blossom viewing spot that I wanted to visit at least once!
Nature- 1.52K plays
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Cherry blossom video introduction of "Rokudo no Tsutsumi" in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "[ 4K UltraHD ] 六道堤の桜 - Cherry Blossoms at Rokudo Bank - (shot on Samsung NX1)," was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." This three-minute video captures a stunning view of the sea of cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank Normally, when thinking of the Koshinetsu region or the Nanshin region of Nagano Prefecture (甲信越地方・長野県南信地方, koshinetsu chiho・nagano-ken nanshin chiho), the area best known for cherry blossoms would be Takato Castle Ruins Park (高遠城址公園, takato joshi koen). This park is one of the three great cherry blossom spots in Japan, known for having "the best cherry blossoms under the heavens." However, another special spot, known only to locals, exists in Ina City (伊那市, ina-shi). Enjoy the beautiful cherry blossom viewing spots of Nagano Prefecture in the video. Rokudo Bank, Nagano Prefecture Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank Rokudo Bank is just 10 minutes from Takato Castle Park by car. Though a hidden spot, it's known to have cherry blossoms every bit as beautiful as those in the main park. The snow-tipped peaks of the Kiso Mountains can be seen from 0:36 to 1:55 in the video. Because Ina City in Nagano Prefecture is at a high elevation and surrounded by mountains, the cherry blossom season tends to be a bit late, but cherry blossoms are usually at their best from early to mid-April. The Cherry Blossoms of Rokudo Bank Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank The reservoir is surrounded by approximately 120 takato-okuhigan cherry trees. The sight of the sea of cherry blossoms in full bloom stretching as far as the eye can see is nothing short of breathtaking. On days when the weather is nice, the cherry blossoms are reflected on the surfaces of the water, creating a dream-like scenery. Definitely take some pictures to post on your Instagram! You can see this beautiful scenery in the video as well. As seen at the beginning of the video, there is a little island of red pines in the middle of the reservoir. This adds to the Japan-esque scenery. You can also see two cute ducks swimming peacefully through the cherry blossoms at 1:23 in the video. In addition to the full bloom period, another great time to visit is when the cherry blossoms began to scatter with the wind as the season begins to end. Summary of Rokudo Bank Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank In this article, we introduced Nagano prefecture’s hidden gem- the cherry blossoms of Rokudo Bank. This place is loved dearly by locals for its beautiful scenery. Of course, the historical Takato Castle Park is known for its stunning cherry blossoms as well. If you have the chance to visit Ina City in Nagano Prefecture, we definitely recommend checking out the blooming forecast before going. ◆Rokudo Bank◆ 【Address】Misuzu, Ina City, Nagano Prefecture 【Access】A 15-minute drive from Ina-Kita Station on the Central Japan Railway Iida Line 【Parking】Available(Free・5 Spaces) 【Official Homepage】Ina City Tourism Association -
Video article 9:03
Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture's Shimoina District Is a Spectacular Location Dyed in Shades of Pink! Feel the Arrival of Spring at This Paradise on Earth in Japan!
Nature- 224 plays
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Video introduction of "Hanamomo no Sato" in Shimoina-gun, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "JG☆☆☆4K 長野 花桃の里 Nagano,Peach Flowers at Hanamomo no Sato," was released by "JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." It showcases Hanamomo no Sato, an attractive place for sightseeing due to its beautiful peach and cherry blossoms. In this article, we'll introduce Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture! What are the best times to see and highlights of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture, which can be enjoyed from the train window? Hanamomo no Sato has a drive course that you can enjoy through the window of a cart and is called "Hanamomo Kaido" (はなもも街道, lit. "Peach Blossom Highway").The best time to see Hanamomo no Sato, which is said to be Japan's best Momogen-go, is usually from mid-April to late April.The scenery woven with gradations of red, white, and pink flowers over about 40 kilometers is worth seeing. A "Flower Peach Festival" will also be held to coincide with the flowering.Please check the details of the blooming conditions and the flower peach festival as they are updated from time to time on the official website of Nisshin Onsen. Enjoy Hot Springs and the Charm of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture! On Hanamomo Kaido, there are two places to stay, Gessen and Hirugami Hot Springs, where you can take your time admiring the beautiful cherry blossoms in the surrounding area. There are hot spring accommodations where you can take a day bath in the hot spring village, which is also the venue of the "Hanamomo Festival" (花桃まつり, Peach Blossom Festival), so why don't you stop by after enjoying the flowers? In addition to Gohei-mochi, seasonal curry bun, wheat bun, thick shiitake mushrooms, and so on can be purchased at the roadside station "Hanamomo-no-sato" as well as lunch such as wild vegetable soba. There are also a variety of souvenirs you can purchase, such as goheimochi (rice cakes), so be sure to give them a try as well. Summary of Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture In this article we introduced Hanamomo no Sato, one of the best places in Japan for viewing peach and cherry blossoms! Achi Village, known more commonly as "Hanamomo no Sato" (花桃の里, Peach Blossom Village) has one of the best nighttime views in Japan. There are also night tours available at Hanamomo no Sato, so be sure to take in the sights at night! -
Video article 3:36
Feel the arrival of spring with the red and white plum blossoms reflected on the lakeside at the Roukaku Plum Garden in Shinshu-Shinmachi, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, and enjoy the Japanese spring with the fragrance of the flowers in full bloom on the 1,000 plum trees!
Nature- 128 plays
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長野県信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」について こちらの動画は「haruyuki onoue」が公開した「信州新町のろうかく梅園2019・4K」です。 こちらの動画では長野県信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」をご紹介します。 4Kで撮影された「ろうかく梅園」の梅の花の映像は非常に美しいのでぜひ御覧ください。 「ろうかく湖」は信州新町の犀川の中に作られた人工の湖です。 その「ろうかく湖」に架かる橋を渡ると長野県が誇る名所信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」が見えます。 4ヘクタールの梅園では竜峡小梅という品種の梅を生産しています。 満開の梅は紅白のコントラストが絶景です。 更に、夏には花火大会が行われるなど四季折々のイベントが行われています。 楼閣梅園の梅の見頃 信州新町「ろうかく梅園」の開花状況は長野市のホームページにて確認できます。 例年の見頃は3月下旬から4月頃上旬になります。 また、長野県には同様に伊那梅園という梅園もあり、こちらは2万坪に38種類もの梅が7,000本が植えられ、「ろうかく梅園」と並んでお花見の名所となっています。 こちらの梅園は標高850mの高地にあり、平地にある梅よりも遅い開花時期で鑑賞することができます。 梅肉エキスなどの梅に関するお土産も販売しています。 6月〜7月には梅の実を収穫する体験も行っているので様々な時期に訪れても楽しめます。 信州新町「ろうかく梅園」でジンギスカンを食べよう! 4月の初旬には「ろうかく梅園花祭り」が行われます。 花まつりの中で人気のグルメが信州新町名物のジンギスカンです。 焼肉や農産物・特産品なども販売されるのでお花見に合わせてこれらを楽しむのもおすすめです。 「ろうかく梅園」の花まつり期間中ではジンギスカンセットも販売されており、ござ・ガス・コンロ・鉄板などを貸し出ししているので手ぶらでジンギスカンを堪能しながら梅の景色を楽しむことができます。 信州新町は古くから羊の飼育をしており、そのためジンギスカン料理も有名になりました。 信州新町のジンギスカンはあらかじめお肉を漬け込んでおくのが特徴で、お店ごとに異なる味付けを比べてみるのも楽しいかもしれません。 「ろうかく梅園」へのアクセス 「ろうかく梅園」へのアクセスは長野方面から国道19号で信州新町川中島バス営業所先を左折して1分の場所にあります。 無料駐車場があるのでそちらを利用しましょう。 長野ICからは車で40分、新幹線では北陸新幹線長野駅からバスで45分、その後徒歩で10分ほど。 また周辺には善光寺や戸隠神社奥社などの歴史ある穴場スポットもありますよ。 長野県信州新町の「ろうかく梅園」紹介まとめ 長野県信州新町のろうかく梅園は全国にある梅の景勝地でもランキング上位の観光地です。 温暖な気候の春のはじまりに紅白それぞれの特徴を備えた梅とジンギスカンを楽しんでください! -
Video article 3:34
Fuji Cemetery in Oyama-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, at the foot of Mt. Fuji, the rows of 1,000 cherry trees in full bloom are breathtaking! The pink cherry blossom tunnel that covers the entire area is too beautiful for words!
Nature- 363 plays
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Fuji Cemetery, Oyama-cho, Suntou-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture: Video Introduction of Cherry Blossoms in Full Blossom This video "Aerial Photography - One Thousand Cherry Trees(空撮 満開の千本桜)" created by "FUJISAN DRONE BASE" contains footage of the popular sightseeing spot "Fuji Cemetery" (富士霊園) taken via drone photography. As you can see throughout the video, there is a main street which passes through the cemetery that is situated near Mt. Fuji. 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees (ソメイヨシノ) are planted along the roadside which, in spring, blossom to create magnificent scenery. Throughout this three-and-a-half-minute long video, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the cherry trees in full bloom. This spot has even been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan! Fuji Reien Park Cemetery" with beautiful 1,000 cherry trees, when are the cherry blossoms at their best? Photo:Fuji Cemetery with cherry blossoms in full bloom The 1,000 cherry trees of Fuji Cemetery are a famous cherry blossom viewing spot in the town of Oyama in Shizuoka prefecture (静岡県小山町), located in the Tokai region (東海地方) of Japan. The Yoshino cherry trees in full bloom cover the main street creating a tunnel-like effect. It's hard to put into words just how beautiful the view is! You can take a look at this tunnel-like effect from 2:27 in the video. The cherry blossoms at Fuji Reien Park Cemetery are usually at their best around mid-April. When the cherry blossoms are falling, petals are scattered as a cherry blossom snowstorm, creating a fleeting beauty. There are many other flowers planted across the vast grounds of the cemetery which you can enjoy throughout the year as the seasons change. There's a platform in Fuji Cemetery where you can get a great view of the 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees. This is a great place to take amazing photos that you can share on Instagram! At 1:04 in the video, there's a stunning shot of snow-covered Mt. Fuji with cherry blossom in the foreground. Tips to Enjoy Cherry Blossom Viewing in the Area Surrounding Mt. Fuji Photo:Arakurayama Sengen Park Speaking of Japanese cherry blossoms, Somayoshino is famous, but various kinds of cherry blossoms, including double cherry blossoms and unique cherry blossoms, bloom in Japan. The scenic spots where you can see the remaining snow of Mt. Fuji and cherry blossoms are "Ryuganbuchi" in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, "Shinkurayama Asama Park" in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, and "Northern Bank of Lake Kawaguchi" where you can see Lake Kawaguchi, cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji Cherry Blossom Alley is famous. Let's check the cherry blossom forecast of all over the country in early spring and enjoy cherry blossom viewing for the best time. Summary of the 1,000 Cherry Trees of Fuji Cemetery Photo:Cherry Blossoms at Fuji Cemetery During summer, many tourists travel to Shizuoka prefecture to climb Mt. Fuji, but there are many other sightseeing spots in the area for you to enjoy throughout the year. The beginning of spring is the perfect time to enjoy the cherry blossoms at Fuji Cemetery! There are several other famous cherry blossom viewing sites in the area with cherry trees such as the Yoshino cherry, Weeping cherry (枝垂れ桜), and Mountain cherry (山桜). Why not head over to the Mt. Fuji area of Shizuoka prefecture this spring and take a tour of the various cherry blossom viewing spots? ◆Fuji Cemetery General Information◆ 【Address】888ー2 Omika, Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka 410-1308 【Access】20 minutes by bus from JR Gotemba Line Suruga-Oyama station (JR御殿場線駿河小山駅) 【Admission Fee】Free 【Hours】9am - 4.30pm 【Closures】 Open year round 【Parking】Available (temporary parking area) 【Telephone】 0550-78-0311 【Tripadvisor】Fuji Cemetery https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1121213-d3586539-r315214344-Fuji_Reien_Cemetry-Oyama_cho_Sunto_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:30
The Cherry Blossoms at the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival in Hirosaki, Aomori, Said to Be the Best in Japan, Are Sure to Look Great on Instagram! Enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival With 3 Million Visitors, Where 'Hatsune Miku' Was Appointed as the Official Supporting Character!
Nature- 414 plays
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青森県の日本一の桜まつり「弘前さくらまつり」を紹介 こちらの動画は「shota odagiri」さんが公開した「SAKURA 日本一の桜まつり青森県弘前市【HD】」です。 日本の春を代表する桜! 青森県弘前市にある弘前城周辺でおこなわれる弘前さくらまつりはソメイヨシノを始めとして数々の桜が百花繚乱のごとく咲き乱れ、毎年弘前公園には全国から訪れる数多くのお花見目当ての観光客で賑わいます。 本州最北端の地、青森県で咲く桜 桜前線の北上に伴い青森県弘前城周辺では4月下旬頃に開花予想が出されます。 弘前公園内には、ソメイヨシノを中心に、シダレザクラ、八重桜など、約50種類2,600本の桜が咲き誇ります。 日本一と言われる弘前さくらまつりの桜たちは一つの花芽からいくつもの花が咲き、もこもこの迫力のある花付きが特徴と言われています。 弘前さくらまつりの終盤になると弘前城周辺のお堀にはたくさんの桜の花びらが浮かび、この光景を「花筏(はないかだ)」「桜の絨毯」と呼び、壮大な景観の花筏が楽しめます。 2019年から2年間は弘前さくらまつり公式応援キャラクターにボーカロイドの「桜ミク(初音ミク)」が選ばれ、祭りをより一層盛り上げています。 弘前さくらまつり情報紹介 弘前市は青森県最大の都市で四季折々の自然が楽しめる観光地です。 春は桜、夏のねぷた祭り、秋は菊と紅葉が特に有名で、この弘前さくらまつりの日程は毎年4月23日〜5月5日の期間に開催されています。 弘前さくらまつりは非常に長い歴史があり1889年から続く伝統のお祭りです。 期間中は日没から23時までライトアップされ夜桜見物を楽しむ観光客であふれます。 弘前さくらまつりには出店や屋台もたくさん並びますので絶景とグルメを一緒に楽しむことができます。 弘前さくらまつりが開かれている弘前公園までのアクセスは以下のとおりです。 ・東京からお越しの方:東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・大阪からお越しの方:大阪→のぞみ(2時間30分)→新青森→東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・羽田空港から飛行機でお越しの方:羽田空港(1時間15分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・伊丹空港から飛行機でお越しの方:伊丹空港(1時間30分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 なお駐車場は完備されていますが、大変混雑いたしますので弘前駅からバスをご利用ください。 弘前さくらまつり期間中は20:00まで特別便を増発して運行します。 弘前さくらまつり紹介まとめ JR弘前駅ではおすすめ情報満載の観光ガイドを無料配布していますのでご活用ください。 また全国の旅行代理店で弘前さくらまつりツアーが催行されますのでホテルと交通がパックになったお得な観光ツアーをご利用ください。 是非日本一の桜を弘前さくらまつりでお楽しみください。 -
Video article 2:13
Zao - Where Fantastic Ice Trees Stretch as Far as the Eye Can See. Referred to as "Ice Monsters" This Destination in Yamagata Prefecture Is Very Popular Among Foreign Tourists
Nature- 95 plays
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自然が生み出す絶景「蔵王の樹氷」をご紹介! 日本にはさまざまな名所があります。 その中でも幻想的な景色を楽しめる場所に旅行したいと思っている方は多いと思います。 そのような方々に、山形県の蔵王の樹氷をおすすめします。 この記事では、「Saha Entertainment TV」が公開した「[4K] 絶景蔵王の樹氷 Amazing Ice Monsters」をもとに、日本のおすすめの観光地である蔵王の樹氷の魅力や、おすすめのインスタ映えスポットの情報などを説明します。 「蔵王の樹氷」が生み出す自然の美しさ 蔵王の樹氷は、山形の蔵王連峰にある植物に雪が凍り付き、固まったものです。 東北地方の奥羽山脈(飯豊連峰、朝日連峰、月山、鳥海山など)でしか確認されておらず、とても珍しい自然美を堪能することができます。 見ごろは、1月の下旬から3月の上旬です。 この時期には樹氷のライトアップイベントも行われているので、夜の幻想的な蔵王の樹氷を楽しめます。 このように、蔵王の樹氷は他では見ることができない美しい絶景を楽しめるので、自然を楽しみたい方にはおすすめの観光地です。 「スノーモンスター」や「アイスモンスター」とよばれる蔵王の樹氷を思う存分、鑑賞しましょう。 日本の観光地である「蔵王の樹氷」は幻想的な景観を楽しめる 日本の観光地である蔵王の樹氷は、幻想的な景観を楽しむことができます。 昼の太陽の光によるデイライト樹氷は、自然の光と特徴的な形の樹氷が融合して、少し変わった美しい風景を楽しむことができます。 夜のライトアップでは、色彩が鮮やかな光によって樹氷が浮かびあがり、幻想的な景色を堪能できるでしょう。 蔵王の樹氷は、昼と夜で幻想的な景色を見ることができる素晴らしい場所です。 日本の観光地である「蔵王の樹氷」を見るのにおすすめのエリア 日本の観光地である蔵王の樹氷は、自然の景色を満喫できるスポットがたくさんあります。 温泉街からのれるロープウェイは、大きな窓から樹氷を見ることができるのでおすすめです。 ゆったり座りながら鑑賞できるのもポイントです。 ロープウェイの山頂駅も人気スポット。 駅から降りた瞬間に広大な樹氷が目の前に広がっています。 展望台では樹氷原を一望できるので、ぜひ訪ねてみてください! 絶景「蔵王の樹氷」のまとめ 他では見ることができない蔵王の樹氷。 ぜひ現地でアイスモンスターと呼ばれる絶景をご覧になってみてください。 その幻想的な景色と迫力を思う存分、楽しみましょう! -
Video article 4:24
Behold! The Beautiful Scenery of Nachi Falls in Wakayama Prefecture! As One of Japan’s Three Famous Waterfalls, Nachi Falls Is So Beautiful and Powerful That Visitors Can't Take Their Eyes off of It!
Nature- 370 plays
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Wakayama Prefecture's Famous Waterfall This is the introductory video, "Japan’s Tallest Waterfall: Nachi no Otaki- A World Heritage Site" (直瀑落差日本一の滝 世界遺産 那智の大滝). Nachi Falls is one of Japan's many world-heritage sites, and this 4K video shows its beautiful scenery. Nachi Falls in Nachi-katsuura, Wakayama prefecture, is a famous waterfall in Japan's Kansai region. It is admired and believed to contain the spirit of the deity of Hirou Shrine, an associate shrine of the world heritage site, Kumano Nachi Taisha shrine. We will introduce various facts about Nachi Falls, one of the Three Great Waterfalls of Japan ranked together with Kegon Falls in Nikko, and Fukuroda Falls, in Okukuji. The Charms of Nachi Falls, Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Nachi Falls・Wakayama Prefecture Kumano Sanzan, the three Main Kumano Shrines which consist of Kumano Nachi Taisha shrine (Sacred object: Nachi Falls), Kumano Hayatama Taisha shrine (Sacred object : Gotobiki Iwa rock in Kamikura mountain) and Kumano Hongu Taisha shrine, are all registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the title "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes." Shown in the video, Nachi Falls is registered as a world-heritage site because of its superb view. Visitors can enjoy the 48 waterfalls of Nachi (那智四十八滝) and a lot of beautiful mountain streams in Nachi Primeval Forest and Nachi Falls, is "Ichi no Taki," the largest one among them. It is also called "Misuji Falls" (三筋の滝) in Japanese and has a stream that forks into 3 separate veins due to a rift in the bedrock of the waterfall's crest. The Beautiful Scenery of Nachi Falls Source :YouTube screenshot After walking through a Torii gate at Hiro Jinja shrine, visitors will see a superb view of Nachi Falls. (shown from 0:56 in the video) The breath of Choshiguchi is 13 meters (~42 ft.) and the height from the top of the waterfall to its basin extends 133 meters (~436 ft.). Compared to other waterfalls, Nachi Falls ranks 12th in Japan and is currently the tallest one-step waterfall in Japan. You can enjoy the beautifully clear waterfall basin (that is more than 10 meters deep) from the observation platform, which is a great spot for taking photos. (shown from 2:28 of the video) Enjoy Your Time and Take in Everything That Nachi Falls Has to Offer ©T-KIMURA Modifying Nachi Falls can be enjoyed in any season, and offers various kinds of scenery depending on the time of year. One of the best times to go is winter, when Mt. Nachi gets colder. There is an annual event called "Otaki Shimenawa Harikae-shiki" held every year on December 27th and many people visit to enjoy the scenery of the illuminated waterfall. You can also enjoy eating lunch at restaurants around Seigantoji temple after watching the waterfall. There are also some hotels near the station with hot spring facilities where you can enjoy a nice relaxing bath. Summary of Nachi Falls in Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Nachi Falls・Wakayama Prefecture The video provides viewers with the fascinating and eye-catching scenery of Nachi Falls' mysterious atmosphere. Mt. Nachi and Kumano Kodo are known as locations for Shugendo and Takiroshugyo (Buddhist training with waterfalls) and are now also tourist destinations for those who enjoy hiking. Take a map with you when you visit there to enjoy a day trip of walking around and seeing Sanju-no-To (the three story pagoda) of Nachi mountain Seigato-ji temple, Nachi-san Kyo-zuka, and Nachi Primeval Forest, as well as Nachi Falls at your leisure. ◆Tourist Information for Nachi Falls◆ 【Address】Nachi-san, Katsuura-cho Oaza, Higashimuro-gun, Wakayama, 649-5301 【Admission】300 yen/Adult 200yen/Child (as of March 2020) 【Hours】7:00-16:30 【Access】A Bus service is available from the nearby station, Kii-Katsuura Station (紀伊勝浦駅) off the Kisei Main Line (紀勢本線) to Nachi Falls Bus Stop (那智の滝前バス停) 【Parking】Available (payed) 【Official Website】Nachi Falls, Nachi-Katsuura Town Tourism Assocciation https://www.nachikan.jp/en/ 【Official Website】Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine Nachi Ontaki Hiro-jinja shrine https://kumanonachitaisha.or.jp/ -
Video article 2:24
The Encounter of Waves, Brought Together by Two Islands, Is Reminiscent of Long Lost Lovers Being Reunited. Come Check Out the Amazing Scenery at Lover’s Cape in Wakayama Prefecture!
Nature Travel- 311 plays
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The Gorgeous "Lover’s Cape" in Wakayama Prefecture! This video, titled "Lover's Cape - Wakayama - 恋人岬," introduces Lover’s Cape, a famous tourist spot in Susami, Wakayama prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. Lover's cape is also included in the "8 Scenic Views of Susami." The fierce waves split after hitting Kuroshima, and the shape and action of the 2 waves hitting each other again is said to be similar to putting one’s hands together in pray, thus, the waves are called "Gassho Nami" (合掌, Gassho, "Putting one's hands together in prayer, 波, Nami "Wave"). You can see the waves coming together at 0:48 in the video. The mysterious waves are called "Meotonami" (夫婦波, Wedded Waves) and the towering rocks are called "Meoto Iwa" (夫婦岩, Wedded Rocks) and has been selected as one of the "66 Waterfront Areas to Be Cherished in Wakayama" for its beautiful view. Because of its romantic name and scenery, it is popular with couples, and as the name "Lover's Cape" implies, many couples visit here. Lover’s Cape, a Popular Tourist Spot in Wakayama Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Lover’s Cape, introduced in the video, has 2 main attractions. The first is a cave called "Gama," located on the west side of Kuroshima. Here, you can enjoy scuba diving from March to the end of April and from late June to the end of October. Historically, there is a legend that it contains hidden treasures of the Kumano navy, and many people visit during scuba diving season. The second attraction at Lover's Cape is that between October and January and between April and September, the slopes of Lover's Cape are covered with bougainvillea flowers. You can also enjoy fishing here as well. Lover’s Cape is A 15-minute walk from Mirozu Station or a 15-minute drive from the Susami Interchange on the Kisei Expressway. Free parking is also available, so be sure to take advantage of it if you're going by car. The Waves of Lover's Cape Photo:Wakayama prefecture・Meotonami Lover's Cape consists of two islands one with a large reef and the other with a small reef. The islands are called Oki-no-Kuroshima and Riku-no-Kuroshima respectively. The Karekinada coastline, which was formed by upheaval and erosion of the Kii Peninsula, is famous for the phenomenon known as "Tombolo," where a road is formed between the two islands, and you can enjoy the dynamic ocean with waves on both sides. The entire island of Esuzaki Island in Wakayama Prefecture, where Lover's Cape is located, is a sacred area, and Kuroshima Benzaiten (a Buddhist goddess) is located at the bottom of the cliff at Lover's Cape. The bright red torii gate can be seen at 1:48 in the video as well. The view from Lover’s Cape in Wakayama prefecture Photo:Susami・Sunset from Roadside Station Susami The sunset that can be seen from Lover’s Cape is so gorgeous that it was chosen as one of the Top 100 Sunrise / Sunset Views of Wakayama Prefecture, and many tourists travel to see it. Being that "Meotonami" was selected as one of the "8 Scenic Views of Susami," it's a great place to quietly spend time gazing at the sunset and waves. There is also a restaurant at Lover's Cape called Italian Café BUSH. The interior of the restaurant is modeled in a Mediterranean style and you can enjoy pastas or pizza made with local ingredients. Their business hours are 9:00-18:00 so you can appreciate Wakayama prefecture’s sunset while enjoying a delicious meal at the restaurant. Lover’s Capes Around the World Photo:Izu・Lover's Cape Bell In addition to Lover's Cape in Wakayama Prefecture, there are many other Lover's Capes around the world. At Lover's Cape in Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, there's a story about a man who rang a bell when he passed through the cape, and it is said that if you call out the name of your beloved while ringing the bell, your love will be fulfilled. Lover's Cape in Guam is a spot where you can enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of Tumon Bay, which is depicted on the national flag of Guam. It's called "Lover's Cape" because of a story about a couple who pledged their eternal love to each other and jumped into the sea. The Lover’s Cape in Kashiwazaki in Niigata prefecture, is located at the Nihonkai Fisherman’s Cape, and it is a place where you can ring a bell with a heart-shaped plate for good romantic fortune. Summary of Lover’s Cape Source :YouTube screenshot What did you think about Lover's Cape? Lover’s Peak is definitely a place to go to when sightseeing in Wakayama. It has incredible views of nature romantic sunsets as well. Be sure to bring your lover with you when you visit! 【Official Website】Lover’s Cape – Izu City Tourist Information dedicated website http://kanko.city.izu.shizuoka.jp/form1.html?pid=2528 【Trip Advisor】Lover’s Cape https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121354-d8538044-Reviews-Lover_s_Cape-Susami_cho_Nishimuro_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:05
This is exactly what Instagram looks like! Goshiki-numa" in Kitashiobara-mura, Fukushima Prefecture The cobalt blue surface of the water is a mysterious sight that is out of this world!
Nature Travel- 182 plays
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Sightseeing Video Introduction of "Goshikinuma" in Kitashiobara-mura, Yama-gun, Fukushima Prefecture This video, titled "Goshikinuma - A Fantastic Colored Pond in Fukushima Japan" (Fantastic Colors Pond in Fukushima Japan 五色沼湖沼群 神秘的な絶景の福島裏磐梯・東北の美しい風景), introduces the beautiful cobalt blue lakes of "Goshikinuma," located on the north side of Mt. Bandai (津磐梯山, Aizu Bandaisan), in Fukushima Prefecture, located in Japan's Tohoku region. "Urabandai" in Fukushima Prefecture has about 30 small and large lakes and swamps, which are characterized by various shades of green, red, and blue. It is also called the "Mysterious Lake" because of its beauty, and has received one Michelin Green Guide star. Please enjoy the scenic beauty of nature during the season when the fresh greenery is at its best. What Is Goshikinuma Like? Photo:Benten-numa at Goshikinuma Goshikinuma consists of Bishamon-numa (毘沙門沼, Bishamon-numa), Aka-numa (赤沼, Aka-numa), Midoro-numa (みどろ沼, Midoro-numa), Benten-numa (弁天沼, Benten-numa), Ruri-numa (るり沼, Ruri-numa), Ao-numa (青沼, Ao-numa), and Yanagi-numa (柳沼, Yanagi-numa), which are introduced from the beginning of the video. In addition to the cobalt blue lakes, the fresh greenery is reflected on the water's surface as shown in the video at 1:56, and the emerald green Ruri-numa is also beautiful. There are also swamps that show different colors depending on the season and weather, such as emerald blue, turquoise blue, and pastel blue. You can rent a rowing boat in Bishamon-numa, so we recommend that you take your time and enjoy the beauty of nature. Sightseeing at Goshikinuma Photo:Bishamon-numa Bandai Asahi National Park (磐梯朝日国立公園内, Bandai Asahi Kokuritsu Koen) in Fukushima Prefecture is a special protected area. The area around the scenic Goshikinuma in April is a hiking course where you can enjoy cycling. Be sure to choose a sunny day to go on a sightseeing trip. It's a good idea to walk along the Goshikinuma Nature Exploration Road when the autumn leaves are at their most colorful. There are gourmet spots where you can enjoy lunch, accommodations such as the Goshikinuma Hotel, campsites, and holiday villages as well. Make sure to book accommodations and tours, to travel around at and enjoy the surrounding sights. Sightseeing Spots Around Goshikinuma Photo:Hibara Lake When you come to Goshikinuma for sightseeing, you should definitely check out the nearby sightseeing spots. Recommendations include Mount Bandai's largest lake "Hibara Lake," which is located in the center of the plateau, "Urabandai Roadside Station" for local gourmet and sweets, the drive course "Bandai Azuma Lake line," and "West Azuma Sky Valley" overlooking the superb view. Goshikinuma Sightseeing Video Summary Goshikinuma in Fukushima Prefecture is a hidden sightseeing spot with a beautiful cobalt-blue lake surface. We hope the beauty was conveyed through the video. The sparkling lake is so attractive that you won't get tired of looking at it even if you spent the rest of your life doing so. If you are going on a sightseeing trip to Goshikinuma in Fukushima Prefecture, please enjoy the miraculous scenery, created by nature, to your heart's content. ◆Goshikinuma Lakes and Marshes Overview◆ 【Address】〒966-0401 Kita-Shiobara-mura, Yama-gun, Fukushima 【Access】25 minutes by bus from Inawashiro Station on the Banetsu West Line 【Parking】 Available 【Telephone No】0241-32-2850 【Tripadvisor】Goshikinuma https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120994-d1222009-Reviews-Goshikinuma_Lake-Kitashiobara_mura_Yama_gun_Fukushima_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 3:18
Watch a video of the mysterious sight of "Fujindo," the largest limestone cave in the Kanto region with a total length of 2.2 km in Tano County, Gunma Prefecture. The spectacular view of stalactites, which take 100 years to grow 1 cm, is also a famous power spot!
Nature- 183 plays
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Sightseeing Video Introduction of "Fujindo" Cave, a limestone cave in Tano County, Gunma Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "The Largest Limestone Cave in Kanto!" (関東最大級の鍾乳洞 『不二洞』), shows a fabulous view of the Limestone cave located in Gunma. There are many mysterious limestone caves found throughout Japan. Of all the limestone caves, Fujido Cave, located in Kawawa Nature Park in Ueno-village, Tano District is the largest in the Kanto region, with an astonishing length of 2.2 km. Fujido is designated as a natural monument of Gunma Prefecture. If you explore inside of the Fujido, you're sure to have an extraordinary experience! You can see a number of breathtaking views in the video. Be sure to check it out to see the mysterious Fujido Cave! Fujido Cave Photo:Fujido Cave A limestone cave is a natural cave that is formed over a long period of time by the gradual erosion of limestone rock due to the inflow of underground water. It's said that the Ueno-village area, where Fujido Cave is located, was once covered with a deep virgin forest. Villagers in the area discovered the cave about 1,200 years ago, and since then, the cave has been used as a place for Buddhist training. In the Fujido Cave, the Fujido Yayoi Matsuri (festival) is held every March. Through the festival, people pray for the safety of the Fuji cave, the largest cave in the Kanto region. Highlights of Fujido Cave! Source :YouTube screenshot You can see the exploration of Fujido Cave at 0:38 in the video. At the end of a 120-meter underground tunnel, visitors climb up a 40-meter pit staircase to find a spacious limestone cave. The cave is kept cool throughout the year at a temperature of about 11 degrees Celsius(51.8°F). In the limestone cave, there are a lot of Instagram worthy spots made by nature such as the "Five Colored Clouds" (0:54), "Yama's Staff of Pilgrimage" (1:25), "Dragon King Falls" (1:44), and "Nyoraido" (2:02) and many more. There’s a legend about "Yama’s Staff of Pilgrimage" that says if you make a wish and touch it seven times, your wish will come true. Source :YouTube screenshot Inside of the cave, there are 45 spots named after Buddhist beliefs. At 2:17 in the video, you'll see a sparkling tower made of limestone. This tower, called "Renge-no-To" (Lotus Tower) is the largest stone in the cave. Next, at 2:34 you can see "Hi-no-Hashira" (The Pillar of Flame), and at 2:49 the sacred spot known as "Gohyaku-Rakan." It is said that it takes about 100 years for the limestone to grow 1 cm. Next time you visit Fujido, pay attention to the artistic shape of the cave and try to comprehend the amount of time it took to form. Summary of Fujido Cave, the Largest Cave in the Kanto Region Photo:Fujido Cave A limestone cave is a mysterious phenomenon created by nature. In recent years, the area around the Fujido Cave has become a popular power spot. Inside the cave you can also see the lit-up limestone, as shown in the video. Since the footing in the cave is not very good, we recommend that you wear comfortable clothes and shoes that are easy to get around in. If you're looking to travel to some of Japan's best-kept secrets, come to the mysterious Fujido Cave and experience the beauty of mother nature. Check out the video and feel for yourself the deep history and wonder concealed within the Fujido's limestone walls! ◆Fujido Cave◆ 【Address】665 Kawawa, Ueno-village, Tano Gun, Gunma Prefecture 【Access】35 minutes by car from Shimonita Interchange on the Joshinetsu Expressway 【Hours】9:00 AM - 4:30 PM ※ 9:00 AM 〜 4:00 PM in November, 10:00 AM〜 3:00 PM from December to mid March 【Closures】Open year round 【Average time spent here】About 40 minutes 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】 0274-59-3117 【Entrance fee】Adults 800 yen/Elementary and middle school students 500 yen (※ as of November 2019) -
Video article 2:47
Arashiyama Is One of the Most Beautiful Spots in Kyoto, and a Place to Experience the Natural Beauty of Japan. Take a Trip to the "Arashiyama Bamboo Forest," a 400-Meter-Long Natural Bamboo Forest, to Soothe Your Body and Mind!
Nature Travel- 387 plays
- YouTube
The Arashiyama Bamboo Forest in Arashiyama, Kyoto! This video is titled "Arashiyama Bamboo Forest|the Voices of the Wind and Fresh Greenery Dancing Towards the Heavens|Kyoto・Arashiyama. (Arashiyama Bamboo Forest Kyoto Japan) Sagano|Healing Landscape, Healing, a Sketch of Sounds #16 / Ryuju." It introduces the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest in Sagano (嵯峨野, Sagano), Arashiyama, in Kyoto City (京都市, Kyoto-Shi), Kyoto (京都府,Kyoto-Fu), in the Kansai region (関西地方, Kansai-Chiho) of Japan. The Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is a path from Okochi Sanso Villa in Sagano (嵯峨野, Sagano), in the Ukyo-Ward (右京区, Ukyo-Ku) of Kyoto, to Nonomiya Shrine. As you can see from 0:18 in the video, the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is roughly 400 meters long, and this refined site is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Arashiyama, Kyoto. You can see the fresh greenery of the bamboo forest, along with soothing music. It's also called "Bamboo Grove." Togetsukyo-Bridge and Katsura River (桂川, Katsura-Gawa) are also within walking distance of the forest. Events at the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest Photo:Kyoto・Arashiyama Hanatouro Every winter at the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, a special night-time illumination event called "Kyoto Arashiyama Hanatouro" is held. Here, you can enjoy a beautiful night view of the Bamboo Forest lit up at night. For access to the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, we recommend the route from Tenryuji Temple to the North Gate where Nomiya Shrine is located. Since there is no parking, we recommend going by train. The Sagano Romantic Train Photo:Sagano Romantic Train The Sagano Romantic Train is a sightseeing train in Arashiyama, which was reconstructed from a defunct railroad and was reborn as a new tourist attraction in the area. It runs along the Hozu River (保津川, Hozu-Gawa) from "Torokko Kameoka Station," which is close to Umahori Station on the JR West San'in Main Line, to "Torokko Saga Station via Torokko Arashiyama Station where the bamboo forest is located. The train operates from 9:00 A.M. Check the official Sagano Scenic Railway website for a detailed schedule. Dining in Arashiyama, Kyoto Photo:Arashiyama, Kyoto・Croquette There are many restaurants and places to grab lunch in Arashiyama. We'll introduce a few below. The most popular and classic food are the croquettes from Nakamuraya Shop. The croquettes from Shop Arashiyama Tanaka are also reasonably priced and we recommend them as well. Yuba-suki croquettes are also available at Yoshiya Arashiyama Honten. You won't be able to find them anywhere else. Saga Tofu Ine is a restaurant offering tofu dishes, yuba soup, and yuba donuts. As for dessert, Shinpachi Chaya sells authentic gelato, which won third place in the Gelato World Tour. Besides these, there are a number of delicious treats perfect for your Instagram, and as gifts. For example, the upside-down soft serve ice cream from Kyozuan! Sightseeing in the Arashiyama Area Photo:Rickshaw In addition to the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, there are many more sightseeing spots in Arashiyama as well. The most famous is Arashiyama Onsen (Hot spring). There is also a footbath near Arashiyama Station, so you can soak your legs and feet in a shallow hot spring bath to rid yourself of the fatigue from your travels. Another activity you can enjoy in Arashiyama is dressing up as a maiko in kimono and going sightseeing! You can dress up as a maiko for 2 hours and experience what Arashiyama was like in the Heian Period (794-1185 AD). The rickshawsin Arashiyama can also take you around the surrounding area, to places such as Togetsukyo-Bridge and Okochi Sanso Villa. The god of marriage and childbirth is enshrined at Nomiya Shrine, and there is also a power spot called Okameishi (Turtle Rock). It is said that if you rub this turtle-shaped stone while praying, your wish will be granted within a year. We also recommend checking out other tourist sites, such as the Kimono Forest, Daikakuji Temple, the "Rinsen Style Garden" (a strolling garden incorporating ponds and hills), Jojakkoji Temple, and Hozugawa River Boat Ride. Summary of the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove Photo:Arashiyama, Kyoto・Bamboo Grove Did you enjoy reading about the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove and other surround points of interest? Aside from the beautiful scenery of the bamboo grove, there are many other sightseeing spots in Arashiyama. Be sure to bring a map when you come and visit the beautiful bamboo groves of Kyoto and experience the history of Japan! 【Tripadvisor】Arashiyama Bamboo Forest https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g298564-d1497822-Reviews-Bamboo_Forest_Street-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 0:53
Mt. Norikura: At an Altitude of Nearly 10,000 Feet, Boasting 60-Foot-Tall Snow Walls and Autumnal Leaves, Its a Great Place to Enjoy Nature in Every Season in Nagano and Gifu Prefectures!
Nature Travel- 200 plays
- Vimeo
Norikura-dake" in Nagano and Gifu Prefectures, Introduction of mountain climbing video This video, titled “Mt. Norikura in one minute” (乗鞍岳登山を一分でまとめてみました。), was created by “odenkuuuuuuun.” It introduces Mt. Norikura, a part of the Hida Mountains, or Northern Alps. Mt. Norikura is one of "Japan’s Top 100 Famous Mountains," and stretches through Nagano Prefecture’s Matsumoto City to Gifu Prefecture’s Takayama City. The video summarizes "odenkuuuuuuun's" climb of Mt. Norikura in September. Although the video is only 54 seconds long, it’s brimming with the allure of Mt. Norikura. Matsumoto Prefecture・Gifu Prefecture’s Mt. Norikura Photo:Summit of Mt. Norikura Mt. Norikura is a complex volcano encompassing 7 lakes and 8 plains. The highest of its 23 peaks is Kengamine Peak, at a height of 10,000 feet. The mountain was chosen as one of "Japan’s Top 100 Famous Mountains," and its popularity extends to foreign visitors as well. Its most recent eruption is said to be the Mt. Ebisu eruption over 2000 years ago. The mountain lies in the Hida Mountains. At the top of the mountain is the Norikura Shrine (乗鞍神宮, Norikura jingu), which has been a place of worship since long ago. This can be seen from 0:47 in the video. In the Shinshu Province, the mountain is also known as “Asahidake,” due to it being the first mountain touched by the light of the morning sun. (朝日, Asahi "Morning sun," 岳, dake "Mountain/Peak"). The starting point of the trail is Tatami-daira, which is 8,800 feet above sea level, and it takes about 1.5 hours to reach the summit, depending on which trail you take, making it an easy climb even for beginners. However, at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the weather can be quite unpredictable, and the temperature is low year round, so you'll need to wear warm clothes. Mt. Norikura’s popular trekking courses include the route from Tatamidaira to Kodamadake to Kengamine (approximately one and a half hours), and the route from the Norikura Kogen highlands to the peak of Mt. Norikura (approximately five hours and forty minutes). There are hiking courses available as well. Behind Tatamidaira is a national park where alpine flora and fauna are blooming, and visitors can enjoy the beautiful sight of the flower gardens while strolling around the lake or through the promenade. Autumn at Mt. Norikura provides stunning views of autumn leaves. The peak viewing period is from mid-September to early October. During the summer season, July to September, buses begin operating early in the morning, enabling visitors to be able to enjoy the sunrise from the 10,000 ft. tall mountain peak. It's great for taking pictures. Be sure to post them on your Instagram! On Mt. Norikura, there are a few mountain huts, so climbs with overnight stays are also possible. Many of these huts are fully-equipped with facilities such as baths, so visitors can feel as if they're resting at a hotel or ryokan. For the sake of nature preservation, access to Mt. Norikura by personal vehicles is limited, so you will need to use a tourist bus, shuttle bus, or taxi to get there. As the entrance of private cars is prohibited, of course, the usage of the Tsurugaike Parking Lot is not permitted. Visitors can head to Mt. Norikura from the Honokidaira Bus Terminal or the Hirayu Onsen Bus Terminal. The bus terminals can be found at Hirayu Onsen of the Okuhida Onsen Village. Roads leading to Mt. Norikura include the Norikura Skyline (乗鞍スカイライン, Norikura sukairain) from Gifu Prefecture, as well as the Norikura Eco Line from Nagano Prefecture. Travelling on road bikes or bicycles is also possible. Cycling events are held as well, such as the “Mountain Cycling in Norikura,” and the “Norikura Skyline・Cycling Hill Climb. Sightseeing Around Mt. Norikura Photo:Mt. Norikura Snow Wall Norikura Kogen highland’s Norikura Skyline is open from mid-May to mid-June, visitors can view the snow wall "Yuki no Kairo" (雪の回廊, yuki no kairo) as well. At its highest, the snow wall can reach up to 60 feet, towering over the Norikura Skyline. Visitors can even walk amongst this magnificent sight. As seen from 0:17, snow remains on Mt. Norikura even in September, and summer skiing, where visitors climb the mountain on their own and ski at the peak, is also possible. Of course, in winter, ski resorts are opened as well, and visitors can enjoy winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. Mt. Norikura also boasts the 50-meter “Sanbon Falls (三本滝, Sanbon-daki), which is counted among "Japan’s top 100 waterfalls." It has been a place of worship since olden times, and it is said that ascetics come to practice discipline at this waterfall. The “Starry Sky Observation Event” at Tatamidaira is also popular. Visitors can gaze up at the night sky full of stars while listening to the guide’s explanation of the sights. Summary of Mt. Norikura What'd you think of this article about Mt. Norikura? From the video, you can see the mountain from the view of a mountain climber, but you don't need to be a mountain climber to enjoy the natural beauty of Mt. Norikura. Although only 54 seconds long, the video is full of the sights and sounds of Mt. Norikura, so definitely check it out! 【Official Website】Mt. Norikura, Norikura Skyline Official Site https://norikuradake.jp/en.html 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Norikura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298102-d2318270-Reviews-Mt_Norikura-Chubu.html -
Video article 1:49
The Dynamic Eruption of Shinmoedake on Mt. Kirishima. The Invaluable Footage of this Volcanic Eruption in Kagoshima Prefecture Shows the Fury of Nature That Stretches Far Beyond the Human Imagination
Nature- 222 plays
- YouTube
The Eruption of Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima Before we begin, please watch the video "The moment of a volcanic eruption! Shinmoedake “Spouting Volcanic Bombs” Kirishima Mountain Range(火山噴火の瞬間!新燃岳「噴出す火山弾」霧島連山)". This is a video of the powerful eruption of Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima in Kagoshima Prefecture(鹿児島県,Kagoshimaken). You can feel the fury of nature that stretches far beyond the human imagination by watching the video of the dynamic eruption. We will introduce Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima through the video with this article, so be sure to follow along. What Kind of Place Is Shinmoedake? Photo:Kirishima Geopark Kirishima Mountain Range is a group of volcanoes that stretches from Miyazaki Prefecture (宮崎県,Miyazakiken) to Kagoshima Prefecture in Southern Kyushu (南九州,Minami-kyushu). Shinmoedake, which is introduced in the video, is 1,421 meters above sea and is located almost halfway between Karakunidake (韓国岳,Karakunidake), the highest mountain in Mt. Kirishima, and the sacred Mount Takachiho (高千穂峰,Takachihonomine) in the east. The area surrounding the peak of Shinmoedake consists of craters and calderas, which are hollows in the ground created by volcanic activity, and it stretches over Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, while the area surrounding the ridge line stretches over Kobayashi City (小林市,Kobayashishi), Miyazaki Prefecture. As you can see in the video, volcanic activity still continues actively in Shinmoedake. The History of Volcanic Activity in Shinmoedake Photo:Shinmoedake The history of Shinmoedake’s volcanic activity is thought to stretch back about 150,000 years. Shinmoedake is a volcano that has violent eruptions called "Plinian eruptions," which produce enormous amounts of volcanic products and energy, and it has been responsible for massive disasters such as the Kyoho Eruption and the Bunsei Eruption in the Edo period (1603-1868), as well as the Showa Eruption of 1959. From existing research, we know that the volcanic eruption during the Showa period was caused by an explosion of water vapor, not magma. The Current State of Shinmoedake Source :YouTube screenshot Shinmoedake’s volcanic alert level is currently level 3 out of 5, and the damage from the falling ash is also immense. Mountaineering on the volcano is also restricted, so the effect on tourism is quite large as well. There are also volcanoes other than Shinmoedake in Kyushu such as Sakurajima (桜島,Sakurajima) and volcanic eruption alerts come frequently, so it is important to check the newest information as often as possible. This video is of Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima in January 2011. You can see bright red lava bursting out and rocks flying through the sky from 0:15. You can also see lightning called “volcanic thunder” flash across the rising pitch-black ashes from 1:03. Summary of the Video on Shinmoedake's Volcanic Eruption This video of the volcanic eruption that we introduced is barely 2 minutes long, yet it is a powerful piece of footage that conveys the fury of nature. The volcanic alert level of Shinmoedake, Mt. Kirishima is still extremely high and its activities are being observed carefully. If you are ever to travel close to Mt. Kirishima in Kagoshima, be careful and be prepared! 【Tripadvisor】Shinmoedake https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022935-d1384894-Reviews-Mt_Shinmoe-Kirishima_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 2:14
Kamiike Pond Is a Mysterious Pond Surrounded by the Sea, Yet Filled With Freshwater Carp. Enjoy the Beauty of This Tourist Destination in Shizuoka, One of the Seven Wonders of Izu, Whose Mysteries Have Yet to Be Solved!
Nature- 242 plays
- YouTube
Aerial video introduction of "Ose Myojin no Kamiike" in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture This video, “絶景空撮 大瀬崎 神秘の自然と信仰の岬 - Aerial view of Cape Osezaki - Secret nature and religious cape -」,” is an aerial video of Cape Osezaki’s Kamiike Pond, located in the bayside of Numazu city, Shizuoka prefecture, produced by “FUJISAN DRONE BASE.” Osezaki is a cape in Numazu city, Shizuoka prefecture, extending into Suruga Bay, and is also called the Ose no Kami Pond of Ose Myojin, or Biwa Island. As shown at 0:50 in the video, you can see the great view of Mt. Fuji over the sea from Osezaki Kamiike Pond. What Kind of Sightseeing Spot Is Osezaki Kamiike Pond? Photo:Osezaki Kamiike, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture As seen in the video at 0:15, Osezaki features the beautiful Kamiike Pond, with the longest part of the pond being about 100 meters wide. Osezaki’s Kamiike Pond is called an "unexplored area," "mysterious spring," and is a mysterious spot considered one of the seven wonders of Izu. Although Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond is located at the tip of a cape, it's a fresh water pond, and fresh water fish, such as carp, call this pond home. It is said that Mt. Fuji’s underground water pours into Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond, but the mystery of Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond has yet to be solved. The water quality and depth are also unknown. Let’s Visit Ose Shrine in Osezaki! Photo:Osezaki and Ose Shrine Around the Osezaki Kamiike Pond are many large juniper trees with thick foliage. Osezaki’s juniper forest has been designated a Natural Monument. Hikitechikara no Mikoto (Ose Shrine) seen in the video at 1:14, is located at the peak of Osezaki, with an elevation of approximately 10m, and is called the protectorate god of the sea. Other highlights include a sacred tree said to be 1,500 years old, a pair of iron geta (sandals) dedicated near the torii gate, and a strange fan made of tengu leaves derived from the legend of tengu. Sightseeing Around Osezaki’s Kamiike Pond Photo:Clownfish Around the scenic Osezaki is the Ose beach, which is one of Japan’s “Top 100 Beaches.” Spending time listening to the waves and taking in the sunset is very relaxing. Osezaki is also popular as a diving spot, and many divers visit here during the on season. Osezaki is also known as a fishing spot, but collecting animals and plants around Kamiike Pond is prohibited by the Cultural Assets Preservation Act, so be careful not to break any laws. Summary of Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond Source :YouTube screenshot Shizuoka prefecture’s Osezaki Kamiike Pond area, introduced in the video, is a nice Instagram spot where you can see the beautiful sea and Mt. Fuji. There are many sightseeing spots in Izu, book a hotel nearby and visit Osezaki. In the spring time, cherry blossoms bloom nearby as well. We also recommend participating in a tour visiting Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond and the nearby area. ◆Hikitechikaranomikoto Shrine (Ose Shrine) General Information◆ 【Address】329, Nishiura Enashi, Numazu city, Shizuoka, ZIP 410-0244 【Access】80 minutes by bus from JR Numazu Station 【Admission fee】100 JPY 【Hours】8:30-17:00 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】055-942-2603 【Tripadvisor】Ose Myojin’s Kamiike Pond https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019668-d1313552-Reviews-Ose_no_Kami_Pond-Numazu_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html