【Making bean dishes】
Greenwoodwork is becoming an annual tradition in Nishiokoppe Village.
I participated in the bean dish making session.
First, choose whether to use china or yellowfin wood.
Cut with a saw and split in half.
Next, to the thickness you like
The wood was cut while sandwiching it with a special device sharpening horse and sen.
This dedicated instrument is
Depending on the thickness and length of the wood, the angle may be changed or the position of the sandwich may be changed.
The grass cutting instructor is using it brilliantly, and even just watching the model work
It was a lot of fun.
Once the thickness can be adjusted
Carve it with a chisel to give the plate depth.
Depending on the carving, a wave pattern was created, and here too, individuality was visible.
Round and square shapes, also for size and depth
The commitment of each of them is evident.
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