[Image1]March 3rd is the Hinamatsuri (doll festival). At the Susao Shrine in Higashiizu Town, from February
[Image2]March 3rd is the Hinamatsuri (doll festival). At the Susao Shrine in Higashiizu Town, from February
[Image3]March 3rd is the Hinamatsuri (doll festival). At the Susao Shrine in Higashiizu Town, from February

March 3rd is the Hinamatsuri (doll festival). At the Susao Shrine in Higashiizu Town, from February 15 to March 9, Japan's largest 118-step hinadan is on display. It is difficult to see the dolls lined up on the stairs unless you turn your head upward. Please come to Higashiizu Town, where the cherry blossoms have reached their peak.

For details, please check the Inatori Onsen Ryokan Cooperative Home page.

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期間 2023年2月18日(土)~3月12日(日)時間 10:00~15:00場所 素盞鳴神社 ※国道135号から直接入ることはできません。駐車場 あり(稲取漁港沿いに15台ほど)真っすぐに伸びる118段の素盞鳴神社の階段に雛人形と雛のつるし飾りを展示しております。雛人形の展示段数は日本一(※)の段数となっており、圧巻の雛段飾りは一見の価値ありと評判を呼び、毎年多くの観光客でにぎわいます。※当組合調べ