Feb. 18, 2023 (edited)
[Image1]Nagaoka Snow Festival 2023Snow fireworks, last star mine!My fireworks photos were in the gallery for

Nagaoka Snow Festival 2023
Snow fireworks, last star mine!
My fireworks photos were in the gallery for the first time! ^_^ I wanted to take a picture with a snow candle, but please forgive ^_^ me... fireworks are fun after all! ^^♪♡
#Fireworks #Snow fireworks#Photography is my driving force #Don't stop photography #I want to connect with people who like photography #I want to connect with people who take pictures #My world through the viewfinder #Nagaoka Snow Festival #Chiakigahara Hometown Forest #Snow Lights #Nagaoka City #Niigata #Fireworks #flowersandfire #landscapephotography #japan_ of_insta #japan_night_view #bestdarkphoto #lovers_nippon #art_of_japan_ #wu_japan #ig_japan #niigata_japan_ #nagaokafireworks #nagaokapic #niigatapic #gataphoto #Niigata Travel Mug #Bakka Nice Niigata #Yamanokuni

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